#of all the characters i think they did milligan the least dirty in the show
hol-hot-wholesome · 2 years
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0 notes - Posted November 29, 2022
This reminds me...
All this talk about Goncharov reminded me of something I'd forgotten. ITC's late-period (mid-80s) entry into Superhero adventure, The Independents!
Of course, by that time, Lord Grade had largely moved on from the entertainment business, but for the money they spent, and what they achieved in effects, the Independents remains one of my favourite British shows of all time.
And even the Fifth, and especially the Sixth Doctor, could barely compete with ITC's money. ITV Dominated Saturday teatime with their show.
Anyone else remember the Independents?
0 notes - Posted November 22, 2022
It's that time again! Tonight, or in the early hours of Tomorrow Morning, at least in my vicinity, Technical Night returns!
The worst of Summer is over!
5 weeks to Pumpkin Spice Season!
0 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Random Thoughts
Been thinking a lot lately about the 1969 supposed "Worst show ever Made" Turn-On.
Specifically, how the format was supposedly way ahead of its time, being all technological, the main conceit being that the show was formulated by a computer.
And I got to thinking, what would an AI comedy sketch show look like?
Go mad with that one, if you want.
Of course, Turn-On was supersonically fast-paced by 1969 standards, though the Fast Show of the 1990s also featured shortish catchphrase based skits.
And its February 5 sole episode airing (which in some US states didn't even make it past the commercial break) preceded even the legendary Monty Python's Flying Circus by several months, though Spike Milligan's Q5 (the first series, Don't ask) aired it's first episode on 24 March in the UK, on BBC2. (of course, as this kind of comedy was meant for the alternative BBC2, though Python was originally aired on BBC1.)
Perhaps, if George Schlatter, Producer of Turn-On, had gotten in touch with someone over here, he could've talked someone into Screening Turn-On in the UK. After all, we love a good Double Entendre in the UK, and we're quite fond of dirty jokes too!
Anyways, just a thought...
0 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
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captain-lonagan · 3 years
literally nobody here follows me for the mysterious benedict society but the thing that bothers me most about the disney plus version is that they changed who the bad guys are in a meta way. like yes it’s all the same names (plus an evil scientist?) and locations but like. the bad guy here has changed.
like, let’s take a look at the first mbs book:
for context please remember it came out in 2007. it’s a Bush presidency publication and was written during the Bush presidency. all the adult characters are being freaked out by The Emergency and demanding a leader that takes action. The Emergency is a fake crisis being broadcasted directly into people’s brains by an angry old man that wants control over everything. jackson and jillson are tall and athletic and prone to violence (to this day i don’t think any book character has inspired the amount of raw fear those two inspired in me). mr benedict is calm and collected, when he gets his hands on the brain sweeper he puts it in a room full of abstract, soft colored walls and basically makes it a therapy machine to heal me curtain’s brain sweeper victims. number two, rhonda, and benedict are all odd but nonetheless very capable adults. mr curtain is loud and does not give a flying fuck about his students outside of their use in the brain sweeper. classes at the institute are all repetition of phrases and fake facts. when kate and constance are falling behind in classes because they’re not great at memorizing random bullshit, Reynie is the one that decides they should cheat and this is framed as a good idea by the narrative.
meanwhile in the disney show:
The Emergency is pretty much the same but mr curtain is a calm, collected man in a neat suit. he’s a very PC businessman and plays nice with his workers 90% of the time. he loves his son (SQ is in the books but he is Not mr curtain’s son and whether or not mr curtain cares about him at all is eeeeeh). mr benedict, number two, and rhonda all bicker constantly. mr benedict proposes cheating and this is framed as a great moral failing. jackson and jillson are stuck up preps that will rat on you, but theres no moment in the show where you fear for the kids lives when jackson and jillson are alone with them. the institute is full of colors and minimalist abstract designs. it looks like the college my grandpa told me not to go to because he said it would make me communist. mr curtain checks on his classes and some of the classes are all fun brain games meant to encourage creative, out of the box thinking.
i understand having the change things when doing book-to-screen adaptations. some things that work to deliver a message/story on paper don’t work on camera, it’s fine that those things are adjusted so that the story and Vibes can get through. the problem i have with the mbts changes is that they don’t change the story to fit the screen, they change the story to fit disney. they change who the bad guy is.
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the final battle crack fic i wrote in its entirety
since this is the last opportunity before we find out what actually happens 😭this is just utter hilarity so i didn’t want to put it on AO3 lol
contains spoilers for ep 7, some things that happen in the ending of the book, and my speculations for the show’s finale (some are totally crack, but some are more legit possibilities)
As the blimp approached Nomansan Island, Mr. Benedict took stock of the situation. He had with him three women who all looked out for blood in their own individual ways, one secret agent (hopefully alive) on the island, and four very smart children who were presumably with him. He considered that he should probably not assume they are all together; knowing the children it was highly likely they had eluded him in order to conduct a dangerous mission. His stomach twisted at the thought. 
Number Two was navigating the blimp. Her face was set in an expression of stoic determination, and the pockets of her jacket bulged with contents unknown to him. She was chewing angrily on a piece of beef jerky as she rotated the steering wheel. Good, good. At least one of his companions looked none too out of the ordinary. Rhonda had hastily compiled a battle outfit consisting of a facemask covering her mouth and nose and a fashionable looking tracksuit. She carried a backpack filled with spray paint that she had brought “just in case” and was now informing Miss Perumal of her experience participating in direct action protests. 
“It is an ethical stance, you see, because the conscious does not allow one to do nothing– no matter how small that action is,” she said. Mr. Benedict smiled. He loved seeing the strong character Rhonda possessed shining through.
Miss Perumal looked every inch the schoolteacher she was. She wore neat black slacks, a pink sweater, and coordinating jacket. Her shoes were flat but still made a satisfying clicking sound, indicating a small protrusion at the heel. She appeared composed enough, but Mr. Benedict could sense the anger emanating from her, the determined wrath of a mother whose child is endangered. He made a mental note to thank her at a later date for being such a wonderful teacher for Reynie. If they survived, that is.
Number Two shouted from the helm that they were nearing the island.
“Where shall I chart our course?” she asked, with all the seriousness of a military general. Mr. Benedict examined the horizon. A large tower was in sight, practically begging for invading air travellers to notice. This must be the tower the children had told them about over morse code. It was undoubtedly their target.
“He’s built us a veritable lighthouse, my dear Number Two. I propose we follow its shine.”
It was at that moment that a sizable commotion could be heard from the surface of the island. They had, unsurprisingly, been noticed. Students stared and pointed while adults who appeared to be security details shouted frantically into radios. There was one particularly large group of these adults who surrounded a quite familiar face.
“Milligan’s been captured!” Number Two cried.
“Milligan’s alive!” Rhonda countered.
“Yes, yes, that is...quite the development...oh dear,” Mr. Benedict said, swaying slightly. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, rubbing the plaid fabric of his shirt. “I’m alright, Rhonda, it’s passed.” 
Seeing as the concept of stealth was now off the table, they prepared to make a calamitous entry. Number Two lowered the blimp into a clearing near the tower and adjacent to the pavilion in which Milligan was being held. It appeared that his imprisoners had been in the process of moving him somewhere to be held or interrogated when the arrival of the blimp proved a delay. When they were about fifteen feet away from the ground, Rhonda took out her spraypaint and shot a stream of fuschia directly into the eyes of Milligan’s captors. Blinded, they fell to the ground, and Milligan seized the opportunity to pick the lock of his chains using the zipper on his pants.
“I don’t remember this being part of the plan, sir!” he shouted upwards, pausing periodically to land punches into the men who were now attempting to prevent his escape without the benefit of their eyesight. 
“Reevaluation became necessary!” Mr. Benedict returned. “Where are the children?”
“That I do not know. I left them after allowing myself to be captured as a distraction. I can only hope that they have prevailed.”
At this point, the blimp had touched down on the ground, and its four passengers disembarked. They made haste towards the tower. Miss Perumal took the lead, and when more security agents appeared, she glared at them with such deadly force that they blanched and stepped out of her way. Upon reaching the door to the tower, she found it locked, and stepped aside for Mr. Benedict. He examined the panel and entered a password. The door opened.
“How did you do that?” Miss Perumal asked.
“Nathanial always used that password. Even when we didn’t have any real vaults to guard, and he was just telling me stories about being a secret agent. Really, though, you would think for your megalomaniac mind control tower you’d want to be a bit more original, but– no matter.”
With an astonished chuckle, Miss Perumal continued in her march up the tower stairs. Her shoes clacked ferociously against the tile. At last, they made it to the top. Mr. Benedict was rather out of breath, and Number Two pulled a water bottle out of her pockets, which he accepted unblinkingly. This door did not have a passcode, and so Milligan kicked it sharply, watching with a satisfied sigh as it fell to the ground.
“That’s called the old-fashioned way,” he said.
The sight inside was extraordinary. Sticky was seated in a strange contraption. A helmet that looked rather like an egg was attached to his head. Nathaniel– god, it was really him, his brother– was seated in a chair facing Sticky. Reynie was standing behind Mr. Curtain next to the room’s large window, and looked to have been halfway through removing its screen. Outside the window, Kate hung dangling from a rope attached to the adjacent flagpole, with Constance tied to her back. Her face was one of utmost terror. All of them had paused in what they were doing to stare in shock at the busted down door and the five adults who stood behind it. 
Mr. Benedict took a step into the room, looked at his brother, and promptly collapsed onto the floor. The others were prepared to fight Mr. Curtain, but he made no moves towards aggression. He simply sat in his chair and stared at his brother, now laying in what looked to be a painful position on the ground. His eyes looked strangely devoid. A moment passed, then he seemed to come to his senses, and he flared with anger.
“Snakes and dogs!” he barked, his voice a cuttingly malicious sting. He understood himself to be surrounded. He pressed a button on the seat of his chair.
“What are you incompetent fools doing here? And why would you let him fall like that?” he screamed, looking at Mr. Benedict. He then promptly turned an alarming shade of white, apparently realizing what he had just said.
“I mean...of course you will never defeat me! One of you is already down for the count, and I haven’t needed to lift a finger! My security agents will be here shortly. I have just summoned them with this button.”
Miss Perumal strutted up to him, looked him directly in the eyes, and slapped him hard across the face. He spluttered.
“How dare you endanger Reynie! You should be ashamed of yourself, you pathetic excuse for a father and an educator!” 
Mr. Curtain had shut down again. He did not appear to be taking in any of what Miss Perumal was saying, but this did not deter her. She continued yelling until Reynie ran over to her and wrapped his arms around her. She quieted down in the interest of not hurting his ears. 
“We’ll see how well those security people do with paint in their eyes,” Rhonda quipped, choosing to ignore the scene that had just occurred. Mr. Curtain startled.
“Wait, with what?”
It was at this point that Mr. Benedict stirred. He felt a sizable bump on the side of his head, and his muscles ached as he made to sit up. Number Two ran forward and pulled him up into a standing position. He would have to ignore the pain he was in.
“Rhonda, if you would be so kind as to assist Reynie in letting our friends through that window, I would be much obliged,” he said. He then leveled his gaze at his brother. He stayed awake this time.
“You haven’t gotten any better at taming those curls, Nicky,” Mr. Curtain said coldly. Mr. Benedict swayed at the invocation of his childhood nickname, but held steady. Number Two kept her hands placed steadily on his shoulders.
“You haven’t thought of any new passwords.”
“What is going on here? Why...why has it come to this, Nathaniel?” Mr. Benedict asked, his voice cracking. There were tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“You know as well as I do that nothing in this wretched world is owed to us, brother. You’ve got to take what you want. You’ve got to take power. You’ve got to take control. Really, I’d be surprised you were content to live for so many years as some obscure scientist who nobody really respects. Then again, you were always the soft one.”
The window had now been opened, and Kate and Constance heaved themselves inside. Constance strode directly toward the chair in which Sticky was still seated, openmouthed.
“Move aside, George Washington,” she ordered. He rose obediently. Constance fitted the egg helmet around her head and sat quietly for a moment. She seemed to be taking in the situation. Then, without warning, she screamed.
Number Two took this moment of great distraction as an opportunity to shoot Mr. Curtain with her slingshot. He fell to the ground, unconscious. The longer that Constance screamed, the weaker she appeared. Eventually her shouts were more like determined moans. The machine that the egg was attached to crackled and sparked, and finally, it seemed to combust. There was a nasty sounding mechanical noise. A small fire started in the ceiling, which Kate quickly contained. Constance had overwhelmed the machine. She fell over, hardly awake, and Mr. Benedict rushed to her side.
“I believe that it is time for our escape, friends,” he said, making his way towards the door with Constance in his arms.
The group made their way down out of the tower, preparing for the fight that would no doubt ensue as they attempted to escape the island. Rhonda paused as they reached the outside of the tower. She grabbed her spray paint once again and aimed at the tower wall.
“Nathaniel Curtain looks washed out in blue?” Number Two read, “Really, Rhonda?”
“It is true. He cannot pull off that suit,” Constance mumbled.
Everyone laughed, and the society basked in the knowledge that this was the end of their mission at last.
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deans-haunted-baby · 5 years
Why I don’t think Michael will side with Chuck in the End
I know there’s theories floating around that Michael may have been deceiving the Winchesters in 15x08. Its true we have no idea what his agenda is or if he’s that interested in playing nice with TFW. They did trap him in Hell with their half brother for a long time so he’s not exactly warm & fuzzy about that. However this isn’t the psychotic, sinister version of Michael from the alternate universe nor is he the same steel cold obedient soldier back in 5x22. He’s changed massively. There’s more humanity in him now than he’d like to admit. In spite of what we’ve seen from Michael in the past, I don’t think he’s interested in harming Sam and Dean, at least not currently. And I just can’t see him running to Chuck, not after receiving all that alarming information. So I'm going to present the following reasons for why he probably won’t turn on the boys. Number 1 being the most important. Adam Milligan.
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For however it happened the archangel bonded with a human. The formally resurrected 19 yr old illegitimate son of John Winchester. All those years spent in the cage these two managed to forge an understanding between one another; an unusual strong connection. They're friends and allies. Michael listens to and respects Adam’s opinions even if he doesn’t always agree. Allows him freedom to control his own body. And despite being the ruthless warrior that he still is, Michael’s been shown to be much more merciful, patient and compassionate compared to when the boys last faced him. Because of his relationship with Adam, Michael’s developed a newfound appreciation for humanity similar to his aunt Amara aka the Darkness. He truly cares about Adam and protects him. Like at the diner when he smote Lilith for posing a threat. Then instead of killing the witnesses in front of Adam, Michael chooses to spare their lives by erasing their memories. He even defended Adam to the Winchesters further demonstrating that he does consider his feelings. That’s beyond the person he was when he told Dean “Adam isn’t home right now” all those years ago.
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So I have no doubt Michael will do what ever means necessary to keep Adam safe from Chuck, who is hell bent on destroying the world which Adam is part of. Even if that means siding with some old enemies to take him down so be it. As the old saying goes “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. Of course that doesn’t mean Adam shares any love for Sam and Dean. Hell no. He made that pretty clear at the diner. He has every reason and right to hate them after ten years of failure to save him from Hell. Every reason to make them suffer. Adam deserves to be pissed at the Winchesters and the world for doing him dirty like that. But...for better or worse, Sam and Dean are still his brothers. Its for that reason and that reason alone that I don’t see Michael threatening to go after them later. He knows Adam wouldn’t want that unless (he really is a scheming crazy person deep inside) Michael’s friendship with him is just smoke & mirrors which I don’t believe for one second. 
And Adam’s been presented as being a very forgiving, kind soul despite all the pain he’s been through. Revenge wasn’t even on his mind the moment he got out of that cage. It was human food on top of wanting to go back to school or get a job. Meaning he cared more about getting back to some sense of normalcy. Then when Castiel and the Winchesters pulled him and Michael into their crisis, Adam was willing to hear their side and attempted to convince Michael to help them. Why go through that whole charade if Adam just wanted Sam and Dean hurt or dead? They had every opportunity to double-cross TFW while being held captive but instead Michael & Adam chose to put aside their grievances, at least for the moment, and give the Winchesters something useful. Now whether or not the spell actually works (I doubt it’ll be that simple) is the mystery. However this definitely not the last time we’ll see these two characters which brings me to point number 2. Jack Kline.
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This is a big one. Why you ask? Well lets go over that scene in 15x08 where Castiel shares his memories with Michael and Adam. There was so much foreshadowing in this moment (from Michael/Adam’s return down the road, to Michael’s unavoidable confrontation with Chuck and finally his eventual encounter with the young Nephilim himself) based on how that scene was shot and edited. The primary objective was Michael watching Jack die at the snap of Chuck’s fingers and reacting to it along with all the other nasty business his dad’s been doing behind the scenes. Talking didn’t seem to be enough to get through to Michael and neither did antagonizing him. His stubbornness and arrogance wasn’t surprising being he is the Prince of Heaven and has a blind idealized devotion for his father as his loyal son. So in order to open Michael’s eyes and get him to see the truth, Castiel focuses his energy on the most ruthless, evil act Chuck has ever committed. Murdering his grandson and Michael’s nephew. 
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Doing this Castiel shatters that righteous image Michael has had of his father forever because Chuck/God (father of all creation) is suppose to be the embodiment of light, love, hope, peace and benevolence. He created Michael to be his champion of humanity; the guardian protector of Heaven and Earth. Its Michael’s sworn destiny to defend good against evil. And Chuck crossed the line, several in fact. He represents everything Michael was born to oppose. Trying to mess with free will, attempting to destroy everything he created all out of spite because the Winchesters refused to play his games anymore. But above every horrible thing he’s ever done there’s no sin greater than taking the life of his own flesh and blood. A child born of a human (God’s greatest creation) and an archangel (Michael’s younger brother Lucifer whom, despite their conflict, he loved immensely). That is unforgivable. No matter how much he may still love him, Michael has absolutely no reason to trust his father; not after all those centuries of deception. And Chuck has shown he has no regard for human life let alone the lives of his own family which Jack’s death all represents. 
Now Michael chose to leave at the end of 15x08 after giving our heroes the spell to trap Chuck and showing them the door to Purgatory. But what’s interesting about that is his reference to the Darkness. It’s unclear if Michael even knows Amara has been released and neither Dean or Castiel ever mention it. I wonder if he can sense her energy. So the question is where is Michael going? Is he planning to seek her out or leaving to confront his father (which I doubt since Chuck is preoccupied with Sam and Eileen at the moment)? What we do know is Michael and Adam can’t avoid the inevitable. They’re as much apart of this fight as TFW whether they like it or not. It all depends on which side Michael ultimately chooses. Will he align himself with the Winchesters or is he going to be on his own side? It’ll be interesting to find out when the show returns in 2020!  And I’ve been thinking a lot about what Michael’s interaction with Jack will look like when they’re finally reunited because if its anything like what we saw with Gabriel (or better) that could be a good sign for Sam, Dean and Castiel. 
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 Out of all his paternal family members Jack’s so far met his biological dad (that didn’t go over so well), his grandfather (that didn’t go well either) and one of his archangel uncles. He’s yet to encounter his great aunt Amara the Darkness or his most powerful famous warrior uncle. The original Michael. Those are interactions I’d very much like to see happen before the show ends. But for arguments sake lets say Michael does consider turning on the Winchesters. Not that he would or might but what if he still has doubts. Jack could be TFW’s best chance at gaining Michael’s trust, cooperation and alliance. He could tell his uncle that Castiel and the Winchesters had been raising him as their own; protecting him since he was born. Things I’m sure Michael might appreciate. Or Jack could confide his biggest regret (accidently killing Mary Winchester) as a means to bond with Michael and help him understand the Winchester brothers a little better. Reminding Michael and Adam of redemption and forgiveness. That any pain the Winchesters might’ve caused them has no comparison to what Jack took from Sam and Dean and yet they’re still a family.
It’ll be fascinating to see how they go about the dynamic between these characters considering what happened with AU Michael in S13 and S14. Jack may be a little hesitant of his uncle at first and Michael may be hostile (since he probably knows Nephilim are forbidden) yet curious or a combination of both. Or maybe their first encounter may be a bit softer than expected what with Adam in the middle of things. Michael could become very taken with Jack and protective of him. He was very distraught after seeing those horrifying images of his father killing his nephew. And I could see Adam being their ice breaker (oh the comedic possibilities of this!) he’s a very laidback, likable chill dude not to mention Sam and Dean’s half brother. Yah that little detail is probably going to be the most shocking for Jack since Adam’s never been a blip on the Winchesters’ radar.
Moving onto point number 3. Heaven. It’s dying which is why Jack was manipulated into creating new angels to power it up. After all the damage done by Metatron, Lucifer and the Entity it’s left in ruin and without proper leadership. We know as of right now Michael has no intention of going back there. He’s severely withdrawn since learning his brothers are all deceased and probably feels like a failure and a fool. But none the less he’s got unfinished business back home. By the time Supernatural ends someone’s got to be left in charge of things up there, my moneys on either Amara or Michael since he’s the heir to the throne of Heaven. It would be a fitting ending for either of them. Maybe Michael will somehow restore Heaven’s power (with Amara and Jack) and reopen it for the all the earthbound souls. Or maybe in the aftermath of the final showdown against Chuck, Michael will just hang around with Adam and whoever else is left standing on Earth. And finally we reach my last point number 4. Amara.
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What do we know about Michael’s complicated history with his aunt? Not much either than the fact that he and his brothers were ordered by Chuck to seal her away centuries ago; with no intention of ever releasing her. Something tells me Amara wouldn’t harbor any kind of affection for Michael, not after what we saw with Lucifer. And we have no idea if she still shares that same connection with Dean as she did in S11 (though rumor has it they got an upcoming storyline together in the back-half of S15) or if she’s even interested in lending a hand in the Winchesters’ business of saving the world. However Amara has been shown, like Michael, to have developed a love for humanity. She’s having the time of her life vacationing all over and taking advantage of her freedom. I don’t think she’d be too thrilled knowing her brother plans to destroy all he’s accomplished and he’s not exactly her favorite person to be around. She’s completely done with Chuck’s crap. He’s alienated her to the point where she wants to be as far from him as humanly possibly. 
And if she does still view Dean in a favorable light after what he’d done for her, that could be what persuades Amara into helping TFW. Michael would have to be an absolute moron to attempt an attack (if he decided to make them his enemies) if Sam and Dean manage to get the Darkness on their side. Its canon that she’s far more powerful than the archangels which is why it took all of them combined to lock her away. That said I don’t think Michael’s character is being set up as a villain. We already had AU Michael, been there done that. Nor do I see him and Amara at odds specifically because of their deteriorating ties to Chuck. Could their reunion be pretty heated and violent? Possibly. Its hard to say where they’ll stand with each other when they cross paths, there’s some bad blood between them for sure so they’ve got some family issues to sort through. But as of right now, what’s happening is bigger than both of them and their angst. Ironically Michael and Amara got more in common with each other than they realize. 
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Both of them were abandoned, lied to and used by Chuck on top of being imprisoned for many years. And they actually care about the world they're currently inhabiting which Chuck wants to end. That’s got to be worth more to them than some old discrepancies in the past. Enough for them to want to put aside their differences and work together to stop Chuck. Imagine how awesome this storyline would be, former enemy family members coming together because of a common threat they’re all facing. Michael and Amara along side TFW, that’s a pretty badass team. I WANT THIS. I want to see Michael get to be a good guy. Become an ally and the honorable hero he was meant to be. Saving humanity whom he now cares about with his human best friend. We deserve to see this version of Michael come into fruition before the show ends. 
Anyway those are my thoughts on the Michael/Adam situation. I hope it comes true or most of it anyway. I know Supernatural is building up for a big finish. It would be nice if they didn’t waste two characters we haven't seen for ten years. I want to believe that they have plans for Michael and Adam that don’t include killing them off for shock value and/or villainizing them at the last second. They deserve better than that. 15x08 was a perfect example of how to utilize and develop these characters into the plot. They have so much potential and story left to tell. Lets hope the writers know what they’re doing.
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sorenmarie87 · 4 years
You used me?
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Summary:   Your family's business is being raised by the police, but there's something you need to take care of.
Pairing:  Dean/Daughter!Reader, Adam/Reader, ???/Reader
Word Count:  999
Warnings/ Rating:  MATURE.  Language, Kissing, Talks of taking someone sexually, Angst, Character Death, Shooting someone with a gun,  blacking out.  
A/N:  This fic is a combo of two different AU’s (Coffee shop and mafia).  I don’t own any of the photos in my aesthetic.  Also shout out to @iflostreturntosteverogers​ for being my beta 😊
You should’ve been concerned with the noise coming from below your apartment and the red and blue lights illuminating your living room.  You were more focused on the gentleman below you.  At least you were until your door was kicked in. 
"Why in the hell aren’t you answering your phone!”  You heard him ranting down the hallway as he made his way into your living room.  “What the fuck is he doin' here Y/N?"  
“What the fuck are YOU doin here, Dad?!”  You practically jumped off of Adam’s lap, tripping over your feet in the process.  Grumbling to yourself, you crossed your arms over your bra covered chest and stared at your father.  
"Y/N, why the fuck is Dean Winchester here?” 
"How do you know who -?"  You watched in silence as Adam picked his shirt off of the floor and slid his arms through the sleeves.  
“He never told you, did he?”  Adam’s laugh echoed through your apartment as he buttoned up his shirt.  Dean glared at him before turning his gaze back to you.  
“Told me what daddy?”  
“Your grandfather slept with his mom so that would make him my half brother.  Adam Milligan is, well he’s technically your uncle babygirl.”  
“One hell of a time for a family reunion big brother.”  He sneered at Dean and you felt your stomach churn.  You slowly made it over to where your father was standing.  He pulled his jacket off and draped it over your shoulders.
“I don’t understand.  Why would you lie to me about who you are?”  Your hold on your father’s jacket tightened as you tried to cover more of yourself up.  
“Well princess, I wanted to make your family suffer as I had.  See, I’ve been keeping tabs on “the family business” since your grandfather opened his first coffee shop.  I know every dirty detail about the Winchesters, even those loans that dear old daddy had to take from The MacLeods.”
“How does my daughter play into this, you bastard?”
“I was getting there.”  You could feel your heartbeat pick up as your fingers curled into a fist. “We have a mutual friend that would love to see The Winchester empire crumble.  We met up, we talked and then he showed me this video that your darling daughter posted.  I did my research beforehand, and came up with the perfect response.  She fell for it hook, line and sinker.”  Adam laughed as he stood up.  “Who knew Dean Winchester’s daughter was that desperate for love that she’d jump on the first person to message her?”
“You used me?”  
“Oh sweetheart, I would’ve done more if papa bear here didn’t burst in like he did.”  
“You would’ve done what?”  
“What part of I would do anything to ruin the Winchester name don’t you understand?  I was never interested in sleeping with you.  In fact, the thought of sticking my dick in you repulses me to my core.”  
"As it should you dumb bastard."  Before you could even register what you were doing, you grabbed the gun from your father’s holster.  You fired the gun three times before you dropped it onto the floor. Your panicked gaze fell onto your father’s face and you trembled.  You were unable to get enough air into your lungs before darkness overtook you.
It felt like hours had passed but when you jolted awake, your father informed you that you had been out for only a few minutes.  He helped you sit up but you were scared and confused.  You blinked as you took in the scene around you.  Your apartment was crawling with police officers, and when you tried recalling what had happened, your head felt fuzzy.  
“We will get through this Y/N, I swear.  I won’t let anything happen to you.”  You started shaking uncontrollably and you heard him thank someone that handed him a blanket.  
“I hate to disturb you Dean, but we need to take Y/N’s statement.”
“Cas - not now.”  Dean’s eyes flickered from his friend to your shaking form.  He smoothed your hair back and kissed your temple.  He knew that this would take a toll on you, but he wasn’t sure of the extent.  He was worried but proud of what you accomplished.  
“I think we can make an exception here.  Dean, will you carry her to her bedroom?  That should give us a little bit of privacy.”  
“Is that okay with you, Y/N?”  You nodded into your father’s chest and wrapped your arms around his neck.  He placed one arm behind your back and another under your legs, and pulled the two of you up from the floor.  
Castiel briefly explained the situation to a nearby officer, one he knew he could trust.  They whispered back and forth as Dean made his way towards your room.  You heard the familiar ringtone start up and smiled as your father sat you down on your bed.  “You better answer that daddy, otherwise grandpa might come down here and raise some hell.”  
“He better not.  I’ll be right back, okay?”  You simply nodded.  Dean grumbled as Cas stepped into your room and sighed.  “Promise me that you’ll look after her.  Please don’t push her too hard, she’s been through enough tonight.”
“You have my word.”  Dean clapped Cas on the shoulder with a slight nod before stepping out of your room with the cell phone up to his ear.  
Cas closed your bedroom door softly behind your father and as soon as he knew the two of you were alone, he made a beeline straight for you.  He stepped in between your open legs and tugged your body close to his, and pressed a kiss against the crown of your head.  “I’m so glad you’re safe..”
“I told you I would be.”  You whispered against his stomach.  The blanket around your shoulders fell away as you wrapped your arms around his waist.  Your father cleared his throat and you met his gaze.
“Daddy -”  
Forever Tags - @lovetusk​​​​​​​​​​ @coffee-obsessed-writer @justballoonfishthings​​​​​​​​​​ @littlehotmess26​​​​​​​​​​ @galaxy-and-star-collector​ @flamencodiva​​​​@mirajanefairytailmage​​​​​​​​​​ @kazosa​​​​​​​​​​ @wings-of-a-raven @docharleythegeekqueen​​​​​​​​​​ @clockworkmorningglory​​​​​​​​​​ @lefthologramdeer​​​​​​​​​​ @ellen-reincarnated1967​​​​​​​​​​ @holyfuckloueh​​​​​​​​​​ @buckyscrystalqueen​​​​​​​​​​ @ilovetaquitosmmmm​​​​​​​​​ @n3rdybird​​​​​​​​​​ @super-fan-of-all-things @disneymarina​​​​​​​​​​ @sandlee44​​​​​​​​​​ @babykalika2001​​​​​​​​​​
Dean Winchester - @idreamofplaid​​​​​​​​​​​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​ @akshi8278​​​​​​ @deans-baby-momma​​​​​​ @onethirstyunicorn
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spnsisimagines · 7 years
Killed a Monster
Warnings: Some blood? A death? Characters: Sam & Dean Winchester, Adam Milligan, Gordon Walker, Sister Winchester Reader Summary: Adam and the reader get kidnapped by Gordon Reader’s Age: Younger than Adam? It could technically work for any age tho? Word Count: 1723
Y/N: Your Name
A/N: LOOK AT THIS I POSTED A THING AND IT’S A REQUEST. I’m not really sure how I like this one tho I wanted it to be more Adam x reader fluff but it turned out to be more Sam x reader fluff? Which is still good but yeah. Enjoy!
Adam and you have been getting pretty close throughout the few months that he's been around. You were wary of him at first, but as the two of you got closer, you realized you didn't have just two older brothers--now you have three.
One morning you woke up in the motel room a little cold. You then notice that your heat source, also known as Sam, was gone. Dean's gone as well. It's only you and Adam at the moment.  
You rolled over as a small groan escaped your lips. Adam turned his head slightly. You two made eye contact for a second before Adam turned his attention back to his laptop. You lifted your head and looked down the length of your bed to see if your other brothers were there, you saw no one. It was just you and Adam.
"Where did Sam and Dean go?" you asked, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"To get some breakfast," Adam replied, his eyes glued to his laptop.
"Right..." you mumbled just above a whisper. "I'm gonna hop in the shower," you told him, he gave you a slight nod and you headed to the bathroom.
After your shower, you stayed in the bathroom to get dressed and make yourself look ready for the day. You were in the middle of brushing your hair when you heard a loud crash and grunting that followed it. You placed your brush down and looked around the bathroom in search of your gun, that is until you remembered you left it by your bed. Your eyes scanned the bathroom in search of a weapon until finally, they landed on your dirty jeans. You knelt down by them and started searching through your pockets in hopes you would find a knife, but alas, nothing. You stood back up once again, this time you noticed a first aid kit mounted to the wall. You opened it up and started rummaging through it. Finally, your hands grabbed onto a small pair of medical scissors. It wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.
You crept over to the door and slowly opened it. Your eyes scanned through the small crack the door made. You opened it a little more, inching your way through. You gripped the medical scissors tight. You scanned the room, a window was broken, the door was busted, and the room was a complete mess.
You stepped out of the bathroom, looking for any signs. You glanced behind you, but when you turned back around the one and only, Gordon was standing in front of you. You took a quick breath and in one swift motion you jerked your arm up and tried impaling him with the scissors. He blocked it and countered with one fast punch to the face, knocking you out instantly.
You slowly opened your eyes, taking a deep breath as you lifted your head. Your vision was blurry, but you were able to make out a figure sitting in front of you. You tilted your head slightly and began blinking rapidly in hopes it would get rid of the blurriness.
Your vision cleared and the figure in front of you was Adam, he was unconscious. You closed your eyes and lowered your head slightly, taking a deep breath as the pain started setting in.
Trying to ignore the pain, you started looking around the room, it was an old barn. Looking to your left you saw a table covered in weapons and torture tools. You clenched your jaw, not looking forward to what will come. You turned your head to the right and saw Gordon sitting on a few haystacks, he was watching you closely.
With a small sigh, you lowered your head again.
"We're waiting for your brother to wake up," Gordon spoke, he cut off a slice of an apple and plopped it in his mouth.
"What do you want?" your voice was barely there.
"I want a lot of things. I want every monster in the entire world to be dead, that includes your brother Sam,"
"Sam's not a monster," you replied.
"Oh, yes he is," Gordon hopped off the haystack and walked over to you. He knelt down in front of you, "Your brother may look human, but deep down, he's a monster. One of the things we hunt. I think even you've noticed," Gordon stood up and sauntered back over to the haystacks.
"Noticed what?"
Gordon squinted his eyes just barely, "You mean to tell me that not once have you felt... afraid of him? That he wasn't your brother, but... something else?"
"Never," you spat.
Gordon nodded. "That doesn't matter right now, though. Sam and Dean will be here soon enough," Gordon tossed his apple aside. "While we wait, why don't we... have a little fun?"
"Why torture us?" you looked over to the tools.
"Because... I want Sam to know the kind of monster he is and when he sees his precious little siblings all bloodied up, he'll turn into one,"
You scoffed, "If someone hurt your sibling, wouldn't you turn into a monster?"
Gordon placed his hands on his knees, getting down to be eye-level with you, "I killed my sister,"
That shut you up. There was no negotiating with this guy. You know Sam and Dean will be here soon, but it may not be soon enough. You looked over and saw Adam was awake, you don't know how long he's been awake, but he seemed to understand what was happening.
Gordon moved over to you, placing a knife right against your cheek. You stared him deep in the eyes, not showing any fear. Gordon began to press the tip of the knife into your cheek, he very slowly moved the knife downwards, cutting. You clenched your jaw but kept your eye contact. Your lips twitched at the pain.
"Stop," Adam demanded, not wanting to see you get hurt.
Gordon stopped and flicked the knife off of your cheek. You released the breath you were holding.
"Y'know, you surprised me," Gordon pointed the knife at Adam. "I mean, another Winchester? How many does the world need? I think of it this way, the more Winchester's on this Earth, the more likely it'll end," Gordon turned away from Adam and set the knife down. With one swift motion, Gordon swung around and punched Adam on his cheekbone.
Adam yelped in pain, he shook his head, as to get rid of the pain, and looked back at Gordon. "You're strong, but I still think you're the weakest of all the Winchesters,"
"Do you really think this trap will work? Our brothers are smarter than you think, they won't just walk right into a trap," Adam spoke.
"Are you sure about that?" Gordon motioned towards Sam and Dean who were walking towards you guys, guns pointed at Gordon.
"Let them go," Sam's voice was firm.
"I don't think I'm gonna do that, Sammy," Gordon sauntered over to the torture tools. "I will admit, I underestimated you two, I thought it would've taken you at least another hour to find us,"
"What do you want?" Sam asked, glancing at you and noticing your cut cheek.
"Well, I would like you two to put your guns down. We're just having a nice chat, that's all," Gordon turned around and faced the two. Sam and Dean looked at each other before slowly lowering their guns. "Thank you,"
You slowly started wiggling out of your restraints as Gordon continued talking. "Sam... Do you know why you're here?"
Sam's eyebrows furrowed together, "Because you took my siblings,"
"Yes... And you want revenge. Revenge for what I've put you and your family through,"
"I think I would know if I wanted revenge," Sam scoffed.
"Oh, but you do. You may not notice it, but it's there. You know how I know?" Gordon paused, "Because you and me ain't that different. I mean, we both want to save people, we want to cure the world of this plague, but... If I were you... If I was the monster that is standing right in front of me, I would've ended it a long, long time ago. That's the difference between us. You want to believe you're okay and that you'll get this happy ending, but you know deep down that's not true."
You felt the rope that held your hands unravel and fall to the ground. You looked around for a weapon. Gordon turned back towards the tools and reached for a machete, that's when a loud bang was heard. Your eyes slammed shut, thinking that Gordon had shot you somehow. You opened one eye and saw Gordon laying lifeless on the ground. Your head snapped towards your two oldest brothers and saw Sam pointing his gun in the direction where Gordon once stood.
Sam slowly lowered his gun as Dean rushed to untie Adam, seeing as you were already free. You stood up, stepping over Gordon's body, and walked towards Sam.
You gave him a friendly smile and opened your mouth, but before you could say anything, Dean and Adam walked over to you two. Dean pulled out a rag from his pocket and placed it on your cheek. Dean then placed one hand on your shoulder and the other hand on Adam's. "Well, let's get the hell out of here,"
You arrived back at the motel. You and your brothers were packing up.
"So, Adam," Dean broke the silence. Adam looked over at Dean, "How was your first time getting kidnapped?"
"Oh, yeah, it was great. I had a blast," sarcasm dripped from his voice. You smiled at his words while you zipped up your bag.
"Sam already outside?" you asked as you threw your bag over your shoulder after noticing Sam's absence in the room.
"Think so," Adam replied. You patted Adam's shoulder lightly before heading outside to find Sam leaning against the hood of Baby. You opened the trunk and tossed your bag in before heading over to Sam.
"You alright?" you asked, hopping onto the hood next to Sam.
"I think I should be the one asking you that," he glanced at you.
"I didn't kill a man today,"
"I didn't either," Sam looked at you. You gave him a confused look, "I killed a monster."
Requested by @deanandsamwinchester21 : “Hey can you please do one where you and Adam are kidnapped by Gordon and Sam and Dean have to come and save you both? Maybe fluff as well, doesn't have to be though. Thanks! Btw your writing is amazing!”
I hope y’all like this one! I’m open for tips on improving!
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