#oc: double shot
kingofdoots · 6 months
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Working on pony OCs' as a form of self love
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charmac · 4 months
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Mac's probably living off energy drinks because he's been keeping those extra large anal beads up his ass 24/7
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There's no doubt in my mind he's got them in at that very moment
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ghostoffuturespast · 10 months
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Yeah, I like the new update.
Have cheese will travel 🧀 Took these on my PS5.
I was living vicariously through my fellow Rivermancers with all y'all's apartment posts while I was on my writing sabbatical lol. I love seeing everyone else's pics!
Normally, I don't buy the other apartments, because while they're fun, they don't add all that much to the game for me at least. But knew I had to get The Glen one after the update.
This was probably a good 45 minutes of setup. Then there where a lot of antics crawling around on the back of the couch, the TV, railings, lighting fixtures. Tried over by the pool table and in the kitchen, then went back to the couch. Ran up the stairs so many times. Eventually managed to get Grandpa to clip through mid-fall from the loft while crouched.
Lord bless lofted ceilings.
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leota-nexus · 2 months
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azizemsin · 1 year
Ozzy x Oc (Love Island: Double Trouble) One Shot <3
— Romantic reunion after Casa Amor. (aka how I imagined it to be)
🩷 song: august by taylor swift
Jennifers heart pounded with a mix of nervousness and excitement. She had missed Ozzy dearly during their time apart, her thoughts consumed by memories of stolen kisses and shared laughter. As the reunion party began, Jen couldn't help but scan the crowd, searching for that familiar face.
And then, she saw him. Ozzy stood at a distance, looking slightly unsure, but his eyes lit up with joy and an astonished expression went over his face as he locked gazes with Jennifer. Time seemed to stand still as he made his way towards her, oblivious to the noise and the curious gazes of the other islanders. Jen walked towards him also.
When they finally reached each other, Jennifer could no longer hold back her emotions. She pulled Ozzy into an everlasting tight embrace, feeling the warmth of his body against hers. A soft sigh escaped her beautiful lips, and she whispered, "I missed you so, so much, Ozzy."
Ozzy held her tightly, burying his face in her long, soft hair, inhaling her scent. She smelled like the sun, a warm summer beach day, just the sun went down and there was this windy breeze and such an indefinable feeling went over his whole body that frightened him, because he felt himself get lost in Jens arms. "I missed you too, more than words can express," he replied, his voice filled with raw emotion. "I couldn't stop thinking about you. Casa Amor made me realize how much you mean to me. I wish…I wish I would‘ve walked out with you, but I was such a coward. When I thoughtI had to show respect and loyalty to Grace, I lost myself within what I actually wanted. What I needed. Who I had to give the same respect to. "
Jennifer pulled away slightly, her eyes searching Ozzy's for any signs of doubt. "Do you really mean that?" she asked, her voice laced with vulnerability.
Ozzy cupped her face in his hands, his thumb gently stroking her cheek. "I mean every word, Love. Being apart from you made me realize that my heart arches for you, and I can‘t imagine being here without you anymore. I want you to be with me. I want you mine." He came closer to her face, his lips almost touching her lips. His hot breath touching hers.
A surge of overwhelming joy washed over Jen. Tears welled up in her eyes as both of them leaned in, their lips meeting in a tender, passionate kiss. In that moment, all doubts and insecurities vanished, replaced by an unshakable belief in him.
They spent the rest of the evening wrapped up in each other's arms, sharing stories and catching up on all they had missed. Laughter mingled with whispers of affection as they strolled along the moonlit beach, their fingers intertwined.
As the night deepened, they found themselves in a secluded spot, away from prying eyes. The soft sound of waves crashing against the shore provided the soundtrack to their intimate conversation. With a shy smile, Ozzy confessed, "I've never felt this way before. This feeling, it‘s becoming stronger by the second and I fear, when I let myself fully go, I will never be able to stop this."
Jennifers heart swelled with adoration, her brown eyes sparkling with love. "I feel the same way. Our stolen moments, being with you has brought me more happiness than I ever thought I deserved. I'm so grateful to be here with you."
The moon cast a gentle glow on their faces as they moved closer, their lips meeting once again in a lingering, passionate kiss. They reveled in the warmth of each other's embrace, their bodies entwined as this fresh couple reached new heights.
Underneath the starlit sky, Ozzy and Jen shared a night of romance and intimacy, their connection deepening with every touch and every whispered declaration of their feelings for each other. The world seemed to fade away as they surrendered to the depth of their feelings, a promise of forever woven into every stolen glance and every caress.
As the night wore on, they found themselves lying side by side on a blanket, their fingers gently tracing patterns on each other's skin. The air was filled with a sense of tranquility, as if the world had paused just for them.
Ozzy turned to the woman beside him, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and tenderness. Feeling so stunned, that someone like her would choose him, out of all people. "Love, there's something else I want to share with you," he whispered, his voice husky with emotion. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box, opening it to reveal a delicate silver necklace.
"While you girls where in Casa, we had a city stroll challenge. I found this one in a local jewelry store and immediately thought of you," Ozzy said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I knew it would be close to impossible of me ever giving it to you, especially after I didn‘t walk out with you, but I thought I could cherish the remembrance of you through it. But now, you deserve it. I hope you don‘t mind this and don’t think it‘s too much" He seemed a bit shy, almost unsure.
Jens eyes watered up as she accepted the necklace, her heart overflowing with so many emotions. She drew closer to him and turned him her back. Ozzy caressed her hair out of the way and clasped the piece around her neck. Jen felt the weight of his devotion resting against her tanned skin.
"Thank you, Ozzy," she whispered ever so softly, her voice filled with gratitude. "It is stunning."
Ozzy brushed a gentle kiss against Jens shoulder, his touch sending shivers down her spine. "You deserve every bit of my devotion and happiness, Love" he murmured, his breath mingling with the cool night air. "You look absolutely beautiful."
With those heartfelt words, their connection deepened, their souls intertwining as they embraced the magic of the night. They shared whispered secrets and dreams, their laughter blending with the distant sound of crashing waves. In each other's arms, they found solace and a sense of belonging.
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valsilverhand · 11 months
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It will just be us tonight.
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safyresky · 6 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 13/52: In which Jacqueline impresses the Lady of the Lake and gives her Blacksmith Guardian a heart attack and a HALF.
Disclaimer: I know nothing about Arthurian Legends. HASHTAG WINGING IT!!!!
"What happened to the one in the anvil?!"
"Broke it fairly fast in a duel if you can believe it."
"He BROKE one of my SWORDS?!"
"He did stick it back in the anvil after drawing it out the first time."
"He did WHAT to my SWORD?"
"And then pulled it back out again. After multiple people took a go at it. Merlin was a bit late to the whole affair. Wizards, y'know. Terrible timing."
"In AND out of the anvil?! MULTIPLE TIMES?"
"Deep breaths, Bastion! Red's really not your colour."
The dwarf took a deep breath in; held it. Breathed out. The wind from his exhale ruffled his sooty beard. He frowned to himself; the lines in his forehead creased deeply as he tugged his beard in thought, the gaggle of young magibeans he had taken in running around the shop behind him. Sparks flew as the older ones worked to make various weapons; some worked on aesthetic details, piles of gems and precious stones gently strewn about the benches. Water hissed as weapons were cooled, clanking ringing out from the far recesses of the shop.
"Well Bastion? Up to snuff?"
"We'll get it done. It may take a little bit to forge a fresh one—"
"Not to worry! I came prepared." The woman in front of him grinned. She lifted her hand. Bastion watched, head tilted in interest as her palm glowed turquoise and suddenly, CLANG! CLATTER! A pile of swords appeared out of thin air and landed right on the counter top, water sloshing and spilling off the sides of it.
Bastion gawked.
"You wouldn't believe how many people dump their swords in the lake. Nasty little surprise, having one of these buggers hit you right on the noggin. Enchanted, too, most of them!"
"Most of them?" Bastion picked one up, admiring the craftsmanship and the inlaid gems. "All of them, I'd say! This pile is radiating magic. Between the lot of us and this pile we should have the new piece done to your specifications in, oh, about two weeks? Belinda, what do you think?"
A tall, elvish woman came over, magnifying eyepiece in her eye. She hmm'd, examining the gems inlaid in the sword pile quickly and closely. "Maybe more. Some of these enchantments have worn away completely, and they'll need replacing. We can do that in house, of course, but there are a handful we'll need to procure out of shop. The anti-fatigue one, we'll have to pop over the wall to get. The strengthening one, that'll be in the mountains."
"I can grab that one meself," Bastion volunteered.
"I can send Maggie over the wall. She does well with the fairies here. Hmm. Breathing underwater? Now, that one may be a feat—"
"Oh, not to worry! I took care of that one." Another glowing turquoise hand lifted and a small gem appeared in front of the pair, suspended in a bubble of water. "One of my specialties," the lady teased, winking as the bubble popped. The gem landed in Belinda's hand, the water bubble popping right on Bastion's nose.
He wiped it off, completely unbothered.
"I can procure a seeing stone. That should be simple enough. That just leaves the resistant gems. Most of which we have here...all but the cold resistant one. That'll be off in the far frozen."
Behind the pair, one of the magibeans by the anvil perked up. The Lady of the Lake watched as the girl tilted her head, listening in.
"We can send Tristan—"
Belinda looked amused as the girl—a sprite, the lady noted—ran over to their little group. Bastion looked very, very tired. And perhaps a bit anxious? The girl pushed right through the pair of them, indignant, hands on her hips. "Tristan is STINKY! And ANNOYING! He's not even cold resistant—"
"But he is older and has much more experience with these sorts of environments—"
"HE'S GONNA MELT ALL THE ICE! I won't! I can just waltz right through it! Can't you send me? I wanna go! You know I can do it!"
"I know that if I send you and something happens, your father will kill me right dead! Send me right off to Rosehaven, personally! He's trusted me to take care of you!"
Well this just got interesting, the lady thought to herself, watching in amusement. "Does he usually go around killing people?"
"No. Not that I know of, at least. See, he's in a position of power."
"One of the Governors back home."
"He won't kill you, honest! He's the nicest person I know! "
"Her mother may, though," Belinda pointed out.
Bastion hummed. "Fair point."
"What? No it's not! She'd be super okay with it and say it was furthering my spritely education—"
"Did someone call for me?!"
"Always a pleasure to interact with you, squirt."
A taller sprite had appeared now, shoving the girl to the side and taking her place between the pair of smiths, armour shiny, surcoat barely creased or smudged or dirty. "Fair Lady of the Lake, I would be HONOURED to fetch this gem for you." He bowed deeply, holding his hands above him and summoning a little flame.
The Lady of the Lake barely repressed her snort in time. The sprite rolled her eyes, a sentiment shared with Belinda. Bastion exhaled loudly through his nose.
"That's enough of that. Up you go. It's off to the far frozen for you. We're out of cold resistant gems and we'll be needing one for the new King's SECOND," he shot an unamused glance the lady's way, "sword."
"I will venture to the far frozen mountains! I'll leave at dawn, after procuring the finest cold resistant clothing and warmest warmly enchanted sword we have here!" He dropped the grandeur, looking giddy and very much like the under two-thousand year old sprite he was. "This'll look great for knights looking for a new squire."
"I'm sure," the Lady of the Lake replied, biting her tongue very, very much.
"It will take me but two weeks time—"
"I could do it in one! DAY even! Not week! Come on, do we really have to send him of all people? Of all SPRITES?!"
"That's enough Jacqueline," Belinda spoke sternly. "Mind our guest."
The girl huffed, blowing an errant curl of off her forehead and stomping away, disappearing into the back recesses of the workshop, mumbling something about elements versus what sounded very much like "a whole ass season".
The Lady snickered to herself.
"So sorry about that. She's a..."
"Piece of work?" Tristan suggested.
"Adventurous sort," Belinda spoke over the young squire, glaring daggers at him.
"It's quite all right. Kids. So! Sword. About a month, then?"
"If you'd like the opal then yes, about a month. If not, two weeks."
"Brilliant! I'll be back in a month. And you can keep whatever swords you don't use. I've no attachment to any of them. Cluttering up the lake and hitting my head and interrupting perfectly relaxing mud soaks," she tsk'd. "I'll be off then!"
And before Tristan could abase himself any further, the Lady of the Lake was out the door and well on her way down the lane.
The moment Melusine shut the door behind her, she cackled. What an absolute wanker, that Tristan. She had far more faith in the delightfully outspoken sprite than she did in that sorry slip of a squire.
Sword issue taken care of (both of them, thankfully) she made her way back to her humble abode (lake), thoughts returning to her next task: find who had thrown the last sword into her lake and jinx their arm. Terrible aim for a thousand days, perhaps. Or maybe turn it into something wiggly. Like an eel. Or a tentacle. Somewhere in that wheelhouse, for sure—
Mel turned abruptly, watching as the sprite from before wriggled her way out of one of the windows and ran towards her, waving her down.
She fell mid run, flat on her face. Mel winced, about to ask if the sprite was all right when she sprung back up (a chilly wind flitting through the lane way) and continued running, unbothered. She skid to a stop right in front of her, breathing heavily for a moment, her coiled braids swinging, little hairs trying to escape the neat loops.
"Yeah! Absolutely! Just catching my breath. Hi! Sorry to bug you, um, your lakeyness," the girl bobbed a quick and lazy curtsy.
"Not at all."
"Oh! Good! I thought maybe it would be—I wasn't very polite back there. I usually am! Tristan just bugs me a LOT."
"He's a knob."
The girl grinned, laughing. "RIGHT? And it's very annoying that he gets to go on that fetch quest cuz like, ice and snow is my SPECIALTY. Anyway, I wanted to ask you if Bastion and Belinda gave you an estimate? For time, that is."
"With that sop going on the fetch quest? About a month. I can wait, though! I've tons of other things to do in the meantime. Which is more inconvenient as an arm, do you think—tentacle or an eel?"
The sprite looked thoughtful for a moment. "Eel! Because it has a mind of its own! Harder to control if it doesn't think like you. Unless that's not the aim here?"
"No, it is! It is. Good point about the eel."
"Thanks! I try. Without the cold gem thingy. Did Bastion say how long it'd be?"
"About two weeks."
"Oh! Good! So come back in two weeks and it'll be ready."
Mel quirked an eyebrow. "Really now?"
"Mhmm!" The girl nodded exuberantly, an excited glint in her eyes. "I'm gonna go get the opal."
"Didn't your guardian tell you not to?"
"I heard him myself."
"—ooookay so YES he did BUT! He is OVERREACTING and Tristan is gonna WALK. I CAN TELEPORT! I CAN POOF IN AND OUT AND BE BACK SO FAST!"
Mel served her with a stern look.
The sprite bristled. "I'll be okay! Really!"
"Now I'm all for giving men like Tristan the old what-for, but Bastion's the best swordsmith around. Not to mention a stand-up magibean. I certainly wouldn't like to see him sent to Rosehaven by your parents should something happen to you."
"Nothing's gonna happen! I've survived WAY worse!"
There was a brief pause; a quick emotion passed over her eyes. But before Mel could discern anything other than she meant it when she said she'd survived worse, it was gone, and the sprite continued as though nothing had happened.
"And my parents won't hurt him, I've been out and about for like three hundred years at this point and they have their hands full with my younger siblings. Even THEY could do a better job than Tristan, and they're not even four HUNDRED yet."
Despite how funny the sprite was being, Mel tried very hard to keep the stern facade. "Have you told Bastion you're going?"
"Would you believe me if I said I did and he was okay with it, totally changed his mind?"
"Look, your lakeyness—"
"Me too! You're like, one of the coolest magibeans around these parts. All of the littler kids are losing it in the back," Jacqueline said, giggling. Mel smiled to herself. "Anyway. Please don't tell him! He'll get all over protective and stuff. Which I appreciate of course," she said, sticking her palms flat in front of her. "I'm really glad he let me apprentice here! And he teaches us all how to use the swords which is great! I'm very thankful. Don't get me wrong. I just...really wanna do this, y'know? And telling him would make it really hard for me to do this."
"Hmm. You're right. Perhaps I should cut out the middle man and go right to your parents myself?"
"Please don't! I really, really wanna do this!"
"Ah, so they would stop you?"
The sprite made an unsure noise, tilting her hand back and forth in front of her. "Fifty-fifty."
"Oh, plenty of things. You think I know your parents?"
She shrugged. "Most people do! It's kinda obvious, actually." she flushed a bit, scratching her head. "Anyway, I really think someone needs to knock Tristan off his high horse, and since I don't have jousting mastery yet or the means to get a lance and corner him, I was thinking that if I showed him up instead, it'd lay him FLAT on his BACK!"
"I admit, that does sound very appealing."
"Oh, absolutely. I deal with his type all the time. They're all knobs, really. It'd be fun to see all those big airs pushed right out of them. Do you think they'd make a rather rude noise as they deflate?"
The sprite giggled. "I hope so!"
"Then it's settled! I'll be back in two weeks time for my sword, complete with cold resistant opal."
"Really?" she brightened. It was rather heartwarming.
"Ah, thank you thank you THANK YOU!" she hopped forward, almost hugging the Lady of the Lake before stopping herself with a sheepish grin. "Sorry." she cleared her throat. "Anyway, I'm gonna head out now. I'll be fast! They won't even know I was gone," she winked. "See you in two weeks?"
"I'll be there bright and early for the sword."
"Yay! Okay! See you then!"
And with a cheeky little salute, the girl continued her run down the laneway, a scabbard on her back bouncing with each footfall.
She's got it, Mel thought to herself, as the delightfully outspoken sprite crested the hill and disappeared in a flurry of light blue sparks and what looked to be an actual flurry of snow.
Two weeks later found Melusine at the front counter once more, requesting to see her completed sword from a delightfully confused Bastion.
"I mean, it's done as done gets, but Tristan isn't back from the far frozen just yet so the opal is missing—"
"No it's not! TA-DA!"
Mel grinned to herself as Bastion turned. She could picture the jaw drop when his whole body seemed to sag in shock as he looked at the person who had just spoken up.
It was Jacqueline. She stood in a very wide horse stance, proudly holding up a small opal, maniacal grin on her face.
"You didn't."
"I did! And I did it in a DAY. And nothing happened to me at all! And you didn't even notice I was gone! I came right back nice and safe! And my parents won't be doing a murder because I told them what I did and they were very proud, which is what I THOUGHT and also KNEW would happen!"
"Well done," Belinda pipped up from her workspace. "And I suppose this is the reason why I couldn't find the sword in question amongst the others?"
"I stayed up all night getting it ready so that I could do THIS!" With a flourish, she pulled the sword out from behind her, placed it gently down on the counter top, and placed the opal right into the setting she had carefully carved for it last night.
It slid right in and glowed a brilliant, bright white. Then, the other gems glowed; the entire sword, in fact, was glowing, an iridescent rainbow. It lifted up off the counter, shaking for but a moment before flying into the scabbard when Jacqueline held it out in front of her.
The glow diminished; the smithy grew silent.
"Your sword, your lakeyness," Jacqueline said, bowing down and offering it to her. "It has been a great hONoUr to BEQUEATH to you this BLESS-ED OBJECT, for I journeyed SOOO FAR to procure the far frozen opal IN BUT A DAY FOR YOU! WITH NAUGHT BUT MINE OWN TWO HANDS—"
"That's quite enough, Jacqueline," Belinda interrupted, amused.
"It was good, right? I sounded just like Tristan."
"Well I'm impressed," Mel said, taking the scabbard and throwing it over her shoulders.
"And I am most definitely having a heart attack," Bastion decided, clutching his chest.
Belinda rolled her eyes, placing her eyepiece down and coming around the table. Carefully, she turned Bastion around and sat him down, looking him over. "You'll be fine."
"And what of Tristan?"
"I see his type all the time. He'll be right as rain. Oh, sure, his ego will take a hit and he may bemoan and grovel and do all sorts of silly it's the end nonsense, but he'll bounce back. They always do. We can only hope he'll be a little more subdued." Mel shrugged.
Jacqueline looked delighted. "Then we'll see who the piece of work REALLY IS."
"Should we call him back?"
"Nah. It'll be funnier if we leave him alone and he comes back all like OH! WOE IS ME! I HAVE FAILED YOU! And then DEFLATES! With GAS NOISES!"
"He'll be so upset," Bastion mused.
"Gas noises?" Belinda would regret asking, quirking an eyebrow.
"Yeah! Y'know, like, PFFFT," Jacqueline blew a very wet raspberry, hopping up and sitting on the counter. "Maybe Mel will come by to ah, soothe his ego?"
"And by soothe you mean—?"
Jacqueline grinned. "Watch him cry like a big baby and die a bit on the inside when he realizes he was bested by THIS GAL!" She hopped up on the counter, pointing at herself with both her thumbs.
"Jolly good! I'll be sure to pop on by in the next fortnight. Now! Bastion! what is it I owe you?"
Still shocked into silence, Bastion barely managed to utter a puff of air. With a sigh, Belinda pat his head and turned to Mel. "Given his present state and the materials you brought for us to use, consider this one on the house. And Mistress Frost? Off the counter, if you please. That's more than enough out of you."
My god, that got out of control. Delightful! I'm sure Mel and Jacquie had a ball when Tristan came back as he very much did think he was BESTED by some DEVILISH FOE. And you know what? He wasn't wrong!
Anyway, this SCRIMBLE was requested by @definitelyy-not-a-vampire a haute minute ago:
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The drabbley ficlet smile shot thing just. It just. haPPENED. Whoops! Sorry not sorry!
She WAS gonna be scruffy and grubby and full of soot but then when the Lady of the Lake came into play (who in my mind is 100% @kscribbs Melusine of Miller's Law fame), Jacqueline was like "nah. I'm gonna impress the SHIT outta her! >:D"
And that went from IMPRESS to FUCK AROUND WITH AN ABSOLUTE FOP OF A SPRITE WITH HER in like. 100 words while writing the ficlet, lol.
Enjoy! Here's the un-scanned/edited one:
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And you bet your ass I have some design notes >:)
I stole a fashion through the ages textbook from the library (and by steal I mean I have renewed it every semester and it has lived on my bookshelf since about 2019) and scoured through the middle ages chapter to figure out this fit
Wanted to throw in some purpleish pink bc I think purple is in Jacquie's palette, she's THAT GOOD at ice >:)
The hair is not short, it is simply in those braided coif. Things???? And it is a MIRACLE they are staying put
This is between 1350-1450 so she's between 1255-1355. IDEAL Gremlin age lmao
I don't have enough experience/markers to make the opal look opal so YOLO lmao
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renardsruses · 2 years
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Said my name is called disturbance
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spotlightstudios · 11 months
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Magma from last night w/ @neonsix67 !!!
I drew a bunch of my bg3 Tav, Ormand. (He's a handful. I thank Neon for letting me be a menace with this man on her team.) Some dca content (Sun, Being!Eclipse, and Fool from gitm). And then some oc stuff with N-8 (Nate) my beloved son, the computer program.)
Neon drew her pumpkin-head spooky season oc, Eyefil (beloved batdr oc♡) and Moon! Along with the lil Iris and Light's in the edges w/ commentary hehe~)
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wanders-in-stars · 10 months
ngl gore is a lot fucking braver than i am bc if i saw this walking towards me in the dark, while trapped and injured in the wilderness, my soul would just leave my body
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ghostoffuturespast · 1 year
Double Life - Part II
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Jam Night at Kerry’s place.  Featuring @sammysilverdyne’s Virgil Avara, Kerry Eurodyne, Mayumi “Blue” Kayoh and Johnny Silverhand.
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doubleddenden · 2 years
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So these are the Pokemon I used to beat Pokemon Opalo and a trainer sprite I made for myself, sort of combining my current hair style and outfits, the protagonist's style, and my own little additional flairs. East and West Cefira have some neat western vibes and some southern vibes too, so some of it felt pretty close to home.
This is my trainer sprite and a "crew shot" of all the Pokemon/Fakemon I used during my close to 90 hour journey. Unlike standard fan games where I focus on 6, the two regions were very big and the newer forms and Pokemon were very spaced out, so I picked up quite a few friends along the way, even outside my usual "new pokemon only" rules I tend to impose on myself.
Anyway, I made my trainer sprite from my usual sources, but all pokemon and fakemon here were taken from the in game files.
A little blurb about my team members and some usual fun stuff below the cut.
So the protagonist of Opalo grew up in the region and their past plays a heavy role in the story- I kind of find it difficult to imagine I could put my self insert in. So I'm basically just gonna say that, like usual, my self insert sort of stumbles into East Cefira by complete accident and sort of fumbles around as he gets involved with the story. I feel like he'd get along with most of the people he'd see, but definitely find certain characters suspicious like I did and later on was proven right.
He definitely enjoys that western vibe, and I definitely think he enjoys his spurs a little too much. But he definitely knows when to take things seriously and probably would end up snapping or straight up punching some of the people from the story (and probably get his ass kicked by some of them).
The team, tho. Here's how I decided to do things: Pokemon with named I already knew, I gave nicknames to. New Pokemon I left the same.
Mega Gasteslita (Grass/Electric): Our starter and beefiest boy. He's been with us through some serious shit from the very beginning. Apparently he's Impish and often falls asleep. While not particularly the most heavy hitting, I can trust it to tank out hits and let it outspeed pretty tough opponents.
Kovu/Cefiran Persian (Normal/Fire): There's actually 3 different variants here, and apparently I just so happened to end up with the fire type. Never used a Persian, but this one was pretty tough. Flare Blitz, Volt Tackle, and Play Rough with Tough Claws for its ability make it a very powerful Pokemon I relied on often. I like to imagine it headbutts my character often for affection and meows a lot.
Fesh Pince/Poliwrath (Water/Fighting): One of my earliest captures and the only non regional form or evolution to come with me all the way to the Pokemon League (mainly because I couldn't find any water types that didn't have a type conflict I was okay with, and I absolutely need water types). He's named after the youtube poop of Fresh Prince that I had recently watched again. Anyway, he got his ass kicked a lot, but also saved my ass a bunch as well. When I finally boxed him, he had a major final "arc" I'd say where he had a huge role in beating all the bad guys of the area. His departure was probably the hardest to get over because he was there from the beginning.
Skrelbow/Hitmonchan (Fighting): He joined the team pretty early as a Tyrogue- I was actually somewhat dreading using one because Lee is so much better imo, but Skrelbow put in the work and came in clutch for the first few gyms. He was eventually boxed when I started getting newer Pokemon, but his role was definitely important enough to keep around.
Sayaka/Gardevoir (Psychic/Fairy): I think she was the 4th Pokemon I caught, and really didn't do a lot other than gain experience. But the few times she did, she saved our team from disaster. I imagine maybe she just wasn't really much for conflict anyway, but I think she stuck around long enough that I consider her part of the crew anyway.
Cefireon (Flying): Obtained as an egg from Apolo's fiance, Vera, and hatched as an Eevee. He eventually evolved into Cefireon, the regional flying type evolution for Eevee. It was kind of hard to evolve it because it needed a very particular item, but when he did and once he got his footing, Cefireon became the strongest Pokemon on my team. Changing and ability and giving it a special item, plus overhauling his moves with TM make him a one stop fuck everything in SIGHT shop, and he was able to land continuous Hurricanes endlessly. He went from baby to the single most reliable and most important team member, being the one to beat The Great Spirit. It's gentle, so I imagine we enjoy sitting together and just napping together like I do my little dog irl.
Capt'n/ C. Sirfetch'd (Steel/Fighting): I'm not gonna lie... I'm not really fond of him that much, but by god he's a very important team member that kept me alive through most of East Cefira and a good chunk of West Cefira. It was my fairy buster for a while, and dished out a LOT of damage and withstood a bunch too. I think it was sort of silly and doofy, like Psyduck from the anime but actually strong. I caught him knowing I was going to eventually replace him, but I admit that he came in handy until it was time to go. And I'll admit, when I finally boxed him, I was missing his power.
Cursaring/ C. Ursaring (Dark): See what I did there? Lol. This Ursaring looked different enough that I felt like it could be its own species, but since it's not, I made my own pun on it. Cursaring is muscle and absolutely necessary muscle. It has a very varied move pool and punched a LOT of things, and practically slayed every ghost we encountered.
Bogaleon (Water/Bug): Apparently this guy was one of three starters that were available from a previous project by the creator, but as soon as I saw it in the files, I needed it. It's like a fusion of Samurott and Golisopod, two of my favorite Pokemon. I raised this thing from a baby, and even though I got it pretty late in the game, it was still around long enough to do a ton of damage and caught up to the crew super quickly. It was difficult, but it eventually filled the void left behind by Fesh Pince and went a little beyond in terms of coverage. That being said, it really throws me for a loop- It looks like it should do physical damage, but its a SPECIAL attacker instead.
SupaFly/ C Flygon (Bug/Dragon): and this guy does the OPPOSITE, where it has a movepool better for special attacks but a higher special attack stat. Weird. But anyway, SupaFly is the last one to join our family, but it's the one I was looking most forward to. Look at it! It's so cool looking! Definitely my favorite design. It doesn't really boast the most power, but I definitely think it was worth it to finally have it. It's just so cool, man. I definitely think my guy flies around on it all the time.
Anyway, that's it. I think I might have enough time to play Realidea System next. Overall though, I really liked this team and it's going to be difficult to move on.
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essskel · 2 years
ok I hate my writing again thank god im a forester and did not chase that english degree ily trees ily fungi I hate you Microsoft word
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everyothermouse · 1 year
I might do more of this song later but it is VERY hash. Anxiety !!
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renardsruses · 1 year
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New ref for Colt as well as their arm gun design, yes I’m in hella deep
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