#ocs: ricky
confirmedcannibal · 1 year
Deano was the one to come up with the name "Ricky," Roxanne thought it was a good idea and agreed. It isn't short for anything.
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fosterscribbles · 2 years
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Procrastinated and sketched the Fletcher sibs portrait before and after getting shot with the gayification ray
Dorian (they/she/he) -> Vincent (they/xe/ae/he) -> Ricky (he/she)
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stayatsam · 5 months
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Losing sleep (OC)
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onmyyan · 3 months
Out of all of your yans who handles "fights" with his darling the best and who handles them the worst (I know all of them would rather eat nails than fight with their darling but let's say the subject is something that they take really seriously and couldn't just let slide, like their darling's safety/their darling is doing something really reckless)
I love this ask, in order from best to worst
Caspian is the best with fights because he never leaves them unresolved, he knows you so well, so deeply, he can tell exactly what's wrong with you, and knows exactly what to say to make you forget you were mad in the first place.
Ricky comes in a close second, the only reason he doesn't take first is because his stubborn ass takes a bit longer than Cas to start kissing your feet, no matter the subject of the fight he doesn't let either of you leave the house mad or go to sleep angry, he's an excellent communicator and even better listener.
Ashley comes in third, he can be a little hard-headed but genuinely does his best to understand, he knows he's a big, intimidating man so if he gets real angry he'll leave the house for a bit to avoid scaring you, when he comes back he looks like a kicked puppy, the subject of the fight forgotten completely, overwhelmed by the desire to be holding you again.
Gabe comes in fourth because he's a little dumb and can sometimes take a minute to realize he's done something to piss you off, once he realizes it game over, falls to his knees and spends all day making it right, he's genuinely sorry and you can feel it in the way he holds you, how he stares.
Marcos is second to last because his ego and pride often get in the way, he will eventually come around, if only to get you talking to him again, he thinks he's right all of the time, comes with the territory of being a Scorpio, and it's semi infuriating, but eventually he always comes crawling back with his tail between his legs, a large bouquet of your favorite flowers and a blunt to say he's sorry.
Manny is the worst to get into fights with because Manny is scary when he gets mad, it's never at you, but his anger and seething hatred for others has caused a few fights between you, and while his white hot rage wasn't directed at you directly, it scared you, to know he was capable of being so angry, so hateful, so he's down here for that reason of course he can't stay mad once he sees that fearful look on your face, he's quick to switch his anger off and coddle you, cooing and holding your face softly, apologizing between kisses
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elviraaxen · 11 months
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no ricky don’t throw!!
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twdxtrevor · 11 months
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Look at him, trying to act all innocent. He knows what he's doing . . .
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lyalyagushkina · 5 months
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My bully OC, let's imagine that it was she who dumped Ricky because of the jock, but then walked out and returned to him ^_^
questionnaire template @Jimothy-hopkins
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Stacy, a character @sourjabloki
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zzoupz · 8 months
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trying to draw again so faith oc stuffs 😄
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kommandonuovidiavoli · 2 months
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While I work on comics, here's some reference sheets for the future kiddos!
Some more infos because they didn't fit in the sheets:
💙Ricky is not a normal kid: he likes vegetables, washes his teeth, likes to study and to go to school, does chores and does what his parents tell him to do! KND scientists have tried to find out what is "wrong" with him but everything seems to be normal! A real mistery... Yes, he's named after Edward Elric...
🩷Anya loves to play with Wally's hair. She says they look like "golden fairy strings". Also Joey and Tommy are in her story too: Joey is the Pretty Elf Prince Junior and Tommy is the Kind Half-Orc (because in her story both him and Hoagie are Half-Orcs. Abby is a Night Elf). Yes, she's named after Anya Forger...
💚Sami loves his Australian side of the family because they're funny and cheerful but hates his Japanese side because they are strict and serious. Also the Beetles always get him candies and games when they visit, so...
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god-mouths · 2 years
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i loved ride the cyclone but you cant just make a character disabled and then magically remove the disability not even a full minute in. plus do you know how much more fucking awesome space age bachelor man would have been if they incorporated the crutches and got creative with it
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I kind of love this scene at the beginning of Nope where OJ and Lucky (the horse) are on set because it foreshadows the rest of the movie so well: OJ and Emerald explain to the actors and crew how to interact with Lucky — how a horse, even one trained for TV, responds to the world around them according to their instincts — and the crew ignore him. One of them says to "tell the horse we're ready to do one," like he's a human actor who speaks another language and OJ is the translator.
And it keeps happening all through the film. In the narrative of the Gordy's Home, Gordy is treated as essentially another human member of the family, albeit one who can't tell time or speak English (and I've seen some excellent commentary on how Ricky, an Asian child actor, is commodified and exoticized in the same way). But the chimp who plays Gordy is not a person; he, like Lucky, is an animal being exploited by a production company uninterested in and unwilling to accommodate his needs, and so he reacts on instinct — to the sound of balloons popping, to eye contact, to the people around him screaming.
Maybe Ricky survives because the tablecloth kept them from making eye contact, or maybe the chimp would have killed him, too, if he hadn't been shot at that moment. But Ricky doesn't process what happened as an animal reacting on instinct, at least not that final moment. He still anthropomorphizes this chimp as Gordy, his friend from his TV family with whom he has a special connection. And so years later, he assumes Jean Jacket is a ship piloted by sentient aliens. He assumes they trust him, when really all he's done is teach an ambush predator to expect a regular food source —  it's the equivalent of drawing bears to a camp ground because you forgot to put away the cooler.
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margo-mania · 10 months
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heres EVERYONE in a beautiful big post (with all my design notes rambles and reasonings) for your (and my) reblogging pleasure
From left to right top row then bottom row
Jane Doe: the biggest notes i have on Jane is that her bubble braids are inspired by @/lauren-t-lampe 's Jane Doe, she's so freaking cute. i like to think my jane is very baby jane
Mischa Bachinski: i didnt really have a plan for mischa other than well mullet so heres the ukrainian bad boy in all his glory
Noel Gruber: noel is extremely gender, i wanted him to be the tallest out of everyone because why not.
Ocean O'Connell Rosenberg: i gave her glasses cause i feel like she'd constantly push them up before saying "um acshually.." I always see Ocean as Asexual tbh
Ricky Potts: Nothing much here, i guess i just wanted to give him glasses. it was my first time drawing crutches so i'm always going to try to improve on them
Constance Blackwood: i wanted to make her chubbier than the others like in the 2016 slime tut, but it's definitely something i have to work on improving imo. i feel like if she had more confidence in herself she'd wear the stickers on her face all the time
Penny Lamb: main reason for the short hair? i wanted to be unique since i always see penny with braids and also i gave Jane bubble braids and i kind of wanted to seperate the designs. lesser reason? dont come for me but alice from twilights hair is cool af (tysm to @/cam-stopped-eating-candles for the explaination on penny's hair in legoland!)
(Na)Talia: screw you she's real and i love her. had a lot of free reign since the only detail Mischa mentions is her hair (which i had to google lol). Talia is my absolute favourite rtc song so i wanted to keep the flowey skirts from the 2016 choreography but gave her a bit of an edge because she canonically listens to (and presumably enjoys) rap
Vergil: he's a lil rat in a t-shirt
Monique Gibeou: no notes on this design no need to change anything imo UwU
Space Age Bachelor Man: i like to think what he wears is covered in sparkles and the glitter on his face is a nice touch. I wanted to make something on him colourful so i made the hair/tail colourful uwu
The Amazing Karnak: still a bit....eh on his design but i'm liking it a lot more after sleeping on it. love his coat the most
and thats all of them!! i really want to make keychains/stickers one day so if you have ideas for it let me know! :3
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fosterscribbles · 2 years
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Childhood and current sibling portraits of the Fletcher fam! These were a beast to work on but they have been making me feel better after a particularly rough week
Dorian - they/she/he
Vincent - they/ae/he
Ricky - he/she
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stayatsam · 9 months
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Late train home (OC)
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onmyyan · 10 days
I was just thinking how funny it’d be in a AU if y/n grew up with the Delmonts, but left shortly after finishing high school to go see her grandma in the country where she ends up meeting Ashley. The drama…😆
City Girl
A/n: lmk if y'all want more
You were only gone for three weeks, that's all they had to endure until you were back home where you belonged, three painfully long weeks without their darling seemed like hell enough but then you came back.
Three weeks ago
The first thing to hit you was that famous Texas heat, that paired with the bright sun had you blinking tears from your eyes for a moment, stepping outside of the airport you inhaled the fresh heated air and sighed, this certainly wasn't San Francisco, in fact it was so unlike back home all the sights and sounds gave you whiplash, what pulled you from your stupor was the sight of your name, crudely painted in bright blue ink on a piece of paper, the man holding the paper to his chest was unfamiliar,but his smile was warm and kind enough to make you ignore the stranger danger rule and investigate.
Walking closer you cock your eyebrow and before you can say a word the man is taking off his hat, pressing the brown leather to his chest as he greets you. "Miss (Y/n)? My name is Ashley Hunt, I'm your grandma's neighbor n' she asked if I'd pick you up so here I am." He grins in such a friendly manner you can't help but return it, it was so like your grandma to do this and not tell you so.
The car ride to your grandmother's property wasn't a quiet one, Ashley was a yapper, but it was charming, he asked plenty of questions without being invasive and made sure you were as comfortable as could be in the Texas heat.
"What brings you to my neck of the woods?"
"Gran asked me to come help out with this big fair you guys have?"
"The summer solstice? That'll be a hoot! Oh it's so nice, everybody comes together to make it happen."
He lit up at the mention of your intentions here, smiling at you so wide you felt compelled to return it
"It's good to know you miss (Y/n)."
He was a breath of fresh air compared to the nonchalant attitudes of the people back home
He'd opened the door for you to get out and walked you up your grandma's driveway, sneakily taking a peek you had to admire just how fine the man next to you was, and considering you spent most of your days surrounded by the Delmonts, this was saying something.
The small older sun kissed woman held a hand to her eyes to block the sun, a bright grin on her face, she leans on her porch beckoning you both inside with a shout, "Y'all better get inside before my grandbaby here has a stroke." She laughed at your sorry sweaty state and reached into her pocket for a handful of bills, gesturing to Ashley she couldn't get a word out before the man was refusing it.
"Now miss Mable I can't accept that."
"Why the hell not boy?"
"The company of miss (Y/n) was payment enough."
And this is how he leaves you, the tall handsome cowboy looked straight out of an old movie as the sun beat behind him, a certain swagger to his walk.
"Pick yer' jaw up before ya catch flies." Your grandma teases.
Summer comes to a beautiful end and everything changes for you in that short time frame, it was wonderful and chaotic and you had never been more nervous to get in a plane in your life, but it wasn't because of some newfound fear of heights, you were terrified because you weren't going home alone.
And you knew how your boys could get..
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elviraaxen · 11 months
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only Skrutt can have him
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