#of biology for someone with a bachelors degree. in biochemistry
pseud0knots · 6 months
as part of my efforts to unlearn The Shame I’ve turned my spotify listening activity back on so now all my college friends can see exactly how much I’m listening to character playlists as a 25 year old and you know what. Really it’s sad for them that they do not have access to my rich inner world and the theater of my mind palace
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it's my monthly respawn time and what better to do than show off a tf2 merc oc i have and some shit about them 🗿👍
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There were a couple sketches I did not too long ago bc why sleep (it's almost 4am where I live btw), but I have more sketches of them of course. They were actually my first TF2 merc oc, and they're a support class mercenary who specializes in chemistry, hence being called The Chemist. They even have a chemical lab in the base that they've had to beg to get secured, as Scout keeps killing himself going in there. I'll rehash some of the basic notes too in case it's unclear on the image.
(Basic Notes)
The Chemist's legal name is Shannon Ridley.
They 35 years old in the game, and 39 years old in the comic; they were born circa 1933.
They are trans and nonbinary, and they use they/them pronouns.
They are 6'2" (189cm) and 200lbs (91kg).
They are Irish and Polish, and due to being raised in Ireland, they have an Irish accent. (When angry enough it bleeds into a near Scottish sounding accent.)
For the most part, they'd be the only merc to ever be consistently referred to by name, as most of the other mercs refer to them as Ridley (sometimes with a prefix of Mx. or Dr.), and their first name is rarely ever said.
Their lab coat is tight on them, aside from the bottom half of it. The upper half is tight though and it clings to their torso.
They are androsexual, which essentially just means they're attracted to masculinity.
Like how the other mercenaries have unique teeth shapes, Ridley has a vampire-like tooth structure, with their canines being pointy like fangs.
Their hair is a darker reddish-brown color, though for a while it was dyed to be a slightly brighter tone.
They carry a special carrier with them that stores their chemicals in a secure manner.
While they may be a strong merc they aren't the fastest. Their speed sits at about 93%, matching with Demo; so while it isn't terrible, it could be faster.
Their health matches with Medic (when he has Vita-Saw equipped), with their health being 140/210.
They seem to be close friends with Demoman. On the opposite spectrum, they're seen chasing Scout around a lot of times.
(Not so Basic Notes)
Ridley has attachment issues, and seems to want to cling to loved ones out of fear they'll leave them.
They have a romantic (and more) interest in Medic, though they get skittish about talking to him about it.
The "scars" they have above their chest are just tattoos.
They have a PhD in biochemistry, a master's degree in chemistry, and a bachelor's degree in biology.
Their bedroom is rather messy in comparison to their workspace, however like with their workspace, they don't like having open food containers in the area.
They overheat rather fast, and require white noise to sleep. Their solution? Two fans going constantly.
They were originally born in Poland, however due to the time period and certain circumstances, their parents made it so they could flee and at least try to live a good life. However, their aunt took this as an opportunity to raise the daughter she never had, at the expense of Ridley's own happiness.
Ridley is intersex.
They'd likely be one of the only mercs to not have a driver's license as they don't feel comfortable with driving like... at all.
They do research with Medic a lot, and they like to teach him stuff about chemistry, much as how he likes to teach them about medical practices.
They're a martial artist, and has a black belt in taekwondo. (They also do training sessions with Heavy, and Soldier has been mistaken a few times in thinking they're calling Heavy a hussy because of them saying "huss" when they do something.)
They do not use the bases tap water and instead has a water jug they use. They also claim they're trying to petition Teufort to install new water pipes and deep clean the water intake system, to no avail.
They crochet in their free time, and one of their melee attacks involves them trying to stick a crochet hook through someone's eye.
I'll likely post something later on that goes more in depth about them, but in the meantime, here they are! (And watch me disappear for like a few more months lmao)
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mysticetus · 2 years
thank you so so so much for the detailed ask!!! i've recently considered going into that field and that information / suggestion is super helpful for my decision :) i didn't know you were a biology major! that's so cool! how has it been so far? what kind of courses you took in high school do you use now / what do you feel are specific essential areas? i hope that doesn't sound like a strange question to ask, i've got some memory issues and knowing what specifically to focus on before i get into college could help a lot :)
no problem its not often i get to talk about the work that i do so im glad to write stuff.
when it comes to academic advice i have to preface it by saying things depend greatly on what is available to you, since “biology major” can fall under a ton of different things and im not sure theres a universal system for it … some examples ive seen are biology BS (bachelor of science) which is more useful for microbiology and if you want to go into research, biochemistry, or the medical field … biology BA (bachelor of art) which is better for macrobiology like zoology, and people looking to go into education. Theres also ecology and evolutionary biology, and more specific majors like botany, marine bio, etc ….
or your college might just have a single biology major. it really depends. my college happens to have a robust bio department and thats the main reason i wanted to go here. they usually have information on offered majors on their website but i assume youre looking at that anyway lol.
A nice piece of advice i received from someone in the field was when i attended the necropsy of an adult female sea lion, the woman performing it recommended we get a general biology degree rather than marine biology, since general bio offers you more opportunity. For example if you want to work in like… idaho studying golden eagles or kansas looking at salamander species you cant much use a marine bio degree for that. But a general bio degree is helpful in most marine bio environments. (Also marine bio is extremely competitive and the work is usually expensive but thats another conversation…)
in high school the class most useful to me was definitely physiology which was a science elective for me. It went over like…bone names and organ systems and how muscles work and all that … its still useful to me. You could also look into APES (ap environmental science) if thats something available to you. but generally i think you should take classes that are interesting to you! bio is a huge field and you may discover something really amazing if you just follow your nose.
and high school isnt all there is, you could see if theres a local museum or wildlife rescue center that takes youth workers/volunteers. More often than not facilities like this are non profit and depend on volunteer work so they might have something available. For paying jobs you could look into pet stores, sounds weird but there was an aquarium store in my town that had tons of species and the employees there are mostly really nerdy teenagers. similar situation with a reptile store near me, they literally breed chicks to feed the snakes. animal husbandry is a great way to observe like. Feeding behaviors and ecological roles. Doing work in actual places where a bio degree is applied helped inform my decision and i also learned a lot on the job. i never really freaked out about extracurriculars i just did this stuff because it seemed cool but it definitely helps with getting into college in the first place.
hope this helps
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chaiseao3o · 1 year
Alternative Career Essay
As someone who grew up feeling insecure about my large teeth, my personal hero in middle school was my orthodontist . After getting four adult teeth removed to create more space, I was left with large gaps in my smile and in my confidence. With the help of wires and patience, my orthodontist slowly rebuilt my hope of having a genuine smile that I was proud to display.
Individuals who choose to pursue a career in orthodontics must complete years of education to obtain a bachelor’s degree after receiving their high school diploma. Most people pursuing orthodontics major in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry, or Physics, to better prepare themselves for the rigorous demands of Dental School. After completing the prerequisites in biology, general chemistry and organic chemistry, most students take the Dental Admission Test (DAT) before applying to dental school. The DAT measures the student’s comprehension of biology, chemistry, organic chemistry, spatial ability, reading comprehension, and mathematical ability in the span of a four hour long test. The entire application process takes about a year, so many people who plan to go to dental school immediately after undergraduate learning apply during their third year.
After receiving admission, dental students then spend the next four years undergoing didactic and clinical training in a curriculum that covers anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, dental materials science, oral pathology, endodontics, periodontics, and a greater range of courses. During the second year of dental school, students in clinical training are able to work with patients under the supervision of licensed dentists. To receive official dental licensure, dental students must complete a Doctor of Dental Medicine or Doctor of Dental Surgery program at an accredited dental school, which takes about four years. In addition, most states require students to receive about 1,000 to 2,000 clinical training hours. Lastly, students are expected to pass a written and practical exam that is conducted by the National BOard Dental Examination that involves treating a patient under the supervision of a licensed dentist. 
Following dental school graduation, students can choose to pursue a residency program in orthodontics, which typically lasts two to three years. After completing an orthodontics residency program, orthodontists are expected to complete up to 20 to 40 hours of continuing education courses to maintain their license. Lastly, orthodontists are then eligible to receive certification from the American Board of Orthodontics after two years of clinical practice post their residency program.
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ann-archive · 3 months
subject: the isolation of disciplines
I was talking to PhD student working on their thesis. They are in the anatomy department of my university and had to put a hold on their project as the microscope that they were using was damaged.
To give context, this microscope required ~$13,000USD to repair, required a specialist that required 20 years of training to fix, and was the only one of it's kind within my country.
The university had an alternative microscope that would be appropriate to use as a substitute before repair; however, the stand-in was in the physiology department. Now, you would not believe the issue this caused.
One would think the investigation into the biology of the human body would be of interests to both departments and be an adequate motivation for loan; but, as you can predict, this was not the case.
The PhD student had even requested that another individual could take the data, of which would be compensated for their work (obviously). Despite all this, she was still denied. The student is currently working on transcribing and interpretating her current data, but who knows how much time that will give her.
A few weeks later, I was talking to my chemistry tutor after our lesson and inquired on molecular kinetics. Thinking back on personal studies on quantum mechanics, I inquired on the relationship between the subatomic world and molecular kinetics. While I do not remember his response, our discussion eventually led to the discussion of disciplines within academia.
While a Bachelor of Biochemistry exists, one is unable to apply for a degree in Physical Chemistry (or whatever conjunction of the two would be appropriate).
A few weeks before this, I had a meeting with the head of physiology at my university and this discussion of disciplines had come up again. He is currently supervising a students project on ion channels. Potassium ion channels are found in many living organisms (1). I found out that all diffusion constants are unknown. To me, this was baffling. I had asked him why and he said he didn't know.
Perhaps you could provide some assistance on why this isn't the case, but for now I shall procrastinate on finding out.
I understand that not everyone is able to be specialized in all the knowledge of the world. To have a single individual know the know of everything would be mental and require divine intervention to stop. However, through a collective effort (or at least the willingness) to share information), more could be learned about the world that we all inhabit?
I will never understand the ideology of those who want notoriety or prestige within academia.
Perhaps, I am missing something, but why wouldn't someone want to share knowledge? Why would someone hide facts and data and details and wisdom and so much more? I understand this in a political setting (of which I despise), however, in the world of academia and the collective pursuit of knowledge who wouldn't want to share something new?
(1) Potassium ion channels can be found in the axon of neurons. These ion channels when activated cause a repolarization of action potentials, which are important to movement in the body. In the mimosa pudica (touch-me-not plant), potassium channels act like switches. When touched, they open and let potassium ions flow out. This makes the plant lose pressure and droop allowing them to have their characteristic response.
Be well,
Ann A.
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ethanbabayyyy · 1 year
Alternative Career Path
After speaking with actives Johnny Thai and Brandon Pham, I’m seriously considering making the switch to a career in dentistry. Some of the selling points that each of them brought up were the work-life balance and the ability to change lives in a similar way to medicine but not have to be close to death. There’s also the business aspect to dentistry and the ability to be your own boss. Johnny mentioned that he could work two days a week if he wanted to.
For schooling, aspiring dentists must complete their bachelor’s degree, pass the Dental Admissions Test, complete dental school training, pass licensure exams, and (optionally) pursue a specialty. It’s important to maintain a 3.5 GPA and shadow dentists for 100 hours during your undergraduate years. For course prerequisites, they are mostly the same as those for pre-med students: three quarters of biology with lab,, three quarters of general general chemistry with lab, three quarters of organic chemistry with lab, and three quarters of physics with lab. Additionally, I’ll need English composition, anatomy and physiology, microbiology, and biochemistry. Schools also encourage enrolling in arts and social science courses.
According to University HQ, dentists need the following skills: dexterity, physical stamina, patience, leadership, organization, communication, and detail-orientedness. 
As an owner of a private practice, dentists are given a lot of autonomy but it comes with the baggage of running a successful business. There’s uncapped earning potential and career freedom, but disadvantages include wearing many different hats like boss, marketer, owner, etc. It takes a lot more effort to sustain. However, as someone who is passionate about building things from the ground up, I think I would enjoy this aspect of the job.
I would specifically want to pursue orthodontics as I had a pleasant experience getting braces and really believe that the procedure changed my life because I got a lot more confident. If I can save lives in the sense that people will be more comfortable in their own skin, I think I would feel extremely fulfilled. 
The average dentist makes between $130,000 and $370,000 per year, and the average orthodontist makes between $210,000 and $410,000 per year.
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clairekim424 · 2 years
Outside Our Own Pre-Health Career (10/19/22)
For this week, I will be speaking on the Pre-Dental career path. Within the Pre-Dental track, you have the opportunity to go into two different programs: Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) or Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS). In order to apply, you need to take the Dental Admission Test (DAT). This is similar to the SAT when applying for college admissions. Starting off with required education, all Pre-Dental students need to complete a minimum of three years of coursework. While, you do not need to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in order to acquire a career in dentistry, this required coursework includes foundational courses including, but not limited to, physics, organic chemistry, biochemistry, and biology. Similar to other career tracks, Pre-Dentistry encompasses a wide variety of careers. Some that particularly interest me are orthodontist and pediatric dentist. The career of an orthodontist appealed to me among other possible Pre-Dental careers because of the work life-balance. I like the idea of having a career that you, both, enjoy and can manage among other aspects of your life. To add to this, I am someone who had extremely crooked teeth growing up. At a certain age, I became embarrassed to smile and this insecurity made me want to hide my laughter when speaking with others. As an orthodontist, I can imagine how you would be able to grow others’ confidence in themselves through their smile. Watching this growth, I imagine, would be fulfilling.
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bme-girl · 4 years
University asks
from this blog
How far along are you in your studies? About to start the 4th/5th year of my undergrad program. So close, yet so far lol
How far do you plan on pursuing academia? I want to get my PhD and maybe I’ll do some post-doc work after that?
What made you want to attend university? My mom wasn’t able to attend in her home country and my dad got his Bachelor’s on his dad’s GI Bill. They allowed me to see how there are some limits without it and how education in this country is your ticket to money and living comfortably. 
What do you study? Biomedical Engineering + Chemical/Biological Engineering 
What do you wish to accomplish by studying at university? The end goal is to contribute to the knowledge in the field and have an impact on the community by inspiring underrepresented youth like me
What do you want to do with your degree? Be a researcher and teach in some capacity 
What’s your dream job? Being a researcher and influencer for Latinx youth in STEM
Has university been what you expected it to be? Tbh, I don’t think so even though I didn’t really know what to expect. I’ve learned SO much along the way that no one had the knowledge to tell me when before uni
What’s the most important thing you have learned about yourself at university? That I’m strong af, I can do whatever I want to in life–literally. And not to compare yourself to others
What surprised you the most about university? The types of friends I made, people I met, and places I went bc of opportunities through uni
What classes are you taking this/next semester? For fall 2020, I am taking Chemical Engineering Design 1 (not truly a design class. more like ethics, safety, etc.), Transport Phenomena in Biomedical Eng, Separation Processes, Biochemistry, and an Independent Study.
What has been the most interesting class you’ve taken? This past semester I took a biomedical eng project-based course and it was LIT af, very challenging but projects were super realistic and interesting
What has been your favourite class you’ve taken? Same course as 12^ like it made me realize my true style of learning and working and it was difficult but so so cool
What is your favourite professor like? Haha, same prof as 12 & 13^^ he was laid back, challenging, young and tech-savvy. More than anything, he was there if you just needed someone to talk to. He didn’t ‘bend’ rules but he knew what it’s like to be a student with limited resources and no super-human abilities. Just a cool guy I’d grab a drink with
If you have to write a thesis, what are you going to write it on? I will have to provide a written report for the independent study so I’m gonna ask if it can be like a thesis. It’ll probs be on something like improving multi-modal neuroimaging data fusion using machine learning
What is your weird academic niche? I’m not really sure. Sometimes I feel like I am my own niche? Lmao. I don’t really know how to answer this tbh 
What’s your favourite thing about academia? That honesty and integrity are highly valued and people just like wondering about things on a deeper level and bigger scale and have conversations about it
What’s your least favourite thing about academia? That it’s toxic: not as diverse, kinda bureaucratic, research matters more than ability to teach (in the US)
Would you go to a different university if you had to choose again? Yes and no: instead of going to a different uni then transferring to where I am now, I would 100% just have gone to the one I’m at now in the first place
Would you choose a different subject if you had to choose again? I don’t think so
If you couldn’t study the subject you study now, what would you study? Software Engineering or Comp Sci
What is your favourite course style? More applied learning, like projects. Not as exam heavy.
Theoretical or practical? AHHH! Both
Best book you’ve had to read for a course? Numerical Methods in MATLAB for Engineers 
Worst book you’ve had to read for a course? Molecular Physical Chemistry for Engineers by Yates and Johnson OMFG LITERAL TRASH, even our instructor hated it 
Favourite online resource? YouTube lol– broad but legit the best way to learn ANYTHING
The topic of the best essay you’ve written? I have a problem where everything I wrote in the past I now see as really bad bc my writing is always evolving. Most recent essay–maternal mortality rates in the US and race gaps within
Would you ever consider getting a phd? I am indeed considering haha
Who is doing the most interesting research in your field at the moment? In my research, Vince Calhoun or Danilo Bzdok. In my major, I’m not sure
Do you have any minors? I haven’t declared it officially, but I think I can achieve a math minor my 5th year
What is subject you wish your university taught but doesn’t? I don’t blame them cause it’s just now gaining more popularity, but like a strictly computational biology/biostatistics subject would be amazing
What is an area of your subject you wish your university taught but doesn’t? Same as 31^
The best advice anyone has ever given you about university? Do everything, don’t hold back. An opportunity can come from the smallest of things
Do you care about your grades? Yeah, but it’s not everything
Do you think you study enough? Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t
How did your attitude towards studying and school change between high school and university? Uni hit me like a truck bc my high school was not the best. I learned to live and breathe studying, how to learn, how to manage my time, and my attitude is more serious and business-minded, but also have crazy fun in the right time and place
What do you do to rewind? Like to unwind? exercise, make music, watch movies, hit the hot tub
Best tip for making friends at university? Be yourself and be honest :)
Are you involved in any clubs/societies/extracurriculars? President for a diversity student org and I do intramural sports!
Have you done or are you planning on doing any internships? I’ve completed one research internship and I hope to do another next summer.
What is an interesting subject that you would never study yourself? Physics probably lol
What has been your favourite thing about university so far? The people, the location of my uni, the learning
What is your plan B career? Work in industry after undergrad, probably in biotech
Do you ever regret your choice of subject or university? Not really
Do you ever regret going to university? Hell no
How do you study? I try to vary it– I’ll read, do a crap ton of practice problems, do a study group with a lot of talking and teaching each other concepts, watch videos from other sources
What do you wish you’d done differently in your first year? Not been a student-athlete
What things do you think you did right in your first year? Was honest with myself 
What are your thoughts on Academia? It can be good and bad, and it’s up to us as the next generation to change the bad :)
Strangest university tip you have? Hmmmmm... Don’t assume all your advisers/administration/profs know what you’re truly capable of. (not strange, but I don’t think it’s that common)
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How to grow a Home Health Care Nurse
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How to grow a Home Health Care Nurse
House Health Care Nursing Information in addition to Overview
Home health care will be allowing the patient and their loved ones to maintain dignity and freedom. According to the National Association intended for Home Care, there are more as compared to 7 million individuals in the us in need of home health care midwife services because of acute health issues, long term health problems, permanent handicap or terminal illness.
Residence Health Care Basics
Nurses training in a number of venues: Hospital options, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and home health care. Property health care nursing is a increasing phenomenon as more people and their families desire to obtain care in their homes. The of home health care is a result of Public Health Nursing where public welfare nurses made home trips to promote health education and offer treatment as part of community outreach programs. Today academic courses train nurses in household care and agencies spot home health care nurses together with ailing individuals and their family members depending on the nurse's experience as well as qualifications. In many cases there is a distributed relationship between the agency plus the academic institution.
Many adjustments have taken place in the area associated with home health care. These include Medicare health insurance and Medicaid, and Longer term care insurance reimbursement and documents. It is important for the nurse and also nursing agency to be aware of the countless factors involved for these foibles resulting from these organizations. Human population and demographic changes take place as well. Baby boomers getting close to retirement and will present brand-new challenges for the home health-related industry. Technology and amounts in hospitals has cause shorter inpatient stay plus more at-home rehabilitation. Increases with medical outpatient procedures may also be taking place with follow-up house care. This has resulted in typically the decrease of mortality rate coming from these technologies and chunks of money has lead to increases within morbidity and chronic condition that makes the need for home medical care nursing a greater priority.
Household Health Care Nurse Job Information
Through an array of skills along with experience, home health care nursing staff specialize in a wide range of treatments; mental support, education of affected individuals who are recovering from illnesses in addition to injury for young children as well as adults, to women who have seen recent childbirth, to the older who need palliative care for long-term illness.
A practicing health care worker must have the skills to provide treatment in a unique setting like someone's home. The health professional is working with the patient along with the family and must understand the connection skills for such design. Rapport is evident in every nursing positions, but employed in a patient's own liveable space needs a different level of talent and understanding. There is independent decision making as the nurse is not really working as a team with other rns in a structured environment, yet is now as a member of often the "family" team. The web host family has cultural ideals that are important and are distinct for every patient and please note00 with extreme sensitivity. Additional skills include critical pondering, coordination, assessment, communication, and also documentation.
Home health care nurse practitioners also specialize in the proper care of children with disabilities that will require additional skills such as endurance and understanding of the needs on the family. Children are living with ailments today that would have triggered mortality just twenty years before. Genetic disorders, congenital bodily impairments, and injury are only a few. Many families understand managing the needs of the baby, but still need expert attention that only a home health care registered nurse can provide. It is important that a residence health care nurse is aware of the assistance of the family about the child's situation for proper care of the little one. There are many complexities involved, most important, a positive attitude along with positive reinforcement is most important for the development of the child.
Treatment coordination between the home healthcare nurse, doctor, and pharmacologist, ensures proper management with the exact science behind offering the patient the correct dose, moment of administration, and combos. Home health care nurses must be familiar with pharmacology and coached in training about several medications used by patients inside the clinical setting.
Many innovative practicing nurses are familiar with treatment regiments. They have completed masteral level programs. Home medical agencies believe that a midwife should have at least one year regarding clinical experience before going into home health care. Advanced training nurses can expedite that will training by helping completely new nurses understand the home health-related market and teaching.
Career and Salary
According to the Usa Department of Labor, there was 2 . 4 million healthcare professionals in America, the largest healthcare job, yet many academic in addition to hospital organizations believe we have a gross shortage in breastfeeding staff. The shortage of nursing staff was 6% in 2050 and is expected to be 10% in 2010. The average salary to get hospital nursing is $53, 450 with 3 away from 5 nursing jobs are located in the hospital. For home medical care, the salary is $49, 000. For nursing health care facilities, they were the lowest from $48, 200.
Training as well as continuing education
Most home healthcare nurses gain their education and learning through accredited nursing educational institutions throughout the country with an connect degree in nursing (ADN), a Bachelor's of Science degree in nursing (BSN), or a master's degree in nursing (MSN). According to the United States Department involving Labor, in 2004 there were 674 BSN nursing programs, 846 ADN programs. Also, in year 2004, there were 417 master's qualification programs, 93 doctoral packages, and 46 joint BSN-doctoral programs. The associate level program takes 2 to 3 yrs to complete, while bachelors diplomas take 4 years to finish. Nurses can also earn customized professional certificates online inside Geriatric Care or Existence Care Planning.
In addition , for anyone nurses who choose to follow advancement into administrative postures or research, consulting, and also teaching, a bachelor's education is often essential. A bachelors degree is also important for transforming into a clinical nurse specialist, health care worker anesthetists, nurse midwives, along with nurse practitioners (U. S i9000. Department of Labor, 2004).
All home health care rns have supervised clinical knowledge during their training, but as mentioned previously advanced practicing nurses maintain master's degrees and as opposed to bachelor and associate qualifications, they have a minimum of two years connected with post clinical experience. Classes includes anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and biology, microbiology, nutrition, psychology, in addition to behavioral sciences and open-handed arts. Many of these programs have got training in nursing homes, public health division, home health agencies, as well as ambulatory clinics. (U. Nasiums. Dep. of Labor, 2004).
Whether a nurse is lessons in a hospital, nursing center, or home care, training is necessary. Health care is transforming rapidly and staying abreast with all the latest developments enhances affected person care and health treatments. Universities, continuing education programs, and also internet sites, all offer training. One such organization that provides training is the American Nurses Relationship (ANA) or through the Us Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC).
References Health care https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_care
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ayuthetigress-blog · 4 years
Greetings From a Big Big Kitty
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 I’ve had this Tumblr blog for a while now. Time to finally make use of it. 
 My first post will probably just be me telling a bit about myself. First of, yes, I am a furry with a Sumatran tiger as my fursona. It’s a label that I spent years of thinking whether or not I should call myself that, and as a result, be part of the fandom. The thing is, I’ve always liked anthropomorphic animals. Growing up watching animal filled Disney movies allows me to have a high affinity towards them. I also had a huge collection of children’s animal encyclopedia. Why? I honestly have no idea. I was just really into zoology back then. And guess what? My love of it came back on my second year of uni when I did a course on adaptive behaviour of animals. I found out that I loved zoology more than biochemistry, something that I thought I’d be doing instead.
 Also, anthropomorphic art and photos of fursuits is something that I also always secretly loved. They would often appear on my old Twitter page and I had to resist the urge to retweet because I don’t want people to think I was a furry. Back then, I just think they were neat. 
 As you can probably guess, I didn’t want to call myself a furry before. Much of this is attributed towards both the actions done by bad people in the fandom, and the stigma as a consequence of it. If you’re a fur, you’d know that the term “furry” refers to a fandom, and not a fetish, which is often the initial interpretation. And while there are those who do perform sexual acts in relation o the fandom (I don’t really mind as long as everyone involved all CONSENT to it), there are those who have gone off the deep end and...well...actually have a thing for...ferals. News about bad furs abusing animals would often pop-up and that made me reluctant to be part of the fandom. I don’t want people to think that I’m one of “those people.”
  I just honestly decide to finally call myself one on the August of 2019, after stumbling across a video by YT-er by the name solarsaber that explained how furries are nothing more people who are into anthro animals, and that there are still many positive people in the fandom. If it weren’t for her, I may not have call myself a furry. 
 Another fur that also inspired me to be part of the fandom is Dr.Wildlife. Someone RT’d one of her post to my old Twitter timeline of her doing scicomm (short of science communication) whilst fursuiting and it’s honestly one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen! As someone who is doing scicomm myself, I believe communicating whilst fursuiting really helps to get audience’s attention. Thanks to her, I decided to join in on the fandom and made a goal to save up for a fursuit and use to make zoology scicomm content on YT. I can always do it without the suit, but I’d like to think that audiences would love to learn about animals, whilst dressing up as one. 
 Yes! I love science and science communication! That’s the second thing that I want to talk about myself. As mentioned before, I loved zoology as a child, followed by general biology years later. I also loved content creating, despite not being so good at it right now (hopefully that can change in the future). Hence, I decided to mix my love of both and become a science communicator, a field that’s relatively new, but I guess that’s the beauty of it. Everyday we are finding newer and creative ways to talk about science. Coming up with novel ways of doing so is an accomplishment itself. Just look at furry entomologist Entobird livestreaming ant feeding on their Twitch channel!
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 Right now, I am an biology and psychology undergrad student at Auckland Uni in New Zealand. Fun fact, I’m not actually a Kiwi. I’m Indonesian, and only came to NZ to study my bachelors degree because of how affordable it is compared to other countries. If I was really a Kiwi, I would have my sona be a kea or a kārearea/NZ falcon instead of a tiger. This country has so much amazing bird species, I think I’ll write a post about it someday. 
(Fun fact, did you know that keas have similar intelligence to that of great apes?)
 Once I’m done with undergrad, I’m hoping I can work for a while before trying out for post-grad. But of course, with the pandemic currently going on (I wrote this in 16/04/20) I’m not sure how that will turn out...
Anyways, I think I’ve written enough for now. Next, I’ll be talking about why I chose a Sumatran tiger to represent myself. Take care, readers, and I’ll see you in the next blog post~
(Art by MissyMerlin and Strrrid)
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teatitty · 5 years
“to be a CSI you need excellent speaking and writing skills”
me, who gave Barry the shittiest handwriting ever: CACKLES MADLY
for real though in case you’re interested heres the full qualifications you need to be a CSI:
 “A bachelor's degree in criminal justice, forensic science, biology, or related field. You'll also need experience in law enforcement, good critical thinking and problem solving skills, composure, attention to detail, and excellent speaking and writing skills.” 
The only reason I looked all this up is cuz I’m a writer so heres some more little notes:  
 Crime scene investigators work on a full-time basis. 
Schedules may include night and/or weekend shifts, and overtime is possible. 
They may work in an office or laboratory setting, outside in all types of locations and conditions, or both.
 Although they will work usually in one district or city, travel to crime locations may be required.
one of the easiest ways to get a higher positon is to get a Masters or Ph.D. A lot of CSI start off as detective/cops. At first you’ll follow someone else to crime scenes but as you become more independent and get experience you start going off on your own though you still need to report back to your supervisor. To become a certified CSI you need to get a certificate from the IAI and you need at least 75% to pass the test for it. 
A masters means that you can specialize in DNA  analysis, forensic chemistry, digital forensics, and crime scene investigation. With a master's degree you would be qualified for a supervisor position or as a specialist with a crime lab or forensics team.
A Ph.D however focuses on research and hands-on work.  You'll work on projects that could advance forensic science in the future. You must write a dissertation about the research project you were involved in. You also will take classes in subjects like toxicology, DNA typing and biochemistry. A Ph.D. can prepare you to pursue lead positions with a crime lab or forensics team.
So like. Yeah Barry has all of my respect and this was me infodumping feel free to ignore all of this. I might do another post like this for Hal as well I just like having the reference here for my future use. (also on average CSI’s get about $52,000 annually with the top 10 percent getting around $85,000 and over)
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vetdownunder · 5 years
The Anatomy of Vet School
Most of my posts from the past year have been about my final year rotations and my experiences in each. Someone recently asked me to explain what rotations actually are and what they involve. I thought I’d take this opportunity to demystify the structure of vet school to any aspiring vet students out there. The following is based on my course in Australia, a 5 year combined undergraduate (Bachelor of Science, BSc) and postgraduate (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, DVM) degree, although many vet schools follow a similar system.
Who am I and what am I doing here?
First year is, to put it bluntly, a bit of a waste of time. It comprises basic foundation units which are not at all veterinary related. I had cell biology, statistics, agriculture and even a unit called ‘What is Science?’, which left me more confused about science than before I began! I found myself twiddling my thumbs waiting for this year to be over so I could learn something relevant to my chosen profession.
The next few years of vet school are dedicated to learning (and cramming) theory - all the ‘-ologies’ (physiology, parasitology, pharmacology and so on). This is accompanied by placements, where students spend several weeks on farms and at veterinary clinics in order to gain experience in agriculture and practice. The number of placement weeks varies between courses. Mine entailed 7 weeks of farm placement and 15 weeks of clinic placement.
What does a normal animal look like and how does it work?
Second year covers primarily anatomy and physiology, as well as microbiology, parasitology and biochemistry. My lasting memories of this year involve rote learning the names of every bump on every bone and every detail of every organ in every species, to the extent that I could draw and label the outside and inside of any animal from memory.
What does an abnormal or diseased animal look like and how does it go wrong?
After learning the normal body inside out in second year, this year is spent learning everything that can go wrong with the body - pathology. One of my units was called ‘Systemic Pathology and Medicine’, abbreviated to SPAM, which ruined the the Monty Python sketch (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gxtsa-OvQLA) for me forever. Pathology is accompanied by radiography, pharmacology, nutrition, toxicology, behaviour, welfare, an introduction to One Health, and the basics of surgery and anaesthesia.
In my course, a research project was also launched towards the end of third year, to be conducted throughout fourth and fifth year. This is a requirement of the masters level postgraduate degree (the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, DVM).
How do I fix an abnormal or diseased animal?
Fourth year is the dreaded year from hell, when students spend more time in the lecture theatre than they do at home. We often brought sleeping bags, pyjamas and kettles to class and basically moved in for the year. Lectures cover surgery, diagnostic imaging, theriogenology (reproduction) and medicine (small animal, production, equine, wildlife and exotics). This is the year when everything from the past four years starts to come together and students begin to feel like real vets.
Let’s give it a go!
During fifth year, students finally get to close the textbooks, step out of the lecture theatre and put all that new knowledge into action. This is the year you’re allowed all the fun of being a vet, but with just a fraction of the responsibility! It’s also the last chance to try things under supervision before you do it for real out in the big bad world. 
The final year of my veterinary course (and most others I’m aware of) primarily consists of rotations. Veterinary medicine covers an enormous range of fields compared to that of human medicine (think of all the human medical specialties and then factor in all the different species vets look after). Rotations are short (one or two week) blocks dedicated to each major field or speciality of the veterinary industry. They are designed to provide students with a foundation in all aspects of the profession. The year group is divided into small groups of around eight students which rotate between 15 different rotations (listed below). These amount to a total of 24 weeks. During these rotations, students form part of the department’s veterinary team and have the opportunity to develop their skills in each area with the guidance of experienced vets. For example, during the two week equine rotation, students may accompany vets on lameness call outs, treat a foal in the hospital, or scrub into and assist with a colic surgery. Whereas, during the two week diagnostic imaging rotation, students may position a surgery patient for stifle radiographs, evaluate an echocardiogram, or radiograph the fetlock of a lame horse.
The other component of final year is streaming. A stream is a broad division of the veterinary industry by species: small animal, production animal, equine, mixed, and wildlife and zoological medicine. Students elect one stream in which to advance their knowledge and skills during final year. This is either the field the student wishes to pursue as a graduate vet, or simply one they have an interest in. A further 12 weeks of placement is undertaken in this field during final year. I selected the wildlife and zoological medicine stream, which allowed me to research platypus in Tasmania, spend two weeks with the vets at my local zoo and participate in wildlife field operations in South Africa.
Primary care
Small animal medicine
Diagnostic imaging
Ophthalmology, shelter, wildlife and behaviour
Emergency and critical care
Dermatology and dentistry
Intensive industries
Public health
Anatomical pathology
Clinical pathology
After hours
I hope this post provides a bit of an insight into vet school and what to expect each year. To find out more about each rotation, have a read of my previous posts. As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.
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Why Pursue a Graduate Degree…or Two?
A question many people ask me, and one that I frequently ask myself, is why attend graduate school? There are many different reasons to pursue a graduate degree; to be qualified for your dream job, to learn more about a field of interest, or to change focus areas from your bachelor studies, just to name a few! Regardless of what reason you choose to pursue a graduate degree, I cannot stress how important it is to have a specific motivation to pursue your graduate degree!! Graduate school is extremely challenging both mentally and physically, so it is critical to know specifically why you will dedicate your whole self to obtaining an advanced degree.
For me personally, my motivation to pursue graduate school was a combination of all three of these things. Although I knew I had to work hard in my Chemistry courses, my passion for the subject and interest in a biotechnology career in high school drove me to study Chemistry (on the Biochemistry track) in college. I enjoyed Introductory Chemistry but when it came to Organic Chemistry, I realized for myself  the challenge that came with the dreaded O.Chem. After pushing through a year of O. Chem, I continued my in-major course work with Physical and Inorganic Chemistry courses. These courses were no doubt academically challenging, but the greatest challenge for me was the loss of the spark of my interest in the subject. During the time when I felt I had lost my passion for chemistry, I took a genetics course and found my perspective was opened to the world of biology. The more biology courses I took, I realized that my passion was in the “Bio” side of Biochemistry; however, I was too far along in my undergraduate career to formally switch majors. Therefore, I applied to a Master’s program with the intention of making an academic pivot to engage in my newfound passion for biology. 
In conjunction with finding this new passion in my academics, I had the opportunity to learn more about the biotechnology industry by interning at a large diagnostics company. In this role, I not only experienced biology research in the industry space, but also had the opportunity to network with individuals in the organization both with and without advanced degrees. Through  my position and these career conversations, I found that my dream career would be as a member of a Research and Development team at a healthcare focused biotech company. As I met more and more employees in these positions, I found that to pursue my career of interest, a graduate degree would be necessary. To pivot academically as well as gain the qualifications for my dream job, I enrolled in a Masters of Science in Biotechnology program. 
About half way through my Masters program, I began to think about my next step academically and professionally. Being exposed to so many graduate students on route to their doctorate in my Masters, I considered continuing my graduate school journey and applying for a PhD program. The summer after my first year in my Masters program, I had the opportunity to gain work experience at a start-up company and was really able to see the job opportunities for someone with a PhD. I realized then that I would love to combine my passion for scientific research with my leadership skills as a means of one day managing a Research and Development team. However, for this career path, I felt my independent research skills and management skills needed development. Therefore, I decided to apply for a second graduate degree by pursuing a doctorate in Cellular and Molecular Biology. 
My motivation to pursue my graduate degrees has been academic, skillset, and career minded; however, this motivation differs for everyone! Grad school an extremely grueling but extremely rewarding process and I personally feel that one’s motivation is what carries them through long days of research followed by late nights of studying and reading academic papers. This is why I stress the importance of knowing your motivation before beginning your graduate program. Many see grad school as the opportunity to push off the real world; however, in my perspective, this is not the most effective motivation for committing to graduate education. So if you are asking yourself “Why Grad School?”, like I did, I encourage you to identify that specific motivation that will not only motivate you to begin graduate school, but to keep pushing forward when it gets tough. 
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brynwrites · 6 years
Ask compilation!
Topics covered:
Changing POV characters
Building an audience
Finding the courage to write
Sticking with a story
OBP and the biochemist
More OBP stuff
Most other questions should be listed on the ask queue page.
Changing POV characters
Anon asked: Do you have any advice about changing POVs? I am doing groups of chapters with a first person view of the main character and a couple of chapters thrown in of a first person view of a side character.
Right here! :)
Building an audience
Anon asked: How did you get so many people hooked in your writing through tumblr? Any tips?
They’re all in my marketing tag!
Finding the courage to write 
Anon asked: Hello, I’m sorry for this kind of silly question but where do you find courage to write a book? It may be not a problem for others at all but I have so many fears
There are no silly questions, though the answer is rather simple: you just write. Almost all writers fear writing (or at least, they fear that what they write won’t be very good, that people will hate it or hate them for writing it, that they’ll waist their time and fail and life and then die tragically alone), even professional authors with dozens of bestselling books feel this regularly. The key is to:
Acknowledge that the fear is normal.
Find a few writer buddies who feel the same fear and can commiserate with you.
Take up your sword with the courage that those fears are lies, and then write, write, write!
I talk more about this here, and have more general motivational advice here.
Sticking with a story
@daughterofhecata asked: Hey, I was wondering, how do you manage it when two stories are demanding your attention at the same time? I'm like 10 chapters deep in a project, but now there's another idea knocking around in my head, and they both want to be written, and I'm afraid that I'll end up losing interest in both stories.
I talk about this here!
Anon asked: How do you make all the little mood boards/images for your book posts? They're very beautiful and I was wondering what you use to make the layout and how you find the images that you've used in them. I couldn't find an ask like this, so if it's been asked before than I apologize. Thank you! Have a nice day!
Thank you! I make the moodboards on cavna, using a collage template, and collect the images from pinterest. I really wish I could credit the original photographers, but unfortunately photography re-posting is about a thousand times worse than the already terrible art re-posting so I haven’t managed to find a way to locate them yet x_x 
Happy things!
Anon said: Hi Bryn I dont have any writer friends so I just wanted to let someone know that after years of starting a tonne of WIPs and giving up half a page in and building plots but doing nothing with them I finally actually wrote the 1st draft of my first short story and it doesn't seem like much but I'm so excited and happy about it and even when it ended I didn't want to stop writing it just felt so amazing to finally write and I'm just so proud of myself I wanted to let someone know ☺☺☺
I’M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, CONGRATS!!! That’s a great accomplishment, and I’m sure there will be plenty more first drafts (and beyond) in your future <3
OBP and the biochemist
Anon said: I'm debating if I have the budget to pre-order OBP and I hopped around in excitement when I saw your bio blurb: "They received their bachelors degree in Biochemistry and Cell Biology from UCSD, and enjoy a day job involving respiratory disease research." Lots of high-fives, I'm in college for the same field!!
Nice!! It’s always great to meet another bio buddy =D 
(If you can’t pre-order now, there’s no worries. The most important ordering period is the first week it comes out, so if you have the budget on the 26th, then that’s awesome! If not, the ebook will be on sale for $99 at some point in the near future ^^)
More OBP stuff!
Anon said: I was already going to buy OBP to support you but now that I'm reading the first chapter I'm also just going to buy it because it's fucking awesome and I love it "You're the best first mate!" <3 so cute but also PIRATES and SIRENS and NONBINARY CHARACTERS and AAAAAAAA (and yes I'll review it on Amazon ik that makes them recommend it to people)
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loverobertdowney · 2 years
What Does A Chiropractic Expert Do?
A chiropractor cures patients that experience neuromusculoskeletal complications that involve the muscles, muscle tissue, nerve fibres, bones, and structures. For instance, an individual may require spinal modifications and modification or other manual ways to help them the neck or back pain. How To Be A Chiropractic Doctor A fetnon Chriopractor must have a Doctor of Chiropractic training  and should have no less than 90 hours of education. Applicants must have courses in physics, biology, and biochemistry. Most learners get a bachelor’s degree before getting into the Deb. C. System. The class should offer research in physiology, body structure, and other comparable function. The student must likewise have encounter in diagnosis, spinal examination and adjustment methods. Some choices are available for chiropractic professional to get additional learning a specific region, like orthopedics or pediatrics. Some students proceed to have a master’s level in a comparable region like sports rehab or nutrition. Additionally,   it is viable for someone to get a duel-degree where a student can have a master’s level in another region while gaining his or her D. C. Work Description of A Chiropractic Expert
The chiropractic specialist is accountable for providing their physical examinations, looking at your medical record, and after that analyzing the issue. They conduct screening and take X-rays analyzing a patient’s position, reflexes, and backbone. If required, the chiropractor provides modifications by hand to the bones or spinal column. They might need to use chilly or hot applications to problematic areas. She or he might use ultrasound in the process of cure or provide rehabilitative workout massage remedy. A chiropractic specialist at any Fenton Chiropractic Office likewise educates an individual on lifestyle and health problems, like for example nutrition or workout. She or he must detect and deal with all neuromusculoskeletal illnesses that could involve the bones, structures, muscles, nerve fibers, and muscles of an individual. Oftentimes, a chiropractor needs to send individuals to several other health care experts. She or he must have skills in resolution making and dexterity. They must be detail focused and have sympathy and additionally, social skills.
What Things To Watch Out For
Up to now, simply no scientific tests demonstrate chiropractic therapy will help kids with ADHD or learning problems. Of the research carried out on chiropractic remedy for children with ADHD, the outcomes have been pending. Additional studies required. What chiropractic specialists believe about the reason for learning and interest concerns is not online with what specialists know. For instance, specialists and scientists realize that the bones in the skull do not move. This is unlike what chiropractic specialists say about chiropractic adjusting assisting develops the mind. Summary Many persons rely upon the skill of the Fetnon Chriopractor to enable them heal from accidents and the pains generated from life’s deterioration. Equally, Chiropractic experts detect and deal with problems linked to the muscle, nervous system, and skeletal systems, specifically the backbone. Chiropractors require a mixture of physical skill, medical understanding, and sympathy for people, getting manual modifications to the backbone and other bones to correct awful positioning. Applying their knowledge of body structure, and evaluation abilities, they review patients’ medical chronicles and review test leads to develop the best treatment programs.
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shotsrevival39 · 2 years
What Does A Chiropractic Expert Do?
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A chiropractor cures patients that experience neuromusculoskeletal complications that involve the muscles, muscle tissue, nerve fibres, bones, and structures. For instance, an individual may require spinal modifications and modification or other manual ways to help them the neck or back pain. How To Be A Chiropractic Doctor A fetnon Chriopractor must have a Doctor of Chiropractic training  and should have no less than 90 hours of education. Applicants must have courses in physics, biology, and biochemistry. Most learners get a bachelor’s degree before getting into the Deb. C. System. The class should offer research in physiology, body structure, and other comparable function. The student must likewise have encounter in diagnosis, spinal examination and adjustment methods. Some choices are available for chiropractic professional to get additional learning a specific region, like orthopedics or pediatrics. Some students proceed to have a master’s level in a comparable region like sports rehab or nutrition. Additionally,   it is viable for someone to get a duel-degree where a student can have a master’s level in another region while gaining his or her D. C. Work Description of A Chiropractic Expert
The chiropractic specialist is accountable for providing their physical examinations, looking at your medical record, and after that analyzing the issue. They conduct screening and take X-rays analyzing a patient’s position, reflexes, and backbone. If required, the chiropractor provides modifications by hand to the bones or spinal column. They might need to use chilly or hot applications to problematic areas. She or he might use ultrasound in the process of cure or provide rehabilitative workout massage remedy. A chiropractic specialist at any Fenton Chiropractic Office likewise educates an individual on lifestyle and health problems, like for example nutrition or workout. She or he must detect and deal with all neuromusculoskeletal illnesses that could involve the bones, structures, muscles, nerve fibers, and muscles of an individual. Oftentimes, a chiropractor needs to send individuals to several other health care experts. She or he must have skills in resolution making and dexterity. They must be detail focused and have sympathy and additionally, social skills.
What Things To Watch Out For
Up to now, simply no scientific tests demonstrate chiropractic therapy will help kids with ADHD or learning problems. Of the research carried out on chiropractic remedy for children with ADHD, the outcomes have been pending. Additional studies required. What chiropractic specialists believe about the reason for learning and interest concerns is not online with what specialists know. For instance, specialists and scientists realize that the bones in the skull do not move. This is unlike what chiropractic specialists say about chiropractic adjusting assisting develops the mind. Summary Many persons rely upon the skill of the Fetnon Chriopractor to enable them heal from accidents and the pains generated from life’s deterioration. Equally, Chiropractic experts detect and deal with problems linked to the muscle, nervous system, and skeletal systems, specifically the backbone. Chiropractors require a mixture of physical skill, medical understanding, and sympathy for people, getting manual modifications to the backbone and other bones to correct awful positioning. Applying their knowledge of body structure, and evaluation abilities, they review patients’ medical chronicles and review test leads to develop the best treatment programs.
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