#oc: elanil
vicciouxs · 1 year
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she smiles, and everything will be alright
scene: @estrellaxsims 🌱
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lilmisssunbear · 2 years
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dnd is for flirting with your friends
Took some time to draw art for our new DnD campaign. 😊 Said friends are Lewt (our lovely DM, left) and Catt (center). 😘 Right is me!
Pose Ref
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badartxd · 1 year
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Hallo I’m dunking meself back into art between the holidays and wanted to share this mistletoe smooch between my Niya and @aeoniumgarnet ‘s Haedir. The post below 👀
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Honestly had thoughts about it for much longer than half of December bc even though I no longer have any grip on a human form I just wanted blorbos to kiss ;v;
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daemon-in-my-head · 2 months
OC profile: Ellifain
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Got tagged by @wafflerageface (ty 💕), @sakurainhellagain @asteriasfallingstarsandtears @kawareo have fun if y'all want, or those that want to do this feel tagged rn
Full name: Yeah, about that, do you want the alias, the name he went with mainly or the true name? I might've gone overboard here. Ellifain is an alias he uses cuz reasons, the name he's registered as a citizen with and the one his family gave him would be Fionnlagh Starym, there's a whole ass backstory about his name, why he isn't using it, if he ever uses it again etc but too much for here. Feel free to ask though. Oh but, Gortash kinda knows his name? Listen y'all it's complicated. I like it when they suffer.
Gender: Male but is too busy having an identity crisis to care for it
Sexuality: aspec
Pronouns: he/him/they, doesn't really care for the same reason as above though
Father: biological; Bhaal, adopted; Anfalen Starym
Mother: biological; Bhaal(?), adopted; Saelihn Starym
Siblings: biological; Sarevok Anchev, adopted; Elanil Starym. Orin is just a niece, she's not Bhaals kid (though he does treat her like a sister)
Birthplace: praise the vague canon, I suppose he was created in Gehenna before Bhaal dropped him like a hot stone in the Gate
Job: Cult leader
Phobias: being viewed as Faithless or False, the cold
Guilty Pleasures: 'artistic' worship, dancing, sitting in the sun like a lizard, playing with Cadis
Alignment: neutral evil with chaotic tendencies
Sins: vivisections, murder, extortion, blackmail, skipping the fine prints, skipping work, arrogance, do you need the whole list or does this suffice?
Virtues: protectiveness (he's really not a good guy)
This or That
Introvert/Extrovert: Extroverted introvert(?), prefers to keep to himself or his small group of people he does not hate, but can be charming and extroverted in a rather manipulative fashion if duties require
Organized/Disorganized: Organized, not thanks to Scels help
Close-Minded/Open-Minded: Very open-minded, for better or worse. Please stop eating people that's not a balanced diet.
Calm/Anxious/Restless: Restless, can't sit still for 5 minutes. Needs to fiddle with something if he's not occupied
Disagreeable/Agreeable/In-Between: In-Between, will hear you out but if he considers your idea to be foolish he will call you out and become incredibly stubborn about it
Cautious/Reckless: Reckless. Does not give a damn as long as only he's involved, if others could be put into unfortunate situations however he'll reconsider and be somewhat careful. If he likes them that is
Patient/Impatient/In between: Patient, he'll get what he wants eventually, one way or another
Outspoken/Reserved/In between: Reserved, he will not talk or say more than he has to in order to convey his point. Local tyrants hate this trick.
Leader/Follower/Flexible: Flexible but prefers to lead
Empathetic/Unempethic/In between: In between, tries his best to be empathic but some things he simply can't comprehend or refuses to cuz of his own past
Traditional/Modern/In between: In between, mainly traditional but isn't afraid of introducing new things to the cult or his life
Hard working/Lazy: Hard working, solely cuz he avoids sleep and can't sit still for 5 minutes. Lounging is his archenemy
OTP: Gortash. Duh. Though things happened with a certain Drow in between
BrOTP: Astarion, platonic murder worsties, finally an elf that doesn't look at his appearance with disdain cuz they're the same in that regard. Lae'zel is cool too, they could share beautiful moments of identity crisis together
NOTP: Shadowheart, she's a constant painful reminder of the memories he's lost, oddly enough something he'd rather forget (his whole stick is running from uncomfortable truths lol) edit; also he has that whole Sehanine and moon bit going on so Shart thought he's a selunite, didn't go well for either of them lmao
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catnip-tequila · 1 year
♡ OCs + love languages ♡
Got tagged by @leopardmuffinxo to take this quiz for the people in my brain. Haedir Elanil - BG3/D&D Nature Cleric of Eldath
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violent devotion: Everyone seems to think you are faithless, but the thing is you haven’t yet found someone who will bring you to your knees and make you raise your head in reverence. This world has stopped bringing you joy, you want more of the divine. You want to dedicate your entire existence to someone; you want to make them realize they are not something terrible, make them see just how much beauty they are bringing to this world. You want to be the only one for them, the only one they have chosen to love. There’s a god shaped pit inside of you and only they can fit in it. And what if they choose to walk away? Didn’t I say this was violent devotion?
This is…. uh… why am I surprised to get this result for my cleric boi?
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pistachiozombie · 3 years
Hi! I hope ypur coming days brighten and I am sorry for your loss.
I hope this helps cheers you up- I absolutely LOVE your art. It is incredible!!! The style is so amazing and your OC is *chef kiss*
I have always loved The Hobbit and LOTR. I have an OC that I am currently writing a long fanfic for. Elanil Bradbenhelm Arael'Sha, half dwarf half elf. They grew up in Erebor before Smaug took the mountain and later on helped eith the quest to reclaim it. Even went on later during LOTR with the ring but thats far away haha.
Tbh I am curious how our OCs would interact! I feel like they would get along great :)
Aw gosh thank you so much ! I love the support ♡
I'm sure they would get along well! Aside from her shy nature, Leanna is pretty open to friendships especially if they are kind back. (Sven was an exception cause he needed help)
Elanil is such a pretty name though, Leanna would probably accidentally butcher the pronunciation 😊😱 I'm sure they will have some tea and get to know each other !
Sven might be a little less open to new friendships and be hesitant. But as long as Elanil can tolerate his sarcasm and smart ass nature , and maybe occasional battle competition invitations, I think they will be good!
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rodydoesartthings · 5 years
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uploading some of my older art to fill the space on here!
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avweckman · 6 years
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my favorite kiddo Elanil Kite. They’re all I can think about lately
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dirt-noodles · 6 years
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everybody meet Elanil she' wants to protect her girlfriends with her abs and her big sword and she's prepared to critique anybody's home decor
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myulalie · 3 years
Hiiiiii ! I wanna ask 31 💙
31. Do you have any OCs? Tell us about them.
I made one OC for Shadowhunters, a faerie named Elanil (literally thought of some sounds to put together in some sort of name xD) for Kill with a kiss.
Elanil is a Seelie Knight, scantily-clad and his skin is sticky with maple syrup. I think he has some power over shadows as he “fades in the dark”! He even gets a kiss from Magnus, before explaining why Alec is called “kill with a kiss” or “kill with his dick”.
I don’t think Elanil had anything to do with Alec’s adventures in the Seelie Court, but he seems to find it funny and says it’s “crude” to talk about Alec’s reproductive organs and their piercings.
Long live Elanil!
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badartxd · 2 years
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This drawing is a gift for my friends and RP partners @catnip-tequila and @taergalive, and pictured are their Baldur’s Gate 3 characters Haedir Elanil, the half-Drow cleric of Eldath, and Sephrin Roleth, a half-elf Wild Magic sorceress. They’re at a ball :}
Ref: https://m.facebook.com/kowalerts/photos/pcb.3119295761430975/3119295201431031/?type=3&__tn__=HH-R&eid=ARAAnxpBr4JoG6NFbNKhI-0URRlFvJTf85MVSRkKMMt-0UdBNybLQTycBXDhqbaB2F-fe_vMwPgf_AT4
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avweckman · 6 years
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i am, in fact, working on a drawing (and its something kinda big)
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avweckman · 6 years
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i was looking at some angel statues as references for Elanil, and idk my dudes but I kinda like the black and white shading so i might do one of these (probably the second one) in full detail/black and white
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avweckman · 6 years
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leave it to me to get bored of a drawing i know i would be super proud of but i just cant finish. maybe one day ill come back to this when i have the motivation lmao
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