#off to dive into the ocean
linddzz · 9 months
Looking up from 95ft (video version)
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jeeaark · 2 months
To be honest I heard the "i know everything about you. Your faults. Your weaknesses" of the Emp, as.... like, the only moment I went against Empy was when I was player 2 and my husband hated the Emp, but I HAD my mind mindblown before and. I thought it was specifically to taunt my own character about her love for the big squid. Which made things double horrible, especially when he summoned the dream guardians of the whole team. So I prefer your version wayyyyyy more, a lot funnier! (plus the Big Bitch Brain could have chosen a less tired illithid. Poor empy that was just to torture him and us T_T)
Ha! I get it, first time hearing Emps being a butt was like, 'Oh you~ that hurt, but I know your not yourself right now, so if we get out of this alive, we can sort out how you really feel later'
and then looking at Greyg's new squid self, I had to laugh like-'I hate to break it to you, but uh. I got a few new surprises on my character sheet since last we met that miiiiiiight argue against what you just said there, buddy ol pal you.
I bet the Netherbrain had that bad guy monologue pre-prepared and couldn't help but look rather silly when illithid Tav showed up.
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raayllum · 1 year
The Epic of the Void is the only source on Startouch Elves inside the Human Kingdoms and was written by an unknown poet. It is a centuries-old document that even predates even the fall of Elarion. It is kept behind a locked door inside the Royal Library of Evenere and guarded by a gleaming Ocean rune. Those who wish to study it need approval from the strict High Mage of Evenere, who turns away most scholars to preserve Startouch scholarship. Only one stanza has been shared:
Where do the fabled Great Ones hide? What secrets have you locked inside? From rising Sun to Moonlight's grace I search the Sky for any trace Of Starfolk, fabled, fallen, found Once everywhere, now none around. Is all we are to know of thee Consumed by Dark, or cast to Sea? So bound to Earth, are we denied The touch of Stars? Have our Gods died? Where do the fabled Great Ones hide?
—Tales of Xadia
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forcebookish · 9 months
has anyone else noticed that almost all, if not all, my meta/"fighting" with other people is just me describing what happens in any given scene
i barely even embellish or speculate. i'll mention recurring themes every once in a while, but for the most part i'm just writing out a play-by-play summary of what the characters actually do, because some people cannot be trusted to use their eyes let alone their brains
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trying to be ~back online~ after almost three years of disconnect feels like being the weird aunt who only comes over on holidays
I don't recognize my favorite cousins or know who's dating who and I've definitely missed some family issues and big milestones bc I've just been spectacularly out of the loop
but that doesn't mean I don't love u
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hamlettheedane · 22 days
god does it hurt when multi million dollar budget movies produced by huge studios suffer from poor writing. you mean yall blew the whole wad on explosives live animals and a showstopping musical number but u couldn’t hire a bunch of english grads to workshop ur shit. i cannot deal w this anymore
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skelelephant · 26 days
Wanna start blogging about endless ocean luminous but the truth is fellas it’s kind of a nothing story so far. That’s okay though I’m rlly just here for the fish
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lurxof--thxmaw · 9 months
@taxidermymaster liked for a starter 。
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The Lady huffs, holding the telephone's golden handset close to her hear with her shoulder as she massages her temple with her hands.
"The pe- the child has been under your supervision before, was she not? She would be-" a sound of something being knocked over alerts her, but she can't peek her head outside the elevator without dropping the phone, so she continues, "- in far better care in your capable hands. You have a talent for dealing with beasts."
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phoenixcatch7 · 2 years
Lu wild: *throws open doors of tavern after having been missing for weeks, wild eyed and thick archers glove*
Wild, grabbing Sky's arm and dragging him back to a swirling portal: you gotta see this. Sky you gotta you'll love it it's the best.
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hotchley · 1 year
I love being a writer <3
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killjoy121710 · 11 months
I have met people, like section mates and co workers, who have not thrown up since childhood, like single digits young. Meanwhile for me, over the years, it’s gotten to the point where when I get sick, my family is barely even concerned. Mild reactions and “do you feel better?”. To be fair yeah I usually DO feel better after vomiting lol but still it’s 🫠
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heelanat · 11 months
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grimark · 2 years
the biggest scuba diving related culture clash i’ve ever experienced was when i was talking to a group of dudes who all admitted that they regularly pissed in their wetsuits as if that was just a totally normal thing to do.
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hobimo · 22 days
dont worry fellas i watched dunmeshi ep 19 im ready to write pirates fic now. the ingredient missing from chapter 4 is. the tragedy of it all
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sharkieboi · 3 months
started playing Abzu on my switch, finally, after owning it for literal years, and while I have no idea what the fuck is going on in terms of the story (WHAT are the triangles that keep electrocuting me and what are all these temples) it is so beautiful and enthralling and has honestly been really helpful in my sadness that I haven’t been able to swim or go to the beach or scuba dive in the past couple years
#shhh sharkie#I am going to the beach this year and will at least snorkel like that’s a resolution and i’m determined#I haven’t been swimming at all since before the pandemic and i MISS IT#even like I haven’t been able to take a bath instead of a shower in so long i NEED to be fully underwater before this year is up#discussing with my person about trying to plan a vacation to somewhere we can go snorkeling/scuba diving so that’s giving me a lot of hope#will satisfy my Urge To Submerge this year goddammit#anyway it feels like one of those games like Monument Valley that it’s just this simple but beautiful environment that you puzzle out#and I love seeing all of the different sea creatures!!#omg I just got to the diving with the whales bit and I was just so stricken it was beautiful#going down with the right whales and having the humpbacks pass you coming back up#and then the blue whales holy shit the camera zoom that shows you that you can only see their eye that’s how big they are#and then the sperm whales and giant squid in The Deep too#it’s incredible what a wonderful game#serendipity i do think i’m experiencing it at a time that i needed something like this but still why did i wait so long to play#actually i know it was cause my joycons broke (fuck u nintendo) and the limited functions meant I couldn’t actually play#and then I did get new off brand ones (that are much better) but was going through mental health hell cause broken knee#and didn’t have the brain capacity to actually start a new game#ANYWAY it’s a beautiful game and I need to get into the ocean asap but in the meantime I’m living vicariously through this game#still don’t know what the fuck is going on with the actual story though#I just like finding the meditate spots#s2g the deep sea one is just obsessed with hatchetfish cause I kept going next and it was like ten in a row before I got something different
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heritageposts · 10 days
What does life in North Korea look like outside of Pyongyang? 🇰🇵
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Hey, I'm back again with a very scary "tankie" post that asks you to think of North Koreans as people, and to consider their country not as a cartoonish dystopia, but as a nation that, like any other place on earth, has culture, traditions, and history.
Below is a collection of pictures from various cities and places in North Korea, along with a brief dive into some of the historical events that informs life in the so-called "hermit kingdom."
Warning: very long post
Kaesong, the historic city
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Beginning this post with Kaesong, one of the oldest cities in Korea. It's also one of the few major cities in the DPRK (i.e. "North Korea") that was not completely destroyed during the Korean war.
Every single city you'll see from this point on were victims of intense aerial bombardments from the U.S. and its allies, and had to be either partially or completely rebuilt after the war.
From 1951 to 1953, during what has now become known as the "forgotten war" in the West, the U.S. dropped 635,000 tons of bombs over Korea — most of it in the North, and on civilian population centers. An additional 32,000 tons of napalm was also deployed, engulfing whole cities in fire and inflicting people with horrific burns:
For such a simple thing to make, napalm had horrific human consequences. A bit of liquid fire, a sort of jellied gasoline, napalm clung to human skin on contact and melted off the flesh. Witnesses to napalm's impact described eyelids so burned they could not be shut and flesh that looked like "swollen, raw meat." - PBS
Ever wondered why North Koreans seem to hate the U.S so much? Well...
Keep in mind that only a few years prior to this, the U.S. had, as the first and only country in the world, used the atomic bomb as a weapon of war. Consider, too, the proximity between Japan and Korea — both geographically and as an "Other" in the Western imagination.
As the war dragged on, and it became clear the U.S. and its allies would not "win" in any conventional sense, the fear that the U.S. would resort to nuclear weapons again loomed large, adding another frightening dimension to the war that can probably go a long way in explaining the DPRK's later obsession with acquiring their own nuclear bomb.
But even without the use of nuclear weapons, the indiscriminate attack on civilians, particularly from U.S. saturation bombings, was still horrific:
"The number of Korean dead, injured or missing by war’s end approached three million, ten percent of the overall population. The majority of those killed were in the North, which had half of the population of the South; although the DPRK does not have official figures, possibly twelve to fifteen percent of the population was killed in the war, a figure close to or surpassing the proportion of Soviet citizens killed in World War II" - Charles K. Armstrong
On top of the loss of life, there's also the material damage. By the end of the war, the U.S. Air Force had, by its own estimations, destroyed somewhere around 85% of all buildings in the DPRK, leaving most cities in complete ruin. There are even stories of U.S. bombers dropping their loads into the ocean because they couldn't find any visible targets to bomb.
What you'll see below of Kaesong, then, provides both a rare glimpse of what life in North Korea looked like before the war, and a reminder of what was destroyed.
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Kaesong's main street, pictured below.
Due the stifling sanctions imposed on the DPRK—which has, in various forms and intensities, been in effect since the 1950s—car ownership is still low throughout the country, with most people getting around either by walking or biking, or by bus or train for longer distances.
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Kaesong, which is regarded as an educational center, is also notable for its many Koryŏ-era monuments. A group of twelve such sites were granted UNESCO world heritage status in 2013.
Included is the Hyonjongnung Royal Tomb, a 14th-century mausoleum located just outside the city of Kaesong.
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One of the statues guarding the tomb.
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Before moving on the other cities, I also wanted to showcase one more of the DPRK's historical sites: Pohyonsa, a thousand-year-old Buddhist temple complex located in the Myohyang Mountains.
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Like many of DPRK's historic sites, the temple complex suffered extensive damage during the Korean war, with the U.S. led bombings destroying over half of its 24 pre-war buildings.
The complex has since been restored and is in use today both as a residence for Buddhist monks, and as a historic site open to visitors.
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Hamhung, the second largest city in the DPRK.
A coastal city located in the South Hamgyŏng Province. It has long served as a major industrial hub in the DPRK, and has one of the largest and busiest ports in the country.
Hamhung, like most of the coastal cities in the DPRK, was hit particularly hard during the war. Through relentless aerial bombardments, the US and its allies destroyed somewhere around 80-90% percent of all buildings, roads, and other infrastructure in the city.
Now, more than seventy years later, unexploded bombs, mortars and pieces of live ammunition are still being unearthed by the thousands in the area. As recently as 2016, one of North Korea's bomb squads—there's one in every province, faced with the same cleanup task—retrieved 370 unexploded mortar rounds... from an elementary school playground.
Experts in the DPRK estimate it will probably take over a hundred years to clean up all the unexploded ordnance—and that's just in and around Hamhung.
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Hamhung's fertilizer plant, the biggest in North Korea.
When the war broke out, Hamhung was home to the largest nitrogen fertilizer plant in Asia. Since its product could be used in the creation of explosives, the existence of the plant is considered to have made Hamhung a target for U.S. aggression (though it's worth repeating that the U.S. carried out saturation bombings of most population centers in the country, irrespective of any so-called 'military value').
The plant was immediately rebuilt after the war, and—beyond its practical use—serves now as a monument of resistance to U.S. imperialism, and as a functional and symbolic site of self-reliance.
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Chongjin, the third largest city in the DPRK.
Another coastal city and industrial hub. It underwent a massive development prior to the Korean war, housing around 300,000 people by the time the war broke out.
By 1953, the U.S. had destroyed most of Chongjin's industry, bombed its harbors, and killed one third of the population.
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Wonsan, a rebuilt seaside city.
The city of Wonsan is a vital link between the DPRK's east and west coasts, and acts today as both a popular holiday destination for North Koreans, and as a central location for the country's growing tourism industry.
Considered a strategically important location during the war, Wonsan is notable for having endured one of the longest naval blockades in modern history, lasting a total of 861 days.
By the end of the war, the U.S. estimated that they had destroyed around 80% of the city.
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Masikryong Ski Resort, located close to Wonsan. It opened to the public in 2014 and is the first, I believe, that was built with foreign tourists in mind.
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Sariwon, another rebuilt city
One of the worst hit cities during the Korean War, with an estimated destruction level of 95%.
I've written about its Wikipedia page here before, which used to mockingly describe its 'folk customs street'—a project built to preserve old Korean traditions and customs—as an "inaccurate romanticized recreation of an ancient Korean street."
No mention, of course, of the destruction caused by the US-led aerial bombings, or any historical context at all that could possibly even hint at why the preservation of old traditions might be particularly important for the city.
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Life outside of the towns and cities
In the rural parts of the DPRK, life primarily revolves around agriculture. As the sanctions they're under make it difficult to acquire fuel, farming in the DPRK relies heavily on manual labour, which again, to avoid food shortages, requires that a large portion of the labour force resides in the countryside.
Unlike what many may think, the reliance on manual labour in farming is a relatively "new" development. Up until the crisis of the 1990s, the DPRK was a highly industrialized nation, with a modernized agricultural system and a high urbanization rate. But, as the access to cheap fuel from the USSR and China disappeared, and the sanctions placed upon them by Western nations heavily restricted their ability to import fuel from other sources, having a fuel-dependent agricultural industry became a recipe for disaster, and required an immediate and brutal restructuring.
For a more detailed breakdown of what lead to the crisis in the 90s, and how it reshaped the DPRKs approach to agriculture, check out this article by Zhun Xu.
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Some typical newly built rural housing, surrounded by farmland.
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Tumblr only allows 20 pictures per post, but if you want to see more pictures of life outside Pyongyang, check out this imgur album.
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