#oc: richard // weather
brbuttons · 2 months
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A quick lineup of the currently (mostly) designed Personifications. I'm not the most content with the individuality of each, but it's getting somewhere slowly.
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nicolesainz · 6 months
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Within The Limits (Ben Chilwell x Jenson Button x OC)
Author's note: NEW SERIES BABES! I missed writing a full story, given that I always delete and redo my short fics, so this will be a probably 10-15 part story (if there's more, time will tell). This duo is very random, compared to the Mason x Carlos one I did last time, but I love these guys so much, so it was worth the shot. I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Chelsea Winster is a double working reporter for Sky sports F1 and the Premier League. At the ripe age of 25 she's surrounded herself with people who love and appreciate her (some more than others), that's how the former world champion Jenson Button got wrapped around her finger. But little does she know that an England senior and Chelsea player will step up his game just to see her smile. Who will she choose? Double trouble is fun but not when it comes to heart matters.
Warnings: nsfw content will be included, each chapter will get a warning so don’t worry, lots of swearing, intensity, age gap, fluff (of course)
next chapter
“Can you stop eye fucking Jenson for a minute? It’s as polite as I can ask you” Lissie nudges me with her elbow and I shake my head, coming back to reality.
“Sorry. Force of habit” I blurt out without realizing and Lissie slaps her hand on her mouth, shutting it.
“Oh my god. I don’t wanna know. Let’s just move on” she says and we focus back on the qualifying session that is currently taking place.
For some reason, qualifying for the British Grand Prix is always more thrilling than in any other race. Maybe neck to neck with Brazil but that’s because in both countries the weather is unpredictable, like the results.
Lissie works for the F1 network, while I for Sky Sports so most of the times at qualifying or free practice, I get to hang out with her since everyone else is in the comment box.
The one time I was in the commentary box with Crofty, Martin, Jenson and Nico, I almost confused Max with Checo and was about to announce Checo as the poleman instead of Max. That’s because I was heavily influenced by the way Jenson’s veins were showing around his muscled arms. Ever since that day, I refuse to step my foot inside there ever again.
Another reason why I try but fail to keep a distance from Jenson is that every time we are alone, we somehow end up in the back of a dark room, kissing like teenagers and making out until I can’t feel my legs anymore. Let’s just say that’s a detail no one knows. Not even Lissie. But I’m sure she’s suspected something given that in the space of an hour I showed up with a hickie on my neck.
I’m not afraid to admit that yes, I am into older men as well. Mostly the ones with brown hair and stupidly cute blue eyes, twice my age and 2009 world champion with Brawn, currently holding a microphone and analyzing how it’s impossible for the Ferrari’s to be on pole.
“I domt can’t tell whether you’re looking at the right side of the screen or left. Do you even pay attention to who is about to get eliminated?” Lissie snaps her fingers in front of my eyes.
“I can do multiple things at the same time. And yes, I’m looking both ways, what’s wrong with that?” I reply but now my attention turns to my friend.
“I seriously don’t get how you can be into older men instead of youngsters. Like, almost week in-week out in England, you’re surrounded by 44 handsome gentlemen and you’re telling me you only have eyes for Jenson?”
“Maybe. I mean, come on, look at him! He doesn’t compare to those boys in the Prem. Plus, half of them are perverts and others have girlfriends or wives. Jenson is single and I spend most of my time in the paddock with him”
“Have you at least told your loverboy that they are sending you for almost full-time at the Prem? He’ll miss you but not more than me” Lissie gives me a big smile and I hug her.
“He’ll find out when he sees me commenting alongside Micah Richards or Gary Neville. Plus, I think for some reason, they’ve assigned me to commentate most of Chelsea’s game and I don’t know if that has to do something with my name” oh the irony. My dad’s favorite team is Chelsea so when he and mum found out they were having a girl it was the perfect opportunity for him.
“Oh lucky! All of the hotties play for Chelsea. Well, used to, but some of them are still there. Like Ben Chilwell. A fine Englishman and champions league winner. What more than that?” She winks at my playfully and I roll my eyes with her comment.
"Not my cup of tea, L. Plus, all of them are arrogant assholes go just pose when the camera points at them." I do like football, I swear, it's the players that get on my nerves. Such divas.
"As if f1 drivers aren't snob and attention seekers?"
"Well, they have a sense of humanity and logicality. Driving the fastest cars alive, risking their lives, abandoning family and friends to travel the world just to entertain others. Footballers injure themselves and then take 2 months trip to the Bahamas."
"Remind me again why did they assign you to the Prem?" Lissie is amused with my ideas that she's been scratching her head the entire time.
"For banter, maybe?" I shrug
"Oh those poor boys, the things you will be telling them after the games."
"Oh the way I knew that you couldn't get your eyes off the screen for even a second, satisfies me massively" Jenson whispers in my ear and I could faint right this instant moment.
"How can I? Especially when you are there. All bossy and classy simultaneously, explaining how the sport works better than anyone else" I smirk devilishly behind the crook of his neck.
"I still don't know for what reason you are attracted to me? My looks? My knowledge? Or my insanely good driving skills?" his hand lands on my thigh, caressing it up and down softly.
"All of the three" I sigh as I feel the hand going more upwards and uneasiness rushes over my body.
"Why so flushed darling? Does my hand on your thigh have this strong effect on you?" his lips kiss my jawline and a soft groan escapes my mouth.
"Oh I will miss this" I say as I hold on firmly to Jenson’s bicep and tighten my grasp around it.
“I’m not going anywhere dear, what are you talking about?” A small peck lands on my lips and I feel my lower lip being sucked by him.
I stop at my tracks and kiss Jenson sweetly before removing myself away from his lap, so I can tell him the truth about my job.
“I need you to be calm, m’kay?”
“I don’t understand. Is something wrong?” He looks worried and stressed.
“I’m being transferred. For the next two years I will be working full time in England.” I say out loud and it sounds like fake.
“Why? What? How? I mean, uh. Explain a bit further, please.”
“You know that I work for both the Premier League and F1. Well, Sky Sports decided to transfer me for two years back in England so I can commentate on the games and then they’ll decide where I will be permanently settled.”
“So that means I’m losing you? You’re not going to be around anymore?”
“Whenever there’s a weekend that I am free and F1 happens to be on, I will join you, just not as a commentator. I really hate that this has to happen”
I truly do hate it. For the past 4 years my life was about an airplane, no sleep, fast cars, statistics and Jenson. Now it will be 22 men kicking the ball for 90 minutes straight.
“I’ll come for visits too. Don’t think you’ll get rid of me that easily baby” he hugs my waist and grabs me back onto his lap.
“I wasn’t planning on it JB. Trust me.”
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roleplayfinder · 8 months
Hiiii, 24f here looking for some angsty plots! The colder weather really has me craving something with any or all of the following themes.
-enemies to lovers
-dark academia
-horror plots
-stalker elements
-dead dove 🕊️
Please be 18+ and comfortable with NSFW, though I don’t like it to fully dominate the plot! Like this post and I’ll reach out—I rp on discord. I rp from a variety of fandoms and am comfortable doing canon divergent of AU’s! I’m currently seeking the following fandoms/ships, and will bold the character I prefer playing.
The Secret History
* Richard x Henry
* Richard x Francis
* Charles x Henry
* Camilla x Henry
* Camilla x Judy (fine with either!)
The Goldfinch
* Theo x Boris
One Piece
* Sanji x Zoro
* Luffy x Zoro
* Nami x Vivi (fine with either!)
* Nami x Robin
* Sanji x Luffy x Zoro (fine with any/switching!)
* Sanji x Ace
Harry Potter
* Draco x Harry (fine with either)
* Draco x Hermione (either)
* Hermione x Pansy (either)
My Hero Academia
* Shoto x Bakugo
* Bakugo x Deku
* Shoto x Bakugo x Deku
South Park
* Stan x Kyle
* Stan x Craig
* Stan x Kenny
I am also willing to do OC x OC!
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mistresskayla-blog1 · 17 days
A Swiss Escape
Characters: Daniel Miller x Courtney Roeber
Lyn's Writing Event - Week 4 - Day 24 (late submission)
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The chalet was made of sturdy wood, with a sloping roof to let the snow slide off. The windows are framed with wooden shutters, and smoke gently curls from the chimney, indicating a fire inside. Outside, the snow blankets the ground, creating a serene and picturesque scene. The surrounding trees are frosted with snow, and the only sounds you hear are the soft crunch of snow under your feet.
Part 1:
May 24th: Week 4: Blizzard
Characters: Daniel Miller x OC Courtney Roeber (Swiss French)
The character of Daniel Miller was created by Olen Steinhauer, Bradford Winters and Zach Craley for television.  
Fandom: Richard Armitage – Berlin Station – Daniel Miller
Word Count: 1.9k (part 1)
Warnings: extreme weather, blizzard, potential smut, survival, no electricity, stranded, escape scenario, international spies, CIA, guns, knives,
The chalet was made of sturdy wood, with a sloping roof to let the snow slide off. The windows are framed with wooden shutters, and smoke gently curls from the chimney, indicating a fire inside. Outside, the snow blankets the ground, creating a serene and picturesque scene. The surrounding trees are frosted with snow, and the only sounds you hear are the soft crunch of snow under your feet.
As glasses clinked in an open bar, Daniel scanned the room for his contact. When his eyes landed on a beautiful blonde woman at the bar, he cursed under his breath, “God please don’t be her”, he shook it off and made his way towards her, his suit was a warm grey, his tie was missing, collar unbuttoned. His smile was warm, and Courtney’s cheeks flushed when this dark haired and tall man approached her. She was conversating with a colleague and was momentarily silent. The other women looked at Courtney puzzled, “Please go on, and the minister would like to address, what?” the women asked.
Courtney looked at her again, being taller than some, she was used to looking down, but eye to eye with this man was in a word, intoxicating. Daniel stood at the bar a few chairs away, sipping his gin. And side-eyeing her with a quirked expression. Courtney continued with the women, “Yes, he wants to address concerns of the constituents on that matter, I’m sorry will you excuse me, please?” her softened Swiss accent could be caught by Daniel’s perceptive knowledge of dialects. Daniel did his best Swiss dialect impression when he asked her to ‘sit down with him’.
The warm features of the bar and lounge created an ambience of leisure and comfort. Wood and glass surrounding the whole room. Intricate features on walls, and doorways. Open beams hung above them, with pendulums of light hanging in midair it seemed between the large caber beams. Guests were jovial, but not loud, it was a relaxed Sunday evening after a political conference. Some retired to their rooms, and some stayed in the lounge.
Courtney stood against the bar, and looked at him, frankly, “You are supposed to ask me something, no?” her voice came up at the end in a classical Scandinavian way. Daniel smiled shyly, setting his glass down steadily.
“Ya, Du sollst sagen: Mochte ich etwas Schokolade?” (you are supposed to say, would I like some chocolat?)
Courtney warmed with laughter, “Na, geht es dir?” (Well, do you?)
Daniel looked at the bar, and then back at her, “If you’re offering.” (he switched back to English).
Courtney blushed again, slightly, and Daniel tried not to notice. Courtney knew he would be charming, they usually are, but she didn’t trust him.
A storm was due to hit the resort tonight, but living in this area it was all or nothing. Sometimes the cell passed you by and sometimes you were buried for days. It was Sunday evening, and most were leaving for home, so the resort would be all but deserted come Monday morning. Maybe that was why he was here, to tempt her into staying past, and revealing the secrets she had. Though she wanted a cozy snow tryst, she wasn’t sure, he was the one to do that for her. Oh, he was enticing to be sure, clean, handsome, nicely dressed, trying his best to act German, but that American confidence was too obvious to hide behind some simple dialogue.
Daniel saw her mind working overtime as they sat in silence momentarily, “Whatever you know, I can protect you,” he said boldly. Courtney chuckled at that, “Oh, really? So you think this is a state secret then, not just a rambling?”
Daniel looked at her in all seriousness, “I’m not here for ramblings, your intel is good, and I am here to collect you,” 
Courtney looked at him shocked, but she tried to conceal it as she sipped her drink, “I see. Well, I don’t think I will agree to leave with you. You can take the information I have, that is all.  I will make my own way.” Daniel held his breath not wanting to make a snide retort. His hand drifted towards her on the bar, a paper concealed under his palm. Courtney, put her hand on his, and that spark seemed to get stronger, like a pulse of current running through her. Daniel drew his hand away, and she palmed the note.
“Just come find me when you are ready to talk.” He said, he finished his drink and stepped away from the bar, leaving Courtney by herself at the bar.
She found her coat at a table of colleagues and put it on as she exited onto the loggia. It was dark out on the snow, but silent, as the door closed behind her. Courtney shivered, but she wasn’t cold. A breeze kicked up her hair against her parka, and she pulled up her hood around her face framing it in fur. Courtney opened the note Daniel had given to her. It simply had his room number on it, and a code for something else, but she wasn’t sure what. It was a 4 digit code. 4152. His room number was 209. She noted that and tossed the paper into the air watching it catch in the breeze and float down to the snowy path below her. A car pulled up to the entrance below and pressed the paper further into the snow and gravel drive. Courtney amused re-entered the lounge through the glass door. She moved through the bar and headed to her room.
Daniel had retired to his room, to wait for her, though he wasn’t sure if she would come that easily. He knew what room she was in, but thought it was best to just wait and have her come to him. As long as she did it tonight. Tomorrow morning would be too much commotion when everyone from the conference leaves, including her.
He paced in the suite between the bed and the seating area, not sure what to do with himself. He hadn’t been this anxious in awhile and it drove him mad. He went to his duffle and took out his gun, clicking it, and checking the magazine, making sure the safety was on. Just busying his hands. A soft knock fell upon the door and Daniel looked up, sharply. He disengaged the gun, set it back into his bag on the dresser and stepped to the door.
“Yes?” he asked the door, looking through the peephole. Her golden locks flashed in the tiny lens, and Daniel’s eyes dilated instantly. Daniel unlocked the door and opened it, lazily hanging his hand at the top of the door, “Come in, I wasn’t sure you would stop by.” He ushered her in, checking the hallway as he closed the door and stood against it. Courtney turned to him, “I had the room, so I figured, it was worth a look”, she tried for a smile, but it looked more nervous than she actually was feeling.
The overhang of his loggia in his room created a looming shadow to the storm that was now well underway outside. The doors rattled in the wind a bit. Courtney was nervous now, she could be delayed getting home tomorrow if this storm didn’t let up by morning. Daniel watched her expression change when she looked out the glass doors to the patio.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” Daniel asked, curiously.
Courtney met his eyes this time, “Yes, you wanted me to tell you what I had for information, correct, and then I can leave, right?”
Daniel stepped towards her, she moved back a half step, even as she was nearly his height, he could still be intimidating. Daniel gave her a glowing smile to ease her apprehension, “I just need to hear it, and then I can let you know what is best for your safety, if we think you will be compromised by releasing the information to us, then I am assigned to protect you”, he smirked, looking at her hungrily, as his hand drifted towards her coat sleeve. Courtney tensed, mildly, “do you want me to take your coat?” he offered, trying to be hospitable, as he stepped clear of her and towards the makeshift bar he had made with a countertop and a mini fridge.
“Can I get you a drink?” Daniel asked her. Courtney shook her head, but realized that he wasn’t looking at her, “No, no I’m fine. Let’s just do this”, she gathered up her courage and sat down at the desk opposite the seating area.
Daniel turned to her, sipping some wine, from a tumbler glass, “Go ahead, I’m all ears.”
Courtney sighed, “Ok, my name is Courtney Roeber, I work for the Swiss Minister of Police, and I think he is involved in a scandal involving trafficking of youth from Kazakhstan,” she paused as Daniel’s eye brows furrowed, “As you probably know, Kazakstan is home to many different ethnicities’ so many different, well from a beauty and fertile standpoint, women and girls can look so very different and so very pretty, so I think he is importing them.”  Courtney, clutched her key card, rolling it over in her hand. Daniel sat down on the bed, closer to her.
“Look, I know this is a delicate matter, and I want to handle it as best I can. What made you make this link between Jans and the girls?” Daniel inquired.
Courtney looked at him and sighed, shoving her hand down her shirt and producing a thumb drive on a lanyard, “I have it in his correspondence, I run his books for him and too much money was going for “aid sponsorships” and then disappearing and reappearing into his personal holding accounts. So I copied the files, and ran them against his travel. Several dates matched up. It cannot be coincidence”. Daniel reached for the thumb drive, “Can I see it for myself?”
Courtney pulled on the lanyard and it broke free from her neck, she handed him the drive that dangled the end. Daniel took it whispering thanks, he smiled warmly and placed it into his tablet, clicking on files and scanning the data. He took out his phone and sent the files to HQ.
“Well, this all looks in order. And I see why they had to hire outside the scope. Im sorry if this compromises you, even morally”, Daniel said, placing a hand on her arm. Courtney still didn’t trust him, but he was being very nice. He wasn’t slamming her up ahainst walls or threatening her, or trying to kill her for the information. He just, asked. She smiled back at him.
“So I can go now, yes? I really should get packed up for tomorrow,” Courtney stood and Daniel stood too. His hand make it to her arm again, this time it squeezed a little.
His breath was near her face, “I don’t think you should go back to your room tonight. There may be someone out looking for you. I tracked several suspicious men on this floor just before you left the bar. Courtney froze a second, “Wait, how did you know when I left the bar?” Courtney rolled her eyes, “spies, all of you,” then she swore in German and moved away from him. Daniel let go of her. Courtney walked out of his room and into the hallway, towards the stairwell to her own floor. Daniel stared as the door closed, and chuckled to himself, “She’ll be back, but in the meantime, I have the intel.” Daniel called into HQ and gave his report, sent the files, made sure to copy them and then discarded the thumb drive in the room safe punching in the code, 4152. It clicked and locked with a beep. He closed the closet door and sorted himself out for the night. Tucking his gun under his pillow. He laid in bed and stared up at the ceiling.
@scariusaquarius @middleearthpixie @sweetestgbye @riepu10 @enchantzz @lathalea @legolasbadass @evenstaredits @amylupotter
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darkdoverpseeker · 8 months
Hiiii, 24f here looking for some angsty plots! The colder weather really has me craving something with any or all of the following themes.
-enemies to lovers
-dark academia
-horror plots
-stalker elements
-dead dove 🕊️
Please be 18+ and comfortable with NSFW, though I don’t like it to fully dominate the plot! Like this post and I’ll reach out—I rp on discord. I rp from a variety of fandoms and am comfortable doing canon divergent of AU’s! I’m currently seeking the following fandoms/ships, and will bold the character I prefer playing.
The Secret History
* Richard x Henry
* Richard x Francis
* Charles x Henry
* Camilla x Henry
* Camilla x Judy (fine with either!)
The Goldfinch
* Theo x Boris
One Piece
* Sanji x Zoro
* Luffy x Zoro
* Nami x Vivi (fine with either!)
* Nami x Robin
* Sanji x Luffy x Zoro (fine with any/switching!)
* Sanji x Ace
Harry Potter
* Draco x Harry (fine with either)
* Draco x Hermione (either)
* Hermione x Pansy (either)
My Hero Academia
* Shoto x Bakugo
* Bakugo x Deku
* Shoto x Bakugo x Deku
South Park
* Stan x Kyle
* Stan x Craig
* Stan x Kenny
I am also willing to do OC x OC!
interact if interested!
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notsogreatpotoo · 13 days
up for ranting about more of your ocs?
hi! sorry this ask took me a bit, friend, i've got an exam today and i was studying lol
but i am absolutely up for it & i made a new one the other day :]
lee edwards is now a stand in for tim drake's fake uncle. basically at one point tim invents a fake uncle complete with documents and hires an actor to pose as 'eddie drake' so he won't get adopted by batman after jack drake dies. in canon i think the actor is named richard beren(?) and doesn't get involved in tim's life but i wanted to say no to that. lee edwards is a background actor bc he is pretty good at not looking directly into camera and looking like a generic dude, and generally his luck is slightly above average for gotham. until the story starts and his apartment complex burns down. oops. at least i gave him an emergency duffle. no casualties, i promise.
lee has his neighbors, and coworkers, etc, but he's not super attached to anyone bc he's been kind of drifting along for awhile. then after the fire, robin (tim) says he knows someone who has lee on their hiring list and gives lee their number. (cough cough, tim's a stalker and has been considering him for the position for a bit and while he was gonna do someone more shady so they wouldn't question why tim needs a fake uncle and wouldn't care about what he's doing, he starts to like the guy after he calls and he also has hardly any self-preservation.) lee ends up disturbed that this kid is so intent on being alone but he kind of understands because he was also neglected as a kid (not to the extent that tim was, but he also ended up completely cutting away from his parents bc he transitioned and they wouldn't respect him, so we're not comparing hurt here) and he knows what it's like to need to rely on yourself bc relying on someone else gets you hurt (can you tell i'm projecting lol). so lee immediately decides 'cool, imma help this child as much as possible' and moves into the drake manor. (in a little bit he realizes he just illegally adopted a child for money and freaks out a bit internally bc that totally sounds like he's a kidnapper but he gets over it.) tim is immediately kind of shocked at how nice lee is to him / how involved he is in his life. lee and bruce are both super great to each other and super angsty in their own heads about how the other is obviously a better parent than them. lee ends up finding about robin bc he keeps seeing tim come home with injuries and thinks he's being bullied at school; he talks to bruce about it and realizes that bruce is being way too dismissive about it for how much he cares and starts watching closer, realizing that tim's getting hurt overnight when he comes out for breakfast with bandaids on his hand that he did not have the night before. he knows that something's up but he doesn't discover tim's identity until the kid patrols while sick and returns to the house delirious enough that he doesn't take his robin costume off before flopping into bed, and lee goes to get him bc he knows the kid's been under the weather and he wants to know if tim's going to school today.
lee's a trans guy and he's been stealth for a bit, so imma have him and tim kinda clash with each other over privacy bc i can and bc tim's a little stalker, not a little angel. i love him so much and he's very flawed. lee agrees with me. lee does not actually get outed bc i don't wanna write that but he does eventually come out on his own to tim which puts their discussions about privacy in a new light. tim also gets to realize that when it comes to family, information offered rather than taken feels better to know.
on a less serious note, lee is a good baker and a decent cook, he knows nothing about actually doing photography but absolutely loves tim's pictures, and he has a grudge against batman / the city for child endangerment, which makes tim and bruce nervous literally every time he brings it up.
imma figure out more stuff to add and how im gonna do it later bc i like this concept a lot :] but i have a meeting and a class and an exam :[
thank you for the ask friend sard!!!
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ladyshivs · 11 months
Unusual Muse Associations
Tagged by @dogueteeth, thank you for thinking of me!! I'm not sure who all to tag, but I'll see if @the-cooler-sidestep, @ianthedebonair and @lazyvoyager feel up for it! No pressure of course
I, shockingly, will not go with FHR for this one, since I've already filled this out for Richard before.
Oromalo Eruheno
Cardamom and red pepper
Clear, middle of summer nights, where the fireflies are blazing and the air is still a little muggy, but its perfect for jumping into cool water and enjoying the stars.
Rich golds and ambers, deep blacks and bright reds. Bold and heavily saturated colors.
Two flavors, one is bright and clear, completely cloudless and lit up with the stars and moon. The other is heavily clouded but underlit red and orange from the lights hitting cloud cover from below.
Magical Power:
Pyrokinesis, gotta breathe that fire
Redwood. Massive, hardy, able to resist nearly anything the elements can throw at it.
His body :)
Philosophy, tactics, arts and crafts
Social Media:
Old man on twitter, what will he fail to google next?
Makeup Products:
Black eyeliner, eyeshadow, lip coloring are all good. He'll focus more on skincare, but he knows which elements to highlight for the best results.
Ghost pepper dark chocolate
Being seen as weak or vulnerable. Largely because such an impression can lead into his other fears: being betrayed, being abandoned, being alone.
Ice cube shape:
Little spheres or hexagons.
Method of Long Distance Travel:
Flying! Nothing like seeing the world stretched out below him, laid out clean and simple
Art Style:
A mix of traditional chinese calligraphy and nature scenes with islamic inspired geometric patterns
Mythological Creature:
He's a dragon.
Piece of stationary:
A very slender, black and gold with mother of pearl inlay, ink pen
Three Emojis:
Celestial Body:
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2000sfm · 4 months
any suggestions for roles or reboots that would fit 30+ muses well? either existing or new ones!
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we  would  love  more  older  muses  around  here.  some  ideas  for  older  muses  in  existing  reboots  are  listed  under  the  cut  since  it's  quite  a  long  list.  however  some  other  reboots  that  could  definitely  fit  30+  muses  are  :  13  going  on  30,  legally  blonde,  american  psycho,  mamma  mia,  how  i  met  your  mother,  the  office  &  desperate  housewives  !!
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the  vampire  diaries:  alaric  saltzman,  jenna  sommers,  john  gilbert,  meredith  fell,  sybil,  liz  forbes,  lillian  salvatore,  josette  laughlin,  isobel  flemming,  carol  lockwood,  abby  bennett,  pearl,  mikael  mikaelson,  zach  salvatore  &  esther  mikaelson.
the  oc:  alex  kelly,  sandy  cohen,  kirsten  cohen,  julie  cooper,  jimmy  cooper
one  tree  hill:  dan  scott,  keith  scott,  deb  scott,  karen  roe,  quinn  james.
sons  of  anarchy:  jax  teller,  opie  winston,  donna  winston,  gemma  teller-morrow,  clay  morrow,  tara  knowles,  juice  ortiz,  tig  trager,  chibs  telford,  happy,  wendy  case,  half-sack  epps.
gilmore  girls:  sookie  st.  james,  christopher  hayden,  emily  gilmore,  richard  gilmore,  max  medina,  michel  gerard,  mrs.  kim.
pretty  little  liars:  ezra  fitz,  melissa  hastings,  wren  kingston,  ashley  marin,  meredith  sorenson,  veronica  hastings,  ella  montgomery,  byron  montgomery,  ian  thomas,  tom  marin.
sex  and  the  city:  samantha  jones,  charlotte  york,  miranda  hobbes,  mr.  bing,  aiden  shaw.
supernatural:  dean  winchester,  sam  winchester,  jo  harvelle,  bobby  singer,  john  winchester,  mary  winchester,  ruby,  lilith,  castiel,  ellen  harvelle,  jessica  moore.
friends:  phoebe  buffay,  ross  geller  (ross  gang),  janice  hosenstein,  gunther,  mike  hannigan,  carol  willick,  emily  waltham,  susan  bunch,  kathy,  jill  green,  amy  green.
criminal  minds:  spencer  reid,  derek  morgan,  penelope  garcia,  emily  prentiss,  hotch  hotchner,  jason  gideon,  david  rossi,  elle  greenaway.
grey's  anatomy:  lexie  grey,  mark  sloan,  derek  shepherd,  amelia  shepherd,  izzie  stevens,  george  o'malley,  cristina  yang,  alex  karev,  miranda  bailey,  callie  torres,  arizona  robbins,  april  kepner,  jackson  avery,  owen  hunt,  addison  montgomery.
true  blood:  bill  compton,  eric  northman,  lafayette  reynolds,  sam  merlotte,  tara  thorton,  pam,  alcide  heveraux.
jennifers  body:  nikolai  wolff
resident  evil:  chris  redfield,  albert  walker,  jill  valentine,  ada  wong,  barry  burton,  rebecca  chambers,  ashley  graham.
scream:  gale  weathers,  dewey  riley.
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inkabelledesigns · 7 months
A made up fic title for you!
"I'll Hold Your Hand Through the Storm"
Ooooh, Luna this is such a fun one, thank you! I'd be tempted to do this one with the trope of a character who has never seen rain before. Like, you know that episode of Steven Universe where Peridot thinks the world is ending because of a thunderstorm? Kinda that vibe. I can see a lot of potential for a brotherly Sonic and Tails fic through this lens, since Tails is afraid of thunder storms in some iterations. I could also see it being great for a Kingdom Hearts fic, maybe something with Aqua and Terra taking care of Ventus?
However, I think I'd most enjoy applying this to nutcracker stuff or Bendy, which is very OC based, but hear me out. Nutcracker stuff I don't have a solid idea on, but I think it'd be good for a story with Auran and Loraine or Manny and Phil, something that takes on that caretaker vibe of helping someone through a rough time, maybe with a snowstorm. Could be a great fix for Auran getting his winter magic under control with a snowstorm.
For Bendy, I think this would be a Bella and Richard fic. Richard as a Keeper has no concept of what rain is, and he's also a character with three hands, so he comes to mind. I'd love for him and Bella to have escaped the cycle, maybe they've got some human disguises on and are out on an errand to get something (probably science related, bur it could be for fun too), and it starts raining. Bella is used to rain, she's navigated NYC in the rain hundreds of times, but it never occurs to her that Richard hasn't, and he's not doing well with this thunderstorm. So they hide out somewhere, waiting for it to pass, but it just gets worse, and at a certain point, they're lost. Visibility is low, it's hard to see where to go. It's one of the few times where he is vulnerable and scared, and she's left to comfort him and help him through it, much like Sammy did when she first fell into the cycle. She is holding his hand both literally and figuratively as they go and explore this strange human world. Even though she knows what human life is like, it's the 1970s now, it's not the same as the world she knew, and it's new and scary for both of them, they need each other through it. Eventually they manage to find their way home, and they dry off, enjoying some time snuggled up by the fire with some hot cocoa and brownies or something, and everything is okay. They weathered the storm together and made it through.
Wanna see what I'd turn your fic title into? Head to my askbox and throw one in!
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brbuttons · 11 months
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This is a canon event.
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fablewritesnonsense · 6 months
OC Interviews
I was tagged by @bokatan to do this, gonna tag @bardic-inspo @andyandnormski @justaduckarts to do it if yall want to ♡
(Head shots came from the Tiefling Maker Picrew from Crowsen)
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Legal name: Virginia Marianne Valentine
Nickname: Gin, Ginny (Nick only), Virgie (family)
Gender: Cis-femme, she/her
Orientation: Bisexual
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 4'11"
Nationality: Irish American
Favorite fruit: Blackberries
Favorite season: Spring
Favorite flower: Dandelions
Favorite scent: Coffee and vanilla
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Coffee, but there's so much added that it's basically hot chocolate
Average hours of sleep: 6 but in the way of she either gets 2 hours of sleep or 12 and it averages out to 6, very rarely does she get a normal amount of sleep
Dog or cat person: Dog
Dream trip: She really wanted to go to Ireland before the war to listen to folk music that was banned back home.
Favorite fictional character: Murderbot from Martha Well's Murderbot Diaries. (But The Silver Shroud if any cops asked.)
Number of blankets they sleep with: 3-9 depending on the weather
Random fact: When she was in her early teens, she thought that if she was good enough at track and field, maybe she could become an athlete when she grew up.
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Legal name: Richard Henry Maxson
Nickname: Dick (mostly Gin), Rich (just Warren), Dick the Prick (the teenage girls of sanctuary), Bigfoot (army)
Gender: Cis-masc, he/him
Orientation: Closeted homosexual until recently
Star sign: Libra
Height: 6'2"
Nationality: American
Favorite fruit: Honeycrisp apple
Favorite season: winter
Favorite flower: Hollyhock
Favorite scent: patchouli and sandalwood
Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: Tea
Average hours of sleep: 6-8
Dog or cat person: cat
Dream trip: he wanted to hike the entire appalachian trail before the war
Favorite fictional character: Samwise Gamgee, Lord of the Rings
Number of blankets they sleep with: 1, maybe 2 if its cold out.
Random fact: he got his nicname Bigfoot because while he was getting used to his power armor, he would walk around like bigfoot in that old recording.
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legolasbadass · 2 years
Office Hours, Part 12
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Summary: Lorelei Browning has just secured a job as an assistant professor at Exeter College in Oxford. Naturally, she is eager to prove herself and meet every challenge sent her way, but what she does not expect is the tall, handsome stranger who will quickly become much more than a colleague…
Relationship: Richard Armitage x OC (Professor AU)
Word Count: 2.2k
A/N: Hi everyone! I want to apologize again for making you all wait such a long time for this chapter! Life got in the way again, but I promise that I will be getting back to more regular updates now. I hope you are still interested in this story and if so, enjoy this chapter 💙
Read on AO3
Back in Oxford, overcrowded libraries, an overwhelming number of emails, and an abundance of rain greet us, signalling the fast-approaching end of the term. As soon as I arrive on campus, I barely have a moment to myself, and my research falls to the bottom of my priority list, as correcting assignments and attending meetings take up all my time outside of classes and office hours. And as I rush toward yet another departmental meeting, I look back longingly at my peaceful weekend with Richard.
On Sunday, we went to brunch at a small cafe before driving back to Oxford, and despite all the things on my agenda, I decided to stay the night at his house. It was not the wisest decision, and I paid for it dearly in the morning as I had to rush to arrive at my morning lecture on time, but sleeping in Richard’s arms made it all worth it.
I enter the meeting room straight from my lecture with only a few minutes to spare and almost drop all my books onto the floor, causing Natasha, a fellow medievalist, to look at me in concern.
“You okay?” she asks and pulls out my chair for me.
“Thanks,” I mumble as I sit down and place my books on the table. “I’m fine, just busy and exhausted already and it’s only Monday.”
“Tell me about it,” Natasha says, gesturing to the two empty coffee mugs before her. “How was your weekend?”
At that very moment, Richard walks into the room. His plaid jacket clings to his broad shoulders, and as he raises his hand to scratch his beard, I am reminded of how that hand travelled across my naked skin this very morning. Our gazes meet for a second, and I have to bite my lips to hold back my smile. Thankfully,  he has some restraint and takes the empty spot next to Natasha.
“Good,” I reply, focusing my attention back on Natasha and willing my face to remain neutral. “Took the time to relax and enjoy the weather. What about you?”
“I spent way too much time on the History channel,” Natasha replies with a chuckle.
“Again?” Richard interjects with a cheeky smile, causing me to laugh and Natasha to roll her eyes.
“Piss off,” she says jokingly, then, after a moment, she asks, “How was the conference this weekend?”
I pause, wondering how she knew about that.
“It was great!” Richard replies.
“Stephen told me he really enjoyed your paper. Not that I’m surprised, of course. I’ve never seen you give a boring presentation.”
Stephen? Surely not. I try to tell myself that I must have misheard or misunderstood, but then Richard speaks.
“That’s right, you know Stephen,” Richard says hesitantly.
The whole room feels like it is shrinking around me, and I am sure all my colleagues can now read my secret in my eyes. I desperately want to turn to Richard, but I know I cannot, so instead, I keep my eyes fixed on the increasingly blurred words in my notebook. A heavy ache settles in my belly, tightening its hold on me with each breath I take.
“Yeah, we use to work together, remember?” Natasha says. “Anyways, it was a coincidence but we talked on the phone on Sunday and he said he ran into you.”
“Yeah, it was nice seeing him.”
Their conversation ends there as Professor Bennett commences the meeting, but I cannot hear a word he says. All I can think of is that she knows.
Natasha knows about Richard and me.
At the end of the meeting, I send Richard a text telling him to meet me in the courtyard, then rush outside. My whole body feels hot and itchy, so I welcome the feeling of the rain against my skin as I stare at the growing puddle on the cobblestone at my feet. For a second, I imagine it widening and swallowing me whole, but then I hear footsteps coming my way.
“There you are,” Richard says as he rushes to stand by my side just outside the main gate. The collar of his coat is pulled up against the wind that dances in his unruly hair, making it even more difficult not to throw my arms around his neck.
A thousand thoughts rush through my mind, fighting for a way out, but all I can manage to say is, “She knows.”
Richard’s face softens, but he does not move to hold me. He cannot. Not here.
“We don’t know for sure.”
I cannot hold back my annoyed chuckle. “You really think this guy who made a creepy, inappropriate comment about me and my age would not have mentioned me? Please.”
“Lorelei,” Richard says, his voice deep and pleading.
“It was a mistake, I shouldn’t have come to the conference with you.”
The two of us fall silent as a group of students steps out of the building, and only when they have disappeared around the corner does Richard speak again.
“But we had a great time, didn’t we?”
“Of course we did!” I reply, my heart growing warm at the memory of our perfect weekend in Bath. “But that doesn’t matter. What are we gonna do now?”
“Look, it’s useless to linger on what we should or should not have done,” he says, looking deep into my eyes. “You came to Bath with me and we had fun. Now, maybe Natasha knows—maybe—but… would it really be so bad if she does?”
I look down at my feet to avoid his eyes. “Richard…”
“I know you’re nervous about what people might think, and that’s ok—you’re allowed to feel that way. But really, we’re not doing anything wrong. And if Natasha does know, she hasn’t said a word about it to us or anyone else, probably. And doesn’t that prove that our relationship isn’t a big deal at all and there’s no reason to hide?”
My heart grows heavy at the hope and longing in his voice. I know Richard respects my feelings and would never push me, but if anything, that only makes me feel guiltier. I wish now more than ever that I could be the person he needs me to be; that I could be less insecure and not care what others think, but everything is still so new. Not only our relationship but my whole life in Oxford, and I am so afraid of jeopardizing something I have worked for my entire life simply because I have fallen so quickly and irrevocably in love with Richard.
“I’m just not ready yet,” I manage to say despite the painful constriction in my throat.
Richard swallows heavily, then nods. “It’s okay, sweetheart,” he reassures me and permits himself to squeeze my arm briefly, and even long after he has removed his hand, I still feel its comforting warmth. “I have a class in ten minutes—I need to re-explain to first years how iambic pentameter works,” he says, causing me to chuckle. “Will you be okay?”
“Yeah, it’s fine. I’m fine,” I reply, even though I feel anything but fine.
He nods again. “We’ll talk more tonight, okay?”
“Okay,” I say, then offer him a soft smile. “Now, go! Or else I’ll have to give you detention.”
A wide grin illuminates his face, and my heart flutters in my chest.
“Yes, professor,” he answers teasingly, sending shivers down my spine, before he heads back inside.
Alone in the foggy courtyard, I look up to the church spire that disappears into the clouds and wrap my scarf more tightly around my neck. Hopefully, Richard is right, and we have no reason to worry. Hopefully.
The rest of the day goes by dreadfully slowly, and when I finally get home, I have no energy left for anything. All I want to do is curl up in Richard’s arms, but he had a late class today, so I still have some time before he gets here. Reluctantly, I open my laptop and force myself to get some work done, but I find it impossible to concentrate, and by 6 pm, I have answered less than five emails. Then my phone rings, and I rush to pick it up when I see Richard’s name on the screen.
“Hey!” I exclaim as I sink back into the couch.
“Hi, sweetheart,” he says, and his deep voice alone is enough to make me feel better. “How are you?”
“Good,” I reply dismissively. “Are you almost here?”
“Listen, about that …” he begins, and my heart sinks in my chest, “I have a lot of work to do and I feel like I’ll never catch up. So I think I’ll just stay home tonight.”
“I’m sorry, Lorelei—”
“No, no, don’t be sorry!” I hasten to say, desperately trying to swallow back my disappointment even as it tightens its grip on my throat. “It’s okay, I understand. I have a lot of work too that I should probably—definitely—get to.”
“Alright,” he says, sounding relieved. “We’ll talk tomorrow, okay?”
“Tomorrow,” I concur, smiling to myself. Then, despite not wanting to hang up, I say, “Okay, good luck with your work.”
“Thanks, you too,” he replies. “I’ll call you later, sweetheart.”
Tingles bloom in my heart as though it is the first time I hear the endearment fall from his lips, and for a short moment, I feel once more as though nothing could affect the happiness I have found with him.
The silence in my flat after I hang up is loud and heavy, quickly chasing away the comfort our conversation brought me. Despite his reassuring words, I cannot help but fear that Richard’s absence tonight has something to do with our earlier conversation. I would like to think that we were close enough that he would not hesitate to tell me if something was wrong , but I worry that he would neglect his own feelings to protect mine.
I sit in silence for a long while, replaying our conversation in my mind. It is dark outside when I finally rise, my flat bathing in the blue glow of the night until I turn on the lights. Not knowing what else to do, I reach for my phone once more and call Beatrice.
“Hey, babe!”
“Hey,” I reply, less enthusiastically. “Are you busy?”
“I was just heading out with Paul actually!” she replies and I can hear her bright smile. “He’s taking me out for dinner.”
“Oh, how nice! Well, okay, then—I’ll call you back later, or tomorrow.”
“Are you okay?” she suddenly asks. “You sound a bit off.”
“I’m fine, don’t worry. Go enjoy your dinner!”
“Lorelei Browning don’t lie to me,” she says, causing me to sigh. “What’s wrong?”
Pressing my lips together, I try to swallow back the knot forming in my throat. “I don’t know I … I think someone at work might know about Richard and me.”
“What? How?”
“It’s a long story,” I reply, feeling guilty for bothering her, especially now.
“Does Richard know? Have you talked about it?”
I hear the sound of a door opening on the other end of the line, then the distinct cacophony of a bustling street in the distance.
“Yeah, he knows—but that’s the thing …” I slowly begin, reaching for a pillow and hugging it tight against my chest, “When we talked about it, he asked if maybe it was time we told people about us—well, he was more saying that there wouldn’t be any problem with doing that, but anyways,” I try to explain between uneven breaths. “And then I told him I wasn’t ready and he accepted that. Of course, he did—he’s bloody perfect! But that’s what bothers me—I can tell that’s not what he wants. And I can’t stand the thought that I might be disappointing him.”
“Oh, honey, you’re not disappointing him! I know you aren’t!” she says immediately. “From everything you’ve told me, that guy is absolutely crazy about you. And he knew from the beginning what the conditions were, didn’t he?”
“Well, there you go!”
Another sigh escapes me as I run my hand through my hair. “I’m just afraid … Richard is too considerate and selfless. He’s been so incredibly supportive since the beginning but I’m really afraid that he might be neglecting his own feelings just to be sure he doesn’t hurt me.”
A moment of silence ensues before Beatrice speaks. “I don’t know how Richard feels about all this, but I do know you’re not ready to make your relationship public and you shouldn’t do anything you’re not comfortable with, no matter how much you like him,” she says and I nod, knowing these were the words I needed to hear. “You need to tell him all this. He knows you’re not ready, but tell him you don’t mean to hurt him and ask him if there’s anything you could do to make it easier for him.”
“Yeah, I’ll do that.”
“I promise,” I chuckle. “Ok, I won’t bother you any longer. Have fun on your date!”
“Lorelei, you’re never bothering me, stop that!” she exclaims. “Call me if there’s anything else, okay?”
“Okay. I love you,” I say, smiling to myself.
“I love you, too. Bye!”
This time, the silence in my flat bothers me a little less, and though an uncomfortable heaviness lingers in my chest, I manage to get some work done, so at least when I go to bed later, there is one less thing worrying me.
Taglist: @lathalea​ @linasofia​ @mcchiberry​​ @fizzyxcustard​​ @bitter-sweet-farmgirl​​ @i-did-not-mean-to​​ @xxbyimm​​ @middleearthpixie​​ @enchantzz​​ @myselfandfantasy​​ @notlostgnome​​
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in future chapters or added to my taglist! 💙
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mjs-oc-corner · 1 year
hpma character sheet
requested tags: @endlessly-cursed @hphmmatthewluther @catohphm
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Name: Savannah Elyse Bradford
Nicknames: Sav, Savvy, Vannah
Birthdate: March 7th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
MBTI Type: INFJ — the advocate
Blood Status: pureblood
Nationality: British/Irish
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Physical Appearance
Hair: long, wavy dirty blonde in color
Eyes: light blue with flecks of green
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Body type: slim, semi-athletic
Skin tone: light with a few freckles across the bridge of her nose, tans easily
Distinguishing marks (scars, birthmarks, etc):
from childhood
feint scar on left forearm from a thorn bush
feint birthmark on left shoulder blade
pierced ears
acquired in teenage/adult years
small burn mark on her right hand from a potions cauldron
second ear piercing (done in the cartilage of left ear when she was 18)
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Hometown: London, England
Residences: London, England (birth—??)
Jennifer Lynne Bradford née Moore, second eldest daughter of Martha and Richard Moore. she would attend Hogwarts and be sorted into Ravenclaw. after graduating, she would find a career within the Department of Magical Education in the Ministry of Magic. as a mother, she prioritized her children above all else, making sure that they grew up on a healthy, loving environment.
Christopher Aaron Bradford, eldest son of Elizabeth and Michael Bradford. Hufflepuff alumni. after graduating, he would find a career as a dragonologist. Christopher made sure to teach his children to never have fear of dragons, and to know their importance within the magical community.
the first child of the Bradford family, Logan, was born on December 6th, 1997. at age 11, he would attend Hogwarts and be sorted into Ravenclaw. the youngest, Gabriel, was born on January 20th, 2002. he would attend Hogwarts at age 11 and be sorted into Hufflepuff.
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House: Hufflepuff
Best class: potions, charms, herbology, and muggle studies
Worst class: arithmancy
Clubs: Hippogriff, Sphinx
Boggart: herself as a dark witch
Riddikulus: herself (still as a dark witch) on roller skates, continuously losing her balance
Patronus: Jaguar
Patronus Memory: christmas at her grandparents’ in 2008, when her and her brothers had started a family snowball fight with their cousins and parents
Mirror of Erised: during her seventh year, her desire is finally revealed to her as herself, she is an accomplished healer-turned-professor with her own family
Amortentia (what she smells like): vanilla with hints of cream, almond, and honey
Amortentia (what she smells): leather, sandalwood, TBD
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Ages 11–18: hogwarts student
Ages 18–30: traveling healer
Ages 30–65: Potions professor/Head of Hufflepuff house at hogwarts
Ages 65–??: retirement
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Personality & Attitude
Priorities: her own mental health, her friends and family
Strengths: empathy — generosity — loyalty — bravery — wit — humor — humility — compassion
Weaknesses: sometimes a bit indecisive — can have a temper at times
Stressed: during N.E.W.T.S, during the hiring process for the post of potions professor
Calm/Comforted: when she’s sitting near the fireplace in the Hufflepuff common room, or when she’s at home with family
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Color: any shade of blue, yellow
Food: pasta and baked potatoes
Drink: tea with a lemon wedge
Weather: partly cloudy with mild temperatures, or cloudy with a light drizzle
Hobbies: reading and writing, cooking/baking, singing, drawing, making new potions, gardening
Fashion: Savannah’s day-to-day style is mostly for comfort over style; as she prefers comfy sweaters or t-shirts with jeans or leggings and sneakers. as she gets older, her style develops into a more business-casual look.
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Significant Other/Love Interest: Harry Seymour (@endlessly-cursed)
Savannah is currently open for friendships with others’ ocs! just message me or reply to this to let me know if you’d like for your oc to be friends with her!
she struggled with the patronus charm until she was 17
Savannah couldn’t see her desire in the mirror of erised until her seventh year, and when she finally saw it, it all made sense
she’s always happy to share stories of her travels when her students ask about them
she is proficient in wandless and non-verbal magic
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druidx · 9 months
OCs - Who the Hell is: Alexis Dalliance
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(A short Original Character primer)
Fighting Fantasy World of Titan
What does she look like?
At 3'4", Alexis is tall for an eshen. She has dark hair kept in braids, tanned and weathered skin, and dark green eyes.
She favours leather armour and crossbows. While she's had a variety of armours and magical items over the years, the supple black armour made by the giant Hephestion and the Decanter of Endless Water has been some of her favourites. Her crossbow, Draenenscáth, has been a longtime companion and contains many unique and potent enchantments.
What's she like?
Alexis started out sweet-tempered and gregarious, loving life and loving people. She was competent in her area of choice and had no problems knuckling down to business when needed, as long as it meant a party afterwards. While working for the Toreguarde Millita had been a necessity, the fortune and fame it brought were, at first, thrilling things.
While Alexis was extremely talented at things like trapfinding, sneaking, bluffing and sniping, she was always a terrible thief.
Over the years, she became a functional alcoholic, as well as paranoid and distrustful, even as she fought through issue after issue to keep the things she cared about safe, and to keep her sanity together.
After the Toreguard Edict was passed, she became more prone to melancholic slumps, isolating herself from those who cared for her, including her protégé Elowyn, until her deity intervened, sending her back into the world to rediscover her love for it.
Who are the main people in her life?
Richard Tetherson (deceased) – One of her first companions, Richard was the rock that guided her until she realised his idea of justice had become corrupted and he was not someone she wanted to follow any longer.
Hextor Francis (deceased) – Hex was a longtime companion, whom Alexis saw as a brother. She may not have agreed with all his actions, but she knew at his core he was someone who would always have her back.
Selene Fridwake – A sister-in-arms, Selene may have started out as a green-ear, but she soon rose in Alexis' estimation to be someone dependable and secure.
Elowyn (nee Featherdown) of Toreguarde – Alexis' protégé Elowyn came from a similar background of woe to herself, and so Alexis took it upon herself to teach the girl everything she knew in a bid to give her the caring hand she had lacked, hoping for a better and more stable future for the young eshen.
Can you give us a highlight reel of her life?
"" Highlight ""
Grew up in a close-knit community of eshen inside the Forest of Night with a loving family of blood-mother Cora and step-relations.
Was an older child when the community was decimated by a band of wargs and goblins. Alexis was one of the few survivors and was taken in by another community. The new community disapproved of the 'un-eshen' way she comported herself and things she'd learnt from her mother, an adventurer.
As a teen, tired of being treated like an outsider and bounced from home to home, Alexis left the Forest of Night and wandered the Pagan Plains. Life was just as hard, but many humans – having never seen one of the mythical 'woodlings' in real life – treated her like a child which allowed her to survive until she heard of the militia recruitment in Toreguard. 
At 21 years of age began working for the Toreguard Militia under Captain Hengar.
Killed Zagor. Killed Zagor again. Killed Marr. 'Killed' Dire. Stopped the Demon Prince Muyrr from taking over Allansia. Stopped Murr from taking over Allansia again. Lost Richard, Victor with a Monocle and Bastet.
Gained Hextor. Defeated an army with poisoned slugs. Got turned into an Owl. Killed Zagor again. Got turned back into eshen.
Stopped Allansia from being taken over by Demon Prince Muyrr?
Killed Mordain Baelgrun. Killed Turay Lok. Went back in time. Saved Baelgrun. Travelled to Mechanus (dimension), killed Turay Lok, killed Mechanatos, killed Nathiril, saved Mechanus (and by extension, Allansia) from being taken over by Demon Prince Muyrr.
Gained Selene. Killed Karylax in vengeance for Kypris Copperflight. Killed Xanthril, Nathiril's son. Lost Hengar, gained Captain Issac Elmwood. Stopped a religious war, opened hellmouth under Toreguard (accident, result of religious war). Gathered an army to save Toreguard. Lost Hextor. Brought forth the three mighty druids of the land (purposeful), woke the elemental under Fangthane (accident). Killed Yagrin, saved Toreguard.
Rebuilt Toreguard. Told by Council to leave or stay, under the proviso that if she left, she could never return. Stayed. Was miserable. Taught Elo. Was even more miserable.
Sent away by Greg. Found old companions. Travelled to Fangthane (despised). Travelled to Mechanus. Regained Ivan Jägerson. Travelled to Fangthane (less despised). Fell in love with King. Killed King (accident). Saved Allansia from being taken over by Demon Prince Muyrr. Travelled to Demon plain (dimension). Saved King (broke heart). Destroyed Demon Prince Muyrr for good(ish). Annihilated Dire. Annihilated Marr. 
Died, aged 46, from the consequences of casting "Power word: Annihilate".
What period of her life are you mostly writing about?
Early life in the Forest of Night and Toreguard.
The interim years after the Edict is passed, and her training Elowyn.
The end of her life.
Who is she in real-world development terms?
Alexis Dalliance – the Shot in the Dark, the Last Resort, the Shadowy Puddle of Stabbing, the Woodling Whom Death Would Not Take – was my roleplay character from ~2006 – 2015 (on and off). Most of the above was roleplayed, the exceptions being her very early and very late life (which have been written about instead).
She was the only character in that 10-year span who survived until the very end of playing that set of campaigns before we did a "10 years later" gap and started with all fresh characters.
I'm very fond of my little rogue.
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fizzyxcustard · 2 years
Birthday (Armitage Summer Splash. Day 25)
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As part of @lathalea and I’s Armitage Summer Splash, I present to you, day 25. 
Masterlist of fics for Summer Splash
Prompts: “I'm sorry.“ / Birthday trope.  
Fandom: Spooks
Pairings: Lucas North x OC (Amy Holland)
Warnings: Angst, insecurity.
Summary: Amy has been stood up by Lucas on her birthday.
Comments/Notes: If anyone would like to be added to or removed from my tag list, please say. This story doesn't run in line with the previous ones of Lucas and Amy; it's purely stand alone, but does have some connections to Covert Eyes.
This was Amy's first birthday that she would have since starting a relationship with Lucas. They had been together a grand total of three months. Everything seemed fine from what Amy could tell. They were practically sewn together at the hip with Lucas informally living with her at her maisonette flat. The only thing that ever seemed to be an issue was his job, as a police officer. Sometimes he would get called out for night shifts, or have to bail on her in the middle of a romantic dinner. But Amy had always accepted that.
This, however, made her stomach churn with anxious uncertainty. It was just past seven, the evening of her thirty third birthday. Lucas had been gone since the evening previous, twenty four hours now. No word. No Happy Birthday text, no present. Nothing.
Amy's colleagues at the local JobCentre had shown more interest. Her team had put money together in a collection to buy her a cake and gift consisting of art supplies as Amy was quite the budding artist.
There was nothing for the rest of the evening, and rather be a nagging pest, Amy decided not to text Lucas and bother him. Obviously whatever he was working on was taking up all of his time, and it was more important than wishing her a happy birthday.
The next morning was grim. Rain was bouncing off the pavement as Amy walked down the street, umbrella in hand. The weather was reflecting her mood: dark and dreary. Still no word from Lucas.
The cafe that Amy normally frequented a few mornings a week, was quiet. However, as she stepped inside, she saw a familiar figure, sat at their normal table towards the back. Was that a candle she saw flickering?
Amy approached, bile, anger and sadness raging in her throat and chest. Tears were threatening to fall down her cheeks, but she soldiered on and sat down opposite Lucas, not breaking eye contact with him. "Morning," she said, her voice stern.
"Aim, I'm sorry," Lucas sighed. He reached across the table to scoop up her hand, but she moved it away and dried away the tears that had fallen down her cheeks. Her dam had been broken. "I know I can't make it up to you."
Amy's eyes fell upon a muffin that was in the middle of the table with a single lit candle in the centre of it. She sighed and looked up at the ceiling for a second, trying to gather her breath and thoughts. Why did he have to do this? Why did he have to break her down in just a moment? Why couldn't she be angry with him?
"I wanted to be with you yesterday. So much," Lucas began. "I...I need to tell you something. I can't do it here in public, but I need to be honest with you. I'm not really a police officer. And this is why I couldn't be in contact with you yesterday."
Amy crossed her arms. "Lucas, I want you to tell me now, please," she said, assertion raging in her voice. "It doesn't have to be a war and peace story, but I need to know what's going on."
Lucas glanced around and leaned in towards Amy. "I work for MI-5."
Follow Forever tag list: @lathalea @i-did-not-mean-to @lathalea @middleearthpixie @xxbyimm @linasofia @guardianofrivendell @meganlpie @knitastically @sketch-and-write-lover @lilacpulse @rachel1959 @msjava1972 @spidergirla5 @asgardianhobbit98 @medusas-hairband @enchantzz @luna-xial
Richard Armitage tag list: @eunoiaastralwings @cryptichobbit
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ladyshivs · 1 year
Unusual OC Affiliations
Tagged by @m3k-fhr thank you for thinking of me! Pardon any odd formatting, I’m filling this out on mobile
Richard Abekket is my Sidestep from Malin Rydén’s “Fallen Hero” series
I’ll fill this out for his ~*vibes*~ rather than what he himself might choose.
•Seasoning—lemon pepper, turmeric
•Weather—dead of winter, ice storm
•Color—nut brown, soft blue
•Sky—that deep blue/black before a storm hits
•Magic Power—Hm. Resiliency
•House Plant—split leaf philodendron
•Weapon—his body. Butterfly knife
•Subject—politics, sociology, history
•Social Media—dog videos on Instagram
•Make-up Product—concealer for less conspicuous bruises
•Candy—chocolate orange
•Ice cube shape—cube?
•Method of long distance travel—dangerously fast car
•Art style—modernistic brutalist, Impressionism
•Mythological creature—huldra/skosgrå (assigned by Malin)
•Piece of stationary—red sealing wax
•3 emojis—🐕❄️❤️
•Celestial body—the sun
I’ll go ahead and tag @sidestepping, @gingerbreton, @kittlesandbugs and @lazyvoyager if y’all want to of course! Any one else who wants to, please feel free!
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