#oc: bára heiðradóttir
auxiliarydetective · 4 months
⁕ Happy (belated) Birthday...
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ᓚᘏᗢ January 21st ᓚᘏᗢ
It's the viking witch herself, Bára Heiðradóttir! Remember her? Yeah, she's still ghosting around my brain. The tablet keeps her alive every night. Speaking of the tablet, specifically its owner - aka Bára's boyfriend Ahkmenrah - I incorporated some sneakily little ancient Egyptian elements into this moodboard!
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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auxiliarydetective · 8 months
The OC Halloween Challenge - Day 12
You can find the challenge here!
Today's prompt was...
The Final Girl
It’s all come down to this, the last stand. There’s two people left, or at least two important people left; the killer and the final girl. She’s fought tooth and nail, and grief has made way for rage. At first she was just another potential victim, now she’s in the killers way and she won’t go down easy. In the beginning she just wanted to survive, but like Laurie Strode now she wants revenge. Which oc becomes the monsters monster?
R.I.P. to the friends we lost along the way:
Diana, Akaito Coraline and Kassandra Hargrees
But now, without further ado:
Bára's breath was still stuck in her throat. Carefully, she scooped Jedediah and Octavius up from the ground into her shaking hands. They were barely recognizable anymore, their tiny bodies mangled and destroyed. Still, she knew it was them. There was no mistaking it. Of course, they wouldn't listen to her when she told them to run. They had always had a tendency towards the heroic, ignoring the fact that heroes often died tragically. Or maybe they did it for that exact reason, a last shower of glory. Still, Bára knew that the pain had to have swept their pride out of them. At the very least, she thought, they hadn't died alone. Not like she was going to.
Gently, she placed the two brave warriors down in the only place she saw fit: The large hole torn into the wall between the Wild West and Roman dioramas, now united, even if through horrifying events.
She could barely even feel the tears in her eyes anymore, nor the piercing ache in her heart. For all she knew, she had been crying for the last five hours without stopping even once. Not that she would have noticed if she had. Her hands were stained with blood and droplets of molten wax, and she wasn't so sure how much of it was real and how much she was imagining anymore.
In the darkened glass behind which she knew the Mayan diorama to be, Bára saw her own reflection, beaten and distraught. Her muddied, discolored boots. The clawmarks across her thigh. Her belt, heavy with familiar items. Flashlight, a set of keys. A second belt with a gun holster but no bullets left, crossed sabers stamped into the dark, once pristine leather. Animal hairs and stains across her clothes. Strings and beads woven into her hair. And atop it all, a golden headdress, governed by vines and knots, an ankh dropping down onto her forehead. He was meant to live forever. They all were supposed to live forever. But now, Bára found herself alone. She had seen Teddy be sliced in half before. No pain, nothing. He had been able to talk, breathe, act normally. But now, not only him, but all of her friends had lost their immortal lives to a creature roaming the museum. Nobody had ever fully seen it and lived. If only the tablet had been able to protect them...
The tablet! Suddenly, a spark of life lit itself within Bára's chest. If the tablet could bring Ahkmenrah to life, Ahkmenrah, who was, by human rules, long since dead, then it had to be able to do it again, didn't it? It was capable of so much, why shouldn't it be able to heal everyone? Stuck in this eternal night, the sun wouldn't doom them. Only the destruction of the tablet would. But the tablet was in the safest place it could possibly be. Bára took a deep breath, then started walking quickly and forcefully across the marble tiles. She reached the entrance hall where Rexy lay shattered on the floor. Buried beneath the bones was a saber, straight at the hilt, then curved. It was heavy in her hands and the handle too big for her, but it would do. It was an honorable weapon and, if she closed her eyes, she felt as if Attila's spirit was in it. In truth, she wasn't alone. Though their bodies may be destroyed, she could sense her friends' spirits floating around her. It was almost as if they were whispering to her, giving her strength in those familiar tones she knew so well. And there was another force, one that seemed to come straight from her blood. An ancient ancestry of warriors and seafarers, surfacing to lend her their power.
A toe-curling cry echoed from the upper floors, sending shivers down Bára's spine. But this time, she didn't run away. She ran towards it. This creature would soon find out what true monstrosity felt like.
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auxiliarydetective · 1 year
OC Pride Challenge: Day 18
You can find the challenge here
This week, it's all about LGBTQIA+ artists, so today I'm using a song by dodie for Bára Heiðradóttir.
Originally, I had Bára thrown into the cishet category. But I've realized since then that this magical lady can neither be cis nor het. So while I try and figure that out, have this edit of her and her beloved Egyptian king.
Song: Would You Be So Kind by dodie
Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum)
Bára Heiðradóttir (OC; Faceclaim: Frida Gustvasson)
I have a question
It might seem strange
How are your lungs?
Are they in pain?
'Cause mine are aching
Think I know why
I kinda like it, though
You wanna try?
Oh, would you be so kind as to fall in love with me?
You see, I'm trying
I know you know that I like you, but that's not enough
So if you will, please fall in love
I think it's only fair
There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere, wanna share?
'Cause I like you, but that's not enough
So if you will, please fall in love with me
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
Fandom List
Yes, there are some weird ones. I do not control the hyperfixation
The A-Team · Band of Brothers · Dawn Of The Dead (2014) · Descendants · Die Drei ??? · Five Nights at Freddy's · Ghostbusters · Hogan's Heroes · In Space With Markiplier · Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer · K-12 · Night At The Museum · Le Petit Prince · One Piece · The Orville · Die Rosenheim-Cops · Sanders Sides · Star Wars · Star Trek · Steven Universe · Who Killed Markiplier · The Umbrella Academy · VoicePlay
ATTENTION, my ask box is currently broken! Avoid sending anon asks if possible. Check this tag for updates.
OC Masterlist
Caution: Long post! But there are treasures awaiting you, my friend...
Q&A for my OCs and fanfics is always open!
All OCs are listed with their age at their introduction
Side note: I wish I could put collapsable thingies in posts, then it wouldn't be so long
The A-Team (1983 - 1987)
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A. Karma "Kit" Kelley, 24, nonbinary/genderfluid + omnisexual
Character Tag: x
Love Interest: Templeton "Faceman" Peck (Ship Tag: x)
AO3: The Changeling
Faceclaim: Kristen Stewart
The official reason for Kit's nickname within the team is because they can make incredible transformations using a makeup kit, but it's an open secret that it's also an excuse to compare her to a kitten. A former trapeze artist, she's strong, agile and decently flexible. Kit absolutely loathes being referred to as a woman unless they're consciously presenting as female for a mission (but I still mostly use she/her when writing fanfic because it's the 80s). Her most defining feature are the large birthmarks on her face, shoulder and thigh that you can see here.
The A-Team (2010)
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Karma "Kit" Kelley, 20s, trans male + omnisexual
Character Tag: x
Love Interest: Templeton "Faceman" Peck
Artist, soldier, troublemaker. Hand-picked by Hannibal despite his rebellious reputation, Kit Kelley is a member of the A-Team, an elite military unit that has gone eight years, eighty successful mission. That is until a mission in Baghdad goes awry and Kit's career as well as his right to live his truth is torpedoed. With a spectacular chain of prison breakouts, the A-Team's mission to clear their names and reclaim their honor begins.
Band of Brothers (2001)
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Anita Reed, cis-female + bisexual
Character Tag: x
Love Interest: Donald Malarkey
Faceclaim: Ana de Armas
Anita is hard-working and energetic. She joined the WAC to do her part, to finally feel like what she does can move something. Her path eventually leads her to working as a parachute rigger in Aldbourne, England. There, she meets the paratroopers of Easy Company, which is bound to change her life forever.
Descendants (2015 - )
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Diana, 15, cis-female, pansexual
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: India Eisley
Diana is the daughter of Diaval and maybe the worst villain on the Isle - meaning she's horrible at being a villain. She just can't help it, it's in her nature to be kind-hearted. While her father is proud of her for it and her friends at the very least tolerate it, others aren't as happy about it. Among those is Maleficent. When Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay are invited to Auradon, she sends Diana with them, transformed into a pet blackbird, as a last chance to prove her worth as a villain.
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Claire Frollo, 16, lesbian
Character Tag: x
Faceclaim: Renée Rapp
Claire Frollo is rebellious and anything but religious, but she'd be lying if she said the imagery of it all didn't appeal to her.
Ghostbusters (1984)
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Chandrah (all pronouns)
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Anthony Turpel (male), Juno Temple (female)
Chandrah is a demon, summoned by some kids in the middle of a parking lot. Now trapped in this dimension, it decides to explore a little, eventually stumbling upon the university lab of the doctors Spengler, Venkman and Stantz. Disguised as the human male "Charlie Drake", he befriends the three scientist, accidentally getting himself dragged into hunting his fellow spectres and undead.
Good Omens (2019 - )
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Philomel, Embodiment of Love
Character Tag: x
Love Interest: Crowley & Aziraphale
Faceclaim: Jane Levy
When Philomel was born in the Garden of Eden, birds sang and they say that angels and demons were at peace for that moment alone. Crowley and Aziraphale were the first people she met and fate - or perhaps her own nature - kept sweeping her back towards them time after time throughout history. Especially after her fall (that she still believes to have been a misunderstanding), she is practically glued to them by the hip. They were with her in the beginning, so why shouldn't she stay with them until the end? And so, Philomel, known to humans as Venus Acidalia or Melanie Sapphice, proceeds to try and stop the end of the world, if anything to give her two lovers the chance to confess their love instead of having to kill each other... and because she has fallen just a little too much in love with the world herself.
Hogan's Heroes (1965 - 1971)
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Viktoria "Vicky" Brandt, 24, cis-female + bisexual
Character Tag: (x or x)
Love Interest: Corporal Peter Newkirk (Ship Tag: x)
AO3: Vicky Allen
Faceclaim: Marilyn Monroe
Vicky is the wife of a young SS General... and also secretly an SOE agent by the name of Zoe Allen. To make things even more complicated, she's in a secret relationship with a prisoner at the POW camp she's working at. That's not a lie, she's working at the camp - just not actually for the Germans, but for Colonel Hogan and his Heroes.
Jim Knopf und Lukas der Lokomotivführer (movies, 2018 + 2020)
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Helena, 13(?), cis-female
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Holly Earl
Helena grows up on a tiny island with two mountains, a smaller one and a bigger one, that has barely enough space for the houses of its residents and a train station plus rails for steam locomotive Emma. Her father Lukas is the engine driver, but her interests lie much more in reading and other quiet, precise tasks. If anyone takes over his job one day, it'll be Jim, the adoptive son of shopkeeper Ms Waas. When the king of the island declares that Emma has to leave to make space for houses for the kids for when they're adults, Lukas, Jim, Emma and Helena leave the island, beginning the adventure of their lives.
K-12 (movie, 2019)
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Honey Penelope, minor, demigirl, sapphic
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Isolda Dychauk
Image: Artbreeder, edited by me
Honey is the daughter of Miss Penelope, one of the teacher's at school. Just like her mother, she never speaks, but uses her powers to change her gold necklace into the shape of words if necessary. Nobody knows whether her name is really Honey. It could just be because the liquid gold looks like honey when she transforms it.
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003)
I've reached the image limit 😭
Varsha Devi, ?, bisexual
Character Tag: (x)
Love Interest: Dr. Henry Jekyll
Faceclaim: Banita Sandhu
Varsha is a pure mystery to the League when they first meet her. There's something about this beautiful woman in her fine saree and jewelry that's vital to the Nautilus, but nobody knows what it is. Nobody except Nemo, of course, but he keeps his mouth shut almost as tightly as Varsha, who never speaks a word. But when everything starts falling apart in Venice, Varsha's facade, too, shatters.
M*A*S*H (1972-1983)
ENTER PICTURE HERE ONCE I'M BACK ON DESKTOP I've reached the image limit
Euphemia Iris Winchester, 20s, bisexual
Character Tag: x
Faceclaim: Amanda Fix
Iris is charming, open-minded and cheerful, beloved by practically everyone at the 4077. With how popular she is, you wouldn't think for a moment that her and the less than social Charles Winchester are related - until they start bickering and full-naming each other, of course. A known enabler of chaos, her and Hawkeye get on like fire and gasoline and if Hawkeye won't provide her with shenanigans, she'll just provide Klinger with a new dress and her jewelry instead.
Mario Universe; Mario & Luigi Series (2003 - )
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Princess Sherry
Character Tag: (x)
Avatar Maker by: AzaleasDolls
Sherry is Peach's younger sister, raised away from the palace and given a magical amulet to protect her from Bowser. But when a plot against her sister is unveiled, Sherry is finally allowed to step into action.
Night At The Museum (2006, 2009, 2014)
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Bára Heiðradóttir, physically around 16-18
Character Tag: (x)
Love Interest: Ahkmenrah
AO3: The Völva
Faceclaim: Frida Gustavsson
Bára is a völva, a Viking witch, but also one of the many exhibits coming alive at the Museum of Natural History at night. A motivated helper for Larry during his nightly duties, she's free-spirited and witty - and in love with the Pharaoh, even though she has never seen him.
Le Petit Prince (TV show, 2010-2017)
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Sonata (of the Utopians)
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Anna Lambe
Base by: katsu-bases (I think)
Sonata is the younger sister of the Utopians' diva Euphonia. Her voice isn't as strong or beautiful as her sister's, but she loves to write poems and songs - with magical properties!
One Piece (1997 - )
(note: Names are written in the last name - first name format; faceclaims are given just in case I need them after the live action movie comes out)
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Aether Luna, 18/20, cis-female + straight
Character Tag: (x)
Love Interest: Vinsmoke Sanji (Ship Tag: x)
Faceclaim: Elle Fanning
Base by: Destinys-Heart
Luna is a moon spirit that somehow got caught up in the Straw Hat's shenanigans. Before she knew it, she fell in love with the crew and head over heels for their cook. From then on, she sticks with them like a guardian angel.
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Charlotte Inari, 14/16, cis-female + ace + panromantic
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Joey King
Base by: Louane-Knight
Inari is the twin sister of Charlotte Pudding, Sanji's future fiancé. But she doesn't know all of that. Dragged away from home because of her devil fruit powers, she grows up all across the Grand Line, finally ending up with Enel and being saved by the Straw Hat Pirates. By law of her devil fruit, she has to stay with them now - and casually gives everyone a heart attack when she mentions she's Big Mom's daughter.
One Piece Live Action (2023 - )
*Curse you, image limit!*
Akaito Coraline, 18, cis-female & bisexual
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Jenna Coleman
Part of a long legacy of tailors, Cora is a childhood friend of Sanji's. She's kind, caring, and compassionate but freezes at every touch.
The Orville (2017 - )
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Raevyn Caelia Maumahara, 26, cis-female + bisexual
Character Tag: (x)
Love Interest: Gordon Malloy (Ship Tag: x)
AO3: All Our Yesterdays | The Emissary
Faceclaim: Alexandra Daddario
Image: Artbreeder, edited by me
Originally Alara's successor as Chief of Security on the USS Orville (note: I made Raevyn before Talla was introduced), Raevyn is transported back in time on accident. After dealing with Pria Lavesque, Raevyn has to explain herself to the Orville crew of the past. Since there's no way to send her back to the future, she stays on board. This gives her plenty of chances to do things she was simply too late for in her original timeline or that went horribly wrong, including a fresh start on her relationship with a certain helmsman. Half terrestrial, half aquatic Tehiko, Raevyn is an excellent swimmer and has electrokinetic and telepathic abilities. Sometimes, they do her more harm than good.
Die Rosenheim-Cops (2002 - )
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Eva Gardner, 31, cis-female + pan
Character Tag: (x)
Love Interest: Michael "Michi" Mohr
Faceclaim: Isis Valverde
Eva appeared out of nowhere. One morning, she just showed up and now the homicide division has an apprentice from the US. Or trainee. Assistant? Assistant seems like the most fitting word since Eva dislikes being trained and likes throwing in ideas. Sometimes a little aggressively. Aside from having a young, motivated coworker, Eva's presence has the added bonus of there being someone else besides Inspector Hansen who doesn't understand the Bavarian dialect - and of taking some work off Michi Mohr's shoulders.
Sanders Sides (2016 - )
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Eve "Imagination" Sanders, basically a child but ageless, genderfae
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Keira Knightley
Eve represents Thomas's Imagination. She's not a side, but the embodiment of the concept. Thomas associates imagination with a little girl playing in a flower field, so that's why she's feminine-lloking. On top of this, Eve is also younger than any of the sides because it took Thomas a while to get an understanding for what imagination was. Everyone's little sister, Eve is also responsible for letting Thomas interact with the Sides and for the mind palace - which can sometimes lead to her getting possessed by one of them if they need more control.
Squid Game (2021 - )
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Lee Byeong-ho, cis-male + gay
Character Tag: (x)
Faceclaim: Ahn Jae-hyun
Byeong-ho is an old lover friend of Sang-woo’s from Joy Investments. He used to work there in a low position until Sang-woo helped him reach his dream of becoming an actor by financing his education at university. However, this caused them to have to go into a long-distance relationship. In this time, Sang-woo went into debt and Byeong-ho fell victim to a gambling addiction, further pushing himself into debt too. They both lied to each other about this. But when they both join the Squid Game, it throws them both into turmoil.
Star Trek: The Next Generation (1987-1994)
*Once again, image limit*
K'Rala, nonbinary + pansexual
Character Tag: x
Love Interest: Tasha Yar (& others)
Faceclaim: Emma Corrin
K'Rala is half Vulcan, quarter Betazoid and quarter Aenar, making them an extraordinary telepath. But their biggest passion lies in engineering, leading them onto the Enterprise under Captain Picard. Raised under the watchful eye of their traditional Vulcan mother, K'Rala maintains a professional, logic-driven air, suppressing their telepathy and all emotions. Only one person on board can claim to have seen them genuinely smile - Chief of Security Tasha Yar, who they have some less than logical feelings for. But when that bond is tragically broken, it's up to the crew of the Enterprise to put their friend back together because nobody is alone on the starship Enterprise. Through the cracks of their grief, K'Rala emerges as a brand new person, easing into their emotions and determined to give back what love their friends gave them ten-fold.
Star Wars (1977 - )
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Lan "Lani" Skywalker, 19, cis-female + aroace
Character Tag: (x)
AO3: The Rule of Three
Faceclaim: Amrita Acharia
What if the children of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidale had been triplets, not twins? And what if the third child had been raised by Ahsoka? Lani was a special case from a very young age, being the most emotional one of the twins and struggling with using the force on command. Still, she's the only one getting Jedi training throughout her teenage years. Just when she thinks she's on a great path to becoming a Jedi knight, Ahsoka disappears and Lani is left to fend for herself. Meeting her siblings again turns her life upside down and she starts losing control again. Still, her goal remains the same: All she wants is to make her father proud.
Steven Universe (2013 - 2020)
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(old image, definitely needs a redo...)
Indigo Pearl, sapphic
Character Tag: (x)
Base by: TFAfangirl14
Indigo used to be a Pearl in Pink Diamond's court before her "shattering", during which she lost her owner. Upon being integrated into Blue Diamond's court, most of the pink hue was drained from her system, gaining her her signature indigo color. Due to her past of belonging to Pink, Blue kept her very close, keeping her as a second personal pearl. Wanting to take revenge for her original diamond's shattering, she ends up on Earth, becoming caught up in the Crystal Gem's business.
The Umbrella Academy (2019 - )
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Kassandra Hargeeves, 30, cis-female + asexual
Character Tag: (x)
Scene Rewrites: (x)
Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario
Kassandra, also known as Number Eight or The Seer, has the power of telepathy, with the unfortunate handicap that she can't tell anyone about any secrets she finds out. With her powers rendered mostly useless to Reginald Hargreeves, she uses them mainly to be there for her siblings and comfort them. When this becomes too much for her to handle, she leaves, but she can never let go. Years after she leaves, her father dies and the family comes together again, leading Kassandra down an emotional journey. Also, the world is ending.
Vocalization (My VoicePlay fanfic)
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Evelynn Carter, 21, cis-female + bisexual
Character Tag: (x)
AO3: Vocalization
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russel
Image: Artbreeder
Young, childish and insecure. Those are the three words that describe little Evelynn. That is until she meets five men on the way back from a bad party. From then on, fate glues her to them and she goes from an unpopular, scared loner to a cheerful acapella singer in less than six months.
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
The Night Guard and The Witch
I said I'd write Night At The Museum fanfic... Originally, I started with the final scenes of Battle of the Smithsonian, but I thought establishing my OC's character first might be better, so... Have some scenes from the first movie. @black-nebula13 you said I could tag you. It's nothing special, but I'm getting somewhere, I swear
Scene 1
Larry caught his breath and stumbled over his words as he tried reading the info sign in front of the glass casing.
“Are you- you’re- Sa- Sacagawah- Sacagaweia? Who- Sacagawea! You’re Sacagawea?!”
“The glass”, Sacagawea mouthed. “I can’t hear you.”
“You- you can’t- can’t hear me? ‘Scuse me- who assisted Lewis and Clark”, Larry read on the sign. “Oh, so those are Lewis and Clark and you’re- Right. You seem- I’m Larry. What’s going on?!”, he shouted. “Do you know what’s going on here?”
“She can’t hear you, night guard”, a female voice behind him said.
Larry turned around, still trying to process what was going on. Behind him stood a teenage Viking girl, maybe somewhere around 16 to 18 years old. Her hair was dark blonde and braided backwards, her eyes battling with her apron dress for the more vibrant shade of green. Her white underdress and apron were accessorized by a double belt of leather, a pouch dangling from it. All of this was topped off with a brown fur cloak held in place by golden brooches with strings of beads and a bag with herbs peeking out of it swung over her shoulder.
“Uh- Hi”, Larry stammered. “I’m Larry. Larry Daley. I’m the new night guard.”
“Well, obviously. You’re also about to be in danger, so let’s leave, shall we?”
Without another word, the Viking girl grabbed Larry by the arm and pulled him out of the room, giving a small wave to Sacagawea. Sure enough, only a second later, Civil War mannequins jumped out from seemingly impossible places and started firing at each other. But the girl had already pulled Larry out of the room.
“And… uh… you are?”, he stammered.
“Bára Heiðradóttir.”
Larry made no attempt to even try and pronounce her last name. The first name would have to be enough. “You’re a viking, right?”
“In your terms, I suppose”, Bára said, making a dismissive motion with her hand.
“Wh- uh, what would you call yourself?”, Larry asked, now fully confused.
“I’m a völva”, Bára responded proudly. Then she added: “Well, in training. Forever. I have nobody to teach me here.” Larry just made a confused face. So, Bára continued: “A witch, so to say. I know my way around herbs, future vision, manipulation of fate, spells, curses, healing… Vikings are the big strong men who go to sea and plunder villages. I haven’t ever been to sea except for crossing a fjord.”
For a few moments, Larry just stood there, wide-eyed. Then he finally found his words again and they started flooding out of his mouth.
“Okay, so, can you please tell me what’s going on? Why does the T-Rex wanna play fetch with me? What’s up with the big stone guy? Why is Attila the Hun out to kill me? What’s with the mannequins? Wh-”
“Slow down, Larry”, Bára interrupted him. “That’s just the normal madness. Every night after sunset, the exhibits in this museum come to life.”
“To life?! Why?!”
Bára shrugged. “It’s not my doing. I’d ask the creepy Pharaoh but we’re not supposed to go near him.”
“And… why’s that?”
“Well, for one, the giant statues in front of his tomb aren’t very friendly and the Pharaoh himself keeps screaming and yelling inside his sarcophagus. Makes everyone super creeped out - except for Teddy Roosevelt, for some reason. It’s locked and so is the door so that nothing gets in or out.”
“Gee, I’ve heard that sentence before”, Larry murmured, suddenly remembering his instructions. Immediately, he fumbled with the old piece of paper.
“Sometimes, I wonder if he’s lonely”, Bára sighed, paying no mind to Larry’s antics. “He has to be so sad. Alone in his tomb every night, locked in a sarcophagus…”
“Hey, uh, listen”, Larry interrupted her, “it says here: Lock up the lions or they’ll eat you. Do you know where the lions are?”
“Of course! I spend so much time walking around this place, I know it very well by now.”
With that, Bára led Larry through the hallways. Along their path, they walked past a group of tall, scary looking Vikings in full battle gear. Bára waved at them kindly and they gave a small, respectful bow.
“The Hall of African Mammals is right this way”, Bára explained, pointing down one of the hallways.
“Thank you”, Larry said. His breathing and mind had calmed a little, though he was still terrified.
“Good luck on your first day - or night, I guess.”
With that, Bára disappeared in the other direction.
Scene 2
“Put me down!”, Jedediah screamed, squirming as Larry held him by the back of his shirt. “I don’t like to be manhandled!”
“Just calm down, Jed.”
“It doesn’t feel good! It makes me feel small… and powerless…”
“You done?”
“There he is!”, Bára’s voice echoed through the entrance hall. She came running down one of the stairs. “Get away from the windows, Larry, the sun is about to rise!”
Larry obeyed and came to meet her between the staircases. She extended out her hand beneath Jedediah’s feet. So, Larry set him down on her palm.
“I’ve been looking for you, Jed”, she said worriedly. “I had thought you could’ve fallen in one of the vents!”
But Jed paid more attention to Larry. “I’ll shoot you in your dang eye!”, he growled, pointing his tiny revolver at him. It only made a small clicking noise.
With a sigh, Bára turned around and walked off deeper into the museum, motioning for Larry to follow her. He had to keep quite the speed to follow along.
“I pass by the miniatures on my way back to my exhibit every night”, she explained. “I like looking at them. But the old night guards always sent me away when they saw me there.”
“They’re just no fun”, Jed grumbled.
“But now that you're here, maybe things could change!”
“Actually”, Larry sighed, “I don’t think I’m coming back.”
Bára scoffed. They had reached the Hall of Miniatures. Carefully, she placed Jedediah down, then immediately started walking, almost jogging off towards her own exhibit, dragging Larry along by the arm.
“You have to come back”, she said sternly as she hopped into her small scene of a Viking village.
Two women there with her had already taken their positions.
“They can’t put us under the reign of some tyrant again.”
With that, she picked up a pestle and mortar from a table and put on a soft smile. As a ray of sunlight hit her skin, it turned waxy. Suddenly, Larry noticed, everything was quiet.
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
▶OC: Bára Heiðradóttir
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Full Name: Bára Heiðradóttir
Age at introduction: physically around 16-18
Gender & sexuality: cis-female & straight
Nationality: none
Ethnicity: Scandinavian (unspecified)
Fandom: Night At The Museum
Faceclaim: Frida Gustavsson
Bára is the wax figure of a Viking girl and a völva - meaning a witch - in training. She's motivated and energetic, a kind helper to Larry during his nightly efforts. She also just so happens to have a very special view on how the exhibits come to life at night - and a crush on the Pharaoh, whom she has never even seen.
Character tag: (x)
Love interest(s): Ahkmenrah
Ship tag: none (yet)
Fic link(s): The Völva (AO3 series)
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
Allow me to introduce to you... Bára Heiðradóttir
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auxiliarydetective · 1 year
Mwah-hah-hah! I am the OC Question Gremlin, here to drop OC questions into your unsuspecting askbox like the menace I am! If you have already been asked this particular question, I apologize - I am only one gremlin and cannot look through every OC post on my own.
Your OC question for the day is: when does Bára Heiðradóttir first realize her romantic feelings for Ahkmenrah?
Farewell for now, foolish OC creator! You have not seen the last of me!
A gremlin! On my blog!
You have no clue how happy getting an ask about Bára makes me
To answer your question, mighty OC Question Gremlin, I think it was probably somewhere between the first and second movie. Bára has always had a sort of fascination with Ahkmenrah because they're similar and because she wasn't allowed to go near him for so long. After the first movie, the two of them would start talking and spending lots of time together and become really close. After some time, Bára notices she has certain symptoms, like getting nervous around him, feeling all fuzzy inside, blushing... and she thinks something might be wrong with her because the way she comes to live at night has always been sort of special and maybe the magic could be doing weird things to her. So, she goes to Teddy and Sacagawea to ask them to help her, only for them to tell her: "You’re in love, silly." That’s when it clicks.
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
For the OC asks for Bára:
Oooooh, nice! Thanks for the ask!
💡 How does your OC enact plans? Do they plan down to the smallest detail or do they wing it?
Bára doesn't need to plan often, but if she does, there's not much planning involved. She just relies on sneaking and chaotic energy.
🌋 What’s your OC's temper like? Are they a slow boil, or an instant explosion?
She's more of a slow boil in most situations, but if you hit her weak spots (like insulting her boyfriend or trying to lay a finger on the miniatures), she'll be mad!
💬 Is your OC much of a talker? Do they only speak when spoken to? (Or not even then?) Do they ever talk over others?
Bára talks a lot. She's really curious, likes meeting new people and loves telling stories. Also, if there's gossip, she absolutely wants to hear it and will spread it throughout the entire museum. But she usually doesn't talk over people, no matter how hard she has to bite her tongue.
OC Ask Game
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
So, I took my NATM fics I posted on here and finally put them on AO3, plus a few more scenes I never got around to posting here.
Tagging @black-nebula13 and @janickaselka because you two said you would read it when I offered to write fanfic in that one post a little over a week ago
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
Magic and The Self
This one is a bit darker and does tackle the theme of death, but it's important for setting up Bára's character. Plus, it gives a little spin to how the different types of exhibits come to life at night.
Larry came to a slippery halt on the smooth museum floor.
“I knew I’d find you here.”
Bára blushed brightly red and stepped away from the gate locking off the Pharaoh Exhibit.
“Larry! So you did come back!” She said cheerily. “Do you need help finding a room again? What’s next on your manual thingy?”
“I don’t have instructions anymore”, Larry grumbled. “Dexter stole them.”
“Oh, Dexter…” Bára giggled. “When I first got here, he’d steal things from me too. Combs, clasps, brooches, herbs, berries… That was until one of them was poisonous. Not poisonous enough to kill him, thank the gods, but it did taste disgusting enough for him to stop.”
“Do you have another one of those berries?”
“Don’t you dare.”
“Okay, fine, maybe that isn’t really the best way to deal with him”, Larry sighed.
“So what’s the plan now?” Bára asked, looking like an excited freshman.
“I made my own instructions. For example, I got Dexter some toy keys!”
“There is one thing I need your help with though.”
“Of course! What can I do?”
“Would you mind keeping Attila the Hun busy by showing him some magic?”
Immediately Bára’s excitement turned into a scowl.
“No”, she said strictly, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“Why not?”
“Larry, I don’t do magic for fun! It’s real magic. I could mess up someone’s fate or accidentally curse them or- or… say something they don’t like.”
Slowly, Bára sank down along the wall, hugging her knees as she sat down on the ground. Carefully, Larry kneeled down next to her.
“You okay?”
Bára sighed slowly. “I’ll be fine.”
“But you’re not fine now.”
“I knew I should’ve worded that differently.”
“Come on”, Larry said quietly, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Tell me what’s wrong. I’m supposed to take care of you guys, right? Can’t have you being miserable.”
“I… don’t want to talk about it. I can’t talk about it.”
“Then be vague! You don’t have to tell me everything, it’s totally okay. I just wanna help you, kid.”
“Well”, Bára sighed, trying to gather her thoughts, “some exhibits in this museum are different from others. Teddy and Sacagawea and Attila and most other humans are wax figures. Meanwhile, the animals, like Dexter, are dead animals that have been conserved to last longer. Jed and Octavius are, well, they’re invented. They don’t have one specific historical counterpart. There’s a big difference that… well, I guess I have to explain the parts of the self to you first. Where I’m from, we believe that the self can be divided into four parts. The skin, called hamr, meaning what you look like, the mind, called hugr, meaning your personality and thought process - like the soul in your worldview -, the fylgja, which is like a spirit animal, and the hamingja, which is best translated as luck and, in this case, means your abilities, your strength, your defining characteristics - similar to hugr, but not quite, because it can be split or shared or passed down. My theory for why those two groups of exhibits are different is the way they’re brought to life. I think that figures like Teddy and Attila are fueled by the hamingja of their historical selves, bestowed upon them by the gods. Then we have Jed and Octavius who are probably fueled by some sort of fylgja of a person that has existed that was the most similar to them. Fylgjur are usually perceived as animals or sometimes humans, but they could technically inhabit any sort of hamr and develop their own sense of identity - just like Jed and Octavius have. I mean, they’re aware that they’re miniatures, but they still behave just like humans. Then, we have the last category, the reanimated corpses: The hugr stays within its owner and so they are fueled by this hugr. In effect, they haven’t really been dead, they’ve just been sleeping for a long, long time.”
“Why are you telling me this?” Larry asked. “You said you didn’t know how the coming-to-life thing works.”
“I don’t”, Bára admitted. “But… I feel like… I don’t belong in this scheme. Everyone else does but here I am.”
“Well, you’re made of wax, so… wouldn’t you fit in with Teddy and Attila and the gang?”
“Bára shook her head. I’m still a relatively new exhibit, manufactured specifically for this museum, so I asked Teddy if he knew how they made me. He knows almost everything, so… it was worth a try.”
“You… really? Isn’t it… weird… at all…? To know how you were made? Or to know that you’re a wax figure in the first place?”
“No, not at all. It’s not that absurd once you get used to it. And that’s what I’m concerned about - I had to get used to it. Usually, exhibits like me who have no historical counterpart know that they’re not real. They don’t remember their name, they’re given one or get to pick one. They only have a vague sense of identity and a firm instinct of what to do and how to act. The real identity develops over time. But I… I was different. I didn’t understand that I was made of wax. Poor Teddy had to babysit me the first few nights. I was so… lost and confused and… and scared. Because for all I knew… I had just died and, just like waking up from a nightmare, was suddenly alive again. But that was just me! The two women who are in the exhibit with me, Fríða and Signý, who were made exactly the same way as me, didn’t have any of those issues. All three of us were based on the diary of a mother in which she describes her three daughters. It’s in the exhibit with us. The names were not readable anymore, but the scientists were able to read about things like appearance and clothing and what the three daughters would do every day. That and their general knowledge of our culture was what the artists then used as a base for making our wax figures. Each one of us is based on one of the daughters. The eldest one who is preparing to get married - that Signý -, the middle child, who is preparing the meal for the family dinner - that’s Fríða - and the youngest, whom the mother need not worry about because she will join the travelling völva, a wealthy woman, and be able to provide for herself without needing to get married.”
“That’s you.”
“That’s me and I don’t understand why I’m different. It makes me so scared. There’s nobody else here who would know what it’s like to die! Except for the animals, but they’re… well… they’re animals. I could talk to them, theoretically, but… that’s. That’s magic. I haven’t cast a single spell since.. You know.”
Larry sighed. “Since you woke up.”
Bára smiled faintly. “That’s… a nicer way to say it. I guess there’s… someone else who might know how it feels. Assuming he’s… you know… actually a corpse. It’s the Pharaoh, but… I’m not allowed to meet him.”
“You know”, Larry said slowly, “I have the keys to let you in there. You can see him tomorrow night, okay?”
“Really?!” Bára gasped.
“Yeah, really! But you gotta help me with Attila first.”
“Larry, I… I can’t cast magic. I’m scared.”
“Then just pretend! You know how it works. Shouldn't be a big deal. You don’t have to do the big stuff either. Can’t you, I don’t know, cast some fancy smoke or make an animal talk or something?”
“I… could pretend to tell the future.”
Larry jumped up.
“I’ll need a staff”, Bára added as she got up.
“You can probably turn a spear into a staff, right? Should be plenty of those lying around.”
“I have a spear, yes.”
“Nice! Okay, I’ll see you on the main staircase in a few minutes, alright?”
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auxiliarydetective · 2 years
I actually made Bára on artbreeder!
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auxiliarydetective · 5 months
OC Masterlist - Movies!
As per usual, everyone is listed with their age at their introduction into the "present" storyline.
Fandoms featured:
The A-Team (movie)
Indiana jones
K-12: The Film
Lord of the Rings
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Night at the Museum
Star Wars (Original Trilogy)
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THE A-TEAM (2010)
Looking for the TV Show? Here it is!
-> (Movie!)Kit
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"E anche se ho solo vent'anni dovrò correre." - Måneskin, in: VENT'ANNI
Full name: Sergeant Anne Karma "Kit" Kelley
Birthday: August 1st, 1989 (21 years old)
Identity: gay/bisexual (strong preference for men), trans man
Faceclaim: Kristen Stewart
Tag: x | Fic: -
Kit ran away from his parents when he was young and joined the circus, but his father tracked him down, so he had to flee further - and ended up in the military, signing up for Ranger School. His rebellious nature and acrobatic prowess quickly gained him a reputation, and prompted Colonel "Hannibal" Smith to track him down, adding him to his crack commando unit, the A-Team. However when the war comes to an end, the team is arrested for a crime they didn't commit. But if the world thinks that something as trivial as some prison bars can stop the A-Team, then they're horribly mistaken.
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-> Charlie
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"Sweet dreams are made of this. Who am I to disagree? I travel the world and the seven seas - everybody's looking for something." - Eurythmics, in: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
Full name: Charlie Drake, alias Chandrah the Vanguard, Guide of the Departed, Precursor of Gozer
Birthday: unknown (5000+ Earth years old) (assigned October 31st)
Identity: demonic (~ omnisexual, polyamorous, demiboy)
Faceclaim: Anthony Turpel (female: Juno Temple)
Tag: x | Fic: x
Chandrah has been summoned in the middle of a parking lot, far away from any altars or temples, and with no way to return to its dimension. With nothing else to do, it explores the human realm a bit, happening upon a group of parapsychologists and their odd devices. From then on, it decides to spend its time on Earth studying these odd scientists under the disguise of a human yet psychically gifted young man called Charlie Drake, waiting how long it'll take them to figure out what he really is. But as the scientists start finding real ghosts and form a company based on fighting and catching them, he forgets about how he even got there, until the mention of a Gatekeeper and Keymaster forces him back into the gravity of the situation.
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INDIANA JONES (1981-2023)
-> Dotty
Full name: Dorothy Opal Hall
Birthday: February 2nd (29 years old)
Identity: probably bisexual
Faceclaim: Holliday Grainger
Tag: x | Fic: -
Close to graduation and needing to go on one more field trip to get her degree, Dorothy Opal Hall is constantly asking her professor if he can arrange something for her. When he finally agrees to take her with him on one of his travels, things go very sour very fast and Dotty realizes that her professor isn't all that she made him out to be. On top of that, graduation may be one of her least important worries now that her life is quite literally on the line.
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K-12: THE FILM (2019)
-> Honey
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"Cryin' inside, 'cause nothing I say ever comes out right. We're on the same side, but if I'm honest with you, you just run and hide." - Melanie Martinez, in: Fire Drill
Full name: "Honey" Penelope
Birthday: February 15th (? years old)
Identity: lesbian, demigirl
Faceclaim: Isolda Dychauk
Tag: x | Fic: -
The mute daughter of K-12 teacher Miss Penelope, nicknamed "Honey" after her golden necklace, is an empath and incredibly shy. But she's a fantastic dancer and, above all, a very kind soul.
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LORD OF THE RINGS (2001-2003)
-> Lindewen
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Full name: Lindewen / Linda Seasong
Birthday: March 10th (age unknown)
Identity: unknown
Faceclaim: Nadia Parkes
Tag: x | Fic: -
Lindewen is a figure of legends among the people of Middle Earth, each race seeming to have its own version of her in their collective mind. She's known as a kind soul, a sacred musician, a fearless adventurer, the most recent of her tales telling of her sacrifice to save the Lonely Mountain, putting herself into eternal sleep. But since then, Lindewen, also known as the True Halfling, has disappeared. That is until Gandalf finds her hiding out in a halfling village, living as a storyteller and musician. Tired of immortality and heroism, she refuses to accompany him and his fellowship on their quest, but she also cannot let herself have them leave without treating them to a good meal first. In the course of a single evening, her conviction seems to change, and Lindewen is out on a final adventure.
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-> Varsha
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"Quietly, you are saving me, please don't fade away into the darkness of night - I don’t need no light to see you shine." - VoicePlay/JVKE, in: Golden Hour
Full name: Varsha Devi
Birthday: unknown (? years old) (assigned July 16th)
Identity: nagi? (~pansexual, cis female)
Faceclaim: Banita Sandhu
Tag: x | Fic: x
When the members of the League are introduced to Varsha Devi, they already expect that there might be more to the Nautilus's mysterious beauty of a navigator. Maybe that she actually does speak English but has a secret reason not to. Maybe that her identity is false. But when they do find out the truth, it's unlike anything they even considered.
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-> Bára
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"Lass uns Wege, lass uns Zeichen finden dort im Heidekraut, Lieder von den Wölfen lernen und vom Wind im Espenlaub." - Faun, in: Nacht des Nordens
Full name: Bára Heiðradóttir
Birthday: ~9th century (died 16 years old) (assigned January 21st)
Identity: bisexual, cis-female
Faceclaim: Frida Gustavsson
Tag: x | Fic: x
Bára is unlike the other wax figures at the museum, and nobody can fully understand why. Along with a soul bringing her to life, she seems to have gained her model's affinity for magic as well. With a new nightguard starting his job, chaos descends upon the museum and now, more than ever, Bára finds herself drawn to the mysterious pharaoh locked in his tomb.
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STAR WARS (Original Trilogy) (1977-1983)
-> Lani
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"Everybody in the world knows I'm a little twisted." - MISSIO, in: Twisted
Full name: Lan "Lani" Skywalker
Birthday: unknown day, 19 BBY (19 years old) (assigned May 4th)
Identity: asexual, aromantic, butch/tomboy?
Faceclaim: Amrita Acharia
Tag: x | Fic: x
Lani is the middle child out of the Skywalker triplets, and has struggled with anger issues and the force since she was a little child. Raised under the care of her father's former padawan Ahsoka Tano, she was the only one to get a proper jedi training until her reunion with her brother and an aged Obi-Wan Kenobi on the desert planet Tatooine. But as always with the Skywalkers, things don't go as planned at all.
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auxiliarydetective · 5 months
Movie OC Dividers
Guess who has another section of the masterlist remake almost done!
Here's more dividers!
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
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auxiliarydetective · 8 months
The OC Halloween Challenge - Day 9
You can find the challenge here!
Today's prompt was...
The Harbinger
We hear about omens of death in every kind of mythology. Irish folklore warns you of hearing the wailing woman and German myth tells you to never find your doppelganger. Even Western Society in America will drift from their path if they see a black cat on the way. So which of your ocs stands outside of the haunted house and tells the redheaded twins “you’re going to die in there”?
R.I.P. to the ones who nobody listened to
Charlie Drake aka Chandrah who was being too vague in order to hide his demonic nature and knowledge
Philomel who had to hide her ethereal state
Bára Heiðradóttir who fell victim to stupidity
And now, the queen of omens herself...
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It just fit too perfectly. Kassandra IS the harbinger but she subverts the trope by being unable to talk about anything she finds out due to having been rumored.
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auxiliarydetective · 8 months
The OC Halloween Challenge - Day 3
You can find the challenge here!
Today's prompt was...
Born In The Wrong Century
Movies depend on a lot of things, but time and place helps create the ominous feel for it. Like Crimson Peak that belongs to the revival gothic period of 1880s or Jason Voorhees waking up on a spaceship in the year of 2455, give your character(s) a new decade to explore and even monsters to face.
I may have stretched these guidelines a little, but I wasn't gonna let this perfect opportunity go to waste. But before we get to that...
R.I.P to the abandoned ideas:
Bára Heiðradóttir but she was born in modern times
Kassandra Hargeeves during WWII
Philomel throughout the (thousands of) years
Now, prepare to meet the champion:
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Varsha Devi and the shadow of Henry still living in her heart
What happens if one lover is immortal while the other is not? One of them is inevitably left on their own with nothing but their memories (and a pocket watch) to keep them company as they explore every new decade, trying to nurse their broken heart.
Let me tell you, I spent HOURS looking for a fitting pocket watch (this one isn't silver either but oh my gosh) and I finally found this image on DeviantArt. Dear artist, I don't think you're on Tumblr and I'm pretty sure your DeviantArt account is dead as well, but I hope you know that you saved the vision I had for this piece <3
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