#oc: unveiled tales
sas-soulwriter · 10 months
How to write an OC with an big ego!
Ever wondered how to write a character with an ego the size of Mount Everest? Well, look no further! here is how I would do it. ( With examples)
Example person : Alex
Motivations Matter: Behind every egoistic persona lies a set of motivations that drive their actions. Unpack their backstory and understand what fuels their need for validation, power, or attention. Dig deep into their past experiences to unveil the root of their ego.
Example: Alex's ego was a result of childhood struggles, growing up in the shadow of a successful parent. The relentless pursuit of success became a way to prove worthiness, and the glossy exterior was the armor against past insecurities.
Flaws Galore: No one's perfect, and egoistic characters are no exception. Give your character flaws that stem directly from their inflated ego. Maybe they struggle with forming genuine connections or have a tendency to dismiss others' opinions. Flaws make characters relatable and grounded.
Example: Despite the impressive exterior, Alex's ego came with a flaw – an inability to acknowledge the contributions of others. The team's victories were claimed as personal conquests, and any failures were promptly blamed on external factors.
Voice and Dialogue: The way your character speaks is crucial. Egoistic individuals often have a distinct way of expressing themselves. They might be boastful, use grandiose language, or constantly seek attention. Pay attention to their tone, vocabulary, and speech patterns to make their ego shine through.
Example: "I don't build companies; I create empires," Alex declared, the tone commanding attention. Conversations were peppered with grandiose phrases, each sentence meticulously crafted to reinforce superiority.
Internal Conflicts: Explore the internal struggles your character faces due to their ego. Do they ever doubt themselves beneath the façade? Are there moments of vulnerability? Internal conflicts add depth and dimension to your character, making them more than just a one-dimensional ego machine.
Example: Behind closed doors, doubts crept in. Alex wrestled with the fear of inadequacy, wondering if the empire built was as impenetrable as it seemed. Vulnerability lingered, hidden beneath the layers of arrogance.
Show, Don't Tell: Instead of explicitly stating that your character is egoistic, demonstrate it through their actions. Showcase their need for admiration, their competitive nature, or their unwillingness to admit fault. Actions speak louder than words, especially in character development.
Examples: Rather than outright stating achievements, Alex casually dropped impressive anecdotes into conversations, leaving others in awe. The need for constant validation manifested in the subtle but unmistakable bragging woven into everyday dialogue.
Relationship Dynamics: Consider how your egoistic character interacts with others. How do they treat people they perceive as beneath them? How do they handle competition? Explore the dynamics they create in relationships to reveal facets of their ego.
Examples: Subordinates were either loyal subjects or inconsequential pawns in Alex's eyes. Competitors were met with thinly veiled disdain, each encounter a battle for supremacy. The wake of shattered professional relationships told tales of a cutthroat ambition.
Redeemable Qualities: Even the most egoistic characters can have redeemable qualities. It's essential to humanize them by showcasing moments of kindness or vulnerability. This complexity makes your character more interesting and adds layers to their personality.
Example: In rare moments, Alex's guard slipped, revealing a philanthropic side. A secret fund for employees facing hardships, a gesture that contradicted the public image. These glimpses hinted at a person beneath the towering ego
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bonsaiiiiiii-fics · 10 months
Is it destiny? Is it a coincidence? But especially, What should she do now that the person she has been looking for doesn’t exist anymore?
Words: 5300-ish
Genre: fluff, slice of life. a bit of angst too? cos memories and stuff…no trigger warnings mentionable.
Fandom: Thunderbirds are go!2015
Characters: boi, all of ‘em! We also have Lucille, and I sprinkled in some oc’s!
Special mention: thank you to @louthestarspeaker for lending me her Laurie, your girl has been an absolute delight to write!
This story is kinda weird, and I don’t know if there’s gonna be a continuation or not. I just had an idea, wrote it down and here we are! Nothing serious, just for fun/writing again/passing the time. Don’t @ me, if you read it and discover you don’t like it, leave it where it is and back tf away slowly. (just for precaution. moots i don’t wanna bite ur ass <3)
Ao3 link
"...Is it too late to back up now?" She asks timidly, grimacing and taking a small step away from the door. Gran Roca Ranch. At least that's what it says on the billboard at the entrance. "Probably she isn't even here anymore!" 
"Nope." Laurie answers her first question, a haunting hand hovering on the door. "This is the time to act like that amazing, confident, person that you are, no ifs, ands or buts about it." She tries to fight her best friend when she gets a grip of her hand, forcing her to depart it from the door the farthest possible. "And you- ugh!, you won't know if you don't knock!" She grunts, noticing just how strong Quinn can be. Seriously, she eats tacos and smoothies all day, how the hell does she manage to keep it if she's as slim as a twig? Genes? 
"Well I need a reinforcement taco before this!" Quinn forces through gritted teeth. "And what do you think I'm going to tell her, hey! I'm your donor baby and I'm here to flip your life upside down?" She rolls her eyes, adjusting her sunglasses. "What if she doesn't even want to see me?" 
"If she left you her address in the envelope, then I think she wanted you to find her." 
"Well, I'm not ready to find out just yet!" 
"Not that you can help it, you know. You're screeching so loud I think all the neighborhood heard you." Laurie says, hands on her hips and a false innocent smile on her face, the plan morphed into her mind taking action. "And if she hasn't heard you before, she surely will hear this now!" And with that awful sentence she rings on the doorbell, doing what Quinn tried stopping her from doing until now. 
The blonde girl, in return, starts by gawking at her with her eyes almost out of their sockets and a jaw so low you could store an entire cake inside her mouth, then punches her -not so lightly- on a shoulder, making Laurie gasp at the pain and the sudden movement. "Traitor!" She spits, just seconds before the door opens, revealing... 
"Uh..." Kayo falters, taking in the scene in front of her very eyes upon opening the door. There's two women, soft blonde waves and some midnight black locs, arms tangled in each other, more like the blonde is trying to strangle her friend and the latter is trying to defend herself, both looking awkwardly at her. "Can I...help you?" She asks tentatively, her eyebrow raised, studying them intently. The blonde is holding an envelope in her hand, and now that she looks at her...the resemblance is dangerously familiar to someone... 
"Uh!" Quinn gasps, detangling from her best friend and just smiling broadly, as if nothing happened. "Hi, my name is Quinn, and this is Laurie." 
"Hi, Quinn and Laurie. So, what can I help you with?" Kayo repeats, her patience wearing thin. Who are these two strangers? This isn't pizza delivery! She mentally prays that it’s not another string of paparazzi striving to secure an interview, them being the first two of a long queue. Even if the Tracy’s like to be reserved about their whereabouts, the paps’ job is to unveil, tell and write as many tales as possible, and this requires some great investigative skills, for example finding Jeff Tracy’s old house. It’s not the first time paparazzi are at their door, and it certainly won’t be the last.
"Um," Quinn clears her throat, shifting from embarrassed to confident, again, that spark in her eye that looks dangerously familiar. Now that Kayo thinks about it, if Gordon was to have a female counterpart, Quinn would be embodying it. "I'm looking for Lucille Collins. Does she, um, live here?" 
Now this leaves Kayo dumbfounded. 
And with a lot of questions. 
How does she know? Why is she looking for her? Could it be...? 
"Um. Excuse me." Is all Kayo can say to excuse herself and close the door in their faces, now leaving both girls with a fish out of water face. 
"What was that?" Quinn asks, her cordial smile still plastered on her face, but one eye twitching in incredulousness. 
"I don't...know?" Laurie is smiling too, holding her still painful shoulder. They both look at each other, and this is the moment when Laurie knows Quinn's about to lose control. 
"So who was it at the door? Did the pizza delivery read our minds before we could place the order?" Gordon asks smugly, a note of curiosity in his voice. 
"That would be so dope!" Alan adds, leaning forward in his chair so his arms come to rest on his lap. 
Kayo, however, doesn't seem to hear them as she clears her throat, ready to drop whatever bomb this is on them.
"Are you okay, Kayo? You look like you've seen a ghost." Virgil butts in, obviously concerned about her losing all the color in her face. 
"There's two women at the door, they're looking for Mrs. Tracy, and I don’t mean Grandma." She says as neutrally as possible, not seeming to avoid massaging her arm awkwardly in the process. "What am I supposed to do?" 
Nobody answers her, and the silence is so audible you can hear the indistinct chatting of the women still at the door, probably debating on whether to stay and just vanish from the premises from the heat of it. 
"Huh." Jeff mutters, taking the situation in his own hands. "I think I know what this is about. Help me up, please." He asks no one in particular, Scott jumping up from his armchair like it's on fire, instantly by his father's side. "Thank you, son. Take me to the door." 
"If we disappear silently, she probably won't even know we were there! We can say she just imagined it! Or that I'm the, uh, mailman?" Quinn tries, shrugging her shoulders in the process. 
"I don't think she would believe you, you're not exactly dressed up as one." Laurie counters, eyeing her short romper. 
"Gasp," she audibly gasps. "Are you trying to say I look ugly?" 
"If the shoe fits." She winks at her bestie, earning a glare from her. 
"I hate you." 
"No you don't." 
A sound near the front door, like a crane tapping on the floor, makes both straighten their backs up, standing like soldiers in wait for their general. Moments later, Jeff Tracy himself, accompanied by his son, opens the door, and the girls just...stare. 
"Uh, Quinn? I think we got the wrong house..." Laurie recognizes immediately the man standing in front of her, seemingly unlike Quinn, that flashes him and his exact same, younger copy, her dimpled smile. 
"Hiiiii!" She tries a more energetic approach. "I'm Quinn, and this is Laurie." She gestures to her bestie, who is looking mildly uncomfortable, deeming it necessary to introduce themselves again. "We're looking for-" 
"I know." Jeff nods. "You must be her daughter. Co-" 
"HUH!?" Scott gasps, involuntarily interrupting his dad who side looks at him. "What!? Her what??" He looks wide eyed at her, then at his dad, then back again at her. 
She seems to ignore his apparent outburst. "Yeah, something like that. So, does she live here?" If there's one thing to know about Quinn Prescott is that she gets straight to the point. And eats tacos nonstop, apparently. 
Jeff is silent, a pang of sadness visible on his face. "Come in." He replies to her question, stepping aside - and forcing Scott, as still as a statue, to do the same - and welcoming them in what used to be Luci's house. Scott disappears right back in, probably to warn everyone of the unexpected new visitor invading their home, or to prepare them psychologically for this, leaving the girls to let themselves in without too many ceremonies, Quinn taking off her paperboy hat and just holding it in her hand as Jeff slowly accompanies them to the living room, where everyone is gathered. 
"Holy shmeesus!" Is the first thing she mutters to Laurie upon seeing all these people, wondering just now that maybe she got the wrong house. But if she did, the man living inside it wouldn't let them in, right? She's probably not home at the moment, yeah, that's it. One thing for sure, the room is loaded with people and every single one of them seem to be looking- no, gawking, at her. Expecting her to be joking about the matter. There's the woman that opened the door the first time, the man that opened it the second, 5 other men and a old lady. And not to mention this house is gigantic. Dam, egg mama's loaded! 
Everyone is so still, the silence is so deafening, like they can't believe their eyes; she manages to get a sound from them all, a collective general gasp, after her sunglass lenses fade back to clear, not sensing any sunlight inside, revealing her warm brown eyes. 
"It's uncanny." Scott mutters, breaking the silence. 
"It's mom." Virgil backs him up, just gaping at her. She shares his same eyes, and, well, mom's. Come to think about it, she is mom, just a different smile, skin tone, and some round glasses added.
"What is this, dad?" Scott confronts their dad, wanting, needing, to know more. A perfect stranger, with the same appearance as their mother, comes at their door, searches for her, and apparently she's her daughter? And seemingly, Jeff knows about it all. 
Jeff in reply looks at Quinn, holding out a hand towards her as if to show she's there. "Want to do the honors?" 
She nods, taking in a deep breath. "So...I'm Lucille's donor baby, and I'm invading your lives!" She jokes, to then immediately facepalm, followed by a nervous chuckle from Laurie, accompanied by a head shake. "Hehe, sorry...I always joke when I'm nervous, I don't know why I do that." She first scratches her jaw, then behind her ear, handing Jeff the envelope she carried until now, covering her lap with her checkered white and brown hat. "But that's about it. The address listed in her description was this one." 
"Yeah, I know who you are already." Despite this statement, he still opens the envelope, suddenly invaded by his eldest three sons that read over his shoulder too, reading indeed his late wife's name, but another as well. "I just didn't think you'd even show up, even if she hoped to see you." 
"She does?" She smiles, her dimples showing. She unconsciously side glances at Laurie, which shoots her a timid thumbs up. 
"She did." He corrects her, the pain in his words leading her to lose the dimples she shares with Scott. 
"Um, care to explain for those who can't understand the situation?" Alan butts in, knowing the heaviness of the situation but now how to decipher it. 
"Yeah, like, we just got mom's clone and then what?" Gordon counters. 
Just when she wants to speak, Jeff looks again at her, prodding her silently to explain herself. It's her situation, and she gets to take it into her own hands as she wants. 
"So, from what my parents told me, they weren't able to conceive, so they picked out donors from both sides; Lucille was my egg donor, while Clinton was my sperm donor. I don't really know anything about them, my parents told me about it just recently and recommended that I speak personally with them first, but without them I wouldn't exist, so...ta-daaa!" She slightly enlarges her hands, waving her open hands up and down. 
"Well, you surely took your time." Jeff comments sarcastically, loosening her stiff shoulders a little. 
"That's cool! Is it something like out of a lab?" Alan asks, earning a side glare from Virgil. 
"Egg and sperm donors have existed for a long time, you know?" The second eldest points out to him in a scolding tone. 
"I didn't know about the egg ones, Virg!" 
"Me either Virg! We're not all medical like you." Gordon, as always, speaks as if he and Allie are the same. 
"Pardon my sons," this sentence from Jeff seems to override their sons'. "They're just curious about you, she never spoke to them about you." 
"How to blame her?" Grandma says, laughing gently. "She didn't expect the gal to even show up. She just did a good deed." She gets up, sitting on an armrest of the armchair Virgil sat back on, patting gently his shoulder. 
"That she did." Jeff looks at her, drinks her in with those silver eyes of his. Yep, she's Lucille's spitting image: long blonde hair, chocolate brown eyes, same nose, same lips. The only thing changing is a golden skin tone, complimenting perfectly her eyes and hair and making her look like a golden ember, and the way she smiles; even if she has Luci's lips and dimples, she smiles differently, a charming and 'I'm sexy and I know it' kind of smile instead of Luci's warm and harmless one. "You look a lot like her." He says after a long while, in which she seems content basking in the attention. She knows she's beautiful, she probably has an overly big ego, and the fact this family is feeding it is rather nice to her. 
"Yeah, Laurie says I'm her spitting image. Uh, from the pictures I found in the envelope." 
"I'm sorry, but you won't be able to see her anytime, I'm afraid." He says.
She doesn't seem to read between the lines. "Oh, yeah, I totally get it! She has another family now, not that I was her family before, but I get it, no worries. Just tell her I've been here." She gets up, dusting absent-mindedly her dress and hat. 
"No, you don't get it." Jeff is finding all the strength in himself to say the words long dreaded in the Tracy household. "She passed some time ago." He lets out after a long, painful, sigh. 
"Oh." She mutters, to then plop back down. "Can I ask for how long?" 
"Almost 20 years." 
She gets silent, a lot of thoughts whirling in her brain, but she pushes them aside for her to think about them later. "I'm sorry for your loss." 
"I'm sorry too." He raises his eyes to look at her. "She wanted to meet you, she really did." 
"Well...I wouldn't be me if I didn't keep my always being late rap, right?" She tries to crack a joke, earning a cheeky smile from everyone, even a tiny laugh from the tinies. 
"Oh, preach!" Laurie exclaims, happy that her friend finally noticed. 
"So, what is it you do in life, Quinn?" Jeff changes subject after she so helpfully contributed in raising the spirits back up; unfortunately, Lucille has always been a tough topic to talk about after her passing, and probably this is just what they needed now that they're all back together. 
"Oh, I just got into college, Columbia." 
"Ah, Ivy League! Impressive! Major?" 
"I see. Well, I wish you best of luck on your journey." 
"Thank you, um, Mr..." She just now realizes she never properly caught his name, nor the others'; it sure looks like a wide family, though. 
"Oh! We didn't introduce ourselves, sorry! We were just so caught by everything..." He immediately apologizes, getting up not without any help from his second eldest. "I'm Jeff Tracy." Once in front of Quinn, who just got up too, he extends his hand for her to shake it, and notices she has a very tight grip, too. 
"Huh, Tracy you say?" Quinn is silent for a second, an eyebrow raised to try and remember when she heard that name before, while Laurie, once her suspicions (that weren't so suspicious) got confirmed, draws in a shaky breath, not understanding why in the Heavens her bestie doesn't realize how lucky she is to even breathe the same expensive air as these business tycoons. And, yeah, International Rescue themselves. "I like it. I assume you are- uh, were..." 
"Yeah, her husband. These are our kids. Boys?" He calls out for them to get up and present themselves, to which they oblige dutifully. 
Scott is the first one to present himself, his grip somewhat strong, but not menacing. He saw the description, everything true to the minimal detail, and the fact she's their mom's spitting image contributes greatly to the cause, as if she was cloned, and their dad seems to know and support of this situation; however, he still doesn't know if she's lying, faking it all, and found sensible information, touched a nerve who could bring them down, his Commander brain gearing up for action. He, alas, has complete faith in dad, and in John, who didn't go unnoticed by Scott as he briefly excused himself to go to the bathroom, secretly fulfilling the eldest' order to run a background check on her. He notices her firm grip too, complete with the fact she either doesn't seem to care, or is oblivious to the pinning, calculating stare he's giving her, flashing him a taste of his own medicine, killer dimples. Yep, truly mom's child. 
The next in line is Virgil, who takes her hand softly and shakes it gently, and she swears he's like massaging it or something, because she finds instantly relief from a throbbing she didn't even notice until it passed, truly magical. They both get lost in the eyes they both share the color of, mom's color, and both wonder how one could be a spitting image of the other. Virgil is calm, trusting, not wanting to start any rumors or thoughts, just trusting what the person in front of him is saying. Like, how could she lie with those eyes? He swears he's looking at mom who came back to life and waltzed back into their lives.
Gordon pops up next, and damn! If she thought to be Lucille's spitting image, from that little description pic, then this man is taking it up a notch! Same features, different gender. It's almost frightening. Gordon, on the other hand, is totally unaffected by any negative thoughts and emotions, just excited to hear about this new, strange thing, egg donation, and the fact that a new sibling is added to their family, even if she's just a half-sibling. It's still something from mom, and everything from mom is precious right now. 
Alan is quick in presenting himself with a fist bump, a gesture that Quinn loves gladly, evolving it into a weird bro hand salute Alan seems to be on board with, professionalism not necessary right now. After all, if she’s in college right now…same as him! They’re college buddies!
Last but not least brother, John, shaking briefly her hand and directing a hidden thumbs up at Scott, who nods and exhales briefly, his worries dissolving temporarily. 
Kayo is up, her way of shaking hands translated into shoving a tablet into Quinn's face, that shrugs and places her thumb on it, more than calm about the fact that they can't get money from her as she's broker than a broken record, having invested her last savings in...tacos. Kayo swiftly nods, and Quinn just shrugs, before she gets presented to the next person.
A sweet old lady, who seems very spirited. “Hello, gal! Well, I’ll be damned, you’re her spitting image!” This makes Quinn crack a wide smile, the girl identical in her biological mother even in these simple gestures. "I'm Sally, but you can call me Grandma. I'm the boys' grandmother and Jeff's mother. It's nice you finally joined us." To unknot her nerves, Grandma gently squeezes Quinn's shoulder, to which the girl looks at her warmly. This woman, this part of her newfound family, has this capacity to melt her worries and insecurities away in a way...familiar to her, like it's been done to her since she was born. 
"Don't blame her too much, she has this knack for always showing up late." Laurie butts in the conversation after being presented too to the boys, daring to see if a joke can fix up the mood. 
"I call it being fashionably late." Quinn replies, swooshing a strand of hair behind her shoulder smugly. 
Grandma laughs heartily. "I know a thing or two about it. Between us, but...your mother was always fashionably late too." She confesses to the girls, Quinn gaping a little. 
"See?" She triumphantly points out. "It's all in the genes!"
Laurie laughs too, looking at her bestie. “Don’t give her excuses now, or it’ll get to her head!”
Quinn is about to counterattack with a not too ladylike answer, when another voice joins in the conversation again. "Clinton Smith?" She turns to look at Jeff, which looks at the envelope then at her.
“Oh, yeah, that’s my donor dad. Or at least that’s all I know about him, I haven’t visited him yet.” She replies, looking somewhere else with a bitter smile, that doesn’t go unnoticed by Jeff.
“Is he…unavailable too?” He tries this word, not having enough guts built up to say that word, that nefarious word he wishes he never had to say to describe his wife.
“Actually…I don’t know?” She replies questionably back, scratching her neck in the process. “I haven’t been able to find him at all. Either he vanished, or he doesn’t want to be found, or…yeah.”
“Doesn’t want to be found…why is that?” Jeff asks back, trying to understand more from that situation; maybe he can help, he can ‘rescue’ her if she wants to.
“Well, there’s his name, but no address. But I suppose if he didn’t want to be found, then he wouldn’t have wanted his name to be added to that document, because it’s supposed to be for me to read once I came of age.” She plops down to her previous seat, crossing her arms with a focused frown painted on her face, the upper lip touching her nose septum, her dimples visible and her eyes looking upwards, painting Lucille’s face with an almost childish and exaggerated undertone. “I know I’m very late in searching for them since I got the documents, but if you don’t want your child to know anything about you, then…you cancel everything they might know about you, right?”
“I don’t know exactly, it never happened to me…” He replies ironically, earning a broad smile from his boys, a sign that they had a father from the start that cared about them and loved them deeply. “But if you want to get to know him, we can help you out.”
She widens her eyes slightly. “Really? You don’t have to…”
“Yeah, of course! Family is important, and if you want to know exactly who both of your biological parents are it’s perfectly normal! I just happen to know a detective that can help you out on this, that is if you accept our help.” He states tentatively, knowing he doesn’t have any ‘power’ over her, despite her being Lucille’s first child and only daughter, her only female lineage, making her very precious; but at the same time he knows that he can’t force her to be a part of their lives just because she’s family by blood, she has another adoptive family that love her and raised her to be the woman she is now. The decision to be a Tracy must belong to Quinn and Quinn only. “And, of course, I’ll tell you more about your biological mother as well.”
“Well…” Quinn takes it all in, pondering deeply which answer she should give in return and moving her gaze to the floor. She knows that if she replies positively, this means she’ll come in contact with part of her biological family again, but she also knows that this decision is totally up to her, just like before when Jeff allowed her to explain who she was and why she was connected with this family. The question is, does she want to be part of this family? She already has another one, the one that has been there with her from the start, waiting for her at home. Can she replace them so easily? Being part of more than a family at once, even her biological dad’s side, is it possible? Does it mean that if she chooses to do this, she’ll have to leave her ‘old’ family behind, or can she rotate between one family and the other on random days?
“I’m sorry…” She finally comes up with an answer. “...but I have to think about it. This thing about Lucille has been a huge blow for me, and I’m not saying this because she…well, passed, but I think it would have been a blow even if today I would’ve gotten to talk to her. I received the document just recently…and…you guys…”
“Don’t apologize at all, Quinn, it’s understandable.” This is the first time that man calls her by her name. it’s…strange. “You have yet to elaborate all of this, and we’re here when, if, you’ll be ready to talk to us again.”
“Thank you.” Quinn smiles fondly at Jeff, and for the first time since she smiled at him, it seems like Lucille is smiling at him again after 19 long years where the world has been deprived of his wife’s warm and innocent smile. Another person notices, and where Jeff forces himself to keep the tears in, Virgil can’t manage to, a single, lonely, tear leaving a trail down his cheek but a happy smile painted on his chiseled face, Scott and John reaching out to place a hand on each of his shoulders, sharing the same emotion he’s feeling in seeing that smile, happy that they got the wish to see their mother’s smile one last time, even if it’s not their mother that’s in front of them right now. She captivated with that dimpled smile of hers everyone in the room, not just Jeff and his second eldest, and she doesn’t even notice it, how similar but how different she is from her biological mother. She glimmers with that smile.
“So…I’ll go home now, I think I already spent too much of your time.”
“Believe me,” Jeff starts, raising himself up to his feet and prompting his eldest and Quinn to do the same. “This time has been very well spent.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay for dinner?” Alan, surprisingly, asks, like it’s not the first time he makes this question. Surprisingly, because he doesn’t feel the same way as his brothers and dad; sure, he saw mom’s photos, but she unfortunately doesn’t have the same place in his heart like it does for everyone else of them, since he didn’t have the opportunity to grow up with her, leaving the surprisingly vivid picture of her with an eerie heaviness over it, almost as if, everytime he looks at his mom, it’s like he’s worshiping a Goddess. It used to be like this with his dad too, before he returned from the deserted and secluded place he was left in for all these years, just after mom’s death…for as long as he can remember before things changed, his dad disappeared, his mom left them, and he was essentially an orphan growing up with his brothers, under Scott’s guardianship over nothing more than a toddler. But now that he looks at things under another perspective…it’s bad to say, but she also will never get the chance to meet her, didn’t get the chance to grow up with her either, and will always look at her photo to remember where she came from…they’re similar, if not the same, in this. Maybe they can help each other.
“Yeah, we have pizza!” Gordon butts in too, visibly perturbed by her departure.
“If you remember to place the call to order it.” John points out like usual with a raised eyebrow, earning an eye roll from his younger pufferfish sibling.
“I’d love to, but my parents are waiting for me at home.” Quinn turns towards Jeff, as if to seek some approbation from the Commander Supreme. “Another time, maybe?”
He nods, waiting for his two youngest sons’ faint oh’s to dissipate before speaking again. “We are more than happy to welcome you again. You can take my contact or one of my sons’, so that you can have your way of reaching out when you’re ready to.” He offers, glancing at his sons that all nod.
“Yeah, that would be a great idea. I hope you won’t mind if I take my time in…”
“Ah, no worries! We’re more than happy to help.” Jeff replies while he scribbles something on a paper, probably his comm link or his number; once he’s finished, instead of passing it to Quinn he raises it somewhere on his right, Virgil taking the paper and scribbling something on it too. “Once you’re ready, reach out to us, here’s our contacts.” Once the paper is in Jeff’s hands again, after it being passed through some brothers, he hands it over to Quinn, who takes it gladly, folding it and tucking it into her romper’s pockets.
“Well, then, I’ll leave you to your dinner. Thank you for everything, and it’s been a pleasure meeting you.” Quinn bows her head slightly, smiling warmly to everyone.
“It’s a pleasure for us too, and it was nice meeting you too, Laurie.”
“Are you living far from here? Do you need one of us to accompany you?” Virgil asks, his ever caring spirit always present.
Quinn shoots a quick glance to Laurie, which in the meantime has almost teleported to her side; in exchange, Laurie raises her eyebrows and glances to the side, Quinn responding to her by shrugging slightly, and this ‘conversation’ goes on for a bit, all the while Virgil looks confused at them, then at his father.
“It’s a girl’s way of communicating, boys. You wouldn’t know.” Grandma intercepts the question marks in Virgil’s mind, talking to everyone.
“Well,” Quinn’s voice makes them all turn towards her and her bestie, who is smiling. “She’s coming back home with me, and we live just here across the neighborhood, so we’ll manage on our own, thank you anyways.”
“Perfect then. We hope to see you soon again, and I wish you good luck again on your journey. Please say hi to Bentley from me, and tell her I’m sorry I didn’t get to visit her and Charlie.” The procession has finally arrived at the door, escorting warmly their newfound family member out.
Quinn smiles as a sign of gratitude, before dropping her jaw to the floor and widen her eyes. “You know my parents?”
“Of course! Me and Luci have known them for a very long time now, we’ve been to school together, but we lost contact after we started working and had our children.”
“Oh…!” Quinn replies, then looks at the floor and smiles. “Sure, I’ll let them know.” She looks at Jeff with that smile on again. That warm smile that makes her dangerously familiar in his eyes.
“Well then, thank you for coming by. It was truly needed.”
“You’re kidding me? Thank you for having me!”
Once they finish bidding their farewells and the door closes, making them depart from the ranch, she turns towards her bestie, her smile radiant. “Girl, that was…”
“I’d say it was a success, but you didn’t find your mom.” Laurie counters, matching her newfound speed towards Quinn’s home. “Why are we running?”
“Well, but my parents are supposed to know her well, and I have all these step-brothers. And…oh, don’t brag.”
“We have no reason for running!” Laurie hisses, out of breath, her long locs whirling in the wind. “They can help you find your biological father too. Maybe you have some brothers or sisters from there too.”
“Well…” They both pant profusely, finally arriving at their destination; Quinn also lets out a deep sigh. “I don’t know…I gotta talk to my parents. I want to know them, but…having them in my life…ugh! I need tacos.”
“Nu-huh. We’re home now and we’re eating what your parents made. Stop spending your life savings on tacos, bestie.” Laurie ushers Quinn towards the entrance door, forcing the latter to get the keys out to open it with another deep sigh. “And if talking with your parents is what you need…just, think about it. They are pretty important after all.”
“Hm?” Quinn says after greeting her parents loudly, announcing them she’s back home. “They’re just my biological half-brothers and their dad. Yeah, they’re important, but-” “Girl,” Laurie interrupts her with a serious face, making Quinn furrow her eyebrows in confusion. “You have no idea who they are, do you?”
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eaglebow09 · 8 months
Ch. 3 of my BOTW (Revali x OC) Comic is out on my Deviantart pg!
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"Lost Memories" a BOTW fancomic (Revali x OC Anya)
In the legendary realm of Hyrule, a tumultuous tale unfolds, centered around Anya, an orphan whose existence was marred by the divisive circumstances of her birth. Isolated on the outskirts of Rito Village, she grappled with a lifetime of rejection, her mixed blood making her an outcast in the eyes of the locals who scorned her for her unique lineage—a contentious blend of her Rito warrior father and her Hylian mother. Despite her challenging upbringing, Anya had once shared a profound connection with Revali, the formidable Rito archer. In their youthful innocence, they were inseparable friends. However, as Revali's prodigious talents and innate grace blossomed, a shadow of estrangement crept over their friendship. Driven by ambition and the relentless desire to soar higher, Revali made a fateful decision—to sever his ties with Anya, convinced that her association would tarnish his hard-earned reputation and obstruct his path to greatness.
As the years passed, bitterness festered, and a deep-seated rivalry took root between the two former companions. Revali's unrelenting determination to keep Anya at arm's length and thwart her aspirations seemed insurmountable. Yet, fate took a dramatic turn when Princess Zelda extended her hand, inviting Anya to join a mission of paramount importance—to gather the Champions and unveil the secrets of her enigmatic past. For Revali, this invitation posed an agonizing dilemma, as he held reservations about Anya's involvement. However, the weight of Zelda's authority compelled him to reluctantly accept her presence. With Zelda, Impa, Link, Terakko, Revali, and Anya united, they embarked on an epic journey into the untamed wilds of Hyrule, bracing themselves for the trials and mysteries that lay ahead, all in the hope of assembling their team to confront Ganon and save the kingdom from impending doom.
This is the first chapter I have done with full shadding and intend to conitinue doing the following as such. Chapter 1 & 2 are only inked but up on my page to keep with the story!
There are two featured Rito OCs from other artists and friends in this comic, I like to call them Character Cameos! A great way to bring the BOTW fan universe together and celebrate all out work!
The two featured Ritos OCs are:
Zephyr: @autumnsakurajayy
Krystalla: @silvergrovezelda
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littlebluebarista · 1 year
I'd love to ask about your OCs but I have zero context sooo
Tell me what your WIP and OCs are about
*So for honesty's sake I have to say this does take place in the same universe as an old 1998 point-and-click adventure game. However you don't need any knowledge of it whatsoever to understand the story. The plot and characters and even some settings are written entirely by me but this is in fact a Grim Fandango Tale.*
Everyone is dead. When people die they are reduced to bone and wrapped up in a husk, patiently awaiting whatever reaper is assigned to them to venture back to the Land of the Living and cut them free. But that's only the beginning, as once they are brought to the Land of the Dead they are faced with a treacherous and perilous land filled with dangers and disasters and monsters and jazz and art deco and so much walking!
See, each grim reaper has two jobs. Not only do they go and reap souls into the Land of the Dead, but they also double as travel agents to aid in the Four-Year Journey of the Soul from the Land of the Dead to the 9th Underworld, otherwise refered to as the Land of Eternal Rest. Depending on how virtuous a life you lead (and how much money you were buried with), you could qualify for better travel experiences besides walking the whole way on-foot; from sports cars, to ocean liners, or even a ticket on an express train that takes you across the Land of the Dead in 4 minutes instead of 4 years!
Enter Béla Balogh!
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Petulant, terrible at sales, and most assuredly not named Bella, Béla trudges through his everyday life (death?) with a commonly mispronounced name, a misunderstood passion for painting flowers, and a misplaced hatred for a job he knows he never should have taken. He was offered the robe and scythe as a means to redeem himself, slowly working his way out of the Department of Death and into the 9th Underworld via railway, but it's kind of difficult for reapers to make commission when none of their clients ever seem to qualify for anything good. And as the days turned to weeks, and eventually years, with no end in sight, Béla began to wonder whether or not the clients he was receiving really were as sinful as their files made them out to be. After all, there had been whisperings around the office about a certain level of corruption beginning to take root in the Department of Death. But why was it somehow only Béla who ended up assigned to the ones who only ever qualified for walking sticks and hiking boots? He had many times considered abandoning the office and striking out to take on the Land of the Dead himself. But even among reapers, it was widely understood that an entire 4-year journey across the Land of the Dead on-foot was akin to a second death wish, especially if ventured alone. And so Béla stayed, disgruntled and yearning for a chance to one day finally break out of his prison of pencils and paperclips. Until along came Loca.
Enter Loca Servantes!
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Soft-spoken, freshly dead, and scared out of her skin (literally), this poor woman assumed she would finally find the peace that came with the sweet release of death and instead was reaped by Béla to a cold, cruel, unfamiliar land that supposedly wanted to kill her again. It was bad enough that she was matched with a travel agent indifferent to his clients' well-being, but when her file somehow reported her to be a mob hitman in her previous life, she was left with no choice but to be turned away and face the Land of the Dead alone.
But could this little woman be the very thing Béla needs to finally get out? Would they each take the risk of seeking Heaven through a violent and unforgiving world in the company of a complete stranger?
Secrets will be unveiled, flowers will bloom, bones will shatter, and hearts will mend
[ REDACTED*]: A Grim Fandango Tale!
~Coming at some point in the distant future to a dashboard near you!~
*comic still undergoing a proper title search
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moe-machine · 1 year
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Have you ever been drawn to the dark allure of the unspeakable horror ? Delve into the shadows and explore the sinister world of these enigmatic characters at our upcoming My Lovely Horror , adoptable event!
Within the hidden corners of the cosmos, secrets and forbidden attractions lie dormant, waiting to be unveiled. Embrace the complexity of these cultists in all their dark glory, delighting in the horror they instill. 
Will you find yourself drawn to these malevolent figures, perhaps even falling in love with the darkness that dwells within?  You will either survive or go mad upon witnessing the truth behind the veil that each cultist hides about the Great Old Ones?
 💙Auction Details💙
The event will be an auction. To participate, you need to follow me on Instagram. And do your bidding. There will be a total of 10 cultists, each one representing a great ancient entity of cosmic horror based on Cthulhu mythos.
Starting Bid (SB): $80
Receive a full-body character illustration with clothes.
Also, get a nude version (SFW) and his background story to delve deeper into the character's dark tale.
Auto Bay (AB): $150
Receive the full-body character illustration with clothes 
A daring full nude version (NSFW).
His background story to delve deeper into the character's dark tale.
Additionally, Gain a full-body commission featuring the cultist villain alongside an OC of your choosing. 
May the stars align in your favor as you embark on this journey into the abyss of the unknown. Remember, the allure of the cultists' realm can be irresistible, but know that the path to enlightenment may lead you to the brink of sanity.
Dare to bid, dare to delve, and dare to embrace the darkness that lurks within the void. See you at the auction!
 Warning: The event's content delves into the chilling horrors of the Cthulhu Mythos and may not be suitable for everyone.
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deletarius-draws · 6 months
random OC ask: if your OC inexplicably had access to real-world media, what character would be their favorite? what character would they unreasoningly despise? why?
Solus would be very into fantasy, sci-fi and most things nerd culture. I suppose a list of franchises and characters within them he'd be drawn to. I'll try not to make it too long, but he'd be into a lot of things.😅 Given his military background and heroic tales he was read, he would steer towards comics/manga, fantasy, action adventure and even have a sweet spot for hopeless romantic novels and the like. War & Love.
- Warhammer 40k & Fantasy (Lore & Tabletop) Solus likes strategy and tactical rpgs.
Favorite characters would be Eldrad Ulthran, an immensely powerful Aeldari psyker in 40k. He'd be one Solus' favorite characters as well as part of his favorite faction which would be Aeldari. His main armies would be mostly Eldar, his secondary army collection would be Vulkan legion army. His tertiary would be the Eldar Harlequins, Eldar overall are his favorite faction, because Space Elves thought not really elves...
Another favorite character would be Sangunius, admiring the feats, heroism and sacrifice.
Least favored character or despised would be a wild guess "Erebus", however without this character the heresy era of 40k wouldn't exist, so it's a love/hate or love to hate.
Another form of media he'd be interested in and what is the comic book series Invincible, favorite characters would be Invincible (Mark Grayson), Omni-man (Nolan Grayson), Atom Eve (Samantha Wilkins) and the Mauler Twins due their comedic banter on who's the original and the parts they play in the story. He would like how invincible takes an alternate approach on the consequences and what it takes to actually be a hero in that world. Mark being a favorite and relatable character, starting off as not-so invincible and developing overall as a character and hero from there, being unveiled by what he thinks or thought being a hero would be like. Solus can relate deeply with this, seeing as he was once wearing rose tinted glasses in being a hero or war hero of sorts, the excitement of adventure and duty only to be brutally exposed to the reality of it all. However, he still kept his hope and optimism, just a rational amount, approaching things with caution and purpose. Solus can also relate to the physical struggles of pushing past the limits of his body. Nolan (Mark's father) is a favorite by simply being a well written individual, how he went from apathetic to compassionate and showing that he has feelings and does care for his family.
Atom Eve is a favorite for Solus as she goes through the necessary character development that would later complete Mark's perception as a character. Her being the love interest as well as her own seperate goals and evolution as a person. Seeing as being the traditional hero is not what it's cracked up to be.
Lord of the Rings is a another piece or media he'd be interested in, very much so. Characters of this he'd be drawn to would be Aragorn, Legolas because of course and Gimli. Pretty much he main party if heroes he'd drawn too.
As for disliked or hated characters Gollum would be one, despite his inner conflict, it would be difficult for Solus to like him. Gothmog that orc lieutenant would make Solus' hated list as well. The torturous methods and needless desecration is something Solus is pretty "blegh" and "meh" towards.
He'd be into Star Wars as well, it's a tale not too far off from stories and lore his mother would read or tell him during bedtime. Tales of heroism, fallen heroes and redemption, which is something Solus is drawn to the most since he feels he has failed those he loved and lost due to him not being capable enough. He would enjoy the music and group of friends Star Wars would establish as the characters would venture fourth through the story. His favorite characters would be Luke (Young hero set to save others and his father, develops own philosophy in being a jedi), Leia, Han, Anakin (To Fall so far, yet turn back to the light in he end), Obi-Wan, (a jedi who wasn't as talented but still managed to learn as much in his studies to compensate for his lack of force sensitivity). Solus likes stories on underdogs and feels for those characters deeply. He'd like Count Dooku as a character, seeing as Count Dooku wasn't necessarily fully engulfed by the dark side, but instead used it as a means to further what he thought was right on the political front. A different outlook than the restriction and limitations of the Jedi order which grew too involved in politics and in the wars at the time of the Republic.
As for a hated character or one he despises would be Darth Sidous (Emperor) cause of course, highly manipulative describing him as a character does no justice. But he also likes how campy the character is written in, appreciating the manipulation of both sides as a good villain. Solus wouldn't like him as a person but as a villainous character he appreciate it. Solus has been manipulated and tricked before by someone close to him who he saw as a father, but was used as a pawn to further something devastating and unforseen, so villains like this he would hate with a passion. Solus' life was wiped clean of close friends, family and good innocent acquaintances so this would hit home.
He'd be into some anime, one that comes to mind I can see him liking a lot especially while growing up is classics like Dbz (r.i.p. Akira😔) Favorite characters would be Vegeta mostly, started out as a cocky proud villain, was humbled time and time again as the story progresses and learned to care for others while still training hard to try and surpass Goku. Solus can appreciate such dedication and grind of a mindset. Another character would be Piccolo a close second and Bardock (Goku's father).
Naruto (fave characters: Kakashi, Might Guy, Rock Lee, Hinata, Tsunade, and Shikamaru) Bleach (Rukia, Yasutora Sado, Retsu Unohana and Toshiro) Fist of the Northstar, Berserk (he'd like Guts a lot) and Claymore.
I won't get too far into those character I don't want to spend too much time on them individually.
Solus would of course get into Dragon Age and Mass Effect. His favorite characters in Dragon Age so far would be, Alistair, Varric, Morrigan, Sten, Zevran, Dagna (Inquisition), Solas (compelling character, he'd also be good friends with him if they resided in the same universe. However his methods going into Dread Wolf Solus would disagree with). Cullen, Avelline, Shale, and Cassandra (would be his Inquisition romance option also a relatable character, a warrior who still has or makes room for love). Fenris, Merrill and Bethany (Hawke's sister). Dragon Age is pretty huge there would be more I'd list but they'd go on for a while lol. Solus would definitely be a fan of the Bioware games, specifically DA & ME.
Mass Effect would be David Anderson, Garrus, Dr. Chakwas, Urdnot Wrex, Tali, Liara, Mordin Solus, Thane Krios, Jack, Javik, Ashley, Aria, Shiala and Samara.
Halo franchise would be The Arbiter (Thel'Vadam) his most favorite character, second is Master Chief, third would be Rookie from halo odst reason being something relatable about the "strong silent type loner". Fourth would Jorge 052 from Halo Reach. Other honorable mentions would be Kat from Reach, Sergeant Johnson, Cortana, Guilty Spark, Rtas'Vadum, and Atriox. Would be some favorable amd memorable characters he'd like alot. Other than all that, I can see him getting into stuff like that as well as much more with character he loves and hates, or not like as much.
Apologies for the hefty answer, I had to really think about this one since I had a lot on my mind about what he'd be interested in.
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mademoiselleenrouge · 7 months
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🌹 Welcome, dear visitor, to the enchanting realm of Mademoiselle en Rouge! 🌹
Step into my world, where words waltz and prose pirouettes amidst the splendor of imagination. Whether you seek solace in the serenade of sonnets or delight in the dalliance of diction, you'll find respite within these crimson-clad walls.
Here, amidst the flickering candlelight of creativity, every story is a journey waiting to be embarked upon, every character a companion eager to share their tale. From the cherished realms of fanfiction to the uncharted territories of original creation, there's a treasure trove of wonders awaiting your discovery.
So, dear reader, immerse yourself in the opulence of prose, let your imagination take flight on the wings of words, and join me as we traverse the boundless expanse of storytelling. Welcome to Mademoiselle en Rouge, where every page is an invitation to adventure and every word a whisper of magic.
At Mademoiselle en Rouge, our tapestries of tales span across vast and varied realms, catering to the diverse tastes of my cherished readers. Writing OCs, x reader and even character x character! I am thrilled to unveil a glimpse into the realms of fandoms I proudly explore and celebrate:
🌟 Persona 3 and Persona 5: Delve into the depths of the psyche, where shadows lurk and personas awaken, in mystirring tributes to the beloved Persona series.
🏴‍☠️ One Piece: Set sail on the Grand Line and join the Straw Hat Pirates on their epic quest for treasure, friendship, and adventure on the high seas.
⚔️ League of Legends: Enter the Rift and witness the clash of champions in our tales inspired by the legendary battles of Summoner's Rift.
🔥 Fire Emblem Heroes, Three Houses, and Three Hopes: From the battlefield to the academy halls, my stories weave intricate webs of strategy, romance, and heroism in the rich tapestry of the Fire Emblem universe.
And this is but a mere glimpse into the kaleidoscope of fandoms that grace this crimson-clad halls!
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earth-6677 · 1 year
Welcome to Earth-6677!
Do you want Agent Carter Season 3, or something close to it? Do you want that story to be a fanfic with various connecting fics taking inspiration from other Golden Age Marvel Heroes? Do you want stories that take place within the MCU, but are also a set-up for a soft reboot of the parts the authors don't like? You want gay shit? Then this project might just be for you.
Earth-6677 is a fanfiction project begun by @crash476, with assistance from @sparkyyoungupstart. Beginning as an idea of what happened to Peggy Carter's brother Michael, we have expanded it into a shared universe that slowly unveils a new history of the world that ties in both Marvel Comics, the MCU, and actual historical events.
Currently our focus is on the events of WWII and the post-war period of Agent Carter. Our main cast members are Michael Carter and an OC, Emily Gower, though we've combined them with elements of the comics characters Brian Falsworth (Union Jack) and Jacqueline Falsworth (Spitfire). So far a majority of our tales have focused on The Invaders, a team that in the comics punched Axis forces and starred Captain America, Namor, and the original Human Torch. They're not in our cast, but we hope the characters we did put in keep the same flavour.
We have hopes and plans to let the repercussions of our characters (and our own disappointments with several modern projects) echo throughout the timeline and into modern day - accompanied of course with more stories as long as we can find the time for them. For now, though, here's a rundown on what fics we have so far.
The Invaders series, focusing on the Golden Age (and in publishing order):
Death in the Golden Hour, a combination prologue and Flash Forward one-shot taking place immediately after the attack on Jack Thompson in the final moments of Agent Carter.
Sixes and Sevens, the story of Michael Carter's death being covered up during World War II. The Special Operations Executive see a golden opportunity, Carter is given a new identity - Brian Falsworth - and he's sent to join Operation Meridian, the British equivalent of Project Rebirth. When Dr. Erskine is assassinated in America, Major "Falsworth" is sent on a mission through the Middle East to track down an old colleague of Dr. Erskine's in the hopes that Britain can get their own super soldier. Joined by Emily Gower, the two must evade Nazis, HYDRA agents, and local governments in order to secure an advantage for the Allied forces.
Upon the Chaos Dark, a one-shot showing Roger Aubrey being captured and experimented on by Daniel Whitehall.
Shadow of the Eagle, where Carter's team embarks on a mission to destroy a U-Boat station in Greece, only to encounter several figures from his past.
Radio Chatter, a collection for various one-shots.
The Haunting of Villa Layla, where the members of the Fidonisi party regroup with their friends and share stories from their pasts.
Agent Carter: Phantom Pain, the point at which the story catches up to the prologue. Peggy and company must deal with Thompson's death, Dottie's return, the looming shutdown of the SSR, and Michael's return.
There is a House in the Mountains, where a contingent of Invaders are sent to rescue a spy on the inside of HYDRA.
Headfirst Slide into Latveria on a Bad Bet, where the other half of the Invaders go to Latveria to help a young Victor von Doom liberate his country.
We also have a TV Tropes page here; we've been updating it ourselves but our hope is that it can become self-sustaining if the series gets popular enough. After all, the more people who engage with our work the better our motivation to write more of it! So please, read and enjoy!
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taegularities · 1 year
! Brief trigger: this is not exactly a rant, it’s a story time but a very long one, pls bear with me 🥲 (also my first ask so there’s that)
Been following you for a while now Rid, I’ve mostly read your standalone fics like love me better, begin, silk & stones, stars behind waves & tale of broken hearts. I consider myself as the type who likes gut wrenching angst that ends in happy ending or at least a feeling of hope at the end. These ones like you had promised, were definitely angst heavy (esp the vmin fics). I prefer not to touch long series coz I fear I might lose interest midway thru & might end up thinking I wasted lots of time reading it since it often happens that authors end up adding bunch of filler scenes in between & im one who doesn’t like that.
So for the longest time I actually ignored cmi, until the amc thing came up & the some of the questions relating to the character arcs were def intriguing for me, & I thought ‘why not just give this one a go?’ The word count for cmi looked quite scary😶 so I took inspiration from seven & tried finishing from start till the recent update within seven days (…peak stupidity LoL) & GOD THE ANGST. I couldn’t help but take a blanket over my head to tear down through the rough patches that followed in midway through the fic…literally every scene was so detailed, it almost felt like I was looking at two people I closely knew & felt sorry for to suffer the miseries of being apart because of the conflicts they’d been facing.
Even if I actually succeeded in completing the 200k wc (the fastest & longest record for me) I was able to enjoy the fic. Maybe coz you actually understand the pacing of the slow burn and wrote their arcs so carefully which allowed the reader to slowly unveil their personalities, their flaws, their growth throughout the fic. I kinda skipped the drabbles in between (i did skim through but didn’t actually focus on them alot) coz the goal was to first read through the main storyline then take my time to unwind & re-read the drabbles after. Honestly this work might be my fav one from you, or any Jungkook fic I’ve read in the entirety of this website. Just wanted to say thanks for crafting such a wonderful piece of literature for us, im thrilled to read further what lays in store for jk & oc after they talked through their differences & patched up. And after reading so much pining that went behind in the past 9(?) parts, I’d actually love only fluff and warmth for this couple (me as angst enthusiast saying this✋🙂). And yes, I’m waiting for the cmi drabble (seven mv jk cross over with cmi jk is an unimaginable menace 🫠) and future parts to be posted sooner too! This couple has my heart💛
this was your first ask?! to lil ole me? 😭 omg hope you still see this one!! i wasn't around much when you sent it, then it got buried – but today i remembered it again and wanted to say hi 🥺
first of all, tysm for reading so many of my fics, and such long ones, too!! like, lmb is a huge ass piece, so im really happy you gave it a shot and enjoyed it, too 🥺 and like, same goes for cmi. it's also so lovely to know that people try out stuff on my page that they usually wouldn't – so it melts my heart that you gave cmi a chance and grew to love it as well!! angst, ikr? me too, i could live off of it :') LOL NOT THE SEVEN DAY CHALLENGE. that's actually so amusing and sweet 🤣 i know the word count is crazy and the chapters tend to get very long, but... i know i'm repeating myself, but i'm incredibly thankful that you tuned in. if you ever want, do read through the drabbles, too, since i think they give a deeper glimpse into the characters' flaws and personalities – no pressure tho!!
once again, thank you. it means the world to me to know you loved it so much. like, fav fic? please i'll sob :'') a lot of fluff incoming (but angst too, so fret not), and i truly hope you enjoy the rest as well. drop by anytime, seriously, i'd love to talk about cmi or anything with you whenever you like!! 🥺🤍
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Meet the OCs - Music Edition
It’s about time I introduce my OCs.
But I have a problem: None of them have names yet. At this point, I can only address them as numbers and archetypes I’ve come up with myself. lol
The Ancient Spectator (1) - Specter Zeta
Miyazaki Mountain by Philter
Spotify | YouTube
Truth Unveiled by Time by Mattia Cupelli
Spotify | YouTube
The Solitary Specialist (2) - Talyx
Mind by Sleeping At Last
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Hold Your Breath by Astyria
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The Merciless Protector (3) - Zenith
Burn by 2WEI, Edda Hayes
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My Domain by Tommee Profitt, SVRCINA
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The Dynamic Vagabond (4) - Strake
A Tale of Sea Dragons by Marcus Warner
Spotify | YouTube
Soldier by Fleurie, Tommee Profitt
Spotify | YouTube
The Rival Companion (5)
Invincible by Borgeous
Spotify | YouTube
Do You Remember by Ellie Goulding
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The Captivating Escapist (6)
There Beneath by The Oh Hellos
Spotify | YouTube
Angel by Jackie Evancho
Spotify | YouTube
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startle · 2 years
i wanna know more about your ocs so bad. kinu and wyne…. who are they!!
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I REMEMBER YOU SENDING AN ASK ABOUT THEM ONCE ... i'll go ahead & FINALLY answer as shotgunned as i can in this one, especially since as of writing this, their concepts are much more (disclaimer: not fully) realized than months prior ^__^;
cut for LARGE paragraphs:
⟶ first, is wyne! ('when', she/they) she's an amnesic, water-dwelling ghoul, once a human woman from 1300's wales whose life was cruelly taken from her - at the hand of a trusted friend, before she could naturally expire from septicemic plague. despite her current state of being, alongside her trauma still subconsciously influencing her lifestyle -- she's vibrant & warm in personality, alongside being very diplomatic, & can freely admit that it's not always easy maintaining that attitude, but won't let herself be needlessly dissuaded. though her luck runs stale, & being afflicted with severe illness becomes something of a cycle to wyne; being something of a travelling environmental biologist, she's one day attacked by an animal diseased with a plague-like parasite & subsequently becoming the begrudgingly willing labrat of a mysterious back-alley doctor titled " the fixer ", of whom is also cryptically nonhuman. where mutual interest in wyne being a morbid medium of science & medicine shows itself, she is slowly accepted as fix's lead nurse -- eventually, accepting his hand in marriage as their origins of being are unveiled, & the mystery of their deep-rooted security in one-another is answered. (spoiler: fix & wyne, while not lovers in their human life, grew up as fairly tight-knit childhood best friends in a trio, facing fatal betrayal at the hand of their third link - fix's first best friend & lover, samuel - which resulted in both of their respective transformations. reuniting centuries later they don't remember a thing initially but, obviously, develop a new relationship dynamic. when their memories begin to return, the truth of samuel's actions are realized, & they find out he still lives on, the two physicians & their whole posse set out to put the plague -- & its progenitor, to eternal rest.)
⟶ then, we have kinu! (key-new, they/them, she/her selectively) an eclectic, glamorous & spunky vampire, the only childe of their subspecies' progenitor - who is their adoptive dad, no less - that's lived to tell the tale of fully-adjusted vampirism. having once lived a tumultuous human life: being a half ainu & half romanian person in 1970's japan kind of .. speaking for itself, immigration to the united states in young age after being apparently orphanized, falling into one bad crowd after another as they'd grown from adolescence to adulthood, up until their violently impulsive siring in 1991 . after taking a small handful of years to simply .. go through the motions of lost humanity - & now needing & ultimately wanting to restart their identity anew, they travel from their roots in southern california to the northern californian coast, finally dropping ship in mid-90's san francisco. from there on, the decades are spent becoming something of an underground artist in niche music & fashion scenes, alongside hoisting themselves to something of a coven leader role -- in lieu of kinu's dad totally disappearing after his siring of them. after years of being in the Borderline Symptom Loop, inviting a new & unprompted roommate - a demon named adam, brings kinu the kind of support system they'd absolutely need: someone with equal parts warm patience, brutal accountability, & encouragement of self-sufficiency. but naturally, even something so nurturing & vibrant has to come with its .. well, horrible shadow - something of an evil counterpart, whom long schemed a plan to break apart & control the two. it's the ultimate challenge for both adam & kinu's superhuman fortitudes more than ever - especially, the sustainability of kinu's own survival defense mechanisms, then eventually, their inhuman biology as a whole.
admittedly, my vision of their human life still feels really hazy (i guess just how kinu would feel trying to remember it) but, having been born in 1972 japan & being half ainu, half romanian - things for them were nothing short of unstable, oppressive
i don't know At All how to close this off, other than with this meme i made about the two:
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pagebypagereviews · 4 days
Unveiling the Secrets of "The Alice Network: A Novel" – A Gripping Tale of WWII Espionage and Female Spies Step into the perilous world of espionage and unbreakable female courage with Kate Quinn's "The Alice Network: A Novel," a stunning blend of historical fiction that artfully oscillates between World War I and post-World War II timelines. In this riveting narrative, two extraordinary women – a World War I female spy and an American college girl searching for her missing cousin in 1947 – transcends time, intertwining their lives in ways that redefine bravery and resilience. The book captures the very essence of history's often overlooked but essential heroines, making it a vital read for those intrigued by the shadows of wartime espionage and the raw emotional spectrum of the human experience. "The Alice Network" not only entertains but educates, shedding light on the covert operations and unsung female heroes who shaped wartime outcomes, solving the historical gap in mainstream narratives. By immersing readers in a gripping, dual timeline story, Quinn addresses the need for richer, more diverse tales of courage and heroism. This novel highlights the importance of espionage in the global conflict and underscores the crucial role that women played – roles that were often diminished or ignored altogether. As you turn each page, the seamless blend of danger, determination, and human connection will keep you captivated, questioning how far one would go to stand against tyranny and seek justice. Plot "The Alice Network: A Novel" masterfully intertwines two narrative threads—a post-World War II storyline set in 1947 and a World War I espionage plot. In 1947, pregnant and distraught American socialite Charlie St. Clair heads to Europe to search for her missing cousin. Simultaneously, we travel back to 1915, meeting Eve Gardiner, a young woman recruited as a spy in the Alice Network, an underground organization fighting against German occupiers. Through these parallel timelines, the novel explores themes of betrayal, loss, and redemption. The interplay between past and present builds suspense and reveals the characters' interconnected fates, leading to a climactic resolution where personal and historical reckonings converge. Characters Charlie St. Clair and Eve Gardiner serve as the dual protagonists of the novel. Charlie is a determined yet naive young woman grappling with the challenges of an unplanned pregnancy and a missing relative. Her quest leads her to Eve, who is now a reclusive, bitter figure haunted by her experiences during World War I. Eve's colleagues from the Alice Network, including the courageous leader Lili, provide further layers of complexity to the narrative. The supporting characters, including Finn Kilgore, an ex-World War II Scottish soldier with his demons, complement the main characters and enrich the emotional depth of the story. Writing Style Author Kate Quinn employs a fluid and evocative writing style, blending detailed historical descriptions with a compelling narrative drive. Her prose captures the stark realities of war and the emotional landscapes of her characters. The use of dual timelines is handled with precision, ensuring clarity while sustaining suspense. Quinn's dialogue is sharp and authentic, often revealing deeper aspects of her characters' personalities and motivations. The alternating perspectives between Charlie's and Eve's narratives create a dynamic reading experience, keeping the reader engaged as secrets unfold and connections are made. Setting The novel meticulously brings to life diverse settings spanning both World Wars. From the bustling, dangerous streets of war-torn Lille during World War I to the ravaged yet rebuilding cities in post-World War II France, the sense of place is vividly portrayed. The tension and urgency of espionage activities during the German occupation contrast with the quieter, but equally intense, post-war environment where characters grapple with their pasts.
Historical accuracy is woven into the settings, making them almost palpable and immersive for the reader. Unique Aspects "The Alice Network" stands out for its focus on female spies and their pivotal roles in espionage operations during both World Wars. The novel sheds light on the often-overlooked contributions of women, portraying them not only as brave and resourceful but also as deeply human and flawed. The dual timeline structure enriches the narrative, allowing for a multi-faceted exploration of historical and personal themes. Quinn's meticulous research and dedication to historical authenticity ground the story in real events and figures, such as the true-life Alice Network and its leader, Louise de Bettignies, often providing insightful historical notes at the end of the book for further context. Historical Fiction Historical fiction allows readers to explore different time periods and events, providing a narrative way to understand history's impact on personal lives. "The Alice Network" is exemplary in its dedication to historical accuracy while crafting a gripping story. The depiction of life during both World Wars includes not just the physical realities—such as bombed-out cities and clandestine spy operations—but also the psychological challenges faced by individuals caught in the tide of history. By using real events, the book bridges the gap between historical facts and human experience, making the past feel immediate and relevant. WWII Espionage WWII espionage forms a core element of the novel, highlighting the high-stakes world of covert operations. The detailed account of spying techniques, coded messages, undercover identities, and the subversion tactics employed by the Alice Network engrosses readers with the perils faced by the spies. These narratives emphasize the intelligence community's critical role during the war, often operating in morally ambiguous territories. Eve's personal transformation from an eager spy to a tormented soul illustrates the heavy price of espionage, echoing true stories from wartime intelligence missions. Female Spies The portrayal of female spies in "The Alice Network" challenges traditional narratives that often marginalize women's roles in wartime. Eve's journey, influenced by real-life figures like Louise de Bettignies, underscores the bravery and ingenuity required of female operatives. These women navigated societal norms that underestimated their abilities, using this to their advantage to undertake operations that were crucial to the war effort. Their fearless undertakings, sacrifices, and ultimate impact highlight the redefinition of women's roles during the war years, offering readers a nuanced understanding of gender in historical contexts. Gripping Narrative The novel’s gripping narrative hooks readers from the outset, with alternating timelines that build tension and reveal the story layer by layer. The pace is carefully managed, combining fast-paced action sequences with introspective moments that allow for character development. This interplay not only keeps the reader engaged but also deepens the emotional investment in the characters' outcomes. The dual timelines intersect in brilliantly unexpected ways, making each revelation impactful and satisfying. The emotional peaks and troughs are effectively orchestrated, ensuring a compelling journey through the book. Dual Timeline The dual timeline structure in "The Alice Network" adds complexity and depth to the narrative. This technique allows for a rich exploration of themes such as memory, trauma, and the long-lasting impacts of war. By juxtaposing Eve's WWI experiences with Charlie's post-WWII quest, the novel shows how past atrocities and heroics reverberate into the future. This narrative approach enables a multi-layered storytelling method, where historical events are not just backdrop elements but integral to the characters' development. Examples of this technique’s success can also be seen in works like "The Nightingale"
by Kristin Hannah and "The Light We Lost" by Jill Santopolo, reinforcing its effectiveness in enhancing the emotional and historical richness of the story. Pros of Historical Fiction Immersive Educational Experience Historical fiction allows readers to immerse themselves in different time periods, offering an educational journey through history. This genre provides valuable insights and detailed depictions of historical events, making it easier for readers to understand and appreciate the past. This can be particularly engaging as it turns learning about history into a captivating experience rather than a mundane task. Rich, Layered Storytelling The depth and detail inherent in historical fiction often lead to rich, multi-layered storytelling. Authors who meticulously research their settings and characters can create narratives that are both compelling and credible. This layering can add significant emotional weight and depth, drawing readers more profoundly into the narrative and keeping them hooked from start to finish. Cons of Historical Fiction Potential for Historical Inaccuracy One downside is the potential for historical inaccuracies which can mislead readers. Authors sometimes take creative liberties to enhance the storytelling, which can result in a distorted or romanticized version of events. This can misinform readers about historical facts, leading to misunderstandings about real events and figures. Complexity and Accessibility Issues The complexity of historical fiction can sometimes be a double-edged sword. While detailed descriptions and nuanced plots can enhance the narrative, they can also make the story less accessible. Some readers may find the extensive historical context overwhelming, especially if they are not already familiar with the period being depicted. This can make the genre less appealing to a broader audience. Pros of WWII Espionage High Stakes and Intensity WWII espionage stories inherently come with high stakes and intense situations. The backdrop of a world at war, coupled with the secretive and dangerous nature of espionage, creates a thrilling narrative environment. This leads to gripping plots that keep readers on the edge of their seats, fully engaged and eager to see how the spies will outmaneuver their enemies. Intriguing Historical Context This subgenre opens a window into the lesser-known aspects of WWII, such as the clandestine operations and the brave individuals behind them. It offers a unique perspective on the war, showcasing the psychological and strategic battles waged beyond the battlefield. This added layer of intrigue enriches the reader's understanding of the era and provides a fresh, captivating take on well-trodden historical ground. Cons of WWII Espionage Plausibility Issues While the intrigue is a significant draw, some WWII espionage stories may stretch plausibility. Overly fictionalized spy gadgets, implausible plot twists, or improbably skilled operatives can sometimes break immersion. Readers well-versed in WWII history might find such elements jarring, reducing the story's overall credibility and their engagement with it. Repetitive Tropes WWII espionage stories often fall into repetitive tropes, such as the double agent, the code breaker, or the undercover mission. While these elements can be exciting, overuse can lead to predictability. Readers might begin to see similar patterns across different books, which can diminish the uniqueness and excitement of the genre over time. Pros of Female Spies Breaking Stereotypes Including female spies in historical fiction and WWII narratives helps break traditional stereotypes, offering strong, intelligent, and resourceful female characters. These characters challenge the often male-dominant genre, providing diverse perspectives and adding a layer of gender dynamics. This can inspire and engage readers by showcasing women's crucial roles in history and espionage. Complex and Relatable Characters Female spies often come with complex backstories and motives, making them highly relatable.
They bring a blend of vulnerability and strength that can resonate deeply with readers. Their unique challenges and triumphs add emotional depth, making the narrative more engaging and multifaceted. This enriches the reader’s emotional investment in the story. Cons of Female Spies Risk of Stereotypical Representation While female spies can add much-needed diversity, there's a risk of reducing them to stereotypes. Some narratives might overly emphasize their sexuality or make their roles appear less serious compared to their male counterparts. This not only undermines the character’s role but can also perpetuate harmful tropes rather than effectively breaking them. Historical Scrutiny Representing female spies in historical narratives often invites scrutiny regarding accuracy. Given that many historical accounts are male-dominated, integrating female spies authentically requires careful research. Inaccurate or unbelievable portrayals can be detrimental, as they can perpetuate myths and detract from the overall credibility of the historical setting. Pros of a Gripping Narrative Enhanced Reader Engagement A gripping narrative significantly enhances reader engagement, making the book difficult to put down. Exciting plots, unexpected twists, and well-timed suspense keep readers on the edge of their seats. This type of storytelling ensures that the reader remains emotionally invested and continuously curious about the unfolding events, providing a highly satisfying reading experience. Emotional Resonance A gripping narrative often involves well-developed characters and high stakes, which amplify emotional resonance. When readers become attached to the characters and their journeys, the impact of the plot’s ups and downs is far greater. This emotional connection makes the story more memorable and impactful, leaving a lasting impression even after the book is finished. Cons of a Gripping Narrative Risk of Over-Stimulation An overly gripping narrative can sometimes be exhausting for readers. Continuous high tension and constant twists may lead to emotional fatigue, diminishing the overall enjoyment of the story. If not balanced with quieter, reflective moments, the narrative can feel overwhelming and leave readers needing a break from the intensity. Shallow Character Development The focus on maintaining a gripping pace often comes at the expense of deeper character development. Rapid plot progression can lead to rushed interactions and underdeveloped relationships. This can result in characters that feel flat or unconvincing, making it harder for readers to form attachments or fully appreciate their journeys. Pros of a Dual Timeline Enhanced Narrative Complexity A dual timeline structure can greatly enhance the complexity of a narrative, offering layers that interweave past and present. This format allows for the exploration of themes from different perspectives and time periods, enriching the reader's understanding and engagement. The interplay between timelines can reveal hidden connections and deepen the overall narrative experience. Increased Suspense and Curiosity Dual timelines often keep readers guessing about how the two narratives will converge, increasing suspense and curiosity. This structure invites readers to piece together clues and speculate on the connection between the timelines. The process of discovery keeps readers actively engaged, making the reading experience more interactive and rewarding. Cons of a Dual Timeline Potential for Confusion The complexity of dual timelines can sometimes lead to confusion, especially if not handled expertly. Shifting between different periods can be disorienting for readers, particularly if the transitions are abrupt or the connections between timelines are unclear. This can disrupt the flow of the narrative and make it harder for readers to follow the story. Uneven Interest Levels Readers might find one timeline more compelling than the other, leading to uneven interest levels. If one
storyline significantly overshadows the other, it can create a sense of frustration or impatience when the narrative shifts back and forth. This imbalance can detract from the overall impact and satisfaction derived from the book. FAQ What is historical fiction? Historical fiction is a literary genre where the plot takes place in a setting located in the past. Authors often blend historical events and authentic details with fictionalized characters and narratives to create a compelling story that offers a window into a different time period. Why is WWII espionage a popular theme in historical fiction? WWII espionage is a popular theme because the war was a period of intense global conflict that involved intricate spy networks, secret missions, and dramatic tales of bravery and betrayal. These elements provide rich material for engaging and suspenseful storytelling. Were there many female spies during WWII? Yes, there were numerous female spies during WWII who played crucial roles in collecting intelligence, sabotaging enemy operations, and supporting resistance movements. These women often operated under extreme risk and their stories provide fascinating and inspiring content for historical fiction. What makes a narrative gripping? A gripping narrative typically includes well-developed characters, high stakes, suspenseful plot twists, and emotional depth. Effective storytelling keeps readers engaged and invested in the outcome of the story. What is a dual timeline structure in novels? A dual timeline structure involves alternating between two different time periods within the same novel. This technique can enrich the story by drawing parallels between the past and the present, gradually revealing connections and adding layers of complexity to the narrative. How does a dual timeline enhance a WWII espionage story? A dual timeline can enhance a WWII espionage story by juxtaposing wartime events with their contemporary repercussions. It can add dimension to the plot, allow for deeper character exploration, and create a sense of mystery and continuity that engages the reader. Do historical fiction novels about female spies adhere strictly to historical accuracy? While many historical fiction novels strive to maintain historical accuracy, they often take creative liberties for narrative purposes. Authors might fictionalize certain events or characters to enhance the story's emotional impact or to fit within the book’s structure. What are some common themes in WWII espionage novels? Common themes in WWII espionage novels include loyalty and betrayal, courage under pressure, the moral complexities of war, the impact of espionage on personal relationships, and the struggle for freedom and justice. Can new readers appreciate a dual timeline narrative if they are not familiar with historical fiction? Yes, new readers can appreciate a dual timeline narrative even if they are not familiar with historical fiction. This structure can make the story more accessible by providing multiple entry points and maintaining a dynamic pace that holds the reader’s interest. In conclusion, "The Alice Network: A Novel" stands as a compelling choice for readers who are avid enthusiasts of historical fiction, particularly those fascinated by WWII espionage and the remarkable stories of female spies. Kate Quinn's masterfully woven narrative is both gripping and insightful, offering a multi-layered experience that elegantly traverses dual timelines. The parallel stories of Eve Gardiner, a fierce and indomitable spy in the Alice Network during World War I, and Charlie St. Clair, a young American socialite searching for her cousin in post-World War II Europe, encapsulate a riveting journey through courage, sacrifice, and the relentless pursuit of truth. One of the novel's greatest strengths is its meticulous attention to historical detail, which brings to life the covert operations and perilous missions of female espionage agents, often unsung heroes of wartime history.
Quinn's evocative portrayal of Eve and her comrades in the Alice Network underscores the extraordinary bravery required for their clandestine efforts and emphasizes the profound impact of their contributions to the war effort. This vivid recounting serves not only to entertain but also to educate readers about an oft-overlooked facet of history. Furthermore, the dual timeline structure allows for a dynamic and engaging storytelling approach, seamlessly blending the past and present to reveal the connections between the characters and their shared experiences across decades. This format enriches the narrative, providing a deeper understanding of the historical context and the emotional complexities faced by the characters. As readers traverse the suspenseful twists and turns, they gain a profound appreciation for the strength and resilience of the human spirit, especially when confronted with seemingly insurmountable odds. In addition to its historical richness and captivating storyline, "The Alice Network" also offers insights into themes of redemption, identity, and the enduring power of friendship and loyalty. It is a testament to the impact of individual actions in shaping the course of history and the unyielding hope that drives people to uncover the truth, no matter the cost. For those seeking a novel that combines historical fidelity with a suspenseful and emotionally resonant narrative, "The Alice Network: A Novel" is an invaluable choice. Its intricate plotting, well-developed characters, and poignant portrayal of female spies ensure that it remains a standout in the genre of historical fiction.
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tadpoledancing · 12 days
Eyes of the Force (Miraluka oc Star Wars) Masterlist
Welcome to Eyes of the Force! An OC Star Wars Tale! Check out my directory below:
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Velana Syenar, a Miraluka who was captured and enslaved on Zygerria at the age of 8, spent 14 years forced into obedience as a healer slave. Rescued by the 501st and 212th clones of the Grand Army of the Republic, she struggles to adjust to freedom, still believing she needs to serve someone to avoid punishment. Slowly, she learns to find her place among her rescuers, developing close, familial bonds with the clones and Jedi.
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Miralukase (Miraluka Language) (I made this up)
Velana's Sight
History of the Miraluka
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Velana Syenar (Miraluka OC)
All Characters List
Cody and Velana
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Relationships (Platonic)
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These are not in chronological order!
Accidental Unveiling
Helping Her Part 1
Helping Her Part 2
Helping Her Part 3
Helping Her Part 4
Colour War
The Banquet
Protective Rex and Cody
Stressful Healing
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Main Storyline Below:
Chp 1: Rescue
Chp 2: Reclaiming Freedom
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Headcanons about the Miraluka
Miraluka Courting
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heroofpenamstan · 3 years
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“Can you not see it, still, Aveline? Everything I have done, everything I continue to do, has always been and always will be for you, and you and me.”
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bebepac · 3 years
Six Sentence Sunday 10.17.21
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Another Sunday Funday is  upon us!  Work still has been crazy, but I did work a little bit less in this past two weeks, not by much.  Fortunately I have got some writing done,  we’ll unveil that in a few.  Sorry I’m not posting as much as I was, but I hope I can start posting more soon. 
As always, I know tags can be crazy, but here’s what chapters I’ve posted in the last week or so.
University Student Ellie:  Skipping Across The Pond
Greek Meat: A Family Vacation Part 2⛱
Thanks for the tags @mrsnazariowritesagain and @khoicesbyk​
A/N: Mia’s 🌎 World took  a turn I wasn’t planning on, if you enjoy the weird on Netflix, it has a Locke & Key meets The Flash sort of vibe. Both have episodes dealing with mirrors, and there is some influence there. 
Here’s my new /old stuff I’ve updated.  I did let our good pal DW take first chair on a couple of things.... You’ll see.  
Original post : 10/17/21 at 3:03PM EST.
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The Rotten Apple 🍎
Their Hidden Pain  one shot / Creepy Campfire Tale 2021
Pairings: Liam x Riley  / with past pairing  Riley x Drake
The Book: TRH
Status: Still in the writing process
"I haven't seen you since the day you locked me in here. That was over five years ago. What do we owe this honor, King Liam?"
Liam stepped forward, his eyes revealed nothing in that split second before he punched Drake.
Drake hit the floor rubbing his face for a moment, spitting out blood.  Of all things, Drake laughed.
"We've really got to stop meeting like this Liam."
Liam grabbed him, pulling him up from the floor before he hit him again.
"You think this is a joke?!"
Drake laughed harder, as the hits continued.
"My daughter! All these years…."
Drake was barely conscious after Liam finally had tired himself out from hitting him.   Bastien stood only watching as he had been instructed to do.  
“What does this have to do with……” Realization flashed into Drake’s eyes.
“She’s not your daughter is she? She’s my daughter. Ellie Walker.”  
Liam’s eyes finally revealed his pain.
“Don’t you call her that!!!!”
“It’s who she is!!!!!  This fucking monarchy, they can’t even be honest with the King. These are the people you surround yourself with King Liam. They knew the crown needed an heir, so they let you two believe…. You had already conceived one. But you didn’t.  That’s so ironic, I really did beat the King of Cordonia to the promised land. Your precious Ellie, is not yours.  She’s mine.”
“She’s nothing like you Drake!!!!  Nothing but light and love has surrounded her life since she was born.”
Drake laughed again.  
“She’s nothing like me?  When have you ever known a tree that is rotten to produce good fruit?  And I’m the delusional one on medication?  Just you wait, King Liam.  Just you wait.”
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The Antique Mirror
Mia’s 🌎 World / Creepy Campfire Tale 2021
The Book: TRR x The Freshman
Pairings: Mia x Jaiden  (TRR MC x M!OC) / Chris x Emily
Status: Still in the writing process.
The old woman shook the money in her hand one more time looking at Jaiden.  He glanced at the money and then at Mia.   Mia wanted the mirror and he wanted to make her happy.
“We’re keeping it.”
Jaiden and Mia took the mirror home, cleaned it and painted it and the next morning Jaiden hung it in the bedroom.
“You could even use it like a vanity mirror.”  
Mia loved that idea. But it seemed a little too much.  He’d find Mia staring at herself in the mirror for hours at a time, almost entranced by it.  
Several Weeks Later
She sat that evening looking at her reflection, softly brushing her hair when she noticed it.  Her reflection had a smirk to her lips.  But Mia wasn’t smirking.
Mia put down the brush, as did her reflection, but the smirk still remained.  Mia touched the side of her face as did her reflection, feeling her face was not in a smirk.  
Peering closer at the mirror, Mia’s reflection winked at her.  
“What are you?”  she asked.
Mia reached her hand to the mirror, when her fingers touched the glass the eyes of the reflection changed glowing red.
It grabbed her arm pulling her inside the mirror.  Mia passed through the glass feeling it cold standing up on the other side of the mirror.
Mia shockingly looked around the world  that was a mirror image of hers, as this other thing, that looked exactly like her, eyes changed from that sinister glowing red, to her normal brown, and was sitting in the outside world. In her world.
“I’m you now.”  It said to her.
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Below Ground Zero
Just The Way You Are: Chapter 17
The Book TRR x Perfect Match
Pairings: Liam x Riley / Hayden x Kai (Hayden!M x Kai!F)
Status: Still in the writing process.
Jaiden knew he was going to help get Riley into a support group so he started looking around and emailed a few counselors.  
Janneth ran a group at a local church and asked him to meet with her.  
“It’s noble you’re trying to help your sister in this way.  But if she’s not ready for this, you can’t make her be ready.”
“I feel like we’re all walking on eggshells around her.  She needs people who truly understand what she’s feeling, and though we’re all trying, we don’t know. We don’t know what she needs.”  
“Let her tell you Jaiden.  Sometimes it’s just silence, sometimes it’s just knowing if she needs something that you’re there for her. But I feel you're determined to get her here, is she leaving the house at all currently?"
"Then this shouldn't be the first place you bring her. Take her to someplace that she associates with happy memories like a place you two have been together, then start taking her to other places. Get her into a routine.  This is not going to be easy for her or you."
It took several weeks of gentle nudges, but finally Riley was sitting in the support group in the back  and the meeting was about to start.
“What if I can’t handle staying the whole time?”
“We’ll just leave Riley.  It’s okay.  But I think this will help you, and I’ll be with you the whole time.”  
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The Days The Earth Stood Still: Part 6
The Book: TRH
Pairings: Riley x Nico / TRR MC x M!OC / with past pairing of Liam x Riley
Status: Still in the writing process
Riley had already fed William and sent him to bed.  She had just finished her second bottle of wine when he came through the door with Alex.  Nico immediately sent Alex to his room so he wouldn’t see Riley’s level of inebriation.
“Riley, where is the party?”
He looked at the empty wine bottles sitting on the table, as Riley stood walking towards him, her gait wobbly.
Riley drained the remaining wine from her glass in one gulp, setting it on the bar.
“So, I’ve had a revelation.”
“I should take you to bed, you’ve had way too much to drink.”  
“No need.  I’ve never been so sure of something in my life.”
“Sure of what?”
“The biggest mistake I ever made in my life was marrying you. Thinking you actually loved me.  But I can fix that.   I want a divorce, Nico."
"No Riley. Baby, you don't mean that. Where is this coming from?  We love each other. You love me, and I love you."
He kissed her lips softly pulling her close, gently playing with her hair.
She pulled away from his touch.
"You love me?!?!?!?!?  Nico, I loved you. I trusted you. I chose you.  I chose you over Liam!!!!! And you cheated on me. You have a five year old son with another woman. Nico do you love her?"
"Do you love her?"
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Being that she might actually have some free time, she quickly texted Drake.
Toga Party
The Book: TRR
And So We Met Chapter 2
Pairing: Riley x Drake /  Riley x Liam / Liam x Hana
Status: Still in the writing process
Riley: My professor for my first class looks like he’s going to be a no show, Do you have time to meet me for hot breakfast in the dining hall  if he doesn’t? 
She hit send, putting her phone down, Drake was always fairly quick at responding back to her.
At ten minutes past the hour students left Riley thought she’d wait for minute eleven so there was no debate whatsoever.  As Riley was heading towards the door, Drake texted back.
Drake: Can’t, my professor showed up. You're lucky! Doesn’t mean you can’t still go.  
Riley: I know that. 😊 See you at lunch then?
Drake: I'll meet you at the Quad at 12. 
Drake: ⚠️🍆👍🍋👀🔥🙈
Riley: What?
Drake: Dropped my phone!
Riley: Interesting set of emojis for teb2rneykkeyhtg4rh
Since Riley was glancing down at her phone she didn't see him, he tried to weave out of her way, at the last second she took one small step to the left putting her right in his path and he ran smack into her.  
Professor Rys looked completely disheveled.  His white button down shirt was  untucked and there looked to be a smudge of  brake grease on  his shirt;  a bit of it  was also on the side of his face.
“Guess I missed my window, it looks like Miss Brooks? Why are you still here?”
“I gave it eleven minutes as to which there would be no debate.  You could say you were here by ten minutes and thirty seconds, technically that’s still ten minutes. At least in my book. Minute eleven would make me leave.”  
“Touche Miss Brooks.”  
“You have a little brake grease on your face.”
He rubbed the spot where he thought it was and smeared it.
Riley laughed. “Now you made it worse.”  
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blankdblank · 2 years
I am highly amused by the idea that Earendil gets one time he’s allowed to sail close to the Grey Havens so oc takes a trip to the far West after hearing about how him and his wife abandoned their children. Cue them breaking open some wine in the wait as they ponder what to write to the supposed flawless living star and his shebird of a wife who live in between Valinor and Middle Earth thanks to Starman’s half blood lineage.
Cue an arrow being shot at the mast of his glowing ship from a shadow cast figure and curiously the former King unties the parchment bound to the shaft of the arrow. Unveiling the words, ‘Fuck off, Elrond is a better parent then either of you ever could be.’
Cue behind his hands covering his mouth and nose Gil-Galad snorting in the start of raucous laughter.
Oc returns to Rivendell eventually and the Elves are still laughing hysterically at recounted tales off of the message in a bottle Valar Ulmo delivered out of his own amusement from the former Noldo King Gil-Galad about his shadowed defender. Leading to the longest running mystery that each Elf takes part in guessing just who was behind the message in praise of the best parent in Middle Earth.
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