#oc: viviane
starres-stuff · 3 months
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fop-doodles · 29 days
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(May 15 2024)
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coleheinous · 2 years
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Viviane! a character I initially intended to use in a CoS campaign, but decided she wasn't serious enough for what I intended. She's been shelfed for now buy hopefully I get to use her at some point.
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shadow3142 · 4 months
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moonmeg · 1 month
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2 years.
Crazy it started with a big brother and his hot witch girlfriend.
Thank you for being part of this journey 💕
Close ups & process pictures under the cut!
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gu-moo · 20 days
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namonaki-arts · 6 months
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Many chibi gifts!!
OC credits (in order): Polaris - @crimson-chains Fabiano - @kaizuart Ochre - @dafox19 Ricky - @byronicbi Cactapus - @kairahara
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bodacious-becc · 20 days
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omg Vivian hiiiiiii 💜
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aezyrraeshh · 5 months
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V(IVIAN); CYBERPUNK 2077 ➤ 1/?
netrunner || streetkid
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hernyart · 2 years
Anyone can be Miku, even a purple werewolf
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starres-stuff · 1 day
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Day 13: New Acquaintance
"Just looking at this picture makes me feel old. That was myself as Seri and Xixa when I first arrived in the Shroud. Spinner Save me we look so different back then."
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sonlc · 1 month
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random oc design i just came up with last night instead of sleeping. this is vivian the squirrel (they/it), vivi for short, and it has the ability to intuit other being’s supernatural powers (things like sonic’s speed, for example) upon meeting them. they don’t really want people to know they have that power though, so they keep it hidden and try to stay out of everyone’s way so they don’t have to deal with any unwanted trouble. that doesn’t always work out for it, though…
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holidehg · 9 months
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messing around
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merrigel · 3 months
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Out of place
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moonmeg · 4 months
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sissylittlefeather · 17 days
Your Love's Been A Long Time Coming: Chapter 5
A/N: I'm sorry this took me so long. I've been dealing with a lot of writers block and I'm honestly not even sure this is any good. I have so much for Elvis and Viv that I want to get to. I hope people continue to read it. Or I'll just write it for me. But if you do read it, please please please leave a comment. I live for comments.
Need to catch up? Here is my masterlist.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, cussing, oral sex (m receiving), swallowing, teensy bit of angst
Word count: ~2.4k
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Oh, Elvis, she thinks. Why won't you come and rescue me from myself?
In December of 1962, Elvis brings Priscilla over from Germany in an attempt to stop thinking about Vivian. He hosts a New Year's Eve party and invites everyone, including her. He's hoping that seeing Viv and Priscilla in the same room will help him realize that Viv is not what he's looking for. He's been thinking about it a lot and honestly, she's too independent anyway. She probably wouldn't make a good wife. Priscilla, on the other hand, is young enough to still be molded and she seems ready to do whatever he asks. Isn't that what a wife should be? He repeats it like a mantra: not Vivian. Not Vivian. Not Vivian.
At the party, Priscilla and Viv reconnect briefly. He forgot they had known each other in Germany. Elvis nods and smiles awkwardly and then she turns to move around the party, leaving him with Cilla by his side. For the most part, he's successful in staying focused on Cilla. He catches glimpses of Viv briefly as she walks through the crowd, always with a drink in her hand.
Finally, he finds himself next to her at the table with the food in the dining room with no one else around.
"You're really serious about this thing with Priscilla?" Viv asks with her eyebrows raised.
"Yeah. Why?"
"She's a teenager."
"She makes sense to me, Viv." Vivian shrugs and concedes.
"I can't argue with that. She's not very complicated, so I believe that she makes sense to you." Elvis turns to look at her suddenly. Is she jealous?
"That's not fair, Viv."
"Is it not? I'm sorry. I just think you need someone more like..." She stops short of what she was going to say. He has an idea of how that sentence would've ended, though. "It doesn't matter. You like simplicity."
Something between rage and frustration bubbles up inside him.
"Which one of my friends are you fucking tonight, Viv?" He immediately regrets saying it as her mouth pops open and her eyes get glassy. "I'm sorry-"
"No, that's fair. Maybe Red." She turns and walks away from him quickly.
"Viv!" He calls after her but she doesn't turn around. "Goddamnit."
"You okay?" Elvis hears Cilla and works to recover his facade, turning to face her.
"Oh yeah, it's nothing, baby." She smiles and he is filled with the desire to take the stairs two at a time and go to bed. Alone.
Vivian sits in the bathroom trying to compose herself after her conversation with Elvis. She's a joke to him. And this girl, this Priscilla, she's what he wants. She'll never be that. She wasn't that sweet and demure even when she was 17.
Someone knocks on the bathroom door and she wipes her tears, assessing her makeup in the mirror, and opens it. It's Red. But despite what she said earlier, she pushes past him and goes straight to the front door. She has no desire to see Elvis and Priscilla kiss at midnight.
Elvis and Vivian avoid each other as much as possible before the spring of '63 when they both pick up the film Fun in Acapulco. Viv still hasn't managed to land another speaking part, but her work as an extra keeps her paid enough to eat. And when it doesn't, Elvis makes sure she's taken care of.
Filming the same movie means being on set together and after their last encounter, it's pretty awkward. Still, when Elvis finds himself in a particular predicament, she's the only one he can find to help.
His least favorite part of this movie is the pair of tiny blue shorts they have him wearing in several scenes. They're a lot like the ones from Blue Hawaii, but for some reason these just won't come off, especially when they're wet.
That's how Elvis finds himself in this situation. He has to go the bathroom. Badly. But they're in the middle of filming. Once the director finally calls cut, he's absolutely ready to burst. He makes his way to his trailer, frantically trying to figure out how to get his shorts off. Thats when he sees Vivian.
"Viv!" She stops dead in her tracks, recognizing his voice. She turns to him.
"What, Elvis?"
"I need your help." His desperation is palpable.
"With what?"
"Just come with me, please." He grabs her hand and practically drags her to his trailer. Once inside, he shuts the door and turns to her. "I have to pee so bad I might die."
"Okay? What does that have to-"
"I can't get these fucking shorts off, Viv."
"Oh, shit."
"I'm going to piss myself."
"Well, they're already wet." He looks at her with panic on his face.
"Are you gonna help me or not?!" She tries to focus and make sure she doesn't laugh.
"Yes, come here." She tries to tug on the shorts, but they don't budge.
"What if I kinda lift them off of me before you pull."
"Yeah, let's try that." Vivian gets on her knees in front of him to pull when he says to. He looks down at her on her knees in front of him and looks at the ceiling. He whispers to himself.
"Don't get hard. Don't get hard. Don't get hard."
"What's that?" Viv asks.
"Oh! Nothing." He takes a deep breath and tries to focus on what's happening.
"Okay, I'm gonna count to three. You lift them and I'll pull down. 1... 2... 3!" She gives his shorts a firm tug and they come down to his thighs. What neither of them realized about their plan is that pulling the shorts down means his dick is going to be right in her face.
"Oh, God, I'm sorry." She tries to look away, but he whimpers, trying really hard not to pee on her. Finally, she gets the shorts down his legs and off and he runs into the bathroom. She sits in the living area with his shorts in her hand, laughing quietly.
He opens the door a little and hollers to her.
"Toss me the shorts. I think I can get them back on." But he can't. After about 12 minutes of struggling, he comes out with them stuck on his thighs, his hands covering himself. "Can you...?"
"Yes, I will. Come here." He waddles over to her with his hand still covering himself. He goes back to praying his body won't respond to the image of Vivian on her knees in front of him. He's doing okay, until she gets the shorts up higher and she puts her hand on him gently to try to stuff him into the shorts. He whimpers at her touch and becomes noticeably hard.
"God, I'm sorry..."
"It's okay; it happens, Elvis." She keeps trying to pull the shorts up despite his massive rock-hard erection.
Just then, there's a sharp knock on the door.
"Elvis, we need you back on set. Now." It's the director.
"Uh, just a second?"
"We don't have any more seconds. Wrap up what you're doing and come out. Now." They can tell by the director's tone that he assumes Elvis must be in there having sex with someone. Elvis is annoyed. That would be a much better excuse than what's actually happening.
He looks at Vivian frantically, his dick still standing at full attention with her on her knees trying to tuck it into the shorts. She whispers.
"It's not gonna fit like this. Can you... fix it?"
"Make it go away, you mean? I don't really have time to use my hand. And I can't think it away. That never works for me." It does work sometimes, but he knows it won't with the image of Viv on her knees.
"That settles it, then."
"Settles wh- OH MY GOD VIVIAN." Elvis falls backwards and braces himself as Vivian wraps her mouth around his cock and starts moving. "What the fuck are you doing?!"
He moans softly as she pulls off of him to explain.
"You need this gone. This'll work and it'll be faster than your hand. You want me to stop?" She looks up at him with his dick in her hand.
"This is purely functional." She pulls him deep into her throat and sucks on him. His eyes roll back with the sensation of her warm little mouth on him. He's dreamed of this for so long, but the reality is better than he ever could've imagined. Her mouth moves skillfully up and down, complemented by her hand moving his foreskin back and forth. She licks a circle around the head and then deep throats him again. He grunts as his orgasm begins to build and he knows he won't last much longer.
The director pounds on the door again and hollers something, but Elvis is incapable of listening. Viv is working him with her mouth and hand, pulling out all her tricks to get him off as quickly as possible.
"Oh, god, Viv... that's so good..." He moans as she gets him closer and closer to the edge. He's gripping the counter behind him so tightly that his knuckles are white. She pulls back off of him and looks up at him with her big blue eyes, licking the precum off the tip of him.
"Let go, baby. You have to cum. Now." Something about her telling him what to do pushes him the last little bit and he tumbles into a mind-blowing orgasm, shooting his release down her throat. She swallows it easily, sucking until he relaxes, and then stops.
"Holy fuck, Viv..."
"Ah ha!" She cheers as she's finally able to get his shorts up and tuck his package into the front. Standing up, he looks into her eyes and wants to kiss her so badly. Still, despite what just happened, he's not sure he can.
"We're gonna talk about this later."
Just as the director is about to knock again, Elvis opens the door and walks out.
"What? I had to go to the bathroom."
Viv waits about ten minutes and then makes her way back to where she's supposed to be filming, in shock over what just happened. And now he wants to talk about it? What is there to say?
Elvis doesn't see Vivian again until the summer after the shorts incident. He can't decide if she's purposefully avoiding him or just busy, but she stays away. Part of him wonders if she's avoiding the conversation they were supposed to have after the blowjob. It never happened.
In July, Elvis is in Memphis just before he leaves for California to meet his costars and start filming his next movie. He comes across Vivian on Beale street.
"Viv!" When she sees him, she looks for an escape and doesn't see one, so she waits for him to catch up to where she is. "Where the hell have you been?"
"I've just been really busy."
"Look, I really need to talk to you. I'm leaving for California at 3. Will you come with me to Graceland? Please?" She looks around again for an exit and then looks back at him.
"Good!" He grabs her hand and practically drags her to his car. They make small talk about what they've both been doing for the whole drive. Once they get to Graceland, Elvis settles them into the tv room.
"Are we ever going to talk about the head you gave me?" Viv shifts in her seat, obviously uncomfortable.
"What is there to say, Elvis? I sucked your dick to get it back in your shorts. That's it."
"That's it?!" He thinks back to the incredible orgasm he had at her doing. He wouldn't mind it happening again.
"Yeah? That's it." All of a sudden, something else bubbles up inside him and he stands up.
"Wrong with me?!"
"Do I really mean so little to you that you can suck my cock and have absolutely no feelings about it?!"
"It was just to-"
"Get my shorts on. I know. Why am I just a sex object to you? Something to play with when you've been drinking?"
"What?" He's not talking about the blowjob anymore.
"Why do I mean nothing to you?"
"Elvis... I-"
"Why can't you see how much I-"
"Will you let me finish?!" He sits back down on the couch seething. "You don't mean nothing to me. You mean too much to me."
"Too much? What does that mean?" Vivian rolls her eyes and he's somewhere between wanting to slap her and wanting to kiss her.
"Elvis. Do you remember what I told you when you got in the fight with Joe?"
"Which part?"
"The part about how if I let myself, I could fall in love with you?" His heart pounds wildly in his chest.
"I've wanted you since the moment I met you. And not just for sex. Sex is like... I don't even know what it means for me but it's not love and you... I..." His stomach turns over and he's overcome with a need to take her in his arms and show her what love can be. Is she finally admitting what he's felt for all these years?
"Viv." He whispers it and cups her cheek in his hand. She leans into his touch. Just then, there's a knock on the door. Elvis curses loudly and then gets up to answer it. It's the Colonel.
"My boy, we need to head to the airport. You need to be in California soon." Elvis nods and then turns to Vivian, who has followed him up to the foyer. He tucks a stray piece of hair behind her ear.
"We will finish this when I get back, okay?"
She nods.
But he doesn't come back. Not this version of him anyway. The costar he goes to California to meet is a woman named Ann Margaret. And when he meets her, Vivian and all her complications become a distant memory.
But Priscilla? Priscilla won't go down so easily. She moved to the United States to marry him and she won't be deterred by the small matter of him being in love with another woman.
Elvis is trapped between three women and Vivian? She's the quietest of the three with what she assumes is the smallest claim on his heart.
She fades into the background easily, watching the feud that happens between Ann Margaret and Priscilla, her love for him never diminishing, but they never finish the conversation that they started.
Until next time!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @deltafalax @jhoneybees @everythingelvispresley @returntopresley
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