#oc: yazmin
artblock-tm · 7 months
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Redesigned my OC Yazmin recently :) she’s gotten SUCH an upgrade in how she looks
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oreo102 · 1 month
I’m a very color centric person so here’s the 13 era characters as colors:
13- a very like golden/bright yellow-orange
Yaz: a nice maroon
Ryan: deep blue- maybe a bit lighter/more saturated than navy?
Graham: a very rich and warm brown
Dan: a like medium green- maybe like forest?
The master: a muted purple-pink
Grace: bright green
Jericho: tbh he gives off a nice teal or cyan- maybe a turquoise?
Claire: rose gold?
Sonia: a very bright orange, not like neon but a nice bright orange, like the fruit
Fugitive doctor: burnt orange
And just for fun:
Missy: nice deep purple, more blue than red
River: scarlet red, like the lipstick color that everyone associates with being sexy
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scittyscribbles · 1 year
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Yazmine “Yaz”
I finally made a Monkey Wrench OC. She’s an alien that cleans spaceships for a living!  She can climb on the sides of them like a lizard and scrub the hard to reach places.
I’m still working on her.  I needed to create something new while life has been a bit hectic.  Some sort of new thing for me to focus on and be creative with.  I might draw her with Space Dandy sometime too since she’s an alien OC. eeeeeeeee  And draw her without her jacket.....
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sonicaspeed123 · 2 years
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REPOSTING - Bunch'a Miscellaneous Sonic OCs
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moon-mage · 4 months
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Working on art that’s taking long to finish so here’s a lil warm up of my twst OC Sashmir which my sibling’s twst OC Yazmin.
My sibling doesn’t have tumblr so I can’t link them. Yazmin is a twist of Yzma from the Emperors New Grove. He and Sashmir are besties and their relationship is pretty chaotic but fun and genuine. This was a base I’ll share below.
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idekforfun · 1 year
Comfort ... JJk
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Summary: After scoring an invite to JHope's album release party, Yazmine isn't expecting anything more than to stick to the sidelines and enjoy the free drinks and music. Little did she know what her ever growing relationship with the rapper would lead her to.
Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x OC
Genre: Fluff, slight angst, strangers to lovers, ongoing series
Word count: 2.7k
The only thing I am able to think of as my eyes scatter across the room of popular faces is "the amount of talent in this room is enough to swallow me whole". I’m overwhelmed with anxiety and I can't seem to remember how I was ever able to suppress it. I'm finding it increasingly hard to hide behind my extrovert persona, the one that is a lie, a huge lie in fact.
 I realized I had been lost in my head when the sound of loud clapping brought me back to the real world. I barely catch the very end of Hoseok's speech, something along the lines of "Thank you for supporting me", and "enjoy the food and music" then he gives a bow and walks down the stairs where he is immediately pulled into conversation. Oh, I can't even imagine the anxiety he must be feeling. I could simply stick to a corner and hide in the shadows, whereas he has to socialize with everyone out of obligation.
Socializing. For some reason I forgot that I'd have to do that. I've been able to avoid it thus-far having arrived minutes before the actual album started playing. Now, everywhere I looked someone was talking to someone else. I realized I couldn't just stand here alone forever. I examine the room for someone I know, even better someone I have interviewed because I'll take any familiarity I can at this point. This whole ordeal is making me question my job because how am I able to meet celebrities on the daily, and here I am stressing about having to socialize at a party.
I was too in my head again, so I didn't realize someone had been calling my name until I felt a few taps on my shoulder. When I turn around, I was met with no other than Jessi, thank god. We have met on more than one occasion, and she has a weird ability of making people extremely comfortable, something I am immensely thankful for right now.
"Yaz!" She pulls me into a hug. It actually does well to soothe me. "I didn't know you were coming."
"I didn't know either," I pulled back from the hug with a gentle smile. "Actually, I was kind of surprised."
"Why, are you and J-hope not close?" she questioned.
"I mean, I had him on the show and we got on really well. We've also messaged a lot, too." I know I sound hesitant speaking, as if I'm not sure of the words I am saying. It is kind of hard to believe that Hoseok would want a friendship with me of all people, let alone be close.
"Oh, he definitely adores you, we even talked about you once," she has a sparkle in her eye as she talks and for some reason, I feel obliged to believe her. "Also, he was one of the best episodes on your show by far."
She is right about that. It has been my most viewed interview by a pretty wide margin. Part of me knows it’s due to the fact that he is J-hope of BTS, obviously, but it was also such a good video. All my interviews follow a simple formula. I bring the guest on and we engage in whatever activity they enjoy, in Hoseok’s case dancing. It brings a different level of intimacy that you can’t get from simply sitting across from one another and reading questions from a card. The conversation always flows naturally, and it’s all so genuine. On top of that, even I can admit that Hoseok and I just clicked. Our personalities complimented each other well. So much that we even continued to develop our relationship through messaging, and now I am attending his album release party which is a very important step in his solo career. Maybe we are closer than I allowed myself to believe.
“Yeah, it was pretty great actually.” I could see her eyes light up at my slight self-indulgence. Maybe I should give myself more credit.
We both turn our heads at the call of Jessi’s name from across the room. She gives me another smile and hug and tells me that she’ll find me later. I am left alone again but it’s not as bad as before. The anxiety has decreased significantly, which made my apparent hunger more noticeable. Hoseok did say to enjoy the food so I might as well. The snack table was filled with delicious finger food. As I was reaching my hand to grab a bite of some expensive looking cheese on a toothpick someone called my name. I turned around to find none other than Hoseok’s bright smile.
“So, I see you made it!” He pulled me into a hug. Not the ‘barely touch you because this is a little uncomfortable hug”, but a “I feel like we’ve known each other for years hug’.
“Hoseok, you’re incredible. The album is amazing, the release party is amazing, your outfit is amazing!” We pulled away from the hug and I could see a feint blush on his cheeks hidden well in the dimly lit room. “I’m serious, you may be the coolest person I know.”
“Yahhh, you’re boosting my ego too much.” He said while smiling shyly.
“You also may be the humblest person I know so I actually don’t think that is possible.” He smiled at me again and I swear I saw a glimpse of the actual sun in him.
“Do you know anyone here?”
“A few people, mostly through the grapevine.” He could sense my hesitancy right away, I could tell.          
“Come, I’ll introduce you to my friends.” He said as he gestured to the general direction behind him where his so-called friends were. Knowing him, his friends could be some ultra-famous idols that have better things to do than interacting with me. I could slowly feel the anxiety creep back up my spine, and my heartbeat slowly increased.
“I don’t really want to be a bother,” he looked down at me with squinted eyes and a tilted head. “I promise it’s okay, I like being alone and these appetizers are calling my name.”
He chuckled at me in disbelief, as if that was an insane thing to say in a room full of celebrities. I guess you could say a part of me is forgetting that they are just normal people too, so I shouldn’t be feeling this intimidated by them. At the same time, I’ve seen celebrities get starstruck over other celebrities, so they really aren’t just normal people and I am going to tell myself that my feelings are valid.
“C’mon, you’re never a bother. You’re my friend and I want my friends to meet you” he said reassuringly. I guess that answers my earlier internal debate. After 2 seconds of contemplation, I let myself believe him, and I signaled for him to lead the way. He lit up and tugged on my wrist so I could follow him.
I don’t know who I was expecting him to introduce me to, but for some reason his members stupidly did not come to mind. Three of the seven members of BTS were sitting on the stage together, and their heads all turned to Hoseok and I as we approached them. Despite all my inner turmoil, I take pride in my ability to pretend that I am confident and unfazed by everything. That is how I’ve done so well in my career while dealing with anxiety, but as the three idols studied us as we approached them, I could tell that mainting my persona would be more difficult than usual. I know them of course, because who doesn’t these days, but seeing them in person simply beats videos and pictures. They really were beautiful men.
“Yazmine this is Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook. Guys this is Yazmine.” Hoseok introduced while gesturing to each of them.
“Hi guys its so great to meet you.” I said with a smile. Jungkook and Taehyung who were sitting raised themselves up to give me a bow as well as Jimin who was already standing as I shook my hands at them. “Oh! there’s no need for that we can be casual.”
“Sorry, it’s a habit,” Jimin said with a smile. “After all these years it feels kind of strange not to be formal.”
“That’s how I feel except opposite. Getting used to being formal was a challenge and I sometimes still forget the strict customs.” I explained.
“Sorry if this comes across as rude but you’re not Korean? You’re Korean is really good!” Taehyung questioned.
“It’s not rude at all! I am half Korean from my mom and my dad is middle eastern,” as I was explaining, someone summoned Hoseok over to them and he gave my arm a firm squeeze in parting as he nodded to his members insinuating his departure. “I was raised in the US till age 12 and I’ve been back and forth since then.” I explained as they nodded in understanding. It was endearing how intently they were listening to me, and for some reason I felt oddly at ease with the three. My eyes wandered over to Jungkook’s as I finished my explanation, and as they met he quicky looked away.
“Your interview with Hobi Hyung was amazing by the way,” Jimin said. In the moment I don’t think I even processed that Park Jimin watches my show, I’d have to do that later. “The idea is so new and exciting. I hope that you’ll invite me once I start my solo schedule.” There was a sly smirk on his face. I wondered if it would be inappropriate to tell him I would probably jump off a bus if he asked me to, but I decided to keep that to myself in the end.
“I’ll see what I could do.” I joked back. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone new approaching us and I turned my head to find Seokjin. I was now surrounded by four members of the group and I am surprised I’ve held my composure for this long.
“Hello,” he says timidly with a subtle bow. “Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to say bye to these three. I’m Jin.”
Just when I thought these men couldn’t get any better, he introduces himself as if I wouldn’t already know who he is. I gave a bow back and smiled at his humility, “I’m Yazmine, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Hey Jungkook, this must be exciting for you.” At the mention of the youngest members name, I turned to look at him and caught his wide eyes and small headshake towards Jin that I was clearly not meant to see as his eyes shifted to me. “He loves your videos. One time he made me watch three episodes of your trying new things series.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook cried out. Obviously I was not supposed to be filled in on this information, but my heart couldn’t help but beat a little faster at this new discovery.
“Oh, did he now?” I questioned with a smirk. Jungkook’s face twinged a subtle pink that was barely noticeable in the dimly lit room, but noticeable, nonetheless.
“Oh yeah, Jungkookie is always sending us clips from your videos,” Jimin teased. Taehyung started nodding his head enthusiastically and decided he also wanted to join in on teasing the youngest.
“You should have seen his reaction when he found out Hobi Hyung was making an appearance, he was so jeal-”
          �� “Okay that’s enough.” Jungkook interrupted with an annoyed expression. Despite how much I was enjoying this, I also felt a little bad for him, and I’m sure he’s been at the center of their teasing all these years.
            “Well, I really appreciate the support, and it means a lot coming from you especially.” I reassured him. He gave me a shy small in return.
            “Well it was nice to meet you Yazmine, I am sure we’ll run into each other again,” Jin said with a warm smile. “Before I leave Hobi wants a picture with all of us.” He said while gesturing to the other members. They all nodded in agreement.
            As they all turned to follow Jin, Jimin turned to me and nudged my arm with his. “Don’t go too far, we’ll be back soon.”
“I’ll be here.” I reassured. I definitely wasn’t comfortable enough to talk with anyone else here, and their welcoming energy was definitely more than enough for me. Jimin and Taehyung followed Jin, while I noticed Jungkook lingering a bit. I could tell he had something on his mind that he wanted to say.
            “Isn’t it a bit early for Jin to be leaving?” I questioned. This was my best attempt at making him comfortable enough to tell me what was on his mind.
            “This isn’t really Jin Hyungs scene, he doesn’t really know many people and he gets nervous meeting them too.” Jungkook explained. I almost did not catch the end of what he was saying because I was too distracted by his eyes. They really do sparkle just like everyone says.
            “Wow, if that’s how Jin feels then I really am hopeless.” I said in shock. If a literal bts member was having trouble socializing, I was doomed.
            “Not completely hopeless, you have us now.” He said with the most endearing smile I have ever seen. There was also something about how he said “You have us now”, as if he was insinuating that I would be in their lives longer than just a casual conversation at a party. I know it’s probably my delusion speaking, but it’s a nice thought to comfort me.  “By the way I really do enjoy your videos a lot. I guess it’s kinda embarrassingly obvious now that I am a fan.” He said with a little more confidence while referring to the teasing from his Hyungs.
            “If it makes you feel better, I have 3 older brothers, so I know how it feels. Also, I am slightly embarrassed because of how many stupid things you’ve probably seen me do. It’s actually all coming back now.” I laughed. I started internally second guessing every decision I made for my videos because Jeon fucking Jungkook watches them, and I pray that he has not seen the bird calling video.
            “What, like the bird calling video?” He says with a chuckle. This is not happening right now.
            “I am actually going to ignore what you just said for mental health reasons.” He lets out a boyish laugh at that and I swear I’ve never heard something more adorable in my life. I would honestly embarrass myself 100 times over if it meant that I could make him laugh.
            We both turn our heads at the call of his name and see the members waving him over for the pictures.
            “I’m sorry I don’t want to leave you alone…” He says hesitantly.
            “No, don’t worry about it,” I said. “I’ll just be here trying not to embarrass myself.”
            “I won’t take long so we can be embarrassing together.” He said in a teasing tone. My eyes couldn’t help but widen. I’m either crazy, or he just flirted with me. I could hear his giggle as he turned to walk away while I stood there stunned. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy as I watched him join the others. Seeing them interact with each other was so special. They looked so happy and comfortable. It was hard not to be slightly envious of their relationship. I can’t remember the last time I had a connection like that with someone, and I could tell it was rare. My eyes naturally wander over to Jungkook as he wrapped his arm around Hoseok. I could see his eyes glistening even from here with joy and contempt. His eyes meet mine and I find myself unable to look away even though I know I’ve been caught staring. His eyes crinkle at the corners as we look at each other, waiting to see who will break eye contact first. My gaze wanders across his nose and cheeks as my face heats up. I force my eyes to meet his one final time and I turn away with a light feeling looming over me.
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b-drawssometimes · 3 months
[repost from my art Instagram account]
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meet one of my (many) OC's, Yazmine.
She's my nerd girl kinnie and I love her so much <3. More info under the cut!
Text from 1st image reads:
• Half Sudanese and Iranian (from both of her mothers' respectively).
• ISTJ Myers-Brigg type, Enneagram type 6 with a 5 wing.
• Born on the 23rd of October, Zodiac sign is a Scorpio.
• Has a graduate degree in chemistry, minored in forensics science.
• The eldest sister of her family, has 1 younger brother to be shown soon.
• Interests include: Science and Science related puns, Reading (preferably a mystery novel), Aquariums/ Watching ocean documentaries, Tea, Origami, Cute yet practical stationary sets, Archery, Botanical facts.
Text from 3rd image reads:
Character Inspiration
• Eve from WALL-E 
• Mikasa from Attack on Titan (minus the weird ass incest stuff)
• Choso from Jujutsu Kaisen
• Homura from Madoka Magica
• Jill from Resident Evil 3 (remastered edition.)
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feliicore · 5 months
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My OC Yazmine.
Haven't revamped her in 4 years
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raincoonparade · 2 years
My OCs list
I'm having a hard time sharing art here, not only cause I'm being indecisive but also I'm not sure how to present them, I want my Tumblr to look pretty vjkvf so, while I decide on that, I thought about sharing at least the fandom, names and some of my favs drawings of them!
I'll edit this post constantly whenever I have new art, delete or add OCs
Whenever you see TBN it means they don't have a name or I'm changing it so, heads up lol... Anyway, let's start:
Here's the full list! (March 2023):
Animaniacs - Zane
Art sona - Miss Disfortune
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3. Ben 10: Omniverse - Skylar 4. Boku no Hero Academia - Aki, Ha-eun, Hoshiko, Itsuki, Journey, Serena, Tomomi, Toshiko, Yuna TBN, TBN
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5. Brand New Animal - Cassie, Robin 6. Cannon Busters - Yazmin 7. Carole & Tuesday - Kora 8. Coraline - Zarina 9. Craig of The Creek - Anayance, Barbara, Melisa, Quetzali, Scooter, Tara, Ula
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10. CSI series - A.J. 11. Dr. Stone - Chie 12. DuckTales 2017 - Alana, Cambri, Lafayette, Luoana, Taumn 13. Encanto - Esmeralda 14. Fantasy/Ghibli OCs - Zephyrine & Minuette
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15. Fairy Tail - Erandi, Luna 16. Food Wars (Shokugeki no soma) - Ginko 17. Free! Iwatobi Swim Club - Violet 18. Galatea (my personal project) - Aisha, Allastor, Allister, Arturo, Beetlepache, Chenzira, Cherry, Kalem, Nisha, Nitzia, Raymundo, Pandora 19. Gargoyles - Altea 20. Ghostbusters - Jackie
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21. God of War - Zeltzin
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22. Goofysona - Blair, Oceana 23. Kaleido Star - Mirana 24. Kotaro lives alone - Vanna 25. Las leyendas Saga (Ánima Studios) - Iztli 26. Loonatics Unleashed - Hadley, Kit 27. Marvel - Donaji, H 28. Mexopolis media - TBN 29. Monster High - Jericho, Scooter, Winter 30. Monsters Inc. / University - Vesper 31. Music sona - Chia
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32. My Little Pony - Fawn Spellbound, Mind Dusk, Pumpkin Moon, Sugar Sprinkles 33. No Straight Roads - Zohnette 34. One Piece - Ginger, Senki, Preya, Yue, TBN
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35. Over The Garden Wall & Infinity Train - Ollie 36. Rain (hard to explain where she from) 37. Percy Jackson and the Olympians - TBN 38. Pokemon - Juliet, Patch
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39. Radiant - Nahia 40. Ranma 1/2 - Gumi 41. Shaman King - TBN, TBN 42. Shinbi: The Haunted House - Gumiho 43. Sing (Illumination movies) - Bia, Dawn 44. Sona - Scooter 45. Spiderman 2017 - Echo 46. Splatoon - Frizzy 47. Stardew Valley - Rain 48. Steven Universe - Moonstone, Yellow Amber 49. Tales of Arcadia - TBN 50. Teen Titans - Aura, Calliope 51. Teen Wolf - Jack 52. The Amazing World of Gumball - Pumpela 53. The Legend of Hei/Spirit sona - Qiu 54. The Muppets - Nehru 55. The Umbrella Academy - Quetzal 56. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - 3n1d, Crystal, Draq, Frankie, Scooter, Tommy, Vivienne 57. Undertale - TBN 58. Victor y Valentino - Whisper (Jun) 59. Vocaloid - Dalia, Isabela 60. Young Justice - Liv, Razz
Yeah, I know... They're a lot haha. As you can see, I haven't draw them much... I'm still redesigning and creating some of them so, so far, I mostly just have half body references? And some information and facts on a private document and lots of notes... My OCs life is as messy as mine as you can tell ahaha
I have a Toyhouse page where, I hope, I'll be updating and sharing more of my OCs soon! All the redesigns and reference I've made so far are already there in case you want to check them out!
If you read everything, thank you, here... Have a cookie 🍪
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marvstoons · 1 year
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My OC Yazmin. This took an upsettingly long time to draw.
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coraperto · 10 months
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Yazmin (oc)
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello there! I’m Tape (21+)  looking for a few characters for a PANFANDOM FORUM RP! We have a discord but all rp takes place on a jcink forum. The site is 18+ and NSFW and darker themes are allowed so long as it is marked as such! We allow most fandoms and OCs are welcome. There is no word count but most people try to match their partners. You can contact me here or on Discord @hamletapologist. If you like this post I’ll contact you! ♥️
Characters Wanted: 
Sabrina (Pokemon)
Wylan Van Eck (Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows) 
Nina Zenik (Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows)
Alexis “Punchline” Kaye (DC)
Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
Joker  (Persona 5)
Chani  (Dune)
Lady Jessica  (Dune)
Peter Parker (Spiderman)
Tommy Ross (Carrie)
Rose Summerspring (Bad Times at the El Royale)
Ciri (The Witcher)
Reaver (Fable)
Maze (Fable)
Karlach (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Kit and/or Airk Tanthalos (Willow)
Willow Ufgood (Willow)
Yazmin (Doctor Who)
Alecto (The Locked Tomb) 
Stiles Stillinski (Teen Wolf)
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thestarboysims · 1 year
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Meet my OCs!
Yazmin & Sri Kazeem 📝 🎸
Yazmin (21) followed her brother Sri (24) to the city of San Myshuno right after graduating at the top of her class from Brichester University. Sri moved to the Spice District of the city hoping to one day make it big as the front man in an award winning platinum hit making rock band, while Yazmin is still hoping to find herself after most of her formative years were taken up by academia and extracurriculars. Yazmin is hoping that her new career as a staff contributor to the San Myshuno Times will burst her introvert bubble and give her the social life she’s always craved while exploring everything the city has to offer. Meanwhile Sri hopes to stop getting distracted by all the cute boys in the city so he can get serious and write his first hit song. Although they may look like a run of the mill opposites sitcom trope they truly care for each other and only want what’s best for their sibling.
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stubborngods · 8 months
chilo - oc, non-bender from ba sing se - teens - ??? - they/them
princess lei-yu of the fire nation - oc, firebender - teens -  kyouka izumi - she/her
bakugou ikari / atomic - oc - late 20s - quirk: grenade - power - younger sister (adopted child) of bakugou mitsuki / pseudo-older sister of bakugou katsuki - she/her
fukudoka emi / miss joke - canon - late 20s - quirk: laugh - n/a - they/she
kaminari mai - oc - mid 40s - quirk: engines - tsunade - mother of kaminari denki - she/her
kirishima ein - oc - teens - quirk: shark - soma yukihira - older brother of kirishima eijirou - he/him
sasaki yogen - oc - early 20s - quirk: prophecy - haru nonaka - child of nighteye / godchild of all might - they/them
takeda daichi / denkino - oc - mid 40s - quirk: short circut - kakashi hatake - father of kaminari denki - he/him
todoroki eishi - oc - early 30s - quirk: firestorm - mikoto souh - oldest todoroki child - he/him
toga hoshiko - oc - teens - quirk: dream walking - rika kawai - younger sister of toga himiko - she/her
yamada hizashi / present mic - canon - early 30s - quirk: voice - n/a - he/him (trans man)
yamada noizu - oc - early 20s - quirkless - hideyoshi nagachika - erasermic child - he/they
yamada yuuri / mimic - oc - early 20s - quirk: mimicry - marin kitagawa - erasermic child - she/her
gwendoline imogene blythe - oc - late 20s - crystal clarke - closed ship with @bloodymyhand's eloise - she/her
cassandra de rolo - canon - late teens/20s - esme creed-miles - rogue (inquisitive)/fighter (champion) multiclass - they/she
loquatius seelie - canon - ??? - ??? - bard (eloquence)/warlock (archfey/talisman) multiclass - any/all (he/him leaning)
patia por'co - canon - ??? - ??? - wizard (enchantment) - she/her
the raven queen (@ravensmantle) - canon - old - ??? - wizard (illusion)/prime deity - she/they
vax'ildan "danny" de rolo - canon - teens - chella man - circle of stars druid - he/him (trans man)
vesper elaina de rolo - canon - teens/early-mid 20s - lola tung - wizard (enchantment)/artificer (alchemist) multiclass - they/them
vilya of the air ashari - oc - teens/early-mid 20s - mikey madison - vaxleth child - rogue (arcane trickster)/ranger (monster slayer) multiclass - she/her
aimsey ramon - oc - early 20s - ariela barer - hertz/child of cisco ramon & caitlyn snow (cw's flash) - they/she
calliope cobblepot - oc - teens/early 20s - sophie nelisse - daughter of edward nygma & oswald cobblepott (gotham) - she/her
damian wayna al ghul - canon - teens - emilio sakraya - robin vi - he/they (trans man)
hazel kyle-wayne - oc - teens/early 20s - hailee steinfield - robin vii/child of bruce wayne & selina kyle - they/she
j quinn - oc - teens/early 20s - cameron monaghan - son of the joker & harley quinn & pamela ivy - he/him
martha kyle-wayne - oc - teen/early 20s - hailee steinfield - the stray/daughter of bruce wayne & selina kyle - she/they
orion prince - oc - teen/early 20s - anthony keyvan - artemis/son of diana prince - he/him
yazmin flores - oc - 30s - lauren riddoff - the silent speedster (cw's flash) - they/them
aaron hood - oc - late 20s - darren barnet - son of red riding hood - he/him
aladdin ababwa - canon - 40s/50s - mena massoud - father of aziz - he/him
asmodeus "oz" black - oc - ??? - benjamin wadsworth - son of pitch black - he/they
artemis cat - oc - mid/late 20s - noen eubanks - child of the cheshire cat - they/them
blanche-fleur fee - oc - mid/late 20s (older than the isle) - casimere jollette - daughter of the enchantress - she/her
camelot de luc - oc - 20s - maisie williams - child of lancelot & guinevere - they/she
carmen diablo - oc - teens/early 20s - maya hawke - daughter of the devil (tnbc) - they/them
cassiopeia pan - oc - teens - sadie sink - daughter of peter pan - she/xir
delphi branwen - oc - early teens - raffey cassidy - daughter of diavil & maleficent - she/her
diavil branwen - oc - 40s/50s - oscar issac - father of delphi + pseudo father of mal - he/him
dustin charming-white - oc - early 20s - ross lynch - son of snow white & florian - him/him
wendy evian hook - oc - early/mid 20s (older than the isle) - sophie thatcher - child of capitan hook - they/them
gaston "alexis" legume iv - oc - early 20s - maia mitchell - daughter of gaston & laurette - she/her
jaazi ibn al-kubra - oc - teens - sydney mae diaz - son of jafar - he/him (trans man)
jadee bint al-misbah - oc - teens - aisha dee - child of the genie - they/them
jarin "jordan" bint al-misbah - canon divergent - teens/early 20s - yara shahidi - child of the genie - they/she
jaxon kingsleigh - oc - early 20s - cameron monaghan - son of the red queen/alice kingsleigh - he/him
julius cat - oc - early 20s - camron bicondova - child of the cheshire cat - they/she
laurette "avalon" legume ii - oc - early 20s - maia mitchell - daughter of gaston & laurette - she/her
makaria desponia - oc - late 20s/early 30s - quintessa swindel - child of hades & persephone - they/them
min - oc - teens/early 20s - mark taun - son of mushu - he/him
moenie of pixie hollow - oc - ??? - gideon adlon - daughter of queen clarion & lord milori - they/she
nash of neverland - oc - teens - thomas brodie sangster - son of nibs (peter pan) - he/him
persephone desponia - oc - ageless - teyonah parris - mother of makaria & zagreus - she/her
peter pan - canon divergent - old - ??? - father of cassiopeia - he/him
reed of nottingham - oc - early/mid 20s (older than the isle) - dominic sherwood - son of robin hood & maid marian the sherrif of nottingham - he/him
roland rabbit - oc - ??? - son of the white rabbit - he/they
rosalie rabbit - oc - ??? - daughter of the white rabbit - she/they
samantha "sam" lupin - oc - saoirse-monica jackson - daughter of the big bad wolf - she/her
tiitus lupin - oc - james paxton - son of the big bad wolf - he/him
uma vantis - canon - china anne mcclain - daughter of ursula - any/all
zagreus "hadie" aidoneus - canon divergent - cengiz al - child of hades & persephone - they/he
zephry haddock - canon - laura gwyneth butler - daughter of hiccup haddock & astrid hofferson - they/she
fabian aramais seacaster - canon - ??? - fighter (battlemaster)/bard (swords) multiclass - he/they
prince andhera - canon - ??? - paladin (devotion) - they/them
amelia song - oc - varies (main: benedetta porcaroli) - river/doctor child - any/all (she/her leaning)
william song - oc - varies (main: lucas lynggaard tonnesen) - river/doctor child - any/all (they/them leaning)
rolandraamilsori - oc - varies (main: zoe kravtiz) - timelady - any/all (she/they leaning)
apollo - god of music, the sun, archery, art, prophecy, healing, ect. - mert yazicioglu - he/they
ariadne - goddess of mazes & paths - riley keough - she/her
dionysus - god of wine, theater, insanity, ecstacy, ect. - rahul kohli - he/they
hebe - goddess of youth - chappell roan - she/her
hedone - personification of pleasure, enjoyment, & delight - lachlan watson - they/them
makaria - goddess of blessed deaths - quintessa swindell - they/he
pasithea - personification of relaxation - geraldine viswanathan - she/they
persephone - goddess of spring & the underworld - teyonah parris - she/her
psyche - personification of the soul - bree kish - she/her
styx - personifiction of the river styx & goddess of hate - niamh mccormack - they/them
alice crouch longbottom - canon divergent - yuko araki (younger), karen fukuhara (older) - pureblood gryffindor - any/all
alys longbottom - oc - camila morrone - half-blood hufflepuff - they/she
callisto lupin - oc - diana silvers - half-blood ravenclaw - they/she
draco malfoy - canon divergent - lorenzo zurzolo - pureblood slytherin - he/they
edward "teddy" lupin - canon - xui akay - half-blood hufflepuff - any/all
edward "ted" tonks - canon - tom webb (younger), lee pace (older) - muggleborn hufflepuff - any/all
flora carrow - canon - natashu liu bordizzo - pureblood ravenclaw - she/her
hannah abbott - canon - ariela barer - half-blood hufflepuff - she/they
leander abbott - oc - alberto ammann - pureblood gryffindor - he/him
lucius malfoy - canon - ??? - pureblood slytherin - he/they
regulus black - canon divergent - conan gray - pureblood slytherin - they/he
rodolphus lestrange - canon - aidan turner - pureblood slytherin - he/him
william "bill" weasley - canon - domhnall gleeson - pureblood gryffindor - he/him
walburga black - canon - devon akoi - pureblood slytherin - she/her
aleksandr "sasha" barnes - oc - cody christian - hydra experiment/son of bucky barnes - he/him
angrboda - oc - zoe robins - giantess/witch/wife of loki - she/her
fenrir lokison - oc - eysteinn sigurdarson - bane of asgard/son of loki & angrboda - he/him
hela lokisdottir - oc - charlie murphy - witch/daughter of loki & angrboda - she/they
magni thorson - oc - micki stoltt - god of strength/son of thor & sif - he/him
modi thorson - oc - david schuetter - god of wrath/son of thor & sif - he/him
sigyn iwaldisdottir - canon divergent - stefanie martini - goddess of fidelity - she/her
thrud "torunn" thorsdottir - canon divergent - aleksandra bortich - goddess of power/daughter of thor & sif - she/her
var lokisdottir - oc - millie brady - goddess of oaths/daughter of loki & sigyn - she/they
vidar lokison - oc - harry gibly - god of vengeance/son of loki & sigyn - he/they
antiope of archland - oc - queen of archland - golden age - ??? - she/her
bacchus - canon - god of wine, ecstasy, & the wild things - all ages - aramis knight (younger)/??? (older) - any/all
edmund pevensie - canon (divergent) - the just king, of the western woods - golden age/seafarer's age - ??? (younger)/alexander dreymon (older) - he/him
luce pevensie - oc - princess of narnia - seafarer's age - casmund daughter - ??? - she/her
reevi pevensie - oc - princex of narnia - seafarer's age - casmund child - ??? - they/them
julius cavalcade - oc - tisroc of calormen - golden age - romulo estrela - he/him
aliena cavalcade - oc - princess of calormen - golden age - marina moschen - she/her
baelfire / neal cassidy - canon divergent, multiple verses - no origin fairytale - françois arnaud (adult), timothee chalamet (teen) - they/he
edmund pevensie / finley cair - oc, s7 based - the chronicles of narnia - aneurin barnard (adult), asa butterfield (child/teen) - he/they
flynn rider / angelo dall - oc, main verse - tangled the series/rapnuzel - avan jogia - they/he
gideon gold - canon, older verse - tom holland - he/they
jacklyn "jack" sparrow / ivory finch - oc, main verse - pirates of the caribbean - zoe saldana - she/her
julija "davy jones" smirnova / alecki petrova - oc, main verse - the twelve dancing princesses/the worn out dancing shoes (third princess) - kiera knightly - she/her
liam jones iii - oc, main verse - peter pan (sooner) - dylan o'brien - he/him
lilith jones - oc, main verse - peter pan (later/red handed jill) - kaya scoldelario - she/her
roland hood - canon divergent, older verse - robin hood - harry gibly - he/they
wendy darling / sabrina clark - canon divergent, multiple verses - peter pan - chandler kinney - they/them
will scarlet - canon, main verse - alice in wonderland (the knave) - micheal socha - he/him
annamarie coleman - oc - alishia wainwright - demigod of thanatos (peaceful deaths) - she/her
gale dunn - oc - jenna ortega - demigod of nyx (night) - they/them
neith cadell - oc - tati gabrielle - demigod of deimos (terror) - they/them
orpheus "troy" petrov - oc - timothee chalamet - demigod of persephone (spring/the underworld) - he/they
pallas egawa - oc - sebastian amoruso - demigod of triton (waves) - he/him
pandora keller - oc - devery jacobs - demigod of dionysus (madness/wine) - she/they
thalia grace - canon divergent - alice pagani - demigod of zeus (the skies/lightning) - she/they
travis stoll - canon - charlie gillespie - demigod of hermes (travelers/thieves/ect) - he/him
mercy stoll - oc - emma stone - parent of the stoll brothers - they/them
ariadne - canon divergent - riley keough - goddess of mazes & paths - she/her
makaria - oc - quintessa swindell - goddess of blessed deaths - they/he
poseidon - canon - toby stephens - god of the ocean, horses, ect - he/him
alexander "alec" ligthwood - canon - matthew daddario - he/him
cecily herondale - canon - ??? - she/her
james "jem" carstairs - canon - shannon kook-chun - he/him
judas stark - oc, warlock - auli'i cravahlo - they/them
cirilla of cintra - canon - freya allan - she/her
jaskier - canon - joey batey - he/they
enid sinclair - canon - emma meyer - she/they
pugsley addams - canon - ??? - he/him
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canonrpfinder · 1 year
Hello there! I’m Tape (21+)  looking for a few characters for a PANFANDOM FORUM RP! We have a discord but all rp takes place on a jcink forum. The site is 18+ and NSFW and darker themes are allowed so long as it is marked as such! We allow most fandoms and OCs are welcome. There is no word count but most people try to match their partners. You can contact me here or on Discord @hamletapologist. If you like this post I’ll contact you! ♥️
Characters Wanted: 
Sabrina (Pokemon)
Wylan Van Eck (Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows) 
Nina Zenik (Shadow and Bone/Six of Crows)
Alexis “Punchline” Kaye (DC)
Akihiko Sanada (Persona 3)
Joker  (Persona 5)
Chani  (Dune)
Lady Jessica  (Dune)
Peter Parker (Spiderman)
Tommy Ross (Carrie)
Rose Summerspring (Bad Times at the El Royale)
Ciri (The Witcher)
Reaver (Fable)
Maze (Fable)
Karlach (Baldur’s Gate 3)
Kit and/or Airk Tanthalos (Willow)
Willow Ufgood (Willow)
Yazmin (Doctor Who)
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) 
Stiles Stillinski (Teen Wolf)
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altblock-tm · 2 years
OC Fun Fact #2
I have several different stories but only a few of them actually have names and because of that I can't really distinguish in the tags which group of ocs goes with which
The ones I DO have named though!
Show Time (named by the lovely @corrupted-tale): Features CEO, Dislan, Vexx, and more
And Then it Dawned on Him: Features Switch, Yazmin, Gemi, Vivian, and more
Masked: Of course :) Featuring Jaide, Outlander, and Ichor
Ambivalent Souls (name potentially a work in progress? I've been struggling with this one but I think I like this name): Features Maroon and his squad
Others I will refer to by just their squad names. "silly royal blorbos" or "[name of person I am biased toward in OC group]'s squad"
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