#octavia philharmonica
ashleyfableblack · 7 months
You inspire me to draw fanart as self indulgent as I want it to be
No one can tell your story but you.
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kare-valgon · 5 years
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Inktober day 12 - Wonderland
"Follow us to Wonderland"
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vegemiteguzzler · 5 years
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two sketches from an older artwork that I still really like - they’re a lot cleaner and higher in detail than most of my work and I still appreciate the effort I put into them. 
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jonfawkes · 7 years
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Hey, don’t knock the billboard. That is well worth the fifty bits a month. And that was to promote K-COLT. I can’t help it if the billboard says I’m the best. And that the artist just happened to make the billboard a picture of me standing on a radio tower dual-wielding electric guitars that shoot lightning, while you stand next to me waving your cello bow like a sword. Trust me, when you put it in context, that billboard is very, very modest.
The cover for The Vinyl Scratch Tapes remake by Featherfall Studios. Figured I’d post it today for Equestria Daily’s Vinyl and Octavia day
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gtvscomic · 8 years
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Chapter 3 page 2 (all around page 19) 
As we might have already told you (or at least I think we have), the first two chapters were made possible in full color thanks to the  donations of a silent backer. With his donations and your monthly pledges via patreon, Kare and I managed our funds to give you as many fully colored pages as possible. Sadly, that time has come to an end and we're back to following our patreon's milestones. We hope you'll still enjoy the story we have to tell and we thank you for your support.
Support this project on Patreon to get access to extra contents related to Mariacheat’s writing, early updates on pages, character sheets, wips, tutorials, speepaints and more.
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Here are some headcanons for Octavia: her full name is Octavia Melody Philharmonica but goes by just Octavia Melody on stage. Her father is an unicorn and a teacher at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns (he was one of the examiners during Twilight's exam). She's also related to the Apple family on her mother's side (this was based on he fact that the fiddle-playing pony in "Apple Family Reunion" was a recolor of Octavia.
I always forget about the apple recolor Octavia.
But I like it!
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melody-scratch · 6 years
I'm writing short stories here about different things that happened in my Mummy's lives according to uncle Dissy because mother said I need to do something productive with my time instead of pranking ponies with uncle Dissy after we turned ponyville's water supply into jellybeans. But first some of you might be wondering why I'm a pegasus but my parents are a unicorn and earth-pony I'll explain that in a later story.
But I'll tell you a bit about myself first k 😁
My full name is Melodia Staccato but everypony calls me Melody Scratch and my nicknames are Melly and Scratch Jr., and I'm 5 years old. Mum says I get my 'smokin' looks from mother whatever that means. I love cookies, hugs, and chaos I have a big sister named Allegra Philharmonica she's 8 years old. She looks more like mum and she's a earth-pony. My Parents names are Octavia Philharmonica and Venizia Staccato(aka Vinyl Scratch). My favorite colors are Black, Silver, Red, and Purple.(I just tell mum one of my favorite colors is blue to make her feel better)^^'. Ok so I think I told u all the basics so if you wanna know anything else just post the question and I'll try and answer it bye-
Oh whoops sorry
Sorry The owner of this blog Grey just reminded me that they do not own MLP and any of the characters involved except for me, some of the other OC's and the plots of these stories. Oh and Grey says sorry that melly is a pain-wait HEY MEANY!!
😑 you owe me cookies or I'm telling
Fine. Bye bye for now. I have to go get my Halloween costume fitted by aunt Rarity.
P.S. Uncle Dissy should be posting something else for my bed time story. Wub you <3
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marvelandponder · 7 years
OC Tag Game
I was tagged by one of my fav fabulous dorks @starbutterfly-diaz to talk about one of my OCs, but you know what? I’m gonna talk about two because I love these two together (plus I just really like talking about my ocs and don’t get a lot of chances too).
For the record, these two are from an Equestria Girls/MLP next gen, and I’ll start with the adopted AppleDash princess.
Name: Gale Primrose Apple (Formally, Gale Force in her first adopted family, and originally... Cream Puff because I just find that hilarious)
Nickname: She goes by Gale. Her girlfriend and later wife, Betty, calls her Rosie. She also answers to G, princess (her moms’ nickname for her from when she was smol), and Big Buff, Rough n’ Tough Cream Puff (well, doesn’t answer to that...).
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Aquarius 
Height: Pfft, like 6′2. She’s buff as heck despite being a girly girl.
Sexual Orientation: Gay. Too gay to cope.
Hogwarts House: I could absolutely see her in Gryffindor. She pulls crazy stunts that put her own neck on the line if it’s for the right cause (like, say, doing a triple backflip off the top of a cheerleading pyramid to win over a girl and flip off her teachers).
Nationality: Well, even if this wasn’t set in the Equestria Girls universe, she’d be American. Southern princess.
Favorite Fruit: Hm. If she said anything but apples, would she get disowned? (... probably pears)
Favorite Flower: Primrose. That’s what Applejack and Rainbow Dash brought her the day they came to meet her and take her home for the first time, and well, while they were changing her name anyway... 
Favorite Season: Knowing how much she loves Thanksgiving, probably fall. 
Favorite Scent: It’s either some ultra-specific makeup brand (she’s a makeup artist) or the way her moms’ mac and cheese smells when it’s being cooked.
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa?: Coffee. Something’s gotta get her up for morning workouts.
Average Hours of Sleep: 9ish, and she snores through all of them.
Dogs or Cats?: Dogs. Definitely dogs. 
Favorite Fictional Character: Oo, that’s tough... I’m leaning towards someone like Kim Possible. Someone who manages to be a normal, fabulous teenage girl despite being in what would normally be a guy’s role. Being as big and muscly as she is, Gale would appreciate that. 
A better answer would be someone from a romcom but I don’t watch enough to know actual characters... can I just say all of the Disney princesses?
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 2 or 3 for maximum coziness.
Dream Trip: When she’s in her late teens, it’s to go to L.A., but she ends up living there so I don’t know what to tell you. Aside from that, she’d go anywhere if she got to take her wife. She used to think Vegas with her besties would be fun but... well, I’ll just say she doesn’t leave with fond memories.
Random Fact: Although it takes her quite some time to realize it, Gale’s polyamorous. She’s not the type to like an open relationship, but she can fall in love and be in a committed closed relationship with multiple partners at once. 
Coming out as poly was so much harder than coming out as gay (mostly because she was raised by a gay couple, but polyamorous relationships are still so... out of the public eye, let’s say).
Name: Battaglia Philharmonica
Nickname: Betty (Although Gale has quite a few nicknames for her, including Betsy and Babydoll; her adoptive mom, Octavia, also calls her Lia)
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Leo
Height: 5′5. Decently average, but smol compared to her wife Gale.
Sexual Orientation: Gayyyy. Really gay. Like, can’t-talk-to-girls gay what a mess gay.
Hogwarts House: I think Hufflepuff. She’s confident in herself, but a huge sweetie and well, kind of lets people take advantage of her if she’s not careful. 
Nationality: Equestria Girls land? Aside from that, I’m really not sure, actually. Half-Italian, half... something. It’s hard to say because her father was never in the picture (and considering how Betty happened, that’s probably a good thing).
Favorite Fruit: Strawberries, if there’s whipped cream involved.
Favorite Flower: Forget Me Nots (why yes, she was a hopeless romantic as a child...)
Favorite Season: Spring, maybe.
Favorite Scent: Aside from her wife? Who am I kidding, it’s Gale. That’s the most comforting smell to her.
Coffee, tea or hot cocoa?: Tea, but she won’t say no to hot cocoa.
Average Hours of Sleep: 7-8. Well. When she’s healthy. 
Dogs or Cats?: DOGS. For their first anniversary, Gale gets her a puppy Betty names Princess (whoops, Princess is a boy... ah well, Princess it is) and that dog is her world. And her therapy dog for her anxiety when she’s overwhelmed.
Favorite Fictional Character: Anyone Marilyn Monroe played. She has a thing for old movies because that’s all they had on in the hospital room when she was sick for a while as a kid (unidentified autoimmune disease, was stuck in Sick Kids for 2 years of her life). This inspired her acting career, at least.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 3 or 4. She hogs one from Gale, always.
Dream Trip: If not L.A., which, again, they eventually live in, either New York or London. What a sap.
Random Fact: If she was going to have a voice actress, it’d be Kristen Bell (Anna from Frozen, among others). Which means this is her solo song during the same story arc where Gale realizes she’s poly.
I tag pretty much everyone who wants to do this?
@adgerelli, @umbraamethyst, @apricalico, @digikate813, and plenty of people who I’ve seen tagged already
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rosethevideomancer · 7 years
Narrator: In the year 1001 of the Celestian calendar, Equestrian scientists developed advanced magic making it possible to broadcast music over long distances. This innovation was called “radio,” and quickly became a sensation throughout Equestria.
In addition to playing rock-and-roll and other popular music, DJ-P0n3 also hosted the first Equestrian talk show known as “The Vinyl Scratch.” These broadcasts were recorded for historical significance.
What follows is a transcript of the first morning broadcast of the Vinyl Scratch ” -------
Cast: Narrator was played by: Arkham Vinyl Scratch was played by: @the-pinkest-dragon Octavia Philharmonica was played by: ArtyPaints Princess Celestia was played by: IMShadow007 Daring Do was played by:IMShadow007 Auhizotl was played by:NeighratorPony Mane Tamer, Tamer Mane was played by: @wubcake-va Speed Talker was played by: @xemileahx
Episode 1: The Celestia Interview was written by: Corey W. Williams Additional writing by: @xemileahx, @jonfawkes-art and TheAlicornOfFanfiction Directed and edited by: @xemileahx Art by: @jonfawkes-art Based on The Vinyl Scratch Tapes by Corey W. Williams
Music: MLP Rock Theme is by MusicOfRusty Loyalty is by: @mandopony Take A Chance is by: Kevin McLead Top of the world is by: Scott Holmes On Hold Instrumental is by: YourEnigma
Special thanks to: /r/mylittlepony @equestriadaily Freesound.org @jonfawkes-art @midnightmagicproductions-blog @nohoovesbarred CastingCall.Club @talesofadrunkenjamjar Emerald Page @coreywwilliams​ And the original cast of The Vinyl Scratch Tapes
Original Fanfiction (Spoilers): http://www.fimfiction.net/story/24/the-vinyl-scratch-tapes Original Script: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tPcqnXupeHNf73ENJiog5JvnHJmuSUAWWMfxFU1-eRY/edit?usp=sharing
Script Finished - (12/9/16) Table Read - (12/20/16) - Arkham, Jon and Shadow Line Recording started - (12/20/16) Table Read 2 - (1/11/17) - HannahK WubcakeVA Solo Recording - (1/22/17) Octavia Casting Call - (3/5/17) ArtyPaints Cast - (3/24/17) ArtyPaints Solo Recording - (4/28/17) Line Recording Finished -  (4/28/17) Editing Starts -  (4/28/17) Scene 1 - Roughed out (4/29/17) Scene 2 - Finished (4/29/17) Scene 3 - Roughed out (4/30/17) Retakes start - (4/30/17) Retakes end - (5/20/17) Final Editing - (5/20/17) SFX Editing (5/20/17) Intro Finished (5/20/17) Scene 1 Finished (5/20/17) Scene 3 Finished (5/20/17) Episode Finished (5/20/17) Uploaded - (5/24/17) Released -(5/24/17)
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chaotic-coloring · 8 years
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I’ve been lazy but I do have things to color and line art etc but have this Octavia in the meantime
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gtvscomic · 4 years
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"The first time I tried to listen to one of Scratch's pieces, I found it too loud... The beats were so heavy that they crushed my head...  The rhythm so wild..... ".....The rhythm so wild and savage that it felt like my heart would pound out of my chest... ... I let it take me..... it was beautiful...." Quote attributed to Octavia Philharmonica. (never confirmed)
Chapter 4 page 35 and 36  (all around page 59 and 60)
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Mother of god...What if Octavia made that face in the whole "I Am Octavia" animation? I think she's going metal.
Also the realistic sketch. 
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thewanderingphysicist · 11 years
Sweetie Belle is feeling depressed. She isn't doing well in school, and she cannot even threaten other's with death properly. Octavia suspends her. Can going to a museum calm her nerves?
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abutteredbanana · 11 years
If you haven't seen it yet check out the new Epic Pony Battles of History!
Octavia VS. DJ PON-3
Who'll win??
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gtvscomic · 3 years
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"Octavia wasn't a loud child. She'd always been reserved about... well everything!  Seeing her go wild like this was really shocking. Not a bad thing, mind you! But still shocking." Quote of Vito Philharmonica, (Confirmed)
Chapter 4 page 37  (all around page 61)
Support this project on Patreon to get access to extra contents related to Mariacheat’s writing, early updates on pages, character sheets, wips, tutorials, speepaints and more.
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Vinyl kissu-ed you? You gonna fall deep in luuv nah'
Um… no. As I said before, I do not love Vinyl romantically. That kiss meant nothing.
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