#oc: fleur // touch
brbuttons · 2 months
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A quick lineup of the currently (mostly) designed Personifications. I'm not the most content with the individuality of each, but it's getting somewhere slowly.
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prpfs · 4 months
Hi! 😁
I am a 30yrld female with 10+ years experience looking for FxF fandom games. Cannon X Canon characters preferred. But sometimes open to Canon x OC. Literate and up to novella length in replies.
Looking for NSFW games. But plot driven. I don’t have a preference for my partners gender. Just looking for someone 20+ years old willing to play FxF fandom games.
Really looking for femslash games. I’m open to Omegaverse and soulmate tropes/themes.
I play romance and dark story themes. 🕊️ Dead dove themes open to discussion.
Fall of the House of Usher (Camille/OFC)
Game of Thrones (Sansa / Daenerys with optional + Canon male character, Sansa/OFC, Daenerys/OFC, Brienne/Sansa)
The Witcher (Tissaia / Yennefer)
Harry Potter (Hermione/Fleur, female!Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Minerva, Minerva/Bellatrix, OFCxany of the previous ladies)
Twilight (Tanya/OFC, Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Tanya, Bella/Alice, Rosalie/OFC, Bella/Leah, Rosalie/Leah, Alice/Leah)
House of Dragons (Alicent / Rhaenyra)
Like this post and I’ll get in touch.
I prefer to play through discord but am open to email or google docs.
like if you're interested and op will reach out
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mediterraneanmenace · 6 months
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Pairing: Raphael x Raksha (OC, not Tav/Durge) I consider Tav a separate character with their specific story elements - Raksha never gets abducted by the Mind Flayers, nor she ever gets a tadpole. Her home is also not Baldur's Gate but the city of Helgabal, in the kingdom of Damara! :)
Warnings: 18+ for sexual themes (in later chapters), age gap (Raphael is like... *several* centuries older, if not millennia), slow burn.
Summary: Eleven years before the events of Baldur's Gate 3, Raphael's attentions for a young, ambitious tiefling turn into something deep enough for him to want her as his bride. There's only one problem - Raksha slays infernal beings for a living. (This is pretty much an experiment feat. a Raphael more in touch with his human feelings)
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"Perfume lingers about your flesh Like incense about a censer; You charm like the evening, Tenebrous, passionate nymph
Ah! the most potent philtres Are weaker than your languor, And you know the caresses That make the dead live again!
You tear me open, dark beauty, With derisive laughter, And then look at my heart With eyes as soft as moonlight"
[Les Fleurs du Mal — Charles Baudelaire]
[24 Ches, 1481 DR]
Raphael's mind was so inconveniently clouded by that mortal; a tiefling whose veins bore Archdevil Baalzebul's blood - his father's greatest and most hated rival.
Four long years he'd been watching, stalking her since she started her rise to Paladin Captain at nineteen until now, at twenty-three. At first, the Cambion didn't give much weight to her androgynous visage appearing in his dreams; not until he found himself fantasizing more and more about his hand lost in the sea of her inky black hair, with her muscular arms around his neck...
If Mephistopheles' ambition to oust Asmodeus mirrored his own, Raksha's rapid promotion wasn't too different from Baalzebul's rise as the Master of the Nine Hells' favorite - but unlike his father, Raphael saw that as something worthy of praise rather than enmity.
Fate was not without irony for the man who adopted and raised Raksha was the head of an extremist sect of the cult of Ilmater, the "Martyred Father" - the young tiefling's zealotry was one of the main reasons she managed to climb the ranks so fast: her dedication to purge the world from vice and sin brought her to the deepest pits of Avernus to fight against evil in its home.
But that didn't deter Raphael from wanting Raksha for himself, even if he was everything she fought against: she was the forbidden fruit, the sweetest he would ever taste.
He would stay in the mirror room at the House of Hope for hours, scrying the tiefling go about her life, without knowing he even existed if not for some fleeting glances whenever he visited the court of the Lord she served, the cathedral she lived at or the training grounds his beloved Paladin would train at along with her companions.
Raksha would look at him and ignore his presence as yet another curious, random person wanting to see the famous Holy Vengeance, whose sword slayed countless fiends from the Hells. Korrilla, sick of seeing the pathetic state of longing her boss was in, decided to prod him into doing something.
"Just go talk to her. You had a thousand mistresses" - the Warlock thought for a split second to her sister - "This... Raksha can't be too different from all the others, no?" "You are right, many were the lovers to entertain me in my boudoir"
Raphael's thoughtful eyes fixated on Raksha's reflection in the Scrying Eye and an almost paternal smile appeared on his lips: she was practicing the speech for her nomination as Holy Inquisitor that would have taken place that very night. He knew she wouldn't have stopped until it was perfect. A formal, high society event that would culminate in a ball was the crowning moment of a lifetime of sacrifices for her.
"But she's... Something I rarely met in all these centuries. A kindred spirit"
Korrilla didn't have a hard time figuring out why: personality wise, Raksha was incredibly similar to her master's younger self with her pompous, brash attitude - a pride not unwarranted, given her accomplishments.
"I guess it makes sense" the Warlock thought, shrugging. After all, that was the same man who would fuck an Incubus glamoured to look exactly like him so falling in love for someone who had a brain similar to his wasn't too far off.
"I'll have to ask you to keep an eye on the House for me tonight, Korrilla" - Raphael ran his hand through his hair in a nervous gesture - "I have a ball to attend to"
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mark-geolli · 8 months
hi hi! sorry i just wanted to say thank you for liking my new oc fleur and for tagging her!!! that was so touching for me 😭💗 (my artblog is foxbroart)
HII haha absolutely !! ofc i had to bc you were talking about going to develop her further and i would want to easily be able to look back on all ur fleur art! (i'm not very sure why you're apologising ?? but theres no need to apologise HAHA)
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The Third Task- Viktor Krum x OC
Viktor Krum x Holly Diggory
Description: When Viktor is thrown out of the maze his first thought is to find Holly showcasing just how much their relationship had developed.
Word Count: 2k
A/N: I gotta say, this is simultaneously plotless yet still has a story. I don't even think the description technically goes with what happens in this but I literally couldn't think of anything else. Sometimes you have to write just to write.
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Holly stood beside her brother and father in front of the stands upon stands of people, all eager to see the final task of the Triwizard Tournament. Fleur and Madame Maxime stood a few yards away from their left and Karkaroff and Viktor were on the other side of them. Harry, meanwhile, stood to their right alone. Sympathy coursed through her at the sight, so she offered him an encouraging smile shortly before Dumbledore addressed the crowd. 
“Earlier this evening, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup within the maze. Only he knows where it resides. As the scoring is close, the first to touch the Cup will become the first Triwizard champion in over one hundred years,” he announced, earning cheers from the crowds of people from the three different schools, before facing the champions. “Since Cedric Diggory is in the lead, he will go in first, then Harry Potter. Viktor Krum will go next and Fleur Delacour will go last. Champions, prepare yourselves. On three. One…two…” 
The headmaster barely had time to get two out before Filch fired the cannon. Cedric wasted no time in turning and running into the maze. Harry waited a second before following, then Viktor and finally Fleur. The task had started, and now all there was left for the crowd to do was wait. Karkaroff, Maxime, Holly and her father were swept off to the side. 
While Amos decided to go find a seat next to Arthur Weasley, Holly stayed on the ground. She eagerly awaited both her brother’s return. The spectators couldn’t see what was going on in that maze. No one knew what lurked in those high hedges, any context they got was an occasional scream or a creature’s screech. Not even ten minutes later Fleur was rescued from the maze. She was practically comatose, but it immediately melted away the further she got from the maze. 
That only served to make Holly worry. Not only about her older brother, but Viktor as well. Throughout the school year they had developed somewhat of a - according to Rita Skeeter - romantic fling. That had only been cemented to her readers when they read that the couple attended the Yule Ball together (even sharing a kiss during one of the dances) and were seen by many taking a walk around the castle afterwards. 
It felt like so much more than that, however. The two of them had formed a fast connection and it only seemed to grow stronger the more time they spent together. Holly couldn’t help but want to spend her free time with Viktor. It seemed that he felt the same way since he always sought her out. He’d even begun sitting at Hufflepuff’s table during meals rather than with the rest of his school at the Slytherin table. 
That’s what led her to worrying about him just like she did Cedric. She’d grown to care about him too much to see him get hurt by whatever was in that maze. The longer that the remaining three champions were in there, the more stressed she felt. Andrei Poliakoff, Karkaroff’s aide and Viktor’s friend, seemed to notice her unease because he made his way over to her. Just before he reached her, another person was thrown out of the maze. It was Viktor, who looked confused to see himself on the ground. 
Karkaroff and Andrei were quick to help him up, asking him what happened. Viktor, however, barely paid them any mind when his eyes landed on Holly. He began walking towards her, and she hadn’t even realized she’d been doing the same until they met halfway. 
“Добре ли си (Are you okay)?” She asked in a soft voice, a stark contrast to the chatter around them. The boy almost looked dazed, his eyes slightly glazed over in confusion until they met hers. She was the only one he could see. It took him a moment to process that she’d asked him a question, but when he did he nodded slowly. 
“Да (Yes),” he responded in the same tone. That earned him a relieved sigh then smile from the girl. He barely had time to return it before he was pulled away from her by a hand on his shoulder. 
“Ела си, Виктор (Come away, Viktor),” Karkaroff demanded, not even sparing a glance to Holly. He began to pull Viktor to the side but the boy stayed rooted in his spot and took Holly’s hand in his. 
“Оставам с нея (I stay with her),” he retorted firmly. Holly was surprised that he was defying his headmaster’s orders for the likes of her. Neither of them didn’t seem to notice her as they had a small staredown. After a moment Karkaroff stood up straight once again. 
“Фина (Fine),” was all he said before walking away from them in a huff. Holly would have laughed at how ridiculous he looked if it wasn’t for the fact that she realized Viktor was still holding her hand. An involuntary smile formed on her face along with a light pink on the apples of her cheeks. She intertwined their fingers, which caught his attention. He turned and looked at their hands as well and they shared a smile. 
They were quickly distracted from their little moment by the stands jumping to their feet as Harry and Cedric appeared outside the maze, Harry holding the trophy in his hand. They won! Hogwarts won the Triwizard Tournament! Holly turned then laughed excitedly when she noticed the trophy. She faced Viktor, who looked okay with the fact that he hadn’t won, shortly before a horrified scream left Fleur. That’s when the girl realized that something was off. Why wasn’t Cedric moving? Viktor seemed to realize what was going on because he suddenly pulled Holly into a hug and attempted to shield her face from the maze. 
“Holly, don’t look,” he mumbled in her ear firmly. A dark and unsettled feeling set in the pit of her stomach and she attempted to break free of his grip. It took a moment but the girl finally managed to break free from Viktor and turned to her brother. He was looking at her from where he laid on the ground. His eyes were closed, and the rest of him was hauntingly still. A chill shot up her spine. No, it wasn’t possible. He couldn’t be…
Holly hadn’t even realized her legs had buckled from under her until she felt arms wrapping around her. It seemed like Viktor was trying to keep her up, but he eventually decided to lower her to the ground when he realized she was too in her state of shock to stand up. His arms stayed around her as he knelt beside her. Her body began shaking, and it took the girl a minute or two to realize she had begun sobbing. The arms squeezed around her, and the girl just barely managed to look at their owner. Viktor was speaking to her, but she couldn’t hear a word he said. Everything sounded like she was submerged in water, muffled and mostly mute to her until she heard her father’s scream. 
“THAT’S MY BOY!” He cried out in anguish, running over to Cedric. “THAT’S MY SON!” His verbal grief only served to break Holly’s heart further. No, that wasn’t the right word for it. Her heart had been shattered, broken into a million pieces. Cedric was dead. Her older brother was-
“Wait, HE’S ALIVE!” A voice rang out. It was the Minister of Magic, who had come running to Cedric, Harry and Dumbledore the minute he realized something was wrong. They’d finally managed to pry Harry away so they could get a good look at him. 
“He’s alive, but just barely,” Dumbledore agreed. “Madame Pomfrey, grab a gurney and let’s get Mr. Diggory to the infirmary,” he instructed firmly before looking at Harry. Holly tuned them out as she watched Madame Pomfrey bring a gurney over to them. Amos and the Minister placed Cedric on the cot and the nurse used her wand to lead it away, likely to the medical wing until they called the hospital. She was still trying to process everything
“He is alive,” Viktor muttered into her ear comfortingly. “Your brother is okay.” Holly nodded distantly. Cedric was okay.
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Once Harry had managed to calm down he revealed that Peter Pettigrew was alive, and Pettigrew had used the Cruciatus Curse on him after the Dark Lord prompted him to “kill the spare.” Holly couldn’t help but flinch at that, prompting her father to wrap a comforting arm around her. The Cruciatus Curse had gone directly to Cedric’s head and they had to put him into an induced coma while he healed. 
Relief couldn’t even begin to describe what Holly was feeling. Her brother was alive after all. Her solace was much more intense than just ‘relief.’ Holly didn’t leave his side much, not that anyone minded of course. Unfortunately she did have to return to Hogwarts to pack up her things. She didn’t mind though, as she wished to say goodbye to her friends. 
The goodbye speech from Dumbledore was very sweet as he acknowledged Cedric’s accident, and it ended almost as quickly as it had begun. While the Hogwarts students waited for the carriages they said their goodbyes to each other and to the friends they’d made at Durmstrang and Beauxbatons. 
Holly had just finished saying her goodbyes to a few friends she’d made from Beauxbatons. She’d waved to them one last time as they headed for their carriage before turning around. There, she was met with Viktor, who had been standing behind her (unbeknownst to her) waiting patiently for her 
“Viktor,” she breathed out, a smile forming on her face afterwards. 
“Holly,” he greeted with the same smile. “How is your brother?”
“Healing. The healers believe he’ll be waking up soon.” 
“That is wonderful to hear,” Viktor nodded. “And…how are you?” The girl was silent for a moment, then her smile widened a bit. Throughout all that had happened, not a lot of people had checked on her. It was mostly sympathy from those who visited Cedric’s room. Not that she was expecting attention of course, but it was nice to see that someone wanted to make sure she was okay. 
“I’m okay enough,” she answered decidedly. “And I want to thank you for…dealing with me, I guess? When my brother first came out of the maze, I mean. I know it was probably very dramatic.” She attempted to laugh it off, but the boy shook his head quickly. 
“Звездичка (Little star), forgive my bluntness, but at that point you thought your brother was dead,” he almost laughed at the absurdity of her words. Holly, meanwhile, couldn’t help but smile at the pet name. It had become one he used often when they were together. Every time he said it her heart fluttered similarly to the butterflies in her tummy. 
“I do not hold a grudge against what grief you must have been going through in those few minutes before they realized he was alive,” Viktor concluded, mimicking her smile. “And you should not either.” 
“Very well,” the girl muttered with a giggle. Before another word could be said both of them turned when they heard Andrei call that they were about to leave. 
“I guess that’s your cue,” Holly said as she turned back to him. 
“I suppose so,” the boy agreed before taking her hand in his. His grip was surprisingly delicate considering how calloused his hands were. 
“Will you allow me to write to you this summer?” He asked hopefully. Holly almost laughed at the irony of a world famous quidditch player growing nervous while doing something as simple as talking to a girl.
“I will be waiting eagerly for your letters,” she responded, offering his hand a gentle squeeze afterwards. Viktor smiled, then lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles. 
“I will write as soon as I return home,” he promised as he dropped her hand. “Until next time, Holly Diggory.” And with that, he offered her one last smile before turning and following his friend towards the ship Durmstrang had arrived in. Holly watched as the ship disappeared underwater, just the way it had come, with a small involuntary smile. 
“Until then, Viktor.”
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canonrpfinder · 4 months
(Adding age range :-) )
I am a 30yrld female with 10+ years experience looking for FxF fandom games. Cannon X Canon characters preferred. But sometimes open to Canon x OC. I am literate and write novella length.
Age range: 21-38+ years old partners.
I don’t have a preference for my partners gender. Just looking for someone 20+ years old willing to play FxF fandom games.
Really looking for femslash games. I’m open to Omegaverse and soulmate tropes/themes.
I play romance and dark story themes.
Fall of the House of Usher (Camille/Assistant)
Game of Thrones (Sansa / Daenerys with optional + Canon male character, Brienne/Sansa)
The Witcher (Tissaia / Yennefer)
Harry Potter (Hermione/Fleur, female!Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Minerva, Minerva/Bellatrix)
Twilight (Tanya/Leah, Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Tanya, Bella/Alice, Bella/Leah, Rosalie/Leah, Alice/Leah)
House of Dragons (Alicent / Rhaenyra)
Like this post or message me and I’ll get in touch.
I prefer to play through discord but am open to email or google docs.
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broomsticks · 1 year
femslash fic recs: ginny + infidelity
for a request on the @hpsaffics server! most are smutty; there is some dead dove. i do admit i went slightly overboard with the number of fics on this list. i make no apologies 😂
dead dove content includes: noncon, heavy kink, underage, incest.
⭐️: my personal faves, but ymmv!
the same as they always had been by violetclarity (6k, M): a long term affair
Honoring the Head Girl by Viridescence (3k, E): poly femslash, written pre-OOTP. Hermione is eagerly looking forward to the secret Gryffindor ritual for honoring a new Head Girl.
⭐️ Consequences by Inell (800, E): ginny/hermione/pansy, who’s polyjuiced into luna. CW noncon, mind control and other heavy kink.
⭐️ Apples and Oranges Too by drawlight (ripeteeth) (1k, E): forbidden love. podfic elsewhere on AO3
A Helping Hand by Rorimore (3k, E). "My git brother not fucking you right?" Ginny wondered, leaning in closer towards the table.
The Hand We've Been Dealt by Kylo_Ken (5k, E). When Hermione discovers her fiancés affair, she does what any sane woman would do; she sleeps with his sister.
Can I Tell You Something? by SleekGeek (4k, E): ginmione, pre romione wedding.
⭐️ Just bring me flowers by Anakletos (300, M). poetry! incredible pining!
⭐️ Green Light by iota_after_dark (6k, E). What if the best way to get over Ron was to get under Ginny? there’s no cheating in this one, romione are “on a break” and hinny are open — but the ginmione smut is Very good.
⭐️ the Aesthetic of Realness by imaginarium_imperfecta (25k, E): ginsy, pansy planning the hinny wedding. When you don't know what you want your wedding to be like, you call Pansy Parkinson. That's her job: To figure out what you want, and then give it to you.
⭐️ Chasing the Sun by sdk (1.5k, M): established hinny, infidelity and angst. They don't touch anytime it's real.
Vases of Vanity by Slumber (1k, T): Pansy and Ginny meet at a benefit while both are married to other people. steamy!
Yes, Mrs Zabini by Dramione818 (7k, E). in which pansy is ginny’s boss and married to blaise.
⭐️ Water & Earth by @venom0usbarbie (series, 8k, E). bill dies pre-story, gorgeously written fleurinny angst.
⭐️ The Peak of One's Girlhood by hjgmilf (2k, E). pre bill/fleur wedding, hermione and ginny throw her a bridal shower at the burrow. fleur/hermione/ginny.
Girl secrets by piximera (2k, E); what fleur does instead of getting a divorce.
⭐️ Fall by arcadian_dream (1k, M). on the eve of hinny’s wedding. podfic elsewhere on ao3.
(no smut just kissing, at most, in all but the last. lots of songfic!!)
not in love tonight (but i might fall on another day) (1k, T). established ginny/OC, linny kissing in the club fic set to ‘i kissed a girl.’
you should probably leave by awesomefatkitty (1k, T). luna pov linny, past hinny, more kissing and angst
Happily Ever After by Kitty September (KittyAug) (7k, T). ginny time travels to the past to fix it.
Those Who Choose by Lomonaaeren (3k, T) amicable divorce, hinny -> drarry and linny.
Speak Now by onlykatelyn (3k, T) hinny wedding, inspired by the song by taylor swift, ends in drarry and linny.
Values by Shadowmun (2k, E). ginny is the one being cheated on here -- consensual infidelity (of the ‘opening the relationship to reignite the spark’ kind), linny + luna/OFC
misc Ginny rarepairs
⭐️ Something We Do by sdk (1.5k, E): ginny cheats on harry with millicent, ft. hot angsty kink. You do what I want until I ask you to stay.
⭐️ The Flavour of Loss by @vdoshu (7k, E): postwar grief and mourning and andromeda/ginny, hinny, prev bella/andromeda.
⭐️ Starting Over by @val-creative (400, M): ginny/tonks, ginny is pregnant and finds herself having doubts.
Someone to talk to by FireOpal (Sandel) (3k, rated M but imo T?): ginny/hannah (ginny is cheating on harry), dialogue-only fic.
gather your peace like fine, woven threads by kwritten (3k, G but… imo maybe M? there is definitely implied smut): cho/ginny, eighth year fic.
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rpersearch · 4 months
I am a 30yrld female with 10+ years experience looking for FxF fandom games. Cannon X Canon characters preferred. But sometimes open to Canon x OC. I am literate and write novella length.
Age range: 21-38+ years old partners.
I don’t have a preference for my partners gender. Just looking for someone 20+ years old willing to play FxF fandom games.
Really looking for femslash games. I’m open to Omegaverse and soulmate tropes/themes.
I play romance and dark story themes.
Couples in red are cravings. The ideas listed are just SAMPLES! Not exclusive to the storylines I’d like to play.
Fall of the House of Usher (Camille/OFC)
- What if an Angel was protecting a woman who crossed paths with Camille and the angels protection kept Camille safe from her family’s curse. But only so long as this OFC loved Camille. Would Camille be able to ensure she did not lose that protection and be the type of woman worth loving?
Game of Thrones (Sansa / Daenerys with optional + Canon male character, Brienne/Sansa)
* Sansa and Daenerys are forced to marry to avoid war between the North and the United southern kingdoms under Daenerys’ banner.
* Sansa escapes Kings Landing with Ser Barristan and meets Daenerys in Mereen.
* Drogon flies all the way to Westeros after he leaves Danserys in the Dothraki Sea, and meets an ice Queen in need of saving.
The Witcher (Tissaia / Yennefer)
1. Ciri is Tissaia’s child of surprise, not Geralt’s. When it comes time for her to accept this, she seeks out assistance from the only powerful mage she knows that wants children, Yennefer.
2. Tissaia comes back to speak with Yennefer while she is still in Rhinde. She has found a possible cure for Yennefer’s barrenness.
3. Yennefer is the daughter of a king at of the Northen Kingdoms, that falls in love with her father’s mage, Tissaia de Vries.
4. Yennefer is doused with a lust potion gone wrong by the older classmates at Aretuza. She will lose her mind unless she sleeps with someone, but the idiots that doused her didn’t take her elven blood into account, and instead of a lust spell, she can only be satisfied by her truest match—her soul mate. Tissaia does not sleep with students. Even ones she’s fated to. But to save Yennefer’s life she will. But only if she and Yennefer never remember what’s happened.
5. Time travel write up for season 4. Yennefer goes back in time with the help of the monolith book to save Tissaia. But it’s like the butterfly effect. And Tissaia keeps dying.
Harry Potter (Hermione/Fleur, female!Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Minerva, Minerva/Bellatrix)
* Hermione Granger and Fleur Delacour found family. After the war, Bill dies in an accident, and Hermione and Ron have divorced. Two single mothers come together to lament their troubles and losses.
* Fleur realizes that Hermione is her true mate when she arrives hurt at the cottage after Malfoy Manner or being mates.
* Forced Marriage trope - repopulating wizarding England stipulates that all eligible and child baring women must marry. Except, it seems, Hermione Granger, who is protected under French Ministry law as she is the Delacour heir’s fated mate.
Twilight (Tanya/Leah, Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Tanya, Bella/Alice, Bella/Leah, Rosalie/Leah, Alice/Leah)
* Tanya has been looking for her mate for over a thousand years. She’s finally found them.
House of Dragons (Alicent / Rhaenyra)
* Rhaenyra runs away with Alicent
* Rhaenyra kills her father to ensure she is the one to marry Alicent
* Rhaenyra captures Alicent during the war and they reminisce on all that was—and could have been.
Like this post or message me and I’ll get in touch.
I prefer to play through discord but am open to email or google docs.
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anotherrpfinder · 4 months
I am a 30yrld female with 10+ years experience looking for FxF fandom games. Cannon X Canon characters preferred. But sometimes open to Canon x OC. I am literate and write novella length. 📚
Age range: 21-38+ years old partners.
I don’t have a preference for my partners gender. Just looking for someone 20+ years old willing to play FxF fandom games.
Really looking for femslash games. I’m open to Omegaverse and soulmate tropes/themes.
I play romance and dark story themes.
Couples in red are current cravings.
Fall of the House of Usher (Camille/OFC)
Game of Thrones (Sansa / Daenerys with optional + Canon male character, Brienne/Sansa)
The Witcher (Tissaia / Yennefer)
Harry Potter (Hermione/Fleur, female!Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Minerva, Minerva/Bellatrix)
Twilight (Tanya/Leah, Tanya/OFC, Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Tanya, Bella/Alice, Bella/Leah, Rosalie/Leah, Alice/Leah)
House of Dragons (Alicent / Rhaenyra)
Like this post or message me and I’ll get in touch.
I prefer to play through discord but am open to email or google docs.
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rp-partnerfinder · 4 months
I am a 30yrld female with 10+ years experience looking for FxF fandom games. Cannon X Canon characters preferred. But sometimes open to Canon x OC. I am literate and write novella length. 📚
Age range: 21-38+ years old partners.
I don’t have a preference for my partners gender. Just looking for someone 20+ years old willing to play FxF fandom games.
Really looking for femslash games. I’m open to Omegaverse and soulmate tropes/themes.
I play romance and dark story themes.
Couples in red are cravings. The ideas listed are just SAMPLES! Not exclusive to the storylines I’d like to play.
Fall of the House of Usher (Camille/OFC) —
What if an Angel was protecting a woman who crossed paths with Camille and the angels protection kept Camille safe from her family’s curse. But only so long as this OFC loved Camille. Would Camille be able to ensure she did not lose that protection and be the type of woman worth loving?
Game of Thrones (Sansa / Daenerys with optional + Canon male character, Brienne/Sansa)
Sansa and Daenerys are forced to marry to avoid war between the North and the United southern kingdoms under Daenerys’ banner.
Sansa escapes Kings Landing with Ser Barristan and meets Daenerys in Mereen.
Drogon flies all the way to Westeros after he leaves Danserys in the Dothraki Sea, and meets an ice Queen in need of saving.
The Witcher (Tissaia / Yennefer)
1. Ciri is Tissaia’s child of surprise, not Geralt’s. When it comes time for her to accept this, she seeks out assistance from the only powerful mage she knows that wants children, Yennefer.
2. Tissaia comes back to speak with Yennefer while she is still in Rhinde. She has found a possible cure for Yennefer’s barrenness.
3. Yennefer is the daughter of a king at of the Northen Kingdoms, that falls in love with her father’s mage, Tissaia de Vries.
4. Yennefer is doused with a lust potion gone wrong by the older classmates at Aretuza. She will lose her mind unless she sleeps with someone, but the idiots that doused her didn’t take her elven blood into account, and instead of a lust spell, she can only be satisfied by her truest match—her soul mate. Tissaia does not sleep with students. Even ones she’s fated to. But to save Yennefer’s life she will. But only if she and Yennefer never remember what’s happened.
5. Time travel write up for season 4. Yennefer goes back in time with the help of the monolith book to save Tissaia. But it’s like the butterfly effect. And Tissaia keeps dying.
Harry Potter (Hermione/Fleur, female!Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Minerva, Minerva/Bellatrix)
Hermione Granger and Fleur Delacour found family. After the war, Bill dies in an accident, and Hermione and Ron have divorced. Two single mothers come together to lament their troubles and losses.
Fleur realizes that Hermione is her true mate when she arrives hurt at the cottage after Malfoy Manner or being mates.
Forced Marriage trope - repopulating wizarding England stipulates that all eligible and child baring women must marry. Except, it seems, Hermione Granger, who is protected under French Ministry law as she is the Delacour heir’s fated mate.
Twilight (Tanya/Leah, Tanya/OFC, Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Tanya, Bella/Alice, Bella/Leah, Rosalie/Leah, Alice/Leah)
Tanya has been looking for her mate for over a thousand years. She’s finally found them.
House of Dragons (Alicent / Rhaenyra)
Rhaenyra runs away with Alicent
Rhaenyra kills her father to ensure she is the one to marry Alicent
Rhaenyra captures Alicent during the war and they reminisce on all that was—and could have been.
Like this post or message me and I’ll get in touch. Let me know which fandom and couple and possible idea caught your attention.
I prefer to play through discord but am open to email or google docs.
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omegaverserping · 4 months
I am a 30yrld female with 10+ years experience looking for FxF or FxFxM fandom games. Cannon X Canon characters preferred. But sometimes open to Canon x OC.
Looking for NSFW with a 20yr old partner. I don’t have a preference for my partners gender. Just looking for someone 20+ years old willing to play FxF or FxFxM fandom games.
Really looking for femslash games. I’m open to A/B/O and soulmate tropes/themes.
I play romance and dark story themes.
Game of Thrones (Sansa / Daenerys with optional + Canon male character, Sansa/OFC, Daenerys/OFC, Brienne/Sansa)
The Witcher (Tissaia / Yennefer)
Harry Potter (Hermione/Fleur, female!Harry/Hermione, Hermione/Pansy, Hermione/Bellatrix, Hermione/Ginny, Hermione/Minerva, Minerva/Bellatrix, OFCxany of the previous ladies)
Twilight (Tanya/OFC, Bella/Rosalie, Bella/Tanya, Bella/Alice, Rosalie/OFC, Bella/Leah, Rosalie/Leah, Alice/Leah)
House of Dragons (Alicent / Rhaenyra)
Fall of the House of Usher (Camille/OFC)
Like this post and I’ll get in touch.
I prefer to play through discord but am open to email or google docs.
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tllgrrl · 6 months
The Big, Fancy Serving Dish - Continued (an excerpt) by @tllgrrl aka Nefertiri Jones
Fleur De Louve SarahBucky Month 2023 - Week 4, Day 7: Family Dinner
Relationships-Sarah Wilson/Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson/Misty Knight, and OCs | Rated: SFW
This excerpt takes place during the family dinner mentioned in a previous story: The Big, Fancy Serving Dish.
* * * * * * * * * *
“ It’s called serobe.”
“Say-roh-bey? Is that right, Sargent—I mean, Bucky?”
He was holding an almost full plate, and she was giving him a tour of all the different dishes of food brought by everyone when she stopped at the one in the center of the main table.
The big, fancy serving dish on the warmer.
He leaned slightly forward and said something in her ear, she giggled, swatting his arm.
Sarah, Misty, and Sam stood on the other side of the room, transfixed, watching the 100+ year old man, charming the socks off of Sam and Sarah’s titi.
“Is she…?” Sarah whispered.
“Is he…?” Misty whispered back.
“Imma kill ‘im,” Sam growled.
“Look at him. Flirting and going on.”
“Sam. He is older than her.”
“I know. Man stays being a cradle robber.”
That last part he said under his breath, but just loud enough for Bucky’s supersoldier hearing to catch, and Bucky let Sam know he heard it because he looked over at Sam, grinned a big wolfish grin, and gave a wink that made Sarah whoop and cover her mouth as Misty turned around and quickly walked away almost whisper-screaming “Oh no he didn’t!”
Sarah heard her laughter coming from the kitchen.
“And save some food for the rest of us,” Sam continued to grouse a little louder. “That’s your second plate. Can’t take you anywhere.”
“Let the man eat, Sam!” Aunt Lee chuckled “There’s more than enough food!”
Misty returned from the kitchen and continued to snicker with Sarah.
“What are you two laughing at,” Sam glared. “Sarah, the man is flirting with our aunt.”
“I think it’s cute, and she’s having fun! She’s 80, looks like she’s still in her 60s, she’s a widow, and she’s still spry. He’s over 100 and doesn’t regularly get to talk to people who remember The old Old Days. Let them live!”
“You might want to keep an eye on your aunt, though, Sarah,” Misty adds. “Sam tells me Miss Lee has buried 3 husbands. White Wolf has that serum, but he might not stand a chance against —“
“Come on now, Miss Lee! Really? Three?” Bucky pretended to be delightedly aghast.
Lee raised a knowing eyebrow, primly purses her lips, and gave him the head tilt that said “If You Know, You Know”, then they both laughed.
“No, no and no,” Sam says, walking away while keeping his eyes pinned on Bucky. “This is just…wrong.” he hisses and keeps walking while the two senior citizens continue to banter.
Sarah noticed the lightness in Bucky’s demeanor as he laughed with her Aunt. Lee giggled like a schoolgirl, and when she gently touched his right arm, he didn’t flinch or go still. He didn’t look the least bit uncomfortable with the contact.
Then she whispered something in his ear, and he looked over at Sarah, catching her eyes.
The unguarded and completely open look on his face made her catch her breath, and she whispered to herself, “There you are.”
He nodded, and she could read his lips when he said “God knows I do,” then slightly ducked his head, and smiled.
* * * * * * * * * *
serobe is an offal dish from Botswana made from goat, sheep or cow intestines and sometimes trotters. Chitterlings—or chit’lins—usually made with pork intestines, can also be made from goat or sheep.
* * * * * * * * * *
Good intentions, good intentions. I tried to do a one shot continuation of a dinner mentioned in a previous fic, and combine the prompt “Family Dinner” with “Gratitude”, but it turned into a thing with many moving parts and I ran out of time, so, hopefully this can slide in and be included for the Week and I’ll try to get the complete story and a little moodboard thing together for ChristmaHanuKwanza.
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cynical-crypt · 1 year
random shit i have from 2012: - roughly 18 plastic mustache necklaces - obnoxious purple fleur-de-lis shirt - lemonsnout plushie (belonged to my older sibling) - green smuppet (also belonged to my older sibling) - probably over 500 lps - 20-ish cheap g3 mlp figurines - uncountable amount of silly bandz (im not gonna count because if i touch them theyll turn to dust) - 3 shitty plastic glitter fedoras with 2012 on them (glitter is everywhere) - mustache shaped chalkboard (presumably used at my moms bakery spot at the farmers market) - blue foil curtains - horrendous looking gir plush (smashed to hell and back) - pikachu jacket that doesnt fit me anymore - a lot of g4 rainbow dash merch - printed horrible quality "20% cooler" poster - small notebook with shitty pokemon ocs - pokemon red cartridge - cyan glow in the dark bear skelanimal - i <3 boobies rubber bracelets (4 i think) - a cat toy (rainbow mouse torn to shreds) - ocarina of time cartridge - 2 DSi-s - nintendogs cartridge - a printed out picture of justin bieber with brown crayon everywhere - gravel - a paper with an apology to my mom for watching "equals 3" on the computer while a friends 3 year old was there - ian and anthony (smosh) as cats - wii controller case - a total of 7 dust bunnies
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tangirlisfangirl · 2 years
Alright @the-lavender-creator , here’s that Fleur deep dive I promised! Also for anyone else interested since I’m proud of this character and think she’s super cool and intricate <3
For anyone who doesn’t know this is just a post about my EAH oc who’s the daughter of the Fairy Queen from A Midsummer Night’s Dream, so keep reading if that interests you n whatnot
Under the cut because, as always, I don’t know how to control myself and this got longer than it should’ve 🥴
For simplicity/clarification, the Titania we see in Cedar’s opening part of Suzanne Selfor’s “The Storybook of Legends” is the same Fairy Queen that we see hosting the Blue Moon Fest in the animations.
My character, Fleurencia Monarch, Fleur for short, is her and Oberon’s daughter (although she’s much closer to her mother). Appearance-wise she has gold eyes and dark curly hair inherited from her father, and, unlike the other two fairies we know, has much larger and more complex wings akin to her mom’s. Also, she has the same flower powers so that plants grow whenever her hands or feet touch the ground, although she’s almost always flying so it’s not like overgrowth is a problem.
Because the story requires Titania and Oberon to have an air of otherwordly mystery and elegance, they grow up secluded in the forest with limited interactions before being thrust into Ever After High to fulfill their roles. Although with age they’ve been able to improve their social skills and engage with the outer world as they please, from selling flowers in town square to competing in carriage races, Fleur is still entrenched in the loneliness caused from being restricted to the Enchanted Forest, only just being introduced to popular trends and social media in her first year at school.
In spite of all this, she’s just as kind and loving as her parents, just with more of an untouchable air. She’s in charge of both Fairy Club and Enchanted Gardening club, but these are the only times anyone can find her, since she unintentionally spends most of her time in the forest; she has to keep in touch with her future subjects after all (but I like the idea that she can be summoned in a pinch with a fairy ring made up of all her favorite things). Her main circle is with Ashlynn, Farrah, and Nina, since they’re the kindest and share similar interests, but she has nearly none of the popularity. It’s not like doesn’t get invited to parties or get-togethers at all, just not as often since… she doesn’t get it, you know? Doesn’t know the popular bands, doesn’t know the slang, and she’s probably too busy running the realm of fae, anyway.
But she desperately wants to connect with others, have fun and foster relationships, feel the warmth that comes with laughing and spending time with people you care about and that care about you. She cares so much, all the time, and wants to experience the joys of life with everyone else but just can’t quite reach out, partially because she doesn’t know how but also she also has to keep in line with her destiny (you could also make the argument that the powers behind destiny cursed her in a way to be easily forgotten so she can better play her part without distractions).
It’s not like she’s totally lonely, though, she still has her destined king. Aurelius Viridian (introducing him since he’s important to Fleur’s character but I care about him less lmao) was the male fairy chosen to be the next Oberon when he was born, and though the two didn’t exactly grow up together they still have an intimate understanding. They’re not exactly ’dating’, they don’t share any physical or romantic affection, it’s just an unsaid thing that they’re spoken for.
However, Aurelius is much more… ‘kingly’. Stuffy and arrogant, he doesn’t interact with anyone at school but Fleur, and that’s the way he likes it. Whenever she’s left out or otherwise disheartened by the people of Ever After, she always comes back to lean on him, the only person she can truly communicate with. They’ll slow dance in the air or cultivate sections of the forest like a shared art project with their similar powers of growth, any low energy activity since it’s in line with the natural floatiness of fairies; but being around him elevates her poise and elegance, which strengthens her untouchable air, the last thing she wants. This kind of puts her in a difficult position— does she stick with him to validate her desire for intimacy, or branch out to others that might not understand her, but still feed into her need for social connection?
She meets someone that changes things, though. When accompanying her mother to the Top of the World to discuss seasonal matters with the Snow King and Queen, she gets to talking with Crystal, but they don’t exactly click; she’s way too spunky and Fleur is way too gentle and soft spoken. No, it’s a little frost imp she sees messing up his duties, clumsy but still laughing and enjoying himself, that she can’t help but find endearing. His joy is infectious and she finds herself laughing, too, waving to him down below before catching up with the others in the icy throne room. His sister notices this and, still spurred on despite her last plan’s failure, concocts a new one.
Fleur is on the balcony of her dorm late at night (despite her light aesthetic she loves the evening, being surrounded by stars and fireflies, and is actually most active at night), but is visited by Northwind, on a mission to get close to her to take advantage of the magic of the forest and gain power (not Jackie’s best plan but she’s desperate). He’s… forgetful, and is more so focused on just having a good time, like he does all the time. Fleur isn’t used to it, but she’s more than happy to come along, and so he shows her all the fun of winter she’s never gotten to experience (she always used to hibernate during the winter since everything else in the forest would, too). Every chance they got they’d sneak up to the Top of the World together to have snowball fights, make snowmen and snow angels, even go sledding (on him as a penguin specifically cause I thought it was cute), and she cheers him on when he shows off all his animal forms.
The thing is, everything would always be his idea; Fleur always asked for his opinion, what he wanted to do, which he’s not used to, especially because he thought all princesses gave orders. She’s so genuine and non-judgmental that he starts to feel guilty, and tells her the truth, but sadly enough she already knew. It’s not like she didn’t hear about the two twin frost imps trying to overthrow the royal wintry family, and it’s not like anyone would go out of their way to spend time with her unless it’s for a grasp at power (Faybelle would do that sometimes), but she didn’t raise any alarm because for fairy godmother’s sakes she just wanted to go out and have fun for once! But she does wonder why someone as funloving as him would do something so devious, and he explains that all he wants to do is support Jackie since she’s so sick of being an unimportant, nobody imp.
So Fleur gets to talking with Crystal, and they come up with a compromise that the twins will come to Ever After High for Jackie to fill the role of Jack Frost (Northwind’s in a similar situation as Poppy (also sidenote why can’t this happen in-canon?? they did about as much treason as courtly and faybelle and the latter barely even had to apologize, i might actually make a separate post about it cause im so invested in the concept but anyway back to clean professional writing)) and Fleur is ecstatic that she’ll get to spend more time with North. He’s absentminded and doesn’t think about social conventions, while she’s more open-minded and fair to everyone no matter background or intelligence, so it turns into a positive feedback thing where they care for and pay attention to each other when others don’t.
But Aurelius doesn’t like this. He’s not jealous, more so annoyed since he sees Northwind as beneath both him and Fleur, undeserving of either of their time (I can also imagine that they’d be forced to room together since North is new and Aurelius was roomed alone for destiny sake but now they have to worry about saving space :P so North’s need for cold affects the prince’s general need for warmth and general ability for his plants to thrive, which doesn’t help his feelings towards the imp). This further puts Fleur into a torrid emotional situation where she wants to be with North—someone who brings out her inner bubbly spirit, who exhilarates her and helps her become the more easy and welcoming person she always wanted to be—but she doesnt want to leave her long-time anchor Aurelius behind, someone whos been there in a way no one else has despite how it keeps her closed-off, and who she still loves and loves her in his own way, not to mention the whole destiny angle (ignoring the fact that the book was destroyed, I forgot about that when I figured all this out let’s not talk about it lol).
Right now she’s straddling the line between both boys, and though Northwind doesn’t pay it any mind, Aurelius is a steadily boiling kettle, only tolerating it for the moment. After some time it climaxes to a point where Fleur and Aurelius fulfill their destinies in a way, with North filling the role of the boy Titania becomes attached to that causes Oberon to attempt to hex her, this time with the motivation of “use a spell to make her fall in love with an animal to show how frivolous her emotions are in hopes that she’ll give up the imp.” It’s toxic, sure, but that’s how the story goes, and as everyone knows, fairytales are not the kindest…
But yeah that’s about it! Beautiful but sad/lonely character trope but I feeI like thats everyone in EAH afsbdsjfks. I tried making the writing all pretty but it took a lot more work, oh well it’s done ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ Some other fun tidbits I will include is that Fleur loves violin and will listen to covers of pop songs, has pointed ears like Faybelle (and assumedly Farrah), and loves fairyberry candies and anything else with the flavor, and will visit Book-End bakeries and cafés to stock up on treats. Her favorite memories are the few times she was invited to go to them after school with a group of friends. I’m also trying to design outfits for her to fit in with the specials (Spring, Wonderland, Dragon Riding, etc) but idk if I’ll ever post them, so instead I’ll include this messy digital drawing from a while back ‘cause I drew her traditional and scanned it but was still trying to figure out her color palette, plus a vibe playlist cause I do that for all my major ocs :)
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bunny-bopper · 2 years
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I posted 979 times in 2022
67 posts created (7%)
912 posts reblogged (93%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 467 of my posts in 2022
#snupin - 56 posts
#severus snape - 38 posts
#<3 <3 <3 <3 - 13 posts
#ask games - 13 posts
#stargate atlantis - 10 posts
#happy birthday sev - 9 posts
#harlivy - 8 posts
#asks - 8 posts
#tag games - 7 posts
#teen sev - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#and i don't wanna download it because i want to contribute to the ratings when it finally does get here
My Top Posts in 2022:
Rules: List the first lines of your last 10 stories. See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag some people to take part.
Thanks for tagging me @logicgunn! I haven't done this in a while :)
Well They're No Friends Of Mine
(hp, snupin, marauder's era, oneshot)
"Look at him. Skulking about as usual."
Puffed Up Like A...
(hp, lucius malfoy/oc, lucissa, oneshot)
It had not been real.
A Little Nudge
(sga, mcshep, oneshot)
“Fine,” Rodney announced, slamming his tray down on the table, “I give up.”
The Truth Will Out
(hp, snupin, multi chapter, adult)
He knows something is wrong before the potion even touches his lips.
The Reckoning of Severus Snape
(hp, severus snape/euphemia rowle, oneshot, adult, dark)
There was never any performance: no lustful moans or delicate sighs, no hair cascading artfully down one shoulder, no sweetly whispered words, and certainly no declarations of love.
I Like Mine With A Kiss
(hp, fleur/tonks, multi chapter, adult)
Ever since she was a little girl, Fleur simply could not stand mess.
The Potion Seller and the Wolf
(hp, snupin, multi chapter, fairytale au)
The forest held few surprises for Severus Snape.
(hp, severus snape/aurora sinistra, oneshot, adult)
"Are you okay, love? Do you want to stop?"
(hp, snucissa, oneshot, adult)
"Lay back down, darling. That's a good boy."
See the full post
27 notes - Posted February 19, 2022
Kinky Snupin sex, you say?
Is there any other kind? lol.
I thought I had more recs but the only one I seem to have bookmarked is Five Time Lupin and Snape Should Not Have Had Sex At Order Headquarters (But Couldn't Help It) by Snegurochka. Seriously - it's got everything. Humour, angst, kink, and even has surprisingly sweet ending.
I'd quite like to do a kinky Snupin rec list at some point. If anyone has any they want to share please feel free to add to this post!
My kinkiest fic by far is The Truth Will Out which I am actually going to update - shocking I know - today or tomorrow!
29 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
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The Truth Will Out
A Remus/Severus fic 
Rating: E
Summary: When Severus spikes his Wolfsbane with truth potion, Remus reveals something neither of them expected.
Tags: porn with plot, porn with feelings, bdsm, dom/sub elements, dom severus snape, sub remus lupin, bondage, edgeplay, spanking, humiliation 
Chapter 11 is up in which it all breaks down at the role reversal. Or does it?
41 notes - Posted April 30, 2022
Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape, Remus Lupin & Severus Snape, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape
Characters: Remus Lupin, Severus Snape, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, Mary Macdonald
Additional Tags: Pre-Slash, snupin - Freeform, POV Remus Lupin, Yule Ball (Harry Potter), Marauders Era (Harry Potter), Bullying, Dancing
Whenever his friends pull a prank on Snape, Remus always looks the other way. But what if there's another option?
52 notes - Posted January 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I just need a scene at the Battle of Hogwarts where Snape reveals his loyalties by breaking his cover to save someone's life. Then I need an epically clichéd fight scene where he takes on like ten Death Eaters and wins easily. Oh and I need it set to a soundtrack - preferably a classic pop rock song completely incongruous to a fight scene but someone works incredibly well.
98 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Hello, hello, happy WBW! Today I have a pretty common question: what are love languages of your OCs? (and maybe mbti if you're mbti gremlin like me; sorry if I've asked about that before)
ooh, love languages. this is a tricky one.
I'll start with River, my personal favourite. I think their love language is quality time.
Then there's Fleur, River's bestie. Her love language is words of affirmation.
Next is Lynn, Fleur's gf. Hers is physical touch.
Then we have Pil! He likes acts of service.
Time for Kassiel. He's a words of affirmation kinda guy.
Tim! He's a sucker for gift-giving.
I have learnt from this that I really need to make some masterposts or something cus the majority of the main guys are completely unknown to anyone but me.
But the mbti! I am also an mbti gremlin(infp myself), but I am unsure of the mbtis of my ocs.
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