#oc: israh
luxecoffin · 2 years
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YCH commission for @baldurrs!
interested in a similar piece? check out this post for more information.
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mrfoox · 2 years
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Made some of my girls in picrew, bc ofc
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m0salc · 2 years
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You ever see the Van Helsing movie
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this day started with our crucifixion and went on with a zombie fight and a death game and the worst part is still that i'm sleeping in the same room as you
CN: violence, gore, implied cannibalism, self harm, not negotiated kissing of a sleeping person, dementia/rabies analogies
[kiss request "a kiss that won't be remembered" for the Mörk Borg versions of Minas and Teo. I'll just tag the whole group here, since I love them all of them are relevant in this writing: Minas belongs to @ghoulcaro who also requested this, Israh belongs to @constantlytiredghost, Qin belongs to @noxachi, the amazing DM and enabler of this Oneshot was @arocalyptic]
“I will never give up on you I see the real you Even if you don't, I do, I do And it seems like I've known you forever I'll keep you sane for one more night Need you to know that it's alright I see the real you Even if you don't, I do”
Three Days Grace - The Real You
It was silent now, both outside and inside the church they had chosen as their place to spend the night. Everyone else was asleep already – as much as they could be, at least.
Minas couldn’t sleep. Restless as he was, he tried not to make any noise, not to disturb the other’s sleep at least. Or rather, not disturb Israh’s sleep (was it sleeping? Did angels sleep or was it more of a trance the tall graceful creature was submerged in while leaning on Minas?). He didn’t care that much for the other half of the group. At least he kept telling himself that. Alright, he cared about Qin, even though they had taken part in the mess of today.
Minas did not care about Teo, though. For all he cared, he could never enjoy a full night’s sleep again, that was the least he deserved. If they weren’t all already in hell, Minas would be glad to send him there himself. After everything he had done today, all the troubles he had caused, the danger he had put himself in-
Minas put his head in his hands, rubbing his eyes. Why, after all this time, after his own death, had he still not learned? He moved his hands from his eyes to his hair, ran his fingers and paw back through his human hair and over the bristles of wolf fur. He lifted his head and looked over to the church benches, where Teo and Qin were sleeping. Both of them were covered in mud and dirt, and Minas couldn’t help but notice that the amount of blood on their clothes had increased after they had gone out to look for whatever had caused the noises outside. Minas didn’t want to know what had happened. He really, really didn’t want to know that.
Yet despite the blood and the way both of them clutched their weapons, they did seem almost serene in their sleep… Teo had fallen asleep sitting up against the bench, but now he had toppled a bit to the side, leaning against Qin, who had one leg wrapped around him. Minas winced as he noticed the way in which Teo was holding Dex, only one hand holding the Zweihänder’s hilt, the other laid around blade, pressing the flat side against his cheek, almost – no, exactly like he was cuddling the weapon. Droplets of blood were spilling from little cuts on his hand and on his face.
For a moment, Minas considered adjusting Teo’s grip on Dex, so he wouldn’t hurt himself too bad, wouldn’t lose yet another finger, or poke his eye out or even kill himself. But that would probably wake him up. And he seemed comfortable. He was probably enjoying the pain. And what did Minas care? It was not as if he wanted Teo to be safe. In fact, everyone would be better off if he was dead. It was not as if he cared about Teo’s well-being, right? Right?
Minas looked up at Israh, and, carefully, lifted it off himself. It was easy enough, the angelic creature seeming light as a feather in Minas’ big mutated arms. He set it down gently on the ground, leaving his coat as a pillow for them. Minas watched it for a few more moments, making sure he hadn’t woken or discomforted it.
Then he looked over at Qin and Teo again, who were also still sound asleep. He stepped closer to the two, crouching down next to Teo, but still keeping a safe distance, so Teo couldn’t just jump at him and slit his throat if he woke up.
Minas sighed. He was tired, and confused, and he didn’t know what he was doing, what he was doing in this valley, or what he was doing here on the floor, kneeling next to the man who had murdered him.
“I’m…” He only realized what he was saying as the words left his mouth, and he knew how pathetic it sounded, how stupid it all was, and still it was the only thing he could say. “I’m sorry. I wish I could have been of better help to you.” He avoided looking at Teo’s face, staring at the blade in his hands instead, and that almost made him laugh. Now it looked like he was talking to Dex as well. Maybe he was…
He had never met Dexter. Not alive, at least. When Minas had paid Teo and him a visit that day, Dexter had already been almost dead, his body covered in gashes and stab wounds from the blade he himself had forged, torn to pieces by the man who once loved him, and… Minas’ stomach churned at the memory. He really didn’t want to think about it, but the image was burned into his brain, like the curse he had gotten that day was burned into his body. Teo turning around to him, his sword and hands and mouth covered in the blood of his husband, the deranged but loving grin on his lips turning almost into a sneer at the interruption, as he walked towards Minas and plunged the blade into his chest.
The worst part was that deep down, Minas felt he had deserved that. Not because he had interrupted them, like Teo had complained. But if he had been able to help Teo, like he had promised… Or if, at least, he hadn’t told him that he was doing well enough to return home. Maybe Dexter would still be alive then. He’d deluded himself. Maybe because he had been so desperate to help someone. Maybe because he didn’t want to accept that Teo was too far gone. Maybe…
He looked at Teo now, almost peaceful in his sleep, seeking closeness both with Dex and Qin. He seemed calm. Minas wondered if he was dreaming, if he could still dream, if whatever sickness it was that attacked his brain left him at least that. Maybe he was dreaming of what he had lost. Maybe he was dreaming of murder.
“I know you’re still in there”, Minas muttered, more to himself than to the sleeping man. “I know there’s still something…” He didn’t let himself finish the sentence. Stupid. It was exactly this kind of wishful thinking that had gotten him into this mess. 
He hadn’t even known the man Teo once was. When he had met him, he was already struggling with his condition, to the point where he couldn’t even tell Minas what exactly had happened to him. Still, from the long talks they had had together, about things that had once mattered to Teo and now couldn’t bring him any more joy, he almost felt like he knew him. Loving husband and father who spent his free time tending their garden. Whose favourite game was chess, even though he rarely won. Who loved the stews his husband cooked, especially when he put a bit of mint in it.
And now this was all that was left of him, just a shell of the man he once was, a monster who only took joy from other people’s pain, a sadistic murderer, a shambling zombie who sometimes behaved more like a rabid dog than a human.
Minas pitied him. And wasn’t that messed up? Pitying the man who had murdered him in cold blood and then told him with a grin on his face that he was proud of it as well?
But the truth was, Minas couldn’t bring himself to hate him. Just like there was still a tiny piece of the old Teo left (at least that was what Minas kept telling himself), there was still a part of Minas that cared about Teo. That loved Teo. That was in love with Teo.
Minas chuckled, and then the chuckle turned into a sob, and he was crying again, and he couldn’t tell whether he was crying for himself or for Teo or for Dexter or for all of them, for everyone involved in this goddamn mess.
It had always been selfish. It had always been stupid. Falling in love with a married man he had promised to help through his struggles. Still being in love with him now, after everything he had done. If he was being honest, he hadn’t just sent Teo home out of a conviction that he was well enough to return to his family. A part of him had feared that he would do something stupid, something selfish, if he spent more time with Teo alone. And that had doomed Dexter.
Now Dexter was dead, gone forever, whatever Teo might tell himself in his delusions. And Minas was about to do something incredibly stupid and selfish.
Leaning forward, he reached for Teo, brushing sweaty blood-matted hair out of his face. He was aware of the Zweihänder in Teo’s hands, both the fact that if Teo woke up, he would have the perfect opportunity to kill Minas a second time like he had promised (and Minas doubted that he would be able to resist that opportunity, no matter what Dex told him), but also how easy it would be for Minas to guide the weapon in Teo’s hands to pierce his throat. Nobody would ever be the wiser. Just an accident, something that was bound to happen someday, as the missing fingers and self-inflicted scars attested. That little part of the old Teo, which Minas kept telling himself still existed somewhere inside the monster, might even be grateful for that. Then again, Teo might just wake up as soon as Minas laid a hand to the weapon, especially after everything he had done to retrieve it that day.
Still, Minas’ clawed hand halted for a moment in the air, hesitant and, he noticed with some shame, trembling. Then he laid it to Teo’s face, carefully, so as not to wake him. Minas cupped Teo’s face in his hands, his human hand and his wolf’s claw, and then he leaned over him and kissed him on the hair.
“I hate you”, he sobbed. “You bastard, I hate you so much. I wish I could save you.”
And then, because he was selfish and stupid, almost as selfish and stupid as the man he was kissing, he turned his head and placed a soft kiss on his lips. It tasted of blood and bad breath and death and tears, but that last one probably came from Minas.
Teo started moving in his sleep and Minas drew away at once. Teo was mumbling something, and Minas needed a second to comprehend the word.
Minas let out a dry laugh between sobs. “Yeah, that’s what I thought, you fucking asshole.” He got up. It was probably better this way, if Teo never knew. “Just… just keep dreaming about murdering him or me or whatever sick things you dream of. Cut yourself open with that sword and bleed to death, for all I care.”
He went back to the angel’s sleeping place, laying down beside it and tried to catch some sleep before the sunless morning came.
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theartingace · 5 years
I love Israh!! could you tell us more about her, like if she has any pet peeves? how does she spend her free time? does she give good hugs? if you feel like it of course
AHH Who doesn’t love talking about their darling children OC’s?? She’s the sweetest bean and not much bothers her, though shes generally not a big fan of yelling in general- can’t we all just be civil?? She was raised in a library though, so she likes peace and quiet quite a bit. And she reads! A lot! Like, all the time! 
And absolutely! She may bowl you over but it’ll be the best hug-cuddle of your life. As one of her new party members learned the first night:
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No sense of personal space
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thenerdcommander · 5 years
I'm in for revenge ;) I want the dating pros and cons for all of your ME OCs!
Fam.  Fam.  Just because I do it to you doesn’t mean you do it back that’s not how this works.
Excluding Ryders and Shepards to cut down on work bc yeah, I’m lazy af.  Also removed Aaldyr, Dakora, Farah, Garra, Leveht, Nilan, Ojuda, Ortack, Skjal, and Vriska because I cannot for the life of me think of pros and cons for them since they’re all very underdeveloped.
AnjetPros: dedicated, adventurous, very loyalCons: Roekaar (mild xenophobe), cold exterior, kind of intense, slow to trust, could and would stab you if given the chance
AstraPros: caring and protective, romantic at heart, family-orientedCons: cold exterior, difficult to read, kind of intense, storybook expectations
ArezaPros: charming, willing to take initiative, easygoing, supportiveCons: super casual, not likely to settle
AureenPros: family-oriented, proper, well-manneredCons: doesn’t settle with one partner for long
BarikPros: protective and dedicated, faithfulCons: close-minded, xenophobic, superiority complex
CosimusPros: proper and well-mannered, dedicatedCons: won’t leave Oma Ker for anything or anyone so I hope you packed your bags
Faelon (in this instance assume it’s a platonic date)Pros: relaxed (except when he’s not) and quiet, caring, dedicatedCons: very anxious, difficult to understand, has a temper, prefers solitude, workaholic
InikPros: willing to try anything once, adventurous, fun-lovingCons: unfaithful, unpredictable, a little chaotic, stoic
IsrahPros: sweet, affectionateCons: is dead
IvosPros: family-oriented, dedicatedCons: Roekaar (very xenophobic), refuses to acknowledge when he’s wrong, stubborn, intense and extreme in action, cold exterior
KalixtoPros: relaxed, easygoing, protective, faithfulCons: still kinda young, inexperienced, probably more interested in his work than in you
KellPros: easygoing, easy to please and appreciates even the most simplistic gesturesCons: shy, kind of an ass in some situations, not adventurous at all
LaeljaPros: sweet and supportive, very affectionate and laid backCons: potentially dead
LuahPros: very passionate and devoted, romantic at heart, faithfulCons: kinda grumpy and closed off, potentially dead
MalisanaPros: creative, fun-loving, physically affectionateCons: casual, not great at handling things in a mature manner, flighty
MiinoPros: family-oriented, romantic at heart, soft and caring, protective, loyal, faithfulCons: shy, doesn’t usually take initiative, hard to read
MilaanPros: devoted, protective, loyal, family-orientedCons: stoic, hard to read, potentially dead
NahiPros: relaxed, affectionate, protectiveCons: high-maintenance, lots of baggage, will probably have to kill you if you learn too much about her
NasiraPros: properCons: very high maintenance, spoiled, prone to indecisiveness and/or changing her mind, material
NaveiaPros: sweet and affectionate, faithfulCons: kind of spoiled and bratty, high maintenance
NelaPros: adventurous, dedicatedCons: has a temper, spiteful, no regard for her own safety in physical pursuits
NihkoPros: friendly, devoted, dotingCons: is dead
OlbenPros: would blow up a planet for youCons: is a terrorist and an actual psychotic dickwagon
PaxusPros: quick to figure people out (you included), charming, willing to take initiative, supportive, caring, very friendlyCons: stoic, cold exterior, there’s an 85% chance the whole thing is fake, psychopath, murder
PelemPros: caring, supportive, very protectiveCons: hard to read, may have to kill you if you learn too much about him
PolPros: easy to please and appreciates simple gestures, family-orientedCons: incredibly awkward at times, doesn’t like to take initiative
RexisPros: easygoing, fun-loving, flirtatious and friendly, well-mannered, down for sexytimes all the time, family-orientedCons: not incredibly faithful, borderline alcoholic, super casual, not likely to settle
RuckPros: loyal, faithful, doting, protectiveCons: still in the process of overcoming racism and sexism, loud and chaotic, already loves Mali so you’ll have to get in line and wait several hundred years
SaafrePros: protective, family-orientedCons: stoic and serious often to the point of intensity, potentially dead
SayatPros: fun-loving, easygoing, caring, family-oriented, loyal, has a sense of humorCons: oblivious, doesn’t usually take things seriously
TitaniusPros: well-mannered and proper (in terms of Hierarchy standards), dedicated, family-orientedCons: closed-minded and rigid thinking, alcoholic, has a temper, may or may not lie to you about his identity and the fact he’s killed and kidnapped, is dead
TymandarisPros: very well-mannered and proper, respectful, classyCons: high-maintenance, kind of egotistical, shows affection through material gifts rather than action, does not respond well to “Tim”
ValeniaPros: doting, family-oriented, proper, gentle, protectiveCons: workaholic, so consumed with her goals that she may not be able to find time for you
VersaePros: family-oriented, sweet and affectionate, supportive, doting, protective, open-minded, forgivingCons: tends to bottle up negative emotions
YekaariPros: well-mannered, doting, supportive, soft and caring, very loyalCons: not very physically affectionate, can be stoic at times
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