#oc: jaylee
deejadabbles · 7 months
This game looks like a lot of fun!
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This is Jaylee Juno, feel free to think up assumptions for her 😘
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ocs-res · 2 years
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“No worries, I got it.”
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littlemissmanga · 6 months
My dearest friend!! I love your OCs so much and I'd love to hear your thoughts on shipping them 🥰 either platonic or romantic whichever you're feeling more 💙
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For this I give you my OC Jaylee! She's a weaver and seamstress who grew up on a rough, remote moon colony. Because of her upbringing she's extremely guarded and slow to trust, but she has a good heart underneath. If she can get to the point where she realizes someone won't betray her, they'll see that she has a caring soft side. Her love language is acts of service with a hint of gift giving. Her loved ones never want for warm or comfortable clothes around her, she tailors them to you and your style without even being asked. Also don't be surprised if she's giving out warm drinks and comfort snacks before anyone even realizes they're hungry. Under that cold exterior she just wants ppl to be loved and happy, even if she doesn't know how to respond when given that love and care back!
My darling Deeja!!! I did not forget about you ... but I did forget that the button was never changed back from "drafts" to "publish." I'm so sorry!!
For Jaylee, I'd say she's likely to find a friend in Yen.
Look, they both have their guards up with new people, so it's not going to be a fast or easy start. But I think each would see the kindness of the other peaking through. Especially with acts of service being a mutual love language, I think once they got past their own reservations, neither would have a problem with communication.
They're both givers at heart, and I can see them defaulting to running errands and giving tchotchkes to one another as like "white flags" when just starting their friendship. This evolves into helping one another on big projects or undertakings. And that's how they evolve into a fairly mellow ride or die friendship. To each, the other is a rock they come to depend on, even if that's a bit uncomfortable at first.
Where you describe Jaylee as exuding warmth, Yen is the opposite - when she accepts someone, her cold shoulder turns into a refreshing breeze. I can see Yen try to gently (and maybe not so gently) make plans to pull Jaylee out of her comfort zone a bit, though she'll be respectful of hard boundaries.
In turn, Jaylee gets Yen to indulge in more comforts and a slower pace in life. Yen usually isn't an emotional eater, but Jaylee makes sure the tea variety is popping when Yen comes over. (This is after Yen failed to get Jaylee to admit that iced caf was better than hot caf).
I hope you like my little headcanons, and sorry sorry sorry for the wait!!
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reizerou-arts · 4 months
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It's been three years since I revealed Pokémon Kaleidoscope and I'm happy to announce that I've finished writing the detailed outline of Part I, so the webcomic will be launching JULY 6TH of this year at 9 pm UTC +3! Updates will be full chapters every two months and about 16 pages.
Lona region is known for its Relay League that revolves around team-based Pokémon battles. This is a story of joys, hardships, dangers and teamplay as Jaylee and her new friends Aven, Kitt and Zue try reaching towards their goal of becoming the Champion Four of the Lona region.
Platforms will be Webtoon, tumblr and a comicfury hosted website, and I'll also post updates with links on twitter. There's not gonna be a fast pass or other paid early updates, Pokémon Kaleidoscope fan comic will always be free to read online for everyone at the same time.
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monsturvival · 1 month
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In this final post we share two last characters, because while romance interests, antagonists and bosses are all well and good, at the end of the day you also need a friend. And Sarix and Riki each have a friend to lean on throughout this journey!
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From Vice: Sarix's closest friend in Seraph's Clutch: friendly and playful Jaylee (she/her)! Jaylee really has no filter and often tells queens and kings alike to slay. She relishes in this world as if she has a newfound freedom she's never had before. She takes Sarix under her wing when Sarix first shows up, and the two have been been nearly inseparable since. Jaylee can often be seen trying to coax Sarix to act more freely and less reserved.
From Virtue: Artie (he/him) is a bit of a coward and a worrywart. He's often the voice of reason to Riki, and holds back how aggressive Riki can be when it comes to going on scavenging missions. The two balance each other out well and Artie is thankful that Riki took the first steps to reach out and foster their friendship. The two can trust each other to keep each other responsible during these times.
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These two also have Sprites who try to help them out with their own concerns and situations throughout this journey.
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Jaylee's Sprite, Buckler (they/them), is the self appointed carer for Jaylee. With their ability to be able to handle telepathic communications, Jaylee can strike up a conversation with anyone from anywhere and even acts the conduit to hold conversations between multiple folks. As long as the people in question give their consent to being mentally phoned.
Artie's Sprite Dylan (he/him) is the champion of justice and bravery and oftentimes Artie finds himself sandwiched between Dylan and Riki egging him on to be more courageous. Artie can meld with Dylan to become a beacon of heroism whose power is only as strong as he is brave. Artie channels Dylan into becoming an icon of justice similar to his childhood heroes, Super Sentai rangers.
With their powers, whether they're being supportive or aggressive. Jaylee and Artie do their best to support their respective groups. Unwinding when they can and enjoying the little things. They keep themselves grounded as they continue to be a pillar of support to our protagonists.
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And with that, we've introduced all the major players from each side of Monsturvival. That isn't to say there aren't others. Other folks belong to both groups, other folks live their best lives here trying to either make the best of it or try to escape. And you might see them in the background or show up in smaller arcs. The world of Monsturvival is big and there are so many stories told even if we can't see them all.
Thank you for reading through all our introduction posts, we hope you enjoy your time here and all the other content we will make over time.
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petalpetal · 11 months
A mega list of picrews along withthe OCs I made with them Part 5 for more go here
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benistia-art · 1 year
I make another OC's AU called Missing Timeline.
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"Croi... why are you doing this...?"
"Wait, what does she mean?"
"I don't know, but it sounds a little...“
I made the costume to Choco Cornet Cookie and Butter Waffle Cookie.
Choco Cornet, Butter Waffle, Blue Jay and their costume by me.
And the Villain! Croissant by @the-wereraven.
Character dialogue subtitle color:
Red Word: MT! Choco Cornet Cookie
Blue Word: Blue Jay Cookie(aka. Jaylee Bleu)
Yellow Word: MT! Butter Waffle Cookie
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Bastardos Indoctrinated AU (Villainous Oc)
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As known before, The Bastardos/Love Children are my fanchildren two of my ocs paired with canon villains and one of them is a oc child of two canon characters (Ghoul and G-Lo). In this version, their mothers never joined the White Hat Organization as a result they started relationships with the father of their children while still under PEACE. However, that would prove be a wrong choice because by choosing to stay with PEACE Max, Pololina, and G-Lo would fall pregnant and as a result would end up having their children be taken from them once PEACE found out they were children of villains. They all would be raised under PEACE while their mothers would be put under the serum made by Miss Heed to make them comply with PEACE.  For all three, they would especially do something really cruel which is go to their lovers distraught about their children being taken away, get their guard down, and finally kill them when they least suspect it. And as a result all three would be infamous for being honey traps. And PEACE would spin a false story about all of them having been assaulted by these villains to justify the existence of the children and as a way for the children to be indoctrinated into PEACE about why they need to fight villains hard and not befriend them. They would also be mentored by the Judger.   - Floki would be raised by his grandmother and would be even more strict and harsher on him than even his mother and Leppy. And always reminds him of his false origins and why he must fight hard against villains. He feels more pressure to outdo what he thinks is his atrocious father who forced himself on his mother. He also would have a no mercy policy against villains and will do sadistic things to them so in his mind no one can suffer what his mother suffered. He would also hide his face because in his eyes he shares the face of his mother's  alleged assaulter (who he refuses to think as his father). He would have a more demented mask to hide his perceived status as a child of assault - Xalvadora would be raised by her grandfather who would do what he could to cut out her maternal grandmother so she wouldn't tell her the truth about anything. She would be raised to see her father as an absolute monster and have it falsely believed her mother was brutally assaulted. Due to looking so much like her father she would see herself as a monster who has to fight fate from becoming what Coyote was. In contrast with how she dresses like her father and being a daddy's girl in the main timeline, here she would dress more like her mother to emphasize that she's her mother's child and not her father's. Like Floki, she would have a no mercy towards villains. - Jaylee didn't have a designated guardian but she would be treated as a ward who would like the others be made to feel ashamed about her Genae traits due to it making her look like her father. And as a result she also tries to hide her fangs and ears which she like her other traits she was made to be ashamed of because of the false story of her mother being assaulted. In contrast with her shy but happy persona in the other timeline, here she tries to hide everything and tries to suppress everything about herself in order to comply with PEACE's image of a true hero. She wouldn't be as ruthless but she would shun normalizing with villains like her mother did. They would at one point go to the past with their mentor, Judger, to eradicate some targets in the past before they became a problem and also run into their mainline counterparts who would fight with them especially since they would tell them that they were tricked and that their mothers were never forced on. They didn't believe at first until they showed proof and it caused them to have a crisis, especially Xalvadora who couldn't believe her parents were in love and until her father's life was threatened and she took the hit for him by the Judger and fell into a coma. With combined efforts they would team up against the Judger and stop him from targeting any supervillains. She would be taken back with her friends as they decided to rebel against PEACE back in their timeline and find a way to free their mothers. www.deviantart.com/jazzqueen92… through picrew.me/image_maker/257476, picrew.me/secret_image_maker/9…, and ghoulkiss.itch.io/monster-girl…
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i dont usually post stuff from my book’s wip but... the parallels here still make me really happy
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princepokemon · 2 years
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“You’re doing this on purpose, aren’t you!”
FINALLY finished this picture of Rei Zerou’s Pokémon OCs: Aven and Jaylee
I’d almost finished this months ago when I first started before not saving and losing everything like a FOOL. FINALLY I was able to motivate myself to finish it again.
Anyway, they’re very cute and you should check them out
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deejadabbles · 6 months
Deeja my love!! I am here with asks for
Jaylee x Tup 🥰🥰
2 .What was their first date like? If they haven’t been on a date yet, how would it go?
11. Who causes the most arguments?
20. What are they like when sharing a bed?
I'm so happy you asked about em bc I'm so soft over these two! Thank you darling 🥰
OC relationship asks
Jaylee x Tup
2 .What was their first date like? If they haven’t been on a date yet, how would it go?
Oh my gosh get ready for cuteness: So Tup of course doesn't have a lot of resources for dates and adventures, Jaylee knows this and insists that it fine, that she doesn't need anything and just spending time with him is enough. But Tup's inner romantic won't let it go, so, he plans out this whole night on Coruscant. It starts out with him making them some food at her apartment, something that isn't easy to mess up given his limited cooking experience but of course the effort alone is more than enough. Then he takes her out into the city, starting with this market in the mid level that's vibrant and full of life, perfect for window shopping if neither of them have much funds, so many new things to looks at which excites him but he also will make her smile because she loves seeing new things. The main draw of this area though is that, not far away there are always local bands playing their music outside with a whole area set aside for dancing. They can dance the night away together and take breaks to just listen to the bands. Then to top off the night, he'll surprise her by taking her up to this gorgeous view of the higher levels, a nice rooftop with enough privacy for them to just sit and talk, enjoying the view and each other's company. Course, they're probably too lost in each other's eyes to pay the view much mind after awhile
11. Who causes the most arguments?
Unfortunately this falls on Jaylee. She loves how open and affectionate Tup is, but, especially at first, it activates some of her insecurities. It's very hard for her to be affectionate and she doesn't know how to reciprocate, this causes her to get snippy and short tempered, which of course, understandably, upsets Tup. It's one of her issues she has to work on, but thankfully it does get better as their relationship progresses <3
20. What are they like when sharing a bed?
It takes forever for her to straight up ask for it, but, Jaylee loves to fall asleep snuggled against Tup's chest with his arm wrapped around her. Of course, spooning is also an option, so sometimes they'll fall asleep with Tup being the little spoon. Letting Tup be vulnerable when he gets back from rough campaigns is very important to her and she often insists that he be the little spoon even if he doesn't ask. If they fell asleep cuddled up then they'll often drift apart throughout the night. Tup barely moves cos of his training but Jaylee is a very restless sleeper and somehow ends up on Tup's other side at some point in the night. It would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that he sometimes wakes up from her kicking him in her sleep lmao
Thank you so much for sending these in friend! I love talking about these two <3
Also, since Tup knows he has to put the "Our Wife" disclaimer on everything: @dystopicjumpsuit @sev-on-kamino come get your wive 🥰
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ocs-res · 2 years
Cosmic Wave Members Profile
Cosmic Wave is a girl group formed and managed by Orion Entertainment. The group consists of 5 members: Sunny, Minah, Jaylee, Yubin, and Aurora. They debuted with the EP Eclipse.
Known for their experimentally music and fashion, Cosmic Wave is recognized for blurring gender norms and breaking stereotypical beliefs of what a girl group should be. Cosmic Wave emphasizes their focus on “self-expression” and its importance over everything else, which, despite the initial backlash, has led them to become one of the most influential groups.
Fandom Name: Comets
Fandom Color(s): Ultra Violet
Stage Name: Sunny (써니)
Given Name: Kim Seo Yeon (김서연)
Position: Main Vocalist
DOB: February 8
Zodiac: Aquarius
Height: 170 cm (5’ 7”)
Weight: 54 kg (119 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean-American
Fun Facts:
She was born and raised in Los Angeles, USA.
She has two older sisters.
In her spare time, she enjoys traveling, especially road trips.
She has an international driver's license.
Despite having an international driver's license, she doesn't like driving.
The other members call her "Ice Queen" because she seems cold at first, but she actually has a "sunny" personality.
The other members chose her as the member most different off stage.
She doesn't like eggplants.
Stage Name: Minah (민아)
Given Name: Jang Min Ah (장민아)
Position: Visual, Lead Vocalist
DOB: December 31
Zodiac: Capricorn
Height: 170 cm (5′ 7″)
Weight: 55 kg (121 lbs)
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Korean
Fun Facts:
She was born and raised in Gwangju, South Korea.
She has a younger brother.
In her spare time, she enjoys visiting cafes and flower arranging.
She has a black belt in Taekwondo.
Her family owns a flower shop, and she used to work there before becoming an idol.
The other members chose her as the cleanest member.
She doesn't like tomatoes but is fine with ketchup.
She briefly studied abroad in Japan, so she can speak conversational Japanese.
Stage Name: Jaylee (재이)
Given Name: Lee Jae Eun (이재은)
Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper
DOB: April 5
Zodiac: Aries
Height: 178 cm (5’ 10”)
Weight: 62 kg (137 lbs)
Blood Type: B
Nationality: Korean-American
Fun Facts:
She was born and raised in Busan, South Korea.
She has an older brother and a younger brother.
In her spare time, she enjoys boxing.
She used to cosplay with her friends and voice act before becoming an idol.
She choreographs the group's performances.
The other members chose her as the best cook of the group.
She went to culinary school and got a chef's certification because none of the other members knew how to cook.
She has many tattoos, several of which she got while on tour.
Stage Name: Yubin (유빈)
Given Name: Park Yu Bin (박유빈)
Position: Leader, Lead Dancer, Main Rapper, Lead Vocalist
DOB: August 15
Zodiac: Leo
Height: 168 cm (5’ 6”)
Weight: 53 kg (116 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean
Fun Facts:
She was born in Daegu, South Korea but grew up in Boston, USA.
She is an only child.
In her spare time, she enjoys skateboarding and photography.
The other members consider her to be the "ace" of the group.
She writes and produces the group's music.
She hosts annual art shows with Aurora.
She is allergic to mangos but likes eating them.
She has participated and produced many OSTs.
Stage Name: Aurora (오로라)
Given Name: Lu An An (卢安安)
Position: Main Rapper, Sub Vocalist
DOB: November 25
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Height: 165 cm (5’ 5”)
Weight: 50 kg (110 lbs)
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Chinese
Fun Facts:
She was born and raised in Beijing, China.
She is an only child.
In her spare time, she enjoys knitting and other crafts as well.
The other members consider her the vitamin of the group.
She hosts annual art shows with Yubin.
She failed her driving test 5 times before finally getting her license.
She doesn’t like pineapples because it makes her mouth feel tingly.
She learned calligraphy as a child and hated learning it, but she’s appreciative that her parents made her continue learning it.
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hottubraccoon · 3 years
OC: Jaylee Sunny
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In the kitchen stood a tanned woman, blonde hair tied into a messy bun, wearing a wrinkled sweatshirt and black tights. When the unfamiliar man follows me inside, she turned and smiled wide, showing off pearly white teeth. It may have been my imagination, but her canines looked unusually long and her brown eyes were unusually bright.
Jaylee Sunny | 28 | The Dandelion
part of the FAE department
fav colour is ‘antique ruby’
loves the seaside
has been Sunny Court’s Queen for 2 years
allergic to crab
Appearances: Bad Influences
The Rules: Exposure Force
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reizerou-arts · 10 months
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Strawberry and Mint feat. Jaylee and Bebo!
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skullqueensart · 3 years
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Not much info for this one, I just wanted to draw Jaylee in one of her swimsuits again(all the older versions of Jaylee in this swimsuit are in storage and on my Facebook.) Also didn’t draw this as an excuse to draw a totally sfw version of a nsfw doodle of the same character in the same pose. Nope, not at all.
Jaylee, art, and base© Me.
Background© Saint Seiya Omega.
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fefairys · 4 years
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 all 24 of my fantrolls in all their glory this took so long
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