#oc: raka
dracatty · 3 months
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hold on!
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thefuchsianeko · 11 months
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Yea I've been doing Huevember on the side... it's fun. Just drawing an oc for each prompt to keep it simple.
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tharayya · 1 year
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Vahnyshrdue / Vanae Rerdus
Tsaesci / early fourties.
Son of the Potentate Vhilandu-Koshae. Vanae was once a renowd general of Akavir's army in the second era, leading the assault at Vivec's Antlers. After his armies defeat though, he'd be captured and kept as a POW for many years and endure grueling torture for infomation which he never yields to. After escaping captivity, Vanae longs for both vengence and victory in battle.
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rybreadable · 1 year
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been too long since ive drawn FenNacht's twins together
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saclarclay · 10 months
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Raka, 3rd year, savana claw
He likes to disassociate n enjoy the sun
Idk man when i see those lemurs i was like—i have to—visualize—something—big mood
He got long legs but i suck at visualizing it
Insert big stretch that turns into a hug if someone’s nearby (usually clay is the ‘victim’)
This video of them, i saw it n i just had to—yknow—
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pureblood name tag masterlist
and because i hate myself more, why not make a pureblood taglist. for no fucking reason apparently
hi welcome to the pureblood show. i am not separating this by class or explaining we die like men
@snootysith if u would like to see an example of more absurdly long pureblood names :3c SPEAKING OF. i need to send u the lightsider lineage lore >:) thats where like 90% of these names came from
also funny is that i noticed i did not have one single î or ê in this mix at all. damn
this pretty much covers the wide array of castes that the nidulli decided on, but wouldnt have really existed in this way on medriaas wayyyy back then.
acedae is an example of what the nidulli would assume a religious family, with only the surnames of her parents' most dominant bloodline and a short blessing trait ("trailblazer" in low sith); sruhya and kharâ would be governmental, only carrying the most dominant maiden overall.
those with five names and a longer blessing are considered royalty to the nidulli. tsaidhâ, a priest (which is ironically still a different caste), carries seven names because he was adopted by a priest and decided to put their name before his birth family's.
all blessings but acedae + loirlâ's are in high sith. mazum doesn't have a blessing, since her family is disgraced.
uhhhh the handful of single names, were all former slaves who had their family names stripped from them. eventually i will go back to working on ffon's family :3
and i know i have a handful more purebloods to make but this should be. enough
#oc tag | [nikpiutiuth umirmi idojoin didroits ditsdai : ji diu ana awon ri wora]#oc tag | [sruhya âlinai]#oc tag | [kharâ rorwum]#oc tag | [iyiyoiw nikpiutiuth idojoin sruhya âlinai : tina iw ri sûta]#oc tag | [awarnoits nikpiutiuth idojoin sruhya âlinai : doryumi iw ri wora]#oc tag | [wrâsqi nikpiutiuth idojoin sruhya âlinai : wo diu tnoi na shorja]#oc tag | [shujlûw nikpiutiuth idojoin kharâ rorwum : ri kirti kinisirsa]#oc tag | [zûtsy nikpiutiuth idojoin kharâ rorwum : hadtirsiw iw ri sutbuwi]#oc tag | [tsaidhâ wolru nûyais wralkam zhijtsi laimz ohûshtu : satchi iw mnirji iwi]#oc tag | [okhonea rûlshoir nohqo awarnoits âlinai : citsirsi iw shias diâ wirmsi midwan]#oc tag | [litoin zhihaw yûdnûm hotu qainwi : ri anas waria sosûtumrikiai wuts]#oc tag | [zhûnum okhonea âlinai litoin qainwi : dzuontai iw ri aiksosûtus ra raka]#oc tag | [samtâs zoikzûn târshin litoin yûdnûm : ri snaâ winasi kûts]#oc tag | [tiyya makar krishtais samtâs umirmi : ri tzirji inichasirs iw dziu]#oc tag | [cas'lava tiyya umirmi crohlava âlinai : ri snaâ tatyiji irwasa]#oc tag | [azhadtsûz sotskor jakush ruwqâsh nomjair : jiso asarsi isarji an ra rita]#oc tag | [mulaish tiyya umirmi azhadtsûz jakush : mohtini mohtina ir ri ahctibûn ardkûiauh tiranjûu]#oc tag | [krûlkai usahi ujûnow savba iquqkisy : m'tye kuris valia eikutyr]#oc tag | [acedae owonos ketuath : berbtueutr]#oc tag | [loirlâ usahi ujûnow tsawoish huymât : jivani kojasi]#oc tag | [mazum chihdush upikzi / chodi zhalua hitar]#oc tag | [akizâ]#oc tag | [tsaijoi]#oc tag | [râjjû]#oc tag | [wayaish]#oc tag | [ireaxua]#oc tag | [cotgi]#oc tag | [vahaes]#oc tag | [lora]#oc tag | [makoish]
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rakassauce · 2 years
hi!!! I'm raka. I am genderfluid, go by she/he/they pronouns, and I am an artist! I've always loved drawing since I was little :> it let me express my over-active imagination, and has just always made me really happy in general. Like my bio states, I'm in a WHOLE lot of fandoms (Ace Attorney, Legend of Zelda, Scooby-Doo, DC, etc.), and I tend to get really hyperfixated on stuff, so I could be posting/talking about one thing for MONTHS on end. I'm really wanting to make a webcomic featuring my beloved ocs one day too. I hope y'all enjoy the art that I put out, and love my ocs as much as I do (when I finally post about them and stop being a shy bi-). I'm down to talk whenever and make friends whenever
I tend to be a bit disorganized, so my bad if my posting schedule/posts in general are...questionable. I only ever really post when I feel like it, so I could go silent for months, or just start posting sporadically in minutes.
I normally do traditional art, but I wanted to try my hand at digital art, since it's been a few years since I've done it. Another prime reason was because I wanted a new pfp. I figured this would be good for my first post on here, so I hope you enjoy :>
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henkiystavat · 2 months
Kyllä minä tiesin.
En vain halunnut uskoa.
Ilmari oli niin hyvä ystävä sinulle ja halusi sinun parasta. Siksi hän ehdotti minua tanssittaessa, että opettaisi sinua. Seurasin intoa puhkuen kun tanssitte, kikattelin kun siitä ei meinannut tulla mitään. Olit jo luovuttamassa.
Sitten Ilmari sanoi jotain. Te katsoitte toisianne silmiin tavalla, jolla vain rakastavaiset katsovat. Sitten tanssista tulikin jotain, niin koreaa ja upeaa että kaikki ihastelivat. Ilmari nauroi ja sinä hymyilit sellaista raukeaa, aitoa hymyä jota et koskaan hymyillyt minulle. 
Kyllä minun sydämeni silloin tiesi, kun se hehku ei säilynyt sinussa minun kanssa tanssiessa. Ne tanssit olivat sinulle kuin suoritus josta tuli saada täydellinen arvosana. Sellaista minun riiaaminen sinulle oli, suorittamista. Mutta olin vain naiivi tyttö, joka palvoi sinua rakkautenaan ja suljin siksi silmäni totuudelta. Olin luonut mielessäni meille elämän, josta yritin viimeiseen asti pitää kiinni. Kait sinäkin, kun et rakkauttasi ystävääsi kohtaan pystynyt hyväksymään.
Vaikka kyllä sen näki.
Kyllä sen näki, Unto hyvä. 
Olit niin rakastunut poika.
Kun lähdin rintamalle lotan puvussa, kirjoittelin sinulle vielä uskossa, että saisin edes hippusen siitä rakkaudesta, kaiken jälkeen. Koska olin hölmö lapsi joka ei tiennyt elämästä mitään, ennen kuin se hiipui käsissäni pidellessäni kuolevia miehiä. Jopa he, jotka eivät tienneet nimeäni, takertuivat minuun enemmän kuin sinä koskaan. 
Siellä myös näin miehiä, jotka katsoivat toisiaan kuin sinä ja Ilmari teitte. Siellä minä ymmärsin, mikä hölmö olin ollut. Ehkä minun olisi pitänyt kauhistella sitä jonain luonnonoikkuna, mutta totta puhuen ei minua jaksanut kiinnostaa enää puhe synnistä ja paheesta. He olivat löytäneet toisensa. Te olitte löytäneet toisenne.
Minä annoin nuoruuteni siellä. Menetin uskoni Jumalaan sekä sinuun, hautasin ne sinne Karjalan metsiin. Kasvoin naiseksi, joka oppi polttamaan tupakkaa hermojen rauhoittamiseen ja näyttämään hapanta naamaa upseereille, jotka luulivat omistavansa jonkun etuoikeuden minuun.
Minä löysin Laurini, joka haavojensa hoitamisesta toi lääkintäteltalle minulle kukkasia, itse poimimia. “Tyyne-neidille.” Siellä oltiin tappamassa ja kuolemassa, mutta se halusi tuoda minulle sellaisessa paikassa kukkia. Ei sillä ollut taka-ajatuksia, kunhan oli kasvatettu siskokatraan toimesta herrasmieheksi. Sitä ei sota pilannut. Sitä ei kiinnostanut että olin Enqvist, että olisin muka ihanteellinen vaimo vain koska olin papin tytär. 
Toivo ei siitä olisi tykännyt, koska se oli “liian hempeä mieheksi.” Isä olisi kokenut sen älyn alhaisena, koska Lauri änkyttää. Äiti olisi pyöritellyt silmiään, koska oli kasvattanut minut paremmin. Niinhän ne tekevät kun vien Laurin sodan jälkeen kotiin näytille, mutta tässä vaiheessa olen nainen joka on kokenut enemmän, kuin äitini koko elämänsä aikana tulisi kokemaan. Tulinpahan vaan näyttämään että tässä on minun omani, se minulle tarkoitettu. Joka rakastaa minun nokkeluuttani, ihailee viisauttani ja saa minut aidosti nauramaan. Me olemme hyvät toisillemme. 
Sinun eteen tuon myös Laurin, sattumalta. 
Sinä pidät hänestä. Hän tuo mieleesi pojan, jonka hyväntuulisuus pehmensi sinunkin särmät kulmat, joka rauhoittaa sinut ja saa sinut nauramaan. 
Olen huojentunut, jopa tyytyväinen että hyväksyt hänet. Vaikka en minä sellaista hyväksyntää hae enää keneltäkään. Sinäkin olet helpottunut, kun kerron etten kanna sinulle kaunaa: että minä osaan ymmärtää tavallani, mitä kamppailua nuoruus sinulle oli. 
Me olemme kumpikin sodan käyneitä. Se on tehnyt meistä välinpitämättömiä siitä, mitä meiltä halutaan. 
Sinä kasvat vanhaksi ukoksi hymypoikasi kanssa. Minä menin hölmön kanssa naimisiin, josta perheeni ei tykkää. 
“Ei meistä olisi kovin onnellisia tullut”, tokaisen sen, mitä me kumpikin ajattelemme.
"Eipä niin", sinä naurahdat, vapautuneena.
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blogthebooklover · 4 months
I'll Never See Him Again (Mae)
Author's Note: Here's the one from Mae's perspective, once again inspired by Disney's Pocahontas. This is also available on Wattpad. I've included three human OCs for this one shot! I also snuck two familiar names from Supernatural, however, it is not the beloved characters exactly lol. This is also my first time writing a character who is nonbinary/genderfluid/androgynous; and the character uses they/them pronouns. I did my absolute best to be as respectful as I could. I also apologize in advance if there is any indication of negative stereotypes, because that was not the intention.
They took him.  Her human companions took Noa.  All because he wanted to see her again.  Mae dropped to her knees and buried her face in her hands.  She was only trying to help rebuild the human race, under the direction of her leader.  On her mission, the only ones to show any sort of empathy and compassion to her, were the evolved orangutan and chimpanzee.  So soon after the deaths of her team.  
Her affiliation and alliance with them during that time, created the beginning of a conflict within herself.  The girl raised a hand to her neck, and pulled out the medallion of Caesar.  The last connection to Raka as well.
It was Noa’s gift to her to reflect on their time and her grief.
And it was the first one that wasn’t given to her by her parents or friends.
She felt tears stream down her cheeks as she clasped the medallion in her hands.  Mae did not consider herself to be spiritual or religious, she remembered her history lessons about the past 200-300 years and before.  How humans always had conflicts regarding religion and science.  However, whomever this Caesar was to the apes, she prayed silently to him.  She went down on her knees, still clasping the necklace in her hand.  The young woman prayed for Noa’s safety.
Her silent prayer was interrupted by the sounds of footsteps coming down the hall.  It was a former classmate of hers, from her history lessons as a child.  That’s right, they went by Gem now and presented as androgynous.  “Mae,” they said, crouching down to the girl’s level, “are you all right?”  
“No, I’m not,” the girl replied, “they took my…my friend.”   
“That monkey?”
“He’s an ape, not a monkey.”
“Sorry,” Gem muttered, “is he…the one you mentioned on your journey above?”
Mae nodded, sucking in her lips to keep from crying again, “All this happened because he helped me, and I…I almost killed him…Twice.  And now…I don’t know what our commanding officers will do to him.  Either keep him for experiments or kill him.”  “He was already outside the bunker, Mae,” Gem explained calmly, placing their hand on Mae’s shoulder, “he had a weapon on him.”
“Merely for protection,” Mae argued, “I’ve seen it for myself.”  Gem bit the inside of their cheek, thinking about the next thing to say.  
“Forgive me, but were you praying just now?” they raised an eyebrow toward her.  Mae decided she couldn’t lie anymore and nodded her head in response.  “I don’t recall you being the religious type.”  Mae felt a small smile tug at the corners of her lips, but it didn’t reach her eyes, “Perhaps I did so for my friend’s sake.”
Gem’s head shot up quickly, they had an idea.  “C’mon, I know what to do.”
An hour later, Gem and Mae walked down the hallway deep inside the bunker.  The two came upon a laboratory the scientists and doctors used for research, as well as an infirmary.  Two guards, who were also former classmates from Mae’s history lessons, stood watch over the entrance of the lab.  Gem greeted the two, giving each a nod, “Dean, Sam.”  The two returned the greeting. 
“Mae wishes to speak to the prisoner,” Gem explained sternly, maintaining strong eye contact with their former classmates.  “On what grounds?” Dean asked, placing his hands on his hips.  Mae bit her lip, thinking up any lie she could to get into the lab to see Noa.  Then it hit her, “I have some questions for him.”
“The general already interrogated the prisoner,” explained Sam, reciting it like he had memorized the words from a textbook.  Gem and Mae exchanged a quick glance with each other.  “He sent me to conduct further questions,” Mae lied, sensing the subtle change in the atmosphere.  She secretly hoped the two guards bought the lie.  
It was Dean who caved in, “Be quick, they might return at any moment.”  He turned around and punched in the key code for the door.
He stepped to the side to let Mae through.  The young woman glanced over her shoulder to Gem, offering them a small smile in thanks.  Gem returned it in kind.  Mae inhaled a deep breath, and stepped through the door.  
Mae walked into the lab and glanced around for any sign of Noa.  It was dimly lit and there was the low hum of the computers.  Her blue eyes widened slightly when she eventually found him.  
They placed Noa in a cage.
His back was turned to her, he was hunched over and she could see he was hugging himself tightly.  Mae walked slowly over to the young ape, when she was in front of the cage, she crouched down to his level.  She reached out her hand slowly to him, debating on whether to touch his shoulder.  Regardless of his cognitive abilities being so close to humans, he was still an animal.  
And just like humans, animals did not belong in cages.
She lowered her hand and called out softly to him, “Noa?”  The young ape perked up at the sound of her voice, and glanced over his shoulder.  When he saw it was her, he turned around fully to face her.  Noa locked his golden jade eyes with her own sky blue ones.  It was the same expression he had given her, when her human companions took him away.  It was also the same one he had that day, when she aimed her pistol at Proximus Caesar.  A silent plea.
“Mae,” he whispered, reaching his hand through the bars.  She took hold of it with both of hers.  The young woman noticed how huge just his one hand was between her own.  She felt tears well up again in her eyes.  The ape took notice of her tears, reaching up his free hand and softly brushing his knuckles against her cheek to wipe them away.  He cupped her face with that same hand and she leaned into it.
There was only one thing that was on her mind.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered.
“For what?”
“For getting you placed here.  For lying to you.  For…for almost killing you and your clan.”
Noa’s eyes widened slightly at this, this time she was sure he could read the sincere truth in her eyes.  “Mae…” he couldn’t find the words to respond to her.  However, there was one way.  The hand cradling her cheek gently pulled her closer, as best as he could from the bars, he placed his forehead against hers.  She breathed a shuddering exhale against his lips.  She felt the emblem of Caesar brush against his chest.    
 The young chimp inhaled through his nostrils, she briefly wondered if he had picked up her scent.  “I am sorry, too,” Noa whispered, “I should not…have come here.  But I am glad…I did.”  Mae pulled back slightly to look at him, biting her lower lip, debating on what to say next to him.  “Maybe…it would’ve been better if we never met,” she said , choosing her words as carefully as she could.  However, she doubted the chimpanzee in front of her believed her words.  He was too intelligent for that, briefly recalling their conversation in Trevethan’s room, and what was supposed to be their farewell outside of his village.
“I do not regret it,” Noa breathed against her lips, “I see you…as my friend.”
Mae felt more tears well in her eyes, she felt Noa’s thumb gently stroking her cheek, brushing away the ones that fell.  In the distance, she heard the door to the lab open and Gem calling out, “Mae, we have to go.”
The young woman sighed sadly, nodding her head so slowly it was hard to tell.  Noa noticed it, though.  “You must go,” he whispered, letting go of her face, “your clan is coming.”  Mae locked eyes with the male chimp once more, “Noa…”  “You will always be my friend,” he whispered, she noticed there were tears welling in his golden jade eyes.  He took a gentle hold of the medallion between them, “Important.”  She let her tears fall like the last time he said that word. 
She stood up, the move forcing Noa to release the necklace, she still had a hold on to his large hand.  She briefly glanced down at their entwined hands, noticing how small hers was compared to the chimpanzee’s.  The young woman reluctantly let go of the ape’s hand, which was still in the air reaching out to her.  Mae turned away slowly, walking toward the door to the hall.
When the door shut behind her, she could hear Noa release a feral screech of pain and sadness.  She could also hear the banging of the bars, she darkly imagined he was throwing his whole body at them.  Mae rolled her fingers into fists, clenching so tight her knuckles turned white, to keep from releasing more tears again.
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hotchocolatefanfics · 2 months
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Potential new Kingdom OC I’m playing around with.
I’m still figuring out her story but, like Trevathan, she was found by Proximus’s apes and taken into the ship but unlike Trevathan and Mae, she is primitive and mute though she does communicate through limited signs.
Proxy’s reasoning for taking her in was to observe up close how primitive most humans are and if they pose any threat-which he decided they weren’t but are capable of learning. He mostly uses her for entertainment as Trevathan taught her how to do tricks.
Despite the hostility she’s faced from apes, she likes them and often seeks out their company. The few signs she uses she learned from Sylva and Lightning (albeit by accident).
My thought is, after blowing up the wall and flooding the vault, Mae starts to leave but the girl (who is about seven to eight years old) finds her and Mae couldn’t bring herself to leave her so she takes her with her.
Later, she is very confused and sad to leave Noa and the other apes as she thought she and Mae would live among them (having known no other living arrangements) but hugged Noa goodbye, signing “Noa friend.” before she and Mae leave.
Not much is known about her background but it can be assumed Proxy found her as a small child since she’s so used to humans and apes living together.
Also, while Noa would have called her Nova (like how he and Raka called Mae at first), Mae likely would have named her something else.
Possible names for her, Rue, Sunny, Sadie, Hailey (I have too many name ideas lol)
OC and sketch belong to me (will color in later)
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dracatty · 4 months
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I am very normal about Vlora
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thefuchsianeko · 11 months
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Finishing off my Inktober reposts with some from last year... Not too bad of a year tbh. But it was different than usual bc I had to use my bigger sketchbook instead of a smaller one.
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scalecallerpeak · 10 months
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I actually had a lot of work doodles I've not uploaded
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reddjackal · 6 months
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new oc part of steel city, Raka, he is a chimera.
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kaunisbaby · 1 month
thank you my beloved @lostintheparsec @lnights @askeataiho and @dominuslunae the tag!!
last song: hei rakas - behm
favorite color: black, pink, deep red
last movie/tv show: nothing really. i watch case a prima vista every day like the true italian experience demands for this summer
sweet/spicy/savory: spicy! and savory
relationship status: single 5ever
last thing googled: probably something about illnesses i convince myself i have <3
current obsession: blind channel and finland and the usual
last book: waste of eternity by anais nin
looking forward to: literally nothing bc i came back from my vacation yesterday
three ships: idk i ship myself with band dudes
currently working on: my first oc fanfic 🥰🥰🥰
tagging: @ladysorbus @samyelbanette @xyelissax @darkerthanblack-666 @tomorrows-unknown @spectralstormcloud
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apehome · 3 months
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Kingdom of The Planet of The Apes OC: Athena! (reposted from my main blog; I forgot how I used to introduce my OC’s on here so I’m just jumping in lol)
Name: Athena
Age: Adult
Species: Bonobo
Sex: Female
Status: Alive
Family: Proximus Caesar (Former husband(forced marriage)), Farah, Orchid, Julia (daughters), Albus, Felix, and Arlo (sons)
Allies: Noa, Soona, Anaya, Dar, Raka (depends on use but also Sylva and Lightning)
Enemies: Proximus Caesar, humans (depends on use but also Mae)
Appears in: The King’s Shadows https://archiveofourown.org/works/56893177
Personality: Athena was Sylva and Lightning’s childhood friend but their friendship was purposefully destroyed by Proximus Caesar when he forced Athena to marry him and had her isolated from her friends. She attempted to escape once but was betrayed by Sylva and Lightning when she tried to convince them to come with her. She had six children with Proximus and while she loves all of them, she and her children fear and hate Proximus for all that he stands for.
By extension, Athena also hates Caesar’s teachings and is highly distrustful of humans-this is made worse later after Mae causes the explosion in front of the vault. She doesn’t hate humans, but she thinks they are inherently selfish and anything they do they do to benefit themselves.
She and Sylva and Lightning grew up together and were very close (much like Noa, Soona, and Anaya) so their betrayal by taking her back to Proximus after her escape attempt broke all trust and confidence she had in them. She was also deeply hurt and saddened to see how brutal Sylva became as Proximus’ follower and that Lightning went along with it. Despite this, she still cared about them and was heartbroken when they both died.
Athena later joins Eagle Clan with her children, happily throwing away all ties to Proximus’ kingdom for a new life. Ultimately, Athena just wants to be free and her children to live happy lives somewhere safe.
Edit cause I forgot!: Somewhere in the back of my mind, there’s an AU where Sylva and Lightning survived and left the coast for a new life with Athena and her children somewhere far away. Their friendship with Athena rekindled and restored and her children seeing Sylva and Lightning as their uncles.
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