#oh Sims 4 why are you like this XD
victorluvsalice · 5 months
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-->And the moment I arrived, THERE was the holiday overlay! Whew – so changing lots got the game to acknowledge the holiday. Still worrying, but at least my Sims could PARTICIPATE!
First things first, though – it was hot in Brindleton, so I had Smiler change into their hot weather wear (as Alice and Victor had already done so – vampires are immune to temperature, so they don’t automatically change, which can be a little annoying sometimes), then start looking around for a good spot for the food stand while Victor felt the love with Shadow and Alice signed up Surprise to be cured of her affliction. I finally got Smiler to put the stand in a good location as Alice and Surprise waited for the vet, made sure it was stocked, and prepared to start a food sale –
Only for the game to tell me it couldn’t have “two social events” going on at the same time. Hmmm. All right, I was game to wait until after Surprise was cured. I instead had Smiler entertain Kelly with a laser pointer to pass the time –
-->And decided, “you know what, Victor’s Pet Training skill is almost up to Level 4, meaning leveling it up would count toward New Skill Day – why not train Shadow to heel?” So that’s exactly what he did, getting the dog to follow him around outside the hospital. Shadow was – a BIT distracted by her own tail at first, but as time went on she got better at keeping pace with Victor. XD I then checked in on how things were going with Surprise’s examination...
Only to discover they weren’t. For some reason, midway through the exam, the vet just stopped what she was doing, and Surprise was let go without anyone even trying to diagnose what was wrong with her. >( Damn glitchy game...I instead decided to have Alice get Shock spayed instead and see what happened there – fortunately THAT worked, and it went a lot faster too. Maybe because both vets were awake and working this time, instead of one sleeping on the waiting room couch. XD (Seriously, that ALWAYS seems to happen when I first load into the lot for some reason...) Alice was starting to get twitchy from being around all those strangers, though, so I had Smiler sign Surprise up for examination number two and let her clear her head by running off to a far-away dig site to see what was inside. Ended up digging up a new fossil rock with a fossilized egg inside, nice. :) She then went and entertained poor coned Shock with some laser pointer in the vet’s back yard while Smiler chatted with Brant Hecking inside the vet (learning he was a Personal Sports Trainer for The Other Sports Team, apparently) –
And Victor got Pet Training 4 from working with Shadow! :D One person’s New Skill Day skill down – two to go!
-->But first – finally getting Surprise cured! Yes, this time Surprise got checked over by the OTHER vet, who successfully determined she had Winterfest Fever. Smiler paid the big bucks for the best treatment (as I say so often, my Sims can afford it), and the cat was given a shot that brought her back to normal. I was very pleased with this, both because hooray, the vet lot decided to work –
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Thumbs up or thumbs down on the following headcanons:
Full poly DDLC, including MC.
2. MC (or our) actions regarding going back and getting the actual good ending (Sayori saying "Thank you for playing DDLC" and "We love you") to the base game because they/we felt they deserved it is what moves her to help rescue Monika from the digital void and forgive her. Unlike before, Monika doesn't take Sayori's feelings and actions for granted anymore and vows to do better by everyone.
3. MC helped Monika see the full error of her ways, after some hesitation about accepting herself as a character in a dating-sim world, by showing her glimpses of what our world actually looks like--take your pick of any number of "Where Were You When..."-type events in US or world history--and why many of us turn to games like DDLC for escape and comfort because of the general discrepancy in quality of life between game and reality. Monika feels much more secure about herself and her meta and in-world purposes to us and her friends after processing these revelations with MC.
4. The DLC side stories might actually take place after the good ending, rather than before the game proper, with everyone exploring their friendships with each other and Monika still being in a place where she feels some remorse for what she's done, but is unsure how to move forward in either a meta or in-universe sense (i.e., before MC shows her our real world).
5. Yuri and Natsuki were VERY slow to forgive Monika (Nats especially) after she finally sat down with everyone and explained everything that's happened. Once they see the daily/weekly efforts she makes to be a better person and friend (and later partner) to all of them, though, they gradually soften up to her over time.
6. The polycule came together haphazardly at first; with MC and Sayori picking up right where they left off and Yuri and Natsuki developing feelings for each other. After rescuing Monika, though, Sayori eventually admits to MC about catching feelings for her, too, something MC begrudgingly admits they've also been dealing with off and on since first joining the club. Once forgiven and persuaded, Monika makes a trio with them, and after earning Yuri and Natsuki's forgiveness over time, Yuri eventually persuades Nats to make the jump together to a love pentagon (the latter being VERY against the idea at first for reasons of past trauma and fear of being alone again if it all fell apart) after both begin to see some of Monika, and the others', more positive qualities too--Natsuki admits that she had fleeting crushes on the other three off and on but was too scared to act on them before and didn't want to hurt Yuri once they hooked up, and Yuri says the same.
What do you think? (Sorry for the infodump.)
You said "thumbs up or thumbs down" but if you've seen my blog at all, you'll know I'll say a little more than that XD
Poly dokis + MC? Could work! Not my personal preference, but I could definitely see it working out, particularly with the transfem MC headcanon I enjoy so much! these girls are gay i don't make the rules
Club President Sayori saving Monika? 🥺 Yeah, yeah she does
This one could work, especially in the context of the DDLC+ Side Stories. She comes to accept that while she is still a "character", she is oh-so important to the people around her, and they're all more real than she may have realized. I think she would definitely come to accept her world and learn to embrace it!
This one is a very interesting take! I think by our best canon estimates, the side stories take place before, but placing them after has an interesting affect on #3 above! I like this idea, but if we're still rolling with MC joining them, I don't know how to explain his absence ahaha!
I agree wholeheartedly with this one, Nats and Yuri are definitely the kind who find it hard to trust in the first place, and even harder to open up again when they feel that trust to be violated.
I like it! Again, within the context of the side stories where every pairing of the girls got their own time alone, this lends itself to all of them realizing they can't pick just one, and forming a polycule. Honestly this point makes me feel like I'm responding to a fanfic outline! XD
I mean, all of this felt like I'm responding to a fanfic outline, in a good way! It seems you've put some time into thinking about these things, and I think that's really cool :3 keep it up! And thanks for the ask!
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cathymee · 1 year
not me reading chapter 7 (am so silly lol)
Guess Simoun still comes back, huh?
also Lucky Basilio for finding out Top secrets that the government still cannot find out lol.
Uhhh... Are they having a healthy debate? But yes, keep going, I love listening to Simoun mansplain and Manipulate out of our protagonist XD
But Sir Simoun, I just wanna be a doctor ;-; —Basilio, probably
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Dear Simoun, what did they do to deserve that?
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Sorry for the caps, but like. I need Basilio's last name XD
not me taking the time to answer this when i have classes in like 7 hours from now and i still have not slept— (blame rizal & his stupid stupid book (affectionate, revering))
chapter 7 my absolute beloved!! this banger of a chapter is still one of my most favorites even now – i have so many Thoughts™ over this chapter it's making me absolutely insaaaane like. these bitches be going back and forth making good points occasionally. and emphasis on occasionally bc,, god,,, their other arguments,,,,,, garbage. shut up. both of you.
1. Ibarra is a BUG that should be SQUASHED on sight. i will throw him on a garbage disposal. we all should. (i say, knowing full well i have a history of ranting to my friends about how sad i get over him)
2. hdghjvfjhd pls this is so funny to me like,, sim 🤝 that superman guy i forgot the name of. it's all in ze ✨glasses✨
3. goDDD simoun was such a boomer in it too like,,, you kids 🙄 chasing butterflies and being all innocent 🙄 when you should be planting b0mbs in celebrations like a REAL MAN 🙄🙄 smh smh. bro would be the equivalent of boomers in our time being like 'oh. OUR generation endured abuse from our parents and teachers and that's why we're disciplined and tough. you kids are WEAKLINGS, that's why you're all undisciplined and unprepared for life.' (<- me typing this up, horrified but laughing over the realization that simoun would unironically support ROTC & the other useless, nonsensical programs & plans of our government for our educational system rn SJGHDHBHDV)
4. yeah!! poor basi's just trying to study man 😞 can u imagine tho a debate between sim & isagani….glorious (also bc 'gani is like. the elias of el fili. both of these mfs threw hands with friars and other powerful figures.)
(isagani once he hears the first bullshit argument from simoun:
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5. IK LIKE??? BRO CHILL LMFAOOOO that was such a batshit insane confession but what were we expecting from a tyrant and a fascist
6. oh..you know full well who the noble soul he's referring to… 👀 /lh jkjk but yeah he was referring to his dad in the first two sentences, and the noble soul is elias,,, whose spirit is probably there screaming at simoun's face throughout this whole monologue, throughout the whole chapter (and throughout the whole book tbh)
no apologies needed, you're always welcome to scream with me over all this (sorry for my late replies tho) ^^ and as for basi's last name…*grabs a shovel and heads over to luneta* /j
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 months
So just got home and watched the Direct:
Was never the hugest fan of the Mario & Luigi games but they do always look fun so excited for that.
Never played the original DKCR so may look into that one at some point idk my backlog's already so bad XD
Same with the Dragon Quest games, it's neat that they're on the Switch now and they look nice but I was really hoping for Chrono Trigger
I'm kind of baffled that there's a Funko Pop video game and I have no idea how Funko and Fortnite can get liscences for everything to put them in their low-effort stuff and crossover games that actually want to put effort into their portrayal always seem to have to jump through enormous hurdles.
I'm actually really excited for the Four Swords/Zero Mission release, believe it or not my actual experience playing Metroid Games is kind of limited and I've never finished Zero Mission so I may legitimately play that sometime soon. Never played Turok or Perfect Dark either so might check those out, feels odd to have a "17+" category for something you get for free anyway but if it means we get a wider variety then sure, just wondering what makes those two 17+ but Goldeneye's fine.
New Super Mario Party sure is a Super Mario Party.
Echoes of Wisdom looks kinda fun, like I love the idea of making Zelda a protagonist and using her wisdom stat to make it a puzzle game but I am kind of wary of the "magical item makes it so they don't have to directly fight and can basically be magical girls and zap everything away" being the only way girls are able to get protagonist roles but whatever it takes I guess.
My mom's been really into the Lego games lately but she has no idea what Horizon Zero Dawn is so I may or may not recommend it to her.
I am REALLY hyped for Stray, I've wanted it on the switch for so long now why can't it be sooner like the game's been out so long why is it still six months away I wanna play the kitty game now.
Both my mom and Little Sister have been playing life/farm sims so the Hobbit Stardew Valley Thing(tm) may be another recommendation for them.
The creators of Danganronpa create Danganronpa again for like the fifth time, this time with Tower Defense I guess? Nintendo really wants their own Danganronpa series but isn't willing to lean into the raunchier stuff that made horny teens love Danganronpa in the first place.
FINALLY news on Metroid Prime 4, it's not much but I love how they give a date at the very end just to keep people from going "oh, no new details?" the landscape looks beautiful and I'm excited to have Samus around again, hoping for those Metroid 2/3 remakes sometime this year so people who haven't played games that released literally twenty years ago can fill in the blanks.
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bexfangirlforlife · 2 months
911 episode 54 (4×08) first watch notes:
New episode, here we go.
Ah she is from The Originals.
Oh oh drinking on the job. Tststs
She is about to kill somebody
What is happening here?
What the...
Oh. My. G...
Well, she almost killed somebody
Buck's hair kinda looks like taking right out of the sims to me
Coming back home to Buck... why did they film/cut it like Eddie was coming back from a secret afair with Buck being his cheated on partner? Or was that just in my mind? XD
Oh yeah I forgot she'd be back again in this. Ugh I already dread having her back for a while. I'll cope but I'll prob also complain
I understand Christopher's reaction, but poor Eddie
Did Buck not tell her about it being a double date?
Well this is certainly not the way into my good books Taylor. And I'm back to thinking "why does Buck always pick the characters as his girlfriends that annoy me?" 😩 (well we had one in between that I liked, but they broke up after a couple eps too right?)
Eddie's girlfriend is cute though
Did Christopher run away?
Oh fck
I guess he went to Buck, but nonetheless
Thank you Buck for calling immediately
Aw Chimney 🥺
I hate that I like her so little that I don't feel for her being emotional at all 🤦‍♂️
Oh no are they gonna take the girl away from them again?
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destinygoldenstar · 2 months
Fusing Total Drama Characters In Sims 4 (Part 2)
I’m fusing Total Drama characters in Sims 4 using the genetic mechanic.
I don’t flipping know. Why not?
I’m gonna do EVERY pairing possible. This post is just gonna be however long Tumblr allows for images.
So let’s just get into it.
I’m using my own TD Sims for this. They’re in the Gallery if you want them. As well as all these pairings and sims that get generated. So what you want.
Gwen + Heather
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Two queens. This should make two good sims.
I mean I would hope so.
Let’s see what Sims comes up with…
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Okay. WOW.
We got two W’s here.
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The girl really does look fashionable as Heather, and her pants match Heathers crop top. The shows don’t match though, so it’s a 9/10.
The boy not only got generated with the teal hair, but he got generated with a matching shirt for that teal hair. Actually, his entire outfit matches.
Is he buff? We got a buff kid?
The girls name is Grace. She’s an art lover & a genius.
I love her, actually
The boys name is Nash. He’s adventurous & loves the outdoors.
He sounds perfect for Total Drama.
Gwen + Duncan
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You know I have to do this.
I know a lot of people hate this ship.
But we gotta do it.
Let’s see the punk kids and get it over with…
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Oh god…
Who are you people?!?!
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The boy has Duncan’s exact body type. He inherited the short legs.
(Well, as close to that as you can get with Sims)
But he’s… fine. He might actually be kinda handsome.
The girl is shit. I’m sorry. She looks awful. Nothing matches. She’s wearing a gardening hat. And she’s a dirty blonde. WHERE did you get blonde hair from?!
Are one of these two secretly blonde and I don’t know it?!
The boys name is Ace. He’s a dance machine & paranoid.
Actually, that does sound like a name Gwen & Duncan would put on the table.
The girls name is Fernanda. She’s loyal & a dance machine.
First hilarious thing is that they’re both dance machines. Second is the idea that a Gwen & Duncan offspring has loyal as a trait.
Gwen + Leshawna
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Another round of queens.
Let’s see…
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That is very interesting indeed.
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(I changed her outfit for a brief second to see what her hair looked like)
We got the mixed race. The girl is wearing a raincoat and idk why.
But she is actually pretty.
The boy…
“You sir, are one pretentious hipster”
Idk if I’m weirded out or in love with it.
The girls name is Misty. She’s self assured & hates children.
The boys name is Jagger. He’s creative & a slob.
Yep. Definitely a hipster.
Gwen + Geoff
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Here’s these two.
Crazy knowing that the original storyboards had them as a couple.
Let’s see what Sims comes up with…
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Yeah. What I expected. Especially the boy.
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They definitely have personality. I love that the girl got dyed hair. And… she’s buff??? Okay, slay.
The guy looks like Geoff’s kid for sure.
The boys name is Nehemiah. He’s a practice makes perfect & an animal enthusiast.
I think ‘practice makes perfect’ is a newer trait they added. I haven’t actually tried it for any of my sims yet.
The girls name is Constance. She’s a music lover & erratic.
Gorgeous name. And she sounds like a character.
Gwen + Izzy
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Here’s my Izzy Sim. First time seeing her.
I headcanoned this one quite a bit. She’s hairy. She’s got marks. She’s buff. And she’s wild.
This is gonna be the last one for today.
This is gonna go either well or horribly.
Let’s see what Sims comes up with…
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Okay yep. Disaster XD
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I mean, the girl looks okay. I’ll give her that.
The boy is a hot mess. Mismatch all around. And he has TWO nose rings.
Even Duncan didn’t go that far.
The boys name is Ian. He’s materialistic & a child of the islands.
I mean I’ll give him this, he sounds like he’s fit right in to Total Drama.
The girls name is Sydney. She’s outgoing & evil.
And there’s our first evil kid of this game.
There’s our season main villain right there.
Say these generated sims were on a team on a show. What’s their team name?
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coreene-simblr · 1 year
Curious Brothers [1]
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Sooo, I have over 90 pictures from this round. They are a crowded family of adults and have a lot going on. This will probably take 4 parts! These guys used to be my favourite household because they were all so nerdy.
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The reason why I no longer say they're my favourite is Pascal is reminds me of my ex
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Community sweetheart Vidcund reminds me of someone who failed to even become an ex! I'm still friends with this person and like our ol'Vidcund here he is hot. Sadly, can't say the same thing for Pascal xD (purely subjective - you are free to find Pascal hot, I just really didn't end that relationship under good terms. It wasn't bad it was just my ex was so fucking boring)
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I haven't met anyone who reminds me of Lazlo or vise versa, yet. Still I'm 2/3 with Curious boys xD Anyways, here is Lazlo in his weed garden.
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Brotherly bonding, shit talking Loki xD
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Alright, first alien baby! And I've done the math and this baby is the first child that is born into the town. Brandi is the only other person who starts out pregnant but she is in her 1st trimester so baby curious is still the oldest.
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I watched the cinematic for this one because I love it :D And we have a baby girl! I named her Cassiopeia because there is a supernova named Tycho in this constellation and it's long been my tradition to name this baby Cass if it's a girl.
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Uncle Lazlo on duty! Pascal was very tired so he went to sleep, right after the birth.
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Well, his last name is Curious. I think he would just go in. I don't think Lazlo has the patience to go back and get help.
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oops, oh well.
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Not related part of Singles and Ajay has come to welcome them to the 'hood!
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Cundest of the cunds Vidcund is having an argument with Kristen xD
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What the...?? Ajay just came up from nowhere and kissed Erin!
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Lazlo gets in there to have a chat with her. They are getting along well!
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Holy hell, Acr xD
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Lazlo checked the girls out and he has one bolt with Erin so him and Ajay are basically fighting over her affections xD
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hahahaha, in the fucking same place xD
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Ajay is not out of the fight yet!
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And he takes things to another level xD
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Erin got a crush on Ajay now. Really E, from a butt grab? That did it for you?
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I think someone wants to be boned by the town casanova
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Behind the wall we have Gieke and Nervous getting along. Redhead came to visit the Curious boys, it must be the nerd signal they have up that he saw and Nervous was here because Pascal invited him over.
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Okay, this is adorable. Two shy sims trying to flirt. I might go play Chester to see where this would go 👀I normally have Nervous move in with Olive but that happens after they build a relationship and he might just move to Downtown (where Chester is) instead. I think he had enough of the desert.
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Next day, Vidcund wished to buy new clothes and I took him outside.
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I still need more cc but I like this for now.
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I also gave him a new haircut to remind myself of the friend more xD jokes aside guys, he looks like my friend so much. Only difference is the eye colour
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Oh, look who just texted Lazlo... and he has a wish to ask someone out on a date!
will continue shortly!
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theviridianbunny · 1 year
self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same <333
AAHH SPIN HELLO ANGEL!! OK- i will be talking about my beloved blorbo Viridian !! I want to talk about how she has grown over the past year- seeing as she is one of my creations!! ♡⸜(˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ heads up this might be a long read because i have a lot to say (and lots of screenshots aaah)
So- I've had Viridian as an OC since July last year. She has gone through a new small chnages- but every version of her I love with all my heart- she is so special to me (an explination to one of the reasons why can be found here)
OK LETS START WITH VANILLA VIRIDIAN (from my blind run of cp2077 which lasted from July to septmber 2022) - vanilla viridian looks very similar to my 2071 viridian (minus the arasaka cyberarm)- this version of her had No mods (because I didnt know how to mod). At this time I Couldn’t really make out her vibe- all i knew was she loved jackie and had hair kinda like mine &lt;3 - the vanilla run was more- more for me to just sit and play cyberpunk- and cry because i went in blind not knowing what would happen (ugh uhm komepki plaza I AM LOOKING AT YOU) - this version of viridian was played / used before transmog was a thing in cp2077- so i was always like "GOS HOW DO I DRESS HER?!?!?" and she looked... interesting at times XD
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After my vanilla run- I though "oh hey... what If i gave modding a go? 2022 is all about trying now and scary things after all!!".. so I shopped around for a basic mod and ended up trying out this pride eyeshadow mod - took me... god a few hours and lots of screaming at my pc to get it working (because i had no idea the main file had to be unzipped- hey @genocidalfetus - i am forver greatful for your help with that!!) after getting that one (1) mod installed- i felt like i could fight god and went ham installing mods (then the gamer gods humbled me when i deleted a main game file by mistake and it took 8 hours for my game to re install) BUT WE MOVE- I started to play around with more mods- realised I wanted Viridian to have her arasaka cyberarm so I managed to get that- then started to play around with hairstyles- viridian had a really shirt haircut for like-- ages!! --- and and i found a mod for jackie's leather bomber which made me SO HAPPY AAAHH
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This was around october/november 2022- kinda around the time i was shyly approaching tumblr and posting blorbo stuff. But then the 1.61 patch dropped and i yelled because all my mods had to be re installed - but again we move - we learn and grow!
In the december of 2022 I came up with my first ever AU- the devil canon (which is an AU where Viridian gose back to arasaka near the end of her life- a very angsty AU)
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At the start of 2023 I played around with more outfits and hairstyles (finally figured out what shair i'd like viridian to have canonically) - learnt about model swapping too! also started to actually flesh out her alter ego "arasaka's red rabbit" a brutal netrunner !! As my confidence with modding has grown- I've tried many fun outfits for her !! some of my fave looks can be found here, here , here and here (others are below!)
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And now we are at the present- May 2023!! Viridian now has a solid design- I'm still having fun making new outfits for her- trying out new things- new poses- new ways to light my work!! Viridian also now exists in a few other universes / games such as The sims 4 or dragon age inquisition! (was inspired by my dear friend @halsin !!)
Recently- like as in- yesterday I made a very fun shoot where I dressed Viridian in summery clothes/swimwear and photoed her at a pool with Jackie!! One of my fave sets i've made so far this year- very fun to work on!!
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well ok- if you've gotten to this point you're a champ!! I know i do rammble a lot about my ocs- but Viridian means a lot to me- It was very fun traulling through my tumblr and old chat feeds with friends to find stuff!! I am forver growing and learning when it comes to creating- I have fun and- yknow dont mind if stuff looks a bit janky or off at times!!
Thank you for coming to my TED talk <3 thank you for being such lovely humans - for all the hype and support- i love you all a lot and can't wait to see where I go next on my little modding and photography adventure !!
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ecofinisher · 7 months
Valentines stuff I didn't post during the 14th, because I didn't.
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I made a heart with lights on the wall 😐
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I picked four random couples, cause I didn't have enough time to search for poses and all that only for said day. (Also I heard about the malware hidden in some mod pages, so I rather avoid the pages for a while)
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Ok I added a platform, because otherwise, you couldn't see the heart.
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I just realized I had a fourth couple and forgot to screenshot them.....
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Don't ask, but I don't like the new Goth version and stuck with the old ones. The only thing I would change would be Bella's skin.
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Ah yes, Ayesha Ansari and Xander Clavell in Sims 4 are so unrealistic 💀
Bonus: Ok not a bonus, but that was my previous plan on S3, but I disliked it somehow
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Like I had spontaneously the idea to do something for Valentines day on said day and had two ideas in mind. A couple dancing in the middle of the heart or more couples dancing around the heart. I found this on the gallery from the Seasons pack. I just wanted to see, if this would look any cute, but the teeth are bothering.....
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But we all know, they DON'T WANT TO DANCE THE WAY I WANTED. And for some reason Gerda was nauseous (Story Progression made her pregnant 😭)
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*Sings something romantic in Spanish* Oh by the way, they're Rollan & Gerda from Snow Queen.
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7/10 rating for my creation. Weirdly they look better here than in S4.
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This was my idea, but they were all on the wrong spot. Then I had a plan C and filmed all couples from the near slow-dancing. THEN JAMIE'S HUSBAND DECIDED WITH ME HAVING THE ACTIVITY TURNED OF GO TO WORK AND BREAKING THE ACTION BY HIMSELF!
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With some cute music each couple dancing would be cute :3 Except I didn't know what to put on it 😂 (Watch me put Amy MacDonald over Rollda, because the movie did the same)
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Right you become a James Bond-rip-off, when you get Level 10 in Law Enforcement. He's also the dumbass, that decided to leave the dance for work. (He's also a workaholic, so....)
Fun fact: Both their names mean the same thing, but when I made him I just gave him a random name xD
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My child-me had weird Sim-ships. But hey, I had a cousin get interested into the game, because of Leighton!
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River the rizzler 🤣 Okay, this is what you get from being around a Langerak for too long. (Also I like seeing her in a smoking somehow🥵)
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Can't take her expressions here serious.....
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It's been raining the whole time and all just enjoyed the party. That's the spirit!
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The Adrinette of Sims. Don't ask me why, I think it doesn't make sense.
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Ayesha out of nowhere decided to get her husband wet.
Well, that's all. I just wanted to share this here as well. Did it on said day on Instagram, but pictures remain there in low quality.
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nani-nonny · 1 year
Reading ch 8, not going pass the title and am IMMEDIATELY smiling like a goofy, giddy idiot before trying to calm down and focus on reading!!
When i read that DMD and LCD were close to each other i for seconds forgot that " Achilles " is LCD and thought it was WDS and wondered 'hmm, what's wrong?' Until i finally remembered it's LCD and sucked air thinking 'WHY ARE YOU SO CLOSE?!? 6 FEETS FOR QUARANTINE!!'. Also DMD running away and - forcefully(?) - guiding everyone somewhere is like... A bit childish, bruh.
The fact the 4 can set up camp with no words or even glance at each other is like.. 👌🏻✨ please i need my IRL people do that.
Seeing that reunion start talking first i was thinking 'Of course he getting talk first! Old man gotta see people's tea!!'. And he asked about his name, my mind went 'oh boy! Oh boy! Come on buddy, don't show them you're 100% mama's boy, k?'.
Tho i admits i loved how big mama in reunion's time had retired.. Wonder if she's back with Splinter... And wonder if Someone took her place, maybe Donnie?
The moment he mentions ✨ After War ✨ and how everyone reacts to him ESPECIALLY LCD is just makes me go 'Aww! He's admiring him!🥺', it made my heart melt, like how kids see someone who did greater things and be like them?!
But the moment he 'bit' his tongue i was like WOW!!
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Bro, the two - DMD & Reunion - are deflecting the questions as if they're playing Tennis!
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WDS just result to begging is so me, feeling so done and don't want to be teased anymore and just wants straight answer. Reunion begin speechless made me think 'That's what you get for trying to sip other people's tea!!' But i liked how he used a dating sim game to describe the situation.
Now my brain went 'wait he lost everything? How? He won, his brothers are alive, the city is safe... Does he mean his childhood??'. So back to DMD giving out a short summary was good but LCD is a bit cringed or disgusted and i don't blame him! I don't think he can tell the truth but would he lies about his nickname's story??
AND DAMN IT WDS EXPOSED HIM!! Wonder what the ghosty brothers would say!!!😂 and when Reunion said 'father issues on top of mother issues?' I just laughed xD AND THE MIDDLE FINGER MAKES IT BETTER!!😂😂😂 their shenanigans is soo good! I live for this!! AND WDS ASKED FOR HIS AGE AGAHAHAHA!!!!😂😂😂
When WDS whispered 'I know' i was certain he'll gonna have to tell them about his *ahem* ear scratching! Lol.
But this chapter left me EVEN MORE EXCITED 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
This squad of peepaws is honestly bringing out the childishness that the peepaws have hidden deep behind the angst and Resistance Leader facade /j
And Reunion being a chismoso gives me *life* he has to know everyone’s business hahah!
In his timeline, Big Mama is like the granny that have those little porcelain dollies that are encased in the glass cabinets except it’s artifacts she hoarded from her big time boss era. She’s working with prosthetic legs trying to simply vibe in the weak society the turtles are trying to rebuild.
The memes!!! <333333
Old Timer is being looked up to for a brief second and it makes me happy :)))
But yes, Reunion has everything. He won the war and got his brothers back thanks to the past turtles resetting his timeline, but that doesn’t erase the fact that he had to lose everything in order to get it back. So he definitely has that lingering in the back of his mind that he often brings up in therapy. He lost the war once, and he’s glad he was able to beat it the second time around, hence his “reset”. (In simpler terms, the movie happened, but thanks to past turtles, they were able to turn back time and restart on a better note. Sadly, he and the future turtles remember dying.)
Anyways, we’ll have to see what LCD shares about his story after WDS’s turn hahah! And it should be WDS’s turn on the second night of their journey to saving the original Leo! (Next chapter)
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victorluvsalice · 1 year
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-->However, speaking of fun, we now we come to the part of the episode that I like to call "Is Fishing Fun?" Because I quickly realized that, if I wanted to put fishcake cans out on my shelves, I would need to have plenty of fish to turn into fishcakes. And currently the gang did not have plenty of fish. So, I decided it was time for Victor to resume the family business and took him off flower duty and put him on fish duty on the dock behind the store! He started out a bit slow, as evidenced by him holding a log there, but slowly started picking up the pace with a betta and a tetra. Meanwhile, Smiler started working on a new apothecary product, Red-Hot Tablets (tablets that make a Sim angry! ...look, all it required was three basil, so Smiler could make them really easily), and Alice --
-->Went upstairs and started watching "College Cram" once she ran out of fishcakes to make. Oi, Alice -- I said no fun until the shelves are filled! So, after a brief bathroom break (during which I realized I could put up those new "facilities" signs that came in one of the recent patch updates -- they do add a little extra something to the bathroom, don't they?), I sent HER out to join Victor fishing. And then I went, "well, if Victor and Alice are out there, might as well send Smiler too," and did just that.
-->And so the great fish-off began! With everyone standing there fishing their little hearts out to get enough fish to make loads and loads of fishcakes. And, I'm pleased to report, everyone did end up having a pretty darn good day out on the old dock --
Victor: Caught a couple of bettas, a tetra, a pair of tunas, an angelfish, a cichlid – and a “Captain Fishbones” Bonefish! Yeah, as you can imagine, THAT one stayed in his inventory to be brought home to live in the aquarium later.
Alice: Caught a tetra, a kissing gorami, a goldfish, a betta, a kitchen upgrade part, and a digitalistic sketchpad! XD Well, I had kind of meant to get her one of those eventually... She also got to Fishing level 4, which should serve her well when I force her to fish again to help fill these shelves. XD
Smiler: Caught a couple of angelfish, a tilapia, a betta, and a kissing gorami -- not the biggest catch, but then they started the latest, so it only made sense they'd catch the least. And hey, that is still a pretty good haul, all things considered. Certainly enough to make lots of fishcakes!
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insomniacvr · 2 years
Paralives, a life simulation game.
I can't wait for paralives to come out. Like the videos and pictures of it looks amazing. for those of you who don't know, paralives is a life simulation and building game. I'm sorry for comparing it to the sims, but its basically the sims but better. But yea when this comes out (which will probably be in a few years) I will lock myself in my room and not touch grass for a looong time lol.
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This game is made by a very small team which i think might be why its so detailed and why it's so alive- if that makes sense XD.
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aaaa I remember when that video came out, wow that was before they revealed the parafolk, ok I gotta admit, I didnt really like the parafolk design at first but now I do really love them.
anyways this is maggie, the one on the left is from may 2020 and the right one is from december 2020 (I thiiink) ->
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That video, omg I am in LOVE!! this game- is gonna be amazing.
Okok picture this, it's late at night, it's raining and thundering, u got a pet on your lap and a blanket oh and a cup of warm tea and u play paralives, in the dark with a candle lit, it would be so cozy.
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aaanyways farewell for now, it's 4 am and i got stuff to do tomorrow.
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megan-loves-surveys · 5 months
When was the last time you admired some flowers? What kind/color were they? Um, dunno. I don't really take notice of flowers xD
Are you in the process of watching or re-watching a series at the moment? Not a TV series, but I'm rewatching Call Me Kevin's Sims series on YouTube atm. I've probably watched it like 5 times already but it never gets old.
If so, how many seasons does it have? And what season are you currently on? No seasons, but he's played all 4 games haha.
Has anyone you know gotten a new pet recently? Not that I know of. If they have, they should tell me so I can come over and make friends xD
How old were you 10 years ago? Who were your closest friends at that point? I was 26, and my friends were the same except David & Scott, I didn't know them yet. Plus my boyfriend if he counts xD
Do you still speak to any of them? Yep, all of them except Ashleigh. She unfriended me on FB ages ago and I don't know why - she unfriended Ngawari & Hannah too lol and just cut contact with us.
Have you ever kissed someone of another race? Oh yeah, of course.
Are there any races you wouldn’t kiss? No, if I like the person, then it doesn't matter which race they are.
What is your favorite thing about your best friend? She is soooo fucking funny, like I've cried laughing at things she's said. It's sometimes hard to concentrate when we workout cos she's saying the most random shit xD
What do you mostly have in common with your best friend? We both love going to the gym, Pokémon and having weird conversations haha.
Do you like it when men shave their chests? If you are a guy, do you shave? I like a hairy chest, but clean shaven is good too.
What is your favourite kind of video game? Adventure, role playing, strategy, choices matter and ones with a lot of dialogue.
When you’re visiting a site, do you still type “www.”? Nah haha.
What can you hear right now? Typing, cars driving past outside cos I have the window open and the wind lol.
Do you think it’s okay for kids to have cellphones? Depends on their age.
Do you watch anime? If so, what are some of your favourites? Not really, the only one I really watched was Pokémon.
Do you have any siblings? If so which one of them do you get along with the best? No.
What’s your favorite TV show? And who’s your favorite character from it? The Simpsons, and Mr Burns is probably my fave, he's so hilarious. I love Homer and Maggie too.
Have you violated any of the 10 Commandments? If so, what? Probably most of them xD
Do people think you look like either of your parents? Does that offend you? TBH, I don't think I really look like them, but people say I do. My Mum doesn't think I look like her, she thinks I look like Dad but I always get comments when I post pics of us saying "wow you look like your Mum!" lol. And I'm glad if I do look like them cos they both look far younger than their age (they're in their 70's but look nowhere near that), I'm aging like them so YAY.
Do you prefer regular bacon or turkey bacon? I've never had turkey bacon, so regular lmao.
Do you think it’s weird when people talk to their pets like people? No, I do that xD
What is the last place, other than home, that you stayed overnight? My boyfriend's house.
What is the furthest you have traveled alone? I didn't go on my own, cos my Mum was with me but I did sightseeing and that in Boston on my own cos she got sick and had to stay in the hotel room. It was fun, but I wished she was with me. But it does tell me I can travel solo if I want to!
Have you ever dated someone simply for their looks? No.
Have you ever been drunk? Oh yeah.
What was the name of the main character in the last book you read? It was a non fiction book.
What are three of your favorite toppings for salads? Mayo, croutons and bacon bits.
Do you prefer pizza or hot dogs? Pizza.
What is your favorite pizza topping? Hawaiian.
Is your dad a jerk? Hell no, he's one of the nicest people ever. He can be a bit sharp if you annoy him, and he's not afraid to complain and get things fixed if people fuck up, but generally he's super nice and generous and amazing.
Is anyone in your family currently in the military? No. My Grandma & Granddad were back in the day though.
What is your favorite dog breed? Corgis & Labradoodles, I love them both. I also think French Bulldogs are super cute, our neighbour owns one and she's soooo adorable.
Have you found any gray hairs on your head? No.
Do you own a bikini? I mostly wear tankinis these days haha, but I did wear them in my teens and 20's.
If you were a rockstar, what color guitar would you have? Haha, purple.
Would you rather have a personal chef or personal house cleaner? I want to say chef, but cleaner would probably be a better pick.
Do you have any zits on your face right now? No.
What are three of your favorite bakery items? Muffins, banana bread and croissants.
What are three creative hobbies you enjoy? Writing, that's the only one I'm any good at.
What are three things you like about church? Nothing.
What was the last type of pie you ate? Bacon & egg.
Which book did you love when you were younger? Oh, loads.
Which book series could you read again? Weather Warden series. In fact, I'm probably due to the read the series again soon lol.
Tell me about your first breakup, if you had one. It was Lee, we broke up cos my parents found out about us dating lol. I was only 14 and not allowed a boyfriend yet, so we dated in secret. Lee called me one day, my Dad got to the phone before I did, found out who he was and I was doomed, I got in SO much trouble LOL. Lee didn't want to deal with my parents (don't blame him tbh) so we broke up.
Which person would you chose to travel the world with? My Mum or my boyfriend.
Do you have (a) stuffed animal(s) sitting in your room? Which one(s)? I have loads! They live on my bed xD Let's see... I have a bunch of Pokémon plushies - I have Luxray, Shinx, Cyndaquil, Mew, Espeon, Charizard, Charmander, Eevee, Jolteon & Mimikyu. Then we have a big Corgi plushie named Larry, a kangaroo I got in Australia, a wombat, a Spleens plushie (from YouTube channel Gray Still Plays) and my teddy I've had since I was 1, Mr Grubs.
Have you ever had to do a doubletake on someone ‘cuz they were so pretty? Yep.
Is your last ex currently in a relationship? No clue, I haven't talked him in ages. I also don't really care xD
Who was the last female you were introduced to? Hmm, not sure, probably someone at work.
Who was the last male you were introduced to? See above xD
Do you use a nightlight? No.
What’s your opinion on border control? Depends...
What are your favorite things to create? Fanfiction lol.
What’s something you prefer to keep private? Hmm.
Are you good at prioritizing? Depends.
If you’re not religious, were you ever? What made you lose faith? Never. My parents aren't either, and they never introduced me to it or made me do anything related to it. My Grandma was religious and went to church every weekend, but even she never tried to make any of our family do it too. That's the way to be religious if you ask me, do your thing but don't force it on others.
What feeling do you have the most difficulty in expressing? Sometimes I hide when I'm in pain or not feeling well. No idea why I do that.
When was the last time you looked at your significant other/crush’s Facebook profile? I look at the stuff he posts cos a lot of the time he tags me in it LOL.
Beverage: Water. Phone call: Someone at work. Text message: My boyfriend, we were talking about the wrestling show I went to last night cos he didn't come. Song you listened to: Madison Beer - Effortlessly Time you cried: Yesterday at the end of the Maniacs show, it was their final show and the wrestlers were making speeches, it got emotional.
Dated someone twice: No. Been cheated on: Yes. Kissed someone & regretted it: Yes. Lost someone special: Yes. Been depressed: No. Been drunk and threw up: Been drunk, yes. Thrown up cos of it, no.
Purple Blue Green
 THIS YEAR HAVE YOU: (I’m taking this as “in the past year”)
Made a new friend: Yes. Fallen out of love: No. Laughed until you cried: Yes. Especially the laughing so hard you cry and then can't breathe style xD Met someone who changed you: No. Found out who your true friends were: Nah, I already knew. Found out someone was talking about you: No. Kissed anyone on your FB friends list: Yes, my boyfriend xD LOL.
How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life: About half? A lot of them are high school friends and people I know from NZ wrestlinng. The rest are international wrestling fans I know through Wrestlemania trips and that. Are you happy: Yeah. Do you have any pets: No. Do you want to change your name: I'm not a big fan of my name, it's been shit on a lot in the last few years lol, but I wouldn't change it now. What did you do for your last birthday: I had three separate meals with people - first I went to dinner with Ngawari, then I went to lunch the next day with Mum, then I had dinner with my boyfriend xD What time did you wake up today: 10:30am, cos it's Sunday! What were you doing at midnight last night: I was watching YouTube videos. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Hmm... Last time you saw your mother: Last night. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: I'm having issues with my heartrate atm, I wish that would settle the fuck down lol. What are you listening to right now: Nothing. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Most likely. Most visited webpage: YouTube, last.fm or Reddit. Nicknames: Mox Girl, MG, Mox, Moxie/Moxxy, Meg etc. Relationship status: Taken, for almost 2 years. Zodiac sign: Cancer. Gender? Female. Hair color: Naturally blonde, but atm I dye it blue and purple. Long or short: In between, it's past my shoulders. Height: 5'3". Do you have a crush on someone? Not just a crush! LOL. What do you like about yourself? My sense of humour, my hobbies, my taste in music, my hair, my legs, my boobs :P
First crush: This boy named Cameron. First piercing: Ears, but they closed up. First best friend: Anna. First sport you joined: None, LOL. First vacation: Probably to Rotorua or Paihia. First car: Never owned one.
Want kids: No thank you. Get married: Again, no thank you. Career: I guess admin is it.
Lips or eyes: Eyes. Hugs or kisses: Both! Shorter or taller: Taller. Older or younger: Older. My boyfriend is 18 years older than me xD Romantic or spontaneous: Spontaneous. Nice stomach or nice arms: Arms. Sensitive or loud: In between. Hook-up or relationship: Relationship. Trouble maker or hesitant: In between.
Kissed a stranger: Yes. Drank hard liquor: Yes. Lost glasses/contacts: No. Sex on first date: Sure. Broken someone’s heart: No. Had your own heart broken: Yes. Been arrested: No. Turned someone down: Yes. Cried when someone died: Yes. Fallen for a friend: Sure.
Yourself: Mostly. Miracles: Maybe. Love at first sight: Sure. Heaven: No. Kiss on the first date: Yes. Angels: No.
Had more than one bf/gf: Not at the same time xD Did you sing today: No LOL. Ever cheated on somebody: Yes. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be: Five concert! Are you afraid of falling in love with somebody else: No?
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asoulofatlantis · 9 months
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Oh don't worry. She likes him.
(I had a hard time deciding if I start a new big sims brother Project in Sims 4 or if I finish at least Timber in FF8, but as you can see, I decided to get that ridicioulus Train-Mission done and over with as fast as possible. So... which me luck! XD)
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Urg. I can not belive the bullshit they pulled. And we are in the middle of this bullshit. ALSO this looks way more complicated than it is. The first time I played this game I was totally overwhelmed by all this and fucked it up out of cheer and nervousness because it looked so complicated. The only real troublesome part is the Uncoupleling because they quickly give you a number and you have to remember it while also watching out for Guards. And even that isn't too hard either, its just... tedious ^^'
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In my experience the guards hardly ever notice you no matter what you do, since their range is so darn small, but... I guess this is just the game making it sound more complicated then it actually is.
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You would not find bullshit like this in a modern Final Fantasy game - I say that, but remember the dancing minigame with Cloud in FF7R? ^^'
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Right? Its embarrassing to be part of this.
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If you think I miss out on giving Rinoa a piece of my mind, then you are wrong. I gladly give her some of Squall's cold, rational and absolutely right harsh words. MUHAHAHAH!
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I guess the reason why Rinoa truly wanted Seifer there weren't her feelings for him, but the fact that she knew he would do whatever she wants whenever she wants it. He does this here for her. Rushing in on the president without a second thought and disregarding what would happen if he threatened the president live on TV. That is how far he would go for her, no matter how stupid her plans. In the meantime, Squall told Rinoa that the way they operate, they can hardly take Rinoas Little Organisation seriously and that he only does what she wants because it is his job. Rinoa wanted a bunch of friends who helped them because they believed in her values and dreams, Seifer would have done that... that and obviously a lot more - too much in fact, because what he does here, was what Rinoa had backed out from.
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Why she was talking to him like he was a lost little boy was a mystery at first, until you find out who she really is.
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I once accidentally did not get out of the train at the right stop... it was quite the footwalk I tell you XD
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To be fair, if they had imprisoned Seifer, they would have found out where he came from one way or another anyway...
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Its time to play that "moron" again that Squall got his rather prominent cheekbones from XD
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We are currently at the Lunatic Pandora and as we have to return to this thing later in the game, it might be wise to somewhat memories the layout a bit - and I wish someone had told me that back in the day when I was playing this game for the first time XD
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First of all: It was your idea! And secondly... you basically pushed them XD
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Works for me. This is my favored team anyway XD
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This is a bad too much, don't you think Selphie? Also... I think Irving is enjoying this way much than Cloud ever did. (Seriously, I feel like that idiot Cloud never noticed what a lucky bastard he is XD)
A perfect walkthrough made it possible to get the brothers GF out iof that godforsaken tomb - I think this is only my second time to get them, the first time was just luck as I have played the game multiple times at this point, its almost emberassing to admit that ^^'
Aaaaaaanyway... that shall be it for today. The end of the first Disk is near tho.
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claudiasharon · 1 year
Anyways, sims 4. I am going through tumblr now and updating simfileshare and mediafire links for my mods that were shared to Patreon/MTS/Curseforge!
Also, new update for No Skilled PC coming soon (I figured out how to make it pack specific yay), I will be reblogging posts as I update them! <3
Ramblings under cut about school and Tumblr dren. <3
WTF DID I JUST DO...my tumblr went from black to blue???? I hate it here.
In other unrelated news, I got a check from one of my previous schools that did a settlement thingy for $6 and change. LMAO. Like why bother damn. Anyways, if I had graduated it would've been $500-$1,000 depending on degree obtained. DAMN.
Oh well. xD You do not wanna know how much student loan debt I am in rn, thanks to my bachelor's and master's degrees. ($93,000+) FML. I recently applied for I AM POOR I CAN'T PAY payback loan shit and have monthly payments of $0 rn. LOL. But once I get a decent job it'll be more depending on the job. But TBH, I am struggling to find something decent. *sigh* Being disabled and working remotely is HARD for job searches. Damn.
Edit: Fixed my tumblr apparently I changed the palette by accident with a keyboard key. I like goth rave apparently lmao.
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snowy-weather · 3 years
I wanna share with you guys one of my favourite Sims 4 safe files.
I call it ‘the Mystery Seekers’. Two gals who love solving mysteries and investigating weird stuff. XD I originally put the in Strangerville, but once they solved the mystery there they moved is Guidry’s old haunted house. 
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This is Kayda. She’s a reporter who is always curious and eager to investigate. 
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And this is Poppy. She’s an artist who works from home and it a lot less brave and self-assured than Kayda, but still helps her friend out. 
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And THIS weirdo.... well he’s basically the unsavoury charlatan from the sims 2, but I made him a little different and gave him a name. (Alfonso because that seemed like it would be his name lol.) I dunno what I planned on doing with him originally, maybe make him like a villain? Anyway he and Poppy for along super well and now they’re dating. XD 
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They’re a weird pair but.... they’re kinda cute too. XD
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Oh and I can’t forget the most important member of the household. Kody! He is an adorable pupper that Kayda found on the streets and brought home. Now he’s the Mystery Seekers’ loyal companion. ^^
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I might share more later, but here.... have a Kayda seducing Guidry the helpful ghost. Because why not. XD
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