#oh also 2x the bruises
olliesneweyes · 2 months
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Hello idv community I offer you a self indulgent Emil redesign
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chaoskirin2 · 1 year
You know what’s super tiring about fatphobia?
EVERYONE has it. If you’re fat or you’ve ever been fat, you realize this. And it’s not really intentional. That’s the worst thing.
Well, some people are intentionally fatphobic. There’s a lot of assholes who post on Twitter that there’s no way fat people can be healthy and they’ll keep telling fat people they’re not healthy, but those aren’t the ones I’m talking about.
I’m talking about chair manufactures, for example. Who advertise chairs as being able to accommodate up to 350 lbs. but the seat is too narrow to sit on. They’ve reinforced the FUCK out of it, but the seat is exactly the same size as all their other chairs. When I contacted the company about this, they told me that they had chairs for heavier people, and I should have picked one of those. (I had.) They wouldn’t give me a refund unless the chair was defective.
So now I have a chair that bruises my thighs and I can’t afford a new one. 
I’m talking about clothing makers, who don’t know how to make clothes for people over 175 lbs., and most of all, they don’t know how to make clothes for fat women. I found a jacket online that I wanted. I took my measurements. The site suggested I order a 2X. 
Having had experience with clothes being too small before, I went ahead and ordered a 5x. 
The jacket doesn’t close. The shoulders are tight. The sleeves almost reach my knees for some reason. 
When I go to a concert, the chairs are so small and close together that I am UNCOMFORTABLY close to other people. The best time I had at a concert was getting a seat right at the end of a row. 
These are just a few examples. 
Also, if you’ve read this far, I guarantee some of you are thinking, “wow, you should just lose weight.” and this is what my doctor has told me for 20+ years. Problem is, when I finally got so ashamed of my weight that I went to a weight loss doctor and told her “look, I’ve starved myself, I used to play sports like a fiend, and I ran until I got so fat that I sprained my knee” she sat me down and did a bunch of tests.
And it turns out, I have insulin resistance. 
That means, no matter what I did, no matter how much I punished myself, no matter how much I starved myself or exercised, I would not ever lose weight. Not without help. 
This went undiagnosed for 20 years! “Diet and exercise” were prescribed as a solution that would NEVER WORK. Because my family doctor didn’t believe I’d tried already.
And I’m sure some of you reading this far are thinking “oh, well you’re an ‘acceptable’ fat person then.” 
But the truth is, either we’re all acceptable, or none of us are. You can’t make chairs or clothes that fit for “acceptable” fat people and not for people who are fat because they overeat or don’t exercise or, hell, just like the way they look. 
I have a hard time living life because of this type of fatphobia, where the world doesn’t care whether or not I’m comfortable or taken care of. If I want to lose weight, I have to have a specific part of my stomach removed. I need to not absorb 70+% of what I eat. If I don’t do this, I don’t get to be comfortable. 
I shouldn’t have to get surgery to be able to live comfortably. And I think about this a lot, especially when people tell me that “thinphobia” is a thing, or that it’s equally as bad as fatphobia. I don’t think people actually understand that sometimes I’m not able to thrive because of how things exist, whether it be because of ignorance or outright malice. It sucks. 
And there’s always a risk to surgery, even if it’s small. I’m scared. But if I don’t do this, I’ll be unhappy for the rest of my life.
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liquid-luck-00 · 3 years
When Two Coffee Addicts Unite
Part 1
@maribatmarch-2k21 Day 8: Texting
Ao3 *** Part 2
Okay so this can either be a continuation of Internet Friends or the beginning of something new. But if you want to read this as a continuation of Internet friends then you should know:
The police department is almost as bad as Damocles when dealing with powerful figures. They take the video and audio footage and simply put it in the file. Because at the time Lila still had most or in fact all of the class under her thumb, they all supported Lila’s claim that it was an accident. Lila claims that a sudden dizzy spell struck her, and she fell forwards towards Marinette. And as Mari was already on the edge of the balcony it was an accident. The fact that the file sat in the police department until well after any claim could be valid it wasn’t looked into more. Mari, her friends, and Tim did have backups of the footage, complete records for every interaction with the police, and recorded calls and interactions when dealing with the police. But as they didn’t want to involve the embassy as this would become an international affair they didn’t bother with the case.
That said the police don’t bother with the Miracle Court to avoid work. However, with the Mayor, Medical responders, and the Fire Department all aid the heroes, the police only do the bare minimum.
Marinette’s class has begun to watch Lila, but they didn’t look into her lies because except for this incident it’s just she said she said with occasional ‘injuries’ on Lila. Most of them are wary of Lila but they aren’t converted to Marinette’s side, but there is an increased tolerance between them.
Marinette had just sat back at her seat after eating lunch, while the classroom was still empty. There was still half an hour left. Alix, Kim, Nino, Sabrina, and Max walked in as she sat down.
"Marinette you got the time?" Alix called out. They were on somewhat okay terms since Lila’s claims were a total 180 from the Marinette that they have known for forever.
"30 minutes left." she announced looking of her phone and in turn her missed messages.
       What's wrong.
       I have back to back meetings starting in 3 hrs. until 5.
       Let me guess haven't slept.
       Help me please
       How many reports can you send me?
       Quite a few
       Send me what you can.
       Review the rest.
       Take a nap!
       And I'll be a little voice during your meeting.
       Thanks, I owe you Bean.
I'II hold you to that.
       Just make sure you wake up.
       I make no promises.
       On second thought I don't want to find out how you are mad
She made it through the 15 minutes of class because Lila was akumatized. Lila had burst into the class followed by Alya, Nino, and Adrien. She claimed Mari cornered her in the bathroom and beat her a few minutes ago, showing everyone the 'bruises' on her arms. Chloe handed something to Sabrina who walked up to Lila.
"Oh, you poor thing," Sabrina consoled, Lila only whimpered. "Here this has a salve that helps bruises." She gently took Lila's wrist and wiped a 'bruise' which disappeared instantly.
"That's amazing what is it called?" Alya commented. "I should get some for Nora."
"Make-up remover." Sabrina and Chloe spoke together.
"Besides." Alix butt in. "Marinette's been here the past half hour and hasn't left."
"What?! How do you know?" Lila cried.
"Cause we've been here the whole time with her." Sabrina commented.
Marinette for her part didn't know or hear the conversation around her.
"Marinette. Marinette. Earth to Marinette," Kim shouted.
"Present!" She jolted practically standing. "Wait," she looked around, "class hasn't started."
"What are you hyper fixated on?" Adrien asked innocently.
"Just some reports, don't think you'd like them too much Kit-Kat."
"Fair," he shrugged sitting next to her. "So how were you in two places at once?"
"I can't," her head tilted to the side confusion clear on her face.
"So, if Mari hasn't left, can't be in two places at once, and your 'bruises' came off with make-up remover. How do you explain that Lila?" Adrien around, the class slowly draining their conclusions. However, Marinette spoke up. "She lied, obviously..." she stated having gone back to the reports.
"Um you said that out loud, Cake Pop, and loud at that."
"Huh?" sure enough when she looked around some were shock still, others typed furiously into their phones.
That was when Mrs. Bustier walked in, fifteen minutes late to the class. Which was also when the bandy contained restraint ended. Lila was akumatized, school let out, and the rest of her night went smoothly.
Tim woke up, and with her help survived his meetings. Some while on patrol she would constantly mute and unmute herself. Luckily, it wasn't more than twice, and they didn't run into anyone. Chat didn’t ask questions, figured it out since she was pouring over Wayne documents earlier. Tim would call her back after the private meetings and ended around 10.
At around 11 Tim text her back.
      Thanks Bug you saved me today.
      No problem Draco
      You owe me though.
      I remember.
      Go to bed it's like midnight over there!
      Yeah Yeah
      Congratulations 2x!
      Please explain.
      Timothy Drake-Wayne answer me.
      Dragon please
      Ugh fine I'll sleep.
Which is what she did when he wouldn’t answer her.
She woke up the next morning to two emails from W. E.. The first was for a collaboration between W.E. and MDC for a show featuring Wayne Tech accessories and their new climate fabrics. She immediately responded and accepted. The second was that her class was one of two to be accepted as transfer students to Gotham Academy and intern slots at WE, she forwarded that to her teacher and the school.
      You Gremlin
      Like I said congrats
      Oh, I need you to give me three names.
      What for?
Her mind was racing at the possibilities.
      You'll find out.
      What’s the other school?
      Some Prep school in the UK.
      Give me a Sec.
She opened another contact and typed.
      Hey, did you get a spot in the Wayne/GA internship?
      Tell the others we are hitting Gotham with style.
      Very well.
Mari then sent three names to him and smiled. This was going to be fun.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha
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vro0m · 2 years
vro0m’s rewatch - 10.1/288
2007 European GP
Okay so hear me out. This race was so chaotic I have to cover it in 2 parts because there’s too many GIFs for one post.
So here’s PART 1 - The race build-up and the first lap (yep. you read that right. just the first lap.)
We’re in Nürburging. Oh ! It’s the time he crashed in quali. I’ve seen videos of this crash before. It’s the awful one where you can see him moving his leg in the car frantically after he’s hit the barriers. And then he waved to the crowd from the stretcher to let them know he was okay.
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We can see Anthony talking to the journalists after quali. He says Lewis is fine and wanted to jump right back in the car. Louise asks him what he said about the accident. “We haven’t talked about it.” What was he talking about ? “Where he’s gonna start on the grid.” He smiles. He’ll start P10.
Now we see Anthony live, confirming Lewis is indeed okay (he’s been seen by doctors at the hospital of course), he’s just bruised up. To let him rest and focus, Lewis isn’t doing media duty during the build up.
Ooooof it’s really hard watching this crash at normal speed. And then the images of the marshalls making him lie down on the ground eeeesh.
On the Ferrari Sabotage Drama front, it’s episode 3. McLaren has been called to answer charges in a FIA hearing in Paris. The charge goes as follow : “between March and July 2007 [...] Vodafone McLaren Mercedes had unauthorised possession of documents and confidential information belonging to Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro, including information that could be used to design, engineer, build, check, test, develop and/or run a 2007 Ferrari Formula One car.” Said documents are the ones that Stepney allegedly gave Coughlan, as we heard last episode. McLaren says that Coughlan, now suspended, was the only one who laid hands on them (mmmmmh 🤔) but they could still be held responsible for his actions. If found guilty, they could get a reprimand, a fine, or even WDC points deduction for their drivers, aka Lewis (who as you recall is leading the WDC) and Alonso (who’s 2nd in the standings).
Of course Nürburgring being homerace to Mercedes who are partners to McLaren, Lewis and Alonso took a ride in a 1927 Mercedes Benz sportscar.
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And Michael Schumacher is back advising Ferrari. The commentators are kinda rough about him and what he’s doing now that he’s stopped racing and...
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I– ...What ?
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Wtf is this ?
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The drivers are now on the grid and some teams are expecting rain and some teams aren’t. Quentin Tarantino is here? Why. Hakkinen is here too. He’s not worried for Lewis and thinks he can end up on the podium anyway.
Raikkonen is pole but he’s had bad luck at this GP these past few years. The journalists inform us that he brought along his 80-year-old grandmother for luck. Seriously wtf is this sport anyway. Who are these people. Why is everything so weird everytime.
More info about Lewis’ crash arrive. 20G. The McLaren doctor says it actually wasn’t that bad but knocked the wind out of him which is why he took so much time to get out of the car.
Formation lap. The possibility of rain is still discussed. Oh here we go! It starts raining on certain sections of the circuit as the formation lP is under way. That’s gonna be interesting. Of course they’re all on dry tyres...
Here’s the grid :
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And they’re racing !
The two BMWs collide in the second corner! Lewis has gained many places but he’s struggling with grip and might or might not be involved in the collision. Oh he IS involved, he has a puncture! How unfortunate. He was up to P4 but now back to P9. A Redbull is in the gravel trap! It’s Coulthard who manages to get back on track. It’s definitely raining and the track is slippery. More contact! Another car runs wide. This is so chaotic. Apparently two cars also spun at the back. I cannot convey the chaos properly. I usually watch these races on 1.5x speed or even 2x when it’s the middle of the race and nothing is happening. I’m watching this one at normal speed and I have to hit pause every 3 seconds to write down what’s happening. Just to be clear we’re still not done with the FIRST LAP at this point.
And we’re getting close to the pitlane... No less than the first 4 cars are pitting. But Raikkonen at the front who already just missed a chicane runs wide right as he gets in the pitlane and FUCKING MISSES IT!
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Almost all the cars are pitting at the same time it’s absolute chaos look at that little train
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Lewis of course pits, right behind Alonso. How are they all gonna manage to go back out without colliding at the same time.
........And that was only lap 1. 😐
See you in PART 2 for the rest of this cursed race.
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Dokgo Rewind (독고 Rewind) - Whump List - 🇰🇷
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Whumpee: 강혁 (Kang Hyuk) played by 오세훈 (Oh Se Hun) 
Watch On: Viki
Genres: School, Action, Friends, Coming Of Age
Synopsis: A middle-school student took down 30 high-school students single-handedly and got the name 'Dokgo'. 2 years later, he is a dropout and hangs out with his two friends. They befriend a highschool student and vow to protect him and his sister against bullying and high-school gangs.
1.01 : fought multiple times
1.02 : fought 2x, bruise on his face, worried for someone
1.03 : fought?, angry, fought
1.04 : punched someone x2, fought (training), fought, bloody face, exhausted, laying waiting for friends while trying to stay awake, wincing, worried for his brother, essentially orphaned
Side note: Lol another EXO member in my whump lists. I love this drama. It’s pretty cool. (Also it’s only 4 episodes so it’s not long but I’m putting it under the cut for those who want to avoid spoilers.
The link to the list with the other EXO member.
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
Twice My Age
Show : Jojo's Bizarre Adventure/Jojo No Kimou Na Bouken
Pairing : Noriko (female Noriaki)/Jotaro Kujo
Warnings : Age-gap romance and sex along with swearing.
Characters : Jotaro Kujo, Noriko (female Noriaki), Jolyne Cujoh
Timeline : Pre-Stone Ocean
This story is based on this song :
This story is also based on the author's headcanon when she had finished reading Stone Ocean and was recovering her brain cells.
Third Person POV
It was a normal afternoon at Florida. Today was Friday, which meant the last day of the working week. Students at the school were frustratingly tapping the heels of their feet on the floor waiting for the school bell to ring and mark the end of the tiring session.
The teacher obviously minded his own business and lectured the pupils without averting his gaze from the blackboard. He kept ignoring the sounds of whispers and paper-tearing and snickers of the children, until for once he recognised one of the students who was continuously talking in his class, and decided to take some action.
"Ms. Cujoh" the teacher called out harshly as he teared his gaze from the blackboard and stared at the student.
The talkative student looked at the teacher and went silent. She had a piece of folded paper in her hand, her arm stretched out to the student for whom it was meant for. She retrieved her hand back and answered the teacher who was glaring lasers at her through his glasses.
"Yes Mr. Anderson??". "First, please stand up while you speak to a teacher" Mr. Anderson pushed his glasses up. The student sighed and stood up, putting away the paper she had in her pocket.
"Would you please answer the question which is on the board??". Ms. Cujoh read the question. She then rolled her eyes and read the question the teacher had written in white.
Prove that Cos2x = Cos^2x - Sin^2x
"What the??" The teenager reacted.
Mr. Anderson's gaze never left Ms. Cujoh. He was observing every move of her of how she was looking around the classroom, silently asking for help and her friends were giving her a shrug or a thumbs-down.
"Ms. Cujoh. We don't have all day"
After that, she knew that she would have to answer the question by herself.
"I-It's simple Mr. Anderson. Multiply both the sides by zero, and there you go. LHS = RHS".
The students roared with laughter at the teenager's statement. Mr. Anderson was actually expecting such kind of an answer from the rowdy teenager.
"Silence everyone" the teacher stomped his ruler on the table and the room became quiet. But it didn't last for long as the bell finally rung, meaning that it was time for dispersal.
The students quickly packed their bags by shoving their books and stationery inside and exited the classroom, scrambling on their feet. The whole classroom became empty, leaving the astute teenager and the stoic teacher alone.
The silence in the room grew kind of tense. So the girl started to pack her bag and leave the class. Until.......
"Jolyne". The teenager looked at the teacher. She really wanted to leave the vacated classroom and go home. Also she had successfully survived today's class. Now what was the problem??
"Your behaviour is getting worse day by day. And I'm afraid that you might need some extra tutelage for your discipline and your academics yet again".
The teenager rolled her eyes once again. She then placed one of her hands on her hip and looked at the teacher with disinterest.
"Give me a break Mr. Anderson. My answer was correct". "You can argue with the ones who will correct your answer sheet Ms. Cujoh. I'm definitely not the right person to go against with your illogical statement".
Jolyne held her fist tightly. She really wants to punch her teacher square in the face and make sure to get the glass shards of his glasses cut his eyes. But she decided to bottle her anger for now.
"Your discipline is very concerning. Also you are not taking your studies seriously. Even the previous teachers whom I had appointed to improve your etiquettes returned home with a broken nose and teeth" he said to himself.
Jolyne smirked to herself with pride.
"So I have decided to change my plans" he spoke.
"Ha!! So you finally understand, Mr. Anderson" she then crosses her arms and sits on the table while putting her leg on the other. "You will never be able to transform me into nerds like you want to. I'm what I want to be and I don't give a fuck to anyone who wants me to change".
"We will see about that" he then pushes his glasses. "Huh??" Jolyne raises her eyebrow at him. What was this thick-skulled teacher really planning to do to her??
"If it's another teacher, then do keep some extra bandages for the injuries, because I'll not go easy on them" she then cracks her knuckles.
"Now that's where I stop you Ms. Cujoh".
Jolyne then glared at the teacher.
"I'm not going to appoint a teacher to straighten you up. This time, it's a student of your age. Your own classmate".
Jolyne was slightly taken aback. A student?? Of her age?? And the student of her own classroom?? But she barely knew anyone who was good at both discipline and studies. The only persons she was aware of were mostly the divas, the jocks and the bullies.
"W-Who is this student you are talking about??" Jolyne asked. "You will meet her outside the school premises. She is actually one of my best students and has been topping her class for the past 3 years" Jolyne witnessed a sense of pride in Mr. Anderson's tone.
Jolyne became a bit nervous. Who was this nerd whom she hadn't even notice that she was in her school and her class?? And also, a girl??!!
"You might be wondering--'why a girl??' It's because I really want you to get along with her and learn whatever she teaches, and her being the same gender as you would be a good boost".
Jolyne then sniggered and got up from the table. "Just because she is a girl and is of my age, doesn't mean that I can't afford a bruise or two on her".
"I had already warned her about your..........tendency and she is perfectly fine with it. So do whatever you want to do to her, she will be alright with it as she was the one who chose to take the risk and tutor you".
What a daring one for a nerd......Jolyne thought.
Mr. Anderson then looked at his wrist watch. He then spoke "It's getting late. You may leave now".
"Oh thank you, Mr. Anderson" she said in a very sarcastic manner and she even bowed to add to her mockery as she left the class.
"And another thing Ms. Cujoh". Jolyne then looked behind at her teacher lethargically. Can the teacher just leave her already before she actually punches him??
"If you hadn't been the daughter of Dr. Kujo, I would have already expelled you. But I'm still giving you a chance because I'm sure that you too can be as disciplinary as your father".
"Alright first of all, Dad was a delinquent when he was my age. And second of all, he would have already punched your face and shove your stupid glasses into your mouth just to make you shut up if he was at my place" and she then goes away without saying anything else or looking back.
Mr. Anderson sighed as he stacked the sheets and registers he had to take home and correct. After he was done, he looked at the empty classroom once more, especially at the seat where the spiteful teenager sat.
"Hopefully you know what you are doing, Noriko.........."
*One minute time skip, brought to you by Binod*
"Stupid Anderson, he just doesn't know how to mind his own fucking business!!!!" Jolyne angrily stomped out of the premises. She then turned around to look at the clock which was installed on the school building.
It's 5 already. I need to return home fast. Dad is coming home earlier than his usual time so I better reach home before him..........
"Umm....Jolyne Cujoh??".
"What?!!" She turned to the voice. Jolyne relaxed her eyes a bit when she saw who was the owner of the voice.
It was a girl wearing the same uniform as her. The only difference was that she was comparatively shorter than Jolyne and was fairer than her.
She had her red hair down which was a bit longer than shoulder length and purple eyes, one red wavy bang was framing her pretty face and her lips were a glossy, cherry red.
"Do I know you??" Jolyne raised her eyebrow at the unknown girl.
"Not yet, but you will. My name is Noriko. I'm the one who is supposed to mentor you" she then goes closer to her and offers her hand to shake. "It would be a pleasure to get to know you better".
Jolyne observed the girl's hand. She had her nails perfectly trimmed but there was no polish on them. Jolyne then looked at her face and asked.
"Japanese??" She asked. "Yeah" Noriko replied. Jolyne then smirks and shakes her hand firmly.
"Then we will get along pretty well" she said. Noriko then smiles and brushes her bang behind her ear with the other hand. "I'm glad you think so" she replied.
Both of the girls let go of their hands and then they walk home beside each other.
"By the way, why did you say that we will get along well, judging by my nationality??" Noriko asked the taller girl.
"You see, I'm a Japanese myself".
"You are??" Noriko asked, a bit surprised.
"Yeah. I know. I may not look like that but yes, Japanese is one of my nationality" Jolyne replied.
Noriko then snickered and asked "Just how many nationalities do you have??". "Well, my mother is from Florida and my father is Japanese, Italian and British" Jolyne calculated.
"Wow, so many citizenships" she commented. "Haha, it's not that cool as it sounds like. Trust me" Jolyne joked. Noriko chuckled and slapped the taller girl's shoulder lightly which made Jolyne chuckle.
"So Noriko??". "Yes??". "Why did you choose to mentor me?? You do know that I have a certain.........reputation at school".
"I am aware of everything you do in school. Mr. Anderson has updated me everything on you".
"*Ugh* That fucker. What is he, a spy?? Did he only find me to spy on?? And not the ones who actually harass girls or bully lowerclassmen behind the school??"
"Actually, I should be the one at whom you should be angry at". "Huh??" Jolyne looked at her.
"Wait, don't tell me--". "Yes. I was the one who told him to note everything you do".
"*Ugh* Noriko~!! I didn't expect this from you~" Jolyne whined. "Sorry, but this was the only way to plan on how to get you into discipline just like how Mr. Anderson want it". "Fuck that teacher!!!" She then kicks a stray rock on the road which goes very far.
"You seem to be very strong". "Heh, thanks. It's not much, but I can surely lift a heavy table pretty easily". "I'll take a note of that. It might come handy to me when I need to move a table" she chuckled. Jolyne then laughs and Noriko too joins her.
After their laughter died, Noriko spoke.
"You are really fun to be with". "Thanks. I had assumed that you were going to be just like Anderson but you are one lively person" Jolyne said.
"Oh really?? Thank you. Actually, no one has said that to me before" she then brushed another strand of her hair behind her ear.
"What do you mean??" Jolyne asked. "I don't really have friends. Only a few classmates talk to me but only when they need my assistance".
"Huh?? How is that even possible?? You are such an amazing person. Also, you are very pretty. You should have at least a boyfriend with you".
"I don't have a boyfriend". "Oh......a girlfriend perhaps??". "No.....". "Oh, you love a trans??". "What?? No. I'm not interested in anyone for now". "Ahhh....I see".
"Say, do you have a boyfriend??". "My status is also as same as you. Even I'm not really interested in getting into relationships. It will just..........get in my way, that's why". "I understand. Love is.......a very new subject for me" Noriko said.
"Yeah.....me too.....Hell, I don't even know why Dad fell for Mom in the first place just to leave her after that" Jolyne stated. "Huh?? What do you mean??" Noriko looked at Jolyne.
"My parents got a divorce after I was born. And according to the laws, both of my parents have the rights on me. So I visit one of them after every alternate month. This month I'm staying with my father" Jolyne explained.
"I see. Your father is Dr. Jotaro Kujo right??". "Yes, the famous marine biologist. The one who wrote thesis on starfish and other marine creatures. How interesting" Jolyne said, adding a dramatic sarcasm to it.
"Honestly, I'm a big fan of him" Noriko added, a light blush on her cheeks. "What?? Seriously??" Jolyne gaped.
"Yes. I have read every report and thesis he has ever written. The way how he observes and analyses the creatures is just wonderful. I bet that he is going to be the one who will discover a new species of marine life which humanity has never seen before" she spoke with amazement.
"Ha!!! You are flattering him now. My Dad is nothing like how you think of him" Jolyne argued. "Oh really??" Noriko raised her eyebrow.
"Yes. I know he is smart and all but he is not Einstein-level" Jolyne answered. "I never compared him with Einstein, Jolyne. It's just that I really think of him very fondly, and I admire him a lot" Noriko said.
"Yeah yeah, but don't fall in love with him. He might break your heart" she joked. Noriko blushed pink. It's good that Jolyne didn't notice it, otherwise it would have been very awkward.
"Well, here we are. My Dad's house" Jolyne stopped and showed Noriko her house.
"Wow, it looks very big" Noriko looked all over the lavish bungalow.
"Heh, these are the perks of being a Joestar" she said. "Joestar?? What do you mean??" Noriko asked. "You first come inside and then I'll tell you" and so Jolyne and Noriko entered the luxurious house. Both of them removed their shoes and Noriko looked around the house with an agape mouth and wide eyes.
"Wow......this looks so much better from the inside. Just how rich are you people??" Noriko commented and asked Jolyne.
"Well, there was a guy named Robert Speedwagon who was friends with my great-great-grandfather. He then became rich after finding many oil ores out of nowhere. After he died, all of his luxuries went to my great-grandfather and that's how all of our expenses are taken care of" Jolyne explained.
"That's amazing. You guys are literally royals" Noriko commented. "Yeah. And also my great-great-grandfather was a noble in England, so he was rich even before the Speedwagon guy came" she added.
"I see" Noriko then sat on one of the loveseats. "Being a Joestar must be very lucky right??" Noriko asked. "If you think like that, you are gravely mistaken" Jolyne told her.
"What?? Really?? I can't believe this. But you guys have everything!!!.............I guess everything has it's pros and cons" Noriko told herself.
Jolyne was about to speak more, but then the bell of the house rang.
"That must be Dad. You stay here Noriko. I'll be right back" and then she goes to check the door. Since Noriko had nothing to do for now, she looks at her skirt and straightens it up a bit.
Jolyne on the other hand opens the door and sees her father standing outside, just as she expected.
"Hello Dad" Jolyne greeted. "Hello Jolyne, how was school??" Dr. Kujo entered the house and Jolyne stepped away to give him some space.
"Meh, it was fine. Mr. Anderson barked at me as usual" Jolyne told him. Mr. Kujo sniggered a bit.
"He doesn't seem to stop critisizing you, does he??". "Of course not. I bet he won't even shut up even after he is an old man and cannot even lift his hand to push his oversized glasses up" she mocked.
Dr. Kujo smiled a fraction as he removed his shoes and his coat. While he was putting his shoes on the rack, he noticed another pair of school shoes which were similar to that of Jolyne's.
"Jolyne, have you brought a classmate here?" Dr. Kujo asked.
"Uhh yeah. She is actually my mentor who is supposed to tutor me, starting from today. I hope you don't mind if she stays here".
"No, not at all" The professor replied. He then hung his coat up and headed to the living room, her daughter following her.
As soon as Mr. Kujo entered the room, he spotted the red-haired girl. She looked awfully familiar to him which made the professor stop on his tracks.
"Dad, what's wrong??" Jolyne spoke from behind her father.
"Noriaki........" He whispered.
"Noriaki?? No Dad, her name is Noriko"
Jolyne corrected.
Even her name is similar to his...........
Mr. Kujo continued to stare at the red head who was scribbling something in the notepad on her lap with a pencil.
That red hair, those amethyst eyes, and how she was concentrating on her work, everything Mr. Kujo had seen already a long time before. It all felt like Deja Vu to him. And he clearly remembers the person whom this girl reminds him of. He was his highschool lover after all.
"Noriko-chan" Jolyne calls her. Noriko looks up from her notepad to her friend.
"Here is my father, who is also your 'sole idol'. And Dad, this is Noriko, my friend" Jolyne introduced them to one another.
(Part 2)
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layesica · 4 years
2019: It was a year that ends tonight.
2018 was rough, right? Well, so was 2019!
I did not feel like writing this, but it’s a tradition now, so for the fifth year in a row, here’s what I did all year with some of the crappy crap that made it not the greatest. I can’t promise an unwavering sense of optimism, but it’s okay. I’m okay. Here we go!
JANUARY Went to The Not Inappropriate Show at UCB curated by the Odenkirks, then Spent New Years Eve at Dynasty Typewriter with Ian & Emily. It was fun, but... eh. Home is better, y’all. Home is always better. Did a couple performances of a show at Second City – A Fonzie Scheme. It was fun. I was in an improv class at The Pack. I think it was Improv 4. The last weekend of January, Very Famous went to Sketchfest, which was super amazing. That’s, like, a goal. And even though it had pretty much nothing to do with anything I did, it was cool. And it was fun. And I was at a party with Neil Patrick Harris and I was SUPER cool about it.
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Went to stuff: LA Times screening of Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse. It was free, and I would have never seen it otherwise. I enjoyed it. It was good.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Toasted Coconut Milk & Cookies (V)
FEBRUARY Made a return trip with Ian & Emily to San Francisco. Well, Oakland with an SF jaunt. I don’t have any cool stories, but Emily fought a seagull for her cookie and won, and that was pretty badass. On the drive back, there was a ton of snow just on the other side of the Angeles National Forest. I wasn’t excited enough to get out of the car, but snow is nice to look at. Oh, I had lunch with one of the head writers on my dream show that my old roommate met at the gym. I am terrible at networking.
Went to stuff: LA Times screening of VICE. It was free, and I would have seen it... eventually. It was... a bit... self-indulgent.
Salt & Straw Flavor: “The Chocolatier Series” = Jeni’s Coffee & Sweet Cream
MARCH Auditioned for a house improv team at The Pack. I didn’t mention working with a practice group all of February & March to prep for that. The biggest bummer about not getting on a team may have been the loss of that practice group. It was fun while it lasted.
Went to stuff: Saw comedy dads, Bob & David, at Largo. They asked for volunteers, and I almost passed just thinking about it. Ian & Emily jumped up there. Good for them!
Salt & Straw Flavor: Smoked Sea Salt & Chocolate Crack
APRIL Interviewed for a new job at one of the guilds. HEY! I owe the government $3700. That’s fun! I went ahead and added a good purse to my new 0 APR card.
Went to stuff: Dana Gould Podcast at Dynasty Typewriter. Panel with Conan Writers at Lyric Hyperion. For some reason, I saw Avengers: Endgame. I dunno. I feel like I should see it through for some reason. Deadline did their day-long FYC event, The Contenders, at Paramount, so I spent all day seeing so many people from TV and eating so much yummy food in between. Amazon FYC at Hollywood Athletic Club – went mostly for the building. Prime seat at Conan taping.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Wildflower Honey with Ricotta Walnut Lace Cookies – I wait all year for this to roll around again!
MAY We were supposed to have a call for a travel show on Buzzfeed, but they ghosted us. I went camping with a huge group at Idyllwild, which would have been fun, but it was FREEZING and I got SUPER sick on the second day. After a few days, I got better and got the guild job. Free insurance, baby! (More on that later.) Bought a Universal pass.
Went to stuff: A UCB show with people from Chicago. Free Booksmart screening with Q&A. Such a good movie! LA Times panel for Broad City. I never really watched it, but I would love to have a partnership like that! Netflix FYSee for Nanette. Guys, people are like vultures for the passed trays. Adam Sandler at Dynasty Typewriter. Attended the actual red carpet, fancy-pants premiere of Amazon’s Late Night. It was enjoyable and not at all realistic, and I could not stop staring at John Early in the theater. He glows!
Salt & Straw Flavor: Pear & Blue Cheese
JUNE Went to stuff: FYSee for Dead To Me. I had not seen it yet, but then I watched it and it’s good. JV show at UCB with Paul F Tompkins. Did a lap at the AT&T Shape event that is always free. I only go to be on the WB lot where I would like to be more often. Like, 40+ hours a week more often. That’s it. I just went to stuff.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Campfire S’mores (with Brian)
JULY SO. MANY. EARTHQUAKES. After the third one, it stopped being cute. Went for a drive to the Angeles Forest and hiked to a waterfall. Did a sketch with Very Famous at Packcon. It was a small group, so I got a part! Huzzah!
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Went to stuff: Saw Once Upon a Time in Hollywood at the Cinerama dome. (First visit!) Not a great idea because I kept trying to pick out the scenery and got a bit of motion sickness. Shirtless Brad Pitt on a roof in the ‘70s is nice.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Goat Cheese Marionberry Habanero (2x)
AUGUST Went on a random overnight to San Jose. Time to get panicky about Pack Sketch Teams! I did what I should have done last year and requested to be moved. I loved the people on my team, but I wasn’t getting a return on investment for myself. And that’s no fun. Did a show called Gibberish with Duckboi as Sharon Osborne and wore a great wig. Sketch is fun. Fell off my bike & got bruised legs.
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Went to stuff: Mike O’Brien & Friends at Lyric Hyperion. Saw some Pack shows to be a supportive. Put up a sketch at GSY.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Green Fennel & Maple
SEPTEMBER Started working tech at UCB. It’s pretty easy. I get to see new faces... and old faces, too. I have no more comedy theaters to work at. Well, unless someone is going to pay me real money. My vision has been getting blurrier, so I went to the eye doctor to get new glasses. Ended up getting referred to a specialist for a “freckle” in my eyeball, but had to wait a month to go. Submitted a character video for Pack Sketch performer auditions. Got a callback! That’s one step further than last years attempt, and I actually came up with characters and I was pretty proud of it. Came up with more characters, then faced the fear of being on a stage all by myself while trying to be funny. I felt good about it. It used to take a day to find out, but not this time...
Link to Character Audition Video
Went to stuff: Got an AMAZING ticket (location & price) to see Skintight at the Geffen with friggin’ Idina Menzel. She is a queen! It’s a cute theater I should go to more stuff at. Saw Scott Thompson as Buddy Cole at the Lyric Hyperion. So good! I think I’ve seen the evolving show every year I’ve lived here. My face hurts for several days after. Lyndsey got a fancy job and invited me to the Dreamworks Friends & Family screening of Abominable. Would not have seen it. It was cute. Thanks, Lyndsey!
Salt & Straw Flavor: Forgettable
OCTOBER Flew to Denver for my cousin’s wedding. I almost typed, “weeding.” That’s Colorado for you. It was my first time to see my family all year. The time just got away from me. I got a late flight out and spent the day walking around Denver on my own. Went to a good bookstore. Ate some Giordano’s. Left my luggage in a van. Found out I got cut from Very Famous – also, Very Famous got cut from sketch night – and I didn’t make a new team. Started watching new season of Mr. Robot and felt so lost, so started it from the beginning. The new Almodóvar came out, so I bought one of those expensive Arclight tickets. It was very, very good. Maybe my favorite Almodóvar film. Worth it! Saw the specialist about my eye. They dilated it, took a bunch of pictures, did a closed-eye ultrasound (Yeah, they use jelly for that!), and refereed me to another specialist. Hunter picked me up, and I ate at Canter’s for the first time. The specialist’s office made the appointment for me at an oncologist. Guys, I just wanted new glasses and now can’t stop Googling some pretty scary stuff! Lyndsey took me to USC & hung out with me for a while. They dilated my eye, took a bunch of pictures of it with a bunch of different machines, performed an OPEN EYE ultrasound, saw two trainees and then the doctor. She said she is not diagnosing me with melanoma. BUT it has the orange color and a sliver of the fluid that are “concerning.” The pictures of the tumor weren’t as large at the ophthalmologist’s pictures made it look. So... bright side, I guess. I go back in January to check for changes. Margot scooped me up and brought me home. Baby’s first root canal! 
For our very last Very Famous show, everyone got to put up a sketch they wrote. My favorite had too much production, so I did a black out. It turned out great, and I felt loved. It was a very nice way to go out.
Went to stuff: Two weeks after the Arclight screening, the LA Times invited me to see Pain & Glory with a Q&A, so I finally got to be in a room with my favorite director. I may have cried... slightly more than I did just seeing the film.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Black Cat Licorice & Lavender (2 cones, 1 pint)
NOVEMBER It was time for Penelope’s annual visit to the vet, so I rented a car for the weekend and took her. She had lost quite a bit of weight. I sprung for all the tests, and she has kidney disease. Her numbers aren’t terrible, but there’s not really treatment for it. We switched to a new kind of prescription food. All I can do is be good to her and try to keep her hydrated & happy. So... yeah... September – November have been... uh... not so great. On the bright side, I got invited to be in the Night Cap with Stacy Rumaker show as a character! I love this show so much - and when you read a thing in December, this show is the exception to that. I was so nervous, but I pulled it together and think it went very well. It felt good! Also, I am so emotionally invested in Mr. Robot! Mom & Dad came to visit for Thanksgiving and that was a nice relief. It rained most of the time, but we got out at about a bit.
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Went to stuff: Vulture Fest screening of MacGruber with Will Forte & John Solomon.
Salt & Straw Flavor: Spiced Goat Cheese & Pumpkin Pie (with Mom & Dad)
DECEMBER Fell off my bike, bruised my legs, and scraped a chunk of skin off my hand. Finally: I left my mark on this town! I was not in the mood to plan a birthday thing, but rented a car to take Penelope for her health certificate she might need to fly home with me, then went on a showtune-belting drive on my birthday. Not the best drive ever, but it was nice to just drive aimlessly. Margot went with me to dinner at an Italian place in Los Feliz. In other news, Penelope gained some weight. Then I flew home for Christmas. I’ve just been sitting around with Mom & Dad, and it has been great. I had lunch with Justin & traditional margaritas & Tex-Mex with Lindsey. I finally did an entire month of morning pages after 4 years, so I may be done with that. Oh, and I (temporarily) quit comedy.
Went to stuff: Saw CATS (can’t hate on a bad movie with bad source material) & Little Women (I cried so much!)
Salt & Straw Flavor: Apple Brandy & Pecan Pie (with Brian), but I’m in Texas now, so I’m ending the year with some Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla. Do better, Tyler!
So, that’s it. I was not looking forward to this, but it did make me feel a little better since the crap at the end has just felt like it has beaten me down. I’m not a quitter, but a breaker is maybe a good idea for a bit. I don’t have any resolutions for 2020.
If you’re still here, THANK YOU for reading my yearly download. I hope that you are doing well.
You’re great!
I love you!
Have a great 2020!
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onelovewonderwoman · 7 years
On the Down Low
First one shot! I’m really nervous! If anyone has any constructive criticism, please give it to me, I really wanna do my best. I tried really hard and I feel like everyone is OOC, but I’m working on that. It was hard to write but I hope I did well and that the person who requested this really likes it! Here we go!
tag : @harrisonholland
request : can you write an imagine where peter and the reader are best friends, and both are secret superheroes?
Y/N = Your Name
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
Y/S/N = Your Superhero Name
Words : 1560
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Y/N Y/L/N was an ordinary teenage girl, although very much a huge nerd. She’s best friends with Peter Parker and Ned Leeds, some of the biggest geeks she knows and loves them for it. Her life was just school, homework, sleep, and the occasional Star Wars movie here and there.
Oh, and she also squeezes in a bit of saving the world into her schedule.
Y/N is known as one of the ‘vigilantes’ seen around Queens, New York, with the ability to turn invisible, alongside the infamous Spider-Man; Y/S/N.
No one knew, and no one would ever know. Especially not her two best friends. It’s dangerous as hell, and they would not be able to handle it, especially not Peter.
“Hey nerds, close your mouths, you’ll catch flies,” Y/N said while she sat down at the lunch table across from Peter and Ned, “What did Liz get a new top?” Y/N joked.
“No, she’s just never worn it with that skirt.” Ned sighed dreamily.
“Yeah.” Peter smiled lazily.
“That was a joke, Ned, and the fact that you know and have the capability to tell by this point really concerns me.” Y/N shook her head both.
“You guys are losers.” We heard from the other side of the table. Our heads turned to see Michelle Jones with a book in her hand and an unimpressed look on her face.
“Then why do you sit with us?” Ned squinted his eyes.
“‘Cause I have no friends.” Then went back to reading her book.
“Nice talking to you too, MJ.” Y/N laughed bitterly, “Anyway, don’t forget about the decathlon meeting after school today. Nationals is coming up.”
Y/N got a, “Yeah,” and “Got it,” before both boys went back to gawking Liz Allan, before ultimately ending up choking on flies. You told them about the flies, but they didn’t listen now did they.
“A particle is moving along a parabola y2= 2x + 3 in such a way that its x-coordinate is increasing at the constant rate of 3 units per second. At what rate, in units per second, is its y-coordinate changing as it passes through the point (3, -3)?” Liz read a sample question.
“-1.” Michelle answered quickly.
“That’s right,” Liz smiled, “When plutonium -239 decays to-”
“I gotta go.” Both Peter and Y/N said while looking down at their phones. Both heads shot up and looked at each other, “Why do you have to go?” They said in unison once again.
“That’s a bit creepy, don’t you think?” Cindy said from across the table.
“Yeah, it’s like their programmed to say the same thing like robots.” Abe chimed in.
“Or twins,” Ned jumped in, “It happens a lot, it’s freaky.”
“Hah, yeah funny, but I’m going to go now. So, I’ll see you guys for the last practice tomorrow.” Y/N jumped up from her chair and started fast walking towards the door of the classroom.
“Yeah, I’m gonna go too.” Peter said wide eyed and proceeded to do the same.
“What, no! You guys can’t leave, we need to be prepared!” Liz’s exclaimed, but they only fell on deaf ears, “Ugh. What could they possibly be doing that’s so important?”
“They’re probably getting freaky on the down low. Nasty nerds.” Michelle shook her head.
Y/N Y/L/N was now her alter-ego; Y/S/N, jumping from building to building to get to the ATM robbery that was taking place in Queens.
Perched on top of a building, Y/N watched as the robbers stuffed money from the ATM’s into large black bags, planning on how to stop them.
Y/S/N found her way down and used her powers to go unseen. She made her way into the bank and stood behind the only robber who had a gun.
Leaning against the only ATM machine that hadn’t been broken into, at least not yet, she cleared her throat loudly.
“What was that?” The armed robber turned to Y/N’s direction, but wasn’t able to see her.
While the four guys’ attention was turned to her, Y/N saw the one and only, Spider-Man enter the bank.
“Oh hell no.” Y/N growled. It’s not like they were enemies or anything, there was just some sort of competition with the two being new heroes and having different styles and ways of saving the day.
“Hey guys,” Spider-Man said, as the armed robber aimed at him, and shot soon after, although it was easily dodged, “Woah, here, let me hold that for you, buddy.”
Spider-Man shot a web and pulled the gun from the robber’s grasp, only for one of the other men to take a swing at him, which he caught and was able to send him flying across the room.
Y/N became visible and began to help Spider-Man despite her discontent, but, however, didn’t fail to voice it.
“I was here first Spider-Boy!” She yelled over the punches and kicks being thrown, “I had this handled.”
Y/N blocked a kick from a particularly large man and socked him in the face, sending him to the ground painfully.
“Didn’t look like you were doing anything when I got here.” Spider-Man grunted, blocking a punch.
Webbing another guy in the face, he swung himself into the man’s body to have him slam against the bank’s wall.
“I was gonna get to it, did you not hear me clear my throats for suspense?” Y/S/N swooped down to knock the third man down with her leg and found him unconscious.
As the fourth and final robber tried to escape, Y/S/N grabbed onto Spider-Man’s hand to have him swing her around and tackle the man, but not without an accidental kick sent to his face, courtesy of yours truly.
“God damn it! Can’t you watch where you’re going?” Spider-Man clutched his eye, “Do you have toes made of titanium or something?”
“Oh, don’t be such a wussy, Spider-Boy,” Y/N sneered and walked to him, “Don’t you take on tons of bad guys a week?”
“Spider-Man. It’s Spider-Man. Not Spider-Boy or Spiderling, I’m Spider-Man.” He exclaimed desperately, eyes on his suit widening.
“Mhm,” Y/S/N hummed and adjusted her mask, “Well, I’ll see you around, preferably not when I’m fighting crime, on my own, where I’ve got everything handle-”
“I get it, don’t get in your way. Only as long you don’t get in mine.”
“Mhm,” Y/S/N shook her head and started mumbling, “Thank God I’m not friends with someone like you in my everyday life.”
He could be Flash Thompson for all she knew.
Spider-Man heard her mumbling and couldn’t help but agree with her for once.
“So, what was going on yesterday? Why’d you leave so suddenly?” Michelle questioned Y/N at her locker.
Y/N sighed and shoved her backpack into the locker, grabbing the books she needed for the next couple of classes, “Nothing, MJ. Family stuff, but don’t worry; I’ll be there for Nationals.”
“Uh huh, like I believe that,” Michelle took a step closer to Y/N once she’d closed her locker, “What are you hiding, Y/N?”
Y/N sighed for the second time, “I’m telling you, it was just family stuff. I promise you, now can we go to class?”
“Mhm.” Michelle turned on heel and started to walk ahead of Y/N.
“Great, I made the most annoyed and unimpressed girl in school even more annoyed and unimpressed.” Y/N mumbled to herself, jogging forward to catch up with her.
Their silent walk was interrupted when Y/N made an abrupt stop when she saw Peter at his locker with Ned. He had a huge bruise on his eye, right where Y/S/N had kicked Spider-Man yesterday.
‘There’s no way little Peter Parker is that annoying ass Spider-Boy. Not my best friend.’ Y/N thought, ‘He did leave at the same time as me though, and has been acting so weird lately. The Stark Internship may not even be a real thing at all!’
Oh, Y/N Y/L/N had been wrong about Peter Parker not being able to handle the danger and shock, but she won’t be wrong when she says that he won’t be able to handle her foot up his ass.
‘He didn’t even tell me! Well, I never told him… but still!’ Y/N shook her head of the thoughts and settled to talk to her best friend about it tonight.
“So, you and Peter,” Michelle started, “Something’s happening, huh?”
Y/N head shot over in her direction, eyes wide. There was no possible way Michelle would know about Spider-Man and Y/S/N.
“You nasty nerds have been getting freaky on the down low, right?” Michelle shrugged, “Not judging, there always has been sexual tension anyway.”
Y/N out a breath she didn’t know she was holding before she rolled her eyes, “We aren’t ‘getting freaky’ on the down low. Peter is my best friend, practically my brother.”
“That’s what they all say,” Michelle shook her head, “Until they start the nasty.”
“We did not ‘start the nasty’!” Y/N exclaimed and started walking away from her friend, only to hear her shout the words for everyone in the hall to hear,
“Is it kinky?!”
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kyloren-sithlord · 7 years
RULES !!  Post a song that reminds you of your muse and then tag 6 people whose songs you want to see!
tagged by: @stxrkillcr
I Found - Amber Run
I love the deep dark feeling that comes with this song. I’ve actually written a fic based on it before. It sort of seems to show his problems, his inevitable fall to the dark side, or his fall from power. I see it as sort of a relationship between Kylo and the force, because the Force is a dangerous and terrifying beast, no matter how much the Jedi like to say it can be controlled. And those that delve too deeply into it tend to lose their minds. I also have applied it to Kylo’s relationships, mainly the toxicity that is kylux. 
And I'll use you as a warning sign That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind And I'll use you as a focal point So I don't lose sight of what I want And I've moved further than I thought I could But I missed you more than I thought I would And I'll use you as a warning sign That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be Right in front of me Talk some sense to me [2x] And I'll use you as a makeshift gauge Of how much to give and how much to take Oh I'll use you as a warning sign That if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind Oh and I found love where it wasn't supposed to be Right in front of me Talk some sense to me And I found love where it wasn't supposed to be Right in front of me Talk some sense to me [3x]
[ COLORS ]  red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. grey green.
[ ELEMENTS ]   fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops.
[ BODY ] claws. long fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tails. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars (mental; physical). scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. webs. eyes.hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tall. normal height. muscular. piercing.tattoos.
[ WEAPONS ]   fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. whips. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pistol. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. words. bat.
[ MATERIALS ]   gold. silver. platinum. brass. copper. lead. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick.marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics.
[ NATURE ]    grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. river. meadow. lake. forest. desert. tundra .savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains.
[ ANIMALS ]   lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. mice. lizards. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]  sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. bread. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. condensed milk. desserts. chocolate. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. rice. ambrosia. soup. stew. whiskey.
[ HOBBIES ]    music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching.fighting. writing. composing. meditation. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games.computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. cds. records. cassettes.piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. percussion. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. mahjong. motorcycle riding. eating. climbing. running.
[ STYLE ]   lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet.rings. pendant. hat. ballcap. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. robes. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. hood. gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup.
[ MISC ]    balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. grief. happiness. optimism.realism. pessimism. legacy. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies.loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs.
you can tell a lot about a person by the music they listen to. put your mp3 player, itunes,spotify, etc. on shuffle & list the first 10 songs & then tag 10 people, no skipping !
1. Simple Machine ~ Guster 2. Vagabond ~ MisterWives 3. Gives You Hell ~ The All-American Rejects 4. A Cup of Coffee ~ Julian Moon 5. Wings ~ Birdy 6. A Little Party Never Killed Nobody ~ Fergie 7. That’s All ~ Genesis 8. My Girl ~ The Temptations 9. Devil’s Dance Floor ~ Flogging Molly 10. Gun ~ Mas Ysa
RULES:    bold  the  characteristics  that  apply  to  your  muse !   Tag  your  friends !
adaptable |  adventurous  |  affectionate |  ambitious  |  artistic  |  athletic  |  assertive  |  beautiful  | brave |  charming  |  clever  | compassionate |  confident  | considerate |  cooperative  |  courteous  |  creative  | curious  |  decisive  | dependable  | determined  |  diplomatic |  easy - going  | enthusiastic |  fair  |  fashionable  | forgiving  |  friendly  |  fun - loving  |  funny |  generous  |  gentle  | hard - working |  heroic |  honest  |  hopeful  |  humble  |  imaginative  |  incorruptible | intelligent  |  intuitive  |  inventive  |  jocular  |  leader  | lively  |  loving  |  loyal |  merciful  |  musical  |  observant  |  open - minded |  optimistic  |  organized  | outgoing  | passionate |  patient  |  playful  |  polite  | popular  | practical  |  resourceful  |  self - assured | selfless  |  sensible  |  sincere  |  strong  |  studious  |  thoughtful  |  tough  | versatile |  warm - hearted  | well - intentioned |  wise  |  witty
CHARACTER FLAWS. RULES:    bold  the  characteristics  that  apply  to  your  muse !  Tag  your  friends !
absent-minded  |  abusive  |  addict  |  aggressive  |  aimless  |  alcoholic  |  anxious  |  arrogant | audacious  |  bad liar |  bigmouth  |  bigot  | blindly obedient  |  blunt  | callous  |  childish  | chronic heroism |  clingy |  clumsy  |  cocky  |  competitive  |  corrupt  |  cowardly  | cruel | cynical  |  delinquent  |  delusional  |  dependent  |  depressed  |  deranged  |  disloyal  |  ditzy  | egotistical | envious  |  erratic  |  fickle  | finicky |  flaky  |  frail  | fraudulent  |  guilt complex | gloomy  |  gluttonous  |  gossiper  |  gruff  |  gullible  |  hedonistic  |  humorless  |  hypochondriac | hypocritical |  idealist  |  idiotic  |  ignorant  |  immature  | impatient |  incompetent  |indecisive | insecure | insensitive  |  lazy  |  lewd  |  liar  |  lustful  |  manipulative  |  masochistic | meddlesome  |  melodramatic  |  money-loving |  moody |  naive  |  nervous |  nosy  |  ornery  | overprotective  |  overly sensitive  | paranoid  | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty |  power-hungry  |  proud |  pushover  | reckless  |  reclusive  | remorseless  | rigorous  | sadistic  |  sarcastic  |  senile  |selfish | self-martyr |  shallow  |  sociopathic |  sore loser  | spineless  |  spiteful  |  spoiled  | stubborn |  tactless  |  temperamental |  timid  |  tone-deaf  | traitorous  |  unathletic  |  ungracious  |  unlucky  |  unsophisticated  |  untrustworthy  | vain | withdrawn | workaholic
Repost! Don’t Reblog! Last Movie I Watched: – Top Secret! Last Song I Listened To:Blood in the cut ~ K.Flay Last book I read: – Eragon ~ Christopher Palolini Last Thing I Ate: Chicken Salad croissant. If You Could Be Anywhere Right Now: In the mountains of New Zealand on a sheep farm Fictional Character You Would Hang Out With For A Day:  Aslan from the Chronicals of Narnia. I feel like he would fix all of my problems.
Pick any of them and tag me! I love reading about your muses. tagging: @huxyou, @imncone, @derbefehl, @serratedlight, @starslayer, @firstorderelite, @gxneraliisms, @askarmitagehux, @rogueofren, anyone else who wants to do it!
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gulescamisade · 7 years
New York:  Day 18
[That certainly was a trip. When everyone comes to-- and there is QUITE A LOT to wake up from-- they'll find themselves inside of a van recently built from parts from the auto body shop. It's a bit of a tight squeeze, but there's enough room for everyone to sleep off their no doubt considerable hangovers. Rowdy kids that they are.]
KANKRI: -Ever since he woke up he has wedged himself in the farthest most corner of this van, trying to put as much distance between himself and literally everyone else which... isnt much space at all. He feels terrible and angry and like his head is going to explode but at least he knows what to expect this time around, and the headache makes it hard to think about everything that happened.-
RUFIOH: -rises with the worst hangover-- well. Let's be real, Rufioh has experienced some really bad hangovers in his day. This wasn't actually as bad. It doesn't stop him from gurgling awake, however. His hair a mess and a killer migraine being hammered into his thinkpan. Fuck.-
RUFIOH: -he stirs slightly, proof that he was alive.- (rrrrrhgh.)
KANKRI: -Oh hes alive? Peachy.-
KANKRI: -His eyes narrow on the stirring Rufioh but he quickly looks away again. This is all so stupid.-
RUFIOH: -r i s e s from under his heavy blanket, head hanging low into his hands. He definitely still missing his shirt.- (sh1t...)
RUFIOH: ....
RUFIOH: -That certainly is a water bottle next to him. He cracks it open, eyes drooped in the heaviest way.-
KANKRI: -Mm water would be a good idea but he doesnt want to move a muscle, the traveling van is doing all the occasional small jolts and bumps he can handle. His stomach is churning from a result of the sugar overload and hes pretty sure he still has pixi dust stuck in his disheveled hair. All the cowlicks are going on.-
RUFIOH: -same. He just has no reason to be this sticky and matted with sugar. Chugs more than half the water bottle before thinking to realize what he's seeing... Kankri's on the other side of the small space of the van.-
RUFIOH: -Shit 2x.-
KANKRI: -Do not look at him. He's glaring right at you Rufioh. To be fair he'd glare at anyone right now, but especially at you.-
RUFIOH: -You know what? No. Rufioh's done plenty of bad shit before. Sugar drugs aren't the exception. He sits here deciding he feels... only slightly bad about shit he got up to last night. Chugs his water, mumbling under his breath.-
JOHN: - he's on the floor, face down snoring loudly. he has all his clothes, sure but SOMEHOW in the space of several hours he acquired an ornate hammer almost as big as himself. actually, he's spooning it. it's colorful and emits a weird kind of energy. in fact you can't really even look at it without strange gregorian music playing in your head. zi-hi-hi-illy hoooooo~-
RUFIOH: -O shit...-
KANKRI: -John please...-
KANKRI: -Briefly clears his throat before trying to speak, his voice raw from all the excited shouting he did yesterday.-
KANKRI: (D9.... y9u mind. Even the muttering y9u are d9ing is grating 9n every fried nerve I have.)
RUFIOH: -was in the middle of having a discreet peep down at the... abrasions on his chest before squinting at Kankri.- ... (whut.)
KANKRI: -Sighs and shuts his eyes to rub at his temples.- (St9p mum6ling. In fact if we c9uld all just 6reathe as quietly as p9ssi6le that w9uld actually 6e amazing.)
JOHN: - zi-hi-hi-illy hooOOOOOOOO but only as long as you look that way-
ROSE: -She is almost convinced that hammer is radioactive. She reaches over and pokes it with the toe of her shoe. Where did that come from???-
KANKRI: -Who knows Rose... who knows.-
RUFIOH: (kay.) -Sounds like a plan. Also yep. Definitely not bruises. Tugs the blanket further up his chest like mmmmmmmm.-
JOHN: - it offers no explanation just mystical bullshit and zany chanting in her head-
JOHN: - hours later, he's finally starting to wake up-....
JOHN: uuuuuughhhhhhhh......
ROSE: Rise and shine.
ROSE: it is about five in the afternoon and you haven't eaten or drank anything.
ROSE: -She places a bottle of water by him.-
JOHN: - as someone who doesn't usually get hang overs, his ass feels wholly and utterly kicked, his eyes can't even open all the way. he shakily reaches for the bottle and starts slorping it- hhhhhhh.....
JOHN: wherwe?... whym i so sticky... ulp.....
ROSE: Drink slowly. Careful.
ROSE: I think that's melted lollipop.
ROSE: And I gather that you don't feel great.
ROSE: We are in a vehicle. We're getting ready to make a run for the border.
JOHN: - calculating.... calculating. after nursing the water bottle as much as he can stand, he finally gets a look at rose. and then it dawns on him. that's probably the big downside of cherub candy vs. other forms of inebriation....you don't get to forget what you did. oh no.... -
ROSE: Hey.
ROSE: It's okay, John.
ROSE: -She pets his head... frowning a little. That is a miserable look, alright...-
JOHN: - wheezes..... the hangover is bad but the guilt is worse. he flinches a little. - i dunno, i really don't think it is....
ROSE: I suppose it might also not be okay.
ROSE: It is also, simultaneously, true that nothing is okay.
ROSE: I'm okay with that.
JOHN: - fidgets and looks down- i'm just... really sorry, rose.
ROSE: You are forgiven.
ROSE: For whatever that is worth. I don't blame you.
ROSE: Neither for what you said nor what you did under the influence of alien candy.
ROSE: -She frowns, and lets out a sigh.- You weren't wrong, you know.
ROSE: It's... painful to stay in some fugue state like that. Waiting.
ROSE: And she does deserve a proper funeral.
JOHN: i.... just.... shouldn't have....we have more important stuff to worry about. - mumbles he has a lot of emotions suddenly but he's too humiliated to even consider facing them. having his inner turmoils on display and screamed about isn't the way he prefers to take his character development . he rubs at his eyes and lays back down. - ... i really am sorry. - :(-
JOHN:... meulin too. i'm really sorry.
ROSE: You still have a headache, don't you?
ROSE: Just... Try and sleep it off.
ROSE: We still have a long ride ahead of us and you need it.
JOHN: okay. i'll do that. - just closes his eyes. whether he's asleep or not laying like this it's easier to deal with everything. -
JOHN: - the hammer is digging into his side now, so he puts it back in his sylladex without really even thinking about it. it's his now. -
ROSE: Question.
ROSE: Where did you even get that thing?
JOHN: um... i think i alchemized it.
JOHN: although i'm not sure where i did that or how exactly? it's kind of the one thing i don't remember that well...
ROSE: It certainly seems to have some kind of... significance.
ROSE: In a stupid sort of way.
JOHN: yeah. i think you're right on the money with that description.
JOHN: - sings softly under his breathe in a hoarse voice- zi-hi-hi-illy hoo~
JOHN: - crosses his arms over his chest and lays in a not quite fetal position. let him rest-
[ It's been QUITE A ROAD TRIP. They stopped at a few rest stops along the way for snacks, and had to REALLY cruise past some alternian patrols. Fortunately they weren't super well-armed aircrafts, this time, but rather some scuttlebuggies painted red. With their armaments they actually managed to get past them pretty handily.] 
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kiaraflantroy · 7 years
Lyrics Now, who's hot who not Tell me who rock who sell out in the stores You tell me who flopped who copped the blue drop Who jewels got robbed who's mostly Goldie down To the tube sock, the same ol pimp Mase, you know ain't nothing change but my limp Can't stop till I see my name on a blimp Guarantee a million sales pulling all the love You don't believe in Harlem World nigga double up We don't play around it's a bet lay it down Nigga didn't know me ninety-one bet they know me now I'm the young Harlem nigga with the Goldie sound Can't no PHD niggas hold me down, Cooter Schooled me to the game, now I know my duty Stay humble stay low blow like Hootie True pimp niggas spend no dough on the booty And then ya yell there go Mase there go your cutie
I don't know what, they want from me It's like the more money we come across The more problems we see [2X]
Yeah yeah, ahaha, I'm the C-to-the-A-to-the-D-D-Y Know you'd rather see me die than to see me fly I call all the shots Rip all the spots, rock all the rocks Cop all the drops, I know you thinking now's When all the balling stops, nigga never Home gotta call me on the yacht Ten years from now we'll still be on top Yo, I thought I told you that we won't stop Now what you gonna do when it's cool Bag a money much longer than yours And a team much stronger than yours, violate me This'll be your day, we don't play Mess around be D.O.A., be on your way Cause it ain't enough time here, ain't enough lime here For you to shine here, deal with many women But treat dimes fair, and I'm Bigger than the city lights down in Times Square Yeah, yeah yeah
I don't know what, they want from me It's like the more money we come across The more problems we see [2X]
Uhh, uhhh B.I.G., P-O, P-P-A No info, for the, DEA Federal agents mad cause I'm flagrant Tap my cell, and the phone in the basement My team supreme, stay clean Triple beam lyrical dream, I be that Cat you see at all events bent Gats in holsters girls on shoulders Playboy, I told ya, being mice to me Bruise too much, I lose, too much Step on stage the girls boo too much I guess it's cause you run with lame dudes too much Me lose my touch, never that If I did, ain't no problem to get the gat Where the true players at? Throw your rollies in the sky Wave em side to side and keep their hands high While I give your girl the eye, player please Lyrically, niggas see, B.I.G. Be flossing jig on the cover of Fortune Five double oh, here's my phone number Your name, I got to know, I got to go Got the flow down phizat, platinum plus Like thizat, dangerous On trizack, leave your ass kizzack
I don't know what, they want from me It's like the more money we come across The more problems we see [3X]
What's going on? What's going on? I don't know what, they want from me It's like the more money we come across The more problems we see [3X]
Biggie looks at the evil side that can come with making money. Mo Money Mo Problems.
“Now, who’s hot who not” Now that Biggie has been on the scene and has a few hit records he’s asking an albeit rhetorical question. Obviously, the answer is Biggie. “Who jewels got robbed who’s mostly Goldie down” This line was a shot at a rival rapper that had recently had his jewelry stolen. “True pimp n*ggas spend no dough on the booty” This was one of the mottos that Biggie and his crew lived by. You were never to pay for the company of a woman. Not when you had the type of popularity and means that their crew did.
“I don’t know what, they want from me/It’s like the more money we come across/The more problems we see” This is the chorus of the song and it has also become a life motto for some. Often among members of the black community, and even those that just enjoy hating on blacks, when we reach a higher economic status in life those powers that be in life begin to conspire against us. That is the message of this chorus.
“Know you’d rather see me die than to see me fly” This is a sad realization that many people would rather see a black man dead than to see him out doing well for himself in the world. At age 19 Mase had already realized and internalized this. “Ten years from now we’ll still be on top” Many of the members of the record label were still on top, but their most profitable artist, Biggie, was unfortunately murdered.
“Federal agents mad cause I’m flagrant/Tap my cell, and the phone in the basement” Biggie is still into unsavory dealings and knows that his phones are still being tapped by the federal agencies. However, … “My team supreme, stay clean” He also lets them know not only is he aware of what is taking place under his roof, but that he has the best of the best handling all his business dealings.
“Where the true players at?/Throw your rollies in the sky” Rolex’s start at $15,000. You must have some serious cash to be walking around with a real Rolex on. “Be flossing jig on the cover of Fortune Five double oh” The Fortune magazine is a multinational business magazine, most notably known for its Fortune 500 list.
The moral of this track is that at the end of the day all Biggie wanted to do was make money, party, enjoy women, and live his life. However, jealousy is a terrible thing and when people see you coming up in the world they want what you have.
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