beanprincess19 · 5 years
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Happy Halloween y’all!!! 
This year, I went as my rogue from way back during my first campaign, Carlota Van Der Buhrn. (However, it kind of went a bit Anna Ripley vibes from CR1) She was an assassin partnered with a shadow demon in order to get revenge against the woman who killed her clan, and she was worst/best to play. 
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beanprincess19 · 6 years
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"I am Carlota Regina Van Der Buhrn. I am the daughter of The Stone Breaker and I am a coward. And yet, I'm alive."
Carlota // Human Rogue/Paladin
Was really inspired by @impossibletruths take on this template and while it isn’t the top tier art they make, I had to show off my rogue because I truly miss playing this british accent disaster. 
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beanprincess19 · 7 years
My rogue Carlota and our warlock Edric about to interrogate a follower of Nerull
Carlota: Okay so I'll be good cop, and you be bad cop. Got it?
Edric: Got it
Edric: I cut off his finger
Carlota, a literal assassin: BABE NO!!
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beanprincess19 · 7 years
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Rogue // Warlock // Ranger // Eidolist
A group of strangers end up traveling together one day as their fates are intertwined by them escaping together from a being known as The Rule. They manage to make it out with their lives but, at the cost of their memories missing when they return to the material plane.  In the coming weeks of travel, they recover their memories and begin to travel as a ragtag group of adventurers known as, Vox Amissa. In this group is Carlota, a human rogue with a mournful past and a demon bonded to her, that she has to kill for every seven days; Edric, an assimar warlock who returned to the mortal realm after being a weapon to Pelor. Phyra, a tiefling ranger who solely believes she’s not that special but is slowly realizing a goddess has been trying to call her home. And Rain, a water genasi eidolist, a fallen god with a creature pet named Lulu, and a love for partying hard.  Together they will form a friendship, and realize that in a world filled of chaos, the path they’re taking will lead them to their true destiny. 
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beanprincess19 · 7 years
In the name of the demon Harthos, I end you, motherfucker!!
My rogue Carlota, with her nat 20 dagger throw on a necromancer who told her friend “In the name of Nerull, I smite you Heathen!” 
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beanprincess19 · 7 years
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Ashley's List of Endless Characters:
Carlota Van Der Buhrn (Human Rogue) (Playlist Here x)
"She wanted to turn my brother and I into weapons. So that's exactly what I became. A weapon to destroy that bitch and anyone who fights for her."
Carlota's childhood in Kurwar was the happiest time of her life. Her father Koran, the village's chief, lead the town and it's warriors with honor and strength. Although, what he had in strength he never lacked in heart, as he loved Carlota and her brother Cardan with all his being. Carlota prided herself on knowing that one day she would be the chief and would continue on her father's legacy into the next generation. But that day would never come, as one day, a group known as the Hoard of Beasts came to Kurwar. Kana, the leader, challenged Carlota's father to a duel of power. A fight that Kana would win with cheat and dishonor. In the following years of Kana's control of Kurwar, Carlota and Cardan were forced to be Kana's slaves. To be used as entertainment, having them fight and kill her own men and small beasts to survive. Her very own pets, “Sparrow” and “Raven”. One night, the siblings escaped into the woods where they were soon followed and surrounded. A fight commenced as Carlota watched her brother fall off the cliff and into the ravine below. Carlota would follow but not before stabbing the eye of Kana, taking it with her as she plummeted into the icy ravine below. Days later, Carlota awoke in the home of an old witch named Hela. Heartbroken over the loss of her brother, Carlota had no idea what to do anymore. Hela, however, offered her a new path. And so, Carlota met Harthos, a fiend from another plane. He offered Carlota what she wanted most; revenge against the woman who took everything from Carlota. However, with a price. With their partnership, Carlota must kill every 14 days or a part of her soul will be forfeit. Carlota agreed. Now, Carlota finds herself waking up in a shattered world; in a war between gods. She finds herself traveling with three other adventurers, who have woken up in same situation as her. But Carlota's purpose is still the same. Get stronger, find Kana, and take back the honor that was stolen from her family. This is the fate of the fallen sparrow of the Van Der Buhrn Clan.
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beanprincess19 · 7 years
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‘Wonder Boy, you are the weirdest man I think I will ever meet’ 
aka the beginning of such a pure and wholesome slow burn between my demon-bonded rogue and my friend’s aasimar paladin in our recent DnD campaign. 
This moment came after the party destroyed a black soul crystal that was turning the local forest into a graveyard of souls, and so decided to spend the night joyously drinking. While everyone else was drunkenly singing, these two shared a quiet moment between themselves, causing a rare smile from my rogue. 
So much thanks to @artsekey for bringing this super slow burn ship to art form! 
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beanprincess19 · 5 years
Me, today: what if I just bought this dagger because it reminds me of my rogue, Carlota???? What if I also buy this fingerless gloves??? YOU KNOW WHAT?? WHAT IF I JUST DRESSED UP AS CARLOTA FOR HALLOWEN????
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beanprincess19 · 7 years
You play D&D?????!! What pc's are you playing right now??
I’m guessing pc means characters? Sorry still super new to the lingo haha. I’m playing two campaigns rn actually so I’m playing two characters right now
The first one I’m playing is a human rogue named Carlota Van Der Buhrn. She’s this sassy, sad girl who has basically become the unwilling wine mom of our group. But she also has a demon bonded to her (like a Percy from CritRole situation) that she has to kill for every seven days. She made this deal with him because her father was killed in an unfair duel, and she was forced to be a slave to the woman who killed him and took over her nation. And when she tried to escape, her brother fell to his “death” in a fight with the woman who killed her family. So at first she was traveling by herself as an assassin, but the campaign started with her waking up, escaping from this world of this being called “The Rule”, and losing her memories with these other assholes (my party). So now she’s traveling with them, forming relationships especially a romantic one with our warlock, and she’s trying to figure out what the fuck is going on with her life.  
And the second one that I just started playing, is my druid Vilya from a Tal’dorei Campaign we just started two weeks ago! She’s the daughter of Keyleth and Vax, and she’s the sweetest teenaged asshole you’ve ever met. She has black hair, and is a circle of the moon druid. She left home after getting a vision of a voice calling out to her, and now she’s traveling to find out who she is besides this legacy. She also wants to find her dad or at least talk to him to tell him she’s alive because she was born after he left. I’ve only played her for one session but I love her so much. 
But Yeah! Those are the characters I’m playing right now 
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beanprincess19 · 7 years
Wait if Carlota called Edric babe? Are they a thing??
I’m assuming you mean the last post I made with them interrogating the nerull follower 
Ummmm kind of??? I mean they’re not officially together together but they’re definitely slow burning the fuck outta this campaign. 
(Ps. It’s funny because even when he did that via the post, Carlota was the one who ended up killing the follower so long story short, they are both bad “good” cops)
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beanprincess19 · 7 years
Reliving Nightmares 
Warning: just sad times, nightmares, some blood mention (but like not a lot but i’m putting it just in case. Just some sad dnd character writing about my character’s nightmares.
After beginning to regain her memories, Carlota dreams of her past, and the darkness that swallowed her spirit.
It came again. It always did. Carlota feared her dreams with Harthos, the things he would whisper into her. And yet, this was the one she dreaded most. The dreams of her past.
She dreamt of Kurwar in better times. When everything was golden and warm. And the tree of the Pelor temple, stood taller than the roof could hold. It was peaceful, and safe. Her father had once told her, “It’s always so sunny. Even when it rains, Pelor has blessed our great nation, Lottie. And we will do our best to make him and our people proud”.
Her mother would always scoff at that and say, “Just wait until it snows”.
It snowed on the day her mother left. The sun was still shining, but there were only clouds that her family could see.
Her father never was the same after that day.
But his love for Carlota and Cardan never faltered.
From that day, his heart, his home, was with them.
Carlota always believe that that was her father’s best strength.
It made her proud to be his daughter,
and his next in line.
“Look at them, Carlota.” Her father, told her one day as sunset gleamed over the horizon of Kurwar. Carlota looked below from the roof they had perched themselves on, to see her people. She saw people bringing home their wares, warriors reuniting with their families after a long day of training, and heard the sound of giggling children enjoying their last few hours of play before bed.
“One day, you will be the leader of these people. You’ll care for them and laugh with them like they are your own.” 
Carlota would remember she would reply back, “I can’t be like you though. They’ll miss their chief when he’s gone. As will I”.
Wrapping an arm around her, he then pointed to the golden, fiery horizon in front of them. The sun reaching over the mountains, almost like dusk was being swallowed before them, setting the sky ablaze. 
“Ah but I’ll be there. I’ll be apart of that beautiful skyline and every night, I will watch over my beautiful children continue my legacy for the rest of my afterlife. As will your children, when it comes to your time, as well. That is our true reward for the duty of a chief”.
“I love you, Papa” she said, hugging him back.
“As do I, Little Lottie. Always.”
If only a moment could last forever, if only that sunset would stay. Carlota knew, even in dream, what happened after that night.
Her eyes glaring over her, as Carlota protected her little brother from any harm.
Her cackle echoing in her mind, as she took everything over like a virus in the body of Kurwar. 
Her father’s head scattered away, dishonorably from his body.
It made her sick.
Kana, staring down at the Van Der Buhrn siblings as she smirked. “Your father was weak. I will care for you better, making you stronger weapons than he ever could. My Sparrow, My Raven, My Pets~”
Then finally to her brother, the dreams would come to her, as if the sun had almost risen again. Sweet Cardan. Honest Cardan. 
Despite their age, their bond did not suffer. They loved each other. Respected each other. And in the end, protected each other. Their father at one point, told them their fates were intertwined, bound together in soul forevermore. And Carlota took it to heart. 
When their mother left, she promised him, he’d never be left alone. “Mother cannot guide you anymore but I’m here. I will guide you now and I’m never going to leave you alone”. 
From that day forward, Carlota became his caretaker, his guardian angel, and Cardan, her best friend. But even as his protector, Carlota knew he was always stronger than her.
While she carried her father’s wisdom, Cardan carried his courage. 
Even during that first night as Kana’s “pets”, he saw past her front and let her cry, let her break down from her fierceness, and just be weak. 
“They can’t guide us anymore. We need to stick together okay? Don’t give up hope. I can’t lose you too Lottie okay?”
“Promise me.”
Carlota remembers him then taking a piece of glass from the ground, and cutting his palm. Handing over the glass to her, she took it and did the same. Clasping their hands together, the siblings had promised in loyalty, and in blood that night. A bond that should’ve last until death.
The darkness came over again, shifting into her nightmares.
Her visions darting to that dark night over the cliff by the River Duloc. 
Carlota attacking Kana, her anger getting the best of her.
And for that, her punishment was watching her little brother fall off the cliff into the ravine.
 And then, 
The cold water of the ravine. covering her like a blanket when she followed Cardan in. 
Her throat closing up, and her mind in a daze. 
She could’ve died there, and be happy.
And yet, Fate refused.
 Then there he was. Hela beside him. Glaring down at Carlota, like a predator on his prey. His whispers surrounding her mind, and grasping a cold grip around her very soul. 
“I can give you the power to kill that woman, to give more pain than she ever gave you. To destroy everything she is. To free your nation from her wrath”.
“What will you ask in return?”
A pause came to him as she, for a second, thought that his shadowy form gleefully smirked at her.
“You must kill for me every seven days. Kill for me and my power is yours.”
Carlota wanted to scream at herself, to not take it. For her to run away, and never go back to that awful room. But she knew even if she was heard, she wouldn’t listen. The Carlota of old was gone. The girl who was free and filled with the light of Pelor was dead. She had nothing left but her nation. That’s all that mattered. Even if she was to die and they would be free, she would take that fate, and choose it, over and over again.
And so Carlota took Harthos’ hand and agreed.
And once again, she fell into the darkness
But this time, it didn’t feel cold.
It was burning. Fiery like the sunset in Kurwar, but deeper.
It hurt.
Suddenly, Carlota was hanging before a cliff, but below her wasn’t the cold rivers that took her brother.
It was lava.
And Carlota, saw them. All her reaped souls. Men she’s killed. Criminals. Women. Fathers. Crying out in eternal anguish, hands reached out to Carlota, and trying to grasp at her leg to pull her down to join them.
Carlota tried to climb up towards the top again. Trying to free herself from this nightmare. Trying to grasp the light above her.
And she heard her,
“Oh, my dear little sparrow. Are you trying to fly away again?”
Carlota lost her grasp and began to fall into the hell below.
 And Carlota awoke with a scream.
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beanprincess19 · 7 years
Our party today was assigned by the dragon-born ruler of the city, to figure out who cursed her and her husband with a mysterious ailment. So you know already, it’s potentially going to be filled with mystery, spying on different temples of gods, and potential torture interrogation. But tbh while my rogue is jazzed about killing some criminals for her demon, I’m the first one who asked Okay But, Is There Gonna Be a Ball Though?
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beanprincess19 · 7 years
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I’ll take her down with me to whatever hell awaits us both. This, I swear to you, Pelor. Cum fortitudis et honoris. With Courage and Honor always.
-Carlota’s promise to Pelor in his temple, finally accepting her duty as Chief of Kurwar
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beanprincess19 · 7 years
So our party is currently traveling on an airship through the air elemental plane, and my rogue was just watching the clouds by herself during one night. Then suddenly our group’s warlock just comes flying up with this grin, telling her he knew she’d love flying. He then asked for her hand, and they went on a legit sky dance date like we just walked into an “Aladdin I can show you the world” romance scene. And when they came down and she thanked him for this moment, he told her making her happy was his favorite thing in this broken world they live in. So long story short, my rogue is gonna break this poor boy’s heart at some point and it’s gonna Ruin Me ™ . 
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