#until the other vet tech woke up and did her job
victorluvsalice · 5 months
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-->And the moment I arrived, THERE was the holiday overlay! Whew – so changing lots got the game to acknowledge the holiday. Still worrying, but at least my Sims could PARTICIPATE!
First things first, though – it was hot in Brindleton, so I had Smiler change into their hot weather wear (as Alice and Victor had already done so – vampires are immune to temperature, so they don’t automatically change, which can be a little annoying sometimes), then start looking around for a good spot for the food stand while Victor felt the love with Shadow and Alice signed up Surprise to be cured of her affliction. I finally got Smiler to put the stand in a good location as Alice and Surprise waited for the vet, made sure it was stocked, and prepared to start a food sale –
Only for the game to tell me it couldn’t have “two social events” going on at the same time. Hmmm. All right, I was game to wait until after Surprise was cured. I instead had Smiler entertain Kelly with a laser pointer to pass the time –
-->And decided, “you know what, Victor’s Pet Training skill is almost up to Level 4, meaning leveling it up would count toward New Skill Day – why not train Shadow to heel?” So that’s exactly what he did, getting the dog to follow him around outside the hospital. Shadow was – a BIT distracted by her own tail at first, but as time went on she got better at keeping pace with Victor. XD I then checked in on how things were going with Surprise’s examination...
Only to discover they weren’t. For some reason, midway through the exam, the vet just stopped what she was doing, and Surprise was let go without anyone even trying to diagnose what was wrong with her. >( Damn glitchy game...I instead decided to have Alice get Shock spayed instead and see what happened there – fortunately THAT worked, and it went a lot faster too. Maybe because both vets were awake and working this time, instead of one sleeping on the waiting room couch. XD (Seriously, that ALWAYS seems to happen when I first load into the lot for some reason...) Alice was starting to get twitchy from being around all those strangers, though, so I had Smiler sign Surprise up for examination number two and let her clear her head by running off to a far-away dig site to see what was inside. Ended up digging up a new fossil rock with a fossilized egg inside, nice. :) She then went and entertained poor coned Shock with some laser pointer in the vet’s back yard while Smiler chatted with Brant Hecking inside the vet (learning he was a Personal Sports Trainer for The Other Sports Team, apparently) –
And Victor got Pet Training 4 from working with Shadow! :D One person’s New Skill Day skill down – two to go!
-->But first – finally getting Surprise cured! Yes, this time Surprise got checked over by the OTHER vet, who successfully determined she had Winterfest Fever. Smiler paid the big bucks for the best treatment (as I say so often, my Sims can afford it), and the cat was given a shot that brought her back to normal. I was very pleased with this, both because hooray, the vet lot decided to work –
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
Cowboy Blues: Its a Date, Or Is It?
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Settling into a new routine has always been hard. You were so happy back in North Carolina. Well, happy was kind of a stretch, but you were comfortable. Everything was familiar and felt like home. Even after the falling out with Josh… boy was he someone you didn’t miss. The long nights of tears and screams followed by hours of pain and suffering. You cried tears of relief and unrelenting joy when the judge granted your restraining order. The next day you packed up all that was left of your life and got a new job at a clinic in West Virginia. 
Your alarm clock woke you from your thoughts, sighing before swinging your legs outta bed and making your way to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror was so different nowadays. No longer did you have to hide your face with layers of concealer to hide the shame from others, your (Y/E/C) eyes weren’t obscured by the burst blood vessels from repeated abuse. You could finally have your hair in whatever style you liked, not having to follow Josh’s rules of how a “lady was supposed to look and act”. Quickly washing your face from all the grime on your pillow you pulled your hair back into a messy braid with a bun atop your head. Throwing on some new scrubs, you grabbed an apple from the kitchen counter and rushed out to your car. Earl had gotten it all fixed up in a couple of days and dropped it off so you didn’t have to take the bus to work anymore. It took you all but fifteen minutes to arrive in front of the clinic, the head vet tech was there smiling at you when you walked up. 
“Morning Doctor (Y/L/N)!” 
“Good morning Shelby, you’re here early today. I’m usually the only one who gets in at 7.”
Shelby let out a breath you didn’t know she was holding and opened the door for you. Waltzing in you started flipping on lights to begin opening up. 
“Well, I got a phone call from the emergency pet line while I was getting ready for work so I just let him know to get here at 7 when you showed up” her voice trailed off while she stared out the front windows. You walked over to Shelby and stared out the window to see what she was looking at. Suddenly a car pulled into the parking lot and a man rushed out of the driver’s side. He crossed over the front of the vehicle and picked up something rather large and rushed to the front door. 
“He got here fast didn’t he?” Shelby spoke up. 
Turning towards the back entrance you let Shelby check in the man. You were setting down your bag in your office, getting your supplies ready for whatever emergency he was bringing with him. 
“Sure thing, can you tell me again what happened to him? I need to make sure Dr. (Y/L/N) knows before we take him from you.” Shelby said as calmly as she could. It was clear that the man was panicked, his voice was strained like he had been crying for some time. Walking back into the lobby you stopped dead in your tracks. Before you stood none other than Clyde Logan. Your knight in shining armor, your rescuer from weeks ago.  You cracked a smile, eyes searching his pained expression. He seemed to be at a loss for words, or he didn’t remember who you were. That thought stung since this wasn’t the first time you had thought about him since you departed. You thought about the embarrassing moment where you caught him coming out of the shower. If you were bolder you would’ve ripped that towel right off of him and rode him instead of El Wood. You had spent many nights in bed sweating up a storm thinking about his rough hands massaging and caressing you while whispering in your ear what a pretty cowgirl you were. Imagining how his muscular arms would hold you up against the wall while you chanted his name over and over and over again. You let out an audible whimper when you were shoved back into reality when Shelby spoke up again. 
Like throwing a cold bucket of water over you, you realized he was here for an emergency and the only dog you saw on that property was Leroy. You rushed over to Clyde’s side and peeked under the blanket that was cradling the poor thing. Clyde’s chest rose in shallow breaths as you looked over Leroy. It appeared he was still breathing but like his owner, he was only getting in shallow breaths, his fur was matted and spots of blood were visible through the patches of fur around his neck. 
“H-he got out this mornin’ an I found him fightin’ with a snake… I got it off a him but…” Clyde trailed off and looked at you with tears in his eyes. He choked back what seemed like a sob when you motioned for him to follow you to the back rooms. 
Clyde left the clinic at about 10, the nurses assured him that Leroy was doing okay and that Dr. (Y/N) would make sure to call him when it was time to pick him up. He had spent all morning in the lobby pacing, panicking, dreaming of the worst possible scenario for his lil’ buddy. He had gotten Leroy when he moved out of Jimmy’s place to the family ranch. His sole companion that was with him day and night was now hurt because Clyde hadn’t checked for snakes before lettin’ him out. 
He left his number at the front desk along with the number for Duck Tape in case he didn’t answer at home when they called. He wasn’t sure where he was headed but he mindlessly made it to Mellie’s salon. Maybe a haircut would calm his nerves, after the traumatic moment with Leroy, he also had seen that girl again. He wasn’t sure why he was blessed that day to come upon such a fine young lady but he was thanking his lucky stars every night for the moments they shared. Being a southern gentleman and all he tried to keep his “unsuitable” thoughts outta his mind but there was something about her. 
Walkin’ into the salon Mellie smiled at him and motioned for him to sit in the chair. Draping him in the cloth and brushing his hair Clyde finally started to relax. 
“I didn’t know you were gonna come in today Clyde”
“Wasn’ plannin’ on it Mel,” Clyde said barely above a whisper, “I was in town already and needed a trim.” 
After a long pause, Mellie brought Clyde to the sink to wash his hair. Heatin’ up the water to a warm sudsy temp, using the tea tree shampoo as he likes. 
“Leroy’s at the vet. Got caught by a snake this mornin’.” Clyde finally said, “Got him there until they call n’ say it s’okay to bring him home”. 
Mellie hummed in response, she never pushed Clyde to talk more than he needed to, unlike Jimmy. She was truly just there to listen and support him whenever he needed it. 
Finishing up at the sink he got up and sank back down in front of Mellie’s mirror as she started trimming away. Clyde had finally begun to relax after telling Mellie about Leroy when she piped up. 
“Earl said you had a girl at the house the other day”. 
Clyde's eyes nearly popped outta his head. Earl knew better than to be tellin’ Mellie bout’ girls, Clyde was never one to hold a secret but Mellie always tried to work her “Mellie Magic '', which usually ended in him gettin’ his heartbroken. 
“He said she was quite a looker, want to tell me where you found her? Or should I just keep cutting hair until you talk?” her smirk on her face was evident even if Clyde wasn’t making full eye contact. The scissors she held were dangerously close to his ear, threatening to cut the hair coverin’ em too short. “I don’ know what yer talkin’ bout”. 
“Is that your final answer Clyde?”
Eyes darting between Mellie and her scissors he knew he would have to cave or else he would suffer having a bowl cut for the next few months. “Her car broke down outside the house, I couldn’ jus let her walk off”.
“And what’s her name?”
“That’s a pretty name, never heard of her. Is she new?”
“Not sure, she didn’ say. But she works as a vet where Leroy’s at.”
“Have you made a move on her?”
Clyde pauses before answering, he wasn’t sure he wanted to share with his little sister about how (Y/N) barged in on him naked after a shower. She would get the wrong impression. The last thing Clyde needed was Mellie thinkin’ bout’ him and (Y/N) naked, not that he would mind it.
“Clyde, don’t go all moony-eyed on me, have you asked her out yet?
“O’ course not” Clyde spit out. He couldn’ imagine doin’ that, what if she said no? He wasn’ sure he could take her rejection. 
“Why don’t you ask her to the bar? Get her a couple of drinks so she meets people in town.” 
Clyde swallowed, it did seem like a good idea in theory. Nothin’ could go wrong at his
bar. He would be in control of the situation. Not saying another word Mellie finished his hair cut n’ he left to get the bar ready to open. 
The rest of your morning was uneventful after the Leroy emergency. Taking him from Clyde had been heartbreaking, to say the least. The man looked like he was going to pass out when he told him he couldn’t stay back while you worked on Leroy. Apparently he had been pacing the lobby and wouldn’t sit still for longer than ten minutes. The nurses told you he came up to the counter and asked about Leroy every time he sat back up from his seat. It was cute how much he cared about his dog, not many pet owners stay when they drop off their animals, but Clyde stayed until finally, Shelby convinced him to go stretch his legs. 
At about 3 you checked in on Leroy and he was happy as can be, you could hardly believe he was bitten by a snake near hours ago. He was so glad to see you, he clearly remembered you, unlike his owner. It was time to call Clyde and let him know he could come pick him up. You also got to go home and rest after a long day's work once Leroy was sent on his way. 
Dialing the house number you waited… “This s’ the Logan Ranch leaves a message.” Beep. 
Ugh, you guessed you had to try the second number, whatever Duck Tape was you had heard it many times to know that Clyde was a regular. 
Ring, Ring, Ring… ugh come on pick up. 
“Duck Tape bar, this s’ Clyde.”
Clearing your throat you replied, “Hey Clyde it’s (Y/N) at Community Animal Hospital, I just wanted to let you know Leroy is here and ready to go home.” Smile beaming through the phone you hoped that by saying your first name Clyde would remember you. 
“Thank y’ very much. I’ll be there soon I’m jus’ down the road' ' Clyde blurted out and hung up quickly. 
Sighing you went back and got Leroy ready to be discharged. Letting the nurses and other staff members go home while you waited for Clyde. Sitting behind the front desk you waited with Leroy sitting between your knees while you scratched and pet his head. 
No more than five minutes had passed before Clyde strode through the door. You hadn’t been able to get a good look at him this morning but now here he was in all his glory. A dark-gray button-up smartly tucked into denim wranglers adorned his broad chest. His beard seemed better cleaned up compared to this morning and his hair seemed a little shorter, not that you paid that much attention to his ebony locks. 
“Hi again sunshine”. 
His words melted your bones, the sickly sweet nickname he called you echoed in your ears each time you fell asleep. Shaking yourself out of the trance he put you in you spoke up, “Hey Clyde, I got Leroy right here for you. Let me just walk you through the medicine he will be on for a few days”. You walked your way around the counter and stood to his right. You immediately noticed how much bigger he was up close, your eyes barely reaching to his shoulders. You had to strain your neck to look at his face. And what a face it was, covered in little freckles and moles you resisted the urge to touch them all. His eyes bored holes into your soul, stealing the air out of your lungs. It was like two perfect pools of brown amber were right there for you to dive into. 
“What’ll I be givin’ him now?” Clyde’s voice jerked you from his face back to the paperwork in front of you. 
“Oh yeah, he just will be taking a couple of these” you lifted the green pill bottle towards Clyde “Twice a day for 3 days until the swelling goes down. After that just use sparingly if he starts itching at it. There is also some gel to put on the sores that need to be done every night before he goes to sleep and that won’t stop until they go away”. Clyde nodding in response to your instructions. A smile pulled at his lips when you finished. 
“I can’t thank y’ enough fer helpin’ Leroy. I don’ know how I can repay y’.” 
“Well I’m a doctor, it’s in my job description” you smiled up at him. After what felt like hours he spoke again. 
“Well’m a bartender so why don’ I get you a couple a rounds on the house tonight?” 
You were intrigued, you hadn’t planned on going out but it was a Friday and all you were going to do at home was watch Netflix and possibly touch yourself to the thought of Clyde. Now you had the chance to, maybe, touch him for real. 
“Uh sure, I’d love to come by”. 
“See y’ at 10?” 
“It’s a date” you blurted out without realizing what you said, not wanting to take it back you just gave him a nervous smile. He said nothing as he gathered up Leroy’s supplies and called him out to his car. 
TAGLIST: @finn-ray-nal-beads @morby @kirah36
authors note: I am having so much fun writing this you guys have no idea. Also be ready for smut *saddles up* 
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shiftyskip · 5 years
Edward James “Babe” Heffron
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The real Babe Heffron: 
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Edward James Heffron was born on May 16, 1923 to Joseph and Anne Heffron in South Philadelphia. He was the third of five children in his Irish-rooted family. He had three brothers: James, Joseph Jr., John (called Jake or Jack). He also had one sister named Anna Margaret. He attended a Catholic elementary school, but his parents could no longer afford it after a while and in high school, Babe attended public school Southern Philadelphia High (which he called Southern). He dropped out in his third year, to help with finances. Babe took up betting on horses. Every penny he got off of a horse race, he gave to his mother. 
Babe used to rough house and play football when he was younger, but one day he hurt his hand playing. He says that “my hand and fingers contracted to the wrist and curled under, and I was in excruciating pain from my wrist all the way up the arm.” The pain would come back whenever he used his hands too much. The pain would stay with him for decades, even after the war. 
His friends decided to rent a room, fix it up, and make a dance hall called the Shindig. He and his friends were at the dance hall on December 7, 1941.The brothers decided to tell their parents before enlisting. His father had a talk with them the next day, without their mom. Babe states that, “He told us that we had to fight for our country and for the freedom of those less fortunate than ourselves. He made it clear he wouldn’t accept a slacker for a son and that he was expecting us to do our part.” His father had previously served in World War I, so Babe knew what was expected of him. 
Babe enlisted in August of 1942. His brother Joe was drafted into the Army while Jake and Jimmy were in the Navy. His call to service was on November 7, 1942. Which his official date of when he went on Active Duty. Babe was working at a shipyard in New Jersey at the the time. His job was to help fix up ships to become aircraft carriers and he hadn’t told them about his enlistment. His boss handed him a 2B slip, stating that he did not have to serve because his work served the war effort. Babe ripped it up in front of him. In Babe’s words: “I wasn’t going to shrink from my duty to my country. If my brothers, neighbors, and friends were all going, I wasn’t about to stay behind.
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Babe went through Basic at Fort Eustis in Virginia, he was not a Toccoa boy. Meaning, Babe didn’t have the absolute joy of training under Sobel.He was assigned to B Battery, an anti-aircraft unit. He was promoted to a tech corporal and helped prepare future officers for officer candidate school. When he had arrived, he instantly put in the paperwork to become a paratrooper, but was told to finish Basic Training first.  Six to Seven months later, he was given the okay and was on his way to Fort Benning, Georgia. Babe was not in Jump School until January of 1943. In Fort Benning, he was put with 1st Parachute Infantry Regiment, K company.
Night life was limited. The boys spent most of their time by reading, listening to one man’s radio, or talking about home. Lights out was at 10:00 PM and they were up by 5:00 AM. When they did get to have some more time, Babe and others went to the Bama Club nearby. One day, a wife of an officer hosted a competition. Her best jitterbug partner got a bottle of champagne. Babe went up and danced with her. He ended up winning the competition. 
In jump school, Babe made a new best friend, Johnny Julian. Johnny was from Alabama and both men thought the other talked weird since Julian had a strong southern drawl and Babe did not. Babe said, “He was clean-cut, believed in God, believed in everything I believed in, believed his was coming home. We could talk to each other real easy.” Babe and Julian also became friends with J.D Henderson. Together, the three made a pact, that if one died the survivors would have to tell the parents. The trio stuck together through Jump School.
Babe loved jumps, even though his hands provided extra difficulty. He enjoyed the beauty of the day jumps, but disliked the night jumps. Night jumps were dangerous and one night, a plane crashed, killing all the men inside the plane. The night jumps were cancelled at the camp and the men were transferred to Camp Mackall for their final jump. Babe got his Jump Wings in March. 
 He was transferred to Camp Shanks, preparing to go home one last time before heading out overseas. In May of 1944, Babe was headed out overseas. When they reached, Liverpool, England, they had learned that the 101st and 82nd had jumped into Normandy. Babe was not part of the D-Day jump, instead he was a replacement for the troops who didn’t return from that jump. Babe, Henderson, and Julian were all transferred to Easy Company once they returned.
Easy Company’s barracks were in the middle of Aldbourne, England. Babe was told to visit Bill Guarnere. Guarnere, also from South Philadelphia, noticed that when Babe walked in, he walked like a penguin. This walk was like a duck, side to side, which Guarnere recognized as the South Philly shuffle. Guarnere and Babe only lived a short distance from each other in South Philly. 
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Babe learned that replacements were not easily accepted. Toccoa Men wanted little to do with the replacements. They had trained together, jumped together, fought together, and mourned together. They didn’t want much to do with a replacement, didn’t talk to them and sure as hell didn’t want to fight with one. Babe was assigned to a Toccoa vet’s gun squad, Joe Toye’s. Joe Toye, unlike the others, didn’t give a damn if Babe was a replacement and accepted him. Chuck Grant was another Toccoa man that accepted Babe easily, even gave him a new nickname: Jigger. Guarnere was also often with Babe, going out to pubs and dances. Even so, Babe stuck with his fellow replacement friends, Julian and J.D. 
Babe and his friends enjoyed their time in England. Babe was often jitterbugging with girls and dancing away. They went to several different dance halls and other places. Even when they were supposed to be watching over the shed that held their chutes, Chuck Grant and Babe never made it to the shed. They never did. They were always off somewhere, enjoying a pub or two. 
During his time at Aldbourne, Babe’s girl back home, Doris broke up with him. She dumped him in a letter because she’d found another man. Babe didn’t much care about it. He hadn’t even visited her before he had left for England on his last weekend pass, saying that a previous weekend with her had been, “the most boring few hours [he] could’ve spent.” The world had a funny sense of humor, because the plane Babe boarded to jump into Holland, was named Doris. 
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Babe was eager to jump. Babe made the jump into Holland on September 17. The jump in Holland went easy. Babe helped one mad who’d broken his leg during the jump off the field, but other than that there was not much, if any, combat. The Dutch greeted the paratroopers in celebration. They loved the paratroopers and called them angels from the sky. In Son, they received word to take Eidenhoven. On the route there, a Dutch woman gave Babe a baby carriage for him to carry his supplies in. He did so until Popeye threw his weapons in, then Babe made him push the carriage.
His platoon was the first to enter the city, and he instantly set up his machine gun by a footbridge, facing an entry way into the towns. Dutch underground members asked to attack the Germans instead, and Babe allowed them to. When the Germans appeared, the Dutch attacked them and killed all but one. The injured German was taken as a prisoner, but first a woman asked where he was hurt and when he pointed to his shoulder, she beat him with a hidden brick in her pocketbook and screamed something along the lines of evil at him. Babe said that it made his day.
Babe had many close calls in Holland. In Nuenen, a tank caught on fire and all of the men inside had died, leading it to be driven into the ditch next to Babe. How he escaped, he doesn’t remember. Later on, he thought he was hit but Buck Compton has been hit in his butt, tripped over a wheelbarrow, and hit Babe’s leg on his way down. Guarnere and others eventually rescued Compton.
 To escape the Germans, Babe had to get over a 6 foot hedge. To get over, Babe had to back into German fire and get a running start. As he jumped, his rosary came off of him. Sheehy grabbed his jump jacket and pulled him over the hedge. Babe, reluctantly, was about to leave his rosary behind, but found it inside his helmet. His mother had given him the rosary before he left and he was determined to carry it through the war.
Then he had another close call as the Germans shelled a cemetery he was standing in. One last one was when he was stuck in a ditch, with Germans firing at them. He went to return fire when Guarnere kicked him backwards and back into the ditch, saving him from getting shot while Guarnere himself still stood in the fire. Another close call was in October. Babe witnessed Joe Toye and Jim Campbell go into enemy territory. Toye had called for Babe, but Campbell stepped up instead, telling Babe to stay back. Campbell was hit in the back with a shell and died instantly. Toye was wounded pretty badly. But Campbell stuck out in Babe’s mind, for he had taken the hit for Babe. Babe never forgot him.
One time, when stopped by a river, Babe fell asleep by his machine gun. When he woke up, another paratrooper was peeing on his gun, since it was too dark to see. Babe started screaming and yelling, ready to kill the man. He never did shut up.
Babe was on the front lines for 73 days in Holland. When they reached Mourmelon for their rest. All the boys who were left after Holland got dysentery. Bill, as Babe envies, missed this because he had been hit and taken to a hospital. Even with dysentery, the men continued to train and work. In December, they had all received weekend passes to various towns when Bill ran in with the news that they were leaving, the Germans had broken through the Ardennes. Their weekend passes were off and they were headed into one of the worst winters Belgium had without winter gear. They had no combat gear, no ammo, no supplies. They were headed, unprepared, into the winter.
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They arrived outside of Bastogne in the early morning. Their greeting was disgraceful to Babe. They encountered American soldiers fleeing. These soldiers tried to convince them to turn back. It was a disgraceful sight for the men to see. Medical supplies were extremely limited after this. On the way up, the 101st medical company was captured, but Babe offered to go get more supplies with another soldier. On the way back, when dark gave them cover to move around, Babe suggested they take a shortcut through the woods. Babe fell into a hole he didn’t see in the dark, snowy forest. Below him, a voice asked, “Hinkle, Hinkle, ist das du?” 
Babe scrambled out of the foxhole and yelled, “Hinkle your ass, Kraut!” And then he ran. 
Babe attended Mass in the snow one day when Father Maloney came up. They took communion in the snow and used the Father’s jeep as an altar. Skip Muck was in front of Babe once, after the communion, Babe said: “At least if we die, we’re going to die in a state of grace.” Skip agreed with him. 
They lost track of days out in Bastogne. It was a despairing, never ending situation. But the boys were determined. Babe states that, “If our general would have said, “Drop your weapons,” I don’t think a man in the 101st would have surrendered. Wouldn’t have happened. I think they would have gone against his orders. As bad off as we were. as cold as we were, as hungry as we were, I don’t think an American Airborne soldier could throw down his gun.” The armored division, according to Babe, likes to believe they saved the Airborne at Bastogne. But Babe says all they did was end the siege. The paratroopers were there before, during the fighting, and after the fighting. 
Joe Toye and Babe had another close call on New Year’s Eve. At exactly midnight, the artillery started shelling the Germans. But the shells started falling short and were landing right in front of Toye and Babe’s foxhole untl Toye called the men in charge and told them to aim better. Turns out, Joe Toye has shit luck, because he was hit in a German air raid by shrapnel the next day. He came back the next morning. 
Eisenhower, much to the dislike of the paratroopers, decided to launch an offensive on Foy and Noville. This extended their stay in the bitter cold, when they thought they were going to be relieved soon. Needless to say, not many were happy. 
The same day, January 1, Babe received word Julian had been hit. Babe ran to where Julian was. The Germans had shot him through the throat and whenever someone tried to move towards Julian, they fired at them. Babe couldn’t get Julian away from the Germans. Julian had wanted his class ring, wallet, and watch to be returned home if he died, but Babe couldn’t reach him. Julian died in the snow and Babe couldn’t reach him. When the Germans were finally pushed back away from Julian, his patrol members told Babe he could visit Julian’s body if he wanted. Babe couldn’t do it. He refused because he couldn’t stand to see Julian that way. His only relief was that Julian hadn’t suffered long.
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Times were tough for Easy. Although Toye came back January 2, the day after Julian died, the same day Hoobler accidentally shot himself and died. Babe says he was gone before they got him out of the forest. January 3, it started snowing and the boys went back into their foxholes in the Bois Jacques forest. They had just reached the foxholes when the Germans started shelling them. Toye lost his leg in the shelling and Guarnere lost his leg trying to help Toye. Babe tried to light a cigarette for Guarnere, not sure how to help the men. He thought they were both going to die. But a kid in a Jeep pulled by with ammo, Jackson pulled a gun on him and told him to take Guarnere and Toye back, probably saving their lives.
January 10, the Germans shelled them again. When the shelling started, Babe was talking to Penkala and Muck in their foxhole, which was a short distance away from his. As the shelling began, Luz ran by. Penkala and Muck yelled for Luz to join them in theirs. But Luz dove into his own. Shortly after that, a shell exploded directly in Penkala and Muck’s foxhole. When Luz and Babe went over to their foxhole, Babe says that it wasn’t normally like how they went, they just evaporated. There was little left, if anything. “They has just vanished into thin air.” Babe, even while mourning the loss of his friends, couldn’t help thinking that it could’ve been him. Babe believes that Muck, much like he said in the communion together, died in a state of grace and he thought of Muck with every communion afterwards.
By Mid January, they advanced on Foy. The well-known story of Speirs saving the day in Foy. They dug in outside of Foy. When they were preparing to advance on Noville, Babe found he could no longer use his hands without splitting pain. He couldn’t hold a gun anymore due to the pain. He had even tried rubbing ice onto his hands to loosen them up, but the pain was too severe. He was in the hospital for 5 days and 4 nights because his calcium was too low. During his hospital stay, he encountered a nurse from South Philly. She said that he looked like an old man. “That’s what war will do, turn a nineteen-year-old kid into a man.” Due to the fact Babe’s hands were so bad, there was nothing the doctors could do. Babe had to go AWOL to get back to Easy, much like his friend Guarnere had earlier in the war.
He hitchhiked his way back to the company. When he got back, Easy was sent to Hagenau to hold the line up there, but they stayed in houses this time. They spent a few weeks there, crossing the river nearby and capturing German prisoners (Jackson died on one of these trips). They had been fighting for two and a half months by the time they were finally relieved and taken back to Mourmelon.
By the end of March, Easy Company was heading out again. They were headed to Germany, the Ruhr pocket near the bank of the Rhine River. The men were going from house to house to search out Germans. Babe had nightmares about for years about an incident that happened on patrol. His orders were to clean out one side of town, when he stumbled upon a bomb shelter. The procedure was supposed to be throwing a grenade in the bomb shelter and then kicking the door open. Babe felt he shouldn’t throw the grenades, and he told the others not to and kicked the door open. He stumbled upon a girl about 20 years old, with toddlers and an old couple was behind her. Babe had nightmares about what would’ve happened if he had thrown the grenade first and accidentally killed them. He says he wouldn’t have been able to live if he had killed them. 
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On another patrol, Spina and Babe stumbled upon several men in the house. They had a small jar of money with them. Babe and Spina took the money, which the other men claimed was a payroll, and the next day gave it out to displaced persons (recently liberated from camps) after church. They’d earned it.
They stayed on duty till the end of April. After that, Babe and Easy Company were on their way to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. They stopped in Landsberg for a few days, where they learned a Concentration Camp was located. When Easy arrived, the sight was devastating. In his words, “If any of the guys didn’t know why we were fighting, they knew then.” He continues later, “If anyone tells you the Holocaust didn’t happen, or that it wasn’t as bad as they say, no it was worse than they say...It wasn’t fair.” 
Easy Company soon continued after helping liberate the camp and made their way up to the Eagle’s Nest. As they went. they passed many German soldiers surrendering and many dead SS officers. Some took their lives, other times the French killed them, and Easy let them have that. On May 5, Easy took Berchtesgaden and were the first ones in the Eagle’s Nest. There, with little resistance, they looted and drank to their hearts content. Babe didn’t like the drink choices very much, so he didn’t drink much. But he says he did have a glass of Hitler’s champagne. 
On May 7, Babe was directing POW traffic when a car pulled up to him. A German general and colonel sat in it. The general was driving the colonel. The colonel told Babe that the general, General Tolsdorf, wanted to surrender to someone of equal rank and asked Babe to find someone. Babe told him to get out of the car. The general got out of the car and saluted to Babe. Babe didn’t salute back and sent the general on his way to Colonel Sink with another lieutenant. Babe then searched his car and took anything of value with him. Babe later learned that this specific general had been in command of the German troops in the Bois Jacques woods. 
May 8, 1945 the war was over. Easy Company left the Eagle’s Nest and went to Saalfelden, where Babe looted and got a gold sword with a swastika engraved on it, encrusted with stones. He took it with him. They were transferred to Kaprun, where they stayed for several months. There Babe met a small, Polish girl, Annie, from a DP camp. (This was common among the troopers and some even married the women in the camps) Sadly, at the end of July, Babe had to leave. Easy Company boarded a train for France, but somehow Annie had found his train. Annie chased after him, with a small suitcase, and the boys hung Babe out the boxcar by his ankles. Annie gave up chasing him after a while. 
In France, Babe did his last jump, this was a qualification to receive jump pay. The man before him hesitated and when Babe got him out of the plane, Babe had jumped wrong. He was facing the wrong way (towards the motor, not the tail) and his ropes were tangled. Babe panicked and started saying his Hail Marys. He eventually got his legs untangled, his chute opened, and he landed safely. 
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Babe was discharged in December of 1945. He arrived back home and meet his brothers, Jimmy and Joe, and his father at a local bar. His mother had suffered a heart attack while he was gone, but she had recovered. Babe went to work when he got home. He only worked 2 jobs, and both of them were with Guarnere. He worked at the waterfront as a cargo checker and clerk. He worked there for 27 years until his retirement. 
Babe returned to playing football every weekend. He played on a team with other veterans from the war. He played with that team until he was 32. He also went back to betting on horses. There’s even one named after him in Ireland. The horse is Babe Heffron, and it jumps hurdles. Babe was pretty amazed by the fact he had a horse named after him. 
A year after the war, Babe went to go find Bill Guarnere. Babe found him shooting dice in the street. Babe immediately jumped on him, forgetting that Bill was wearing a prosthetic leg. Bill told him that he had thought he was the cops at first. Babe and Bill went out for a drink, Babe met Bill’s wife. Babe and Bill were inseparable after that. They attended Easy Company reunions (which Bill started and ran for 60 years) together, went to Europe many times together, worked together. They worked on construction projects and each others houses together. Bill copied Babe’s phrases, to the annoyance of Babe. They even got arrested together. They went to an Holocaust memorial dinner together, where they met survivors of the Concentration Camp Babe helped liberate. Bill was Babe’s best man at his wedding. 
Babe married Dolores Kessler when he was 37. She had three kids from a previous marriage, Dolly, Harry, and Bobby. Two years later, Babe and Dolores had a daughter named Patricia, who they called Trisha. Trish called her godfather, Bill Guarnere, Uncle Bill. 
Babe’s hands healed 23 years after he first got home. His hands never bothered him again. He figures his body was lacking something, and after drinking a lot of milk, he got it. He was never told what was wrong with him. 
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Babe couldn’t face Julian’s mother for 12 years. He finally contacted her and he visited her at her daughter’s house nearby. Babe gave her the regimental scrapbook, the only one he owned. Babe broke down, while Julian’s mom remained tough. “She was a better soldier than I was,” Babe said. “I knew Julian was looking down on me saying, “Good job, well done.””
Band of Brothers was published and soon the HBO series was in production. Babe and Guarnere were brought out to meet their actors, who they had only had phone conversations with. Robin Laing, a Scottish actor, was playing Babe. Babe had some concerns on how Robin would play him, especially with the South Philly accent, but they vanished when he met Robin. He even teased Robin about the Philly Accent, but told Robin that he did fine. According to Babe, Robin sounded just like him. Robin even had rosary beads and scapular, just like Babe in the war, which touched Babe dearly. 
Bill and Babe stayed at a fine hotel, with HBO providing an open tab, and invited the actors back for drinks. They drank those poor kids under the table and by the end of the stay, they had a $5,000 liquor bill. in the hotel, Bill and Babe gave away any momentos they could to others. One time, Babe put three shirts on, saying, “I know they ain’t gonna get me this time...”, but by the end of the night both men were in their underwear in the hotel. They had given nearly everything away. Babe even gave Robin his scapular, the very one he’d carried through the war.
Babe had told Richard Speight Jr., who played Skip Muck, about his last communion with Skip. After the communion scene, Speight turned to Robin and said, “Well, Heffron, if we die, we’ll die in a state of grace.” Babe was forever touched by Speight’s actions. 
Babe, although he did not watch most of the series because it was too hard to handle, did have a guest appearance in one of the episodes. He’s seen as a cameo in Holland, when Talbert is kissing a Dutch girl. 
After Band of Brothers, Babe and Bill had a book published together about their story. Brothers in Battle, Best of Friends was published in 2007.
Babe died on December 1, 2013. His ashes, along with his wife’s, were later put in bronze heart and put it a statue dedicated to him in his hometown of Philadelphia. Guarnere also has a statue in Philadelphia, so even in death the two are never far apart. 
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Alright I guess i’m finally in a place to rehash this (under the influence).
Trigger warnings: Death, Veterinary malpractice
So on October 13, my childhood cat of 14 years died. The same day I got an application for a kennel tech job at the (emergency only) vet we took her to, and got the job a few days later. The kennel was kinda a dream, the other techs played the same music i liked, liked animals, etc. Then I met a few week old black kitten they found by a dumpster m. they had named him dracula, so i changed it to centipede. I immediately put a hold on him and payed in full to adopt him. $150 total, included a neuter, and all of his kitten shots. I took him home at six weeks instead of 8, mostly because the area they were keeping him in was a tiny metal cage in the hospital, so constant beeping and animals crying. He was found alone, and at the time I didn’t really know they needed to be bottlefed until 8 weeks. the Clinic put him on wet at four weeks??? So he turned six weeks on a tuesday, and i took him home that night. He was super curious, climbing up and down everything, running around, getting into shit, crawling all over me, anything you could think of. He was an absolute nightmare, always trying to bite you. I loved him with everything in me. So he got all his shots, and then they told me it was ok to neuter him at 4 months. On February 4, 2022, he was due to be neutered. I got diagnosed with covid a few days prior, so I couldn’t be there for his neuter. I was exhausted, so I woke up, gave him the medicine they prescribed to calm him down, and put him in the crate and outside my door for my mother to take yim. I still regret not holding him and saying goodbye while he could hear it. about an hour later my mom rushed into my room, and hands me her phone, saying “centipedes heart stopped.” I took the phone, and this is exactly what the veterinarian responsible said to me: “Centipedes heart stopped, we’ve been doing cpr for ten minutes, we can do it for 15 but it’s statistically unlikely he will come back and we need your consent to stop.” I just kind of went “oh my god i guess” and he goes “i’m sorry” and ovbiously i was in shock, so I didn’t respond right away. he hung up. So i had to hyperventilate for ten minutes screaming oh my god at the top of my lungs, and then call the fucking place back. I told them I wanted to fucking see him before they ship him off to be cremated. They say of course, and I get ready to go. once again i have covid, so i can’t go inside. The intern brings him out to me. One thing about this clinic, is that they have a special store of really nice clean donated blankets and such they put deceased animals in for the owners to say goodbye to. they brought him out in a nasty kennel towel and shitty little matted felt bed. I wanted his fur and whiskers, and i had trouble getting some because i was shaking so bad, so the intern twisted his neck to get some. I didn’t say anything because i was in shock, and i barely got to hold him before she took him baxk. When i got back on the phone with Dr Williamson, the man who overdosed his anesthesia, he said that centipede “probably had a heart defect”. I said no, Prove it. He said “I guess you can get a necropsy done” and centipede was shipped to UGA to be cut open and dig around in. Of course, the results came back that nothing was wrong with him. Just detailed the after effects of the cpr they did on him. I put in my two weeks immediately, and took off. The day after he died, my mom took me to the Cumming petsmart FCR adoption event. (I called the doctor and asked if i could be in public yet). That’s when I saw a tiny little black cotton ball kitten on the top row of cages lined up hoarder style. I almost left without him, but then my mom reminded me this was my only chance to get him. So i ran back in, and adopted a kitten born November 13, 2021. exactly one month after centipede. I named him hoss, and decided i was only taking him to Dr Globerman. She is a highly skilled cat specific veterinarian, and I trust her with any cat. She mentioned raising kittens in two is the proper way to raise them, and asked if we could find a littermate.(part 1)
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Wish You Were Here (Chapter 1)
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Pairing: Tina Goldstein x fem!reader, modern AU
Warnings: drinking, death mention, swearing
A/N: Now that winter break’s here, I’ve finally decided to start this multi-chapter fic I’ve been working through in my mind for a while. I’ll also probably work on another part of “That Would Be Enough” as well if I get through the remaining requests I have. I know I’ve been slacking on the writing but I hope this makes up for it a little!
“Just a little further,” your friend Newt encouraged as he held onto you as you stumbled your way into his car. Once you were successfully in the passenger’s seat and buckled in, Newt made his way over to the driver’s seat.
“You’re such a good friend,” you slurred. You reached out and patted your friend on the cheek. “Thank you, Newt.” You giggled.
“I’m glad you called,” the brunet said as he started the car.
“Well who else was I supposed to call?” You looked out the window and felt a pang in your heart. As the car moved, you focused on the night lights of the city.
Newt occasionally glanced over at you, checking in on you. He knew you had a lot to drink tonight after receiving your phone call, but he hadn’t realized just how drunk you were until he saw you.
“This isn’t my apartment,” you commented as you squinted at the building in front of you after Newt parked.
“Considering you had already puked once at the bar, I figured it would be safer to bring you back to my place,” your friend explained calmly. He walked over to the passenger’s side to get you. “All right, out we go.”
It took some time, but Newt was able to coax you on to the couch pullout bed.
“Here, drink this water.”
You took the glass and looked into it.
“Go on,” the man said.
You looked up at Newt and he saw tears forming in your eyes. Before he could ask what was wrong, your face crumpled and the tears started rolling down your cheeks.
“I miss Kelsey,” you cried. The man took the glass away from you and set it on the table before pulling you into a hug.
“I know. I miss her, too.”
It had been 7 months since your sister had passed away. You thought maybe you were getting better, moving forward with your life and going to therapy regularly. But a bad day was bound to rear its head around the corner.
“I was so excited today. I got a promotion. Did you know that?” Your words ran together as you tried to put your thoughts together. “I tried calling her. You know, until I remembered it doesn’t work anymore because I’m a dumbass.” You laughed at yourself before crying again.
Newt felt his heartstrings being pulled as you cried. Unsure of what to do, he just held you as tight as he could, hoping it could bring some sort of comfort. He let you cry into his shoulder until you fell asleep.
You woke up to the sun shining in your face and groaned, pulling the covers over your face.
“Good morning,” Your friend greeted from his seat at the counter.
You grumbled an incoherent response.
Newt got up from his seat and headed for the refrigerator. “Well, since you’re up, it looks like now’s a good time to make breakfast.”
You slowly sat up and rubbed your face, the memories of last night slowly coming back. A familiar loneliness crept in and you forced yourself to ignore it. You got out of the bed and helped Newt make breakfast.
“Oh, I almost forgot,” Newt said as the two of you were eating at the table. “I have dinner plans with a few friends from college. Would you like to join?”
You shook your head. “It’s okay, Newt. You don’t have to invite me to everything. I’m not that lonely.”
“No, I want you to come. Please?” The man looked up at you, eyes full of hope.
You chuckled softly. “All right, fine. I’ll go.” You downed your orange juice. “But first, I need to go home to get something nice to wear. Can’t go making a bad impression on your nerd college friends, can I?”
The brunet smiled, happy that you were taking a chance to meet new people.
That night, Newt came by to pick you up. On the way over, he gave a brief summary of who you would be meeting.
“There’s Jacob, my old roommate. He went in college a computer science major but eventually changed his major and became a vet tech.”
“Wow, completely different direction.”
Newt laughed. “I brought home a guinea pig spring semester and he got so attached to it, I guess it changed his life more than I thought.”
“Okay, that’s one friend down, two more to go.”
“Queenie and Tina. I met them both my sophomore year. Queenie was a psychology major, which was fitting, considering how well she can read people. Currently getting her PhD.”
“Impressive,” you commented.
“Yes,” your friend answered. “And Tina went into social work.”
You laughed. “That’s it? That’s all you have to say about her?” You looked at Newt and mimicked him. “‘And Tina went into social work,’” you copied, laughing hysterically. “Gee, Newt. Don’t sound too excited now.”
Newt blushed in response to your teasing. “I-it’s just that there’s so much more to her. It’s unfair for me to tell you everything. You should really hear it from her.”
“Yeah, okay,” you scoffed.
“Just a fair warning, she might come off as a bit abrasive, but she’s kind. I promise.”
“It’s fine, Newt. You don’t have to baby me all the time.” You crossed your arms. “I may be 3 years younger than you, but I’m not seven anymore.”
Newt gave a heartfelt smile. “I understand.”
“Newt!” A man greeted as he got up from the booth.  
“Hello, Jacob.” Newt pulled the man into a hug. “How are you?”
“Doing well, can’t complain.” Jacob chuckled heartily. You liked his laugh, it was warm and welcoming.
Jacob looked over at you. “You must be (Y/N)!” The man shook your hand. “Newt’s told us all about you!”
“Tina and Queenie aren’t here yet?” Newt asked Jacob as the three of you took a seat at the booth.
“Nah, but they’ll be here soon. You know how Queenie loves to get gussied up.”
You snickered. “Gussied?”
Jacob put a hand on his waist. “What? You got a problem with using old fashioned words?” The man joked.
You put your hands up. “No, no. Of course not.” Your lips curled into a smile. You hadn’t laughed this much in a long time.
A few minutes later, Queenie and Tina arrived.
“Sorry we’re late!” The blonde apologized. She looked to you a beamed. “Hi, I’m Queenie. I’m so glad you could join us tonight, (Y/N)!”
You shook her hand. “Hi, Queenie. It’s nice to meet you.” You couldn’t help but smile at how charismatic she was.
The two sisters took a seat in the booth next to Jacob, across from you and Newt.
Queenie looked to her sister. “This is my sister, Tina.”
The brunette reached across the table to shake your hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“The social worker,” you said, playfully raising an eyebrow.
Tina was thrown off by the comment and looked at Newt who shrugged and smiled.
You smiled, amused at how flustered Tina was. “That’s pretty cool. Do you like it?”
“It doesn’t pay much, but it’s my dream job so I can’t complain.” A small smile reached Tina’s face. You couldn’t help but think how cute she looked.
“That’s awesome,” you said, sincerity in your voice. “What made you get into social work?”
Tina shifted in her seat and looked to Queenie. “Our parents died when we were young, and we were put into the foster care system. It was then I realized how flawed it was. Queenie and I bounced from foster home to foster home because no one wanted to adopt both of us together.”
“But we always had each other,” Queenie said, taking Tina’s hand.
Tina looked at her sister and nodded appreciatively.
The dinner was a nice distraction from your thoughts, full of laughter and love. You quickly understood why Newt was friends with them. But after Jacob had to leave, you knew the night was going to end soon, and you started to feel alone again.
Queenie had noticed your smile fade and thought of an idea. “(Y/N)! Newt! Why don’t you two come over tonight? It’s only nine o’clock, the night doesn’t have to end yet! Whaddya say?”
“A-are you sure it’s okay?” You asked, looking at Tina.
The brunette smiled. “We’d love to have you over.” She looked at Newt. “Newt usually invites himself over, anyway. It’ll be nice to have a new face around the place.”
You looked to Newt, who gave you an approving nod.
“Well, thank you,” you said, a smile on your face.
“We’ll see you at the apartment then!” Newt said.
“See you soon!” Queenie waved goodbye as the four of you separated in the parking lot.
As Newt drove the two of you to the apartment, you felt a warmth in your chest.
“Thank you,” you murmured.
“For what?” Newt asked, genuinely confused.
“For introducing me to your friends. I guess I needed it more than I wanted to admit.” You looked at Newt, who was smiling. “Thanks, Newt.”
“Of course.”
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pisati · 4 years
I hate feeling so annoyed by it but my head receptionist has been treating me like the girls in high school did and I can’t quite put a finger on what that means but it’s just. ugh
we got a new girl who does tech and reception back in like January or something and of course when someone is new everyone’s a little wary but welcoming. I wasn’t sure how I felt about her but I didn’t work directly with her enough, and then COVID hit and she ended up on the other team with Alexa. and I’d see Alexa tagging her in things on facebook but when you’re stuck with the same people 12 hours a day you do end up closer to them. whatever, you know?
but since we’ve been back together it feels like the girls on the other team are acting cliquey. at least, Alexa, the tech/receptionist girl, and another newer tech (though she’s honestly really nice and is cool with everyone). I get it, you all were on the same team for months. you got close. but even when we have staff meetings they’ll sit together and talk amongst themselves and won’t include the rest of us, so we’re just awkwardly sitting around while they talk and make their little inside jokes. we weren’t NOT good together as a team on our side, but we didn’t get like that.
Alexa has known I’ve been doing crafting since well before this all started. she knew I’d been tossing around the idea of an etsy shop. I finally made one. I’ve been sewing and crocheting and starting resin and I sewed a TON of masks for the clinic. she’s seen things I’ve posted on facebook and instagram. she’ll say stuff like “oh that’s cool” when I’ve told her about the things I’ve made. which, cool, I don’t need everyone to be enthusiastically supportive. we’re not close friends, I don’t expect her to do anything.
but the tech/reception girl recently started learning how to make resin things and she’s now making custom pet tags; which, cool! that’s awesome! but I’ve seen Alexa share her posts twice now to her own instagram. like “hey go support my coworker and her cute pet tags!”
I just made a facebook page for my shop too and maybe she just hasn’t been on facebook, which, okay, whatever. I literally just made the page so maybe it’s too soon to be bitter about it. but she’s liked the other girl’s facebook page.
and it just stings, you know? I don’t know what I did that she’s suddenly changed in how she sees me. she used to tag me in story posts when we’d share hot chocolate, she called me her work bestie once, we relate on the chronic illness struggles, and I was like, oh, cool, a work friend! that’s always nice to have. but now she rarely talks to me unless there’s something wrong and it feels like she just acts different towards me. it’s so hard to describe. it’s just like fucking high school, and my lab in college. people (women especially for some reason) get all toned-down around me. they aren’t unkind, but they can be somewhat brisk. I can read it on their faces— it’s like they don’t want to be talking to me and are patiently waiting for me to say what I need to say. it makes me so nervous. it’s like they’re just tolerating my presence. they’re being polite because they have to, but I can tell they don’t want me around. Alexa will talk down to me sometimes too and that’s annoying. but there’s something just straight up different about how she treats me now and I’m not a fan.
and the tech/receptionist girl.. I honestly don’t like her much. I gave her a chance. I try to be understanding with new people because I know that I don’t know them. but she literally always seems annoyed. at everyone and everything. all the time. she mumbles and sometimes when I go into treatment to get the techs’ attention for an appointment that’s just arrived, I’ll hear her say something and I can’t tell if she’s acknowledging the appointment or in her own space. she’s gotten annoyed with me and told me to put the check in clipboard on the shelf we put those on when I hesitate because I’m not sure if I got my message across. she couldn’t sound more disinterested when she answers the phone and talks to clients. and I’ve heard her on multiple occasions saying nasty things about clients based on what they look like. I get that some people are rude or weird or whatever but saying shit about them just based on their looks? fuck off with that. she was ranting to me a few weeks ago about how their team felt like they were cleaning up my team’s mistakes during split shifts and they were acting like we were so incompetent. a few times she mentioned split shifts and mentioned our team in a negative way. and I told her, “...well, we felt the same way about you guys”.
and everyone that was on her team adores her. they think her attitude is endearing. I get that things are frustrating and now you have a baby with your boyfriend at 23 and you’re making a tech salary which isn’t a lot and you have to commute from another state, but don’t make your annoyance everyone else’s problem. but she makes funny quips sometimes so they like her.
last night I was closing with the other head receptionist. it wasn’t terribly busy last night even though it was crazy in the morning, and we were feeling kind of bored. I was trying to stay on top of scans and emails all day and I finally caught up by close. she let me go home not long after because our last few appointments were still there and she took today off anyway. this morning I woke up to a text to the reception group asking if surgery paperwork got done. the receptionist I was working with was like “oh shit, sorry, and I even stayed late!” no response. I sent an “oh no I forgot too, I’m sorry”. and Alexa texted a whole paragraph like “Lou said it wasn’t busy last night and this morning has been crazy and there was a whole pile of scans this morning too”
you know what? you’re right. it wasn’t busy last night. we both should have remembered to check for drop off paperwork but we didn’t. that was my mistake before I left, and that was also Tricia’s mistake because she closed up shop and should have taken stock. but when I left there were no scans to be done. maybe two, but I had already clocked out and Tricia could have easily scanned and attached them. the techs bring up papers to scan after we close, it’s not like I’m just leaving them there intentionally for morning staff just to fuck everyone over with more stupid busy work. and I know for a FACT that the new girl told Alexa it wasn’t busy last night because she was there and she’s been taking every opportunity she can to say shit about us because of all these assumptions she’s made since we were on split teams. acting like we’re just partying it up and being lazy on purpose. she’s ranted to me about how she thinks Tricia stays late intentionally to get more hours because there’s nothing to do after close. I wouldn’t know if that’s true but it’s annoying as hell that she just makes shit up in her head and gets herself all worked up about it.
surgery paperwork is a morning thing too. nobody told us it hadn’t been done. yes, we should have checked, and that’s our mistake. but Alexa has dropped the ball in the morning and I’ve texted her after close like “did the paperwork get done?” and she’s been like “oh shit sorry no” and I fucking take care of it without complaining because that’s my job. I get it. people forget things. lord knows I do. there was one day the doctors got really annoyed at me because sending out negative fecal test results is a reception job and none of the result emails got sent. I wasn’t there that morning and labs are a morning thing, so I didn’t know why they hadn’t gotten sent. I looked into it, none of the fecal labs had downloaded to the computer system, so it looked like they hadn’t come in yet. but the doctors showed me the actual lab website, which had the results. that had in fact come in. Alexa should know to check that, she has the login information printed out and on the front desk and she’s also been a vet receptionist for 8 years and should know about the lab site, but it didn’t happen. so I had to stay late and go through all the fecal results that had come back and send out the emails. I didn’t even know that that had happened because, again, morning thing, not my job as a closer, but I took care of it anyway because my job IS to pick up where my coworkers drop the ball. I didn’t get annoyed (at least not THAT annoyed) and I didn’t point fingers or act like anyone was being lazy. because that’s my fucking job.
so I didn’t much appreciate this morning being made to feel like we were just being lazy and like we didn’t just genuinely forget to do the drop off paperwork. we know how stressful the head vet’s surgery days are (which, of course that would be today). she always has 3-5 procedures and today there were 4 and two drop offs for ultrasounds. we didn’t just not do the paperwork to spite the morning staff. I wouldn’t do that to anyone intentionally. but they sure are fucking acting like it.
the head vet told me something back in April when she and Tricia pulled me in for that meeting that really stuck with me: assume best intentions. assume competence. she told me that the other reception team had gotten really annoyed with us one thursday when they came in after we’d had our last day and there was a whole pile of faxes that needed to be sent, and they were mad that we just left it for them. we hadn’t. the doctors just didn’t put those up there until after we left. and that changed my attitude considerably. I had been getting annoyed at the other team for doing similar things. but I tried to remind myself that they were probably doing their best too and everyone drops the ball sometimes. the head vet brought that up at our last staff meeting too and I wish those two had thought about it more. they just prefer to point fingers I guess.
I’m just annoyed. I hate feeling like this. I hate feeling shunned by people when I don’t even know what I did. literally all the girls in high school acted like that towards me. they wouldn’t give me the time of day if they didn’t have to. I don’t know what Alexa has in her head about me now but I’m sure whatever it is is wrong. and I’m sick of thinking about it. I shouldn’t even give her the real estate in my brain. I should focus on the people that do like me instead of searching for reasons why others don’t. I don’t know what she likes so much about that new girl but I don’t really care either. they can go off and be cliquey and I’ll just keep actually trying to be nice and understanding towards everyone.
it’s funny too because I have a feeling Alexa is annoyed about me posting about my fatigue on instagram stories, thinking I don’t have it as bad as she does because she has MS. I didn’t lose sight in one eye temporarily and I don’t have brain lesions and I don’t have a ton of meds I have to be on and I don’t get the MS hug or painsomnia or whatever else, so obviously I shouldn’t complain. but she complains all the fucking time. half her instagram stories are her complaining about being in pain and not being able to sleep, you know, the same thing I also have issues with. 50% of what she posts is MS related and the other 50% is about how much she misses california. maybe I just don’t have it as bad in her eyes because my illness isn’t my entire personality. I try not to complain about it and I try to push myself to my own detriment because I have a job and that job entails being a functioning cog in a whole machine.
I don’t know. I think I’m going to take a week off next month with my PTO. just catch up with myself. I haven’t had an actual break since I started this fucking job. I’ve been lucky with a few 3 day weekends but that’s it. we get one day off for holidays. the actual holiday. I’m a little nervous to ask for a whole week but fuck it. I’ve been at the clinic for 14 months now and haven’t asked for any time off for anything that wasn’t medical-related. I deserve a fucking week.
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sadiesawyer · 4 years
From that 100 Character Questions meme, pick 2 from each category that you haven't answered a million times and answer them.
100 Important Character Questions
Going to be a long one, so under a cut.
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“Oh, so I’m the one being interrogated this time.”
Who are/were your parents? 
“Frank Sawyer is my dad.  He’s a businessman, working for a tech company in Plano, TX, where I grew up from about 6 years old until I moved out.  We had a lot of money, but he didn’t grow up that way, so he has a different attitude than someone who was born into it.  Like me, I guess, although we only really reached that after I was a few years old.  He’s typically a nice, friendly guy who gets along with most people, and wanted his kids to do that.  He tried to make sure I knew that I grew up with some blessings many people don’t have.”
“Mom is Miranda.  Lucas was her maiden name.  I’ve been told we look a lot alike.  She’s a recently retired high school counselor.  She was more in charge of the day-to-day life in my family, had a bit of the ‘family matriarch’ in her.  Old-fashioned in a lot of ways, she tried to make sure I had some...ladylike qualities.  I know she worries to death how I’m going to get myself killed or abducted by some criminal.”  
What do you have in your pockets?
“Um...let’s see.  My pockets have...my cell phone, keys, a $20 bill I try to carry around for emergencies.  Keychain has keys, obviously.  Also a multitool thing, a small flashlight, and it’s attached to a Texas A&M lanyard I got from my brother.  I have my Glock on my hip and my handcuffs on me, if those count.”
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
“What didn’t I want to be?  Nancy Drew, Wonder Woman, a Cowboys cheerleader, a teacher, a vet, a model.  I guess Nancy Drew is the closest to what I actually grew up to be.”
When and with whom was your first kiss?
“Jacob Foster.  I was 14, he was 15, a football player, defensive back, I think.  I played volleyball and we saw each other after practices sometimes and we went on a date and he kissed me at the end.  It was so messy, looking back on it now, but I thought I was head over heels in love.  This isn’t counting the time Bobby down the street forced a kiss on me when I was 8 and I kicked him.”
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you? 
“I was going for a run in college and this cute boy looked at me.  I smiled at him, trying to get his attention--and I wasn’t watching where I was going, and tripped over a curb.  It was not one of my more graceful moments.  At least I wasn’t hurt.”
What is your worst memory?
“I could say when my grandfather died, but we knew for some time he was going to die.  It has to be when my dad woke me up in high school to tell me one of my friends from school had been killed in a car wreck.  That was...unexpected.  And painful.”
What are your religious views?
“I was raised Southern Baptist.  I’m still a believer, a Christian, and I guess I’d qualify as Evangelical, but I don’t know if I’d describe myself as a Baptist.  Protestant.  I go to a non-denominational church.  Sometimes.  More often than not.  I do pray frequently.”
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?
“I’ve seen some evil things done in the few years I’ve been working this job.  I don’t know what the most evil thing someone could do is.  But I can say one thing that has to be up there is locking someone up, purposely tormenting them, keeping them around and doing so just for your pleasure.”
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.
“Bryan Garrett.  We got married last year.  He was in the army, now he works for a security consulting company in northern Virginia.  He’s tall, has nice shoulders and abs.  He’s a good man.  He lets me vent and gives me shoulder rubs after hard days.”
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
“My husband, my brother.  But the main one is my FBI partner.  I trust him to have my back.  I’ve seen him go through training scenarios.  He knows how to handle himself.”
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?
“Assuming I’m at home and not on a case somewhere, it’ll either be our weekly night in, or if we did that Friday instead, out with friends.  Go out to eat, maybe go to a movie, or hang out with friends.  Don’t go to bars as much anymore.  
How do you deal with stress?
“Hit a punching bag, go for a run, a session on the firing range.  Or if it has me feeling down, a long, warm bath, and some cat videos on Youtube.  Wine possible, chocolate definitely.”
Are you generally organized or messy?
“I think I’m organized.  My parents said I was messy.  My husband already says he’s tired of tripping over my bras.  My bedroom usually looked like a disaster hit it.  I try to keep anything to do with work organized.  I have to.  If it’s not something I really need to keep organized, and if other people aren’t likely to see it, I’m not bothering to keep it very clean.” 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
“Still at the FBI, maybe with a kid or two.  Possibly with a job that doesn’t require quite as much travel by that point.  I got hostage negotiation training recently.  Maybe I’ll do that full-time.”
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thorne93 · 7 years
Lost and Found (Part 5)
Prompt: Imagine finding a lost dog, but it’s not just anyone’s lost dog. Who will show up at your door to claim the pup?
Warnings: maybe language, lost dog…
Word Count:1646
Note: My precious doggie went missing on 6/10 and no one has spotted her or turned her in to the local shelters or anything. I miss her so much, but it inspired this fic. Texts are in italics. Thanks to my darling beta @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​
Tags: @amarvelouswritings​ @blackwidow-romanoff​ @cocosierra94​ @firstgal34​ @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @sebstan01 @camigt1999 @elleatrixlestrange
A buzzing woke you up. Brad.
 “Are you coming into the office or working from home?” he asked.
 “What? Brad it’s only--” you started, groggily before you glanced at the clock on your wall. “Holy shit. I’m so sorry. I’ll work from home.”
 “Okay. What happened? You’re never late.”
 “I can’t say. Talk to you later.”
Before he could ask further, you hung up on him, glancing over to Sebastian. So it wasn’t a dream. Sebastian really slept with his arm around you. He looked so gloriously peaceful.
 As much as you wanted to curl back up in his arms, you knew that would be kind of creepy, so you just got up and made coffee, hating every step farther away that you got. As soon as you popped the pod in the Keurig, he woke up, stretching.
 “Woah, stiff neck,” he said.
 “Oh, shit, I’m sorry. Yeah that couch isn’t the best for crashing.”
 “At least I had good company,” he said with a grin. “Thanks for letting me sleep here.”
 “Well, it’s not as if I’d kick you out,” you said with a slight laugh.
 He grabbed your hand on the counter and squeezed it. “Thanks again, I should probably go so you can work and stuff. Talk to you later?”
 “Yeah, definitely.”
 “Great.” He grinned at you before taking Chuffy back on his leash and leaving.
 “He stayed the night!” you texted Ida.
 “Hell yeah! Get you some!” she responded.
 “No, not like that. He just...we fell asleep together on the couch.”
 “That’s lame, but I guess congrats. :p So how was the date? Good I guess?”
 “Idk if you could call it a date.”
 “What did you do?”
 “Walked his dog, talked, watched TV, and ate.”
 “That was a date.”
 “Whatever, I gotta work. Ttyl. :p”
 You were giddy all day. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d been this happy or this excited to see or talk to anyone.
 Sebastian started to text you a few hours later, hoping that you were feeling okay after sleeping on his uncomfortable form. You assured him you would do it one hundred times over. It was a bit more flirty than you had been, but you were trying to take Ida’s advice. If you wanted this to go somewhere, you had to make it apparent that you felt the same about his advances so far.
 The rest of the day you worked comfortably from home, texting him all day. You talked about work, music interests, and hobbies a little bit. You were slowly but surely getting to know each other. Eventually, he made a comment about Chuffy though. He stated that his vet was disappointing him lately and not keeping proper records of him.
 “Oh, use my friend Ida. I brought Chuffy to her when I first found him. She’d love to take a look at him.”
 “Oh, really? That’d be great. Could you maybe take me tomorrow and we could get lunch afterwards?”
 You audibly gasped. He was asking you out again? This was a dream come true. Quickly, you checked your schedule and it was relatively free. You shot Brad a notice that you’d be out of the office in the morning until mid afternoon.
 “Yeah, I’d love to.”
 “Awesome. I’ll be at your place tomorrow morning. That cool?”
 “Sounds perfect.”
 “Great. I’ll see you then. Good night.”
 The following morning, you ran around like a maniac, showering and scrubbing extra hard, fixing your hair in loose waves, fidgeting with makeup over and over again, you popped about thirty breath mints, rearranged everything in your house to look perfect, and at 9:30, Sebastian was there with Chuffy.
 Throwing open the door excitedly, you greeted him.
 “Hey! And hey there, buddy.” You crouched down to pat his furry head.
 “Ready to go?” he asked sweetly.
 Nodding, you reached back in to grab your purse and set off towards Ida’s office.
 “Have you lived in New York city long?” Sebastian suddenly asked.
 “Yeah, since I was 18. Came here for college, then all those shitty tech jobs I told you about, then figured it was a good place to put roots for a business.”
 “Did you think it was going to be that huge when you started?” he asked sweetly. “I mean, like, was that your goal or…?”
 You huffed out a laugh. Why was he so curious about you? You didn’t want to talk about your boring ass self.
 “Not exactly.  I just wanted something to cover the city, and within three years, we were being demanded all over.”
 “That’s highly impressive.”
 You shrugged and smiled. “I suppose. But what about you? Did you think you’d become a big time movie star?”
 “Oh, hell no,” he said with a smirk. “I was lucky to get a few small roles in things here and there and I thought I’d really made it, ya know? Five speaking lines and ten minutes of screen time was like a dream come true. I switched agents though when I got a lull in my career and it suddenly just shot off. I was reading more scripts than I could handle, being offered jobs, going to casting calls all the time…I’m sorry, I’m rambling.”
 “No, no please, ramble away,” you encouraged.
 He smiled at you, a heartwarming, heart melting, breath-stopping smile before continuing. “So, yeah, I got a few good roles and pretty soon the whole thing took off and I couldn’t keep up with it.”
 “That sounds really nice. Is it everything you wanted?”
 “All that and a bag of chips,” he responded with a sideways grin and a wink at you.
 That wink nearly made you trip into traffic before Sebastian caught you.
“Y/N!” he called as he grabbed your jacket sleeve and pulled you back to him. You had never been this close to him before, but now you were two inches from his chest. “Be careful,” he breathed. My god, his aroma was even musky and heavenly. Was everything perfect about this bastard?
 “Yeah, uh, I’ll try.”
 Eventually, you made it to Ida’s office. You greeted the receptionist and she eyed Sebastian and it was all you could do to not bitch slap her, but then you remembered he wasn’t yours. She could eye-rape him all afternoon. He smiled politely at her before filling out a form for Chuffy. You two sat down together and it felt weird. You felt like friends, but not? You felt like you were dating...but not?
 Once he was done, they called you into an exam room. Ida came in, her eyes down on her clipboard.
 “Okay, so we’ve got Spinee--Y/N! What are you doing here?” she asked as she looked at you, then the dog, then Sebastian.
 “Well, Chuf--Spinee here has been sick lately,” you explained.
 “Yeah, when I feed him the same food he’s always had, he gets sick. I’ve tried switching brands but it doesn’t seem to help,” Sebastian explained as he looked at his furry companion.
 You motioned with your eyes to look at the dog and Ida gathered her jaw and finally shook her head.
 “Right! Well, let’s see. We can test for worms, heartworm. Y/n, did he throw up when you fed him?”
 “No,” you answered while shaking your head and shrugging.
 “Hmm, you might want to find out what kind of food she’s using,” Ida informed Sebastian. “Let’s get some blood and stool samples and we’ll let you know.”
 She took him back and you and left you and Seb alone in the exam room.
 “So how do you know Dr. Ida?” he wondered as he leaned over in the chair.
 “I met her years ago when I was first looking for a vet. I got a dog as soon as I started college and I met her and we just sort of hit it off. She’s a really great friend.”
 “She seems it. I hope she can fix him,” he said, clearly worried.
 Without thinking much about the gesture, you grabbed his hand. “Hey, if anyone can set your pup right, it’s her. She’s a miracle worker.”
 He stared down at your hand, but didn’t move it away.
 You proceeded to tell him about Marvel and one other dog you had that each had really weird things going on with them and she figured it out and with a shot here, a pill there, they were right as rain.
 Ida returned, gave Seb some pills, and said to try the food you had given him. If he wasn’t better in a week, to call her and let her know. You both thanked her and started to walk out before she grabbed your arm like a vice grip.
 “Hold up, missy,” she hissed in a whisper. “Not so fast.”
 You rolled your eyes. “What?”
 “Now you’re running errands together?”
 “And going to lunch, is that a crime?”
“No, but that ass of his might be,” she said in a low voice as she peeked at his backside while he paid for the visit.
 “Ida!” you said in a hushed angry tone. “That ass is mine,” you insisted with a devilish grin. Ida wiggled her eyebrows as you left the office.
 “So, where to?” he asked sweetly.
 “I’m open to anything!”
 “I know a great Asian place up the street with patio seating for Spinee. That cool?”
 Walking in a comfortable quiet, you longed to reach out to hold his hand. But you refrained. You got to the restaurant, ordered, and began talking again. It was an amazing morning to kick off work. You showed up happy, giddy, and full of buzzing energy. You got so much done, Brad wondered if you’d taken speed. Many people said you were glowing. Sebastian sent you a good night text message and you replied back with a sweet message.
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Is There Somewhere / Part 3 - Dan Howell
Hey Guys, here's the last part to this mini series. This is mostly fluff, with just a bit of fighting a swear words ( But, what's new on my blog ). [ Y/F/N & Y/L/N = Your first name & Your Last Name ]. Hope you Enjoy.
Recap - When I pulled away, she stared at me with a smile on her face, she was actually smiling at me. " Hi...? " she giggled quietly, " Hey Y/N, you don't know how happy I am to see you " I smiled while rubbing her cheek softly. She stared at me confused, eyebrows furrowed as her head was cocked. " Are you okay, do you need a nurse or your parents? " I asked curiously, she continued to give me a look " Can I ask you a question? ". I nodded rapidly, " Who are you? " she asked with a small voice.
Dan's P.O.V
I stared at her confused, Inside my heart was slowly cracking into pieces. " What? " I breathed, trying to stay calm to the best of my abilities. " I asked, Who are you? " Y/N responded, giving me a small, but confused smile. I furrowed my brows, " You really can't remember me? " I asked stupidly. Only to have her shake her head no, but before I could reply a nurse and doctor rushed into the room, ushering me to leave. I was reluctant, but abided by the doctors wishes. I still couldn't comprehend what was happening, why did I suddenly feel so empty. Once I reached the waiting room where everyone sat, they all looked at me confused. " What happened dear? " Y/N's mum asked me, I sighed deeply while sitting between her and Marty. " She woke up, but she doesn't know who I am... " I stated while running my hand through my hair, a few gasps could be heard after my statement, but I didn't know how to respond. Not long after the doctor from before joined us in the room. " What's going on? " Mrs. Y/L/N asked him, " It seems that Y/N has finally awoken, the bad news is... She seems to have some memory loss " the doctor stated. Which just caused me to sit down and put my head in my hands, as he continued to speak with Y/N's parents. I zoned out everything after that, what if she never remembered me.
[ Back to your P.O.V ]
After the doctor and nurse made the boy leave, they both stared at me intensely. " Hello, Y/N... What was the last thing you remember? " the doctor asked as the nurse took my vitals, I shrugged slightly because  couldn't really  remember anything. " Do you know you're full name and birth date? " he asked, I nodded and I told him. " Okay good, do you remember your parents and family? " he asked curiously while writing things down on a clipboard, I raised an eyebrow as I nodded. " What's going on?... Why am I here? " I questioned curiously, the doctor let out a deep sigh " You were in a car accident 2 weeks ago, you've been in a coma ever since then ". I looked at him shocked, " You had some pretty bad head trauma and it seems you might be suffering from Amnesia " he then stated. Again, I furrowed my brows deeply. Part of me understood what he was saying, since my last memory I had was when I was 13, but then again I was still confused. " I'm going to let your family and friends know what is going on, but I will need to run a few tests later today " the doctor told me as he walked towards the door, leaving me to just nod my head. The nurse sent me a small smile as she handed me a food menu, " You're probably hungry, right sweetheart " she stated. I sighed to myself while nodding and taking it from her, this was going to be a long day. 
An hour later, I was sitting in the hospital bed, munching on a turkey sandwich. The door opened  moments later, revealing my mum, dad and older brother { Sorry if you don't have one }. " Y/N, sweetheart! " my mum exclaimed loudly as she rushed towards me, engulfing me in a hug. " Mum... " I sighed as I hugged her tight, " How are you feeling honey? " she asked while pulling away and  smiling. I shrugged my shoulders and then hugged my dad lightly, " I'm confused " I said as I finally gave my brother a hug to. My mum sighed deeply as she sat down in a chair beside my bed " That's understandable, you were in a pretty bad accident ", I let out a deep and aggravated sigh " I just wish I could remember what happened before the accident ". My mum looked over at my dad, " What? " I asked curiously as I eyed them both. They quickly shook their heads, that only made me realize they knew. " You know! Tell me! " I shouted, which only made them shake their heads no. " We can't hunny, the doctor thinks it would be better if you remember on your own " my dad sighed deeply, I rolled my eyes " That could take forever though! ". My mum and dad chuckled, " You'll be fine squirt " my brother stated with a small smirk. " No I won't, how am I supposed to remember my life before the accident. I don't remember where I live or who I live with... " I exclaimed dramatically, " I know some people that can help you with that... They can't tell you everything, but I doubt knowing a few things won't hurt " my dad stated as he walked towards the door. Opening it quickly, revealing 4 people, two boys and two girls. They slowly walked in, waving ever so lightly. " We'll leave you five alone... Don't worry sweetie, things will all work out " my mum smiled as she kissed me on the forehead, before walking out of the hospital room. 
Being left in a room with 4 total strangers, is a bit frightening, but none of them looked violent and my parents seemed to trust them. They all stood awkwardly in place, confused as to what they should say, or how they should start. " You guys can sit down, I'm not going to bite " I stated with a small giggle, causing them to each smile ( Good Ice breaker Y/N ). One of the guys walked to the closest seat and slowly sat down, he had short black hair ( Almost in like a quiff ) with light green eyes. " Hey... Y/N... I'm Marty " he stated awkwardly, I nodded while smiling. I knew this was hard for me, but I couldn't even imagine what they were going through. " That's Lizzie " Marty said as the girl with short blond hair raised her hand, again I nodded and added a smile. " That's Mia " Marty said as he pointed to the shirt girl that had red hair, I gave her a small wave, which just led her to bust out into tears. " And last, that's Dan " Marty stated as I looked over at the same guy who was in my room the same time I woke up, now I had a name for that face. " Your mum and dad don't want us telling you everything, but when you leave the hospital, you'll be coming to London with us " Marty stated as he nervously played with his fingers, my eyes went wide with confusion " What!... Why? ". Marty sighed deeply " That's were you live Y/N, with Lizzie, Mia and I. We're roommates and best friends ", I looked at him motionless for a second, trying to take it all in. " Okay! " I stated quickly, something just felt right. The four of the stared at me confused, but I just smiled. " When did I meet you all... The last thing I remember is when I was 13 and I broke my foot playing football... " I stated, Marty smiled slightly " I met you when we were 17, it was in a store. You ran over my foot with your trolley ". I chuckled loudly after hearing that " I've done that a lot ", " When we were 21 we moved into to London together, first we just lived in a two bedroom place, but after meeting these two, the four of us decided to move into a large place " Marty said with a sigh, I nodded still wearing a small smile. " We met in Uni, you protested when you were supposed to do a project about something you didn't agree with " Lizzie stated with a smirk, " I thought it was bad ass of you ". I let out a laugh, I just wish I could remember all of this. " We met at Uni too, you were running late for class and crashed into me " Mia stated quietly as she wiped the tears off of her cheeks, I smiled as I nodded. Dan was the last to tell, he stood awkwardly away from the other three. " Um... We met a year or two ago at a party and just became super close " Dan stated as he ran his hand through his hair, I smiled shyly at him " I must be a regular party animal then! ". The four of them chuckled, " So, is there anything else you guys can tell me. Like do I have a job, a boyfriend? " I asked in an excited tone. Marty sighed deeply while glancing at Dan slightly, who was looking down at his shoes. " Well, you don't have a job. You're still in Uni,, studying to be a vet tech or something " Marty stated, " And as for a boyfriend, you don't have one of those ". I nodded a little disappointed, " But, when I woke up, Dan kissed me. What was that about? " I questioned curiously. Marty, Lizzie and Mia all looked over at Dan, who just looked a bit surprised that I had brought it up. " I was happy that you woke up, I didn't know what else to do " Dan stated with a small smile, I sighed deeply as I nodded sadly. Things were quiet for a few minutes, until Marty cleared his throat. " This is probably a lot to take in in one day, so we'll give you some space to rest. But, we're not going anywhere, we'll be around " he smiled while placing his hand on my shoulder, I nodded while sighing deeply, I was just happy they were staying, because they just seemed so nice. " I'll see you tomorrow " Dan stated with a wide grin, I smiled back ( I couldn't wait to see more of him ). After Lizzie and Mia gave me a quick, awkward hugs, the four of them walked out of the hospital room. Leaving me with my thoughts, also just wishing that I could remember my life.
[ Dan's P.O.V ]
As Marty, Lizzie, Mia and I walked out of Y/N's hospital room. We all sighed deeply, " So, what are you going to do bro? " Marty asked me. I shrugged as I glanced down at my shoes, " You're gonna have to make her fall in love with you again " Lizzie stated honestly. " What if it doesn't work though, what if she never loved me that much anyways! " I exclaimed dramatically, the three of them all groaned deeply. " Shut up, she loved you so much! " Lizzie yelled quietly, since we were all standing outside her hospital room. " It was so annoying how much she talked about you, trust us. She loved you! " Mia sighed while starring at her phone. I glanced down at the floor once more, " So, is that the plan? " Marty asked seriously. I nodded slightly, " I'll give it a try, I just hope it works " I whispered more to myself, then to the group.
[ 2 weeks later and back to your P.O.V ]
Marty, Dan and I were sitting in Marty's truck, on our way back to London. " So, are you going to be alright with being around Leo when we get home? " Marty asked seriously, I had found out about Leo ( My dog ) about a day after I woke up. When I first saw pictures of him, I was a little taken back by how large he was. " I think so, it's not that I'm afraid of him. He's just a giant " I smiled slightly as I stared out the window, Marty let out a small sigh, but I think he understood. I guess the story of how I got Leo was that my older brother bought him for an early birthday present and the two weeks Marty was here with me, Leo was staying at my parents house the whole time. " At least he's a good guard dog! " Dan stated with a smirk, which only caused me to chuckle while nodding. " Do you wanna stop and get some food, we still have 4 hours to go, till we get in London... " Dan stated quietly,  I smiled  Sure, but where? ". Dan and I both looked over at Marty, who groaned slightly " Fine, but I'm only stopping one place and it'll be the first place we see! ". Withing the last 2 weeks of getting to know my four friends, I've learned that Marty is a bit of a downer, but in a good way. " Fine... " I sighed, but then let out a chuckle. A few minutes later we pulled up to a McDonalds, which I didn't really remember what they had or what I would always get. " I'll order you your normal " Marty stated with a smile, before he started placing the orders. " So, are you excited to be going home? " Dan questioned from the backseat, I smiled at him as I nodded slightly " I'm just happy to be out of that hospital, even if I'm going somewhere I can't remember... ". Dan let out a deep sigh while looking everywhere but me, " I just hope I'll start remembering things soon " I then stated seriously. Dan nodded and Marty grunted in agreement, which only made me chuckle slightly. A few hours later, we had finally made it back to the flat, after dropping Dan off at his place. As soon as Marty and I walked through the door, I was knocked to the ground by Leo. " Leo! " Lizzie and Mia both shouted, trying to get Leo off of me. " It's okay... I'm fine " I chuckled as I was being covered in doggy kisses, " Damn dog " Marty muttered as h helped me off the floor. " So, where's my room? I just wanna unpack some things... " I stated with a smile, " Uh, upstairs, 3rd door on the right " Lizzie stated with a slight sigh. but she also sent me a smile. I nodded as I carried the two duffel bags up to my room, making sure to count the doors on the way down the corridor. When I finally found the door, I quickly pushed it open, shocked as to how large the room was. It was clean too. The walls were painted a sandy color, almost like the beach. Pictures and posters littered the walls, there was a queen sized bed in the middle of the room, there was even a bathroom connected ( Like Damn ). I dropped the bags  and started looking around, this was definitely my room, seeing as there were so many picture of my family. " What are you doing! " Marty shouted, making me jump and stare at him shocked. " Nothing! I wasn't snooping " I exclaimed loudly, making Marty laugh " It's your stuff Y/N, you're not snooping ". I sighed deeply while nodding, " We're ordering Pizza, want anything? " he asked with a smile. I shook my head no " I'm a bit tired, so I think I'm just going to rest now ", Marty sent me a small smile as he nodded, I was thankful he was so understanding. After being left in my room, I let out a deep sigh, continuing to look through things. Maybe something in here would make my memory return, I mean it couldn't hurt. Right?
A few weeks later, things hadn't changed much. Dan and I had spent so much time together, he literally spent most days in my flat, just spending time with me. Maybe trying to help me remember things from before, or just being there for me. It was a gloomy Thursday morning, Marty, Lizzie and Mia were off at school. I ad taken a few months off, or at least until I could remember my life before. Dan had spent the night, sleeping on the pull out couch in the lounge. Today when I woke up, things felt different. I couldn't tell what it was, but something was off. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen noticing that Dan was standing in the kitchen already, " Morning... " I yawned. He quickly turned around, " Hey! I made you a cup of tea " he stated with a smile. I nodded while taking the mug from him and then sitting down at the breakfast bar, " Are you hungry?... I could order in breakfast for us " Dan stated seriously. I chuckled slightly " I'm not very hungry... But, thanks for offering to order in, since your cooking usually sucks ", Dan stared at me surprised, his eyes were wide. " What?! " I asked, " You remembered that my cooking is shit! I haven't offered to cook for you in months Y/N! You fucking remembered something " Dan shouted as he rushed towards me and engulfed me in a tight hug. " Can't breathe Dan... " I gasped, as he chuckled slightly. He pulled away and smiled " I'm sorry, I'm just so excited! ", I chuckled quietly as I shook my head. " Do you remember anything else? " he asked as he sat down beside me, I shrugged my shoulders " Not really, I didn't even remember that, I just kinda blurted that out ". Dan nodded " At least it's a start ", I smiled widely " That it is... Do you think there are any pizza place's open? ". Dan's eyebrows furrowed as he chuckled loudly " It's only 9 am! ", " I don't care, I want pizza Dan " I groaned while laying my head on his shoulder. Which made him chuckle quietly " We'll order pizza around 11 am, that's the earliest any place opens ", I smiled a small smile while looking at him " Yay... ". He laughed as he hugged me tightly, which I obliged too.
More and more weeks went by with no change, things were still a bit foggy. Marty had given me a journal to start writing things down in, thinking maybe that it would help. Dear Diary. Today it rained for 20 minutes, then the sun shined, but only for a hour. " Marty! This is so stupid! " I yelled from the sofa, Dan chuckled from beside me as Marty marched into the room. " It's not stupid Y/N, it might help you remember " he stated with his hands on his hips, " How is it supposed to help... I'm never going to fucking remember my life before, I'm over this! " I sighed agitated. " Hey. Don't say that! Y/N. you will eventually remember, sure it might take years but you'll get there. And Marty, Lizzie, Mia and I will always be there for you. Got it? " Dan stated sternly, which made me nod slowly. I didn't know what else to say after that, I just felt a bit stupid. Another week went by, still nothing changed, other than spending even more time with Dan. He and I had been spending almost everyday together, either going out and doing things, or spending hours sitting on the sofa. Things were definitely changing between us, everything was starting to feel more, coupley. It was nice, actually it was fucking great. I was feeling deep for this boy, which was either a good thing or a bad thing. Dan and I were relaxing  on the sofa, on this boring Saturday night, watching cheesy movies and scarfing down a Chinese take away. Leo was asleep in the floor right next to the sofa, snoring loudly. When the third movie, in our movie night ended, I sighed deeply before he could click play on another one. Dan looked at me, face suddenly full of concern. " What's up? "  he asked, causing me to shrug " There's been something I've been wanting to tell you.. A secret I've been hiding ". He furrowed his eyebrows " Go ahead then ", I anxiously rubbed the back of my neck " I'm just afraid you'll be mad when I tell you ". He rolled his eyes and scoffed " Y/N, I could never be mad at you! ", I took in a deep breathe, but still kept quiet. Dan slowly took my hands in his and smiled at me " You can tell me anything remember ", I nodded slowly ( Well, this is it ). I took another deep breathe in and then slowly let it out " I remember... ", Dan stared at me confused for a second before letting go of my hands ( Great ). " You remember? What does that mean? " he asked, I bit my lip as I looked down at Leo " I remember... Everything ". He stood up quickly " What the fuck do you mean, you remember everything! For how long? ", I sighed slightly without looking at him " Well, I never forgot... I never had Amnesia ". HE glared at me slightly and I only knew because I peeked at him quickly, he was pissed. " Why the fuck have you been pretending not being able to remember? Does anyone else know? " he exclaimed, " My parents know, I told them while I was still in the hospital " I admitted as I looked at my feet. " Why? Why pretend? " he asked while taking a frustrated sigh, " I just freaked out when I woke up in the hospital and you were sitting right there " I stated honestly. " You had no right to do that Y/N, you worried not only me, but Marty, Lizzie and Mia too. How could you do that? " he spat loudly, which caused Leo to wake up. " What the hell was I supposed to do Dan! The last time I saw you, you had picked your slut of a girlfriend over me. I didn't even know if I wanted to see you after the accident, pretending to have Amnesia was just easier! " I yelled loudly as I stood up, " I didn't choose her over you, I broke up with her for you didn't I? " he spat while rolling his eyes. " And how long did it take to finally dump her? " I asked while flailing my arms around, which caused Dan to scoff while shaking his head " You know what, I don't need this. Maybe I made a mistake by leaving Shelby, I thought you weren't a liar, but you're just like her ". That left me speechless, I knew I was nothing like Shelby. He rolled his eyes before storming out of my flat, leaving me and Leo alone, which just made me feel like an asshole.  
That night when Marty, Lizzie and Mia got home, I immediately told them everything. They were semi annoyed, but they were thrilled that I didn't actually lose my memory. We talked out the fight I had with Dan, I wasn't really sure why he got so angry. I mean I know lied, but before the accident he hurt me, what else was I supposed to do, I was caught off guard when I saw him. So, within the next few days, I hadn't heard anything from Dan. I laid around for about 48 hours, just feeling sorry for myself and waiting for a phone call or a text from Dan, nothing came though. [ 3 Days Later ] After going 5 days now, without hearing anything from Dan, I decided that whatever he and I had, was now over for good. I went back to my normal day life, going back to school and taking daily jogs with Leo. My life went back to the way it was before I had met Dan, which was probably good for my heart, but it did make me sad, not seeing his face anymore. [ 2 Weeks Later ] I had just gotten out of class for the day and decided to walk over to the small cafe with Mia. " Still haven't heard from him? " she asked quietly, trying not to make  the situation worse. I shook my head no, but didn't let any other emotions show, I didn't was people to see how sad I actually was. We ordered a few coffee's and then walked off towards the carpark where Mia's jeep was, we were both ready to get home. When Mia and I entered the flat, we were both met by Leo. " Hey boy! I exclaimed as I scratched him on the head, " I missed you today! ". " Y/N, you only had two classes today! " Mia groaned as she collapsed on the sofa, she was right though. I had only been gone for 2 hours, she on the other hand, had been gone since 7:30 am ( It was 3:20 pm now ). I chuckled as I continued to scratch Leo's head, when Mia and I heard something move upstairs. " What was that? " Mia asked with a paranoid look on her face, I shrugged my shoulders " Is Marty home? ". Mia shook her head " He went out with that girl he's been in Love with for years... ", I nodded while looking down at Leo, who was chasing is tail ( What a guard dog ). A few more seconds went by, before we heard another noise from upstairs. " It's coming from your room " Mia stated, " So, you go check it out and I'll go start my homework! ". Mia then quickly stood up and dashed towards her room, which was on the lower level. I groaned quietly while running my hand through my hair, before I walked upstairs. My bedroom door was shut, which was normal, since it was always closed. I quickly pushed it opened, only to see the one person I wasn't expecting. " What are you doing here? " I questioned a surprised looking Dan, " And how did you get in, the front door was locked ". Dan shrugged as he glanced to the open window, it only caused me to roll my eyes. " I want to talk " he stated with a sigh as he sat down on my bed, I scoffed loudly " Oh now you want to talk, it's been almost 3 weeks Dan. It's a little late to talk now ". He sighed deeply as I tossed my school bag to the floor, " No it's not Y/N, I don't want our relationship  to end this way! " he said seriously. I rolled my eyes once more " What relationship Dan, we never had one of those... All it was was a friendship after I left the hospital and who knows what the fuck it was before the accident ", Dan groaned deeply " It was always more than a friendship to me Y/N! ". " Yeah right, you told me 3 weeks ago that you made the mistake of leaving Shelby for me, since I was just fucking like her! " I yelled, " I'm nothing like her... And you know that ". He quickly stood up and rushed towards me " I know you're not Y/N, I was just mad when I said that... I just wish you would've told me sooner that you could remember everything ", when he attempted to hug me, I pushed myself away from him. " Well, I didn't expect you to be there when I woke up. I freaked out okay, I wasn't sure why exactly you were there... That's the only reason why I lied " I stated as I wrapped my arms around myself, Dan sighed deeply " I was there for a reason, because I loved - Love you... I have since the moment I laid my eyes on you, I regret everything that I put you through. I regret it all ". I looked at him confused and a bit shocked, " No! I don't regret anything you and I ever did, because I enjoyed it all. I just regret ever putting you through that, I regret being in a relationship with Shelby and not you " Dan exclaimed. I sat down on my bed, as I played nervously with my fingers. " I'll understand if you don't feel that way towards me anymore, I just need you in my life Y/N " Dan stated as he sat down next to me, " When I first woke up in the hospital, I was confused at my feelings towards you... But, because of the way you treated me when I left the hospital. I was ready to give you a chance " I sighed honestly. " And now? " he asked with a worried tone to his voice. I sighed deeply before looking at him " I'd like to try a relationship... - ", he quickly cut me off with smashing him lips onto mine. After a few moments, he finally pulled away, looking at me shyly. " Sorry... " he whispered, I nodded my head while smiling at him " But, we're starting from the beginning. Forget our past, this is going to be something new, got it? ". He nodded his head as he held his hand out to me " Hi, I'm Dan. Nice to meet you ", I rolled my eyes while shoving him " Not that far into the beginning! ". He laughed while hugging me slightly, which this time, I accepted his hug. A few quiet seconds went by, before someone knocked on my bedroom door. " Yeah...? " I asked, making the door swing open. " Are you guys are going to have make up sex anytime soon? If so, Mia and I are going to leave, because we don't want to hear that " Marty stated with a cocky smirk, I groaned deeply as I rolled my eyes, which only made Dan and Marty chuckle. Finally, this was my time to be happy. To be with the one I loved and hopefully, this time there would be no other complications.
You're looking like you Fell in Love Tonight.
[ End ]
Hey guys!!!! So, this is the last part to this little Trilogy. If you have any requests for any songs or just ideas for Stories, let me know. I will try to write as much as I can with the Pup coming soon, so try to stick with me(= Thank You all so Much for Reading and I really Hope you all enjoyed. Don’t forget that you’re all beautiful and Amazing <3<3
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the spca
I was in my early 20′s, going to school full time and working full time. But that didn't matter, all I wanted to do was volunteer my time at the SPCA. I went there every week and woke up early on Saturday mornings to help out. It was run mostly by volunteers and meager staffing. There was a white board with a grid map of all the dog kennels - each one named and when the last time a volunteer walked, washed or checked on them. Oftentimes the scariest dogs were the ones that spent days in row inside -without an update on the white board. They were hard to handle and if you didn't have a relationship with the dog it was challenging to safely take them out. That happened to me a few times. But the dogs that were most desirable didn't stay long. It’s hard to judge the character of a dog when its been caged for days in a scary environment. It had fenced in yards where you could play with the dogs and every morning I went I would make it a point to get as many dogs as I could out to play for as long as I could.
One day I got an email asking for volunteers for the surgical department and I had no idea what it entailed but I jumped on the opportunity. When I showed up at 5am the first time, I was with a vet tech who showed me the surgery room, how to set up trays, supplies, how to sterilize. She sent me with a list of dogs and cats to gather and prep for surgery. The Vet rolled in and began setting up equipment and was ready to get to work immediately. The Vets that came to do the surgeries (spaying/neutering/other medical operations) came completely of their own accord and got no compensation whatsoever for their time. They just wanted to do it (at 5am on a Saturday morning, go figure). We would get the animal ahead of time, put it under, shave it, iodine it, and have it ready to go on an operating table the second the vet had closed up the previous animal. We only had a certain window of available time and sorted through as many animals as we could. Most times a Vet Tech was in there helping us but some times it was just a few volunteers and the Vet. I got to see so much and it was an amazing experience to help out. When I started getting more comfortable and capable in that environment I was given more to help out with and more to take charge of.
One day, during our surgery session, a Vet Tech brought in a dog she was fostering. He was a large grey pit bull with internal bleeding. He was bleeding bad. I think something in him wasn't closed up completely from his previous surgery. He was pouring out buckets of blood. I was rushing around grabbing fresh towels after towels and putting used ones in a bucket that was practically filling with blood while they tried to get him down on the table. But the issue was he was bleeding too bad for anyone to know where the blood was coming from internally. We couldn't soak it up fast enough for the Vet to find the source. And we were short-handed that day. I stood next to the Vet while she calmly panicked and demanded towels to soak up the blood. There must have been six hands in that dog at one time including mine. I used so many rags and finally with quick persistence the vet was able to see where it was coming from and put a stop to it. She handed me an instrument attached to the insides of the dog and told me to hold still while she worked. I’ll never forget that adrenaline. We all thought we were going to lose that dog. It was rough, but the dog would be sealed up and sent to recovery.
One particularly bad day, we operated on a small white kitten who had just hit an expectable number of weeks to operate on and we wanted to get her up for adoption. The vet was nervous about operating on something so small she could barely find her parts. The male surgeries where “easy”, the females were a little more complicated. Before long I started to realize the Vet was taking longer than she should have. She was having trouble fixing something. It was me, the Vet, and two other girls in there. We tried to help but there was only so much we could do and time was running out. It got to the point where there was no fixing it. And no turning back. And the Vet had to call it. You could see on her face that this part of her job wasn't pleasant for her. One of the younger girls started crying in the operating room and had to leave to wait in the hallway. I stayed to help the Vet. It just seemed like a terrible truth to run away from when you knew what was going to happen anyways. I was there when the Vet decided to pierce her heart with a needle as quickly and painless as possible. She told me she would take the kitten home to bury her on her own property since it was her fault and her responsibility. I was used to death. Loss was all around me growing up and taught to me through some very hard lessons. When I was 6 I had my own kitten who became my constant sidekick and best friend. One day when I called her home, she wasn't walking right and bleeding from an accident or a fight. The Vet I took her to couldn't save her. She spent the night with me hiding in the pantry floor until she died in my arms. My mom told me life was teaching me to have the strength to know loss.
Sometimes in the back hallways of the SPCA I would see stacked up crates and kennels that would be picked up later to be brought to the other location. I knew what that meant. I would walk by trying to pretend I didn't see them. Pretending like I didn't know the truth of what happened to some of the overflow of animals. I know you cant save them all. Maybe you don’t have to. Maybe just one or two here and there. And maybe that’s all that counts in the end. That you did what you could.
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