#oc; noureen
lyranova · 4 months
Lies, Puns, and the Wishing Tree
Hiya everyone! So instead of working on requests today…I decided to be self indulgent 🤭. This oneshot mainly focuses on Next Gens with brief mentions of a couple of canon characters, and I tried my best to include as many as possible but mainly focused on a few (If you want, you’re more than welcome to say what your next gens would be doing during the star festival 🥰). I hope you all enjoy~!
OC List: Leon, Cyra, and Nora belong to @thoughtfullyrainynightmare , Noureen Heinry and Natalia belong to @kalolasfantasyworld , Dawn Dusk and Vivian belong to @loosesodamarble , Avalinia, Nymphie, and Mikhail belong to @koneko-pi Zoisite belongs to @faewraithsworld and Hikari, Hana, and Einar belong to @eme-eleff !
Word Count: 3,532
Warnings: None
“ Oh my, don’t you look handsome,” Zera Cassia said as she looked at her eldest son, Alistar, who was currently looking at himself in a full length mirror.
“ Gotta hot date?” She asked him playfully, and watched as his face turned bright red.
“ No, I don’t have a ‘hot date’,” He told her after he cleared his throat. “ I’m going to the Star Festival with some of the others to hang out.”
“ I see,” Zera walked up to him, turned him towards her, and began to fix his shirt and Golden Dawn robes. “ I take it Hikari’s going to be there as well?”
Alistar cleared his throat and turned away as his face turned red again.
“ Of course she is, she’s part of our friend group too…” He told her softly, and his mother smirked.
“ Ah, so that’s why you’re dressing extra nice tonight, to impress Hikari.” She told him teasingly.
“ N-No!” He denied with a shake of his head. “ I wanted to dress nicely for the Star Ceremony, since it would be unbefitting for the Captain of the Golden Dawn to dress shabbily.” He told her, she nodded quickly.
“ Uh-huh, I see, I see. So this has absolutely nothing to do with Hikari?” She asked with a raised brow.
“ None at all.”
“ Then why are you wearing the Spider Lily pin she gave you for your birthday?” Zera asked curiously, and instantly Alistar’s hand shot up to try and conceal the pin.
She wasn’t supposed to see that…
As he opened his mouth to explain another voice chimed in.
“ Dear, are you trying to play matchmaker with our son and his best friend?” Alistar’s father, William Vangeance, asked as he walked into his eldest child’s room.
Zera turned towards her husband.
“ Maybe~!” She told him playfully, a bright smile working its way onto her face. “ If I was, can you really blame me? I mean; they would be soo cute together!”
“ You just want an excuse to be in-law’s with the Yami’s.” William stated matter of factly, and his wife shook her head.
“ Nu-uh, although that is a bonus now that I think about it,” She muttered in thought, making both Alistar and William sigh and shake their heads. “ But that isn’t why I want them to be together!”
“ I just…I see how happy the two of you are when you’re around each orher, how much you both care for one another, and it makes me want to see you together.” She admitted softly, her eyes moving to the floor shyly.
“ You realize that friends can be happy and care for one another like Hikari and I do, right?” Alistar asked her, and Zera looked up at him.
“ I know that! It’s just that I think you two would be much better as a couple than just friends!” She told him as she crossed her arms and pouted.
Alistar sighed, he knew his mother had the best of intentions when she was being pushy like this. All she wanted for her children was for them to be happy, healthy, and to have all the best things in the world.
He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“ I appreciate your concern, mother, I really do,” He told her softly as he placed his hands on her shoulders. “ But Hikari and I are just close friends and nothing more; I care about her as a friend would, not as a boyfriend would. There’s absolutely no romantic feelings between us.”
“ Really?” She asked skeptically as she leaned forward to inspect her eldest son’s face.
“ Really.” He confirmed with a nod, and Zera hummed.
“ So; if Hikari were to meet someone else tonight, fall in love with them, and start dating them, you would have absolutely no problem with that?” She asked curiously, her head tilting slightly.
Alistar suddenly felt a sharp pang in his chest at her question. This was the second time someone had asked him that, the first one being his other friend Leonidas Vermillion, who asked him something similar during one of their outings at a mixer a few weeks ago…
“ If that were to happen,” He began slowly. “ Then I would be happy for her. After all, doesn’t everyone deserve to fall in love and be happy?” He asked as his most charming smile, or his mask as he liked to call it, slipped onto his face.
As the lie left his lips, he couldn’t help but feel sick. If that were to happen, he would be devastated. He loved Hikari, and had for a long time. But he had always been too afraid to say anything to her about it; he valued her friendship, and didn’t want it to be affected negatively if something were to happen and they broke up.
So he’s kept his feelings to himself for over 12 years…
Zera’s eyes narrowed, a skeptical look in them as she studied his face. Eventually she closed her eyes and released a defeated sigh.
“ Fine, fine, you win,” She told him as she raised her hands in defeat. “ I’m going to go see if your siblings are ready.”
Zera walked away, but stopped when she stood beside William and said: “ See if you can convince him to confess to Hikari tonight!” before walking out of the room.
Alistar and William looked at each other as the room fell silent.
“ She means well.” William explained softly, and his son nodded.
“ I know.”
“ She’s just worried about you and your happiness.”
“ I know, and I appreciate it,” Alistar said with a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head. “ I just wish she wouldn’t worry so much about me; she has four other kids she should worry about too.”
“ She does worry about them,” William told him as he crossed his arms. “ But not as much as she worries about you.”
“ Because unlike my siblings I’m special and her favorite?” Alistar asked jokingly, and his father chuckled.
“ Exactly,” William replied, making his son laugh as well.
It was a well known fact that Zera, while genuinely loving all of her children, was especially partial to Alistar since the two of them had nearly died when she gave birth to him. She worried about him more, spoiled him a bit more, loved him just a bit more…
He was her favorite.
“ Do,” William began hesitantly as the room fell silent again. “ Do you really not have feelings for Hikari?”
Alistar looked at his father quietly for a moment, before nodding.
“ I don’t have feelings for her, we’re just good friends,” Alistar lied, his usual, charming smile appearing on his face.
William nodded slowly.
“ Alright, I just thought I would ask,” He said before turning around. “ I’ll let you finish getting ready.” He added as he walked out of the room, leaving his son standing there by himself.
As soon as the door clicked shur Alistar let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding and his hand reached up to rub the back of his head again.
This really sucked!
“ Alright everyone, are you ready to go?” Zera asked her children as they stood before her.
“ Yes!”
“ Now remember; have fun, be safe, and don’t do anything I would do,” She instructed them. “ And if you do, make sure to use protection!”
Her children groaned.
“ What? I’m so sorry that I don’t want any grandchildren right now!” She told them while throwing a pointed look at her second oldest child, Sebastian.
“ Why are you looking at me like that?!” He exclaimed.
“ Because out of all my children you would be the one most likely to make me a grandmother before I’m ready!” She pointed out, her blue eyes narrowing at him.
“ Do you have no faith in me?” He asked, his tone sounding hurt even though he really wasn’t.
“ None.” She replied bluntly, making the other chuckle.
“ So I know we’re supposed to wear condoms and take potions if we decide to have sex with someone,” Daisy began as she raised her hand. “ But what about if we decide to hold hands? Should we use protection then?”
The room chuckled, knowing fully well that Daisy was joking with her question.
“ Oh, in that situation you must certainly use protection,” Zera told her, playing along.
Sunni, Daisy’s twin, suddenly raised her hand.
“ What kind of protection should we use if we decide to kiss someone?” She asked, and William’s eyes instantly narrowed.
“ You’re too young to be kissing,” He told her sternly, and his gaze shifted as another hand shot up.
“ Am I allowed to kiss someone?” Mavis, the youngest, asked innocently.
William quickly shook his head.
“ No. You’re way too young to be kissing anyone!”
“ But I’m sixteen?” She pointed out, and Sunni nodded.
“ Yeah, and Daisy and I are eighteen!” Sebastain nodded.
“ Exactly, they’re all of age now, dad!” He pointed out. “ Since Clover’s majority age is fifteen Mavis could easily go out and get married without needing anyone’s permission-.”
The rest of the sentence died in Sebastian’s throat as he saw the glare his parents were giving him.
“ Anyway,” Daisy interrupted with a clap of her hands. “ We should get going before we’re late!”
“ Alright, be careful and watch out for each other!” Zera instructed her children as she gave them all a kiss on the cheek.
“ We’ll meet at the Ceremony, right?” He asked his children, and they all nodded.
“ Right!”
The Vangeance children bid their parents goodbye and left the Golden Dawn base to head to Kikka for the Star Festival.
At the Star Festival
As soon as the Vangeance siblings arrived in Kikka they split up to find their respective friend groups.
Alistar walked along the stone streets, passing by various food and item stalls as he did. Usually Hikari was working at the Black Bulls food stall with her father Captain Yami, but this year he decided to give her the night off so she could hang out with her friends.
It had been a surprise, but not an unpleasant one.
As he maneuvered through the crowd and his gaze drifted to the various stalls, his mind began to wander. It was odd that Captain Yami would give Hikari the night off, and it was odd how pushy his mother was about having him confess to her…he frowned; were the two of them trying to get him and Hikari together?!
Alistar quickly shook that thought from his mind. There was no way they would be doing that; especially Captain Yami. He would rather crush Alistar’s skull with his bare hand before he would ever allow them to date; especially after what happened that night.
He shuddered as the terrible, and embarrassing memory, from a few weeks ago resurfaced. How could he ever dream of confessing to Hikari after that?!
“ Alistar! Over here!” A familiar voice that always made his heart flutter shouted, and he slowly turned to see the girl he was just thinking about standing there.
Hikari waved her hands above her head and waved him over to the picnic table she and the others were sitting at.
He smiled his usual smile and gave a small wave as he walked over to them.
“ You’re late,” Leon Vermillion said as he took a sip of his drink. Alistar sat down across from him.
“ My apologies,” He apologized, using his formal voice. “ But leaving the base with my siblings was like trying to herd a bunch of cats.”
Leon chuckled.
“ I can only imagine,” He took another sip. “ I assume your mother gave you the usual ‘protection’ speech?”
“ Always.” The pair chuckled.
“ Your mother seems very…adamant about SexEd,” Noureen Silva said as he crossed his arms. “ She should host a seminar or something.”
“ Ooh she should, and my mom could help her!” Avalinia Silva said brightly from beside him.
“ I think all of our moms would pitch in and help her!” Dawn Faust agreed.
“ But wouldn’t it be embarrassing for our moms to be teaching our friends and peers the do’s and don'ts of sex?” Zoisite Ideale asked as he leaned back in his seat.
“ Would you prefer our dads to be the ones to teach it?” Hikari asked curiously, making everyone shudder.
That would not end well if their dads were the ones to teach it…
“ By the way,” Alistar began, quickly changing the subject. “ Where are the others? I thought they’d be joining us.”
“ Cyra is on a date with Dusk,” Leon explained. “ So I thought it would be best to give them some space.”
“ Heinry and Natalia are off playing in the fun houses,” Noureen said simply. “ But I’ll be meeting up with them later.”
“ Nymphie is off doing her own thing, and Mikhail is on a date with his princess.” Avalinia told him with a giggle.
“ My siblings are all kind of scattered around the place,” Dawn said with a laugh. “ Vivian was here earlier waiting for you, but I told her you’d see her after the ceremony so she went off on an adventure with Nora and Kito.”
“ Einar and Hana are with my parents, so we’ll probably see them later!” Hikari said with a bright smile.
Alistar nodded, and the conversation between the children continued to flow with various topics being discussed; including which squad they all thought would get the most stars.
“ It’s obviously going to be the Black Bulls!” Hikari said proudly, and Noureen scoffed.
“ Didn’t your squad just lose a handful of stars due to the destruction you caused near the Heart border?” Noureen pointed out as his eyes narrowed.
“ Hey we only lost two stars because of that,” She pointed out in irritation. “ And if you think your squad’s going to rank above ours you’re delusional!”
“ I think you’re the delusional one here!”
As Alistar watched the two go back and forth in amusement, he suddenly felt someone kick him under the table. He turned to see who it was and saw Leon giving him a serious look.
He leaned forward and Alistar did the same.
“ What’s up?”
“ Are you going to confess to Hikari tonight?” Leon asked quietly, and Alistar’s eyes widened.
What was with everyone wanting him to confess to Hikari tonight?!
“ Are you and my mother in cahoots or something?” Alistar asked quietly, his blue eyes narrowing.
Leon frowned.
“ What? No,” He said in confusion. “ Why would we be in cahoots?”
“ Because you’re both asking me if I plan on confessing to Hikari tonight, and it’s really suspicious!” He told him, and Leon hummed.
“ Well, tonight does seem like the perfect time to do it,” He said to Alistar as he hummed in thought. “ Your mother and I were probably just thinking the same thing.”
Alistar sighed and shook his head before taking a sip of his drink.
“ But you didn’t answer my question,” Leon pointed out quietly. “ Are you going to confess to her or not?”
Alistar hummed in thought as his blue eyes gazed down into his cup, staring at the swirling contents as he tried to decide what to do…
“ I don’t know,” He admitted softly. “ Maybe…we’ll see how tonight goes? If everything feels right, then I will, and if it doesn’t then…I’ll wait.”
Leon nodded slowly before he set his own cup down onto the table.
“ That sounds like a good plan, but I wouldn’t wait too long,” Leon said as he gave his friend a very serious look. “ You never know when someone will come by and try to snatch her up.”
Alistar smirked a bit.
“ What? Are you planning on trying to ask her out?” He joked, and Leon’s eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“ Absolutely not. I already have someone,” He told Alistar, who chuckled in response. “ Besides, even if I didn’t have someone, I still wouldn’t be that big of a jerk.”
Alistar smiled, nodded, and raised his glass.
“ Well, if it helps, I wouldn’t do that to you either.” He told him, and Leon chuckled before smiling and clanking his glass against Alistar’s.
“ Noted.”
“ What’re you two talking about?!” Hikari suddenly asked as she leaned over towards them, the boys instantly dropped their glasses and turned to her.
“ Puns!” They shouted in surprise, making Hikari blink.
“ Huh?”
“ Hey Leon; What do you call an alligator in a vest?” Alistar asked, and Leon shrugged.
“ I don’t know, what?”
“ An investigator.”
Leon burst into laughter.
“ Hey Alistar; Why did the scarecrow get an award?” Leon asked, and Alistar shook his head.
“ Why?”
“ Because he was outstanding in his field.”
Alistar burst into laughter, and Leon followed suit.
The other children at the table groaned.
“ I shouldn’t have asked!” Hikari muttered as she rested her head against the table.
Leon and Alistar looked at each other as a sigh of relief escaped them. Who would have thought making puns would save their lives?
After the children talked for a little longer they all decided to split up and explore the Festival.
As usual Hikari and Alistar paired up together, and the two walked around and explored all the things the festival had to offer.
They played games, ate food, walked around, and chatted about all the things that had happened since they last saw each other. Everything was normal between them.
But in the back of Alistar’s mind he couldn’t stop thinking about what his mother and Leon said; they were right in saying he was running out of time to confess, and they were also right that she could meet someone new tonight and fall in love with them…
“ Come on!” Hikari’s excited voice suddenly pulled him out of his thoughts. His heart skipped a beat when she suddenly grabbed his hand and dragged him towards a tree with lanterns and papers hanging from it.
Alistar stared at the tree, was this new? He had never seen it here before…
“ It’s a wishing tree! Papa told me about it yesterday and I wanted to come check it out.” Hikari told him as she let go of his hand, making his heart sink a bit.
“ A wishing tree?” He asked in confusion. She nodded, walked over to where papers and quills were sitting and grabbed some before bringing it back to him.
“ Yeah! You write your wishes down on these pieces of paper, and then you hang them on the tree!” She explained as she handed it to him before writing her own wish down.
“ That’s it?”
“ That’s it!”
Alistar nodded slowly, and as he stared down at the piece of paper his mind began to race as he tried to think of what to wish for.
He glanced up at Hikari. A soft smile appeared on his face as he watched her brows furrow in concentration, her tongue sticking out just slightly as she wrote, and the satisfied smile that appeared on her face as she finished writing down her wish.
He looked back down at his paper, and began to write down his wish.
As he finished he followed her to the tree and hung his wish right beside her’s.
“ Aren’t we a little too old to be making wishes?” Alistar asked playfully, and Hikari pouted before giving him a slight glare.
“ You’re never too old to make wishes,” She told him. “ Uncle Asta said so.”
Alistar chuckled, and Hikari grinned.
The pair stood together quietly, their gazes on the large tree as it swayed slightly in the wind. But soon his gaze drifted over to Hikari.
As the warm light of the lanterns drifted over her features, as the wind slightly shifted her beautiful brown hair, he couldn’t help but wonder; is now the time? Should he confess now?
“ So, what did you wish for?” She suddenly asked as she turned towards him, her blue eyes shining brighter than the moon, and her smile more dazzling than the stars in the sky.
Yeah, now was the perfect time.
“ My wish…is to hold you close and never let you go…” He said softly, his face turning slightly red.
“ Huh?”
As she stared at him in surprise and confusion, Alistar could hear his heart drumming in his ears, and could feel it pounding against his chest while he waited for her answer.
But much to his surprise…she suddenly began to laugh.
“ That’s a good one! You scared me there for a second.” Hikari laughed as she slapped him repeatedly on the shoulder.
She…thought it was a joke?
As he opened his mouth to correct her she suddenly grabbed his hand again.
“ Y’know you shouldn’t make jokes like that though,” She told him mock-seriously. “ Otherwise your girlfriend might get the wrong idea!”
Alistar blinked at her as her words sunk in.
“ Hikari-!” He began, raising his hands and waving them quickly, he needed to clear up whatever…misunderstanding this was! But she cut him off.
“ Don’t worry I won’t say anything,” Hikari told him. “ What happens between bodyguards, stays between bodyguards.” She added before grabbing his hand again.
“ C’mon the ceremony’s about to start!”
As Hikari began to drag Alistar away from the tree he couldn’t help but wonder; why did she think he had a girlfriend, and how did his soft-confession go so wrong?!
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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kalolasfantasyworld · 8 months
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Familia smile!
I love these three little birdies so much 😍
Noureen got a bit embarrassed 😂
Art prepared for BCocweek on Twitter Day 6 - The loved ones
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kalolasart · 3 months
Finally my art fight
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lyranova · 4 months
Noureen: What do you guys do when you’re stressed?
Mikhail: Try and calm myself down!
Alistar: Sleep.
Dusk: Get myself into even more stress, so that the first reason for my stress gets canceled out.
Leon: I don’t.
Noureen: Remind me to NEVER ask any of you for advice again!
Noureen belongs to @kalolasfantasyworld
Mikhail belongs to @koneko-pi
Dusk belongs to @loosesodamarble
Leon belongs to @thoughtfullyrainynightmare
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kalolasfantasyworld · 8 months
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Heinry and Noureen
Hi everyone! I'm proud to say that Paper Hearts has reached 100 kuddos on Ao3!!! I'm so happy. Thank you for all of your support!
As tradition requires I'm back with my silly next gen birdies. And here you have young adults Heinry and Noureen.
Their character profiles below:
Basic Information:
Name: Heinry Silva
Age: 23 (Natalia was 17 in that last art and her brothers are 6 years older)
Birthday: January 3rd
Blood type: AB
Birthplace: Clover Kingdom
Current Location: Clover Kingdom
Affinity: Mercury magic
Height: 183 cm 6'
Build: Slim
Eye Color: Lilac
Hair Color: Silver, loose fringe at the front, upper tips sharply style back and up, wears ponytails
Clothing: Silva style, white tunics with baby blue under layers. Usually wears Silver Eagle's squad mantle and a bright blue cape. Heinry has a single blue Silva earring in his left ear.
Heinry may look a lot like Nozel, but when it comes to personality he much more leans towards the Drazel side of the family. He's a cheerful and positive person. He's very easygoing and makes friends quickly. He's emotional, playful and affectionate, a great big brother. A very good leader, known for his understanding and tactical thinking. However sometimes Heinry gets to arrogant and can get a bit secretive.
Heinry is 24 minutes older than Noureen and he keeps on reminding his twin about that
Will fight everyone including Noureen, who will swear in front of Natalia
He loves to fly around on his Silver Eagle
Likes to dance and has learned from Helena some latino dance moves
Wishes to be the next Silver Eagle's captain
Spent waaay too much time with tios Finral, Gabriel and Asta
Hates jellyfish
Jokes when uncomfortable
When he was little, he would cry much more than Noureen
He loved getting piggyback rides and to Nozel's dismay would pull on his father's hair (a lot)
Uses spanglish (all of them do)
His powers are very similar to Nozel's from who he's learned a lot, but he also does his best to develop his own fighting style
As the eldest of the siblings there are high expectations towards him
Helena and him have a similar sense of humour, so she finally has someone to carry on with her jokes (the bad ones too 😂)
Basic Information:
Name: Noureen Silva
Age: 23
Birthday: January 3rd
Blood type: AB
Birthplace: Clover Kingdom
Current Location: Clover Kingdom
Affinity: Steel magic (nana Acier would be proud)
Height: 183 cm 6'
Build: Slim
Eye Color: Lilac
Hair Color: Chocolate brown, loose fringe at the front, upper tips sharply style back and up, wears ponytails
Clothing: Silva style, white tunic with ruby red under layers. Usually wears Silver Eagle's squad mantle and a reddish cape. Heinry has a single red Silva earring in his right ear.
Noureen is much more closed off than his older (24 minutes remember it's important to Heinry!) brother. He seems colder and more calculating, but this is just on the surface, because Noureen has a big warm heart. He's just sometimes too shy to show it. Noureen goes by the rule think first act later and tends to cool down his sibling's antics. He's very smart and has a tactical approach to many aspects of his life. Stubborn is basically his second name. Noureen gets grumpy and annoyed if someone is bothering him too much. However he is respectful and knows how to behave as a prince should.
Hates when Heinry reminds him of THE 24 minutes, that he's younger
Wishes to be the next Silver Eagle's captain (a little friendly rivalry)
Uses spanglish (all of them do)
Has a messanger eagle pet
Tia Noelle was training him, because his steel armour works in a similar way to Noelle's water one
Fights mostly close distance
Tio Gabriel jokes that he inherited the RBF (resting bitch face) afer Nozel
Likes to draw, but never shows anyone his works
He looks up to Nozel a lot and is afraid to disappoint him (it's hard for him to understand that he never will, because Nozel loves him so much 💕)
He likes to swim
Very protective of Natalia
Secretly enjoys when his mama ruffles his hair
Noureen actually likes to prank people, so him and Heinry gang up quite a bit
He on the other hand spent too much time with tio Zora (the pranking part had to originate somewhere)
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kalolasfantasyworld · 12 hours
Hiya! Can I get 👗,🌹,and 🥘 for any character you'd like to talk about?
Hi Laura!
Thanks for asking. I decided to answer these for Noureen since he didn't get any questions.
🌹 - Do they have a signature scent? Perfume, shampoo or alike?
Noureen uses cologne and he really enjoys smells which remind him of the sea breeze and other refreshing types.
👗-Describe their style
Noureen usually dresses in the classical Silva House garments. A simple tunic with faded red under layers, accompanied with the Silver Eagles’ cape. However for official events he would put on something fit for Royalty, with not too much flair as Noureen doesn’t like to attract too much attention, but for example he really enjoys wearing half capes. 
🥘 - Favourite food?
Sautéed lamb.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 5 months
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Illustration for The little Silver Eagles birdies one shot.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 6 months
Dyngus day birdies comic stop motion animation 🎥
Dyngus Day is a celebration held on Easter Monday in some parts of Europe.
It is also called "wet Monday" because you are supposed to pour water on other people. It comes from a Slavic tradition, but currently it's treated as a form of entertainment.
Below you have the birdies Heinry, Noureen and Natalia trying to play a joke on Nozel.
Click on it if it doesn't play right away 💕 (this is my first time trying to animate something 😊)
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kalolasfantasyworld · 2 months
The swan 🦅
One shot for 200 kudds. I literally finished it today, because writing has been pretty hard lately, but I think it came out good. A little different than I planned, but the writing took me where it wanted.
Helena is preparing Natalia for her first official event in the society, while Heinry, Noureen and Nozel are being left out of the process.
Yes, there is an illustration 🩵
Type: One shot
Word count: 2913
Ao3 link
Natalia’s first official event was on its way and as every father would, Nozel worried as well. Worried about all those praying eyes resting on his daughter, about those with unhonorable intentions, all the courtly gossip and overall high society. Natalia was not Helena who could wrap everyone around her little finger and guide the conversation wherever she wanted. Natalia was more fragile, shy, and very innocent. Not that he deemed his daughter weak, on the contrary, Nozel knew how strong she was especially with her magic proving difficult to control. However this was different, it was her entering a nest of vipers and he worried whether the claws of the little birdie were enough to fight them off. 
At that moment he knew that Helena was with Natalia, going over some etiquette and practicing required dances. Since it was so close to the ball they decided to let his daughter put on her official dress, one that Nozel did not have a chance to take a look at. They chose it together without asking for his opinion, so he was curious. He was sure if he had just stopped by, saw how his birdie was doing and how beautiful she looked in the dress her and his wife had chosen, they would not mind.
He strolled through the high hallways of his estate with a goal of seeing them in mind. His cape fluttered behind him. A small, very subtle smile on his face. However once he saw the door to the room his wife and daughter were in he stopped. Why on earth were Heinry and Noureen leaning over it with their ears glued to the wooden surface. Each one of the boys, or men at this point, wore their squad robes and light blue, light red capes respectively. They had eagle-like hairstyles similar to Nozel’s with the lack of braid and having lower parts of their hair tied in ponytails. Noureen with his darker complexion and brown hair was more similar to Helena, while Heinry if not for the age wrinkles, could be confused with Nozel. 
He approached them silently and stopped just a meter behind his sons. They did not notice him. 
“Can you hear them?” Heinry whispered. 
“I probably would have, if you could just stop talking,” Noureen hissed, annoyed. 
Nozel furrowed his brows. What were these two up to?
He cleared his throat. 
The hair on his sons’ heads seemed to stand up straight, as both of them jumped up in panic. They turned around quicker than Nozel thought it possible, straightening up their spines. Their lilac eyes were wide open and Heinry’s lips parted. 
“Papa! I didn’t hear you walk over,” he gestured with his arms. Nozel raised his brow. “We’re doing… nothing! Nothing of sorts! Right Noureen?”
“Shut up,” Noureen deadpanned. 
His brother listened to him and now both birdies were looking down at Nozel, down because of those six centimeters difference. They got the Drazel genes when it came to height, but somehow in many moments like this one, boys seemed to wish for the ground to swallow them up.
“What is this nothing?” Nozel asked flatly. 
“We’re just…” Heinry scratched the back of his neck embarrassed. “Wondering how Natalia’s doing. That’s all.”
“Exactly,” Noureen nodded, his expression emotionless. 
“What about you papa?” Heinry perked up. “Why are you here?”
“Same as you. I want to see my hija,” he said and then motioned towards the door for his sons to let me through.
They exchanged glances and while Heinry stepped to the side Noureen did nothing of sorts. 
“With all due respect papa, you’re kidding right?” He crossed his arms over his chest. 
“I am not,” Nozel answered in a tone just like his son’s. 
“Why do you think they didn’t invite us?” He quirked his brow. 
“Or didn’t show us the dress?” Heinry added. 
Nozel blinked. He never wondered why. He simply assumed it was because their schedules somehow did not align. 
“They don’t want us there,” Heinry said and just like his brother crossed his arms over his chest. 
“And who knows what Natalia’s dress looks like?” Noureen commented. 
“It must be proper,” Nozel did his best to sound confident. 
“Yes of course, but have you seen ‘proper’ ladies dressing during the latest events?” His son continued. 
“With everything on display,” Heinry pointed out.
“He knows, he’s been paying attention,” Noureen smirked. 
“Estupido!” Heinry groaned, stopping himself from pushing his brother away. They did not squabble too much this time.
“You are not being serious hijos,” Nozel narrowed his eyes. 
“Prove us wrong then, papa,” Noureen gestured at the door and now he as well stepped away. 
However Nozel did nothing of sorts. He stared at the door, behind which his wife and daughter were up to something that they did not wish for him to see. All of his worries that he was pushing down suddenly resurfaced. He felt an uncomfortable chill go down his spine. What if in fashion were dresses which would make his precious niña uncomfortable? He needed to know, but how If they did not want him nor his sons in. 
“What did you hear?” Her turned towards Heinry and Noureen. 
“Not much. Only some babbling about making sure to straighten the dress when she sits down,” Heinry shrugged.
“Women,” Noureen shrugged as well. 
“Women,” Nozel nodded. “We need to know what’s going on there. Any ideas?” He asked in his captain tone. 
A flash went through Noureen’s lilac eyes. 
“Let’s go,” he stated and turned on his heel, passing Nozel, who only exchanged glances with just as confused Heinry, before they followed Noureen.
They were led downstairs, through the wide hallways and corridors. The three Eagles of the Silva Royal House. Once they reached the gardens Nozel had a fair idea of what Noureen came up with. 
“This is dumb,” Heinry stated when the three of them stood by the side wall of the estate meters beneath the windows of a room that Helena and Natalia were in. Nozel could not disagree with his son. The idea was certainly unfitting for the Royal family members. To spy through the windows on own family was despicable… but he was desperate. Noureen and Heinry as well. 
“Got a better idea?” Noureen huffed, turning his back to his father and brother. 
He stopped underneath the window and his grimoire flew out of its satchel. It shone in a steel gray color as Noureen raised his arm to the sky and whispered a spell. There was a flash of light and a moment later rays of sun were reflected off a pair of beautiful, steel, eagle wings. Noureen stretched them, spreading them apart and showing off their majestic size. Her turned around, his body clad in full armor with a steel chest plate, high boots, gloves and that helmet, which made Noureen look even more like an eagle. It covered his nose with the middle part and the tips at the back were folded like feathers, as if they could perfectly fit his hairstyle. In his outreached arm Noureen held a lance with the spearhead shaped in a cross flory fitchy Silva symbol. 
“I’m taking a look,” Noureen flapped his wings and shot up in the air. 
Nozel did not take a moment longer before flicking his fingers and creating a platform out of mercury. He glanced at Heinry. 
“Papa, this is ridiculous,” he said, but contrary to his words stepped on to the platform next to his father. Nozel knew it was ridiculous. Spying through the window on his own wife and daughter… But for what reason would they not show them the dress? Or ask them to join them during this etiquette class? What were they hiding? 
They hoovered in the air below the line of the windows. Noureen flapped his wings just beside them. 
“A quick look and then we’re done with this childish behavior,” Nozel narrowed his eyes. 
It should have been a quick look, but once the three of them got a glimpse through the window they stopped mesmerized, because Natalia did not look improper. She looked beautiful. Much more like a swan, rather than an eagle. The young princess wore an empire style dress with a white top and puffy, short sleeves. The skirt of it had a soft lilac color and  near the lower rim there was a pattern of dark purple feathers scattered by the wind. On her hands Natalia put on a pair of long gloves reaching up above her elbows. Attached to them were two long wing-like accessories. They reminded Nozel of the ones Helena wore to the Royal banquet upon arriving in Clover. ‘Like mother like daughter,’ he thought. His daughter’s long silver hair was partly put up in a bun with the bottom part let loose and falling down her back. Bangs in the front were swept to the left side. Adorning the simple yet sophisticated hairstyle was a single big feather, attached to the bun. She wore a necklace with a lilac Silva emblem and another golden one pinned to her dress at the waist where the colors changed. 
Nozel could not see Natalia’s deep brown eyes, because she thankfully was too focused on her mother. 
“Duck!” Noureen shouted and in a blink of an eye the three men lowered themselves. 
“Do you think mama saw us?” Heinry asked.
Nozel could not answer, he was way too focused on being a proud father admiring his little girl.
“I don’t think so,” Noureen huffed. He landed on the mercury platform and his armor dissolved. He scratched the back of his neck. “Sooo she didn’t look improper.”
“She was beautiful!” Heinry got excited. “Our hermanita put on her feathers.”
“Then why didn’t they want to show us earlier?” Noureen wondered, glancing at Nozel. “Do you know papa?” Now he seemed to be slightly ashamed of his silly idea.
Nozel was even more ashamed to follow with it. Was he getting overly protective again?
“Master Nozel! Young Masters Heinry and Noureen!” A Silva butler called out to them from the ground below.
In a glimpse of an eye the three Eagles were back on the ground. Their expressions were serious, to not give away that they were doing something, which they were not supposed to. They made themselves look as casual as they could. It worked with Nozel and Noureen’s RBFs and Heinry’s gentle smile. 
“What is it?” Nozel asked coldly. 
“Señorita Natalia and Señora Helena asked for you to come see them in the guest room that they were practicing in.”
They followed the butler who led them upstairs and once again in front of that door. The man knocked on it announcing their arrival. The doors opened letting the three men inside. 
Few meters ahead of them stood Helena and Natalia with gentle smiles on their faces. Helena had her Silva dress on, while Natalia the mentioned earlier outfit. They were next to an old grand piano, which had been a family’s heirloom for generations. White polished wood with few golden and light blue accents perfectly showed sophistication and praised the Silva name. Natalia adored this instrument just as Nozel did.
His daughter took a step forward. She did a small courtesy and let her deep brown eyes look up kindly.
“Welcome my Lords. My name is Natalia Acier Silva. If you would like to take a seat,” she pointed towards a couch, which was on Nozel’s left side. “I have prepared a surprise for you. Señora,” Natalia smiled at her mother, “if you would like to join them?”
Helena slowly closed her eyes and curtsied, before approaching her husband and sons, who were already by the couch. Nozel reached out his hand allowing her to choose a seat first, only to sit down next to her. Their sons ended up being on both of their sides.
Natalia made her way towards the grand piano. She fixed her dress and held it so it would not get ruffled as she sat down. Her gloved hands hoovered over the keys. Wings softly fell on her sides, not interrupting her. 
“This song I am about to play is one of my favorites. It is called the Swan,” Natalia said as she closed her eyes and her long fingers pressed the keys, letting beautiful melody fill the room.
Nozel held his breath. He loved this song as well. It was the one he played for Acier as a child, and the one he never forgot, so on that memorable evening years ago, when his little niña had found the old piano forte and asked him to pull off the drapes he played it. Messy, imperfect and Natalia laughed. Silver haired birdie with deep brown eyes which glimmered happily. 
However now she was not a hatchling anymore. In front of him gently stroking the keys sat a woman, a fully fledged swan. With each note pride filled him, but also a sense of a growing sentiment. How quickly the time had passed. 
He felt warm fingers find their way to his and intertwine them together. Helena gave him a gentle squeeze. He could see tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Deep brown eyes, fully focused on Natalia. Was he any better? Nozel was not sure.
The song reached its end. Natalia quietly pulled away and stood up. She walked over to her familia, and curtsied once more in front of them.
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“Surprise papa,” she smiled.
Nozel could only blink. Anything more was outside of his capabilities. He could not fully understand all of the emotions that passed through him, not that he was good at reading them in the first place.
“You were amazing Natalia,” Heinry complimented her.
“And that’s why you hid everything from us,” Noureen leaned forward. “You wanted to surprise papa and assumed we would spill everything.”
“Hid?” Natalia asked, confused. “But you knew what we were doing. The piano part was just kept a secret.”
Nozel glanced at his wife and he knew right away that Helena was not going to let things escalate between their children. 
“Good job hija, you left papa speechless,” Helena stood up and grabbed Natalia’s hands.
The girl giggled, once again leaving Nozel with this prideful feeling inside of his chest. He stood up as well. Natalia looked up at him. Deep brown eyes were sparkling brightly. 
“Did you like it papa?” She asked unsure. 
Nozel’s lips gently tugged up as he nodded, closing his eyes. 
Suddenly he was thrown off balance by a pair of arms wrapping around him. They held on tight. A head pressed to his chest. At first as per usual he did not know how to react, when somebody hugged him. However, over the years he got better at it, so he reached out his hand and began stroking the silver hair of his daughter, making sure he would not mess up the giant feather. 
“Thank you for teaching me how to play piano,” Natalia whispered, holding her father close. “I love you papa.”
“I’m out!” Noureen stood up from the couch. “This is too moving for me.”
“Hijo! You’re staying right here,” Helena stopped him.
“Señorita Natalia?” A new voice belonging to a maid Lidia joined them. “If you’d like to come back to your room now, we can get you out of this dress and have it prepared for the event.”
“Oh of course Lidia,” Natalia pulled away from Nozel, ridding him of the warmth. The birdie lifted the hem of her dress so that she could skip quicker and followed the maid out of the room. Only her wings fluttered behind her. 
Nozel swallowed hard. Emotions did not leave him and it would probably take him a bit to make something specific out of them. However, two things he knew. He was proud and happy. 
“Sit down,” he heard his wife speak in an accusatory tone. “The three of you.”
Now a new feeling took over. One of shame. Helena saw their childish antics. 
“Mama we were just worried,” Heinry tried to articulate as they plopped on to the couch. 
“About what? That I would make her wear something improper?” Helena raised her brow. “This is ridiculous. Even more than the fact that I wouldn’t notice Noureen in his steel armor flapping his wings on the other side of the window.”
“We wanted to be included,” Noureen stated. “It was only you and Natalia and we obviously worry about her.”
“Also we convinced papa to do this with us. He just wanted to talk to you,” Heinry looked down.
Helena brought her hand up and massaged the bridge of her nose. She sighed. 
“I understand that we were being secretive, because of our surprise. Natalia was also feeling self conscious, so I thought it would be better, if at first it would be just me with her,” she explained. “I understand that your behavior came from a good place.”
She smiled tenderly at her sons and husband. 
“However our little Birdie needs to spread her wings without the three Eagles constantly watching her. She’s a mature woman.”
“A swan,” Nozel looked up.
“Like in that song she played,” Heinry brightened up.
“She was pretty good,” Noureen nodded.
“Yes, she was,” Helena said. “She is amazing and strong. We need to let her be. All of us,” she looked up. “Familia does not hold each other down. We help with the take off.”
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
The late hours 🦅
One shot for 5000 hits. It's not too long, but I hope you enjoy.
Nozel is working late, so little Heinry decides to come see him.
Yes, there is an illustration 🩵
Type: One shot
Word count: 709
Ao3 link
Nozel was working late. He did not know how late it was, just that he was sitting in the library for much longer than he had planned. He promised that he would fill out these few documents and then join his wife and sons for a bedtime story. Yet the paper work seemed never ending and the deadline was incoming. 
He sighed and brought his attention to the document ahead of him. Nozel was so focused that he did not hear the screeching of the library door and bouncy footsteps that followed. He was only pulled out of his work, when he felt a tug on his tunic.
“Papa?” Big lilac eyes were looking up at him and a little hand was gripping on to his leg. The little boy looked almost like Nozel’s copy, maybe a shape of his eyebrows was slightly different. However the emotions, that he would show with his body language were certainly Helena’s trait. At that moment he could see that Heinry was tired and a little upset. “When will you finish working?”
“I…” Nozel paused and he felt a needle of guilt pinch his heart. “I’m sorry hijo. I lost track of time.”
Heinry nodded slowly with a pout on his face. 
“Noureen and mama fell asleep,” he said. “We were waiting, but they were too tired. So now I decided to come and get you.”
“You were waiting?” Nozel asked, but it felt more like an empty question to no one. “Of course you were,” he sighed.
Nozel shot a glance at the document, before letting his gaze drift to his son. Paper work could wait for the next morning. He stood up and gently ruffled Heinry’s hair.
“Let’s go to bed hijo,” he announced. 
Heinry immediately perked up. Nozel did not even notice when the little fingers wrapped around his. They made they way out of the library, but suddenly Heinry stopped. 
“Papa, I’m tired,” he complained.
“That’s why you’re going to sleep,” Nozel stated flatly.
“I don’t have the energy to walk…”
“Am I supposed to carry you?” Nozel raised his brow.
“YES!” Heinry jumped up, suddenly forgetting about the lack of said energy. “A piggyback ride!”
Now Nozel had no choice, but to oblige. He owed his son that much for making him wait. He picked Heinry up and positioned him on top of his shoulders, while making sure that he was tightly holding on to his legs. His son had a tendency to wiggle around and Helena would probably prefer not to be woken up in order to treat a concussion. 
“Woah!” Heinry exclaimed. “I’m so tall papa!” He gripped on Nozel’s hair.
‘I’ll be bald in no time,’ Nozel sighed, but he could not stop the soft smile appearing on his face.
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They made their way up a flight of stairs. Heinry pointed with his palm towards the door to the master bedroom. However when he was brining them back he nearly stuck his finger into Nozel’s eyes. 
“Heinry watch out,” he told his son, who listened sheepishly grabbing Nozel’s hair again.
‘Bald and blind… perfect combo,’ Nozel chuckled softly. 
They approached the door. 
“Hold on now,” Heinry listened gripping on tightly. 
Quietly Nozel pulled on the handle, letting himself inside. He stopped in his tracks upon entering, his hands once again on Heinry’s legs. Nozel’s breath hitched. 
On the bed Helena and Noureen were lying curled up together. Their brown hair spread on the soft pillows. Relaxed expressions on their faces. However he could see that they were not wearing their pyjamas. They waited…
He slowly approached them letting Heinry down on the covers. Then Nozel slowly climbed on himself. His son watched him carefully as Nozel gently brushed Noureen’s hair, before moving closer to his wife.
“Helena,” he whispered, but she did not wake up. 
She needed a stronger nudge. 
“Nozel…” she yawned when her dark eyes finally blinked open. “Did you finish your work?”
“I’ll finish tomorrow,” he stated. 
“Are you sure?” She asked worriedly. “You said that it’s important.”
“Not more important than the three of you,” he smiled softly. 
“Such a charmer mi amor,” Helena chuckled. “Who taught you that?”
Nozel rolled his eyes affectionately. 
“Let’s get them to bed,” he announced.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 6 months
Hiya Lola! For the ask game, can I get 3 and 16 pls? ^^
Hi Laura! 💕
Yes of course you can 😁
3. Once again Nozel takes Helena to see the sea for the first time
16. The little Silver Eagles birdies one shot (I love it so much ^^)
3. That encompasses my style
Another part from when Nozel takes Helena to see the sea for the first time -> chapter 21 again
“What is it?” She asked, but Nozel did not answer. He just stared at her.
She made a fews steps towards, him and got out of the water. Her toes were getting too cold anyway. The sand stuck to her feet, when she approached Nozel. She halted in front of him and looked up. Her deep, dark eyes mesmerised and curious. Helena’s lips were a bit redder than usual.
Nozel not saying anything lifted his arms and grabbed the sides of her head scarf. He gently unwrapped it and pulled it off her head, letting her hair loose. He folded it and placed it on their cloaks. They gazed into each others’ eyes in silence. The dark brown and light purple intertwined.
“Thank you for taking me here,” Helena whispered. “We managed to be on time for the sunset.”
Nozel put a strand of her hair behind her ear and his palm stayed on her face. Helena shivered. He leaned in and placed a slow kiss on her lips. The Silva pendant, which hung from his braid brushed her cheek. Helena responded, but putting her palms on his chest and clutching his mantle.
They felt free. Out in the open, not worried about anyone seeing them. It was just the two of them. Not the Princess Helena Drazel of the Diamond Kingdom, or Prince Nozel Silva, the captain of the Silver Eagles, but two people who were happy to be together. They were not bothered by their past, or responsibilities.
“I wish it could always be like that,” Nozel spoke up for the first time in a while. His voice was quiet and he looked down.
16. From a recent piece I want to brag about
The little Silver Eagles birdies one shot ^^ again The beginning of it this time with a tiny bit of Helena, because the rest is Nozel, Heinry and Noureen focused
Helena was fixing Heinry’s mantle. He needed to tilt his head back, so that she could straighten out the frills of the high neck. A silver Silva pendant was attached right below. It was quite a challange because Heinry was excitedly bouncing up and down. Nozel watched them fondly, before shifting his gaze to Noureen. His other son was sitting on his bed and dangling his legs. The expression on his face was focused and his little nose wrinkled. His red mantle had already been fixed by Helena, so he was just waiting. 
“Now you’re ready,” she announced and stood up, on her way ruffling Heinry’s silver hair. “Are you sure, that you’ll be fine?” Helena turned towards Nozel. “Their nannies could watch over them and I’m sure Rosetta would love to play a little bit with her sobrinos (nephews).”
“Yes, I am sure,” he stated flatly quirking his brow. “Weren’t you supposed to leave ten minutes ago?” 
“I’m certain that Doctor Owen can start the meeting without me,” Helena put her hands on her hips. 
“Without the vice head of the Healer’s tower?” 
“Stop being witty,” she huffed and leaned down towards her two little birdies. “Are you one hundred percent sure, that they won’t interrupt you with your work?”
“They’re future Silver Eagles, they should see how everything is being handled at the base,” Nozel stated. 
“They’re four mi amor,” Helena sighed.
“Four and a half mama,” Heinry corrected her.
“Yes four and a half hijo,” she said and grabbed him by the hand. They both approached Noureen. “Heinry, Noureen will you be good? You can’t distract papa from work, promise? Listen to everything he says.”
“I’m alway good,” Heinry grinned wildly. 
“Sure you are,” Helena did not sound convinced. “Noureen?” 
The brown haired boy nodded. 
“Are you excited as well?” She asked.
Noureen smiled shyly and then once again nodded, this time more energetically. “Okay,” Helena smiled and stood up. “Have fun my Silver Eagles,” she waved at them, grabbed her bag and very quickly left the room, because indeed she was late and Helena preferred to be on time. She would always say this was a matter of respect. 
Her white tailcoat only fluttered behind her before the door closed. 
Nozel crossed his arms over his chest and narrowed his eyes. 
One, two, three.
The door opened once again and Helena ran inside. She knelt down in front of Heinry and pulled him in pressing a kiss on his cheek. The silver haired boy giggled excitedly. She then turned to Noureen and tried to peck hims as well, but he pulled away. 
“Bleh!” He screeched. 
“Everyone gets a kiss,” Helena announced. 
“Everyone?” Noureen pouted. “Okay,” he sighed and leaned forward. A small blush spread on his cheek, before Helena pecked him. 
She stood up and approached Nozel. 
“Everyone gets a kiss,” she brightened up and put her hands on his chest, digging her fingers into his feathery mantle. He closed his eyes and felt her grip on harder as she leaned in closer. Her sweet perfume becoming more apparent.
“Blehhh!” Heinry and Noureen both shouted and startled them before Helena managed to kiss him. 
Giving both of his four year olds’ a side eye was probably not one of Nozel’s greatest moments. He straightened up and his expression became flat. Helena just chuckled glancing at them fondly. 
“A short peck then,” she stated and quickly pressed her lips on to his. He did not even get to savour the moment, because she pulled away and was already running towards the door. “Bye muchachos, don’t be a nuisance to papa.” With that she was gone, off to the Healer’s tower.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 7 months
The birdies at the wedding 🕊️
A little one shot posted for 3000 hits!
Helena, Nozel, Heinry, Noureen and Natalia attend the wedding of Asta and Noelle.
Just lots of fluff, pretty descriptions, spanglish and some silly jokes 💕
Yes, there is an illustration 🩵
Type: One shot
Word count: 2800
Author's note:
I mention other people's OCs. (Literally mentions, but I couldn't stop myself 😁.) They belong to @lyranova @thoughtfullyrainynightmare and @loosesodamarble.
The ceremony at Asta and Noelle’s wedding was simply beautiful. Helena could come up with multiple astounding adjectives to describe it, but she was sure that even all of them complied could not reflect on how she was feeling. She bawled her eyes out and was loudly sobbing, while using a handkerchief to wipe away her never ending tears of joy. 
Her children two nine year old boys Heinry and Noureen, and Natalia a three year old little girl would point out her emotional state. 
“Mama, why are you crying?” Heinry pulled on her dress. “Papa do something!” He would then bother Nozel, who just smiled softly and stayed quiet as all of them should have done through out the ceremony. 
After Asta and Noelle spoke their vows and finally said the long awaited ‘Yes’, the party was moved from the great chapel to the Silva Estate ballroom. As the Lady of the house it was Helena’s job to have it meticulously prepared. She obviously poured her heart out and countless hours at that, towards reaching her goal. The grand hall was lavishly decorated with white, pink, purple and blue flower bouquets, garlands, lights and all possible accessories. However it was not too much, just the perfect amount to not let anyone feel overwhelmed, but allow them to appreciate the interior. Helena cared for the good name of House Silva and she continued to fulfil that playful promise she had made to Nozel years ago, about pouring her dignified strength and giving her best for the prosperity and reputation of their House. Theirs. And now Asta joined the Silva family too. 
The newlyweds sat at a rectangular table, which was specially raised on a platform, so that everyone could see them. Kahono as Noelle’s bride’s maid and Yuno as Asta’s best man, sat on both of their sides. Next to Yuno there was one additional seat prepared for his fiancé Neva, but she disappeared somewhere within the crowd and had yet to join them. 
Helena and her familia were seated at the table to the right from the newlyweds. Next to them sat Solara and Fuegoleon with their own three cubs. They were engaged in some pleasant conversations and Fuego was completely drowning in the mesmerising green eyes of his wife. Helena watched them fondly, happy that everything seemed to have fallen in its right place. 
She turned towards her three birdies, whose sight filled her with joy and pride only a mother could understand and smiled. Noureen was fidgeting with the high neck of the white jabot that he was wearing. It contrasted with his pastel red, sleeveless blazer and chocolate brown strands of hair, that fell onto his shoulders. Under the blazer he wore a white shirt with golden bands gripping it at his wrists. Matching pants were straight pleat and golden sandals finished of his look. The red cross flory fitchy earring in his right ear proudly stated, which house he belonged to. Although everybody could probably guess it anyway, because his hair was styled almost exactly as Nozel’s. And those eyes of his, they were lilac, just like nana Acier’s and his papa’s. 
Heinry wore the exact same outfit, just that the accents were baby blue and the earring was on his left ear. He looked like a miniature copy of Nozel with his silver hair styled in an eagle like manner. However only looked, because when it came to his behaviour, nothing could scream louder the energetic atmosphere of the Drazels. 
Natalia sat on the other side of the table in a raised seat specially prepared for a three year old. Her silver hair was getting longer and it was neatly styled in soft waves. The dark brown eyes of the girl were excited as she tried manoeuvring towards her mouth a piece of duck using a small fork. Helena worried that she would drop it on her soft lilac dress and then they would need to leave the party to get her changed. Thankfully Nozel was there to save the day. With a flick of his fingers he created some mercury protecting the fabric. 
Classical ballroom music was being played by the band and Kahono, now a kingdom wide star, sang a love song for the newlyweds. Helena was immersed into the sound. She felt excitement rise in her chest and she knew, she wanted to join the dance. 
Helena turned towards her husband and a her lips formed a beautiful smile. 
“Would you like to dance mi amor?” She asked in a sweet tone. 
“I’m good,” Nozel answered flatly and focused on the roast duck, that was in front of him, completely not noticing an annoyed expression on his wife’s face. He had to not realise, that she was just asking out of courtesy. 
Helena furrowed her brows and huffed. 
“Are you suuure?” She elongated the word and made Nozel look up. His eyebrows raised and lilac eyes were questioning. 
“I want to finish this dish,” he said. “You know it’s my favorite.”
Yes Helena was aware, but she wished to be selfish and dance now.
“Papa helps me eat,” Natalia crinkled her tiny nose and now that it was two against one Helena knew she lost. Daddy’s girl was taking his side, since her youngest years. 
“I would like to dance with you mama,” Heinry jumped of his seat and approached her. He respectfully bowed down and then reached his hand towards her. The little prince, that he was, knew all the required etiquette and was pristine with his manners. Lilac eyes flashed confidently and Helena chuckled softly reaching out to her son. 
“At least someone knows how to be a gentleman,” she grinned at her husband, who just rolled his eyes affectionately, before once again swooping in to save Natalia’s dress. “What if you just feed her?” Helena added. 
“I can… myself,” Natalia found the right word and furrowed her brows, while gripping harder onto the fork, that she was holding. She was a smart three year old and certainly a feisty one. Wonder where she got that from?
“You heard our hija,” Nozel proudly gazed at his daughter.
Helena could not help the fond expression, that appeared on her face. Nozel was a great dad, despite his countless worries, that he was going to be an awful one, like his own father was. However both of them pushed through, they made mistakes, they learned from them and they did all of this together, supporting one another. Now the three little birdies were growing up in a warm and happy environment, something Nozel’s childhood was lacking after his own mother had passed away. 
Helena was pulled out of her thoughts by Heinry, not so sophistically dragging her towards the dance floor. He was very excited. When the next song began to play, she let her son lead her and even though he would make tiny mistakes, and slip from time to time, Helena knew that he was doing his best and it was all that mattered. 
When Kahono finished singing they moved slightly to the side, but did not leave the dance floor yet. Helena smiled at Heinry and he responded in the same way, flashing his white teeth. ‘That’s my niño,’ she thought.
Suddenly somebody ran up to them and grabbed Helena’s dress hiding behind her. 
“Woah, Noureen!” Helena exclaimed startled. “What are you doing hijo?” 
He poked out his nose, so only the upper part of his face and frantically searching lilac eyes were visible. 
“Tia Noelle wants to dance with me,” he whispered determined. “I’m running away.”
“Yhm,” Helena nodded and furrowed her brows at him. “And you think you will find shelter, while grabbing my dress?”
“Yeees?” Noureen raised his brow and Heinry chuckled, which earned him a poked out tongue from his exactly twenty four minutes younger brother. 
“Hijo,” Helena smiled and pulled his small hands off her dress. She then turned around to face him and knelt down so they would be levelled. Helena reached out her palm and pressed it to her son’s cheek. Noureen nuzzled into it and she smiled, noticing right away how similarly to Nozel he behaved. “It is tia Noelle’s wedding day. She doesn’t want to dance with you to make you miserable, but to share her joy with her nephew,” Helena’s voice was tender. “Consider it a little gift you can give to her. I know you want tia to be happy.”
“I do,” he nodded motivated, “but what if I trip and then ruin her dress?” Noureen asked. “She looks very beautiful, tio Asta just can’t take his eyes of her.”
“My sweet hijo,” Helena looked at him lovingly. “It will be alright. You know how to dance and if you trip, that’s simply it. It will be just fine.”
“Tia won’t get angry?” Noureen blinked his lilac eyes. 
“I don’t think there’s anything, that could ruin her mood today,” Helena winked and tapped his pointy nose. Her son softly giggled. “So go on now. Ask tia Noelle to dance.”
Noureen nodded determined and ran off towards the woman of the night. Helena and Heinry watched them for a minute, before deciding to head back to their table. 
How surprised they were when the only ones present were Cyraleona and Eleonora Vermillon. Their parents and their brother were gone mingling, or dancing, while Nozel and Natalia were nowhere to be found. 
Helena furrowed her brows. Where could these two had gone off to? 
“Maybe papa did not manage to save Natalia’s dress and they went to change?” Heinry said out loud.
“Probably,” Helena nodded and looked at him. “Since they’re not here would you like to dance again?”
“Mama,” he groaned annoyed. “You know I have to ask you that. I’m practicing being a gentleman.”
“You already are one,” Helena chuckled, but let Heinry ask her again. Court etiquette practice was always welcomed, while being raised in a Royal family. 
However as they moved towards the dance floor and then began swaying to yet another waltz, something drew Helena’s attention. Between the swirling dresses and moving legs, Helena noticed a familiar glint of silver. She guided Heinry towards it, walking past a pair, who Helena recognised as Josele and Nacht Faust, and then abruptly stopped, because her heart could not take the emotion, that it was experiencing. 
Helena smiled and watched the view in front of her, while the warm feeling inside of her chest bubbled joyfully. 
Just a few meters away Nozel and Natalia were dancing. However since their daughter was so small he had to lean down towards her in order to support her. Natalia’s movements were clumsy and she did not know the steps, so Nozel let her step on his feet, and with each move of his, she had no other choice but follow. Two dark orbs were staring and trying to analyse the dance, while brows furrowed determined. Silver hair beautifully framed her plump cheeks as she pouted. Her lilac dress, surprisingly without any stains on it, fluttered behind her. 
Nozel was smiling, softly, because this was his way and Helena knew, that it was the most genuine expression, that he could have. His gaze was filled with love as he guided his little girl and lilac eyes were watching, taking in her view. Nozel looked amazing himself and Helena could proudly admit, that to her taste, he was the most handsome man at the party. He wore a blue, long sleeved blazer with sophisticated golden accents and a white jabot, but it started lower on his neck, beneath the part, where his golden collar used to be. A Silva cross was attached to the jabot at the centre beneath the soft feathery neckline. The vest underneath the blazer was white and his pants were pressed pleat, like those his sons wore. Silver hair was styled in the eagle like pushed back and up hairstyle and the strands at the front were braided. However it was just this official occasion. Everyday he would have them loose, because he no longer needed the reminder of his past. He would clasp the blue Silva pendant only on occasions, such as this one, which required the ‘Nozel Silva’ look. 
He had to feel her stare, because Nozel looked up at her and Helena’s heart beat faster. She smiled genuinely and felt a soft blush spread over her cheeks. How she loved him and the family they had created. 
“Natalia really can’t dance,” Heinry commented and pulled Helena out of her thoughts. 
“Oh shush. They’re doing amazing,” she quieted him, but her tone was fond. 
They came back to the dance themselves, but then Heinry grinned at her. 
“What if we do a switch?” He asked. “I can teach Natalia a little bit and you would dance with papa?”
“Heinry,” Helena chuckled. “Do you think I need a wingman to dance with my own husband?” 
“Well mama,” he shrugged. “You kind of failed earlier.”
“I won’t this time,” she deflected.
When the song ended they approached Nozel and Natalia. Helena smiled fondly and swept her gaze over them. Just as she was about to speak up and ask her husband to dance, Natalia reached out her little arm and grabbed onto his palm, pulling him down towards herself. Her fingers looked so small compared to his. She leaned in and whispered something to his ear. 
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Nozel slowly closed his eyes and then delicately nodded, before ruffling her hair. Natalia squeaked excited and let him stand up. 
“May I have this dance Helena?” Nozel reached out his hand toward her.
She gracefully took it and let him lead her just few steps away from their children. They did not want to loose sight of them, especially the three year old in this filled with people ballroom. So only when Heinry and Natalia began to dance, the gazes of their parents went towards one another. 
“Keeping secrets from me again mi amor?” Helena playfully quirked her brow as Nozel pulled her closer and began leading her to the music. 
“Would you like me to spill them?” He asked flatly and when Helena nodded, he shook his head. “I can’t violate the sacred father-daughter trust.”
Helena pouted. 
“So I’m going to be left in the dark, when it comes to your whispers?” She fluttered her lashes. 
“Maybe,” Nozel stated. “Although I suppose you will get it out of Natalia after making her surrender in a tickle war.”
“I am the best at tickle wars,” Helena laughed. 
“I am aware,” he deadpanned and just to tease him Helena moved forwards. “Don’t you dare,” he furrowed his brows and it made her chuckle even more. 
“Oh you know I wouldn’t do anything, while we’re in public. Nobody will know the tricks that señora Silva has up her sleeve,” Helena winked.
“They don’t acknowledge how much of a devil you are with these,” Nozel stated in a serious tone. 
“No captain,” she corrected him and her tone changed to seductive. “I’m a devil in some other settings, only known to you,” she purred. 
“Helena,” he hissed, but could not hide the gentle, fond expression on his face. 
“I love you,” Helena grinned and Nozel just rolled his eyes. 
“I love you too,” he gazed at her deeply, “but you are annoying.”
“And I will gladly annoy you for the rest of our days,” she said. 
“Keep your promise.”
The song ended and Helena very reluctantly pulled away from Nozel. Two of their kids were nearby and she noticed further away Noureen bowing to Noelle, before she took her new husband’s hand. Asta’s green eyes were focused on her this entire time and seemed very excited to dance with his gorgeous bride.
“After the next song you should ask Noelle to dance with you,” Helena inquired. 
“I will,” Nozel nodded and looked at his sister proudly. “She’s come so far and became very strong. I am happy for her.”
“Oi watch out,” Helena grinned and he quirked his silver brows at her. “Your caring side is showing so much today, that some may even think the real Nozel Silva has been kidnapped.”
He narrowed his eyes. 
“You actually think you’re funny?” Nozel asked irritated. 
“And that’s how I know you’re my husband,” she giggled. 
Soon the song ended and Nozel was about to go ask Noelle to dance, while Helena and their children would head to the table. However at the last second Nozel stopped her and looked her in the eyes. 
“I love you Helena and you look beautiful this evening, just like you do everyday,” he said and it caught her by surprise how out of the blue it was. Despite being married for years, she flushed and her heart picked up its pace. “Save me the next dance, because I want to show off to everyone my amazing wife.”
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kalolasfantasyworld · 5 months
The bedtime story 🦅
Promised birdies one shot 💕 Honestly this is the cutest one so far.
Just a fluffy evening at the Silva estate, during which the birdies are listening to a bedtime story.
Yes, there is an illustration 🩵
Type: One shot
Word count: 3736
It was supposed be short... but you know I can't write short stuff anymore. (I have no idea how literally reading of a story turned into 3736 words... There's nothing more there)
Author's note:
The bedtime story is @lyranova's YuNeva Mermaid AU, so all the snippet's were written and provided by Lyra. 💕
Ao3 link
The doors to the master bedroom at the Silva Estate opened very suddenly. Heinry dressed in his blue silky pyjamas, ran inside laughing and he was closely followed by little Natalia in her own lilac set. She was screeching and following her brother. They took a sharp turn towards the bed and Heinry propelled himself forwards only to land on the soft blue covers. He then helped Natalia get on as well, because the four year old was still a little clumsy. 
However they did not have a lot of time until their mama dashed into the room and stopped in front of the bed. Her dark chocolate hair fluttered and a bright smile adored her face.
“You really think that you can hide on a boat?” She exclaimed to her children. 
Natalia giggled and Heinry stood up on the covers. 
“Sea monsters can’t get on the boat!” He replied. 
“Mama sea monster!” Natalia added and jumped up. 
“Oh really?” Helena flipped her hair. “Do you know what sea monsters can do?” She quirked her brow. “They can wreck the boat and then tickle the passengers!” 
She quickly joined two of her kids on the bed, Heinry tried to shield Natalia, but he became the victim to the first wave of tickles, so his little hermanita tried to help him. Somehow they were both failing. 
“Noureeeeen!” Heinry managed to shout between the laughs. “SOS!”
The brown haired boy ran inside the room at that exact moment. 
“The sea monster got us!” Natalia screeched. “Hermanooooo!”
So Noureen had no choice but to join his siblings in the struggle. Only a flash of his pale red pajamas was visible and he jumped on the bed. Somehow the three of them managed to pin Helena down, or maybe she let them… Natalia was proudly lying on her mother’s stomach, while the boys were making sure she would not move. 
“Mi amor!” Helena exclaimed. “Will you save the sea monster?”
Nozel walked inside the room. He closed the door behind him, before turning to face his family. He crossed his arms over his chest and raised his brows trying to look disapproving, but only trying because the soft smile on his lips was giving him away. His silver hair messily fell over his forehead and the parts which were usually pushed back and up stuck out in many directions. Long bags covered his nose and bits of his lilac eyes. Blue, silk pajamas softly crumpled. He took off his slippers and on his feet was obviously a pair of fluffy socks. Helena had stopped pondering years ago why he kept on wearing sandals outside, while at home he could just not wait for his feet to be warm.
“NO papa!” Heinry shouted. “We won fair and square, if you become a sea monster as well we’ll be at disadvantage.”
“Papa and I would win the war then,” Helena laughed. 
“Only because you’re bigger,” Natalia was not letting Helena move as she continued to press on her belly. 
“You’ve won hijos,” Nozel stated flatly. 
“And I was once again abandoned by you,” Helena pretended to sob and earned herself a deadpan from her husband. She could not contain a chuckle.
“It’s late,” he said, “and we promised you a story. If you want to hear the whole thing we should start now,” he glanced at them. “Get off mama.”
The birdies listened quite excited about the idea of hearing a story. Heinry had a wide smile on his face. Natalia’s dark eyes were shining like little stars, while Noureen was blinking curiously. Helena managed to sit up as they let her go. 
Nozel on the other hand slowly approached his desk. Next to neatly folded paper work there was a little pile of story books. They had found their way to that spot some time ago and since the story nights became quite a frequent occurrence, he did not feel the need to put them back to the library. He picked up the first tome. 
“What are we reading?” He asked. 
“Magic wars!” Heinry shouted. 
“What about Pirates of Spade Kingdom?” Noureen inquired. 
Nozel nodded and as he was about to grab the chosen story, Natalia looked up. Her deep dark eyes were like a puppy’s. 
“Papa,” she pouted,”but it’s my turn to choose a story.”
Nozel narrowed his eyes. She was right, the last two times the boys got what they wanted. He nodded and noticed Helena gently stroke their daughter’s hair. 
“It is hija,” Helena said. “What story do you want to hear?”
“Hmmm. Since you were a sea monster, then what about…” Natalia furrowed her silver brows adorably, but then her features brightened. “The little mermaid!” She announced. 
“Whaaaaat?” Heinry made a grimace. 
“But that’s for girls,” Noureen rolled his eyes. 
“I am a girl,” she huffed annoyed and crossed her little arms over her chest. The movement was very Nozel like and Helena could not help the warm feeling bubbling inside her chest. 
Nozel nodded once again, slowly blinking. He picked up another book and made his way to the bed. Noureen moved to the side to make space for him, so that his father could comfortably lean his back against the headrest. Helena also moved up on the bed and sat next to him. Between them there was a little space, so Natalia tried to wiggle her way in there, Nozel picked her up and placed on his lap. Noureen sat on Helena’s right side and Heinry lied down on his belly looking up at everyone. 
Nozel opened the book and cleared his throat. However before he started reading Natalia softly pulled on his shirt. 
“Papa?” she asked. “Can mama read again?”
Helena snorted and quickly tried to hide it, covering her mouth with her palm. 
“You don’t want me to read?” he asked, blinking confused. 
“Papa you sound like our governess,” Noureen pointed out.
“One of the most important events in the history of Clover…” Heinry started talking in a very flat and monotone voice, before making a snoring voice. 
Nozel just parted his mouth, offended. His children were brutally honest. 
“Okay hijos,” Helena chuckled. “Leave papa alone, or you’ll make him sad and there won’t be a story then.”
“There won’t?” Natalia squeaked. 
“There won’t be,” Helena confirmed. “Because I would need to spend the whole evening cuddling papa, instead of reading.”
“Me disculpo papa,” Noureen looked down.
“Sorry,” Heinry added. 
Nozel just passed the book to Helena, who smiled upon receiving it. Natalia used that moment and tucked herself closer to his chest.
Helena flipped the first page and then looked at each one of her children with a mischievous glint in her eyes. 
“Are you ready to hear the STORY of the little mermaid Neva and prince Yuno?”
“YES!” Natalia squeaked.
“I still think that’s for girls…” Noureen sighed. 
Helena just gazed at her son fondly, before continuing. 
“Today was a very special day in the underwater kingdom of Atlantica; it was the king’s birthday. Everyone in the kingdom was celebrating, and it wasn’t just the merpeople, but the sea creatures as well! But out of all the festivities…”
“He watched as Neva’s long platinum blonde hair, which was kept in a loose braid at all times, swayed back and forth with the current. Her amethyst colored eyes that stated at the water’s surface shone with longing and wonderment. Her tail and fins, which transitioned from a lavender color to an amethyst one the further down it went, swayed calmly in the water and when the sunlight from above hit her scales just right they sparkled like thousands of diamonds,” Helena prolonged the last word.
“Neva is really pretty,” Heinry pointed out. 
“I have silver hair. It’s not platinum blonde…” Natalia brushed through the strands and her nose adorably crinkled, “but maybe I could dress up as mermaid Neva for halloween.”
“But you don’t have amethyst eyes,” Noureen said. 
“Hmmm,” Natalia pouted.
Nozel softly stroke her hair.
“You can still dress up as mermaid Neva,” he said. “Now let mama continue.”
Helena glanced at each one of her kids with a smile, before once again picking up the book.
“I heard that there was a ship coming by today, Neva explained softly.”
“She saved prince Yuno!” Heinry shouted.
“And she woke him up by singing,” Noureen added.
“Neva is sooo cool,” Natalia said.
“If I didn’t have these legs, I probably would have been caught by this animal. Legs really are convenient! Neva thought with a small smile. As she looked at the animal, she couldn’t stop herself from thinking how cute it was! It had long, golden hair and green eyes that stared at her with a perplexed look. But as Neva looked at it more, she noticed the dog looked very familiar…and after a moment she gasped,” Helena gasped as well and made a dramatic pause. 
Currently a pair of deep brown eyes and three lilac ones were piercing straight through her. Nozel and their children all had the same perceptive gaze. The room was silent and everyone held their breath. 
“This animal belonged to-!” Helena paused again, much to her loved ones dismay. She chuckled looking at all of them. “Belle, there you are!” Prince Yuno exclaimed,” and Helena with him, “his golden colored eyes narrowed and a stern expression appeared on his face.”
“I knew it!” Noureen was getting more energetic as the story progressed.
“Prince Yuno is handsome,” Natalia nodded and Nozel’s eyes widened in panic. Not his little girl. No boys until she was an adult, or no boys period!
“So, this animal was called Belle? Interesting,” Helena nodded thoughtfully. 
“You…don’t have a voice? He asked, and she nodded. The grin slipped from Yuno’s face and a disappointed look appeared in his amber eyes, and that only made Neva’s heart sink further,” Helena breathed out heavily and looked down. “Then, there’s no way you could be the woman that saved me, he muttered softly as his gaze moved from her and towards the ocean. Neva frowned for a moment before she realized why he was saying that; she had sung to him that day, and that was probably what he remembered most,” she whispered. 
“Oh no,” Natalia gasped weakly. 
“I knew it was a bad choice to trust Vanica,” Noureen huffed. 
“But she wanted to get to know Yuno, hermano,” Heinry furrowed his brows.
“And now she’s regretting it,” Noureen crossed his arms over his chest.
“She’s not regretting it! Things are just getting complicated.”
The boys were getting agitated. Nozel needed to stop them before it would escalate further. 
“I see your point Noureen,” he stated. “It was a risky move, a dangerous one, but Neva decided to take a chance on love.”
“After all, if he falls for her within this time everything will end well,” Helena added. “Love is not simple and it’s not straightforward, but it’s worth it.”
“Really?” Noureen raised his brow unsure. 
“You wouldn’t be here if your papa decided that love wasn’t worth the risk,” she pinched his nose and Noureen giggled softly.
Nozel just watched them and he could easily admit that it was all worth it. He had made many decisions that he was not proud of, but taking a shot with his and Helena’s relationship despite all the bumps was not one of them. Sometimes he continued to not believe how he had found himself in the current state, with their little familia, surprisingly full of love and affection. He was still learning about that second part and he wondered if at some point he would ever fully grasp it, but it did not matter that much. They loved him the way he was and his wife made sure he knew about it almost every day. He was so deep in his thoughts observing his familia, that he did not even hear, when Helena had started reading again.
“Was this…love?” Helena’s voice sounded dreamy. “Yuno shook his head and felt a blush rise to his cheeks as he looked away. This couldn’t be love, could it? But as his gaze drifted back to her, and watched as a gentle smile appeared on her face as she continued watching the fireflies, he realized that maybe this could be love…” she leaned forward and made a dramatic pause. 
“It is love Yuno!” Natalia squeaked.
“This is so girly,” Noureen sighed.
“There, you see her, Sitting there, across the way, She don't got a lot to say, but there's something about her,” Helena started humming.
Nozel smiled softly and listened to his wife’s voice. She was not on Kahono’s level, but Helena could sing well. She put emotion into her voice and made his heart flutter with each note. He began stroking Natalia’s hair, remembering the night when he saw Helena cradle their little girl and sing her A La Nanita Nana, or that other time when she sang to him after... Nozel got lost in his memories and was pulled out only by Heinry and Natalia joining in on the song.
“Sha-la-la-la-la-la, don't be scared. You got the mood prepared. Go on and kiss the girl,” the three of them sang and Natalia giggled after the verse ended.
“Yuno could feel his heart beat anxiously in his chest,” Helena leaned towards Heinry, “just like the voice said, the mood was perfect right? So, why not?” there was an apparent question in her voice.
“It is perfect!” the boy agreed. 
“Just kiss her,” Noureen whined.
“He leaned forward a bit, and he began to reach out to take her hands; but hesitated, wasn’t this being too forward?” Helena raised her brows. “What if she actually didn’t feel the same way about him as he felt about her? What if she got upset that he kissed her? What if…?” she paused.
The birdies held their breaths.
“Sha-la-la-la-la-la,” Helena hummed, “don't stop now Don't try to hide it how…”
“You wanna kiss the girl,” Heinry sang. “Sha-la-la-la-la-la, float along. And listen to the song.” Natalia and even Noureen joined in. “The song say…” Helena looked at Nozel and smiled lovingly. 
She leaned in and closed her eyes.
“I’m looking away,” Heinry huffed.
“Bleh,” Noureen added.
Nozel leaned in still holding onto Natalia. 
“Kiss… the girl?” he spoke awkwardly, as a reward receiving a small peck on the lips.
“Good job mi amor,” Helena pulled away and ruffled Natalia’s hair on the way. The girl giggled. 
“And they fell in the water,” Noureen sighed. “I knew it! Vanica will not let them be happy.”
“Those were eels,” Natalia commented. 
“Eeels belonging to Vanica!” Heinry pointed out.
“Ohhh,” she quickly nodded, that she understood.
“Yuno gasped and panted as his head breached the water's surface. His eyes quickly surveyed the area; the ship he was on had sunk, and Vanica the Sea Witch was nowhere to be seen,” Helena dramatically posed and gasped, her voice turning into an unsure whisper. “So, that meant they defeated her, right? They had won?”
“Of course they won,” Heinry said. He was excited with the story, but Helena noticed sleep slowly coming over him.
“But what if Vanica lived?” Noureen asked curling himself more comfortably next to Helena.
“So, that meant they defeated her, right? They had won?” Helena continued the question apparent in her tone. “A sigh of relief escaped him at the realization, everyone in the kingdom was safe…that was good. As he continued looking around he noticed someone was missing,” she spoke sadly. “Neva? He called out, his voice full of confusion. She was just here wasn’t she? So…where did she go? Maybe the beach?”
“Neva?” Natalia was worried. Even though her eyes were closing themselves every few minutes, she was determined to stay awake until the end of the story. 
Helena continued to tell the sad story of how Neva watched Yuno from underwater, supported by her caring sisters. Nozel furrowed his brows. Was a bedtime story not supposed to be a happy one? Yet crossing a bridge between two worlds was not an easy task, love required sacrifices and sometimes even they were not enough. 
“Yuno!” Helena pulled him out of his thoughts. “An unfamiliar voice called behind him, making him stop dead in his tracks. That voice…that voice belonged to-!” 
Nozel smiled, so after all there was a happy ending.
“Finally, after three months of going back and forth, of skirting around their mutual feelings for each other, of the building romance and tension between them…the two finally shared their first ever kiss. There, on the beach, where the two had first met,” Helena finished in a quiet, dreamy tone. 
Nozel had to admit he enjoyed hearing the story himself. It was not always fluffy and positive, but it actually made him connect with it. Building relationships took time, patience and a whole lot of mistakes to make, only to fix them later. He knew it well enough.
He glanced to the side watching his children. The birdies were all curled up next to them. Now that the story was over none of them was able to hide yawns. They had soft smiles on their faces and relaxed expressions. Seeing them made Nozel’s heart fill with pride and joy. 
Helena softly chuckled as she gently pushed Noureen away and tip toeing made her way to the desk. She put the book down on the wooden surface and looked back at the bed smiling. 
Noureen was lying on the side, but since she slightly pushed him off, he somehow scooted closer towards Nozel and now his palm was softly resting on his father’s lap. Hainry was resting in Nozel’s legs, but in a very undignified manner with his limbs spread in all the directions, making it impossible for his father to move. Natalia on the other hand had curled up even more in Nozel’s embrace and leaned her head on his chest. 
“I think you’re stuck, mi amor,” Helena whispered once she got back on the bed.
He lifted his brows annoyed as if trying to tell her ‘You don’t say?’
Helena chuckled quietly and by pushing Heinry slightly to the side, she made for herself some space on Nozel’s lap, the other one that Natalia very distinctly took over. Helena put her head there. She yawned and closed her eyes. A moment later she felt a gentle touch to her head as Nozel began stroking her hair. 
“As much as I appreciate the four of you using me as a pillow, I have work tomorrow,” he whispered. “We need to get all of them to their beds.”
“I know,” Helena answered just as quietly and lifted her head up. She nudged Heinry, who clearly did not want to open his eyes. He turned to the other side and curled up there.
“Hijo, time for bed,” Nozel patted Noureen. The boy slowly blinked and nodded. Still half asleep, he began to get himself up.
Heinry needed a stronger nudge, but thankfully he woke up and just as lazily he stood up from the bed. Now only Nozel and Natalia stayed on the light blue covers. She was asleep and her head was resting on Nozel’s chest. Her little hand was curled in a first and a soft smile adored her lips. If Helena could save that moment in her memory, she would treasure it forever. Actually she was sure that she was going to sketch it later, in her familia Silva sketchbook.
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“Let’s not wake her,” Nozel whispered and supported her head as he stood up. Natalia shifted in his arms and softly murmured, but her eyes stayed closed.
Quietly the familia left the bedchamber. Rooms belonging to the boys were close by so once Nozel and Helena walked them there, they both came up to their parents to give them a quick hug. Helena knelt down to reciprocate and place soft kisses in their foreheads. Since Nozel was holding Natalia he could not do much, so he slightly moved her so that he would be able to free one of his hands and gently ruffle his sons’ hair.
“Goodnight mama and papa,” Heinry yawned and Noureen made a small wave.
“Goodnight hijos,” Nozel whispered.
“Sueños dulces,” Helena smiled.
After their boys disappeared behind the doors to their bedrooms, Helena and Nozel turned on their heels towards Natalia’s room. They walked in comfortable silence and Helena was watching her husband and their little girl fondly. Nozel continued to support Natalia’s head with his other hand. 
Helena opened the door for them and let them in. Nozel made his way towards Natalia's bed. He lowered his daughter on the soft lilac bedding and covered her gently. She murmured something and squeezed the cover with her little palm. Nozel stroke her hair before leaning over her to place a soft kiss on Natalia’s forehead. 
“Daddy’s girl,” Helena chuckled quietly earning herself a semi-eyeroll semi-smile from her husband.
She then leaned over and did the same. Helena also made sure that the bedding indeed covered Natalia fully. Once she was satisfied she pulled away.
Her and Nozel silently left the room, making sure that the doors would not creak on their way out.
“This was a nice evening,” Helena smiled.
“It was,” Nozel responded with the same gesture and Helena felt his fingers intertwine with hers. She squeezed them gently. 
“Don't worry mi amor, next time you can read the book,” she half joked.
“I like it when you read,” he admitted. “You put so much emotion into it and everyone gets immersed in the story.”
“Thank you Nozel,” she leaned her head over his shoulder, but it was uncomfortable to walk that way, so she pulled back after a moment. Comfortable silence once again fell between them. 
Inside their room Nozel and Helena lied down on their bed. They covered themselves and Helena nuzzled into Nozel’s side. He placed his hand on her shoulder and began gently massaging it.
“We did something right,” he stated.
“What do you mean?” half asleep Helena raised her brows.
“Our hijos,” Nozel said. 
“Ohhh,” Helena groaned. “Right. Although the amount of time it took me to convince you to have Natalia was massive.”
“You know why…” he whispered to which Helena nodded. “However I'm glad, that I was convinced. The four of you are my everything.”
“Same here, mi amor,” Helena was already drifting away. “Same here."
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kalolasfantasyworld · 6 months
Hey Lola, may I ask you for the game as well? 1, 7, 11, 16 and 22 💘
Hi Vilandel!
Thank you so much for asking and sooo many 💕
First Nozel laugh
7. Helena finding out about Fuego and Nozel comforting her (one of the big 7 plot points)
11. YamiChar!
16. The little Silver Eagles birdies one shot
22. Situation after which Helena realised that she likes Nozel
1. That makes me smile
Can I get the number 1 always?
First Nozel laugh! Because we’ve waited 21 freaking chapters for it 
She glanced at the shallow water by the shore and then at Nozel.
“Can I?” She asked.
“You don’t have to ask me.”
She smiled brightly and quickly took off her golden sandals. At first one of the straps did not want to come undone. A grain of sand probably had gotten into the clasp. After she got her way with it she threw her sandals near the rock and turned towards the sea and the setting sun. Her toes dug into the sand, which was getting chiller with each minute. 
She could not wait any longer and happily ran over to the edge of the bank. She stopped drastically centimetres in away of it. The sea was so still, that only tiny waves made their way here. Helena observed them curious.
She had been to many lakes, pools and other water reservoirs. However the sea had become something mythical in her head. Luciana was raised, by it and told Helena all of the amazing stories. How, when the sea was calm, she had slept on the beach with her friends. She partied, danced, but also rested by herself. The sound of waves was soothing for Helena’s mother. However, she also mentioned, that the waters would get angry from time to time. Powerful storms would come and go, sometimes even taking lives. 'Respect the nature,’ Luciana always said.
Helena battled herself about stepping in. She shook her head and made up her mind. Overly cautious she lifted up her right foot and stretched it out towards the tiny waves. One came over and Helena’s toe met its surface. 
She screeched and jumped up.
“It’s cold!” she shouted upset.
At that moment she heard one of the rarest sounds in her life. Nozel laughed. He was standing few meters away. His blue cape and silver hair fluttered, lifted up by the sea breeze. His lips formed a small smile and she noticed the corners of his eyes cheerfully wrinkle. He looked genuinely happy. Seeing him like this way made Helena feel warm in her heart. 
She grinned at him and pretended to get offended. 
“If you’re going to laugh at me, you better get over here,” she said crossing her arms over her chest. 
“I’m good where I stand,” he chuckled. The corners of his lips moved upwards even more.
“Suit yourself,” Helena over dramatically flipped her hair. The headscarf fluttered as she did so. She convinced herself to step into the water more confidently this time. She was glad that her dress was knee-length. At least it would not get wet.
7. That I nursed in a daydream before writing
The whole fic xd literally
But the latter scenes a lot, because when I started I kind of set up 7 BIG MOMENTS so those definitely, one of them would be Helena finding out about Fuego and Nozel comforting her
 She curled up her fists and without a word turned around to face the door. She walked out and silently passed Leo, who was still sitting in the same spot. She wanted to leave this abominable tower. 
Further down the corridor she heard slow steps. Helena stopped and did her best to collect herself. She did not want a random person to her this weak. 
When she looked up she saw Nozel Silva. He appeared very angry. His pushed back and up silver hair and braid over his sharp nose, gave him a predatory, eagle-like look. His lips were pressed into a narrow line. Lilac eyes vigilant. The Silver Eagle’s mantle and his blue cape looked majestically solemn. Nozel’s walk was steady and forceful. 
He was probably heading to see Fuegoleon. When he noticed her, the furious expression changed to confusion then worry. His lips parted slightly and eyebrows raised. Their eyes met and Helena could not hold the tears any longer. She run up to him and clung on to his tunic. She buried her face in his chest and released a muffled scream. Tears were pouring down, now fully let go. She was getting his shirt wet. 
At first he did not know how to react, so he just stood frozen in place, but then he put his right arm around her protectively. He hugged her, and used the other hand to gently stroke her hair. Nozel’s strong physical touch comforted her. Helena felt safe in his arms.
“I will not let anything like this happen ever again” he said quietly, but firmly. Helena could feel his determination. “I’m going to serve them justice and get revenge myself.”
They stood there for a while holding each other close. The only thing that broke the silence in the dark hallway were Helena’s weeps. Later Nozel went by himself to visit Fuegoleon. He had already seen him earlier, but probably wanted to come back without any bystanders to notice him care. She waited for him to come back. Without talking Helena and Nozel made their way to the Silva Estate. They made a quick stop on their way, so that she could drop off the ointment for the burnt girl. The mood was sullen. 
11. Characters I want to write more in the future
“Vanessa!” Helena shouted behind her, but the witch had already made her way to the centre of the tent.
“You’re finally here captain!” Vanessa exclaimed and reached her right, gloved arm forward. Her cheeks were flushed from alcohol. Rouge, the red kitten, was standing on her shoulder. “What are you doing captain? Please drink with me!”
Helena face palmed herself. The witch was on her own now. She was just going to watch.
“Hello, Vanessa,” Yami turned towards her. The cigarette stuck out of his mouth.
However the witch paid no attention to him. She look at the blonde beauty and their eyes met. Both of their brows furrowed. Some tension appeared in the air. Vanessa seemed determined and Rouge hissed.
“That’s the Blue Rose captain,” Asta, who stood next to Yami explained. Vanessa yelped and Helena did the same surprised. 
So the mysterious beauty was no other, but Charlotte Roselei, the leader of the mostly female magic knights' squad. Helena felt an uncomfortable pinch in her chest. That exquisite woman was working with Nozel. They had all of those captains’ meetings, where he could see and admire her magnificent features. They also knew each other longer than he and Helena did. She pressed her lips together and furrowed her brows. Was that jealousy, that she was feeling?
16. The little Silver Eagles birdies one shot (I’ll have an illustration for this exact scene)
“Can we be magic knights now?” Heinry jumped up, because he was earlier pushed away by Noureen.
“You need to be fifteen to be a magic knights,” Nozel said. 
“But I want to be one now,” he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“Papa please,” Noureen pouted. “Can we be Silver Eagles?”
And what was Nozel going to do about that? He furrowed his brows and looked at both of his sons’ eyes. They were lilac just like his and shone brightly with pure, childish hope. He did not want to dim that light. 
Nozel sighed and stood up from his chair. He approached one of the chests and pulled out his spare Silver Eagle’s mantle. It had the long feathery wings attached to them. He gave it to Heinry, who nearly fell over, because he did not expect the fabric to be this heavy. Then Nozel pulled his own mantle over his head and passed it to Noureen. 
“Put these on and you will be Silver Eagles,” he said.
“Help papa,” Heinry asked and pushed the mantle back to his hands. 
Nozel knelt down and helped him put it on. In the same moment Noureen struggled with his own and got stuck halfway. Nozel smiled fondly and after he quickly finished with Heinry, he pulled down Noureen’s mantle. 
Boys looked at themselves amazed. Heinry was beaming with joy as he spun around and then placed his hands on his hips. Noureen just stood frozen and slightly embarrassed, but Nozel could tell that he was happy. He gazed at them proudly. Future Silver Eagles, his sons. 
22. That is so blissfully self indulgent 
Once again the whole fic xd
Situation after which Helena realised that she likes Nozel
“I could,” Helena said, “but there’s just something magical in picking a book from a shelf, so I never use my powers to do so.”
“Something magical in not using your magic?” Nozel raised his eyebrows and arrogantly looked at her.
“Oh stop being witty,” she groaned. “You know what I mean.” Helena stood up from her seat. “I’m gonna go grab it.”
She turned around and started walking through the aisles towards the shelf with the book. Helena noticed, that Nozel also got up and was following her.
“Why are you coming with me?” She asked.
“Maybe I just want to see this magic you speak of,” his face was serious, but Helena could swear, that she heard a playful tone in his voice. 
She rolled her eyes and stopped in front of the shelf. Nozel halted a few meters behind her. He quietly watched her, with his arms loosely hanging by his sides. Helena looked up and swept with her gaze through the book titles. They had rich colorful covers and most of them had their names written in golden print. All of the books were well-maintained, but there was thin layer of dust covering them. On a higher shelf she noticed the one that she was looking for. 
Helena smiled to herself and reached up with her right hand. However she stopped just few centimetres away from it. She was already high on her toes. She heard Nozel snort. Helena furrowed her brows and turned towards him angrily. He collected himself and his expression once again became serious.
“You’re too short,” Nozel commented.
“I noticed,” she said annoyed. It was embarrassing, but she was not going to just let him mock her. “I’m going to grab a stool and I’ll get it,” Helena announced confidently.
“Don’t bother,” he said and took a couple steps forward. “I’ll just grab it for you. Without using magic,” Nozel emphasised. He stopped right in front of her and looked down on her face. “Are you going to let me?”
“I’m fine, I’ll get a stool and do it myself,” Helena repeated decisively. She wanted to go around him, so she took a quick step back. Suddenly she felt her sandal not find the footing it was looking for. Helena lost her balance and started falling backwards. She could only think of the embarrassment that she would feel, after landing loudly on the floor. She was hoping she would luckily avoid hitting the shelf, that was behind her. Her dark chocolate hair fluttered in front of her face. 
All of the sudden she felt a strong grip at the small of her back. Sleek fingers dug into her body. The tug stopped her fall to the ground. However she was still close to the shelf. The other hand appeared and protected Helena’s head from hitting it. Then she was slowly allowed to lean back, so that her shoulders relied on the surface of the bookcase, behind her. The strong hand was still holding her at her waist. Helena’s bangs fell to the sides of her face, uncovering her dark, round eyes. 
“Watch out,” she heard a sharp voice belonging to Nozel.
He was leaning over her. His left arm, that stopped her head from hitting the shelf, was above her. He used it to stabilise himself and put some weight on the bookcase. Nozel’s other arm was reached forward and bent at the elbow. This hand was keeping Helena from falling. He held her tight, close to his body for better balance. She felt so small and vulnerable at that moment.
Nozel’s face was centimetres away from hers. She was looking at him and observed all of the sharp features, fine chin, thin silver brows. The narrow eyes, were framed by long, black eyelashes. His irises had a beautiful bright, lilac color. They surrounded his slightly dilated pupils. Nozel’s thin lips were parted a little. They were in a shade of light pink. The lower one was a bit thicker. They looked a bit dry. His braid was hanging over Helena nearly touching her with the Silva pendant. It covered a part of his handsome face.
She did not think much, when she raised her hand and lifted it up. Now she could appreciate the bridge of his nose and the central, slightly ticker bits of his silver brows. Helena was mesmerised. She was finally able to catch a breath. 
She stopped observing and started feeling. The hot breath on her cheeks. Sleek fingers digging into the small of her back. Nozel’s body heat. Did her heart always beat this fast, when he was close? She did not know. Helena felt warmth rising inside her chest and then spread through out her body and on to her face. 
Nozel blinked surprised by her action, his grip loosened. Then she realised what she did. She dropped the braid and it bumped into his nose. Helena’s cheeks were bright red and her eyes wide open. She quickly pushed Nozel away, placing her palms on his chest. Then she pulled her hands right back, as if he had burnt her.
“I’m so sorry!” She squealed embarrassed. “I don’t know why I did that!” Helena could not look up at him. Her heart was beating like a drum and it felt as if it wanted to jump out of her chest. She took a step to the side, staring at the floor and did her best to pass him quickly without bumping in.
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kalolasfantasyworld · 4 months
Hiya Lola! For the OC ask game; may I ask for 3, 13, and 23 please for Helena or Noureen 🥰?
Hi Lyra! 💕
Thanks for asking ^^ since most of the questions from others are about Helena, it's time to let Noureen do the talking.
Oh you’re asking me? 
Can I answer? I guess…
3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
There actually is one, that is quite special to me. It was the day that papa gave me Eagle. I was twelve then and I remember that he asked all of us to come with him to the Silver Eagle’s base. Mama even took a day off work at the healer’s tower. It didn’t seem like something unordinary was about to happen. Natalia would not let go of papa’s hand, Heinry would run around and I just kind of followed everyone. It wasn’t the first time that papa took us to see the eagles. I was four, when I saw them for the first time and I know that I asked whether I could get a bird of my own. He said that I could once I got older, but we didn’t circulate to that topic a lot. So after we spent some time with the birds I was ready to get back home. However papa stopped me from telling Eagle to take off my glove. He wouldn’t explain why, just looked at me. Then I noticed mama behind him and she had such a wide smile on her face. Hah, Heinry was obviously jealous and Natalia said she would rather have a pony, but I could not believe my happiness. And then… when Eagle just for a moment took off papa hugged me… Obviously Heinry had to ruin the moment and join in… which made mama and Natalia do the same. They were crushing my lungs! 
Mhm, but yes that’s a very happy memory.
The first time Nozel took his boys to see the eagles in this fic.
13. You’re given an unlimited budget to build anything you want!  What do you build and where do you build it?
Unlimited budget… that’s… well I’m a prince, money has never been a problem to me. However I suppose if I had to choose I would build myself a villa, somewhere in the mountains. I could soar with Eagle between their peaks and feel the wind on my skin. There would also have to be a lake around there, or I would just build a pool. I need to keep in shape, besides swimming just like flying helps me clear my head. And I would want a bath there. Maybe a house is not the most creative idea, but I like my space.
23. Have you ever had a crush on someone?  Do you have a crush now?
That’s private, you realise that?
Oh you do… that’s the point of this interview?
Okay so contrary to Heinry I’m not really a lover boy...
Okay, fineeee I’m talking about myself now, no changing the topic.
I HAVE a crush, happy now???
It’s… *blush* Maris. She’s the princess of Heart and she has the most beautiful blue eyes I’ve ever seen. She’s thoughtful, honest and passionate. Truly an exceptional girl. The first time I saw her was during an official visitation to Heart, then I would do my best to run into her during those few occasions I could… Natalia said that she likes me as well, but I can’t really tell. I’m not great with… feelings.
Maris belongs to @loosesodamarble 💕
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lyranova · 5 months
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@thoughtfullyrainynightmare mentioned that if we were to combine all of Nozel’s wives from across the different universes that he would have a football team…so I made a family tree to show just how large his family (along with the other Silva siblings) would be! I made this a while ago, so sadly there isn’t any Vanessa x Nozel or Dorothy x Nozel 😅.
Nozel x Helena ( @kalolasfantasyworld ‘s OC): Noureen, Heinry, and Natalia
Nozel x Helia ( @loosesodamarble ‘s OC): Aecor, Fleuriana, Chalivas, and Soliel
Nozel x Selena ( @/thoughtfullyrainynightmare ‘s OC): Morena, Verity, and Nathan
Nozel x Briar ( @koneko-pi ‘s OC): Avalinia, Nymphadora, and Mikhail
Nebra Silva ( @/loosesodamarble ‘s OC): Skylar and Elana
Solid x Holly ( @/loosesodamarble’s OC): Eirlys and Ferro
Asta x Noelle (mine and @/loosesodamarble’s OCs): Brielle, Aimee, Mizuki, Naru, Kaiyo, and Filomina
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