#odessa catacombs
strawberrysands · 2 years
ouu! can i request you write a nate x reader(in a relationship) where theyre in the odessa catacombes w sam and colby? :)
Odessa Catacombs - Nate Hardy
Roughly based off of this video
This is my first request ever ashakjht thank you so much anon! I hope you like it :)
Disclaimer: The video and the story take place before the whole war thingy. I just want to say that I am not in the slightest way ignoring anythinig that is happening at the moment and that my heart goes out to everyone there <3
Summary: you join Nate, Sam, and Colby to explore the Odessa Catacombs in Ukraine
Word count: 3.8k
Warnings: fluff, mentions of death and hauntings, sum kissing, again not proofread lmao
“Babyyyy.” Nate drawls out the last syllable. A small smirk forms on your lips, knowing that he only did that when he wanted something from you.
You’re currently sitting on his couch, feet on the coffee table, mindlessly scrolling through your phone. Nate walks closer to the couch and hugs you from behind, burying his face in your neck.
“Yesss?” You say innocently in the same tone that he did.
“You would do anything for me, right?” He asks, voice muffled by your hair.
You laugh. “Depends on what you want me to do, babe.”
“Sam and Colby are going to Ukraine for a video and asked me to come. Come with me?” He says, and even though you can’t see him, you know that his puppy eyes are on full display.
You pretend to think about it for a moment. “What’s in it for me?” You tease. “What do I get in return?”
You feel the corners of his lips curl up against your neck. “I can think of a few different things.”
He starts placing kisses on your neck and you immediately know you’re  a goner.
“Pretty please?” He pleads. You let out a breath of air when he kisses that particular spot on your collarbone, and he smirks at your reaction.
“Not fair, Hardy.” You huff and you turn around to face your beautiful boyfriend.
“As long as I get the window seat on the plane there.” You say.
So here you are, in Ukraine, countless hours later. You had met up with Sam and Colby as soon as you arrived and are now preparing to start the intro to the video.
“Today, we are going to be visiting the Odessa catacombs, the single largest group of tunnels and underground city in the world.” Sam says to the camera.
“During Odessa’s industrial ‘boom’, they started digging for limestone underneath the surface. But because there were no regulations, they just dug at random.” Nate says.
“Which basically created a massive labyrinth that’s only like, half mapped. So  it’s like, really easy to get lost in there.” You add.
“There were literally like 2 people found dead this year in here.” Colby states.
“Wait really?” You ask. “No one told me about that part.” You chuckle but the fact kind of creeped you out. One of your worst fears about this place was to get stuck down there and never find your way out again.
Colby nods and continues. “Yeah, this isn’t like from ancient times. Even today, people get lost and there’s even cults down there.”
“Right now, we’re at the catacombs museum, a pretty popular tourist spot, but later today, we’re also going into the uncharted catacombs.”
“The wild catacombs.” Nate says dramatically and you snort.
“Wild, seriously? How can a bunch of tunnels be wild?” You ask. Sam had cut the camera by now and you start walking towards your guide.
“Babe, I know a wild thing when I see one.” He smirks as he puts an arm around your shoulders. You playfully roll your eyes at him, and you see Colby in front of you who had turned around to listen to your conversation now turn back again with an odd expression on his face, making you chuckle.
“Alright everyone, this is Ivan, our tour guide. He’s going to be helping us through the tunnels since we have no idea what we’re doing.” Colby says. “Can you maybe tell us some history about the museum and the catacombs itself?”
“The museum here was built in 1960 to remember the partisans who were hiding here during the second world war.” Ivan starts. “But the catacombs are actually just stone mines. Odessa was basically built from this material.”
“If the mines are that big, isn’t there a high risk of it collapsing while we’re in there?” You ask slightly worried, and you feel Nate take your hand in his own.
Ivan nods. “In these types of things, there’s always a risk involved. In fact, there are still many bones of miners buried underneath the collapsed parts. But hopefully everything will be safe today.” He says with a small laugh.
“Hopefully.” You mutter. You feel Nate give your hand a gentle squeeze before he turned to Ivan.
“Do you believe this place is haunted?”
The tour guide shrugs nonchalantly. “Yeah, maybe.”
Sam laughs. “He’s just like, oh whatever.”
“Dude, it’s so much colder in here.” You remark as soon as you step in the tunnels, your worries from earlier disappearing to the background.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be cold like all day.” Sam agrees.
Ivan takes you through numerous rooms and you already feel like you’re completely lost. You learn that the miners often take horses in here and that they would eventually go blind because of the absence of light. After discussing what this place would do to your biological clock and seeing the shooting range, Ivan takes you to the partisans’ hospital.
“Isn’t this like, way too small for all the people that lived down here?” You ask.
“Yes, of course. I am convinced that there are lots of other hospital rooms like this one throughout the tunnels. Obviously they won’t have like the beds in them because this is just part of the museum, but there are lots of places that could have been a hospital like this one.” Ivan says.
“C’mon dude, get it up.” You hear Sam say. You look over and see that Nate was messing with a blood pressure device thing.
“A lot of guys struggle with this, okay.” He says.
“I can help if you like.” You say seductively, winking at him. You see Colby fake gag and you’re pretty sure that if it hadn’t been for this odd lightning, Nate would have been blushing.
“Wrong website, guys!” Sam shouts laughing,
“Join xplrclub for only one dollar this week for more exclusive content.” You say at the camera, wiggling your eyebrows.
The hospital was the last stop of the museum tour, and you had to take a different entrance to go to the uncharted catacombs. What you didn’t realize, however, is that you had to walk up like 5 flights of stairs just to get back to the surface.
Once you get to the top, everyone’s panting heavily.
“Oh, fuck me.” You say, since that was more physical than you thought it would be. You realize how your exclaim sounds and you hold up one hand to Nate. “Don’t you dare make a joke out of that.”
He chuckles as response and puts both of his hands up defensively.
Once you get to the other entrance, you instantly notice the difference with the tunnels from the museum. The ground is muddy and slippery, and you have to carefully pay attention so you don’t end up on your ass.
“Somehow, you have to get down.” Ivan says, and we all let out a laugh.
Colby goes first. “It’s doable.” He says after he gets down. “I only caused like one avalanche.”
Once Nate had safely gotten down there, he extends a hand to you which you gratefully take.
A few meters further, Ivan stops and scans the area. “The entrance of the catacombs is blocked because of the flood. We’ll have to get in this way.” He says, gesturing to a tiny hole in the ceiling.
“We have to fit through that?” You ask perplexed.  You turn to look at Ivan, but he was already gone.
“Bro, our guide just disappeared.” Sam chuckles.
Once again, Colby decides to go first on this one. After a couple of moments of struggle, he had disappeared, and it almost looked like the ceiling had swallowed him. Sam is up next and then it’s your turn.
“Wish me luck.” You say and Nate kisses the top of your head gently. You hand him your go-pro and start climbing up.
“Did you hear that?” Colby asks as soon as you get your head up through the hole.
“What?” You frown, pushing yourself up as gracefully as you could.
“Dude, where did Ivan even go?” Sam wonders while looking around, the sound now completely forgotten.
You lend Nate who was right behind you a hand and pull him up.
“He went left, for sure.” Nate says, going in that direction. And sure enough, you suddenly bump back into Ivan, making your heart skip a beat.
“I checked and the lower levels are ruined from the flood. A lot of small tunnels, so probably not the best idea to go down there.” Your guide says and Sam’s eyes were already screaming ‘hell no’ at the small tunnels part.
“So, I propose we climb up.” Ivan continues, pointing a big gap in the wall about a meter and a half up. He shows us how to climb up and makes it look way easier than it would turn out to be.
“Why do I always wear skinny jeans when we do these types of things?” Colby sighs before holding onto the wall and climbing up. Nate is up next and this time it’s his turn to stretch out his hand for you.  Your foot suddenly slides off the wall and you feel Sam’s hands supporting your butt in order to not make you fall.
“Were you seriously groping my girlfriend’s ass, Golbach?” Nate asks once Sam gets up as well.
“Would you rather she broke her neck?” Sam says and Nate begins laughing. “Dude, I’m joking. Thank you so much for saving the life of my one true love.” He says dramatically, putting a hand over his heart.
Even though he had a playful tone, you couldn’t help but smile at his words.
You gather around the camera to start explaining the ghost stories of this place.
“It’s not just the biggest labyrinth in the world, on top of that, it’s also haunted.” Colby laughs.
“It is. There are a lot of ghost stories from here, one of them being Masha.” Sam says.
“Masha and her friends decided to explore the catacombs here late at night. They were drunk, it was New Year’s eve, and they were just some teenagers looking for some fun. They ended up spending the night here, and when they woke up, Masha wasn’t there anymore. Her friends tried to look for her but they never found her, and now she’s rumored to haunt these tunnels, still looking for a way out.” Colby says.
“Damn, that’s sad.” You say. Nate nods and continues the story.
“There were a lot of search parties sent out to look for her. A while later though, a group of young explores thought they had found her body and took pictures in front of it. A lot of people believed that this story was all a myth. So much even, that a journalist had to pressure the police to get the body out. From the looks of it, she had spent three days in pitch black and cold trying to find her way out before dying to dehydration.”
(A/N: I did some research on this story and there are a lot of different versions. Some of them say that Masha went in alone, others say that her friends went with her and ‘abandoned’ her in the tunnels. Some even say it never even happened. I just went with what I wrote here)
“Another entity that supposedly haunts this place is Bout.” You say. “He is said to protect any treasure from these tunnels. Bout was an officer from Odessa who was on board of the Titanic. They rescued him and he made like a small Titanic out of gold. He hid it in these catacombs and never came back for it.”
“For three generations though, people have come here to look for treasure. As the legend goes, if you took anything from here, Bout would cause amnesia and make whole tunnels collapse to make sure you never got out again. If you died here because of that, you would become the next Bout to protect the treasure here.” Sam says.
“There are actually a few versions of this legend. Another one is that it’s Brigantine, and not the Titanic. We’ll see some pictures of it later.” Ivan says from behind the camera.
“Obviously there are many ghost stories from this place, but I think the last one we should talk about is the White Hunter.” Sam says. “A long time ago, there were two guys down here and one of them got trapped. His friend ended up not helping him get out.”
“You guys better help me get out of here.” Colby says, looking at us.
“Yeah, 100% dude.”
“Oh hell no.” You say and Colby looks at you with a fake shocked face. “You put green hair dye in my shampoo. I’m still not over it.”
“For the record, that was three years ago, as a revenge prank. She had swapped my toothpaste with soy sauce.” He says while looking at the camera, and you grin at the memory.
“Anyway, this guy had so much anger at his friend that he came after anyone that was in here. If you didn’t, like, make the right offering, he could make you the next White Explorer.” Sam continues.        
“Then, there’s another version of this story, that if you do make the right offering he would actually help you get out.” Colby says.
“Do we have anything to offer though?” You ask.
“We have Nate.” Sam deadpans and we all burst out laughing.
“Oh hell no, I don’t want his angry girlfriend putting ketchup in the coffee maker.” Colby says, looking at you with a scared expression.
----- Tiny time skip yall im sorry lol -----
“I can give you, like, a small task to test your orienteering skills if you want.” Ivan says, “if you go left on each crossroad, you should end up right here where we are now.”
“You’d be able to find us if we got lost though, right?” You ask, slightly nervous about going into the catacombs on your own.
“Yeah, I hope so.” Ivan says and everyone starts laughing uncomfortably.
“I’m going to need that hat of yours for this.” You say, taking Nate’s hat off of his head and putting it on your own.
“You look better with it anyway.” Nate flirts and Colby groans.
“Sam, why did we invite the lovebirds?” He says, seemingly annoyed, but you know he doesn’t mean any harm with it. While Colby was the one usually complaining about you and Nate being all cute together, he was also the one who rooted for the two of you the hardest when you weren’t dating yet.
“This is like, my worst nightmare.” Sam says and you immediately agree with him.
Nate places an arm around your waist and pulls you closer to him as you all start to walk into the dark tunnels.
“If we don’t find the way back, at least we’ll die together. That’s kind of romantic, right?” He says, probably attempting to comfort you a little.
“Dude,”, Colby says, “since when is dying together romantic?”
Nate rolls his eyes. “Have you ever heard of Romeo and Juliet?”
You take the first left turn before Sam replies. “Juliet was literally thirteen years old.”
“Guys!” you say loudly. “I don’t see any of you getting comforted by your significant other. Y’all are just jealous.”
Colby laughs. “Fair point.”
“Are we sure this is the right way?” Sam asks as Colby and Nate had already climbed through a hole in the wall.
You shrug, “It’s the only way to go left here.”
“Alright, so far we’ve taken two lefts and now we’re taking a right. So that means we should take two more lefts to make a square.” Sam says, slightly confused. “No wait, one more left.”
“So after three lefts, straight should come here.” Sam continues, pointing at a brick wall. “So if we take a right, we should take one more left.”
You laugh. “I didn’t understand anything of that and I’m pretty sure none of the viewers did too.”
“Wait, guys look.” Colby says, walking to a small hole in the wall.
“We’re not going down that, right?” You say as your eyes go wide.
“Yeah, no, Ivan said we’d come through that massive hole. If the massive hole is through the tiny hole, there’s no fucking way bro. I don’t want to go down that.” Sam says, and he looks just as scared as you.
“So we must have taken a wrong turn.” Colby says, thinking, and you nervously fumble with your hands. Nate notices and takes both of them in his own to calm you down.
 “But we only took left?” Colby wonders, looking confused as shit.
“I guarantee you, the big hole is through the little hole, but I don’t want to go through the little hole.” Sam says, letting out a laugh.
Just as his sentence ends, you hear a bang down the small tunnel, making you jump. Nate lets go of your hands and hugs you from behind, leaning his head on your shoulder.
“Did you hear that?” Colby says with wide eyes.
“Yeah I heard that too.” Sam confirms.
“If this doesn’t work we’ll just go back the way we came, right?” You ask and you feel Nate nod against your shoulder before letting go of you to go first.
Nate attempts to shuffle through the small tunnel, and as he’s almost at the end, he quickly tries to get back as soon as possible.
“Did you hear that?” He asks, still halfway in the hole.
“Dude, that shook the ground. It sounded like giant rocks falling.”
“That means something collapsed, right?” Sam says.
“Ivan!” Nate yells through the tunnel.
“That’s got to be him, right?”
“Oh! Ivan, what’s up?” Nate says relieved as he pokes his head through the other side of the tunnel.
You let out a breath and Sam laughs. “Oh man, I was scared for a moment.”
Sam’s up next and after he tried to crouch through the whole thing, you start to go, but Colby holds you back.
“Wait, let’s mess with them for a bit.” He says and you grin at the idea. After dimming your flashlights, it didn’t take long for your friends to start calling out for you.
“Colby? Y/N?” You hear Sam’s voice. “Guys, are you coming?”
“Y/N? Please, this is not funny, okay?” Nate shouts and you almost feel bad for him.
“Nate really doesn’t give a shit about me.” Colby whispers, laughing,  and you snort before covering your mouth to stifle the sound.
“Should I go check?” Ivan says,  his voice muffled by the rock between you.
“Nah, we’re just messing with you.” Colby says, turning on the flashlight and you hear the others starting to laugh.
Once you got through, Nate places his hands on your hips and pouts. “Don’t do that to me, okay?”
You put your hands on his shoulders, looking into his adorable puppy eyes. “Aww, I’m sorry. A kiss to make it up?” You ask, eyeing his lips.
He grins and connects your lips, lightly squeezing your hips. Your hands make your way up to his hair and you forget where you are as that glorious tongue-
“They’re definitely dying here together.” Sam says and you notice his voice sounds a little too far away.
You pull away from Nate to see that the others had already started to move further down the catacombs.
“Forever lost in eternal love. It’s a good headline.” Colby snickers, looking at the two of you.
You shake your head at your friends before looking back at Nate who had the most adorable expression on his face.
“So it’s totally the hat, right?” You say, smirking. Nate usually wouldn’t let himself go this far when his friends where near.
“Yeah,”, he breathes, “it makes you look really fricking hot.”
--- time skip to the rituals lmao ---
“We are here, us four, all the way from the United States, to talk to any sort of spirit down here.” Sam says.
You were all set up, equipment scattered through the room and candles on the table in front of you. Not to mention the burning goat heads on the walls that made this place look even creepier.
“We don’t mean any harm or disrespect, we just want to hear your story.” You try.
“Woah, look!” Sam exclaims, pointing to the thermal camera that Nate is holding. “That just shut down!”
“And it has like no automatic shut down, right?” Colby asks.
“Yeah, after what happened at the conjuring house I checked, and it didn’t.”
“If anyone is down here, could you maybe try to communicate with us using one of these devices?” Nate asks. “You can come up to them and touch them, to let us know you’re here.”
After getting no response, you tried again with Ivan translating, but that didn’t seem to work either. You decided to move on after about thirty minutes, but then one of the candles from the goat heads fell down.
“Woah, holy fuck!” Sam shouts, walking over to where the candle fell. Just then, another one in the back of the room tumbled down.
“Look! That one as well!” You say, both scared and excited that something was finally happening.
“Dude, two candles just went down, it was like the devil just winked at us.” Sam says.
Almost immediately after Sam said that, a cloak that hung on the wall fell down too, right next to Nate.
“Did you just hit that off?” Sam asks, pointing at the cloak.
“No, it just fell down right next to me!” Nate says with wide eyes.
“Nothing has ever happened before you, so maybe we should just go.” Ivan says from the side of the room, his eyes going between the cloak and the music box going off every now and then.
“Bro, it smell horrible in here.” Colby says.
“Honestly, let’s just get out of here.” You say, now definitely on edge.
“Yeah, if Ivan wants to get out, so do I.” Sam agrees, but another candle falls down.
As Sam and Colby are shouting about it, you grasp Nate’s hand and he squeezes back, just as scared as you are.
“Alright, I’m done.” Ivan says, and everyone agrees to get out of the tunnels.
After the fifteen-minute walk all the way back, you are finally able to breath in fresh air again. You close your eyes as the sun warms your skin, and Nate swears you had never looked more beautiful. The afternoon sun makes your hair look like it’s glowing and a peaceful expression on your face.
“Dude, you’re whipped.” Colby says with a smile, patting him on the shoulder before getting ready to film the outro to the video.
A smile forms on Nate’s face just by looking at you. “Yeah, I am.”
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haemosexuality · 2 years
does anyone have any horror movies or books about like,,,, abandoned tunnels. empty caves miles underground. stuff like that
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dani-says-stuff · 10 months
✧ Nate Video Links ✧
❥ Back to the Control Center
❥ Nate Hardy Masterlist
basically just what i was talking about here since there seemed to be a bit of interest
***these are not dirty links, just the youtube vids***
(oldest -> newest and will be updated accordingly)
“The Origin”
The Full Movie Version
“Exploring Abandoned Dinosaur Amusement Park”
Old Sam and Colby Exploring Type Video
“Exploring USA's Coldest Ghost Town”
Alaska Series
“Overnight Survival in Alaskan Wilderness”
Alaska Series
“it was hard to say goodbye...”
Alaska Series
“We Passed Out While Flying Stunt Planes”
“Terrifying Clown Encounter at Haunted Clown Motel”
“Overnight in Most Expensive Hotel Room”
“Our Return to Haunted Cerro Gordo Ghost Town”
“Overcoming My Broken Back Trauma”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Exploring Abandoned Military School”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles (i think?)
“Surviving Overnight On An Abandoned Island”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Exploring Abandoned Beach Hotel”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Locked in a Haunted Prison Cell”
Exploring East African Islands of Seychelles
“Chernobyl: The People Who Saved The World”
Full Movie Version
“Our Horrifying Night at Haunted Draculas Castle”
Hell Week
“Terrifying Ritual in Worlds Largest Catacombs”
Odessa Catacombs - Ukraine
Hell Week
“Our Haunted Night at Villisca Axe Murder House”
“Our Demonic Encounter at Haunted Sallie House”
“A Night Alone in Haunted Hospital”
**Content Warning Before Video**
Fairfield Infirmary
“A Terrifying Experience at Insane Asylum”
Madison Seminary
“Our Horrifying Night in Haunted Prison”
**Content Warning Before Video**
Ohio State Reformatory
“A Horrifying Encounter at Haunted Black Swan Estate”
**Content Warning Before Video**
Victorias Black Swan Inn
“The Hospital of Nuns: a Night Turned Demonic”
Yorktown Memorial Hospital
Hell Week
“We're Never Coming Back to This Haunted Plantation”
Myrtles Plantation
Hell Week
“Our Demonic Encounter with World's Most Haunted Doll”
Robert the Doll
Let me know if anythings wonky, but that should be it :)
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Come here and give mumma a hug, hmmm?!?!?
Delphini gasped, ink spilling across fresh parchment as she whirled around in her chair. Her jaw dropped, eyebrows crawling up to her hairline as her eyes validated what her ears already knew. 
Mum wasn’t supposed to be back for another moon turn at least!
Father had sent her out on a massive assignment deep in Eastern Europe, the last time Delphini had heard from her she was tracking her target down into the Odessa catacombs. Word from her mother had gone quiet after that. Father was, of course, unconcerned. Delphini wished she could channel that same level of apathy... these weeks had not been easy for her. 
The ink is still dripping onto the floorboards when Delphini catapults into her mother’s open arms. 
She hadn’t even felt the witch cross the wards!
Her mother’s magic was as assuaging as ever. It rolled over Delphini in familiar waves, wrapping around with the same comfort that her arms promised. 
“I had no idea you were here - Father hadn’t said a word!”  
If she weren’t so thrilled she’d be more miffed. Certainly, mum had already checked in with Him? Meaning Delphini had somehow missed her mother’s grand entrance. Even in her sleep someone crossing the wards would have certainly woken her... 
“When did you get back?” 
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youhauntmydreams · 2 years
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Odessa catacombs 
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emzeciorrr · 2 years
Oh Odessa from Joerg Daiber on Vimeo.
I was visiting Ukraine by the end of last summer and stayed a few days in Odessa to hang out at the beach for a bit, enjoy some sea food and do a trip to the catacombs...and shoot this episode of course.
Only a few month later Ukraine has been under attack and tousands of people have been killed. I still can not wrap my head around that.
It's diffcult to not to get involved in politics these days and I still try hard, but I'll say this much: F**k the ugly, bald guy!
Gear list: Lumix GH5 amzn.to/3cqZg3G Lumis S 24-105 mm lens_ amzn.to/36s16h8 Lumix 7-14 mm amzn.to/3ckx3f4 Lumix 14-140mm amzn.to/3r61aeq Gimbal Weebill S amzn.to/3r77diC 360° Camera amzn.to/3cnMkeX Actioncam: amzn.to/3ta5QSc Mavic Pro 2 amzn.to/2Yxw0A4 DJI Mini 2 (Great with new EU regulation) amzn.to/2MG5mlW SSD amzn.to/36tQU7T & amzn.to/36r7u89 SD Cards: amzn.to/3agwXSV Boom Pole for Gimbal amzn.to/3tbrPIr Gorillpod: amzn.to/2NRM4uH Tripod: amzn.to/3r4Hibj Tall Tripod for „No drone zones“: amzn.to/3crDKw2 Backpack: amzn.to/3r2x4IH Macbook Pro: amzn.to/3j3KmBH iMac: amzn.to/2NQkSfP iPhone SE as screen for drone and Gimbal: amzn.to/3ox5eT9 Phone wristholder for „gimbal on pole shots“: amzn.to/3rctHPz Post Production: amzn.to/3tbUYDy As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small fee from qualifying purchases.
Social Media Facebook: facebook.com/LittleBigWorld Twitter: twitter.com/spoonfilm YouTube: youtube.com/littlebigworld Web: spoonfilm.com
A time lapse & tilt shift & aerial video by Joerg Daiber
You can license raw footage clips from the Little Big World series here: gettyimages.de/video/spoonfilm?assettype=film&phrase=spoonfilm
Music: Welcome to the Fire by Willyecho
Shot with Lumix GH4 and GH5, 14-140mm and 7-14mm Lumix Lenses. Postproduction with DaVinci Resolve Studio.
This video is subject to copyright owned by spoonfilm gmbh. Any reproduction or republication of all or part of this video is expressly prohibited, unless spoonfilm has explicitly granted its prior written consent. All other rights reserved.
Copyright © 2022 spoonfilm. All Rights Reserved.
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unexplained-events · 5 years
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Partial map of the Odessa Catacombs. They have not been completely mapped and it is estimated that they are over 1550 miles (2500 KM) in total length. 
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transantichrist · 5 years
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sbnkalny · 3 years
Mozzarella cheese is the only good kind of cheese.
Cheese is cheese is cheese is cheese is Cheese is cheese.
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ancientorigins · 3 years
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strawberrysands · 2 years
|| Masterlist ||
Numbers next to the title indicate word count. If there is none, it's less than 1k
Sam and Colby:
Colby Brock - Scared out of my mind (3.1k)
Criminal Minds:
Spencer Reid - Pretty hot (1.2k)
Spencer Reid - Drunk blurb
The rookie:
comming soon!
Nate Hardy - Odessa Catacombs
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imaginecolby · 3 years
make the first move || c.b.
summary: when colby sees you getting close to nate, he gets a lotta little bit jealous.
requested by anonymous.
sam and colby were two of your best friends, so when they offered to take you on their exploration adventures, you always said yes. usually, you accompanied them on their trips within the united states, so when they offered to take you to the ukraine to visit the odessa catacombs, it took you by surprise.
"what? you never invite me on your international trips." you said excitedly when they suggested the trip.
"there's a first time for everything. come with us! it'll be fun." colby said with a soft smile.
"i think you'll enjoy this trip. it's gonna be such a unique experience." sam added.
it didn't take long for you to think it over and decide what you wanted to do. before you knew it, you were on an airplane headed to the ukraine.
this trip was different in a couple of ways. not only was this your first international trip, they'd also invited their high school friend nate to come along as well. you'd heard of nate, through stories of their boy's trips and other exploration adventures, and met him a couple times when he'd come out to LA to visit and stayed for parties. he was really nice those couple of times, so you were excited to spend some more time with him and get to know him better.
your adventure took place almost as soon as you got to the ukraine, so you were excited. you loaded up your bags, the boys loaded up their camera and ghost hunting equipment, you met up with your tour guide and you were on your way.
you and nate remained rather close throughout the day, him helping you up onto high ledges and keeping your safety in mind the entire time you were in the catacombs. you didn’t mind it though. it was dark in there, and the rocks were rough to climb, so you were glad that he was there. in addition to that, you were having such great conversation with him. he was very philosophical, and you enjoyed hearing his views on things. his personal anecdotes describing people he'd met, along with a life lesson he'd taken away from that meeting. he really opened your mind up with rousing conversation.
watching from the distance, colby did not like to see you being chummy with nate. he felt a burning sensation that started way in the pit of stomach that rose all the way to the top of his head.
he was jealous.
he didn't like seeing you laughing it up with nate, he didn't like seeing you playfully hitting his arm after he told a dirty joke. he sure as hell didn't like seeing nate throwing his arm around your shoulders as you talked and laughed as if you two were the old high school friends.
but he couldn't be upset with anyone but himself. he never told anyone that he had feelings for you. other than sam, of course. but he never opened up to you about them. he knew he should have, he just didn't have the courage. now two of some of his closest friends were the victims of his irrational jealousy, and they didn't even know it.
the rest of the day, colby tried his hardest to keep his mind on the video you were filming, and prepare himself for the séance they were going to perform. he'd just gotten himself out of his head when he heard you laughing at nate again. he forced himself to ignore it and focus on filming. him and sam finished setting up for the séance and you all sat down around the candles. you sat down next to colby and you felt him scoot away from you. it took you by surprise, but you figured it was just stress from filming.
as if you all weren't already scared, there was a palpable tension between the group. colby was upset and he was making sure that everyone knew it. things were going wrong, he was being short with everyone, and was hardly focused.
"what is going on with you?" you asked him.
"nothing." he spat, not even looking at you.
"alright, let's take a few minutes to regroup. we'll come back to this in a few minutes." sam suggested.
"can i talk to you?" you asked colby, but he just got up and walked away from you. you followed him and grabbed his arm before he got to far. "what the hell? why are you acting to mean all of a sudden?"
"it's nothing. it doesn't matter." he said quietly, crossing his arms over your chest.
"it does matter. you were so excited this morning and now it's like you don't even wanna be here."
"why don't you go confide in nate? you seem to be having a better time with him anyway."
"are you serious? is that what this is about? you're mad that i've been getting to know your friend?"
"it just feels like you're really getting to know each other."
"well, if that's how you feel then i'll step back. i don't want to come between you and him. he's been your friend longer than i have. i don't want you to feel like i'm stealing him or anything."
"oh, nice guilt tripping."
"well, nate's not going to guilt trip you. he doesn't know that you have feelings for me."
"how do you know that?" colby asked, standing up straight.
"let's just say that you and sam are not very quiet when you're having your talks in the living room."
"hey, those are supposed to be private." he laughed.
"well maybe you should speak softer." you teased. "you especially. you've got a very boisterous voice."
"y'know, i've heard that before."
"colby, i know you like me. and i like you too. but i hate that neither of us has been brave enough to make the first move."
"well, maybe we can think about this being a first move, for both of us. it's not really official, but it could work."
"yeah. i guess it could. maybe not for other people, but it could for us." you laughed.
"(y/n), look. i'm sorry i overreacted to everything. i love that you're getting to know nate. he's one of my best friends, and so are you. so of course i want you both to get along. i just let my feelings get the best of me."
"it's okay, it happens. but i'm sure you and i both know how we could've avoided all of this."
"yeah, i think i have an idea." he said with a smile. he pulled you into his arms and pressed a soft kiss to your lips.
"that's exactly what i had in mind." you smiled, kissing him again.
"hey! are you guys good? we've got a video to finish." sam called from the area you were set up.
"oops. forgot the real reason we were here." colby laughed. "c'mon." he said, taking your hand in his and walking back to the filming area.
"you guys okay?" nate asked.
"perfect." you said as you sat back down. you started the séance, caught some good evidence and finished up the video.
once you made your way out of the catacombs and back to your hotel, the rest of the night was quiet, considering how tired you all were. but you were glad that things were okay between you and the boys, and you and colby. and you were especially glad that you and colby worked things out and could finally take that next step from friends to a couple.
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warcrmnl · 4 years
"It's not your fault. Blame yourself for this and you might as well blame yourself for the whole world ending." Her words as kind as ever, if tired, her good hand reaching out as if to touch his wrist, before she thinks the better of it, ears and eyes downcast. For the first time, Loredis looks and feels all of her near four-hundred years, the weight of the world on shoulders too exhausted to bear it. Still, she comforts, because that is what she does. "We'll find a way around this." -mythologae
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"You wanna go downstairs and tell the fifteen floors of infected that, be my guest; read a room." Pulling away was well practiced, a lifetime of automatically shifting away because outright saying don't fucking touch me didn't tend to go over well with people-- teeth grit. She meant well.
She meant well. She meant well. She meant well. She meant well.
Good for her.
"You wanna patronise someone, I'm pretty sure Thor's rattling around somewhere." At least the undercurrent of anger kicked him back into gear, to move and flick through holographic renderings of system readings throughout the building. Look at that, still just as fucked. Because he hadn't thought of everything, because he'd been too busy with a hundred other things.
Because he hadn't had the foresight to throw some kind of barrier up, when he knew damn well how easily animals could carry infected blood after seeing it happen in person. And now over a hundred people were dead in the building that was supposed to keep them safe-- or rather, as good as dead since any cure continued be like slamming your head into a concrete wall.
Because he hadn't known the virus was being tampered with in his own city.
You might as well blame yourself for the world ending. NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT.
"There isn't a way around this." The problem was damage control. The floors were locked down, but the ventilation system wasn't designed to handle being so specific even of he reversed it-- so flooding just those floors with anything was too dangerous, too much chance of something going wrong and the kill agent leaking or backflowing into the rest of the building. He was going to have to do it the hard way, himself; in a suit, manually. Fantastic. The catacombs all over again. "So spare me the hippy fairy bullshit, because some of us have work to do."
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el-michoacano · 4 years
An AU I may or may not make something of:
Alina is attending university in Odessa, studying philosophy. As she begins a unit on death, she decides to check out the catacombs beneath the city.
In a little cavern off the main path, she finds a young man, beautiful and bound to the wall by a set of heavy iron chains.
She asks, “What are you doing down here?”
The boy answers with a question of his own: “Why are you so far away from the path?” His voice is low and soft, though a bit scratchy from lack of use.
“Does it matter?” Alina cautiously steps forward, kneeling before the boy and examining the chains holding him back. They’re bolted to the floor and thoroughly rusted. When she brushes her thumbnail over the metal, a bit flakes off. They’re rusted into the floor in a few spots. “How long have you been down here?”
The boy shrugs. “I don’t know.” His eyes are crystalline gray, and they’re ancient. “After a few centuries, I lost track.”
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated!
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tanyacroft · 7 years
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Game: Rise of the Tomb Raider Costume: Remnant Jacket Model: Tanya Croft (me) Costume by Alex Beyket Photographer: Alex Beyket Location: Odessa, Wild Catacombs Date of shooting: 16/08/2016
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florenceisfalling · 3 years
just saw something about the odessa catacombs and my dumbass fucking yeehaw brain was like “ODESSA?? LIKE IN TEXAS???” no you idiot 
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