#wip tales of wilted flowers
mysticstarlightduck · 9 months
Heads Up Seven Up
I was tagged by @oh-no-another-idea, here! Thank you so much for the tag!
This one is a slightly smaller snippet from a Rewrite of a climactic confrontation that takes place in Act 2 of my WIP Tales of Wilted Flowers.
“So you kept it a secret.” Lorelai crossed her arms over her chest, brows furrowed as she scrambled after Xarian, who had stormed off anxiously into the woods.  Xarian doesn’t look over his shoulders, which tensed up as he walked faster, hands fidgeting his sides. His usually soft voice was now bitter and sharp as he answered with a quick, “Yes. I didn’t think it would matter.”
Tagging - @the-mindless, @writernopal, @crowandmoonwriting, @meerawrites, @unstablewifiaccess, @sm-writes-chaos, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @aziz-reads @sam-glade and @rickie-the-storyteller
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cuoredimuschio · 4 months
🥳 wip wednesday: birthday edition 🥳
okay, so birthday edition might be a bit misleading. this is a standard wip wednesday with the exception that today's my birthday, so i probably won't answer the prompts till tomorrow, but still!! let's do this!!
rules: send me the name of one of the wips below and i'll write and post three new sentences for you!
a stout heart, a good bow, and a merry life (steddie big bang)
hey, batter-batter (post-s2 steddie alternate meeting)
wound up (the assholes-to-lovers guitar lessons au)
line of apsides (the summer challenge fic that should have been done a year ago, oops)
snippet from a stout heart, a good bow, and a merry life:
What, Steve finally stops to wonder, was he doing out here all on his own? His heel catches on a root, his back bumps up against a tree. “Who are you?” “My name is Eddie.” The archer liberates a small purse from a particular burly thief’s pocket; it jangles dutifully as he weighs it in his hands. “But you, Mr. Harrington, probably know me as Kas.” “The Bloody-Handed.” Like a curse, the words steal from Steve’s lips. Eyes as dark as a gorthokian boar’s, filled with twice as much hatred. A voice that echoes up from the deepest pits of Hell and shakes the treetops. The hands of a beast, clawed and contorted; a stench that could wilt flowers; a heart colder than a thousand winters. Those who had the spectacular misfortune to cross paths with the monster of Roane Wood, and the miraculous luck to live to tell their tale, often gave conflicting, fantastic reports of the man at the root of the myth. But all of them hold one fact to be true: an unconquerable lust for blood sits where his heart ought to, driving him to conduct unspeakable violence as surely as if he were besieged by Hell’s worst demons. The archer—Eddie—Kas the Bloody-Handed Betrayer spreads his arms. “In the rotten flesh.” “You’re the one who’s been terrorizing the kingdom?” Steve asks, a rather needless question. Yet, it’s difficult to comprehend, that such evil and depravity could be contained in one man of perfectly unremarkable stature. His eyes dart to his horse. If only he could reach her. Draw his sword and drive it through Kas’ loathsome back. Drag his corpse to the gates of Hawkins, though he hardly deserves such consideration when he’s denied it to all but a handful of his victims. But Steve would be lauded as a hero, one of the greatest the kingdom has ever known. He’d be welcomed home with open arms, the Harrington name lifted higher than it’s ever been before.
tagging, with no pressure and all love: @cheatghost, @thefreakandthehair, @sharpbutsoft, @puppy-steve, @kkpwnall
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outpost51 · 1 year
Happy WBW! 💕
Are there any legends, nursery rhymes, fairy tales, etc that are passed around between characters in any of your WIPs? What lessons and morals are they meant to teach?
Happy WBW Ella!!
I am. Notoriously bad at extracting Teachable Moments™️ from stuff but! How about the Mothers in Arsonist Chronicles? Sometimes myths walk among us or cause big wars problems on accident right? Throwing it under a cut because it’s gonna be long and for cw child loss reasons.
So, there are only two true gods— Life and Death.
“But what about The Deep!!”
[kicks The Deep into his tantrum hole] Don’t worry about him.
So! Life and Death. It’s said that Life emerged when the first flower bloomed, and she filled the world with plants and animals and warmth. But she was lonely, and sad, and when that first flower wilted and returned to the soil, another goddess grew: Death. Together they brought balance to the world. Something was still missing, though: the plants all made new plants, the animals found mates and made babies — the Mothers wanted that, too.
So Life climbed all the way to the top of the highest mountain, plucked wisps from the clouds, and Made angels. And that was all well and good! But Death wanted children of her own, so she whispered her wish into the wind — boom, now we’ve got Fae.
But now we’ve also got a BIG problem: Life Makes, Death Takes. When Death Made the Fae, she upset the balance. Fae weren’t like angels; they tried to Make things too — that is Not Supposed to Happen. They Made more Fae from animals and plants, and Death was mortified. Her children were messing up her lover’s creations, and in a fit of crippling guilt, she confessed to Life what she had done. It was fine, Life told her. They were just curious (and the fauns were rather cute).
And then one day, one of the high Fae snatched a seraph right out of her cradle and left a permanently glamoured bat and a few golden trinkets in the baby’s place. She loved the seraphim with their bright white wings and wanted one of her own, and besides, it wasn’t stealing if she left a replacement child and a few gifts, right?
Wrong! Very wrong! That is so incredibly incorrect! What the fuck, Ayla! Angels have specific dietary requirements, Ayla!
You would be correct in assuming the baby did not make it, you would be further correct in assuming that grief can drive people to do really out of pocket shit, and sometimes that shit is starting a fucking war.
Death was utterly beside herself. Inconsolable. A child! A baby! She tore the shadows from her bedroom walls and draped herself in darkness, hid away and weeped for days until Life, distraught her lover was in such pain, finally found where she’d been hiding.
It wasn’t her fault, Life said, for wanting to Make something beautiful. Death begged again and again for forgiveness, to let her fix her mistake, and Life shushed her, whispering:
“Be still, love. There is nothing to forgive. Rest now. Be still.”
So Life Made humans to take care of the world while she was caring for Death — with plenty of restrictions, of course, she learned from their mistakes. Then she Made the Veil to separate the mortal world from her warring children. She Made Sanctuary for the angels and let the Fae have the rest. Pretty sick deal, right? And it only came with two rules:
No Fae in Sanctuary; and
Do NOT interfere with the humans.
Easy peasy. No problem.
… or was it?
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ragsweas · 3 years
Hobbit Fic Rec List!
Hello! I always wanted to share a gigantic list of awesome works in Hobbit fanfic, but realized they are too many. So let's start small. A few modern AU that everybody has to read!
How to fall in love in 100 days by Kytanna
As their lives intertwine, Thorin, Bilbo, and their nephews learn the meaning of finding a family, love and the hard path towards healing. All, over the course of a hundred days.
A lovely piece with all the cuteness and fluff.
Softer Strokes by autisticalistair
Thorin is a well-known artist living a secluded life in the Swiss Alps. Bilbo is a former history professor living in a trauma rehabilitation centre after a devastating accident that took his parents lives. Through a mutual friend, Bilbo finds himself in Switzerland, and Thorin finds himself with company for the next few months, and neither of them are prepared for what that will bring.
I'll never say 'I love you' by JustReadingMaybeWriting
Bilbo is a veterinary student who one night saves the life a handsome but wounded man. Bilbo should have called an ambulance. If he had called an ambulance, he wouldn't be in this weird mess. He certainly wouldn't be falling in love with the man he saved, who can't seem to leave him alone.
This one's a bit dark, but I love it.
painted blind by nasri
The last time Bilbo stepped foot in Aberdeen it was with a broken heart and a bachelor’s degree. All things considered, this time isn’t so different.
Plan B by Drenagon
Plan B: an alternative strategy; a contingency plan, devised for an outcome other than the expected plan.
Or, sending an unqualified temp to act as Thorin Oakenshield's PA because no one qualified can put up with him.
(He'd say they can't meet his standards. Of course he would.)
Meet Bilbo Baggins. He just became Plan B.
One Modern!AU I always wanted to read and this is just it! It's amazing!! And the whole COmpany is there!!
A Land Far Away by Prollyaghost (Callmerin)
"If we were in a different time or place, this story may have begun with ‘once upon a time’, or even ‘In a hole in the ground, there lived…’ But as it so happens, we are in this time and place, in the outskirts of London, where there are no ‘once upon a times’ and the only holes in grounds lead to sewage tunnels. There does happen to be, however, a man who has dedicated a great deal of his life studying these ‘once upon a time’s. He is an English teacher, enjoys afternoon teas with homemade raisin scones, and he most certainly does not believe in fairy-tales.
His name is Bilbo Baggins, and that last bit about him is about to change."
Bilbo Baggins, an English teacher who has never been outside of England, suddenly finds himself thrust into an adventure when a strange man named Thorin Oakenshield requires his help to fulfil his father’s dying wish. Turns out studying the niche topic of the ancient, fictional society of dwarves was more useful than his parents could have imagined. Plunged into a forgotten land, Thorin and Bilbo must find the mythical Arkenstone, before the legends of the past come back to haunt modern society.
Okay, this one's a WIP, but damn the premise is super interesting and honestly can't wait for the next update!
Nothing Gold Can Stay by perkynurples
Bilbo Baggins led a rather peaceful life, thank you very much, until an old acquaintance decided to turn it upside down, and he found himself agreeing to take a job that’s… let’s say not exactly up his alley, and might eventually cost him a little more than his treasured cozy lifestyle. Who would have thought tutoring a slightly menacing monarch’s more than slightly overbearing nephew could prove to be such an adventure?
This is one of the fics that does not need an introduction. No matter how many times you read this, it isn't enough. And we all love Fili and Kili here.
What to do When Your Cat is an Asshole by lily_winterwood
“You have a cat?” asks the face on the screen. “Yes. His name’s Smaug, he’s orange, and he’s an asshole. Aren’t you, Smaug?” Surly Food Provider glowers at me, which, of course, I am immune to. “Aren’t you a little asshole?” I don’t see why he needs to call me that. My butthole is perfectly licked, and it smells wonderful.
The AU where Smaug is Thorin's asshole cat. Written for the Bagginshield Unexpected Anniversary.
This one's small, and hilarious and even better if you imagine Benedryl Cucumbersnatch narrating the whole thing
No Ordinary Love by badskippy
Bilbo and Ori have been best friends since they were ten years old and tragedy brought them together. Now, a new job, a sudden rainstorm, a chance meeting and budding romance with a burly, handsome stranger will not only alter their lives, but set in motion events that will change everyone around them, and reveal how lies, deceit and assumptions can leave deeper scars than the ones that can be seen.
WIP, unfinished, but damn was this an interesting tale. For anybody who loves angst, go give it a read!
Remember Me by thehistorygeek
Bilbo Baggins and Thorin Oakenshield are destined to suffer. In every life they live, in every age, in every era, they meet, and this meeting brings back all the memories of the lives that have come before. But every meeting serves also as a death sentence, for once they have met, one of them is doomed to die soon after, usually tragically and prematurely. They remember nothing of their past lives until they meet, and once they have there is nothing that can be done to stop their fate.
For anyone obsessed with Reincarnation and/or History, this is it.
A Remover of Obstacles by MistakenMagic
"Dis often chided her older brother for being a misanthropist. She did it so often it had become a term of endearment. It was true that Thorin struggled with people; he struggled to form and maintain relationships. Dr. Grey had diagnosed him with this and Thorin hadn’t the heart to tell him this wasn’t a symptom of his PTSD, it was a symptom of his personality. He exercised a sense of apathy with almost everyone he met… But Bilbo was different. Thorin actually found himself wanting to know more about him."
Another fic that DOES NOT need an introduction. I have read it thrice and every time the emotions are still the same. Trigger Warnings, but damn this is all worth it.
An Unexpected Meeting by what_am_i_even_doing_tho
This is the chronicling of the modern day shenanigans of Bilbo Baggins, who is an absolute gay disaster, and Thorin Oakenshield, who is unashamedly enamored. Aka, the modern Bagginshield AU that no one ever asked for but they're getting anyway.
green and gilded by nasri
The next time he visits his parents there are flowers left in the grass, pressed back against the gravestone. They are yellow and white daffodils, plain and wilting.
“Who’s been to see you?” He asks, taking a single photo of the flowers with their drooping stems and curled petals and the wet winter grass that surrounds them. His mother would call it kind, his father might say it's curious, and Bilbo takes another petal to tuck into his pocket.
You know those stories that you read once and then they never leave your head? And somehow your whole life begins to revolve around that one story? Yeah, this is it. Spoilers in tag and I would suggest you read before advancing cause many people do not like it, but even if you are not in that group, just give it a read. This story deserves all the reads.
Bran' New Suit by pibroch (littleblackdog)
Andrew's description had been sufficient to recognize him— a riot of honey brown curls, short in stature, a well-favoured face with expressive features— but it hadn't quite been enough to prepare Tom for the sharp, almost painful tug in his gut at the sight of the man. They had never met before, to the best of Tom's recollection, but there was something eerily and inexplicably familiar about him all the same.
One of the first Modern AU I read and dauym...you won't get it until the end but then...it's fun.
Under New Management by frostyjack
Fili's life is pretty good -- he's doing well at university, he gets on well with his uncle and guardian Thorin, and he's never likely to know what it's like to be poor or unwanted. Then Thorin takes in a foster child -- Kili Oakenshield, a long-lost relative whose past is a total mystery. Suddenly, Fili's life gets a whole lot more complicated. But maybe it gets better, too.
Lots of trigger warning for this one, but when the end comes, you'll know it's all been worth it.
One-Sided Conversations by northerntrash
"Thank you for listening," Thorin said, getting to his feet. "I hope to be able to return the favour, one day."
The man on the bed didn't respond, but since he'd been in a coma for longer than Thorin had known him, that wasn't entirely surprising.
(Not Quite) Prince Charming by manic_intent
The problem, Bilbo would later tell Gandalf in aggrieved irritation, was not so much the unannounced visitors, oh no, but the fact that due to the lateness of the hour and sheer merciless fate, it came to be that at the respectable age of forty, Bilbo was being introduced to a real, live king while wearing striped pyjamas and fluffy slippers.
The Making of a Story by northerntrash
When Bilbo finds a case of old family photographs, he becomes determined to find the original owners: what he does not expect is to become quite so involved in their lives, or that those photographs should prove quite so important.
Misunderstandings and other obstacles for love by ylc
This series dammit! It's amazing, and the dynamics you would ask from a Modern AU.
Candle Glow and Mistletoe by euseevius
Bilbo and Thorin have been married for six months now. The thing is, Thorin’s family doesn’t know this. And because pretending to be just friends for the three weeks you’re going to spend at the family cabin is so much easier than telling the truth, that is what they will do.
(Of course Bilbo has his own ideas of how believable it is for a grown man to bring a friend to spend Christmas with his family. That’s why they make a bet out of it.)
For days you need to just laugh at these two idiots.
The Lost Kingdom of Erebor by Twisted_Barbie
AU. The Lost Kingdom of Erebor is shrouded in myth, likened to the heavens and compared to Atlantis. Until an archaeological discovery unearths that which was lost and awakens the Mad King from his cursed eternal rest.
Not a happy ending, and mysterious and you need to give it a read. Just, do it. It will all be worth it.
Of Palaces and Ruins by livelongandgetiton
Slow burn. Bilbo Baggins is a half-baked archaeologist who has put his dreams of adventure on hold to teach secondary school. Thorin is the grandson of a politically powerful figure in the historically rich and deeply isolationist country of Erebor. When he flees conflict and corruption in Erebor to settle in London, he finds his hands full with two young boys. Gandalf meddles, and Bilbo signs on as a personal tutor for the boys in hopes of getting a foot in the door to archaeological work in Erebor. He soon discovers that Thorin is a tough nut to crack. As Bilbo takes care of the boys he and Thorin grow closer, and secrets about not just the brooding stranger, but the mysterious country and politics of Erebor begin to unravel. It turns out that Bilbo isn't leaving adventure behind, after all.
WIP, updating. JUST READ IT!!!
Write Me Down Easy by lucyraebrown
Bilbo Baggins, a simple man with a wish for something more than his life teaching high school English, is obsessed with a famous author by the pen-name Oakenshield. Although he knows the future is dim for his chances of finding out about the man behind his favorite book, it's reassuring to know someone has the same thoughts about the world.
WIP, updating. It's mostly fuff and happiness, so yesss...feed your inner Bagginshield!
Show Me My Silver Lining by BiSquared
Three years after the hostile takeover of his grandfather's record label by one DJ Smaug, lead singer Thorin Oakenshield is ready to give up on his dreams, even if his band isn't ready to give up on him. If Thorin can convince talent scout Bilbo Baggins to sign them, they might just have a fighting chance. Of course, this is the night when Thorin gets stage fright.
The music industry AU no one asked for.
Love-In-Idleness by perkynurples       
Taking Bilbo Baggins, a successful movie actor who is only just getting used to the perks and intricacies of becoming A Face People Want To See, and putting him together with Thorin Oakenshield, with his very traditional (read: slightly backwards) ideas about what constitutes Real Art and Real Talent, might very well be viewed as just some clothead’s idea of a joke. But there are jokes, and then there are carefully calculated risks the size of controversial reproductions of classic Shakespearean plays - for Bilbo, it is the chance of a lifetime to prove himself to all those who have ever deemed him too one-dimensional to even attempt stage, while Thorin has the opportunity to get out of the rut that’s been hindering his career for so long now, and shine in a role worthy of his talent once again. That is if the two learn how to share the same space for more than ten minutes without wanting to tear each other’s hair out. The course of true love never did run smooth, after all…
Did I read this in one go? Yes I did. Did I fall in love with Bagginshiled all over again? Yes I did.
And that's the list folks! I hope you guys have fun reading all of these nice fics! (And all the bagginshield angst/fuff)
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supimjustwriting · 4 years
Leviathan’s Bouquet of Roses
Trigger warnings: Self doubt, Anxiety, Angst
It’s been a few months since you’ve been in devildom and befriended the otaku. To celebrate your months of friendship. Leviathan decides to buy you a gift! Though things don’t go as planned.
Author’s Note:
I’ve posted this story on Animo already but I thought I’d share it here as well. I hope you enjoy and friendly reminder that requests are open.
Yellow Roses Meaning: Jealousy, Friendship, Joy, Remember Me Read the other brothers versions: Lucifer, Mammon (WIP) , Leviathan <- You are Here, Satan, Asmodeus (WIP) , Beelzebub (WIP) , Belphegor (WIP)
“Henry! Can you believe it? It’s been almost three months since I’ve befriended the human. Sure, they tricked me into it but they’re a lot nicer than I thought,” his eyes darted around the room, making sure no one was listening in on him and his best friend. “Just don’t tell them I said that, okay?”
Speaking of the human. Maybe he should reach out to them, just this once. Not that he believes anyone would want to speak to a worthless otaku like him. Though they do regularly reply to his texts, answer his phone calls, wave at him on the rare occasion he leaves his room. No, no. He’s simply overthinking it. There’s no way someone as perfect as them took him seriously. It has to be pity. Yeah, that’s it. It’s safer to think this way after all but something nagged at him. Even if it wasn’t real. The least he can do is thank them.
Humming at the thought, Leviathan’s amber eyes scanned his room looking for good reference material. Should he do what the protagonist did in ‘I Thought You Totally Hated Me But It Turns Out You Were A Tsundere This Whole Time?’ It could work. Though he wasn’t in a romantic relationship with the human. So, red roses were out of the option. Besides, they reminded him too much of Asmo’s fans trying to win over his affection, not that he wanted to be praised by his friend or anything. So, to the internet he goes.
Wanting to gift the human flowers. He expected a reaction similar to ‘Welcome to My Flower Shop Where Everything is For You,’ just a giant grin and maybe just maybe a tear or too.
“Maybe I’ll even get a hug!” He grinned to himself, feeling himself sway with glee. “Wait. Focus Levi. This is just a simple gift for a friend. Nothing more should be expected.”
Carnations are pretty but the white and pink ones might make them think I’m hitting on them. Then there’s the two-toned ones but I don’t wanna say that I cannot be with them. What if they think I want to stop being friends?
Pfft! Sunflowers can mean false riches. I can totally see Mammon mistaking them for real gold too.
New beginnings and forgiveness, huh? Maybe if they don’t like the first bouquet I send. I’ll send them daffodils next.
“Maybe I should stick to roses after all. They’re a classic for a reason,” he mumbled to himself as he lazily scrolled through the meanings. “Blue for unrequited or fairy tale love. Purple for royalty and pride,” his amber eyes sparked interest as they landed upon yellow roses. “Friendship. Check. Remember me. It’ll be nice if they did. Plus joy! Ahh, this seems perfect for them!” Ordering the yellow rose bouquet, the purple haired male fiddled with his phone debating whether to warn their friend about the surprise. “No, no. I bet their smile will be absolutely adorable,” for once, Levi felt like something was going right in this unfair world.
Waking up extra early, so his brothers won’t spot his highly anticipated package. Levi brought the roses to his room, leaving a sweet scent in his wake.
“Now I just need to think of the time I give it to them. Maybe after dinner? Yes! Just like in that other scene from  ‘I Thought You Totally Hated Me But It Turns Out You Were A Tsundere This Whole Time?’” With that final thought. Levi left the bouquet in a spare vase with a bit of water. He didn’t want them wilting on him now.
Soon enough it was supper. Seating himself at his usual spot, he couldn’t help but steal glances at the human. Feeling a fire burn in his stomach as they laughed at Mammons jokes or complimented Asmo’s looks. Did he even hear them make plans to take a nap with Belphie? He was their friend first. They should at least hang out with him to watch anime or play video games. Besides, he has a gift for them. Not that he told them yet but still! It’s the thought that counts.
Once he finished his dinner, Levi rushed to his room. Sighing in relief as everything seemed to be in place. The flowers weren’t wilted and it didn’t look like Mammon snuck in and stole anything. It looks like everything was going to plan. All he had to do was go to the living room, meet up with his friend and give them the flowers. Easy enough. Just don’t think of your stupid brothers faces if they happen to be there. You don’t want to ruin your moment with them after all. Taking a deep breath. Levi headed to the living room, hiding the bouquet behind his back. 
To his dismay, his brain decided to barrage him with doubt. They won’t feel his sweat on the steams right? What if they hate yellow? That means the daffodils will be a bad choice too. Will his brothers tease him? Well, that wasn’t new but it still hurt. Shaking away the storm, Levi put on his best smile as he walked into his destination.
The sight burned his throat as the rose stems snapped from his grip.
“Hey Levi! Wanna join us?” they cheered, Mammon’s arm draped around their shoulder as if it’s the most normal thing in the world. “We were just talking about-” Levi shook his head violently, fighting back tears. “I was just looking for something!” He took a quick glance around the room, already noting as Mammon’s suspicion grew. “Guess I was mistaken. See you around!”
The male practically sprinted to his room, leaving a trail of yellow petals. A slam was heard down the hall causing both Mammon and his friend to jump. Getting up to check on Levi. Mammon grabbed their arm, shaking his head. “I might not be the sharpest stick in the pile but I think it’s best if we leave him alone for now. As your first it’s my job to protect you and all of ‘that’, That screams danger to me,” reluctantly the human sat back down beside Mammon, laying their head on his shoulder.
“I just hope he’s alright..”
“I should’ve known! This always happens to me,” Levi screamed. Throwing the bouquet to the ground, stomping on them. His amber eyes flickered to the now crumpled piece of paper that demanded his attention.
Clearing his throat Levi read the content aloud, his voice dripping with venom.
MC I just wanted to thank you for letting me be myself around you.
You make me feel like I’m worth something and that maybe 2D people aren’t that bad. Just maybe though.
Since its been a few months of us being friends. I wanted to get you something!
I really hope you like yellow roses. Looking them up I read that they meant friendship and remember me.
I know it’s a lot for me to ask but it would be really nice for you to remember me after you leave devildom. A worthless otaku like me isn’t worth remembering but I can’t help but ask.
I guess things are just easier to write.
Levi Groaning at his own words. Levi tore up the letter before tearing into the roses, leaving them in the trash.
If only he remembered that yellow roses were also the symbol for jealousy.
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bookenders · 5 years
The Most Precious Thing: Excerpt
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“Man’s most precious treasure is a healthy body,” he had told them, “and no amount of gold or silver can replace it.”
-From a Kazakh folk tale, “The Most Precious Treasure”
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Masha chuckled beside her. “It’ll be easier if I -”
“Fine,” Aizhan said, opening her eyes and rolling them at the sky. “You can help. But don’t get smart about it.”
Masha mimed a zipper sliding closed over her lips. She placed her hand back on Aizhan’s shoulder. “It’s gonna tingle for a second, since my energy is different than yours, but ignore it, okay? Mom says that transfer is based on trust.”
“Oh, so now I have to trust you, too? I give up, magic is too hard. I’m not cut out for this.” Aizhan pulled her hands from beneath the petals and covered her face. Masha giggled and tugged her sister’s hands back down to the flower.
“Too late, you’re already doing it.” Masha stood and picked up her jacket, moving to sit opposite her sister, placing the wilted flower between them. “It’s easier if I can touch your hands,” she said, removing her other glove. Aizhan placed her hands where they were before, fingers clasping two thin petals. Masha grasped the backs of Aizhan’s hands, fingers curling around her palms to dig into the center, where her head and fate lines intersect. 
“Ballooning is bad?” Aizhan took a deep breath and glanced at her little sister. She knelt on her jacket, her arms bare and freckled, her dark hair gathered in a messy braid hanging over her shoulder. Her birthmark, shaped like the sword-lily they held in their hands, peeked out of her left sleeve at the top of her arm. 
Masha grinned. “Ballooning is bad. Go ahead, whenever you’re ready.”
Aizhan kept her eyes open this time. Maybe it would help her focus. She took a deep, even breath, held it for three heartbeats, and hissed the air out form between her teeth. Masha’s hands tightened around Aizhan’s, and with the pressure a hot, tingling flush of energy surged through her skin and into the veins on the backs of her hands. It flowed through her muscle and blood and bone like heated summer wind, like she was holding her hands over hot asphalt, and leaked out from her palms. From the tips of her fingers, Aizhan felt a thin thread snap taught just underneath her skin. 
Lifting her right hand just an inch, Aizhan watched as the petal in her grip molded to the curve of her fingers, and when she let her hand fall away, back down toward the dirt, the petal followed, stuck tight to her skin. 
“Hush, Zaza, I’m concentrating,” she said, and gripped tighter, her skin burning hot underneath the backs of Aizhan’s hands.
She didn’t feel any ballooning. She didn’t feel much of anything, other than the heat of her sister’s life energy pushing through her hands, singing her skin from the inside. The lily was still wilted, petals still wrinkled, and Aizhan was ready to give up again, for the eighth day in a row, when a sliver of ice grew right in the center of her heart. 
Aizhan held her breath, the air inside her lungs growing cold and heavy, as the sliver expanded, frost engulfing her heart and slithering through the joints in her shoulders, curling over and around her bones, until it impacted her burning hands, roiled, and swallowed Masha’s energy whole, leaving her fingers cold and stiff. The lily in Aizhan’s hands curled toward the sky, petals peeling from her fingertips and puffing up like preening birds, and yawned at the sun. 
Aizhan ripped her hands from Masha’s grasp and massaged her arms, willing the cold to subside.
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Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list for AOPC, H2H, or my snippets and short stories!
Shorts/Snippets Tag List: @piratequeenofpixies​
H2H Tag List (because I can and I love you all):  @katekyo-bitch-reborn​, @cawolters​, @wasting-ink-not-youth​, @quilloftheclouds​
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espoir-et-reves · 3 years
Last Line Tag Rules: Write the latest line from your WIP and tag as many  people as there are words in the line. Make a new post, don’t reblog!
thank you for the tag dear @snickiebear
so, this is the last thing I wrote on the unpublished chapter of a tale of songs and ashes (not exactly a line)
“Death leads to death,” the Haruno replied and Shisui felt the air catching in his throat hearing the resignation those words came out with. “Flowers wilt and they bloom and wilt again. But when you rip them out, then are they truly gone. All of you grownups…” vivid green eyes stared at the faces around her, resting on Hatake’s a second longer before moving to Kurenai, Itachi and him, and eventually landed back on her uncle, “…are quite stupid.”
tagging: @sleepyfoxfanworks, @dijayeah, @chalabrun & anyone else✨
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mysticstarlightduck · 10 months
Get to Know my OC Tag!
I was tagged by @doublegoblin for this! Thank you so much (:
I've done this, a long time ago, for Raelen - from my WIP, The Last Wrath. This time, I'll do this tag for Ahren Ellara - from my WIP, Tales of Wilted Flowers.
Ahren is Faellyn's stern but caring, cousin and adoptive brother (when their House - and their entire family legacy - fell they became the only family each other had to rely on, it had some effects on Ahren's psyche, making him incredibly paranoid)
(You see a tall, lanky young man with long, unruly silvery blond hair, walking towards you. His head is held high, proud, though he fidgets anxiously with his hands as he sits down in front of you. Posture immaculate, though the nervous fidgeting doesn't quite stop, he looks at you, wary and haughty at the same time.)
Are you named after anyone? 
No, I do not think so. Though my father was rather sentimental, I don't think I was named after anyone - at least, not after anyone whom I know or whose name is on our family records. If I was named after anyone else though, there's just no way I could know - and currently, it's too late to ask, wouldn't you say?
When was the last time you cried? 
Why do you ask?! (He blurts out, a bit louder than he'd intended, before sighing, though his eyes narrow, suspiciously) Oh for the love of Gods, fine...When those awful dreams started, a couple of weeks ago. I think - it's all rather blurry, really. (Leans forward, suddenly dangerously serious, showing a hidden dagger) No one else knows, and I am not above making sure it stays this way.
Do you use sarcasm? 
The answer is yes, I think so. I usually don't do it extremely on purpose, it mostly comes out naturally - especially when I'm dealing with annoying company or unexpected situations. Some people think my remarks are quite funny, but I still don't know why.
Do you have kids? 
If you count Faellyn... kinda? I mean, of course, I'm not her father, I'm her cousin, obviously, I'm not that much older than her - but I think I did raise her? I don't know if it really counts, as I was a teenager who didn't have many options and she was an insufferable kid (he chuckles), and later on we got a bodyguard. One could say we raised one another, but given the slight age difference and the assassins on our tracks, I think I did most of the work.
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
If they're lying to me, or trying to deceive me or use me in any way. Because most people are, especially when you've got royal blood in your veins and a bounty on your head. I also notice whether or not they're an immediate threat. If not, I mostly notice their quirks, whether they have a sense of humor, if they're assassins working for the King - you know, the normal stuff.
What’s your eye color? 
Dark Greyish Blue, but it does seem to have a slight green hue. I like my eyes.
Scary or Happy Endings? 
(With a mischievous smile, leans forward). Why not both? There's nothing wrong with the right amount of terror and fun!
Any special talents? 
I've been trained in sword fighting and archery, and I would say I am pretty good at it. I also like to write poetry I never let anyone read and I can embroider/sew somewhat adequately.
Where were you born? 
I was a child/ward of House Ellara, whose castles were hidden in the Far Reaches of Ravaryn, so I'm pretty sure I was born in one of the royal chambers of one of those castles. I don't quite remember which one though, it's been a while since I was there.
What are your hobbies? 
Uh, I draw and write random stuff in my journal, sometimes? I guess poetry like I mentioned before, but I'm in no way that good at it. Those are the only things I could honestly think of - I've never quite had a routine or hobbies, that is, and certainly never quite had the time to actively pursue interests like that.
Do you have any pets? 
No. Though, when I was a young kid, I distinctly remember that my elder brothers had a hunting hound named Sundew. She was quite adorable, but I never quite knew what came of her, after everything happened.
What sports do you play/have played? 
I'm not a huge fan of sports, but I guess sword fighting and archery do count as some form of that, don't they? So yeah, I think that's an acceptable answer.
Favorite subject in school? 
I was educated by the best tutors on the land, and my favorite subjects were philosophy and the art of politics. I was also quite good at chess and literature!
Dream job?
... Being a Lord again. Does that count? Oh, it doesn't matter. Does it though? I've done my fair share of working while traveling through these rather accursed lands, and for all I care, what I really want is to go back to what I was. But, honestly, as if that's ever going to happen.
Tagging: @lassiesandiego, @gummybugg, @forthesanityofstorytellers, @clairelsonao3, @unstablewifiaccess, @liv-is, @aziz-reads, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs and @anoelleart
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mysticstarlightduck · 11 months
Heads Up Seven Up
I was tagged by @tabswrites for this one, here! Thanks for the tag!
Rules: post the last seven lines you wrote! Then tag others!
It's not exactly seven lines, I think, but here you go!
From Tales of Wilted Flowers -
“Out of all the bad ideas, my dear.” Xarian shakily called out [to Lorelai], not breaking eye contact with the beastly wolf currently a burning stick away from biting his neck off. Instead of standing by the snuffed-out fire, he’d moved forward. But that made him the only thing standing between a Faellyn petrified by fear and a ravenous shadow-hound. He scoffed, softly, at the situation they were in. “That has to be one of our worst.”
Tagging (gently) - @lassiesandiego, @sm-writes-chaos, @hrmkingizzy, @unstablewifiaccess, @aziz-reads, @writernopal, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs, @oh-no-another-idea, @elshells and @clairelsonao3
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mysticstarlightduck · 11 months
Duck duck duck...trick or treat!
Treat, treat, treat! 🎃
Thank you for the Ask, @doublegoblin!
Have some neat worldbuilding facts about my current WIP - Tales of Wilted Flowers! (:
There are 6 ancient families, known as the Sovereign Houses, that are said to have held incredible power in the lands of Ravaryn, after the Sentinels defeated the old gods - now known as the Banished. It is said that - initially - the role of these powerful families was to protect different kingdoms of the realm from ever falling under the sway of the Banished again. Now, however, many years later, they mainly exert political power over the nations of Ravaryn from behind the scenes, with some feuds and alliances to spare.
In the world and lore of the continent of Ravaryn, the humanoid creatures called "vampires" are actually blood-drinking (vampiric) faeries, who are extremely powerful as their magic comes from the life essence extracted from blood. Arista Bryar, one of the main characters of the book, is a half-vampire.
The Lydean Sea one of the most mythical places in all of Ravaryn, with many legends and tales about its strange waters covered by iridescent mists and filled with dreadful monsters. Most tales are true, and still, many secrets remain about this unique body of water - where only the bravest sailors dare to go.
The main kingdoms of Ravaryn are: Wenhorn - one of the biggest and most powerful kingdoms in the realm, as well as being the home to the descendants of the Sentinels of the past; Allanar - a mainly elven and fae kingdom, being within the ancient lands of both these civiizations; and Thysfire - a smaller, slightly more backwater, kingdom, mostly known for its magical exports and an age-old feud/dislike towards Wenhorn. But there are many others, just not as relevant to the main story and initial political conflicts within the Book 1 of Tales of Wilted Flowers.
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mysticstarlightduck · 11 months
Trick or Treat? 🦇
Treat! 🎃
Thank you so much for the tag @pluttskutt!
Since it's the spooky season, nothing better than a snippet about two scheming villains for a sinister mood! (This is a scene from my WIP Tales of Wilted Flowers!)
"That wingless faerie." The King spat out, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation, almost laughing. With a wave of a hand, he gestured for a servant to pour him more wine, which they did, quickly. After, it took only a severe look for the servant to scurry out of the room.
Across from him, Lord Eldryc stood, impassive. Tieran drank the wine in one long sip, seething with rage, before slamming his hand on the table, the now empty goblet discarded on the floor with a clatter. "A damned boy - !" He howled, tapping his fingers on the marble for a modicum of patience. " - knows more about our plans and where to find the jewels than most of your prized acolytes do. You swore to me that he had already been dealt with. Eliminated even. Given the recent events, I can tell that is not the case."
King Tieran finished the sentence with a scoffing sigh, falling back on the velvety furs of his chair, a hand to his forehead. Eldryc remained still, waiting for the monarch to finish speaking, merely lifting an eyebrow in response.
"That issue has been dealt with - it's only a matter of time until the resolution settles itself. But if we're to play this game and put blame on each other, we could do it all week. Lest you forget, the journal of your old rival - you failed to track it down, didn't you? And now that wretched Thysfiran girl has the key."
His words were cold, precise as needles - it was no secret to both of them that those facts held truth. Tieran glared, impotent rage flaring behind his golden eyes, for a long moment, before he stood up, thinking. Despite his outward poise, his fists trembled with rage. Lord Eldryc smirked.
''This" The young monarch gestured around, towards the table's disarray. "Changes nothing. What we need to do is continue the preparations - the Mark of the Banished is at hand, within my grasp at last"
Lord Eldryc nodded, clearly ignoring the King's words. "Of course. Meanwhile, my apprentice will see to it that both those nuisances are caught and properly dispatched, where your men have failed. If we catch the girl, our faerie friend will soon follow - Xarian was never quite one to learn from his mistakes. "
On the corner of the room, Corbin stood - a gelid presence, expressionless as a snake. And just as deadly, Tieran concluded, acknowledging the High Sorcerer's words with a short look as he paced around the room, stopping at the window, fingers tracing the scar now cutting deep along his own untarnished cheekbone.
A gift, from an old friend. He might as well return the favor. Eyes fixed on the horizon, Tieran spoke.
"You will do that," Tieran answered, dismissive, wiping his hands on the furs of his cloak "Or it's your head - not hers - that will be on a pike soon enough. As far as I'm concerned, I've personal matters to solve, something priceless to my family... was taken" He paused, paying a glance to a statue of his old likeness in the room "- and I believe a certain delusional, would-be-lordling is about to hand me that which was stolen on a silver platter. Grateful, as always, to his mysterious benefactor."
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mysticstarlightduck · 11 months
Last Line Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @oh-no-another-idea!
Here's the Last Line I wrote for Tales of Wilted Flowers:
“Well, he’s not the pirate he used to be," Daryna cut him [Micah] off, before sighing. Behind them both, Lorelai noticed the young woman seemed to reconsider how sharp her tone had been. "Not anymore that is. That’s what I’m here to figure out.”
Tagging: @sm-writes-chaos, @lassiesandiego @cabbojage, @unstablewifiaccess, @gummybugg, @doublegoblin, @clairelsonao3, @dancinginsepia, @chauceryfairytales and @writernopal
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mysticstarlightduck · 11 months
Tumblr media
Thank you for the ask, @gummybugg!
I wasn't sure what to give you as an answer to this ask, but eventually, I decided to post this! It's a snappy lil' snippet from Tales of Wilted Flowers (mostly a dialogue exchange between Xarian and Caladin that I really liked!)
Context: After escaping a series of rather life-threatening events, the team (at this point consisting of Xarian, Lorelai, and a couple of their friends) settles down to camp overnight, and a rather brutally honest rant takes place.
"So let me get this straight - a false King, a scheme from the most ancient sorcerer Houses, and a wrathful Banished." Caladin began, tapping his knee with the back of his knuckles as he listed their current misfortunes, half-heartedly, sitting on a fallen tree at the edge of their camp. "Remind me why I have anything to do with this, again?"
Lorelai cheerfully turned towards him, ready to answer, but Xarian was quicker to interrupt. He was done with Caladin's carelessness.
"Well, for starters, you did take out a squad of mercenaries - very loudly - with a power that I've only seen once in my entire life. In front of that whole village, and the Royal Guard. I want to know why you - a human - hold such magic and why." As Xarian got up and all but paced around the clearing, Caladin listened on with clear disinterest, as if more busy sharpening his sword than paying attention.
The fae scowled, exasperatedly teleporting the sword halfway across their camp with one flick of his wrist, putting the blade far away from Caladin's distracted hands.
Earning an annoyed glare from the young human, Xarian continued answering through a bitter laugh, vitriol barely hidden behind his calm explanation.
"And, of course, since you made the decision to save me and my friends, a decision which - by all means - you weren't obliged to make, you're now wanted in all corners of the kingdom, same as us." Xarian gestured widely, between them both and the others, who were watching his explanation with a mix of concern and awe.
"Your only real shot at making it out alive is seeing this mess - a mess that you're currently a very important part of - through to the end. Unless, of course, you fancy getting a very private tour of the gallows, when the royal soldiers inevitably catch us all, my not-so-dear friend." He paused, now muttering under his breath, through gritted teeth. "That is if you don't make me completely lose my patience and do something incredibly stupid, like killing you before the King ever does. Is that a good enough reminder?"
Caladin's mouth formed a thin line, the words dawning on him rather quickly. There was a moment of very awkward silence before he nodded quickly. "Yep, reminded. No need for extreme measures."
Xarian sighed, stopping right in front of Caladin. "Thank you." These two words were forced behind a smile, quietly coming through his exasperation, but the intention was - mostly - the same as always.
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mysticstarlightduck · 11 months
trick or treat
Treat! 🎃
Thank you for the ask, @steh-lar-uh-nuhs!!!
For you, I'll give you some of the songs from my Arista Bryar playlist, (a character from one of my main WIPs, Tales of Wilted Flowers)!
About the Character - Arista Bryar appears to be simply young runaway dhampir and witch on a chaotic personal quest - but as past secrets and new truths are revealed, it soon becomes clear that there is far more to her than meets the eye.
The Witch of Briar Thorn - Karliene
Fangs - Neoni
How Villains Are Made - Madelen Duke
Drinking Blood - Jonathan Young
Little Girl Gone - Chinchilla
Savage Daughter - Ekaterina Shelehova version
Paint It Black - Hildegard Von Blinging (cover)
Kings and Queens - Ava Max
Coming Home - Arc North, Rival, Cadmium
Journey to the Past - Anastasia (cover by Annapantsu)
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mysticstarlightduck · 10 months
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday!
How are arts and crafts treated in your setting? Is it a common hobby? A communal activity? Do people do it for fun? Or is it reserved for only a certain group which does it for a significant reason?
Happy WBW, Sam! Thank you so much for the Ask, @sam-glade!
I'll answer this ask for my WIPs Realms of Loss and Tales of Wilted Flowers, because these two books have been haunting my brain for the past few days!
How are arts and crafts treated in your setting? Is it a common hobby? A communal activity? Do people do it for fun? Or is it reserved for only a certain group which does it for a significant reason?
Realms of Loss
Well, the answer for that depends on where you are in the setting because Avillore and Sarythea - the main kingdoms in this world - differ majorly from one another. And since life in that continent is very much dedicated to survival, arts take a whole different meaning.
In Sarythea, arts and crafts are both a hobby for people of higher standing who have time to dedicate themselves to it, as it is an act of faith. Sarythea still holds on to their rites from the time the Old Gods were alive, and those beliefs - and the symbolism that comes with them - bleed into their craft. Art is a part of their daily lives as a way to connect to the hope that one day the gods will return and also a way to keep their culture alive despite the war outside their walls.
Craftwork is also economically important for both of the kingdoms, as it is a big part of the trade between allied provinces and helps the economy of the realms keep flowing within their territories. Trained artisans are very valued in both kingdoms for this reason, and often become powerful merchants.
Art is also one of the many things that distinguish the kingdoms from one another, as each kingdom has specific colors and symbols/designs that identify them.
Avillore, however, is slightly different. Known as the Fortress Kingdom, Avillore is deeply invested in its military developments, and as such, warfare is a huge part of its culture*. As such, much of their art is centered on themes of war, might, and power, as a way to exalt their values. People in Avillore don't view art or crafts as a simple hobby, as another way to perfect themselves and showcase their might.
(*The difference is that, though both kingdoms have been trapped in bloody combat for centuries now, and are equally matched when it comes to military prowess, the "art of war" is revered in Avillore, while to Sarythea war is a necessary evil to survive. This is one of the many differences in points of view).
Notes - The Outer Cities and the Izuhyn People
Context -The outer cities are the remains of kingdoms and provinces that were ravaged in the ongoing wars, which surround both of the kingdoms in outposts and villages. It's also the home to most of the population of both of the kingdoms and is situated beyond the protective walls that keep the actual capitals safe. Neglected, those outposts are a ruthless place and those who are unlucky enough to be stuck there must do what it takes to survive both the constant war and the encroaching curse that destroyed the lands beyond it*.
*The area beyond the outer cities and around the Far Reach (the wall that divides the territories of the continent in two) is a desolate freezing wasteland known as the Lost Lands, where the First Battle took place and the ancient capital of the realm (which was once unified, not divided into two) once stood - in the Lost Lands, the betrayal curse runs rampant and is the home to the first figments of what is known as forgotten magic.
Answer - As such, arts and crafts are not seen as something very valuable in these places, as survival comes first. But it does serve a few purposes, whether it is by identifying different gangs of the Guild - a network of spies and thieves that runs the outer cities from the underworld - or allowing for trade whenever a merchant dares pass through these outposts.
Context - The Izuhyn People are the inhabitants of an empire beyond the curse that has isolated Sarythea and Avillore. They're descendants of the Archguardians - young gods born of the ashes left behind by the Old Gods - and have very unique culture, magic, and beliefs (for reference, they're the closest thing this setting has to elves or demigods, but not quite) They've never taken part in the wars that ravaged their neighboring kingdoms (until, of course, the beginning of the book when the war literally came to them) as they consider war as a vile and unnecessary spilling of blood.
Answer - They're very connected to nature - and the magic within it - and art is one of the main ways they express that connection as well as being a great part of their culture. Art is also specifically tied to their magic and the way they cast spells, as magic is viewed as a form of art, like a tapestry or a mosaic, and as such, they're known for their intricate amulets.
Tales of Wilted Flowers -
Ravaryn - the continent where the story takes place - has many different kingdoms and species that inhabit it. The main kingdoms relevant to the story are Wenhorn (the most powerful and famous kingdom as their royal family is a descendant of one of the Called, a hero that helped save the realm a few centuries ago), Thysfire (a smaller kingdom - that's actually a duchy - on the western mountains that are known specifically for its trade of magical goods and its artistic tendencies), and Allanar (the kingdom of the Seelie Courts, which has, obviously, a population that's majorly elven or faery).
Okay, onto the answers!
Wenhorn -
As the main hub of quite frankly most of the activity in Ravaryn (be it economical, military, religious, or artistic), Wenhorn serves as a melting pot for different cultures, species, and beliefs, which come together in the city. This means that many different types of arts and crafts can also be found here - be intricate elven jewelry, to beautiful human paintings and handcrafted dwarven metal goods, just to name a few.
For the people of Wenhorn art can be equally a form of expression of their personal culture as it can be a religious activity done within a community and a form of economy. Some people do arts for fun as a part-time hobby, while others become masters in their chosen craft - Wenhorn is known for some of the best painters, architects, and jewel smiths. Being the heart of trade in the realms, artisanal goods are always in high demand in Wenhorn's bustling marketplaces, and many people come to the city just to buy - or learn - those arts.
In Wenhorn, also, inventions are considered a form of art that can be mastered. Many people travel to the kingdom to become apprentices in the royal academies and hone their skills as Inventors, joining magic with science in the mechanical gears of their creations.
Thysfire -
A duchy nestled in the edge of the western mountains of Ravaryn, with a vastly human and dwarven (magically talented or not) population, Thysfire is known for its magical exports - artisanal goods that are often crafted with or imbued with magic they source from the heart of the mountain. Art and crafts, therefore for them is viewed as their main trade and the heart of their economy.
During the famous Summertide Festival, arts are also a communal activity, when the people from the city create new decorations and art just for the event, which is deeply important for them and their culture. Many people - including royalty and nobility from other kingdoms - come to Thysfire for the festival every year, so it is a great opportunity for Thysfirans to sell their crafts and showcase their traditional art.
Allanar -
To the elves and faeries of Allanar, art serves a purpose - more than its beauty, art is a form of remembrance, a way to connect with their ancestors and keep the past alive. Some specific forms of art can be deeply important for some families and the community as a whole - intricate necklaces and jewelry often hold important symbolic meaning to individuals. There are plenty of religious rites in Allanar that strongly revolve around arts as a way to connect with their gods, such as Ildaras Day, a holiday for the elves that honors one of their gods - where one of the many celebrations, other than symbolic sports, also involves intricate and artistic dancing, and singing. The inhabitants of Allanar highly value the beauty and balance that art can create, and their city - one of, if not the most beautiful in all Ravaryn - is a reflection of that. Allanar is also known for having some of the best musicians and sculptors in the entirety of Ravaryn. Arts are also a way for their people to praise and honor the almost immortal Seelie royal family that rules their kingdom - something that often brings their people together.
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mysticstarlightduck · 10 months
Happy STS!
Which OC has been taking over your mind recently? What excites you about them?
~ @tabswrites
Happy Storyteller Saturday! Thank you so much for the ask, @tabswrites!
Which OC has been taking over your mind recently? What excites you about them?
Cailean Telkerly from Enchanted Illusions, Ahren Ellara from Tales of Wilted Flowers, and Adaria Vytris from Realms of Loss. Lemme explain (:
Cailean is one of my favorite characters in that book, being the rogue with a heart of gold archetype that I really, really love in fiction! Since I've been working on his POV backstory a lot lately, I've gotten to know his history a lot better, which only made me love this character even more. I'm excited about quite a lot of things about him, from his intricate past to his personality. He is a classy and witty con man/thief who specializes in stealing from the nobility and overall big targets. To make a very long story short, he agrees to help one of the protagonists (Agatha) because he believes using this partnership will get him rich (and because they have a common enemy), but ends up really falling in love with her in the process (which complicates and screws up his "this partnership is strictly business" plan quite a lot), which leads to a very much "star-crossed lovers" situation sometimes. Plus, he is really adorable in personality, because even though he is a petty criminal, he is also a really good person deep down beneath the opportunistic exterior he carefully crafted throughout the years - and is someone very charmingly sarcastic at that. Writing the growth of his relationship with Agatha, from strangers to partners/friends to lovers, is really, really rewarding, especially given their vastly different worldviews and experiences (and how much they fall in love with each other).
I really like writing about Ahren because of his complexity, and his character arc in the first book - which goes from a hesitant good character to a morally grey character, as he ends up doing the wrong things for good reasons (as he was led to believe he had no other choice). He's a really tragic character and a good example of how a chaotic environment and constant pressure can change even the most resilient of people. Ahren had everything, and in the matter of one fateful night, he lost it all. He would do anything to restore his family name and keep his cousin safe, even if it takes making not-so-great choices and morally convoluted deals. The impact of the losses he suffered and the hardships he endured turned Ahren into someone slightly bitter and paranoid, certain that everyone was "out to get him" and that he had to be ruthless before the world has the chance to be ruthless to him - having a "the world was never fair to me, why should I be?" mindset. He is a good person and tried with every fiber of his being to remain so, but eventually, it all becomes too much for him to handle alone, which defines a turning point for his character in Book 1. Overall, a very compelling POV that has taken over a lot of my mind these days!
There's something I really like about her backstory and motivations throughout the book, they feel very specific and genuine to her. I love writing about underdog characters who beat the odds and decide to take a stand about a system that has wronged them. Adaria is also incredibly loyal and protective of her family, which is the whole reason she embarks on this journey in the first place - to save her siblings. Her relationship with them is also a huge part of why I love her backstory so much! Adaria is a very hopeful character, preferring to believe that one day the future will be brighter - and she will fight to make sure that happens. The odds were always against her - she was just another street kid from the freezing outer cities, probably destined to starve or vanish, like so many before her, but she wanted more than that world could give her, she wanted to be more. To live, not just survive. She decided to challenge her destiny, with what tools she was given and will do whatever it takes to ensure this future for herself and those she loves. Another thing I really like about her is her friendship with Kassien Vann, a knight from Sarythea tasked with protecting a weapon she sets out to steal - their relationship goes from rivals to hesitant allies and finally friends, I really like it!
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