#oc: david floyd
bobfloydsbabe · 2 years
motion sickness: next gen || kids of top gun
Rating: G
Summary: The kids of our favorite aviators take on high school. Jamie Lane-Seresin has a crush on Marcus Fitch. Dalia Garcia-Alvarez may have just gotten the two to go on a date, and poor David Floyd has no idea what's going on.
Motion Sickness is the shared universe featuring Jas Lane (Turning Tables) and @joaquinwhorres' Caro and Dalia Alvarez (Tailspin). This is a next generation fic in this universe.
Warning(s): Dalia being a menace, Jamie being done with her shit, confused David. A wild Jas appears.
Word count: ~2.0k
A/N: This fic is a gift for Anna (@joaquinwhorres) who is celebrating her half birthday tomorrow! I couldn't wait, so it's a day early. There is nothing I enjoy more than expanding this universe with you, so I present to you a little next gen fic for your reading pleasure that no one else will probably read. I appreciate you and your friendship more than you know. Enjoy, friends!
Likes are nice, but comments and reblogs are golden.
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Dalia poked her side. “Look who just walked in.”
Jamie raised her head from her sketchbook to the entrance to the cafeteria, where Marcus Fitch sauntered in with the rest of the football team in tow.
It was like a scene out of the movies Jas and Caro always insisted they watch on sleepovers. Marcus moved in slow motion as he laughed over his shoulder at something his friend at said that probably wasn’t even that funny. Jamie swore there was even the faint sound of swelling music coming from somewhere.
Jamie tore her eyes away, looking at Dalia, whose smug smirk reminded her so much of Caro. They really were the spitting image of each other. 
“The football team?” Jamie said, shrugging, trying to play it cool. It’s what Jas would have done.
Dalia hummed, but Jamie didn’t love the devious grin on her friend’s face.
Dalia opened her mouth and shouted across the expanse of the cafeteria. “Marcus!”
Not only did the older boy’s head whip up, but so did the heads of nearly every kid in the room, as Dalia waved her hand wildly in the air, almost smacking Jamie’s temple in the process.
Marcus said something to his friends before weaving in and out of tables and bodies to make it to them. Jamie begged for the ground to swallow her whole at the sheer embarrassment of being looked at by everyone.
Dalia’s hand landed back on the tabletop unceremoniously. Jamie cursed under her breath.
“Hey, guys,” Marcus greeted, offering them a wide and confident smile that made Jamie’s insides feel funny. She muttered a hello, dreading whatever Dalia would say next.
“Jamie has an art show tomorrow,” she said, looking the picture of innocence, but Jamie scowled.
“You do?”
She raised her eyes to meet Marcus’ warm brown ones. “It’s not my art show,” she clarified. “It’s for Art Club. David is showing, too.”
At the sound of his name, he looked over his shoulder at his friends who were beckoning him to join them again. He looked back at his childhood friends, and Jamie felt smaller, acutely aware that Marcus was older and significantly cooler. “I’ll be there.”
Jamie frowned. “You don’t have to do that,” she said, shaking her head. 
The broad smile Marcus offered her made her heart pound and her palms sticky. “I want to,” he assured her and wandered back to the football team at the far end of the cafeteria.
Dalia’s grin was smug and self-satisfied. “I just got you a date.”
“It’s not a date,” Jamie argued. “Coming to an art club art show after school is not a date.”
“It’s definitely a date.”
Jamie groaned. “You’re insufferable.”
Dalia grinned and waved at David, who was making his way through the crowd, holding on to his backpack and lunch tray for dear life. “You love me.”
David slumped into the seat opposite Jamie and Dalia. “What’s debatable?”
“Whether I love Dalia,” Jamie said, sliding her chemistry notebook across the table to David so they could compare results of their latest lab.
“You do,” he said matter-of-factly.
A smug smile crept back on Dalia’s face. “See? David knows.”
“David is also failing chemistry.”
He frowned, opening Jamie’s notebook. “I’m not,” he reminded them. “I’m in AP Chem.”
“You can be in AP Chem and still fail.”
“But I’m not.”
“You sound more like Jas every day,” Dalia interrupted, cutting off their arguing. It wasn’t a new thing that Jamie and David argued over classes and test scores, and though there was never any malice to it, she knew it was irritating to listen to sometimes.
Jamie would have argued with Dalia if she wasn’t right. When she’d first been in foster care with her parents, Jamie had taken to Jake the fastest. They’d bonded over sports. He’d been patient with her, and he’d learned to do her hair. Jamie rarely let anyone touch her hair. The older Jamie got, the more she had picked up Jas’ mannerisms.
She had grown into herself with these people. She was just eight when she met them, but Dalia had decided they were best friends from the jump, and they’d spent countless nights at Caro’s place when Jake and Mickey were deployed. 
Their parents were all friends, but they felt more like family. A family Jamie never thought she would have, but Jake and Jas had opened their life to her. They had always treated Jamie like their own, even before they adopted her.
“Why were you debating if you love Dalia or not, anyway?”
“She’s insufferable,” Jamie said at the same time as Dalia mentioned the Marcus Debacle.
“Marcus is coming to the show?”
Dalia nodded furiously, beaming with pride. “All I had to do was mention Jamie, and he said he’d come.”
“That’s not true,” Jamie said with an incredulous look at her best friend before explaining what had actually transpired.
“It’s a date,” Dalia announced when Jamie had finished relaying the information.
David’s brows furrowed, and he delayed his answer by sipping his water bottle. “Marcus coming to the art show is a date? For who?”
“Jamie, of course,” Dalia answered, sounding like she thought he was dumb for not picking up on that very obvious conclusion.
David frowned. Jamie could practically see the wheels turning inside his brain as he tried to figure out how Dalia had gotten there. By the looks of it, he was having little luck.
“It’s an art club show after school,” David said slowly. Jamie saw a hint of Bob in his brows and mouth when he frowned again. “That doesn’t seem like a date.”
“Thank you,” Jamie exclaimed triumphantly, slamming her palm down on her sketch book, smearing the piece she was working on. She cursed under her breath before closing the book.
“He does like you, though,” David said nonchalantly, looking down at Jamie’s notes from AP Chem, not realizing his mistake until it was too late.
Dalia eyed him suspiciously. “You know something,” she said and pointed to him.
“I have eyes,” he said and shrugged for good measure. His mom hated when he shrugged.
Jamie looked between her friends, not understanding the silent conversation they tried to have through glances alone. 
“We will talk about this later,” Dalia said to David, sounding more like a threat than a suggestion. It was during moments like those where there was no doubt Dalia was Caro’s daughter.
Dalia turned her attention back to Jamie. “You’ve been in love with him since we were twelve. Is it so bad to just call it a date even if he doesn’t know it?”
Jamie groaned, a habit she had undoubtedly picked up from Jas over the years, and slammed her head against her arm resting on the closed sketchbook.
“You’re insufferable,” she murmured into the crook of her arm.
Jamie didn’t have to look at Dalia to know she was grinning triumphantly.
Caro picked them up from school that afternoon because Marcus had a late football practice, and couldn’t take them like he normally did. Jamie waved at the car over her shoulder, walking up the driveway to her front door. 
Jas and Jake had done a lot of work on the house after they moved in together. Mostly Jake. Jas had been tasked with painting the porch and barely managed that, getting paint all over herself, the grass, and the neighbor’s cat.
Jamie loved that story.
She let herself into the house, knowing Jas would be up and getting ready for the night shift. “Mom?”
“In here,” Jas spoke from the kitchen.
She dropped her backpack on the bench in the entryway and rounded the corner to the kitchen where Jas was preparing tea for Jamie and coffee for herself.
She was in scrubs, her hair tied into a tight bun that closely resembled the one she’d been forced to wear in the Navy. She slid the mug across the counter towards Jamie, who sat on one of the tall bar stools.
“How was school?”
Jamie shrugged. “It was alright,” she said, sipping her tea. “I think Mr. Simmons is planning a pop quiz for AP Chem. I compared notes with David at lunch.”
Jas offered Jamie a spoon to stir her tea with, which she accepted. “You feel okay about it?”
“Yeah,” she said, swirling the spoon around the tea, filling the air with the scent of chamomile.
“I wanted to talk to you about tomorrow,” Jas said and mirrored Jamie’s sip of her mug. “I managed to change shifts with someone, so I can come to your art show. I’m not sure if Jake can make it, so you’ll have to ask him when he gets home, but he wants to be there.”
Jamie smiled. Jas and Jake were practical people, and when she made the track team, she wasn’t surprised when they came to every race and tournament, but their support of her interest in art? That was a shock.
“Got any surgeries planned today?”
“Nothing scheduled,” Jas replied, taking another sip. “But emergency medicine is unpredictable, so who knows?”
“It’s like you then.”
Jas paused, the mug halfway to her mouth, and stared at Jamie.
“I know you did not just call me unpredictable,” Jas said in mock outrage, putting her coffee back on the counter and placing her hand over her chest.
“Didn’t you string dad along for weeks when you first met?”
Jas snorted. “He loved it, and if he ever tells you otherwise, he’s lying.”
Jamie chuckled, letting her eyes glide around the room at the pictures and memories scattered around the kitchen and living room. Besides a picture from their wedding that Jamie had recreated in Art Club for the show, her favorite was a picture Caro had snapped on the day Jas and Jake got together officially.
They were at the bar they all still went to. The Hard Deck. The picture was taken from the back with Jas and Jake resting their elbows on the bar top while Penny was getting them drinks. They were looking at each other, foreheads almost touching, and grinning widely like little kids. Jake liked to say that night was the first time he ever saw Jas truly relax in his presence.
“He liked it,” Jamie agreed. “You were still unpredictable, though.”
Jas chuckled. “I guess so.”
They spent the next ten minutes talking about school and homework, about the upcoming holiday season and whether they were going to Texas to stay with Jake’s parents or San Francisco to stay with Jas’ moms.
Jas checked her watch again. “I have to get going,” she said and swallowed the last bit of coffee, placing the mug in the sink. “Would you mind emptying the dishwasher? You know how your dad gets.”
“Of course,” Jamie agreed.
Jas came around the kitchen island and kissed Jamie’s temple. “Thank you. I’ll see you tomorrow for your art show, okay?”
“Okay,” Jamie answered as the corners of her mouth ticked upwards, watching Jas throw her phone and wallet into her bag. Jamie leaned back in her seat so she could see the front door around the corner. 
“Drive safe,” Jamie yelled when Jas took her car key from the bowl by the front door.
“Yeah yeah,” Jas shouted back, probably rolling her eyes at the fact that even her daughter knew she was a terrible driver.
As the door slammed, Jamie’s phone pinged in her pocket with a text from Jake, letting her know he would be able to come to her art show tomorrow and did she want pizza for dinner.
She answered the man she considered her father that she did want pizza and asked if she could invite Dalia to join them.
taglist (let me know if you want to be added): @arrthurpendragon, @ocappreciationtag, @chrissymunson, @cas-verse, @chickensarentcheap, @asirensrage, @misskatiewrites, @stanshollaand, @eddiemunscns, @raith-way, @wordspin-shares, @veetlegeuse
top gun taglist (let me know if you want to be added): @joaquinwhorres, @fantasias-creativebubble, @lostinwonderland314, @luckyladycreator2, @blue-aconite, @dempy, @alana4610, @littlebadariell, @cherrycola27, @whisperofsong, @another-tblr-fangirl, @flashyourgreeneyesatme, @seymour-cant-read, @wordspin-shares
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joaquinwhorres · 2 years
Motion Sickness Next Gen
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The truth was that the kids never really had a choice in the matter. After what their fathers had gone through together, there was no other option: they had to become the best of friends.
featuring Jamie Lane-Seresin from @bobfloydsbabe
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Father, Mother, and their strange little child who slays
So we got Pink, then we got Ziggy (which I kinda failed on sorry my love my baby), and their crack child who I love very much, Zenith.
Zenith really be so slay. They’re just so glam and goth and I headcanon them as the starman because we don’t really know that much about the starman tbh…
Growing up was a little bit of a struggle for them but they slayed anyways.
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rogeriswater · 1 year
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Maggie, Roger, David and Nick - 1968
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thefreakyval · 1 year
hi officialmilkmanmccartney fans i just wanted to state that my inbox is open if you’d like to request doodle ideas :)!
i like to doodle stuff it helps me w avoiding artblock
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currrsy · 1 year
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something happening in this dammit house... /i'll try to write some info about my new ocs, sorry for my eng/
This is the story of Floyd, he is a horror writer who lost his family in a fire. Now he lives in a new city and house. He meets David - the local cop who helping him. In the new house he doesn't feels better as he thought (he has nightmares and gets migraines), everything will lead to the fact that he will face Mark (he is a ghost)
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tartsinarat · 5 months
Toh oc’s grom dress edition featuring the sillies <3
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Ngl during Grom these two just snuck out because they were bored in order to have totally age appropriate apple blood together that Pip stole from Eda’s stash, they didn’t find out about the events of what happened in Grom until like a day later because they ended up sleeping in a random field lmao
Fun fact, Pip’s outfit was very much inspired by David Tennant in Doctor who, except for the golden laurel which was for a fun pop of colour and him unknowingly foreshadowing his own origins :)
On the other hand Nimbus was just designed to be as gender envy as possible as well as incorporating his love of older bands by giving him a pink Floyd inspired shirt
Also I designed both of them to be opposite in vibes but oddly complementary because of their colours .
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Here’s the lads having their version of the lumity enchanting grom dance tm
GH masterpost link? more likely than you think
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infin1ty-garden · 9 months
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Hello everyone! After some consideration I've decided to open requests.
ೃ⁀➷ I will NOT write smut, inappropriate relationships (e.i. teacher/student, father/daughter...), pregnancy fics, dark fics, underage character, political content, please do not request things containing major spoilers, character x OC
ೃ⁀➷ I WILL write character(s) (from the fandom list) x reader as well as alternate universe fic. Sometimes I will write character x character
ೃ⁀➷ use the prompts list if you wanna
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❝ [ prompts & scenarios ] ❞
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ fandoms I write for ] ❞
nikolai lantsov, zoya nazyalensky, genya safin, alina starkov, tamar yul-bataar & tolya kir-bataar
billy loomis, stu macher, mickey altieri, roman bridger, jill roberts & ethan landry
✧. ┊ TOP GUN
jake 'hangman' seresin, robert 'bob' floyd & natasha 'phoenix' trace
✧. ┊ DBH
connor, nines (rk900), rk800-60, north, simon, ralph & chloe
ryan erzahler, dylan lenivy, kaitlyn ka, max brinly & laura kearney
✧. ┊ ALIEN
david & walter
mattheo riddle, theodore nott, draco malfoy, lorenzo berkshire, blaise zabini & pansy parkinson
rover, chixia, yangyang, sanhua, jiyan & jinhsi
✧. ┊ HOTD
cregan stark, gwayne hightower, haelena targaryen, jacaerys velaryon & rhaenyra targaryen
✧. ┊ DUNE
paul atreides, feyd-rautha harkonnen & chani kynes
kid (monkey man)
yord fandar, qimir & mae aniseya
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╰┈➤ ❝ [ submission guidelines ] ❞
ೃ⁀➷ please include reader pronouns
ೃ⁀➷ if you want to request a prompt, please use the prompt list (you don't have to)
ೃ⁀➷ be patient & kind
ೃ⁀➷ if i can tell that you haven't read any of these guidelines and have disregarded all the rules. your request will be deleted
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Thanks for reading or requesting!
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dujour13 · 5 months
🍓🍻 and 🥃 for Siavash
Thanks Embers! 💕💕
🍓: Does your OC have any particular scents they like? Or hate?
One of his most significant moments is in Desna’s temple in Kenabres when he's transported to Elysium by Aranka’s song. The strawberries-and-jasmine scent of Elysium stays with him as a reminder of that wonderful place, his soul’s home. Baking cookies ranks right up there too 🦋
His choice of personal scent is something like sandalwood or patchouli with floral notes. He describes Woljif’s scent as fresh rain and woodsmoke and it drives him a little bit crazy.
Smells he hates: sulfur (looking at you, Meph). Also the absolute reek of a whole barn full of goats burning down (Baphomet).
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day?
Answered here!
🥃: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform?
I really had to ponder these. Hardest thing is separating his taste from my own.
Favorite show.... He could really get invested in one of those reality shows where they drop people on a desert island and they have to survive and fall in love? But I don’t know what I’m talking about because I never watch that kind of thing, I guess you can tell. He would LOVE ATLA.
As for book(s) – I would lend him all my Discworld books and the Master and Commander series (no hope of getting them back I guess) and I hope he’d like them. But I think so. He’d enjoy the adventure, humor and the great characters and relationships.
On social media he would love to connect with people (and show off) on Insta but the overall vibe would put him off. Never give this man TikTok – just keep him away from it. He might have a YouTube channel with wholesome guitar lessons, like the Bob Ross of guitar.
Favorite musician/band... also incredibly difficult because he has eclectic taste and so do I but do our tastes overlap...? Hozier would be his idol. I think he’d love oldies by the great talents like Nina Simone, Marvin Gaye, Cat Stevens, Simon & Garfunkel, David Bowie, David Gilmour (Pink Floyd), Earth Wind & Fire, Tim Buckley, Fleetwood Mac, Queen, Kate Bush, Pearl Jam. Stuff with heart and soul.
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bowdre · 1 year
Band of Brothers OC
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i. Basics
Vera Eve Rutherford
In 1942> 20
September 8th, 1922
Airborne Paratrooper
ii.Relationship Status
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Married in 1946 to Don Malarkey.
From the moment Don laid eyes on Vera at Toccoa, he knew he wanted to get to know her better. He was extremely nervous to talk to her for nearly six months, part of him was intimidated by her presence. As time went on, and Don noticed her friendships with Gaurnere and Nixon blossom, he slowly grew jealous. He too wanted her attention. With persuasive convincing from the rest of Easy Company, and endless teasing from Bill and Skip, Don finally grew the courage to engage in conversation with Vera. If she was being honest, for weeks she had been waiting for the man to come up and talk to her. The two practically become inseparable after that day.
iii. Appearance
•Hair colour•
Jet black
•Hair length•
Mid back
•Eye colour•
Forest green
•Skin tone•
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iv. Personality
•Good traits•
Loyal, honest, confident, generous, ambitious, resilient, humorous
•Bad traits•
Lack of self control, cocky
Bravery, charismatic, charming
Reckless, stubborn, blunt
Poker, salted peanuts, whiskey
Hospitals, laziness
Constantly muttering to herself
Leadership, teamwork, making quick decisions
v. Relationships
Maisie Rutherford
James Rutherford
Watson (1920) and Ryker (1926) Rutherford
Don Malarkey
Ronald Speirs, Eugene 'Doc' Roe, Albert Blithe, Dick Winters, Lynn 'Buck' Compton, Joseph Toye, David Webster, Joseph Liebgott, George Luz, Frank Perconte, Harry Welsh, Daryl 'Shifty' Powers, Warren 'Skip' Muck, Charles 'Chuck' Grant, Edward 'Babe' Heffron, Donald Hoobler, Floyd Talbert, Alex Penkala
•Close friends•
Carwood Lipton, Lewis Nixon, Denver 'Bull' Randleman
•Best friend•
William 'Wild Bill' Gaurnere
vi. Backstory
Vera was the golden child growing up, the one who was going to amount to the most within the family, despite the expectations of women during her time. Throughout her childhood, her parents conditioned her to be the best at everything she does. As the only Rutherford daughter, granddaughter and niece, she was expected to achieve great things with her life. Her parents went to great lengths to make this happen, including enrolling her in private school, signing her up for multiple sport teams, such as volleyball and basketball, and teaching her and her two brothers how to play piano. Vera excelled at everything she put her mind to, the only thing she failed at was mathematics. This only made her work harder, with the mindset of having to prove herself and her worth. As she grew older, this mentality grew into large scale problems. Anxiety, depression. She blamed her parents for this.
Vera kept herself busy during all hours of the day.  Family, sports, Toccoa. It wasn't until the late hours of night that she found herself any time to relax. This is when she would endugle herself in a good book, keeping her eyes on the pages until she fell asleep. Vera thinks very highly of herself, almost too highly. She was often referred to as egotistical by her peers in school and at Toccoa during her paratrooper training, though the term never bothered her. To Vera, if she's going to do something, she's going to be the very best at it.
•Military Rank•
Sergeant First Class (Technical Sergeant)
Silver Star + Purple Heart
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sarahsmi13s · 2 years
Sirens vs Soulmates
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(not my gif)
jake ‘hangman’ seresin x floyd!hunter!reader
characters: jake seresin, y/n floyd, robert floyd, dean winchester, sam winchester, bradley bradshaw, the dagger squad, castiel, oc! jimmy (he’s the medical examiner
warnings: THIS FIC IS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, language, death, suicide, depression, insecurites, cheating, SMUT, blood, legal age drinking, knives, guns, cannon violence, soulmates, i’m sorry if i missed any, please let me know and I will add it to the list
word count: ~12.6k 
a/n: this is a supernatural/top gun crossover fic, this was inspired by @fandomxpreferences and this post and i hope i did the idea justice
lightly proof read
while this could be considered a soulmate au, it’s not as obvious as some
like mentioned in the warning, this fic contains sensitive themes, reader discrection is advised
Dean yanked open the car door, letting your head drop. “Fuck!” You hissed when the movement startled you awake.
“Get up, we’re here,” he gruffed out, adjusting his suit jacket. You sat up, flipping him off as you rolled your neck, trying to release the tension caused by your awkward sleeping angle.
You got out of the car, stretching your back and checking your badge. “NCIS Special Agent Gibbs?” You arched an eyebrow at both Winchesters. “Are you trying to get us caught?” “You don’t even know our names yet,” Dean retorted defensively.
Sliding your badge into your jean pocket, you held out your other hand for theirs. “Well, show me.” Sam chuckled and slapped his badge into your hand. You opened it and looked over his credentials. “NCIS Special Agent Sam David?” You pronounced it ‘David’ and not ‘Da-veed’. He nodded, “Helps to keep it a little less suspicious.” You hummed and held your hand out for Dean’s.
He arched a challenging brow, hoping you would drop it. But you pressed and arched a brow right back. He held your eye contact, his eyes cutting as he squinted hoping to intimidate you. You held it, eyes squinting slightly as you held your chin high.
Finally his resolve broke and he rolled his eyes, fishing his badge out of his jacket pocket.
“That wasn’t so hard was it.” You smirked and opened it, “NCIS Special Agent Dean Shepard.” You scoffed and tossed it to him. “Wow, okay. Let’s just get these autopsy results before real NCIS Agents get here.”
You walked ahead going right in with the brothers trailing behind you.
Flashing the badge to the receptionist, “NCIS Special Agent Gibbs. My partners and I are here to talk to the ME. He knows we’re coming.” You made sure to add authority to your voice to show you wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer and that you meant business. Sam and Dean flashed their badges and you were immediately brought back.
“I was wondering when NCIS was gonna show up. Who’s in charge?” Dean stepped forward, “That would be-” The ME shook his head, “No. You’re not in charge.” He looked at you, “You must be Agent Gibbs?”
You fought a smirk and walked forward, “Yeah. That’s me.” You gestured to the latest victim, a young Naval aviator, “Cause of death the same as the other victims?” He nodded, “Yup, gunshot to the temple, gun residue on his dominant hand.” “So why were you waiting on NCIS if you confirmed it a suicide?” You crossed your arms. “Because none of these sailors have a history of depression or suicidal tendencies. And I already told you over the phone Y/N, that I found high levels of oxytocin in all 4 sailors. We both know it’s a siren.”
The brothers shared a confused look behind you.
Sam spoke first, “Hold on, so you know each other?” You nodded, “Went to high school in Wyoming together. Our fathers were best friends, and they went on hunts pretty often.” Sam scoffed, impressed by you. Dean smirked, also impressed but a little upset you didn’t tell them you knew more than you let on.
“You didn’t think to tell us you knew what was happening?” Dean asked, hands on his hips. “Honestly, Dean, I'm surprised you didn’t make the siren joke beforehand. Cause if you had, I might have said something.”
You turned back to your friend, “Jimmy, do you know where sailors and pilots usually like to hang out? Let off some steam?” He nodded, “Yeah, The Hard Deck. It’s the bar closest to the Air Base. You’ll be greeted by a sea of khaki when you walk in.” You nodded, “Thank you, I’ll keep in touch.”
All three of you left and went to the car.
“You’ve got friends in high places Y/N,” Sam said, a smirk on his face as he opened his door. “Oh you don’t even know the half of it.”
Dean turned to you once you slid into the backseat, “How do you have great relations with these people? Everywhere we go, some agent or officer is trying to arrest or kill us.” You shrugged, “I just have a way with people I guess. I try to work with the law instead of against it.”
“You just tell people you’re hunting monsters?” You shrugged, “When you’re in rural areas, they have folklore, use that to your advantage. But in others you just have to either work with the law or let them get themselves into trouble and save their ass.”
Dean rolled his eyes and drove to the bar.
When you pulled in you shucked your jacket and gun, but held onto your badge.
“Hey, your gun?” Dean questioned, not seeing it in your waistband when you adjusted your white shirt. You shook your head, “I don’t need it. This is a bar full of Navy personnel, and I’ve had my fair share of bar fights. I think I’ll be fine.”
Dean looked at Sam, thinking maybe he could talk some sense into you. But Sam only shrugged and laughed. “Dean, we literally pulled her out of a bar fight the first time we met her. She’s fine.”  Dean grumbled, not pleased with the fact that you just went in places unarmed considering you knew what lurked in the shadows.
You walked in, giving polite nods to the older officers that were in the room and going right up to the bar.
Penny noticed you and came over, “Hi, what can I get you?” You smiled at her, pulling out your badge, “Not drinking tonight. But is it possible if I could ask you a few questions?” She did a quick once over of the bar, “Of course, what do you need to know?” You pulled out the photos of the dead sailors and pilot. “Did you see any of these men here in the past few weeks?” She frowned, “Yes, I did. They were regulars, nice guys -a little cocky- but nice. Shame what happened, they never once gave the impression of being depressed.”
She wiped down the table out of habit. “Why is NCIS looking into suicides?” You leaned against the bar, “Well, we think it may not have been suicides.” She nodded, humming a little, “Anything I can do to help?” You nodded, “Did any of them leave with someone the night they died? Someone they didn’t arrive with?” Penny shrugged, “I’m not sure. Except Lieutenant Crole did leave with a woman pretty early in the night. She came over to him and they hit it off.” “Did you catch her name?” “Haley? Hannah? Something like that.”
“Penny, m’dear,” a voice drawled next to you. “Could I get another round?” You looked over to find a taller man around 6 foot -maybe- with tan skin, sun bleached hair, and striking green eyes. He noticed you looking and smirked at you, “And, uh, whatever she’s having can go on my tab.” You huffed out a laugh, holding up your badge again. “Sorry, cowboy, I’m afraid I can’t tonight.” He frowned a little, “Shame, maybe some other time.” He winked at you and something stirred in your chest.
Penny came back with a tray loaded with bottles. She smirked a little at the interaction happening in front of her, “Hangman, this is Agent…” You held your hand out for him to shake, “Gibbs.” Jake gave you an amused look and shook your hand, “Like the show?” You sighed, smiling a little, “Yeah, like the show.” “Well, let’s hope you’re not as rough around the edges.” You hummed a little, “Rougher.” “Now you’re teasin’ me.”
“Agent Gibbs was asking about those sailors,” Penny prompted him. “Oh the ones that committed suicide?” “Well, we’re thinking it may not be suicide. Did you know any of them?” He shrugged, gathering the drinks, “Knew of them, didn’t know them personally. But some members of my team did.” You eyed the drinks, “Here, let me help you.” You grabbed a few and followed him over.
You both sat the drinks down. “Thanks for the help.” “No problem Lieutenant.” You wiped the condensation on your jeans as you turned around and began to go meet Sam and Dean at the bartop.
“Who’s your friend?” You heard someone ask from behind you, making you stop. “Oh, this is Special Agent Gibbs with NCIS,” Hangman introduced with a smirk, knowing he roped you into the little group.
You turned and nodded to the group, “Hi.” You felt extremely shy and out of your element all of sudden, being under the eyes of at least 7 or so pilots.
“Agent, this is my team. The guy with the pornstache is Rooster, next to him is Phoenix, that’s my best friend Coyote, they’re Payback and Fanboy, and that little wallflower over there is Bob,” Hangman introduced the group by their call signs.
You scanned the group as he did so, waving back when they waved. But when he got to Bob, your stomach turned. “Shit,” you huffed out quietly.
If Hangman heard you, he didn’t acknowledge it. “Agent Gibbs is here investigating the deaths of those sailors and Lieutenant Crole.” “The suicides?” You pulled your eyes from your brother and nodded at the man introduced as Fanboy, “We’re thinking it may not be as simple as it looks. 4 in the course of a month, all in the same fashion… We just want to cover our bases.”
You pulled out a card, “If any of you know anything, you can contact me here.” You dropped it onto the table allowing them to do whatever with it.
“Hey, Floyd, weren’t you close with Petty Officer Chase?” Phoenix asked her backseater, leaning on her pool cue. Bob looked down at his cup of peanuts, “Yeah, I was. We were on the same carrier for a deployment I was on.” You looked at him, “Would you be comfortable answering some questions?” Bob looked up holding eye contact with you and he nodded, but you could see it in his eyes that he wasn’t happy.
You walked over to an area that was close to the group but secluded enough that they wouldn’t hear.
“What the hell are you doing here?” He hissed out, pushing his glasses up. “I’m supposed to be asking the questions here Robert.” “Okay, ask them.” “Do you know who he left with the night he died?” “Y/N, this isn’t the type of case you think it is.” You put your hands on your hips, “Robby, Jimmy found raised levels of oxytocin in their system. It’s exactly what I think it is.” “Just because they had sex before they died doesn’t mean it’s a monster.” You tossed your arms out to your side, “Who offs themselves right after sex, Bob?”
He placed his hands on your shoulders to try and get his point across, which caught the attention of the two brothers at the bar. “Shit, Dean-” Sam got his attention and Dean looked over, “Son of a bitch.” They got up and headed your way.
Bradley clocked the two hunters, seeing the looks on their faces and following their line of sight. “Hey, Hangman, they’re headed towards Floyd.” “Son of a bitch.” They put their cues down and cut off the Winchesters.
Jake and Bradley were toe-to-toe with Dean and Sam.
“Lieutenants,” Sam greeted, nodding to them but his eyes were looking around Rooster at you and Bob. Both tried to walk around the pilots but they stepped with them. “We can’t let you do that,” Jake said, holding intense eye contact with Dean, matching the determined expression. “That’s our teammate and he’s in a very serious conversation with someone.”
Dean pulled his badge out, frustrated, “Yeah with our boss.” Sam called out to you, holding eye contact with Bradley, “Y/N? Everything okay over there?”
“Bobby, you know I’m right,” you managed to say before Sam caught your attention. You turned, seeing both brothers staring down the two pilots. “Yeah, I’m fine Sam.” Bob turned you around by your shoulder, “You’re working with the fucking Winchesters?” “Who I work with is none of your business.”
You sighed, “Look, I’m not gonna ask for your help. I know this isn’t the life you wanted. But you need to let me do my job.” He rested his hands on his hips, huffing out a defeated sigh. You smiled, “Just watch your six, okay? And keep an eye out for your team.” “Don’t do anything stupid.” You chuckled and walked towards the four men, “No promises Robby.”
When you walked over, you had to fight the urge to laugh seeing the men staring each other down.
“Do we have a problem?” You asked, crossing your arms and arching a brow. They stepped away from each other. “No, Agent Gibbs, no problem here,” Rooster said, going back to the pool table. You looked at Jake, expecting an answer from him as well. “Everything’s just peachy, Agent.” He walked past you, winking as he passed.
You rolled your eyes, a small smirk tugging at your lips as you shook your head. You looked at Sam and Dean, and pointed to the door, “Outside.”
Once you were outside, you threw your arms out to the side. “What the hell was that?” Sam scoffed, “He put his hands on you. We didn’t need you getting-” “He’s my brother. He wasn’t trying to pick a fight.”
Dean held up a hand, “Wait, you have a brother?” You nodded, “That’s what I said.” “And he’s in the Navy?” You nodded, “Yeah, joined right out of high school.” “He left you?” “Dean, he doesn’t want this life. Our dad wasn’t going to hold him back from what he truly wanted to do. He just made sure that he could protect himself.” He scoffed, “Must be nice.”
You rolled your eyes, “Let’s just go to the motel. Gather intel and I’ll try to figure out if any of the victims had anything in common with each other. Then I’ll go and try to spot the siren in the bar.” “Why you? Why not one of us?” Sam asked. “Because my uncle told me all about that one time you both encountered a siren and nearly killed each other. I’m not letting you anywhere near this one.”
You got in the car without another word and they followed.
Sam hung up the phone. “Okay so that was Petty Officer Langdon’s commanding officer and he said that Langdon didn’t give any sign of being depressed, if anything he was overly confident and very sure of himself. But that can often be a defense mechanism, so we can’t be sure he didn’t talk to family or friends about how he was feeling.”
You groaned, rubbing your face. This was going to take a while if you didn’t have someone on the inside. You threw your head back and blinked at the ceiling, “Okay, we need to get in contact with the families of those we can and talk to their coworkers.”
Dean swirled his beer in the bottle, “You know. People tell their secrets to bartenders all the time, maybe that Penny is our siren.” You nearly laughed, “I already looked into it, Penny’s been running that bar for three years. She's got a daughter and is currently in the process of getting married to a naval captain. But nice try.”
You got up and grabbed your things. “Okay, I’m gonna turn in, tomorrow I’ll get stuff together and talk to the families. You both can talk to the coworkers.” “Since when are you in charge?” Dean asked. “The moment I found out my brother was here.”
You walked into Sam and Dean’s motel room, “Okay, that went better than I thought.” “Well, you seem to be the only one,” Sam huffed out, rubbing his forehead. Dean slammed the fridge and leaned against it and drank from his bottle, “Yeah, turns out, guys don’t talk about their feelings. Especially military men- feelings aren’t really their thing.” You scoffed, “Feelings aren’t your thing either Dean.”
He rolled his eyes, “What did you find out?” You sat on the back of the couch, crossing your arms, “Sailors may not tell their friends about their problems, but they tell their siblings.”
“Turns out, each of these sailors experienced a pretty bad break up a few months ago. All at different times of course. They were all cheated on, while on deployment,” you explained. “They confided in their younger siblings, saying that being gone all the time made it hard and that they felt it was deserved. Really sad honestly.”
Dean nodded, “So, we just need to keep an eye on those moping or showing out at the bar and follow them when they leave.” He shrugged, sitting his drink down, “Sounds simple enough.” He started to change.
You arched a brow at him, “Where are you going?” He paused, “The bar.” “Well, good luck because it’s Sunday and the Hard Deck’s closed on Sundays,” Sam smugly said with a smirk. Dean tossed his hands out to the side, “There are other bars aren’t there?” “Not sailor bars,” you said, looking down at your boots.
Dean shrugged off his jacket, “You guys are no fun.”
“Hey Bob?”
Bob lifted his head from his book, “Yeah Hangman?” “You seemed pretty close with Agent Gibbs the other night,” Jake lifted a suggestive brow, playing with the pencil in his hand. Bob’s brow furrowed and he pushed his glasses up, “How do you mean?” Jake shrugged, “Oh I don’t know. She called you ‘Robert’ and you called her ‘Y/N’, I’d say that’s pretty close.”
Bradley laughed from his seat, “Why do you care so mu-” His mouth dropped, “Oh shit, you’ve got a thing for an NCIS Special Agent!” Bob’s eyes widened. “Did you see her? Those jeans fit her in all the right ways-” “She would kick your ass, Bagman,” Rooster howled out another laugh.
But the jab only made him smirk, “Well, maybe I like ‘em that way.”  
That made the WSO cringe, “Gross. I don’t need to know about your preferences, Seresin.” “Are you datin’ her Floyd? Cause if you are I’ll take my eyes elsewhere.” “No, I’m not dating her. We grew up together, she’s like a sister to me.” He started reading again.
Jake shared a look with Bradley, who just rolled his eyes.
You watched your flair bottom jeans slide over your lace underwear in the mirror, “Damn my ass looks great in these jeans.”
Sitting on the bed you grabbed your cowboy boots and slipped them on.
“Hey, Y/N- WOAH!” Sam covered his eyes with his hand. You looked up at him, confused for a moment before realizing you still only had a bra on your top half. Dean walked in, “Nice bra.” “Thanks.”
You dug in your bag for a silk, sage green button up.
Once it was slid over your shoulders, you told Sam he was fine to look.
“So, what’s the plan?” He asked, hands on his hips. You buttoned the shirt and tucked it in, “Well, we go to the Hard Deck, and we watch for anything suspicious.” You fixed your hair and touched up your makeup. “I’m gonna keep my eye on my brother and-” “Lieutenant Seresin?” Dean asked, eyebrow raised as his voice took on a lilt.
“Well yeah,” you slid your hands into your back pockets. “He’s just as much at risk as any of the others. Why’d you say it like that?” Dean scoffed, “You don’t think we noticed the way you both were looking at each other the other night.” You rolled your eyes, “I don’t know what you think you saw. But we’re here to work a case, not get laid.”
Dean chuckled as you walked past him to get your things, “Sounds like you need to get laid, Y/N.” You glared at him, “Shut up.”
You slid your gun into your purse, “I’ll see you there.” You adjusted your shirt how you wanted it and grabbed your keys. “Oh, will you make sure to go get those samples? I called Jimmy earlier, he’s expecting you guys.”
Jake was sitting at the bar, talking to a girl.
He couldn’t help but to think, This girl is perfect. She understands me, likes the same music I do. Likes the same drinks I do. She likes pool.
But something was off.
She wasn’t you.
Jake wasn’t sure what it was, but he couldn’t stop thinking about you. While he hadn’t shown it, he felt this sense of clarity when he met you. This connection. Call him crazy if you want – but he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
Which is why he was nearly bursting at the seams when he saw you walk in.
He was so enamored with you that he didn’t see the girl switch their beer bottles. “Hey, Lieutenant, how about a game-” “Hey, look, this was fun and all, but I don’t see us going any further tonight. Both of these drinks are on me,” Jake slapped a fifty on the table. “Get yourself whatever with the change.”
And just like that he was walking away from the bar and towards you.
You looked around, looking for anything suspicious when Hangman entered your field of view.
“What do we have here? Agent Gibbs, good to see you again,” he sent you an award winning smile, the corners of his eyes crinkling just a little. “Lieutenant Seresin,” you looked him up and down, those khakis hugged him just right. “See something you like?” You smirked, “Yeah, the bar.”
You let your fingers brush his bicep as you walked past adding a little swing in your step, drawing Hangman’s eyes straight to your ass.
He quickly followed after you, saddling up right next to you at the bar. “Penny, m’dear,” he grabbed the woman’s attention. “Can I get another beer and uh- whatever she’s having goes on my tab.” She nodded, wiping out a glass and looking at you, “What can I get you?” You smiled, “Bourbon, neat please.”
Jake’s brows lifted and he smirked, “A woman after my own heart. So, I take it you aren’t on the job?” “I’m always on the job, Lieutenant. But I thought no harm can come in letting loose for a bit.” Jake barely suppressed the groan when you called him ‘Lieutenant’, and you apparently heard it because you smirked.
Penny brought your drinks by and Jake sat down.
“So, any luck?” He asked, sipping his drink. You sipped yours, shaking your head a little, “Nothing yet. But we’re doing what we can.” “Anything I can do to help?” You looked at him. “Agent-” “Y/N, you can call me Y/N.” He smiled a little, “Y/N, I may not have known these men but that doesn’t mean I don’t care. Their families deserve the truth.”
You smiled at him, “Well, Lieutenant-” “Jake, you can call me Jake,” he said with a small smirk. “Jake,” you tested it out and he smiled. “Tell me what you know, or what you heard about them before their deaths.”
You and Jake spent some time talking about the sailors and you mentioned them being cheated on.
“Oh, yeah, I think I heard Lieutenant Crole say something about that. He came home to find her and some other guy.” You nodded, “Yeah. He took it pretty hard according to his brother.” Jake nodded, “It sucks. Not being able to start a family. Worried that when you come home they won’t be waiting for you, or they will be, just in the arms of someone else.”
You frowned, eyeing him in concern, “You sound like you speak from experience.” He frowned and shook his head a little, sipping his drink, “My mom was in the service, Marines. My dad cheated on her a lot…” It was silent for a moment before Jake cleared his throat, “Which is why I’m not one for settling down, at least not for a while.” You nodded, “I can relate. Being away all the time isn’t easy. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in a case I forget what’s waiting for me at home…”
That wasn’t a lie. You did get wrapped up in cases, get personally involved. You had a significant other at one time, and they were great. But you had a really close call one time and they couldn’t take the constant worrying, so they left. Only to turn up dead because a werewolf had gotten to them to get back at you.
You quickly moved past the subject to continue talking, moving on from the sailors to yourselves.
A few hours later, you and Jake got into a competitive game of darts.
“Okay, if I get three in a row, you let me take you out?” Jake offered, nodding towards the dart board. You hummed, looking over his face, “That’s a big bet.” He shrugged, “I’m confident.” You smiled, “Okay, I’ll bite.” He smirked at you and readied a dart. “But if I get three in a row, I get to see what you’re hiding under those khakis,” you looked at him through your lashes, bringing a sultriness into your tone.
His brows lifted in amusement, “Well, what if we both get three in a row?” “Then everyone wins.” You winked and could see him shudder slightly before he covered it with a smirk.
He threw the darts, landing three in a row.
Jake looked down at you, “Where would you like to go?” He smirked and went to collect the darts.
You took them from him, rolling them in your hands slightly. He arched his brow, waiting for your response. You smiled and turned to the board, throwing each dart.
All three hit the middle.
You turned back to Jake, your hand flattening on his chest, “Why don’t we discuss it in the morning-” You got on your toes to talk in his ear, “Lieutenant.” You could have sworn he whimpered, but he definitely brought his hands to grip your hips.
You turned to look in his eyes, “Meet me outside.”
Jake nodded obediently and nearly kissed you when you mumbled the command against his lips.
After Jake bid his farewells to the squad, he immediately placed you in his truck and took you to his on base house.
As soon as you were in the door, Jake was pressing you against the wall. Your hands were immediately in his hair, pulling him even closer to you. He brought a hand up to cup your face and the other wrapped around your waist as he hoisted you onto your toes.
He pressed his lips to yours slowly, completely contrasting the way both hastily came into the home. Your lips worked together and it was sweet, but you needed more.
You pressed your tongue against his lips, moaning when he granted you entrance. You pushed your chest up, needing a better angle. He slightly pulled back from the wall and moved his hands to your thighs, giving them a gentle squeeze and silently telling you to jump. You did and his massive hands supported your thighs as he pushed you back against the wall.
He pulled back to let you both catch your breath, but he was going right in and kissing your neck.
He found your sweet spot fairly quickly, drawing another moan from your throat. Jake chuckled against your skin and nipped at your jaw, “Keep making those sounds and we won’t make it to the bedroom.” You moan again, head falling to the side to give him more room.
Jake smirks before pressing his hips up and pushing his hard-on against your center. “Fuck,” you whimpered out, griding down against him. “Jake, fuck-” Your lips finds his again, “Take me to bed.” “Yes, ma’am.”
As he walked down the hall towards his room, leaving you free access to his neck.
He made quick moves to get to his room.
Once he was in there he tossed you on the bed, “Darlin’, I almost took you in the hallway. But I don’t think my friends would appreciate that.” He shut and locked his door before turning back to you while unbuttoning his khaki shirt. The sight his green orbs landed on was one he would remember for a long time.
You perched up on the edge of the bed, unbuttoning the satin shirt and exposing the matching lace bra. “Fuck, Sweetheart,” Jake’s voice dropped and a rasp had settled in his throat. You could practically see his eyes dilate when you let the fabric fall off your shoulders and toss it to the floor.
You smiled at him as he walked over to you, “Like what you see?” He gently gripped your jaw as he nudged your legs apart with his knee, “Why don’t you look and find out?” He moved your line of sight to his crotch, letting you see just how strained his khaki pants had become. “Look what you’ve done to me, pretty girl,” he brought your eyes up to meet his eyes.
He smirked as your brows furrowed and you whimpered, feeling your hands make their way up his thighs. “I think I know what you want? You wanna stuff that pretty mouth of yours, don’t ya?” You nodded, your eyes doe-like as you licked your lips. “I need words, Sweetheart.” “Yes, Lieutenant. Please.” Jake let go of your jaw, “Take what you want.”
You slid onto your knees, still wearing your jeans and your boots.
Your fingers worked his belt as your lips pressed kisses against the outline of his cock.
The deep groan that left Jake’s throat went straight to your cunt, making you press your hips back hoping to create some sort of relief- using the tightness of your jeans to try and create friction. “Oh, don’t think I didn’t see that Princess. Don’t worry, I’ll take care of you.”
You opened his belt and popped open the button, pulling the zipper down with your teeth.
Reaching up with your arms and following with your body, you pushed his undershirt and uniform shirt up his torso to give you more room to work. You kissed along his hip bones, his Adonis belt, snapping his underwear band against his v-line with one hand and palming him with the other, before finally reaching in and pulling his cock out.
“Fuck…” You whimper out, lightly running your fingers over his shaft. “You’re cock is fucking pretty,” you looked up at him through your lashes.
Jake nearly came right there, despite knowing you were far from it- you looked so innocent right then. And all Jake wanted to do was ruin you.
He sucked in a short breath when you licked his tip, blowing air on it afterwards. “Shit, Sweetheart,” his hand moved to the side of your face, thumb gently rubbing your jaw. You flattened your tongue, running it up the underside of his cock.
Jake watched you gather a little more saliva on your tongue before watching it drip off your tongue and onto his dick. “Your mouth is just watering isn’t it, Darlin’?” “Yes, Lieutenant.”
There was that name again. “Come on, don’t keep us both waitin’,” Jake hummed out, moving his hand to gently thread in your hair.
You got the hint and took him into your mouth. The content growl that left his lips had you moaning around him. “Fuck, that’s a good girl.” Your eyes snapped up to him, as a whimper left your full mouth.
His eyes lit up in realization, “Oh, you like it when I tell you you’re a good girl?” You nodded as best you could before bobbing your head on his cock. “Fuck, well, let’s see if my good girl can take any more of my ‘pretty cock’.”
He watched your eyes widen and dilate with lust. Holy shit, he wouldn’t last if you kept doing that.
The word ‘my’ sent a whole new wave of arousal through you, and your loud moan was muffled by his is dick. You inhaled deeply through your nose, bracing your hands on his meaty thighs, and took what was left into your throat.
“OH FUCK,” Jake moaned out, not expecting the sudden action, but loving it all the same. His grip tightened in your hair, “Stay right there. Hoooly shiiit.” You swallowed around him and his hips jutted forward, making you gag.
He pulled you off, “Shit, I’m sorry.” You pouted, shaking your head. “No, it’s okay,” you caught your breath for a second. You wiped off the spit from the corner of your mouth before taking him in your hand again.
As you jerked him off, you rested your head against his thigh and your other hand came up to massage his balls. “Jake,” you looked up at him again, blinking seductively at him. His large palm was resting on the  back of your head. “Yes Sweetheart?” You positioned your head to be right in front of his cock again.
“Fuck my face.”
He barely wasted a second shoved his cock in your mouth again, his hand gripping your hair again to keep you still. Your hands gripped his thighs and you were moaning and gagging around him.
He was groaning out praises as tears welled up in your eyes and his cock hit the back of your throat everytime.
Jake felt himself getting close, his chest was most likely as red as it felt, and he had to pull away.
You whined and tried to chase him. His hand moved to your face, sliding his thumb into your mouth, “Darlin’, I’m not gonna last, and I want to be in you when I cum.” He removed his thumb and kissed you, pulling you to your feet.
You pushed the khaki shirt to the floor and he laid you down on your back, not breaking the kiss as he laid on his side and used his leg to hook around yours and them open.
His skilled hands went to your jean button and undid it, pulling the zipper down and sliding his hand into your pants. “Oh~” Jake’s voice dropped as he moaned against your lips. “You got lace down here too, pretty girl?” He latched onto your neck, kissing and nipping at wherever he could reach.
One of your hands wrapped itself in the comforter and the other held the back of Jake’s head.
You were trying your best to stay still, but his fingertips were barely giving you any relief as the grazing over your clothed lips. With only a little bit of pressure, he had your hips twitching off the bed.
He chuckled darkly in your ear, “Oh, is my good girl desperate?” He applied more pressure to your clit through your underwear. You nodded, wiggling your hips to give yourself some relief as a whimper left your mouth. “Does she need my fingers? Are you feeling empty, pretty girl?” You nodded again, biting your bottom lip.
Jake's hand stopped.
No movement. No pressure. Just gone.
“I need words, Princess.” A whine left your lips and you buried your head into Jake’s neck.
You had never gotten this worked up before, and you certainly were never like this with previous partners before. But you liked it.
“Please, Jake. I need you, Jake. Please.”
He smirked, kissing your forehead, “That’s a good girl. Don’t make me tell you again.” He swiftly moved your underwear to the side and ran his middle finger through your now exposed lips. You moaned out in relief and your head fell back, “Yes, sir.”
Jake’s dick jumped when the title left your lips. He let out a groan and his head fell forward and attached his lips to your chest, placing his ear right next to your mouth and hearing every sound that left your mouth.
His experienced digits ran over your pussy and rubbed your clit, collecting the arousal that pooled there.
When he collected enough, he brought them to your chest and neck, rubbing your own juices on your skin. He moaned contently and licked it up, moving his hand back down to your cunt.
“Jake, fuck,” you chest heaved and he could feel your pulse thrumming against his lips. “You taste delicious, Sweetheart,” he sucked a mark on your neck before pulling back to look you in the face.
“Oh, sweet girl, you look so fucked out already. I’ve barely touched you.” “Jake, fuck, please,” you whined, your eyes locking on his green ones. “Please what Princess?” “I need your fingers, please.” He smirked and kissed you hotly, pushing his middle finger into you.
You exhaled through your nose, moaning into Jake’s mouth as his digit massaged your walls. “That feel good?” “Yes, it feels s’good.” “You’re doing great,” he brought his free hand to the back of your head, holding it up as he kissed you again, his thumb now drawing figure eights on your clit.
He picked up the pace, making sure to curl his finger everytime. “You’ve been s’good for me, darlin’. Think you can take another one?” He asked against your lips, stilling his hand. “Mhhmm,” you whimpered out, but remembered he wanted words.
“Yes, I can take another one. Please.”
Jake smiled, “Thatta girl.” He pushed on your head to look down at where he was finger fucking you. He kept his eyes on you as he eased another finger into you. “Shit~ Jake,” you groaned, your voice shaking a little.
You turned your head to look at him, but he nudged you with his nose. “Eyes down here, sweet girl. I want you to watch me ruin you.” His eyes darkened when you whimpered and did as you were told.
He started off slow, letting you get comfortable and used to the new stretch while scissoring his fingers. But when he felt your clit twitch and your slick begin to coat his hand, he picked up the pace.
When your moans got louder and your chest started to get red, showing off the bruises he had put there, he couldn’t help but rut his hips in search of friction. You feel it, his cock dragging against your hip.
Blindly, you moved your hand in between your bodies and gripped him.
He groaned in your ear, “Fuck, sweetheart, what-” “Jus’ wanna help, sir,” you kept your eyes where he told you, watching his fingers slide out just to get pulled back in your clenching walls. You used both your saliva and his precum as lubrication as you tried your best to move your hand in sync with his.
“Fuck, that’s perfect,” his own hips began to thrust up. “Are you close, sweetheart? Please tell me you are. I need to be inside you- Fuck!” He latched onto your neck again, trying to keep himself at bay. “I’m close, Jake. Can- can I-” “Yes! God yes, fucking touch yourself, pretty girl.” Your hand that had found its home in his sheets moved to your clit, rubbing tight, fast circles.
He started grunting in your ear, trying to be quiet. “Let me hear you, Jake.”
Jake immediately obeyed, letting the breathiest yet most obscene moans come out of his mouth. “I can feel your pussy squeezing around my fingers. Come on, just a little more Sweetheart.”
His words and the loud, gruff moans in your ear sent you over the edge. Your clit pulsing under your own fingers and your walls fluttering around Jake’s.
Jake had to flex to hold himself back at the moan you let out. Your back arched off the bed, booted heels pressing into the mattress as you probably ruined that pair of underwear.
He pressed kisses to your head, neck and shoulder as you came off your high, giving you time to compose yourself. “How was that, Darlin’?” You chuckled, “Good, so fucking good.”
Smiling, he kissed your lips and pulled back to get off the bed, dragging you with him.
You smiled, sitting at the edge, pulling off your boots as you watched him toe of his dress shoes and start stripping. You lifted your hips up and slid your jeans off before turning onto your hands and knees to get back to the middle of the bed.
You stopped, your cunt clenching around nothing at the tone of his voice. You felt his hand press down on your back and you realized what he wanted you to do.
Straightening your arms out, you arched your back, presenting your ass to him.
A growl rumbled deep in Jake’s chest, his rough hands groping at the globes of your ass and he huffed out a breath as his callouses got caught on the lace. You moaned at the feeling and pressed back into his hands.
“Doll, as much as I’d loved to fuck you like this. I need to watch you fall apart,” he groaned, one hand gripping your hips as the other unclasped your bra. You whined a little, sitting up a little to let the bra fall down your arms.
His large hands wrapped around your ribs and helped lay you down on your back.
Once you were situated and comfortable, Hangman sat back on his heels, taking in the sight in front of him.
His hands rested on your hips, thumbs moving back and forth on your skin. “You’re fucking gorgeous, Y/N,” he breathed out before pulling your panties off. You giggled, “I think you’ve made that obvious.”
He furrowed his brow but followed your eye line to his cock, realizing what you were insinuating. He braced himself on his forearms, looking you directly in the eye. “No, I mean it. You’re fucking breathtaking. From your looks straight down to the way you hold yourself. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl like you before. And I don’t think anyone will ever hold a candle to you.”
You felt a twist in your chest as a genuine, full smile pulled at your lips. Looking straight into his eyes, everything felt right, felt clear. And Jake felt the same, he felt like he was on cloud nine – a feeling he only felt in his plane.
Reaching up, you met his lips.
“Make love to me Jake,” you whispered against his lips, missing his eyes when they closed as he huffed out a breath.
He shifted his weight to one of his arms, using his other hand to line himself up with your entrance. He pressed forward, pushing in slowly and watching your face to make sure everything was okay.
He fully seated himself inside of you, letting out a shaky groan when he did. “Holy- you feel perfect.” His right hand came up and cupped your breast, goosebumps forming on the heated skin as the cold metal of his class ring made contact with your flesh. Jake lowered his head and wrapped his lips around your nipple, his tongue circling it.
Your left hand came up and held the back of his head again. “Fuck, Jake, s’full. I need you to move. Please.” Jake kept his hand on your boob, using his thumb to spread his spit around, causing even more goosebumps.
He leaned back, moving his hips slowly but with intention, hitting a spot inside you that you had no idea was there. “Oh shit,” you moaned out looking down at where your bodies were conjoined. Where you could feel every vein in his cock as he slowly thrust into you.
“Look at me, Y/N,” he said, voice gentle but demanding. When you didn’t look up, he moved his grip from your chest to your chin. “Pretty girl~” He cooed, watching your eyes flutter to him. “I want you to look at me. Can you be a good girl and do that?” You nodded, “I can try.” He smiled and kissed your nose, “Good girl.”
A pathetic whimper left your mouth and Jake felt you clench around him.
His hand moved the side of your head and he picked up his thrust, still watching your expressions to make sure he wasn’t hurting you.
“Jake -fuck- faster,” you moaned, bending your legs at the knee to adjust the angle. He picked up his pace, his hips slamming into the back of your thighs and his pelvic bone stimulating your clit.
Hangman’s grunts and moans were loud, turning you on more than he thought they would. He never thought his sounds would do anything to anyone, but here you were proving him very wrong.
“Fuck, you’re squeezing my cock so well, Princess,” he groaned, throwing his head back as your ankles crossed behind his back. His green eyes had basically become black as you held eye contact and a series of short whines and moans left your throat.
Jake angled his hips upward and hit a spot that pulled a guttural moan from your throat, and had your entire body spasming. He had been concerned that he had hurt you but the way you used the leverage of his waist to grind down on him told him you were reaching your peak again.
You threw your arms around him, pulling him as close as you could. He rested his forehead on yours, his eyes clenching shut at the endorphins flooding his entire system as he felt his resolve breaking.
You could feel him shaking with pleasure just as much as you were, his hips stuttering every time you clench around him. “Jake, I’m close. I’m so close.”
He nodded against you, “Me too, Sweetheart. Me too.” He moved his left hand to rubbed your clit and his moans got louder in your ear. “Ooooooh fuck,” he panted, giving you a few hard thrust before continuing his fast pace.
He panted more, his breath fanning over your face as his eyes squeezed shut.
Jake’s face of pure pleasure and his vocalness, mixed with his ministrations, sent you over the edge. Your body shook, back arching, head thrown back as he worked your clit through the intense feeling. You moaned out his name, nearly screaming. “Thatta girl. Cum on my cock, I got you.”
His hips stuttered and his eyes opened slightly, “Fuck, where do you want it?” “Inside me. Cum inside me-” Jake’s pace picked up as his face fell into your neck, groans and pants were directly in your ear.
“Cum for me Lieutenant,” you panted, arms wrapping tightly around him as his few final thrusts jostled your body.
He finished with a loud groan, his entire body tensing and shaking as his arms wrapped around your body. “Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my…” Jake panted into your neck, nuzzling into it.
Your chests heaved together as your hand scratched the back of his head. “That- that was-” “Amazing,” he chuckled breathlessly into your neck. “I don’t think I’ve came that hard in my life.” You hummed, “Me either.”
He gently pulled out of you, apologizing when you hissed a little bit.
He got up and slid his boxers back on, “I’ll be right back.” He left the room, closing the door behind him.
He came back with a warm rag and gently cleaned you up before tossing the rag in his laundry basket. He went to his drawer and pulled out a pair of boxers, “Here, put these on.” As you did that he went to his closet and got a hoodie.
Jake kneeled on the bed and slipped it on you. You giggled a little at the extra length on the sleeves. He chuckled, kissing the side of your head before turning off his lights, the only light being the moon from outside. “Come on, lay with me.”
So, you did.
You laid there all night, talking about anything and everything. Eventually you fell asleep in each other’s arms.
Your eyes shot open, your chest heaving slightly because of the nightmare you just had.
You felt a pressure on your waist, making you look down to find a muscular arm. You followed it up to find Jake sleeping peacefully next to you. You smiled at him, his face was so relaxed.
The soft snores that left his mouth made your lips quirk into a smile, but then a deep frown settled on your face.
Jake was peaceful in his sleep, not having to worry about what went bump in the night. The only thing that plagued his sleep was flashbacks, things that were a real danger to everyone – things that people believed in and knew happened in life. Not creatures that lurked in the shadows or you made deals with.
You would never sleep peacefully, not anytime soon anyway. You slept with one eye open and a loaded gun under your pillow. Your dreams were filled with monsters and demons, death and pain. When you did have good dreams, they often turned sour if you slept too long. Turning from having a lovely family to walking in to find them either gone or dead because of your previous life.
You could never have the life you dreamt of as a kid, you never believed it was in the cards for you once you started hunting outside of your home state – especially when you began hunting with the Winchesters.
So, despite the weight in your chest –the little girl that just wants a family– that begged you to stay, you managed to pry yourself from Jake’s arms and the comfort of his bed.
The moment your feet hit the floor, you felt sick. Like your body was telling you that you had to stay. But your brain knew better and your heart felt inclined to agree, because your mind had always known what was best for you – right?
You quickly changed, dropping the hoodie he lended you right where you had fallen asleep.
It was hard to breathe as your hand pulled open his door and shut it behind you. You leaned back against it, questioning your decision of leaving.
This was just a one night stand, right? It was just a hook-up, nothing more.
So why was it so hard to leave?
You pushed yourself away from the door, checking around to make sure Jake’s housemates wouldn’t see you.
You figured you were in the clear by the time you passed the kitchen.
“Oh God, Y/N. You didn’t-” “Fuck! Robert, what the hell?” You turned, eyes wide as you looked at your brother standing in the kitchen with a coffee. You gulped, adjusting your shirt to cover you more.
He sighed, crossing his arms and leaning back, “Which one?” You blinked, “Excuse me?” “Rooster or Hangman?”
Your heart lurched at the second one but you had to play it off. “It’s none of your business.” “I’d like to know which pilot is gonna be pissed at work today, waking up to an empty bed isn’t normal for either of them.” “Well, sucks to be you Robby, I have to go.” You found your purse and left, leaving Bob in the kitchen by himself.
Not an hour after you left Jake woke up.
Something didn’t feel right and when he opened his eyes to find you gone, he knew that’s what it had to be. He balled the hoodie up in his hands, sitting cross legged on his bed, just staring down at the article of clothing.
He wasn’t sure why you left –or why you leaving affected him so much. He felt hurt, embarrassed.
Jake had let himself be vulnerable with you; told you his dreams and how he didn’t think he would ever make it as far as he had. He’d never even told his closest friends the things he told you last night.
And he felt that you were vulnerable with him, putting your heart on your sleeve, just for him to see.
But maybe he was wrong. And he hated it. He never liked being vulnerable, being vulnerable got him hurt.
He let out a laugh, a condescending laugh aimed mostly toward himself. “You really fuckin’ thought- God Jake, you’re an idiot.” He threw the hoodie and got out of his bed.
He got dressed for work and went to the kitchen, finding both Bradley and Bob chatting over breakfast.
“And he emerges!” Rooster announced upon seeing him. Jake just rubbed his face and rolled his eyes. “Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Jake felt a pang deep in his chest, but he refrained from a snarky comment.
Bob suddenly connected Jake’s bad mood to your escape barely two hours ago. But Jake was way more torn up than he thought he would be.
“I see your date already left.” Bob watched Jake’s nostrils flare at Rooster’s comment. But he didn’t snap, he simply grumbled out, “Well, guess you both lucked out on some chick overstaying her welcome here.”
Jake hated the way he just referred to you, the phrase bitter on his tongue.
Rooster scoffed, brows raised in amusement, “‘Some chick’? Hangman I watched you leave with one very Special Agent Gibbs last night.” Jake’s lip quirked up into a snarl at Rooster’s choice of words, but he didn’t speak.
His roommates watched him go about his morning not making any comments about his sexcapaped or how he charmed her while offering them tips.
Jake was more of an ass than usual today. Constantly having something snarky or egotistical to say to anyone, having more of a bite than usual.
“What is up with him today? I thought we were past this?” Fanboy asked Rooster during their break. Rooster shrugged, honestly a little concerned himself, “I don’t know. I think his hook-up leaving without a note is affecting him more than he thinks it is.”
They didn’t know Hangman could hear them, or how right they were. But Jake was just going to put up more walls, hoping they were strong enough for when he inevitably saw you again.
You barely left your motel room, choosing to lay in bed and feel sorry for yourself.
“Hey! Y/N,” Sam used his key to come in, his face scrunching up in confusion when he didn’t see you at first. But then it fell when he saw you curled up under the covers of your bed.
He came over and knelt by the bed, “Hey, you okay?” “Is one ever okay in this life, Sam?” He furrowed his brows, you’d never shown doubt that this wasn’t the life you wanted. You told both of them yourself that you’d wanted to hunt since you were a teenager and that you took up local cases in college. As far as anyone in the hunter world was concerned – you were born for this life.
“I don’t know. I guess that’s up to whoever you ask,” Sam gave you a sympathetic smile. You shifted, laying more on your side to face Sam.
“What was it like? When you were at Stanford, away from all of this?” He sighed, “Honestly?” You nodded, “As honest as you can give me.” “The thoughts never left, the instincts to check every dark corner and under the bed were still there,” he looked into your eyes, seeing you hanging on every word. “But,” he started again. “It was nice to feel normal for once. I had a glimpse of what was out there. It was nice.”
You sat up, propping yourself on your hand. “Do you regret coming back? Do you wish that you would’ve just told Dean to fuck off that night?” He sighed, “Sometimes yeah. But how would I know if things turned out differently? Maybe Jess would be alive, maybe she still would have died, but I’ll never know.” “Does that not bother you?” “As a Winchester you stop being bothered by a lot of things.”
You brought your knees up, wrapping your arms around your legs and resting your chin on your knees, “I guess it’s just not in the cards for us.” “I wouldn’t say that. Maybe it’s all a matter of circumstance.” You turned your head, looking at Sam with tears in your eyes, “Is it worth it? Getting out? Chasing a life that you thought only existed in fairytales…”
Sam blinked, his eyes studying you. Never once had he believed you would think about getting out. You’d always shown this intimate knowledge and this passion for hunting and helping people in a way no one else could.
So he wondered why you were questioning everything all of a sudden.
But before he could voice it, your phone rang.
You quickly answered it, “Agent Gibbs.” Sam moved to sit on your bed. “Y/N, we got another one. A pilot, Lieutenant Junior Grade Parson,” it was Jimmy. “Oxytocin levels were high and cops said his friends saw him leave the bar with a girl.” “Okay, thank you for letting me know.” “Okay.” You hung up and looked at Sam.
“We,” you scratched your forehead. “We have another body. Lieutenant Junior Grade Parson, he was a pilot.” Sam nodded, “Okay, Dean and I will go check it out.”
He got up moving to leave, but he turned to you.
“Hey, if you need to talk-” “Thanks Sam,” you smiled gently at him, laying back down. He gave you a tight lip smile and left.
Outside, Dean was waiting for him.
“Where’s Y/N?” Sam glanced back at your door. “She -uh- she’s gonna stay in for a little bit. We both know she didn’t come home until this morning, she needs to get over her hangover. But we have another body, we need to go to the ME’s office.”
Dean nodded and uncrossed his arms to get in his car, “Alright, let’s go. We couldn’t go get the vials last night, might as well get the fresh blood.”
They pulled into the ME’s office.
“Sam, Dean, glad you could make it. I take it you’re here for the blood?” The brothers nodded, “Yeah.” “Where’s Y/N?” “She stayed out last night. We aren’t sure what she was doing but she didn’t come back until early this morning,” Sam told him.
Jimmy just nodded and went to go get the blood from the storage area.
But he came back empty handed, “They’re gone. All of the vials are gone.” “The blood is gone?” Dean asked with a brow raised. “Who could have taken them?” Jimmy shrugged, “I don’t know. No one else is allowed back there except for me and- son of bitch!” Sam stepped forward, “Who else has access, Jimmy?” Jimmy put his hands on his hips, “My assistant.”
You nursed a beer as you sat in the little kitchen of the motel room.
The ache in your chest and the pit in your stomach hadn’t gone away. As hard as it was to believe, you missed him. Missed the feeling of being under him – being around him.
Your phone rang. “Floyd.”
“Y/N, we gotta go to the bar.”
Your chest fluttered with hope before it filled with anxiety. Going to the bar meant seeing him again, and you couldn’t say with confidence that you wouldn’t run to him and spill everything. Your true line of work, monsters – all of it.
“Did you get the vials?” You asked standing up. “No, Jimmy’s assistant is the siren. She took the vials before we got there,” Dean grumbled. “Get changed, we’ll meet you there.”
Jake played pool with Coyote, not really trying his hardest.
“Okay, what the fuck is up with you?” Javy asked. Hangman furrowed his brows, “What are you talkin’ about?” His friend sighed, “You’ve been a bigger ass than usual today, and now-” He gestured to the table. “-you act that you don’t give two shits about this game. What the hell dude?”
Jake pinched the bridge of his nose, “‘Yote, look, nothing’s going on. I just-” The bell chimed and it pulled Jake’s attention to the door.
And all the walls he built came tumbling down.
He watched you walk over, a clear drive in your step as your eyes were set on Bob.
But when you got over and looked up, your confidence faltered and your eyes widened. Your eyes locked on Jake’s and they didn’t want to leave.
“Agent Gibbs,” Bob spoke up. “How can we help you?” You blinked, stumbling over your words as you tore your gaze from Jake. “Uh, yes. Yes, did any of you know Lieutenant Parsons?” The squad nodded, “Yeah, he’s a pilot in the TOPGUN program, why?” You sighed, “He was found dead on the beach this morning.”
The group was silent, processing the information given to them.
“He left with a girl, not too long after she began talking to him,” Bob started. He had watched a girl emerge from the bathroom and walk right up to the young pilot, say a few words before sipping his drink and handing it back for him to sip from. Then he got up and followed her out, he thought it was just a coincidence but now that you were here, he learned it was exactly what you had told him it was.
“Did you see what the girl looked like?” “Blonde, tan, maybe 5’6”.” You nodded, “Did anyone know the Lieutenant personally?” “Hangman, you were pretty close with Parry weren’t you?”
Payback's voice drew Hangman out of his thoughts. “Oh, yeah, yeah I knew him pretty well. He went to school with my sister.”
“Did he say anything to you recently?” Jake swallowed when you addressed him, suddenly feeling nervous. “Yeah, he said his best friend sent him videos of his girl back home. Let’s just say they weren’t friends after that.”
You nodded, “Thank you. I’ll let you guys get back to your night.”
“Agent?” You turned, “Yes, Lieutenant?” “Can I talk to you, alone?” Jake nodded toward the deck door. “Of course.”
You followed Jake outside and he leaned against the rail.
“Jake, look-” “Why did you leave?” Your breath caught in your throat, your bullshit excuse dying on your tongue. “Because I can’t let you get hurt.” “You leaving hurt, Y/N. I thought…” He shook his head and rocked on his feet as he looked at the sand.
You took a cautious step forward, “Thought what Jake?” He scoffed, standing up straight, “That last night was more than just a hook-up.” “It was, Jake. That’s why I had to leave…” His nostrils flared, “That makes no goddamn sense. We pour our hearts out to each other and you just fucking leave? I bare my heart to you and you throw it away!”
“I can’t let you get killed because of me Jake! Everyone that I let into my life dies!” You finally shouted back. “What do you mean?” “Jake, with my line of work-” “Being a federal agent? Yeah I know that’s dangerous but-” “No! God! Jake, there are things in this world that you don’t understand! Things that only live to cause pain and suffering. Things that go bump in the night. I’m not NCIS Special Agent Gibbs,” you threw your badge down. “I’m Y/N Floyd. I’m a hunter. I hunt monsters.”
Jake blinked at you, his stomach twisting in knots and his heart felt full of cement. “You hunt monsters? Like werewolves, vampires, the fuckin’ boogieman?” You threw your arms out, the weight of that secret being lifted off your chest, “Yes!”
Foolishly, you hoped Jake would understand and let you go, and maybe that pit in your heart would go away.
But he laughed.
Right in your face.
“You really think I’m stupid enough to believe that? That you can just say some outlandish bullshit and I’d believe you?” His throat burned as he said the words, because he wanted to believe you. The look in your eyes was the same one he saw last night as you both told the other about how much having a family mattered to you. But what you were saying was ridiculous. Monsters? Those weren’t real.
He bit his lip and shook his head, “God, and to think I thought you were different.” He watched your heart shatter and he felt his crumble. He pushed it away and shoulder checked you before walking back inside, leaving you there as rain clouds rolled in.
Bob watched Jake walk in and right toward him. “Your sister needs a reality check, Floyd,” he said right in the WSO’s ear before getting another drink from the bar.
You sat at the bar, drowning yourself in bourbon.
“Whoever the guy was, he’s stupid to stand you up,” a male voice said from in front of you. You looked up to see a bartender, a rag thrown over his shoulder. He was tall, with tan skin and striking green eyes, his blond hair styled perfectly. “Hi, I’m Evan.”
You downed the glass, grimacing as you swallowed, “Wasn’t stood up. I -uh- just got a lot going on.” “I can see that,” he leaned on his forearms. “Wanna talk about it?” You shook your head, tapping your glass on the table, “You wouldn’t understand. But I’ll take another round.”
He gave you a sad smile and poured you another glass. “Just cause I might not understand doesn’t mean I won’t listen.” You scoffed, sipping the amber liquid, “It’s a lot to hear, trust me.”
Evan sighed, his tactic wasn’t working, just like it failed to work on Jake the previous night.
A loud cheer drew your attention to the aviators at the pool table, and you caught eyes with Jake. That’s when it clicked, why nothing worked on Jake the previous night and why it wasn’t going to work now. Evan couldn’t lure you in with his words before putting you under his spell – he just had to go straight for the kill.
Before you turned back around, Evan took a sip of your drink, sitting it back down with the side he drank from facing you.
You turned back with tears in your eyes, but you didn’t touch the drink. “Hey, Sweetheart, it’s okay, he’s an idiot.” You cut your eyes at him, “Don’t call me that.” The way he said it sounded like nails on a chalkboard. He nodded, “Got it. Apologies.” You downed the rest of your drink and Evan smirked.
Suddenly you felt light headed. “Oh, I think you’ve had too much, let me get you home.” Evan rounded the bar before you could say anything. You felt like you should protest, that this wasn’t the guy you needed to take care of you. But you couldn’t resist and followed him out.
Jake had watched you leave with the bartender he didn’t recognize and he felt a deep pull in his gut that told him you were in trouble, but he shook his head and went back to playing pool.
Phoenix must have noticed it too because when Penny helped Fanboy deliver the next round she asked when she got a new bartender. Penny shook her head, “I didn’t hire a new guy.”
Jake's blood ran cold and he met Bob’s eyes before both were ditching their cues and booking it out the doors.
They ran into Sam and Dean on the way out. “Where’s Y/N?” Jake asked. Dean shrugged, “Inside, we told her to meet us here.” “No, she just left with some guy.” Sam perked up, “What does he look like?” “Like Hangman,” Bob said, pulling his keys out of his pocket. “It’s the siren. We have to find them, come on.”
Jake moved to follow Bob to his truck when Dean stopped him, “You have to stay here.” Jake squared up, “Like hell I’m staying here. She needs me.” “I can’t let you get hurt.” “I don’t give a fuck if I get hurt! She might die! I’m going.” Jake ripped his arm out of Dean’s grip and got in Bob’s truck.
Dean looked up at Sam, “I don’t think we have much of a choice Dean.”
You sat on the couch of your motel room, the siren walking back and forth, twirling the brass blade.
“You know Y/N. You’ve had a lot of hardships when it comes to love. You just can’t get it right can you?” He squatted in front of you, “You’ve tried to have the ‘apple pie life’, but you just can’t give up hunting- can you? It got your last partner killed. And this last one, well he just didn’t believe you.”
He pulled you up by your hands, “You’re never going to achieve that life, Y/N. You’ll never have it. No matter how hard you try. So why don’t you just end it now? End it for me, and I’ll help you create that life in another world.”
The siren pressed the blade into your hand. “Do it.”
Tears ran down your face as you looked at the knife; you didn’t want to, but your body was telling you to plunge that blade straight into your chest – you couldn’t control yourself.
But just before you could, the door swung open with Jake, Sam, Dean, and Bob running inside.
Evan grabbed your shoulders, pushing the blade towards your heart. “Fucking do it, Y/N.”
“Y/N don’t!” Bob’s shout made you jump and the blade moved and you stabbed yourself in the side. You fell to the ground, knocking into the coffee table. “Shit!” Bob ran to catch you so your head didn’t hit the ground.
Jake watched the blood pool on the carpet and stain your brother’s hands. He glanced over to where Sam and Dean were fighting with the guy. That’s when he saw the guys face in a mirror, seeing the siren’s true form. “Holy shit…”
He looked to see where you were struggling against Bob, trying to pull the blade from your side. “Y/N, no you’ll bleed out. Stop. Stop!” You cried, “I can’t, Bob! I need to do this! Just let me.”
The blade wasn’t in all the way, but it was in enough that ripping it out could cause serious damage.
“Seresin! A little help!” Bob shouted, spurring Jake into action.
Jake immediately was at your side, pinning your arms down, placing his knee across your hips. “Bob, pull the knife out slowly and then I’ll put pressure on it.” “Jake-” “Rob! We need that blade!” Dean’s gruff voice sounded and more punches were thrown.
Bob sighed, extremely conflicted. “Bob,” Jake’s gentle voice echoed. “I’ve got her. I promise.” And Bob believed him.
Gently removing the blade, Jake grabbed a blanket to put pressure on the wound. “Come on, stay with me.”
“Y/N, use the gun on the floor!” The siren sang, and you easily wrestled out of Jake’s grip and grabbed the weapon.
Jake’s eyes widened and he lunged for you, gripping onto your wrist. “Y/N, Y/N no! You can fight this, c’mon. Fight him.” You sobbed underneath him, “I can’t. He’s right I’ll never-” Jake looked you directly in the eye, “Shut up. He’s not right, whatever the fuck he said to you isn’t right. You get to decide what’s right about you, not some freak of nature. You, Y/N Floyd, get to decide how you live your life. Whether or not that means falling in love is up to you.”
Hangman watched your eyes lose the glossiness that had settled over them, and you blinked a little bit. “Fuck, that was weird.” Jake chuckled in relief, you were back, “There she is.” You swallowed, keeping eye contact with the man above you, “Is it dead?” He shook head just as the blade slid on the ground, followed by a beat up Bob. “No, the bastard is very much alive.”
You tilted your head, confused, “Then how-” “Son of a bitch!” You sat up, glancing to see Sam unconscious and Dean trying to fight against the monster. “Shit,” you scrambled up and towards the blade.
Jake watched you pick up the blade and leap over the couch, stabbing the creature in the chest and twisting the blade before ripping it out.
“Holy shit.” Jake scrambled up and over to you. “That was badass, Sweetheart.” “Thanks,” you breathed out, feeling light headed. You swayed a little, causing both Jake and Dean to reach out and steady you. “You okay, kid?” Dean asked, looking at your wound. You nodded, “Yeah- yeah, I’m-”
Before you couldn’t finish your sentence, you fell limp into Jake’s arms. “Y/N!”
A few hours felt like an eternity to Jake as he waited by your bedside for you to wake up.
Bob sat on the other side, leg bouncing nervously as he watched the rise and fall of your chest. “Floyd, she’s gonna be okay,” Jake reassured. “How can you know?” Jake shrugged, reaching out to grab your hand. “I just feel it.”
About 30 minutes later, your eyes fluttered open.
“Hey pretty girl,” Jake drawled next to you, sleep lacing his voice. “How long have I been out?” “A few hours. But you’ll be fine. This fella-” Jake sat up, stretching his back. “-Castiel, I believe is what Dean over there called him. He patched you up real nice.” You chuckled, but then realized what Jake had witnessed.
“Oh my gosh. You must have so many questions.” He nodded, “I did but Bob and your friends helped sort everything out, so I have a bit of understanding.” You nodded, smiling a little at him.
He smiled back and kissed your knuckles, “I’m sorry for not believing you before.” You shook your head, “I wouldn’t have believed me either.” You squeezed his hand, “But would you believe me if I said that I didn’t want to leave?” Jake nodded, “Yeah. Would you believe me if I said that I didn’t believe in love at first sight until you walked into the bar?” You smiled, “Yeah, because I was the same way.”
“Y/N, good you’re awake,” Cass’s gruff voice pulled your attention away from Jake. “Hey, Cass, thanks for fixin’ me up.” He nodded curtly before sitting down on the bed. “I have some questions.”
You nodded, “Shoot.”
“Did you break out of the siren’s spell before you killed it?” You nodded, frowning a little, “I did, why?” “How?” You squeezed Jake’s hand, “Jake pulled me out, I don’t really know how that worked but he did.” Cass nodded. “And I never felt fully under the spell, like my body was doing it but my mind, heart, whatever, was telling me to stop. It was weird.”
Cass nodded again, “That’s because you found your soulmate.” “I’m sorry, what?” “Jake, he is your soulmate. Siren’s have little power over soulmate bonds as strong as yours, that’s why he was able to pull you out of the spell.”
Jake looked at you, smiling like a fool.
“That explains why I’m so comfortable around you.” “And why my heart felt heavy after I left.” Jake pulled you in for a sweet kiss.
When you pulled away, you mumbled against his lips, “That’s why I’m questioning everything I thought I knew.” “What do you-” “I’m gonna stop hunting. Right here, right now.” “You’d give that up for me?” “Yes!” “I couldn’t ask you to give that up.” You shook your head, “You’re not. I’ve wanted to get out, but I thought it was never possible. That I could never have the life I’ve dreamt of, but these past few days have turned what I thought I knew on it’s head.”
“I think you’ve been spending time with us too much,” Dean chuckled out. “You deserve this, Y/N,” Sam smiled at you and Jake. “Are you sure?” They nodded and you turned to Jake, “That settles it, I’m staying here.” Jake smiled, “And I know the perfect place.”
thank you guys for making it to the end! i hope this crossover was accurate
i have plenty of ‘x readers’ in the drafts so if you want more let me know
and my asks are open, feel free to request what you would like to see next
feedback is greatly appreciated!
tags <3: @milesdickpic @luckyladycreator2 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp​
<3 love ya babes
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joaquinwhorres · 2 years
Anyway back to my regularly scheduled Top Gun content with some Dalia Garcia-Alvarez/David Floyd content.
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That's right @cantfighthemoonknight and I have next generation ideas.
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the-witching-ash · 5 months
Gilmore Girls A-D Master Post
Name: Addie Hisenburg
Faceclaim: Rachel Hilson
Love Interest: Paris Geller
Story: So Much Better
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Name: Aimée Gerard
Faceclaim: Herizen Guardiola
Love Interest: n/a
Story: n/a
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Name: Alice Hawthorn
Faceclaim: Olivia Colman
Love Interest: Rupert Hawthorn
Story: Multi
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Name: Andrew Cartwright*
Faceclaim: Logan Lerman
Love Interest: Kirsty Gilmore
Story: Everything Changes
*a variant of my glee oc Andrew Berry that exists in a crossover with Richie Gilmore, Floyd Bach, @randomestfandoms-ocs Kirsty Gilmore, Colton Cartwright & others.
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Name: Autumn Dell
Faceclaim: Sofia Wyle
Love Interest: n/a
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Name: Belinda Gilmore
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Jamie
Story: N/A
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Name: Callum Zang
Faceclaim: Harry Shum Jr.
Love Interest: Hanna Ryu, endgame Jess Mariano
Story: Royals,
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Name: Clemency Campbell
Faceclaim: Helena Boham-Carter
Story: Multi
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Name: Daisy Gilmore
Faceclaim: Zoe Colletti
Love Interests: Lane Kim & Dave Rygalski
Story: Where Do You Belong
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Name: Dennis Colt-Forester
Faceclaim: David Harbor
Love Interest: Wayne Colt-Forester
Story: Things You Can’t Speak About
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warwickroyals · 7 months
Nicholas please!
OC ASK GAME -> Not Accepting
Full name: HRH the Prince of Danforth (né Prince Nicholas Louis Charles Ethan of Danforth)
Best friend: I just wrote a scene where he says he hates most of his friends
Sexuality: Straight
Favourite colour: Black, it goes with everything.
Relationship status: Single
Ideal mate: intelligent, "queen material", confident and independent ladiessss!
Turn-ons: Most people think he's into blondes, but that's just a rumour. In fact, he likes brunettes too.
Favorite food: Like his mother he likes baked goods. He loves the apple pie they serve at St Mary's in the autumn months.
Crushes: Having a celebrity crush is childish and weird, in his opinion. Most of the people he's had crushes on he pursued romantically with no sense of boundaries. Being a royal gives you that type of entitlement.
Favorite music: He likes Pink Floyd and David Bowie. I'm pretty sure he listens to Bowie at some point in the story. Very Le Wrong Generation of him. But it's also the type of music his dad listened to as well.
Biggest fear: Fumbbing the whole king thing. He wants to be a King George, not a Louis IV if you know what I mean. He wants to be one of the Greats
Biggest fantasy: He dreams about his Inauguration Day a lot. He's not all that eager for his grandfather to die, but his swearing-in feels like what everything in his life is building up towards
Bad habits: He has a temper and can come off like a whiny brat sometimes
Biggest regret: One of Nick's last interactions with his dad was him eye-rolling and brushing off a lecture. James was trying to drill something into his head, and Nickfound him annoying. He regrets that, I think.
Best kept secrets: Why he's still single. Realistically he's only 28, but lots of people gossip about why he has yet to be in a long-term relationship that's "serious"
Last thought: In the written chapters he's lamenting about being an ineffective royal
Worst romantic experience: Fumbling Coraline is probably his worst, but he's had a lot of bad experiences over the years
Biggest insecurity: Probably the fact that he's still viewed as a baby by huge swathes of the public, his staff, and his family.
Weapon of choice: His media connections and the more, um, exploitable elements of his royal background
Role Model: His grandfather and his dad
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currrsy · 1 year
Hello i love your art is there somewhere where we can learn more about your ocs or do you plan on revealing the lore in the future ?
hi! thanks!! <3 I wanna write more info about them yes! and I planning to draw more illustrations I created a new chars (floyd, mark and david) and this is a drama\thriller story with 2003 vibe sad that I can't draw faster, im so slow rn :c fact that I have a comic with my old chars (about richie) and it's still in progress but it's only on rus cuz i can't translate it righ on eng :c mb sometimes i'll do good translate
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5tarryknight · 2 years
Hello! I’m Starry, a follower of Christ and a lover of stories. (aND SPAAACEE. AND KNIGHTS???) I co-write personal projects with my sister, @neonnovaa, and my bestest friend, @novemball.
I love the way that a good tale can speak to our common experiences and inspire connection in people regardless of background or beliefs. My goal is to hone my craft and team up with other passionate artists and writers to tell stories that make a positive impact. (At the very least that make someone smile. Or do a little chuckle, even.)
I tend to draw mostly OCs. More specifically, OCs from a cozy, small town rom-com Nova and I are working on called Creekwater. (@creekwater-archives)
Vincent Van Gogh, Jim Henson, Stephen Silver, J.C. Leyendecker, Ethan Becker, Lisa Frank, Elena Kucharik, Caroll Spinney, George Lucas, Craig McCracken, Floyd Norman, Fred Rogers, David Bowie, Prince, Freddie Mercury
Sonic // Star Wars // Star Trek // The Muppets // Transformers // Slenderverse 
Creekwater blog: @creekwater-archives
Personal blog: @knight5tar
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