#oc: harin
sertrallne · 4 months
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All my memories of you fade away. And I can't get it back, No more.
13 notes · View notes
soshiharin · 6 months
forever and then some
summary: in which harin and dongwook get married
set: 18 november 2023
word count: 7.3k
warnings: swearing, mention of food
an: literally who allowed this to get so long??? this exhausted me, so enjoy! words in bold are english. feedback and reblogs are much appreciated 💐
harin’s masterlist
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Harin woke up to the sounds of Dongwook’s muttered speech. She pushed the blankets off her shoulders, seeing him sitting on one of the chairs in front of the mounted TV and fireplace.
“Lee Dongwook,” she called out, drawing his attention as she pushed herself up against the headboard, “don’t tell me you’re just now writing your vows,” she teased, hoping to ease the tension in her husband-to-be’s shoulders. Something she was successful in, watching as his shoulders shook with laughter.
“Yah, I’m not writing my vows,” he told her, waving the piece of paper in his hand. Harin cocked her eyebrow at him in response. “I’m going over it, making sure it’s perfect.”
“Baby, whatever you say, I will want to listen.” Getting out of bed, she padded over to her fiancé, sitting in his lap. “We’re getting married today,” she voiced, framing his face with her hands. “That in and of itself is exciting. You don’t have to write some complicated vow, I already told you this.”
“I want to, though,” he said. “I only get one chance to marry you, I want my vows to be…”
“Perfect?” She guessed, chuckling. “What do you have so far?”
He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I’m not showing you my vows. You’ll just have to wait until later, Mrs Jang.”
“Miss Jang,” she corrected, removing her hands from his face. “You don’t get to call me Mrs until later.”
“And before I can call you Mrs, I need to make sure my vows are amazing.”
Rolling her eyes endearingly, she chuckled. “Baby. We are getting married today. If you stress yourself out about these vows, you’re not going to enjoy the wedding. Besides we’re only getting at, like, two pm. You have time to fix it,” she pointed out.
Dongwook looked at her. “How are you so calm right now?”
She shrugged. “I’m oddly calm when I need to be anxious and oddly anxious when I need to be calm.”
“I also want to be calm right now,” he complained. “I’m panicking so much. It’s worse than when I did my first acting job.”
“Aigo, Dongwook.” She pouted at her fiancé. “Eotteohge? Are you even going to make it down the aisle?”
He chuckled. “You’re not really helping.”
“How should I help?” She asked, settling against his chest.
He smiled as he thought of something. “You can sing for me,” he said, smiling bigger when Harin groaned. “What? You don’t want to?”
“You know my voice sucks in the morning. I just woke up.”
“I like your voice. All the time. And it would really help me calm down,” he bargained.
She sighed. “What song?”
“You’re really going to sing? You never agree to it.”
“Say the song before I change my mind.”
Dongwook chuckled. “Okay, okay. Um…” He looked around the room as he thought. “Ah! That one.” He started humming A Sunday Kind of Love. “The one you always sing.”
Harin smiled softly before she started singing for Dongwook. He brushed her hair out of her face as he listened, admiring her voice.
“And you say your voice sounds bad in the morning,” he said with a scoff when she finished singing a verse of the song.
She playfully rolled her eyes. “Whatever.” She stood up, stretching her body out. “I have to go wash,” she said, “and you need to make breakfast for the dogs.”
Dongwook sighed, also standing up. “Right.” He gathered all of his papers and went to put them on his bedside table. He walked to where Harin was standing in front of the TV. “Good morning.”
“Good morning,” she replied. She leaned forward to kiss him, but was deterred by him taking a step back. “What is going on?”
“Our mothers have asked that we don’t kiss until the ceremony,” he told her, making sure to maintain distance between them.
Harin gaped at her fiance. “Why?”
“They read an article–”
“Fucking hell.”
“–and couples said that when they didn’t kiss until their ceremony, it felt more special.”
She sighed. “Okay,” she said, turning around to go to the bathroom.
“Where are you going?”
Harin looked at him over her shoulder. “I’m going to wash.”
Dongwook’s mouth floundered open and shut a few times. “Just like that? You’re not going to fight me on it?”
“No.” She walked around the bed, going behind the wall facing the bed. The wall facing the bed allowed the bathroom to be hidden with single access from the right, serving as support for the long, stone trough sink and the mirror, located at the back.
“The one time she chooses to listen to her mom,” he mumbled as he left the room to give their dogs breakfast.
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“What’s on your agenda for today?” Harin asked, taking a bite of the breakfast Dongwook made for the two of them.
They had both washed and were downstairs eating in their informal dining area in their kitchen, their dogs resting on the bumped-out window seat to the right of them.
Dongwook hummed as he took a sip of his coffee. “I’m going to take the dogs to a care centre, get my hair trimmed, go with our dads to pick up the rings and finish working on my vows,” he said, Harin nodding as she listened. “Then I’m going to the venue and getting my hair styled there after I put on my suit. What are you doing?”
“Going to a spa with our mothers, doing my nails, going on a forced walk, going to the venue, changing into my dress, getting my hair and makeup done and then waiting for everyone to arrive,” she listed off, finishing with a sigh.
“We’re both busy,” he commented.
Within ten minutes of them finishing their food and moving to the family room off the side of the kitchen to wait for their parents, they heard a knock on the door. Their dogs — Cucumber and Poppins — rushed to the door alongside the couple.
“Hi,” Harin greeted when Dongwook had opened the double door, watching as Poppins attempted to jump on her mom. She bent down to pick up the dog, stepping to the side to let everyone in.
“Your house is so beautiful!” Dongwook’s mom, Doosoon, complimented as her son closed the door. They were the first guests Harin and Dongwook had after moving into their house.
The couple led their parents out of their parents, past the first floor landing and into the formal living room. Harin went to pour everyone a glass of water, giving Poppins to her mom before she left, as Dongwook made small talk with everyone. When she returned, she put the tray with the glasses on the coffee table, sitting down next to her fiancé.
“How are you feeling? Are you nervous?” Harin’s dad, Siwoo, asked.
“I’m more excited than nervous,” Harin answered, “but oppa’s nervous.”
Dongwook, who had just picked up Cucumber to place her on his lap, looked up at Harin. “I’m not nervous.”
“Yah, it’s okay if you’re nervous,” his dad, comforted, waving his hand dismissively. “I was also nervous on my wedding day — we both were. Just have fun.”
“I’m not nervous.”
“Your house is so beautiful!” Doosoon complimented again, looking at the building they were sitting in. “Who built it?”
“I’m not sure who exactly built it,” Harin began to answer, “but it was designed by a Spanish architect, that’s why it has a Mediterranean feel to it. He designed three houses like this in Korea — we happened to get the one in Seoul — and he apparently spent a long time looking for plots of land to build the houses because he wanted to have space for the backyard.”
“Is the backyard big?”
“Yes, it is.”
“Wow,” she softly exclaimed.
“Eomeoni, do you want a tour of the house?” Dongwook asked.
“I was wondering how long it would take for you to offer,” she joked, causing everyone to chuckle.
The couple proceeded to give their parents a tour of the house. When they got to the backyard, they all exclaimed at just how big it was, Dooson in particular — “I never knew there was a place in Seoul with this much space,” she had said. The exclamations continued when they went upstairs to see all four of the bedrooms. After talking about the future, possible children to fill out all of the rooms — and causing Dongwook and Harin to get shy — they all returned to the family room.
“Should we get off now?” Siwoo asked.
Dongwook’s dad nodded. “Yes, we should.”
The group of people broke into two groups — women and men — so that they could each embark on their different errands. The men took the dogs with them to leave a care centre for the day. The wedding venue, unfortunately, had a strict ‘no pets’ policy.
“It’s very warm today,” Eunkyung, Harin’s mom, commented as she got into the passenger seat of Harin’s car.
Doosoon nodded, entering the backseat. “They chose a good day to get married.” She watched as their children locked the door to the front door. Dongwook stood to the right of Harin, using his hand to block the sun for her. They laughed about something before Dongwook kissed Harin’s cheek, the two of them going to their respective cars.
“Okay, we can go now,” Dongwook said as he started his car.
The couple embarked on their separate errands to prepare for their big day. By half-past eleven, they were both at the wedding venue, changing into their outfits and getting their hair and makeup done. Harin finished first and walked from the dressing room to the bridal waiting room.
When she walked in, Eunkyung gasped in awe as she looked at her daughter. Her hair and makeup had been finished and she was wearing her dress. “Is this why they call you the Nation’s Goddess?”
Harin shook her head endearingly. “I’m going to assume you like it?”
“So much.” Her mother stepped towards her, cupping her cheeks. “You look stunning, darling.”
“Thank you.”
Doosoon entered the room after being in the main hall to check on the decorations. “Almost everything is set up and re– Omo!” She exclaimed, noticing Harin in her dress as Eunkyung stepped back from her daughter. “You’re so pretty!”
Harin smiled in response. “Thank you.”
“Dongwook is a lucky man,” she complimented. “Tell me if he ever does anything to annoy you, okay?”
“Okay, I will.” She promised. Brushing her hands down her dress, she sighed in awe. “I love this dress.”
“You made a really good choice,” Eunkyung said.
Meanwhile, in Dongwook’s dressing room, he had finished putting on his suit.
“Adeul, are you ready?” His dad asked.
Dongwook opened the door, exiting the changing booth in his room. “I’m done.”
Siwoo groaned in approval, “That’s a very nice suit!”
“Thank you, jangeuneoreun,” he said, using the formal honorific for father-in-law.
“Ay, that’s too formal–” Siwoo waved his hand dismissively– “just call me jangin,” he suggested.
Dongwook nodded. “Okay.” He toyed with the lapels on his suit. “I’m so nervous,” he breathed out.
His dad stepped forward, patting his shoulder. “It’s okay to be nervous. It’s good to be nervous.
“I’m a wreck. And I have to go over my vows.”
“No, you don’t,” Siwoo disagreed. “What you showed us earlier is more than fine.”
“But you know Harin,” he argued softly, reaching for his vows that were on one of the coffee tables. “She’s going to write something so exceptional. I should at least make mine half as good.”
“She’s a songwriter, you’re not,” his dad deadpanned, Dongwook flashing him an unimpressed look.
Siwoo nodded in agreement. “Harin’s been writing poetically for most of her life. She’s practised and honed her craft. It’s obvious that this will come naturally to her. Don’t stress about it too much,” he told Dongwook.
Dongwook nodded, looking down at the vows in his hand. “Okay… Okay. I’m good. I–I’m good.” He placed the vows back on the table.
“Your shoulders look awfully tense, though,” Harin commented, standing in the doorway. She watched as the three men turned to face her, shocked to hear her voice.
Siwoo gasped softly. “You look beautiful, Harper.”
“Thanks, dad.” She walked to her father, giving him a hug. “Do you like the dress?”
“It’s totally your style. It’s stunning.”
She smiled at him before turning to her fiancé. “You look great,” she complimented him.
Dongwook, who was staring at Harin, struggled to respond, coughing up a response when his dad hit his back, “T– Uh, thank you.”
She winked at him, looking over his shoulder at his dad. “I was thinking of going with oppa to look at the hall, if that’s okay? I heard the setup was almost done.”
Dongwook’s dad nodded. “You guys can go ahead.
Harin turned to walk out of the room, not checking to see if Dongwook was following her. As she walked out of the room and into the hallway, she could hear his footsteps behind her, a smirk appearing on her face. They walked in silence to the hall, both gasping at the decor. Everything had been set up and all of the staff had already left the room.
“I told you not to doubt the potential of me and Pinterest,” she bragged softly. Most of the wedding decor had been decided by Harin — with input from Dongwook, of course — and she had created a Pinterest board to organise all of their ideas.
Dongwook walked onto the aisle, holding out a hand to Harin, who looked at him confusedly. He led her to the middle of the aisle, wrapping his arms around her. He started swaying, singing Love you thousand times softly in her ear. Harin smiled, placing her head in the junction where his neck met his shoulder.
They stayed like that, swaying softly, as Dongwook kept singing. When he had finished singing the chorus for the eighth time, he pulled back to look at Harin.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you, too,” she replied. He leaned in to kiss her, but was stopped by Harin holding his face in her hand. “Not until the ceremony,” she reminded him, her right eyebrow quirking up.
He groaned behind her hand. “We need to limit their internet access,” he muttered in mock anger.
Harin laughed, stepping out of his hold and releasing his face. “You can’t stop them. Even if you take their phones, they’ll find a way.”
“That’s true… There’s nothing we can do. There’s nothing we can do about it, and we just have to accept it.”
Harin nodded before quickly pecking his cheek and turning around, walking away. “I’m going to my waiting room. I’ll see you later.”
Dongwook jogged to catch up with her, holding her elbow. “I didn’t tell you this yet, but you look gorgeous.”
“I could tell that’s what you thought.”
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The first guests — Seungheon and Yeonseok — arrived at 13:24. They were greeted by Dongwook and both sets of parents at the entrance to the floor. Their wedding was taking place on the top floor — the one that offered the most privacy.
“Ah, Dongwook-ah!” Yeonseok exclaimed upon seeing his labelmate.
“I thought this was all a prank,” Seungheon said. “I thought it was a lie.”
“As we arrived, hyung turned to me and asked, ‘Dongwook wouldn’t go to such lengths just to trick us, right?’” Yeonseok added, making everyone laugh.
“I wouldn’t go through all of this trouble just to prank you,” Dongwook assured them, waving them off.
“You mean it?” Seungheon asked, pretending to still be sceptical. “I can’t hear any voices from inside. Why are we the only ones here?”
“Because you arrived first!” He softly exclaimed, laughing.
”So this isn’t fake?”
“It’s not, it’s not. Harinnie will tell you.”
“If Harin’s here, then it’s not fake,” Yeonseok said. “She wouldn’t spend this much money on a prank.”
“That’s true,” Seungheon agreed. “Okay, I believe you.”
The two men walked off, following the hallway, until they reached Harin’s bridal room. They found the actress sitting on the couch, doing something on her phone.
“If you could just confirm for us,” Seungheon began as he and Yeonseok walked in — startling Harin, who looked up from her phone, “that this isn’t a prank, we’d appreciate it.”
Harin stood up to greet them. “Why would I spend this much money on a prank?”
Yeonseok snapped his fingers. “That’s what I said!”
The three continued to talk for a short while before having the photographer take their photo. The two actors walked into the wedding hall shortly after, and Harin went back to being busy on her phone.
A few minutes had passed before Harin heard footsteps coming in her direction.
“Harin!” Taeyeon squealed. She entered the waiting room, holding flowers in her hands. Behind her were Sunny and Seohyun.
“My sweeties!” She responded, putting her phone down and standing up.
Seohyun rushed to Harin’s side, giving her a tight hug. “Unnie, you look so pretty!” She complimented.
“Really? That’s a relief, I spent a lot of money on my look,” she joked.
Taeyeon gave her member the flowers she brought. “Our Visual Goddess always looks good,” she said.
“Are we at the age to be getting married already?” Sunny wondered aloud after hugging Harin. “Didn’t we debut yesterday?”
“Unnie, time flies when you have fun,” Seohyun pointed out.
Taeyeon nodded. “That’s right.”
“Where are the other unnies?” Seohyun asked, taking her phone out of her bag.
At that moment, Sooyoung peeked her head around the curtain of the waiting room. “I’m here,” she announced, holding a gift bag in her hand.
Tiffany pushed past her member. “Get out of the way, oh my god.” She squealed when she saw Harin. “Yoona, hurry up!” She called over her shoulder.
Yoona appeared a few seconds later. “You guys left me in the car,” she complained. “I hadn’t even stopped the car before you left.”
“We were in a rush,” Sooyoung told her. “It’s not everyday one of us gets married.”
“It’s the first time one of us got married,” Seohyun pointed out.
“That makes it even more special,” Tiffany added. She squealed once more, taking hold of Harin’s hands. “I love your dress!”
“And the gloves.” Taeyeon pointed at the lace garment.
“Yeoksi, our fashionista is gorgeous.”
“You know you wouldn’t have met him without me?” Sunny asked her member as she sat down on the couch.
“I know, I know,” Harin said to humour her member. To say Sunny was the only reason she met Dongwook was an exaggeration, but she knew her member was only teasing.
“I’m like Cupid,” she bragged.
“Find me someone,” Taeyeon jokingly whined. “I also want someone, cupid-nim.”
“Who wants what?” Yuri asked, walking in with Hyoyeon. She gasped when she saw her member in her wedding dress. “Gorgeous, gorgeous!” She complimented, snapping her fingers.
“Are you a goddess?” Hyoyeon asked Harin. “Why do you look so good?”
As the members talked amongst themselves, they didn’t notice the photographer taking candid pictures of them.
“Who do you think is going to cry first?” Yoona asked.
Sunny thought for a second. “Hyoyeon, Yuri, Yoona or Seohyun,” she answered.
Yoona looked at her older member in shock. “Why me?”
“Yah, you’re basically Harin’s child,” Sooyoung said.
“Your mom’s getting married,” Tiffany added, causing Yoona to roll her eyes.
Harin laughed. “If you guys don’t cry now or when I walk down the aisle, you’re most definitely going to cry when you sing,” she told them.
“I can’t argue with that,” Hyoyeon agreed. “We’re going to be like, ‘Geudaewa bareul matchumyeo geotgo,’” she sang the chorus, pretending to sniffle and cry.
“That’s right.”
“Are you ready to take your picture?” The photographer asked.
“Ah, yes,” Taeyeon answered.
The members sorted their poses for the photo out: Harin in the middle on the couch, Sunny, and Tiffany on her right and Taeyeon, and Hyoyeon on her left. Sooyoung, Yoona, Yuri and Seohyun were standing behind the couch. They all smiled for the pictures.
“And before we forget, we got you a gift,” Sooyoung told Harin. She passed Harin the gift bag she was holding as Harin sighed.
“If I open it, I’m really going to cry,” she complained, staring at the bag.
“It’s a good thing you’re a pretty crier,” Hyoyeon commented, making everyone laugh.
Harin opened the bag, seeing a book inside. She took the book outside of the bag as Taeyeon took the bag from her. The cover of the book read To Our Harin. When Harin opened the book, she was met with a picture of her and Taeyeon from their debut days. The next page had a more recent photo, and the page next to that one had a letter that Taeyeon had written to her. Harin skimmed over the book — not wanting to read it all now — and saw that that was the case for each of her members. The last three pages had an old group photo of them, a recent photo of them and a letter all of the members had written together.
“You guys…” Harin trailed off, closing the book as she teared up. “Thank you.”
“Of course!” Tiffany said, also tearing up.
A bunch of the members started sniffling as they got emotional. Seohyun pulled out tissues for each of them from her purse so they could dab the corners of their eyes.
“Unnie, you can’t cry now,” Yoona warned, “your makeup is too pretty.
“Then you shouldn’t have given me this present!” Harin complained, trying to fight her tears. “It’s your fault!”
The members pulled themselves together and finished taking their photos before entering the hall. After that, there was an influx of all the other guests. Dongwook and Harin had both agreed on not having a big wedding, wanting to keep it small and intimate, so they agreed on inviting twenty people each — twenty of their closest friends and family. Dongwook greeted the guests when they arrived and Harin greeted them before they entered the hall.
By the time there was five minutes until the wedding was scheduled to start, all of the guests had arrived and were seated. Soft piano music played as everyone talked amongst themselves. When the time for the wedding to start arrived, the music quieted down and Jaesuk went to the podium.
“Hello, everyone. I’m today’s MC, Yoo Jaesuk,” he greeted from a pulpit to the side of the altar. “We’re about to start the ceremony. On behalf of the couple and their parents, I would like to thank each and every one of you for being here today.” He moved from the podium, bowed to the guests, then moved back. “Now, the mothers of the couple will light the candles,” he announced.
Both Dongwook and Harin’s mothers entered the hall, walking down the aisle until they reached the altar. They then separated, Dongwook’s mom going left and Harin’s going right until they reached their candle lighting stations. They both picked up the lighters that were provided and lit up the candles before walking to the front of the aisle, bowing and separating to their respective sides of the hall.
“I request everyone to turn their attention to the parade of the wedding entourage. Let’s please welcome the luckiest man!”
Everyone’s heads turned as Dongwook stood at the foot of the aisle. He walked down the aisle as My only love started playing through the speakers, waving at everyone as he walked. Once he reached the altar, he bowed to Jaesuk before turning around and bowing to the guests. He then moved to stand where he was motioned to by a staff member, fidgeting with his suit as he waited for Harin.
“We just welcomed the tall and good looking groom here. Now, let’s welcome the most beautiful bride,” Jaesuk announced.
Everyone turned once more as Harin and her dad stood at the foot of the aisle. They walked down the aisle as You make me happy started playing through the speakers, Siwoo glancing at his daughter every so often. Once they reached Dongwook, who had finally stopped fidgeting, Siwoo let go of Harin’s hand and hugged his almost son-in-law. Breaking apart, he moved to sit next to his wife.
“You look pretty,” Dongwook whispered, taking Harin’s hand.
“You’ve already seen me today,” Harin whispered back as he led her to the top of the altar.
“And you continue to look pretty,” he said, gently letting go of her hand once they were in position.
“Welcome family and friends,” Jaesuk. “We are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the marriage of Lee Dongwook and Jang Harin. This is not the beginning of a new relationship but an acknowledgment of the next chapter in their lives together. Lee Dongwook and Jang Harin have spent years getting to know each other, and we now bear witness to what their relationship has become. Today, they will affirm this bond formally and publicly.”
“Lee Dongwook and Jang Harin will mark their transition as a couple not only by celebrating the love between themselves, but by also celebrating the love between all of us — including the love of their parents, siblings, extended family, and best friends. Without that love, today would be far less joyous. The bride and groom have each prepared vows that they will read now.”
Harin cleared her throat, accepting the microphone and velvet vow book that was handed to her. “The first time I said ‘I love you’, your eyes sparkled as your face broke into one of the sweetest smiles I’ve ever seen. It was in that moment that I finally understood what my dad meant when he said that true magic lives in those three words.”
Dongwook exhaled, feeling his eyes grow wet as Harin continued speaking. “My love, what I have found with you is the great love I always hoped existed. I have adored every single version of you that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing and I promise I will continue to love every single future version of you that you choose to become.”
At that point, Harin was no longer reading from the book, but instead reciting as she stared at Dongwook. “I will love you my whole life. You and no other. I will give you strength when you are weak, and give you comfort when you are sad. I will be with you until the end of time. Let’s live a happy life together, and grow old together,” she finished, handing the microphone and vow book to Dongwook.
“I should’ve gone first,” Dongwook complained, causing everyone to laugh. “If I could give you some things, it would be the ability to see yourself through my eyes. Only then will you realise just how special you are to me. I would give you my heart so that you know how much I love you, from every heartbeat there will be a melody calling your name. I would give you my ears so that you could hear your voice every morning. Even though you say that you sound the worst after just waking up, it’s when your voice is at its most gentle and soft.”
He took a deep breath. “You’re not a one-in-a-million woman, you’re a once-in-my-lifetime type of woman,” he said, causing everyone to gasp at his smooth words. “That was good, right?” He asked, everyone laughing at how cocky he sounded. “I will cherish and adore you for years and years, until you are a constant in my memory. You give being in love a whole new meaning, my heart is in your hands. I love you,” he finished, quoting lyrics from Right here forever.
The guests clapped as Dongwook handed off the vow book and the microphone.
Jaesuk exclaimed into the microphone. “Such sweet words from the couple. I didn’t know Dongwook could be that poetic, but he surprised me,” he joked. “And now, “Lee Dongwook, do you take Jang Harin as your wife? Do you promise to honour, love, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others, and holding onto her forever more?”
“I do,” Dongwook said, not breaking his eye contact with Harin.
“And do you, Jang Harin, take Lee Dongwook as your husband? Do you promise to honour, love, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding onto her forever more?”
“I do,” Harin answered.
“Lee Dongwook and Jang Harin will now exchange rings as a symbol of love and commitment to each other. Your wedding ring is a circle — a symbol of love never ending,” the officiant said as Dongwook’s father brought them their rings. “Lee Dongwook, please place the ring on Jang Harin’s left hand and repeat after me.” He said the vow, pausing every so often to let Dongwook repeat after him, repeating the process with Harin.
“To make your relationship work,” Jaesuk began, “will take love. Continue to date each other. Take time to show each other that your love and marriage grows stronger with time. It will take trust to know that in your hearts, you truly want what is best for each other. It will take dedication to stay open to one another — and to learn and grow together.”
He exhaled, looking at the couple, who only had eyes for each other. “And now by the power vested in me, it’s my honour and delight to declare you married. Go forth and live each day to the fullest. Please bow to each other.”
The couple smiled at each other before bowing. Once they had stood upright, Harin waggled her eyebrow at Dongwook.
“Now, we will have two congratulatory songs,” Jaesuk announced. “I know many people are expecting it to be Nam Changhee-ssi,” he joked, making everyone laugh, “but it is actually K.Will-ssi.”
Hyungsoo walked up onto the side of the podium from Dongwook’s side of the hall, accepting a microphone that was handed to him. “Honestly, I forgot that Dongwook and Harin were dating,” he admitted, everyone laughing at his confession, “so when I received my invitation, I was a bit confused. I immediately called Sangbum–” he pointed into the crowd at the actor– “and asked him what was going on, and he reminded me that they were in a relationship. Yeah, that’s my story. Um, I was asked by Dongwook to sing a song, so I decided to sing Love Blossom. It’s a very good song that I think fits this couple.”
He cleared his throat, waiting for the instrumental for Love Blossom to play. He started singing the song as Dongwook put his arm around Harin — who had begun to feel emotional —, the couple swaying along to the music. As Hyungsoo sang, he would occasionally point at the couple or signal to the crowd to cheer. When the song finished, he bowed to the couple.
“Have a prosperous marriage,” he said.
“Thank you,” Dongwook said as he and Harin walked to hug Hyungsoo. They returned back to their position as Jaesuk started speaking again.
“Now, there will be another congratulatory song,” he announced. “Contrary to popular belief, it is not IU who will be singing, but instead Girls’ Generation.”
Harin’s members walked onto the podium from her side of the hall, accepting the microphones that were handed to them.
“Just as I predicted, Harinnie is the first member to get married,” Yuri joked. Harin wetly chuckled along with everyone in the hall. “Now, we’re going to sing a song. Um, it may sound weird without our harmony leader–” she gestured at Harin– “but we’ll try to sound good. Um, we all wish you happiness.”
She toyed with her hair, trying to stop herself from crying. “Can we start now?” She asked her members.
“Yes!” Seohyun responded.
They started dancing as the instrumental to Kissing You played. Harin clapped her hands softly as she listened to her members sing. By the time they got to her part at the end of the bridge, most of the members were in tears.
“Live a happy life!” They shouted when they were done.
Harin and Dongwook went to the members to thank them. Tiffany hugged Harin tightly, the other members joining in before remembering that Dongwook was also there.
Jaesuk started talking again as the members went back to their seats, “Now, we’ll have a short break for lunch. Your food will be brought to you, so you don’t need to stand up and go anywhere,” he told them before walking away from the podium.
Dongwook led Harin to their table just in front of the podium on her side of the hall as there was no space on his side. They sat down as staff members entered the hall with trays of food for the guests.
Usually, in Korean weddings, the guests go to a buffet and dish up their food, but when Harin and Dongwook sent out their wedding invitations, there was a section for everybody that was RSVPing to select which foods they would like to eat, so the staff already knew what everyone wanted to eat.
“I’m so hungry,” Harin commented after her food was placed on her table. Besides her breakfast, she had been snacking on dried fruits all day so as not to get full before the ceremony. “Also, I liked your vows.”
“I worked very hard on it,” he bragged nonchalantly, eating his food. “I had a thousand first drafts.”
“You chose a good final version,” she complimented. Looking around the room, she smiled. “We just got married.”
Dongwook reached across the table for her hand. “Yes, we did.”
They continued to eat until everybody had mostly finished, then Dongwook signalled to Jaesuk to continue on with the program. After mock complaining, Jaesuk stood up to resume his MC duties.
“Okay, everyone,” he started, “now we will enter the second last section of today’s program: speeches. We’ll first hear a speech from Harin’s namdongsaeng, Hajoon!”
Hajoon walked onto the podium, touching his sister’s shoulder as he passed her. He accepted the microphone that was handed to him, pulling out his phone so he could read his speech. “Hello, everyone. I’m the brother of the bride. Um, noona… For most, if not all, of my childhood, noona was a role model to me. But since I’m a boy, I always felt this… innate protectiveness when it came to her. She proved time and time again that she didn’t need me over her shoulder doing my best to intimidate people that were twice my size,” he joked, making everyone laugh. “But, yeah, noona was a role model to me. She still is. She’s someone that continuously drops everything for me when I ask her to, even though she might have been in the middle of something important.”
He cleared his throat, feeling himself get emotional. “One of my earliest memories is when I had lost my teddy bear — I had had it since I was born — and I was crying, I was screaming… I was letting the whole neighbourhood know that I had lost my teddy bear. And noona was going over maths with appa, but she suddenly stood up from the table, walked to me, held my hand and told me to breathe deeply. She then proceeded to walk me around the house so we could search for the teddy bear together. We ended up finding it under my bed and I was immediately happy, and noona played with me for a while before going back to studying with appa. Four months ago, I found out that noona had picked out that teddy bear for me when she came to visit me in the hospital after I was born,” he revealed, causing everyone to gasp.
“Noona is someone who… I don’t know, she acts like she doesn’t care, but she actually does. When I was in culinary school and was really stressed about an essay I had to do, I would call noona and she’d answer, even if she had to be on stage in a few minutes. And I still call her all the time. I call her when I’m sick, I call her when I’m happy… Hell, I call her to find out how long chicken is good in the freezer, which is ironic because she doesn’t know how to cook and I’m a chef.” He paused as everyone laughed. “Um, noona has been there for me whenever I needed her and I’m glad she’s found someone to be there for her whenever she needs it. She doesn’t like it when people hover over her and observe her every move, but she’s going to have to get used to it because Dongwook mehhyung watches her like a hawk. I don’t really have much else to say other than I love you, noona, and I’m always wishing you the best, and I hope you stay this happy forever,” he finished, passing the microphone off to Jaesuk before walking back to his seat as everyone applauded.
On his way back, Harin stopped him, hugging him tightly as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. “I love you, Hajoon,” she told him before pulling apart and letting him go to his seat.
Jaesuk groaned, impressed at Hajoon’s speech. “That was very sweet, wasn’t it? I just found out that all of the food here was prepared by Hajoon-ssi, which adds to the sweetness, doesn’t it? Now, we’re going to have a speech by Dongwoo’s yeodongsaeng, Seonghee!”
Seonghee walked onto the podium, accepting the microphone that was handed to her. “Hello, I’m Seonghee. Most people aren’t able to say that they have the smartest, most amazing and caring sibling in the world, but oppa… I am so glad that you can say that,” she joked, pausing so everyone could laugh. “You’re really lucky,” she added. “I’m so glad that you decided to give him a second chance and proceeded to make him earn his way into deserving you. Years later, I’m making a speech at your wedding, so… I would like to apologise to oppa for telling unnie that she should make him beg for her to even look in his direction.”
Dongwook looked at Harin in shock, his wife laughing with everyone else. “Did she really say that?”
“She did, she did,” Harin confirmed through her laughter.
“Oppa, I’m truly grateful that you met and chose to spend the rest of your life with someone as incredible as Harin,” Seonghee said, looking at her brother. “I think she makes you the happiest you’ve ever been and I think she pushes you to be a better person.” She shifted her gaze to Harin. “Unnie, I didn’t know you before oppa, so I’m honestly not really sure what he does for you,” she joked, laughing along with everyone. “He could make you worse and I honestly wouldn’t know, but you seem very happy with him. I wish you well, and hope that your married life is good,” she concluded, walking off the podium and giving her microphone to Jaesuk, who was still laughing.
“Yes, that was Seonghee,” he said, trying to calm himself down. “She gave a very comedic speech that made everyone laugh. Now, we’ll take a group photo and after that, you can hang around and talk with the couple or you can go home and enjoy the rest of your day. I would like to call everyone onto the podium.”
Everyone stood up and walked to the podium. Harin and Dongwook were made to stand in the middle, the formation of everyone else was decided by having the shortest people in the front and the taller people in the back. After taking photos, Harin and Dongwook were led to the front of the aisle so they could take a kissing photo.
“Are you excited for this one?” She asked him as they were positioned for the photo.
Dongwook squeezed her hip. “I’m the most excited for this one.”
The photographer gave them the okay to kiss, so they did, the room erupting in cheers. Harin had to put her hand on Dongwook’s chest to softly push him away. He poked at her side, knowing that she was very ticklish. They joined their guests once more to thank them for coming.
“You’re really the prettiest bride,” Seoyeon complimented, hugging Harin.
Harin thanked her. “But with how pretty I am, it’s not hard to be the prettiest.”
“Ah, there you go again,” she groaned. “I have to go now, but congratulations, okay?”
Harin nodded as she watched Seoyeon walk away. A hand was placed on her shoulder and she turned around to see Minho. “Since I’m married now, does that mean we’re not dating anymore?” She asked, joking about their long-time rumoured relationship.
“It’s about time we break up,” he joked. “The relationship has been dying out.”
“Right, right. Thank you for coming.”
“Of course, noona. Kibum said to tell you that he loves your dress.”
“As he should.”
They continued to talk before he had to go to a schedule, not before taking a selfie together. Harin spent another twenty minutes talking to guests — her EDAM labelmates, Eunjung, her managers, Kwangsoo, Doyeon, Goeun and more. The last guests that hung back were her members.
“Thank you for coming, my loves,” Harin thanked them. “Especially you, Tiffany, because you’re supposed to be on hiatus at your house.”
“A little health concern could never stop me from missing your wedding!” Tiffany waved her off. “Besides you had me seated near the heater, so I was fine.”
“This was seriously the best wedding I’ve ever been to,” Yoona said.
“We’re very happy for you,” Taeyeon.
Harin smiled. “Thank you. Now I get to fetch my dogs and go home.”
Yuri groaned. “You’re such a homebody.”
“I love that place.”
“Invite me over.”
They all laughed at how eager Sooyoung sounded. They talked some more before the members left — not before taking a few selfies, dried tear streaks visible on their cheeks —, leaving Harin and Dongwook with their families. Dongwook was in a conversation with Dooson and Eunkyung, talking about the ceremony, so Harin went to Hajoon.
“I liked your speech,” she told her brother.
“Thank you, noona. I meant everything I said, you know. About you being my role model and all.”
She groaned. “Don’t get all sappy on me now that I’m married. And remember to take breaks and come visit me once in a while.”
“Of course.” He smiled at his sister. “Right now, though, I need to sleep. For a week.”
“You made everyone’s food by yourself, it’s understandable that you’re tired. Go home. It looks like appa is also tired.” She pointed at their dad, who was walking towards her with an envelope his hands.
“Did you already register your marriage?” He asked, still holding onto the envelope.
“Yes, we did it yesterday,” she told him, eyeing the envelope in his hands. “So, what’s that?”
He looked down at it as if he had forgotten he was holding it. “This is... a little something from your mother, brother and I,” he said, hading it over to Harin. “And before you protest, we wanted to give this to you. It’s your wedding day and this is the least you deserve.”
Harin smiled at her dad and brother. “Thank you.”
The newly formed family then took a few more photos with the photographer before everyone decided to go home. Harin and Dongwook changed out of their dress and suit and into the clothes they were wearing earlier, making sure to take all of the gifts they received. They then took their separate cars home — Dongwook’s parents went home with Seonghee, and Harin’s parents went home with Hajoon —, Harin went to fetch Poppins and Cucumber as Dongwook went to pick up some takeout for them.
By the time the couple had both returned home, put their things away, and plopped down on their couch, they were exhausted. It had been a busy day for the both of them and they just needed to rest. They watched their dogs run around the family room, playing together.
“How are you Mrs. Jang?” Dongwook asked.
Harin sighed contently. “I feel great, darling.”
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an: their slow dance moment was inspired by this. also idk much about dongwook’s family so i just kinda went based off of different articles. you can send an ask or dm to be added to the taglist 💐
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tagging: @moongrlz
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©️ jang harin
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lilacwiine · 4 months
open to anyone. test muse: harin kim. 28 years old. bisexual. she/her. radiographer.
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"the... thing that happened between us? it never happened. got it?"
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kabutoliker · 1 year
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artisyone · 2 years
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a self-indulgent drawing of my OC, because I'm bored lol
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toasterdrake · 6 months
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hiiii everyone say hi to my ocs :> they dont belong to anything in particular yet but i had fun drawing them :))
[commissions info available in my pinned post]
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harineren · 1 year
Next "Tale"
For those who are not bots and actually care about my blog, it's not dead, my Author just been busy and demotivated from Tumblr for a while, plus I have no ideas what would you like to hear about in the next "All Fiction Tales" so I'll run a poll If you don't mind.
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harine-but-jerk · 1 year
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Art by some Author's friendo on a russian website.
Well, the times where I did not exist as a clone, but hey, I still share the memories of our common youth.
This one in particular.
0 notes
witchofhimring · 2 months
Sons of Aemond and Y/n (Dynasty of Blood Universe)
Au based of this concept
There is also a list of their daughters here. I have not written bio's for the sons yet but I will once their characters are more fleshed out.
Jaehaerys Targaryen
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Parents: Aemond Targaryen (father), Y/n Blackhalt (mother)
Spouce(s): Clerissa Blackhalt
Children: Jhaenna Targaryen, Celgar Targaryen
Birth: 135 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Elarion Targaryen
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Parents: Aemond Targaryen (father), Y/n Blackhalt (mother)
Spouce(s): TBA
Children: Aron Targaryen, Davon Targaryen, Willem Targaryen, Kervin Targaryen, Harrow Targaryen, Eustus Targaryen
Birth: 136 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
Harin Targaryen
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Parents: Aemond Targaryen (father), Y/n Blackhalt (mother)
Spouce(s): An unnamed witch
Children: Unknown (possibly an unknown son)
Birth: 139 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
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Viserys Targaryen
Parents: Aemond Targaryen (father), Y/n Blackhalt (mother)
Spouce(s): Rhaenys Targaryen (daughter of Lucerys and Rhaens), Ghaela Celtigar
Children: Raellah Targaryen, Veylara Targaryen, Laenor Targaryen
Birth: 142 AC
Death: TBA
Canon changes: Is an OC.
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sertrallne · 4 months
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family issues.
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soshiharin · 4 months
240221 jangharin insta update
harin’s masterlist // instagram
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Liked by jupppal and 6 397 039 others
jangharin D-2
Comments on this post
yulyulk Sunbaenim, I’ve got my tickets See translation
luvrinnie omg her first solo concert!!!
eunjung.hahm Fighting! See translation
salmahayek Can’t wait for you to come this side!
djseo omg OMG
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©️ jang harin
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lilacwiine · 3 months
open to anyone. muse: harin kim. 28 years old. bisexual. she/her. radiographer. plot: you’re a person of high wealth/status and i legally married you because it was required for you to acquire your inheritance/company/ect and i'm broke af and you'll pay me.
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"i did always want to be married by thirty..." harin muses, glancing down at the simple wedding band that had found it's place on her finger earlier that day. "—i had been thinking a little more of an extravagant affair than the court house... and that i'd maybe have actually been in a relationship with the person i was marrying... but i think the title of wife suits me." glancing towards her friend, she offers a teasing smile, "what do you think?"
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singguks · 10 months
city of hearts, ep. 1 ❤️‍🩹 taehyung
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synopsis. having experienced a fateful romance by the beach, taehyung sets out on a quest through seoul's bustling streets to locate the woman who has stolen his heart.
pairing. taehyung x oc
genre. social media auㆍgamedesigner!tae ( angst. fluff. smut. )
word count. 5623
warnings. adulthood romance things cof cof implicit
a/n. i couldn't possibly start another au, but she said the word and so i did. happy birthday to my bestie, whom i'd love to see more often even though we talk every day ☆ thank you for being my person through and through ! this is my love letter to you, miss bubbles ♡
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episodes. 01 ▸ 02 ▸ 03
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▸ E1: True or False?
One day we got curious as to how men and women date in this city. To satisfy our curiosity, we discussed the beginning of a new project, that required us to follow the lives of several men and women in Seoul.
For it to be real, we won’t intervene in their lives. Only when we think it’s necessary, we will share their answers with others, or maybe edit them to make this entertaining—all the while keeping their original words. 
It’s worth telling that fifty individuals around Seoul were chosen for this project. Still, they will all be participating with nicknames to protect their privacy—as we usually do when it comes to the internet. They all had to promise to treat their phones as their friends, as well as the app we developed where we will be posting questions, and telling only the truth. 
But some answers and behaviors made us wonder if they indeed were telling us like it really is.
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[ note that some of their answers will be through text, others, like this one, will be taken as voice notes. all voices undergo a modification due to privacy issues. ]
ılı.lıl taehyung: I’m the cool type… and uhm, gentle. Definitely not clingy. I’m cool. 
ılı.lıl deo: I keep true to myself when I date… and when I break up too. 
ılı.lıl kie: I’d say I fall in and out of love pretty fast. What can I say? I’m passionate. *chuckles* And if I have to break up, I just do it. I won’t dwell much. 
ılı.lıl yoongi: What’s even the point of getting laid? *tsk* It’s a hassle… 
ılı.lıl jin: I’m not one to play games. I don’t like that. I think overall I’m a pretty good guy. 
ılı.lıl harin: Before my current boyfriend, well, I think I dated around uhm… Four men? No, three…? Wait. Let me retake this just once! *laughs* 
So, whether the participants are telling the truth… well, we will let you be the judge of that. 
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boreo 🤔
bluengrey For me, it’s women I can have fun with.
boreo men that I can talk to?
⤷ callmerinie huh? talking isn’t everything
tangerimin A physical connection, people. 
supertuna Are you asking what I think you’re asking?
notmekeys why are you all acting so innocent? kkk
boreo oh- 
tangerimin Why can’t you all say it? It’s just whatever. Just say it. You know, like bang!
⤷ boreo i got it now. 
callmerinie 🤭
callmerinie and cut~!
boreo so if it’s about intimacy..
⤷ notmekeys i think i know just by the smell. you know, it’s all about pheromones
supertuna Doesn’t it depend on the man? At least I think so. 
⤷ callmerinie wow! really? you’re giving yourself too much credit. 😒
bluengrey Uhm.. Usually I take the lead if it’s about that. 
⤷ boreo uh-huh. do you really? 
⤷ bluengrey Ok. Fine. There was this one time that I followed the girl’s lead. 
⤷ bluengrey One time, okay? 
⤷ boreo doubt it
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bluengrey Dating? I don’t think so
⤷ supertuna No. I think it is. 
boreo dating really changed my point of view about that
tangerimin If you guys are putting it that way, I’ve dated many women. I loved it every time. 
⤷ callmerinie aww… and what the girls had to say about this?
⤷ notmekeys about men? well, you know. they are all the same: trash. 
⤷ boreo not all… i mean. there’s someone i know that wasn’t 
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boreo yes. there is someone i can’t forget. 
bluengrey I do. 
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[ note that this request was sent privately to users bluengrey and boreo and we edited the sequence of their answers according to our own motives and the following questioning. ]
ılı.lıl deo: It happened one year ago…
ılı.lıl taehyung: She was the only one I could see. Like I was just gravitating in her orbit… Like we were in a world of our own. I felt complete. 
ılı.lıl deo: I felt this spark every time I would catch him staring at me and then I simply couldn’t look away.
ılı.lıl taehyung: Back then I thought “Wah, this is what love feels like” *chuckles sadly*
ılı.lıl deo: I’ll always remember him. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: If that is really the case… I don’t think someone ends a relationship if they feel that way. 
ılı.lıl deo: It was my fault. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: You know, it was my fault… 
ılı.lıl taehyung: No… It’s true, she messed it up. 
ılı.lıl deo: I won’t make excuses.
ılı.lıl taehyung: I mean… Of all the people… Why me? Why did it have to be me?
ılı.lıl deo: Simply put, we met at a time when I needed someone like him. Thanks to him, I became who I am now... 
ılı.lıl taehyung: I wish I had never met her. *sighs* I was such a fool now that I think back. 
ılı.lıl deo: *smiles* Being around him.. his love was kind of magical...
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august 10th, 2022 
Summer is at its peak and Taehyung has just arrived at Jeju airport. It has been a while since he last had some time to himself due to work, so to say he couldn’t wait for this much-deserving vacation is an understatement. 
He organized everything at the company before he took off for this get-away, from the ongoing projects ideas he had recently pitched in, to the files the design team would need the next fifteen days he was away. And if you know Taehyung, you also know being organized was never his forte. 
The game designer waits absentmindedly with his luggage by his foot, as he takes his beloved camera out of its case to finally point at the structure behind him. This airport isn’t the biggest one he had ever set foot on, he observes, but it is cozy enough and bustling with people everywhere to the point his fingers itch for the metal click of the equipment for a piece of nostalgia he held dear to his heart. 
Just around the corner, Deo hit the brakes of the jeep as she waits for a group of tourists to cross to the other sidewalk while talking to her boss on the phone. 
“It would’ve been much easier if you had just asked him for a selfie or something, Yumi–” 
She hears her boss laugh through the speakers as she looks out of the window. The place is packed to the point she can barely see the pick-up line where the Ubers and Taxis usually park, and a wave of worriedness falls upon her. “Let’s go through with his description once again.” 
“Ok, remember… He’s tall, and the last time he came he had blonde hair but that might not be the case anymore… Mmm, he has a nice shoulder line– Just trust me, his face will be hard to miss. He’s really handsome!” 
The confession has Deo opening a smile. She met Yumi just a couple of weeks back when she arrived in Jeju herself, but the connection was instant. 
For the first three days, she stayed at Yumi’s shack—the colorful hostel by the beach owned by Yumi herself and her long-time fiancé, Namjoon. But then going home became some distant reality she wasn’t ready to face, so kindly she was offered a position at the beach stay. And now, here she is, doing her first task out of the premises and the vigilante eyes of her playful bosses. 
Although she loved the couple who hired her, even if it had been just a mere seventeen days, and she considered them as family, nothing made Deo as uncomfortable as not knowing what she was dealing with. Driving to the airport clueless as to whom she should be picking up wasn’t her cup of tea and the uneasiness she felt was visible as she sighed longly while turning off the call. 
The stop sign goes green again, and with a bold strike of encouragement, she straightens her back, holds the steering wheel with conviction, and begins a cheerful pep talk to herself. 
“You can do this.” She mumbles, hawkeyes scanning the people as her car slowly passes by. “How hard can it be… He’s tall and–” 
The words quickly lose their sound in her mouth. Standing ten feet ahead, a man attracts glances from everyone passing by as he checks the visor in his camera absentmindedly. 
Mentally, Deo starts crossing every characteristic being given by Yumi as she keeps looking at him through the safety of the Jeep’s tainted window. The only thing that doesn’t match is that this handsome man isn’t blonde but a brunette. His chocolate locks look ridiculously soft blowing in the light breeze. 
Inhaling resolved, she parks right next to him, rolling her window down.  
“Hi there! Would you perhaps be the Kim Taehyung from Seoul I’m looking for?” 
Upon hearing his name, Taehyung looks up at her. The girl doesn’t wait for his answer, she jumps out of the vehicle that he can notice is much bigger than herself. “You must be here to pick me up… Right?” 
Deo smiles at him confirming with a nod before opening the big trunk of the Jeep. Instead of introducing herself right away as expected, Taehyung watches as she reaches for his luggage, her knitted eyebrows denouncing how heavy it must be. 
“I– I can do that–” He tries, but she swiftly evades his reach. 
“It’s no problem! Really.”
He watches a bit flustered as she tries to dismiss her effort with a laid-back energy as if it was something she did all the time—to arrange heavy stuff in trunks and whatever not. 
Picking both his duffel bags to help while she is still pushing his suitcase inside the trunk, he is able to take two steps before she takes notice and grabs them from his hands. “Leave that to me! You can wait inside, really. Go ahead!” Deo waves her hand and he starts to walk toward the passenger seat uncertain of how to behave, but decides to take her lead for the time being. 
“Seatbealt!” She says as soon as she occupies the driver's seat and he is quick to follow the instruction. 
“So… Where is Namjoon?” 
Deo reaches for the rearview mirror, casually checking something in her eye before adjusting it back to its position. “Oh, he had to give today’s surf lessons and Yumi was kind of busy with tonight’s gathering so… But you’ll see him soon enough!”
“Ah, I see” 
“He’ll be waiting for us by the beach, don’t worry.” And the bubbly smile she gives him before starting the car and driving them away is enough to shut down his inquiry and haze him in his thoughts. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: What kind of women I’m compatible with? *smiles* Looking back… I’m drawn to the ones that are strange to me at first *chuckles* I think they’re a good pair for me. 
Driving down the lush tapestry of Jeju island, Deo takes the wheel as the jeep’s interior is illuminated by the soft glow of the sun. Melodic notes intertwine with the afternoon’s warm atmosphere as music envelops them. Deo’s fingers tap the steering wheel, and her voice, a gentle hum, dances in harmony with the rhythm. Taehyung, sitting beside her, steals occasional glances, captivated by her carefree demeanor. The playful sway of her copper strands in the wind and the joy evident on her face, as the waves crash on the coast, make the moment feel like a private dance between them.
ılı.lıl taehyung: Have you ever met someone and felt like they were this huge… Question mark? 
ılı.lıl taehyung: Like– “What is she like? She looks fun” *chuckles reminiscent* And you can’t stop having these questions and curiosities… You just want to know more and more. 
As if sensing the perfect moment, a familiar melody begins to play through the car’s speakers. Deo’s eyes lit up with recognition, a grin forming on her lips. Officially Missing You by Tamia had been remade by Basstracks as a summer tune, and it had quickly become one of her favorites at the moment; a song that resonated with the essence of Jeju and its travelers. 
With an impulsive burst of excitement, Deo cranks up the volume, allowing the music to envelop the jeep. The infectious beat cascades around them, harmonizing with the engine's rhythm roaring wildly in the wind. Her hands tap the steering wheel more enthusiastically than before, her foot keeping time with the pedals as the melody ignites her senses. 
And then, as if the music had started a fire within her, she begins to sing. Her voice, rich and passionate, hits Taehyung’s ears in a wonderful and alluring way. Every note she sings seems to carry the energy of the sun-drenched afternoon, a celebration of life and the freedom of the open road. 
Taehyung was initially taken aback by the sudden fervor. He watches in silent amazement as she transforms from a steady driver into a vivacious performer. Her eyes sparkle with delight, and her voice carries an unadulterated joy that is impossible to ignore. 
For a moment, he is rendered speechless, caught in the captivating spell of her uninhibited enthusiasm even though he knows the lyrics by heart himself. But as the chorus approaches, Deo’s voice soars higher, and turning to him with an unmistakable twinkle in her eye, she opens the windows further, allowing the world outside to merge with the music. 
“You know this song–?” As she asks and the chorus reaches its crescendo, she extends her arm toward him, pretending her hand is a microphone. The invitation hangs between them, and he hesitates for a moment. “C’mon! Sing with me–” Shyness lingered, but her spirited performance is too magnetic to resist. 
Taking a deep breath, he leans closer to the imaginary tool and timidly joins in, his voice intertwining with hers. Taehyung sings softly, still caught in the spell of her contagious energy. His eyes remain fixed on her while she loses herself to the music.
At that moment, as Deo sings with all her heart, his own swells with a profound fondness for the stranger sitting by his side. He realizes that this is a glimpse into her unfiltered soul—one that seems to revel in the simple joys of life, that seems to embrace every moment with unbridled passion. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: That’s how I fell for her… You see, I’m attracted to intense women. 
⤷ tangerimin It is fun to follow their lead kekeke so… Same here. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: There is a lot more to it– Like being bubbly… Oh, and she was also pretty feisty! Yeah, *smiles* that’s what she was like. She had just the right amount of feistiness.
When the music fades out and is replaced by the radio host’s voice instead, Deo turns down the volume still in a cheerful spirit. She takes a peak at the passenger seat only to notice Taehyung’s eyes are already on her. Visibly disconcerted, he gives her a small smile before looking over at his window instead, and she takes the opportunity to know more about him. 
“You will like it there,” she starts bubbly and he returns his gaze to her side profile. It is endearing how close to the steering wheel her seat is to compensate for her small stature.  
“I think so too… The last time I came it was such a healing experience– And well, I’ve been wanting to rent a trailer ever since I was younger.” 
“Oh, you’ll love it then!” He watches how her eyes part from the road ahead and instead fall on his side of the car, momentarily pointing with her index finger still on the wheel to the beach extension that passes by them. “It must be lovely to drive along the coasts… Picking these beautiful spots to just– Chill. I have a list of them if you want!” 
Taehyung leans his head on the window, a nostalgic wave hits his lips as the lines of it curve upward and he watches the sea crashing at the shore. It’s like a vivid picture of his childhood right in front of him. 
“That would be great if I had the license to drive the camper around… Maybe next time?” 
“You’re staying over a month and you won’t even change spots?! Now that we can’t do, hon.” 
He looks back at her startled by the casualty she treats everything. And not in a bad way; she didn’t peg him as this overbearing nosy person who didn’t have boundaries, but as someone that seemed carefree and loose. A different version of himself that he had to let go of many moons ago to fit the immense gray box that was societal norms and ordinary conviviality. 
Feeling a bit tempted to just enjoy the moment he decides then to let go of the filters. “That’s the only thing to do, hon, I don’t have the license.” He jokes, chuckling at her reaction when hearing the nickname. “What? You started it.” 
“My bad! Yumi was so invested in this whole casual speech thing ever since I started my part-time job there that now I just can’t come out of it. Something about making the guests feel at home and all that…” 
“Sounds like Yumi!” 
“But back to you. I was thinking… If there was a way to get you a license, would you want it? To live the full experience of a camper, that is…?” 
Taehyung frowns thinking as he looks to the calm waves again, but there isn’t much thinking to do. He would love the freedom of parking the vehicle throughout the whole extension of Jeju. “Sure…” He ponders. Being the type to imagine and discuss things, he was more than ready to give her all the reasons why that would be great for his next stay. “To park it whe–” 
“Great! So let’s do it!” 
It is the last thing he hears before she makes an abrupt U-turn in the middle of the calm road, and he has to flatten one hand on the window and the other on the panel of the Jeep to hold for his life. 
His heart only stops beating at an alarming speed once she hits the brakes and he is able to open the door to exit the vehicle. Still confused as to what is happening, the picture gets clear as she opens her arms excitedly in front of what he realizes to be a driving school.
“Ta-da! Your problems will be solved in exactly two days!” Deo exclaims, and Taehyung is pretty certain that his face is contorting in the most clueless way. He notices how a sudden strike of worriedness flashes on her toffee irises, however. “If you manage to pass the test of course…” 
ılı.lıl taehyung: I should have known she was crazy by then… But in all honesty… That’s what made her fun in the first place. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: And that makes me crazy too *laughs* You know, it’s those kinds of things you only realize later… Much later. Like realizing you’ve been conned only after being conned by someone *sighs*
⤷ supertuna Wow … I have just now realized how some people can be so blind 
ılı.lıl taehyung: And now whenever I see a camper trailer… I think of her.
They only get out of the driving school when he goes through with all the paperwork necessary to go and take the test the next day as Deo had insisted. She not only pushed him into a 3x4 photo machine situated on the long corridor of the building, but also cut the picture she thought to be the best, and helped him fill the application. 
Taehyung keeps replaying the whole shenanigan in his head as he takes his surfboard out of the roof of the jeep parked by his temporary home—a camper trailer by the beach. Last year, Namjoon had called him excitedly sharing the news that his girlfriend and he had bought a cozy place in Jeju and had renovated it to be a chill hostel for surfers and passersby. Of course, Taehyung stopped by to visit as soon as he was able to take some days off, but at the time, since all trailers were already rented, he stayed on the main structure. 
Not that it was bad, far from it. He enjoyed every second; from the late-night gatherings to the lounge festivities, and the amazing lunchtime Yumi was keen on making into a later-on karaoke session or game quest. There was no dull time within the colorful facilities, and it was always kept so casual that it made Taehyung feel very much at home. 
But he had the trailer experience written down on his bucket list ever since he could remember. And so this time around, he was sure to seize the opportunity and make that old promise come true. 
His thoughts wander away as he finishes sticking his board in the warm sand. Playing by the emerald shore, Deo runs laughing as she is chased by two dogs. His right hand comes to his eye line to shield it from the sun as he is incapable of moving on with his life, seeing her throw a stick only to have the bigger dog chasing it and the little one look at her unamused. It’s like he could be here all day to witness this particular scene, unconscious and unbothered by what surrounds them. 
And that is indeed what happens. 
“Hey, you, Mr. cloud9–” Namjoon calls for his attention for the second time. “You didn’t listen to a thing I said, did you?” 
“I was telling you to close the canvas of it at night because of the wind– Are you even hearing a thing?” But as he follows his friend's line of sight he knows he isn’t. Letting go of his own obligations for the time being, he stands beside Taehyung, crossing his arms and admiring his dogs running as the waves serve as background music to his ears. It’s peaceful. It’s his piece of peace on earth. 
“She shines, doesn’t she?” 
Namjoon peaks at his friend before looking ahead once more, with a fond smile finding his features. “She does… She has been our recent source of joy. Yumi and I laugh so much because of her lately.” 
“Yeah, she seems fun,” Taehyung muses with a chuckle of his own still enamored by the scene displayed in front of him. Deo falls to the soft sand in laughter and both dogs come flying toward her. 
“Poor girl… She was dumped here by some surfer. Could you believe that?” 
There is a sorrowful pause and Taehyung is suddenly snapped out of his trance, indignity brimming in his eyes as his friend shakes his head clearly saddened by the situation. 
Returning his view to the girl ahead, he adds, “What kind of jerk would do that? She seems so bubbly and… Caring–” 
“You want to take her to Seoul?” Namjoon interrupts and he almost gasps. 
“Take her?!”
“Yeah, take her. I mean, I think she would be happy with you there…” 
“You think she would like to come with me?” Taehyung’s fingers tingle with the possibility, even if he himself doubts it a little. 
“Sure! We just have to give her one last shot and she’s good to go! The vet–”
“Wait. What? What are you talking about?” 
Namjoon stares at him suddenly confused, and then back at the beach again. As Deo hops by, calling for both Monnie and Tan, his eyebrows soften in understanding. 
“Oh… It’s not Monnie, is it?” He muses playfully. “You’re talking about Yewon… I see,” 
“Yewon…” Taehyung mumbles her name to himself. “So her name is Yewon, huh…”
But the impish nudges he receives on his side snap him out of his thoughts and let him know that Namjoon won’t be letting go of this confession so soon. 
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In the cozy beachside hostel, the evening breeze whispers through open windows, carrying with it the laughter of tenants. With a lighthearted step, Deo finds herself in the pantry where Namjoon is absorbed in a way to easy recipe for lounge snacks. Fishing his phone out of her jeans, a small smile plays on her lips as she extends the device toward him. 
“Here you go, boss,” she remarks, her voice playful as she not only returns his phone but also substitutes the sugar jar in his hand with the salt and pepper. 
Namjoon glances up, chuckling at his clumsiness. “We were almost in trouble there. You’re a lifesaver.” 
As he takes the phone from the table filled with condiments, he can’t help but tease, “You should probably get one of your own, don’t you think?” 
“Eh. It’s just a hassle really… I only use it to talk to our guests.” 
Leaving him to his impromptu cooking, she strolls out to the porch, where the new visitors are gathering. The atmosphere is lively, with conversations and newfound curiosity filling the air. Deo effortlessly mingles, chatting with familiar faces and welcoming newcomers that pass by the beach. 
Among the crowd, she notices Taehyung engrossed in a ping pong game, as she takes some beers to a group playing Jenga. His infectious laughter captivates everyone around him and she can’t help but smile at the view. Her gaze lingers, catching his eye for a fleeting second. 
She points with her head to the group around him, wearing a playful smile on her lips, and lifting her thumb up to measure how he is doing tonight she waits for his response. Immediately he raises his own finger positively, his smile opening wider at her caring gesture to check on him. 
Suddenly, the lights flicker and go out, causing momentary confusion and their brief interaction to cease. Murmurs and laughter rise as the guests fumble in the dark. Deo is the only one chuckling expectant as she knows what is to come. 
Then, not ten seconds later, Yumi’s voice pierce the darkness through a megaphone. “Ladies and gents, it’s game time!” 
The announcement is met with cheers and applause, and the porch transforms into a playground of excitement. Deo herself feels the rush of anticipation buzz down to the tip of her fingers as the group prepares for a surprise game under the stars, even though she replays the script made by her and Yumi earlier on in her mind.
The last time Taehyung stayed here, he arrived so tired from a late-night flight that he wasn’t able to participate in the welcoming game he knew Yumi organized every month, and he regretted it for the whole week he rented a room. This night was all every guest he met by the beach was able to talk about, and now he was ready to find why. 
As some fairy lights and a big screen illuminate the space, Deo watches the handsome newcomer’s silhouette amid the glow. His grin was unmistakable as he raised a red cup, ready to dive open-heartedly into whatever it was that the hosts had prepared.
Supposedly, every time Yumi and Namjoon did this for the new guests to ambient themselves and feel more comfortable around everyone else, they prepared a scavenge hunt inside and outside of the hostel's bounds. But this week everything had gone to space and changes had to be made at the last minute. 
Between losing a long-time employee and having to train Deo on the spot, as well as managing the surf lessons and running the business, the couple had little to no time to arrange the things needed for the anticipated scavenge hunt. So this month, Deo pitched in with a rather easy game to orchestrate and that would still promote the mingling of the visitors—Simon Says. 
“And… Start!” Yumi exclaimed as she pressed the button to start the presentation on the projection screen. 
Big crimson red letters appear giving instructions and the crowd thrillingly follows. “Simon says: make a group with four girls and three guys” it reads at first and everyone fumbles their way to find open spots. Deo herself is forced to join as two guests she had come to know, pull her to their side. The thrill of the game intertwined with the salt-kissed wind made her feel some sense of belonging that she had never really expected. 
“Three guys, three girls!”
In the throes of the chaos of the match, it was inevitable however how Taehyung’s gaze followed the sound of Deo’s laughter. Even if their eyes meet in brief moments, and even if it was in the middle of an ongoing competition, a silent connection seemed to pull them to each other like gravity. 
As the game reaches its apex, the tension in the air is palpable. The players’ laughter overlaps with the sound of Yumi’s megaphone, creating a symphony of fun. They aren’t completely strangers now. There is a spontaneous connection formed between them all, just like the hosts had intended it to. 
“One guy, one girl! Quick!”, Yumi reads the screen through the megaphone overexcited, and the remaining participants eye each other in confusion while the rest of the crowd laughs entertained. “Oh–” 
Taehyung steals a glance at his two partners, both male, and they all chuckle amused, not really knowing how to proceed. 
“I think I messed up when writing this– Wait.” Yumi confesses to the crowd sheepishly, starting to move toward the laptop to try and fix the mistake. 
But then Taehyung feels like someone is watching him through his peripheral, and when he turns his head, it’s her. Deo stands two feet away from him, close to Yumi, watching joyfully, and he suddenly knows what to do. Or better, his heart does. 
With two quick steps, he reaches for her hand, pulling her gently to his side and attracting everyone else’s attention to their figures, Yumi’s included. In the midst of the applause and collective cheer, Deo’s mute inquiry reaches his eyes. 
The porch begins to transform into a realm of unity and exhilaration, being lit by the moonlight and the shared spirit of the guests, but not that any of the two notice, as the girl is too enchanted by her last-minute partner’s orbs. Taehyung's big brown eyes pierce hers with certainty and a flash of curiosity that is almost childlike. 
A shared smile floats between them as her sight falls to his lips, a silent acknowledgment of the joy of the evening and perhaps the butterflies that flutter rapidly in their stomachs.
The lights had gone out, but the bonds forming under the starry August sky seemed to shine even brighter. 
ılı.l��l taehyung: When you look into a girl’s eyes you can tell if she’s compatible with you or not. I can see who she is through it… And in that moment I felt it. I knew that she and I would be compatible. 
“We have our winner for tonight!” Yumi exclaims through the megaphone as they keep staring into each other’s eyes, “Congrats!” 
Amidst the fading echoes of the beachside game’s conclusion, jubilant cheers resound from the open porch of the hostel. The sun had retreated long before the gathering had started, ceding its reign to a canvas of twilight hues, but now fireworks burst into existence, painting the sky with a kaleidoscope of colors. 
The couple, different from the majority of the crowd who excitedly run towards the shores, stands hand in hand still. A silent connection stronger than the clamor. With each explosion, Taehyung’s gaze shifts from the spectacle to Deo, seeing in her eyes a breezeful wonder that makes him rendered. Yet, it’s not just the pyrotechnics that leave him breathless. As he watches her, a quiet realization dawns—his heart races to a rhythm he hadn’t known before. It’s more than just curiosity. At that moment, amid the splendor of the fireworks and the tranquil beauty of the night, Taehyung recognizes the gentle tug of love. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: I liked everything about her… The way she looked at things and the way she smelled. How she had two funky single braids done in her loose strands and the clothes she threw together without much effort making an all-together beachy look. 
ılı.lıl taehyung: Everything about her seemed perfect to me. I just… I really liked her.
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supertuna Maybe it’s because I’ve been dating for so long… But I find dating stories uhm… Kind of funny now keke 
callmerinie “And it was at that moment that the fireworks went off…” 🤭🤭 
tangerimin You bet they heard bells, too. I heard it was explosions of fireworks 😏
⤷ notmekeys i’m too drnk to answee this
supertuna I think everyone feels like their own love life is special like in a movie or something
notmekeys it’s a beautiful story tho
⤷ notmekeys there waas a guy who found a butiful woman on a trip and and the night they met fireworkss went off peww pew!
⤷ notmekeys their eyes met bang !! theirr hearts too
bluengrey But those things can happen all at once… At least I think so. 
boreo well… if the woman is insanely pretty that’s possible. don’t you think?
⤷ tangerimin That’s exactly when you have to realize it’s just too good to be true, don’t you think? 
supertuna Let’s say you wake up from that dream, then what happens if you don’t get together?
⤷ callmerinie then you die alone
⤷ notmekeys no. no no. i’m not alone. 
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bluengrey Hmm
bluengrey I would still fall for her..
boreo if i met him again… i’d fall in love again
bluengrey Yes, I think I would.
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NEXT EPISODE ▸ ❤️‍🩹— singguks | all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim as your own.
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✩ @taespocket ( birthday girl ) ✩ @bluenpjm @magicshopew @september-husband @sofiameetsevil @telejoonie @itshanic @hobilyss @dropsofjoonpiter @narimiese @socksjinie @starvvie
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bluenpjm · 2 years
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© @singguks × @bluenpjm × @socksjinie | all rights reserved. do not repost, translate or claim as your own.
synopsis. The search for true love is a hazardous quest, indeed. Could such a gracious sentiment be the reason for the appearance of the Duke of Elffire? Certainly, all the Mamas of London will have an eye out on the most eligible bachelor of the season.
genre. bridgerton au ㆍ regency au ㆍ angst ㆍ smut ㆍ fluff
pairing. taehyung x oc ft. bts x oc’s
a/n. to our sweet arina, we present you with this teasing sneakpeak of your birthday gift. in an era where you truly would've shined, we bring back to you sir, with love. you make our lives better with each passing day. thank you for being a kind soul that has entered our lives ♡
♛ 𝓂𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉 — chapter one
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My most gentle reader, 
What a ravishing week we had. Each minute of each day was more interesting than the other. Of course, I couldn’t stay away long without coming to share all the latest — and greatest — gossip with my ton. 
All the little birds are speaking of the disaster that opened the season. I am, undoubtedly, referring to our dearest Middleton debutant. Oh, what a delightful evening she presented us with. No rumor was needed to address this issue as everyone saw. And everyone told. As it turns out, Miss Middleton has quite the smart mouth. 
Backstage of the Queen’s humble adobe, the debutants didn’t waste any time showing their claws. The catfight between Eleanor Middleton and Dalia Fitzroy ended up with a clear titleholder. The Queen’s diamond of the season. Although this precious stone might need a little polishing. 
Probing for more alluring sights, the arrival of the Duke of Ellfire has had every single Mama on their toes. What a promising bachelor! 
It is no secret that every other year, the Duke pays a visit to his distant cousin, Lord Cadman, and his lovely wife, Lady Harin. It’s been proven to be true that whenever the Duke is in town, the Cadman’s parties are always more… buoyant. 
The single question that remains lingering in the air is… what mysteries lie behind the handsome’s face of the Duke? And why, after all these years, hasn’t he been able to find a Miss to take his name and title, to rule Elffire alongside him? What a conundrum… I cannot deny that it only makes him more tempting!
Miss Middleton must be feeling fortune, alas, in the middle of all her chaotic debut, the most eligible bachelor wasn’t in town to witness it. One cannot help but wonder about the fate of this Miss. 
But, rest assured, my dearest reader, I will bring you all the answers to this season’s enigmas and some, sooner than one might expect. 
Yours truly, 
Lady Birdwhistle.
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You might've thought that you could relish over this chapter's miseries already. Dwell not, my dearest reader, as the wait is not as long as one might've thought. The season has barely just begun and there's already so much to convey...
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Don't miss the next issue in @singguks blog, soon!
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taihua · 11 months
I'd love to read a story of your ocs!! do you happen to have character sheets for them 👀
No character sheets but I can't miss an opportunity to talk about the crusties!
Serin runs a YouTube channel about paranormal experiences, maybe secretly because she wants to hear from her childhood best friend who claimed to be a werewolf but went missing several years ago. She runs the channel with her current best friend Minchae, a shy film student who is plagued by magical premonitions (he doesn't know it, but it's because he's descended from a line of sorcerers). Their extroverted friend Harin recently got attacked and turned into a werewolf on his way to a work party.
They're on good terms with the local vampire clan; Jianhe was a Tang dynasty noble whose family tried to assassinate him for being an embarrassing party kid rather than a good Confucian student, and after fleeing along the Silk Roads, he ended up as a vampire with permanent sunburn from his final mortal days. He runs a company now and has a handful of vampire assistants, including Danbi, a women's doctor from Joseon times who was framed for using evil black magic against the court ladies, and Hanjae, a Korean war veteran who doesn't understand cell phones and can't be out in the sun for more than 5 minutes or without a UV-proof umbrella or he'll get crisped.
Lastly, there's Seonyi, a short goth girl who hunts vampires and whose name is a pun on "sunny," and her associate Yu Chen who is my bicycle in the sense that he's just some guy but I put him in all my stories :]
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krakrac · 3 months
1., 4., 18. for the OC ask? ^^
1. What’s their full name? If they’re an alien and their name is in their native planet’s language, have you thought about what it means?
This is ironically very simple because unless the character is a noble, their full name is just their name lmao. Optionally there can be a patronymic/matronymic or a place of their birth added, so for Nyr, it would go like "Nyr from/of Ruoma, the son of Harin and Syssa" (i would LOVE to write this in his birth language but i haven't gotten around to actually constructing it (i say as i construct a conlang that no character from the cast speaks)). As for nobles, they usually have one name, sometimes two (applies mainly to royalty), and the name of their house which is basically just a surname.
Also i actually have Sorkish naming conventions laid down so I can show them off teehee. It is very simple (/s), it's just the name itself + patronymic for men/matronymic for women (these are default, they can be changed later as the person pleases) + name of parent's clan (if they were born in a different clan) + name of the clan they were born in + name of the clan they currently reside in (if not same as the natal clan) + their school of thought.
So, when Yrsk used to live in Sorka (where they called him Tarqáz), his name would look like this:
Tarqáz yer-Yarháq Síyarteq Kerfá Yurkosortándeħ
I am so sorry for this rambling, i really like very long fucked up names. And yes Yrsk had to use the name in its whole glory whenever he had to introduce himself because Sorkish people deeply care about names.
4. What would their favorite cartoons be, and why? What would their favorite characters be?
I have to choose old czech cartoons because they are just so precious to me and i bet my ocs would love them as well. Also throwing gravity falls in because shameless self-insert. Tbh no clue about the characters lmao, i feel like my ocs would simply love them all.
18. What type of singing voice does your OC have?
I actually have this figured out 💥💥 Permanent Rebellion from L.S.Dunes is a song where the singer's voice gives me big Nyr vibes, it's not 100% him but it feels close enough (except the screaming, thats more of an Yrsk thing. i feel like he would love to scream while singing). Unfortunately i have no voice claim for Yrsk, not even a close enough one, it's actually so hard to figure out because he sounds extremely specific in my head.
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