#oc; zoisite
lyranova · 4 months
Lies, Puns, and the Wishing Tree
Hiya everyone! So instead of working on requests today…I decided to be self indulgent 🤭. This oneshot mainly focuses on Next Gens with brief mentions of a couple of canon characters, and I tried my best to include as many as possible but mainly focused on a few (If you want, you’re more than welcome to say what your next gens would be doing during the star festival 🥰). I hope you all enjoy~!
OC List: Leon, Cyra, and Nora belong to @thoughtfullyrainynightmare , Noureen Heinry and Natalia belong to @kalolasfantasyworld , Dawn Dusk and Vivian belong to @loosesodamarble , Avalinia, Nymphie, and Mikhail belong to @koneko-pi Zoisite belongs to @faewraithsworld and Hikari, Hana, and Einar belong to @eme-eleff !
Word Count: 3,532
Warnings: None
“ Oh my, don’t you look handsome,” Zera Cassia said as she looked at her eldest son, Alistar, who was currently looking at himself in a full length mirror.
“ Gotta hot date?” She asked him playfully, and watched as his face turned bright red.
“ No, I don’t have a ‘hot date’,” He told her after he cleared his throat. “ I’m going to the Star Festival with some of the others to hang out.”
“ I see,” Zera walked up to him, turned him towards her, and began to fix his shirt and Golden Dawn robes. “ I take it Hikari’s going to be there as well?”
Alistar cleared his throat and turned away as his face turned red again.
“ Of course she is, she’s part of our friend group too…” He told her softly, and his mother smirked.
“ Ah, so that’s why you’re dressing extra nice tonight, to impress Hikari.” She told him teasingly.
“ N-No!” He denied with a shake of his head. “ I wanted to dress nicely for the Star Ceremony, since it would be unbefitting for the Captain of the Golden Dawn to dress shabbily.” He told her, she nodded quickly.
“ Uh-huh, I see, I see. So this has absolutely nothing to do with Hikari?” She asked with a raised brow.
“ None at all.”
“ Then why are you wearing the Spider Lily pin she gave you for your birthday?” Zera asked curiously, and instantly Alistar’s hand shot up to try and conceal the pin.
She wasn’t supposed to see that…
As he opened his mouth to explain another voice chimed in.
“ Dear, are you trying to play matchmaker with our son and his best friend?” Alistar’s father, William Vangeance, asked as he walked into his eldest child’s room.
Zera turned towards her husband.
“ Maybe~!” She told him playfully, a bright smile working its way onto her face. “ If I was, can you really blame me? I mean; they would be soo cute together!”
“ You just want an excuse to be in-law’s with the Yami’s.” William stated matter of factly, and his wife shook her head.
“ Nu-uh, although that is a bonus now that I think about it,” She muttered in thought, making both Alistar and William sigh and shake their heads. “ But that isn’t why I want them to be together!”
“ I just…I see how happy the two of you are when you’re around each orher, how much you both care for one another, and it makes me want to see you together.” She admitted softly, her eyes moving to the floor shyly.
“ You realize that friends can be happy and care for one another like Hikari and I do, right?” Alistar asked her, and Zera looked up at him.
“ I know that! It’s just that I think you two would be much better as a couple than just friends!” She told him as she crossed her arms and pouted.
Alistar sighed, he knew his mother had the best of intentions when she was being pushy like this. All she wanted for her children was for them to be happy, healthy, and to have all the best things in the world.
He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.
“ I appreciate your concern, mother, I really do,” He told her softly as he placed his hands on her shoulders. “ But Hikari and I are just close friends and nothing more; I care about her as a friend would, not as a boyfriend would. There’s absolutely no romantic feelings between us.”
“ Really?” She asked skeptically as she leaned forward to inspect her eldest son’s face.
“ Really.” He confirmed with a nod, and Zera hummed.
“ So; if Hikari were to meet someone else tonight, fall in love with them, and start dating them, you would have absolutely no problem with that?” She asked curiously, her head tilting slightly.
Alistar suddenly felt a sharp pang in his chest at her question. This was the second time someone had asked him that, the first one being his other friend Leonidas Vermillion, who asked him something similar during one of their outings at a mixer a few weeks ago…
“ If that were to happen,” He began slowly. “ Then I would be happy for her. After all, doesn’t everyone deserve to fall in love and be happy?” He asked as his most charming smile, or his mask as he liked to call it, slipped onto his face.
As the lie left his lips, he couldn’t help but feel sick. If that were to happen, he would be devastated. He loved Hikari, and had for a long time. But he had always been too afraid to say anything to her about it; he valued her friendship, and didn’t want it to be affected negatively if something were to happen and they broke up.
So he’s kept his feelings to himself for over 12 years…
Zera’s eyes narrowed, a skeptical look in them as she studied his face. Eventually she closed her eyes and released a defeated sigh.
“ Fine, fine, you win,” She told him as she raised her hands in defeat. “ I’m going to go see if your siblings are ready.”
Zera walked away, but stopped when she stood beside William and said: “ See if you can convince him to confess to Hikari tonight!” before walking out of the room.
Alistar and William looked at each other as the room fell silent.
“ She means well.” William explained softly, and his son nodded.
“ I know.”
“ She’s just worried about you and your happiness.”
“ I know, and I appreciate it,” Alistar said with a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head. “ I just wish she wouldn’t worry so much about me; she has four other kids she should worry about too.”
“ She does worry about them,” William told him as he crossed his arms. “ But not as much as she worries about you.”
“ Because unlike my siblings I’m special and her favorite?” Alistar asked jokingly, and his father chuckled.
“ Exactly,” William replied, making his son laugh as well.
It was a well known fact that Zera, while genuinely loving all of her children, was especially partial to Alistar since the two of them had nearly died when she gave birth to him. She worried about him more, spoiled him a bit more, loved him just a bit more…
He was her favorite.
“ Do,” William began hesitantly as the room fell silent again. “ Do you really not have feelings for Hikari?”
Alistar looked at his father quietly for a moment, before nodding.
“ I don’t have feelings for her, we’re just good friends,” Alistar lied, his usual, charming smile appearing on his face.
William nodded slowly.
“ Alright, I just thought I would ask,” He said before turning around. “ I’ll let you finish getting ready.” He added as he walked out of the room, leaving his son standing there by himself.
As soon as the door clicked shur Alistar let out a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding and his hand reached up to rub the back of his head again.
This really sucked!
“ Alright everyone, are you ready to go?” Zera asked her children as they stood before her.
“ Yes!”
“ Now remember; have fun, be safe, and don’t do anything I would do,” She instructed them. “ And if you do, make sure to use protection!”
Her children groaned.
“ What? I’m so sorry that I don’t want any grandchildren right now!” She told them while throwing a pointed look at her second oldest child, Sebastian.
“ Why are you looking at me like that?!” He exclaimed.
“ Because out of all my children you would be the one most likely to make me a grandmother before I’m ready!” She pointed out, her blue eyes narrowing at him.
“ Do you have no faith in me?” He asked, his tone sounding hurt even though he really wasn’t.
“ None.” She replied bluntly, making the other chuckle.
“ So I know we’re supposed to wear condoms and take potions if we decide to have sex with someone,” Daisy began as she raised her hand. “ But what about if we decide to hold hands? Should we use protection then?”
The room chuckled, knowing fully well that Daisy was joking with her question.
“ Oh, in that situation you must certainly use protection,” Zera told her, playing along.
Sunni, Daisy’s twin, suddenly raised her hand.
“ What kind of protection should we use if we decide to kiss someone?” She asked, and William’s eyes instantly narrowed.
“ You’re too young to be kissing,” He told her sternly, and his gaze shifted as another hand shot up.
“ Am I allowed to kiss someone?” Mavis, the youngest, asked innocently.
William quickly shook his head.
“ No. You’re way too young to be kissing anyone!”
“ But I’m sixteen?” She pointed out, and Sunni nodded.
“ Yeah, and Daisy and I are eighteen!” Sebastain nodded.
“ Exactly, they’re all of age now, dad!” He pointed out. “ Since Clover’s majority age is fifteen Mavis could easily go out and get married without needing anyone’s permission-.”
The rest of the sentence died in Sebastian’s throat as he saw the glare his parents were giving him.
“ Anyway,” Daisy interrupted with a clap of her hands. “ We should get going before we’re late!”
“ Alright, be careful and watch out for each other!” Zera instructed her children as she gave them all a kiss on the cheek.
“ We’ll meet at the Ceremony, right?” He asked his children, and they all nodded.
“ Right!”
The Vangeance children bid their parents goodbye and left the Golden Dawn base to head to Kikka for the Star Festival.
At the Star Festival
As soon as the Vangeance siblings arrived in Kikka they split up to find their respective friend groups.
Alistar walked along the stone streets, passing by various food and item stalls as he did. Usually Hikari was working at the Black Bulls food stall with her father Captain Yami, but this year he decided to give her the night off so she could hang out with her friends.
It had been a surprise, but not an unpleasant one.
As he maneuvered through the crowd and his gaze drifted to the various stalls, his mind began to wander. It was odd that Captain Yami would give Hikari the night off, and it was odd how pushy his mother was about having him confess to her…he frowned; were the two of them trying to get him and Hikari together?!
Alistar quickly shook that thought from his mind. There was no way they would be doing that; especially Captain Yami. He would rather crush Alistar’s skull with his bare hand before he would ever allow them to date; especially after what happened that night.
He shuddered as the terrible, and embarrassing memory, from a few weeks ago resurfaced. How could he ever dream of confessing to Hikari after that?!
“ Alistar! Over here!” A familiar voice that always made his heart flutter shouted, and he slowly turned to see the girl he was just thinking about standing there.
Hikari waved her hands above her head and waved him over to the picnic table she and the others were sitting at.
He smiled his usual smile and gave a small wave as he walked over to them.
“ You’re late,” Leon Vermillion said as he took a sip of his drink. Alistar sat down across from him.
“ My apologies,” He apologized, using his formal voice. “ But leaving the base with my siblings was like trying to herd a bunch of cats.”
Leon chuckled.
“ I can only imagine,” He took another sip. “ I assume your mother gave you the usual ‘protection’ speech?”
“ Always.” The pair chuckled.
“ Your mother seems very…adamant about SexEd,” Noureen Silva said as he crossed his arms. “ She should host a seminar or something.”
“ Ooh she should, and my mom could help her!” Avalinia Silva said brightly from beside him.
“ I think all of our moms would pitch in and help her!” Dawn Faust agreed.
“ But wouldn’t it be embarrassing for our moms to be teaching our friends and peers the do’s and don'ts of sex?” Zoisite Ideale asked as he leaned back in his seat.
“ Would you prefer our dads to be the ones to teach it?” Hikari asked curiously, making everyone shudder.
That would not end well if their dads were the ones to teach it…
“ By the way,” Alistar began, quickly changing the subject. “ Where are the others? I thought they’d be joining us.”
“ Cyra is on a date with Dusk,” Leon explained. “ So I thought it would be best to give them some space.”
“ Heinry and Natalia are off playing in the fun houses,” Noureen said simply. “ But I’ll be meeting up with them later.”
“ Nymphie is off doing her own thing, and Mikhail is on a date with his princess.” Avalinia told him with a giggle.
“ My siblings are all kind of scattered around the place,” Dawn said with a laugh. “ Vivian was here earlier waiting for you, but I told her you’d see her after the ceremony so she went off on an adventure with Nora and Kito.”
“ Einar and Hana are with my parents, so we’ll probably see them later!” Hikari said with a bright smile.
Alistar nodded, and the conversation between the children continued to flow with various topics being discussed; including which squad they all thought would get the most stars.
“ It’s obviously going to be the Black Bulls!” Hikari said proudly, and Noureen scoffed.
“ Didn’t your squad just lose a handful of stars due to the destruction you caused near the Heart border?” Noureen pointed out as his eyes narrowed.
“ Hey we only lost two stars because of that,” She pointed out in irritation. “ And if you think your squad’s going to rank above ours you’re delusional!”
“ I think you’re the delusional one here!”
As Alistar watched the two go back and forth in amusement, he suddenly felt someone kick him under the table. He turned to see who it was and saw Leon giving him a serious look.
He leaned forward and Alistar did the same.
“ What’s up?”
“ Are you going to confess to Hikari tonight?” Leon asked quietly, and Alistar’s eyes widened.
What was with everyone wanting him to confess to Hikari tonight?!
“ Are you and my mother in cahoots or something?” Alistar asked quietly, his blue eyes narrowing.
Leon frowned.
“ What? No,” He said in confusion. “ Why would we be in cahoots?”
“ Because you’re both asking me if I plan on confessing to Hikari tonight, and it’s really suspicious!” He told him, and Leon hummed.
“ Well, tonight does seem like the perfect time to do it,” He said to Alistar as he hummed in thought. “ Your mother and I were probably just thinking the same thing.”
Alistar sighed and shook his head before taking a sip of his drink.
“ But you didn’t answer my question,” Leon pointed out quietly. “ Are you going to confess to her or not?”
Alistar hummed in thought as his blue eyes gazed down into his cup, staring at the swirling contents as he tried to decide what to do…
“ I don’t know,” He admitted softly. “ Maybe…we’ll see how tonight goes? If everything feels right, then I will, and if it doesn’t then…I’ll wait.”
Leon nodded slowly before he set his own cup down onto the table.
“ That sounds like a good plan, but I wouldn’t wait too long,” Leon said as he gave his friend a very serious look. “ You never know when someone will come by and try to snatch her up.”
Alistar smirked a bit.
“ What? Are you planning on trying to ask her out?” He joked, and Leon’s eyes widened and his eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“ Absolutely not. I already have someone,” He told Alistar, who chuckled in response. “ Besides, even if I didn’t have someone, I still wouldn’t be that big of a jerk.”
Alistar smiled, nodded, and raised his glass.
“ Well, if it helps, I wouldn’t do that to you either.” He told him, and Leon chuckled before smiling and clanking his glass against Alistar’s.
“ Noted.”
“ What’re you two talking about?!” Hikari suddenly asked as she leaned over towards them, the boys instantly dropped their glasses and turned to her.
“ Puns!” They shouted in surprise, making Hikari blink.
“ Huh?”
“ Hey Leon; What do you call an alligator in a vest?” Alistar asked, and Leon shrugged.
“ I don’t know, what?”
“ An investigator.”
Leon burst into laughter.
“ Hey Alistar; Why did the scarecrow get an award?” Leon asked, and Alistar shook his head.
“ Why?”
“ Because he was outstanding in his field.”
Alistar burst into laughter, and Leon followed suit.
The other children at the table groaned.
“ I shouldn’t have asked!” Hikari muttered as she rested her head against the table.
Leon and Alistar looked at each other as a sigh of relief escaped them. Who would have thought making puns would save their lives?
After the children talked for a little longer they all decided to split up and explore the Festival.
As usual Hikari and Alistar paired up together, and the two walked around and explored all the things the festival had to offer.
They played games, ate food, walked around, and chatted about all the things that had happened since they last saw each other. Everything was normal between them.
But in the back of Alistar’s mind he couldn’t stop thinking about what his mother and Leon said; they were right in saying he was running out of time to confess, and they were also right that she could meet someone new tonight and fall in love with them…
“ Come on!” Hikari’s excited voice suddenly pulled him out of his thoughts. His heart skipped a beat when she suddenly grabbed his hand and dragged him towards a tree with lanterns and papers hanging from it.
Alistar stared at the tree, was this new? He had never seen it here before…
“ It’s a wishing tree! Papa told me about it yesterday and I wanted to come check it out.” Hikari told him as she let go of his hand, making his heart sink a bit.
“ A wishing tree?” He asked in confusion. She nodded, walked over to where papers and quills were sitting and grabbed some before bringing it back to him.
“ Yeah! You write your wishes down on these pieces of paper, and then you hang them on the tree!” She explained as she handed it to him before writing her own wish down.
“ That’s it?”
“ That’s it!”
Alistar nodded slowly, and as he stared down at the piece of paper his mind began to race as he tried to think of what to wish for.
He glanced up at Hikari. A soft smile appeared on his face as he watched her brows furrow in concentration, her tongue sticking out just slightly as she wrote, and the satisfied smile that appeared on her face as she finished writing down her wish.
He looked back down at his paper, and began to write down his wish.
As he finished he followed her to the tree and hung his wish right beside her’s.
“ Aren’t we a little too old to be making wishes?” Alistar asked playfully, and Hikari pouted before giving him a slight glare.
“ You’re never too old to make wishes,” She told him. “ Uncle Asta said so.”
Alistar chuckled, and Hikari grinned.
The pair stood together quietly, their gazes on the large tree as it swayed slightly in the wind. But soon his gaze drifted over to Hikari.
As the warm light of the lanterns drifted over her features, as the wind slightly shifted her beautiful brown hair, he couldn’t help but wonder; is now the time? Should he confess now?
“ So, what did you wish for?” She suddenly asked as she turned towards him, her blue eyes shining brighter than the moon, and her smile more dazzling than the stars in the sky.
Yeah, now was the perfect time.
“ My wish…is to hold you close and never let you go…” He said softly, his face turning slightly red.
“ Huh?”
As she stared at him in surprise and confusion, Alistar could hear his heart drumming in his ears, and could feel it pounding against his chest while he waited for her answer.
But much to his surprise…she suddenly began to laugh.
“ That’s a good one! You scared me there for a second.” Hikari laughed as she slapped him repeatedly on the shoulder.
She…thought it was a joke?
As he opened his mouth to correct her she suddenly grabbed his hand again.
“ Y’know you shouldn’t make jokes like that though,” She told him mock-seriously. “ Otherwise your girlfriend might get the wrong idea!”
Alistar blinked at her as her words sunk in.
“ Hikari-!” He began, raising his hands and waving them quickly, he needed to clear up whatever…misunderstanding this was! But she cut him off.
“ Don’t worry I won’t say anything,” Hikari told him. “ What happens between bodyguards, stays between bodyguards.” She added before grabbing his hand again.
“ C’mon the ceremony’s about to start!”
As Hikari began to drag Alistar away from the tree he couldn’t help but wonder; why did she think he had a girlfriend, and how did his soft-confession go so wrong?!
Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all have a good day~!
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loosesodamarble · 2 months
Magic Knight Squad Robe Redesigns
A long time ago, I had the idea of redesigning the uniforms of the Magic Knight squads for the (many) next gen ocs that me and my friends have. I thought it would be fun for the squads to each have a unique article of clothing for the squads' uniforms, to make each group a little more unique beyond their colors.
With the help of my beloved friend Steph ( @cringeyvanillamilk ), that idea has now come to fruition! I commissioned her for all the art you are to see.
And modeling the redesigned uniforms are mine and my friends' next gen ocs.
Representing the Golden Dawn is @lyranova's oc, Alistar Vangeance.
For the Black Bulls is @eme-eleff's oc, Hikari Yami.
Wearing the Crimson Lion King's uniform is @thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc, Leonidas Vermillion.
From my own collection of ocs and representing the Blue Rose Knights is Dawn Faust.
The representative for the Aqua Deers is also my oc, Merel Faust.
The Silver Eagle's uniform is worn by @koneko-pi's oc, Avalinia Silva.
Representing the Coral Peacocks is @sailor-muno's oc, Bellini Fortuna.
Showing off for the Green Praying Mantises is @faewraithsworld's oc, Sullivan Vixen.
And the model for the Purple Orcas is another of @/faewraithsworld's ocs, Zoisite Ideale.
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The CLK and GPM's uniforms have different versions that can be worn by the squad members. As seen below.
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Thank you to Steph for taking my commission. And thank you to all my lovely friends for allowing me to turn your next gens into some gorgeous models!
Further notes about the uniforms below the cut.
Golden Dawn: they wear full body coats that are meant to be worn open. Squad members can have tassels added to their coats so they can be tied close if they so choose.
Black Bulls: they're not wearing leather jackets. It's standard fabric, that's all. Jacket length is somewhat adjustable though longer jackets are avoided to steer clear of having the same silhouette as the Golden Dawn.
Crimson Lion Kings: the sashes are sewn so that squad members don't have to wrap the fabric over their shoulder and around their waist every time they don their uniform.
Blue Rose Knights: it's a short cape already attached to a shirt. You'd just put it on like a regular shirt and hope that you don't get the cape in your face as you put it on.
Aqua Deer: it's a scarf, plain and simple. The ends of the scarf are to be a clean cut.
Silver Eagles: this squad retains the original form that a majority of the squad robes have in canon, a short mantle with an long cape attached. For the next gen's version, the fluff of the mantle was made a smaller component so that the feathers can be the main focus, instead of being mostly equal parts fluff and feather.
Coral Peacocks: a waist sash with the end of the fabric being shaped to resemble the tail feathers of a peacock.
Green Praying Mantises: arm sleeves that can just cover the forearms or cover the upper arms too. There's also a version with a slit in the sleeves in case there are squad members who don't want to wear the form fitting sleeves.
Purple Orcas: a vest with pointed hems reminiscent of the triangular shape of the squad robe worn by the previous generation. There are buttons on the vest so they can be worn open or closed to a squad member's preferences. (And most members tend to wear a shirt under the vest. Zoisite only wears his uniform this way because he can.)
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colouredteapot · 7 months
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my entry for @dribbonart's Amedot Fusion Contest - Zoisite!
Zoisite (Zoey) is a gem fusion slightly shorter than Garnet. Her predominant gimmick is insufferable curiousity, she likes to stick her nose in everything, especially related to interpersonal relationships. She likes watching shows, and has an ability to consume any media at 3x speed (or even faster!).
When stabilised, she chose to have a form that resembles a traditional mad scientist-esque villain, just for fun. Zoey is not as good at shapeshifting, but she enjoys it when she is able to morph into one of her favourite shows' characters.
Her weapon is an electric whip, fitting the mad scientist theme. She also uses any metal junk she could find in fight. And her second arms are stretchy and pack quite a punch!
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marzbix-crystal · 7 months
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[Image ID: A coloured digital sketch of 6 gems wearing matching uniforms on a plain background, from left to right we have my OC Tanzanite sitting on the floor pointing to a map in front of them, then we have Goshenite leaning over Tanzanite, standing above is Yellow Diamond smiling with their hands on their hips, next is my OC Citrine who is sitting opposite Tanzanite and pointing to the map, next is Blue Zoisite standing and looking at my OC Blue Diamond, who is stood rubbing the back of their neck with their other hand in their pocket. /End ID]
They are exploring distant lands!! I enjoyed scratching this out, I usually don't do group drawings
The Lunarians have at least one Tower in each region to survey the general area, (one for the islands, two for the mainlands, kind of like botw or totk because I'm?? insane.) Since the Lunarians cannot stay on Earth for long periods of time, the Gems formed an Exploration team to monitor each area every century or so, to see how it changes over time.
Leading the charge is Yellow Diamond (They/Them), although they prefer to let the younger gems figure themselves out and intervene when necessary
Blue Zoisite (They/He), wanting any excuse to get off the Home Island joined the team- he's nimble and highly observant, and can cover a lot of ground on their own
Goshenite (She/They) joined the team for confidence building, she's come real far and is more firm and more decisive. They're also very resourceful
Blue Diamond (They/Them), while similar to Bluzo in age, joined quite late- Y.D brought them on so that they weren't entirely unemployed, and it wasn't hard to persuade them since their close friend was on the team already. Blue doesn't like admitting it out loud, but they really enjoy exploring
Citrine (He/Him) is very much the heart of the team, he absolutely adores adventure. He actually begged Blue Diamond to take him with them multiple times until they finally talked to Y.D about it
Tanzanite (They/Them), while being the youngest of the group, usually leads the team meetings, as they're the best at navigation- I forgot to draw it, but they always have a little bag to bring home souvenirs for their friends back home.
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Fusion of Rodonite and malachite
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steam-powered-chaos · 7 months
Chapter 1 (Faded Heart)
[You didn’t ask! But you’re gonna receive! Violet’s full backstory]
Violet ran, bare feet crunching against the twigs and stones that littered the forest floor, wincing with every step. They didn’t stop however, knowing that if they did, they ran the risk of being caught and dragged back to that awful, awful foster home with no choice or say in the matter, despite them being 15. So Violet continued to run, only slowing to a stop when they pushed past the thick, black branches and came to the menacing mansion that rose in front of them. They froze, looking around, before trying to pry open one of the windows, eventually setting for bashing it open using a particularly sharp rock, clambering through and wincing at the glass piercing into their feet, flinching as they scurried through the seemingly abandoned mansion. But somewhere within, dark blue eyes snapped open as the villain stirred from his slumber.
“Come on.. where’s the kitchen…” they muttered to themselves, starting to lean against the wall to support themselves, finally stumbling into the small kitchen. It was too dark to make out any particular details, apart from the moonlight shining from the window onto the counter where an abandoned knife lay on the dark grey countertop, a moulding loaf of bread beside it. Violet only gave the bread a disgusted glance, before rummaging in the cupboards for anything imperishable, as he silently slipped downstairs, sword in hand and hair still tied up in a bun for sleep. Finally, they produced a can of peaches, looking around for a tin opener, but freezing as they saw his shadow starting to loom from the crack of the kitchen door, realising their mistake far too late, as they dropped the can, making a loud clang against the tiled floor and ducked under the kitchen table, hand covering their mouth, as the door opened. “Come out.. I know you’re in here.” The villain hissed, as their shadow passed over the room.
Violet trembled, squeezing their eyes shut in fear, only opening them slightly to see his black boots from just outside of the safety of the kitchen table. He let out a breathy sigh, having caught his prey, before they started to kneel down, drawing his sword and lifting the table cloth. Violet did the only thing they could think of, kicking their attacker in the face with all of their strength, starting to run as he sprawled back, stunned. They left bloody footprints as they ran upstairs, not stopping until they came to a single black door at the top of the mansion, not looking back as they burst into the room. They shut the door behind them, before looking around, stunned by what they saw. Constellations covered the walls and ceiling, like they had been ripped away to reveal the night sky, and they couldn’t help but sit down in silence, forgetting any of the danger they had been in.
“I want them out” The villain snarled, as his nose and right eye was quickly checked over by another of his team, tutting at him softly. “Really, Nephrite, we’ll flush out your little infestation soon” xey soothed teasingly, “but you need to stay still so I can look at you!” Nephrite rolled his eyes, but obliged, staying stiff as the other two of the team of villains arrived, his brother giving him a respectful bow, and the youngest giving him a tired, grouchy wave. He sighed, pulling away slightly “These footprints lead to your attacker, Nephrite?” Nephrite nodded, batting xeir hands away slightly as xey grabbed at his nose roughly, as xey pulled away laughing at him. “That’s right Kunzite, can you get rid of them? Preferably now?” He demanded, as Kunzite rolled its eyes at his brother’s impatience, before tapping the youngest’s shoulder, and he nodded eagerly, disappearing on the spot.
Violet didn’t have time to react, as they were hit roughly around the head, passing out as they were teleported back downstairs as their fate awaited them.
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randomys-art · 2 months
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A charming figure in the streets of Mittgrad, always knowing what to say to have people follow her. He cares most about his little sister and garage.
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12. The Lancer.
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The Lancer’s spending several moons,
Residing at Camp Dragonhead,
She’ll go on to train with the Dragoons,
And take a certain Knight to bed...
The twelfth character in my silly poem series is Zoisite Ruby of @loldragoon-ffxiv - an OC with a far more complex and poignant backstory than my poetical silliness would suggest.
As well as Zoisite, you will find a profusion of fantastic characters on this blog - including Feldspar (the handsome husband of Fennie of @scholarlostintime, famous for his shorts and wine-making), his little sister, the very forbearing Rose Quartz, and Ichelle, diplomat, handsome noblewoman and Azure Dragoon.
A skillful writer, gposer and all round good sort, I heartily recommend @loldragoon-ffxiv. Along with @scholarlostintime they also run some fantastic RP events at Feldspar's Inn, The Cracked Cluster - keep an eye out for some more of these in the future.
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segapop115 · 2 years
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This drawing is technically a bit old but oh well I think the gems in it are super cute (almost all of the gems in it are ones that only had one really outdated (likely made with an SU base I found on DeviantArt) drawing with an old outdated design so I actually drew them and I love them sm)
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azurebytess · 1 year
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Child and Mother
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peppermintfreak · 2 years
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Tanzanite, often called simply Zoisite, is a part time leader of the remaining earth gems. She is usually in charge of guarding the fortress.
She is partnered with Bortz, although they are rarely seen together. Despite her inability to fight full-time due to her condition, she has proven herself to be a competent fighter in close combat and will go as far as using her pegleg to maul her foes, even when it's not necessary. As a result, Zoisite is often perceived as intimidating and of reckless nature.
Phosphophyllite and many older gems despite all of that find her very charismatic; when she's not beating someone senselessly.
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dyxtd21 · 3 months
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Zoisite aesthetic moodboard!!
Zoisite is inspired by the shadowy world of assassins, embodying mystery and lethal precision. His colouration is a deep, dark green accented with striking red patterns, enhancing his enigmatic presence. Dressed in a classic ninja-style clothes/style, he blends seamlessly into the shadows, moving with silent agility.
His asscher-cut gemstone gleams from his left shoulder, a mark of his unique identity. Zoisite wields throwing stars and hidden wrist blades as his primary weapons, demonstrating his deadly skill in combat. Despite his formidable exterior, he values loyalty immensely and will bond with those who prove their worth to him. His affinity with scorpions further underscores his lethal and stealthy nature.
Headcanon voice: David Hayter (In English), Akio Otsuka (In Japanese)
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loosesodamarble · 5 months
Alistar: Would your rather: die or- Dusk: Oh definitely dying. Mikhail: You didn't even hear the second option! Dusk: I still choose it. Zoisite: What's the other option, Al? Alistar: Fighting with your parents. Dusk: I choose death. Leon: Please wait. Do you mean "fight" as in "argue" or "fight" as in "a physical altercation"? Alistar: I meant an argument to be honest. Zois: Guys, this is Dusk, I think arguing with his parents would send him into cardiac arrest. So he'd still die! No offense. Dusk: None taken. Though I would've said a stroke- Zois: Nah, it's your heart that would give out. Mikhail: Can we *not* imagine Dusk suffering a severe medical emergency? Leon: Fair enough. Although... What would be the cause of death for the "death" option? Alistar: Hm... I just kinda assumed the idea of collapsing dead out of nowhere. Zois: Damn, you can't give Dusk a cool death? Alistar: Alright then, I'm deeply sorry for not elaborating on a hypothetical death scenario! Mikhail: (looks into the camera) These guys are supposed to be my seniors? Give me a break.
Alistar is @lyranova's oc. Dusk is my own oc. Mikhail is @koneko-pi's oc. Zoisite is @faewraithsworld's oc. Leon is @thoughtfullyrainynightmare's oc.
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arjengelly · 1 year
Ms. Umino
Kou’s teacher and a direct descendant of Naru & Umino
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In this Unorthodox/Paradox Universe, reincarnations of Galaxia and Kakyuu have a daughter in the the year 2986. She could be princess of the Sun…🤷🏻‍♀️ prob name her Andromeda…
P’Li is a direct descendant of Ail & An and prides herself as a pure blood until she is introduced to the reawakened Fiore.
Anne & P’Li gossip with Vienna (Venus). The three hold a grudge against Kou for disbanding their sailor group years prior. However, it wasn’t entirely Kou’s doing as Bubblina(Mercury) also dropped out of their sailor squad training camp.
After Bubs & Kou hacked into the Sailor Senshi database and learned heart breaking information about the previous incarnation of heroes (1990s-2000s), Kou lost faith in the Sailor Senshi and Bubs learned of her own origins and fell into a deep depression.
*Kou learned the Sailors never managed to save everyone. They failed miserably during the silver millennium. They covered up Nehelenia’s demise (put her in a never ending dream within an enchanted mirror & lied about sending her back in time). Those of the black moon were all killed in the past(they were ppl from Kou’s timeline that have yet to rebel). Kou also believes her great grandma Queen Serenity cursed everyone with reincarnation and haunting memories of their past lives (forced to repeat everything from the past).
*Bubs learned of her father (reincarnation of Zoisite) being forced into marriage with the direct descendant of Sailor Mercury. They became royalty of the terraformed planet Mercury. Paulita (sailor Pallas) is not her biological elder sister but is adopted. Bubs was born in a synthetic womb. Her mother is aroace and father is homosexual (also in love with someone else). With her parents showing little to no affection towards each other, Bubblina often gets lost in thought.
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marzbix-crystal · 2 years
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The Delinquents! All brandishing a silly lil ribbon on one of their limbs!
They are reckless, sometimes they cause trouble, they feel they are a little outcast, but they'd all rather hang out and do their own thing rather than follow monotonous rules- though they always pull through when shit hits the fan
I didn't want to fully shade them so here, have flat colours- Ft. AU Morganite and AU Blue Zoisite
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ihopesocomic · 7 months
What are some scraped ideas that you had for the IHS comic?
Here be a list:
Carnelian was originally planned to originate from an order of warrior lion mercenaries named after types of weaponry. They were located in an area of the map known as Acacia Grove (which was roughly in the empty territory between the Thundering Mountains and the Kingblessed Coast). We wrote it out because it seemed like a ton of wasted potential. I'm reusing the idea for one of my IHS OCs though.
A couple of things we had planned but changed due to critique from readers include: Hope opting to choose to disown her parents vs. being exiled and Diamond being non-binary trans masc as opposed to a trans lioness. The latter was back when we had them and Wind as our only canon trans characters and yep, we were in danger of falling into stereotyping so kudos to that anon who very kindly pointed it out for us.
Hopeful was originally going to have a broken back leg vs. an undeveloped limb. We changed this so that her disability would not feel like a tragedy hanging over her like it does with Nothing and somewhat switched this circumstance over to Bronze instead, showing that - despite the loss of his limb - he is still capable of carrying out the duties handed down to him but with assistance and accommodation from the other tunnel guards.
We were originally gonna use wc-style names similar to My Pride but that got dropped almost immediately because we wanted to make it easier for prides to be told apart.
We originally were gonna have a tigress character who the girls were going to meet and converse with, to highlight how tigers are critically endangered and how such a thing leads their culture of depending on the self vs. folklore heroes. Unfortunately, we couldn't verify if the South African reserves that house these tigers are managed ethically and we didn't want to promote anything problematic. Thus, she was replaced by a pair of cheetahs instead.
Daffodil was originally a lot older and a minion of Rose's. They were replaced by Heather and made into a reincarnation of Quiet.
We wanted to do a side comic for Careful but soon realised we would not have time for this. It's probable I'll dedicate a written story to her in the future however.
Fade was originally planned to be killed accidentally by Storm.
Diamond was originally going to be a deaf lion known as Zoisite. We changed this due to feeling that we would be unable to properly portray deafness in comic form. Zoisite as a name was retained for Amber's aunt, however.
Zircon was originally known as Topaz. - RJ
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