#oc sigurd
ninjasmudge · 6 months
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(ocs) she is teaching him how to behave in polite society and its not working.
from this post
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the-dragon-girl-27 · 9 months
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New Nintendo Direct was announced, Equip your clown noses and expect nothing so we can't be let down.
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forestfolke · 6 months
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Sigurd with kichka
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gammawilson · 7 months
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Burrow’s End is truly amazing, a heart wrenching story told through D&D stoats. I recommended it to my friend and they immediately made a fan stoat and now so have I. I’ll be drawing him more in between other projects.
Still working on him and his background. He is an older adventurer who lives around the Red Warren, stopping by to help mentor the younger generations. With the coming of the poison fog who knows where he’ll go now?
They wear birch bark armor and wield a bone sword, both made himself.
Also look him and his patchy fur he’s so cute !
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teammiracle · 11 months
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Meet them soon ❤️ 28th
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pearlwhitecats · 5 months
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🍯Aela and Kieran🍎
Guys so uh…. I love Kieran so much 😭😭😭 I’m putting Aela and Kieran together now sjdhkddhdkjyall I haven’t been this excited about a character in a while!!!
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corinnetheanime · 3 months
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Beware the Mistwalker.
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cerealkillerfr · 1 month
commision(?) i did for @bjornolf-bjarki
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sigurd wly
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yulgurr · 2 months
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Commission I did for @toon-kirby some time ago! :]
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paracosmoon · 2 years
king harald finehair would've risked it all for megan thee stallion
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Unexpected: Part 3
Summary: Thickheaded idiot Ivar finally realizes he’s in love while going to the market with her to get her new clothes and wise NPC (tm) gives him some advice. Aslaug takes her in for an interrogation à la overbearing mother… More smut ofc, but it’s a bit brief this time!
Beginning Notes: the Brísingamen is a necklace that was given to Freya in Norse mythology. From the etymology of the word, it’s possible that the necklace was meant to be made of amber.
Taglist: @bragisrunes @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie @punkrocknpearls @alicedopey @batmandallyboy (hmu to be added!)
Masterlist | Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 4 | requests are OPEN!
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He woke up next to her this morning. Ivar can barely process it. When she moved in her sleep, he’d woken up, and he’d gotten to hold her while she was still sleeping, running a hand through her hair carefully.
She’d smiled at him when she had woken up, kissed him, gotten dressed halfway, and then Ivar had ruined her efforts and they were late to breakfast.
Now that she was his, she didn’t have to serve anyone else. Unlike Margrethe, she doesn’t dare sit down at the table, instead pouring his drink and refilling his mother’s and brother’s cups as well. Ivar glares at Sigurd, who leans towards her just to tease him.
Ivar knows that he is more interested in men than women, and that he’s fucking one ever since Hvitserk and Ubbe are taking up all of Margrethe’s time, but he still clenches his fist in jealousy under the table.
After breakfast, they head out alone. Sigurd leaves first, grabbing his Oud before he disappears to Gods know where, and Hvitserk and Ubbe leave soon after, saying that they’ll spar a bit. Ivar doubts it. Then again, his intentions aren’t the purest either.
She follows him dutifully to the market, carrying an empty basket. Before they can buy anything, Ivar spots Helga, who hands him a small vial. She smiles at her brightly.
“This is for your legs. It’s a new recipe, so tell me if anything is off.” She says, looking at Ivar.
Ivar nods, and she’s quick to take it, putting it in her basket.
“Do you need anything?” Helga asks, turning to her. She shakes her head.
“Bodil’s fever is gone, thank the Gods. It would’ve broken Estrid’s heart if her last daughter died too. That Frankish slave, Lothar, he cut himself quite deep, but the others already shared some of your old supplies.” She replies.
“That’s good. If you need anything, don’t be shy to come to me.” Helga says, walking away. Then, Ivar turns to her.
“How do you know Helga?” he asks.
“She helps us a lot. Whenever she can spare her supplies, she gives them to us. There’s a thrall that used to be in Floki’s service who learned from her. She’s a very kind woman.”
“That is true.” Ivar nods. He didn’t know Helga helped the slaves, but it’s her character to do such a strange thing.
The first stall they stop at is a fabric stall. The merchant looks like he comes from Rus, and his heavy accent confirms Ivar’s expectations.
He offers Ivar a good deal on a ready-made dress and a fur, but when Ivar turns to her, her eyes are wide.
“That is too expensive.” She says decidedly. The merchant immediately tells her he’s unwilling to haggle, but she shrugs, choosing a plain fabric instead. Ivar is sure it’s meant for aprons, but the light blue color suits her, so he hands over his coin.
“You need a pelt for when it gets colder.” He tells her. She looks uncomfortable at the thought, but nods.
“But not from this stall. This is luxury clothing he’s selling.”
Ivar lets her lead him away from the stalls on the main road, and towards a tiny stall that sells pelts as well as a few vegetables that have definitely been grown in the sorry soil of Kattegat.
She seems to know the vendor, who looks surprised at seeing a prince at her stall. Ivar chooses the fur, and she immediately begins haggling with the woman, before they settle on a price, she deems reasonable. Before they leave, Ivar spots a deep green, but still plain dress.
“That one too.” He tells the woman.
“You really don’t have to.” She insists, but the vendor readily holds it out for Ivar to inspect.
“No discussion.” Ivar tells her. “You need more than one proper dress.”
“I can make at least three out of this fabric.” She replies but lets him buy the dress.
They walk back onto the main road together, and she offers to go home. She’s blushing as she looks at the green dress, and Ivar can tell that she can’t believe the amount of money he just spent on her.
“I want to keep looking.” Ivar tells her. The blacksmith lives next to the stalls, and Ivar wants to pick up an axe he commissioned. Then, he wants to go to the stall of a Francian who sells wares from the Mediterranean. His mother loves oranges, so Ivar always goes to see if they have any.
While he’s at the blacksmith, he gives her money to go to the Francian. He follows soon after, only to see that she’s still at the stall.
“I don’t sell to thralls.” The merchant tells her as Ivar comes closer.
“It’s not for me, and I have the money. My master sent me to buy them.” She explains. “And I can take the bad ones off your hands, if you’d like.”
“Stop begging and buy off of someone else.” The merchant hisses.
“Is there a problem?” Ivar asks, stepping next to her. His axe is still in his hand.
“Prince Ivar!” he exclaims. Turning to her, he asks, “Why didn’t you tell me who your master was?”
“I didn’t think it mattered.” She presses out, and Ivar can see the barely concealed anger in the way she clenches her jaw, and her knuckles turn white on the handle of her basket.
The merchant hands over the oranges, and then turns around and gives her another crate.
“The bad ones.” He says. Ivar looks at them and sees a few with marks, some with a little mold on them. He would never eat them, but she smiles brightly and thanks the merchant.
“Why did you ask him for the foul ones?” he asks her as soon as they are out of the rude merchant’s hearing.
“They’re not foul.” She laughs. “Just a bit old. These stalls are luxury stalls, so they usually don’t even sell to random thralls, but once, Bodil found a mandarin after the stall had closed down. She brought it to the thrall quarters and shared it with all of us. We kept the peel because it smelled so good. Since then, we’ve been trying to get more, whether that’s the old ones or something that fell off his cart.”
Ivar thinks he understands. There’s one last stop he wants to make today, but before they make it, she spots a young girl. Ivar follows her gaze. It’s another thrall, who waves to her. The girl can’t be older than seven. Unsure, she glances to him.
“Go.” Ivar tells her, and she almost runs off, taking the young girl into her arms. He sees them chatter and the girl grabs an orange from the crate, holding it up high over her head triumphantly. She reminds Ivar of Hvitserk. Ivar turns to the stall he wants to visit.
“I want to buy a necklace.” He tells the merchant. They know each other well. She’s an old woman, who was already selling her jewelry when Aslaug came to Kattegat. Ivar has been going to her whenever he wants to buy his mother a present.
“For your mother?” she asks, and Ivar shakes his head.
“For the girl?” she guesses, and Ivar stares at the ground.
“Just a simple one. With a stone or so.” He tells her. She turns around, going through one of her displays, until she finds what she’s looking for.
It’s a simple band with an amber pendant she hands him, and Ivar finds it almost painfully on the nose.
“Would you like a ring to go with it?” she asks in an almost teasing voice, and it’s only because Ivar has known her all her life that there are no consequences.
“What would I need that for?” he asks coolly.
“I’ve never seen you with that girl before, but I can tell when men are in love. It’s why I sell so much.”
“Secrets of the trade?” Ivar asks sarcastically.
“Precisely that. Tell her you’re in love. And free her if you haven’t already. I’ve heard nothing bad about that girl, and it’s obvious to me she loves you back.”
Ivar nodded, handing over the money before quickly leaving the stall, necklace clutched in his hand. She enjoyed gossip, entertaining his mother whenever she came to her stall, Ivar knew that. She also enjoyed making money. Was it really true that she liked him?
She’s spinning the girl around as Ivar comes closer, before she hugs her and turns around to find him. She almost bumps into Ivar.
“Oh sorry.” She apologizes. “I’m a bit dizzy. You know, from all the turning.”
Her hairdo is dangerously close to falling apart, and Ivar wants to fix it for her later.
“Who was that?” Ivar asks.
“That’s Bodil. I gave her the oranges so she can share with her family and friends.”
“What about you?”
“I already got fabric and a dress, AND a fur coat. I don’t need more luxuries.” She shrugs.
Shakily, Ivar grabbed the amber pendant. “I still want to give you this.”
She accepts it carefully, as if it’ll crack if she cradles it too harshly. “Thank you, Ivar. It’s absolutely beautiful.”
Then, she hugs him, in the middle of the main road. Ivar freezes, not knowing what to do. Carefully, he lays his head on her shoulder.
They walk into the Great Hall the moment Ubbe and Hvitserk return, and Ivar shoots her a regretful glance as his brothers pull him away.
“I’ll clean your room and change your bedding.” She calls after him, disappearing with her new things.
Aslaug’s POV:
Ivar and his thrall had come back from the market just in time for Aslaug to watch her disappear into his room. She didn’t trust this woman. Perhaps she would use Ivar’s trust to steal something he wouldn’t miss. Perhaps she was as ambitious as Margrethe.
Aslaug was going to find out.
The thrall didn’t notice her at first. She was pulling the linens off of Ivar’s bed, her back turned to the door. Only when she turned around did she see Aslaug.
“My Queen.” She said, bowing her head. “Prince Ivar bought you oranges. I’ve had them brought to the kitchens. Is there anything specific you’d like them with?”
“What are your intentions with my son?”
“I don’t have any intentions.” She replied.
“Why did you sleep with him?” Aslaug continued.
“I thought he was attractive.”
“Despite his legs?”
“I’m not as superficial as some other women.” She said calmly.
“Would you like to be free one day?” Aslaug asked
“Which thrall doesn’t?”
“Do you love him?” Aslaug asked finally. There’s silence from this quick-witted thrall. It lasts too long to be a lie. She doesn’t answer Aslaug at all. The queen grabbed the thrall’s jaw, making her look up at her. Aslaug noticed how young she looked. She couldn’t be much older than Ivar.
She remembered her vision. Aslaug had dreamt that Ivar would marry a thrall one day. She had also dreamt that Ivar would die at sea before he would marry. Her visions did not help her. They only conflicted each other.
“He cannot free you.” Aslaug told her.
“Being his thrall has already made me happier.” She replied.
“He’ll marry someone else. A worthy princess or an earl’s daughter. Not you.”
For a moment, Aslaug sees her façade drop. A second of hurt and jealousy. Then it was over, and Aslaug let go of her jaw.
“Break his heart.” She told the girl, “And you’ll have his family lining up to kill you before he does.”
“I know.” She replied, as if that didn’t scare her. Then, the thrall continued cleaning the bed, as if their conversation had never happened.
Ivar’s POV:
She was talking to Hvitserk. Why the fuck was she talking to Hvitserk?
He creeps closer, trying to make out what she’s saying. Hvitserk’s laughing at something she just told him, and it makes Ivar’s blood boil.
“I can teach them how to make the bread.” Ivar can finally hear her say. What?
Hvitserk sees him, and smiles at Ivar brightly. Absentmindedly, he hands her his cup, and Ivar wants to start a fight with him for disrespecting his woman. Except that she is a thrall, and all she’ll ever be is his property.
“I was just asking her about the bread she made. Now that she isn’t in the kitchen, it’ll be the old bread again.” Hvitserk explains.
“Stay away from her.” Ivar tells him, before going to her.
“Jealous?” Hvitserk teases.
“Shut up.” Ivar almost roars over his shoulder.
“If it’s alright I’ll teach the others in the kitchen how to make the bread sometime next week.” She offers.
“I don’t want you talking to Hvitserk.” Ivar says.
“He’s your brother. I’m bound to see him when I’m living in your home.”
Ivar’s hand shoots up, resting on her neck.
“He’s good with most women. I’m not.” Ivar presses out.
“And I am not most women.” She replies quietly. “I thought we’d already established that.”
Ivar could feel the anger creeping up on him. Suddenly, every man in the room was staring at her. The two shieldmaidens making out in the corner seemed to be waving her over, asking them to join. Sigurd was there, Hvitserk was there, Ubbe was there, even Bjorn was there.
They all look like they were going to take her from him. And the worst part was, Ivar knows they could.
“Go to my room. Now. Take that dress off.” He tells her, before letting go of her neck.
He stays until he can’t bear it anymore before he walks towards their room. Hvitserk throws him a look that used to be reserved for teasing Ubbe, but no one else in the Great Hall notices.
When he gets to their, no, his room, the dress is barely over her shoulders.
“That was fast.” She comments. Wordlessly, Ivar grabs her, pushing her against the door. Her back hits it with a quiet thud, and she lets him tear the dress down her shoulders. The necklace rests between her breasts, a reminder that she’s his.
His fingers are on her, groping greedily because Ivar wants to somehow show her that he loves her, and that he wants her to be his – in a way that she cannot be.
“You’re mine.” Ivar says harshly, “Only mine.”
She nods frantically, and Ivar knows that, in any other situation, she would’ve said something snarky.
“Say it.” He demands. He can feel the desperation inside him growing, he wants her to tell him she feels the same way. He needs her too.
“Yours.” She breathes out, the word ending in a moan when his hand finds her pussy.
She repeats it from her own volition, over and over as Ivar leads her to his bed and sucks dark splotches onto her skin. Her hands trail down his chest, towards his breeches and Ivar lets her do it, because this is something he can trust her with.
Her hand finds his cock and she pumps up and down, until Ivar is groaning into her neck, almost ready to beg her. When he pushes into her, it feels just as good as the first time, but this time, Ivar isn’t tense, only angry.
He wants to be gentle with her, so he kisses her slowly, lets his touch become softer. He still squeezes her neck and grabs her hips, because that’s as gentle as Ivar will ever get. When he’s done, he pulls out, using his fingers to get her to finish too.
They lie side by side in silence, and Ivar can hear the sounds of the feast taking place behind his door. He wonders if they heard them. A part of him wants them to know that he can do it. Another part wants her to be his secret.
Her hand finds his. She holds it as carefully as her necklace of amber, staring up at the ceiling. Ivar looks at her, but she doesn’t notice, and for the first time, he sees her.  He sees a reflection of his anger in her. It’s hidden much better, but it’s there.
“Why are you angry?” he asks her. She hesitates, as if she’s considering lying to him.
“The merchant.” She replies.
“I can have him killed if you want.” Ivar offers. She shakes her head, beginning to smile.
“And what would that do?”
“He wouldn’t be able to disrespect you without a head.”
“It wouldn’t change anything. There’ll always be people treating me like I am worth less than cattle. It’s stupid to be angry at them, but I can’t help it. Even if someone freed me, I’d always be the former thrall.” She explains. Ivar knows that he cannot understand fully what she means, and that makes him angrier than before.
“They wouldn’t disrespect you if you were a queen.” Ivar blurts out. She turns to face him, a hand running through his hair.
“My Ivar.” She says, and his heart skips a beat. “We both know that won’t happen. You love your mother far too much.”
I love you too. Ivar wants to say, because he can hear it between the words she does say, I love you and I’d break my promise to my mother for you. I think.
“You’re the only one in the world who understands my anger.” He says instead. It has to be enough, for now.
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ninjasmudge · 5 months
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been trying to do some more detailed stuff using only three colors 🧡🖤🤍
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hiddenqveendom · 1 year
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* — a look at ... EISA THE DAMMNED ( vikings )
❝ they say she was cursed. damned. she chose to sacrifice herself to the gods, but her true fate was much worse than death …❞
tag list : @erraticrandomficwriter , @victoriapedrcttis , @sgtbuckyybarnes ,  @decennia , @veetlegeuse , @arrthurpendragon , @raith-way , @scootermcooter , @stanshollaand , @chrissymunson , @foxesandmagic , @eddiemunscns ,  @waterloou , @endless-oc-creations, @kingsmakers, @https-svnshine, @starlit-epiphany, @dyhlanobrien, @fragilestorm , @nolanhollogay , @carmens-garden , @impales , @emilykaldwen, @darkwolf76, @princessmadelines, @iloveocs, @nectarines-rule , @nyra-fireheart , @rebloggingocs​
send me a message to be added / removed !
gif credit : [ x , x , moi ]
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ghostlycoyote0 · 2 months
I just spent a couple of hours scouring every single heavy armour skin in GW2, trying to assemble the perfect set for Sigurd
And I turns out I peaked first try, literally nothing looked any better on him than this. The only changes are I made the metal slightly lighter, and I changed the bright blue on the boots to be the metal accent colour instead
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forestfolke · 1 year
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margarita jelly beans
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mamaskullz · 6 months
┊┋ Pairing: Ubbe x OC
┊┋ Series Summary: "I see you'll create a
┊┋legacy and when you knew your end is
┊┋coming, that’s when you start lacking
┊┋in the one wish you desired the most
┊┋because of your adventurous ways”,
┊┋the tone in the childs voice as she
┊┋spoke to the great Ragnar with the
┊┋winds flowing through her silver black
┊┋hair that would gently swiftly moves in
┊┋the wind with the hues of her white like
┊┋grey slate eyes knowing her destiny
┊┋would soon start dealing with the sons
┊┋of Ragnar.
┊┋ Notes: Tw:
┊┋ 686 Words Count
┊┋ Masterlist
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As the day crossed while the ravens squalled in their morning routine, a woman walked out of her cobblestone little cottage and proceeded to her daily routine wearing a strap dress with an undergarment that was fitted to her curves-like shape body as her animal hide tunic wrapped around her shoulder strap as well.
The young assiduous woman came to a halt when the presence of a familiar figure came upon her approach he, with her doe eyes from her white like grey slate hue eyes as her demure state fell upon seeing the great himself, Ragnar. "You were just a little kid, Skuld Draugr", the great Viking king spoke towards her as she stood there with her taciturn nature like always to amaze the Viking Ragnar.
"What has become of who was once the youthful, strong who now become the old and lost Ragnar Lothbrok", as the words fell from her pink perched lips with a voice that was seraphic with a rasp that soothes a person's ears she looked at the old man who she once had an encounter with long ago in her youthful as a child.
"I believed at a time when I first encountered a child in the woods with a basket filled with herbs who still had that taciturn and demure fearless nature told me once that as I grew my legacy there will be a time when my journey comes to an end is when i lack the one wish i desired", Ragnar spoke with his bearded lips while coming close towards skuld as she stood still watching him, listening to the words she once told him when she was a child. "Your death is nearing Ragnar Lothbrok, where you will be greeted by the Valkyries who will take you home as they summon you", She spoke yet again knowing it was time for his offspring to continue a family legacy...
As a flock of ravens flies around squalling as Skuld looks at the ravens her eyes set upon a man with runes embedded in his skin with one eye out of the socket wearing a black linen cloak with raven feathers covered around it appears in her sight speaking "The embodiment of the goddess of fate, and the skilled strength of a Valkyrie with the dark petrified aura of a Draugr... its time to prepare the journey of a great embark of your own for the offspring of Ragnar Lothbrok will need your presence and strength, Skuld Draugr", hearing his voice who was deep-toned and groggy she knew it was time for the one who spoke to her was none other than Odin himself who appeared in her vision, as kept looking coming back to reality seeing where Odin was standing was not there no more and the ravens was no more to be seen, as that was the sign that it was time for her journey to begin...
Skuld Draugr was none like no shieldmaiden or no Viking but yet had the skill of a Valkyrie warrior, her mother was gifted by the gods to give such a daughter with the beauty of skin that color was different from the rest as her white-like grey slate eyes, as Skuld was set out to be Odin's Valkyrie, that in death she will be welcomed upon her fellow Valkyries. But as she grows, she encounters the great king Ragnar who she sees in her visions as a seer seeing what future lies in his paths and that it is she who will give her presence upon his offspring when they grow up into young adults, given shes slight younger than Bjorn but older than Ubbe, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Ivar...
"You are not like any woman I have encountered with such skills like yours" " The Eldest Son of Ragnar and Queen Aslaug spoke with such compassion in his voice that made Skuld grow a smile with her heart beating not knowing what's become over her. Until the visions leave the woman with her eyes slowly opening having a feeling that this journey is going to be difficult...
A/N: Sorry if the prologue was small…
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