#oh also one of the characters in the american thing dad put on is trans and my stepmum was immediately like oh dyou think she's a man?
deeisace · 2 years
Fucking christ
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gutsfics · 2 years
thomas hunt mpreg moments REAL not clickbait and Honeymoon please !! +any other(s) you’re super excited about
oh if i talk about all the ones i'm super excited about we'll be here all day lol thats like. basically all of them lmao
Honeymoon is kind of just thoughts right now, I did start writing it but I'm not super pleased with how the first draft went so I'm gonna start another draft hopefully soon. but.
As the name implies, it'll be about Thomas and Avalon's honeymoon. Avalon plans it, and the whole thing is a surprise to Thomas. The first two days are a hike up to a special campsite Avalon found. I have this headcanon that while Thomas doesn't mind the outdoors, he's not very interested in hiking/camping, so he's definitely just Putting Up With It for his mountain(of a)man husband who loves camping. The "special campsite" Avalon found is a beautiful lakeside cabin, similar to one Thomas used to own (I headcanon that he's Canadian and he used to have a little cabin on the Okanagan Lake back when there weren't that many cabins on the lake. RCD Hunt has sold it, but HWU Hunt still has it)
thomas hunt mpreg moments REAL not clickbait is actually the fic you requested! I think the real title of it was/is going to be something like Regardless Of How. It's specifically for prompt 2, and I will be doing a separate fic for prompts 1 and 9, bc it's already longer than I intended and I feel like prompts 1 and 9 fit hand and hand. also for a specific plot reason.
It's about Thomas and Avalon realizing that actually, no, HRT does not work as a contraceptive for trans men despite what the doctor that prescribed his HRT to him said (he started his transition after graduating high school, in the 90s, so medical misinformation regarding trans men was kind of to be expected)
I've gotta admit, writing this one has made me realize that while I do really like Thomas and Avalon as dads, I don't think it really fits for my RCD story. Partially because of specific things happening which would make them both feel like yeah, maybe we shouldn't be parents, but also because that standard, heteronormative American Dream 2.5 Kids just in general doesn't feel right for them. So them having kids will be a noncanon (to my writing) AU. I'm wayyy too attached to Teddy and Chanterelle to just... not write them at all
as for the other ones I'm excited about, I'm gonna try to keep this short and sweet:
It Won’t Get Better (But It Won’t Get Worse) is my RCD But Avalon Is A Character In It rewrite fic. Avalon and Thomas are exes who come back into each other's lives to work on The Last Duchess. It's worth noting that 1) Avalon does not take the place of the RCD MC, she is still her own person, and 2) the topics that RCD 2 tried to cover (and similar topics-i.e. fatphobia in Hollywood) will be plot-relevant. I think trying to rewrite RCD while glossing over those topics the same way that PB did would just be... wrong. However, my intentions with this fic will be to focus on the recovery and the things that Montmarte does will happen off screen. They will be talked about between characters, but they won't be described in depth. I will tag and warn accordingly for every chapter. Despite what the title and what I've said here may imply, it won't be grimdark with no happy ending. Things will get better.
aaaaaaaand Blister In The Sun is a rewrite of Austin's route, except my mc, Harvy, falls in love with Bennie the second the meet each other. It's shitty people being absolutely terrible at being in love with each other, plus also correcting Ludia's decision to try and make Bennie be both some genius criminal mastermind and the dumbest man alive at the same time (spoiler alert: It was the cops behind it all!)
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justinhubbell · 4 years
In a previous post you said "dont get me started on godzilla" as well as something about orcs.
Consider this me getting you started on Godzilla!
Also, orcs? Why orcs?
Oh no. What have you done?
Let’s skip past my (embarrassing) encyclopedic knowledge and focus on how it all began. “Dinsoaurs!” with Fred Savage. Specifically 8 minutes 33 seconds in.
Picture if you will a young Trans Nonbinary of six years, gazing at a television and witnessing a prehistoric monster mentioned by name and name only.
This was my introduction.
This half-second reference to one of the most famous pop-culture icons of all time. Honesty at that time? I thought the black-and-white photo was a photo of an actual living breathing phenomenon, though perhaps deceased. For many Moons I stayed ignorant, living with the mystery of who or what this “Godzilla” was. Eventually I approached my parents, and was astonished to find that—indeed—even they had heard the name “Godzilla.”
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Godzilla. An American bungling of “Gojira” and yet so appropriate.
This was more than just a man in a 220 lb suit. This was God. And for decades after, Godzilla would become my God.
At this point I can’t help but share the short film “Coming Out” by the one the only Cressa Maeve Beer.
I was a neglected, bullied child. Invisible, hurting, ignored.
When at last I saw (eyeroll) the Americanized “Godzilla: King of the Monsters” with Raymond Burr (gay, btw) there was no going back,
Godzilla was something you couldn’t hurt. Godzilla was someone impossible to ignore.
I think I was seven or eight when I finally saw this movie. And to my amazement, there was more. So much more. No matter how bad things got, there was always Godzilla. I took to the libraries, the blockbusters, the “Hollywood Videos” (anyone? anyone?) anything everything Godzilla I wanted to consume.
You have to know this was exceedingly difficult. There was no internet in my house until late 2000.
Furthermore my love of Godzilla was consistently mocked by my Dad (a Trekkie.) While on the surface he valued peace and nonviolence, my interests in the chaos and destruction of giant monsters were decidedly uncouth. Still, there was no getting past it. I was a child, obsessed.
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Image from my personal private collection (1/2)
Regardless of how you feel. Godzilla is the most successful movie franchise in the history of film. What other movie can you think of with 31 sequels? Godzilla is the third most recognized character in the world next to 1. Jesus and 2. Santa Claus. Even the term “Zilla” is an adjective meaning “bigger and angrier than necessary” (such as: Bridezilla or Truckzilla)
To this day, the original 1954 roar of this monster sends shivers of delight down my spine. Nothing else comes close. And who’d have thought? Simply a leather glove running down the strings of a standup bass.
Eventually, even Alex would be forced to reckon with my intense love.
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Read the entire comic HERE
For years and years my love of King Kong (1933) ran neck and neck with my love of Godzilla. They were my G.O.A.T.s...
...but finally after a decade of hand-wringing it would be the original 1954 “Gojira” that would finally claim the title “Favorite Movie of All Time.” First of all it wasn’t racist, and secondly the true hero of the film is Emiko Yamane (a woman! gasp!). This, and the decidedly anti-nuclear message of the film puts it above “King Kong” in my book (though it’s impossible to mention one without the other!)
Alex would go on to not only make my favorite ever hand-made stuffed Godzilla toy -- but make a COSTUME based on said toy -- AND purchase my most prized Godzilla collectible for me (in a true Sugar Mama move)
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What can I say? I love Godzilla.
I will not and can not die before I visit Japan and see for myself Toho Studios where it all began. And you have to know I had collaborative gallery show in Tokyo planned for 2020 before all hell broke loose and I’m still grieving (as greedy as this sounds) I do not regularly get to speak of Godzilla with any enthusiasts, especially these days. But it is a subject I am prepared to discuss for many, many hours.
In fact - I conducted a lecture concerning the history and sociopoltical importance of Godzilla back in my Art School days. I submitted an unpromted essay for extra credit for my History of Film class on “Gojira” because I thought my professor could use some supplementary material with regards to American-Japanese cinema following WW2.
I would literally keep going but the leftovers have been heated up so it’s time for dinner.
As for the Orcs? Start here and circle back when you’re ready.
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sophiexteresa · 4 years
Thomas Sanders Instagram Q&A Transcript
From @thatsthat24’s Instagram story, 25/8/2020. Questions in bold. Text added to the story in (parenthesis/brackets), and descriptive info in *italics*. I tried uploading the video(s) too, but Tumblr is having issues, so here’s the transcript only! 
Thomas: I had some time this evening so I figured, hey, why not? Another lil’ Q an’ A, so if you want to ask a question *posh French voice* be my guest!
When approximately will the next sanders sides be out? Very good question! Uh, we are aiming this for a late September release, that’s what we’re all working towards.
Favourite musical you have been in or just favourite musical in general? This is really tough, I can’t decide. I’m between Rent where I was in the ensemble, Peter Pan where I played Slightly Soiled, which was just one of the lost boyos — boyos? Boys — and, uh, Into The Woods where I played Cinderella’s prince and that’s where Roman’s first costume came from.
Are you ever gonna due your hair purple again? I loved it! Yes! I miss the purple hair too.
Do you love me? *laughing* Yes of course! I do love me.
What would each of the sides’ reaction be to seeing the Grand Canyon? *speaking very quickly* Roman would be revelling that we made the journey, Patton would be marvelling at the memories being made, Logan would be telling you to look at these fascinating signs for important information, Virgil would be telling you to ‘get back from those cliffs!’, Janus would be telling you to take pictures to make it look like you’re next to the cliff, ‘for clout’, and Remus would be like *Remus voice* ‘you could push somebody and get away with it’.
Also when will we get more Picani, I miss him? You and me both, Bri, and honestly with the amount of amazing cartoons that have come out recently *sighs while smiling* yeah, I am a-hankering (?) to get back to Emile!
How have you been doing, like really? Mental health is important as you teach us: I feel like everybody’s kinda struggling with mental health right now, especially people in the USA with COVID. Uhm *clears throat* for me I continuously struggle with the balance between work and leisure time, um, social media makes that difficult, blurs the lines, and I’m working on it.
Do you have any tattoos? Umm, I don’t, uh, I struggle with the permanence of tattoos. And like do I, can I, make a decision that I like? But! There are tattoos that I might like. Where I’d put them, I have no idea, umm, but I think like, maybe like, little stars!
What rank of “Gay” are you? Big gay? What rank? *speechless pause* uh... General. You know? I wanna do my duty. Come back a hero. An all-American Queero *gets an idea* *roughly quoting Hamilton* Queer comes the General!
Can you please make Logan day something Patton would say? *Logan’s voice* Something Patton would say? Umm... please, I request more baked goods from the kitchen so that I can fill Thomas’s body with more trans-fats at 3 am. I don’t know, I don’t like this game.
Have you ever dated a girl? *awkward silence* I have. It was pretty uneventful.
Do you miss your friends? *laughs* Oh... *face crumples as if he’s about to cry*
What are you voice acting in or are you now allowed to say? Not until tomorrow.
When did you know you were gay? I think I answered this one on the last Q&A, but it was early. I was like, 9 or 10 at least.
When will we see Gavin? Gavin has started school! He’s back in his hometown, so I don’t know when I’m gonna see him. He’s still getting taller — I can actually include a picture of him that his mom sent me after he got a new little hairdo *insert photo of an awesome Gavin here*
Do you miss vine? For like, sentimental reasons, yes. Uh, I mean, technically it had its issues and I don’t miss being restricted to 6 seconds anymore *laughs*
What has been your favourite part of the day? My favourite part of today was actually... I came up with this last minute short video, and I got it done and I sent it to some friends and they really liked it. I have to save it until Thursday thought, but it’s just nice to come up with stuff that makes your friends laugh.
Janus acting like Remus? *Remus’ voice* Remus here! Looks like the Dukey just dropped in! *Remus’ laugh* *Takes a breath and snaps into Janus’ character* I spend a lot of time with him so I’ve had a lot of practise.
Why do I feel like we’re gonna have another angsty Virgil moment? When is Virgil not being angsty...?
Please can you say trans rights? Uh, heck yah trans rights! I, uh, this one was very simple but I wanted to say it!
Do you think Virgil would be into anime? Actually, if you remember from, uh, Accepting Anxiety, uh, part 2, there’s actually a Death Note poster in his room, so he definitely likes some anime.
Hi! Can you say hola to the Hispanic fanders in el vecindario fander? Please? We love you! Oh my gosh, *a very naturally american pronunciation* hola! that’s very kind of you guys. I appreciate all of the support you guys give, and I love all of you guys. 
STORYTIME! I love you: *upbeat voice* Storytime! I love you back.
How gay are you? Like, 15 gay! I rank General! 
How did you end up meeting and babysitting Gavin? Gavin is actually Leo’s nephew, so he would come up here, uh, during the holidays or during the summer, and alternate being baby-sat between me and Leo’s mom - his grandma.
What was the inspo for Janus’ outfit? Ooh, that’s a really good question, uh... Joan had a vision in their mind for almost kind of like this early 20th century or late 19th century kinda Jack the Ripper vibe.
Any advice for gaybies to fit in with society? Don’t apologise for being yourself. If people have an issue, that’s their issue that they have to work through. Do not apologise for being yourself. 
What type of gay are you? (Math gay, plant gay, caffine gay, etc): Wait, there’s such thing as a math gay? I am absolutely that, and I feel like I’m just gonna be naming traits about myself but I’m a trivia gay, a driving gay, apparently a math gay, a Disney gay *laughs* and a theatre gay.
Not a question but I’m glad to be alive at the same time as someone as great as you: Dude, this stuff is really sweet. *laughs* That’s really sweet, umm, trust me, I feel the same way about all of you. Honestly.
Why don’t you own a doggo yet? I... went to Petsmart today - I didn’t get an animal, but like... I’m thinking about it and this question is like... hmmm...
I’ve run out of cartoons to watch, any recommendations? Owl house! Owl house, owl house. I just tried it, and I immediately got hooked. Infinity train’s also a really good one, duck tales is amazing, and I’m getting ready to start Tangled: the animated series, so *shrugs*.
What is Patton’s opinion on rats? *adorable Patton voice, slowly zooming in on his face* They are tiny little squishy precious babies!!!
How do I ask people for their pronouns? I don’t know, I mean, I don’t think it’s like a big deal? I hope we could get to the point where we could just be like ‘what are your pronouns?’ and then they would tell you, and then you’d just, you know, carry on the rest of your conversation. 
A circle has no bounds and it’s the same with your beauty: This is really precious, and it of course came from Nash (?) who is a poet, he published a lot of wonderful, wonderful poems on twitter, they are are amazing, and you are once again far too sweet, Nash. 
Dream role? This is a pretty broad question, so maybe dream theatrical role would be Sweeny Todd, dream movie role would be anything in the marvel universe, uh, really just give me anything in any voice acting role, *smiling mischievously* egg rolls are also really good.
Can Remus please say ‘I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand’? *Remus voice* I am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand! (love that vine)
Are there still plans for the Roman series? *nods* Oh, yeah, yeah, it was definitely hindered by COVID, uh, as was this Sanders Asides episode that’s coming up, which is why it’s taking longer in the editing stage, it is our, uh... strategy, for circumventing the obstacle, and we hope you like it.
Are we still getting an August playlist? Uh, heck yah you are! But honestly, actually, if you guys have any suggestions I should include in the playlist, lemme know! I’d be happy to get some suggestions - but yes. You will be definitely getting one.
May I please see your feet? *confused, slightly disgusted expression* *begins to move the camera away from his face* *holds up a tape measure, extended to 1 foot long* *grins*
Any shows on Netflix to recommend? Umbrella Academy is really good, Dragon Prince, uh, She-Ra, of course, umm The Hollow (?) is really cool, there’s a documentary about video games called High Score, that was really fun.
Roman, who would you say the gayest side is? *Roman’s voice* Oh, we’re all equally gay, okay? *chuckles* it’s a sexuality, not a personality trait. *takes a breath and speaks quickly* I’m just kidding it’s *sings* meeeeee!
If you were not a YouTuber, what would you see yourself doing and why? Uh, maybe putting my chemical engineering degree to some use. *laughs awkwardly* Uh, I went to school for 5 years for that one.
Like you literally make me so flipping happy: I’m glad! I don’t know what I’m doing to do that, but the feeling is absolutely mutual. 
Can we have Virgil saying “Falsehood”? *hair already over one eye, in Virgil’s voice* Uh, c’mon, okay, sure. *very quietly and unenthusiastically* falsehood. Is that good? Is that? I don’t know, I don’t wanna steal his bit.
Which Sanders Side do you feel you embody most? Ah, I would probably say it’s either Patton or Roman because Patton can be definitely me, all the time, just really enthusiastic about things and finding things cute, but Roman... Roman’s sensitivity, oh. That’s me. 
What was the first job you had? I actually worked as a page in a library! A- pages basically just kinda like, shelve books, check books out; it’s one of the chillest jobs I’ve ever had, one of my favourites, and my dad always had a lovely dad joke for it: ‘you’re working as a page, when do you get promoted to a book?’
How tall are you? I usually say 5ft 10, but I think I’m trying to be a little more realistic with myself. And I’m probably 5ft 9 and a half. *zooms in on his face, staring into the camera* I’m holding onto that half a foot for all dear life. 
DROP THE SKIN ROUTINE PLEASE! This is very sweet, uh, I, *laughs nervously*, uh, I use Curology? They’re very nice. Umm, just... different kinds of lotion, I guess. (I suppose I should write down what I do lol)
Can we get a FALSEHOOD? *is standing* *clears throat* *points upwards from his eyeline* FALSEHOOD! 
Do you have a boyfriend if not are you planning on dating soon? I do not, uh, dating is kinda difficult right now midst COVID, you know, kinda tough... love... in the time of Corona... umm, but, you know, option’s open.
When was your first kiss? I’m sure I’ve answered this somewhere, it was in high school, I might have been 15 or 16. It was with a girl. *Shakes head* And all I can remember is hitting teeth. A lot.
Can we get a super super vague hint about the new Asides episode?  Alright, I’m getting ready to end the Q&A, so this, you know, if you’ve made it so far you deserve this super vague answer, umm... it includes a side that was not in the last episode. (This isn’t much, I apologise lol)
Thomas: And that is it for this evening! Thank you so much, you guys, for watching. I know some of you are still over in Europe watching and it’s like 4 in the morning, and I need to go to bed so thank you all so much for your questions - I gotta do this more often ‘cause I really enjoy it. Love you guys, gals, and non-binary pals. Peace out!
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low-budget-korra · 4 years
The first text I made was over 2,000 words so I’ll try to summarize it.
First I'm going to talk about what I think is Bury Your Gays and poor writing of minorities.
For me, Bury your gays is when certain productions kill the lgbt character for the sake of shock value, often in the most stupid ways possible. A famous example of this was what happened to Lexa in the 100. When it feels like the character only died because he is gay.
And for me, poor writing for minorities (poc, lgbt, people with disabilities ...) can be characterized as:
1. Productions that want to portray the image of progressives and put a poc or lgbt character (which are the most common cases) without personality, unimportant, without development ... Character that are just there for decoration
2. When they even create an interesting character but soon create a reason to kill him to shock the audience. Kill them because they are poc.
And for me having a poc or lgbt character (since these are the boxes where I identify with) interesting, important ... this is the word: Important! whether it is important directly in the plot as a protagonist who carries the story or a supporting role with a good role on the story and a good development, it is much more significant than a character forced only for certain productions not to be accused of racism, sexism or lgbtphobia.
Of course, each case is different. I will now comment briefly on Atomic Blonde, The Last of Us part II and The Legend of Korra.
In Atomic Blonde we have the death of Delphine, a lgbt character who has generated some discussions about being a "bury your gays". I don't particularly agree because I believe that if she were a man or straight, she would die anyway. Since the protagonist's other love interest had died in the beginning and he was a heterosexual white man, and because the character of Delphine, despite being a spy, did not belong in that work or life style . Something even commented by herself. She was an inexperienced agent in the worst possible scenario to be one . But i now understand and why some people still think It was bury your gays.
In The Last of Us part II I saw many people complaining about the death of Jesse, Yara and how Lev was just a supporting character. The Last of Us part II .... a game that is not afraid to kill loved characters without any ceremony simply because in that world, one mistake can cost your life. Regardless of gender, sexuality, age, skin color ...
Jesse and Yara played Asian American characters and died. Mel, Joel, Owen ... were Caucasian, cishet characters who died too. None of them die because they are asian american or caucasian, they die cuz that world is fucking ruthless.
And about Lev not being important just because he is an supporting character... First that he is for Abby what Dina is for Ellie, both of them are extremely important support for the protagonists and Interesting characters with their own internal struggles and development. I think it is very unfair to throw this away with the argument like: "ah, but he is not the protagonist so it is not important"
And still about The Last of Us part II we are talking about a game and for those who do not know the gamer community is toxic, full of sexism, racism, lgbtphobia ... And the game developers had the balls for not only make two protagonists women outside the steryotype of femme fatalle or defenseless love interest(still very present in games) and one of them a lesbian, but also introducing an important trans character in a mainstream high-budget game.
People, until recently the only image we had of women in games was that of a busty model running around, made purely to please male players, good and important black, asian and lgbt characters was really rare or just didnt exist at all.
And today we have characters like Ellie, Lev, Kassandra (AC Odyssey), Jill Valentine and Claire Redfield who were reimagined more humanely in the remakes of Resident Evil, Lara Croft herself in the 2013 Tomb Raider remake, Max and Chloe(Life is Strange), Lee and Clementine(TWD from telltale), Marcus (Detroit Become Humam ), Connor (AC3) ... I know, there is still a long way to go until we have achieved the equality and representativeness that we want in the world of games but we are advancing. They may be a baby step but they still are steps forward. We should continue to support this initiatives and demand better representation.
Now about The Legend of Korra ... Reading the comments in the post i get the feeling that people were much more angry with Bryke for being cishet than with questions related to the narrative.
It bothers me the fact that it seems that whoever made the posts (originally from twitter) did not watch avatar or simply watched without paying attention. It was NEVER about Korra needed suffering but about finding Meaning in suffering. And yes, they are two different things.
When in the end Korra is talking to Tenzin, about understand the why she had to go through all that , for them be abble to be more compassionate of others. That shit is real. When you have a panic attack , for exemple, you become more abble to help someone who also suffers from that. Or when some people lose someone for a disease or acident and choose to become a doctor to help others, wanting no other person had to go through that pain... In this case, the person didnt have to lose someone to be a doctor but maybe after saw all the fight that the doctors put in to save someone and the pain of losing someone may have made the person spend the rest of his life saving people. Get It?
And in Avatar, both TLA and TLOK, people have suffer.
Aang: Cast aside by his friends when people discover he was the Avatar. Runaway and lose all of his people. Had to see the devastation for himself and find the bones of his friend and possible father figure. Almost die a few times. For many years had the weight of been the last of his people. And in a part of the journey, lost Appa.
Sokka and Katara: Lost their mother. Their dad leave to fight and possible die in the war. Sokka was only a teen when he was the man responsable for his tribe. Katara had the weight of being the only waterbender of her tribe and be the only one that could calm Aang once he was in Avatar State.
Toph: as a blind kid, her parents think of her as someone unable to do anything. Had to choose between save Appa or save the others in some point of their journey
Zuko: When i start with him?
Azula: oh Boy...
Iroh: Lose is only son. Had to see his brother burn Zuko's face. And Zuko betrayed him, kind of, in the end of book2.
Asami: Her mom was murdered , maybe even in front of her. Her dad was a evil genius. She probably suffered with Korra in those 3 years.
Mako and Bolin: They grow up as orphans on the streets...
I could go on and on, dude, even the cabbage man had suffer from losing his cabbages over and over.
But all of the sudden, Korra now had to have plot armor or else Bryke is wrong and are terrible people.
Everybody loves to talk about how perfect Zuko's arc and development is. Zuko, who was one of the characters who most have suffered in the show. But for him all was necessary, had meaning, perfect storytelling and structure but with Korra.... "She cant suffer cuz she is brown"
And its not like Bryke was making something up outta nowhere just to torture the character. All she face it was a consequence direct or indirect of her actions and actions of other people.
Amon and the Equalists? Aang didnt kill Yakone nor put him in prison for life, just took his bending. Yakone was a terrible father, and one of the reason Amon hate bending (even himself been a waterbender) so much to the point of him do what he did. The same to Tarrlok. He turn his sons into monsters. And the triads only help them, because they use their bending to rob the non benders.
Vaatu? Look up The Beginning epsodes because this one is more complex.
Unalaq? Look, the worst villain of Avatar. But he took advantage of things that happen as consequences of the ending of book1
Zaheer? Direct consequence of that happen in the finale of book 2.
Kuvira? Direct consequence of things that happen in book 3
Again, i could go on and on and go deeper on all that. But this is already getting to big.
But what pissed me off most is ... Look im years in this fandom. As a Brazilian i saw and read stuff from the fandom here in my country and the fandom here in Tumblr. And in those years i read so much about how Korra journey help people overcome their struggles with ptsd, anxiety, depression...myself included. How much Korra was important to lesbians and bissexuals girls, especially girls of color.
And them we have those few people throw shit on all this and "cancel" you for not agree with them...
The Legend of Korra ended 2014, 6 years ago and still is so loved, so important to so many people, for the most diverse reasons.
For a cishet, Bryke did a amazing job creating this amazingly beautiful universe. With the most diverse inspirations, coming from places that are forgotten on western media. But i guess its easier criticize, and cancel them and the show than do what they did.
I know that sometimes we just wanted a scape from our difficult reality but seriously, if you Just want a movie/tv show/book...100% happy, rainbow and sunshine with no suffering at all, stick with the fanfics because even romcons sometimes have their among of "i you make you cry and suffer" kind of shit.
Suffer is present in our life and what a lot of movies/tv shows/games/books...try to do is bring our struggles and our suffering into them. Why? Its easier have simpathy for characters who look like us, characters who had been through the same stuff as us.
Is so difficult talk those things in another language. I always feel like i didnt express myself right. And im really sorry if i offended anyone, it wasnt my intention.
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sophielovesbooks · 5 years
Sophie’s Queer YA Rec List
Hi everyone! :) I’m back with another list of book recommendations! Yes, two of the books on here cross-feature on my Dark Academia Rec List, but here, the focus is different.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy my YA LGBTQ+ Rec List!
Her Royal Highness (Rachel Hawkins)
Listen, we’re starting off strong, because this one is an absolute GEM. American girl goes abroad to a fancy boarding school in Scotland. Also, she’s bi, her roommate is the princess of Scotland and the cutest haters-to-lovers situation ensues!! Read if you like fluffier reads, if you’ve ever been on a year abroad, if you’ve ever wanted to go on a year abroad, if you love Scotland or if you’re a girl who likes pretty girls! <3 (Note: This is the sequel to “Royals”, but I didn’t read that one either and you 100% don’t need to in order to understand this one.)
As I Descended (Robin Talley)
Okay, now this one is a lot darker. It’s a queer Macbeth retelling, which is a pretty amazing concept in itself. Also set at a fancy boarding school, but in Virginia. The main girls are a closeted power couple who more or less succumb to the darkness in their strive for even more power. This book is super diverse with Hispanic characters, wlw, mlm and one of the main two girls being disabled (though some people have criticised the way she was written). Read if you want a spooky story, if you love boarding school settings or if you love Shakespeare retellings!
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (Benjamin Alire Sáenz)
This book is a classic of the queer coming-of-age genre, and it reads like one, too! The style is fairly simple, which may take some getting used to, but the author nailed the narrator’s voice, the story is meaningful, the characters feel complex and real and Ari’s fight to accept himself for who he is will break your heart! Set in the 1980s in El Paso, Texas. The two main boys are both Mexican American. And for reasons I can’t exactly put my finger on, this read like a modern-day Catcher in the Rye! Read this book if you want boys fighting to accept the fact that they love boys and complex family dynamics!
If I Was Your Girl (Meredith Russo)
Can ONLY recommend this one! The main character is a trans girl who goes to live with her dad after a traumatic event. At her new school, all she wants is to blend in, but she ends up suddenly popular for the first time in her life and dating a cute boy! This book was definitely fluffy at times, but still dealt with the darker aspects of being trans in this world (trigger warning for depression, dysphoria, a suicide attempt!) Read if, like me, you’re a cis person looking to get a better idea of what it’s like to be trans or if you’re trans and want to see yourself represented! The author is a trans woman herself and the book ends with a really emotional and thoughtful author’s note (that, yes, made me cry).
You Know Me Well (David Levithan & Nina LaCour)
Out of the books on this list, this one focuses the most on LGBTQ+ themes. It’s literally set in San Francisco during Pride Week, and it’s about a gay girl who is madly in love with another girl, but self-sabotages at every turn, and a gay boy, who is madly in love with his best friend, who fools around with him occasionally but doesn’t love him back. One thing that bothered me a bit was the insta-friendship between the two main characters, but I’m here for the gay-lesbian solidarity, and I thought the wlw romance was so cute! Read for a slightly fluffier dual-perspective book with strong LBGTQ+ and coming-of-age themes and a central friendship!
We Are Okay (Nina LaCour)
Oh God, this one. Read only if you are ready to be emotionally destroyed! The main character grew up with her grandfather, and after losing him, too, she feels completely alone. Set during Christmas break of her first semester of college, which she spends on campus in New York. Alone! Until her friend/lover comes to visit and emotionally reconnect with her. Hauntingly and lyrically written, this book is an absolute beauty that had me in literal tears and made my heart hurt. Can only recommend!
People Like Us (Dana Meele)
This one cross-features on my Dark Academia rec list, because it’s set at yet another elite boarding school (yes, this is my thing) and begins with a murder. The wlw themes in this came as a very pleasant surprise! Read if you’re looking for more of a mystery thriller that still includes wlw, but not as the main focus. Personally, I had certain issues with the plot, but the book was still a very engaging, quick and fun read!
Radio Silence (Alice Oseman)
ONE OF MY FAVOURITE BOOKS OF ALL TIME! The main character is Frances, a biracial, bisexual girl whose main goal in life is getting into Cambridge. Her friends see her as nothing but a study machine, but secretly, Frances is the biggest fangirl and draws fanart for a podcast called “Universe City”. The book is all about her close friendship with Aled, who turns out to be the podcast’s creator, academic pressure and figuring out what actually matters to you in life. I connected strongly with the themes of working so hard toward certain goals and not being seen by your friends for who you really are. Read if you want the most adorable platonic friendship EVER (between a bi girl and a demisexual guy), internet culture being represented accurately, wlw and mlm and an incredibly relatable main character!
Autoboyography (Christina Lauren)
Tanner is bi and was happy and out when his family still lived in California, but is forced back into the closet, basically for safety, when his family moved to Provo, Utah, where there are more Mormons than non-Mormons. His best friend Autumn convinces him to sign up for a very special class with her in their final year of high school, where the idea is that every student writes a novel. This is where Tanner meets Sebastian and falls head-over-heels! The problem? Sebastian is Mormon and not allowed to be with another boy. Even worse? He’s the bishop’s son! Read this one for two adorable boys actually going through something incredibly hard together and breaking your heart in the process! What I loved about this was that religion was shown in its full complexity, the good and the bad, and Sebastian’s struggle was so realistic! Also, this love story was much more high stakes than the usual “I’m sure he doesn’t like me back!” non-issue and it really drew me in!
I Was Born For This (Alice Oseman)
Another Oseman book!! (Spoiler alert: It’s also very good!) Told in dual perspective. The first one is Fereshteh, who tends to go by the English translation of her name: Angel. The biggest source of joy in her life is the popular boy band “The Ark”, and she plans to go to London to finally meet her best online friend in person, then go to an Ark concert together with her. The second perspective is Jimmy, a trans boy and one of the three members of the band. Things definitely don’t go as planned that week in London, Angel and Jimmy actually meet, chaos ensues. Read this if you’re looking for a fandom-based story that just gets internet culture and also has a very diverse set of characters! But be prepared for this to actually become very dark and intensely emotional at times! (The characters, especially Jimmy, were struggling more mental-health-wise than I had expected, and it wasn’t always easy to read, so be safe, everybody!)
These are the ones I’ve read so far, but don’t worry, I’ll update this list soon with many more! Already on my TBR (and in some cases even already on my shelves!) are These Witches Don’t Burn, Let’s Talk About Love (asexual main character!!), Tash Hearts Tolstoy (another asexual main character!) and I Wish You All the Best (non-binary rep!!!)
193 notes · View notes
ayankun · 4 years
Ok, if you haven’t already (I say this to be polite, I know you haven’t) go put your eyes on this episode synopsis first.  Why?  Because it’s a good time.  But mostly because I want you to be tangentially familiar with certain topics so I can better explain what happened to my brain while watching this one.
oh, right, this post is a synopsis of the VR Troopers episode 2x13 “Kaitlin Through the Looking Glass” btw
Now that you’ve got this far, here’s some housekeeping before we start:
I watched this show sporadically as a kid and have very fond memories of it “being better than Power Rangers” but really didn’t know anything about it at the time.  I am watching it as an adult partly due to nostalgia but mostly because I genuinely enjoy it.  Not necessarily because of the reasons they intended, but, you know.
As an adult, with a different understanding of the world than when I was seven, I willfully misconstrue the main characters as being in a polyamorous relationship.  OT3 baybee
On a similar tangent, Ryan “Trooper TRANSform” Steele is obviously trans.  (transgent??)
Hell, maybe they all are.  The more the merrier amirite.
They all call the Professor “Puhfessor,” so I will, too.
Still with me?  Let’s begin.
(first up, though, the title sequence is over a minute long, when really they only needed like, maybe 15 seconds to get the point across.  there is also a ton of footage used that portrays events that never occur and also the song is not catchy enough to warrant any of this and I love it)
So in Ryan’s flashback intro, he muses about how, as a kid, he felt the need to prove himself.  He expresses this to his dad by asking when he’ll get a black belt, and his dad is a good supportive dad who tells him:
“It’s not the belt that’s important, son,”
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Ryan’s dad says trans rights.
Ryan’s VO goes on to say "My dad taught me that it’s not outward appearances that really count, and that was an important lesson that would come in handy time and time again.”
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Ryan really loves memories of his dad.
Which I think is a sweet lesson to learn when you’re young and other youngs (and olds) are going to give you crap about how you look, but it’s also hilariously phrased considering how superficial the concept of “outward appearances” is to this episode.
So we jump into things down at the ... Voice Underground Daily idk what the newspaper is called, I’m just trying to read the sign on the wall tbh.  We’re at Kaitlin’s place of business, and Woody (I think his name is Woody LOLOL how many episodes have I seen) shows Kaitlin this front page article which appears to have the headline:
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Ok, a couple of things.
Kaitlin and Percy are just ... chilling out at the copy machine like they’re friends and this is where the cool kids hang out.
Which can’t possibly be true because the actual cool kids are there in the back, just reading newspapers like Actual Cool Kids do.
They’re an indie paper, right?  How can they afford to print headlines that verbose?  ... Or full color glossy, for that matter
Environmentalism was No Joke in kids’ media in the 90s.  I specifically remember learning the word “toxic” from a Power Rangers episode where Billy tested the lake water.  I literally had to look it up.
and they say you can’t learn nuffink from tv
Anyway, part of the excitement is that this article is the follow up to an expose of Ziktor, also authored by Kaitlin, which inspired the city officials to veto his waste-dumping proposal.  So we’re proud of Kaitlin for doing a good job at journalism and for protecting the world!
JB does what JB does best and attempts to arrange a date.
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The line is, “Hey, let’s celebrate!  With lunch!  At Hamburger Hutch” but I guess someone at Netflix got lazy for a second.
I forgot to mention, in my HC he’s our token ace (as my favorites often are), so he tends to go overboard with the romance.  You don’t have to compensate for anything, JB!
Kaitlin appreciates the gesture.
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But then Woody interjects and I let my adult sense of humor get the better of me...
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come on, the man’s name is Woody I can’t be the only one with my mind in the gutter can I
Also the line is “I don’t want you boys filling up my star reporter” so what am I supposed to thINK
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--WITH JUNK FOOD.  Dodged an FCC bullet there.
So I just now gave it 2 seconds thought and the discrepancies with the subtitles probably have something to do with the expectation that children would be watching this show and can’t read that fast.  BOY DO I NOT FIT THE DEMOGRAPHIC
Ok well.
Where Woody’s going with this is that he wants to impose a health shake on Kaitlin for godknowswhy.  But it’s all good because as he todders off to get started on what will surely be a monstrosity, we get this ADORABLE moment where Kaitlin tries to get JB to come to her rescue.
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She just runs up and grabs him.  I’m all a-flutter.
But JB is of no help.  Instead, he calls dibs on her fries.
There’s a weird, under-baked joke going on here that seems to be rooted in the idea that if one is dieting then others benefit from this self-sacrifice by gleefully picking up the slack?  Anyway Kaitlin’s not on a diet?  This vitamin shake angle literally came out of nowhere?  Is against her will???
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Just one burger, please.  Protein style :<
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et tu, Jeb??
Anyway, this weird exchange just passes the time to get Woody all set up.  He turns on the blender and THE WHOLE WORLD STARTS SHAKING. 
Percy runs over to be the hero, demanding Woody turn the blender off, while everyone else just rumbles around looking distraught and not practicing anything resembling safe earthquake response.  Percy manages to get a hold of the blender, lifting it off the counter, and -- you guessed it -- the lid comes off and purreed-carrot-baby-food-looking goop gets all over his nerdy white button up.
The shaking stops.  Percy’s very proud of himself (and disdainful of the others who didn’t come to his heroic conclusion).  End scene.
I’ll be real.  At this juncture, literally thought that the blender HAD caused a natural disaster, and it was just a wacky 90s gag that went on for far too long.
More on this story as it develops.  We’re moving on.
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How many cities in the world do you think have ominous buildings in them that aren’t secret headquarters for supervillains?
Our good buddy Karl Ziktor is reading -- wait for it -- Kaitlin’s article.  It has a headline so long they had to dedicate the full front page for it.  I’m pretty sure that’s not how newspapers are commonly formatted.
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That is literally just a couple of newspaper clippings taped to a big piece of paper.
Oh he’s mad.  He tells Juliet all about his evil plan for revenge, which is to “steal her virtual image and create a second Kaitlin Starr [that serves him]”.
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Same, Juliet.
Off that yikes, a henchwoman comes in to appraise Ziktor of the status of phase one, which is underway.  A so-called Stingbot is “in the basement of the Underground Voice” so that’s what the paper’s name is, anyway.
Anyway so Stingbot was the one responsible for the earlier tremors.  And, yeah, I mean I know they were new cobbling stories together from old footage, but What The Hell do “sting” and “earthquake” and “outward appearances” have in common?
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And that is how a Stingbot do.
My question is partially answered, in that Stingbot’s earthquakes are a distraction so that some skugs can plant the “Virtual Mirror Transmitter” on Kaitlin, which is the nefarious device that will create the aforementioned Kaitlin-2.  Bold of him to assume that just because Kaitlin’s a woman that she 1) carries a purse 2) stores a mini pink mirror in the purse 3) will look at herself in the mirror unprovoked.
It’s such a wildly twentieth-century concept.  Here in good ol’ 2020, I, for one, have not looked in a mirror in months.
Ugh more gross than this use of outdated stereotypes is this weird tongue thing Ziktor does while almost literally salivating after his upcoming revenge.  You’ll have to go see it for yourself, I’m not going to watch it again to cap it.
(This guy gives his 200% to this role, though.  What a legend. RIP Gardner Baldwin)
So Ziktor blue-skadoos into his virtual stronghold and gets an update from his generals.  There’s this new guy that I’ve already also forgotten the name, and since he has a human face, there’s a lot of awkward cuts between him and his Japanese counterpart in the footage that’s already ten years old at the time.  It probably looked great.  I was an adult before I found out that Rita Repulsa was the original Japanese actress in the original dubbed Japanese footage.
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Anyway, he looks great.
I think I read that for season 2 they had access to and/or recreated the costumes used in/matching the source material, so there’s a noticeable uptick in cool-looking sets with American actors wearing cool-looking costumes, like this one.
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You said it.
That’s about it for this scene, but before we go to commercials, Grimlord says this nonsense:  “I will destroy Kaitlin Starr with the one weapon she cannot defend against -- herself.”
Confirmed: Kaitlin is a deadlier weapon than, say, a homing missile.  (she can defend herself from those)
Ok we’re back at the Underground Voice and there’s still an earthquake going on.  Also, and let me tell you this with a large amount of regret of my life-choices, I’ve been sitting here for just about two hours and we are only five minutes into the episode (and that includes the minute long opening credits.)
Let’s roll!
JB gets off the phone with who knows who, having learned that there’s no earthquake registering anywhere, it’s a localized mysterious incident.  Ryan recommends they clear the building “just to be safe.”  My boy, why wasn’t that everyone’s first thought?  Are they really just standing around waiting to be told?  We had drills for this for a reason!
(Actually, I’m not sure where Cross World City is located.  Maybe they’re not on a fault line and do not actually do drills)
In any case, there’s a brief PSA where Woody wants to collect his valuables to take with him, and everyone has to inform him that that’s ill-advised behavior in an evacuation scenario.
He responds in classic Woody nonsense, by putting on a captain’s hat and insisting he’ll go down with his ship.  AND OUR BOY JB SAYS
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He’s still thinking about that date.
LOOK.  There’s no rule that says asexuals can’t make dirty jokes.  Because we can and do.  Let me have this.
So our heroes herd everyone out of the building and then stay behind to call the Puhfessor.  Just as they get him on the computer, the earthquake stops. 
It’s not all good news, though.  The Puhfessor taps into some kind of impossible CC feed and they watch Stingbot undermining the structural integrity of the building.  Stingbot, by the way, has one of those creepy child laughs that is insane.  It’s so good.
Ryan decides to check out the basement himself while Kaitlin and JB keep everyone else outside.  He finds some creepy janitors down there, and they head on up like creeps normal janitors.
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Maybe they were just hotboxing down there.
Stingbot’s also in the basement!  Who knows what he was doing down there, because
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Murder hornet, colorized, 2020
Which is a weird thing to say until you remember the slight, throwaway “yummy!” he says earlier while drilling into the building.  I had forgotten it in the 40 seconds it took for me to get from that moment to here.
Ryan insults Stingbot’s outward appearance, which is odd because I thought he learned that lesson as a kid.  Either way, it’s time to
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Only to spend about half a second on recycled footage just to have Stingbot go “lol, later loser.”  Because those perfectly normal janitors are upstairs swapping Kaitlin’s purse mirror with the evil thing.
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Can you imagine trying to pull a stunt like this today?
Outside, things have calmed down enough that JB thinks Ryan’s got it under control.  He’s gonna go back in “to see if the building’s safe enough to reenter.”  I know he knows it’s not a real earthquake, but also I don’t think I’d trust a non-professional to assess my office’s structural integrity.
Kaitlin’s going to join him, which causes Percy to pipe up, Pavlovianly ... just to chicken out and stay put.  GOOD JOB PERCY.  USING YOUR HEAD FOR ONCE I SEE.
(kids, don’t volunteer to check that a building is safe after an incident where its safety may be in question.  it is not cowardly to leave it to Someone Who Knows What They’re Doing)
So JB and Kaitlin come back in to find the Normal Janitors shadily stealing a floppy disk from Kaitlin’s desk.  (kids, a floppy disk is a real object that looks a lot like the “save” icon)   BUT OF COURSE THEY’RE SKUGS SO JB AND KAITLIN HAVE TO THROW DOWN.
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Let’s just say there’s a good thing they have an earthquake to blame all this property damage on.
JB’s a little snippy.
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All he wanted was to go to lunch with his girlfriend and boyfriend.
The gold skugs do their fusion dance thing and turn into the oni-mask skug variant, which I’m assuming is a constraint of these later episodes where they used footage from a show that did not have the gold ones in.
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Once that’s handled, we find out what Ryan’s been up to in the basement by himself this whole time.
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Um.  I’m not touching that one with a 10-foot ... wait.
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Ryan heads back up and swaps notes with JB and Kaitlin.  Stingbot said that its work was done, so what exactly was it trying to accomplish?  Ryan then runs from there outside to check on everyone else.
Kaitlin then decides she needs to freshen up, which is something I don’t recall her ever needing or wanting to do after any other natural disaster/fight portrayed on this show.
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But look how cute they are with their mutual post-fight shoulder-pat.  JB even gives her this cute little look as she darts off.  He is smitten.
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He is smote.
Kaitlin gets her mirror out of her purse, as planned, and checks herself out.  You know.  Like how woman do.
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She gets it.
This is it!  Grimlord’s chance to strike!  He will have his revenge, Juliet, just you wait!
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for great justice
We are treated to a brief bit of delightful 80s Japanese sci-fi, all flashing lights and chonky beep boop buttons.  It works!  A tastefully gendered laser light shoots out of Kaitlin’s mirror and STEALS HER FACE OFF HER FACE
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The experience seems highly unpleasant, but she’s mostly ok...
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But wait, who’s this ...
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It’s not really the Mirror Universe unless someone gets a goatee.
Kaitlin’s freaked out, but we don’t have time to see her process what it was that just happened.  More beep boop 80s lights (seizure warning much), and the virtual replica Kaitlin is 3D printed in Grimlord’s lair.
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lol he’s got a play date
So this Kaitlin is the same exact person as real Kaitlin, with one major difference.
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So this got dark, right?  This is different from that time they cloned Ryan, because that was just a DNA clone man baby with evil sunglasses; this is actually Kaitlin, the person, just with some programming differences, who’s gonna go back out there and hurt her boys herself.
Needless to say, Grimlord is delighted.
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Check out that disgruntled wall snake, tho.  “I thought I was your lovely child”
Now Grimlord’s plan is to send Kaitlin into the wild with a device called the “fissicator” which is a “sTUn ray!!” (you have to hear him say it, it’s so good) as well as a thing that will reprogram the Trooper’s “contact disk.”
I didn’t mention it earlier, but that’s the disk that the janitors skugs were trying to steal, and it was also how Kaitlin called up the Puhfessor on her work computer.  I’m pretty sure we’ve never seen it before and we never see it again.  It’s Not A Thing.
So Kaitlin goes to Tao’s, where Ryan’s just chilling there by himself.  I guess everyone was okay after the earthquake, then.  (It is unclear how much time has passed)  Maybe it’s been hundreds of years, because Ryan acts like he’s not sure who she is.
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Wait, hold on.  I did NOT pay close enough attention the first time, but -- either it’s much later the same day and/or they missed a scene.  They’re still wearing the same clothes ... and Ryan says he thought she was heading (back?) to the paper ... and then she says ....
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Ryan.exe has stopped executing
Wait so WHAT.  What workout.  We have not been to Tao’s yet this episode.  ???
It’s really just a ruse to get Ryan to fight her, though.  But also.  Why need ruse?  Evil clone?  Just attack tho, right?
But also no NO.  DONT attack.  We’ve already seen JB be beat up by his evil clone boyfriend.  It’s rough.  (spoiler alert, this one’s gonna be rough, too)
So Ryan tries to let her down easy by saying he doesn’t have time -- and I can’t tell with this video quality, but I don’t think he’s wearing a watch but he does the “look at wrist” technique and it’s p good.
Kaitlin-2 refuses to be let down easy.
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Them’s fightin words
Ryan ends up splayed out on the desk but seriously, now is not the time.
He rightfully wants to know what’s up, but she keeps taunting him to fight her.  She takes the first shot, which he dodges and blocks before disengaging.  Remember, kids, just because somebody picks a fight with you doesn’t mean you don’t have any other options!
She won’t stop coming for him, though, so he gets her arms pinned so he can try talking her down again. 
This technique backfires.
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no more mr nice kaitlin
So in the other clone episode, this scene was staged in a room full of people, and even though JB was blindsided, he and Ryan are ostensibly evenly matched.  It wasn’t nice for JB, but at least someone was there to break up the fight.
This time though, Ryan’s been gently if firmly trying to diffuse a confusing situation where someone without his training is behaving irrationally and is going to get both of them hurt.  So far his attempts to de-escalate have failed, and there is no deus ex intervention incoming.
AND THEN she goes and plays the superpowers card on him.  Black belt or no, the whole point of having the Trooper alter ego is that they come with amazingly OP combat powers capable of defeating all manner of monsters.
And Kaitlin, a very very very dear close friend has just walked up out of nowhere and dropped a nuke on him.
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Okay, so she throws him over a table, it’s the principle of the thing.
This overkill maneuver knocks him out cold.  She lifts Ryan’s Trooper communicator (so he can’t call for help when he comes to -- omg this is so chilling) and then uses the fissicator to call Grimlord for further instructions.
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Gotta catch ‘em all
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New Kaitlin, who dis?
So he now wants her to steal the disk, reprogram the disk, and use the reprogrammed disk to break all the Trooper computer stuff.  She reads his order back like
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Close enough, I guess.
She gleefully moves on to her next task, leaving a helpless Ryan struggling and failing to regain consciousness.  :<<<<<<<
At the paper, real Kaitlin gets a message from JB on her little Trooper video phone and secretly Trooper TRANSforms out of there from inside the darkroom.  This was the point where I realized they had different ones!  Hers and JB’s are red and white, while Ryan’s (that just got stole) is red/blue.
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Also, you can just see under all those crayons, but that’s the “contact disk” that Kaitlin-2 is coming for.  (how many crayons does a professional journalist need, anyhow?)
So there’s a joke in there were Percy sees Kaitlin go into the darkroom and then Kaitlin-2 walks in, and then also when he checks the darkroom, it’s empty.
Oh, so that means Kaitlin-2 successfully steals the contact disk, btw.
Back at Tao’s, Ryan has woken up and some how his backpack has, like, crawled down to see if he’s okay?  Which is helpful because that’s how he is able to quickly identify that on top of assault, there’s been a robbery.
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I hope she doesn’t delete my save files
And this was the moment (right now, doing the caps) that I realized the little phones are called VRVTs!
But seriously, imagine being knocked out cold by a loved one, with no reason, no hint at an explanation, and not only has she left you for dead, she’s taken your phone so you can’t call for help.  He has no idea that she’s an evil clone!!!!  This is a real tragedy of a thing.  A gutting betrayal.
It looks like Ryan has his own contact disk, tho?  And he uses this on Tao’s PC to call up the Puhfessor.
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spelled it rong
Just as a note, this subtitle comes up WAY too soon, so for a couple of frames it just looks like some kind of meme.  A++
 Ryan starts to relate his traumatic experience to the Puhfessor, but luckily he’s cut off with the good news that his “sensors” somehow correctly identify Ryan’s assailant as Kaitlin’s virtual double.
geez, you guys, look at how Ryan deflates hearing this.  I mean, it’s not great that he was probably concussed, but it’s a relief that his world still makes some kind of sense.
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poor bb
Also, you can’t tell as much here, but there’s a really subtle punch in as the moment progresses, bringing us closer and making the moment more intimate as he grapples with this new information.  There’s a lot of dumb half-assed stuff in this show, but I gotta call attention to the stuff that is excellent for any era.
Also it’s so efficient from a time-management perspective.  Just look at the opening shot, which was a medium type establishing shot so you can picture Ryan in the space, but the PC’s right there for both the viewer and Ryan to reach.  Then we slowly zoom in, which serves double duty in that it provides the appropriate emotional impact, and at the end we’re on a nice close up of Ryan as he jumps into action.  Three shots with just one set up (and probably done in one take, with room to splice the PC shots in)!  I’m very pleased with this.
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Down to brass tacks
The Puhfessor ominously tells him that they have their own troubles and we go straight from there into some source footage of them fighting some skugs and what I think is General Ivar.
After about three seconds of that, we cut back to the lab, where Ryan busts in on Kaitlin-2 just as she’s hacking up a storm.
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im in ur base, haxxoring ur mainframez
Kaitlin-2 shows him the contact disk, which is now “encoded with a self-destruct program” that she’s going to use to overheat the lab’s power core and destroy like all the things.  Ryan is noticeably concerned, but Kaitlin-2 points the fissicator at him to get him to stay in line.
Ok ok ok ok so here’s where we get to the point where, when I watched this today, I fully turned away from whatever it was I was doing to go wwwwwwwwwwwwtf
Kaitlin-2 has a disk that will blow up the lab -- and there’s nothing Ryan can do to stop her--
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bruh what are you
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bro srsly what
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is happening
You’re trying to tell me that Ryan “killed his own clone with no ragrets” Steele is trying to make an emotional appeal to this clone in order to undermine her sense of purpose?
...did she ever think that Grimlord cared about her?  As a person?  I feel like that wasn’t in the contract when she was 3D printed with the sole purpose of serving her dark master, and she shouldn’t have any emotional reaction to this assumed expectation being challenged.
And .... did they ... did they read my other post?  The one about wanting to keep the clone around ..... ??????
what is happening right now
Ryan leans hard into this “embrace your humanity” tactic and has the Puhfessor show them a live feed of JB and Kaitlin’s fight.
“...She sure could use our help...”
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wait for it
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When she balks, he gives her one last over the top inspirational blurb that despite of whatever it was Grimlord did to her, she’s still the same (good) person as Kaitlin.
It starts to sink it.
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(also just check out these sweet eyelines, you can tell that the screen they’re watching is slightly to his left,  sort of behind her to her right, which makes sense!)
He keeps at it.
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Looks like it’s working?  She starts to reconsider her whole existence ...
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...considers Kaitlin’s ...
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... moment of truth ...
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And it works!
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I guess, I mean, obviously Ryan’s evil clone did that whole thing where he stole Ryan’s virtualizer and started flying the Skybase, so if this Kaitlin is the same as the other Kaitlin then obviously she’d be able to do this, too.
But like!  She was the main villain until like four seconds ago, somebody who did Ryan dirty.  Just another of Grimlord’s nefarious tools of warfare.  And Ryan, a man who’s killed his own clone before, who took a beating from her only hours prior, is suddenly the bigger man who is capable of seeing past all that in order to turn an agent of his enemy.  And to go do his job, no less!
This has never happened before.  This show’s always been kill or be killed.  There’s a good reason for this, and we’ll get to that in one moment.
But I like to think Ryan learned from his mistake.  He didn’t even try to to connect to his evil clone.  He just got beat up and went back for revenge.  (I’m looking back at my caps for that episode, and it seems it was the Puhfessor’s idea to kill the evil clone, and maybe there was a MacGuffin reason why it was The Only Way, I forget.)  Maybe he thought long and hard about the repercussions of his actions -- maybe he thought that, had he been able to better understand his evil self, that maybe that shadow version of him would have liked to have been given the benefit of the doubt?
At the end of the day, I can think whatever I want.  But why we never get any other reformed villains until now is only because
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It’s almost like they recycled footage from a different show(s) and just had to roll with the punches.
So then JB and the Kaitlins fight some skugs and there’s a big explosion and a lot of jumping.  JB and Kaitlin get caught up with the SparkNotes version of who tf extra Kaitlin is and then they fight Stingbot, teleport to a quarry, you know, all the everyday stuff.
Back at the lab, Ryan’s feverishly trying to undo Kaitlin-2′s handiwork and keep the core from melting down.  Can he do i-- well yes.  He can and he does do it.  Then he TROOPER TRANSFORMs away and ... flies off to fight ... some jets ... I guess? 
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pew pew pew
In the quarry, JB is going toe to toe with Stingbot.  Stingbot has some cute little wasp drones that electrocute everyone.  They’re having a good time out there.
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it’s super effective
Ryan shoots some more jets ... JB dislodges his wasp and slices one off a Kaitlin with a sword ... the third one just .. pops off on its own *shrug*
Stingbot shoots some acid (oh he did that before, too, in the basement, but it was irrelevant) which evaporates a boulder ... Kaitlin goes back to her battlefield quips but they’re not nearly as flirty as the last time ...
JB gets out his lightsaber and GOES TO TOWN on the remaining bad guys.  That thing makes the BEST wvungwvungwvung sounds, just btw.
And that’s it!
Grimlord spends his obligatory seven seconds ruing the day he ever met a VR Trooper and swearing revenge.
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ya it’s called being a parent
Turns out he still hopes that the two Kaitlins will destroy each other!  Very optimistic guy, our Grimlord.
Back at ol’ HQ, JB and the Kaitlins stroll in and explain the sitch to Jeb.  Kaitlin-2 seems fully reformed!
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yee gurrl
But oh-hoho, does the Puhfessor HATE clones.
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buzzkill, emphasis on kill
So it turns out, and I quote, “two Kaitlins cannot exist in the same reality.”  I guess technically she’s not a clone, but a virtual double from the mirrorverse/VR land, so that kind of makes some sort of sense.  This dimension is too small for the both of you!
The stakes are that if the two Kaitlins are not rejoined within 24 hours, both Kaitlins will byte the dust. 
Oh no!!
This was the point where, having a pretty good internal clock as well as a refined sense of story structure, I literally smirked at the screen thinking “soooooooo what.  you have like two minutes left and you’re gonna fix it in time for the credits.  overdramatic stakes are overdramatic.”
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1 note · View note
ficclique · 5 years
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In addition to our own personal top fics (which you can view here), we asked you all to send us your choices for your fics of the decade and why you loved them. We received so many wonderful submissions, and now want to share them with everybody! In an effort to not make this post too long we’ve edited down the comments that people left us, but everyone had some really lovely things to say, so if anything catches your eye here we really encourage you to take a look at the complete list of comments here.
Without further ado, please enjoy the top fics of the decade as chosen by you, our listeners: 
Submitted by: Cricket
Fic 1: pilgrimage by wolfsupremacist
Info: EXO RPF, Baekhyun/Sehun
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18411497/chapters/43607615
Cricket’s comment: I can't get over all the building in this fic -- the world building, the character building, the relationship building. The main character’s development was like watching a child grow: it's hard to see it happening, but once you reflect on who he became versus who he was, it's so obvious how he changed.
Fic 2: the eye of providence by minhyukwithagun
Info: NCT RPF, Jaehyun/Taeyong
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14981330
Cricket’s comment: I have genuinely never laughed so hard while reading a fic.There were so many little details that the author added that were unnecessary to the overall plot but just made the characters so much more real. You get to learn so much about everyone in such a (relatively) short amount of time.
Fic 3: so collect your scars and wear them well by addandsubtract
Info: Hockey RPF, Connor McDavid/Dylan Strome
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5075128
Cricket’s comment: I feel like this fic changed me as a writer. It touches on such a relatable subject: that feeling of being completely unsure of what you should do with your life when Plan A doesn't work out, and discovering who you are without the thing that you previously thought defined you.
Submitted by: Claire
Fic 1: The Baffled King and The Idiot Hero by Ellarose C
Info: Hetalia, ?
Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5819880/1/
Claire’s comment: This fic launched 3 of my high school friendships that continue to this day. It's cute and Hallmark levels of unrealistic, and I LOVE it. The overwhelming nostalgia and gratefulness I feel towards this fic (and all of Carrie's work, honestly) still blows me away.
Fic 2: Embers by Vathara
Info: Avatar: The Last Airbender, gen
Link: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/5398503/1/
Claire’s comment: The best, wildest, most comprehensively worldbuilt ATLA fic I have ever read. Tea, dragons, realistic motivations, that ending... perfect. *chef kiss*
Fic 3: Of A Linear Circle (series) by flamethrower
Info: HP, various
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/755028
Claire’s comment: I linked the whole series because I simply cannot pick a favorite installment. OaLC focuses on fixing the glaring plot holes in the Wizarding education system, accurately depicting the Founders' Era thanks to copious research, and showing that no one is truly irredeemable (except Voldemort himself, who more than earns it).
Submitted by: Threepwillow
Fic 1: All the Other Ghosts by rainjoys
Info: Glee, Kurt/Blaine
Link: https://rainjoyswriting.livejournal.com/146587.html
Threepwillow’s comment: All The Other Ghosts and its direct sequel, Grey, are some of the most incredibly original and simultaneously incredibly transformative works of fanfiction I have ever read. The way they masterfully twist elements of canon to fit into the lore of their AU is second only to the profound, revelatory character studies that they've executed. This shit is extraordinary.
Submitted by: Segs
Fic 1: Hemostuck (series) by roachpatrol and urbanAnchorite
Info: Homestuck, various
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/8470
Fic 2: transistor by fishcola
Info: Polygon RPF, Brian/Pat
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18760093/chapters/44503969
Seg’s comment: Rips my heart to shreds piece-by-piece and then gently puts it back together in the end. It's another put-these-characters-in-a-darker-setting sort of thing. It is brilliant and beautiful and I love it dearly.
Fic 3: any sign of spring by bluecarrot
Info: Hamilton, Hamilton/Burr
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/7523227/chapters/17100376
Seg’s comment: This fic is so dang atmospheric. It feels very physical -- the temperature, the environment, the drawing. It's bittersweet, but ends on the sweet, and I think the sweetness is all the more emphasized for it. Rereading it feels like coming back to a familiar place.
Submitted by: Ang
Fic 1: Anarchy In The U.K. by Yahtzee
Info: X-Men First Class, Erik/Charles
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/673552/chapters/1232410
Ang’s comment: the writing of this one made it so easy to get completely lost in the au while still knowing the characters so well from the source material! super engaging, totally consumed my life for a week
Fic 2: blackjacks running down by back by dangerbears
Info: 1D, Harry/Louis
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/499474
Ang’s comment: this is like my comfort blanket fic! every time i reread it (even though i'm not in that fandom anymore), it's still just as funny and cute as it was the very first time i read it - again the au is so easily believable because the characterizations are so familiar.
Fic 3: this city bleeds its aching heart by renne
Info: MCU, Steve/Bucky
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/835829
Ang’s comment: unsurprisingly, it's another au that is so easy to fall into! this is another one that i've been consistently rereading since i first read it (in 2015, for this one) because it's my absolute favorite trope with a ship that i'm still very much into!
Submitted by: Scout
Fic 1: she called it a void by vans88
Info: Star Wars, Finn/Poe/Rey
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5493500
Scout’s comment: Short and powerful and essential to anyone's viewing of the new Star Wars trilogy. Seriously one of the most careful, tender, and graceful queer addendums to a piece of pop culture this decade.
Fic 2: The Love Song of The North American Douchebag by gyzym
Info: Star Trek RPF, Chris/Zach
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/852395
Scout’s comment: JESUS FUCKING CHRIST, I HOPE I CAN SWEAR. I'm not even in this fandom. The world building is just THAT good. It's one of my highlights *because* of its power to draw me in as a standalone. So much fucking talent in the transformative work community. The banter, characterization, sardonic-ness of this – international impact baby!
Fic 3: all this learning here is by you by decinq, nighimpossible
Info: Hockey RPF, Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5105441
Scout’s comment: Revolutionized – and I would argue – drove the GROWTH AND SURVIVAL of hockey fandom. One of the best known works in the fandom, and a masterclass in how to build a set of characters that you're genuinely envious you don't get to see or know. Two incredible authors and a plethora of personality. Fun and sexy and lighthearted but poignant. Chef kiss.
Submitted by: Em
Fic 1: the subtle science and exact art of chess-boxing, by fishcola
Info: Polygon RPF, Brian/Pat
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18931885/chapters/44945971
Em’s comment: fishcola is definitely one of the top reasons i actually started reading/writing polygon rpf. this fic!!!!! i sWEAR its so /so/ good oh my GOSH. yes, full disclosure im fish's beta for chessboxing but also i am enthusiastic simply because it is a very beautiful and powerful narrative on trauma, healing, and how the people we choose to interact with affect our emotions.
Fic 2: the old men call me by my mother’s name by theviolonist
Info: HP, Hermione/Ron
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1044467
Em’s comment: as a certified Trans(TM) im always pursuing and consuming trans content. the old men call me by my mother's name is an hp fic that i still cherish years after first reading it. trans!ron is a concept not often explored in hp fic, much less trans /girl/ ron. massive gender feels, folks.
Fic 3: national hot dad alliance is now calling… by dicaeopolis, owlinaminor
Info: Haikyuu! , various
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5663683/chapters/13045579
Em’s comment: national hot dad alliance really is the perfect evolution of a groupchat fic. i laughed, i cried, i fell in love with the characters all over again as these captains from different teams bond over graduating. and also being Dads(TM). in some cases-- pining over their fellow volleyball players-- plus star wars, the x-files, and memes. overall its is very good and i will stan it eternally
Submitted by: Staci
Fic 1: No Homo, by orphan account
Info: Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1148039/chapters/2326073
Staci’s comment: Literally my favorite AU ever written. The characterization is SO on point and it truly is a super fun read. It’s also a super long which helps with painting such a detailed picture of these two dummies who are-totally-just-bros-with-added-benefits. I’d recommend this to anyone, even if they’re unaware of Teen Wolf, but if you’re a Teen Wolf fan then it’s even better.
Submitted by: Nadine
Fic 1: Too Long, Too Close (series) by callmejude
Info: MCU RPF, Chris/Sebastian
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/253528
Nadine’s comment: kink exploration and bdsm done well.... and so thoroughly. but there's more! theres FEELINGSSSSSS uhhhhhhh it made me CRY it's so good.
Fic 2: On a Clear Day by Saras_Girl
Info: HP, Harry/Draco
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/879841
Nadine’s comment: I could've put a few other fics by this author because they write the best drarry but uhhhhh. I had to choose and it was either gonna be TURN or this one. Idk why but this one makes me so unbelievably emotional bc it was Harry who's Going Through Stuff and I just loved it a lot.
Fic 3: around the world in eighty thousand days, by fallfreely
Info: 1D, Liam/Harry
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/856935
Nadine’s comment: It was hard to pick a 1D fave but I think that this fic always had a v special place in my heart & I can't even explain why. I love the dynamic of this pairing (even though it's not even my OTP, wtf. I'm a Gryles and Narry truther... *eye emoji*) and the whole FEEL of this fic and it's slow burn tour fic, soo.
Submitted by: Frecklebomb
Fic 1: Shalbatana
Info: Mars Trilogy, Gen
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6629
Frecklebomb’s comment: A beautifully-written gen fic (with an incredibly gorgeous podfic by Luzula) in the near-future-scifi Mars Trilogy fandom but very easy to enjoy without canon knowledge. I revisit this story over and over and always marvel at the presence of the landscape and alien planet in it, the way it feels like a character. Bonus Mars rover feelings (I cry every time about the robot).
Fic 2: Through a Glass Darkly, by susiecarter
Info: DCU, Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/19395793/chapters/46155535
Frecklebomb’s comment: Sprawling post-apocalyptic epic, so rich and cinematic that it feels like a movie I somehow read. The worldbuilding and tension of the focal ship are what sucked me into this fic, but what stayed with me was the richness of the ensemble characters. I find myself just thinking about their character arcs, and imagining what they'd be doing post-story. I want fic of this fic.
Fic 3: Too Far Down The Road, by SoniaVice
Info: Hockey, OMC/OMC
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/13208136/chapters/30212907
Frecklebomb’s comment: An amnesia trope origfic set in handwavey hockey fandom (author said they 'set it free' to be OMC/OMC when the dynamic needed to be different from the RPF ship it started out as). It gives me so many good feelings about family (of choice and otherwise) and ageing and self-acceptance and sexuality, and the way you can choose to be changed by the people you spend your life with.
Submitted by: Em (Springsteen)
Fic 1: Pull Me Under, by zarah5
Info: 1D, Harry/Louis
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/870766
Em’s comment: first of all zarah5 is a fandom legend. second, this is like the pinnacle of fake relationship fics to me it's 140k and so much of it is pining and like truly, who among us doesn't love harry styles with their whole heart. I can't think about the '10s without thinking about one direction and when this fic came out I remember a lot of people fully losing their minds.
Fic 2: Door to Door, by Ferritin4
Info: Hockey RPF, Jamie Benn/Tyler Seguin
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3478298
Em’s comment: this is one of the first hockey fics I ever read and I still come back to it so often. The relationship builds so well, Tyler's dogs are in it, it's just so sweet, and plus it's a very readable 10k.
Fic 3: Darling It Is No Joke, by thehoyden
Info: Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/399194
Em’s comment: look I can't be retrospective about this decade and /not/ include a sterek fic. the first half of this decade for me was all 1d and teen wolf and full disclosure, it's been a while since I've reread this fic, but I remember the banter being really stellar and thehoyden is another one of those authors who I just. Adore.
Submitted by: Dan
Fic 1: The Heart Rate of a Mouse (series) by Anna (arctic_grey)
Info: Bandom, Ryan Ross/Brendan Urie
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/712953
Dan’s comment: This fic is incredibly iconic. It’s definitely one of my favorites of all time—the way the story is told is just heart wrenching, and it manages to always keep you on edge about what’s going to happen. The portrayal of self discovery, love, jealousy, down to the settings and all the social issues of the time period (the 70s), is amazingly done.
Fic 2: The Cat’s Miaow by Pennyplainknits
Info: Bandom, Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/930529
Dan’s comment: This fic is unlike anything else I’ve read. First off, I LOVE historical AUs, and the noir setting is everything I could have wanted and more. The author has managed to create such a delicate and profound romance along with an interesting plot that borders on thriller without ever going too far with either side of the story.
Fic 3: Get Real Get Right (Fuckin Right) by sophiahelix
Info: Riveyonce Cuoknowles, Sufjan Stevens/Drake
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/9029020
Dan’s comment: Honestly? This is just art.
Submitted by: Carina
Fic 1: Bite Marks by provocative_envy
Info: HP, Hermione/Draco
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3580953/chapters/7894464
Carina’s comment: i've shied away from aus in harry potter fic for years, especially american college aus but this fic in my opinion kept the best of the characters and modernized them in a way that felt true to who they are.
Fic 2: old jokes from a wild youth, by knightspur
Info: SEVENTEEN RPF, Mingyu/Minghao
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18127073
Carina’s comment: mingyu and minghao are in love, but they're not soulmates. i love the dynamics and the quiet intimacy between them, and also how they work through wanting to be together despite them not having a bond in the way soulmates have.
Submitted by: Katy
Fic 1: The River and The Deep Green Bend by liquidmeasure
Info: 1D, Harry/Niall
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6005275
Katy’s comment: this fic honestly surpasses the genre of fic. it is a genre all its own. it is the pinnacle in catharsis and heartbreak and having a satisfying end that is completely unsatisfying as well. I will never recover from this fic.
Fic 2: Out of the Dead Land by Orphan Account
Info: MCU, Steve/Bucky
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/1871955
Katy’s comment: there is a specific phrase in this fic that has and will continue to stay with me. I will never hear the phrase "up or down" without feeling immense heartbreak. an amazing blend of source material to create something altogether its own - but could still take place in either canon
Fic 3: Up We Go by Oh_Hey_Tae
Info: BTS, Taehyung/Jimin
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12297168
Katy’s comment: this fic is one that I found more recently, but I can already tell that it is one that is going to stick with me for a long long time. it is another fic that I feel transcends the genre of fic entirely
Submitted by: Corie
Fic 1: Build A Temple In Me by Authoress
Info: Haikyuu!, Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3716002
Corie’s comment: A wonderful and moving fanfic with fantasy akin to studio ghibli. If I have to recommend Haikyuu fanfiction this is it.
Fic 2: Close to the Chest by darkmagicalgirl
Info: Haikyuu!, Kyoutani Kentarou/Yahaba Shigeru
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/3898771/chapters/8721568
Corie’s comment: Another haikyuu!! Fic! I remember reccing this to my friend and she said it was more akin to a novel then any fanfiction she has read. High praise IMO
Fic 3: Fake Sugar by minverse
Info: BTS, Jungkook/Seokjin
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14707098/chapters/33987549
Corie’s comment: Oh sweet god I love minverse’s writing and this fic has it all. Romance, smut, and a nice dollop of humor.
Submitted by: Abby
Fic 1: an awful curse by blinkiesays
Info: Teen Wolf, Stiles/Derek
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/604092
Abby’s comment: Non-linear timeline, au within the story, "every me loves every you," domesticity but also heavy angst, and it's so beautifully written it makes me want to cry reading it. also it harkens back to the time of when the show was still good.
Fic 2: dance this silence down (the emergency room remix) by Fahye
Info: Les Miserables, Enjorlas/Grantaire
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/994140/chapters/1966093
Abby’s comment: It's such a great, understandable ensemble fic for a dense canon, with such a great modern day au setting, but the whole time it really deals with the main character's depression and alcoholism and the complete overwhelming love that he has for the guy he's shipped with. it's so gritty and real but the ending brings so much hope I love it.
Fic 3: comment fic by anon
Info: iCarly, Sam/Spencer
Link: https://author-abz.livejournal.com/35003.html
Abby’s comment: this is an ANONYMOUS comment fic someone wrote me when I was feeling down on LJ and it's so short but so complete, and it says everything it needs to about it being okay to mess up and just be messed up together. also: "glitter emergency" (technically a cheat, it's from 2008; I forgot it was so old)
Submitted by: Kassie
Fic 1: An Exercise in ‘Worthless’ by beastofthesky
Info: Supernatural, Dean/Castiel
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/535676
Kassie’s comment: an exercise in worthless introduced me (indirectly) to my favorite musician and (directly) to the subject i almost minored in during undergrad, so honestly i would put it as a fic of the decade even if it wasn’t one of the best fics i read in the supernatural fandom.
Fic 2: Superstition (series) by Superstition_hockey
Info: Hockey, OMC/OMC
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/413233
Kassie’s comment: superstition started out as a tropey, fun, lighthearted short fic, and grew into a big thing that deals with a lot of serious topics incredibly well while also being still very funny and emotional and having honestly some of my favorite fictional characters i’ve read in years
Fic 3: United States v. Barnes
Info: MCU, Steve/Bucky
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/2304905/chapters/5071058
Kassie’s comment: united states v barnes is the multimedia fic of my DREAMS. this is what i want to show people to explain why i love fanfic so much. it does so much with the medium its working in and the presentation of the fic, and fits that perfect fanfic niche of exploring the kind of background that will never appear in canon but that everyone wonders about.
Submitted by: Kat
Fic 1: I’ve felt and I’ve Been by autotunedd
Info: Big Bang RPF, Seunghyun/Jiyong
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15349758/chapters/35616516
Kat’s comment: Possibly the fic that marked my entire decade. The characters are so human and real, the plot is heavy and winding and the twists sometimes seem life ending. It is heavy, it is painful, it is sad, it is angsty, it is maybe even a smidge too real and dangerous at times, but it makes a solid read, a long, relatable novel about real people with real fears and problems.
Fic 2: Eversion by thespectaclesofthor
Info: Detroit: Become Human, Hank Anderson/Connor
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15754140/chapters/36638253
Kat’s comment: Beautiful, long, detailed, well written, hard hitting, serious, sweet, painful, kinky, all in one! The characters have so much depth, their issues and inner workings seem so real and the plot is so carefully crafted and detailed, every chapter keeps you at the edge of your seat. All in all, beautifully crafted, passionate, hard hitting piece that I couldn't help falling in love with.
Fic 3: Eggshell Landscapes and the Burden of Love by NoContractTermination
Info: NCT RPF, Taeil/Johnny
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/10446438
Kat’s comment: Short, sweet, angsty and charming! I loved the intimate look into their relationship this fic brings, the trials and tribulations and the struggle to communicate. It all seemed so raw and real and coupled with the author's beautiful writing, it all came together in a perfect read, with bounds of re-read potential.
Submitted by: Wen
Fic 1: the bellwether by highoctane
Info: Polygon RPF, Brian/Pat
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/18634426
Wen’s comment: Feelings!!! It's really refreshing to read a character who, as an established adult, is reconfiguring an understanding of himself without it being either a whole crisis or a sudden seamless lightbulb moment. It's very fair to both characters' emotions, letting them both react in a way that feels wonderfully human and real rather than idealistic.
Fic 2: Five Times the Potion Seller Refused to Sell a Potion (and One Time He Didn’t) by misura
Info: Potion Seller (Justin Kuritzkes Short Film), Knight/Potion Seller
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5441447
Wen’s comment: It's based on a 3 minute meme video and if it was just a tweet or post with the title alone it would be a great joke but... someone went and wrote the dang thing! And it could have been ridiculous crackfic, and while it certainly toes that line it's also got a really fun flow of dialogue that leaves a lot to the imagination without it getting confusing.
Fic 3: I Am The Horrible Goose That Lives In The Town by Daniel Lavery
Info: The Untitled Goose Game, gen
Link: https://www.shatnerchatner.com/p/i-am-the-horrible-goose-that-lives
Wen’s comment: the writing is tremendous and sits beautifully in that razor's edge space where english is used just strangely enough to create a fantastic character voice without going too far and falling into some kind of awkward english language uncanny valley. it's so hard to pick out the best line because every line is the best line. "Here I am coming, with the good news of me, and you hate it. You can think only of the bell and how much I have it, and you are never the goose."
Submitted by: Mage
Fic 1: Fog, Sheets and Thunder by theopteryx
Info: My Chemical Romance RPF, Frank/Gerard
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/351396
Mage’s comment: i have literally thought about this fic at least once a week since i read it in 2012. do not ask me why. i have no answers.
Fic 2: Flowers in Bones by fringecity (indiachick)
Info: BTS, Taehyung/Yoongi
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/16256390
Mage’s comment: sometimes i just wanna be a careful selection of small animal bones that yoongi gently unearths and meticulously crafts into an altar of pressed flowers and ink
Fic 3: It Happened Quiet by hobimo
Info: BTS, Taehyung/Yoongi
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15070646/chapters/34939646
Mage’s comment: haunted woods :) cryptids :) that deeply unsettling feeling that there are greater, mysterious forces at work and there's nothing you can do about it :)
Submitted by: BirdieLeonie
Fic 1: Reprise (series) by Elfpen
Info: Star Wars, various (Obi-Wan centric)
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/series/454408
BirdieLeonie’s comment: I spent about seven months of my life reading nothing but Star Wars time-travel fix-it fics. (I am not exaggerating; there are enough of them to last that long or longer.) This is my favorite.
Fic 2: Friday Night Arrives Without a Suitcase by marycontraire
Info: Hockey RPF, Danny Briere/Claude Giroux
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/534247
BirdieLeonie’s comment: This is a fic I have kept coming back to again and again in the years since I first read it. It's domestic and sweet and still adult. It's like curtainfic, inverted; the leads live together and parent their kids and go grocery shopping before they have a romantic or sexual relationship.
Fic 3: The Hero’s Journey; or: What Jasper Sitwell Did Last Summer (podfic), by artzbots, blackglass, daroos, girlwithabubblegun, kalakirya, Opalsong, reena_jenkins, RsCreighton, sabinelagrande
Info: MCU & Welcome to Night Vale, Jemma Simmons/Jasper Sitwell
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/6462223
BirdieLeonie’s comment: I love podfic, I love crossovers, and I love this fic. Again, I picked this because of all the thousands of MCU fics I've read, this is the one I find myself coming back to repeatedly. This crossover is creative, fun, and plays with one of my favorite tropes: what was happening to a minor character in the background of the story we saw?
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I set Savers in its airing year, so Masaru was born in '92. Can take place anytime after episode 49. However, there just won't be any explicit sexual content regardless of when the thread takes place. I also don't auto-ship: I'm here to walk a character through things, so ships will all be more slow-burn. Also, while Masaru's just pan, I'm actually asexual, so don't even expect me to present beyond a textbook understanding of sexual attraction
Masaru's kind of a jerk. My other two muses are generally at least kind unless the other person isn't, but Masaru's kind of abrasive and gleefully violent. If we're playing, I'll probably warn you beforehand, but Masaru may snap at your muse if your muse isn't a little kid. If your muse didn't deserve it, he'll probably apologise at some point, but yeah, this muse is even less like me than 02's Ken (Bleach's Ichigo is my muse most like me)
I'm on mobile. Period. I can't cut threads. I usually just tag "long post." Can't cut threads.
Seen JP ver only. Haven't seen any others, and I have no reason to bother--the original's in my native. Why would I bother with "orange juice bomb"?
Masaru is mixed race here. In a planned project that's a sister project to my Bleach project I already got a bit of stuff up for, Masaru's mum is Japanese and Russian, and related to Junpei of Frontier, and Masaru's dad was Japanese and Afghani. Masaru actually does speak Japanese, Russian, and Persian.
Masaru's also trans here. He never got puberty blockers, but he finally got testosterone at 13. So his voice changed at a pretty normal age. But he does need a binder and all that. (He loved that black tank top he wears after the memory wipe because it was just the right cut to cover the binder while showing off his arm muscles!) He does someday want kids, and Japanese law, like most US states or most places, requires sterilisation to recognise gender change. His papers also say a different first name. Of course, this probably came up with Satuma. Satuma and payroll at DATS probably know all about it. But being trans isn't *as* hard in Japan as the Anglophonic world. Especially thanks to Kamikawa Aya advocating on outlets like NHK radio since '95, which Masaru would be three then.
I toss the epilogue. Don't like the losing their digimon, and Masaru ditching his family he feels so responsible for and his dad he just got back?
Actually, in my project, ep 48 never happens. Suguru is dead, DATS remains, and Sayuri gets BanchouLeomon as her digimon partner.
Oh, another rule--poor spelling and grammar is acceptable if you are not a native speaker. It infuriates me to no end that I'm supposed to be an idiot for being fluent in three just because English is not my first, but native speakers get to run around spelling "bins" "ben's" and congratulating themselves for "kohnichuwa" but I get beaten/decried for actually knowing the language... And also, ,ZERO TOLERANCE for "garnish my human default English with exotic Japanese uwu" See "zero tolerance for chasers and racism"
Totally available to play in Japanese or Spanish, but you must be fluent.
Masaru lives in Tobechou, Yokohama. I went to the Chinatown in Yokohama once with my dad, but I lived in Koube. And we didn't leave Hanshin region all that much. My knowledge of much outside there being a Chinatown in the '80s (obviously still there, as it was the setting for the Savers movie) and big landmarks like Minatomirai is minimal. I also haven't been back to Japan period since '94. My relatives there are all deceased since the '90s, and flights alone are 1,000$, which, until recently, was definitely over a month of rent. Two for a studio, one plus a couple hundred for a 1 or 2LDK, depending. Might even have had 1.5 baths. By the time Savers was airing in Japan, I was able to keep up with Japanese news via now-gone Japanese-language broadcasts in California, as well as the Web, which is also how I saw Savers. But my knowledge of Japanese things may run the risk of being almost 30 years out of date. Or it might be completely current because I still read Asahi News, the most left-leaning paper I can find. Unsure if related to Hanshin region channel 6, but channel 6 was the best when I was there.
The Daimon family didn't move when Masaru came out, but he came out pretty young. It's just difficult to get trans care for minors. That being said, most peers don't know he's trans. They do know he's mixed, though. That being said, it's not like it's *only* him fighting racist bullies. It's only partially that. Like I said, I fully acknowledge he's pretty abrasive. So he's not completely blameless for all the fights. He could easily someday be the kind of parent who gets arrested for punching a rival dad. Violence is not a last resort for him. It's the best resort.
I do multi-para and don't use icons. But I'm not asking for an exact word count match. All I ask is give me stuff to go off of in replies and for Heaven's sake, do *not* format like House of Leaves when you play with me. Format button abuse looks like a visual panic attack, and is just too chaotic for me to read.
I may go spotty on replies with you. I'll still chat with you via the messenger thingy, and I don't play with people I've never spoken to, even if I've started the interaction, because I need to filter for my sanity, so I need to know the people I play with aren't gonna pull racism or something on me, but when my replies slow, it's because I work on-call at a shelter for seriously physically ill people, I'm also disabled myself, and I don't have the ability to put enough energy for the high-quality replies I strive to give in at the moment. I'm stalling because I want to give you my best. If I want to drop a thread, which is admittedly rare, I'll let you know. I won't leave you guessing.
Some h/cs just for fun
Masaru loves metal. The metal I know is 70s prog and 80s glam metal and stuff. I don't really like much music past about '94, and exactly two albums after 2000 (neither are metal)
Masaru has always had the same kind of attention span I have now even though I completely didn't when I was younger. He's running commentary if you watch an movie with him, his biggest problem with school is the whole sitting and passively listening to a lecture part, he thinks he doesn't like reading because others always talk about sitting there and reading for hours on end (if he's older, he may have realised it's OK to read for 20-minute bursts, something I eventually realised, too). He only really learns by doing. That being said, depending on age, he may not have had the chance to *realise* that yet.
He wouldn't become a sumo wrestler, but he totally watches it. Honestly, any fighting sport, and he's there.
He's very Japanese as far as religion. Sort of takes part and believes in a lot of them at the same time, but none are a overly influential part of his life. This is a thing.
Crossovers with any season preceding Savers are pretty easy with this blog considering my project. The project will eventually merge with the Bleach project, toi, so I also have a thing for that. Overall, I welcome crossovers with most animated media. Live action, I'll consider if you don't use icons with me (it ends up looking like Who Framed Roger Rabbit in my head) I don't do any real person stuff beyond, say, having Masaru listen to real bands or know of other public figures.
There is also a flexibility in playing Masaru in other countries. He could visit family in Russia or Afghanistan, he can be sent over from DATS to help with digimon appearances in countries allied with Japan (coughcontroloverjapanliketheuscough) or I totally ship him with Touma, so he could be in whatever that country is (obviously a Germanic nation in Western Europe)
He's definitely leftist, but his tactics aren't really common among the left. Typically, it's the fascists that will throw the first punch. Except Masaru will, as well. Unfortunately, this means he can take *away* from, say, antifa efforts to counter demo anti-Korean rioters.
He looks down on most weapon use, but probably none more so than guns and other weapons that remove the user from the target. To him, anyone who hides safely behind a weapon and makes the fight so one-sided is a coward. To this extent, he thinks war should be done away with and the leaders of the countries should duel instead of America just wiping out thousands of Japanese (WWII) or Afghani (during his lifetime) civilians (well, in that war, it was definitely not the Afghani government's fault, as that was a radical rebel sect powered initially by Regean, but it was most certainly civilian deaths en masse)
Masaru cannot meditate at all. He's also very reactive. To that extent, he's never really done well with martial arts. There's a lot less focus on self-discipline in boxing and wrestling than in Aikido or karate or what have you. He'd probably love the intensity of Krav Maga or CQC. I just don't know if Krav Maga has a self-discipline component. CQC almost certainly doesn't--it's American.
More when I think of it.
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marlettwrites · 5 years
11/11/11 tag
I was tagged by the lovely @marie-writess! Thank you! Sorry this took me so long, I was really dragging my feet on writing my own questions.
1. How heavily do you plot before starting your story?
I like to make sure most, if not all of the details are planned out. I may change them later as I write, but it helps me a lot to know exactly where I want the story to go. If I don’t do this, I end up getting stuck. A lot.
At the very least, I like to have all my major plot points planned. Where are the characters starting? Where are they going? How do they get there, and what major obstacles do they encounter along the way?
2. Do you have writing schedule? If so, what does it look like?
I wish. I probably should start planning one. Right now, I write when I have the time and/or energy.
3. What are some common themes in the things you write? Is there anything that you almost always seem to include?
Okay, so found family. Always.
I’ve also been noticing a theme of family in general in most of my works. Often, there will be some form of familial conflict that is integral to the story. In A Curse of Healing, Jude is fleeing an abusive family and Kul is at odds with his dad. They find family within each other. In another story, a closeted trans teen is living with his anti-LGBTQ+ parents and siblings, in another one I have an Asian-American teen born to immigrant parents who doesn’t really understand everything his parents did for him and he’s kind of a little shit about it, and in yet another story I have a stay at home mom who feels like she’s losing touch with her husband and daughter.
So yeah, there’s a bit of a theme of a huge family divide that can either be fixed through mutual understanding, or ‘he/she/they is toxic, get the fuck out of there now’.
Also, not to be cheesy or anything, but I totally have a running theme of the power of friendship going as well.
4. What is the best piece of writing advice you’ve ever had given to you?
Writer’s Block? Don’t know her.
If you can’t think of what happens in your story next or how to word it, just write whatever is on your mind so you can blow your metaphorical nose. Once the clog is gone, you will be breathing freely.
5. What are some of your writer dreams? fears?
For dreams, I want to inspire people (specifically LGBTQ+, disabled, and POC youth) by showing them that they can be the hero of the story too. Really, I just want to help build a world where there is no ‘default’ character and a story with any kind of representation isn’t met with cries of ‘THAT character can’t/shouldn’t be a POC/trans/disabled/gay/a woman/muslim because *bullshit excuse for bigotry*!’
My biggest fear is that my ability to write won’t match up with what I want to do, and I’ll end up harming those groups instead of helping them.
6. When it comes to writing love are you more drawn to platonic or romantic love?
I love me some good platonic love. I adore sweet, wholesome friendships in stories. However, that doesn’t mean I’ll shy away from romance.
Although I can only think of two stories I have planned where a romance takes center stage
7. What weakness in your writing are you currently overcoming or have overcome?
I’m working on both writing and reading more regularly. I’ve had my nose stuck in a book since I first learned to read, but after my sophomore year of high school, I just kind of... stopped reading. 
I don’t fully understand why that happened, but I think a big part of it is that I pick up books based on how similar they are to the ones I want to write (because they’re all I want to read) and then I feel disappointed when it’s not MY book.
I know, I know, it’s stupid and paradoxical.
8. What do you see as your greatest strength as a writer?
I can do a grammar and spelling real good.
Okay, but seriously though. I try to make my characters complex beings that feel real. I want complicated relationships, moral quandries, and ‘oh shit’ moments of self-discovery.
People better be able to spend hours psychoanalyzing the characters up in this bitch.
9. Is there a genre you thought you’d never write in that you have? What are the genres that currently you feel you’d never write?
Honestly, not really? I’ve always loved reading fantasy and sci-fi, and that’s all I can think to write right now. If we’re counting subplots, I never thought I’d be able to write anything romantic, but then Jude and Kul came along and whOOpS!
Currently (and probably forever and ever until the end of time) I will never write erotica. Not because I think the genre is ‘inferior’ or whatever (it’s certain to present its own unique challenges, and I’d assume is as difficult to plan and execute as any other genre), but because I am extremely sex-repulsed. Just reading about two characters making out makes me extremely uncomfortable. I wouldn’t be able to do it.
10. What kind of characters do you struggle to write? Why do you think that is?
Oof, uhh... probably really crafty inventive characters. I don’t know enough about the way things work to come up with a rube goldberg on the fly.
But I’m going to have to learn, because guess what kind of character Kul is?
11. Who or what was your biggest motivation to start writing? Is it still the same today?
Okay, so this was a whole process for me, and I kind of have to write out the whole story now. Sorry not sorry.
I hated writing up until one particular assignment in the fourth grade. It was a very specific turning point for me. I had been creating fan characters for awhile before this happened, but what I didn’t realize while crafting their (not so) carefully thought out backstories, was that I was moving along the writing process.
So we get an assignment. We have to write a story about a quest in the fashion of a Greek myth. There must be a character who is sent on a heroic journey to do a thing, and there must be exactly three obstacles that get in the way of the hero’s goal.
I don’t remember exactly what I wrote, but I do recall that it involved my Sonic OC, Crystal Amber Fox. She was an anthropomorphic fox with ice powers and pieces of amber embedded in her body because I thought it looked cool, I guess. She was also the princess of the ice kingdom, and her parents sent her on a quest to... I think slay a dragon? I think she also had to take the prince of the fire kingdom with her (a black hedgehog with flame designs on his quills. Aptly named ‘Flame’, if I’m remembering right. Also, I think he was actually someone else’s OC that I saw on DeviantArt and subsequently went ‘Hey! Crystal should date him!’ To the creator of Flame the hedgehog, whoever you may be, I am deeply sorry for stealing your OC and putting him in a Greek-inspired epic without your permission).
Anyway, there was a swamp and a magic sword and a dragon that they were supposed to slay, but I doubt they actually did because I’ve always had a huge soft spot for dragons.
So it was fourth grade, and the teacher was probably expecting like, two pages.
I turned in twenty and got the elementary school equivalent of an A+.
It was while writing out that story that I first started to think ‘gee, maybe writing could be fun, actually’. Thanks, Mrs. Burpee. I owe you one.
To answer the second part of your question, in a way, my motivations are the same. I write because I like writing and that’s all there is to it.
My questions and tag list will be under the cut. :)
How old were you when you first realized you wanted to write?
What was the first story you ever wrote about?
What are some of your writing goals?
How often do you write, and do you have a writing schedule?
Who is your favorite OC that you've created?
Which is your least favorite OC?
What are three things you like about your writing?
What are three things you want to improve in your writing?
Tell me a bit about your current WIP!
What are you most proud of about your WIP?
What is your favorite scene that you’ve written in your WIP so far?
Tagging: @kai-writesstuff @quilloftheclouds @practising-writer @imaghostwriter @caz-writes @angelolytle @planets-and-prose @runningonrain
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tessatechaitea · 5 years
Wonder Twins #7
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I didn't realize the Wonder Twins were Gen X.
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Oh yeah! Zan had just saved the world by stopping a plot that was going to save the world.
I just realized I hadn't scanned the cover yet and as I did, I noticed the Wonder Twins fist/star emblem marks a striking resemblance to a goat.se riff. Zan and Jayna get taken off of monitor duty at the Hall of Justice now that they've stopped the League of Annoyance. You'd think that doing a good job would get you a promotion but those of use who have always done spectacularly good jobs know better. While everybody else works down to the lowest common denominator (because who wants to do more work than the next guy?! A fool, that's who!), good workers just put on blinders and do the job they were hired for until the time they're being paid for is up. Sure, that sounds like I'm describing a sucker who's been completely manipulated by the man! But I'm also describing a person who fulfills their end of whatever bargain they've agreed to! So when I say Zan and Jayna wind up giving tours at the Hall of Justice because they were too good at catching criminals, you'll understand why I went into the previous digression. Maybe? I don't know. Have you seen what state the U.S. is in?! Why are you picking apart my writing style?! Mark Russell takes a few pages to shit all over hockey fans and now I hate Mark Russell with a burning passion. Even though I'd hardly call myself a hockey fan. I mean, I loved NHL '93 (unless it was '92 (or maybe '94?)) and I loved going to San Jose Sharks games when I was still living in the Bay Area (plus my friend worked equipment for the Sharks and would get us free tickets). But it's not like I follow it much anymore. I just like the feeling of being angry at somebody for writing a satirical critique of sports fans rioting because they're so happy that their team won. Although why would I be angry when I've never done that nor think Russell's wrong in his pointed and humorous critique?! Oh, who cares why! Being angry is just more fun! Oh shit! I finally understand people's attraction to Fox News! I just watched a YouTube clip of somebody's Jeremy Roenick highlights from NHL '94 set to the song "More Than a Feeling" and it was pretty awesome. Also, that was definitely the one we played nonstop back in 1993 and 94 and maybe even into 95. Roenick unstoppable down with the puck while Sharks players lay splayed out on their back all across the ice. To stop the riot, Superman calls in Repulso! He's a guy whose super power is super stink and he's kept in a locked room with a bare table and a microwave and nobody wants to be his friend because he smells like a garbage dumb that vomited on top of the diarrhea it shit out while standing on its head so the stanky muck ran down his body absorbing all of his body odor and then somebody cut up a durian and tossed it in the mix.
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Superman is a dick. Get this guy some friends with no sense of smell. Or at the very least, an Xbox Gold account.
After the hockey riots, some "the end of the world" riots take place because Zan and Jayna screw up something or other. Basically what that means is that Repulso gets to be let out of his airtight containment unit again! He's a pretty optimistic guy for being sealed away by Superman (which is just Superman's way! Is somebody a problem? No problem! Put them in the Phantom Zone!). He's so happy and not bitter about his living arrangements that I feel like Zan and Jayna had better figure out a way to give him a better life before this issue ends. Because if Mark Russell fails this character he created before this issue is over and I have to face reality after snot crying about a fictional person, I'm going to be pretty upset when I continue to buy Mark Russell comic books because what other choice do I have? Am I going to stop reading DC's best written comic books because Mark Russell betrayed poor Repulso? Of course not! What am I? A person with integrity?! Repulso winds up getting his ass beat by rioters as Repulso's handlers flee the chaotic "end of the world" downtown riot scene. Luckily the Wonder Twins are headed downtown to save his life and maybe become his friend or something? Please? After Zan and Jayna save Repulso, Jayna goes to Superman to tell him everything sucks. He gives her a big speech about how being a hero is lonely work because you don't always get to fuck the hot chick at your secret identity's workplace and also fuck an Amazon warrior while also getting to fuck anybody at all whose initials are "L.L." and also have a best friend who is the coolest guy in the world with a butler who makes the best pancakes. Sometimes you're a fat jerk who smells who even Superman won't fucking give the time of day because Superman has this speech about how being a hero is lonely and that's a good thing so you should embrace your loneliness because who wants to put up with your super stink, fatty?
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Jayna is a way better hero than Superman. At least in this comic book that's all about her and not Superman so of course she's going to outshine him!
Oh yeah, the ant in the above picture is Jayna. It can't smell. Wonder Twins #7 Rating: A+. I should probably be less cynical when reading Mark Russell comic books because he's as earnest and serious as he can be while also providing lots of jokes. He takes writing seriously because what else is there? If your message isn't going to matter, why bother? (is his philosophy. I think. It's not my philosophy! I don't think? Maybe it is! I just write things that matter in a much different way than Mark Russell writes things that matter.) I should probably read Superman's speech and be inspired by the idea that you don't do good because you want adulation; you do good because it's the right thing to do, even if the entire world thinks you're an asshole for doing it. Even if all of the other superheroes think you're a stinky fuck and only keep you around to use as a tool to oppress and manipulate the masses without having to use logic and reason on them (because, let's face it, the people doing terrible things don't understand logic and reason. Or they're do but they're just selfish and greedy so nothing is going to reach them anyway (which maybe is part of Superman's message?)), you're still a hero at the end of the day. You can still be proud of your stinky self. And even if the life is lonely, you should remain positive and upbeat because Superman really doesn't want to be reminded that you exist every time you complain about the lack of reasonable living conditions. Being a hero is a state of mind, says the guy who also looks great and is invulnerable and has the best wife and a cool son and doesn't have to fear death! So inspiring!
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kakusu-shipping · 5 years
I’ve been self indulging in rewriting my old Ouran Highschool Host Club Self-Insert for two days now and I’ve decided to write it down cause it’s another one of those Self-Inserts that has a descent story with it.
So, he’s trans, 1. As a child his name was Nanami, and “she” was to be Kyoya’s arranged bride. The two knew each other from Kindergarten and got along decently, as much as you can with cold stone Kyoya. “She” also knew Mitskuni and Takashi at a young age, because “her” parents ran a candy and baked goods company, very large time.
In Early Middle School, 1st year, before Tamaki, Nanami’s family moved to America to widen the business. “She” and Kyoya kept in touch because that’s the kind of guy Kyoya is, and “she” was, at the time, the person he was closest too. The bickered like typical siblings.
In America “She” became He and even adopted an American boy name, Emile! He loved his knew title and, even if his parents weren’t all for it, got top surgery and delved more and more in Sexuality and Gender identity.
With his new identity, he returned to Japan, without his parents, and lived with Kyoya.
(This is where I’m gonna switch to I/we pronouns because it’s a self-insert)
Living with Kyoya was the same, we still bicker like siblings and I call him a perverted old man constantly.
First day back to school everyone’s a buzz about “someone” returning from America. Tamaki is curious and when he’s told it’s a girl, he’s addement about being the first to welcome “her” back to the school.
Kyoya, as the Vice President, and the Class President (who’s a manga only character and I can’t find her name), start the class of welcoming the new student. The Class President is tripped up when she looks at her paper and sees an English name. Unsure how to say it, she pauses, in which Kyoya is instead the one to say my name.
Everyone is, of course, surprised when a boy walks into class and introduces himself as Emile, previously Nanami. 
The girls in the class on in an uproar, as we were all previously in the same elementary school, asking if I’m cross dressing. After a brief explanation of what Transgender is, everyone’s cool with it. Tamaki makes a slip here and there for the first day, and continued to get death glares from Kyoya and eventually gets his pencil snapped in half over it.
Tamaki expects to be able to talk over how Kyoya’s acting weird at the club meeting today but, SURPRISE! I’m there too. In fact, Kyoya has a job for me. But first! Presents!
The Twins, who I don’t know and they don’t know me, demand their gifts first. Luckily, Kyoya told me about everyone already, so I have gifts for them and the others I haven’t met.
For the twins, they both get a ball on a string catching game thing, because Kyoya said they like games and commoner toys. They same it’s lame but start playing anyway. (And have it mastered by the next day)
For Hunny next, cause he came asking next, a stuffed bunny with a bag of chocolates!
For Mori (whom I have had the biggest crush on for years), a Woodlen animals of Northern America encyclopedia. Inside the first page is taped a small keychain of a Tanooki.
For Haruhi, based on Kyoya’s recommendation, coupons! Most of them are for food stores that are in both America and Japan. “Kyoya said you like food and saving money!” is the only explanation. Haruhi blames Kyoya.
And finally, for Tamaki, a collection of “Blind Bags” from Walmart. Little Commoner toys where you don’t know what you’ll get till you open them.
Kyoya already got his present, which was a DVD collection of some of the worst American Movies I could find. Bad as in bad jokes. This is Kyoya’s sense of humor.
Now, for my job. I’m not a host. Not good at it, too socially anxious and clumsy and dumb. Instead, Kyoya puts me in charge of serving. In case a host runs out of cakes or tea/coffee, it’s my job to deliver more. I also make the sweets because, you know, bakery family. This, of course, saves money. As Kyoya says.
I wear roller scates and deliver wherever needed, along with check the list to make sure everyone’s at the right tables and on time.
I’m very bad at the “Which one is Hikaru Game”, even without the hats, in a 50/50 chance, I get it wrong 90% of the time. Th boys don’t pick on me too hard though because I’ll almost always beat them to the punch on calling myself stupid. The first time they called me dumb and I agreed with them, Mori got up from his table, took the hat Hikaru wears for the game, hit them both with it, then lightly smacked me over the head, “Don’t call yourself stupid. The game’s rigged.” And left.
Also, I wanna say right now, Hunny and Kyoya are the same level of intelligence, and have the same sense of humor when it comes to messing with people. So, as they know Mori and I like eachother, they’re getting in the way of that. Just enough to make it fun.
One time, after being mistaken for a girl a lot in one day, I was doing the dishes in the kitchen area of the club room, and Mori came in to try and cheer me up. As he was doing this, outside the room, Kyoya and Hunny were playing Rock-Paper-Scissors to decide who gets to go in and break it up.
Haruhi’s class went to Kyoto to see Temples because, you know, the class likes to do commoner things. And OBVIOUSLY Tamaki drags the rest of us along because Haruhi cannot go anywhere without him.
We rented three rooms, becuase Tamaki thought it’s a part of the trip to share rooms with friends. Kyoya suggested I take the third room alone, but I don’t like sleeping by myself. Mori presents sticks in his hand, whoever gets sticks of matching numbers share rooms.
Mori... Isn’t a very smart man, but still tried to rig it. He placed the 2 stick in front of himself and Me so we’d pick the same room, and the 1 stick in front of Hunny and Tamaki so they’d share a room. Seemed simple. But OH NO. After I picked the 2 stick Mori planned for me, Kyoya went next and immediately reached for the stick in front of Mori. You could see the immediate panic on Mori’s face, and while it would be funny to ruin Mori’s carefully thought out plan, Hunny shook his head to tell him no. So he took Tamaki’s instead.
We ended up swapping rooms the second night anyway because Hunny and Kyoya thought that’d be more fun, and Tamaki kept complaining about being in a room alone.
Also on this trip we went to The Kiyomizu-Dera temple and learned about the old “leap of faith” myth. The tour guide asked us what our wish would be, and we both wished to cure all illness. We immedetly started talking how sense we have the same wish, only one of us as to jump to get it, but Kyoya came over to tell us if we BOTH jump, it raises our chances of getting a wish by 50%. We did the math and that’s like!!! 100% chance of getting our wish granted!!!
They twins had to physically restraint Tamaki from jumping, while Mori simply picked me up. Kyoya thought it was funny. Haruhi was very tired.
Also while we were there I followed a bird halfway across town while no one was looking like a toddler and called Kyoya crying because I was lost and couldn’t see the temple. Luckily he puts GPS tracking on everyone’s phones and was able to find me.
Haruhi asked me once to explain LGBT+ to her, because her father is a Trans woman and she doesn’t fully understand that. He still goes by he/him pronouns and Father because he doesn’t want to try and replace Haruhi’s mom, obviously.
So one day after school I got to her house with all my reference books to talk to her about it while her dad’s out. And, of course, we can’t have a meeting on our own, the rest of the club tags along.
After talking about Gender, we also talk about Sexuality. I use my own Asexual as an example, then the fact Kyoya’s Bi and Tamaki is Pan. Except. Tamaki doesn’t know what Pansexual means, so I have to explain and he agrees. 
After also proclaiming Karou as Bi, Hikaru is immediately confused because not even he knew this?? Karou came out to me because he also didn’t know much about LGBT and wanted to explore himself more. Hikaru asks me if he’s Bi too and I tell him I can’t speak for other people. “But you spoke for Tamaki!!” “Kyoya gave me permission to speak for Tamaki because he would have never figured it out on his own.”
We figure out in this meeting Hunny is the only Straight in the entire group. He’s also the only one currently dating anyone.
Haruhi reflects on the Non-Binary parts of the conversation and asks to barrow a couple of books.
At the end of this long self insert story thing, I’ll put that, like other Self-Inserts, I latched onto ships that are canon in this universe, unless I meet other Self-Shippers of this Fandom.
Me - Mori.
Hunny - Reiko
Kyoya - Tamaki
Haruhi - Ritsu
I know Haruhi and Tamaki are the canon ending of the manga, which is my favorite manga btw, but I love Kasanoda too much. He’s very cute and while he DOES get a happy ending in the manga as well I just... I just want him and Haruhi to be happy.
#oskgodkfogdo#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa#This is way longer then I expected it to be I'm sorry to anyone who reads this!!!!#Mori#OHSHC Self-Insert#Please read the Ouran manga it's very good#Extras:#I call Kyoya 'Kyo-Kyo' and he hates it#In Tamaki's Family image of us I fall into baby brother#Though the Twins disagree and say I'm more like the dumb dog they found on the side of the road#Sometimes compairable to spesifically 'Mommy's' dumb-ass lap dog#To get revenge on Kyoya once I took a picture of his messy sleeping face and posted it to the Host Club page#He then proceeded to show all of the club members (spesifically Mori) his photo album listed 'Emile's Crying Faces'#I cry a lot over dumb things#I called Tamaki daddy once without paying attention and everyone but him hated it#Mori and I's first kiss was in the school's rose maze after I got lost and then proceeded to fall out of a tree trying to find a way out#I run when excited and will fall every time#Kyoya has most of my ticks by memory at this point#Example; The first time I met Kasanoda was in club#and I bounce when excited#I was wearing rollar scates at the time#so as Kyoya was explaining who Kasanoda was to me he also made me sit down so I could bounc in a chair without falling#Mori is still learning these ticks but is luckily fast acting#I connect Mori with Tanooki's and have so ever sense we were kids#The first time I was invited to Mori's Birthday Party I got him a plush Tanooki and his dad laughed saying his son wouldn't like it#Suprise tho he still has it and it rests on his bed#On Christmas everyone did a gift echange one year and everyone kept trading with me so they could give a spesific person a gift#I eventually ended up with Hunny#who got Kyoya and came to me begging for advice on what to get him#I relieved Kyoya's horrible taste in movies and immediately got in trouble
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charlyoddsox27 · 6 years
its 6am, i havent slept, im bored, so im posting a list of the mercs in order of whom i like the most and reasons why, because thats something i should do i guess?
here goes
(spoilers for the comics down below but either way i think im the only person on earth who has never read them before now)
~~1. Medic~~
reasons for being my favourite:
• fucking. look. at. him. 👌
• 'mad german doctor' is one of my favourite tropes and he is a pretty bang-on satirical depiction of it
• cute-ass german accent
• healers are the most respectable class imo and since Medic pretty much started it he's automatically the best, thats how it works right?
• he sold some random persons soul to satan in exchange for a ***ballpoint pen*** and can i just say, fucking mood??? (he is literally the "i'd sell you to satan for one cornchip" meme)
• "yes, Archimedes...I couldn't agree more." *shudders* b oi .. .
• so many more reasons to love this gross old doctor so little room in Tumblrs posts.
~~2. Spy~~
reasons for being my second favourite:
• cranky, done with everyones shit, just wants to be left alone, fucking mood
• he's a spy i mean c'mon. look at the swanky-ass suit, look at the class radiating from this asshole.
• he may be a dick but he has a soft side he's just too jaded to show it most of the time (see: Scouts death in the comics?? real tears. honestly wish they'd panned that out more.)
• masks are hot tbFH--
• he enjoys a nice glass of whisky by the fireplace and so do i (fun fact: france is the biggest importer of scottish whisky in the world so its a nice touch)
• shapeshifting is fucking cool are you serious like he can just. do that. what a legend
• "i have a cyanide pill in one of my molars, if i break it then spit some in your mouth before i die, we can avoid being tortured." *'heavy' bursts in to save them* "PFFTHBTHF--"
• arrogant frenchman is one of my other favourite tropes and this is the most arrogant frenchman ive ever seen
• he's the only fully sane Merc, maybe apart from Engie.
• people love to hate him bc he's an asshole but...come on. after working with all those other weirdos for years, you'd be pretty jaded too.
• as a gross shipper, he's the easiest and the most fun (imo) to ship with Medic (rip me)
~~3. Pyro~~
reasons for being my third favourite:
• would have tied with Soldier if it werent for that one picture of them in the comics holding a puppy over their head with the most adoring expression on their mask??? good Pyro. goodest Pyro.
• doesn't do much in the comics but makes up for it in pure charm. look at that soulless face and tell me you dont love it.
• ambiguous gender ambiguous gender amBIGUOUS GENDER AMBIGUOUS GENDER. she/he/they? trans? nb? whatever you headcanon, it'll never be confirmed so its literally up to your own imagination. fucking ace, Valve 👌👌👌
• likes to burn things. god damnit. they like to burn things, guys. but they enjoy it so much, you just cant hate them, you can only feel a sympathetic joy that this precious lunatic is having fun in their own little world.
• canonically mentally ill (schizoprenia? it could be hallucinogenic drugs but i like to think its schizophrenia.)
• pretty sure they burned a pair of pedophiles in the comics. at least i think thats what those panels were insinuating. "lets open an orphanage and have an endless supply of kids to--" sounds pretty red-flaggy to me tbh. plus they were the villains so, eh?
• bludgeoned a bear to death until its skull was pulp because it insulted their special interest. you go, Pyro.
• for a few bits in the comics they have a really cute family dynamic going on with other Mercs, Soldier for example."Miss Pauling, Pyros on my side of the car." "Miss Pauling, Pyro cut off my hand." fuckin' cuties.
• when they start putting on like 50 shirts to keep warm in the Russian mountains. chubby.
• a gas mask that can function as both badass, and completely adorable.
• just. everything about them. how could you not love them. they're not in the wrong, you are. stay away from my misunderstood child and let them burn things god damnit.
~~4. Soldier~~
look I'm sorry, I love Soldier and he was gonna be tied with Pyro but that fucking puppy drawing sold me.
• absolute gold every second he speaks. he could sneeze and i'll laugh.
• such a dumbass you cant get annoyed at him for it. like. just agree with him and move on. no point reasoning with a boulder. "haha! silly Miss Pauling, thinking theres different types of blood." Medic: "haha yes! indeed, silly."
• i'm not American and even i can see how blatantly his character mocks stereotypical Patriotic Americans™. but its so dumb and laughable, its adorable.
• the first "meet the Mercs" video i ever saw was "meet the Soldier" so he holds a special place in my heart
• (preaches about experiencing the horrors of war; has never actually been to war. shh dont tell anyone though--) *neck gets snapped*
~~5. Demoman~~
• I'm Scottish. even though his accent is absolute garbage (no offense to the VA), any representation is very nice.
• Black AND Scottish?? i mean has a character like that even existed before TF2??? amazing example of representation right there. there are barely even any black people in Scotland, how did this happen. I love it. more of this, please.
• he's a drunk guy who blows shit up for shits and giggles and god I wish I could too, sounds like a miracle stress-reliever.
• his sassy black scottish mother. combining the stereotypical black mother with the stereotypical scottish mother is literally the best thing that ever happened.
• the bit in the comic where Medic explains that Demo can't remember what happened to his eye bc he scooped out part of his brain, and the look on Demo's face. just. the look.
• again, he's scottish, he's stereotypical, and he's awesome.
~~6. Sniper~~
• underrated
• piss jars. piss jars everywhere.
• "no dad, im not a crazed murdering lunatic, I'm an assassin. ...well one's a job and the other's mental sickness!!"
• "meet the Sniper" has kickass music
• ruffled gross old man who isn't actually old, he's just seen some SHIT
• actually given development in the comics + some really good scenes with Spy.
• so suave...so...handsome. handsome ruffled bushman. me like.
• he dies first in the comics but gets brought back and gets a cool-ass scar. and then he's just walking around naked everywhere for the rest of the comic. Medic, where the fuck did you put his clothes.
• isn't actually Australian. thats like one of the biggest twists in the comic. "no wonder i was never inhumanly strong and my chest hair didn't grow into the shape of Australia!!" Classic.
• says "bugger" a lot and i love that word
• he needs a hug, let me hug him. and give him a bath.
~~7. Heavy~~
I'm gonna be crucified for putting the big lad so low but i promise i dont dislike any of the Mercs. he'd be higher up but...ive never really liked big huge tank-men tbh :/
• loveable as fuck
• will murder you if you bully his puny little Medic
• i looove Russian accents omfg
• he like big gun. i can respect that.
• when Medic was killed and he went APESHIT on Classic!Heavy and I lost my fuckin' mind over that shit
• he probably has a soft spot for small cute animals. i love imagining him being swarmed by Medics flock of doves and petting them like "good bird...so many good bird..."
• actually smarter than people give him credit for???
• i really really wish his character was a lil more fleshed out but. that's just me. i love him but he doesn't have the same appeal to me as Medic or Spy.
• his entire relationship with Medic...ugh. yes. best friends and/or boyfriends. all good to me 👌
• he named his gun Sasha and that's adorable
~~8. Engineer~~
• gOD, FUCK, I REALLY WISH HE DID MORE IN THE COMICS. i barely know anything about his character. i like him a lot but...god, he...he doesn't...do.....anything.......
• he built a cool robot arm for himself and AI turrets and teleporter machines and guns that fire magic healing powers and immortality machines, in the 1960s. what. some kind of wizard fuckery is this.
• smoothest voice in the west
• "y'all"
~~9. Scout~~
oh god i really am gonna be crucified. i dont hate him i just. like him the least.
• shitboy
• reminds me of a shitty ex but also kinda relateable in a way
• some genuinely funny bits in the shorts.
• gross horny hetero teen boy with a god complex and serious daddy issues. also, he can't read. the "sex bom" tattoo on his chest will be an eternal testament to that. nice job, Spy. you raised him good.
hoo boy there we go theres all the boys, all the beautiful boys (and Scout) in order of how much i love them. if i made any errors in my info about the canon, feel free to send me death threats 💙 (no seriously tell me though, being a newbie is embarrassing)
so uh. yeah. that took two hours to write. its now 8am. im still bored lol. bye i guess.
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tumblunni · 7 years
OH MAN I HAD SUCH A BAD SLEEP I took too many headache pills and forgot they contain caffeine and i was up all night Dying Of Tired and then when i finally passed out i had like five damn nightmares at once?? Its hard to even remember most of them but I just know I was really inexplicably legitimately panicked about a bunch of super arbitrary nonsense. Like.. brain so shot that I couldnt even compose a decent narrative for why the thing is scary. WTF...
Like at one point I was just reenacting the final boss fight from Deadly Premonition?? And like there’s a bunch of actual reasons why that thing pisses me off, like how cliche it was to make the One Fat Man In The Town the villain, and how suddenly we’re adding a really crass rape plot and LOL isn’t it even more gross cos he’s overweight. Right after a big ol ‘demon trans person’ fight and one of the most sympathetic characters getting dragged through the mud and discarded. Like seriously fuckin EVERYONE betrays you and then your love interest dies from monster rape while crying ‘don’t look at me I’m soiled’ and fucking PUNS cos evil fatman is some sort of plant monster. God I stopped caring about that game immediately, it went from zany weird to just horrible. ...but in the dream it wasn’t any of that sort of nuance, it was just me for some reason being legit terrified of evil fatman’s comedy boss fight. Seriously, after how detestable he is, they give you a stupid fatness stereotype joke fight where he bounces around like a terrible 60s b-list superhero. Why was dream me legitimately terrified of friggin yoshi ground pound man?! I think the real terror here was just that I was reminded this damn game exists.
And then also for some reason another part of the nightmare was Supreme Anxiety over designing a fan character for sonic the hedgehog?? Somehow I’d won the awesome right to add a character to the series and I was like BUT I HAVE NO IDEAS EXCEPT *points at literally the exact same sprite of my terrible super sonic recolour monkey oc from age 12, somehow blown up to the size of a building* And like I needed to demolish that but it was made of lego bricks, and I was all ‘aaa but i don’t even know if the character would be put in the games or the sonic boom tv show, they have very different sense of humour. do i have to make a playable character or just a comedy npc like the Meh Burger guy?’ incidentally sonic boom the show is awesome and reminds me of my childhood cos lol we got AoStH in britain instead of that grimdark future freedom fighters thing. That was our comic instead! its funny how similar the british and american comics are and yet how insanely different! but i still love a zany fourth wall breaking trash show and im so fucking happy we now have a way more well animated one! Anyway this was SO SUPER STRESSFUL cos I havent even been very involved in sonic fandom since I was a lil kid, but it was a thing I did with my now deceased grandma so its Kinda A Big Deal. I think dream me even considered making a character based on her, but I decided it was too close to eggman. She was such a supervillain of hugs! So yah it just ended with me at Green Hill Zone and then i fuckin run off into the distance and never come back. DONT GIVE BUNNI RESPONSIBILITIiiiiiies...!!
Also there was something about some sort of.. ghost phone app dating game? It was so weird cos I was a person sitting on a bus playing the app and then the love interest from the app actually got on the bus and I guess we were actually just texting? And for some reason I had to take pictures of the moon, which looked like a tiny head of eggman’s voiceactor with little stick limbs attatched. And a day and night cycle kept going super fast so i was like ‘ehh only ten minutes til another good shot’. And I guess the eggmoon got bigger to show your progress thru the plot...?? ‘That’s my favourite star’ says anime schoolgirl, romantically... So yeah all I knew was that this was somehow a horror game and supposed to have jumpscares, but I was like HELL YEAH DATING A GHOST! And then the plot twist was something like the bus was the bus to the afterlife and we were both ghosts. So like you’d get the bad ending for running away from ghost girlfriend and then find out the only thing outside the bus door is infinate blackness and You Was The Zombie Too But the bigger scary twist for me was that in this universe I’d died from being strangled by my abusive dad and then suddenly everyone was super unsympathetic to me and telling me I’d deserved it and oh man poor dad having to deal with a lil shit like me Zombie dating? perfectly fine! zombie dating an abuse apologist? NOPE.
And then i also dreamed about a neat game that I’m sad doesn’t actually exist. I was desperately trying to remember the name of it as if it did exist?? i feel betrayed?? XD It was something where there were four nature spirit boys and I had to help them regain their power and potentially have dating sim shenanigans I guess?? I just recall that they all started as a tiny mascot creature and it was that dumb cliche of ‘actually my true form was specifically an attractive person of the designated gender you prefer, at the exact same age as you! what are the odds!’ But they still looked pretty neat in their more humanoid form, they were still monster boys rather than the super superest of cliche dating sim characters. And I recall there was an interesting thing of every route being a wildly different genre? like they’d all start the same with me suddenly getting this weird mascot critter, but then the answer as to what exactly the spirits were and what his amnesiac memory was was always different. Like in one of them (fire, I think?) it turned out to be a post apocolyptic sci fi where the earth was running out of resources and children with psychic potential were kidnapped and turned into genetic experiments to create these ‘spirits’. They were more like humanized terraforming machines?? It was really kind of a neat plot twist?? And I recall that fire guy was a sad shy dood kinda like nageki from hatoful boyfriend, and his monster boy traits were interesting cos he had dusty grey hair with only a few scattered red strands, and it would blaze up into a burning white flame whenever he lost control of his emotions. (similarly with just a tiny red flame cowlick in the middle) And I think the water spirit was a very pompous kingly type whos mascot form looked like a slime from dragon quest. He was my favourite, he was good comic relief and very huggable! I think his plot got all twisty and sad tho, like it turns out he wasn’t the real king but just a clone duplicate made to use as a body double. And it was depressing that he was so convinced his memories were real and so utterly oblivious to the fact he was like.. melting, a lot, often. Thats normal rite? U just cant do it cos you’re a commoner! These magic powers are totally a thing of the royal lineage and not proof that I actually really am a dragon quest slime with a bad case of identity issues! Anyway we punched the jerkass king and rescued the real prince and they lived happily ever after as if they were just a regular set of twins. And human prince was all ‘I’mma be the best wingman!’ and kept teasing you about ending the story on a kiss. It was cute! I dunno about the other two love interests tho, I just definately know there were four of them for some reason. Also for some reason dream!me was constantly criticising the game’s art style, that was a little annoying XD
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kdfrqqg · 7 years
Tag you're it!
I was tagged by @honeybeetrash also I am blaming @webcricket
Rules: Answer 20 questions and tag 10 followers to get to know better
Name: Kris, it’s short for Krystle. Clearly my mom wanted me to become a stripper.
Chinese Zodiac Sign: Cancer the crab ♋
Height: 5'6"
Ethnicity: American (my ancestry is mostly British)
Hogwarts House: Slytherin probably but dammit if that stupid hat wouldn’t put me in Hufflepuff. I have a huge crush on Snape, Draco and Lucius Malfoy.
Myers-Briggs (MBTI) Personality Results: ENFP Extravert(47%)  iNtuitive(19%) Feeling(22%)  Perceiving(3%) That is what my internet results said. I have never taken the real thing
Favorite Season(s): Fall, I love all of the changing colors of the leaves. It starts to get cold and you would rather spend time under a blanket with your favorite person than anywhere else. Everything is pumpkin flavored, sue me I’m a white girl. Everybody’s homes smell like hot apple cider and my hubby and I got married in the fall.
Favorite Book(s): I really liked the Kingsfountain series by Jeff Wheeler. It’s all about love, magic, and royalty.
Favorite Flower(s): Lilies, and hydrangeas
Favorite Color(s): I am a pink kinda girl. Even my engagement ring is Morganite (also known​ a pink emerald/beryl). I tend to go for more pink, red or orange tones. I like green and purple on me personally because I have green eyes.
Favorite Animal(s) & Why?: so I love sharks, I used to watch shark week every year when I was a kid. I really thought I would go into marine biology when I was younger. I also love dogs and cats! I have one dog and four cats. Dog are just so sweet and loving. In my lifetime, I have probably owned dozens and dozens of cats. Not exaggerating, one time my parents and I had 8 cats, thank goodness they were indoor/outdoor cats. Even when they are being little assholes, they are still cute.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: vanilla ice cream, with black cherry and chocolate chunks
Average Hours of Sleep: this depends on if my husband is in town or not. When he is around, we normally go to bed around 10 to 10:30 at night thus I get my 7 to 8 hours. When he is away, which is frequent, I tend to stay up till at least midnight if not till​ 2 am then if course I only get about 3-4 hours of sleep.
SamGirl/DeanGirl/CasGirl/CrowleyGirl/Other/None?: Ok so I love them all. Can’t I just have them all. I love young skinny Sam more than I love older Sam. Meaning if both younger and older Sam were at a bar I’d go and talk to young Sam. Now, I not saying I don’t like the way Sam/Jared has filled out but I love skinny guys and Sam is big beef cake now. I am actually very attracted to how smart his character is and that he is big nerd which you don’t really expect. Side note: I loved me some​ Kevin Tran. Oh Dean, yes, so crazy thing is Dean and I are probably the most alike. We like way too much rock and roll. I like to drink and get laid, ok before I got married, that is what I like to do. I am in a straight relationship but I consider myself to be bi and I personally believe that Dean is bisexual and that he is in love with his best friend, much like I have had happen numerous times in my life. All my life I was told or I simply felt that I wasn’t smart which made me work really hard to prove my worth. I follow orders very well. My relationship with my dad was definitely very verbal abusive when I was young but I know now it wasn’t about me but about my parents relationship so we are almost BFFs now. I love to eat! Burgers and blueberry pie is like heaven. I like to get in my car and just drive, I always drive my car to places and am rarely the passenger and no one touches my radio. We are both confident and almost cocky. Also I look like a plus size female version of Jensen, the whole green olive eyes, freckles, dark sandy blonde hair. God is he pretty, just like me. Did I mention I’m cocky. Also I am very over protective of those I love. Hell I remember wearing my dad’s leather jacket in highschool. I just identify with him so much. Cas is the most like my the type of men that I normally date. Out of everyone he is the most like my husband. Virginal, religious, smart, patient, kind, loving, dorky, skinny, gorgeous blue eyes and awkward (did I just describe Cas or my husband, yes, yes I did.) Oh Crowley, my hero, as the King of Hell, his is kinda tame. I loved that under him hell wasn’t this place of utter torture, but of long lines because people hate waiting in line. He didn’t agree with the whole sex for souls thing to boost the soul numbers. He has morals that you don’t expect. I can only imagine how good that man smells too. There are only a few things I disliked about Crowley, that he killed Meg, that he tried to kill Jody and that he killed Sarah Blake but overall I have gotten over that. He is damn sexy and I bet he has a daddy kink too.
Favorite SPN Character & Why: Dean. I gave you my dissertation above. I want him to be happy and in love with Cas. I will never tell my ultra conservative husband this but I believe in Destiel so much because I see the parallels between their relationship and our relationship.
Second Favorite SPN Character & Why: Cas but also probably Charlie. Because she is simply awesome, sexy, confident, she and I would be BFFs and end up making out. 
Favorite Fictional Characters Other Than SPN: this is hard oh so many to choose from. Probably Buffy because she was the first real fandom that I joined. With that you can’t have Buffy without Willow.
Favorite Superheroes: Batman
Favorite Movies: I loved the Harry Potter movies, I can honestly watch them all the time. Pride and Prejudice Love Actually I love romances and action movies.
What Would Your Personal SPN Heaven Look Like?: The best spring time picnic with my husband, family and friends. My dog is there and there is the best music playing in the background.
So I am tagging: @chaos-and-the-calm67 @notnaturalanahi @uselessace @boxer-pup @helvonasche @xdifsx @fuschiarulerinthebluebox
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disregardcanon · 7 years
end of the year writing meme: tagging anyone who wants to do this! i’m just bringing it back from last year again 
or: 2017 in fanfiction 
Total Stories Written: 62
Total Words Written:  150k ish  Average Words Per Story: somewhere 3-5k probably  Shortest Story: Skyscraper and Short Stuff at 302  Longest: Jane the Metahuman, my still incomplete the flash/jane the virgin crossover fic at  19,936 
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
less, probably. i had a great fic stall over the summer and the first few months of the school year where i just couldn’t get anything written. also i have a ton of unfinished wips that i can’t apply to my word count.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write most?
i wrote the most for snaibsel and young justice, though i didn’t get caught up on one fandom much  What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
hannibal/brooklyn nine nine crossover fic. enough said Did you take any writing risks this year?
i wrote longer fics and some crossover fics, both of which scare me quite a lot so trying them out really paid off. 
Do you have any fanfic or general writing goals for the new year?
1. post a lot of fics for femslash february. i have a goal of at least 15.
2. write more original fiction.
3. maybe finish that yj season 3 fic i’ve started work on? maybe.
these are the exact same goals as last year omg
From the past year of writing, what was your… Best story of this year: 
you, me and the flash makes three probably. it’s the story that i’n the most proud of in general. i feel like i was able to work within the flash season 1 canon while also tweaking and adding things to make the ot3 work. 
Most popular story of this year: Imagined Infidelity is the most popular on all fronts but bookmarks, which belong to Mantis Prays to Oregon (a far superior fic in my opinion. that one’s of my favorites of the year) 
Personal favorite:
Borrowing Problems from the future was the first real fic i was able to complete in months after my writing drought, so i have a real soft spot for it, especially because it allowed me to explore alex fierro’s character a bit and try to fix a few problems i had with the way their relationship was handled. 
Most under-appreciated: 
i have two for this one, tbh 
the man in yellow in the living room with the knife: this is my flash/pushing daisies crossover which REALLY ends up working but hardly anyone read
The Spark that Will Light the Fire: what if rose tico was a stormtrooper and we actually addressed the stormtrooper issue in tlj? what if???? 
Most fun to write:
Jane the Metahuman. I haven’t worked on it in a while, but it’s always so fun to just slip into the universe where the jane the virgin characters and the flash characters are friends. it’s just so delightfully weird and fun to write. Story with the single sexiest moment:
Blame Me, I Will Wear It hate sex between iris west and a caitlin snow that’s almost kind of herself and almost kind of killer frost, enough said
Most “holy crap, that’s wrong, even for you” story: maybe All Katz Go to Heaven? I didn’t write a lot of fucked up stuff this year, but the idea that every person hannibal lecter has ever murdered ends up in Brooklyn Nine Nine is kind of a fucked up premise for a fic haha
OH WAIT maybe it’s grieving schrodinger’s dad? it puts zatanna zatara into a time loop of the day that her dad becomes doctor fate. 
Most challenging to write:
It was really hard to crank out the second chapter of dead girl walking, especially since i was trying to finish it during my ireland trip. it was a lot of heavy content, a lot of characterization issues, and some action scenes, which aren’t necessarily my strong suit. 
Biggest disappointment: Pushing Irises. it turned out well, but I also had zero motivation to continue it so it’s just a single chapter that ends on a cliff hanger. It might always be a single chapter that ends on a cliff hanger.  Favorite character to write:
this year i really enjoyed writing eleanor shellstrop and cisco ramon. i didn’t write either of them a lot, but whenever i did write them it was a blast. 
Favorite opening lines:
Zatanna crosses her arms over her chest as she leans against Bruce’s black SUV. The “parking lot” at this camp is a glorified field of grass. It rained last night, and there are muddy ruts left all throughout the field and little muddy puddles scattered everywhere. It’s disgusting and rundown and everywhere that Zatanna doesn’t want to spend three weeks of her summer. Endless Summer
Her first memories are of Ego, him cradling her in his arms, tickling her, telling her that he loves her. Her first memories are of him calling her daughter and her calling him dad. Mantis Prays to Oregon
The 99th precinct had a strict, no dating rule. At least, it acquired one the moment Holt showed up. She's pretty sure the old guy wouldn't have cared if they had an orgy in the break room. An Emoji is Worth a Thousand Words
Murder and money are messy businesses. Verger Virtues
The first thing that Rosa thinks when they get to the orchestra hall is that this dressing room will never be clean again. The decor is all bright white except for the places where it’s been stained red by blood. There are a lot of places where it’s been stained red by blood. All Katz Go to Heaven
Favorite closing lines:
Bart's going into uncharted territory. Trying to have friends and a family and be a hero in an era where he's not a slave or even a child soldier. He doesn't know how to go about it, but that's alright. He thinks he can work it out later. How To Fall in Love with Your Mark
“I love my dead gay wife,” Kelly says, hugging tightly, “and I love my dead trans son.” And they laugh, not because it’s funny, really, but because it’s ridiculous and happy. They laugh because somehow life just got so much better. We’re All Dead Here
They may be in the bad place, but they have a freedom now that they’ve never had before. here they are, a tortured academic, a hot rich fraud with legs for days and a selfish ass helping a demon to keep his job, with the help of an idiot DJ and his AI wife. Three hell-bound people just trying to make it in this crazy world, becoming better people and loving each other only after it’s too late.   Eternal Recurrence
"Stop taking your hand?" He asks, and Rey can't tell if he's joking.
"No," Rey says, "don't ever stop."
A Pair of Somebodies
Other favorite lines:
"Romance isn't just for the straights," she says. Pair the Spares
"He's not just a bucket head," Ahsoka says, cracking a grin, "he's the king bucket head." An officer of a notable rank comes up behind them, and stands respectfully to the side.
"No, he's Lord of the bucket heads," Aphra corrects, "you gotta get the title right."
"Lord Buckethead," the officer says with an enormous grin, "your presence is requested on the control deck." Anakin turns towards him, and holds his hand out immediately. The man makes a strangled noise, and he's pulled by the Force.
"Master," Ahsoka says, her voice wobbly. Anakin clenches his fist, and the officer falls to the floor, dead.
"Any more remarks?" Anakin asks. The other officers and troopers on the floor all divert their attention. They got the message: only Ahsoka and Aphra are allowed to tease Darth Vader. Ahsoka feels sick to her stomach. Between the banter and the sex, she had almost forgotten she wasn't supposed to feel at home here. Sympathy for the Devil
Jane Gloriana Villanueva is twenty eight years old. She is a lot of things: a published author, a mother of three, a beloved wife, a local gay icon. She is no longer a virgin. Unless, of course, your definition of virginity requires a penis going into a vagina, then Jane is still a virgin. These are all technicalities and have no bearing on our current story. Jane the Metahuman
Joe, however, had already heard the murmur, and knew that something very wrong was going on. He threw the door open and stormed into the room. Nora Allen, who was dead the last time he looked at her, was sitting up on the morgue table with the bloodstains still prominent on her shirt. the man in yellow in the living room with the knife
“It’s Brandy or the sea, child,” Ego says.
“Brandy,” Zatanna says, exhaling breath,  “I choose Brandy.” That was always going to be her answer. How could it not be, when the choice isn’t even just Brandy? It’s the port. It’s the sailors that it serves. It’s the whisky and the wine, and the whole damn bar,  and- ugh
This is a bullshit metaphor anyway.
The choice Ego offers isn’t between Brandy and the sea. It’s between the sea and the world. It’s not leaving Brandy for adventure, it’s destroying the entire harbor town for Ego’s bullshit god complex. Brandy Beats the Sea
A pile of blue beetles has emerged in the place of Jaime's body, like the Oogie Boogie man without his burlap skin.
Bart screams, and the Jaime figure laughs a laugh that isn't Jaime's as it shifts into something else entirely. The big, muscular Blue Beetle stands before him, maniacal grin plastered on his face.
"You're not Jaime," Bart says. The Beetle laughs, demonic voice over Jaime's.
"Am I?" He says, "you don't know. You won't know until it's too late." A sinking feeling settles in Bart's stomach, like a hush puppy that settled in with a gallon of Mountain Dew and a whole basket of fries.
"You aren't," he says. He wants the words to be true, but he doesn't know . He might be letting his guard down for a traitor to humankind. He might be falling in love with a monster. How to Fall in Love with Your Mark
"I told him I would. I promised that I wouldn't do this." Maybe she does have a problem. Maybe she should see Black Canary, or- or something. She has a chance at normalcy. She doesn't understand why she doesn't want it anymore.
She has a chance for true love and The American Dream, for the kind of life she'd dreamed of as a kid. She has a chance to settle down and be a normal fucking human with a normal marriage to a normal guy who wants a normal sort of happy ending. She doesn't know why she can't be satisfied with that.
Zatanna’s voice is soft and gently as she tells her, "Artemis, if you're supposed to be with him, then you should be able to be yourself with him."
"Are you trying to break up my relationship?" It's a cruel jibe, a reminder of Zatanna's (mainly) unrequited crush and her subsequent rejection. Zatanna barely looks phased.
"Are you?" The words knock the wind out of her. She hadn’t considered that, but now that Zatanna’s put the thought in her head, Artemis can’t stop considering it. At this point, Artemis doesn't know. climbed a mountain and turned around
Will Graham, the bride of Frankenstein and his monster rolled all into one. The Stuffed Dog
It’s destiny. Destiny is an otherworldly Eldritch beast, devouring everything in its path. It eats up all other options, and leaves only one path. It wraps its hideous, shadowy tendrils around her and drags her back into the dark. This is destiny like Ragnarök, fated to happen and rip the world apart.
  mountains out of molehills
“I wanted to find her and run away,” Finn says, “I just didn’t want to be a stormtrooper anymore, Rose. I wanted to run as far away from the First Order as I could, but then I met Rey. So I came back for her. I never signed up for the Resistance. I just want Rey and I to be safe.” Rose feels a twist in her gut. This might be worse than finding out he wanted to desert. This is knowing the reasons behind it, having to see him as human in his mistakes and understand why he made them.
Oh how heroes fall and then stumble back up again.
The Spark that Will Light the Fire
Most telling fic:  international harvester certainly tells you something about my background. also the fact that i, too, want to make out with a girl in a combine
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