adriles · 1 year
ive been sititng in athens with this guy’s mom for 3 hrs now, refusing to speak with her because of her vile son’s deeds. i should be picked up by my brothers soon
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burner-of-ships · 1 year
heyo here's all my greek myth fics, in case anyone wants something to read
they're more like drabbles really, there's only one that even breaks 5k words and one is barely scraping 2 paragraphs
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amaliadillin · 2 years
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Starting January 19, Patreon Patrons will get to enjoy this very (VERY) spicy Aethra and Poseidon Novelette, THE LION OF TROEZEN, set oh, 40-some years before the events of HELEN OF SPARTA (which is also on sale for just $1.99 right now, fyi!)
Reading Order Graphic: GO!
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I freaking LOVE Aethra and this is definitely not going to be the last work of mine that includes her, but this five alarm fire of a novelette (seriously the heat level is VERY HIGH, don’t say I didn’t warn you!) deserved to be shared before I get to the rest of her story!
You’ll be able to start reading the serialized version of THE LION OF TROEZEN for as little as a dollar a month, but for 5 bucks a month, there will also be a downloadable epub edition (usually I release the epub at some point in the middle of the serial) for you with a VERY EXTENSIVE author’s note bonus!
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onlyhurtforaminute · 1 year
gorod-bekhten's curse
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hey uhm so can I get a quick description of Aethra for this Wolffe Squadron list/compilation I’m making? like just some stuff about her personality, what she tends to do and/or a significant or funny thing about her etc
something like this:
Derrix is the twins’ friendly number two, more outgoing and social to people outside the squadron than both of them combined. Seems like he has good judgement but is just as much of an idiot as the others. Tied with Poe for Leia’s favourite Resistance pilot.
Ok I'll try to make smth
Aethra is the number seven of Wolffe Squadron. Silent and reserved she doesn't talk much about her or her life. Has the bad habit to get a new tatoo or percing every time some major event changes something in her life. Very good at middle range fighting, and that with either a blaster, a staff or even her bare hands. Knows a few languages but technically only fluent in Hoshuannian.
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Also I got some new stuff about Aethra 👀
ooh spill the tea 👀
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nzhong · 10 months
回「希腊罗马神话」 雅典的国王又传了几代,终于传到了埃勾斯(Aegeus)。 埃勾斯最近很烦恼:他虽然娶了两房太太,但一直没有生出小孩。和那时其他的希腊国王一样,他去德尔斐(Delphi)找先知求助。 熟悉希腊神话的朋友都知道,德尔斐��先知(Oracle)经常会给个神秘或者不详的预言,从而引发出一系列事件。希腊人最喜欢的情节是命运怪圈:主人公为了避免某个预言发生而做出的努力,大概率就是导致那个结果最终发生的原因! Themis and Aegeus. Attic red-figure kylix, 440–430 BC. 比如在 俄狄浦斯 的故事里,老国王得到了预言说儿子会杀死自己,儿子俄狄浦斯(Oedipus)得到预言说他会杀父娶母。为了逃避这个命运,老国王把儿子扔在荒山野岭,俄狄浦斯舍弃王子地位误返家乡。正是这些避祸的举动,最终导致了命运的到来。 又比如在 达那厄…
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portifolioaethra · 2 years
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Name: Jhielat Age: 18 Height: 1.74 Weight: 52
Sewing man    Skillful Dressmaker He learned this skill from his mother and since then has developed it a lot, creating a taste for creating the most different and striking pieces with vibrant colors. Many people are surprised by the boldness, and that is what ends up enchanting everyone.
Drag A lifestyle that he discovered and explored further as he matured, it came about as naturally as it could, especially as he created vibrant new clothes. Nobody can understand his choice, but at least a few respects it and use the chosen names, whether Jhie or Jhil.
Caregiver The first person he felt the urge and need to take care of was his mother, specifically doing her work both inside and outside the house, but after time Jhielat realized he liked to help those in need as he could, especially those who are alone and have no one, so he helps people on the street with food and clean clothes.
Story The beautiful and lovely Elis worked as a maid for the Pellow family, specifically for the lady of the house, when she became pregnant with her first child. She would prepare the madam's teas, sort the clothes she would wear, and do all her skin and hair care in the morning, Elis was always very capricious and this led her to be very successful at this job.
In her free time, Elis liked to stroll through the market in Aera, a place so lively and full of people. It was there that she met and became involved with a simple merchant, but who won her heart, eventually their love begot a son, a boy they named Jhielat.
The Pellow family allowed the mother to bring her son to care as long as it did not interfere with her activities, so Elis worked even harder to handle all her duties as maid and a mother, which was not easy at all, especially since she also needed to continue fulfilling her role as a wife when she was with her husband, who proved to be a rather absent father to Jhielat. With time and his growth, Jhie realized the difficulties his mother faced and began to help her as he could, so he learned many feminine skills, especially sewing and how to cater to his father's whims. Anyway, Elis was happy to be able to count on her son.
Well, everything was working perfectly with that dynamic between mother and son, but as in every story there are ups and downs, it finally happened... Finally, after so long being just a burden to his family, the merchant, the boy's father, said he was leaving on a business trip and that he didn't know when he would return. Nevertheless, Elis was sad and Jhielat was sad for his mother and eventually worried, for that sadness was much deeper than anyone could have imagined.
Elis began to make mistakes in her service and the Pellow’s were forced to scold her for the first time in so long a service; she no longer felt like going out for walks with her son in her spare time and all she wanted to do was stay in bed, even to the point of not wanting to eat anymore. Jhielat was still young, but he was old enough to understand what was going on and was taking his mother's place in almost everything, except for the Pellow’s service, because the family insisted on a woman as a maid, but even here Jhielat made sure to help his dear mother.
One night when Elis was in a deep sleep, Jhie went into her room and got some clothes and some make-up, went to the bathroom where he had his own sewing kit waiting for him and made a transformation in himself so that he could go to the Pellow's in his mother's place. When she saw her son in those clothes and with that make-up something seemed to have changed in the woman, she asked how Jhielat was feeling, and he stated that he was doing very well, although he hadn't thought much about it, and also that she could stay home. Elis was afraid, but even though she had just woken up, she had no energy to argue with her son, so she just went back to her room in silence.
Jhielat then left the house dressed as never before and noticed that many people were looking at him, some men were smiling maliciously too, and this made him run to his destination. When he got there, he introduced himself as a "friend" of Elis and changed his name to Jhil. Madam Pellow didn't exactly seem convinced, but she let it be and began to explain the service, in which Jhil had no problem performing. Conversation back and forth, Madam Pellow asked directly if Jhil was Elis' son, and although he tried to deny it at first, he eventually could not resist the pressure that woman put on him. With that, the madam stated that Elis was fired and neither she nor Jhielat could return there.
Unable to believe that things had gone so wrong, Jhielat had no choice but to follow the guards out and return home, but nothing could have prepared him for what was waiting for him at home.
There were many things lying on the floor anyway, one window was broken, and the curtains were torn. Jhielat was startled and ran to find his mother in the bedroom. There were many clothes scattered everywhere and Elis was lying on the bed, crying in the middle of the mess. The boy soon concluded that his mother was physically fine, but clearly emotionally exhausted, and that was why he couldn't talk about what had happened in the Pellow’s, but he didn't need to, because Elis had already imagined what would happen. She apologized to her son and promised that they would change their lives together, Jhielat didn't know what she was referring to, but would do anything for his mother to be well again.
Some time passed, there was going to be a big ball organized by the Guilda das Nuvens and all the best seamstresses were terribly busy with orders, so no one accepted the request of madam Pellow, who by that time was a nervous wreck and completely rabid with that ilk. Usually her maid’s sewing skills were perfect for solving that case, but they hadn't seen each other in a long time, and since then they hadn't found another as capable as Elis was.
Madam Pellow was wailing and squalling in her carriage when she came across two familiar figures passing by, none other than Elis and Jhielat, both carrying baskets full of sewing materials and flowers. The madam wasted no time in calling them over to talk, she asked what they were doing with all that stuff as if Elis still owed her answers, but the woman was refreshed and back to her usual kindness, so she explained that they had started a couture store, both for small services and to sell and rent amazing clothes.
Not very happy with that outcome, but with no other way out, madam. Pellow asked to visit their space and had to admit it was all very well done and tasteful, so she explained her situation and how she would like Elis and Jhielat to take care of her dress. Elis agreed to do so as long as the madame accepted Jhie with her at the ball, and what other choice would the Pellow have? So Jhie gained an entry to the big event and decided that he would go as Jhil, to which Elis agreed and helped get him ready as he wanted.
Something that had at first been to help his mother turned out to be a very active lifestyle for Jhielat, who enjoyed being Jhie one hour and Jhil the next. Anyway, on the day of the event, Jhil looked amazing in the make-up and dress that had been lovingly prepared for him, Mr. Pellow himself did not recognize Jhielat and complimented him, receiving a glare from the madam and laughter from his children. To tell the truth, no one at the party recognized Jhielat and everyone wondered who this simply formidable person was, but madam Pellow made sure to tell everyone how strange and vexing a man who liked to dress like a woman was, and the evil looks made him want to go home early, but two curious young men, free of those prejudices, stopped him immediately.
Prithwi and Darwic, always inseparable in their youth, called Jhil over to party some more and, to Jhil's surprise, brought him into a group that included the young Pellow, Cherietey and her younger brother. Cherry was surprised, but happy, that Jhil had joined them, and all together they were able to enjoy the party much more.
From then on everyone knew who Jhielat, Elis' son, was. This did not interfere much with their sewing, especially among the ladies of the nobility, but the men began to get bolder and bolder, for it was no longer just looks and smiles, they poured out indiscreet compliments and some greeted with an intimacy they should not have. Jhie tried to deal with this as best he could, but at no time did he find anyone who respected who he was, at most his sewing and creativity. The friends he made at that party? Too busy to ever see each other again, especially with the Pellow family, as madam Pellow did not want her children mixing with "that guy".
The lifestyle he chose would not be easy, and Jhielat knew that, but he was not going to give up; Elis understood and would give her son all the support she could: she is very grateful that he took such good care of her when no one else did and that was the least she could do. However, Jhielat still expected more from life, he still hoped that the day would come when they would accept his choice and see it as something normal to be respected. Created by Niphie.
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sarafangirlart · 11 days
Pirithous watching ppl ship Theseus with Astyanax:
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oracleofdiscord · 3 months
Can you tell me about what kind of abilities the Masters of celestial elements have?
How powerful are they?
How powerful is Estrella in terms of the Ninja? (-Lloyd)
How powerful is Estrella in terms of Garmadon and Wu?
How powerful is Estrella in terms of Lloyd and the Fsm?
Could the Fsm and Lloyd technically ever master the celestial elements or are the celestial elements they will never be able to master/use.
What is Estrella's relationships with the Ninja like?
Thanks for answering my questions.
thank you for the questions! i actually came up with some new ideas about the celestial elements so this is good timing lol.
okay so the thing about the celestial elements is that they are not tied to the FSM - sort of like water and wind are tied to wojira, the celestial elements are tied to a different being (that i have not finished creating yet) who lived in outer space. so i don't think lloyd would be able to use them, just like i don't think lloyd can use water.
so, the celestial elements. one thing i was thinking about is that starlight, sunlight, and moonlight are all technically the same thing (sunlight is a type of starlight, moonlight is reflected sunlight), so i gave the celestial elements some connections.
any one of them can be used to emit light to brighten up an area or flashes of light to temporarily blind an opponent
when corrupted (with a force like the staff of forbidden spinjitzu or maybe shatterspin), they all basically become radioactive. i don't have any story ideas involving this planned yet, i just think it would be cool.
and then for individual powers, i focused on what sets them apart from each other
moonlight is reflected light, and connected to movement/transformation (changing phases, the moving tide, etc.). the master of moonlight would be able to temporarily enhance their own strength and speed, sense movement in their surroundings without needing to look, and temporarily "reflect" the moves and powers of their opponents - although the last one is a difficult technique to use effectively, and takes a lot of practice.
sunlight is close light - we consider a star a sun when it's close enough to a planet to cause the growth of life, and to burn people who are out in it for too long. the master of sunlight can burn things and also cause plants to grow (although not control those plants). i also thought it would be fun to do a "solar energy" thing where they can sort of work as a battery to power up other magical beings?
starlight is a distant source of dreams and stories, used for inspiration and navigation. the master of starlight can use their powers as a balm, healing physical injuries and temporarily uplifting moods. starlight also comes with a passive ability of a perfect internal compass.
when it comes to how powerful they are, i'll admit that sunlight and moonlight are fairly powerful in comparison to the individual elements of the ninja. this is largely because i had a fanseason idea i'll develop more someday that has the masters of sunlight and moonlight serving as antagonists. i think it's generally good for antagonists to be at least as powerful as the protagonists, and in order to balance 2 celestial masters with the far-more-than-2 ninja, i had to make them more individually strong.
as for where estrella falls on the power scale...well, that's a bit harder to measure, since i feel like the common metric would be "who could she beat in a fight using her powers" and the answer to that would be "no-one; her powers are non-combat." (she does eventually get trained to fight, so her physical combat prowess isn't non-existent, but she's not an abnormally strong fighter and her powers are pretty much support-based.)
however, i did recently come up with an idea based on the whole "starlight, sunlight, and moonlight are kind of the same thing in different forms," which is a power-up form that the celestial masters can use called the "zenith form," wherein they temporarily gain the powers of all the celestial elements. in this form, estrella would be pretty powerful (probably not at lloyd's level, but in a similar range), but like. in addition to requiring training that estrella doesn't even have the opportunity to get until after crystalized, and being hard to get the hang of, and being difficult to maintain for long, she can only activate it under very specific circumstances (like cole's spinjitzu burst in the master of the mountain). so it's not something she gets the chance to use very often.
also, regarding estrella's relationship with the ninja - generally positive! i feel like she's not super-duper close to them because she's a bit socially awkward and joined the team late, but she does care about them. i think she's probably closest to nya and lloyd (most similar in age) and zane (autism to autism communication). i think to a certain extent, since she met the ninja through avery (an oc who belongs to @destinysbounty), there's kind of a "friend of a friend" vibe for a while, which does eventually turn into regular friendship. also, kai's the one who taught her to fight, so there's a bit of a bond there - i don't think she's quite as close to kai as she is nya+lloyd+zane, but she does to some extent look up to him as a mentor.
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ragnar0c · 1 month
Oh, btw! The Pleiades are not in Oracle of Stars. They are mentioned, but like. Not to the level you could call them fleshed out characters. I get putting them in that tag, but I feel like it drowns both of them out.
So, I’ll probably make a zodiac oc/ Pleiades tag!
OoS is the Hana horrors. It’s Hana’s alias and story. Only 5 of 13 non-Hana zodiacs I’ve drawn even show up in OoS! The others are in side/ other plot lines! I plan to draw the last 3 Pleiades, their father, and 3 other men and unless I get zodiac beamed I’ll hopefully chill out (JK I’LL DRAW MY FRIEND’S ZODIAC OCS!!! MUHAHAHAHA)
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spaceysoupy · 1 year
Begging people to stop identifying Hemaris sp on inaturalist beyond genus if they aren’t near 100% confident about the ID. Babygirl we are losing important ecological data on the range of H.aethra because you are identifying it as H.diffinis and vice versa.
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kingsbride-moved · 2 years
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While I’m on the topic here’s an older doodle of a baby Theseus with his mama
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quietflorilegium · 7 months
“Magic’s not dead,” protested Dema, watching for his arurimi. “But it is a tool, a device we can use to set the balance of justice right.” The priestess shook her head. “Magic is a living force that obeys its own time and its own laws. We must accept that and learn to live with it, for our own serenity’s sake. Magic leaves us no choice.” Dema shook his head stubbornly. He hated not having a choice.”
Tamora Pierce, "Shatterglass"
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wanderingpages · 1 year
Bro the rose got me giggling and kicking up my feet then blushing omfg like the andromeda bit was so cute and now I’m at the Achilles one and wow 🤭🤭🤭 but august is so funny bye and even lia’s dry wit has me snorting (yes I googled it and started reading this morning cus I TRUST YOU plus it’s short ) but it says it’s book 2 what’s book 1 about??
Lmaooo I read the red ages ago and it was kinda intense so I was like damn do I wanna get into the rose??? But I loved it like 100 times more 😭😭😭 book 1 is about her mom 20 years ago and instead of a magical chalice it was a magical bed post? I think in a gallery she owned. They were slipping in some suggestive paintings and fucking as the characters lmao I mean as far as bdsm goes tho, that felt pretty accurate as apposed to other novels lmao
The rose is more romantic imo and funnier lmao August and lia actually had me cackling constantly even mid fuck 💀💀💀
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aliciavance4228 · 23 days
Apparently Zeus Isn't the Biggest Whore...
I made a Top 3 Malewhores from Greek Mythology out of curiosity, and apparently Zeus isn't the first one.
3rd Place: Apollo! 🥉
Bodycount: 52
Goddesses (4)
Nymphs (15)
Sinope (depending on the myth version)
Mortal Women (24)
Acalle or Acacallis
Leucippus' wife
Male Lovers (9)
2nd Place: Zeus! 🥈
Bodycount: 56
Goddesses (16)
Dione (unless Aphrodite is motherless)
Hybris (depending on the myth versions)
Persephone (again, depending on the myth versions)
Styx (when she's the mother of Persephone)
Nymphs (18)
Borysthenes' daughter
Nymphe African
Nymphe Sithnis
Nymphe Samothrakian
Mortal Women (21)
Olympias (Yes, mother of Alexander of Great!)
Male Lovers (1)
1st Place: Poseidon! 🥇
Bodycount: 71
Goddesses (4)
Nymphs (25)
Chione 1
Chione 2
Medusa (I know she's a gorgon but this is the closest category she could've been included in)
Nymphe Khias
Nymphe Tarentine
Mortal Women (40)
Amphikriton's daughter
Arne or Antiope
Europa (not that Europa, another one; now I'm starting to believe that Poseidon tries to copy Zeus...)
The wife of Prince Ornytion
Male Lovers (2)
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