#oc: lorelai wildwood
mysticstarlightduck · 11 months
Heads Up Seven Up
I was tagged by @tabswrites for this one, here! Thanks for the tag!
Rules: post the last seven lines you wrote! Then tag others!
It's not exactly seven lines, I think, but here you go!
From Tales of Wilted Flowers -
“Out of all the bad ideas, my dear.” Xarian shakily called out [to Lorelai], not breaking eye contact with the beastly wolf currently a burning stick away from biting his neck off. Instead of standing by the snuffed-out fire, he’d moved forward. But that made him the only thing standing between a Faellyn petrified by fear and a ravenous shadow-hound. He scoffed, softly, at the situation they were in. “That has to be one of our worst.”
Tagging (gently) - @lassiesandiego, @sm-writes-chaos, @hrmkingizzy, @unstablewifiaccess, @aziz-reads, @writernopal, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @oh-no-another-idea, @elshells and @clairelsonao3
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OC Questions Tag
Thank you for the Tag, @tabswrites! Her post can be found here
I'll be doing this for Xarian Argyris, a deceitful fairy outlaw from my new high fantasy WIP, Tales of Wilted Flowers!
5 words to physically describe your OC (do you have a drawing? even better!)
Lanky, tall. Dangerous beauty. Metallic hair
Who inspired your OC? (can be your mum to a very famous fungi)
Uh... I don't really know if this is a valid answer but maybe: Julian Devorak (from The Arcana game), Astarion (from Baldur's Gate 3) and general fairytale lore. My character Xarian starts out running away from someone trying to kill him and being framed for something he didn't exactly do, is slightly unstable but a very good person where it counts, while also being a socially awkward trickster/liar and having a very confusing moral compass - and an obsession with strange knowledge. Take that however you will lmao.
Give me a song to define your OC (I will listen to it to enter in your WIP mood!)
I'll do one better! Here are five songs that define Xarian!
Willow - Bardcore Cover by Hildegard Von Blingin
No Good - Unsecret ft Ruelle
S.O.S - Indila
Wild Uncharted Waters - Jonah Hauer-King
Natural - Imagine Dragons cover by Caleb Hyles
If I met your OC on the street how would they greet me?
Xarian - while very refined and sophisticated - is still a socially awkward young adult at heart. He would likely greet you with a formal fae salutation (a little bow) and wish you a good day from a distance while being internally like "Oh, gods, please tell me you won't go in for a hug." The greeting would be short, but pleasantly polite.
Can your OC be your best friend? Why?
I mean once we get past the stabby-stabby "Come any closer and you'll be speaking to the sharp end of my blade" beginning and he eventually opens up to my friendship - and shows his true, kinder side - then sure! We'd make a good team and would have lots to talk about, especially about books.
Though his Number 1 best friends are - and will forever be, in his own words - his girlfriend Lorelai Wildwood and their friend (and travel companion) Rylisan Fenrith.
1 adjective and 1 noun to describe your OC (blue soul)
True friend
Tagging (gently with no pressure): @your-absent-father, @cabbojage, @clairelsonao3, @exquisitecrow, @liv-is, and OPEN TAG (for anyone who wants to do this)!
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OC Picrew Tag
I saw @cabbojage's Open Tag and wanted to give it a try!
Her post can be found here
So here it goes: The main cast of my WIP Tales of Wilted Flowers!
DISCLAIMER: The clothes aren't quite right when compared to their real attires in the books, since there weren't many medieval fantasy options in the Picrew. So, I tried to showcase the character's overall vibes instead.
XARIAN ARGYRIS: (Protagonist - A runaway fairy outlaw - with an incredibly confusing moral compass and who lies way more than someone ever should - looking for a way to truly free himself from the sorcerer chasing him down)
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LORELAI WILDWOOD: (Protagonist - The daughter of a so-called "traitor", Lorelai grew up inspired by the tales of the heroes of old, and who ventures into a quest to defeat an ancient evil the kingdoms turned a blind eye to)
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RYLISAN FENRITH: (An elven warrior living in exile after being betrayed by his closest friend, who joins the main characters' quest as a way to recover his honor and complete his sworn duty before it is too late)
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ARISTA BRYAR: (A dhampir looking for revenge after losing everyone she loved, while also seeking the truth about a mystery that has haunted her for years)
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NEOMA'KA ORNASI: (A half-goblin warrior looking for a challenge to prove her strength and valor in the eyes of both her traveling tribe but also to impress her iron-hearted aunt)
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KALADIN MORGROVE: (A human sorcerer who spent way too much time trying to drown out his woes in shady taverns, and who finally decides to face the past - and bloodline - he spent his life running from)
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EIRALYS CORBINN: (A naive girl who believes in the goodness of the world and always sees "the glass half-full", who joins the protagonists at the chance to explore the unknown and help the lands by defeating that ancient evil)
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MICAH ROOK: (A thief who works for whoever is the highest bidder, and who never truly cared for anyone but himself in years, but who slowly grew tired of working for the bad guys, and wants to finally do something more meaningful. Or at least try.)
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Tagging (gently, with no pressure): @rickie-the-storyteller, @writernopal, @exquisitecrow, @your-absent-father, and OPEN TAG (for anyone who wants to do this)
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