#otp: together strong
blogthebooklover · 2 days
Smite The Wicked/Into The Sunlight
Author's Note: This one shot is based on Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame. This is almost 7 pages long on my Google Doc, lol. I do have a fan art WIP of this scene, be on the lookout for that soon. This is also available on Wattpad and FFN. I do not own Planet of the Apes, or The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
Noa burst through the door, smiling widely and feeling ecstatic, “We did it!  We beat them back, Mae!  Come, come, come and see.”  He was about to leave to see the victories again, and briefly turned his head to look over his shoulder.  Mae was lying unconscious on a bed, in a small dark room and she wasn’t moving.  Noa went down on all fours and hopped over to check on her.  “Mae, you are safe…now,” he said, nudging her arm carefully.  The female human still did not move.  Noa placed his hand on her forehead, and then stroked her temple with the backs of his fingers.  She felt cold to the touch, like from being outside too long in the winter or during a rainstorm in the spring and summer.
“Mae?” he asked softly, and then his golden jade eyes widened slightly, “oh no.”
The young chimp grabbed his canteen of water nestled along his hip, cradled the human’s head in his other hand, and brought it to her lips.  The water dripped down the sides of her mouth and cheeks.  Noa’s eyes widened this time in fear and shock.  He dropped his canteen, not caring about it spilling onto the floor and soaking into his fur.  “Oh n-no…,” he whispered, taking hold of her small hand in his, squeezing it as gently as he could.  
He felt tears well up in his eyes, as he gently wrapped the human female in his arms.  Burying his face in her neck, he let out soft sobs, his shoulders bobbing as he tried to hold back from sobbing and hooting too loudly.  
Behind him in the doorway, Anaya, Soona and his mother Dar glanced in when he entered to tell Mae the news.  They saw Noa bring his canteen up to Mae’s lips for some water, only for her not to take it at all.  The three apes glanced at each other in concern and sadness for the young ape and his human friend.  Soona embraced Dar, burying her head in the older ape’s shoulder.  Dar gently stroked the younger female’s head, keeping an eye on her son and feeling tears well in her own brown orbs.  Anaya reached out to pull the door shut to give Noa some privacy, and a chance to say goodbye to the Echo.
Noa cradled Mae’s unconscious body in his arms, gently stroking her cheek with the backs of his fingers.  He had placed her head against his shoulder, gently brushing away strands of her hair from her face.  The young ape bit his bottom lip, as he tried his best not to hoot in sadness.  Noa was too far gone into his mourning to take notice of the door opening again.  Or the heavy footsteps coming up behind him.  He then felt someone’s hand on his shoulder, looming over him and his friend.
“Is she dead?” asked Proximus Caesar darkly.
“Because of you,” Noa accused weakly.  
“It was… my duty for…apes.”
“Duty?!  For apes?! ”
“In the name of Caesar,” the bonobo king huffed, “to keep apes strong.”  Noa shot the barest, most hurtful and hateful of glances over his shoulder at the bonobo.  “The true Caesar…wanted to live…in harmony with… humans,” the young ape argued weakly, putting an emphasis on the word true.  Proximus sighed audibly through his nostrils, before growling slowly, “I am the true Caesar.  My words…the apes follow.”
The bonobo king turned away from Noa, releasing the younger ape’s shoulder.  “Now, we are rid of the human girl.  We will find more…and make them…our slaves.  Better yet…we will kill them all…and this world will be ours.”
Noa had placed Mae back down on the bed, and laid her hands on top of each other over her stomach, and lightly patted them before standing up to face the bonobo.  “Kill…all humans?!  Caesar cared for humans…as well as apes.  And…there can be no world…without humans…without her,” the young ape interjected defeatedly, gesturing to the human girl behind him.  “Mae…made her choice…Noa,” Proximus said, glancing over his shoulder at the chimpanzee, “she died for humans…and humans are always selfish.  They do not…know how to…love.”
“‘Humans… do not know…how to love?’” Noa repeated before challenging Proximus, feeling his hackles rising along his neck and shoulders “and what…do you know of love?  Who do you love?!”  He suspected his golden jade eyes were wild with grief and anger, because he noticed the bonobo’s own brown eyes widened slightly and inhaled sharply.
“I…I love my kingdom,” Proximus for once in his life, stumbled on his words, “I tried to make you understand, Noa.  That humans are…wicked and weak.  To teach you…the ways of Caesar.  But I was wrong…you are also…weak.”  Noa curled his fingers into fists, and gave the bonobo the most deathly glare he could muster.  “No…you are the weak one…  You are the wicked one…  ‘And the wicked shall not go unpunished!’”  The young ape repeating the words the bonobo used during one of his speeches.  
Proximus snarled at Noa before lunging forward to grab the chimp.  Noa was two steps ahead of him, bending at the waist and tackling the bonobo right through the open door.  The chimpanzee banged his fists into the bonobo’s face and chest, screeching so loud it rang through the air.  He simply did not care anymore, now that Mae laid dead in the room behind him.  
Proximus grunted as he kneed Noa in the abdomen and pushed him off.  The bonobo beat the younger one in the face and chest.  The chimp could feel blood, he couldn’t tell if it was his own or the older ape’s.  Noa grabbed Proximus by his shoulders, and headbutted the bonobo as hard as he could.
He stumbled off of the chimp, and Noa crawled away from the false king.  The young ape felt a hand wrap around his ankle, dragging him back to the bonobo.  Noa kicked Proximus in the face with his other foot, causing the bonobo to release his ankle.  The force from the kick was enough for the older ape to knock against the metal railing of the ship.  Proximus became disoriented when his head banged against it.
Back in the small room, Mae stirred awake, blinking rapidly for her eyes to adjust in the forthcoming dawn.  She brought a hand to her face and head, checking for any signs of injury.  She turned her head to survey her surroundings, the young woman was in a small room and was lying down on a cot with a worn blanket underneath her.  There was a door to her right, and she could hear the sounds of apes fighting each other.  She gasped softly when she heard Noa screech in pain, and the other ape he was fighting was Proximus Caesar.  Mae heard the older ape’s head bang against the metal railing, and Noa coming into view in the doorway.
She called out weakly, reaching out for him, “Noa!”
The young chimp turned his head, his golden jade eyes glistened in surprise and unshed tears of happiness at her.  He hopped over to her on all fours, and crouched in front of her.  “Mae,” he exhaled, grabbing her outstretched hand and feeling relief that she was alive.  He gently picked her up in his strong arms, and she wrapped her own around his neck.  
As quickly as he could, Noa carried Mae out of the room and ventured further into the ship to find a place to hide.  Eventually, the chimp placed the girl onto his back, and climbed up into the rafters.  From their hiding spot, Noa could see Proximus had come out of his disoriented state and was searching for them.  The bonobo growled in frustration, sniffing the air for their scents, but the salt from the ocean was too thick to trace them.  The chimp stiffened when he noticed Proximus was right under them now.  He felt Mae tightened her grip slightly around his neck and chest.  
Then the bonobo glanced above into the rafters.
“Going somewhere?” he snarled in wicked delight, before ascending up to where they were.
           Noa told the girl to hang on as he climbed further away from the approaching bonobo.  The chimp swung from rafter to rafter, he felt Mae hold on as tightly as she could on his back.  They could hear Proximus along the rusted metal, prompting Noa to climb faster.  He could feel Mae losing her grip around his torso.  He had to hurry to find a safe place for them.  The young chimp found an opening to the deck of the ship, swung from a metal rafter, and pulled himself and Mae through it.
Mae let go of the ape at once, when she was safely on the deck.  He was about to join her when something grabbed him by the ankle, his eyes widening in surprise.  He was pulled back down into the opening, releasing a screech of fear as he disappeared.  “NOA!” Mae screamed, reaching out for his hand through the opening.
Proximus threw Noa onto a rafter, the younger ape hitting his head against it.  The bonobo placed his foot on the chimp’s chest, slowly pressing down as he sneered, “I thought… you were like me, Noa.  I was wrong…”  Proximus leaned down further, pressing even more into Noa’s chest, causing the chimp to choke.  The young chimp could feel himself becoming lightheaded.
“Your heart is too…human!”
Noa growled at the bonobo, grabbing onto his ankle and using whatever strength he had left, pulled the older ape’s foot off his chest and tossed him to the side.  The bonobo grunted in pain when he hit the metal wall of the ship.  The young chimp pushed himself up, looking around for the way he took to get to the opening.  Proximus struggled to get up, feeling disoriented from the force.  The older ape pushed himself up, only to slip on a wet patch of dirt and grime on the rusted metal.
Proximus grabbed hold of the edge of the rafter, hanging on with whatever strength he had left.  The bonobo growled in frustration as he contemplated a way to get to the younger ape, and finish him off once and for all.  There was a loud creak in the metal, the wet spot had created an indentation in the rafter and then it snapped in half.  Proximus hooted loudly in fear as his half broke off and dangled in the air.  The bonobo screeched out for Noa to help him.
The young chimpanzee was halfway near the opening to the deck, when Proximus had called out to him.  The bonobo was dangling from half of the rusted rafter of the ship.  Noa dared to briefly look down at the bottom of the ship’s interior.  It was a very large and long fall from where he was, and where Proximus Caesar was still hanging on to the metal half.  The chimp made eye contact with the bonobo, the older ape reaching out his hand in desperation.
Noa growled in frustration at this predicament.  From the opening to the deck, he could hear Mae yell out for him.  He turned his head to look at her, the human female was halfway through the opening and reaching out her hand to his.  The chimpanzee gritted his front teeth together, contemplating whether to help Proximus, or grab the human female’s hand to safety.
There was another creak in the metal, and Noa quickly turned his head toward the sound.  The rafter half where Proximus was dangling from had moved again, this time away from the other side of the ship.  The bonobo screamed out for Noa to help him again, reaching out his elongated arm to the chimp.  The younger ape knew it was useless to do so from the far distance between them.
Noa could only think of one thing to say to the disgraced king.
“I agree with you…on one thing.  My heart is too human…”
The bonobo roared at him as the rafter broke completely off, and the reverberation from the metal caused the older ape to let go.  Proximus fell into the recesses of the ship, with the rafter following after.  Noa could hear both the older ape hitting the bottom and the metal rafter falling on top of him.  The chimpanzee winced at the sound as it echoed throughout the ship.
Noa closed his eyes briefly, he didn’t know if it was a moment of silence for the bonobo, or utter shock from such a gruesome way to die.  He inhaled sharply through his nostrils before ascending upward to the human female reaching out to him.  The young chimp clasped his large hand as gently as he could around Mae’s much smaller hand.  She had some help from Anaya and Soona as all three of them pulled him through the opening.  The two chimpanzees embraced him tightly, hooting in happiness that their childhood friend was safe.  They touched their foreheads with each other, huffing lightly with joy as Dar approached as well to wrap her son in his arms.  He touched his forehead with his mother, feeling grateful that his friends and family were safe.
Noa turned his attention to Mae after his mother released him from her embrace.  The human female stood there shyly, her gaze not quite looking at him as he approached her.  
It was Mae who eventually stepped forward and wrapped her small arms around his neck.  The young chimp was shocked at first that it was the human who initiated this intimate gesture.  He slowly wrapped his arms around her, one around her back and the other stroking her hair gently.  He felt her small hand grasp the fur along his shoulders, burying her face in the crook of his neck.  She felt so small in his strong arms, he suspected she felt perfectly comfortable at the same time.  Noa would keep that thought and feeling to himself.
She pulled back to look into his golden jade eyes.  The human female had a small smile on her lips, and he returned it in kind.  
He felt a hand on his shoulder, turning his head slightly to his left, he noticed it was his mother with Soona and Anaya next to her.  The older female chimp gently took his hand and Mae’s into her own, and placed them on top of each other before placing hers on top of their entwined hands.  
Then Anaya placed his own hand on top of Dar’s and then Soona.  “Together strong,” Dar said softly.  Noa noticed the tears streaming down Mae’s cheeks.
He raised his free hand to her cheek, and gently wiped away her tears with the backs of his fingers.  That small smile from earlier was still on both of their faces.
The four apes and the human female joined the rest of the Eagle clan in the courtyard of Proximus’s domain.  Anaya surged forward, hooting in delight and encouraging the others to join him.  Dar and Soona stayed behind with Noa, taking in the celebration going on around them.  Noa looked around for Mae, until he glanced over his shoulder behind him.  
She was standing in the shadows of the rusted ship, her right hand grasping her left forearm and looking away at something in the distance.  The young chimp huffed lightly before nodding to himself, and slowly approached the young human.  
 He reached out his hand to her, offering her a small smile.  Mae glanced down at his large hand before meeting his golden jade eyes.
He nodded slowly, silently telling her it was all right.  She placed her hand into his, and he pulled her into the light of the day.
Noa led the human female over to his mother, Anaya and Soona, and turned to the remaining Eagle clan.  The rest of the clan stood there silently in the courtyard, staring at the human female next to their new leader.  
Mae glanced around at the Eagle Clan, her grip on Noa’s hand tightening slightly in anxiety.  She could feel all eyes on her, some of the apes closest to the quintet had sniffed in the air around her.  She couldn’t tell if they were scenting her as a friend, or sniffing in utter disgust as a foe.
Then, a young female child ape approached her slowly.
The child ape glanced back briefly at her mother, the older female raising her hand in a way of saying it was okay.  The little ape turned back and came to a stop in front of Mae.
The child ape blinked slowly, moving her head up and down taking in the human’s appearance.  Mae let go of Noa’s hand when she crouched down to the child’s level.  
The little ape cocked her head to the side in curiosity, hooting lowly under her breath.  Then, the child reached forward and brushed the backs of her fingers against Mae’s smooth cheek.  The human gasped softly at the contact, before giving in and slowly embracing the little ape.  The little ape placed her forehead against Mae’s, accepting the human entirely.  Mae felt fresh tears stream down her face in joy.
A few more child apes approached Mae, cautious at first, and then began touching her hair and clothes in curiosity and wonder.  The human smiled at the ape children around her.
One of the child apes grabbed Mae’s hand, and began leading her into the crowd of the Eagle clan.  The other apes lightly brushed their knuckles against the human’s clothes and arms as she passed them.
Noa looked on proudly as Mae traversed through the Eagle clan, his people accepting the human as one of their own.
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hayakaws · 9 months
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watching owari no seraph and shipping mikayuu at the age of 12 and reading owari no seraph and shipping mikayuu at the age of 20
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dylanconrique · 2 months
i just finished tonight's episode.... i need a long hug.
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tophsazulas · 3 months
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make me choose @userlaylivia asked s3 spelivia or s4 spelivia
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abushelandablog · 1 year
A series that has killed and revived and killed this user
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rosehathawhey · 7 months
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whitedahlia13 · 11 months
Hey, so after the TW movie came out, even though I have never and will never watch it, it kind of ruined stydia for me for a *long* time. But this week I accidentally read a sterek story (you know that annoying thing where it's tagged as gen and you only realise like 3/4 way though that this otherwise really good story is actually sterek 🤮) and it was actually a very good palate cleanser because now my faith in stydia is restored and those babes are my otp again 🥰
I’m glad! I hate thinking that the movie that doesn't exist could ruin Stydia for anyone. We waited too many years and have too many unforgettable moments to let a 2-hour mistake undo the magic that is and always will be Stydia.
I'll admit, I had my panic when the movie was first announced. But when it came out, I basically just closed my eyes, covered my ears, and held my nose until the frenzy died down (which thankfully, didn't take long😉). In the meantime, I continued with my WIP and stuck like glue to the Stiles and Lydia we know and love.
Thanks so much for sharing this! You may have found your way back to Stiles and Lydia in an unlikely place, but that's just further proof that true love for an otp—especially one as iconic as Stydia—can never really be lost 🧡💙
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kiekiecarrera · 1 year
WAIT - does he look back towards the car/Kie in this scene? Omg I never noticed that
Yes he dooooooes. I think he does that more than once actually and the whole scene has an underlying vibe of him being even more worried because she's there
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philtatosbuck · 1 year
some of you only see / treat chris as a prop for buddie and it’s always been clear but never so much until now lmao
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dmclemblems · 2 years
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I did this a long time ago but it’s still the funniest fucking thing to me.
I put relationships on for this game and Dimitri and Claude were both loyal to each other but they both made it to the very end as the last two standing and this is what I got for my troubles. Neither would kill the other so they just killed themselves instead. They really just said “if we can’t be together, nobody wins”.
kudos to hubert btw for putting up with them ogling each other for literal days with nobody else around to save him
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helluvapurf · 1 year
shipping bingo: M&M?
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A classic pair since the start of HB, its hard not to love Moxxie & Millie's "wholesome hubby & badass wife" dynamic imo~ 😊
-However, I will admit that I wish the show did a bit more to flesh out M&M outside of just their fluffy marriage bits though- like, what we got in "Exes and Oohs" was cool & all (concept-wise)... but I still feel like there's "more" to be told about them then what we've been getting lately? .3. Idk, maybe that's just me-
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blogthebooklover · 27 days
I'll Never See Him Again (Mae)
Author's Note: Here's the one from Mae's perspective, once again inspired by Disney's Pocahontas. This is also available on Wattpad. I've included three human OCs for this one shot! I also snuck two familiar names from Supernatural, however, it is not the beloved characters exactly lol. This is also my first time writing a character who is nonbinary/genderfluid/androgynous; and the character uses they/them pronouns. I did my absolute best to be as respectful as I could. I also apologize in advance if there is any indication of negative stereotypes, because that was not the intention.
They took him.  Her human companions took Noa.  All because he wanted to see her again.  Mae dropped to her knees and buried her face in her hands.  She was only trying to help rebuild the human race, under the direction of her leader.  On her mission, the only ones to show any sort of empathy and compassion to her, were the evolved orangutan and chimpanzee.  So soon after the deaths of her team.  
Her affiliation and alliance with them during that time, created the beginning of a conflict within herself.  The girl raised a hand to her neck, and pulled out the medallion of Caesar.  The last connection to Raka as well.
It was Noa’s gift to her to reflect on their time and her grief.
And it was the first one that wasn’t given to her by her parents or friends.
She felt tears stream down her cheeks as she clasped the medallion in her hands.  Mae did not consider herself to be spiritual or religious, she remembered her history lessons about the past 200-300 years and before.  How humans always had conflicts regarding religion and science.  However, whomever this Caesar was to the apes, she prayed silently to him.  She went down on her knees, still clasping the necklace in her hand.  The young woman prayed for Noa’s safety.
Her silent prayer was interrupted by the sounds of footsteps coming down the hall.  It was a former classmate of hers, from her history lessons as a child.  That’s right, they went by Gem now and presented as androgynous.  “Mae,” they said, crouching down to the girl’s level, “are you all right?”  
“No, I’m not,” the girl replied, “they took my…my friend.”   
“That monkey?”
“He’s an ape, not a monkey.”
“Sorry,” Gem muttered, “is he…the one you mentioned on your journey above?”
Mae nodded, sucking in her lips to keep from crying again, “All this happened because he helped me, and I…I almost killed him…Twice.  And now…I don’t know what our commanding officers will do to him.  Either keep him for experiments or kill him.”  “He was already outside the bunker, Mae,” Gem explained calmly, placing their hand on Mae’s shoulder, “he had a weapon on him.”
“Merely for protection,” Mae argued, “I’ve seen it for myself.”  Gem bit the inside of their cheek, thinking about the next thing to say.  
“Forgive me, but were you praying just now?” they raised an eyebrow toward her.  Mae decided she couldn’t lie anymore and nodded her head in response.  “I don’t recall you being the religious type.”  Mae felt a small smile tug at the corners of her lips, but it didn’t reach her eyes, “Perhaps I did so for my friend’s sake.”
Gem’s head shot up quickly, they had an idea.  “C’mon, I know what to do.”
An hour later, Gem and Mae walked down the hallway deep inside the bunker.  The two came upon a laboratory the scientists and doctors used for research, as well as an infirmary.  Two guards, who were also former classmates from Mae’s history lessons, stood watch over the entrance of the lab.  Gem greeted the two, giving each a nod, “Dean, Sam.”  The two returned the greeting. 
“Mae wishes to speak to the prisoner,” Gem explained sternly, maintaining strong eye contact with their former classmates.  “On what grounds?” Dean asked, placing his hands on his hips.  Mae bit her lip, thinking up any lie she could to get into the lab to see Noa.  Then it hit her, “I have some questions for him.”
“The general already interrogated the prisoner,” explained Sam, reciting it like he had memorized the words from a textbook.  Gem and Mae exchanged a quick glance with each other.  “He sent me to conduct further questions,” Mae lied, sensing the subtle change in the atmosphere.  She secretly hoped the two guards bought the lie.  
It was Dean who caved in, “Be quick, they might return at any moment.”  He turned around and punched in the key code for the door.
He stepped to the side to let Mae through.  The young woman glanced over her shoulder to Gem, offering them a small smile in thanks.  Gem returned it in kind.  Mae inhaled a deep breath, and stepped through the door.  
Mae walked into the lab and glanced around for any sign of Noa.  It was dimly lit and there was the low hum of the computers.  Her blue eyes widened slightly when she eventually found him.  
They placed Noa in a cage.
His back was turned to her, he was hunched over and she could see he was hugging himself tightly.  Mae walked slowly over to the young ape, when she was in front of the cage, she crouched down to his level.  She reached out her hand slowly to him, debating on whether to touch his shoulder.  Regardless of his cognitive abilities being so close to humans, he was still an animal.  
And just like humans, animals did not belong in cages.
She lowered her hand and called out softly to him, “Noa?”  The young ape perked up at the sound of her voice, and glanced over his shoulder.  When he saw it was her, he turned around fully to face her.  Noa locked his golden jade eyes with her own sky blue ones.  It was the same expression he had given her, when her human companions took him away.  It was also the same one he had that day, when she aimed her pistol at Proximus Caesar.  A silent plea.
“Mae,” he whispered, reaching his hand through the bars.  She took hold of it with both of hers.  The young woman noticed how huge just his one hand was between her own.  She felt tears well up again in her eyes.  The ape took notice of her tears, reaching up his free hand and softly brushing his knuckles against her cheek to wipe them away.  He cupped her face with that same hand and she leaned into it.
There was only one thing that was on her mind.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered.
“For what?”
“For getting you placed here.  For lying to you.  For…for almost killing you and your clan.”
Noa’s eyes widened slightly at this, this time she was sure he could read the sincere truth in her eyes.  “Mae…” he couldn’t find the words to respond to her.  However, there was one way.  The hand cradling her cheek gently pulled her closer, as best as he could from the bars, he placed his forehead against hers.  She breathed a shuddering exhale against his lips.  She felt the emblem of Caesar brush against his chest.    
 The young chimp inhaled through his nostrils, she briefly wondered if he had picked up her scent.  “I am sorry, too,” Noa whispered, “I should not…have come here.  But I am glad…I did.”  Mae pulled back slightly to look at him, biting her lower lip, debating on what to say next to him.  “Maybe…it would’ve been better if we never met,” she said , choosing her words as carefully as she could.  However, she doubted the chimpanzee in front of her believed her words.  He was too intelligent for that, briefly recalling their conversation in Trevethan’s room, and what was supposed to be their farewell outside of his village.
“I do not regret it,” Noa breathed against her lips, “I see you…as my friend.”
Mae felt more tears well in her eyes, she felt Noa’s thumb gently stroking her cheek, brushing away the ones that fell.  In the distance, she heard the door to the lab open and Gem calling out, “Mae, we have to go.”
The young woman sighed sadly, nodding her head so slowly it was hard to tell.  Noa noticed it, though.  “You must go,” he whispered, letting go of her face, “your clan is coming.”  Mae locked eyes with the male chimp once more, “Noa…”  “You will always be my friend,” he whispered, she noticed there were tears welling in his golden jade eyes.  He took a gentle hold of the medallion between them, “Important.”  She let her tears fall like the last time he said that word. 
She stood up, the move forcing Noa to release the necklace, she still had a hold on to his large hand.  She briefly glanced down at their entwined hands, noticing how small hers was compared to the chimpanzee’s.  The young woman reluctantly let go of the ape’s hand, which was still in the air reaching out to her.  Mae turned away slowly, walking toward the door to the hall.
When the door shut behind her, she could hear Noa release a feral screech of pain and sadness.  She could also hear the banging of the bars, she darkly imagined he was throwing his whole body at them.  Mae rolled her fingers into fists, clenching so tight her knuckles turned white, to keep from releasing more tears again.
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taichi-x-koushiro · 2 years
Digimon Adventure{s} A.M.V. [Pre-view] ~ “Boku” / “Watashi” / “Someone Just for Me” [As this is technically still a pre-view, it is Un-finished {For now}] featuring DUO/O.T.P.: ~ Koushiro Izumi + Yagami Taichi / KouTai {Koushiro x Taichi} / KouTai / Taishiro [Also seen: Yagamis, 1999 Agumon; briefly]
Audio/Dialogue (C) Chobits & C.L.A.M.P DigiAdvs ( C ) T0EI.@nimation {This is a Fan-work, and no money is being made off this work. Be sure to support both of the original series too!}
Time Spent: About 1 and 1/2 hours on 08/07/22, finished around midday My Commentary:
I have a lot of Thoughts on how Koushiro feels towards Taichi, Actually {And also in reverse, though this is mainly Koushiro’s Point-of-View.} (This first part will have a bit of Taichi perspective too, though.)
I also have a lot of Thoughts on Adventure{s} wider LORE on a grander scale.
I’ll probably go back and smooth this out later, but for now it’s doing what I want it to do, and hopefully you can follow along by reading the dialogue below: (Note: Contains starting spoilers for the originating series, Chobits, though the context in this first part is quite vague, and happens quite early in series.)
Scenes used come from: - Digimon Adventure: 1999 - Digimon Adventure [Eps 18, 21, 24, 48] - Digimon Adventure 2020 [Ep 36] (Though 2020 is used, this is mainly meant as overall Semi[?] Canon-compliant, but 2020s can be in their own Time too...)
- Dialogue (Preview)
In that city, there wasn’t anyone. There were houses, and you could see LIGHT shining through the windows. But on the roads, there wasn’t anyone. {I} looked through a window. There was a person.
-- In THIS CITY, there isn’t {ANYONE}.
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[Note: replies/Tags that are Positive/respectful are OK!]
... But {he} was with “THAT.” {I} looked into another house. As expected, {he} was with “THAT.” But that’s because being with “THAT” is {Fun} More [FUN] than being with other {people}. {No one} is [GOING OUTSIDE] anymore.
In THIS CITY, there isn’t {ANYONE}. {I’M} GOING OUT on a journey. A journey to another CITY. {I} hope [Someone just for Me] will find {ME} there.
But if [that] person becomes attached to {ME} and {ME} ONLY...
... then it will be time for the two of us to (part) [?]
But {I} still WANT TO MEET [Someone just for Me].
Thinking that, I travel on to another EMPTY CITY.
(Pictured: Mugendramon’s taken-over city, from Adventure Episode #48.)
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coffeetank · 9 months
When you're writing romance, you need to have TENSION. Your characters need to pull your readers into the story with not just their dialogues, but also their chemistry. What is tension, you ask? It's quite simple. When two people are attracted to each other, or like each other, or are in love with each other, it causes a certain shift in the air. When these two people come together, they seem to outshine everyone else in the room and make it just about themselves (in a good way ofc). This shift in the air which hooks you into the scene is called tension. The chemistry that your main characters carry, will infact carry the whole story --- if you're writing romance, i.e.
How do you write this romantic tension? Well, as someone who's been writing romance for 4 years now, here's a few things I do to show the chemistry between my characters.
Show, don't tell: This is probably the most common advice you'll ever receive. And spoiler alert: IT IS TRUE. Any scene that includes an emotion will require you to show it, visualise it for the crowd instead of just writing it down. Romance, love, is a sensitive emotion. The readers need to SEE it happening, instead of just reading about it. Eye contact, long stares, switching their gaze from the eyes to the lips & back to the eyes, coming close for a few seconds, banter-turned-flirting are some ways you can show the chemistry.
Intimacy is key: Proximity. Closeness. Coming together. Put your characters in situations where they have to work together. Show their differences/similarities in handling tasks and make them argue or slightly quarrel if there's any differences and show them rejoicing if there's an agreement. Intimacy lies in more than just the body, bring out a quality in your characters, preferably a good one, in your characters when they're together. Make that quality their strong suit that drives them closer.
Words are sexy: Dialogues can create tension better than anything else (in my opinion). Notice how every time your ships/pairings are bantering, one of them ends up saying something sexual or romantic in a frisky way and we end up blushing like crazy? Yep, that's the goal. We absolutely love it when the guy says "oh yeah?" or ends up calling the girl a cute nickname while bantering. Dialogues can reach out to readers in a more personal way because they are the direct interactions between your characters. Make your OTP interact and have fun (pun intended!)
Add restraint: Sometimes, when the characters are almost about to kiss and someone interrupts them, we feel like throwing the book away. But at the same time, we want more because we want to see our characters kiss, or confess, or even get down dirty ;). You have put your characters in each other's close proximities, given them a driving force and added a razzle-dazzle with the dialogues and flirting! Yet, something is missing and the romance feels too....predictable? Put a constraint. This is especially important for slowburns. Personally, I love me a slowburn - it creates higher tension, emphasises on a foundation between characters and makes the kiss/confession/sex even more hot (again, my opinion). I suggest, a hint of a barrier won't do any harm. When you've reached the level of tension where it's normal for your characters to kiss or make-out, your readers are more focused than ever. Adding a restraint will make them crave the romance more and hence, stay hooked into the story. HOWEVER, DON'T STALL THE PROJECT. Just because your characters got interrupted in chapter 7 doesn't mean they can't kiss till chapter 15 or something. If they don't kiss in this chapter, they kiss after maybe 2-3 more chapters. You want to delay the romance only by a tad bit, so that your readers are still interested.
That's all I have for today! I hope these help you guys! - ashlee.
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ineffably-human · 8 months
I'm honestly pissed at the reviewers who were claiming this season is all fanservice with not enough action or whatever the hell it is they said.
Good Omens s2 was fanservice, it was huge fun but 90% of it was everyone spinning their wheels while learning maybe one or two pieces of new information. Everyone is largely the same, flaws and all, and until that ending happens it's mostly meant to make us enjoy watching our OTP and have comforting feels about them.
This season of Our Flag is about Ed and Stede (and, I'd argue, Izzy) deciding the kind of people they want to be. That's happened since minute one and every episode has moved that forward. We see that in their fantasies, in their hallucinations, in who they are separately and together, in every single person they meet.
It's not a coincidence that Ricky is a noble fascinated by pirates until his playing around gets him hurt, and then his reaction is to burn it all down. (Unlike Stede, who thinks he's lost the man he loves and his immediate reaction is to forgive his crew and get them to safety before he even thinks about mourning.)
Or that Ned Lowe is mannered and loves music but is a sadistic snob who thinks everyone is disposable, and that's who Stede kills in cold blood.
It's not a coincidence that Zheng is a brilliant pirate with a broader vision but a people-focused kind of leadership, who is actively trying to build a force that ends pirating by giving everyone pay and security just when Ed is thinking about retirement again.
Even the way some of the crew find their bliss and leave or start considering it, the way they operate as individuals but also as a sort of unified force demonstrating community and safety and open easy queerness and how they're all transformed by it (sometimes literally). The contrasting images of piracy as encroaching death and perfect freedom.
It all hangs together so well, it's so smart and has such clear things to say. To call that 'fanservice' is such an insult to it. To deliver more of what made the show gather a fanbase by understanding its own arc and message is just good, strong writing. Because writing that understands the audience it built doesn't feel mindless. It feels like a thesis.
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hyunnieshannie · 1 year
SKZ: In Bed
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A shit show of a conversation was started in my writers club discord (Feel free to join!) with @maeleelee & @d4vekat-otp so here are my unhinged thoughts about how SKZ are in bed:
-He has so much control right now, even if it may not seem like it sometimes he just needs someone else to take control.
-Needs to be loved on and pampered, he's tired of taking care of his 7 kids all day
-Would love just being told what to do
-Seriously just tell him what to do, let him turn his brain off for once.
-SO SO SO in love with a calm, sweet, after care ritual:
- cuddling,
- kisses,
-a bath,
-hot chocolate,
- just be gentle with him after <3
-Everyone imagines Lino as a hard dom. me included. based on his looks and demeanor but what if we based it off how he looks at Jisung?
-Suddenly the man is softer than SoonDoonDori
-Consent is sexy KING: asks if you're okay with everything he does
-SO SO SO passionate
-Gentle unless asked not to be
-Will bring the cats in after sex to let you cuddle up to them because he loves seeing his four babies all together.
-"want me to make you a snack?"
-TIGHT cuddles, man will literally NOT let you go
-Would check in to make sure you're not hurt anywhere if he got 'too rough'
-Gives you his hoodie and sweats to sleep in
-HELPS YOU change into everything because "I'm changing the saying from No one helps you once you're fucked." (he's a lil dumb sometimes, he's doing his best okay?)
CHANGBIN: SWITCH (Depending on the day)
-Loves a good rough fuck
-but GOD WOULD HE LOVE being taken care of.
-Either manhandles you with his thicc muscles
- or pouts for you to be gentle with him
-Bubble Baths <3
-Would CARRY you to the bath <3 (Even if you can still walk. he WILL carry you)
-HE PREPARES!!! Whether he assumes he's gonna get some, or not, hes ALWAYS prepared for what you'll need after just in case! (Like water and snacks, or advil) (he do get a little sleepy after sex please cuddle him)
-Soft boy, Shy when people compliment his looks BUT
-Behind closed doors, he KNOWS. He KNOWS hes hot. and uses it against you
-He's a slut (lovingly)
-LOVES roleplay LOVES being a character so he can forget he was shy earlier about receiving a compliment
-PRAISES YOU "you're so perfect." | "More beautiful than any art piece in any museum" | "Made just for me,"
-He wants to be in control, but doesn't want to hurt you ever, only wants to make you feel good
-Will sketch you naked while you look fucked out (paint me like one of your french girls)
-The Most EXTREME Aftercare (it's such a long process)
-Will not let you lift a single finger, while he massages you, helps you bathe, puts lotion on you, gives you a face mask, changes you, and ultimately puts you to bed
-KISSES ALL OVER YOUR FACE before you fall asleep <3
-LOVES EDGING. (Ignores us on bubble forever, knows we want him, knows EXACTLY when to drop content, and leave us begging him for more)
-LOVES watching you beg for him. "I don't think you deserve it though-"
-WHORE (lovingly)
-Showers TOGETHER. you're not allowed to go in there alone wtf??
-HATES being seen as a pretty, fragile, princess
-NEEDS to take out his frustrations but what BETTER way than to show his partner whos in charge (Spoiler: It's Him.)
-The type to fuck you against the wall
-Seriously. He wants to pick you up and fuck you against any flat surface he can find- especially- when you piss him off.
-Leaves SO MANY marks on you. "Everyone needs to know who you belong to."
-LOVES face fucking. L O V E S it
-PRAISES YOU (if you deserve it) "Just like that, you're doing so good"
-IF YOU DONT DESERVE IT THO: "Stupid little whore, forgot whos in charge again huh?" (NOT HAPPY. STILL SO HOT OF HIM THO)
-SWEET BABY DURING AFTERCARE, WHOLE 180 CHANGE, "Baby what do you need?" "are you ok my love?" "Thank you for letting me get my anger out..." SO SO SO SO SO SOFT
-Man isn't just a dom. He's a mother fucking SADIST
-Teases you until you cry
-LOVES making you angry/frustrated
-LOVES watching you fight back (like the brat you are)
-LOVES it more to see you lose the fight (Source: Trust me bro)
-LOVES Using toys to overstimulate you.
-LOVES the power he has over you!!!!!!!!!
-JEALOUS FUCKING. "so you wanna act up in front of other guys? REMEMBER who fucking OWNS you."
-AFTERCARE IS SO NICE WITH HIM THO. HES A TOTAL PUPPY. Following you around to make sure you're okay, like a dog with its tail between its legs he needs lots of attention, cuddles and kisses. He loves you SO Much, he can't help his jealousy issues...
-DOESNT want to be Baby bread. HES SAID IT. (he wants to be Daddy Toast fr)
-Hes SO innocent looking? RED FLAG. HES 100% A WHORE (Lovingly)
-LOVES using his hands and his tongue
-Will over stimulate you with them before he even THINKS of fucking you
-When he DOES fuck you, the grip he has on your body will leave bruises on you for a week
-Wants YOU to mark him in forms of hickeys or scratches
-CHOKING - HAVE YOU SEEN HIS HANDS???????????? (Chanting: BREATH PLAY, BREATH PLAY, BREATH PLAY yeah. Im part of the breath play cult...)
-ALL THE KINKS, HES A FUCKING F R E A K "You see me as a baby? I'm about to prove you wrong little fox."
-WANTS YOU TO WEAR A FUCKING COLLAR WITH HIS NAME ON THE TAG. "You're mine. don't fucking forget it."
Tags @chanlixiiee @amalieworldidk @jaebaebaegot7 @maeleelee @iadorethemskz @maenijw @hangin-out-with-the-street-rats @jinniespuppy @painstakingly-juno @lethallyprotected @elizalabs3 @jisungsbff01 @seungminslittlepup
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