#encourages your Sims to try new things
victorluvsalice · 5 months
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-->And the moment I arrived, THERE was the holiday overlay! Whew – so changing lots got the game to acknowledge the holiday. Still worrying, but at least my Sims could PARTICIPATE!
First things first, though – it was hot in Brindleton, so I had Smiler change into their hot weather wear (as Alice and Victor had already done so – vampires are immune to temperature, so they don’t automatically change, which can be a little annoying sometimes), then start looking around for a good spot for the food stand while Victor felt the love with Shadow and Alice signed up Surprise to be cured of her affliction. I finally got Smiler to put the stand in a good location as Alice and Surprise waited for the vet, made sure it was stocked, and prepared to start a food sale –
Only for the game to tell me it couldn’t have “two social events” going on at the same time. Hmmm. All right, I was game to wait until after Surprise was cured. I instead had Smiler entertain Kelly with a laser pointer to pass the time –
-->And decided, “you know what, Victor’s Pet Training skill is almost up to Level 4, meaning leveling it up would count toward New Skill Day – why not train Shadow to heel?” So that’s exactly what he did, getting the dog to follow him around outside the hospital. Shadow was – a BIT distracted by her own tail at first, but as time went on she got better at keeping pace with Victor. XD I then checked in on how things were going with Surprise’s examination...
Only to discover they weren’t. For some reason, midway through the exam, the vet just stopped what she was doing, and Surprise was let go without anyone even trying to diagnose what was wrong with her. >( Damn glitchy game...I instead decided to have Alice get Shock spayed instead and see what happened there – fortunately THAT worked, and it went a lot faster too. Maybe because both vets were awake and working this time, instead of one sleeping on the waiting room couch. XD (Seriously, that ALWAYS seems to happen when I first load into the lot for some reason...) Alice was starting to get twitchy from being around all those strangers, though, so I had Smiler sign Surprise up for examination number two and let her clear her head by running off to a far-away dig site to see what was inside. Ended up digging up a new fossil rock with a fossilized egg inside, nice. :) She then went and entertained poor coned Shock with some laser pointer in the vet’s back yard while Smiler chatted with Brant Hecking inside the vet (learning he was a Personal Sports Trainer for The Other Sports Team, apparently) –
And Victor got Pet Training 4 from working with Shadow! :D One person’s New Skill Day skill down – two to go!
-->But first – finally getting Surprise cured! Yes, this time Surprise got checked over by the OTHER vet, who successfully determined she had Winterfest Fever. Smiler paid the big bucks for the best treatment (as I say so often, my Sims can afford it), and the cat was given a shot that brought her back to normal. I was very pleased with this, both because hooray, the vet lot decided to work –
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zorthania · 13 days
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A piece about survivors guilt.
This comic isn't perfect. I started it back in October 2023, and every time I picked up my pen, I wept.
I bring this to you today, on 9/11, in hopes that you reflect on this day a little differently than how most Americans would. Let it move you to continue to boycott, protest and challenge your family, friends and colleagues. You have a bigger impact than you would believe.
Thank you for reading this with an open heart.
From the river to the sea...
I'd like to bring to attention the fact that the figures depicted above are a gross undercount of the actual number of deaths. I scoured the internet high and low to source my findings and not a single one could break down the devastation that befell an individual ethnicity. Instead, they lumped a bunch of ethnicities together, provided a general timeline, and called it a day, reinforcing the sheer scale of dehumanization propagated in the west. The only consistency between all the articles I looked up was the 4.5 to 4.7 million figure I've included above, and even then, they were all published by western media news outlets... the very same that have been so unreliable and complicit in the genocide of Palestinians today. So I have to take everything they say with a grain of salt.
We are not just numbers.
All of us have ambitions and desires and lives worth living.
With that said, this is your friendly reminder to:
Donate an e-sim
Donate to PCRF to provide Palestinian children aid
Donate to Pious Projects to provide woman with feminine hygiene kits
Donate to CareForGaza to provide food to displaced families in Gaza either through their Gofundme or their paypal
Donate to any of the vetted gofundme campaigns on GazaFunds to help Palestinians trying to flee Gaza.
And if you or someone you know sees or experiences a hate crime and can afford it, SUE. This is a more effective use of your money than most realise. The reason zionists act with impunity is because of the normalization of white supremacy and oppression of ethnic minorities. Challenging that in any capacity tells them that there are consequences to their actions and makes them think twice before engaging in hate crimes and helps raise all of us up against the systems currently in place that let them get away with it.
If you can't donate or spend any money, you can:
Do your daily clicks.
Boycott targeted companies on the BDS list (if you're like me and you don't want a single dollar to go towards anything supporting Israel right now, you can use Bdnaash to double check what products are okay to buy, but the BDS list is sufficient as it is a strategic attack and proven very effective thus far)
Flood your representatives emails and voicemails with how you won't be voting for them unless their politics align with an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.
Attend a protest, be LOUD.
Challenge your circle of friends, family and colleagues with conversations about Palestine. (THIS IS THE MOST UNDERRATED AND MOST EFFECTIVE THING YOU CAN DO)
and if you're really up to, be disruptive in any capacity that you can think of towards major corporations benefiting from this onslaught. (i.e. halting military manufacturers from production + shipments, sticking boycott stickers on products at your market etc)
And finally, if your country wasn't mentioned in the above excerpt, it was no deliberate omission on my part and I encourage you to come forward and tell your story about the suffering of your people so that this may be a learning opportunity for everyone.
You are seen.
You are not alone.
Thank you again if you've read this far.
From the river to the sea...
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ferrstappen · 1 year
unscheduled school visit l Max Verstappen
a/n: hello! i got this quick idea while working on some requests/school work. hope you like it and pls pls feel free to leave feedback <3 it really motivates me <3
pairing: dad!Max Verstappen x female reader.
summary: the twins' teacher calls, the twins got in trouble. Max is in disbelief.
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Max was a strict parent. 
Not in the way people may think, and not in the least similar to how his dad was with him, but Max always was concerned on how the twins were doing in school, only in first grade, but still. He was always working on instilling discipline and hard work to Luca and Mila, so in the future they can be whatever the hell they want to be. Max knew money was never going to be an issue, so it was up to them to take all the opportunities that meant.
He always tried to take them to museums when they joined races, often tried to switch languages, even encouraging other drivers and people in the grid who interacted with the kids to speak in their different languages. 
It was always fun to watch Charles speaking to Luca in French or Italian as Luca slowly tried to come up with an answer and was always met with a high five, or Mila asking Checo why Carlos had a different accent. 
The smile never disappeared from your face when you get home from running an errand or attending a meeting that couldn’t be held on Zoom, to Luca and Mila chatting about what they learned on school today or silently doing their homework on the family room while Max watched them, himself also getting some things in the meantime.
The point is the twins were smart, both you and Max putting all your efforts to gently and effectively find what they like, what they don’t. 
You know your kids. Both of you would put your hands on fire because of them. You trusted them because Max and you were raising them good and the twins were great beyond words could explain. 
So when you receive a call from school telling you to come over, you quickly reached Max who was on the sim, driving through Imola with his eyes closed. 
“Babe, school called and we have to go,” As soon as you announced the news Max turned around, seat and steering wheel lightly shaking. 
“What do you mean? What happened?” Max was instantly on his feet.
“I don’t know, Max. Their teacher called,” You told your husband as his eyes opened widely. 
“Their? Is it both of them?” Max was in complete disbelief of what he was hearing.
“It appears so. I’ll cancel a meeting and we go.”
You didn’t leave him alone for thirty seconds, you swear, but when you came back Max was on the phone, asking the teacher to put Mila on the phone. 
He knew his daughter too well. She was outspoken, assertive, didn’t think twice. Luca was more cautious, wise and maybe a little timid. 
“Pap, he was trying to pull Luca’s hair and stealing his crayons, and Luca was letting him because he didn’t want to cause any trouble!” an agitated Mila informed Max, speaking a broken dutch. 
“Are you okay?” Max calmly asked his frantic daughter. He knew she was disquieted, trying to sound more sure of herself than she actually was. 
“Yes,” she said in dutch, but in the back her teacher told her in a sweet voice to speak in a language they could all understand. 
“Okay baby girl, mama and I are on our way, see you in a bit,”
During the drive to La Condamine to reach the International School of Monaco, you discovered a side of your husband you had yet to see. It was fun. 
“She is not apologizing!” Max told you, eyes not leaving the narrow road.
“Max, she pulled the kid’s hair,” You reminded your husband, who softly shook his head in disagreement. 
“Yes, because the idiot kid was bothering Luca and pulled his hair! If anything that kid should be apologizing to Luca, his sister just defended him!” His lisp was more prominent as you reached the parking lot overlooking the several yachts.
Max noticed the other child’s parents already walking inside the school, there weren’t many students in the Early Years building. He pressed the gas harder than necessary, making the engine of the family Aston Martin roar like they were in the paddock. 
Your eyes rolled at his antics, but still it made your insides feel giddy at the thought of your husband being protective and loving. 
Luca’s arms were wrapped around you as soon as you walked inside. Kneeling to reach his height, your heart broke at the sight of his disheveled hair and wet cheeks, his beautiful eyes red. Luca tried to not sniff and stop the tears, trying to be brave when he felt your hands on his cheeks and kissing his forehead, asking if he was okay. 
At the same time, Max sat next to Mila whose eyes didn’t leave the other kid’s sight, whom you learned his name was Oliver. Max knew his daughter wanted to shed a tear, but didn’t let it show, so he just gave her a reassuring look before listening to the teacher who had the three of them in charge.
Curtly shaking hands with Oliver’s parents, Max politely ignoring the poor attempt of one of “the idiot kid’s” dad to start a conversation, obviously starstruck by your husband the World Champion. 
Yes, it was Monaco and everyone knew each other, and it didn’t take a genius to deduce the two Verstappen named kids on the class were the children of the Max Verstappen, but he was often away and it was mostly you who attended parent-related stuff, but now there was the chance to have a conversation directly with him. 
Oh well. 
The four got inside the car, Max adjusting the seats before getting in the driver seat. Mila and Luca loudly sighed, knowing what followed.
“I don’t know how to address this. I’m moved and proud that you look out and defend each other, but M, baby, pulling someone else’s hair is not the way,” you softly told your daughter. “and Luca, honey, I know it’s hard but when someone invades your space and is rude, but you can tell the teacher before it makes you feel bad and leads to this,” 
Max’s eyes followed the twins movements through the rearview mirror as you talked to them, soon reaching your home. You grabbed the backpacks and Max helped the twins get out of the car.
He reached Luca’s door first. When he was out, he left a kiss on his forehead and ruffled his hair, softly reminding his carbon copy that he was a little lion, still with lots to learn, but no one ever could make him feel like this. 
Then he reached Mila’s door. Her eyes now were a bit glossy, but he knew she was just like him, Mila would never show weakness. He reminded her that she can take some weight off, let her guard down with her parents before kissing her hair. 
You watched the scene unfold from afar, not knowing what he told them, but sure they were the right words.
Then giggles reached your ears, eyes immediately rolling. 
He was fist bumping Mila, giving her a nod of approval.
For God’s sake, this wouldn’t be the first time you’re called to school, that’s for sure.
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mixterglacia · 4 months
"oh, ellison would have hated these new IHNMAIMS fans! they don't get it!"
Babe. He literally went on record to say he despises all of his fans. Dude was a piss ant over everyone.
He hates you too, we aren't special.
Also for those getting all twisted up over folks saying AM would make a great teenage girl, you gotta realize that it's a joke. I'm autistic and I see that it's a very obvious bit.
Beyond that, let's be real. AM is just a TEENAGER regardless of gender. He has the vitriol and rhetoric of a teen boy with the pettiness of a teen girl (if we're speaking in a strictly stereotypical manner)
He figured out how to blow raspberries. He boos and hisses at the groups private moments.
Dude's an oversized teen.
Also I really don't get why people are so up in arms about folks joking that he would be a big fan of the Sims. "Oh it's so stupid and silly and out of character with the text"
No shit, babe. It's a funny "what if".
Also if he had the motivation to play games, he absolutely would adore the Sims. Not that he'd ever admit it. He gets to play god and would know every little thing about the games. He'd be the one who makes videos every time a new death is added on how quickly he could make it happen.
He'd be the guy that knows any game inside and out. He'd make the most incredible walkthroughs, but mock you relentlessly for using them.
It's all in good fun. The whole 'canon vs fanon' argument uses to be a decently fun game but now it's being used as an excuse to bully people.
I may disagree with how some folks view AM, but they're allowed to see him like that. I'm not going to go out of my way to pick fights with people over a fictional supercomputer. Not saying folks shouldn't engage in civil discussion about these things, but y'all don't need to get into fights.
More often than not, it's a joke. Have fun, babes.
Also I get the instinct to push back against humanizations of AM. Don't be a bitch. Many times it's just an exercise for the artist. There's also people that just don't want to draw machinery. I really don't blame them, that shit is ROUGH.
Everyone has times where they can't/don't want to draw certain things. Like I used to exclusively draw canines and didn't get used to drawing humans until I got used to drawing anthro.
If you need to vent, that's perfectly fine. Venting in your own blog is healthy and encouraged. (I mean, look at me. XD) But when you go out of your way to attack folks directly, you're just being a dick.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
A Broken Sort of Normal, Part 14
WC: 2416, Masterpost CW: Panic attack
Endless, convoluted Uno games aside (really, who added tarot cards to Uno?), getting to know Wally’s friends was good. Danny liked them and hanging out with them was easier than he thought it would be, but he felt a little bad every time. Whenever he was there they had to keep masks on and that had to suck. They started dressing down, like Wally did, but it was always masks on for the heroes that wore them. They insisted it wasn’t an issue, but Danny made sure to sometimes have obligations that came up at the same time. He wanted to give them the chance to hang out together as themselves, without the hero suits.
Danny knew how important that was.
After several months and a bit of stumbling, it all found a rhythm. Danny had date nights and nights with the Titans. He also had nights out with coworkers or at the game store. That wasn’t to say it was all easy. Setting up the Justice League Response Team was hard, sometimes impossible seeming, work. There were arguments and issues and more red tape than Danny thought possible. His real job was also exhausting at times. Being a field medic meant dealing with injured and dead which never got easier, though he was grateful to have Wally to go to on the worst days. And then, of course, there was the lightning incident.
It really wasn’t his best moment, in his opinion.
Wally was so excited.
“Come on, come on!” he said as he dragged Danny by the hand. He had been lying in ambush to snag Danny right outside of the door of meeting room B3, otherwise known as the Response Team Lair. (They had been encouraged, repeatedly, to stop calling it a lair. Apparently that a bit too villainous for the comfort of some heroes.)
“What’s the hurry?” Danny asked, purposefully dragging his feet a little just to watch Wally bounce up and down impatiently.
“I’ve been working on a new power! I’ve really gotten it down and I want to show you. So come,” Wally pulled at Danny’s arm, “on already!”
Danny laughed and stopped fighting Wally, who almost stumbled with their sudden movement forward.
“Are we going to a training room then?” Danny asked. While over the months, the main response team planners had gained a lot of freedom throughout the Watchtower, there were still a number of areas they either weren’t allowed or weren’t supposed to go without supervision and the training rooms was one of those. Danny had been a few times with the Titans, but usually it was just to grab someone for a game or a night at Wally’s place.
“Yep! No one is stupid enough to risk the Big Bat’s wrath practicing powers like that outside the training room and this is a new power. I’m going to keep you in the observation room and everything just to be safe.”
“My hero,” Danny said with feeling.
“Always,” Wally replied with a grin. “And speaking of heroes, N is going to be there running the sim for me. Are you up to a meal after? Just something casual at my place with the usual peep?”
Danny thought about that honesty. He knew that Wally was asking because he actually wanted to know if Danny could handle being that social tonight. It was still hard sometimes. “Yeah, it would be good to see them. It’s been a few weeks with how busy things have been.”
“More like several.”
“Several?” Danny asked. He felt chastised even though he knew that’s not what Wally was trying to do. “Well, then definitely yes. I hadn’t realized it had been so long.”
“It’s okay, they all understand. You’re really in the thick of it trying to get the last things done for the response team. We all get being busy.”
“Yeah,” Danny said and let out a huff of air. “I guess you would. But a nice night with friends sounds good. Just please tell me there have been no more rules added to Uno.”
“I can make no such promises,” Wally said with a grin as they stepped through a door. “Nightwing! I have your observer for you.”
“No, not the Danny Fenton? I must be seeing things! Flash, take me to medical, have me tested,” Nightwing said, swooning into Wally’s arms.
“Yeah yeah, I get it, it’s been a little long since we saw each other,” Danny groused, but he couldn’t help the smile at the dramatics.
“It has,” Nightwing said from where he was still draped in Wally’s arms. That really couldn’t be comfortable, but Nightwing looked just as at ease as if he was standing normally. “But are we on for dinner tonight?”
“We are.”
“Yes!” Nightwing said, springing up. “Okay speedy, let’s get this show on the road! I’ll message the others while you warm up. Just signal to me when you’re ready.”
“Sure!” Wally chirped. He pecked Danny on the cheek before he sped off.
In a, well, flash, Wally was on the other side of the thick, blast proof window and stretching.
Danny shifted his weight from foot to foot. “I haven’t ignored him too badly, right? I’ve just been so caught up in finalizing everything. Not that that’s an excuse. I can, like, set alarms for myself. My days have been all thrown off not going to my actual job this last bit…”
“Hey, Danny, no,” Nightwing said. “Would he like to have seen you a little more? Probably, but it’s not like he hasn’t and you two text plenty. He gets that you’re busy, we all do. He’s been good, really.”
“Okay, good,” Danny said, making sure to smile for Nightwing. “I just… don’t want to do wrong by him, you know?”
“Why do you think we all like you so much?” Nightwing teased and bumped their shoulders together. “You’ve been good for him.”
“He’s been better for me, believe me.”
“Luckily not a competition,” Nightwing said. “You really good for a dinner with the group tonight? If you need some time alone with Flash, I can’t say the others are busy and make up an emergency.”
Danny shook his head. “No, dinner with everyone, well, everyone who can make it really does sound nice. They’re making us take the weekend off anyways, so I can just stay over and spend tomorrow with him too..”
“He’d like that I’m sure,” Nightwing agreed. He pulled out his phone typed for a bit until Wally’s voice came through the intercom.
“All good here!”
“You still want the Sigma B pattern?”
“Yeah! That let’s me build up best.”
Nightwing nodded and pulled some things up on the computer before counting down for the training to start. It was fun to be able to sit back and actually watch Wally in action for once instead of having to work. The other really was something.
“The regular training bots have to be taken out in certain ways. Flash is going for pressing one of the buttons,” Nightwing explained. “Training for precise hits helps us heroes who use hand to hand not use too much force on regular people.”
“And keeps the repair budget down?”
Nightwing laughed. “That too. Okay, so he should be getting close now, watch the sphere on the wall there.”
“Close to wha—” Danny swallowed the last part of his question as his mind blanked.
His head banged against something metal and cool. A locker. He was in the locker room. When had he gotten into the locker room?
Someone reached for him and Danny jerked back again, pressing into the little gap between the metal locker and the wall that he had squeezed into. Wally, Wally was paused, hand outstretched. Wally was, Wally had— Danny squeezed his tightly closed so not to see the look of hurt on Wally’s face. It was just that… he swore he could feel still feel the electricity buzzing along Wally’s fingertips.
Wally had shot lightning out of his hands.
“Just… I don’t… don’t touch me right now, please?” Danny whispered.
“Okay, I yeah, okay babe,” Wally said. He sounded heartbroken.
There was some shuffling, footsteps heading away, and the whoosh of the door.
Danny bit his lip to choke back the noise wanting to pull its way out of his throat, but that only served to make his breath catch and stutter in his chest.
“Hey, Danny,” a new voice said later; an hour, a minute? Danny didn’t know. It took Danny another moment to place it as Nightwing. “Don’t worry, I’m not going to try to touch you. I’m just worried about your breathing there. If I count, can you follow along with me?”
Danny didn’t have it in him to nod, but did what he could to follow along. The logical, trained part of his mind knew that even if he didn’t feel like he could breathe, he had to try for even breaths. It would get easier, nothing was actually wrong with his lungs.
“There you go. Do you think you can open your eyes now?”
Spots bloomed across his vision from how tightly he had been squeezing his eyes shut. Danny blinked them away.
“You’re doing so good. Can you talk?”
“Sorry,” Danny rasped.
“Hey, no apologizing. I want you to just keep breathing. I know you’re with me now.”
Danny managed a nod, let his eyes close again as he focused on breathing. When he was feeling a bit more stable, he moved out of where he had tucked himself away.
Nightwing smiled at him. “How about we get you out of here?”
Danny gave a hysterical little laugh. “What, no breakdowns in the Justice League locker room?”
“Oh, no, we’ve all had breakdowns in the locker rooms,” Nightwing said. He got an arm behind Danny and pulled him up. “But that’s how I know it’s not that comfortable. Are you up to Zetaing?”
“As long as you don’t expect me to think,” Danny said as he leaned, helplessly and heavily, into Nigthwing’s support. “Fuck I hate panic attacks.”
Nightwing easily took the weight and started them moving. “The adrenaline crash after them is really something, huh?”
“Yeah, hate it,” Danny agreed. He was aware of them moving through the halls of the Watchtower, but everything was still a bit of a blur.
They stopped near the Zeta tubes where Nightwing grabbed a little bundle. Danny frowned at the earplugs he was handed.
“Your senses are going to be off and the noise of the city might trigger you again. Put these on,” Nightwing said, settling sunglasses on Danny’s nose, “and the earplugs in.”
Danny gave a little nod and did as he was told. Then he obediently tucked into the hoodie he’d been handed. He tucked his nose into it. It smelled like Wally. Nightwing tugged the hood up and moved them to the portal. It wasn’t until they were piling into a taxi that Danny realized that Nightwing put clothing over his suit too. Danny glanced away from Nightwing’s face, now clad only in dark sunglasses.
“Wally’s place?” Danny asked, finally realizing where they were when Nightwing opened the door to the apartment.
He shrugged. “I don’t know where you live and I figured you’d be comfortable here. At least I assume the freak out wasn’t about about Wally as a whole person?”
“A— gods no,” Danny said. He set the sunglasses on Wally’s little side table inside the door. The earplugs got stuffed in a pocket before he rubbed at his face as he made his way to the couch. He felt more terrible every passing moment. “How upset is Wally?”
“He’s not upset at you.”
“Yeah, but…”
The couch dipped on the other side. “Pretty upset. He hates that he hurt you.”
“He didn’t hurt me. I just,” Danny dropped his hands with a sigh and was left blinking at an unmasked Nightwing.
“Hi, Dick Grayson.”
“Oh great, now I know more heroes’ secret IDs. Is Batman going to come and boomerang me for this?”
“Baterang, really?”
“I was nine,” Dick said with a little shrug.
Danny snorted. “Don’t pretend you still don’t think it’s a great name, Dick.”
“I can’t tell if you’re insulting me or calling me my name.”
“Can’t it be both?”
Dick chuckled and finally sunk back into the couch. “Good to see this hasn’t slowed down your sass any.”
“I’m told it’s one of my best features,” Danny said with a laugh. The sound was still slightly unhinged sounding, he knew, but he was settling down at least. “Thanks for, you know.”
“It’s no biggie, really. We’ve all had them. Is having Wally close going to set you off again or…?”
“No, I don’t think so? I should be good?” He hoped he would be at least.
Nightwing, Dick, eyed him for a moment before texting something on his phone. A second later Wally was standing in front of the couch.
“You’re not supposed to use your powers out of uniform,” Danny reprimanded on instinct.
“Yeah, fuck that. Are you okay? I’m so sorry. I didn’t even think about the lightning freaking you out because of your accident. That’s what it was, right? Babe—” Wally reached out for him and then pulled himself back.
Danny smiled, sadly, and held open his arms. Wally basically tackled him in a hug.
“I am so, so sorry.”
“Hey, it’s fine,” Danny said, tucking himself against Wally. “I mentioned what the accident was, what, once? Months and months ago? Of course you didn’t think about it.”
“I should have.”
“You can’t remember everything, Wally.”
“I can if it’s about you.”
A flash of a camera went off. Dick lowered his phone unrepentantly. “You two are such saps. Should I call off the others, order you some food, and get out of your hair?”
Danny knew they would, they would all change their plans if they thought that’s what he needed right then. But… “No. No, I think… I think people would be good right now. Better than quiet and getting in my own head, you know?”
“Yeah, I do,” Dick said with far too much familiarity.
Danny felt his phone buzzing with the group chat messages Dick was sending. A little smile tugged at his lips, despite everything. He tucked his face into the crook of Wally’s neck.
“You going to be okay?” Wally asked, voice barely a whisper.
“Of course I will. I have you, hero.”
AN: He has Wally, everything will be okay, right? 🥺
I know I know, every identity reveal comes after a panic attack. That's just Danny's sort of luck in this fic! But hey, he's got some good friends out of it!
Hope you enjoyed it and stay delightful, darlings!
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berriblossom · 9 months
Hi can I make a request of Casper from a date with death with a short s/o that’s chubby and a baker and is a otaku and is a tomboy but still likes some cute things tho
I just wanna see some domestic things for Casper
-> This is so much cuteness! Thank you for the ask!
-> What he loves most | Casper x gn!reader! -> Second POV, just fluff!
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There were a lot of things Casper had to get used to when he had his newfound freedom from being a reaper of souls. Many of which he happily shared with you.
Whether it was going through old manga that you had stored on your shelves that he read in his free time, or watching old animation films you bought for him to entertain himself with. Some nights if he felt up to it, he'd ask to wear a face mask while watching a new show of yours. He may not understand the concept of "fighting for your honor back " but he'd watch if it makes you happy. Another thing Casper loves while doing this is laying his head on your thighs or tummy. Slowly as you watch the film you'll notice him lean closer and closer to you as the show goes on. Soon enough he's lying on your thighs commenting about the protagonist being too bright or obnoxiously loud. (if you mention anything about being the same way to him, he will deny it and say you get an exception because his sunshine is supposed to be bright and vibrant.) He will also remind you if the show you are watching or catching up on has new episodes, just to remind you and make you smile at the end of a work day.
If you like playing games of any sort, he is down but is competitive and kind of a grandpa.(remember the emoji convo) so be patient with him. He is trying. I see Casper as the type of gamer to play the Sims and never leave the computer, just designing his future with you, your pet, Azrael, and a garden for you. (with a large kitchen and space for baking, with a personal room for you and your novelties and books). Don't let him play a horror game. He either makes fun of it for the overdramatic deaths or he'll challenge it. Either way, the fear factor won't work on him like that(in my opinion) but try and delete the 4 bedroom and 3 bath home on the Sims he made for you, there you will get tears and screams.
Another thing Casper likes is your job. Even though he has mentioned that reapers don't need to eat, sleep, or breathe somehow he is always jumping at the occasion whenever you text him about bringing home any baked goods or pastries from the shop home to him and Azrael. (yes, him too because it is an excuse for you to bring more to share) It doesn't matter what you pick, he'll eat it with an adorable face of joy. He sometimes will come down to the bakery and help if you need it.
While making fun of you for being "below the average mortal height" that he has seen over the years. You can flirt as much as you want to but, Casper will always use his height to his advantage. If you're in the shop and need something from a high shelf or above the fridge? Ask him politely to inflate his ego a little bit and then he will help you. While placing his tease a bit. Looking for something specific but can't seem to find it. He placed it on top of the fridge in "sky jail" because you teased him earlier about liking cream in his mouth. Now you'll never finish the dessert you were making unless you go to find the step stool. (which he has also put in a higher place to piss you off more.)
Cuddling sessions after a tiring day of work are as ethereal as Casper is. Had a hard day at work? Get in the blanket with him, he might be as frigid as a frozen tundra but his cuddles and affectionate squeezes and words of encouragement are just as warm. A customer made you a little upset? Oh, trash needed to go out on Thursday anyway (that's a joke, unless...).
The best learning experience for Casper is when he tries to bake or cook with you, he doesn't know the proper measurements for anything, it's random bullshit and go for him. But he will listen to your instructions. While he is intently measuring the sugar, water, and yeast mixture with full concentration, if you go up to him and give him a kiss or hug him from behind he'll shoo you away and mumble about how he was so kind to be helping you at work. FOR FREE. But after a few minutes, he'll ask for your assistance on a task and will cling to you like glue. Will he get flour in his hair? You'll never know, but he will snipe samples and test batches of anything you'll make. Your coworker's batches? Not so much. Even if it is hot garbage in your opinion he will still eat it up as if he was starved.
All in all, Casper can be a little shit or sweetheart for you. Just bring some extra snacks for him and Azrael for the next few days while he is on that Sims 4 dream home.
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psblooms · 2 months
"난 너한테 뭐길래?"
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now playing: ghosting ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 1:24 ───ㅇ───── 3:43
ᡣ𐭩ྀིྀིˎˊ˗ angst sim jaeyun x fem! reader works word count: 754 content: implied drinking, situationships, ghosting (obviously)
note: my first official song fic (this was actually written like 2 years ago but not as a fic and I decided too put it here I hope you like it)
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it was 2 am on a rainy summer night. and while everyone was enjoying their last month before going away for college, you were rolling in the warm comforter far from asleep. it can be blamed on the humid warm weather, or the noise of rain hitting the window. or rather, in the fact that the “person you were seeing in a maybe romantic light” had not answered your last text from eight hours ago and hadn't seen him in the previous two days.
in any other moment, this situation wouldn't be of importance to you and your overthinking mind, both you and jake were not the type to talk every day and be in constant contact with each other; but this time, you knew (or both of them knew) it was something different.
"are we okay?" said the last text you sent on the chat.  
you knew you had to give him some time, after all, you were the one who brought up the situation you were stuck in now. but still, the uneasy feeling in your insides was making rounds in your mind:
"Were you in the right place to bring it up?"
"what's going to happen to us now?"
your friends told you it was the right thing to do, they were on her side after plenty of sleepless nights wondering; but now, she had started to question everything. you did it to stop with the uncertainties of this relationship, to know where the both of you stand. and right now, you can no longer know if there is even a both of you.  
"what are we?" you asked finally in a loud enough voice trying to sound confident in an unpredictable place.
the night and the moon in a random house party were the only witnesses of the question, of the nervousness you felt, and of the surprised expression in jakes face.
you have always been an overthinker, everybody was aware of it.
it was not enough for you to open the messaging app every thirty minutes after sending that text, just to pretend she didn't care to not find an answer after trying to busy herself in those few minutes.
your brain refused to shut down for the day just as every night for the past two days hoping to catch a glimpse of the idea of jake thinking about you. even if you wanted to get used to waiting for an answer and consoling yourself thinking that maybe he was not using his phone and was not avidly ignoring you, the fact that you got to see a photo of the sunset sky before the rain came into town in his new post with the caption "the sky is so beautiful tonight". only added to your insomnia and overthinking.
it could pretty much be a coincidence, but after many sleepless nights on the phone with him talking about your fascination with the sky and your constant existential questions he was a listener of; it felt like he was talking to you.
which was a stupid thought to have, if he wanted to talk to you he would've answered that text.
you really started to regret ever even asking that question because here you are now - not talking- but deep down you knew it was the thing you needed to do. "what am I to you?" was the only thing you could think about after he kissed you last week.
It's three am now, and your mind is still replaying the last conversation you had, wondering if there was a sign of a breakup in it, honestly you didn't know where to find it. you didn't even know if that was a break-up.
what was there to break?
you were never something formal, and that was the problem. there were some dates, some kisses, and some drunk I love yous; there were the holding hands and the driving you home late at night, there were the midnight facetimes and the sleepy soft encouraging words. but there was never any implication of a committed relationship.
"are we okay?" you re-read the text for the hundredth time.
and at that moment, you found it, the sign you were looking for was right there, you spent so many minutes hating and blaming yourself for the situation you were in that you weren't able to see there was in fact, an answer.
"no answer" and "unread" that was it.
just like that. he had disappeared from her life,
just like a ghost.
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rkvriki · 2 years
— their little acts of love !
hello everyone ! new post here ! this was one supposed to be titled their ways to say i love you but i thought this was more suitable don't you think ?
make sure to leave feedback. my asks are open and so is my inbox so let's talk !
WARNINGS ! mentions of crying and being sad, cliché stuff, might contain grammar errors. a/n: i got this idea from a pinterest post of 100 ways to say i love you, if you want i can send it to you !
word count: 1.4k
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— “tell me more”
one of the things heeseung loved to do was hear you talking.
you could be saying complete nonsense, he still loved listening to your voice.
he especially loved when you were talking about something you loved or made you happy.
you and him were dating for a few weeks only so you still had a lot to know a lot about each other.
you were at you house sitting on you couch in the living room just talking, when you suddenly started talking about your hobbies.
to be honest, you were just rambling, but heeseung was listening to every word that was coming out of your mouth, until you started slowing off your words. 
“i’m sorry im just rambling now.” you said kinda embarrassed about how much you were talking.
“no keep going, i love listening to you. tell me more about it, please.” he said smiling at you encouraging you to go off about what you were talking about earlier. 
you smiled at him and picked up where you left off, heeseung was willing to listen to you for hours and hours.
— “let’s go on a walk”
jay knew how to make you feel better under any circumstances, he never failed to get you to feel even just a bit better.
you had a terrible day at college/work and you just wanted to get home and plop down on your bed and sleep away the tight feeling on your chest.
you got home and went straight to your room and as soon as you laid down, your phone vibrated with a notification.
jay was texting, asking about your day and you just told him your honest feelings. him being the good boyfriend he is, knew how to make you get better and offered to go on a walk with you, knowing how much they made you feel relaxed and refreshed.
so here you were with jay walking along the nearby park and stopping to seat on one of the benches.
you leaned your head on jay’s shoulder and he wrapped his arms around you, the tears you were holding in started coming out as you let out little sniffles.
jay’s hand was rubbing you back comfortingly as he whispered sweet nothings until you calmed down.
“thank you.” you told him sincerely.
“there’s no need to thank me, it’s the least i should do for you.” he said as he kissed the crown of you head.
— “you look so beautiful”
to me this one just screams jake.
you’re basically his favorite person and the one he trusts the most in the whole world.
you were both lying in your bed. jake had a free day from his busy schedule and decided to visit and spend time with you.
jake and you were laughing at something he had said. you were both laughing so hard your stomachs were hurting so much you had to hold them.
jake looked at you and swore he never thought you could look as pretty as you did at this moment. you were laughing without a care, with your messy hair and messy clothes, that consisted of an old t-shirt that already had rips and one of his sweatpants, and you looked so happy and pretty while doing so.
you eventually stopped laughing and jake saw jake staring at you.
“what? don’t tell me there’s something on my teeth!” you said rushing to grab your phone and check your teeth. jake laughed and shaked his head while grabbing your hands.
“ no, silly. you just look so beautiful right now, i couldn’t help but stare.” he said smiling and scanning your features.
you blushed and looked away, trying to say something but you were stuttering over your words.
jake just laughed and hugged you, making you smile to yourself.
— “are you warm enough?”
i think sunghoon tried to act nonchalant when it comes to shows of affection but in the he is melting on the inside.
you were both on a date. it was winter and winters in seoul can be really cold, so you should have known better and warm up a little more.
sunghoon had talked about this new restaurant that opened up and he took you there.
after having dinner you two went on a little walk just to enjoy the night a little more. 
the cold was finally getting to you and you started feeling you started feeling yourself getting chills on your arms, so you rubbed your hands on them in hopes to warm up a little.
sunghoon noticed this from the side of his eye and started taking off his own coat, wrapping it around your body that looked small with the huge piece of clothing now covering it.
you were about to say something but sunghoon beat you to eat.
“don’t even try to refuse, are you warm enough?”
“yeah, hoon. thank you.”
he just smiled at himself as you two kept walking.
— “don’t stay up too late”
it was finals season and you were studying like crazy and you were barely answering to sunoo’s texts but still made an effort to stay tuned with him.
sunoo worried about you a lot whenever you were too hard on yourself and he always made sure to text you little reminders to take care of yourself.
he knew you had no limit when it came to study for your exams, always doubting your study was never enough and so you had the tendency to stay up to early morning hours to study.
your phone was buzzing with notifications, distracting you from your stack of papers with things scribbled.
sunoo was texting you and your heart always melted whenever he texted something like what he did.
“don’t be too hard on yourself.”
“you can do it! you got this, i trust you!!”
“ps. don’t stay up until late, you need to rest.”
“i love you.”
you were smiling like a fool at your phone as you replied back.
he was your #1 supporter.
— “you’ve been on my mind”
jungwon hated it when he had to be away from you for a long time.
it was one of those times now and he was hating every second of it. 
he and the members were all sat in the couches of the dressing rooms, they were all chatting about random things, but he wasn’t paying any attention to what any of them were saying.
he only had one thing on his mind, that being you.
he missed you a ton and you were having a hard time communicating from the different time zones.
jungwon sighed, closing his eyes and leaning his head back on the couch.
he got up and decided to go somewhere alone, taking his phone along with him.
he opened his texts app, automatically clicking your contacts name.
“it’s been hard without you.”
“can’t wait to be back.”
“you’ve been on my mind. more than i’d like to admit.”
he turned off his phone and just stared at a window that was in front of him, until his phone buzzed.
“miss you too wonnie:(“
“so much that i even bought a ticket to see you :)”
jungwon swore he could cry reading your text, feeling happier than ever.
— “this song reminded me of you”
niki loves songs with a deep meaning.
he always searches for the lyrics and the meaning when he listens to one he likes a lot.
he loves when a song can affect his mood and what he’s feeling.
something he loves even more is when a song reminds him of you. he literally smiled while listening to that song. 
it doesn’t need to be the lyrics reminding him of you, sometimes it’s the melody or even the way it’s sung. there’s always something that reminds him of you and he makes sure you know it.
everyday niki sends you a link with a song along with something like.
“this song reminds me of you.”
“reminds me of when we went to the park the other day.”
“reminds me of the way you laugh when you’re excited.”
“reminds me of when we first met.”
it’s honestly so cute and makes your heart beat so fast in your chest.
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heestruck · 11 days
Bad Reputations ; Park Sunghoon SMAU - jake has L rizz
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synopsis ; you’re one of the big three on campus, but little does anyone know that your trio isn’t as strong as it looks. behind closed doors you’re outcasted by your dorm mates, they’re always ditching you, excluding you, and always trying to tell you what to do. So what happens when you go to a party and basketball player Jake Sim encourages you to take a break from your girls squad and hang out with his friends?
That’s when you meet him. Park Sunghoon. The most infamous guy on campus with a bad reputation.
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ᡣ𐭩 •。ꪆৎ ˚⋅
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jake is on the basketball team, and he cannot for the life of him leave y/n alone. he just likes to tease her and try fail miserably to hook up with her. aside from his basketball bros he has his best friends heeseung, professional gamer, avid weed enjoyer, niki who definitely is not a drug dealer, jay who doesn’t get paid enough to babysit them, sunoo & jungwon who gossip way too much for their own good, and last but not least sunghoon. sunghoon is many things, he’s notoriously known on campus as a bad guy. someone to be feared. rumours are constantly buzzing around him, some even as bad as saying he’s killed someone. everyone says he’s bad news, but to be fair, he is.
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cityof2morrow · 5 months
Mod Organizing & Load Order Shenanigans
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Published: 5-1-2024 | Updated: N/A MOD ORGANIZING During the [first] "pandemic summer," I started reorganizing my game folders. I also started  a "conflict management" list, containing all the known conflict info from download pages, new conflicts I discover while playtesting, etc. It's 44 pages long at the moment....a testament to my unapologetic mod addiction. I encourage all simmers to keep a list like this. It’s very reassuring (and handy!) to be able to look up known conflicts or keep track of mods which have been merged (duplicate files can break your game FAST!).  **I won’t be able to share mine at this time but most of my info comes from the same pages where I download CC/mods - shout out to the creators who take the time to include this info.
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MY LOAD ORDER(S) I number my folders and use mostly lower case filenames to force the load order I want – these were the most important changes I made re: how I maintain a heavily-modded-but-still -very-functional game. With few exceptions, this has been much more effective than keeping track of the number of z's and cases. It also means I don't need to rename downloaded files - I just put them in the right folder. When I played exclusively on mac, I learned that numbering the store cc folders was the ONLY way I could get all the content to work. I never figured out why but I imagine it was because the mac series doesn't include expansions required for some of this content.
DETAILS (the codes) I put that grad school debt...I mean...those grad school research skills to good use and made up my own codes. Here they are... 0= files needed in every save aka my "essentials." These include repair files, shader/UI files, CEPs, global probes (like scriptorium, money globals, inteen checker, inventory checker, etc).
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1= mods that do NOT need a load order, some OFB-themed sets I want to keep separate from other CC - like the #co2bellabrand or upcoming #co2cdkseries stuff.
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2= mods that require a hard load order. As @episims writes HERE, this only works for mods with non-game-breaking conflicts between them. Only the last mod in the sequence will retain ALL its intended functions. The code for this section goes like this: [number]-[what the mod deals with in-game; i make sure to consider alphabetical order]-[load order number] -name of the mod(s)
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I have several global mods that need to load as close to LAST as possible. These folders all start with "2-z-[load order #]-." The "2" tells me they need to load in a certain order and the "-z" makes them load after all the other #2 folders.
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See Object Freedom 1.02 (@fwaysims, 2023) and Shiftable Everything (@lamare-sims, 2022) both load at #78? I don't have them BOTH in game at the same time, but giving them the same number ensures that the right load order stays no matter which one i'm paying with. 3 = build mode and neighborhood deco/defaults
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4= buy mode
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"ts1," "ts3," and similar labels = content that was converted for Sims 2.
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OTHER DETAILS I also label folders with certain "type codes" - these tell me things like whether they add permanent data to my saves (custom memories, careers, foods, etc. do this) or whether they are maxis-match. Here are some examples:
-BIN = mod files which go in the program folders -DEF = default replacement -MEM = this content includes custom memory data -MM = maxis-match or an add-on for default game furniture -ADD = content that is not maxis-match -NPC = this content includes or changes one or more NPCs -FIX  or -EDIT = this is a fixed or uniquely edited version of a pre-existing mod -BETA and -TEST = this mod is unfinished and/or a test version Remember, conflicts do not always mean something has to be removed from your game, nor are all conflicts unresolvable. No matter what kind of method(s) you use to organize your game – it’s just important to try/have at least one in the cut.
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CREDITS Thanks: Episims, PleasantSims, and all simmers who include load order/conflict notes. Sources: Beyno (Korn via BBFonts), EA/Maxis, Forcing the Load Order of Mods (whoward/Pick’N’MixSims, 2021 via sims2tutorials), Image(s) (Alexander, 2016), Offuturistic Infographic (Freepik).
...Oh and yes...I AM in fact an INTJ/Capricorn.
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simblorbo-bracket · 2 months
Pinned Post
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(this post will be edited as needed throughout the tournament)
Welcome to the simblr blorbo sexyman bracket
We are currently in round: Round 2
Other tags: round 1, all active polls, all finished polls
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About/Rules under the cut (please read!)
This blog and bracket are both being run by @ssspringroll (aka @exculis)
Propaganda and additional images can still be submitted, and will be included in the next round of polls from when it was sent in. You can also send in propaganda for other people's sims, as long as its positive! No negative propaganda!
Feel free to send it in through the ask box, or however else you'd like
What is a simblr?
A Sims Tumblr. We blog about sims. You don't need to have a blog dedicated to sims in order to enter or participate. If you just like voting on things, you don't even need to know what a sim is! All are welcome to vote as they please.
What is a blorbo?
In our use case, a blorbo is a sim you really like that is either your original creation, an EA/Maxis premade, your makeover of an EA/Maxis premade, or a sim born in-game from some combination of the above categories.
You may not submit other people's creations.
What is a sexyman?
A sexyman can be any gender under the sun. They should, ideally, be sexy. But you can use your own best judgement if, for example, the competitors are not a gender you think of as sexy, or if you don't think of any sims as sexy at all. In that case, you may modify your definition of sexyman to be the one that is the most fashionable, or has the best vibe, etc.
This is a tournament-style competition (for fun!)
There will be multiple rounds, in each round two competitors will fight for votes in a tumblr poll lasting 1 week. The winners of each poll will move on to the next round, fighting another foe in the same sort of battle.
Depending on the number of entries the tourney may be short or quite long. If the number is on the lower side, there may be a loser's bracket, wherein the losers of each poll will have a chance to redeem themselves, and fight their way back to a chance at the crown.
This is NOT a popularity contest.
While no one can control how you vote except you, you are encouraged not to just vote for the simmer you like more or to only vote for your friends. Instead, try to vote with your heart. Maybe you'll discover a new favorite?
NO Negativity
We are here to celebrate everyone's sexy sexy blorbos, not to put anyone down for any reason. This includes yourself. It will not be tolerated. No guilt trips, self-deprecation, or negative propaganda. Let's all be chill and be friends, okay?
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hauntedtrait · 1 year
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🐴Once Upon A Time In Chestnut Ridge: A Bachelor Challenge
Meet Dakota Blue Heron, Chestnut Ridge's most eligible bachelor!
Dakota is 29, stands 6'3 tall, living on Crow's Head ranch, primarily a horse ranch that is open for guests in the spring and summer months. The ranch is owned and operated by the Heron family, being passed down through generations for over a century. Kindly, Dakota's parents have allowed the ranch to be used this season, in hopes that the show's popularity will help bring in more guests and customers.
Dakota accepted the network's offer to be Bachelor in hopes of finding a life partner, having little time to meet new people in his regular life. Also because, in his words, "this seems fun!"
Here's a few things he wants potential contestants to know about him: he spends his days working in various different parts of the ranch (in the horse stalls and gardens especially), he grows most of his food and whatever he doesn't grow he sources from local and ethical producers, he loves being surrounded by people (especially those he holds dearly), occasionally hunts (deer and invasive species mostly). He speaks navajo, navajo sign language, english and spanish, and is a tribal member of the navajo nation. Dakota wants kids and is looking for a partner with similar desires to start a family.
Keep reading below for more info!
Likes: fellow animal enthusiasts, physical contact (his love language), his grandmother's cooking, gardening, spending his days outside, being with family, cinnamon, old hollywood films, people who are connected to their families or communities, fry bread
Dislikes: being cooped up inside, snow days, musical theater, cilantro (he's got the soap taste gene), sudden loud sounds, stand up comedy, cold showers, people who don't like getting dirty, cops, cigarette smoke
8 contestants will be accepted
contestants should have at least 5 likes and/or dislikes
contestants have 15 skill points to distribute as they wish
contestants can have 3-5 traits, except for unflirty or romantic, do give them at least one negative trait, it's more fun that way
unfortunately, only human contestants for this one. YA and adult only, any amount of story/backstory, any aspiration except for romance related aspirations, any gender (pleaseeee give them pronouns). include all this information in your entry please.
any cc and outfits, though try to keep to 1 outfit per category. maxis match or maxis mix is fine EXCEPT for alpha hairs, no alpha hairs please.
Download can be private or public, up to you, BUT please include ALL cc in the download!
i own most of the packs except for some of the kits, but i do have the ‘kits made bgc’ so i can replace stuff if needed
i will be changing skin details and giving them more outfits, if you submit a sim you are consenting to have them be changed to fit my sim style. honestly i highly encourage everyone to use sliders and custom presets, i think sims look a lot better with those and i dont love how vanilla presets look tbh
if you do not have the horse ranch pack but would like for certain skills, traits or aspirations from the pack to be used on your sim, let me know and i will add it in game!
tag me in your posts and use the hashtag #chestnutbc
As stated previously, Dakota likesmasculine-leaning sims. No strict gender preference, but I am looking for masculine contestants. Be it women who are more butch, masc leaning non binary, cis or trans men on the masculine side of the spectrum. Dakota's type tends to be people with muscles, masculine-leaning, who look like they could pick him up and throw him around. Dad types are a plus too. He prefers people who aren't very skinny, who have some meat on their bones. Strong types, protective vibes, and obviously people who can and are willing to work on a farm and live and deal with animals every day, it's not easy work!
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moyokeansimblr · 8 months
Not feeling so hot and I'm not going to do anything impulsive at 8PM on a Friday evening but
here is a link to a sfs folder with ALL of my content that's currently only hosted on patreon.
I want to add individual sfs links to the tumblr posts but that's a lot and I'm now regretting never adding alt dl links this whole time... and sorry I don't think the downloads in the sfs folder are in order... it also might be some other things, like fixed meshes or stuff. tbh I just added everything I've made after April 3rd 2023 since that was the last time I uploaded anything to sfs.
I guess while I'm here... I was going to wait until after I finish up the last of my active requests (probably by Monday, I'm almost done) but I desperately need a break from CC. I sent a group message on the 17th to my $4 and $6 patrons encouraging them to cancel, but I know not everybody knows patreon even has dms so maybe you'll see this post and I'll reach out again in the coming days so nobody is wasting their money. I am so immensely burnt out and I need to not create for a while. This is completely my own fault, nobody made me work on CC for 8-10 hours 5 days a week for the last several months and I fully knew it wasn't sustainable ages ago but I kept doing it because it made me feel good, until it didn't. Quite honestly, even before I sent the group message the instant wave of relief I felt just having made the decision to take a break... that caught me off guard but just confirmed I need this. I do feel really awful about it because I feel like I'm letting people down but at the same time I don't want to hate creating which was already happening. That being said, I don't know how long the lull in CC is going to be, and if you're only following me strictly for CC I apologize. As said I am still finishing up one request I still had, I'm about 75% done with that as of this post. But that's gonna be it for a while.
There is a part of me that wants to stop using patreon completely and unpublish my creator page (which is what I'm not going to impulsively do tonight without properly thinking it through...since there are positives like how easy it is to download files and whatnot) but I'd again encourage not only those who joined the $4 and $6 tiers but also the $2 tier to cancel so that you aren't wasting your money. If I did do this I would definitely do the individual sfs links on everything first. I'd not just leave you guys unable to download my stuff.
So, what does that mean for this blog? I'll spare ye, impatient readers, who have already read a lot because I ramble⬇️
Well, as of posting this I still have THREE HUNDRED AND TWENTY FOUR Strangetown posts in my queue. And I'm not tired of playing that.
I'm looking forward to having an opportunity to do all of the things I've been neglecting. I'm finally going to go through the subfolder within my downloads of everything I'm downloaded the last few months and decide if I wanna keep it in my game or not. And finish default replacing everything. And all my other various little projects I haven't been doing.
Also, I want to start playing Veronaville 😮I've already started downloading lots from kattaty to replace the in-game ones, and I found a cool replacement for the neighborhood map. I am leaning towards making a new sub-blog for this so that you don't have to try and follow Strangetown/LFT posts and Veronaville/ALT posts at the same time. I've only ever played the Veronaville sims for like one day as part of a super failed megahood years ago so I'd like to get to know them.
So basically, I guess I'm a gameplay blog for now? Until I want to create anything again anyways, but I don't know when that will be.
I don't know how to end this post... I'm sorry for the disappointment, but thank you so much for enjoying my stuff 💛💛
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theresattrpgforthat · 4 months
I asked abaut a dating rpg but of you know of an easier game to hak than KoB i woud love recomendasions for that to Im kinda new to haking so I woud lovde tips on games easy to change
THEME: Hackable Games (Dating Sims).
Alright friend, I said I’d address both parts of your question, and this is me answering both parts of your question. In my previous rec post, we talked about ways you could take dating sim games that are already out there and how you could combine them with Kids on Bikes. I also talked about the Kids on Bikes system, and the kinds of things I think it expects from people who are playing it.
So, now that we’re talking about games that are easy to hack, let’s talk about some options. I've got two different approaches here: taking romance games and tweaking them, and using some beginner-friendly SRDs.
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Caltrop Core, by TitanomachyRPG.
Ever wondered how to make your own TTRPG? Welcome to v1.2 of Caltrop Core, an introductory game design system using the humble and sharp d4!
Caltrop Core is a system designed for folks that are new to game design. It’s meant to be an extremely simple system reference document (or SRD) that guides you through the basics of the game you want to play. Your resolution will involve rolling a number of d4s and looking for the highest one; as the designer you’ll have to decide what is worth rolling for and whether your characters will be spending resources (tokens) to improve their chances of rolling or whether they’ll use a predetermined set of stats. The range of games that have been made with this system are very broad, from games about underwater cephalopods, to games about taxis in space, to games about doing your best to win your sapphic love.
What’s So Cool About _? By Jared Sinclair.
The original game of What’s So Cool About Outer Space? is no longer available on Itch.io, but Litza Bronwyn’s guide on how to make a WSCA game is still there. WSCA is a very simple system, asking each player to make up a few things about their character, and then detailing how to resolve something that is risky. What success and failure look like will usually be determined by the table as a group, and the player will roll 2d6, adding +1 to the total based off of things that exist on your character sheet or other questions that make sense in the genre that you’re playing.
The GM advice is also pretty basic, encouraging the Game Master to continually introduce new things that are happening, and dealing some key elements of the genre that you’re trying to emulate. There’s also the expectation that as you play, the game will grow; you’ll come up with new rules to make sense of specific situations or challenges that make sense for the kind of game you are playing. This is another beginner-friendly approach to game design, starting you off with a few basic tools and encouraging you to fiddle with them until you have a game that makes sense for your table.
If you want to see what kinds of games people have made in this genre, I recommend checking out the What Is So Cool About Jam!
Dating Sim, by Tyler Crumrine.
Dating.sim is a light-hearted romance roleplaying game inspired by the TV show The Dating Game as well as the “dating simulator” video game genre. Dating simulators are narrative-heavy games where players can date one of multiple eligible characters via choose-your-own-adventure-style conversations. Make the right choices and a character might like you more, make the wrong choices and they might like you less. Dating.sim recreates this structure through competitive roleplaying, with players improvising multiple-choice options for one player to select over the course of a date.
With more of a competitive, game-show style of play, if you pick up Dating Sim, you’re not so much hacking a game as you are creating a setting to put into the game. The art for the game points to a multitude of genres, so you would just want to start the game by asking the table about the universe this dating game show is happening in, and what kinds of contestants would be on it. This suggestion is more in line with the previous week’s posts, but sometimes trying out these kinds of games will help you figure out what kinds rules make sense for the game your playing; are your dates competitions? Are they mysteries? Or are they something else?
Thirsty Sword Lesbians, by Evil Hat.
Thirsty Sword Lesbians is considered genre-agnostic, with some suggested settings inside the game, but plenty of room to create or borrow a setting of your own. Hacking this game could be anything from creating your own custom setting but running it rules as written all the way to creating your own movies and character playbooks to fit the feeling of a dating simulator.
In general, PbtA games can provide great engines for interpersonal drama, which means that it often lends itself to allowing players to take things down a romantic path. Pasión de las Pasiones is another romantic PbtA game, this time originally focused around Spanish telenovelas, but I’ve seen people hack it for other genres as well.
However, keep in mind that the more concentrated a game is around a specific type of media or theme, the more work you’ll likely have to do in order to make it work for the theme you’re aiming for. In terms of PbtA games, this is especially true.
Boyfriend Dungeon Unofficial TTRPG, by CaptainKrail.
Make a character, fight through Dunj's, Craft items, Wield friends, level up by increasing your relasionships and fall in love in this Tabletop adaptation.
This TTRPG is an adaptation of the Powered By the Apocalypse system, using 2D6 to resolve conflict.
Because this game is specifically inspired by a dating-sim style game that involves impressing potential partners through learning about them, this game might be worth looking at, although many of the character options are focused around combat. I like the fact that part of the progression in this game is discovering more about the back-stories of the date-able companions, indicating that you are growing when you’ve built enough trust with someone to unveil more about their personal story.
Some Other Things To Think About
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So I’ve watched a pretty in-depth explanation of how games like Tokimeki Memorial work, and I’ve also played Monster Prom. Both of these games reward multiple plays, because you’re expected to learn more and more about each romance-able character with every time that you play. If you wanted to replicate that in a tabletop roleplaying game, I think the closest mechanics that work for that kind of game are mystery games, especially games that have characters slowly accumulate clues that they can use to answer a bigger question.
The two biggest games that I can think of that are mystery-related are Brindlewood Bay and the GUMSHOE system.
Brindlewood Bay is a game about elderly ladies solving eldritch mysteries, but it’s also been hacked a number of times to represent mystery-solving in various settings. If each “mystery” was focused around a single date-able character, and the theorize roll was transformed into a roll that is actually you asking them out, you might have an interesting loop there.
GUMSHOE is an investigative roleplaying system that is designed to feed the players different clues throughout the course of play, but leaves the interpretation up to the players, giving them a series of investigative abilities that help them uncover extra information. You could re-structure this to make the clues elements of a character’s backstory, with the abilities of each character tied to ways that they can set their crushes at ease, slowly unlocking information that informs them about what kind of date their crush would like to go on.
A big caveat I have with both of these games is that I don’t think they’re necessarily easier to hack, especially if you haven’t played either of them. If you want to turn games like these into a fleshed-out dating simulator, my recommendation would be to pick up the game, run it RAW for a little bit, and think about what you like or don’t like about the game. If you want to make a quick hack, this kind of process probably isn’t for you.
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21pearls · 1 month
Sims 4 Tarot Legacy Challenge
Tarot Legacy Challenge
Google Doc Here
Hello everybody, and welcome to this absolutely massive 22 generation legacy challenge I came up with and figured I would share. This took so much time and heart to complete, so I hope you all enjoy it.
In real life, I love to collect tarot cards, so I thought that a tarot-based sims 4 challenge would be really cool. So off I went searching to see if it had been done before. I managed to find only a few instances of a similar challenge being done before, but I felt I wanted to give my own spin of it a go, and so I started writing my own. A full tarot deck has 78 cards, which is entirely too many generations, but following the 22-card journey through the Major Arcana seemed much more reasonable. Each card has such personality that building a unique gen for each was much more straightforward than I anticipated.
The order I followed was that of the traditional Rider Waite deck in the upright positions; the meanings and characterization I give for each card are based off interpretations from a few different tarot websites and from referencing my own collection and their guidebooks. Some cards have somewhat similar themes, so whilst some traits and skills may appear more than once because of this, I did my best to make every gen unique from one another in their own ways. I highly encourage you to research each card as you get to each gen to gain a better feel for their character and better understanding of the vibe each card presents. And hey, if you don’t feel my character interpretation is accurate to the card, feel free to change up the generation to a characterization that fits better for you! At the end of the day, tarot is all about personal interpretations and reflection, I see no reason a challenge based upon it can’t be the same.
(Please note that I designed most of this before Lovestruck was released, so it was not included in this challenge.)
Anyways, without further ado, I hope you enjoy my Tarot Legacy Challenge!
Ground Rules
-aging must be on, lifespan is up to you though
-cheats allowed to enhance the story if desired, but are not encouraged
-your heir may be whichever child best fits the next gen unless specified
-aspirations, skills, and career tracks should be completed before moving on unless specified
-I wrote each gen as the gender they appear on the traditional tarot cards, but you do not have to follow the genders that the tarot cards imply (ex. the Empress may be male or nonbinary, they do not have to be a female sim)
- I only designed certain generations to feature supernatural sims; these gens must be that supernatural type, but you are free to make any other gen supernatural. If you think being a supernatural makes sense for a specific gen, feel free to do so
The Major Arcana
The Major Arcana is the core of the tarot deck; it represents the major themes the soul goes through in the journey to enlightenment. The Major Arcana follows the journey of the Fool as they set out into the world. We follow them through all the ups and downs they experience across the Major Arcana until they finally reach the completion of their journey with the World.
0. The Fool
Beginnings, freedom, spontaneity, adventure, idealism, innocence
The Fool often represents the start of a new journey. He steps confidently into a wide-open world that he is ready to embrace. He is often optimistic, and almost childish in his idealism about life. The Fool may also represent the beginnings of a literal journey. Love with the Fool is passionate and exciting, but he sometimes lacks commitment in his eagerness to begin new adventures.
For as long as you can remember, you have always wanted to see what the world has to offer. Now that you have grown up, you are ready to set off on your adventure! Your family may see you as naïve, and people may judge you for never seeming to commit to anything for too long, but you love the thrill that trying new things and seeing new places gives you.
-have the childish, noncommittal, and adventurous traits
-complete at 2 levels each of the City Native, Beach Life, and Mt. Komorebi Sightseer aspiration.
-achieve maximum level 5 in at least 6 different skills, focusing on one at a time. You can achieve less than level 5 but should not go over level 5. These 6 skills should all be full skills, meaning they require a level 10 to max.
-do not commit to one career; every time you reach level 4 in a career, you must quit it and start a new one. If you take a part-time job, you must quit it after you have been in it for 3 in-game weeks. You may quit your jobs before these benchmarks are reached if you wish.
-you must visit each world (including vacation worlds) at least once over your lifetime. You do no have to commit much time to each world, visiting a lot once for a few hours in enough. You must also live in at least 4 different worlds.
-have multiple whirlwind romances, but never truly settle down long-term
-no limit on children, but your heir must be a spellcaster
I. The Magician
Resourcefulness, logic, influence, commitment, willpower, manifestation, skill
The Magician is a representation of willpower. He already possesses all the skills necessary to succeed and he knows it. He has the power to manifest the outcome that he desires. He is often a person of great ability and wisdom, and he does not hesitate to use his full potential. In love, the Magician is deeply committed and serious in his intentions.
Unlike your parent before you, you are committed to finishing what you start. As you grew older, you developed powers that none of your siblings seem to possess; as with all you do, you will not rest until you understand them. You commit yourself fully to understanding the mechanics of the world, and find great aptitude in designing the very things you long to understand.
-have the ambitious, genius, and overachiever traits
-master the logic, robotics, and charisma skills
-complete the nerd brain aspiration
-Reach the top of the mechanical engineering career
-You were born a spellcaster, and you commit fully to your magical studies as well as your human ones. Reach Virtuoso rank spellcasting and learn every spell and potion. You may also complete both spellcaster aspirations if desired.
-have one strongly committed relationship with a sim that shares at least one trait with you
-have one non-spellcaster child
II. The High Priestess
Mystery, spirituality, intuition, the unconscious
The High Priestess speaks of our inner voice. She listens well to her intuition and seems to hold knowledge of things mysterious to the average person. She may seem mysterious and sometimes otherworldly due to her calm exterior and innate knowledge of all things spiritual. The High Priestess may appear highly attractive to those around her; she values honesty in her relationships and is very passionate once you get past her calm surface.
You grew up surrounded by magic, and whilst you may not have any of your own, this made you a deeply spiritual person. You believe that there is magic everywhere and in everyone, it’s just not always so obvious. You understand the powers of the world so well that you turn readily to meditation and the soul world. You find peace in yourself, and you plan to help lost souls around you find theirs.
-loves outdoors, vegetarian, and good traits
-master the wellness, medium, and piano skills
-complete the Zen Guru aspiration
-earn your money through teaching yoga classes and guided meditations
-You find peace in the world around you, so you grow and maintain a flower garden throughout your lifetime with sections dedicated to each season. Befriend at least 3 ghosts.
-find and marry a sim with all “good” traits
-have at least 2 children
III. The Empress
Fertility, beauty, sensuality, nurturing, divine feminine, abundance, creativity
The Empress represents all things feminine. She carries beauty and joy with her wherever she goes and is often a highly creative person. She tends to be very caring and nurturing and is often a mother figure to those around her, if not an actual mother. She values her family highly and will do as much as she can to ensure their happiness. In love she is highly caring and leans towards stable and serious relationships.
Your parent before you found happiness in the spiritual, but for as long as you can remember the thing you wanted more than anything was a big and lively family of your own. You commit fully to your children and spouse, and they are the centre of your whole world. Aside from your family, you have a strong creative side, and a soft spot for all things pretty and girly. Your home finds itself overflowing with pretty things and the art you have created.
-romantic, creative, and family oriented
-complete the Super Parent aspiration, and then start the Big Happy Family aspiration
-max the parenting, cooking, and painting skills
-Sell your paintings to earn your money. Before you start having kids, you may also work in the barista career
-You love your family more than anything; have a strong relationship with your spouse and all your children. Have a dedicated family day at least once per week. Your family day does not have to be the same every week. Some examples can be a movie night, a day at the park or pool, a family activity, etc.
- you must stay in a happy and committed relationship with whoever you choose to marry for the rest of your life
-have a large family with at least 4 children
IV. The Emperor
Authority, practicality, stability, fatherhood, structure, discipline, leadership
The Emperor represents organization and control. He represents masculine energy and stands as a father figure to those around him. He values family highly but believes in a more disciplined approach of raising his children. He is decisive and clear in his goals, and often resides in a position of authority. The Emperor approaches his relationships logically, and he often looks for a traditional relationship. He is often well established and may be older when he fully commits.
You grew up in a big and loving family, and because of this you would love to have a big family of your own. You see yourself as a natural leader and feel you would easily be able to raise your children to follow in your footsteps. Your children sometimes say you are too strict, but everybody you’ve met respects and looks up to you as the great person you know you can be.
-perfectionist, neat, and loyal traits
-have the successful lineage aspiration
-master parenting, logic, and research and debate skills
-Master the politician career
-You are a loving but strict parent; all your children should have at least 2 positive character value traits upon age up
-Have a simple elopement with a YA sim whilst you are an adult. You should be the main breadwinner of your household
-Have a large family with at least 4 children
V. The Hierophant
Tradition, conformity, education, conventionality
The Hierophant represents embracing tradition. They like to stay within the bounds of what is known and prefer to conform rather than branch out. They are often extremely set in their ways and traditions. They also often fill a mentorship position to many people. The Hierophant often has a very traditional relationship, often choosing a partner who they view as safe and respectable to those around them.
Your parents raised you well, some may say a little too well. You live a very modest life, and you are happy for it. You pursue a respectable teaching career, marry an acceptable person, attend weekly services, practice a safe hobby, own a picture-perfect picket-fence home, and have the ideal 2.5 children. You may never do anything “exciting” in your life, but you are content.
-proper, bookworm, and squeamish traits
-complete Lord/Lady of the Knits aspiration
-master the education career professor branch
-master knitting and 1 other “traditional” hobby (cross stitch, cooking, fishing, etc.)
-You are a religious person. Dress up in your best clothing and attend religious ceremonies with your family on the same day every week, as well as on every holiday. Have a nice, sit-down family dinner on this day too (add a weekly holiday for this, and edit existing holidays to have this tradition)
- Marry your high school sweetheart. They must be someone socially acceptable that your parents approve of. Don’t woohoo or move in together until marriage. Stay together until death.
- have 3 children
VI. The Lovers
Love, unity, relationships, soulmates, romance, partnership, balance
The Lovers represents the ideal relationship. They have a deep trust and unity with one another, and therefore have a very deep and intense bond. The Lovers are true to themselves and each other; they do not allow society to decide for them what it is they should believe. In love they are deeply committed and are the perfect representation of soulmates; they may also have to make sacrifices if they wish to commit to the relationship.
Your parents always called you too fantastical when you didn’t grow out of it, but all you ever dreamed of was finding your own one true love. You spend your days designing flower arrangements and bouquets for weddings and anniversaries so other people can celebrate their love, until one day you meet a new coworker who fits into your life like a missing piece. Your parents don’t approve of them, but you have finally found your soulmate and you couldn’t be happier.
-romantic, generous, loyal
-complete the soulmate aspiration
-max charisma and singing skills
-master the floral designer career
-Love and romance are a big deal for you; have a weekly date night with your spouse
-you find your soulmate in one of your coworkers; you work well together in every aspect of life. Your parents should not approve of this relationship as your partner does not fit their conventional ideals, but you love them anyway.
-no limit on children
VII. The Chariot
Victory, ambition, willpower, strength, hard work, success, control
The Chariot represents victory due to determination and self-control. He is usually strong in body and will, and almost always emerges victorious in what he pursues. He is confident, focused, and bold, and this may sometimes come across as aggressive due to this. In love, he may be split; he needs to have a clear understanding of what he wants in life before he can choose the right path for himself.
Your parent always told you to chase your dreams no matter what anybody says, and you fully intend to. You want to be the strongest you can be, and nobody will stop you. Other than your occasional temper, you have very good self control which lends itself well to your military career. One day you decide to rescue a dog, and you quickly find great joy in training your pet up to peak performance alongside you so you can be an unstoppable team.
-ambitious, hot-headed, and active traits
-complete the Bodybuilder aspiration
-master the military officer career
-master the fitness, rock climbing, and pet training skills
-Once the gen starts, always have at least one large dog; You must dedicate time to fully training your dog, and even after completing their training you should still have them practice what they know each week. All dogs you have must be fully trained before you can adopt any more.
-be caught in a love triangle. Both options are very different people, and you are uncertain who to choose. Once you complete your aspiration, you know what it is you truly want out of life, and you may choose which sim to commit to.
-have 2 children
VIII. Strength
Courage, inner strength, compassion, self confidence, perseverance, bravery
Strength is representative of inner strength and mastering your emotions. She is compassionate and calm and shows great inner strength rather than external strength. She always has time for those she cares for and she is extremely patient, and often appears quite fearless. In love Strength is compassionate and empathetic; she may attract a partner with a wild side that she balances out.
Your parent was always a little hot-headed and valued strength above all else, but you don’t see it that way. You always thought true strength came from within. You intend to find your own inner power and find great joys in the little things in life. You give yourself freely to those around you and offer a level head to them when needed. You find yourself smitten with a person who turns out to be a little more “wild” than you thought, but you find your calm ways perfectly balance out their more aggressive tendencies.
-self assured, good, and cheerful traits
-complete the Inner Peace aspiration
-max the wellness, dancing, and violin skills
-write freelance books for money
-You always make time for those you care for; every time somebody calls to go out or come over, you should accept it. Complete the feather collection.
-marry a werewolf. Your partner should have the jealous trait. If they are a part of a pack, it should be the Wildfangs.
-no limit on children, but the heir must be a werewolf
IX. The Hermit
Introspection, withdrawal, solitude, self reflection, inner wisdom
The Hermit represents the search for the inner self. He spends much of his time in solitude in order to better look within himself and search for his inner voice. He works hard to discover who he truly is on the inside, and often appears wise and as a guiding figure to those around him. The Hermit needs time to decide what he truly wants from his relationships. Once he has taken the time to reflect upon himself and those he loves, the bonds he forms are very strong.
You never felt that you truly knew yourself, no matter how hard you tried. Your parent tried to help you as best they could, but they never could fully understand you. You never really connected with the wolf side of yourself, so you do everything in your power to find out what it is you really want to be. You join a local werewolf pack to better learn your wolf side, but as much as they respect you, you don’t feel you fit in and you prefer to spend your time alone with your insects and candles.
-loner, bookworm, genius
-complete the Werewolf Initiate, Emissary of the Collective (except for becoming alpha), and then the Cure Seeker aspirations
-as a teen, have your parent help you master wellness. Max cross stitch and fabrication skills
-you keep bees and craft candles with their wax. You earn your money by selling honey and candles at a weekly market.
-In an attempt to understand yourself and your condition better, you join the Moonwood Collective werewolf pack. You prefer your alone time but commit to them when needed. Your pack should respect and look up to you. Gain the rank of Beta in your pack before you cure yourself, but never take over as alpha. Complete and display the insect and Moonwood relics collections.
-Find your fated mate. They are fully ready to start a relationship with you, but you need time to find yourself. Once you have cured yourself, you finally commit to a relationship with them. They should also take the cure before you have your child.
-have one non-werewolf child
X. The Wheel of Fortune
Fate, change, luck, cycles, destiny
The Wheel of Fortune represents the ever-moving cycle of life, fate, and destiny. Life comes with both good days and bad days; both are necessary and cannot be avoided. The Wheel of Fortune is always turning, and life is always changing. Fate will come to pass whether you fight it or embrace it.
Your parent may have felt the need to change who they are, but you embrace what fate has in store for you. Every aspect of this gen is randomized.
-Randomize all your traits, your aspiration, 2-3 skills to max, and your career.  If your aspiration requires a specific career, you may choose to either reroll your aspiration to get one that does not require a specific career, or you may commit to the career your aspiration requires.
-roll from 1-8 to see how many children you should have. If you never get a solid partner, you may adopt or have science babies. Ensure whichever child you choose as heir is human.
-if you wish, use an online Sims 4 random events generator at least once per week for an extra layer to this gen
-every in-game week, roll 1-6 to see how your love life pans out
              1. If you are in a relationship, break it up
              2,4, or 6. No change in relationship this week
3. Start a new romantic relationship. If you are currently in a relationship, this means cheating on your partner (unless you have the loyal or good trait, in which case you break any current relationship before starting the new one).
5. Take your existing relationship to the next level. (boyfriend/girlfriend > engaged > married)
XI. Justice
Justice, karma, law, truth, honesty, integrity
Justice represents fair and equal judgement. She is someone who always carefully weighs her decisions and recognizes that the choices she makes will have long term consequences. She seeks out the truth above all things and pays no attention to any unfounded opinions others may hold. She is often a mediator, and whilst not everybody will love the stances that she takes, she is highly respected. Justice recognizes that relationships take work; she puts in effort and treats her partner fairly and expects fair treatment in return. She values honesty highly and will work find out the truths of her partner; she will always find out if she has been disrespected or betrayed.
You always felt much more grounded than your parent. They believed in the power of fate, but you believe in facts. You believe in facts and truth so much that you build a career out of judging what is true or not. You value those around you highly, and strongly believe that everyone deserves a chance at fairness and respect. Whilst not everyone agrees with your stances, you make yourself open to all and become a pillar of your community.
-proper, perfectionist, and loyal traits. as an elder gain the wise trait.
-complete the Neighbourhood Confidante aspiration
-max charisma, logic, and research and debate skills
-master the judge career
-be active in your community; always vote on NAPs, attempt to fix bad relationships your friends and neighbours may have, donate to charity, volunteer, and host neighbourhood get togethers regularly.
-find out everything you can about your partner before marrying them. You should know their traits, preferences, job, and you should have a decent relationship with all their immediate family members before you propose. (i.e. their parents, siblings, and any children). If your partner ever cheats on you, you will find out and must leave them.
-have two children (preferably twins); one has a more “proper” approach to life, and the other (the heir) is a bit more wild
XII. The Hanged Man
Waiting, sacrifice, uncertainty, lack of direction, confinement, perspective
The Hanged Man represents one who makes sacrifices for the good of progress. He is stuck in a place in life that he does not enjoy and even feels trapped in, but he sees this as a necessary sacrifice for his goals to be achieved. He puts his life on hold with no issues and waits patiently to pick it back up again, sometimes for a very long time, until he is certain the best results are inbound. The Hanged Man is patient when it comes to love. He recognizes that either he or his partner may not be ready for commitment and knows that sacrifice may be needed in order for his relationship to survive.
Your plan for life was never very traditional. You have a passion for the slopes and spending your nights having fun, and that’s enough for you. That is until a surprise pregnancy wrecks your life plans. You may not be anything like your parent, but they did raise you to always do the right thing, so you get married and quit your dream to support your new baby. You aren’t necessarily happy in your new life, but you love your child fiercely and will do anything for them.  If that means giving up your dreams until they can support themselves, then that is what you’ll do.
-Start out life with the cheerful, active, and bro traits. Every second promotion after you get married, change a trait until you have the gloomy, lazy, and squeamish traits. After you reach level 8 in your career and your child is a teen, you may change these all back.
-have the extreme sports enthusiast aspiration; complete max 2 levels of it before you stop pursuing it. Only finish your aspiration after you rekindle your passion.
-as a teen/YA master either skiing or snowboarding and dancing skills; once you get married stop practicing these skills; start practicing again once your child becomes a teen, and you have reached level 8 in your career.  You can try out multiple new hobbies over your lifetime, but only reach level 3 max in each before you decide its not for you.
-early YA make money through snowboarding videos or teaching ski classes (available at level 10 of each skill), and through completing odd jobs. After marriage, join the salaryperson career to support your family. You may quit your job and re-chase your passion after you find yourself again
-You have a wild youth; sneak out as a teen, slack off in school, etc.; as an adult throw parties or go to bars or clubs every night, have a lot of no-strings woohoo with many different sims, and generally have a good time. After marriage, fully commit your time to your job and raising your child; go all out for holidays and birthdays for your child but spare no time for anybody else in your life. After you find yourself again, you may rebuild a social life and throw weekly house parties again (albeit more mature ones now).
-whilst a YA, get pregnant/get another sim pregnant after a one-night stand. Marry them before the baby is born because you believe it is the right thing to do. You can be friends with them, but do not max your romance bar with your spouse (cheat this back down after marriage if needed). You do not realize how much you love your spouse until adulthood after your child becomes a teen and you reach level 8 in your career, wherein you can finally max your romance with them.
-Your first child is your heir. You may choose to have more children in late adulthood once you realize you truly love your spouse.
XIII. Death
Endings, change, transformation, letting go, transition
Death is representative of change, most often positive ones. Death tells us that the past must be left behind in order to embrace the future – no matter how hard letting go may be. Death tells us that sometimes our old self must die so our new, more true self, can be born.
You watched your parent wither away your whole childhood until they finally found their joy for life again, and you decided quickly that that would never be you. You intend to squeeze everything out of life for yourself that you possibly can with no care for how it hurts those around you. That is until you experience a brush with death, and completely change your views on what life means. Now you live your life (or what’s left of it) with a full focus on making both yourself and the world into the best that they possibly can be because life is too short, and the future should be cherished.
-Start your life with the mean, self-absorbed, and snob traits. Change to the green fiend, recycle disciple, and loves the outdoors traits after your “death.”
-as a teen/early YA have the party animal aspiration; after “death” complete Good Vampire aspiration
-max the gardening, vampire lore, and charisma skills
-master the Conservationist, Environmental Manager career
-as a teen/early YA, you are “attacked” by a vampire and turned. This “death” compels you to become the best person you can be for yourself and spurs a desire to help the world. Fully clean up Sulani. Make sure the neighbourhood you live in has a green eco-footprint. Support green-initiative NAPs. Become self-sufficient.
-as a teen/YA, have a “troublemaker” boyfriend/girlfriend. After your “death,” you must breakup as they no longer fit the life you want for yourself. You may choose to stay single, or find a partner who also has eco-centric values
-have one non-vampire child
XIV. Temperance
Balance, peace, inner calm, harmony, tranquility
Temperance represents balance and patience. They are a calm individual who does not let anything get to them, and one who avoids extremes in their day-to-day. They are a person who has found their own peace; they work well with their community and find great purpose in their life choices. In love, Temperance is patient and understanding; their partner may require these qualities in order to find true harmony in the relationship.
Your parent gave their all to fixing the world around them and trying to make it a better place. You’ll leave the fighting side to them, but you did inherit their love for all things green and living. You grow and provide food for your community and find a great purpose in doing so. It may be a simple life, but it’s yours and you find peace and happiness in it.
-loves the outdoors, animal enthusiast, and cheerful traits
-complete the Country Caretaker aspiration
-master gardening, handiness, and fishing skills
-live on a farm and sell the goods you’ve grown/produced at a local market for income
-Live in harmony with your land and community. Have a strong relationship with all your animals, and any wild ones that come into your land. Have a farm cat and farm dog. Have the simple living lot trait. Regularly participate in your community by running errands for people and competing in the Finchwick fair.
-marry your soulmate, who should have the hot-headed trait. They may be fiery, but you have great patience and always work things out with them in the end.
-have 3-4 children
XV. The Devil
Addiction, obsession, excess, dependency, powerlessness, temptation, vice, self-destruction
The Devil represents addiction. He is a being of indulgence, giving in to his urges for luxury and materialism. He finds himself addicted to all things pleasureful, including substances, material things, and lust fueled actions. He may feel powerless to fight these urges, and often has no control over his impulses. The Devil gives into lust and doesn’t always commit, which can harm his relationships if he does not learn to openly communicate with his partners.
Growing up your life was pretty plain. You never could find anything that really brought you happiness the way your parents found theirs. You start indulging your darker urges in an attempt to find some joy in life. These simple indulgences soon grow into a lifestyle. Eventually you start brewing you own drinks, and soon you find yourself mixed up in a bootlegging business. Turns out, you’re pretty good at it. You still aren’t passionate about anything in particular, but you find plenty of ways to make yourself happy, if only temporarily.
-materialistic, glutton, and kleptomaniac
-complete the Serial Romantic aspiration
-master the mixology, nectar making, and juice fizzing skills
-Master the criminal career, boss branch
-you have a drinking addiction and struggle to control your impulses. After you get into making drinks, your sim should drink a lot; drink at least 3 drinks per in-game day and get dazed from drinking at least once per week. Try to complete whims rather than decide for your sim what to do.
-Have multiple ongoing partners; you may get married and divorced as much as you’d like, but always have multiple partners even if you say you are monogamous
-no real limit on kids
XVI. The Tower
Chaos, upheaval, trauma, disaster, destruction, sudden change, catastrophe
The Tower represents sudden and major changes. The change the Tower brings is not always a bad thing, but it is often chaotic and scary as it happens. The Tower shakes who you are to the very core and completely breaks apart who you are. It sometimes heralds deeply traumatic events on the horizon.
You grew up and got immediately recruited into your parent’s bootlegging business, which was never really your speed. You wanted to cause mayhem, but apparently this was the best you could get. That is until one day on the job when you get caught. The people that caught you offer you a deal, work for them as a spy inside the family business and you won’t get thrown in jail. You do this grudgingly until one day, a chance to be the bringer of chaos you always wanted to be presents itself.
-erratic, non-committal, and paranoid. Take trait changes whenever they come up, but always keep the erratic trait.
-complete the Chief of Mischief aspiration, then randomly swap your aspiration very few days
-master mischief and programming skills
-Start out in the family crime business. Get recruited into the secret agent career. Master the secret agent, villain branch.
-you are the embodiment of chaos, and your life is therefore chaotic. Move homes multiple times; decide if you will be friendly or mean to everyone in your life with a daily coin flip; break into people’s homes to prank their appliances and make messes; hack into things; cause general mayhem.
-Every relationship you start must result in marriage; every marriage must end in divorce. Have at least 3 marriages.
-Have one pregnancy per marriage. Your heir must be human
XVII. The Star
Inspiration, rejuvenation, hope, positivity, healing, renewal, positivity
The Star represents renewal and hope. The Star has the courage to step away from the chaos of the Tower and is therefore able to heal from the damage it has caused. The Star holds great inner strength and is resilient and hopeful. She is very positive and calm, and she knows that everything will turn out okay. The Star has an optimism that draws people to them. When it comes to love, the Star may sometimes find that a person from her past will re-enter her life in a new, deeper way.
Your parent lived a life of mayhem and pain, and the relationship you had with your family was always toxic because of it. As soon as you are able, you completely cut off your family and start fresh. You build your own little family of friends and start healing yourself and find a passion for healing those around you too. You find ways to share your joy with those you care for and make your own happiness. That is until a face from your past comes back into your life, and completely changes your plans all over again.
-good, ambitious, and cheerful traits
-complete the Musical Genius aspiration
-master the guitar and baking skills
-master the doctor career
-completely cut off your family and any early life relationships when you become a YA. Take no money from your family and move into a cheap apartment to start out with. Join or start a club after you move out and have at least 3 strong friendships with the people in it. Regularly attend club gatherings. Play music for and share your baked goods with your friends and neighbours. Host holiday parties that you invite all your friends to.
-Have a childhood friend that you lose contact with when you cut off your family. Meet them again later in life but develop romantic feelings this time around. Get married to this sim.
-have 2-4 children
XVIII. The Moon
Illusion, intuition, secrets, complexity, the unconscious, anxiety
The Moon represents an illusion. The Moon calls you to trust your intuition to navigate the illusions that surround you. Secrets are being kept from you. Either it is your mind playing tricks on you, or the truth is being concealed from you, but the front you see is not real. You must put in the work to truly see the realities that surround you. Past experiences may cloud your judgement; try to fully understand those around you so as not to put your relationships in jeopardy.
You grew up happy and always thought the best of people, until someone that you loved deeply and trusted implicitly completely ripped out your heart and broke all faith you had in others. You became convinced that the world was out to get you; that those around you are hiding things from you that you have a right to know. All you want to do is discover the truth of what’s around you. You fell in love again, but you can’t bring yourself to have faith in them like you’d like to. They keep disappearing for “beach trips” which must be a cover for them cheating on you, right?
-paranoid, nosy, and socially awkward
-complete Strangerville Mystery or Seeker of Secrets aspiration
-master programming and photography skills
-master the detective career
-complete the space prints and seashell collections
-when young, have a partner who constantly cheats on you; find out and leave them. After this, marry a mermaid, but you are not aware of this, and they do not tell you; you are convinced they are cheating on you (all those visits to the ocean are suspicious), but you can never prove it. Find out the truth when one of your children grows a tail in front of you.
-have 2 children from your mermaid spouse. The heir must be a mermaid
XIX. The Sun
Happiness, optimism, vitality, joy, confidence, success, abundance
The Sun represents joy, success, and vitality. The Sun is strongly optimistic and happy, and this rubs off on those around them. People are drawn to the Sun, who is often able to share their success with the people around them. In all their relationships the Sun is happy and fulfilled, and this makes them a very attractive individual.
Your parent always hated it when people were keeping secrets, so you grew up always showing off your true self. As it turns out, people love you for this. You have a passion for acting, and your infectious attitude helps find fame in it quickly. The world seems to love your bright and open nature, and if letting people speak with you is all it takes to make their day, then you’ll speak to as many people as possible. Bringing the world joy is your pleasure.
-cheerful, outgoing, and self assured
-complete the Friend of the World aspiration
-master acting, singing, charisma, and comedy skills
-master the actor/actress career
-Reach 5-star celebrity status and have a pristine reputation. Be a source of light in the world; donate to charity, volunteer, host events, and always make time for fans. Earn a lot of money that you have no problem sharing. Do not hide your scales; you fully embrace your mermaid heritage and let the world know who you are.
-marry a sim with the cheerful trait
-have 3-4 kids. Your heir should be human
XX. Judgement
Awakening, renewal, self-evaluation, purpose, reflection, choice
Judgement represents the moment when we step back and evaluate our past and our actions. Judgement calls us to reflect upon the past to form an understanding of who we are and who we want to be. It is also about choices; what we do has a profound effect on our lives. Judgement tells us our choices have consequences, and what we have done will either pan out, or come back to haunt us.
Your parent always had plenty of friends and people skills that never really rubbed off on you. You found peace more in books and history than you ever did other people. You fall in love, get married and have a kid, but your spouse seems to have an issue with how you live your life and leaves you. For all your knowledge on the past, you just can’t seem to look properly at your own and see where you went wrong. Once you finally achieve your dreams, you are finally able to take a step back and see for yourself just where it is that you went wrong and decide to try to fix what you have broken.
-genius, book worm, and clumsy
-complete the Archeology Scholar aspiration
-max the archeology, writing, and parenting skills
-earn money through selling artifacts and archeology books
-you are always willing to learn. You should regularly sign up for skill classes at the university, and you should work to having a full library at home with at least one copy of every book available. Read books to raise your fun level. Collect all Omiscan artifacts and treasures.
-get married and have a child; you and your spouse must gain a negative relationship with one another due to you always being away for your job and divorce. After you have completed your aspiration and your child has become a teen, restart your relationship and get married again.
-have one child
XXI. The World
Completion, achievement, harmony, wholeness, fulfillment, celebration
The world represents completion and wholeness. The world recognizes it has travelled far; that the self is connected to all other things and plays an important role in the movements of life. The efforts you have put in have paid off and you can withstand any challenges. You have achieved all your goals, and this is worthy of celebration. You have completed the journey that the Fool once started, and the world is at your fingertips.
Your parent was a scholar, and they raised you on stories of the past and of the wide world around you. The places they took you growing up fascinated you, and you always wanted to see more. You long to explore what the world has to offer, so you set out as soon as you can on your own adventure. You take your time to experience all that life has to offer, finding fulfillment and joy in all that you do. You are the heir to a great legacy, and you are content in who you are and the choices you have made to get where you are today.
-Have the adventurous trait, and 2 other traits of your choice. Whatever feels most fulfilling to you
-Finally complete the Beach Life, City Native, and Mt. Komorebi Sightseer aspirations that the Fool started so long ago.
-Max the same 6 skills that the Fool never completed
-Choose whichever career you as a player most enjoy and find fulfillment from.
-you enjoy travelling and experiencing what the world has to offer, but you take your time in doing so. Visit each world at least once, but this time make an effort to spend time with the locals and spend at least a full day in each. Collect a souvenir from each world/an object that represents it as you visit and display it in your home.
-Your life will be fulfilling to you no matter what you decide. If you choose to stay single, get into a relationship, have kids or not, it doesn’t matter. Whatever you do in life will bring you joy.
Congratulations! You have journeyed far and have experienced the ups and downs of what the Major Arcana has to offer. Thank you so much for reading.
 I hope you enjoyed my Tarot Legacy Challenge! <3
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pixelnrd · 9 months
hello! ive binged your blog this past week and have been so invested and impressed with how professionally everything has been done. I particularly liked the snippets of your 'process' you've hinted at in other asks. I havent been around since the beginning so i wanted to ask what inspired you to undertake such a large project! or, rather, did you expect it to be as big as it became? each generation has 70+ daily posts, their portrait headshots, family portraits... i love it! were you trying to build an audience when you started out? was it a covid project that you had time to build a huge queue for? i think ill be starting my own narrative simblr here soon and i'd love to hear your thoughts or advice about your journey with it, if any.
Hello and thank you for such a lovely message, it's so nice to receive feedback on the quality of my Decades Challenge because I do put so much effort in behind the scenes thanks to my agonising perfectionism!
As a project it has grown beyond what I thought it would be, to a point that I had to reign it back in in early-2022 because I couldn't keep up. I'll put more detail under the cut ✨
The Langstons started as a covid project in 2020. I was an unemployed student with a lot of time on my hands. I'd done legacies before and was pretty good at getting close to the end so that was the 'project', to do the Decades Challenge. And while looking for inspiration like cc and builds etc I found simblr and discovered people were posting their Decades Challenges here with narrative attached. By this stage I'd already played a fair bit into my Langston family (they had 4 kids by that point) so I decided to start posting my sims as well, which pushed me to put a bit more effort in with shots, story, editing etc because I had imposter syndrome. I didn't intend for there to be much narrative or story, and I think that's pretty obvious when reviewing the 1890s Langstons, but it started to grow as I was posting because I wanted to give my sim characters justifications for their life paths I was sending them on... and it all kind of took off from there, as a Decades Challenge story.
Covid over 2020 and 2021 in my country forced us into hard lockdowns, and over those 2 years I had heaps of spare time for home-based hobbies - so I just kept pushing myself to keep going with my Decades Challenge for something to do. I got really into creating storylines and costuming and wanting to do the project 'justice' because of how much effort was going in and how many generations I needed to cover to finish it. Then I stared doing lookbooks, creating portraits and character pages, and then making cc (which was a fun side project).
I wanted to build an audience at the start because I wanted to gauge whether anyone was as interested in my sims as I was in others', and when I stared getting feedback and responses to my posts it was very validating and flattering, so that spurred me to keep up. I never dreamed it would get the audience it has now! It's nice being told that something you are making is good. IRL at the time, I was pretty miserable - I graduated my Masters without a job, I was trying to conceive and failing, I was lonely due to covid and lost some of the best years of my 20s - but simblr made me happy and was a distraction from those hard things and so I really poured effort into the thing that brought me happiness.
2022 and 2023 forced me to pull back from my Decades Challenge project due to pregnancy and becomming a parent. It felt very natural to drop it at the time, but since finding my groove with parenting and my new life I still want to finish this project because it's been nearly 4(!) years of effort and I'd hate to leave it so close to the end. So that's why I'm still here - in a reduced capacity to what I was in 2020 and 2021 at my peak - trying to get it done. I don't post lookbooks or do cc anymore, because I just don't have the time anymore. But everyone is so encouraging, I have made some nice friends here and I'm constantly in awe of and inspired by the sims, content and stories others are creating. There is so much more potential for historical gameplay in the years since I started my Decades Challenge - farming! horses! infants! - and I hope that my project has inspired others to have a go! That's the best legacy I could hope to leave...
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