#oc: perun
halfusek · 6 months
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meet weles! he's my sniffer oc :] he is perun's boyfriend <3
he's this kind of lizard except his leggies are like petrified wood. oh also there's plants and stuff growing on him. normal lizard things
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deebyfeeby · 1 year
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New xenoblade oc time! This is Morana; an Agnian soldier that specialises in offense-type strategies, she once fought alongside Glimmer.
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this flopped on reddit so i hope y'all like it more
So, hi. It's been a very long while since I've talked about my OC Vault Hunters here, and, well... things have changed. And I'm better at wording things.
Here's my... well, I wouldn't say propositions, more like full blown concepts for the entire BL4 VH team.
First thing: there's 8 classes, and not 4. The Watcher did say we'd need as many as we can get.
In my head, 6 of them are base-game, and the last two are DLC. Coincidentally, the last two are mechanically unusual classes compared to the rest of the team (and even to the rest of the Vault Hunters across games), and happen to essentially be multiple people in one playable character - to keep the gender balance, you see: the team already consisted of two dudes, two dudettes and two buddies before I realized I wanted to add more, so the last two are "multiples".
Second thing: I am a lore guy, so I know barely anything about game balance... but I do know some things about game design, and I do in fact have played these games (wow!), so I'd like to think I know what I want to see in these games... BUT I can't escape bias, and I love the way TPS skilltrees were designed, so if you don't like skilltrees encouraging you HEAVILY to use a very specific weapon type, this is probably not the post for you.
Third thing: This is going to be long, but I tried to make it as readable as possible.
Fourth thing: I will be using the BL3 multiple action skill/augment system here, since I like it a lot.
With that out of the way, let's actually get into it.
Lazarus as the Prodigy
Once an urchin scrambling for zir life in the alleyways, now adopted child and protege of the most notorious powercouple in the galaxy (Alistair Hammerlock and Wainwright Jakobs, if it wasn't obvious by zir Jakobs-style attire). Also, ze likes bugs.
Key Words: Sniper, "Soft" Melee, Non-Elemental, Bleed/Stun
Action Skill: Sheer Focus - essentially, an activated gun boosting ability similar to Fade Away, but instead of automatic criticals, it grants Laz the ability to focus shots for a duration. Focusing - or rather, charging - takes a bit of time, but when focused to the maximum, it can do insane damage. The catch is that the "Focus Bonus", even when charged to the max, will be divided by both the pellet count of the weapon and the burst-fire count if it has one, meaning you are heavily encouraged to use those good ol' semi-autos.
And let's not even talk about what happens when you use a fully automatic...
Gimmick: Swappable melee overrides. Each tree has one "starter" override, and additional ones are unlocked the further you go down the tree.
Sheer Focus has a long cooldown and pretty much just exists to boost damage - the overrides are where the real utility is, and are usually available more often. It's sort of like a secondary action skill that you don't really sacrifice a button for.
Do you want to reflect enemy fire with a single stroke of a rapier? Do you want to throw gunpowder in their face and watch them explode when you shoot them? Or maybe take out a banjo and smack them on the head? Lazarus can do all of that.
Additionally, Laz has two other somewhat unique things that aren't unique to specific skill trees:
something called Deadeye Skills, which trigger on crit (or crit-kill, if it's a Deadeye Kill Skill) and are grouped up in a manner similar to Fl4k's Hunter Skills.
great usage of bleed and stun status. Bleed is the same as it was in TPS, a non-elemental damage over time effect. Stun disables the enemy, preventing them from moving or attacking - for obvious reasons, badasses and bosses cannot be stunned and will simply take a bit more damage if they would be stunned by an attack.
Skill Trees: You're in luck here, because I actually made a full detailed skill tree for the Prodigy already. Read it here if you like walls of text.
If you don't, here's a summary:
Green Tree: Legacy - Critical hits. Loads of Deadeye Skills. Major bonuses to Sheer Focus. Not much to say here.
Red Tree: Tradition - Gun damage, heavily favoring non-elemental weapons. Get those FAT one-shots, as the slogan says.
Blue Tree: The New Path - Melee focus. Staying on the move, weaving melee strikes between gunshots, and the bleed/stun status effects I mentioned above. Maybe it's not fair, but who really cares when you can make your enemies into but a fine red mist.
Bartholomew as the Butler
An old model of Jakobs brand butlerbot, deactivated many years ago and only recently turned back on by an unknown variable. Took up vault hunting as a means of... venting his frustrations, so to speak.
Key Words: Berserker, "Hard" Melee, Support, Health Management
Gimmick: Everyone else has a skill-related gimmick, so Bartholomew's gimmick is not having one. Let me know if you can think of one for him.
Action Skills:
Gearshift - fully heals the player and reloads all weapons. Grants a movement and weapon swap speed buff for a short time afterwards
All Out Attack - a large dash with a punch at the end. Has multiple charges. Can be cast multiple times on the same enemy or chained to others.
Overclock - large damage and fire rate buff at the cost of constantly taking damage.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Servitude (Gearshift) - A very strange twist on a support tree. Servitude has an entire swathe of team support skills, all of which activate on (mostly) controllable actions such as reloading a gun or reviving an ally. The thing is, upon these buffs activating, Bart takes health damage.
Red Tree: Rage (All Out Attack) - Melee damage, with a focus on increasing melee speed, taking/healing/ignoring damage, not having a shield and mashing that V button into oblivion.
Blue Tree: Restraint (Overclock) - Remember Nisha's Order? This is basically that, to 11. Upon losing a percentage of health, Bartholomew will gain a Restraint stack. Stacks give a variety of buffs, and can even be spent for certain triggered abilities.
Scylla as the Siren
A member of Junpai-7's pirate royalty, disgraced from her home when she became a Phasesight siren. For many decades, she's been wandering the galaxy as a hermit wizard of sorts, and now in her old age she returns to find the Vault, in hopes of preventing some sort of war that she foresaw.
Key Words: Siren, Shock Damage, Crowd Control, Mobility~~, Discount Spellshot~~
Gimmick: Can equip two action skills at once at the cost of sacrificing her grenade slot. Unlike Zane, she has no real way to use grenades, because who needs them when you can electrocute your enemies to death with your bare hands?
Her skill trees also contain (sometimes radically different) variants of the tree's main skill just like Amara, so you can really customize your setup.
Action Skills:
Phasemancy - mind controls an enemy, making them fight for you for a reasonably long duration. Also makes them invincible, though they die instantly when the effect ends. Badasses and bosses can't be mancied, for obvious reasons.
Phasestasis - spawns a large dimensional field, slowing down everything in its radius for a medium duration and causing shock status. Can be re-cast in a different place as long as it's active, but you can't spam-move it.
Phasebolt - a simple shock damage projectile that is precise and deals high damage. Multiple charges.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Clairvoyance (Phasemancy) - Mind and some battlefield control, with a bit of sniping for brainy flavor - but rather than using sniping for damage, you'll be using it for utility. Tons of status effect bonuses. Stealing enemy shields and staying ahead of the battle's speed by manipulating it.
Red Tree: Storm Terror (Phasestasis) - Mobility, with a little twist. Rewards not just moving fast, but also staying airborne, jumping, sliding and whatnot. Double jump. Sprinting and shooting. Amp shots for free.
Blue Tree: Wizardry (Phasebolt) - Action skill damage spam, and rewards for doing so. The main deal of this tree is Flow stacks, gained upon using action skills. At base, they don't do much aside from bonus Shock damage - the deal is, you can spend them for other things. Electromagnetic flight, ignoring FFYL and various techniques too strong for those not versed in the arcane arts.
Samuel as the ~~Problem~~ Primordial
Before the incident, he was just a normal Tediore employee working in R&D. Now, he is a vessel of the Vault Monster Uyrru, a locust-like ancient horror. He seeks the Vault both for his "other self", and to figure out what the f/ck is going on.
Key Words: Wildcard, Radiation Damage & Status, Survivability/DR, Ammo Economy, Armor
Gimmick: In a manner similar to Moze, Sam has only one Action Skill, which at base does almost nothing aside from disabling all means of attack. But when you equip Mutations onto it, that's when it gets interesting.
Action Skills: Transform - turns Samuel into his Vault Monster-ish form. As said above, at base it only gives some damage reduction. But when considering Mutations, one can turn Samuel into a:
pestilent master of disease, spawning hordes of bugs from his body.
miniature black hole, hovering over the battlefield and emitting huge waves of radiation.
feral creature, slashing at the enemy with humongous claws.
variety of other things.
Transform does have augments too, but they are not specific to a certain Mutation.
Skill Trees: I have a full skill tree for him as well... but it's still a heavy work in progress, so I won't be sharing it here just yet. Here's the summary:
Green Tree: Resourcefulness - Ammo/grenade stuff. Unlike Moze's tree, this one actually somewhat encourages reloading. Instead of gaining ammo in your mag, Samuel simply picks up more ammo from pickups or even gains back a bit of a weapon's mag when he reloads. Sometimes you need to make most of what you get instead of summoning it out of thin air.
Red Tree: Eldritch Potential - Radiation damage and utility tree, with a bit of splash. Curiously enough it encourages Samuel to get statused, and keep rad status on enemies. Power at a price. But you do get immunity to Radiation!
Blue Tree: Perseverance - Survivability tree. Not that special, aside from the fact it tends to give DR instead of the usual health/shield capacity like most survivability trees. Tends to be more effective the closer to death you are. Also, allows you to gain armor, because it'd be funny to have a VH with three health bars.
Val as the Fanatic
Former member of the CoV, Valor was given the role of Saint of Sparks and Honor. Even after the Calypsos fell, they try to find spiritual guidance and enlightenment in the Vaults. Half blind, has taken a vow of silence and speaks through a floating drone which follows nearby and relays messages through neural uplink.
Key Words: Splash Damage, Support, Healing~~, BIG DAMAGE ALL THE TIME FOREVER~~
Gimmick: Has the option to equip two grenades at once, which synergizes extremely well with their skills, as many of them activate on grenade thrown.
Action Skills:
Battle Prayer - somewhat minor team gun stat buff, but lingers for a reasonably long time.
Dodge Roll - exactly what it sounds like, gives i-frames. Does not trigger "action skill start" effects, not that Val has any of those in their skill tree.
Deep Pockets - forsakes an Action Skill entirely for the ability to equip two grenade mods.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Spirit (Battle Prayer) - A variety of team-wide support skills that reward the team for actually sticking together and helping one another. Buffs Val themselves too, of course. Has a few health restoring abilities as well.
Red Tree: Faith (Dodge Roll) - Insane fire rate! Mag sizes that would make Moze weep! Melee damage! All for the low low price of your enemies' lives and all of your accuracy! Vault-Gods, take the wheel!
Blue Tree: Piety (Deep Pockets) - Splash damage, especially grenades. Mostly focused on radius and spamming rather than the splash damage itself being big. Insert Holy Hand Grenade reference here.
Alkimia as the Trooper
A mysterious, brooding woman who defected from an elite, secretive cyborg division of the Maliwan army upon being ordered to kill civillians. Is a poet-philosopher with an unusually calm demeanor for her line of work.
Key Words: Corporate Soldier, Elemental Damage, Status Effects and Interactions, Versatility, Gadgets/Utility, Mild RNG
Gimmick: May swap the element of her Action Skill, similar to Amara. Defaults to Corrosive, but can be changed to Cryo or Incendiary with enough skill point investment.
Action Skills:
Asclepios - a hovering drone shaped a bit like a snake which flies at enemies and attacks them with its elemental beam.
Reaction Globule - Alkimia throws a big ball of elemental sludge that bounces around and deals damage.
Traversal - dashes/teleports Alkimia forward like a Maliwan Flash trooper, dealing action skill damage to anything in her path. May ragdoll weaker enemies at the endpoint.
Skill Trees: I am also working on Alkimia's skill tree. Trying to figure out something really neat. Here's what I got so far.
Green Tree: Catalyst (Asclepios) - Elemental damage and status effects, with a small twist. Instead of just applying status, you want to combine status effects and react them with one another. Burn them with corrosive damage, electrolyze their skin, or abuse the laws of thermodynamics to combine Cryo and Incendiary.
Red Tree: Evolution (Reaction Globule) - General damage, with some Claptrap-esque randomness. The joke is that evolution is an organism trying to gain advantage in an unfavorable environment, and in this case the organism is the player. You better own a variety of guns. That's the price of experimental tech.
Blue Tree: Adaptability (Traversal) - Utility and some survivability (mostly elemental focused). Almost all of the passive bonuses in this tree change either with Alkimia's Action Skill Element, or with the conditions present on the battlefield.
Kat & Dawg as the Partners in Crime
A one-for-two Vault Hunter deal, Katherine and her tink wife Desmond have been sharpening their teeth (and blades) on heists big and small for ages, with Kat being the brawn and Dawg the mastermind of their operation. However, when they caught wind of the Vault, they immediately embarked on their biggest heist ever, the one that might just set them up for life.
Key Words: Pet Class, Inventory Management, Incendiary Damage, Stuns, Mild RNG
Gimmick: As said above, these two are a package deal, do not separate. While the player controls Kat, Dawg just piggybacks on top of her, occasionally commenting on combat or story beats.
The real deal is when these two enter combat. Kat may deploy Dawg with the action skill button, and the latter will stay deployed until she dies or is picked up. If she dies, she respawns back on Kat's back ready to be deployed again, somewhat similar to Fl4k's pets.
While Dawg is on the field, Kat can use her own action skill. (If Dawg dies, she can't, until Dawg is redeployed anew!) She has three, just like most others, but which one she equips also determines what kind of weapon Dawg will be wielding in combat.
Action Skills:
Trust Throw - summons Dawg back to Kat, then she immediately throws her back into the battlefield with a damage boost for a short time. Enemies hit ~~by THE TINK CANNONBALL~~ are stunned. Also heals Dawg back to full, because.... the power of love, or something.
Whirl 'Em - Kat gets out her trusty scrap-axe and spins it in a manner similar to the Brrzerker from Wonderlands, but with incendiary damage instead.
Mystery Bag - Kat takes out Dawg and her's bag of loot, and checks it for anything useful. The pool of what she can find is around 20ish different items with various small beneficial effects: free grenades that are thrown immediately, health hypos or even ancient Eridian doohickeys.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Battle Bond - Buffs the living daylights out of Dawg, and makes it more rewarding + easier to coordinate your movements with her. Pretend you're playing co-op in solo!
Red Tree: Destruction of Property - General damage, mostly in incendiary form. Rewards hard hitting weapons and attacks, maybe with a melee strike in there or two. A few kill skills for good measure.
Blue Tree: Larceny - Damage buffs and other benefits... dependent on picking up loot, eridium and cash. Gives a new meaning to the word "shloot". Additionally, a few "underhanded tactics" such as lowering vendor prices and increasing backpack space (to fuel a damage buff scaling off the fullness of your backpack). Think Timothy's Free Enterprise, but even weirder.
The Triad
Actually a trinity of Guardians inhabiting a nanobot swarm body, a corporate experiment at controlling these ancient constructs gone wrong. It tries its best to get along, and find itself in this strange world.
Key Words: Stances, Jack-of-All-Trades
Gimmick: In lieu of an action skill, the Triad switches between its three constituents - Supplicant (highly loyal to the Eridians, to the point of fanaticism), Seeker (neutral, but also the most sapient) and Sorcerer (Vault Monster cultist, corrupted by their influence eons ago) - in a way similar to stances in other games.
The switch itself does nothing, unless a certain skill is specced into that provides a short burst of beneficial effect when it occurs. However, a lot of the Triad's skills have different effects, elements or drawbacks depending on its current stance.
Action Skills: Spirit Switch - see above for details.
Skill Trees:
Green Tree: Supplicant - Focuses on team support, usually at the cost of damage. Can still reliably solo, however, thanks to having crowd control options.
Red Tree: Sorcerer - Focuses on pure damage, usually at the cost of survivability. Has elements of health management, as no price is too great for dark power.
Blue Tree: Seeker - Focuses on survivability and utility. Fairly scrappy, can manage ammo and identify enemy weaknesses.
Closing Words
I hope you all enjoyed this little creation of mine. I'm not... really sure what else to say here besides I love this series, and I love making things for it even more.
If you're curious what these Vault Hunters might look like, I drew all of them a while back.
Thank you for reading, and if you have any feedback regarding these concepts, or maybe your own fanmade Vault Hunters, feel free to comment.
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lostpeace · 2 years
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Demons, demons.
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azulsartdump · 2 years
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“Do you prefer to be called ‘Sir’ or ‘Captain’?”
“It’s Captain Hook to you!”
Bartholomew SR Halloween ~All Tied Up~ (Part 1)
Bartholomew: Hey Donar, Perun invited me to go stamp collecting with him. We were supposed to meet earlier at the main entrance but he’s late. Could you go get him for me?
Donar: Oh, Bartholomew, it’s good to see you again. I’d love to help you out, really, but unfortunately I’m not allowed to leave my post.
Bartholomew: Are you kidding me? It’ll take less than a minute. Just go get him and come back.
Donar: Rules are rules. I don’t make them, I just enforce them.
Bartholomew: Fine, I’ll go get him myself. Where is he?
Donar: Oh, he’s at the end of the haunted house. The room with all the cobwebs and tombstones. That’ll be 10 madol.
Bartholomew: Wait a minute... You’re gonna make me pay to go inside?
Donar: Of course. You know how Ashengrotto-senpai can be sometimes, don’t you?
Bartholomew: *sigh* And they call me a pirate.... Fine! Here.
Donar: Thank you for your patronage! Enjoy the haunted hou-
Bartholomew: Shut up.
Bartholomew: Man, this is probably the cheesiest thing I’ve seen come out of this school. And that’s saying a lot with how much time Attwood spends around me...
Torben: Boo...
Bartholomew: .....
Torben: ...
Torben: Sorry... I’m not really that into this entire shtick. 
Bartholomew: ... Wow, Torben. I’ve never seen someone so dedicated to their performance as a moving corpse.
Torben: Thanks, I was practicing all week with Maury.
Bartholomew: Ah, explains a lot. Where’s your brother?
Torben: He’s at the front. You should have seen him when you were coming in.
Torben: Geeze, you don’t have to yell. He’s down that dark, definitely not suspicious hallway.
Bartholomew: You know, maybe you should switch places with Donar.
Torben: But... I thought you said I was doing a good job...
Bartholomew: Torben, please don’t cry.
Torben: I’m not crying. There’s just... a lot of dust in here.
Bartholomew: I’ll... be on my way... Good luck with... whatever your job is here.
Torben: Thanks. Wait hold on it’s not that dark, not suspicious hallway. Tock’s room is down that one and you don’t wanna go there.  It’s that one.
Bartholomew: How many dark not suspicious hallways are there?
Torben: Seven. 
Bartholomew: Is this the right one then?
Torben: Yeah. Good luck.
Bartholomew: *sigh* Aw man...
Bartholomew SR Halloween ~All Tied Up~ (Part 2)
Bartholomew: He said down the dark, not suspicious hallway...
Bartholomew: But, there’s NO ONE HERE. I can barely see in front of me! How did they manage to afford a fog machine, but couldn’t even get enough good actors for this haunted house.
Bartholomew: PERUN? 
Bartholomew: I’ll leave you behind!
Bartholomew: Alright suit yourself! Don’t say I didn’t try.
Perun: BOO!
Bartholomew: AAAAH NOT THE FACE!
Perun: Did I get you?
Bartholomew: *pant* *pant* PERUN.
Perun: Pretty cool, huh? It took a while for Maury to get me all hung up here.
Bartholomew: Get down here.
Perun: OW! Watch it! Some of the bandages are really tight around my delicate frame!
Bartholomew: You should just be happy I didn’t swing.
Perun: Oh, yeah. Yikes, that hook looks sharp. Did that pretty Diasomnia lady get it for you?
Bartholomew: It’s a family heirloom.
Perun: Oh, snapping turtle. Really? Didn’t know you had one.
Bartholomew: An heirloom?
Perun: A family.
Bartholomew: ... You’re one to talk.
Perun: *gasp* Bartholomew, how dare you! I’ll have you know I have two very loving brothers you should have met on your way in.
Bartholomew: Yeah one of them cheated me out of 10 madol and the other one sucks at his job.
Perun: Hey! Torben was practicing very hard all week with Maury for this.
Bartholomew: Oh... He was serious about that?
Perun: Torben is very serious about everything. Could you pull that string over there? That’s the last one before I can get down.
Bartholomew: Which one? This one?
Perun: yep... that’s the one...
Bartholomew: Need a hand?
Perun: That’s your hook.
Bartholomew: Sorry. Force of habit. Now hurry up before Mondo gets all the stamp rewards.
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fujimen · 1 year
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whimsical white coded cockroach plot convenient guy
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This bracket is exclusively for Lightbearers and Guardians canon to the series.
Polls run for one week and are published every Wednesday at 2:45 EST.
During the Crown Bracket, multiple polls will be running at once.
In the event of a 1-1 tie, a one day tiebreaker match will be held.
Whoever wins the tiebreaker takes the versus.
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No targeted attacks of other players.
Propaganda is allowed, but be nice about it.
If your propaganda involves directly attacking a character in the poll you will be blocked.
Respect your fellow Guardians.
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Submissions are open for propaganda all tournament and new fighters to be added until we reach the final six.
Propaganda will not be added until the Blood Tournament. Because fuck me, man. I cannot manage it before.
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Factions will be fighting within themselves to claim the crown as representative for their own faction before moving to Blood Bracket. This is known as the Crown Bracket. Following the Crown Bracket, champions will face against champions of other factions in the Blood Bracket. Once we are down to the final six, the Champion Bracket begins. Winner of this faces against everyone's favorite motherfucker, YOU. The Young Wolf.
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May the best Guardian win.
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The Lucent Brood
The faithful of Savathun, Hive raised by Light, a heresy to Guardians.
Ken vs Savathûn, the Witch Queen Crownbearer: Ken
This previously had every member of the Lucent hive but fuck no that's too many. We narrowed it down to these two.
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Rogue Lightbearers
Risen beyond the City, no gods, no masters to tether them.
Ayrin vs Cenric - Victor: Ayrin
Gryphon-11 vs Otto - Victor: Grypon-11
Rience vs Thalia - Victor: Thalia
Crown Bearer: Thalia
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The Lords of the Dark Age, powerful Risen, beholdent to no one.
Benyo Lukacs vs Carnunta - Victor: Carnunta
Castor vs Cathal - Victor: Casotr
Citan vs Heyka-4 - Victor: Citan
Jaxxen vs Kandak - Victor: Kandak
Lord Shaxx vs "Red Man" - Victor: Shaxx
Reich vs Rience
Segoth vs "The Wake"
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The Iron Lords
The now silent howls in the night, the first Lightbearing defenders of the surviors.
Ashraven vs Bretomart - Victor: Ashraven
Colovance vs Crimil - Victor: Crimil
Deidris vs Dryden - Victor: Dryden
Efrideet vs Felwinter - Victor: Felwinter
Finnala vs Frostmire - Victor: Frostmire
Gheleon vs Gunnora
Haakon vs Jolder
Jorum vs Nirwen
Orewing vs Orimund
Perun vs Radegast
Saladin Forge vs Silimar
Skorri vs Timur
Tormod vs Weyloran
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The Vanguard
The elite of the elite, Guardian commanders supervising the actions of Guardians and the safety of the City.
Andal Brask vs Aparajita-4 - Victor: Andal Brask
Caliban-8 vs Cayde-6 - Victor: Cayde-6
Ikora Rey vs Kauko Swiftriver - Victor: Ikora Rey
Osiris vs Saint-14 - Victor: Saint-14
Tallulah Fairwind vs Commander Zavala - Victor: Commander Zavala
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The Guardians
The Light in the Dark, the protectors of the Last City, Risen given purpose, to fight, to die, to rise again, in the name of the Light.
Ana Bray vs Aunor Mahal - Victor: Ana Bray
Blue Boaz vs Dredgen Yor - Victor: Dredgen Yor
Eris Morn vs Fenchurch Evris - Victor: Eris Morn
Jarden Ward vs Marcus Ren - Victor: Marcus Ren
Randy vs Shin Malphur - Victor: Shin Malphur
Shiro-4 vs Taeko-3
The Crow vs The Drifter
The Speaker vs Tevis
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That's all we got.
Also don't fight me on The Drifter being in Guardians. He's part of the Light Alliance. He lives in the Tower. He works with the Vanguard. He's a Guardian.
Submissions are open, send in propaganda or suggest more Guardians to be added!
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a-rebellious-waffle · 4 months
Do you have a guardian oc? What fact about them you always want to share but never told because no one has asked the right question yet?
Oh, god, this takes me back ages lmfao
Yes. Yes I do. The facts you're getting are, like... so, so many of them.
Iron Lady Ema Talahashi, originally resurrected in the Dark Age, was a close friend of Ladies Skorri and Perun and was notable for almost single-handedly pioneering the Ionic Blade, an Arc-based form of the Dawnblade which she would use to great effect during fighting at Six Fronts, almost teleporting between opponents as she dueled Dregs, Vandals, Servitors, Captains, and once, even the Devils Kell--a duel in which she forced the Kell to retreat by ignoring her arm literally being torn off and forbidding her Ghost from healing her. During Six Fronts, she also pioneered "Transmat Resurrection"; by designating a safe zone for resurrection, Lady Talahashi could throw herself into an unwinnable battle without risk to her Ghost, who would simply transmat her dead body back to the safe zone before resurrecting her. This practice is still in use today, most famously by the Young Wolf and every Guardian that throws themselves off the Tower but resurrects on top of it.
Nicknamed the Iron Swordswoman, she served with distinction as the foremost blademaster until her death at Site Six. Her Ghost, Peppermint, would survive the fighting but lose her memory, limping back to the City while infected with SIVA.
Resurrected years later by Arclight, the very same Ghost but in a different shell, she would return to active duty, fighting throughout the events of Destiny 1 and 2. Rumours say she's still on duty rosters, but so far the only confirmed sightings of her in her customary Iron Lady gear with her Crown of Tempests are in the plaza near her house, where she reportedly killed forty Vex in ten seconds using her Ionic Blade.
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tadbitfooled · 10 months
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Face references for my By Request
Aella Dekarios (younger sister for Gale)
Arakhivaen Saliriador (Talilah's father)
Chiela Ancunin (little sister for Astarion)
Klaudius Sarrick (my staple villain OC (truescar of Loviatar))
Kyrirthlila Bluethorn (Talilah's mom)
Perun Dekarios (older or twin brother for Gale)
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cgsartwork · 10 months
Alexander is such an interesting OC! How did his relationship with Jack develop? Were they together in his previous life too? How does Alexander feel about the whole... homicide thing? :D
I think OC x Canon can be so precious. You inspired me to keep working on my own Record of Ragnarok OC ☺️
Awee! Man!! Do it! I'd love to see your RoR OC!!
And thank youu! I did put alot into him, so hearing that people like him really makes my day :)
And nah, while they did live during the same era, they actually never crossed paths! Which is bizarre even for them(and they do joke about it )
Him and Jack had a slowburn type of thing and met a good while before Ragnarok. Both met at the great Library of Valhalla when Alex wanted to get some Shakespeare books. Very cliché like but they both wanted to take the same book; Macbath. They're hands touched and they were both like "Oh! Apologies sir. Please take it" "No, please you take it"
Jack was utterly stubborn and polite so Alex ended up taking it. After a little chit chat where Alex already seemed to have fallen for the British man, Jack asked if they could rendezvous the next day since the little talk the two of them had was quite pleasant.
And so they slowly builded up their relationship, in fact both began to realise their feelings for one another, but they did not say anything, they had this "You two are acting like a couple/ like you're married" sort of thing which eventually resolved during Ragnarok. So yes, the romantic tension was real and so thick, everyone knew it.
But, when Ragnarok arrived and Jack was Introduced as Jack the Ripper, Alex left the arena and even was ready to cut ties with him. (Because he didn't know that Jack wasn't the Ripper and his sister did make sure the real Ripper ended in Nifelheim) But he was very torn apart between his feelings, but the guilt of possibly being in love with his sisters Murderer made it even more worse.
Of course him and Jack did talk it out! Jack got out of the infirmary and waited for Alex at the Academia Library, where he knew that the professor would work overtime. Jack explained everything to Alex and it calmed down after some while. That day they also admitted their feelings for one another, the unspoken kind of way.
Alex isn't necessarily fond of Jack's homicidal deeds but after learning the reason behind it, he understood it. However after remembering his past two incarnations, aka where he acted as a weapon for Perun and the Slavic Pantheon, he feels like he is not in thr position to judge.
But he trusts Jack a lot, so he kinda turns a blind spot on it. (Since in my AU Jack tries to change his ways)
Both are not that affectionate in public, but once at home, they can't keep their hands off of each other. They complete one another and simply adore each other.
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halfusek · 7 months
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my take on the minecraft strider :)
i have a headcanon for them that their legs are like hot and slightly fluid magma when they walk on lava
and when they got out of lava they get cold - and that's why they are so slow outside of it, because their legs basically become stone
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gallalctyka · 1 year
oooo wait i like ur ocs story even in shitpost small summary form tell me more :)))))))))
UAUAUAAAAAA..... alright then :3
okay so. like i said the whole premise is that, instead of the cold war ending by the fall of the eastern bloc and dissolution of the ussr, it ends with a world scale nuclear war that devastated mankind as we know it. not COMPLETELY wiped it out but. you know it was still pretty bad all things considered
the story focuses entirely on the eastern europe and the aftermath, as the action takes place a LONG time after the conflict. mankind is basically trying to rebuild itself from the ashes. think fallout or s.t.a.l.k.e.r. like (albeit i know the second one isn't technically post apocalyptic jdhgskh but i digress). ANYWAY the gimmick is that the long forgotten demons and spirits from slavic folklore have made themselves known after centuries (if not millennia) of hiding ^_^ they're fucking shit up!! well not all of them. many demons are cool actually. still dangerous as shit though
anyway with their "reawakening" so did the old faith. the slavic pantheon and old traditions are INTEGRAL to the lives and culture of the survivors. christianity who? (well it still kind of lingers i won't lie. considering the impact it had on our history but that's for another time). still, religion is a... tricky subject for some. as some people are understandably upset that the divine never came to stop the cataclysm from happening, ESPECIALLY since there are old tales of them actually showing up to aid after the fallout. but who knowsssss those are old sayings... wink wink
basically the whole thing is a mix of fantasy PURELY inspired by slavic mythology and sci-fi (there are ROBOTS HERE!!! soviet robots... and other weird soviet experiments that nobody knows what were for because nobody has any knowledge about technology anymore lol. oh also RADIOACTIVE MUTANTS) set in a post-apocalyptic setting
casimir is the main character!! a teenage disaster i tell you. they're basically a vagabond travelling between different settlements, their goal is to actually find a way to reach the Iron Curtain and to escape to the outside world (the whole eastern bloc is COMPLETELY unaware of what's going on outside). something something a metaphor of young eastern europeans running off to the west for better opportunities ANYWAY. the road to get there is basically unbeatable lol good luck trying to survive the ghouls lingering there. and if that won't stop you then good luck trying to pass through the Never Ending Storms. they're also a bounty hunter and Can Kill Demons. epic. something very useful. the story "starts" with them reaching lviv and kind of. getting stranded there?? but not really??? the details aren't important. what is important is that they're THERE
that's where they meet the brothers i mentioned! elias and nikolai :) they're old gruff men with an aura of mystery to them. elias is LOUD and very short tempered, emotional as all hell too. every emotion he has is explosive. he's definitely intimidating to a lot of people but once you start talking to him it's like to an old friend you've known all your life. he values camaraderie a lot. also he's a beast at parties. nikolai is more reclusive, always saying some ominous shit. you'd think he's the cool mysterious brother at first glance but really he's a chaotic freak that likes to fuck with people sometimes. mostly elias. but he is definitely more laidback of the two. one thing though is that their relationship is... VERY strained. to say the least. it's so bad to the point that basically EVERYONE IN THE CITY has no idea they are related. for all they know elias could chop off nikolai's head and nikolai could hex elias if given the right opportunity
oh right did i mention they are gods. perun and veles in fact, the two leading deities in the slavic mythology. that's fun. yeah they're basically undercover lol. you could even say retired. at least in elias's (perun's) case who feels unworthy of carrying the title of the "supreme god" after everything. nikolai (veles) is however more busy than ever being the god of death and afterlife. he feels like he's never going to rest - doesn't consider that a burden though, as he loves humanity. anyway they are DEPRESSED!
so when casimir comes into their lives they don't think much about it. elias doesn't even TRY to get attached because he never learned to cope with mortals passing. nikolai however decides to indulge in them... for one reason or another (:3) and it's like oh god. oh fuck i got attached. elias help. elias voice you're so pathetic watch me- oh no
honestly the one MOST against getting attached was casimir lol. all they wanted is some intel then they'd skeddadle outta there as fast as possible. people in this settlement were supposed to be nothing more than means to an end and now they ended up with TWO ADOPTIVE UNCLES and a CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. i love found family
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My Borderlands oc names are so funny.
On one hand we have shit like Scylla von Perun, an electrokinetic siren exiled princess from an ocean planet, named after a sea-borne terror and a Slavic god of fire, sky and thunder. Or Rebekah Jakobs, (blood) heiress apparent to the eponymous corporation, named after Jacob's mother from the book of Genesis (which also keeps with the theme of Jakobs related things having Biblical symbolism).
On the other hand we have shit like Samuel Hawking, a Primordial whose thing is radiation damage and being a cockroach, surname belonging to the astrophysicist who discovered that black holes emit radiation. Or Maxwell H. Lovelace, head of R&D at Jakobs, surname belonging to the woman considered to be the first programmer.
And then on the third hand we have Bartholomew, a Jakobs brand butlerbot whose name I picked solely bc it's long and old timey, or Alkimia, whose name I lifted directly from a Thaumcraft aspect.
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shikse · 2 years
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perun’s girlfriend
sword user/spy
im becoming her girlfriend now i think! sorryyyyyy
seriously tho spy ocs...... /pos
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infaernalfluffles · 2 years
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Inkls oc Perun
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azulsartdump · 2 years
Perun SSR Union Birthday
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~ Happy Birthday (Part 1) ~
Perun: Awww, Donar’s lucky he got Yunya as his interviewer. I was hoping I’d get a cutie like that...
Vectra: I... honestly don’t know whether to be relieved or offended.
Perun: Oh, Miss Schmee, you’re a real beauty, don’t get me wrong! Nobles just tend to have a lot of baggage, and I’m not really well equipped to deal with that.
Vectra: You know what? That’s fair. Good to know you’re at least self aware enough to admit that. Putting that aside, I’ll be your interviewer today, Perun. 
Perun: Thank you very much, Miss Schmee! I’ll be in your care.
Vectra: Well, first of all, I’d like to wish you a Happy Birthday! Here’s your present.
Perun: Son of a turkeyfish! This is the limited edition nail polish Maury and I were talking about! How’d you even get this? It’s been sold out on every beauty site for weeks!
Vectra: We nobles have our connections. I’m not giving up any more trade secrets for free, though. 
Perun: It’s even in the specific color I was hoping to get! I don’t ever remember telling Maury I wanted this shade. 
Vectra: It was a pretty easy guess. You tend to wear a lot of pinks when you’re not in uniform, so I assumed you’d want something within that color range. Pretty lucky I happened to get the exact shade you wanted though, huh?
Perun: I’d like to retract my statement about Donar being lucky from earlier. Miss Schmee, I’ll follow you to the ends of Twisted Wonderland!
~ Happy Birthday (Part 2) ~
Vectra: We should probably go ahead and start the interview now.
Perun: Sure thing! Go ahead, ask me anything.
Vectra: “If you could pick any student from Night Raven College to be your sibling, who would you choose?” Can’t choose anyone from our dorm, though.
Perun: Oooh, that’s a though question. Hmmmm, how ever am I going to choose? My brothers are so amazing already how could I- Kalim.
Vectra: Ah there you go again with the theatrics. Any reason why you chose Kalim though? I honestly thought you were gonna choose Cater. I always see you two hanging out and posting on Magicam together.
Perun: I mean, everyone in the Light Music Club is fair game. Kalim and I get along pretty well, though, and he already has a whole bunch of brothers and sisters. He’d definitely treat me, Donar, and Perun well. I mean, his family is loaded and all, but he really does love his siblings a lot, so I think he’s already an amazing brother!
Vectra: You know, you make a fair point. Considering you and your brothers are a package deal with the whole brother thing, Kalim is probably a pretty obvious choice.
Perun: Oh, but if we could pick from our dorm, you’d definitely be one of my top choices, Miss Schmee!
Vectra: Oh, really? Now that’s really unexpected.
Perun: I mean, I know I said nobles usually have a lot of baggage, but you seem like a really good sibling. You have some brothers if I remember correctly, and you really seem like you care about them a lot. 
Vectra: Aw, that’s real sweet of you, Perun. I hope you know, though, flattery won’t get you another bottle of that nail polish.
Perun: Tsk, worth a shot.
~ Happy Birthday (Part 3) ~
Vectra: Here’s the next question. “If you could join any dorm other than Octavinelle, which dorm would you choose?”
Perun: Geeze, that’s actually a tough question. Octavinelle is such a nice dorm, it’s really hard to imagine being in any other. If I really had to choose, though... Maybe Pomefiore? 
Vectra: Honestly, that makes a lot of sense. I could totally see you in Pomefiore.
Perun: Right? A cutie patootie like me would fit right in! Schoenheit-senpai seems like a pretty great dorm leader, too. He can be kind of strict with all the Pomefiore members, but I know I’d come out a more capable individual after all of his lessons.
Vectra: Huh, I didn’t think you were the type to think about stuff like that, Perun.
Perun: I mean, we all have things we can improve on, you know? No one’s really a 10/10 since there’s always something to work on with yourself. I like to think I’m always improving myself in some way, but it’d be nice to have someone as honest as Schoenheit-senpai to help point me in the right direction.
Vectra: You must really look up to Vil, huh?
Perun: What can I say? He’s someone who’s easy to admire. That being said, I really don’t think I’d transfer out of Octavinelle unless I was really forced to. Ashengrotto-senpai can be shady sometimes, but he’s a capable dorm leader. He really does do his best to make it a comfortable dorm to be in. I’m happy with my place in Octavinelle and I’m glad my brothers and I all got sorted into the same dorm.
Vectra: Well, that wraps up our interview! Thanks for being patient, Perun.
Perun: Of course! Thank you for your time, Miss Schmee!
Vectra: You know what comes up next, though, right?
Perun: Yeah its the “Gift of Good Wishes” if I remember correctly. Please go easy on me, Miss Schmee. I’m a very delicate eel!
Vectra: You’re not getting any mercy from me, so clench your teeth! Happy Birthday, Perun!
(Vectra is the wonderful @sunshine-apprentice​ ‘s OC)
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