#of course they haven't forgot how people kicked them when they are down
cat-mentality · 7 months
I think one thing that is very important but very overlooked when talking about the Red Team is that they have been a very reactive team.
They have never taken the first step, done the lap before the others. They are, from day one, just reacting to the actions of the others, following the tune set as they interpret it.
And don't get me wrong they are some mean little fuckers and they take a lot of pleasure into terrorizing people and just generally being overly bloodthirsty, they have no problem destroying shit and doing ambushes just for the laughs. They are very dangerous, more than they believe themselves to be, and they are all too willing to play the game and not listen to reason sometimes.
But in no fucking way they started the bloodshed or condemned anyone.
Blue Team shed first blood.
They kick started the killing of each other, Team Red only reacted to that. They got killed, over and over again not even in battle, they got spawn killed and hunted in day one by both teams so of course they went with the mentality that killing was fair game, that it was alright to set traps and rob the corpses when everyone did that to them.
It was a coincidence that both Green and Blue managed to find them at the same time, we know they didn't have an alliance to kill Team Red, but they don't have that information, of course they developed an "us against the world" mentality when literally everyone on both teams were killing them.
Other teams started killing, Team Red just went head along and ran with it to the degree they are now. Those are some of the most fucked up people in the Island, all of them with previous murderous tendencies, the trauma of the first day and seeing the other teams just killing without regards just, in their minds, set the tune that that is how they would play the game.
And in the Egg Wars?
Team Green started the attack. They had an agreement of not killing the statue and Green never meant to kill it, they didn't land the finishing blow, but as I said in another post that doesn't fucking matter. Blue wasn't attacking anyone, they couldn't given how little players they had online, and neither was Red. Team Red only went to the kill when Blue's egg was taken out of the race and everything led to believe Green had done it.
They reacted to the situation as they saw it: Green attacked Blue's egg and then the egg died. Why would they believe Green would just chill out? They had no way of knowing or trusting Green if they tried to explain they didn't finish the statue.
They were absolutely fine with the idea of finishing the statue, they didn't hesitate for a second unlike Green, but they wouldn't have done it if someone else didn't kick start the whole thing.
Not to sound more of an apologist than I already did, but Team Red is just playing by the rules the others made, they aren't innocent in any way, I could go on and on about how they are losing themselves, but they have not started any of this shit.
If other teams wanted them to listen to reason.... Well many things could be different if bloodlust didn't blind them all.
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hellfireclubmember · 2 years
Pretty Girl
a/n: Okay, I haven't written a legit fanfic in years so I'm so nervous publishing this. Any feedback would be appreciated. Also I was thinking of making a part 2, lmk if any one would like me to
warnings: none, just fluff, maybe annoying mutual pining. also probably a few mistakes. I didn't thoroughly proof read this
word count: 1.9k
summary: Dustin can't stop talking about the sub he got to fill in for Lucas, making Steve want to smash his head into a wall. That is, of course, until he sees you.
disclaimer: reader is 18 and a senior in high school
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Steve was losing his mind. He loved Dustin Henderson as if he were his little brother, but he might just strangle him at this very moment. First, he would not stop talking about Eddie ‘the freak’ Munson and now he won’t shut up about the substitute they had to bring into their little nerd club to play their little nerd game.
“… she’s just so cool! She had no idea how to play, Mike and I gave her a quick lesson before the session and then she goes and lands a crit hit on the most powerful dark wizard of all time!” Dustin was so impressed he couldn’t see that Steve wasn’t even really paying attention anymore, choosing to stack the new releases in alphabetical order instead. “She’s so pretty too” Dustin sighed “and nice.”
“Is Dustin still talking about that girl he forced to play Dungeons and Dragons?” In walked Robin from the back room. She sat down behind the counter. “Hasn’t stopped.” Were the first words Steve had said in the last twelve minutes.
“I did not force her!”
Dustin had found you sitting alone at the very back of the library whilst writing an essay for your English class. You were one of the maybe four students that were in there. Most of your peers excited for the basketball game that day after school. Dustin had realized he had seen you before and almost all the times he had seen you, you were alone. The boy figured asking you would be a win-win; this way you could maybe gain some more friends and he wouldn’t have to die. He rushed towards you, rambling about hellfire and getting his ass kicked by Eddie before he knew it you were agreeing to help. In all honesty, it wasn’t very easy for you to agree. Your stomach twisting at the thought of being in a room full of people you didn’t know but saying no to this boy somehow seemed worse; like killing a unicorn or something.
After agreeing, Mike and Dustin sat with you in the library and helped you create a character sheet, explaining the basics of DND in the short period of time before the session. You were never really expecting to have fun. In fact, you were fully expecting for your character to die immediately. When she didn’t you started to pay more attention. The excitement around you fueling your own. It was nice to be a part of something, surrounded by people that loved something so much made you feel warm and happy. You had never felt so at ease, comfortable doing something out of your comfort zone.
“Yeah? So, cornering (y/n) in the school library the way Steve does every female customer was the ethical thing to do?” Robin said.
“Dude! I don’t corner anyone.” Steve looked up indignantly from the VHS tapes at Robin.
Robin rolled her eyes and continued her scolding. “You know she was gonna say yes, she’s the nicest person I know. I don’t think I’ve ever heard her say the word no.”
Steve was listening to them argue about whether Dustin dragged you to the nerd meeting or not when he heard the door to the video store open. His eyes landed on you walking through the door. The prettiest girl he’s ever seen walking into the fluorescent lit store. Lips parted as you tried catching your breath from the bike ride there. Steve felt like he forgot how to act like a human being, not even being able to execute his usual greeting or offer a charming smile. He watched you look around the store. Pretty eyes scanning until they landed on something behind Steve. You raised your hand to give a small wave. A wave he almost returned had Dustin not spoken up.
“(y/n). hey!” Dustin said as he walked over to the front of the register, right beside Steve. He had his eyes fixed on you, stare unwavering as you made your way toward Dustin and himself. Your eyes flicked over to Steve, acknowledging him with the cutest smile he had ever seen. Steve was never this awestruck by something as simple as a smile but he wished he could tattoo your smile to the inside of his eyelids so he could never forget it.
“Hi (y/n).” Robin was the next person to greet you.
“Hi Robin, I didn’t know you worked here.” He finally heard you speak and Steve never thought a voice could be so sweet.
“You know me, never one to brag.” A small giggle escaped your lips and if he thought your voice was sweet your laugh was like cotton candy; soft and pillowy. He couldn’t help but want to make you laugh for the rest of his life. Robin watched Steve look at you with the dumbest look she’s ever seen on his face, which is saying a lot. She genuinely had to bite back a laugh. “You know the hair, right?” Robin nodded her head towards Steve. That was his queue he had to get rid of the heart eyes and turn on the charm. You looked up at him which is when it finally clicked. He recognized you from his time at Hawkins High. Remembered you walking the halls alone with your head down most of the time. He never thought too much about you back then, which right now he regretted greatly, distracted with his douchebag friends and his relationship with Nancy to ever really notice most people.
“Yeah, I remember Steve.” You nodded your head. “Hello.” The hint of another smile on your lips. He so desperately had to hold himself back from hugging you. He wanted to be close to you, to hold you. Steve really didn’t understand what had gotten over him. Sure, he had liked girls before but being this whipped so immediately was definitely new to him.
“Hi, sweetheart.” He tried licking moisture back onto his lips, but his mouth was dry. He leaned back onto the counter and smiled. Trying his best to be as smooth as possible. He didn’t want to look at Robin or Dustin, mostly because that meant having to look away from you but also because he knew the look on their faces right now would be one of disgust.
The skin on your face started feeling incredibly warm. You had never spoken to Steve when he was in school, to be fair you hadn’t spoken to many people but speaking to King Steve seemed an impossible task. He was like art at the museums you liked to frequent, beautiful but untouchable.  
Dustin removed his gaze from Steve whilst shaking his head and placed it back on you. “What are you doing here?” He asked. Right, you came here for something. What was that something? The brief interaction with Steve was enough to make you slightly lightheaded. You started nipping at the inside of cheek, rummaging through your head.
“Oh, I accidentally took your DND notebook yesterday. It said return if found and then your address was inside, which by the way I think is an awful idea. There are weird people out there, Dustin. You have to be more careful.” Steve and Dustin making eye contact, both thinking about the irony of telling Dustin to be safe. You reached for his notebook inside your messenger bag. “When I got to your house your mom said you might be here.” You took a few steps, offering him his journal. Now close enough to be able to smell Steve’s cologne, your gaze drifted for a second up to his face and he was looking down at you. The second your eyes met, he smiled, making you look away abruptly. He was making you way more nervous than usual. Your hands were getting clammy, and your breath was a little shaky. Steve Harrington was so beautiful. You always knew this but you had never had the honor of being this close to him.
“Dude, this is like the second time you’ve saved my life!” Dustin grabbed the notebook with a wide smile. You let out a small laugh. This kid’s smile was infectious, no matter the situation, if Dustin smiled you smiled. Those are the rules.
“Trying my best.” You closed your bag whilst taking a few steps back. Trying to make some distance between you and Steve, hoping to any God he couldn’t see your shaky hands. “Right. I’ll just get going then.” As the words left your mouth Steve started to panic. He can’t just let you leave. He had only said two words to you. His brain going on over drive trying to think of ways to get you to stay even a little longer. He looked outside at your bike and then at the dark clouds in the sky. It was definitely going to start raining soon.
“Wait!” He said this a little louder than anticipated. He cleared his throat as you turned your head to look at him. He smiled softly as he looks at your eyes again. He thinks he could look at your eyes all day. “You just got here; you should hang around with us. It’s for sure going to start raining soon. I can’t let a pretty girl get caught riding her bike in the rain.” Dustin snickered and Steve elbowed his shoulder immediately to get him to shut up. The taller boy watched as your eyes widened slightly at the use of the word pretty. You were so cute it was driving him crazy.
“Yeah, dingus is right. You should stay, besides tonight’s movie night. You can join us at Steve’s house. We’re gonna pig out on junk and watch horror movies. Steve is going to drive us all home after, he’s our trusty chauffeur.” Steve looked at Robin as she spoke, and he swears he could’ve planted a kiss on her forehead right then and there. Robin looked at him for a second with a small smirk on her face.
You fiddled with the strap of your bag as you thought about it. It would really suck to be caught in the rain, besides this could be fun right? You said yes to DND and that was fun. Doing things you wouldn’t normally do seemed to be working for you so why stop now? Of course, this had nothing to do with the way your heart raced when Steve looked at you or the way you really wanted to be in his presence longer or how pink and shiny his lips looked or how you wondered what his hand would feel like holding your hand.
“I would really like that.” You smiled at Robin and then turned to look at Steve. “If that’s okay with all of you.” This was directed more at Steve than it was to Dustin. There was a moment of silence as Steve stared at your pretty face, a smile adorning his features making him look like a lovesick puppy. It was Dustin’s turn to elbow the idiot to his left. That was enough to break the trance.
“Of course it’s okay with us. Right Dustin?” He glared at the boy that just assaulted him.
Dustin nodded his head. “It’d be an honor to have you at our movie night, (y/n).” Steve reached over to pat his younger friend on the shoulder.
“It’s set then.” He said, more excited for it to reach closing time than he has ever been.
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sunshine-theseus · 7 months
Midas' Touch
Cortnee Vine x Reader Summary: It's hard not to fall in love with a girl like that warnings: - not completely proof read. - i haven't written for fun in so long and i suck at knowing if i'm using the correct tense so i'm sorry about that😭
It's hot. Too hot to be doing much more than rondos and some light running for warm up before heading back to change into our kits and hear a few last words from Garrath.
And that's exactly what we do. Well, until I spot flaming red hair out of the corner of my eye as I'm heading back to the tunnel. The feature is familiar on its own, but odd when combined with the sky-blue jersey that adorns her.
A smile that could warm even the coldest of hearts is thrown my way and I stumble over the back of Holly's foot. I quickly apologise before scurrying back to the locker room.
I had only met Cortnee at the World Cup, when I got my first call up for The Matildas. We weren't close in comparison to people like Kyra and Charlie, but we roomed together and got to know each other reasonably well.
This was the first time I'd seen her since our defeating departure and I'm more nervous than I was during my debut. I had admittedly developed somewhat of a crush on her during the World Cup, but I'd managed to forget about it within the whirlwind of transferring back to the Brisbane Roar from Liverpool.
Until now.
I'm lining up when I spot Tameka approaching me with Harley, who is dressed in a number 13 Roar jersey that is 3 times too big for her. Before they get too far, Harley is running full speed into my open arms, giggling as I sprinkle her face with kisses.
Meeks was originally in the starting XI, but Garrath made the decision she would make a good boost after half time when players began to tire. That meant Harley was now my mascot, and I have no complaints because she'd the cutest little thing, unless she starts blabbering secrets. Which she tends to do, a lot, when she's excited.
"Are you sure you're okay with her? She can be a lot."
I smile softly at both of them.
"Of course it’s fine. She’s a sweetheart”, and with that, Tameka says goodbye and walks out to the sub bench with the others.
As I’m putting Harley back down so I can hold her hand on the walk out, I see the same flash of red hair pass by. I’m following her with my eyes when Harley tugs on my hand and whispers “Have you ‘n’ Cortnee kisseded yet?”
I can feel myself burning up, but simply shake my head no before grabbing her hand and following the rest of the team out onto the pitch as she giggles softly beside me.
It gets worse as we begin to shake hands with the Sydney. I’m last, and Harley’s starting to spew random words and facts she knows as we walk down the line. Cortnee is a mere metre away when Harley begins waving to her and jumping up and down, begging for her attention.
I shake Cortnee’s hand and I nearly choke at how beautiful she is up close. Her eyes are brighter than I remember, and her hair is golden under the burning sun, her freckles are like constellations and I nearly reach up to trace them.
But our greeting is cut short when Harley jumps into her arms and asks “is it hard being away from your girlfriend?”
Not a second later, Tameka has Harley in her arms again and Cortnee and I are blushing, but I’m moving onto the next person before we can say another word, trying not to look back at her as she jogs back and forth lightly before taking her position.
I don’t know how I forgot it. The rush of the pre-game had me occupied, but as I plant my feet on the ground, the fact I’m always her marker, even in scrimmages at camp, hits my like a truck and I know this may possibly be the hardest game I’ll ever play if I can’t get her out of my head.
I had been doing pretty well so far if I do say so myself. I’d managed to stay focused on the game and had converted a free kick from Sharn into a goal in the 27th minute that put us in the lead: 1-0.
But now my focus is beginning to waver, at possibly the worst possible moment. It’s the 88th minute and Sydney was just awarded a corner. We’re all gathered at the goal, marking whoever we could, to stop the ball that was about to come flying in, from crossing the line. But as I’m pushing back into the player behind me, I feel her hands on my hips and warm air hits the back of my neck.
I’m turning to tell her off, but my breath gets caught in my throat again. Why won’t she leave me alone. Let me focus on this game before smiling so sweetly at me and sending sparks through my body.
Cortnee cheekily nudges me forward as the ball curves through the air but I can’t stop myself from falling to the ground, my focus has been completely removed from the ball. And yet… I still manage to stop it as it rolls, or more so is kicked into my face rather harshly in an attempt for Sydney to score an equaliser.
A groan resounds across the pitch but I’m standing before the ref can try to call the medics over. I’m not letting a little ball to the face stop the game this close to the end, I’m exhausted and can’t take more than whatever added time we’ll already receive. Well, that’s what I’d like to think.
“Nice try Y/L/N but you know the rules! You’re getting checked for a concussion, don’t try to fight it.”
Such a nice lady, yet suddenly the bane of my existence.
The concussion assessment takes no more than 30 seconds, and by the time I’m running back on, we’ve started the (gratefully) 2 minutes of added time. The medics also add the fact I haven’t broken my nose but I will develop a nice bruise that may scare Harley and my niece and nephew for a few weeks.
I’m standing back in front of Cortnee when the final whistle blows, Brisbane won, we’ve won, 1-0. Before I can take off to hug and celebrate with my team, the bright hair and cheeky dimples are the only things in sight. And before I can try and comfort her for her loss, lips softer than I could have ever imagined, are pressing hard against my own.
I’m not sure I’d ever reacted faster than I had in that moment, grabbing her face while her hands wrap around my waist. But I pull back with a wince and lightly grab my nose.
“I’ve been wanting to do that since our first match at the world cup when you scored your first goal” she whispers softly.
“I’ve been wanting to do that since I first laid eyes on you” In that moment I think about how I’ve never seen someone as beautiful as her.
“Well, I guess Harley knew something we didn’t”.
“She knows to get what she wants. I think she secretly set us up”.
“The three-year-old?” I giggle and peck her on the lips.
“She has her ways”.
“Does this make us… girlfriends?” I quickly ask.
“I’d fucking hope so”.
I grab Cortnee’s hand and drag her over to Sharn, Tameka and Harley, the youngest of which has a cheeky smile as she screams “CORTNEE AND Y/N KISSEDED” and claps her hands.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME THAT IS THE CUTEST FUCKING STORY EVER” Alex screams as we sit on the pitch, warming down from today’s training.
We’re back at camp for the Asian Olympic Qualifiers, and it’s the day before our match against the Philippines. Cortnee had wanted to have the physio check out her leg, the tension in her hamstring seeming to be causing her more grief than anyone wants, so I was sitting with Alex, Mini and Sam. It’s an odd combination but I’m glad to be getting to know more of the girls.
“That was actually fucking sickening. Kristie is going to love hearing it later.” Sam laughs at the mention of her own girlfriend.
“I genuinely think that was what Harper and Harley spent their time on all of last camp because she kept asking about you two as well. But it was about damn time.” The comment from Mini has me slightly shocked. Was there anyone who didn’t think we should get together?
Before I can ask anything, Tony is calling us to gather round to say some words and give us feedback before sending us back to the hotel. I’m standing on the end when two arms snake around my waist and a gentle kiss is pressed to the top of my head. I lean back into her but don’t say anything until we’re told to get going.
“What did she say?” I lean into her some more as we walk back to the locker room.
“It’s just a little tension, I’ll be okay to play tomorrow”
She most certainly was not okay to play. Cortnee was subbed on and within 10 minutes was back sitting next to me on the sub bench with an ice pack on her thigh.
To give her credit, the injury was predominantly from a collision on the pitch, but I was selfishly mad she didn’t tell me. So, while I held her hand as we took a lap around the pitch and signed shirts and took photos with fans at the end of the game, I didn’t talk to her.
Or in the locker room.
Or on the bus to the hotel.
Or at dinner.
Or as I watched her pack her bags and leave back to Sydney because she needed to start healing as soon as possible.
All I did was give her a peck on the lips and watch her uber drive away.
An hour later she texted me about a fan she’d met at the airport, who was shaking so bad she had to take the photo. I liked it but didn’t reply.
But now it was our final match day, and I don’t have Cortnee to have breakfast with, something that had become somewhat of a tradition for us whenever we could.
I have no clue as to why I’m so mad about it, but as I sat with Sam and Steph at breakfast, I knew I needed to at least call her and apologise. So I did.
The phone rings, almost too many times, but eventually the girl I love is staring back at me.
“I’m so sorry for ignoring you!”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you!”
The lines are rushed out by both of us, probably louder than need be as I get weird looks from some of the girls.
“No no you have no reason to apologise Cort, I literally got so mad for no reason, I should be helping you heal not ignoring you!”
“I still should have told you, let you help me. I love you and you just want the best for me.” We’d never actually said those words. But I blurt them out before I can stop myself.
“I love you too!”
Everyone around me is giggling as I blush.
I look back to Cortnee on my screen. She’s out in her backyard, laying on the grass, her hair is splayed behind her, golden, touched by the hand of Midas. Her eyes are as blue ever, her cheeks rosy, dimples deep. Then I hear her laugh and I don’t think I could love anyone more because I’m melting in my seat as we quickly bid each other goodbye.
That night I play for her, and as we celebrate, Sam and I both call our respective partners together to let them know. And when we hang up I turn to Sam, unable to stop smiling.
“I’m going to love her forever.”
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moontyuns · 8 months
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late night adventure;
Word count: 0.9k Pairing: Joshua  x gn!reader Genre: fluff, friends to lovers (kind of) Warning: swearing Rating: pg-13
a/n: idk if it's even good pls..i haven't written for some time, i hope you will like it ehehe
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“God, why have I even decided to agree to this trip?” you whispered to yourself walking in almost complete darkness of the small street. You came to this small town with your small group of friends. All of you planned this trip since spring because you wanted to have a vacation somewhere beside the ocean.
Now you escaped the company of your friends and thought about walking around and maybe going to the shore but then you found out that you lost and your phone died because you charged the device only through the night and you didn’t even spare a glance to see that it was discharged. “Shit..what should I do now? Where did I come from?” You stopped in the middle, no living soul around at this late hour. You don’t even have an opportunity to ask somebody where you should go at this point. You gave up the wish of going to the ocean, now you are more worried about getting back to your Airbnb. Your friends are probably worried, especially Seungkwan, he is freaking out if you do not pick up his calls, you can hardly imagine him now knowing that you sneaked out and your phone is off. You headed back, thinking in the direction where you came from when you suddenly heard shouts from afar. You couldn’t recognize a voice at first but it seems like the person shouts your name. You walked in the direction from where you guessed the sound came and as you came closer you deciphered the person’s voice, it’s Joshua. He is one of your really close friends that you met during your first year of the university, he seemed so shy at first but as you knew him better he only got wilder and this Joshua side attracted you so badly that you didn’t even know when and how you felt that pang in your chest that signalized that now it’s something more than silly friendship. 
You turned around the corner and finally saw him “Joshy!” You smiled and waved your hand excitedly, while the boy came to you in a rushed step. “Oh god, are you okay? Has anything happened to you? Why is your phone turned off?” he took your arms in his, a worried expression written on his face. “Yeah, I’m okay, and no, nothing happened to me, don’t worry. I forgot to charge my phone so it’s actually..died. And I kind of lost my way without navigation.” you sighed. “You can’t believe how everyone got worried about you and especially when we found out that you turned your phone off, we thought you got kidnapped or something. Never escape like this ever again, okay? ” Joshua said to you, as you looked into his eyes, something warm was sipping through them that made you feel loved. “Sure, I won’t do this again” You nodded to him. “Where did you even want to go this late?” he asked curiously. “Well..I wanted to go to the beach, I thought it would be nice when there are not many people around and it’s so calm you know..just the sound of the waves and light wind” you sheepishly answered to the boy in front of you. “Oh..let’s go, I’ll lead the way” Joshua stretched his hand to you to connect your palms. 
Once you reach the beach you immediately kick off your shoes and tug Joshua closer to the water line. The ocean looks majestic at night when there are almost no people around when you can see the flicker lights from the ships that are far from the shore and when you can see lights from another side of the beach that is more crowded. 
The boy sat down on the sand while you came closer to feel the water with your already bare feet. You then turned to Joshua who silently watched you with a light smile adorning his pretty face, and you smiled back. He patted the sand beside him as a silent invitation for you to take a seat and you, of course, did. “It’s so good here, doesn’t it?” you said looking ahead at the water. “Yeah, it is, I love it here,” Joshua said, his eyes wandering around your facial features, and your silky hair, until he lowered his gaze onto your hand that was right beside his, just a few centimeters away. He hesitated for a second, but then he moved his hand, and delicately took your palm in his.
You quickly turn your head as you feel a sudden warmth on your hand and lock your eyes with Joshua’s. “To be honest..”, he started with a shy smile “This view I like better”, you were so thankful that it was already dark and he couldn’t see your probably tomato-like face.”I…uh..” You couldn’t say a word cause you didn’t know how to form any sentence anymore. Joshua on the other side took your hesitance for soft rejection, so he removed his hand while telling you “It’s okay if you are not ready or maybe you don’t feel the same-” when you suddenly grabbed his hand in yours and shook your head “No..It’s not..I feel the same! I..I like you” you mustered all the courage that you have inside to say those words. When you caught Joshua’s eyes you saw how shiny they became, how many emotions they held inside and the smile bloomed on his lips. “That’s good to know because I liked you too for some time already” he smirked and abruptly tugged you by hand and encircled you in his embrace. You thought that there was no more comfortable place in the world than in Joshua’s arms. 
And maybe now you don’t regret your decision to come out late for this little hangout, cause it ended in the best way possible.
Reblogs and likes are highly appreciated <3 Do not - steal / copy / repost / translate any of my works !
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My Three Favourite Women (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
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I hope you all enjoy this! A little bit of Alexia fluff to get us through to the weekend :) P.S Read My Three Girls if you haven't before this ;)
Alexia and Alba had dropped you at the airport first thing this morning which had been really hard for both you and Alexia. Sleeping next to the woman you loved and seeing how much help she still needed day to day made getting on the plane almost impossible. But she had told you to go, had told you to win it for her and for Eli, told you to show what the parents that never wanted you what they were missing.
With her words of encouragement and the engagement ring she had given you once home from the restaurant last night, a ring that also came with the complaint of you stealing her thunder before she could get down on one knee herself, you flew back to your birth country.
The next two days passed by quickly and before you could blink you were at the stadium ready to play in probably the most important game of your international career. After you walked the pitch with your team you all got some time to ring your families before phones were taken away.
FaceTiming Alexia you were happy when all three of your favourite faces popped up on the screen. “Hola familia, we’ve got here. The stadium is massive and I think the nerves are starting to kick in now. How are you guys? Ale how was physio yesterday?”
After catching up with what they had been up to and finding out that Alexia could now walk with only one crutch to hold her weight you finally noticed you didn’t recognise where they were. “Where are you guys? I don’t recognise the wall behind you?”
Alba was the one to speak which took your focus from Alexia who turned to her mother with a panicked look that you missed. “Ahhh we are just out for food, when we saw your call we stepped into a room to talk privately.” You were not fully convinced but decided you didn’t want to spend your last few moments with your family trying to find out something they obviously didn’t want to tell you.
“Ale?” You almost forgot to ask.
“Si hermosa.” The smile she sent you almost made you forget where you were. Then you remembered what you wanted to say and snapped out of your Alexia induced haze.
“Are you okay that I don’t wear my ring today? I don’t want to take away from the girls and their achievements.” You were nervous, you didn’t want her to think you were having second thoughts or anything.
“Your achievements too bebé. You have been amazing the whole competition you deserve this as well, in my eyes maybe even more. But yes of course that’s okay, the people I care about knowing know. Keep it safe though please?” You didn’t think you could love this woman more and then she goes and understands you more than you probably deserve.
“Te amo. Si it’s safe, Lucy’s mum has it safe and sound for me.” At the mention of her new teammates name Alexia smiled. It was no secret that she was extremely happy with the signing of the right back and not just because she was a fantastic player, no it was more the fact that you had one of your greatest friends with you. Your happiness was always on her top priority.
With a few more words of encouragement from them all you started to tear up a little as you spoke, “Las amo a todas mucho, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for all of you and I play for you all today. I’m sorry I couldn’t get you here physically but you are here with me mentally and I will play my heart out. I promise.”
With an I love you from both Alba and Eli, who both had tears in their eyes, Alexia spoke “Te amo mucho bebé, I can’t wait to watch you dominate that field today and lift that trophy.” You didn’t know how true her sentence was.
You blew a kiss to each of them before you ended the call and got yourself back together again. You had to play well for not only your teammates but for your loves at home in Barcelona.
You were sitting in your cubby putting the final bits of your kit on before the game. Your shin pads had words from Alexia written on them, you kissed the te amo and slotted them in the sleeves on your legs. You taped your wrist and wrote Eli, Alba and Alexia before taping over that and drawing a heart. You told them they were with you and they were.
“Ready?” Lucy was sat next to you a fact you didn’t even register until she spoke.
“Ready.” With a determined nod you both stood and followed the rest of the starting line out and into the hall ready to walk out.
The first half went by so fast that you were almost shocked to hear the half time whistle blow. You had turned the opposite way of the tunnel when Lucy called you to wait, her and Keira were making there way over. They slung their arms over yours shoulders when they got to you and you all start walking and discussing what you think you needed to do better second half.
You were just about to reach the tunnel when Lucy waved, you looked up assuming she was waving at her mother and you were going to follow but when you made eye contact with the brown eyes you loved you stopped.
There in all her beautiful glory was Alexia Putellas, her mother to one side and her sister to the other. Now you knew why they were in a strange room. The biggest smile broke out on your face and you waved up to them. They all sent you a little heart with their hands and that’s when you realised what they were wearing. Each one of them were in the white of England, Alba must have noticed because she turned around to show the back. You almost cried when you saw the big 22 and your name printed on her back. They really where your family.
Lucy and Keira tugged you forward when they knew you had all been stopped for too long. “How did you like your surprise?” You could hear the shit eating grin that was plastered on Keira’s face.
“You two are the best thank you.”
After a team talk from Sarina and a little hype up from Leah, you ran back into the pitch with a little more pep in your step. You had family in the family section, you actually had people there watching mostly you for the first time. You were going to do them proud.
The second half started better for your team, passes were being completed and chances were being made. After the first 10 minutes passed, you saw Toone and Russo kitted out and ready to come on. This change always sparked something as the two youngsters brought so much energy to the game.
You and Keira spoke with Ella as soon as she was on to hear what Sarina wanted from you and that was when you stepped back more. She wanted to free Keira up some more to put balls through to the fast paced players.
And that’s exactly what happened not too long after the change, you picked up the ball from a loose touch by one of the Germany girls. You played it the Keira who immediately looked up and spotted Ella’s run. You held your breath as she raced after the perfect ball and lobbed it over the keeper.
You all ran, you were 1-0 in the second half of the final. After the celebrations you all clapped as Beth went off and as Chloe ran passed you to get into position you gave her a encouraging tap on the back.
The clock was ticking down and Germany were pushing, you were trying your best to stop their midfield doing anything. You couldn’t stop their equaliser from happening though, you were all square once again.
Going into extra time was not what you really wanted, you were feeling it in your legs and you could feel the tension in the room.
“We’ve got this. We have played every game as if it will be our last and this one hasn’t been any different. Leah said it earlier but I will remind you all, you are the best group of players at this tournament, you have been the ones to beat since day one and that makes you all special. I don’t know about you all but I want to win this not just for us but for the families that have supported us through everything. So play for them, play for you and play for each other. If we do that we are unstoppable.”
You looked at every girl as you spoke and you could see the determination cross all of their features. The ref blew their whistle to signify you needed to get back on the pitch and out of the huddle.
When the final whistle blew you weren’t sure what to do with yourself. You dropped to your knees and cried. You could hear the girls running around shouting their joy. You were surrounded by two bodies before you could stand, you hugged them right back.
“I’m so glad I got to win this with you two.” The sentiment was shared by the other two women before the three of you stood up to join the rest of the girls.
When you noticed them all over by the family section you took off running. You knew you couldn’t celebrate with them yet, you had to stay on the pitch but that didn’t mean you couldn’t wave a cry with them in sight.
Looking up you saw all three of your favourite women in tears, you blew them a kiss before you were dragged into the celebrations. For the next hour you walked around the stadium celebrating with fans, collected your medals and lifted the trophy.
It was only when you walked off the pitch did the reality of what you just did sunk in. The medal around your neck was heavy and the voices where happy and loud around you. Alcohol was flowing and you knew it would be for a long time yet.
When you finally all got showered and changed, you were led to a room full of your families. For the first time since you left them 4 days ago the sense of home settled in you. You rushed into their waiting arms, the 4 way hug something you would never tire of.
“How are my three favourite women?” They all just hugged you a little tighter.
“I’m so so proud of you hermosa.” Alexia’s breath on your neck was all you needed to feel complete again. Pulling back you took the medal off and placed it over the love of your life’s neck.
“It suits you.” The ear to ear grin was the only reply you needed. She will win her own medal like this one day but for now you winning it for her was enough. You silently asked her with your eyes if it was okay to kiss her, she pulled you in my the front of your shirt before you could do anything.
You placed your hands on her hips to hold her steady as she let go of her crutch. You pressed the most gently kiss you could against her lips forgetting completely you were surrounded by a room full of people. When you heard the wolf whistles you pulled back a little, not before pecking her lips a few more times before stepping to her side and sliding you arm round her waist to hold her steady.
It was only when you went to speak to Lucy and her family that you caught sight of Alexia’s back, she had your number on it but the name on top had your heart beating out of your chest.
Putellas was clear for everyone to see and being as Eli and Alba had y/n it was obvious what Alexia was saying here. If you were unsure about what Alexia was saying to the room Lucy had your back. “I see we aren’t hiding that there are wedding bells in your future Mrs Putellas to be.” The nudge of your shoulder and nod in Ale’s direction had you shoving the woman.
“Stop you’re going to make me cry. I’ve never had a family that actually wants me, my last name means nothing to me and for her to want me to take hers I just.” The lump in your throat stopped you speaking. Lucy pulled you into her while Keira went to get Alexia.
“Hola hermosa. What’s wrong?” You didn’t reply just buried your head in her neck and let the emotions of not only the day but of the future you can now see for yourself go.
“You don’t know what seeing your name with my number did to me.” She placed a kiss to your shoulder before replying.
“You are our family bebé. This will be your last name soon.” The warmth spread through you and your smile grew larger than you thought it could. You felt her take your hand and watched as she slipped your ring back on your finger before pulling your hand to her face and placing a kiss over it.
You stood there surrounded by your national teammates right after winning your first major tournament, in the arms of the woman you would always love, with your mother and sister by your sides and you were happy.
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Knowing is Safe
984 words
Fandom: Redacted asmr
Couple: Geordi/Cutie
Takes place during the newest Geordi audio(Your boyfriend asks for your trust) So spoilers for that video. It is what I imagine Cutie says and thinks. I plan on doing another part. All of Geordi's lines arent mine I just typed out what was said in the audio.
Words indented like this are Cuties thoughts
Trigger warning: Unhealthy parenting, Implied eating problems, argument, non-consensual mind reading.
Let me know if I missed a trigger.
Please comment and reblog, it lets me know people like my stuff and encourages me to write more!!!!!!
Click here if you want to see more of my work and follow me for more!
“Repeat after mom, Knowing keeps us safe.”
“Knowing keeps us safe.”
“Good. I know I've given you this talk before, but you still haven't learned. We were given this ability, to protect ourselves, and the ones we love. Others believe we just listen in, that our ability is simple. It's not, we are inspectors, we tune into a brain, and we will know all we need, including who wants to hurt us.”
This is stupid, it's just re-
You looked up at your mom, confused.
“You said you 'd stop reading my mind without asking.”
“I know but as I said, telepathic powers are to protect us. As your mom, I need to be in your mind, as much as possible, to protect you. whether you want me in there or not. Do you understand sweetie?”
You nod, whispering yes in your head. Your mother preferred thoughts over words, she says that they're pure.
“You didn't always have powers, you lived your whole childhood without them, without hearing anyone's thoughts. You were raised in a house where people had magic and you didn't, not at first, not until you were old enough. Didn't that ever make you feel vulnerable, different?”
“All the time, I never had a moment to myself, she was always in my head. But it was a good thing, she always knew when I needed help, and I never had to tell her anything. It was a good thing, that's what she taught me, she protected me, and that's what I want to do for you. I just want to always know you're ok and safe. I don't want to talk about this anymore, I can't.”
 The oven goes off, and before you can ask Geordi, refuses the food.
“I think I'm going to sleep.”
Your mouth opens but shuts when Geordi specks.
“ Because I'm tired and you don't seem to have much to say anyway, so maybe sleep will  help clear my head a bit”
“Ok, ill- ill sleep on the couch toni-”
"No, I don't want to sleep separately tonight I'm upset but that doesn't mean I want you gone, it's our bedroom, it's our bed, both of us just because, just because I'm hurt doesn't change that. Good night."
And he's gone, leaving you alone, with your thoughts, something you've never been used to. You look down at the dinner he made, letting your thoughts take over.
I can't eat.
but he made it for you.
That was before you hurt him.
But he still loves you.
But he didn't say it.
But he does.
How do you know?
He still wants them.
To use them.
No, he loves them.
Or he's just not cruel enough to kick you out this late.
He loves them.
No h-
Stop, theyre not breathing.
Good, keep breathing.
Eat, you forgot to pack lunch.
No cant, not hungry.
That's a lie.
Don't want to, not worth it.
Then go to bed.
What bed?
Your bed.
Yours and Geordi's bed.
Not ours anymore.
He said-
Shut up, why am I such a mess, my thoughts aren't like this, there organized.
You love him.
That's not an answer.
Your worried.
Worried, of course I'm worried, I'm always worried about him. He doesn't let me in, and I can't keep him safe from outside.
He doesn't need your protection.
He doesn't need you.
Your worried about losing him.
I'm always afraid of that, nothing in the world is trustworthy.
You worried he'll leave.
You shake your head and decide you need rest. You walk to the couch when you remember that he wants you in his room.
It's your room to.
You hesitantly walk to your bedroom, then back to the kitchen, then back again. You repeat to yourself to breathe as you open the door, you take a deep breath, letting the comforting scent of your partner calm you. 
"Geordi? Are you asl-"
"No, I'm not asleep yet."
You take a few steps, towards the bed, looking at Geordi’s back, so stiff, so uncomfortable, you want him to relax, be happy.
Maybe massage would help.
You think he wants you touching him?
What about snuggling?
Even worse, you'd smother him.
You already do.
I didn't mean to. 
Doesn't matter, he hates you.
He doesn't hate you, he loves you.
How would you know?
Say it, if he says it back-
Then he's just being nice.
no - he's not like that, he tells the truth.
He didn't at the pool party.
You didn't give him the chance.
Shut up. Just say it.
"Geordi? I um I love..."
Come on finish the sentence.
What do you love? Breaking his boundaries?
Then why do you do it.
"I love you to"
See they love you
He's lying.
No, he not.
Check then.
No don't, that'll make things worse.
Only because you'll know the truth, that he doesn't love you and he's disgusted by you.
You enter Geordi’s thoughts, just to get away from your own, but you regret it. He's fighting with himself. Your heart breaks more, he doesn't know if he loves you, and worst you know he has every right to question his love. Even when you leave his thoughts, your thoughts repeat as your back is facing him, but not touching.
“Maybe trying isn't enough”
It isn't.
Then just stop.
Stop trying?
Just stop trying and start succeeding.
Don't enter his mind, ever
Ever. not even if he says it's okay.
But what about his safety?
He’ll still be safe.
But why?
To make him happy.
 But I'll be miserable.
And paranoid.
But he’ll be happy.
He's been hinting at this.
He said you're too used to being in people's minds, so stop.
But that's my job.
Then stop doing it outside your job.
You need the break anyways.
You'll have more energy for work.
There are no cons.
Then it's settled, this power is only for work.
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udon-udon · 5 months
anyway, depresso vent post again
not sure if it's just a coinkidink but god, i've been getting depresso BEFORE my pre-period PMS which sucks cause i get twice the depresso come on man wtf
but anyway, idk things have been triggering me a lot lately and idk if it's cause of the stress of all the things i have to do + lack of art career direction + seeing everyone advance and im not advancing/feeling like im being left behind + the stress from work + internal battles and issues i haven't solved yet that i keep gaslighting myself that i've solved but clearly they are not solved + the existing family issues. I feel like yeah most likely that's causing my additional wave of depresso but i also hate that it just comes out of nowhere. I was pumped and all cause I started going to the gym and then suddenly i'm like falling to the floor help ive fallen and can't get up.
i'm also not much of a crier, i hate crying simply cause it takes a lot of energy so i don't really cry much unless im super frustrated or wtvr, but i've been finding myself wanting to cry more so than ever, starting from a few months ago????? I still try not to cause i hate crying, but theres always that tight feeling in my throat like i want to cry u know. And yes, I know crying it out is good for you, but ugh.
I also have been yet again putting a shit ton of more stuff on my plate than I should be what's new, and that's also causing stress as well cause I want to do so many things but I obviously don't have the time for it. I'm still slowly chipping away at my art commissions and I planned on having them done by Feb 1 but i dont think that's gonna happen.... But after art commissions is art print grind cause I need to overhaul my old anime convention art prints... And then I had the idea of creating a side brand that sells only udon related merch (so less anime, and more cute) and because it's a whole new brand, there's a lot of effort/designing/money to be put in and.... that's... more things to do in so little time. Why do I do this to myself. I still really want to do it though!!!! But at what cost, udon... at what cost....
And of course, seeing people be successful makes me feel down cause I don't have what they have and they have what I want yada yada insert pitiful stuff. I'm happy for these people but obvs i can't help but be envious and my brain being like "you're never gonna be enough/never gonna get what they have" and then i want to stab a knife in my brain hello. It's hard to see my own successes when I keep looking at other people's successes, which sucks, cause I've done a lot of cool things, but I keep unregistering them because it's not my ideal success or something idk
Also I think what mostly triggered this month's mood swing is seeing/feeling that someone's leaving me (?) Seeing someone I enjoy being with happier/enjoying someone else's company more. And I'm being totally irrational with that because ofc there are so many other factors. I can't control what other people feel/do and I'm not the center of the universe!!! But in this/that moment it makes me feel like I'm not enough, that I'm boring or wtvr, not loved. And we all know how much I struggle with that 🤪 basically my abandonment issues kicking in, but also my brain being really irrational
I guess this month's theme is I feel like I'm not enough :' ) and also way too many things on my plate yet again, and the stress that I kind of forgot during the December holiday catching back up to me again :)
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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Marie Claire Pop Zhehan
We're back with the last fig in this release! You can catch up on Shizuka and LV 1854 if you haven't seen those yet. This fig maker released three individual figs all at the same time - they're not officially in a series, but since I got them all in a batch I'm grouping them together. This fig goes extremely well with yesterday's LV 1854 fig, as you'll see!
The inspiration for this popsicle eating cutie is Zhang Zhehan's Marie Claire Pop photoshoot from May 2020:
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He looks so tall and so long legged here! I mean, of course he is tall, just easy to forget when standing next to Gong Jun.
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I love the sunlight pouring in through the windows on this shoot and lighting him up. So warm and beautiful. We have a video of this too -
I think it's the fig's little curling smile, but I can't help but really see how the corners of his mouth turn up. It's so delightful!
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Like all the figs in this release, he thankfully made the ocean voyage safe in his protective polystyrene box.
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Like yesterday's LV 1854, this fig would not stand up on his one foot for even one picture! I also immediately glued him down onto a fig standee. I really hate doing anything permanent to my figs, but he's such a heavy fig that I had zero confidence anything else would hold him upright and damage free for the long term.
Please note what looks like a white paint splotch at his shoe - it is not! It's actually the shoe buckle. You'll get a better view of it as we rotate around the fig.
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Not a good photography job from this angle, I'm afraid - I got him chin first! I hate it when I do that to myself. He's still super cute with his casual pose and his fudgsicle.
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Beautiful posing by this fig maker - she really managed to keep the long and lean lines of the original. Zhehan has the most beautiful posture of any man I've ever seen, and this one certainly captures that. His arm looks a little bit foreshortened here, but there's really nothing to be done for it given the proportions of the fig and the posing. I think she did a great job with the detail of the fingers.
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You might have to zoom in to see, but like yesterday's fig with Gong Jun's foot kicking up, Zhehan's casually posed foot does not touch the ground. Exhibit A for the other reason this fig does not balance for anything, and why I couldn't trust it to a fig sticker or museum wax. There's no way this fig wouldn't tip and crash over, with how heavy that precious and very solid little head is.
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Kudos to this fig maker. I like to think I'd be a fig maker if I was in China (and boy WOULD I be), but I can tell you right now I'd take one look at that patterned shirt Zhehan is wearing in the Marie Claire pics and DESPAIR. My eyes cross even looking at it! So I think she and the factory did a great job getting the pattern concept down in fig form.
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The one-foot pose really is a great look - for ads and figs. No surprise people love it! It's casual yet elegant at the same time, especially if you have mile long legs. Lots of fabric to drape and look wonderful.
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What a cutie. Fig arms are super hard to do like this, but this looks good.
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Ok, his arm looks oddly long from this angle but I swear it's simply Part 2, The Return of My Poor Photography (maybe that's more like part 29). If you zoom in you'll see more of the circular buckles on Zhehan's shoes here, and can admire the folding and drape on his pants.
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And we're back around! I took a slightly better angle on this pic, so you have a more normal view and less of the chin-up angle. May I say again how much I love the turned up corners on the ends of his mouth!
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I was so busy worrying about his posing and gluing him down that I forgot to take my normal bottom-up perspective shot. I missed a whole bunch of figs this time around! Since he is permanently glued down, I did my best to angle him to approximate the shot. You can (barely) see his shoe buckles again here, as well as the heel on his shoes. You might also notice a dark patch on the inside of his left arm - this is actually the first time I'm noticing this. It's not noticable at all in the fig when he's standing.
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You can just see the little bit of the fudgsicle here from this angle! His hair looks great - both yesterday's Gong Jun fig and this one have fantastically modeled hair.
Speaking of which...
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Here we have these two casually posing cuties (with great hair) together! Adorable.
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Like the other fig cards in this series, the fig maker used the same background as the actual picture. Really charming.
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Aww, Happy May Magazine birthday to you, Zhehan! This is very sweet and touching. This fig maker is really incredible - I have more of her figs on order, and can't wait to show you them when they finish production and make their way over here! They'll get bumped to the front of the fig line for sure.
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 347
Scene Count: 24
Rating: Pure summer joy!
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omega-genshin · 2 years
omg omega thoma hcs would be so nice he's the perfect malewife afterall
yesyes malewife supremecy 😩🙏. i actually just played his hangout events (*cough* totally not for freemogems *cough*) so i've definitely thought about him a lot.
so here are the hcs for everyone's favorite malewife!
also holy shit i haven't touched this blog in a while i am so sorry-
• Thoma has a very tidy nest. If it isn't perfectly clean, it will definitely bother him.
• Thoma's nest consists of a few blankets and a lot of stuffed animals. Most of which he actually made himself!
• If he finds an injured animal, Thoma will take it back to his nest to rest up and recover. Once it's recovered, he'll release it back into the wild and come back to feed it every so often.
• Thoma is really open to letting other people into his nest with him. He just makes sure to mention that he can and will get really clingy and cuddly while in his nest.
• In his third trimester, it is absolutely not uncommon for Thoma to just cuddle up in his nest at night, since it is so much more comfortable that laying flat in his bed.
• Thoma had always wanted to have a family, so you can imagine how absolutely ecstatic he was when he found out he was pregnant! He doesn't even wait to tell his alpha and the Kamisato siblings after he finds out.
• Thoma cries over every "big moment" with his baby. Finding out, he cries. Telling the Kamisato siblings, you bet he's hugging both of them in tears. Holding his baby for the first time, he's butterfly kissing her beautiful face with tears all over his own. Don't worry—they're all happy tears!
• While strangers and more distant friends and acquaintances touching him annoys the everliving hell out of him, close friends and loved ones touching his bump gives Thoma an immeasurable amount of serotonin.
• When his nesting instinct kicks in, it kicks in strong. Being a housekeeper definitely does not help with this. This man is cleaning his area of the house and cooking meals at 2am in preparation for being unable to do so after the baby comes.
• Thoma works until the moment he goes into labor, (which is already pretty overdue), and Ayaka has to force him to lay down after his contractions start to get too intense for him (as much as Thoma insists that he's fine). Poor thing is in labor for about 18 hours.
• Thoma ends up with a healthy little girl and he just instantly falls in love the moment she's handed to him. He knows that she's his and he would defend her with his life if he had to. He immediately forms a really close bond with his daughter and did i mention teARS-
• They grow up really close! Thoma's a natural parent and he tries to pass on his ideals from his childhood to his daughter. That, and his Mondstadter heritage.
• The kid also loves her Auntie Ayaka and Uncle Ayato. She likes to play with Ayaka and Ayato lets her hang out in his room while he works.
•Thoma likes to cuddle a lot during his heat. Definitely kinda clingy.
• The only people he's really comfortable with during this time are the Traveler and the Kamisato siblings. He won't push others away, but he most certainly will show signs of discomfort when others around.
• Luckily, heats are fairly mild for Thoma. Of course, he feels a little crappy, but it isn't too debilitating.
and that's about all i could think of. sorry this was really overdue, again i kinda forgot about this blog hghhfs 😶
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rosetheex-editor · 6 months
[Video transcript start.]
[The transcript begins from someone's shirt pocket, two sets of footsteps heard walking up to a door. The door is swung open but the name “Ruby” and a handprint drawn in blood can still be seen.]
?: God… Am I really ready to do this?
[Voice identified: Rose Elizabeth Henderson.]
[The woman walks close to the door but stops, seemingly freezing in place.]
?: Is something wrong?
[Voice identified: Edgar.]
R: I uh… Didn’t think it would be this hard to walk in here… Haven't been in this room since june.
E: Do you want me to go first?
R: Can we walk in at the same time?
E: Oh, yeah, of course.
[The two people walk into the room at the same time, a dark blood soaked room. The walls and desks are covered in incoherent writing that can barely be seen.]
R: Hm… Ok… Forgot how creepy this fucking room was.
E: Yeah… I guess I never really looked around when I fought Emi here.
[Rose chuckles, walking over to one of the walls. A light from the phone makes it possible to read the words “MY FAULT.” and “REMEMBER.” written in blood.]
R: Huh… Forgot about that too.
E: Jeez… how old is all of this?
R: This section was probably written like a month or two before I got out… I think?
E: Fuckin’ hell, should we… go somewhere where there’s less or…?
R: It's fine… It's uh, kinda topical on why I asked to come here to talk with you.
E: Oh, well… should we sit down, then?
[Rose turns around to face Edgar, who is smiling softly at her, his eyes look tired, but he manages to play it off well enough. His hand goes up to brush a bit of hair out of his face, accidentally touching the bandages on a spot on his forehead, he flinches slightly, but doesn’t look away.]
R: You can, I think I'm going to stand.
[Edgar nods, and sits down on the floor, crossing his legs.]
R: Sorry for doing this all forty-eight hours after you got unmasked, but [Between awkward laughing.] I think if I waited any longer to talk about it I might go insane.
E: I don’t mind, I needed something to help take my mind off of it.
R: First, the only thing I was waiting to tell you. I fought Nicholas like a bit before he died. He broke my rib, I kicked his balls in and attacked him with your crowbar until…
E: Until…?
R: He switched it on me and almost crushed my windpipe in…
E: Jesus– That sounds… fucking terrifying.
R: Yeah um… Now you might be asking yourself ‘Wait, how did you stop him? Did someone help you?’ Yes… But you might not like who.
E: … [Slowly.] Eden…?
R: No Cassius.
E: Oh. [Long pause.] Why?
R: Well… Uh I have two… Technically three theories, might be right or wrong. A. He hates Nicholas for killing him and trying to take over PR, more than he hates me. B. He realized that if Nicholas killed me Ness would have um… Broken into the mall which Ophelia really doesn't want to happen. Or C. Both.
E: Huh… I… hm. I don’t know him, so I couldn’t tell you.
R: Me neither, I got my PR not being heartless info from Mari Ness and Will.
E: Same here, honestly.
R: Oh, and um… Alexander is kinda the MVP of being nice to us here in the mall, he literally sacrificed himself for Mari when Ruby attacked them, and played Mario Party with Sparrow and Peony after… Y'know.
E: Ah.
R: ANYWAY! Getting off topic. Why I brought you here.
E: Right, right, yeah.
R: I… I think I'm finally ready…
[Edgar tilts his head to the side, raising one eyebrow.]
R: I'm ready to try and move on… Not let Showfall have any guilt or past traumas to hold over my head anymore.
E: Oh. That’s… that’s a very big step forward, Rose. I’m proud of you.
R: Yeah… I brought you here, to tell you the whole truth of what happened with both Ruby and… Emi… And also to make a promise or two.
E: Sounds like a plan. Thank you for trusting me enough to do this, Rose.
R: Well… You're my dad… You deserve to know.
[Edgar nods.]
R: Guess I'll start with the easy one… Because Emi is obviously still alive.
E: Alright, tell me whenever you’re ready. I’m not going anywhere.
R: Ok… Um January 4th 2006, I was trying to escape with Ruby… She had a knife, I had an old computer. We had gotten split up. I ended up… In a very dark part of the mall when an employee. Emi. Ran up to me in the dark trying to attack me… I hit her 13 times with the computer… I had blood on the heels of my shoes for months… I didn't even know…
[Rose begins silently crying. The camera still facing Edgar.]
[Edgar reaches a hand out and pats Rose on the shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.]
R: Thanks I um… God…
E: You’re fine, you didn’t know. You did what you had to.
R: Hm… I god… Why am I trying to drag this out…
E: It’s a tough subject. I do the same thing sometimes.
R: I have to talk about it eventually…
E: But that doesn’t make it any easier. Take all the time you need, Rose.
R: Here I have the perfect idea to try and make this a bit easier…
E: Hm?
[Rose throws a semi large bag into frame, clearly having taken it off her back. After a deep breath she reaches down and pulls a box out of the bag.]
E: What’s that?
R: The gift Ruby left in the vent hideout, still haven't opened it.
E: Oh, alright. You’re… going to open it here?
R: No time like the present right?
E: Haha, present. [Slight pause.] Yeah, sorry.
R: Ok… Here we go.
[Rose holds the present for roughly 5 seconds before sighing.]
R: Wait… Fuck.
E: Do you want some help?
R: Yes please, I kinda uh… Forgot.
[Edgar reaches forward to help Rose open the present.]
[Rose's whole torso moves to look inside the box, inside is a red sweater with Rose's on it, a VHS tape, a photo and on the bottom a red blanket.]
R: Oh…
E: That’s… huh. That’s very sweet.
R: It's uh… I think I recognize the blanket actually…
E: Oh?
R: Yeah it's um… The one I had when I was little…
E: Aw.
R: The sweater is um… Hm… It's too big.
E: Maybe we could… hm. Well, I’m not the best at sewing, at least with actual clothing, so…
R: Ruby told me… Give stuff to people in need so…
[Rose grabs the sweater and slowly hands it to Edgar.]
R: You need a sweater… And a change of clothes. Dried blood can't be good for your skin
E: I– are you sure? That’s a gift from your sister, I wouldn’t want to take that away from you.
R: It means more to me if I get to use it to help you… Ruby would've wanted me to help people in need.
E: [A long pause.] Alright. Thank you, Rose. Genuinely.
R: No problem, now um… Ok fuck… I can't ignore the elephant in the room.
E: Yeah, you ready to keep talking?
R: I think so… Ready to hear the whole story of mine and Ruby's fight?
E: Mhm.
R: [A long pause.] So a few months before I escaped… Ruby had um came back to the hideout covered in wounds from a fight, she was telling me everything was fine… It clearly wasn't… She had um… I only found out towards the end that… She overheard Mai talking about Sparrow, and how she ‘Didn’t know Ruby had a kid.’
E: Hm.
R: Yeah, she shoved me out of the way telling me not to worry about it… She told me some things are better left hidden, she got more mad and brought up our mom's affair… I stabbed her in the leg…
[Edgar’s eyebrows crease inward, then they raise slightly. He seems to have connected a few things.]
R: She walked off and I followed… Screaming at her, she told me… About Sparrow… Well at least that she ‘Had a kid.’... I pushed her for keeping shit from me…
[Edgar nods, encouraging Rose to keep going.]
R: [Between crying.] Three employees came running, Ruby pushed me behind a column and was dragged away… I watched as they took her from me, I did nothing… I watched as she begged for her life…
E: Rose, come here.
[Edgar holds his arms out, and the two hug.]
R: [Sobbing.] I watched her plead for her fucking life and did nothing… I… I…
E: I know, I know. Let it all out, Rose. I’m here.
[Rose continues sobbing, the camera obscured by Edgar's shirt.]
R: [Still sobbing.] I don't want to lose anyone… Ever ever again… Not here…
E: You won’t. I’ll make sure of it, you won’t lose anyone else.
R: That reminds me… The promises…
E: Hm?
R: First… I'm never letting you go anywhere by yourself again… I can't lo- Let anyone lose you again… And don't want to lose you again…
E: Woah– that’s… that may be a little extreme, yeah?
R: Edgar. I have lost you. SEVEN fucking times now, never again.
E: That’s… fair. But I don’t want you getting hurt somehow because of this.
R: I have three bullets in my fucking gun, realistically I only need two to get everyone out. Also, I roundhouse kicked the head of PR in the fucking head once.
E: It’s not fighting that I’m worried about, we’re both actually kinda good at that, it’s… running. I don’t know if you can keep up if we need to sprint.
R: Edgar. I'm fast. As fuck. We've been over this.
E: Speed and endurance, Rose. I can run for… well, hours if need be. I don’t know how well you can do with that.
R: I ran from this room to the window I escaped from in record time, and besides I have… Decent endurance, not great but good enough.
E: If we’re talking about speed with escaping, I carried you from Mai’s office all the way outside.
R: I… Probably could have ran. Also, didn't she literally say there was a window open?
E: Er… yeah. I just… didn’t want to leave without causing some damage.
R: Anyway… Second promise. I promise you, either both of us are getting out or neither of us are.
E: That’s… again, yeah, that’s a little fair. But… Hm.
R: I'm not leaving any more family behind.
E: … Alright.
R: Y'know even if you don't think you deserve escape, Which I can tell dude… Experience… You do deserve that.
E: How the fuck–
R: Edgar, I tried 37 fucking times before I got out… I have felt like I didn't deserve to escape more times than I can count.
E: Yeah, you’re… you’re right.
R: If you ever doubt that fact, remember something A… Woman much wiser than me said… Have to switch it a little bit though…
[Rose coughs.]
R: Despite everything… You're still my dad Edgar, NOTHING will ever change that.
E: I… Thank you.
R: Of course, ugh… Feels nice… Finally talking to someone about everything…
E: Yeah, it feels great to talk about shit like that, but it’s really easy to forget that. I would know a lot about that last bit.
R: Hm yeah… When we get back you should uh, probably talk to Mari about taking a break from planning for a day. They literally have not slept since you got back.
E: I’ll talk to them.
R: Yeah um… Also, S- [Long pause.] Sparrow needs to talk with you.
E: Thanks for letting me know.
R: Yeah, um… Do you just want to talk about stuff? I uh, have a game I really liked when I was a kid.
E: Hm… maybe, yeah. I don’t know. What’s the game you liked?
R: Super mario RPG for the super nintendo.
E: Huh, I’ve never heard of that.
E: Oh? I’d love to play it sometime, then! Maybe we could do a playthrough together!
R: They made a remake on the console thingy Ness bought me… But I didn't get to play it before y'know…
[Rose's hand pops into frame to sarcastically point at the mall.]
E: Haha, yeah… when we get out, we can play it together.
R: It'll be fun, maybe I can play half-life. I actually think Mari said something about buying it on my computer I think…
E: Wait, really?
R: Yeah! Something about it being free?
E: That’s awesome! I didn’t know that was a thing at all!
R: You can play it if you want? In all honesty you might have more luck getting my computer away from Sparrow then I do.
E: That would be great, actually.
R: Cool, I'll ask Peony about it when we get bac- ACTUALLY… That’s something I wanted to ask you about, do you trust Peony? I mean… I do, but after everything that happened?
E: I… trust them if Sparrow does.
R: Fair… I just… I'm glad the kid is happy.
E: Same here.
R: I… Hm nevermind…
[Rose sighs seemingly upset.]
E: What’s up?
R: Cassidy tried fighting against the mask on the island…
E: Oh.
R: I just… I want to help her… I know I can't but I want to.
E: We’ll figure something out.
R: I… Sparrow told Delilah, they didn't want to lose you like they lost Cassidy…
E: … Ah… Um.
R: Yeah… I just… I know what it's like to leave a sibling behind… I don't want Sparrow to go through that even if they aren't siblings by blood.
E: Mhm…
R: On a happier note, Ness bought you something for when you get out, she bought it around the time Will found you in the tunnels I think…
E: Really? What?
R: Got you new head rests for the car, and also a bunch of doctor pepper.
E: Aw, that’s nice of her.
R: Yeah… Hm…
E: I… huh.
R: What’s up?
E: Is it really that simple? Just… ask someone to talk and then… do that?
R: I mean, yeah… Sometimes. Why do you ask?
E: I guess I just never realized that.
R: Took me a while to figure it out… I uh, did you wanna talk?
E: … maybe later.
R: Ok… Hm… Ugh.
[Rose can be heard headbutting the metal desk, seemingly out of annoyance.]
E: Hey, let’s not do that, alright? You’re going to hurt yourself.
R: She's under that mask dad… Cassidy is still there, and there is nothing any of us can do… Makes me feel useless…
E: [A sigh.] I get that. We’ll figure it out. I promise we’ll help her.
R: I… We have to figure something out… please…
E: We will.
R: Ok… I uh… Sorry… For getting you caught up in the middle of my stuff with Emi…
E: Don’t apologize, Rose. It’s fine. I’d rather be caught up in this than not be, because this way, I can help you.
R: [Muffled.] You're the best dad an idiot like me could've asked for.
E: Hey, you’re not an idiot. Don’t say that about yourself. You’re smarter than a lot of people I’ve met. Negative self talk is not going to fly anymore.
R: I got my arm ripped off thinking my sister was still alive… A smart person wouldn't do that.
E: Yes, but a grieving person would. You weren’t in a good state of mind. You’re okay, Rose. You’re not dumb, you’re not a screw-up. You’re my fucking daughter, and I wouldn’t want anyone else but you to have that spot.
R: I…
[Rose can be heard beginning to cry once again, the tears seemingly not going to stop for a while.]
R: [Crying, this lasts for the rest of the transcript.] Thank you… Thank you dad…
E: It’s no problem, if you ever need that reminder again, I’ll be right here.
R: Yeah I uh… Fucking hell…
E: Hold on. [A pause.] Oh, you’re kidding.
R: W- What?
E: Transcript light.
[Transcript ended.]
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asukamood · 2 years
I had this thing waiting in my Docs for so long but forgot to publish it here oops-
Anyways, behold, Nightmare’s yandere arc
Dreamswap still belongs to Kai
Warnings: Blood, violence, non consensual use of drugs.
Part 1 — Part 2 — Bonus — Part 4
A few months have passed since Nightmare found himself in the past. Everything was the same as how he remembered it, the only thing that changed was his behavior, which he altered to minimize the chance of The Apple Incident taking place again.
Today, was the day said event was supposed to happen. But even with all the precautions Nightmare took to make sure things wouldn’t go like they did last time, there was still one big problem.
The Villagers.
Apparently, even when Nightmare wasn’t doing much to annoy them, they still felt the need to disturb Dream about whatever pathetic thing was happening in their life. Knowing how much Dream hates social interactions, it was bound to anger him at one moment and he would eventually bite into the apples once again.
Exactly how things were currently going.
When Dream went out this morning, Nightmare decided to follow him as well to make sure he wouldn’t head to the Tree of Emotions. To his relief, he headed to the village with a bag, probably to go run some errands for the three of them, and then that’s when almost everyone dragged Dream by the wrist to complain about something he didn’t have anything to do with, like water supply problem.
Like seriously, what did he have to do with that?
Nightmare discreetly stepped into the conversation to avoid making Dream talk more than what was necessary but in the end, people started to get even angrier and Dream stormed off, with the same look in his eyes he had in the former Apple Incident.
The guardian of negativity sent daggers into the villagers, eyes flashing with fury. He was very tempted to slit their throats open and spill blood but right now, he had more important things to take care of.
He hurried after Dream, who had already arrived at the tree and was in the process of taking a golden apple down. Unlike last time, the black apples haven't turned into golden ones yet. Nightmare would have arched an eyebrow at that but that would have to wait.
After all, the apple in Dream’s hand was approaching dangerously close to his open mouth. Nightmare was pretty sure that in his 124 years of existence, he had never run as fast as he did now. A few seconds later, he was already behind him.
If he knocked the apple out of Dream’s hand and just dragged him back home right now, there was a high chance Dream would try that again behind Nightmare’s back which was not what he wanted.
Thankfully for him, he had a plan B in case his initial plan failed. A week inside that timeline, Nightmare discovered that while he hadn’t eaten any apple yet, he was still able to use his powers like before. Which encompassed summoning his staff whenever he wanted, making a portal, or even taking something he wanted from an existing place.
He really didn’t want to do this to Dream but seems like it was his only option now.
From behind him, Nightmare wrapped a hand in front of Dream’s mouth and yanked him backward. The guardian of positivity let out a muffled startled noise, instinctively grabbing the other’s hand to pull it away from him.
Of course, that whole action was meant as a distraction for Nightmare who, with his free hand, took out a needle hidden inside of his jacket before pressing it on Dream’s neck. The latter’s breath hitched, eyes widening in realization at what was happening.
He detached one of his hands from Nightmare’s and tried reaching behind him to grab the needle while thrashing around restlessly to give his negative counterpart as much trouble as he possibly could. At that, Nightmare grunted and shifted his position so he could wrap an ankle around Dream’s own to limit his movement.
As for Dream’s hand well, there were a few close calls but the drug was starting to kick in so its actions were very sloppy and slow, it wasn’t that hard to dodge his attempts. At one moment, Dream’s eyes closed momentarily, body finally giving in to the drug.
He fell backward, back hitting Nightmare’s chest as his head slouched to the side. The guardian of negativity sighed, pulling the needle away from Dream’s neck and wrapping an arm around his waist to keep him from falling.
The semi-sleeping man blinked once or twice very slowly, the sight in front of him getting blurry.
Then, the darkness finally caught up to him and his mind wandered into the depths of unconsciousness, eyes closing for good.
After a few minutes of struggling to open the front door, Nightmare finally managed to swing it open without making too much noise. Despite that, he knew one of the villagers had seen him carrying a suspiciously asleep Dream in his arms but that was a problem for later, he was planning on dealing with them right after he was done putting Dream to bed anyways.
He walked around the house, the wood cracking underneath him after being stepped on. If Dream were to wake up right now, he might have smacked him on the nape and scolded him on how dirty his shoes were after walking outside but since he was drugged and unconscious, there was a low chance that was gonna happen now.
Instead of picking a fight with the door as he did with the front one, Nightmare decided to just kick it open. At the moment, Dream could probably sleep while a thunderstorm mixed with a tornado raged on so Nightmare was pretty confident it wasn’t going to suddenly wake him up.
Besides, if he read the effects of the drugs well, it also caused a little amnesia episode so even if he did wake up, it wouldn’t be that much of a problem anyways.
With the unmoving man in his arms, Nightmare stepped inside the room and flipped the lights on. He walked towards Dream’s bed and gently put him on it, covering him with the blankets once he did. A sleepy mumble followed that action, with Dream tucking the blanket under his arms.
The man with the crescent moon circlet frowned and put the blanket back to its original position, to which Dream responded by tucking it under his arms again, this time with a disapproving pout.
Nightmare rolled his eyes in amusement, brushing Dream’s cheek with his fingertips. “Stubborn as ever, even when under the effects of a drug…” The latter made a soft noise and turned in the finger’s direction.
As much as messing with him until he woke up sounded good, he still had to take care of some very annoying problems first. He turned the lights off again and took the front door again.
“If you tell anything about this to Dream…” Nightmare sneered, the point of his scythe pressed against one of their necks. It left a slight cut, allowing a steady flow of blood to ooze out of the wound under the man’s terrified gaze. “I won’t hesitate to finish what I’ve started today. Got that in your thick little heads?”
He then turned his gaze away from the person, choosing to glare down at all the others waiting behind him, shocked at so much violence. While Nightmare did pick a lot of fights with various people, never did he use a blade against any of them and made such a mess in the village.
There was blood covering the ground like snowflakes, flakes that splattered on his shirt. It was hardly visible because of the dark-themed color of the clothing but there was one spot near his waistband that was glowing a bright red in the sunlight.
“I want this place clean by the time I come back and if Dream ever has to complain to me about you all again, well,” He gestured to the pool of blood nearby where a severely injured woman lay down, pained whimpers the only things coming out of her mouth. “I think you know what will happen.”
“This is your first and last warning.” He spat out, already thinking of all the creative ways he could get rid of them without raising suspicion on Dream’s end. “Use it wisely.“
On these words, he dissipated his scythe in a twist of his hand and purple sparkles before turning on his heels and walking back to his and Dream’s house slowly.
When Dream opened his eyes again, he felt as if the sunlight was sending daggers straight into his eyes, the brightness making his headache even worse. He squeezed his eyes shut with a groan, turning around so his face was buried into the pillow.
“Well well, is Sleeping Beauty finally awake?” A very familiar voice spoke up behind him, soft footsteps getting nearer and nearer until they stopped on Dream’s left side. Goodness, Dream felt like his head had been slammed against a table multiple times and his body felt so heavy, that even the slightest movement tired him out.
“So I was… sleeping?” He muttered, not talking to Nightmare himself.
“Well duh.” He rolled his eyes with a grin, bouncing on his sentence anyways. “Why? Did you dream of something strange?”
“Yeah, we had that big argument with the villagers so I got mad, ran to the tree, and held a golden apple. I was gonna bite it but I woke up before that, why would I even eat the apples? That’s stupid…” He muttered, voice getting more wobbly the more he continued. He was probably still tired, if the fact keeping his eyes open was hard was any indication of that.
Nightmare laughed, sounding a bit odd, but Dream was way too tired to care at the moment. “Definitely weird but— Oh? Are you still sleepy? Well, that’s fine, just make sure to wake up for lunch though.” Dream nodded dumbly as his eyes fluttered shut, his friend’s voice getting echoey and distant. He slowly drifted into the darkness, noticing in his haze a little red spot on Nightmare’s outfit.
Must be his imagination.
Nightmare watched his eyes flutter shut, a delighted smile on his face. Finally, nothing could get in his way of staying with Dream, preferably forever.
He was very tempted to just pull Dream into a hug and play with his hair until he would wake up again but his clothes were partially stained with the filthy blood of the villagers and he wouldn’t dream of dirtying his best friend like that. So what he did instead of launching himself at Dream like a starving beast, he decided to take a shower and do what he planned to do after that.
When Nightmare came out of the bathroom, Dream still hadn’t moved an inch from his position and was seemingly still sound asleep. His lips twitched upward in a grin as he climbed on the bed and pulled Dream into his arms, self-proclaiming being better than his pillow.
The latter let out a breathy sigh and leaned closer, head pressed onto his neck to Nightmare’s joy. He rubbed little circles on his back as his free hand ran through his hair, messing it up ruthlessly.
“Nothing is going to take you away from me now…” He whispered, shifting them in a more comfortable position. A hand flew up to rub Dream’s cheek. “It’s the perfect ending for us, wouldn’t you agree?”
Of course, he wasn’t expecting a reply as he was talking to a sleeping man but it still felt pretty relieving to let the sentence out.
He was going insane, wasn't he?
Well, he didn’t care anymore, as long as Dream didn’t leave, there was no reason to complain.
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lgbtqiadnf · 1 year
A new Christmas (pt.3)
"Uhm- we haven't talked about anything too deep," "Oh, I'd think you have since you did text me 2 years ago- I think- saying you 2 dating," "You remember that?" George blushed at the memory of him texting dreams mom that embarrassing message,
"Of course, I remember, I was thrilled! My son had a boyfriend! A handsome one too," She laughed, making George giggle, "thank you," "I was hoping to see you much sooner, those Visa offices do take a while," She said starting up another conversation,
"Well, I had gotten an O-1 visa," George explained making Dreams mom shine, "That's amazing, George! An O-1 Visa, I am very proud to have you as a possible son-in-law," George couldn't not laugh, it was hilarious, it seemed as if they had been years already planning a wedding and it was about to happen,
"GEORGE!" Drista yelled, running down the stairs and hugging George, tightly, "Where have you been?! Oh my gosh! Hi!" She looked at the person she had just bear-hugged to see if she was hugging the GeorgeNotFound, and she was,
"Hello," George, calmly smiling, "How are you?" He asked, she couldn't let any words out due to her excitement, instead, she hugged him again,
"This idiot kicked me!" Dream yelled, glaring at Drista, "What the hell?!" He stared at the two, and pointed at where she had kicked him, on the bottom of his knee, "You were telling me all these things I shouldn't ask George and you wouldn't let me leave!" Drista said, putting her arm on George's shoulder,
"What did he say?" George whispered to Drista, "He was being an idiot, he told me, 'don't ask him this and that! Also, don't ask him this,' He was being annoying, " "what did he say not to ask?" "If you guys are having a child or dumb shit like that, I wasn't paying any attention," Drista laughed, "We are having a kid! Why wouldn't he want to tell people that?" George joked, "Don't tell anyone but... I'm pregnant! no clickbait! REAL!" George laughed at his own joke, "Really!" "There's no clickbait, plus! I said real," George explained,
"GUYS!" Drista got the attention of both Dream and her mom, "George is pregnant!" She laughed, announcing the news, "What the fuck," Dream let out, looking both drista and George up and down,
Dreams mom grabbed George's hands, looking more proud than ever, "is it true George?" "Well... Biologically, no. I cannot get pregnant. My anatomy doesn't work like that," George looked embarrassed, "Awh, Well...You could always go into adoption or Foster care!" She suggested, patting George on the back, "maybe, we could, but I don't think we're ready!" George was hella uncomfortable,
Dream looked like he found a house in the fridge due to the fact he had been standing there for 5 minutes, George stared at him, "Dream! Are you done?" George said, getting his attention, "Why?" "Come! Sit here," George patted the spot next to him, "Fine, if you insist," Dream sat down, resting his head on Georges shoulder and intertwining his hand with his, "Are you ok?" Dream asked, he wanted to kiss George on his neck but, both drista and his mom were around so he didn't,
"I'm ok," George smiled, "I wanna take a nap," Dream whispered into Georges's ear, "Why are you whispering," "it's a secret!" "Oh, my bad," "I'm tired," "Me too," "Should we take a nap?" "If you want?" "Maybe when all the family is here and we've met them all," George suggested, "Good idea," Dream now rested his head on George's lap, stroking George's hand with his thumb,
The two sat in silence as Drista watched videos on her phone while Dream's mom prepared the food. A couple minutes later, they fell asleep, Dream's head rested on George's chest, and George's hand wrapped around Dream's waist, "Look!" Drista whisper-yelled for her mom, taking a million pictures, "Aw, they look adorable!" She smiled at the sight,
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imagine-fight-write · 2 years
Hello, Everyone!
Banana Fish time!
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#it's been too long
As always, remember Banana Fish has no real chapters, so who knows when this post will end. #it will be long
Also, I will get sidetracked. That is a given.
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And there's spoilers, I guess.
So last time, we found out who the poor, mysterious banana fish guy is who Ash found wayyy back at the beginning & kicked off the plot.
#reporting can be deadly kids
We also found out what banana fish is! (Mostly).
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#that's from Batman: The Animated Series #it's the best
But not how banana fish got started, who made it, or what it was doing over in Vietnam & how Ash's poor brother Griffin got involved. Or even the full effects of what it does to you & how. #but maybe we don't want to know
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#biting your nails is a terrible habit
Or why Dino #the murdering worst
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# I'm not forgetting those kids he casually murdered #and they're prob. not the first #not to mention Ash
Ahem, or why Dino the murdering worst is involved & what he plans to do with banana fish #apart from something terrible, because he's the worst.
Also, I forgot to mention, on pg.75 when Charlie is like, "well, um, Max (your contact) is in jail." to Eiji & Ibe, he blushes in this adorable, totally related way.
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#it's important
Now in the next scene, pg. 83, Eiji & Ibe enter the police station to talk about contacting a gang for their story about youth gangs.
#were they going to compare / contrast their own youth gangs?
#who I know exist because of Fruits Basket & YuYuHakusho.
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Eiji fan-girls over being in an actual police station. Or maybe an American police station? #unclear #it's so cute
He quotes Kojak, (not this exact quote tho)
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#It's true!
but don't smoke kids, it's bad for you #PSA announcement
#my boxing coach resembled this guy ; D
Eiji also thinks Inspector Jenkins looks like Columbo, another popular police detective story at the time.
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#which I've also seen & it is glorious #so is Kojak
#we never see his wife but he talks about her all the time it's so adorable
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I don't think Jenkins looks that much like Columbo tho, apart from untidiness. #must be the coat
On the next page we're introduced to Inspector Norris, who's not important except to point out, if you haven't noticed Yosida's tendency for face-sameness, you might notice it here.
#but who cares, I can't draw that well #tho I can draw
#I blame the manga industry which drives artists on terrible schedules #please give them more time
for their health & for better art!
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Then I relate to Eiji so hard, because everyone thinks he's so much younger than he actually is (19). Inspector Jenkins thinks Eiji looks like he's in grade school.
I mean yes, he does look young, but not grade school young.
#did Jenkins mean high school? #translation questions
And Eiji lampshades it by thinking, "Okay, some surprise. Not that much."
He's annoyed by it #probably because people treat him like a kid
Everyone's expressions are great tho. Whenever anyone laughs they look so cheerful, it's great.
Maybe they're just really bad at telling people's ages in general. But they're cops! Isn't that sort of a requirement ? So you can look for criminals or describe them later based on their characteristics?
Ibe & Jenkins have an interesting discussion about how even Japanese think Eiji is younger than he is. Jenkins says, "It's hard to tell the age of Asians, isn't it?" which sounds racist?
Is it harder telling someone's age if they're from another country / race? #idk #why does it matter anyway
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#this is the eagle from the movie Rescuer's Down Under
#I recommend
Anyway. Norris says Eiji looking young is actually good, because, I quote, pg. 85 "They don't trust adults. But with you they might just relax a little and open up. And they like to show off to people their own age." #because of course they do
Ibe asks if they're dangerous, and gets an Elvish "Yes, but also no" response. Violence is their life, because "they're younger, they're also more impulsive, more unpredictable." pg.86
But also, "The flip side is they take their honor seriously. Even absurdly. They feel it's what separates them from the . . . well, I guess you could say, the grown-ups in organized crime." pg.86
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#grown-ups are the worst #sick burn
Then we get confirmation that Ash is the best #we know this already, but it's great to hear because he's a gang leader, which means he has to - rule isn't the correct word, I guess "keep order" is more what they're going for, but also not be afraid to lay down the law if necessary #as we saw. Of the aforementioned, violent but honorable & volatile kids & teenagers Norris just mentioned.
#sounds tough #they sound kinda like samurai but not as cultured
#or maybe Vikings
Jenkins has this great quote about Ash, top of pg.87,
"This kid Ash is smart as they come, tough as hell, but also full of presence."
Ibe asks if Ash is also a "young boy" which Jenkins confirms, and also mentions that he (Ash) is Caucasian. Which is supposed to be surprising for some reason? But also, in true 80s fashion, Ash has managed to unite some Black and Latino kids into his gangs, "racial harmony".
#I do like the inclusion of Black & Latino people in Banana Fish #tho they're not always drawn respectfully
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#surprisngly the (few) ladies in Banana Fish are drawn respectfully
#but not always respected #Ash needs to apologize to the doctor's secretary, Ms.Brandish #secretaries have tough jobs
#go racial harmony #let's respect each other #but don't join gangs they're bad for you #Banana Fish is all about that
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#also Caucasian has Asian in it #which is strange #also funny? #what is English
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Eiji thinks, "Ash. I'm going to meet him soon." And we get a lovely picture of him wondering about Ash at the end of pg. 87
And then we cut to Ash talking to Dino #the murdering worst.
Duh duh duh!
Going to stop here, it's late.
Next time, a lovely convo battle of wits between Ash & Dino, I question Dino's dress choices, lots of lovely framing shots, 2 lowlifes plot terrible plots, and maybe we will finally get to when Ash & Eiji meet!
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obislittleone · 2 years
Who Are You Really
Andrew Garfield!Peter Parker x Reader
A/n: There may or may not be spoilers in this, I haven't seen the movie yet... gonna write one or two more parts after this when I've seen it. I'm going tomorrow at 6pm so we'll see what goes down...
Warnings: ⚠️possible spoilers ahead read at your own risk⚠️, street assualt, attempted sexual assault.
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You knew Peter Parker well. One of your class mates at Midtown, the boy you sat beside in English every day. You were just as surprised as anyone to find out he was Spider-Man. It was broadcasted everywhere in New York for everyone to see. It couldn't be mistaken as someone else. The footage was clear, and the evidence was there. Your classmate was Spider-Man.
You were supposed to have graduated a while ago, but when the blip happened, you disappeared with it, setting you back to a place where you had to redo your last year in highschool. Being a super senior was not fun, considering your friends who had survived were now five years older than you. Some out of college already and even on to their careers. It was crazy to think that so much could have happened during a time that was instantaneous to you.
No one looked at Peter the same after the day he was found out. He would walk down the hallways with his girlfriend and everyone would stare. You couldn't deny you felt bad for him. Everyone staring on as uf he had procured some sort of disastrous disease. He was a hero of this city, and shouldn't have been treated so wrongfully. One of the bullies in the school, Eugene Thompson was of course getting his kicks out of the humiliation of his classmate. He chuckled in the corner of the hall, waiting for Peter and MJ to walk by before he took an obnoxiously large step in front of them while nonchalantly walking to class. Peter dropped the papers he had under his arm, and they went all over the floor.
The others looked on this display of mishap with nothing but a second glance. They didn't dare get involved with the crime fighting Spider-Man.
You felt differently. You went over and helped him and MJ with the scattered papers and handed them over. He uttered a small thank you and a nod, and then they went on their way quietly. You thought it was awful, the whole thing. How anxious does Spider-Man have to be to get so caught off guard by a school bully. This must be taking a serious toll on him.
You didn't talk to Peter for a while, not even in the class you had together. You stayed just as quiet as everyone else, until one day.
Everyone seemingly didn't care anymore about the fact that Peter was Spider-Man. You'd even argue to the point where they forgot it entirely.
You spoke to him in your English class, simply discussing the week's assignment, and he seemed to forget himself even then. It was so strange, but you didn't question it.
Later that day news stories started coming up about strange portals opening around the city. They looked like they could be connected to the other super hero that lived uptown, Dr. Strange. Reports of strange persons turning up grabbed people's attention, and though worse things had happned in this world, you were willing to bet anything that this was really bad.
You had been living alone in your apartment ever since your mother passed away. She died during the blip from cancer, so you didn't even get to say goodbye. You'd been living pretty independently before that happened, but being by yourself in this time of craziness was not desired. You could hold your own if it came down to it, you'd just rather avoid having to inflict that upon yourself.
You wanted to see if you classmate knew anything about this mess, and having gone over to his apartment before to study, you knew where he lived. You weren't exactly friends, but if it came down to it, you knew could trust him. He was a super hero after all.
You went down the streets and tried to be discreet, knowing the part of town you were headed for wasn't necessarily kind and caring. You had your switch blade in your pocket at the ready just incase, but strayed from keeping it in your hand to avoid suspicion and extra unwanted attention.
Two guys had begun following you about a block ago, you could tell. You kept on, thinking if it was just a loose follow, you could reach your destination without any issues. The problems began when three other men decided to join their friends, making the group of five seem more intimidating.
You turned down an alley as a shortcut to the next street down, where the building you were looking for was located. Bad idea. There was a small gang of sidewalk smokers at the end to cut you off. You kept walking to test your luck, wanting to see if you were just being paranoid. You did let you hand lay closer to your pocket though.
"Ay mama, where you off to?" One of them poked at you, cutting you from the other side of the street. There were no passersby, you were on your own.
"To see Spider-Man," you taunted sarcastically, trying to push past the men while also making a slight to them.
"Oh spiderguy! He's a little punk, you know," you were pushed back to a corner, with few ways out. "You guys close or something?"
"Look, I just wanna go see my friend, can you let me pass?"
"Depends. Can you pay the toll?"
"What toll?"
The biggest man in the group stepped forward, blushing your hair strands away from your shoulder, letting his hands linger against you a little longer. Your hands were in your pocket, and you were about to stab someone, but held back, knowing the repercussions could be bad if you went against too many men without being able to handle them.
"Whatever you're willing to offer us, sweetheart."
That's it. Even just by pure unbridled rage, nothing could have stopped you from taking that knife and pressing it against the throat of the man closest to you.
"Everyone back up or he's dead," you threatened. You couldn't kill anyone, that you were sure of, but they were going to hurt you, so you could at least make them believe you could.
"That's so cute, look boys she's even got a little knife. Too bad she ain't know how to use it."
"Wanna bet?" You smirked, pressing it against the bulging veins of his neck. The red that rimmed the blade was enough to scare the man you held under it, but none of the others even flinched.
"She's all talk, grab her," one of them instructed, and two more reacted. They reached over and tried to take a shot, but you readjusted your hold on the guy in your hands, bringing an elbow around his neck so you could use the knife for better purposes.
One got sliced right through the arm, pulling back like a child who just touched a hot stove.
"Hands off, jackass," you tried ti slice through another, but now they were all on you. You were putting up one hell of a fight, you were cinfused why they still persisted.
You tried to break free, but it was more difficult now, and they wrestled the knife from your hands, leaving you pretty defenseless given your position. You struggled to get away, but then you saw a flash of red and blue swing into the picture.
"I'm not really great at talking to girls either guys, but 'hands off' seems like a pretty universal term."
Before your eyes, Spider-Man started to web up the deadbeats to the nearest wall, giving you an escape for a few seconds to put a few hits into the others. Spider-Man turned around, expecting to take down the rest, only to find them on the ground with their hands over their crotch. You lived taking cheap shots like that. Men had balls for a reason, that being so women could punish them whenever they misbehaved.
You quickly ran out of the alley afterwards, making it onto the street so that you could feek safer in the presence of the witnesses that drive by in cars every few seconds. Spider-Man followed after you, catching uo to your walking pace.
"You okay? You didn't take any bad hits did you?" He asked with a concerned tone. Funny, he didn't sound the same as in class. He looked taller, too. Glancing his way you saw a completely different costume than the one you were used to seeing on the news.
"No, I'm fine... I did actually wanna talk to you, though. I was on my over when those douchebags cornered me," you said, but the Spider-Man stopped in his tracks. You turned around and tilted your head.
"What do you- do I know you?" He asked. His voice definitely sounded different from in class a few days ago.
"You should. I'm your desk buddy in English," you furrowed your eyebrows, stepping back to be beside him again.
"I think you got the wrong guy," he chuckled, and you rolled your eyes.
"Parker everyone knows it's you, you don't have to play dumb anymore."
He froze immediately. How did you know? How did anyone know? What were you saying to him. You took a step closer and looked very closely. He definitely did not resemble the boy you knew, but then again, there was only one Spider-Man.
"Peter, you sound different, are you feeling okay?"
"How do you know my name?" He asked, afraid. This was not Peter Parker.
You reached a hand up and ripped the mask off, unprepared for the face that stared back at you. This was all too much to take in. Dark hair, yes. Brown eyes, yes. Peter Parker's brown eyes and dark hair? No.
"Who are you?"
Anyways I'm so excited for nwh can y'all tell?
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multifandomingmess · 2 years
survivor. [s. carisi x daughter!reader] part one -- 3,000+ words
Y/N is the daughter of Carisi and she's been holding onto a huge secret. It'll all unravel after he finds his daughter in her bedroom after a suicide attempt. Requested by: @metalheadraven001
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Carisi noticed his daughter hadn't been picking up the phone - which concerned him. She always answered, even if she was half asleep. He was back working as a Detective in the Special Victims Unit because he just felt he wasn't prepared enough for being ADA. Carisi goes to the Liv's office to talk with her. She smiled as he came in, offering him to sit down. "What's up, Carisi?"
"Can I go home for a few minutes? I haven't heard back from Y/N... I know she can fend for herself but she's just not answering her phone."
"Of course, I get it. I'm the same way with Noah. Let me know how she is, maybe I can bring her a self-care bag later if she's sick."
Carisi was grateful for the friendship he had with Olivia. She was always understanding - even during the times she wasn't. Especially when it comes to parenting. It took him a while to open up about being a dad because apart of him was embarrassed. His daughter was a result from a hookup but her mother wasn't ever in her life due to drugs. Carisi stood up from the chair and made his way out. He eyed Rollins as she interviewed a victim. Fin was out investigating the crime scene of that victim. Carisi would've told Rollins but he just needs some urgent peace of mind.
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He parked outside his house, walking up the stairs at a steady pace. He noticed his door was unlocked, instantly making his fatherly detective instincts kick in. He opened the door, unholstering his gun. He peaked the corner, shouting out, "Y/N?"
Nothing. Just pure silence. He checked around each corner, pointing his Glock 22. No sign of forced entry on the first floor of their house. He still needed to check her room. He heads up the stairs, going for her room. He twisted the knob, and the door creaked open. His eyes widen, holstering his gun again. He rushes over to his daughter, who is laying on the ground, a bottle of prescription pills in her left hand.
He reads for a pulse, which thankfully - he can feel a pulse but it's faint. He pulls out his walkie-talkie, calling for a bus. "I need a bus at 221 Linden Street."
He then reaches for his phone, dialing Olivia. "Carisi, how's Y/N?"
"She's not breathing, Liv." Carisi blurted, his voice cracking from emotions overwhelming him. "I think she tried killing herself, I need help, please."
"I'm on my way. I'll tell Rollins to head the office for now."
He ends the call with her, placing his phone in his pocket. He grabs for one of the pillows on her bed, lifting her head up and placing it underneath. He places a hand on her cheek, muttering with tears falling, "Wake up, baby girl... Please..."
Her pulse was still the same, which was comforting, but also terrifying. He was really hoping that the ambulance would get here faster.
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Olivia arrives at the scene, seeing the ambulance parked outside the house. She shakes her head, rushing in to see Carisi. She watches Y/N being lifted onto the stretcher. Olivia met her eyes with Carisi's and walked over to him. She pulls him into a hug, rubbing his back. "I'm so sorry, Carisi... What happened?"
"I noticed that the door was unlocked, which isn't like Y/N - she likes to stay cautious when she is home. Anyways, I didn't see anything or no signs of forced entry, so I assumed that maybe she just forgot to and overslept. Then, when I went to her room, I saw her laying on the ground with an empty bottle of her prescription pills. This is all my fault..." He rambled on, his body tensing up.
"Carisi, this isn't your fault. A lot of people are struggling and never say anything. I'll meet you at the hospital and I can talk to her if you'd like." Carisi gulped nervously but nodded, following the paramedics to the ambulance. Olivia watched them load Y/N into the ambulance, watching Carisi nearly break down... She'd never seen him like that. It made Olivia realize how much she wished she had that growing up - A father to be by her side, through hell and back.
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Hours had passed and Carisi paced the floors of the hospital. He wanted some news. Was she alive? Was she dead? Was she going to make it? Olivia stayed there with him, keeping Rollins and Fin up-to-date. A doctor enters the waiting room, approaching Carisi and Olivia. The brunette captain stood to her feet, placing her hands on Carisi's shoulder to comfort him.
"Sonny Carisi? I'm Dr. Lykins, thank you for being patient." The doctor began, holding a clipboard against his chest. "Your daughter is going to be fine. We were able to pump the medication out of her system. She's just going to slightly feel as if she's had a hangover. You're lucky you found her when you did - we could've been dealing with a whole other situation."
"Dr. Lykins, is it alright if I speak with Y/N Carisi?" Olivia inquired, and the doctor replied with a simple nod.
"That'll be fine. Just make sure you don't push her. She's definitely exhausted after what happened. She's awake now, so you can go back to room 221."
"Go ahead, Liv. I need a moment to compose myself." Carisi insisted, sitting down and for one moment, his world finally felt normal again. He began to take a few deep breaths. Just like that, Olivia went onto Y/N's hospital room. She was so used to these hospitals, so she knew them by the back of her hand.
She walked past a few rooms, before reaching Y/N's room. There were lots of kids dealing with health issues. There were the ones visiting their parents with health issues. Some were just there due to surgical procedures. Then, there was Y/N. How could a bright and beautiful girl want to end her life? Olivia planned on finding out why.
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Olivia knocks on the door, getting Y/N's attention. Y/N flashed a slight smile, signaling for Olivia to come in. "Hey there, Y/N..."
"Where's my dad?" Y/N questions surprised that Olivia was just here. She was already embarrassed enough. She knew this was going to go downhill.
"He wanted me to come to see you first. He's still having a hard time with what happened. I don't want to interrogate you but Y/N - you gave your dad quite the scare."
She looked away, biting the inside of her cheek. Olivia sat next to Y/N, not wanting to push too much pressure on her but continues, "He's just worried about you. I get it, though. It's hard to tell people how you're feeling. I understand."
"No, you don't understand, Olivia. I know you mean well but there's so much more to this..." Y/N argues back, tears filling the bottoms of her eyes. Olivia subtly knits her brows together, listening to the girl sob. "...You both should've just let me die."
"Y/N, don't you dare say anything like that. Your dad loves you very much. You don't deserve to die, why do you feel like you should?" Olivia placed a hand on Y/N's hand, giving a comforting gaze. "You're not in trouble, sweetheart. You're alright. You're here and that's great. However, I can tell that deep down - something or someone caused you to feel unwanted..."
Y/N chokes back on her tears, shaking her head. "Please... I can't say anything."
"Who's stopping you? You have a voice and you're strong."
"No, I'm not - I'm a piece of shit. I'm worthless. I'm nothing." Y/N shouts, her eyes are a light pink hue. "I'm pathetic."
Olivia gave a concerned glare, looking her in the eyes. "Who told you that?"
Y/N became silent, trying to muffle her sobs. She didn't want to say what happened. She just wanted to be gone, so she wouldn't have to deal with this. The stress of the rape, her dad, etc... She knows that if she tells her dad, he'll try to kill the guy - which she wouldn't be opposed to. However, definitely not legal.
"L-Look... If I tell you, just don't tell my dad yet. I just don't want him to spiral out of control. He's usually chill but I know that he'd react badly..." She stutters a bit, still avoiding contact.
"I can't make any promises unless you tell me what happened," Olivia admitted but gave her attention full. Y/N was hesitant, staying silent to herself, but took a deep breath. She finally made eye contact with Olivia.
"A few days ago, I snuck out and went to a party... My drink got spiked but a guy raped me. He was rough... Very rough. I know I was drugged but I still remember his face, the bits, and pieces..."
Olivia was taken aback, not expecting her to say that. She couldn't keep that from Carisi but even Olivia felt the urge to keep it from him. The captain wasn't going to leave without reporting it, though. Her heart broke for Y/N.
"I'm sorry that you had to go through that, Y/N." Olivia could feel the toughness of this situation. However, she knew that she couldn't keep it from Carisi. "...But, we're gonna have to investigate this - which means that your dad needs to know. I can either be in here with you when you tell him or I can tell him myself."
Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her head. "Please... I'm not ready to face him or any of this..."
"We don't have any other choice, Y/N... I'll talk with him. He won't get mad at you. He's very passionate about getting justice for everyone, he'd do the same for you."
Y/N felt like everything was going wrong. She wished her attempt worked, even though - she didn't really wanna die. She just wanted to be free from this burden, from everything.
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Olivia leaves Y/N's room and heads to find Carisi. He's bouncing his leg nervously, stopping once he sees Olivia. "How is she?"
"We need to talk, Carisi."
Her voice grows soft but the tone -- Carisi didn't like it. What was going on? Was his daughter okay?
"What's going on, is she okay?" He began to stumble over his words, tensing up.
"She's okay... but she told me something - and I want you to know beforehand. She's scared to tell you."
He furrows his brows, feeling confused but concerned. "Why would she be scared to tell me about something? I've always supported her, she knows this..."
"Carisi... She was raped."
"What?" He thought she was joking but realized that Benson wouldn't joke about anything like that. His heart began to race, and his head began to feel heavy. He knitted his brows together, "When?"
"I need you to be back there with me while I question her."
Carisi couldn't believe what was happening. Who would hurt his baby? Why didn't she tell him sooner? Who made her feel so destroyed and broken? He was going to find out - whether or not an investigation goes.
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Carisi contained himself as he sat next to his daughter, holding her hand, comforting her.
"Alright, Y/N... After we do this, you'll probably have to get a rape kit done, okay?" Y/N seems a bit hesitant but understands - considering the circumstances.
"When did the incident occur? Do you remember what the person looks like? I'll need every single detail." Benson begins, grabbing her phone to record the conversation as she prepares to write down everything as needed.
"As I told you privately, I snuck out and went to a party... I'm sorry, dad." Y/N begins, turning her attention to her dad, her eyes watering up. He rubbed her hand with his thumb to comfort her again. "I got a drink, no alcohol, it was just cocktail juice. I didn't notice anything different with the drink because I always drink that juice for breakfast. I just began to feel off..."
"In what way did you feel off?" Olivia questions, clicking her pin while gliding it across the paper.
"It felt like my brain was being zapped? I just felt really weird. I felt unreal. So, I made my way to another room at the party to try to take a breather. I planned on just laying on the bed but I heard the door close behind me." Y/N begins to scrunch her face, cringing at the thought of what happened. She began to sob, causing Carisi to grit his teeth, digging his nails into his left thigh. "I just remember him grabbing my hair, pushing me down onto the bed. It's all so hazy but I was shouting for him to stop. I'm sure no one heard me because they were blaring music."
"What do you remember about your surroundings during that moment?"
"The bed had a wooden bedframe, the walls were a dark red, I think? The lights were dimmer than the other lights in the house. He wrapped his hands around my neck..." Y/N begins to trace the front of her neck, tears flowing down her flushed cheeks. "I was wearing a dress, so he pulled my dress up. He ripped my underwear off and forced himself inside of me. He covered my mouth while he raped me. He was very rough... It hurt so bad. At one point, I did see his face and his body."
"What do you remember about his face? What stood out about him?"
"His hair was messy, I think he had dirty blonde hair. He had multiple moles on his face, he forced me to touch his face. He was definitely taller than me, maybe over six feet? He had stubble. Very scrawny but he was so strong. I tried to fight back."
Benson nodded, writing down everything. "You're doing great, Y/N. Do you recall if you scratched him?"
Y/N nods, "Yes, I scratched his face. He didn't like that..."
"I'll tell the nurses that we need your fingernails swabbed and for the rape kit to be performed. Would you prefer to do it alone or have your dad or me with you?"
"C-Can you stay, Olivia?" Y/N asks, the police captain nodding in response. Carisi removes his hand from her hand, gives her a kiss on the forehead, and heads out so that the rape kit can be performed.
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Olivia headed back to the precinct but allowed Carisi to take Y/N home. The rape kit was being processed by their forensics team. Rollins rushed over to her captain, concern all over her face. "I heard about Y/N, how is she? How's Carisi holding up?"
"She's okay but we've been assigned to the criminal investigation," Olivia explained, throwing Rollins off. None of them knew about Y/N being raped, so this would be a hard process. Especially since they all had a connection with her. "I know, I know, Rollins. We were assigned for a reason..."
Rollin's eyes widen, realizing what happened to Carisi's daughter. She was definitely surprised but she always thought of Y/N as a troublemaker. We all know how Rollins can be when it comes to cases.
"So, has a rape kit been done?" Olivia nods in response, before heading to her office. Rollins follows behind her, joining her in the office. "Carisi can't be anywhere around this, Captain... IAB could take serious actions."
"Carisi doesn't care about IAB right now and rightfully, I don't blame him. I've never seen his daughter like this."
"Still - we both know how Carisi can get, we saw him when he dealt with his niece's case."
Olivia remembered that all so well. She told him that he couldn't be involved but he still assisted. Apart from her thoughts, Carisi was going to kill the guy.
"There's no way we can keep him from this case and if IAB gets pissed, I'll take the blame... however, I've got him fairly calmed down. He held her hand during the exam." Olivia trailed off, spewing the corners of her mouth. "I would've loved to have had a father like Carisi. He was so gentle and calm around her because he wanted her to know he was there..."
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The results were finally in for Y/N's rape kit. Olivia and Rollins rushed to the lab. The examiner let out a relieved sigh when Olivia and Rollins entered the room. He seemed to have a folder held against his chest.
"What were the findings?" Olivia asked, noticing an I.D. of a person pulled up on the screen. "Was there a match to the attacker?"
"The rape kit showed severe trauma in the vaginal canal... This isn't consistent with rough sex, either. This can only be really consistent with rape and her kit is similar to only two other kits... Both had the same alleged assailant... I was able to test some cells that were found and they came back to him... The same assailant in those cases." He explained, showing them both the screen of sex offender Jonathan Stylks. "Our Special Victims Unit never prosecuted him or dealt with him but he was caught in Albany County. However, he was released after appealing his case after a decade in the slammer."
"Information about his previous victims?"
"Maria Cho, fourteen years old, was found deceased after the incident. Then, we have Bailey Packerson, seventeen years old, found behind a bush but alive. They all had similar rape kits."
Olivia shook her head in disgust, "What else did you find?"
"Skin follicles underneath the nails, just like you said. Even some dried blood. Matched him again. There was some bruising underneath her breastbone. Her neck seemed to have some discoloration, almost as if she was nearly strangled to death at one point. He did a number on her but she survived... Maria Cho wasn't as lucky."
Olivia stared off for a moment, deciding the next moves within the case. She'd have to discuss with Barba the details, she would have to get a search warrant for the house it happened at, and would have to tell Carisi the news. This would be a long, eventful day.
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Olivia had gotten the search warrant and she was prepared. She and Rollins arrived at the house, along with a few other officers. However, Olivia wasn't expecting Carisi to show up.
"Carisi, what did I tell you?" The police captain scorns, pushing him away from the area. "You can't be here."
"I'm not directly involved within the investigation, Liv-"
She interrupts him, "No. Get off the property right now. I care about you, Carisi, I really do... But this can completely mess this whole thing up. What if the lawyers of the suspect bring this up? They'll think that you planted evidence!"
He playfully clicks his tongue against the inside of his cheek, shaking his head in amusement. "You're kicking me off the case? That involves my daughter?"
"You know how it goes, Carisi. I don't make the laws. I can't break the rules for you... I'm sorry."
"But you could break the law when it came to William Lewis?" He argues back, Olivia drops her mouth agape, furrowing her brows.
"Get off the property now..."
With that, Carisi chuckles with amusement, heading to his car. As soon as he gets in the car, he slams his hands onto the steering wheel, screaming his anger out. Olivia could see him past the tinted windows. She knew he didn't mean what he said but it didn't stop her from feeling hurt.
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It Takes A Village Chapter 10
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Chris Evans X Pregnant!Daughter!Reader
Series Master List
Series summary: You find out that your pregnant. After being kicked out of your mom's house you go to live full time with your Dad who you only saw once every few months. Will he react badly to you being a mom at such a young age?  
Chapter Summary: you announce your pregnancy on Instagram and start rethinking everything.
Series Warnings: swearing, fighting with a parent, teen pregnancy, speak of abortion.
Chapter Warnings: teen pregnancy mentions puking
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You had been on the couch watching Peter pan but now your morning sickness kicked in. You were home from school today due to it being a half-day, your dad was at the store. So you were home alone and throwing up in the toilet with Dodger staring at you concerned while he whimpered. Once you were done you washed your face and brushed your teeth before you went back to the couch to finish the movie. After you posted the photo showing you were home there were rumors as to why. A few gruesome ones, like your mom died, (in all different ways) and a few normal less gruesome ones, such as your dad was able to get full custody of you.You ignored them you were planning on sharing the real reason tomorrow.
"Sweet-pea! I'm home!" You heard your dad say when he entered the house a few bags of groceries in his hands.
"Hey dad!" You said looking over the couch to look at him.
"Hey you okay? Seeing all those rumors?" He asked from the kitchen as he began putting everything away. You got up and walked in.
"Yeah haven't been on social media much since I got out of school I've been watching movies. And I think I have some baby names." You told him excitedly as you began to help him.
"What happened to not picking a names until you knew the genders?" He asked smirking at you.
"Don't worry one of them are after you." You said. He looked at you smiling silently begging you to continue. "No! You don't get to know! But I'll tell you the middle name ideas I have." You said.
"Continue." He smiled at you.
"Okay, so Christopher and Scott are the middle names if I have boys." You said continuing putting away the groceries.
"Okay what about the girl names?" He asked.
"Maxine, and of course the basic white girl middle name of Anne." You said giggling.
"Basic white girl name?" He shook his head at you but you could see the small smile on his face. "The other one is cute though." He said.
"I know!" You told him smiling.
"And Scott will also be happy will one of those names... He's been telling me how you were definitely going to name your baby after him." He explained, you giggled.
"Because I already told him." You said giggling.
"Sweet-pea how could you tell him first! I'm your dad!" He feigned offense before you both laughed. "But really those are great middle names. Especially the first one you said." He smirked at you. "Okay I'm going to make dinner you can get a movie set up for us to watch okay Bubba?" He asked.
"Okay. What movie?" You asked him.
"You pick bubba." You nodded leaving the kitchen Dodger following.
You stood in front of the mirror looking down at you baby bump, phone in hand. Unbeknownst to your dad you were doing this. He was outside with Dodger and you told him you were doing your homework. Of course he'd know that was a lie once this photo goes around. You faced your camera to the mirror the bump was clear from your side you took the photo. You went onto Instagram, a bunch of notifications from your last post filing in. You clicked the new post, you picked your photo before writing a brief caption that said:
"As my last post has cause many questions maybe this with clear some things up. Two new Evans are due in November. I prefer not to go into detail about anything about me being home or about the babies or their father, I just prefer the media and my dad's fans stay out of it. I hope you all can respect that."
You hesitated reading over the caption as many times as possible. Before setting your phone down not posting the picture. You sighed sitting on your bed. You looked back at your phone grabbing it and turning the comments for the post off before quickly clicking it then going down stairs and outside where Chris sat.
"Dad I posted a photo of my baby bump everyone knows." You sat next him sighing. He looked down at you. He pulled you into his side giving you a reassuring smile.
"I told you not to post anything bubs." He mumbled. "Has anyone said anything yet?"
"I turned the comments off..." You mumbled into his shirt.
"That was a good idea. You gotta show me how to do that Bubba." He leaned over kissing the top of your head.
You giggled. "Okay old man." His phone dinged and he looked at it and sighed.
"Well your post is getting attention. Sebastian and Mackie and asking if it's true." He showed you his phone.
"Ooh call'em I want to say hi." You sat up leaning your head on his shoulder. He chuckled shaking his head before face timing them.
"Hey lil Evans!" Mackie said seeing you. "Are you pulling a late April fools prank or was that post real?" He asked.
"It was real... I forgot you guys follow me." You said.
"Your gonna be mom aren't you like 10?" Sebastian asked, slightly teasingly. "Wait... We're you not gonna tell us if we didn't see that post?"
"I'm 15. And before you ask any questions about the babies, I'm having twins, the dad knows, he doesn't want them, I'm 12 weeks along I don't know the genders, and... I think that's all.. Oh and that's why I live with dad, and no I'd tell you eventually, probably next time I saw you and you met the babies." You rambled.
"Who is the dad?" Sebastian asked.
"Jake." You mumbled.
"And your good with this? Two new babies in your house?" Anthony asked Chris.
"We already talked 4 weeks ago when I found out." Chris said.
"You've known for four weeks and didn't tell us Y/n I thought I was your favorite uncle?" Sebastian pouted at you thought the screen.
"Hey I thought I was your favorite uncle!" Anthony said.
"Why do I need to have a favorite?"
"I'll be the babies favorite uncle." Anthony said
"With all of the people I've told about the babies you guys are definitely the most chill about it." You muttered before looking at your phone eyes widening at how many people have already liked the post already. And the press was probably already writing about it.
"Okay bye guys we'll talk to you later." Your dad said before hanging up the face time.
"I think I made a mistake I shouldn't have posted it, dad!! I shouldn't even be a mom now I'm putting my kids into the media! Dad, I had the privilege of not being in the media often since I lived in texas no one is gonna go there and try to take photos rednecks would shoot em! My kids have to live where ever you are because I'm a minor! I'm so dumb! I should've kept it a secret." You rested your head on his shoulder as you rambled. He sighed not knowing how to calm you down so he just looked down at you rubbing your shoulder. "Oh not to mention what is someone from town sees that! They'll all know and show Jake or mom! My kids won't even have their father! Only a mom. I can't take care of the babies I can't even drive! What am I going to do take them to school on a bicycle?" Your rambling continued.
"Bubba... You'll be able to drive when they start going to school besides you have me. Don't worry about town. Or the press." He said. To be honest those were thought he's been having it was why he didn't want you to tell the press. You grew up in a small town in texas with a whole bunch of rednecks even if the paparazzi found out where you lived the town would've chased them away, not because they liked you but because rednecks are crazy. If you still lived there press would be a lot less of a problem. And for the whole, your kids won't have a father thing he knew even if their dad wouldn't be there he would be the best male role model he can for them. But he also noticed that if you weren't at school or work you were always busying your mind, with homework or reading you barely read before. He could only assume it was because of the breakup and being kicked out. Just a way for you not to think of them. Dodger ran over licking your hand as you continued your rant to your dad.
"Shh, bubba." He cooed softly as your rant ended. "I told you, you're not going to be alone. I'll be there to help you the whole way."
Taglist: @toastisgood @coldmuffinpartycloud @thevelvetseries @uniquebeautyqueen
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