#oc: ezekiel cooper
jacobseed · 1 month
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I'VE BEEN ASTRAY FROM YOU TOO LONG AND ALL MY DAYS HAVE TURNED TO DARKNESS. No God was going to turn away a sinner, so who was he to turn away a woman drowning in blood and death? He felt a pull- a calling- a will to be beside this woman and keep her from straying to far into the dark, but she had a way of pulling him in with her.
taglist: @imogenkol @statichvm @marivenah @risingsh0t @strangefable
@ravensgard @firstaidspray @pitchmoss @hartsvale @florbelles
@carrionsflower @josephzeppeli @thedeadthree @leviiackrman
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yanci-indigo · 2 months
Hii, usually I am very shy showing this particular piece but, I kinda need some help regarding my wip designs of Lucio's parents:
So this guy here is Dakila, aka Lucio's dad, Dakila means "great or large" it could also mean noble. At first I am lowkey nervous I was unintentionally gonna end up making him look like a fusion of freckle and Nico.. Thank goodness it didn't?.. Obviously it's not fully colored yet, the orange parts are the markings.
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He's based on a visayan leopard cat. (Or maral cat for short.):
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1. Now I do needed some advice or help whether I should simplify Dakila's markings. (Since I can imagine he be difficult to animate, that's just what I think.)
2. I have Lucio's Mother concept design, her name is Amelita. She's a Filipino domestic shorthair.. So could you suggest a breed for her please? If you can.
However I may or want to have her breed mix, since I made Lucio having a darker brownish beige color. Amelita's fur color is supposed to be warm brown, Dakila on the other hand has like an dark orangish color fur, with shades of brown.
So I am like in a crisis and my mind is debat4ibg whether or not I should just make Amelita a grey cat instead- Or brownish gray..
3. Another problem for me is Lucio's eye on my design is a Cooper yellow, while Dakila eyes are either dark brown or black. (Maybe it's just the bug pupils.) And I haven't decided what color Amelita would have. And I pretty much attached to Lucio having yellowish eyes so whoops..
Okay here's young Lucio btw: Its not 100 finalize but this what I think he'll look like when hes young.
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And a old design concept:
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And Lucio's older brother, Ezekiel:
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That's all. Have a good day/Night. ^^
HIIII @mivant03 AHHH I just got home from swimming, and I read this as I took a break hihi.
Anyways, I have a lot to discuss here so let's start!
First off, I love your ocs as I started analyzing each of their designs. Ngl I also have a crisis when I drew the parents of my OC Amber especially her mother lmao. And yes, character designing can be frustrating too huhu (⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠)
I am not good at explaining stuff or giving advice, but I will try anyway because yes. of course. absolutely. why not?
1. Since you have your reference for Lucio's father, I suggest you keep it simple. You can keep the dark brown streaks on his face to accentuate his features and to makes his design more unique. It also gives him the fierce look of a wild cat too. (Don't worry I don't see the fusion there ✧⁠*◍。)
2. I can't think of any cat breeds for Amelita, except a leopard cat, since there is not much wild cats in the Philippines huhu. Like when I researched it, there are like two wild cat breeds only native in Philippines.
Amelita as a Puspin is also fine too, since you can experiment her color patterns (more like a cheat code lmao). In fact, there is no specific color for Puspin as their color patterns are diverse (I mean EVERY COAT PATTERN EXISTS! ✧⁠\⁠(⁠>⁠o⁠<⁠)⁠ノ⁠✧) so there is not much of an issue if you play around on her design until you feel content. Amber's mom is a Puspin too with a tortoiseshell coat (black and orange fur).
I like the idea of Lucio got the genes from Amelita, as her genes are dominant while Dakila is a recessive one. I also like her to be brownish gray as it suits her more than the brown. It would be a nice detail that fits to their offspring.
(It's like genetics but it hurts our creativity AAAHHHH ༼⁠;⁠´⁠༎ຶ⁠ ⁠۝ ⁠༎ຶ⁠༽)
3. I love the concepts you made for the family. The breeds were mixed up, which it made sense since there are streaks from Dakila and the coat color from Amelita.
Also make Amelita's eyes warm yellow, since she would have a brownish gray fur just to contrast the hues and darkness. (It's up to you if you want to change her design)
Anyways that'll be all, I hope this will help you and forgive me if it's messy or anything huhu. All of these were my opinion and good luck on your piece!!! And take a break as well, mwah! YOU GOT THIS!!! ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡
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me4-prez · 4 months
𖦹 🌱 ˓ミ zahira coldsnow - (oc intro post) !˚
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NAME ; zahira coldsnow
AGE ; 16-19 depending on the season
GENDER ; female
PRONOUNS ; she+her
SEXUALITY ; straight ally
OCCUPATION ; reality tv star, baker's daughter
TAG ; "the dreamer"
MOTHER; maeve coldsnow
FATHER; luca coldsnow
LOVER; noah sterecra
ENEMIES; alejandro burromuerto (former), courtney satella (frenemies), duncan tarun, heather kasuga, justin kalani, noah sterecra (former)
FRIENDS; cody anderson, trent cooper, tyler kenard, dj benson, harold mcgrady
PETS; a calico cat named beemus she's had since childhood
CHILDREN; cassidy and ashton (later in life)
JOINING: zahira and her friend allie (important later on) got the posters for their theater and film class, urging them to sign up. zahira was firm that she wouldn't do it- she didn't want to be in front of a camera, was allie crazy? so allie, using zahira's deep competitive side, challenged her to a bet: they both audition, and if one of them gets in, they win 25 bucks. zahira agreed. that signed up that night. allie was excited, while zahira was just hopeful. but luck works in funny ways- zahira was chosen! she was in!
SEASON 1 (TOTAL DRAMA ISLAND); she arrives after harold and chooses to stand next to cody, who quickly becomes her first friend. when noah arrives, she makes a witty comment about his sweater vest, and he claps back. the two become quick frenemies. they hung out, but it was most arguing when they did. then noah was voted off (dodgebrawl), then cody was (paintball deer hunter). heather messed with zahira's food- she's a baker at her dad's cafe- and zahira was eliminated for making chris sick. she hung out at the resort and joined with lindsay and ezekiel at first to find the case in TDDDI, then stumbled across team e-scope and joined them. she picked up noah when he fell and he was thankful. they didnt end up getting the case.
SEASON 2 (TOTAL DRAMA ACTION); zahira sat on the sidelines with eva, ezekiel, noah, cody, and i think izzy idk. she doesnt speak much, only being on the aftrrmath show.
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negansgirl-xoxo · 5 years
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Some pics from TWD Season Finale.
Go follow my TWD fan page on Instagram @negansgirl_xoxo
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albatris · 2 years
OC name meanings tag!
thank you @chaotic-queer-disaster for the tag!
this is gonna be fun because I don't generally consider name meanings Whatsoever when I'm naming characters, and receive names via vibes and dreams and visions and stealing and the internet and such. anyway most of these are just from a very brief poke around the internet so. hm! we'll see
I'll just do a bunch of them, yeah? from Rental Car and ATDAO~
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OCs’ names (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! Bonus if you can find something for their last name too
Nathaniel Finch ("Nat"): so, Nat is "gift of god" and Nathaniel is "god has given" which is. objectively hilarious considering. uh. how he got turned into a vampire in the first place (was forcefed part of vampire god's undead rotting body) and what he's hellbent on doing next (eating the rest of vampire god's undead rotting body). and. well. Finch is simply a little bird <3
Quinn Cooper: Quinn means wisdom and intelligence? something along these lines. and "counsel"! Cooper is one of those surnames that originated from a profession, meaning a maker or repairer of wooden vessels such as barrels and tubs and such
Alexis Anders: Alexis means protector, defender or helper, which..... awww. that's sweet. that makes my heart happy. one google result lists it as specifically "protector of humanity" which just. hnngh. anyway. Anders means I thought having a character named Alex Anders would be funny "manly" apparently which. hm. not NOT the vibe but also a weird vibe
Yvonne Tozier: Yvonne means "yew"! blah blah longwinded wikipedia explanation brings me to also "archer" which is a funky vibe for her :3 Tozier is again one of those last names originating from an occupation, this time "comber or carder of wool"
*deep sigh* Jesika Cunningham-Warwick-Lâm ("Zeke"): the only specific Zeke meanings I can find relate to Zeke as a shortened form of Ezekiel, whereas Zeke shortens it from Jesika :P Jesika is "he sees" or "God beholds" which is fun. Cunningham and Warwick are both named for locations, while Lâm means woods or forest
Ethel ?????: OKAY SO THANKS TO THIS TAG I learned that Ethel emerges as a shortened form of Etheldreda ot Etheldred which SLAPS and is absolutely a name I will be looking further into at some point. n Ethel means NOBLE so that was an excellent choice on my part hahahaha. look at these fancy bastards
Tristan Greer ("Tris"): Tristan means. fucking sad or sorrowful. lmao. poor kid. or noise according to some sources? anyway I was kind of D: about this until I looked up Tris and received "one who makes others happy and brings happiness" which!!!!! is just so sweet and wholesome in the context that Tris is a chosen name he adores and he actively dislikes his full first name ;-; I don't care if that meaning is incorrect or only applies to Tris as a shortened form of Beatrice. it's so sweet. Greer means watchful or vigilant, which. yeah that checks out. paranoia moods
Yun Sung-won ("Noa"): yes her name has changed slightly the meaning of Sung-won changes depending on the hanja for each syllable of the name, so I had a fun time with this one and hopefully didn't fuck up too bad. in this case..... Sung meaning "sincere, honest, true" and Won meaning "source, origin, root" :3 the family name Yun means "governor" and Noa means "motion"!
Kai Lancaster: Kai has a bunch of different meanings! most likely their parents leaned towards the meaning "sea" which seems to be fairly common, but I'm obsessed with the implications of the meaning "keeper of the keys" in a book called All The Doors Are Open and considering the role Kai plays in the unreality hehe. Lancaster comes simply from the place name :3
Shara Aleng: Shara appears to mean either "princess" or "a fertile plain" (or just "plain" but, like. yeah, geographically a plain, not "boring"). despite definitely existing as a surname I find no reliable meanings for Aleng that vibe
Melissa Marrick: Melissa means honeybee! that's adorable! too bad as a character she's such a bastard lmao. the meaning of Marrick as a surname is also proving a bastard to track down but that's fine seeing as it was a name I just thought sounded neat. likely it would be a variation of Merrick? which can apparently mean fame and power, or can be from the Latin Mauritius which means dark. but that's Merrick not Marrick so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
anyway uh. open tag? for whoever's vibin! I'm too tired and lazy and shy to tag today so. you! yes, you! I mean you <3 oh I mean maybe @multi-lefaiye and @thepotatowriter I'm vibin with your characters and I'm curious! but no pressure c:
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harbouredsoulss · 3 years
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Author's note: You have no idea how happy I am to post again! 💞
I've been working on this for a while and am so excited to finally share this with you all. This is set to be a series, with the current number of parts unknown (though I'm currently working on that).
I also appreciate every single person who helped me when I was trying to work out how long my posts should be! You were all super helpful 🥰
warning(s): violence. mention of stalking. blood. a hint of smut. friends x lovers! panic.
pairing(s): ez reyes x [OC] ivána
word count: 2.3 k
summary: Ivána has a secret. She is in danger, and has kept this from everyone including her best friend Ez. What happens when this danger finally comes for her?
Nights alone were truly unbearable, though Ivána knew she was never truly alone.
There was always that heavy feeling -an inexplicable feeling that haunted her, to the point where she knew that he had to be out there watching her each and every move. The feeling clung to her, never abating.
Her home was locked down with the doors bolted shut, and windows sealed and secured. She had made it into a fortress since the first time he had made his intentions clear. She knew his kind; had seen it before. They liked to toy with their prey, and strike fear into their hearts, not long before they consumed them, body and soul.
Ivána knew she was just biding her time before the games would truly begin. The intimidation thus far had been nothing but mere warning of what was to come.
She lay in bed, tossing and turning, thoughts all consuming. She knew what she could do to make the problem go away. The police would be the best place to start and a smart move at that. Though that wasn’t who she was really considering turning to.
There were people she knew and trusted enough to protect her from harm. She had connections with people from all walks of life, some of which she grew up with, some of them considered family.
Her best friend, the one she had been secretly in love with for the majority of her life, Ezekiel Reyes, would do anything for her and she knew that. But she couldn’t bring herself to drag him into her mess. He had already gone through enough; he doesn’t need her problems added to his list.
At some point in the night, she did fall asleep. She fell to the faint pitter patter of the rain, which was rare for Santo Padre. It soothed her restless thoughts, and nudged her slowly to an unbroken sleep.
For once her dreams were not filled with terror, though there was still a flicker of anxiety as her thoughts shaped and manifested to their final form. In her dreams she spoke to EZ, hands caressing his face softly, lips barely a breath a part, whispering to him, telling him the truth, and allowing all her fears to be released. She allowed him to protect her. He encased her in his arms creating a barrier that separated her physical form from all the uncertainties her life was set to face -that plagued her mind incessantly.
Her mind gave in to her desires, ones she not would let happen in the real world. It allowed her a glimpse at what safety and love would truly feel like.
Unlucky for her, the dreams did not last, it was the arrogant sound of her alarm which happened to choose that precise moment, when her thoughts morphed into something more illicit, to interfere with her reverie. The idea of snoozing the alarm was tempting, as was remaining in bed hidden within the confines of her room. Though she knew she would be missed, and staying here, locking herself inside forever, would arouse suspicion.
The hospital would be nothing more than a brief reprieve from the game she had been made part of.
At least that’s what she told herself.
It wouldn’t stop her from looking over her shoulder as she made rounds, checking each bathroom stall, and cataloguing each individual in a waiting room. She was in a minefield and was sure to explode if she made the wrong move.
He had been doing this for quite some time now, though usually he left her alone at work. He left toying with her for when she was alone with no one to reach out to for help. He knew her hours, when she would begin her shift and when it would end. She figured he had someone hack into the hospital’s servers and access her roster. She also knew that if he was not going to be physically present, there would always be someone else from within his inner circle there to stalk her.
She stood in her bathroom, scrubs gripped tightly in her hands, eyes glaring at the fabric as she debated her choices. Her skin was like ice, with goosebumps coating her flesh as she stood there naked in the room, allowing her mind to tick over like a clock. She didn’t want to leave, and it took every ounce of strength she had to force her body to cooperate.
Her mind was at war with itself. Different parts of it were broken up over what she should do. Parts of her wanted to run and hide, whilst the other parts wanted her to stay, too scared to step a toe out of line and be killed.
Her eyes remained locked on her reflection, fingers tracing the length of her skin, up and down, from the curve of her breasts to soft bump of her waist. Her eyes fluttered closed as the soft movement of her fingers pulled her into trance.
It was kaleidoscope of colour that flickered beneath her eyelids as her body began to relax. Soon the mirage of colour transformed in to one whole image of Ez and herself.
Their limbs were intertwined, sliding against one another intimately. His breathing hot against the crook of her neck, fingers torturing her in the most delicious way possible. Sliding down the slope of her body, caressing her breasts, kneading her tender flesh as they ventured lower. They slipped between her thighs, and began rubbing her gently and softly. Edging her, at a leisurely pace, to her release.
It was a sound reminiscent to that of a gunshot that shook Ivána from her fantasy and filled her to the brim with terror.
She moved as fast her body would allow, though it resulted in her tangling herself in her scrubs, tripping over her own feet as tried to dress herself. She could hear the thrum of her heart pounding in her ears as she made her body move towards the living room, grasping onto the baseball bat she kept hidden behind her couch.
It was at that point she came to the realisation that it was not a gunshot she had heard, only what sounded like one. What she had heard was actually the sound of someone banging themselves against her front door.
She had every intention of calling out and demanding the name of whoever it was that was trying to take down her door, but it was the fear that froze her where she stood. She knew with every fibre of her being that the person on the other side of the door was not a friend.
It was only when she took a few hesitant steps away from the couch towards the entryway that the wood began splintering and a large crack struck through the length of the wooden panelled door.
Particles of dust and wood chips scattered across the floor as the banging continued. Her knuckles turned white; her circulation sure to cut off as she continued to grip the handle of the baseball bat, tighter and tighter.
She could hear whoever it was grunting as they continued to throw their body against the door.
It went on for a limited time, mere minutes, before she saw her front door fly off its hinges, bang against her hallway table, and land right before her feet.
A jolt of surprise and dread iced her veins as she took in the scene before her. It was only one man.
It took only one man to break into my home.
Recognition sparked as the cog wheels in her mind began to turn.
His face was red, with beads of sweat clinging to his flesh, soaking his brown hair, and plastering it against his face.
Ivána had seen this man before.
He smiled at her faintly, chest heaving, struggling to catch his breath. He held up his hand, his index finger pointed upwards.
“One…. Moment…” he rasped out; face still flushed as he struggled to catch his breath.
Her eyes were fixed on him, as he stood there both hands pressed on either side of the door frame, his head hanging low. It was a surprising sight for her. One that took an edge off the fear that was gripping her.
There was no awareness of time as she stood there like a deer caught in headlights. All the awareness was honed in on the man before her and his breathing, and how much easier it was starting to become. She knew she was running out of time, but she couldn’t bring herself to do anything.
It didn’t take too long for his demeanour to change. No longer was his mouth agape with salvia bubbling at his lips, slipping down his chin as he tried to capture his breath. He brought his hand to his mouth and begun wiping it slowly, removing any hint of weakness as he did so.
Finally, he took a step towards her, entering her home, stepping on the broken door.
“Let me guess,” she started, taking a step back, “you’re one of David’s men?”
Her fingers curled tightly around the handle of the bat, using all the strength within her, to hold herself up right. The target she’s had on her back, the dread, anticipation, never quite knowing when he would strike. It was always clear that he was waiting for the right moment, which had now come.
The intruder nodded in return, making sure to smile at her wickedly.
“Matteo.” He answered, though she had no care for his name. Being one of David’s lackies was all she needed to know.
Ivána ignored him and instead widened her stance, preparing her body for the inevitable swing that she would take.
Matteo took another step towards her, chest heaving. The knock down of the door had clearly taken a lot out of him, although he tried to show her otherwise.
He didn’t appear to be too old, though she could tell he was not in his prime.
“You know why I’ve come; I assume?”
“To finally take me?” She guessed with a slight shrug to her shoulders, stance still wide, arms ready to swing, “though after that little performance, you shouldn’t feel too confident on your mission being a success.”
He wasn’t fazed by the scorn notable in her voice. He just stood there with his hands on his hips; a smirk plastered on his face, pure excitement gleaming in his eyes.
His gaze remained locked on hers, never wavering, though that was not before he allowed it to lingered down her body slowly, zeroing in on the weapon in her hand. It transformed his smirk into something more wicked; sickening.
“Oh, baby girl,” he said, voice thick and husky, almost as if the mere sight of her holding a weapon turned him on. He licked his lips, clucking his tongue as he did so, with an evil gleam now luminous in his eyes, “surely you must know that it’s a massive turn on when you think you can fight back.”
“You’re disgusting,” she spat; voice laced with venom, “you and your entire crew are nothing but pigs. If your boss wants me, he can come and get me himself.”
He laughed, a hearty kind of laugh. One full of promise.
He began his attack.
Blood trickled down the sharp edges of the blade at an unhurried pace. Each drop leaving a faint echo throughout the room one might miss if they weren’t listening out carefully.
Ivána stood there frozen, arms rigid, and glued to her side, clutching the kitchen knife. Her breathing ragged, chest heaving with every painful intake of breath. Her body was battered with cuts, and bruises which, unbeknownst to her, had already begun developing across her flesh. There was no mistaking the red, angry, marks on her skin that were sure to ache, leaving a clear reminder as to what had happened. Perhaps the physical marring of flesh would clear, in time. Though that moment, standing frozen over her assailant’s body, knife caked in blood, would never fade.
Her body convulsed, though she was unaware, as the shock washed over her like a tidal wave. The knife slipped from her hand, clattering to the floor as she fell to her knees. Her body was wracked with loud uncontrollable sobs as the image of the attack flashed through her mind at a hastened pace. Her hands crimson, caked in his blood. Her breathing grew erratic and the panic began to set in, eyesight blurred with tears.
“Yo! Hermana.”
Confusion triggered an innate reaction within her at the sound of Angel’s voice, one that she was not ready for. She jerked forward and frantically began trying to clean the mess around her. Hoping to hide the mess - afraid of anyone else seeing it.
Had she been in a rational state of mind, she would have stopped herself. The attempt she was making was needless given the fact that all she was doing was using her hands to rub the blood around her.
“Ivána…” Voice trailing off, Angel stood within the threshold of the doorway, gaze locked on Ivána as she continued to frantically clean her kitchen floor.
Crouching down he reached out to place his hand on her shoulder, his voice softly urging her to stop. As he touched her, she let out a shrill scream, and lashed out at Angel. Her body and mind were still locked in the fight of her life.
She mistook Angel for another one of David’s men, come to finish what Matteo had started.
“Please,” she begged, voice cracking as her sobs turned heavier, shaking her body further, “Please.”
“I’m here,” Angel murmured softly, attempting to soothe her, “it’s me… Angel.”
“I’ve got you.” He murmured again as he reached towards her, both arms open in attempt to pull her body towards his in an embrace.
She allowed him to take her, his heart shattering when her body went limp in his arms.
If you have stuck through with this part thank you so much! I am really excited to make this a series and worrying about it being a flop! Especially given this part doesn’t really have EZ it, merely mentions of him. I have honestly read and reread over this so many times it’s gotten to the point where I hate it lol. Please leave feedback (if you wish 😂) and pleeeease let me know if you are actually excited to see where this goes. Any guesses? Again, thank you so much if you have actually read all of this and didn’t give up! I appreciate you so much! 💞 I am truly sorry if this was boring!! It’s just the set up so pleeease stick around
TAGLIST (OPEN): @appropriate-writers-name @thesandbeneathmytoes @abby-splace @tartanbumsters @noz4a2 @sesamepancakes @montanaraed
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yourfaveisacrow · 2 years
hello, my name is Achilles!! I am a young adult and my pronouns are he/they ^^ rules for requests are under the cut, as well as characters that have already been hit with the crow beam
submissions are;
when sending a submission, send the name and media a character is from, as well as whether the character Is or is Not a crow. feel free to send yourself/other users in, as well as OCs! if sending an oc, please attach an image as well
dont hesitate to send bird based characters that arent crows that shits funny as fuck !!!!!
names in italics have been government assigned Not Crows; names in bold have been assigned both crow and not crow
ethan green ; lex foster ; paul matthews ; linda monroe ; gerald monroe ; steph lauter ; pete spankoffski ; ted spankoffski ; henry hidgens ; curt mega ; owen carvour ; edgar allan poe ; wilbur cross ; john macnamara ; ezekiel ; grace chasity ; boy jerry ; girl jeri ; charlotte sweetly ; emma perkins ; ziggy ; alice woodward ; deb ; miss holloway ; duke keane ; hailey dilmore ; kale ;
etc musicals;
mischa bachinski(rtc) ; penny lamb/jane doe(legoland/rtc) ; constance blackwood(rtc) ; noel gruber(rtc) ; ricky potts(rtc) ; sara berry(35mm) ; simon pratt(rockabye) ; xander hackett(rockabye) ; marly blackwood(rockabye) ; adil foster(rockabye) ; calypso jones(rockabye) ;
stranger things;
eddie munson ; robin buckley ;
the umbrella academy;
luther hargreeves ; diego hargreeves ; klaus hargreeves ; five hargreeves ; (umbrella)ben hargreeves ; viktor hargreeves ;
the addams family;
tyler galpin(wednesday) ; wednesday addams(wednesday) ;
lenore(evermore) ;
nathan drake(movie) ;
percy jackson;
percy jackson ;
harry osborn(raimi) ; harry osborn(tasm) ; peter parker(tasm) ; gwen stacy(tasm) ; barkley blitz(msm2017) ; otto octavius(msm2017) ; harry osborn(msm2017) ; peter parker(msm2017) ; flash thompson(msm2017) ; anya corazon(msm2017) ; carolyn trainer(msm2017) ;
loki odinson/laufeyson(movie) ; ikol(comic) ;
nowhere boys;
sam conte ; felix ferne ; jake riles ; andy lau ;
qrow ;
takiyama ; kokichi ;
street fighter;
charlie nash ;
davesprite ; davepeta ; dave strider ;
good omens;
crowley ;
rusty lake;
mr crow ;
jason dean ;
the adventure zone;
kravitz ;
the goldfinch;
boris pavlikovsky ;
chatot ;
james moriarty ;
my hero academia;
fumikage tokoyami ;
the owl house;
eda clawthorne ; lilith clawthorne ;
story of seasons pioneers of olive town;
beth ;
warrior cats;
crowfeather ;
ingram ;
batman ; jonathan crane(gotham) ;
apex legends;
bloodhound ;
resident evil;
mother miranda ;
schitts creek;
moira rose ;
woody woodpecker;
woody woodpecker ;
mirei park ;
cookie run;
black raisin cookie ;
aya shameimaru ;
real people/users/things;
tad cooper ;
gravity falls;
dipper pines ;
edgar allan poe ; philza minecraft ; user maybe0rdinary ; user callieharm ; user yourfavedoesntcondoneleaking ; user yourfaveisacrow ; you ; red blood cells ; indigos-shits-and-giggles' dog milo ; indigos-shits-and-giggles' dog zeke ;
far(mcytblr, lorekeepers) ; luna(mcytblr, lorekeepers) ; ashen(mcytblr, lorekeepers) ;
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transienturl · 4 years
Q: How much do I know about sports off the top of my head? I’m bored, so let’s find out.
NFC West (one of the strongest divisions ever):
Seattle Seahawks. Key (and less-key) players: Russell Wilson (QB), DK Metcalf (WR), Tyler Lockett (WR), Freddie Swain (WR), Greg Olsen (TE), Colby Parkinson (TE), Damien Lewis (G), Duane Brown (T), Ethan Pocic (C, I think?), Chris Carson (RB), Rashaad Penny (RB), Travis Homer (RB), Michael Dickson (P), help what’s the kicker’s name, Jamal Adams (S), Quandre Diggs (S), Bobby Wagner (LB), KJ Wright (LB), Jordyn Brooks (LB), Poona Ford (DI), Jarran Reed (defensive... line somewhere), Shaquill Griffon (CB), Quinton Jefferson (CB), Tre Flowers (CB), Benson Mayowa (DE), Carlos Dunlap (DE), Alton Robinson (DE), Shaquem Griffon (DE), god I can’t remember the new slot corner but he’s pretty good I think. Coach: Pete Carroll. OC: Brian Schottenheimer. DC: Ken Norton, Jr. GM: John Schneider. Owner: Jody Allen. Notes: Every game is close. Used to always run, but this year always throws. Quarterback is basically magic. Defense is severely lacking. My home team, obviously.
San Francisco 49ers. Key players: Jimmy Garoppolo (QB), George Kittle (TE), many fast running backs, Raheem Mostert is one of them, Trent Williams (T), Richard Sherman (CB), Nick Bosa (DE). Coach: Kyle Shanahan. Notes: Running game scheme is a work of staggering genius. Best player is a tight end for some reason. Went to the Super Bowl last year.
Arizona Cardinals. Key players: Kyler Murray (QB), Larry Fitzgerald (WR), DeAndre Hopkins (WR), Christian Kirk (WR), Budda Baker (S), Patrick Peterson (CB). Coach: Kliff Kingsbury. Notes: Runs many wide receivers, in scheme Kingsbury got from coaching college. Used to be bad, but getting better each year. Kyler is very small.
Los Angeles Rams. Key players: Jared Goff (QB), Cooper Kupp (WR), Andrew Whitworth (T), Darrell Henderson (RB), Aaron Donald (DI), Johnny Hekker (P). Coach: Sean McVay. DC: Used to be Wade Phillips, but not anymore. Notes: Runs a lot of plays from the same formation. Coach is very smart. Made the Super Bowl two years ago. Best player is a defensive tackle, for some reason.
NFC East (the worst division in NFL history):
New York Giants. Key players: Daniel Jones (QB), Saquon Barkley (RB). Coach: Joe, uh... Douglas. GM: Dave Gettleman. Notes: Spent a huge amount of draft capital on players the numbers said weren’t worth it. Seems accurate.
Philadelphia Eagles. Key players: Carson Wentz (QB), Jalen Hurts (backup QB), literally everyone else is injured. Oh, Jason Peters (T). Coach: Doug Peterson. GM: Howie Roseman. Notes: Everyone is injured. Everyone. Went to the Super Bowl 3 years ago and won with their backup QB.
Dallas Cowboys. Key players: Dak Prescott (QB, injured), Andy Dalton (backup QB, injured), No one of note (third-string QB), Amari Cooper (WR), CeeDee Lamb (WR), Ezekiel Elliott (RB), Leighton Vander Esch (LB), Greg Zuerlein (K), I could probably name more if I tried hard enough. Coach: Mike McCarthy. GM: Jerry Jones. Owner: Also Jerry Jones. Notes: Every year they have good players and lose anyway. Paid their running back instead of their quarterback. Also, now they have no healthy quarterback.
Washington [used to have a racist name]. Key players: Dwayne Haskins (benched QB), Alex Smith (QB... whose leg does not work), Kyle Allen (QB), Terry McLaurin (WR), Chase Young (DE), Montez Sweat (DE). Coach: Ron Rivera. Owner: Dan Snyder, who is the worst human being in the NFL, and that is saying a lot. Notes: No one cares about the football, Dan Snyder should be in jail. Also, Ron Rivera has cancer and Alex Smith’s leg injury almost killed him, so those guys deserve better.
NFC North:
Detroit Lions. Key Players: Matthew Stafford (QB), um, I should remember some more. Jeff Okudah (CB). Coach: Matt Patricia. Notes: Stafford deserves better. Patricia keeps signing ex-Patriots players, and it doesn’t work, presumably because the good ones are current-Patriots-players.
Minnesota Vikings. Key players: Kirk Cousins (QB), Adam Thielen (WR), Justin Jefferson (WR), Dalvin Cook (RB), many good defensive players whose names I don’t know. Coach: Mike Zimmer. Notes: Historically a good defense and just missing a competent QB. Paid a lot for an average QB; defense sucks now for some reason. Also, runs a lot.
Chicago Bears. Key Players: Mitchell Trubisky (QB), Nick Foles (QB), Allen Robinson (WR), Khalil Mack (DE). Coach: Matt Nagy. Notes: Has been wasting great defensive performances with poor to average quarterback play since World War II.
Green Bay Packers. Key Players: Aaron Rodgers (QB), Davante Adams (WR), Allan Lazard (WR), Aaron Jones (RB), Jamaal Williams (RB), Robert Tonyan (TE), David Bakhtiari (T), Za’Darius Smith (DE), Preston Smith (DE). Coach: Matt LaFleur. GM: Brian Gutekunst. Owner: “The fans.” Notes: Has started a hall-of-famer at quarterback every season since before you were born. Winning big but the analytics say they’re getting a bit lucky lately.
NFC South:
Atlanta Falcons. Key players: Matt Ryan (QB), Julio Jones (WR), I forgot the new WR’s name but he looks legit, Todd Gurley (RB). Coach that was recently fired: Dan Quinn. Notes: Have become known for inexplicably blowing enormous leads late in games. It’s quite funny, at this point.
New Orleans Saints. Key players: Drew Brees (QB), Michael Thomas (WR), Alvin Kamara (RB), Taysom Hill (listed as backup QB but just kinda does weird shit on offense), Jameis Winston (backup QB), Cam Jordan (DE), I should remember the cornerback’s name. Coach: Sean Payton. Notes: Known for having tons of talent every year, salary cap be damned, and then losing in heartbreaking fashion in the playoffs. Brees is getting old.
Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Key players: Tom Brady (QB), Mike Evans (WR), Chris Godwin (WR), this one WR who can go eat shit, Rob Gronkowski (TE), Antoine Winfield Jr (S), Vita Vea (DI). Coach: Bruce Arians. Notes: Signed Tom Brady. It’s working pretty well. Defense is top-tier. The most balanced team.
god, who is the other NFC south team, uh...  hold on, lemme get back to you.
AFC North:
Baltimore Ravens
Pittsburgh Steelers
Cleveland Browns
um... Cincinnati Bengals? Maybe?
AFC East:
New York Jets
New England Patriots
Miami Dolphins
Buffalo Bills
AFC South:
Houston Texans
Jacksonville Jaguars
Tennessee Titans
uhh... Indianapolis Colts.
AFC West:
Denver Broncos
Kansas City (I think this name should be changed too, honestly)
Las Vegas Raiders
I guess this must be the Los Angeles Chargers?
Oh, so the other NFC South team is the Carolina Panthers. Of course. Key players: Teddy Bridgewater (QB), Christian McCaffrey (RB and also arguably their best receiver), Yetur Gross-Matos (DE). Coach: Matt Rhule. Notes: Rebuilding their team this year, but quietly doing pretty well, considering.
Alright, I’m gonna stop there. Didn’t even get to the other half of the NFL, let alone started to try and list NBA/MLB/NHL teams, which would have gone extremely poorly. Story for another day.
Also, uh, yeah, this is a normal amount to know about football as someone who doesn’t watch football, oooobviously...
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discordrpbythalia · 5 years
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Many young people dream of their WEDDING. They imagine the dress, the flowers and their lover standing at the ALTAR. When they close their eyes, they can almost smell the wedding CAKE and hear the cheesy LOVE songs. And all of their friends are there, smiling and praising all of the BEAUTY in the room – and all attention on the HAPPY COUPLE. What most don’t imagine is their wedding gown soaked in BLOOD. They don’t imagine the SCREAMS as their friends are cleaved in half. They don’t picture their Prince Charming with a MURDEROUS grin on their face. Unfortunately, life is LESS like a romantic COMEDY, and much more like the HORROR stories we all pretend to not be AFRAID of. HARPER’S ISLAND, located an hour from Seattle’s coast, is the destination for one of these happy unions. Family and friends from all across the country have gathered on one half of the happy couple’s BIRTHPLACE to take part in the ceremony. As a special treat, their family has paid for A WEEK of vacation on the local hotel for ALL GUESTS. What most of these ignorant guests don’t know is that TEN YEARS AGO, a SERIAL KILLER was on the loose. JOHN WAKEFIELD killed TEN PEOPLE before he was SHOT by the local sheriff – but it has been said that he will NOT be the LAST. Many LOCALS are uneasy with having this many strangers gathered on the island, all remembering the killings a little too well. When wedding guests are KILLED off ONE BY ONE, the locals and the newcomers must take a deep breath and admit that A NEW SERIAL KILLER might be walking among them. ( keep reading for more information !! )
THIS IS AN IC DISCORD SERVER. This blog serves only to organize those who have not yet been accepted.
There will be a second arrival of muses, and POTENTIALLY, a new murderer. There is already a current murderer. New additions will be ‘late arrivals’ to the wedding week.
In this group verse, your character will either be a part of the wedding party (as family of the groom/bride or friend of the groom/bride) or one of the locals. As an added bonus, you may audition for the secret role of the new serial killer as well. The identity of the serial killer will only be known by the killer themselves and me, the admin of the group. Together, we will make decisions on which character to kill off next. Please note this means your muse may (and is likely to) die. I will always contact the next victim and ask them to post a drabble of their death. After their death, I will reveal the identity of the killer so that they can smugly follow the rest of the plot.
Events will be posted, and though they will not ‘officially’ be held, interactions based on them are highly encouraged. This could for example be a bonfire, a rehearsal dinner, a picnic, a bachelor/bachelorette party, etc. It is not a new day until I have made the announcement; this is because a lot of things can happen in one day when people are dying like flies, and to make sure everyone has had the chance to interact based on the latest event/twist/death. Characters are, of course, allowed to not follow the wedding events and go on their own adventures.
This server and plot are set up to encourage extensive pre-established relationships between characters. Histories are encouraged – exes, childhood friends, jealous lovers, old flames, sibling/family interactions are encouraged and are fairly necessary for this. All plotting may be done in server or privately, as long as the mod is kept updated about important interactions.
This server is all about SECRETS. IC secrets should be given and are encouraged. All secrets must be made known to the mod for plot use.
The RULES: i. Do NOT share any plot knowledge you may have. This includes the identity of the killer, who will die next, and any other potential twists. If you play the killer or if your character has been killed, I need to trust that you will not ruin the surprise. ii. No OOC drama or godmodding other players. IC drama is certainly encouraged, but if there is an issue between anyone, please take it up with them privately or approach a mod. iii. Both canon characters and OCs are welcome. As this is a discord server, faceclaims do not come into play. We will not be accepting duplicates of the same muse unless a twin or family au is worked out between the players. iv. Send your application and verse-related asks to this blog until you are accepted and provided with the discord server link. v. Stay updated and active! This server will likely move fast, and interaction is key. If you go inactive for too long, it’s likely your muse will become plot fodder and murdered, or simply removed from the server. I understand real life will always come first, please just try to keep up to date. vi. ALL players must be 18+, and their muses 21+. THIS IS NOT A SFW SERVER. We will not be writing explicit material, but it will be trigger-heavy and fairly uncensored. vii. Each player is allowed up to two (2) muses. This is encouraged, in the case that one is killed early, you are not simply sitting in the ether watching the fun happen !
The APPLICATION form: Mun name & pronouns: Mun age (18+ only!): Role: Are they related to the bride/groom, are they friends, are they a local? Stereotype: What stereotypical (horror movie) label could fit them best? Secret: If they have any secrets from the rest of the locals/wedding party, now is the time to write them, or if there is anything the mod should know. If not, leave this space empty. This part of the application will not be shown to others. Brief Biography: Suggested length is about a paragraph. Tell us about who your character is. Please include name, age (muses must be 21+!), and pronouns in addition to brief backstory. Here is a SERIAL KILLER APPLICATION form: * everyone can apply as the serial killer; I will choose one. Motive: Why would they start killing guests (and locals)? Style: What would your character’s killing style be? Are they humane; do they keep trophies; do they like hearing the screams; what are their favorite weapons? Justification: How does your character justify killing people? Do they want entertainment; do they want to show how clever they are; do they think the victims had it coming?
After application ACCEPTANCE: you will be sent the Discord server link. All future interactions, ic and ooc, will happen in-server.
A current list of MEMBERS:
Regina Scott / 37, she/her / The Wedding Planner / written by Thalia
Ianto Jones / 23, he/him / The Brother of the Bride / The DJ / written by Jacklynn
Ophelia Smith / 21, she/her / The Bride / written by Meg
Rory Williams / 23, he/him / The Groom / written by Gabe
John Smith / 60, he/him / The Wedding Guest / written by Charlie
Shelby Wyatt / 28, she/her / The Ranch Owner / The Local / written by Thalia DECEASED
Sam Mullin / 30, she/her / The Bartender / The Local / written by Tara
Bree Tinsley / 22, she/her / The Bridesmaid / written by Tara
Garcia Flynn / 48, he/him / The Cop / The Local / written by Harper
Zara Young / 28, she/her / The Personal Assistant / written by Jacklynn
Josh Lyman / 37, he/him / The Wedding Guest / written by Ellie
Spencer Reid / 29, he/him / The Cop / The Local / written by Ellie DECEASED
Mels Zucker / 23, she/her / The Local / written by Alex
Irene Larra / 45, she/her / The Wedding Guest / written by Alex
Ezekiel Jones / 27, he/him / The Wedding Guest / written by Harper DECEASED
Glenda Jones / 47, she/her / The Mother of the Bride / written by Charlie
Max Ward / 22, he/him / The Wedding Guest / written by C DECEASED
Jonathan Smith / 50, he/him / The Father of the Bride / written by Meg
Gabriel Waverly / 21, they/them / The Local / written by Gabe
Ronan Lynch / 21, he/him / The Local / The Dockworker / written by Ellie
Donna Moss / 30, she/her / The Wedding Guest / written by Callie
Clara Oswald Williams / 28, she/her / The Sister of the Groom / written by Thalia
Gwen Cooper / 23, she/her / The Wedding Guest / written by Thalia
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phantomlordreshiram · 4 years
Here are all my Pokemon protag OCs (they're based on the characters I used in the games), and a short blurb about their personalities. All of these are my babies and I love them to death.
Lucas Albany Fairchild (Pearl version): Energetic like his rival, Lewis (Barry but I chose his name), Lucas has a headstrong, get-things-done personality.
Nicholas Ezekiel Wade (AS): Jovial and chill, Nicholas is the life of a party. Always doing what he wants to, he has encountered a wide variety of legendaries in Hoenn. Famous for his contests and being the son of Norman.
Leon Jedediah Wade (OR): Younger brother of Nicholas, Leon is fiery and independent. He wants things done as fast as possible, evident in the fact that he ventured across Hoenn and beat Steven in only 15 hours.
Nick Conrad Ramirez (X): A powerful psychic with powers of pyrokinesis, Nick had the intelligence of a high schooler by age 9. The first Unovan crowned champion of Kalos, Nick has become an inter-regional icon, considered one of THE most powerful trainers.
Samus Fawn Ramirez (Y): The young sister of Nick, Samus is a graceful battler. Despite starting 6 years ago, she has still not finished the pokemon league, finding it pointless due to her brother's extreme might in battle since 2014.
Ellis Fitzgerald Holiday (Black): The wild card of pokemon trainers, Ellis is the former champion of Unova. Despite being a strong battler, he suffers internally from his slew of mental issues. He has people like his boyfriend, Piers (of Galar fame), to lean on. He currently plays in a band with Piers in Galar, boosting his fame as a musician.
Kasumi Irene Rockford (Black 2): Daughter of Byron (of Sinnoh fame), Kasumi is the current champion of Unova. Hailing from the mountainous Asperita City, Kasumi is hardy and strong-willed, but also bubbly and fun-loving. She is also famous in Galar for being the girlfriend of Gym Leader Gordie (of Circhester).
Nikolai Presley Rockefeller (Moon): The first official champion of Alola, Nikolai hails from Kanto. Also famous in other regions for his jazz singing career with his primarina, Elvis. He is calm and collected, and enjoys watching the waves crash on the beach near his house.
Camden Jason Kennedy (Ultra Moon): Hailing from Kanto along with Nikolai, Camden is the alternate universe champion of Alola. A fiery and fame-obsessed trainer, he loves professional wrestling. He practices with his Incineroar.
Maxim Clive Redfield (Sword): The sword-weilding hero of Postwick, Maxim is the champion of Galar. He represents his two nationalities of Unova and Galar by flying the two flags during his tournament matches. He is thrill-seeking and crowd-pleasing, oozing charisma. His explosive and flamboyant style is based on the hair metal bands of the 80s, such as Alice Cooper and Mötley Crüe.
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jacobseed · 1 year
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there’s a reckoning a’comin and it burns beyond the grave.
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thewhumpstuff · 4 years
You and I, Me and You [32]
[CW:- References to: Past gunshot trauma leading to loss of limb, human trafficking and trade, amputee oc rescued from captivity. ]  
[Teaser and Master List] [Archives of our Own] - (Lost and Found: Chapter - 7)
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Empty by Ritonix
Jared was left feeling incredibly uncomfortable on Ezekiel’s turf. The blonde had just made that house his, left parts of himself in the tasteful debauchery.  From the thoughtfully curated pieces of art and display of exotic ancient instruments, to the carefully minimalistic nature of all the furniture that promised convenience, comfort and luxury. He walked into the study with Tariq. “Zizi… sounds like Vivi. Zizi… Vivi… Zizi… Vivi” Tariq remarked with a dry snigger. He needed some relief from the tense silence which he and Nova adopted, to let Zizi rest by the fire. This felt like a cheap trick to lighten things and it made her name feel strangely familiar. He swallowed his hollow laughter and surrendered to the awkward silence again when the other man emphatically did not react.   They made their way back inside. Jared spotted the tall woman resting on the floor in front of the fireplace. She looked like she was napping, lying on her right side. Only a single leg emerged under the hem of the flimsy gown. Her arm lay draped across her ample hips, the fingers caressing the carpet with every uneven breath. Her head was resting in the crook of the other and her eyes were closed. The stump of her forearm that she had lost would have been imperceptibly hidden in her hair. Not fingers, nor a fist was visible though the strands and that was enough for Jared to know. Much like Tariq, he had seen his share of victims. It was rarer to see them without prosthetics, though. He made it his priority to get her access to those as soon as time permitted after he got a grip on the situation.   Jared noted the swelling and bruises on Tariq’s hands. He jerked his chin towards the pummelled fingers. “Is she dangerous?” Jared did not sound fearful, just a little concerned and rather matter of fact. He was astounded by the resounding quality of Tariq’s answer. “No. She’s a survivor!” Jared narrowed his eyes, there was curiosity but no accusation.   “What happened?” “Things just got a little… hairy when I- we tried to get her out of the room…” Tariq sounded a little brittle; Jared rubbed his temple. There were moments that called for correction and inquiry, this was not one of them. From the looks of it Tariq had done the best he could. He assumed there was an altercation and the Q.B. agent held off without needing to strike or restrain the victim. “Right. You should get that looked at.” Jared said. Tariq’s amber eyes rested on Jared as he replied. “I’m fine.” “Yes, but Zizi is going to need a wheelchair, she can’t possibly stay here.” Jared countered, with an entreating glare. Someone needed to run tests on Zizi and soon. The situation was a little sensitive and the only viable option for a BioHacker was also someone Zizi was probably terrified of. He personally knew what it felt like to be hated by a victim of serum-healing. And Akira had had just one session. From the sounds of it, Zizi had it worse. Regardless, they had to get out of Eze’s house. It was an easy way for Jared to trump Tariq with logic. He had no authority to dismiss Tariq and he could only hope the man would show some faith in him. Tariq did have faith in Jared. Given everything they had endured, the mutual suffering, if nothing else, had created some trust and understanding. He could also see that Jared was really trying to get him to leave, but he did make a good point. He’s got this… and… “I’ll be back…” …Sooner I’m gone, sooner I can be back…
Zizi had not been asleep. Jared should have known better, after all, he had adopted a similar tactic to gain information when he was confined to the hospital bed. She got to her feet with astonishing fleetness, given her state, but she had to, to make a point. “Wait!” A startled Tariq heeded the exclamation but did not turn. “Your hand… I - I’m sorry…” Her apology was crisp and not elegiac. There was an indifference to her regret, but also some deference for Tariq’s chivalry. As sour as she had been about it, he had done her a favour and understood the feral nature of a cornered person. Even if they haul me back to the damn pits, at least valour and gallantry is not all dead. He pointedly let his uninjured hand hang by his side, clenching and unclenching his fist. “I don’t see a problem, do you?” “You’re crazy…” she whispered, like it was a personal afterthought. She shook her head disbelievingly. “Empty, that’s you singing right? I’m a big fan too…” Tariq said having placed the lyrics to the name of the song. He looked over his shoulder and offered a reassuring smile, pretending like nothing ever happened. Tariq wished she had not bothered to stand up. He understood that it was to demonstrate the respect she attached to the apology… It still felt unwarranted “Does this fan have a name?” “Tariq… I best be off though…” His smile faltered when he saw her doddering. He considered reaching out, he did not need to. Jared noticed too from the corner of his eye. The movement helped him snap back to reality. It did not take a genius to know a fall was imminent, he swiftly reached over to break the fall. She is fine. Jared will take care of this… better. Tariq conceded to Jared’s experience. With that last glimpse of Zizi falling into Jared’s arms… He left in a hurry. Once her gaze fell onto the face of the man who caught her, she stiffened in his arms. Jared Knight… Hailed then and hailed now. From the way he handled her, it became apparent that he did not know who she was. How would he? I was in a goddamn mask. And everyone who thought they knew him, were probably wrong.
There he was, composed and detached as usual. Out of personal, illogical vendetta she wanted to strip at that wall, bring to the forefront her own resentment as a victim, as collateral damage in the grand scheme of things. She wanted to and she tried not to, but the bitterness slipped into her tone. “Oh… If it isn’t The Red Knight.” She greeted him in another whisper that was soft and unsettling.   Jared could no longer ignore the feeling that something was off, something that necessitated privacy; luckily, he had some now. Those green eyes pierced his soul, with reserved judgement. There was a sheen of sweat on her skin. “So, where do you stand in all this?” She spoke coolly, pulling herself away when she regained footing. He frowned and was quick to let her go. She lowered herself to the ground with a slightly ungraceful fall towards the end. He sat down too, cross-legged. Like old friends by the fireplace, except it was anything but. They did share a past… And it was not pleasant. “I was told that Ezekiel held you captive against your will and that Novara was made to conduct experiments on you.” She winced; he did not mince his words. “That is correct.”   She did not add any details and studied the man in front of her. Jared could see her unwillingness to really cooperate. She had no reason to trust him, but apart from that, there was more to the simmering, penetrative gaze that pinned him. He switched tactics, it made sense to set her at ease first.   “You must be hungry… I personally like this one...” Jared held both the bottles of BuzzBo in his hands, wiggling the fruity flavour. It reminded him pointedly of Akira and their discussion. He ignored the reminder. She avoided looking at Jared and could not help choosing the other bottle. The one he did not recommend, the savoury flavour that tasted more like soup. It was a pointed decision. Jared ignored the feeling and weighed this logically. He assumed she was emphasizing a lack of trust. It would not make sense for him to tamper with just one of the bottles if he wanted to drug her. He broke open the seal for her. Look at you, helping me… Just because you have both your hands. Zizi really wished she could swallow the bitterness that rose like bile. She tensed and it would have been imperceptible to most, not to Jared. “Thank you.” Her words were too abrasive, to hold the gratitude they were meant to. Jared narrowed his eyes, he was good at reading people, but Zizi was not even trying to make it difficult. What Jared lacked was access and information, to figure out the why. In the spirit of trying to inspire trust yet again, Jared shrugged, opened the option he had recommended and took a swig. The sweet freshness was welcome. It quelled the odd queasiness he had not bothered to recognize until it was gone. “Ezekiel has been arrested on some charges; he will not be returning.” “So, what happens now, am I free?” She asked with an acidic emphasis, like she was challenging him to make a promise he could not possibly keep. He did not. “That depends on where he found you... Zizi.” “Found me? I was… traded… for my own life. If that makes any sense.” It doesn’t. A sharp inhale followed her words. It was difficult to make heads or tails out of that, but it did not sound good. He tried to prompt her for a less vague explanation. “Traded for your life?” Jared repeated, he hoped she would offer more clarity so he had something concrete to proceed with.   The more she looked at his face, the harder it became for her to not blame him for everything. Traded for my life, a life that did not belong to me anymore… because of you! He knew he was not really the enemy, not then and not anymore, but that just made it all the more difficult to handle. He got to be the good guy who was doing his job, she had to live with the damn fallout. She shook her head with an urgency and resorted to disjointedly spewing her lyrics again. Empty returned to her lips again. She rapped softly, like it was a mantra. It was iconic enough to be. “Empty… promises, empty threats…, empty lies and empty beds.” Zizi used lines she had penned a long time ago, like a serenade. The words sent a jolt of disquiet within Jared. Empty, by Ritonix. It was a long time ago that he was ordered to look for that enigmatic artist and his involvement in the chase had not ended well. He did not expect that name or these verses to haunt him today. Jared sat paralyzed. He stared at the floor resolutely focusing the fibre of the carpet, which was red and not green. Which was soft and not abrasive. Letting that solid red colour stand like a wall between the memories that sought to invade. It was a long time ago! I am fine. I’m fine now. And I knew the risks then. Briefly, her eyes snapped open, they held within them accusation that she failed to supress. She waved the stump of her right hand in his face. “That bullet changed everything! That bullet changed EVERYTHING.” Jared leaned away from her on instinct, he was bewildered. His subconscious learned something though, something clicked in the back of his head. - “Do you have a clear shot, Knight?” “Yes sir.” His gun was aimed at the masked artists’ head. “Take it. One dead should kill the spirit of the rest.” The crowd watched the confrontation, there were too many eyes on him. He lowered the gun, just a little. BANG. The victim was soon buried in a thicket of angry people. “I missed, sir. Situation is hostile, we’re outnumbered.” “Damn it, Knight. Get your team the fuck out of there.”   - “Break your mind, break your soul, break your body, to make you whole.” She went on. It felt merciless to Jared, but she had no idea what the lyrics were doing to him. She did not know that he had been brought to his knees for that shot… and worse. Jared resisted the urge to cover his ears and beg her to stop. Instead, he grit his teeth and folded his arms. He sat there, practicing denial as he watched her. She rocked to her own words, like a shattering star. There were so many dissenters who had claimed they were the legendary artist. Many had lost parts of themselves too. This could just be a coincidence. It could not be. It could not actually be her. And even if it was her… I did pay heavily for that bullet too! Indignation had become a recurring theme recently. Perhaps a part of him was finally tired of paying for things he had to do. Jared grappled with the forbidding memories again and tried to focus on keeping his breaths spaced and even. Was this just some cruel ploy? Some last-laugh game that Ezekiel was playing to torment him? Nikolai had buried everything related to that incident the best he could, but Ezekiel did always have special access. Maybe he found out what the Ritonix fans and crew did to Jared as retaliation for that shot…  Now, he wanted to know. He needed to know. And for that he would need his own clearance. He also really needed Zizi to stop whispering the rap… A door opened and closed somewhere in the house. The sound toppled Jared back to reality yet again and it broke the grim tension of the moment. Tariq returned with a wheelchair. Zizi was still in a trance. Her eyes were screwed shut. She rocked and rapped with an insistence, through lips that barely opened. And Jared looked like he had seen a ghost. I thought you had this handled, Jared. “What the fuck happened here?” “We need to get her looked at…” Jared replied, collecting himself quickly as he got to his feet. “Nova is the only option if we want to avoid exposure. Do you think that’ll be okay?” Tariq asked uneasily, they were both out of their depths. It was unlikely that Zizi did not harbour at least some ill-will towards the medic if she was a subject of experimentation with that serum. Jared was rummaging through the canvas pockets of the wheelchair, most of them came equipped with medical supplies, including tranquilizers. He swiftly fixed up the needle. I need… her to stop and we need to get her out of here. He rarely acted in total selfish interest, today was no exception. She looked like she needed to calm down and he knew if the verses continued, they’d rip through him eventually. And that would hamper his ability to remain professional.   Tariq wanted to protest but did not and Jared made a decision. “It’s the safest… fastest option.” Zizi did not open her eyes till she was already being injected with the tranquilizer. Emerald eyes drilled into Jared, with hatred and fear, before her vision blurred. Tariq hoisted Zizi’s limp form into the wheelchair and strapped her in to keep her from wobbling. Jared sent a message to Nova.
To Novara: Where are you?
Jared had made a mental note of Nova’s things in Ezekiel’s house, just because they stuck out and reminded him that she had to live with him. On their way out, he whipped the sleek, black velvet coat off the hanger and threw it over Zizi in a slightly unceremonious manner. His actions were plagued by a hefty weariness. Tariq took a moment to wordlessly correct the folds of the fabric so it covered Zizi evenly. -
To Jared Knight: I’m with Akira… I told her everything. She is okay. I’m okay too. :)
Novara had the tendency to include smileys in her text messages, even when she decidedly was not smiling. Grief and relief had reduced her to sobs. Novara had invited herself into Akira’s room on the pretext of watching a movie. It had not taken her long to simply, spill. Akira now knew more than Jared did. She knew about Zizi and she knew what Vivi-Anna, Tariq and Nova did to Ezekiel to free her. “It’s okay… It’s okay...” Akira’s voice was soft, she cradled Nova’s head against her shoulder. They were both in Aki’s bed and she hoped for the magic of covers to make things better… Even temporarily, like they had last night for her and Jared. She felt the weight of guilt, a lot of things happened because she made the decision to defect. However, things had gotten so unrealistically out of hand, at this point there was no way she, or anyone else could have predicted all these outcomes. So, after having plummeted to what she believed to be rock-bottom, Akira tried to rally. Focus on the silver-linings. Focus on the silver-linings. Shit hit the fan, but Ezekiel was imprisoned, Jared was offered SiC and Zizi had been rescued. Maybe it was time for things to get better. And she needed to pull herself together, so she could be there for Novara, for Tariq and for Jared. “They’d eat a bullet for you.” She was grateful that they did not have to. They had suffered too… And they had been there for her. “Do you think she’ll ever forgive me? Ever… not hate me?” Nova didn’t look up as she spoke. Akira could not make promises for Zizi. She chewed on her lower lip. “Time heals everything, right Nova…? Or you do…” She tried to lighten the mood. Nova half-sobbed and half-giggled against her friend. Akira joined her in the half-hearted chuckle. The sounds faded, the screen in front of them continued to mutter something unintelligibly. Akira spoke over it, “I think I want to meet her.” Nova received a notification on cue.
Jared Knight: Stay there, I am bringing Zizi over.
The CommCube traced Nova’s gesticulating fingers as they danced in the air, typing on a keyboard that her SmartEye lens allowed only her to see. She sniffled and replied to the text with a monosyllabic confirmation.
To Jared Knight: Ok! :)
“You might be in luck… They’re coming here.”  Nova could not help but sound nervous. Akira read her tone with ease.   “It’ll be fine…” She reassured.
[Tags: @quirkykayleetam, @lettuceknighted]
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dama-de-la-muerta · 5 years
The Queen of Mayhem: Part 7
(Author’s note: In this time line mother Reyes was killed by a dirty cop NOT Happy. *glares at Kurt Sutter* )
Happy Lowman X Ko (oc)
Ko’s POV
I see flashes of light. Blood, everywhere. It’s the same everytime. They turned on each other, brought themselves down with their love of money. They never should have made a deal with the cartel. I hear a bang. It’s new. It feels like I’m surfacing from the bottom of a lake. My chest is tight, head is pounding. I can’t breathe! I can feel hands on me, my eyes fly open. I reach for my gun that should be on my nightstand. A hand pins my wrist. “Ko! It’s me, it’s Happy! Look at me.” I turn my head. I remember the last few days. I nod and stop struggling. It’s still hard to breathe. “Alvarez is here. He’s outside.” Happy releases my hand. “I need you to calm down, okay? Just breathe, little girl.”
I try to slow my breathing. My chest hurts still but I can handle it. “Can you get me some water?” My voice is shaky, I hate feeling weak. Happy nods and gets up. I can hear his bare feet on the wood floors. I swallow. Better get dressed before my brothers show up. The last thing I need is to be in bed with a man when they see me for the first time in 8 years. I grab a pair of yoga pants and a black shirt. I smile at my vest.
“Ko? “ Happy is at the door with my glass of water.
“I’m going to take a shower, want to join me? No sex, I just need to be a little clingy right now.” Happy nods. I’m glad he understands. He hand me the water and I down it. He takes it back and sets it on my vanity. I move into hug him and realize that at some point he put on his boxers. “Is there someone else in my house?”
“No, I didn’t want to answer the door naked. Alvarez and our guys are in the driveway.” Okay now my neighbors are definitely going to call the police.
“Shower first, coffee second, humans later.” Happy hums a laugh at me. I let him go and head to the bathroom, set down my clothes and realize I still don’t have underwear. I turn and Happy is holding a black set. I can’t help but smile. I think he’s catching up to the fact that I am not a morning person. I pull a towel out of the closet and step over to the shower. Happy has already turned the water on. As hot as it goes. I bury my face in his chest. How is he so perfect?
I feel a splash of water on my arm. I look up at him. “Really?”
“No need to waste hot water.” I shake my head and step in to the glass walls. I turn my back to the shower head and let it soak my hair. I let out a little moan. Then I hear a growl. Oops. I open my eyes to see Happy standing in front of me. I smile and let my eyes wonder down his chest. Now that’s scary. Our tattoos match, our oath matches. Hmm. Maybe God still has plans for this wayward child.
He grabs my bottle of shampoo and puts some in his hand. I turn to let him wash my hair. His hands feel amazing as he massages my scalp. I lean into him. He uses the shower wand to rinse my hair. I grab my conditioner. “What, did I not do it right?”
“You’re perfect but if I don’t have enough conditioner my hair will not cooperate.” I explain as I cover my hair in the product and then tie it up in a bun. Happy places the wand back and picks up my body wash. He smells it. “The bar is Irish Spring if you don’t want to smell like roses.”
Happy nods “Only thing that gets rid of the oil smell.” He lathers the gel in his hands, then he begins to work his hands down my body. I let myself indulge in the feeling of his calluses. As they trace my body lower and lower. Suddenly he shifts to bite the side of my neck. I can’t help my gasp or that rock back into him. He’s trying to be playful. “Rinse off and go get dressed little girl. I’ll make you coffee when I’m done.”
########### Time Jump#############
I’m dressed in full black. I’ve done my makeup my hair is in a new conditioner free bun. I pad into the kitchen where Happy has my coffee waiting. It’s in my favorite mug, with ice and the right amount of creamer. I might have to marry him. If my brothers don’t run him off. I pick up the cat covered mug and take a sip.
Happy in his usual clothes, puts a hand on my hip. “You want me to go let them in?”
“Yep. That or he might break it down.” Happy kisses my forehead and then moves to the front door. I hope my brothers aren’t here yet, I’m not ready.
Happy opens the door. Chibs and Tig are first two in. Tig comes to my side, he gives me a hug and kisses the top of my head. “Morning doll. Mind if I make myself a cup of coffee?” I smile and nod.
“Coffee bar is over there.” He thanks me and moves in that direction.
Chibs smiles at me. “Good morning, little one. Your bike should be here in a few days.” He moves to the kitchen table and takes a seat.
After him is Alvarez. He gives me a hug. “You have no idea how crazy those boys went looking for you!”
“I don’t think EZ did much looking, being in prison and all.”
Marcus sighed. “I meant Angel and CoCo. You left in the middle of the night, no note, nothing.” The look in his eyes tells me he knows that I left from Coco’s bed. That he knew that a week after my twin’s sentencing I freaked in the middle of a club party, packed my shit and ran. I didn’t leave a note for anyone. Not for my twin, not for my big brother, not for the man I let fall for me. “A lot happens in 8 years, Ko. They have always kept people on the lookout for you.”
“I guess they didn’t look too hard. I didn’t hide. I just left. I couldn’t handle it. I wasn’t what they wanted. Not really. “ the kitchen was silent. I can see Happy in the background. He’s torn between respecting the other club president and protecting me. He steps to my side and puts a hand on my waist.
“Come sit down little girl. Be calm. There’s no need for anyone to be upset. It’s done. It’s over. No one can change anything now.” I sit at the table between Happy and Tig. Alvarez is on the other side.
“The last I heard your brothers are about 2 hours away. They aren’t mad, they’re just happy to know you are alright.” Marcus seems to understand my unease. Although I doubt that they aren’t angry. EZ isn’t I can feel it, but Angel is probably not going to be good with letting me stay. My mind turns to CoCo, Johnny probably blames himself for my disappearance. He picked a fight that started my panic.
“I don’t know if I can do this.” All my thoughts are running together my chest feels tight. My vision blurred. I feel Happy’s hand on my back. Then my face stings. I gasp, and look around. No they do it. It’s EZ he’s close enough our bond is working stronger. “They’re almost here.”
I can hear Tig and Chibs shift. I look at them. “Twin sense.” Tig nods but Chibs seems a bit confused.
###############Time Jump###########
Alvarez received another phone call, the boys are at the Sons club house. Tig and Chibs lead while Happy and Marcus fallow. I squeeze Happy a little, to let him know I’m alright. We pull into the lot, and Happy backs the bike into his spot. I have my face buried in his neck. After he turns the bike off he pats my leg. “Come on little girl. I’ll be here every step of the way, if you want.” I nod. I dismount the bike and wait for Happy. I know the boys are sitting on the picnic table. I’m still hiding behind my sunglasses. Happy takes my hand, trying to keep me calm. I sigh, turn around and walk to my brothers. EZ slams into me. His arms are stronger than I remember.
“Don’t ever do that to us again, Ko! I can’t take it.”
“ I’m sorry. I should have at least let you know I was alright.”
“Oh no, I was mostly mad at those two pendajos for not telling me you left. It was a on our birthday when they finally admitted it.”
Angel aproches us. “I was hoping you would come back and I wouldn’t have to tell him. But when you don’t see your twin on your own birthday it kind of sets in.” He paused and then joined the hug. “Please don’t do that again. I don’t know that the club can handle all three of us freaked out at once.”
I look over EZ’s shoulder and see Johnny. His body language is relaxed but his eyes are screaming. He’s not sure what to do. Angel nods and he comes over. I feel shaky. EZ doesn’t let me go. “lo siento princesa. I should have never pushed at you like that.” He cups my cheek and kisses the top of my head. “So is that your new man? Our little princesa has the Tacoma Killer wrapped around her finger.”
They don’t know. I look EZ in the eyes. He cocks his head to the side and then it clicks. He nods. “You’re kidding right.” I shake my head. “Dios mío, and to think we spent so much time trying to protect you.”
I laughed. The other two share a look. “What?” CoCo asks.
“I don’t know, I don’t speak twin. They’re probably sharing notes.” Angel says.
Happy clears his throat. I smile. “Happy, this is my twin brother Ezekiel, our big brother Angel, and Johnny Cruz.” Happy nods and shakes hands with my brothers.
############Time Jump ###########
Happy’s POV
“How are you doing?” I’m worried they are going to spook her into running again. She’s been sitting with them in the clubhouse most of the morning talking. She smiles at me.
“Can we go get lunch?”
The club door opens and Venus walks in. I really hope her brothers aren’t stupid enough to be disrespectful. “Did I hear something about lunch? Oh my dear girl I know just the place! And of course we can bring our pack of men with us.”
Ko laughs and stands to hug Venus. She introduces her brothers to her. They don’t say anything stupid so I’m as worried. I move in, Ko turns to me and wraps her arms around me. I rub her back and put my chin on her head. EZ seems to trust me with her. Angel is edgy but trusts his brothers judgment. But the other guy. He seems jealous. From what I’ve over heard they were together. Something he did or said set her off.
She lets go. “Who’s working on my car?”
“Alexander is darling.” Venus answers before I can.
“You still have the Impala?” CoCo asks.
She nods “I repainted her and added somethings.”
I can’t help but laugh. “Yeah, like enough engine you had to reinforce the frame to keep it from twisting the car in half.” She gives a guilty smile and shrug.
“I’m not surprised. You little adrenaline junky. You’ll get on or in anything fast enough to kill you.” Angel shakes his head. EZ laughs and receives a head slap. “You’re not much better.”
########### Time Jump###########
We all followed Tig and Venus to a restaurant. A little too fancy for me but Ko seems to know how to blend in. She chats with Venus and the others throughout the meal but sits so that she’s closer to me. She leans on me for support in a subtle way. I can feel eyes on me. I look a make eye contact with CoCo. “How’d you get the name CoCo anyway?”
“Because calling him loco seemed rude.” EZ answered. “Although I remember Ko being the first to call him ojos locos (crazy eyes).” Her head snaps in EZ’s direction.
“I thought we agreed not to bring up the things I say when I drink?” She looks like she could throw something.
“How did you get the name Happy?” Coco asks.
“It’s the name on my birth certificate and license.” Most people think it’s some kind of inside joke. It seems like he’s not sure if he wants to be jealous or is just as protective as her brothers.
She sighs. “So are you boys staying in Lodi for the night?”
EZ smiles. “Nah, figured those two can cuddle on your couch and we’ll share a bed like when we were kids.”
Angel slaps his chest. “We’re staying in Lodi’s clubhouse for the week. We want to make sure you are alright.”
“Does that mean you and CoCo are still going to cuddle?” She can’t help the retort. I probably wouldn’t have been able to help myself either. She and EZ giggle over something only they know.
############Time Jump ##########
Ko’s POV
Happy pulls his bike into my driveway. I’m exhausted from socializing. Happy follows me into the house.
“Are you going to stay tonight?”
“Why do you think I grabbed my bag?”
“Oh yeah.” He smiles, he knows I’m tired. He hugs me after dropping his bag on the couch. “Take me to bed?”
“Little girl, I take you anywhere you ask.” He picks me up and kisses me gently.
To be continued...
@hismissharley13 @samcro-saint99 @samcroxkiller @thirstygirlclub
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OC List
Appalachia - Smoke Hill, West Virginia
Raccoon Holler
Austin “Aus” Grambell
Ezekiel “Zeke” John-Eustace Sherman
Nigel Whaley
Cooper Hartley
Montgomery “Monty” Piersham
Rumor “Rue” Vandermark
Dale Vandermark
Black Mountain Holler
Ness Conway
Harlan Conway
Salvation Holler
Maven “Mave” Baxter
Crow Baxter
Crane Tolliver
New York City
The Mob
Sheldon Cross
Frankie “Ace” Bardello
Stephanos Pavli
Kelly Castillo
The McKinley Manor
Mauriel McKinley
Zachariah “Zach” McKinley
Titus McKinley
The Association (Assassin Guild)
Roman Koisz
Mitchell “Mitch” Harris
Chester Simon Thornton
Ivan Blazek
Upstate New York
Troy Gordon
Dallas Osbourne
Duncan Osboure
The Paranormal Crew
Lighthouse Spirit Guides
Jake Daniel Torrence
Hasan Shareef
Hunter James Sinclair
Pascal Foster
Beyond The Grave Paranormal Research
Seth McMillian
Canton Porter (undead)
Portland, Oregon
Jeroen “Jerry” Curtiss
Misha Slayton
Dustin Givens
Orson McAlley
Keller Trawnell
Science! and Others
Roland Frost
Karl Mills
Douglas Browning
Washington, DC
Nelson Hartley
Marigolds Hotel
Markus Willcots
Gideon West
Rhett Lafrenz
The Feds
The Onion
The Actual Fucking White House
(President) Elliot Huntington
Ellie Huntington (daughter)
Jeremy Huntington (son)
Desert Paradise (Las Vegas, Arizona, and Other)
Roy Gardner (Vegas)
Ezra (Arizona)
Fox “Egg” McBride (????)
Whitney W. Cobb
Gerard McAllister
Lloyd Augustine “Gus” Tracy Meakin
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ao3feed-darus · 6 years
Putting Out Fire With Gasoline
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2InrLho
by stigmata4
In the aftermath of the war, the time has come for the largest cooperative endeavor between the groups, and Daryl and Paul, the BAMF-ing power couple of the Hilltop, lead the effort to explore the new world, all the while providing for others, protecting their family, meeting new friends/enemies, and exploring their intense love for each other.
Words: 5716, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Rising from the Ashes
Fandoms: The Walking Dead (TV), The Walking Dead & Related Fandoms
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Daryl Dixon, Jesus (Walking Dead), Paul Rovia, Paul "Jesus" Rovia, Rick Grimes, Michonne (Walking Dead), Carol Peletier, Maggie Greene, Maggie Rhee, Judith Grimes, Ezekiel (Walking Dead), Jerry (Walking Dead: Kingdom), Dianne (Walking Dead: Kingdom), Tara Chambler, Aaron (Walking Dead), Eric Raleigh, Dante (Walking Dead: Hilltop), Eduardo (Walking Dead: Hilltop), Bertie (Walking Dead: Hilltop), Mrs. Maitlin (Hilltop), Tammy (Hilltop), Original Characters, Enid (Walking Dead), Gracie (Walking Dead), Negan (Walking Dead), Dwight (Walking Dead), Arat (Walking Dead), Simon (Walking Dead: Saviors), Regina (Walking Dead: Saviors), Gavin (Walking Dead: Saviors), Jared (Walking Dead: Saviors), Dillon (Walking Dead: Saviors), Brooke (Saviors - OC), Gregory (Walking Dead: Hilltop), Merle Dixon, Daryl & Merle Dixon's Mother, Will Dixon, Jess Collins, Gabriel Stokes
Relationships: Daryl Dixon/Jesus, Daryl Dixon/Paul Rovia, Daryl Dixon/Paul "Jesus" Rovia, Rick Grimes/Michonne, Ezekiel/Carol Peletier, Daryl Dixon & Jesus, Tara Chambler & Cyndie, Tara Chambler/Cyndie, Aaron/Eric Raleigh
Additional Tags: Graphic Description, Canon-Typical Violence, Zombies, Zombie Apocalypse, Adult Language, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, Gay, Gay Sex, New Peeps, Original Character(s), Original Character Death(s), Smut, Shameless Smut, BAMF Daryl Dixon, BAMF Jesus (Walking Dead), Ass right away!, m/m - Freeform, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, 69 (Sex Position), Mutual Masturbation, Frottage, cum, Barebacking, Top Daryl Dixon, Top Jesus (Walking Dead), Bottom Daryl Dixon, Bottom Jesus (Walking Dead), Top Paul Rovia, Versatile Gay Sex
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2InrLho
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junker-town · 5 years
Dak Prescott’s big bet on himself is about to pay off
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Matthew Emmons-USA TODAY Sports
The Cowboys have no choice but to give Dak Prescott everything he wants.
It takes a lot of courage to turn down a contract worth $30 million per season. That’s the number that was reportedly on the table for Dak Prescott before the beginning of the regular season.
Of course, the devil is in the details. There’s no word on what the structure of the Cowboys’ offer was, or what guarantees were on the table. Still, there was a substantial deal for Prescott, and he rolled the dice by turning it down and waiting for more.
That’s especially brave when you consider that $30 million sounded like a lofty but worthwhile goal for Prescott earlier in the year. He had a chance to become one of the highest-paid players in the NFL, but Prescott bet that he’d be able force the Cowboys to pay more. It looks like he was right.
Prescott’s leverage is at an all-time high
In the first three seasons of his career, Prescott wasn’t quite an elite quarterback.
While his 104.9 passer rating in 2016 was third-best in the NFL, his 23 touchdown passes ranked 15th. He threw 22 touchdowns in 2017 and another 22 touchdowns in 2018. Six rushing touchdowns in each of his first three seasons added to his value, but at best he proved himself an above-average quarterback.
That’s not to say he was disappointing, by any stretch. So far in his career, he’s been an efficient passer and stepped up his production upon the arrival of Amari Cooper, the legitimate deep threat Dallas was desperately missing. Prescott’s numbers also compare favorably to Jared Goff and Carson Wentz — two other 2016 draftees who each got lucrative contract extensions in 2019 and were picked much earlier than he was.
Prescott’s leverage for a new contract has stemmed from how difficult he would be to replace.
The Cowboys have three consecutive winning seasons with Prescott at the helm and are all-in on winning right now. Owner Jerry Jones has made it clear that the team has decided Prescott is its quarterback of the future and that means paying up.
Cowboys owner Jerry Jones talking about Dak Prescott today on the @RichEisenShow: "We're sold on Dak and we do want to have him for the long term. We think he's worthy of investing in for the long term. … We see real upside in Dak. You don't have it all yet."
— Jon Machota (@jonmachota) May 6, 2019
Then Prescott dialed that leverage up to full blast in Week 1. He completed 25 of 32 passes for 405 yards, four touchdowns, and no interceptions in a 35-17 win over the Giants. It was just the second time in Cowboys history that a quarterback finished with a perfect passer rating of 158.3 — the only other was a Craig Morton performance in 1969.
They weren’t easy throws either. Prescott was completing difficult passes at every level.
Take a bow, @Dak Prescott! 25-for-32 405 yards 4 TDs@dallascowboys | #DallasCowboys pic.twitter.com/UTnH3aH6mB
— NFL (@NFL) September 9, 2019
It was the first regular season game for Prescott with new offensive coordinator Kellen Moore. For the last three years, the Cowboys offense failed to reach its full potential under Scott Linehan. It’s only been one game, but Moore and Prescott look like a match made in heaven for Dallas.
.@dallascowboys OC, Kellen Moore, looked like a high school kid calling plays for the #Cowboys yesterday, but the “boy wonder” knew exactly what he was doing and @dak was the commander in chief of a good looking offense. #BaldysBreakdowns pic.twitter.com/OdtqRSaNvf
— Brian Baldinger (@BaldyNFL) September 9, 2019
It could be that the New York defense is terrible, but that doesn’t really matter much. As our Geoff Schwartz explained, Prescott’s performance was still very much the real deal. The Cowboys are justified in feeling like they’re a Super Bowl contender and their quarterback is capable of leading them to big things.
Jones believes so much in the roster that he’s dished out almost $200 million in guaranteed money in 2019. Most recently, the Cowboys gave Ezekiel Elliott a six-year, $90 million extension with $50 million guaranteed that is a win for all parties. Now it’s Prescott’s turn for a great deal of his own.
Neither side will want to wait much longer
Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says a contract extension for Prescott could get finalized before the team’s Week 2 game in Washington.
Cowboys owner Jerry Jones says Dak Prescott extension is imminent, could be done in a matter of days
— Clarence Hill Jr (@clarencehilljr) September 9, 2019
That’d be good for the Cowboys, with both Prescott and Cooper in the final year of their respective contracts. Both will only get more expensive as other players around the league get new deals. Just in September, contracts for Goff and Julio Jones set the market higher for quarterbacks and receivers.
Prescott would be wise to wrap up negotiations sooner rather than later too. Injuries can happen at any moment and wipe out a player’s negotiating power. Just last year, Earl Thomas appeared on the verge of forcing the Seahawks into either trading him or paying up. Then he broke his leg and that window of opportunity closed.
Prescott’s not going to have any more leverage than he does right now, either. You can’t exactly beat the most perfect day a Cowboys quarterback has had in 50 years.
When the dust settles, expect Prescott to have a contract that averages around $35 million per year and has at least $100 million in guarantees. Prescott gambled by pushing for a record-setting deal and betting his play would back the Cowboys into a corner. All indications are that his bet is about to pay off in a big way.
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