#oh anon you'll just have to wait and see what happens
soaps-mohawk · 4 months
I’ve stayed quiet for like a month now, but kicking my feet over here imagining Johnny showing Simon how to touch Reader the way that she likes. And also like, praising reader as Simon absolutely dominates them.
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samandcolbyownme · 6 months
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Summary: anon request - "Hey so it's my birth day tmr and was just wondering if you could write something for me like Zach justice x reader and he has a guest on the podcast and he gets jealous and the at the end of the podcast they have a cute moment before leaving and going home for like a rough but passionate smut" 
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, Matt Rife Warning, Zach being Zach, banter, guest flirting with reader, Zach getting jealous, kissing, biting, hair pulling, slight choking, slightly rough and unprotected sex, fluff with a dash of filth 
Word count: 4.9k | unedited
╔═══━━━─── • ───━━━═══╗
"So are you finally going to tell me who the special guest is?" You ask as you look at Zach through your phone screen. 
He laughs, "Mm, what's in it for me?" 
"Because tomorrow is my birthday and you'll be making me happy?" You say slowly and laugh, "come on." You pout into the camera and Zach sighs, "Stop being cute." 
You smirk slightly and tilt your head as he continues, "or at least come be cute in my bed." You let out a laugh, "I think that that's my cue for going to bed." 
"Laaaame." Zach drags out loudly. You scoff, "excuse me?" He laughs, "I said saaame. Goodnight." 
You roll your eyes, "goodnight." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
You show up to the house and walk through the door. Tara is standing with Alyssa and you walks up to them, "Hey." 
"Hey!" Tara says, "Are you excited for today's show?" 
You roll your eyes, "Zach wouldn't tell me who's coming." Alyssa laughs, "Really?" You nod, "I called him last night to see if he would tell me.. nope." 
"Oh, well it's Matt Rife." Alyssa fills you in, "I have a feeling that Zach is going to be very jealous today." 
Your brows furrow and you look between her and Tara, "Why.. um, why do you say that?" Tara rolls her eyes, "Please. That man is head over heels for you, y/n." 
You laugh, shaking your head, "There'a no way." 
"Alright party people, let's get ready to get this show on the road." Zach yells as he walks to his seat, "Special guest will be here in five." 
You roll your eyes and make your way to your seat. Matt is going to sit where you normally sit, which is right next to Zach, so you sit in the seat next to Matt's. 
"Fuck, sorry I'm late." Matt says as he rushes in through the door, "I'm here now." 
Zach holds his hand up, "There he is. What's up, brother?" Matt walks up to Zach and give him a hand shake. He looks over at Jared saying hello to him and Tara before he look at you. 
You're not looking at him, but you can tell his eyes are on you, and Zach secretly hates it already. Matt sits down and he waves to Alyssa, "Hey." 
Alyssa smiles and puts her headphones on, along with everything else.
"What's up everybody, welcome back to drop outs." Zach says and you all cheer, "We have a special guest with us today, and it also happens to be very special day for someone else." 
"Haaa-py biirthday.." Jared initiates by singing and soon everyone joins in. 
"Happy birthday dear y/n. Happy birthday to you!" 
"Thank you." You smile, "Thank you." 
"Alright, now moving on to the more special part." Zach says and motions to Matt, "Matt Rife everybody." 
"What's uppp." Matt smiles before looking to Zach, "Don't be mean to her. It's her birthday." 
Zach looks taken aback for a split second before covering it up, "Yeah, you're definitely new here." Zach rolls his eyes, "Anyway." 
"Oh. Wait!" Tara yells and stands up as she takes her headphones off. She runs off the set and over to her bag. Everyone is watching her and she comes back over with a tiara that says Birthday Girl in cursive, "Here!" 
"Weird way to propose, but my answer is still yes." You laugh and look up at her from the tiara in your hands, "Thank you." 
She takes it from your hands, placing the tiara gently on your head and fixes your hair, "You heard it here first everyone, this bitch is mine." 
Zach raises an eyebrow as you look over at him and you roll your eyes as you smirk, "Zach." He shrugs, "What? You were thinking it too because you wouldn't have accepted Tara's marriage proposal if you didn't." 
You tilt your head, raising your hand as you shrug, "Okay." You look over at Tara, "You got me there." 
Tara puts her headphones on and leans in with a smirk, "I think I actually just fell in love with you, y/n." She laughs and you smile as you look around. 
As the rest of you get lost in conversation, Zach's eyes zone in on the tiara resting perfectly on your head. His mind goes to watching you drop down to your knees and bob your head on his dick with it on. 
"I think Zach fell asleep on us." Jared teases, "What the hell man? Are we that boring today?" Jared laughs and Zach looks at everyone, "I'm just not feeling it today." 
"Everyone hold on." Alyssa laughs, "He's up to something." 
"Are you okay, Zach?" You ask looking at him and he nods slightly, "Yeah," Quickly changing the subject, "So Matt, your profession is comedian, right?" 
Matt nods, "Something like that, yeah." 
"Huh." Zach nods, "What is your favorite thing to do within the show?" Matt purses his lips as he thinks, "Crowd work." 
"That was my favorite thing to do at our live show." Tara nods, "getting to interact with the people was so fun." 
"Exactly, exactly. And most of the people who come to my shows, know exactly what they're in for." Matt continues and you nod, "I can can agree that." 
Matt turns his head, "You've been to one of my shows?" He smirks slightly and you smile, "I have." 
"Which one?" He tilts his head and you laugh, "Liberty, I think? Cincinnati or something. I don't know but you went back and forth with someone who was a stripper." 
Matt laughs and that causes Zach to clench is fist. He reflexed when Tara started talking, but he resorted to picking at his nails. 
"Wait wait wait you need to eleborate." Tara laughs, "Please." 
"Yeah we need context of this stripper incident." Jared laughs and Matt sighs, laughing as he starts to tell the story. 
You look past Matt and stare at Zach. 
His stare is on you and you squint your eyes at him. He  purses his lips slightly and quickly winks at you. You smirk and so does he because he has you blushing. 
"so yeah, but like I said, people basically pay to come get bullied by me." Matt nods, eyes flicking from your eyes to your chest. 
"Have you ever hurt anyone's feelings by doing that?" Zach asks and Matt laughs, "Dude, are you not caught up with me?" 
Zach sighs, "What the heck." He pulls out his phone and starts to google him, "Matt Rife Controversies." 
"I love how he made controvers-ies, like more than one." Alyssa laughs and Jared nods, "Uh huh. Right." 
"So while we wait, "Y/n. Are you excited about your big birthday bash tonight?" Tara says moving around to get comfortable, "I can tell you that I am so fucking ready to drink." 
You nod, "Oh my god. I actually can't wait. I just got pictures of the venue being set up and it looks so good so far." You pull out your phone and go to the pictures. 
You hand your phone to Tara and she swipes through, "Oh hell yeah." 
"What time does it start?" Matt asks and you look at him, "You can come anytime after eight." He nods, "anytime after eight, got it." 
This had Zach's blood boiling, "So you have made a lot of people mad." Zach chuckles, really wanting this podcast to be done and over with already. 
Matt laughs, "Yeah, yeah. But I mean, that's honestly party of the gig." He shrugs, "I'm not for everyone and that is something that actually took a while for me to come to good terms with." 
You carry on the conversation and a few others for the next hours and a half. 
Zach couldn't wait until Alyssa said you all were good so he can finally get you alone for more than a few seconds. 
Once the time comes he rips his headphones off of his head and rests them on the mic, "Thank you for coming onto the podcast, Mr. Rife." 
Matt stands up, shaking his hand, "Thanks for having me." He points to you, "I hate to rush off but I have a few other things to do, but I'll see you guys later, yeah?" 
You nod, "See ya." You wave and Tara waves, "Bye, Matt!" Alyssa waves and says by to him and right before he walked out he turns back, "Happy birthday, sweetheart." 
Zach wanted to mock him horribly, but that would just be so out is the blue that people would start to question it, so he turns his eyes to you. 
You smile and nod, looking back at him, "Thank you." 
Matt gives you a wink and you turn back around, "Are we getting ready at my place or.. where do you want to meet?" You ask Tara and Alyssa. 
"We can do it at my place." Alyssa nods, "Plus, I am close to the venue, so if we did need to we walk it's not far at all." 
"Yes that works." You nod, "Okay. I'm going to go home and get my stuff ready. I will meet you guys at Alyssa's say.. six?" 
They both nod and you give them a thumbs up, "Love yas. See yas." You go to turn and walk away but Zach walks up to you, "Hold your horses for a second." 
You laugh and you turn around, mocking him, "I don't have horses." He smirks and tilts his head, "C'mere for a sec would ya?" 
"Why?" You sigh, tilting your own head, "I need to go shower." He smirks, "You'll get a shower, I promise now come here." 
He pulls you into the hallway leading to the stairs and he looks down at you. You and Zach have been good friends for a while now, even made out when he took you home drunk the one night. 
You know the look he's giving you. You take a quiet breath, "Who told you?" 
He smirks, "Eyes talk, sweetheart." 
You bite your lip and you smile, "So are you coming home with me because I need to get my shit around." 
He tilts his head, "Do you want me to come home with you?" You chew on your lip, this wave of boldness washing over you. 
You lean in, "I have my own house. No one can hear anything." You lean back and smirk as you tilt your head towards the door, "Come on." 
He follows you out to the car and gets into your passengers seat. You get in and look over at him, "So can I ask you something?"
You start your car and start to back out of the parking space and Zach nods, reaching over to slip his fingers into the rip of your jeans. 
His gentle touch right above your knee driving you absolutely insane, "So, why now?" You glance over at him and he furrows his brows, "not following." 
You sigh, laughing slightly, "why did you wait until now to finally tell me that you liked me, too?" 
"I didn't say a word." 
You look over at him, tension building rapidly the longer your eyes hold on his, "You didn't have to." 
You lick your lips and look away, beginning to drive when the light turns green. His finger still brushing against your leg, itching for you to grab his hand and hold it within yours. 
"So how do you feel about Matt being on the podcast?" You look over at Zach and he shrugs, "It is what it is." You roll your eyes, resting your arm on the consol as you dangle your hand right above his wrist, finger tips barely grazing his skin. 
"Why are you acting like it wasn't a good podcast? I mean other than you being pouting and flirting with me on the down low." 
You poke his arm and Zach groans, "Alright, you yanked my dick enough." He laughs and you roll your eyes, "You wish I did." 
He points to you and smirks, "And that my friends, is a true statement." 
You laugh, "Get on with it." You say as you pull into your driveway. You put the car in park and reach down to unbuckle, "We're not leaving this car until you tell me what I wanna know." 
Zach opens his mouth, repeating exactly what you say at the same time you do, "It's my birthday, Zach. You have to be nice." 
Your mouth drops and he gives you a nod, "Yes, princess. It's your birthday. Now.." he tilts his head, fighting back a laugh, "we needed to talk, and it needed to be somewhere you could take your clothes off.. " he fights back a smirk, "So, we can fuck in here or we can fuck in there." He points to your house and looks back at you. 
You smirk, "who said anything about fuckin'?" He lays a hand on his chest, "Oh is this not why you brought me to your house? My apologies." 
You roll your eyes, "You sound so jealous right now." 
He scoffs, "Jealous of what, y/n?" 
You press your elbow into the center console and rest your chin in your palm, "You know, you flirt, I mean.. fuck around with me every time I'm on the show and every time you see me, but never.." You hold up your pointer finger, and right now he's doing what you're doing and his face in an inch away from your finger. 
"Not once." You move your hand and look into his eyes, "Did you pull me aside and give me that kind of a look." 
"Explain this.. this look." He tilts his head, cheek now resting in the palm of his hand, "But you might want to make it quick because I don't want you to bitch because I made you late." 
You roll your eyes, "You looked at me like you were in love." He slowly grows closer and you lick your lips quickly as your eyes bounce from his to his eyes. 
"You ever think that maybe I am?" He whispers and you can't help but smirk, "I mean.. not like I was going to make that my birthday candle wish or anything."
He laughs, "Okay. I'll give you that one, that one was funny." You laugh and look at him, "Was Matt flirting sure me the final straw?" 
You see him nod slightly and you bite your bottom lip.
His eyes flick down to your held lip and back up to your eyes, "Hey, um don't you have a party you need to get ready for?" 
"Fuck." You laugh, nodding, "Yeah." You look at the house and back to Zach, "Come on." Zach stays still, "Where are we going?" 
You smile and lean in, "So I can show you that you are the one that I want." You press your lips to his and his hand lays on the back of your head, not wanting you to pull away. 
"Mm. Zach." Your giggles muffled by his lips on yours and you manage to lean back, "Hey. Come on." Zach huffs, "way to be a cock block, sweetheart."
He gets out, following you up to your door and his hands are roaming all over your body as you get your key from your key ring. 
His hands slip under you shirt, "Runnin' outta time." Zach mumbles against your head and you push your door open. 
He walks you in, hands on your hips and he uses his door to swing the door closed. You spin around and his body is on yours, a hand on your hip and a hand on the back of your neck, holding you to him as your lips meet his once again. 
By this time, you had totally forgot you were still wearing the tiara that Tara got you and Zach's eyes fixate on it as he remembers what he first thought about. 
"Knees." Zach says as he places his hands on your shoulders. You slowly drop down and you look up at him. He bites down on his bottom lip at he watches you undo his belt, "You know. As soon as that thing sat on the top of your head, I picture you exactly like this." 
You feel your cheeks grow warmer and you let out a breath, "I totally forgot I had that on." Zach smiles, "I didn't." 
You work to get his throbbing dick from his boxers move you've tugged his pants down. Your hand gently gripping the base of it, squeezing gently as you rise up to run your tongue over the head of his leaky head. 
He lets out a groan and bites down on his lip, groaning lowly, "Mm." He looks down at you, "That's it, baby." He lays a hand on the back of your head, fully taking in everything about his fantasy that's coming true. 
He moans lowly as you bob your head up and down, earning a gasp as you take him in fully, "Fuck, babe." Zach throws his head back, "That's my-" he looks down at you and pulls your head away from him. "-girl!" 
You smile up at him and bite down on your lip, saliva dribbling down your chin. He swipes it away with his thumb and he nods towards your bedroom, "Lead the way."
You stand up, taking his hand into yours before you lead him up the stairs and into your bedroom. 
You pull him in and close the door before Zach pulls you into him, lips meeting yours once more. 
You let out a whine, gripping his shirt, "Zach." You whimper, "Please." You push your hips into his, reaching down between you to stroke his cock a few times. 
He groans, hands gripping the hem of his shirt to rip it up over his head, and he places his hands on either side of your neck, "Shit." He breathes out, moving his hands down to your hips, "Get back there." He walks you backwards and it wasn't long until your knees buckled from hitting the bed. 
Your back meets the mattress and Zach's lips meet your neck, "I really.." he speaks in between kisses to your neck, "..want to watch.." he kisses up to just below your ear, "..the birthday girl ride me." 
You nod eagerly, "Please." You beg, "Please; Zach."
Zach chuckles, "And if I'm being honest, your whining and begging is completely boosting my ego-" he very quickly corrects himself, "I mean completely makes me want to cum inside that pretty little pussy." 
You roll your eyes, "your head is swelled either way, Zach." You laugh, "But I'll take the second option please." 
You bite your lip and his grip on your hip tightens before he rolls over to pull you on to his lap. He stares up at you for a few seconds before he nods while glancing towards your shirt, "C'mon now, you just told me you want me to cum inside you. Don't be shy now." 
You smirk, laughing slightly as you pull your shirt up over your head, discarding it to the floor, "Happy now?" 
You smirk at him and his hands move to your boobs with a nod, "oh hell yeah." 
You watch as he looks up at you and with a swift motion, his hand is pulling you down to him by the back of your neck so he can kiss you. 
Your lips move in sync for a few minutes then you suddenly remembered, it's my birthday!
But in panic mode, "Mm." You lean back, "What time is it?" You ask and Zach, obviously frustrated, lets out a short sigh, "Do I look like Father Time to you?" 
"Well if you didn't still have your pants on, I could be on top of you already." You roll your eyes, leaning over to check your phone. 
Zach scoffs, planting a gentle slap to your ass, "Sor-ry, I didn't know taking our time to enjoy this, wasn't on your agenda,too." You bite down on your lip to hide your laugh and you lean back over, looking down at him. 
"I have a little under two hours." You whisper and he nods. His hands move to grip your waist and he slowly rocks your hips over his dick, that's straining against his pants. 
"Zach." You whimper out, "stop teasing." 
He rolls you over onto your back and his hands move to take off your jeans. He slips them down your legs and tosses them. 
His bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes focus on your lace panties lying perfectly against your skin. He leans down, his lips lacing your skin with fiery, open mouth kisses as his fingers drift up your legs. 
His fingers slip into the band of your panties and your hips rise as he pulls them down. His eyes flick up to you and back down to your soaked cunt. 
He drops your panties beside him and locks eyes with you as he pushes both his pants and boxers down before moving to make his way in between your thighs. 
You smirk, tilting your head as he lifts your hips slightly, "You know, you're incredibly hot when you're jealous." 
You feel his dick brush against your clit and you gasp. Zach smirks and pushes the tip between your folds, "Me? Jealous?" He fakes a laughs and leans down, pressing a kiss to your lips, "Over you? Yes." 
He thrusts into you and you let out a loud moan, "Fuck." You whimper out, "That's why it's so hot." He smirks and presses his lips to yours, and you accept his invite to make out. 
His hips roll slowly into yours and you moan into his mouth. He swallows your moans with ears, kissing back towards your ear, "You're so beautiful." 
His voice is low and you slide a hand down his arm and grab his wrist. You drag his hand up your body and place it around your neck.
You look up at him with such a pleading look, Zach can't help but not resist. 
His hand tightens around your throat and you moan out, and your moans quickly grow quieter the harder he squeezes. 
He leans up on his free arm and watches down at how your pussy swallows him with such great ease, "Fuckin' hell baby." 
He looks up at you and his jaw literally falls slack to the scene below him, "Shit." He breathes out as his she's scan over your slightly reddened face, your eyes are rolled back with your lips slightly parted. 
You're just absolutely loving being fucked by him right now. 
His thrusts remained slow as he loosens his grip and you let out a quiet gasp. Zach stops thrusting and gently taps your cheek a few times, "Oh no. I killed her." 
You smile and he sighs, "Phew. Great, because I did not want to have to put necrophiliac on my resume tonight."
You let out a laugh and lean up to push him to him to his back, "I mean, you know you have consent either way." You laugh as you straddle him.
Zach sits up, his face close to yours as he fixes the tiara that's slightly crooked on your head, "Hold on, baby." 
Zach calling you baby and even sweetheart and especially princess, gave you butterflies. Even his jokey insults like slut, and bitch, and yapper number two, but especially slut because you would be his slut. 
Any time of day. 
"Better?" You ask watching him lay back, an arm tucking behind his head, "Better." He bites down on his lip as he watches you lift your one leg to reach down and hold his dick steady. 
You spit into the tip of your fingers and smear it on him which causes him to gasp slightly. You smirk as you slide down onto him, eyes locking with Zach's. 
His hands fly to your hips. You grip his forearms as you pant, gasping out at how deep he feels inside of you. 
"Move. Sweetheart." Zach squeezes your hips, urging you to move in some type of way. You let out a whine as you roll your hips slowly, crying out Zach's name and other curses lowly. 
"Use me to get yourself off, sweetheart." He winks, "I just wanna watch." 
You smirk and you lean back, placing your hands on his knees for support. You bite down on your lip and keep your eyes locked on his as you start to move your hips up and down. 
Zach positions one arm behind his head again, and places his hand under your thigh. His eyes move down to your pussy taking his dick, then he looks up at your tits bouncing each time your body meets his. 
His eyes roll closed and his hips buck upward, "Goddamn." He groans out, "S-swe-etheart.. you're gonna make me cum." 
You lean down, pressing kisses to his before you lean up, "Isn't that the point?" You ask, rolling your hips into his, moaning out quietly, "Zach." 
He sits up and flips you over so your hips are pinned to the mattress, "I'd say you got about, maybe an hour to shower and get all your stuff around before you have to leave to get ready." 
"Just fuck me." You whine, sitting up as you pull him towards you. His lips crash onto yours and you feel his hands push your thighs back, knees to chest type of deal. 
You moan loudly, arching you back as Zach slides his dick back in to you, "What's the birthday princess want, baby?" Zach pants out and you dig your nails into his back, "I-I need you to cum in me." 
Zach bites his lips, laughing slightly, "It's a risky move. I love it." He picks up the speed of his thrusts and sloppily presses a kiss to your lips, "I love you." 
You freeze, "W-h- wai-" you laugh slightly, "Zach." He kisses up to your lips, "Mm. Wh-Wai- what, baby?"
"What di-"
Zach cuts you off, "I'll tell you later." He presses his lips to yours and you let out a loud moan as he thrusts his dick into you fully. 
"Your arms tighten around his neck and you whimper in his ear, "I love you, too." 
You feel his body tense and his grip on your hips tightens, "Say it again." He mumbles, turning his head in to kiss your neck, "Please." 
You slide your arms down, laying your hands on his neck, moaning out as you squeeze his dick with your, desperate for release walls, "F-fuck.. Zach." You whimper out, "I love you." 
You let out a moan, arching your back as you feel yourself quickly become engulfed with an intense pleasure. 
Zach fucks you through your high, listening to every sound he can pull from you, "So fuckin' pretty." Zach grips your chin and his thrusts grow sloppy and slow. 
You bite your lip as you feel his dick twitch inside of you and you look up at him. He raises his brows and lets out a sigh, "You told me to." 
"I know." You laugh and reach over to grab your phone, "Fuck." You jump up, "If you're showering with me, let's go. But we're not fucking around." 
Zach stands up, following you to your bathroom, "Yeah, you say that now. How much time you have?" 
"Forty five minutes." You turn the shower on and Zach bites his lip, "Give me five of those minutes while we're in here."
You smirk and pull him into the shower with you, "Let's see it."
You were still shocked that Zach got you both off in five minutes before you rushed around and went to Alyssa's, but that was only after Zach trapped you in the car for another make out session while dropping him off. 
Your party was going very, very well. 
Everyone was having the time of their lives, and honestly so were you, you loved the attention but the only attention you wanted was from one person and his eyes have been on you all night. 
His stare begging to get you alone. 
You had to admit, Zach losing his final straw today was the best birthday gift ever, his jealously was super sexy.
"You look bored." You say walking up to him, "My party not good enough for you?" Zach laughs and leans in, "Nah, I just can't stop thinking about how pretty you sounded earlier." 
You feel your cheeks darken and he smirks, "Happy birthday, Princess." 
.·:*¨ ✘ ¨*:·.
I hope you liked this! I'm going to get some Sam snippets out so in the mean time, tell me what you thought about this. Ilysm! 🖤
likes and reblogs are majorly appreciated!
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squinch-depraved · 11 days
idea: schlatt and you trying some special sex chocolate and accidentally take way more than you mean to and the effects r starting to take place 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
-🐏 anon
oh this is yuMMy. delicious. scrumptious, even. thank u to 🐏 anon for being my first ever ask ily mwah i hope this is good i've never used these chocolates before but i might have to 🫣
coming home from a long day to your boyfriend's empty apartment was not what you were hoping for. you were hoping to come home to him watching something on the tv, rotting on the couch in his usual comfy clothes, playing with his two sweet cats, and just waiting for you to get home. in your mind, he would have sprung up to greet you the second the door opened, gliding through the apartment to place a tender kiss on your lips as he picks you up and twirls you around. but the unnerving silence you actually did come home to rips you from your daydream before he can place you back down on the ground and gush about how much he missed you. the cats finally skitter up to you, meowing and trilling in a way that lets you know they're absolutely starved for attention (he's been gone maybe 20 minutes, probably). cooing at the sweet babies as they butt their heads into your legs, you pet them and settle in for the night.
after having changed into one of his shirts and deciding pants weren't worth the effort, you stumble into the kitchen to grab a snack. lucky you, your perfect boyfriend had left a plain gold box of 12 wrapped chocolates on the counter! no labels, other than a little logo in the corner, but a small note was stuck onto the top of the box, reading: "take ONE - be back soon toots" along with a heart. you sigh contentedly and tear into the box. you hadn't had much time to eat today, and you were sure your boyfriend who loved to spoil you would be fine with you having more than the allotted amount of mysterious chocolates. what's the worst that could happen, they're edibles? at least then you'll have a story to contend with ted's!
the first chocolate melts on your tongue, leaving an almost rosy flavor behind that you can't quite get enough of. you debate if this'll be worth the punishment, but the chocolate was impossibly good, so you decide to go in for one two three more before dancing yourself down the hallway and into your shared bedroom. feeling slightly warm, you lay down in the middle of your bed and put some random video on the tv, dozing off a few minutes later. your job was exhausting, he'll get the hint you're sleeping and come find you when he gets home to a silent apartment. see how he likes it.
but he doesn't come home to a silent apartment. whimpers and moans bounce off the walls, echoing down the hall from your bedroom's open door. his eyes immediately dart to the little gold box on the counter, eyebrows shooting up in an oh, fuck motion when he sees the four wrappers littering the surface. he quickly drops his stuff where it needs to go and pops two chocolates in his mouth himself, figuring he'll need help keeping up with you after how many you've had, before quickly walking to the bedroom. the sight that awaits him leaves him standing in the doorway for a while until he finally decides to wake you up.
you lay there, babbling in your sleep, random phrases about how good something feels and how close you were. mostly incoherent horny gibberish. your (his) shirt has ridden up a bit, panties visible and soaked as you writhe unconsciously, desperately trying to get friction from a pillow, the blanket, something, anything. it makes him smirk, and he watches you for a moment before sitting down and gently stroking your cheek.
"y/n," you hear. "doll, c'mon, i gotta take care of you." you slowly come to, and once you process that he's here, he's back, you jump him. pulling him down to kiss you before attacking his neck with little nibbles until he pulls away, a stern (yet amused) look on his face. "i told you one. ONE. piece of chocolate."
you hide your face in your hands. "what the fuck did you do to me, j?? i thought maybe they were edibles or something, but this doesn't feel like a normal high? i'm sorry, i know i shouldn't have eaten them now but oh my god, what did you DO to me? i feel like a feral, ovulating, cavewoman or some shit!!" you whine, earning a laugh from him.
"they're sex chocolates."
you move your hands and look at him. "sex chocolates," you repeat.
he nods.
"why the fuck wouldn't you say that??" you smack his arm.
he grins and replies, "thought the mystery would be sexy."
"i mean, inadvertently, yeah!" you sigh, amused and frustrated all at the same time.
he strokes your hair and kisses your forehead. "i took two to keep up with you," he breathes into your ear.
you hook your legs around him and pull him as close to you as you can. "then let's go! c'mon, c'mon, c'mon," you pant as you grind up against him, groans spilling from his lips. "fuck me! touch me! something, j, please, i'm begging you," you plead, kissing him frantically all over his chest and neck. hands exploring under his sweater and dragging nails down his back, arching your back and moaning without him having to even do anything, he swears he's never been this hard.
the first time you cum, it's from his head between your thighs, tongue lapping at your clit and sopping pussy like a man deprived of water for days. he keeps going until you're crying, begging him for another kind of stimulation besides his thick fingers ramming in and out of you and his chops brushing against your purple-marked thighs. the second time you cum is also from his masterful mouth, and this time he listens when you say you can't take it anymore. he drags himself up to look at you, kisses you in a way that leaves you breathless, and slowly pushes himself into you as you whine and squirm.
round one, he starts gentle, slowly working his way up to a medium pace, where he starts fondling your chest. once he really gets going, though, he's spitting on you, choking you, and rubbing your clit with his thumb all while pounding into you at an incredible pace. "so good for me, toots," he growls, fucking into you almost inhumanely now. all you can manage is a whimper. you cum once more before he pulls out and makes you suck him off til he finishes, grabbing your hair and guiding you up and down, and then really far down before cumming down your throat.
ten minutes of making out later and round two starts with him shoving you down, hands and knees, so he can shove himself into you from behind. something about the recoil of your ass makes his brain short circuit. he brings his hand around to your clit again and it's not long before you're screaming that you're about to cum again, and he smacks your ass so hard you know it's going to leave a mark and says, "fuckin' cum for me, you stupid slut. can't listen to directions but i bet you'll follow that one, huh?" through gritted teeth. you cry out and collapse as your fourth orgasm rips through you. he holds you up long enough for him to somehow speed up before filling you up with his pearlescent seed.
you both lay there for a second before he kisses the back of your head and pulls out, leaving to go get you some water and then help you to the bathroom. you make a mental note to always eat more than one of those chocolates and sigh, finally feeling satisfied.
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suiana · 2 years
So need dad and house husband know each other? Does that mean yandere nerd father potential 👀
NO WAY ANON TGATS AN AMAZUNG IDEA and yes, nerd's father and househusband know each other
✎ yandere! government official headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― obsessiveness, possessiveness, baby trapping, dilf etc.
(afab! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! government official who was your high school sweetheart. how could you not fall for him? charming, tall, handsome, smart... he was the whole package! he was perfect. everyone wanted him, even you. and unfortunately, he wanted you too. you caught his eye and you had to pay the price.
✎ yandere! government official who made you feel like you were living the highschool dream. going on romantic dates, cheering for him during his competitions...you really did live the dream life. until your boyfriend messed up.
✎ yandere! government official who accidentally let slip to you about what his future career would be. what? how could he do such a thing?! no way, you had to leave-
✎ yandere! government official who wouldn't let you leave. no, you couldn't leave. YOU WON'T LEAVE. you took his heart and you had to pay the consequences. besides, if you left he would have to kill you for you knew too much. we dont want you dead now do we?
✎ yandere! government official who reveals his obsessive and possessive nature after you found out about his future career. no...it's not that he revealed it, it's that you finally noticed it. you opened your eyes and realised that he wasn't as perfect as you thought he was.
✎ yandere! government official who manipulates everyone close to you as if they were just mere pawns on a chess board. of course everything was fine in your relationship with him! why would anything be wrong?
✎ yandere! government official who graduates with you by his side. his lovely sweetheart...his everything...you'll stay with him, won't you? you don't have a choice, you WILL stay.
✎ yandere! government official who marries you the second he finishes university. honestly, he wanted to marry you right after the two of you graduated high school but his father advised him not to. he was actually really depressed for a period of time because of that haha!
✎ yandere! government official who brings up starting a family. you'll agree, won't you? after all, he needs a successor and he'd rather it be genetically his and yours. and yes, this is yet another way to keep you with him.
✎ yandere! government official who's extra soft and sweet when you're pregnant. it's honestly scary how this...this monster can change personalities so easily.
✎ yandere! government official who laughs at your attempt to teach your child to not turn out like him. oh darling, he should've told you that being insane runs in the family! did you know that his mother also tried to stop him from turning out like his father? look what happened! it really is a vicious cycle that can't be stopped, huh?
✎ yandere! government official who installs cameras all over your mansion, hires the best of guards and always has someone watching you when he's at work. don't try anything funny sweetheart, you wouldn't want to get punished now would you?
✎ yandere! government official who always treats you just like he did in the honeymoon stages of your relationship, just with more insanity, possessiveness and obsession now that you're married to him.
✎ yandere! government official who feels content with his life. his beautiful sweetheart, a cute little child who will succeed him, and obedient house staff. what more could he ask for? oh he can't wait to see the darling his son will bring home!
✎ "sweetheart, I'm home~"
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Aaron Hotchner x bau!reader
Where after months ( cuz shes new n young working there)they cant také anymore their attraction to each other.
Key sentences: Hotch: I’m old enough to be your father. R: Should I call you Daddy then?
Smut n fluff
Author's Note: oooo thank you for this request anon!! thinking many thoughts, head very full
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Summary: It's no secret that you have a thing for your boss - a man 25 years your senior. What happens when he reveals he has feelings for you too?
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x (AFAB) Reader
Word Count: 5108 (i got carried away hehe)
Warnings: MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!!! UNDER 18? PLEASE KEEP SCROLLING! SMUT; DADDY KINK; SIR KINK; OVERSTIMULATION; MULTIPLE ORGASMS; UNPROTECTED P IN V (don't be like them y'all, stay safe); DOM!HOTCH, SUB!READER; READER IS HORNY; FINGERING; ORAL (F RECEIVING) reader gets distracted by Hotch's hands, pining, confession of feelings, reader blacks out from cumming really hard; Hotch calls reader "good girl, princess, baby"; Morgan is a cheeky bastard (as per usual)
This work is meant for readers aged 18 and over. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
“Y/N, you're staring, again," Morgan says with a chuckle and I quickly find somewhere else to look that isn't our section chief. Which I was definitely not having rated-R thoughts about.
"Shut up, Morgan," I mutter.
"Why don't you just tell him how you feel?" I turn and stare at him now, eyes wide in disbelief.
"Sure, why don't I just tell a much older man that every time I look at him, I feel weak in the knees and sweaty? That would really go over well." I say, sarcastically.
"We're getting tired of watching you eye-fuck him, Y/N." Emily sighs, jumping into the conversation.
"It's getting kind of pathetic at this point," Morgan adds and I smack him on the shoulder.
"You guys are being mean. Let me pine in peace."
"Y/N, none of us are at peace when you start acting like a dog in heat every time Hotch walks in the room. It's genuinely hard to watch." Morgan shoots back, grinning at me. I feel my cheeks grow hot at his brazen comment. "Just put us out of our misery and get laid for once, damn." I feel my cheeks growing even hotter.
"He - he doesn't like me like that." I'm tripping over my words, embarrassed that everyone can see what's clearly written by my body language when Hotch is around.
"Y/N, sweetie, you're smart, but sometimes you're an idiot," Emily says kindly. "He likes you."
"Trust us, we know," Morgan adds.
"How?" I say and cross my arms over my chest.
"Really? Okay. Whenever he's giving a briefing and you're standing next to him, his body gravitates towards yours, you're the first person he looks for in every room, Y/N, two weeks ago on that case in Charleston he almost throttled the officer that merely tried to flirt with you."
"Wait, that officer was flirting with me?" I've only been here a few months, so I haven't learned how to read people as well as him yet.
"Oh my god, she actually is an idiot." Morgan groans. "Yes! He always got you coffee refills without asking, offered you the first pick of the donuts, and gave you, and only you, a very thorough tour of the precinct. He was trying to impress you." He looks at me closely. "How the fuck did you get this job?" I shrug.
"Impeccable academic record?" I suggest timidly, and he snorts.
"Just pay attention to Hotch. More than you are already. You'll see."
"He's old enough to be my dad," I say.
"Why do I have the feeling that only fuels your fantasies?" Morgan mutters. "I'm done with this conversation. Either you tell him, Y/N, or I will."
"MORGAN!" He just throws his hands up in the air giving me an exasperated look. "Em? A little back up here?"
"As much as I hate to agree with Morgan, he has a point. It’s kind of hard to focus on work when we all know what’s going on except for you two. I mean this in the nicest way possible, but just say something, for the sake of everyone who has to be in a room with you guys. I could cut the tension between you two like a knife.” She gives me a small smile.
“I- I’m just nervous. What if you guys are wrong?” She places her hand over mine.
“We’re not wrong, Y/N. We even asked Reid to weigh in and he agrees with us. Just say something.” I frown and head back to my desk, needing to be alone with my thoughts for a while. I’m deep in a stack of paperwork when Hotch calls the team into a meeting. I sigh, set my pen aside, and make my way into the boardroom. I’m on high alert, due to Morgan’s comment, and as I step into the room, I glance at Hotch to find him already looking at me. He looks away quickly and I watch as the tips of his ears turn pink. Oh my god, they were right.
I’m hyper-aware of him the whole meeting, so much so that I barely heard a word he was saying.
“Y/N? Are you paying attention?” Hotch asks, looking at me.
“Uh, yes, sir.” I blurt out in a panic. I wasn’t expecting him to directly address me.
“YES SIR?” Morgan hollers. “That’s a new one.” Even Em is hiding a smile behind her hand. Hotch glares at him.
“Don’t tease her, Morgan. Y/N, please pay attention.”
“I will, sorry Hotch.” He just nods and goes back to what he was saying. I tried to pay attention I really did but I found myself watching his hands as he talked. He gestures at the screen, then to something in the paper he had given us, then puts his hand on his hip. His fingers are so thick I wonder if two would even fit inside of me. I’m thinking about him fingering me on his desk, pussy splayed and dripping for him, and I shift in my seat, feeling the wetness in my panties. Dammit, Y/N, don’t get carried away.
“Y/N, seriously,” Hotch sighs a few minutes later and I’m dragged from my dirty daydream. “I need you to pay attention or leave. Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me today.”
“I’ve got an idea,” Morgan whispers with a grin. I glare at him.
“I’m trying to pay attention, I swear.”
“Are you sick? You look a bit warm, why don’t you step out for a few minutes.” I just nod, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. “And I want to see you in my office when we’re done with this meeting.” I nod again and feel my stomach drop to my ass in nervousness. I quickly walk out of the room and am pacing when the door opens up and Morgan walks out, a shit-eating grin on his face.
“What the hell were you thinking about in there?” He whispers, then pauses, “Actually, I’m not sure I want to know.”
“Just leave me alone, Morgan. I’m embarrassed enough already.” I say quietly.
“Oh, baby girl, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to tease you too much. You’re just an easy target. If it helps any, Hotch was downright flushed after you left. He stumbled over his words. Twice. I’ve never seen him that flustered. It’s like he knew what you were thinking about.” He nudges me with his shoulder. “Don’t sweat it, okay?”
“You’re not the one who has to face him in his office,” I grumble.
“Well, just make sure you guys close the blinds.”
“MORGAN! Shut up!” He’s laughing as he walks away. JJ and Em shoot me sympathetic smiles as they walk by and Reid pats me on the shoulder. Hotch doesn’t say a word as he walks out of the boardroom, and I diligently follow him to his office.
“Take a seat.” He says, gesturing at the chair and my eyes follow his hand again. Y/N! Stop! That’s what got you in trouble in the first place! I quickly take a seat, clasping my hands in my lap. “Now do you want to tell me why you were so distracted today?” He asks, looking at me. I feel the heat creep up my chest and onto my cheeks.
“I-um-no. No, I don’t.” He raises an eyebrow at that.
“Really? Because Morgan seems to have an idea. Maybe I should go ask him what he thinks.”
“No!” I blurt out. “Sorry. It’s just…embarrassing.” He just looks at me and I sigh before whispering, “Your hands. I was distracted by your hands.”
“My…hands?” He says slowly.
“Yes, sir, I mean Hotch, sorry. I know it’s not appropriate and I apologize.”
“What is it about my hands?” He asks, his voice low and in a tone that makes my heartbeat travel down to my pussy. I shift in my seat, a movement that most likely does not go unnoticed by him. “Y/N. Look at me.” I take a shaky breath and look up at him, all rational thoughts leaving my head when I see that his cheeks are pink, and his pupils are so blown I can barely see the brown. “What is it. About my hands.” He enunciates every word.
“They’re big,” I whisper.
“And what does that make you think about?”
“Please don’t make me say it.”
“No, no I want to hear you say it.”
In the smallest voice possible I say, “I was wondering if your fingers would even fit in me.” I hear him take in a sharp breath. “What it would feel like to be spread out on your desk with - with your fingers inside of me.”
“Careful, Y/N, you’re walking a thin line.” He murmurs.
“Haven’t I crossed it already, sir?”
“I’m old enough to be your father.” He says, words clipped. I get a sudden burst of confidence and stare him down.
“Should I call you Daddy, then?” I ask sweetly. I watch as he tightens his jaw.
“Watch your mouth, little girl. You don’t want to see how mean Daddy can get.”
“And what if I want to find out, Daddy?” I watch as his nostrils flare and he takes a deep breath.
“That’s enough, Y/N.” He spits out and I still, and fear that I’m about to lose my job to ill-timed arousal. My breath hitches as he leans back in his chair, eyes carefully watching me. “What am I gonna do with you?”
“Whatever you’d like to, sir,” I say simply and I watch his jaw tick again.
“Listen to me very carefully. We are going to go downstairs, you are going to gather your things, and you are not going to say a single word. I’m going to tell everyone that you’re not feeling well enough to drive, so I’m taking you home.” I swallow hard, not believing that this is actually happening right now. “Do you understand?” I nod quickly. “I need to hear you say you understand. Or else this stops now, and we don’t speak of it again.”
“I understand completely, sir.”
“Good girl.” He says in a low voice and a whimper escapes me before I can shove it down. He stiffens. “Do you like that? Hearing that you’re a good girl?” My pussy clenches around nothing, begging to be filled.
“Yes, Daddy.” He hums, getting up quickly and my mouth goes dry when I see the tented fabric of his pants. He shrugs off his suit jacket and slings it over his forearm and in front of his body, effectively hiding his raging boner. He walks over to me, and I hastily get up from the chair, and he grabs my arm, gripping it just hard enough to keep me grounded and lucid despite the lust-filled thoughts in my head. He yanks open his office door and we make our way down the stairs. I keep my head down as we approach my desk, the bullpen so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
“Y/N isn’t feeling well. I’m driving her home.” Hotch says, letting go of my arm so I can grab my jacket and purse. I glance at him, nodding that I have everything, and he grabs my arm again, and we hastily walk towards the elevator.
“GO EASY ON HER, HOTCH!” Morgan shouts, and I hear Em laugh.
“Shut up, Morgan.” Hotch growls over his shoulder, and I glance back at Morgan, who mouths ‘Good luck’ at me. “Don’t look at him. The only person you should be looking at is me, princess.” We get in the elevator, and he pushes the button so hard I think that he’s going to break the damn thing.
“Jesus, what’s got you so riled up?” I say sweetly, not caring that I’d probably pay for that question later. I just want to see him snap, lose that carefully cultivated control and unleash himself on me. He turns on me in a second, caging my body between the wall of the elevator and the hard planes of his body. He grabs my chin, tilting my face up to look at him.
“Watch yourself. I’d hate for you to get into something you can’t handle.”
“I can take whatever you throw at me, sir.” He laughs.
“Yeah, right, princess. Keep talking a big game – we’ll see how far that gets you.”
“Well, it got me here, didn’t it?”
“Right where you wanted, I presume?” He asks, tilting his head and there’s nothing friendly in his eyes. I just nod, sucking in a breath when he pushes his body closer to mine and his hard-on is pressing into my thigh. “Before this goes further: green for go, yellow for slow down, red for hard stop, no questions asked. Do you understand?” I nod, and he raises his eyebrows.
“I understand!” I blurt out.
“Good.” He suddenly dips his head down, nose bumping into mine as we share the same breaths for a few seconds. “I’m going to ruin you.” He whispers onto my lips, not quite kissing me.
“Please. Ruin me, Daddy,” I whisper and he’s kissing me as soon as the last word is out of my mouth. It’s overwhelming, the way he kisses, stealing all the air from my lungs in a millisecond. I gasp when the hand from my chin drops to my chest, reaching into my dress shirt and under my tank top to tweak my right nipple. He takes that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth, tasting me. The elevator dings and his hand disappears from my shirt and his lips retreat. I whine at the sudden loss of contact, as we had just gone from 100 miles an hour to 0 miles an hour.
“I know, princess, I’m sorry. You don’t want Daddy to get caught, do you?” I shake my head vigorously and he chuckles, escorting me to his car, and opens the passenger door for me, ever the gentleman. He gets in and starts the car as I buckle my seatbelt. He backs out of the parking spot, placing one hand on the back of my headrest and I suck in a sharp breath. He glances at me. “Really? You’re turned on by my driving?”
“I can’t help it. I’m sorry.” I breathe out, not daring to look at him. My cheeks are warm, and I feel frazzled. I jump when his hand comes to rest on my thigh, dangerously close to where I want him. I shift my hips, trying to get him closer to where I need him. He smacks my thigh abruptly.
“Don’t do that. You can wait.” He says gruffly.
“I can’t. I can’t wait.” I gasp out. “Please. Please touch me. I need you. Please, sir, I’ll do anything.”
“I’ll oblige you, but only because you begged so prettily. I like it when you sound desperate. One rule though: no cumming without my permission.” His hand slips under my skirt and I thank god that this was one of the rare days I decided to wear one. His fingers ghost over my cunt, the lightest touch and my breathing is already starting to labor. When his fingers press my clit from outside my panties my hips buck into the air. “Someone’s responsive.” He says, more to himself than me. His fingers trail lower, and he groans when he feels the wet spot. “Already this wet for me, princess?”
“Only for you, Daddy.” I whimper when he pushes my panties to the side, hand now free to touch as he pleases. His fingers come up to tease my clit again before one deftly slips inside of me. I let out a choked sound, tight around him. Just one finger feels thick, and when he slips in another finger I keen, tightening again.
“Jesus, you’re tight.” He curls his fingers and hits that spot inside of me that I struggle to hit by myself. I gasp, hand closing around his wrist, and I don’t know if I’m trying to stop him or egg him on. He continues to work his fingers in me as he drives and I’m not sure how he’s managing to stay on the road. I know I should reciprocate but the feeling of his fingers plunging in and out of me has made every thought I’ve ever had flee my brain. After a few minutes, my thighs start to shake and I’m panting, so close to a mind-blowing orgasm that I forget he told me I can’t cum without his permission. His fingers slip out of me seconds before I hit my peak.
“NO!” I shout, shaking in the passenger seat, sitting in a small puddle of my own arousal. I hope it stains his impeccable leather seats.
“Only good girls get to cum, and you haven’t been a good girl today, baby,” He says, “Open.” I open my mouth and he slips the fingers he just had inside of me into my awaiting mouth. I suck his fingers off earnestly, just like I would to his cock if he gave me the chance. He pulls his fingers out with a pop and I realize he’s parked the car in his garage. Is this really happening? I think to myself. “Color?” He asks me, turning my face so I can look into his eyes. I could get lost in his eyes.
“Green,” I say quickly.
“Good girl,” He whispers and meets my mouth in a messy kiss full of tongue, need, and teeth.
I don’t know how we made it inside, but as soon as I cross through the doorway, Hotch throws me over his shoulder, and I shriek. He carries me to the bedroom, dropping me on the bed. I’m paralyzed as I watch him rip his tie off, dress shirt following soon after. He’s beautiful, and I want to run my hands all over him and feel every scar. My eyes are tracing his chest and ever the profiler, he notices.
“You can touch. It’s okay.” He walks over to me, planting himself between my legs. I timidly touch his stomach, trailing my hands up his abdomen, running my fingers along his scars in quiet admiration. He suddenly takes my hand, kissing it, a break in the dominant façade. I give him a soft smile, one that has always been reserved for him, and his breath hitches in his chest. His hands cup my face, looking into my eyes, and I’ve never felt safer than I have at this moment. I close my eyes, leaning into his touch, my hands resting on his wrists. It feels like we’re the only people in the world, two souls destined to collide. His next kiss is gentle as if he doesn’t want to ruin the moment, but he tosses his resolve out the window when I bite his bottom lip. He growls, pushing me onto my back and stepping out of his pants and boxers. I push myself up on my elbows to watch him and gasp when he’s revealed to me completely. He’s big. Bigger than I’ve had before. I knew it would be big because of his damn hands. “You’re far too dressed for my liking.” He mutters, and the next moment he actually rips my shirt off of me, buttons flying everywhere.
“HOTCH!” He stops, looking at me.
“Try again, sweetheart.”
“Sorry. Daddy.”
“Much better. And Daddy will buy you a new one, okay?” I nod, suddenly unable to think as he slides off my tank top and unclasps my bra. My nipples are aching to be touched and as if he can read my mind, his head dips down to take my left nipple in his mouth. I suck in a breath, my hand coming to rest on the back of his head. His tongue laves over my nipple, and I swear I see God for a moment. He moves to the other side and my cunt is begging for attention. He slides my skirt and panties off without once leaving my chest. And when I’m naked before him, he kisses his way up my throat, leaving hickeys that will definitely be hard to hide.
“Daddy, people will see.”
“And? They should know whom you belong to.” He says plainly, he leans back, admiring my form and my hips jump up on their own accord, grazing his weeping tip in the process.
“Fuck, princess, don’t do that.”
“Please, please, please, Daddy, I need you so bad.”
“Daddy has to make sure you’re ready for him. I don’t know if my fat cock will fit in your tight little pussy.” I whimper at his words, more turned on than I’ve ever been in my entire life. He slides down my body, pressing kisses into my skin as he goes until he gets on his knees, dragging me towards the edge of the bed. He slings both of my legs over his shoulder, pressing a chaste kiss into my thigh. “Your pussy is dripping for me, princess. Can I taste it?”
“Please,” I manage to whisper, and I watch as his head dips down and he licks up my pussy. He groans against my clit when he tastes me, and I shout in surprise at the added stimulation. He chuckles against me and goes to work, tongue thrusting shallowly in me before coming up to tease my clit. He’s getting me closer to the edge and when I feel two of his fingers slide into me easily, I sigh contentedly. He finds the spongy spot inside of me with ease, hitting it every time he thrusts his fingers into me. I’m hurtling towards my peak when I gasp out, “Daddy, please, I’m close, can I cum? Please? I’ll be a good girl, I promise. Your good girl.” His eyes flick up and he watches me, never stopping, and watches as my abdomen tenses and I start to clench around his fingers, panting. He pulls his mouth away from me just long enough to whisper,
“You can let go, princess.” And resumes his torturous pace on me. My hand shoots down to grip his hair and a few seconds later my orgasm rips through me. I shout loudly, hips moving with abandon against his face, and he doesn’t let up, continuing to lick and finger me through it until I’m twitching with overstimulation.
“Daddy, please, too much.”
“You wanted to cum, princess, so you’re going to cum until I’m done.” He growls and goes back to eating me out. I had no time to come down from my first orgasm and my body is already sprinting full speed ahead toward my second. My thighs clench around his face but it doesn’t stop him. He stills his fingers inside me and simply presses them into my G-spot, never letting up, just putting constant pressure on it.
I’m babbling at this point, nothing coherent coming from my lips except for ‘daddy’ and ‘please’. My orgasm blindsides me and I clench hard around his fingers and scream, not caring if anyone can hear me. My vision goes spotty as I continue to cum until he finally slips his fingers out and I feel like I can breathe again. I’m gasping for air as his touch trails along my hips.
“Still with me, pretty girl?” I nod still gasping. “Color?”
“Green, green, green.” I pant out quickly and he chuckles. He gives me a few more seconds to come down, tracing gentle patterns into my sides and he kisses me once my breathing slows. I pull away to bite my way down his neck, leaving my own marks on him. “Daddy, need you inside me, please.”
“Are you sure you’re ready for me, princess?”
“Yes! Yes! So ready! Please just fuck me!”
“Okay, let me grab a condom.”
“No!” I shout, grabbing his shoulders. “I’m clean. Please, I want to feel you. Just you.”
“You’re going to be the death of me, you know that?” He says, kissing the tip of my nose. I watch as he pumps himself a few times and lines up with my entrance. He pushes in, just barely, and stays there until I’m begging him to push the rest of the way in.
“Please, Daddy, I want to feel full. I feel so empty.” He sheathes himself in me in one quick motion and I gasp. “Thank you, Daddy,” I whisper onto his lips.
“Fucking hell, Y/N, you’re so goddamn tight.” He’s still above me, and I can see his shoulders shaking in restraint. “You feel like heaven.”
“Please move, please. Let go, I can take it.” I whisper, peering into his eyes and he pulls out a little bit to thrust shallowly. He swallows my moan with his lips, kissing me with the fervor of a man starved. He starts off at a slow pace and despite being sensitive from my previous two orgasms, I need more. I dig my nails into his shoulder. “Please, for the love of God, fuck me. Hard. Please. I can take it. All of it.” He looks at me hard, searching for any hesitation, but his dick is literally inside of me, so there’s no hesitation on my part. I nod up at him and he leans down to kiss me as he starts to set a brutal pace. His hips are slamming against mine and when I shift my hips up to meet his thrusts he hits my G-spot with every thrust. “SHIT!” I shout, the words quickly turning into a loud moan as his thumb comes down to flick at my clit. I’m shaking with arousal, and I can feel his balls slap against my ass with how hard he’s fucking me.
“Come on, pretty girl, I know you’ve got one more in you. Give it to Daddy. I want to feel you cum around my cock.” There are no thoughts in my head anymore, everything in me has zeroed in on the feeling of him literally fucking me into the mattress. “You look so pretty fucked out like this, bet you can’t think of anything but my cock inside of you, huh?” I nod and he laughs, kissing me hard. He leans back just enough to change the angle by shifting my calf onto his shoulder. He thrusts, hard, and I whimper. “You make such pretty sounds when I’m fucking you.” He picks up the pace again, moving his thumb on my clit in tight circles. I let out a broken moan as he hits just the right spot inside of me, and he takes note of it, hitting the same spot repeatedly, thumb keeping its pace on my clit. It’s overwhelming and I know that this orgasm is going to ruin other men for me. No one can do it like him. “Y/N,” his voice is low, “Look at me, baby, I want to watch you fall apart.” I drag my eyes open and look at him with dazed eyes. One particularly hard thrust and a drag of his thumb over my clit and I’m cumming violently, thrashing against him and gripping the bed sheets, my body spasming and I feel him fuck me through it and spill inside of me with a shouted curse before I black out.
I come to and can feel a warm washcloth being dragged between my legs gingerly. I hiss at the contact.
“Oh, thank god, are you okay?” I nod, throat raspy from screaming. “Can I get you anything?” I shake my head no, and the warm washcloth returns, I jump at the sensation. “I know, I have to clean you up though, okay?” He finishes in the next couple of moments and throws the washcloth into the hamper.
“How long was I out?” I say softly.
“Five minutes? Maybe six.” I nod.
“Sorry? Y/N, that was the biggest ego boost I’ve had in years.” He chuckles and I let out a weak laugh.
“Help me up?” I whisper, holding my hands out toward him. He obliges, gently grabbing my hands and pulling me into a sitting position. My vision starts to go spotty again. “Oh, Jesus,” I say, starting to slump forwards. His arms wrap around me quickly, holding me against his chest until my vision starts to return to normal. His thumbs are rubbing my back and I wish I could stay in this moment forever. “I’m okay, I think,” I whisper after a minute and try to pull away but he only lets me get a few inches away, eyes worriedly searching my face. “Hotch, I’m fine. I swear. Now let me go so I can go pee.” He lets go of me slowly and when I stand up to walk toward the bathroom, my legs buckle underneath me. “Oh, come on!” I exclaim, but Hotch is right there to catch me. He scoops me up despite my protests and carries me bridal style to the bathroom, setting me down on the toilet. “Thank you,” I whisper, suddenly embarrassed.
“No, don’t do that. I can see you trying to hide, getting embarrassed.”
“Am I that obvious?”
“Yeah, when your guard is down, you’re easy to read.”
“So, uh, do we just pretend this never happened? Go back to the way things were. I assume that’s what you want?” I bury my face in my hands, unable to look at him.
“Go back to the way things were? Y/N, baby, no. I can’t go back. This was not a one-time thing. I’m yours if you’ll have me.” I peek at him from between my fingers.
“Wait, you’re being serious right now?”
“Dead serious.” He gets on his knees in front of me. “I’ve wanted you from the first moment you walked into my office. I just didn’t think you’d reciprocate, until Morgan made a comment two months ago about your body language, and that’s when I had the hunch you felt the same way.”
“So, you’ve known I’ve been pining over you for months and didn’t think to say anything?” My pitch gets higher as the sentence goes on.
“I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“Yes, I’m clearly uncomfortable with you as I’m sitting in front of you, naked,” I say drily and he laughs again.
“Yeah, I know, I’m an idiot.”
“Yes, you are,” I say, smiling, before adding, “But you’re my idiot.” His eyes brighten at that.
“Yeah. As you said, I’m yours if you’ll have me.”
“Good. Because I’m never letting go of you.” I feel my cheeks grow warm.
“Good, because I don’t want you to.”
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matchadobo · 4 months
Hi! Can i please request about kidd trying his veryy best at comforting his s/o after a bad day and a stressful day? Thank you!
KIDD; how he'll comfort you
warning/s: none, very sfw, gn reader
note: smaller font is a subtext of the previous bullet point
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* he isn't an emotionally intelligent person let alone an emotional person, so this is a challenge for him. seeing you not being your usual self and donning a pained front puts a bad taste in his mouth
* he wouldn't try to pry nor act differently, which would sometimes be mistaken as him not caring or acting indifferent. WHICH IS NOT THE CASE OK ✋he just planned something else to deal with it, something that only involves the two of u so no one else can try and talk about it (not that anyone would dare 😭)
* he'll definitely notice throughout the day that you're acting differently, forcing a smile amidst your dull eyes. he'll wait till dinner to tell you to meet him by the crow's nest
* once you reach the agreed place, you'd see kidd settled by the couch with his flesh arm resting by the top of the backrest where he left a space for you on the couch and cans of beer for the both of you. he was quiet and patient. such a rare sight for you
* once you sat down and have prepared to apologize for keeping him waiting, he had already pulled you in for a hug. his flesh arm that was previously rested by the backrest was now caressing the back of your head as he pressed it towards the crook of his neck
* "you think i haven't noticed you ain't yourself today? tell me what happened."
* as you gave him a play by play, he'd be an active listener! commenting and expressing so much emotions on your narratives
* "oh i'll beat them up, tell me where those bastards are!"
* "ah so someone's worse than me."
* "please tell me you kicked their asses. you did? hell yeah!"
* and soon enough, you'll forget about your problem because kidd will be on a mission on making you laugh. taking jokes from your narratives or teasing you and such
* even when it's approaching midnight, he'll take you out on a quick foodie date. then he'll take you to a pub to hear more about your day and ramble about his. really just to take your mind off of that shit you're carrying
* once you try and thank him randomly while walking home, he'll be very grumpy and turn all red 🤧 he's honestly just flustered and isn't expecting to hear those words. you'd even follow up with a kiss on a cheek which would give him even more butterflies and he'll go tsun tsun on you 😭🥰
* "w-what's with that a-all of a sudden?!" he'll say with a scowl and red cheeks as he avoids your gaze
* you'll say, "thank you for cheering me up, love. you act all tough but you're really a softie for me, aren't you?" while pinching his cheek
* "s-shut it! the alcohol's gettin' to you real fast, ain't it!"
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hi anon! 🌷thank you for the request i had fun making this <3 i first had a hard time thinking how this dumbass would comfort his s/o but here we are HEHEHE i hope u guys like it!
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linkonlceleste · 7 months
Can you write LDS boys x reader,reader is normally quite and introverted but she tends to talk a lot with when she's with them bc she's comfortable and how'd they react
When reader/MC is an introvert
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A/N: Hey anon! Thank you so much for the request!!. I hope you'll like it <3 . Tbh, I did not know how to write it properly and I'm sorry if it's not what you expected :(
Disclaimer:apologies for grammar mistakes and if my writing is not upto how the characters react/behave
It was a calm evening.You were on the way to a cafe with a bunch of friends from neighbourhood.They dragged you along with them (you have just now went there alone and returned home,ofc you didn't tell them about that).As you passed by the library near cafe,you saw Zayne standing outside it.You immediately excused yourself telling them you had an important meeting and approached zayne in relief.Zayne watched everything you did from a distance and as you tagged along with him into the library,he inquired "You seemed like you were going to enjoy with them.Why did you leave them?". You shrugged wondering what to say as you picked a book from the shelf."I'm sorry for using you as an excuse...Well,I can obviously go with them anytime,but now I wish to have my own 'me' time",MC said smiling."You don't have to apologise but... you don't mind me being there during your 'me time?'",he asked out of curious.She nodded and replied that it was totally fine and his heart was filled with a feeling he couldn't describe.While they were reading,she kept whispering to him about one of her favourite books she read and loved.And at one point the whisper was too loud for others that they both were almost kicked out of the library.
The duty for that day was over and as you stroll in the nearby park ,you find Xavier there.He looked exhausted as much as you did,but a wave of joy washed over you after seeing him.He did have the same expression after seeing you .You and Xavier walk side by side as they talk about their day's happenings and other random things.At one point, Xavier stopped talking and kept looking and listening to you.You notice it a little later and asked,"Wait,why am I the only one talking.Are you bored?".Xavier shook his head "No no, I'm just admiring you",he blurted it out without thinking twice.(admire how you talk nonstop only to him). "What?" "What?"
Rafayel was caught up in one of the most annoying parties (according to him atleast) and didn't know how to escape from there.It is not that easy to escape since his aunt asked him to be there for sure.He lazily scrutinized the room once again with his whiskey and he spotted a familiar face.He stepped towards a crowd and stood a bit away from them,enough to look at all of them. And he was right,it was indeed you among that crowd.He didn't know you loved parties,you never mentioned it.As he watched you,he noticed how the way you talked were limited compared to how you chat with him all the time.Suddenly he locked eyes with you and he quickly turned away.Then,he looked secretly back at that crowd but didn't find you there.Before he could look for you,you stood right behind him and tapped his shoulder.He turned to look at you and you got the glass of whiskey from him and drank it."I thought you loved parties a second ago,I guess you also hate parties like me",he said.You finish the last sip of whiskey and respond,"Mmh,Hate is a strong word.But you could say I'm not that good with people." "Oh,but what about me? I agree that you ran away from me initially when I talked,but how come you don't run away these days?",he asked."Maybe because you are a fish?",MC said grinning.Before he could argue and whine,he saw your outstretched hand."I know you're here in this party out of your will.Shall we go somewhere else?",you ask tilting her head.Rafayel chuckled and took your hand kissing the back of your palm saying,"You mean,run away together? Sure my lady",he overexaggerated and you shook your head smiling along with him ."Let's go,your majesty".
A/N: I won't take any other requests at the moment,sorry but maybe in the future not for sure .Thank you so much for reading and the support,take care :) ❤️
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angel eyes.
Pairing - Steve Rogers x Reader Summary - There's a price for those few months of paradise, a price for allowing yourself to be hypnotized. You'll never be the same, but you're not sure you'll ever regret peering into those angeleyes.
a.n. - day 4!!! hope you guys are enjoying! i swear i do not hate steve. i promise i love him. i'm making it a goal to write something nice about him. probably. at some point.
Steve Rogers Masterlist | AnonymityisFun’s SongFics Anon's Birthday Celebration
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"I'll see you later," you chuckle against his lips. You lightly push him away with a snort, "Go. You're gonna be late."
"I'm going. I'm going," he laughs. He pulls you back by your waist, "But maybe just another kiss. For good luck."
"Fine," he dramatically sighs, refusing to drop your hand. "If I have to."
"You have to."
He spares another tender kiss, gripping the back of your neck, "I'll see you tonight, okay?"
"Can't wait."
You watch him walk down the hangar to the Quinjet where his team waits for him. You can't help but wonder how you got so lucky, how you had earned the privilege of looking into those angel eyes.
"It's the eyes, you know."
You jolt at the familiar voice. "Sharon..."
She offers an apologetic smile, as though she knows the last person you want to see is Steve's ex-girlfriend. "I'm just - it's the eyes. It's a game he likes to play. Don't look too deep into them."
"Sharon, I..."
She sucks in a shaky breath, her eyes once bright and determined, now tired and almost... lifeless like she'd been burnt out and drained dry. "I wish someone would've warned me. I swear I mean you no harm. Just be careful."
Her words echo in your mind until Steve returns later that night.
It eats as you. Don't look into those angeleyes, she said. Those eyes you had the privilege of peering into day in and out. The eyes that you loved so deeply. How could you ever stop gazing into them?
"Steve?" It falls out of your mouth as you sit before empty plates, the meal you home cooked for him now cold. "What happened between you and Sharon?"
His eyebrows furrow, clearly thrown off by the question, "Sharon?"
"I guess I'm just curious."
"Did she say something to you?"
"I saw her earlier. She told me to be careful."
"To be careful? What, with me?"
You shrug, keeping the details of her warning close to your chest. "I don't know. Maybe."
He scoffs, "She was just - she was high maintenance. She wanted more than I could give her."
"Like what?"
He lets out a huff of air, his eyes rolling, "Like everything. It wasn't enough for her. Nothing I ever did was enough for her."
"Just don't listen to her. Okay?"
You nod, "Okay."
"That's what I love about you, you know." He stands, rounding himself to stand behind your seat. He wraps his arms around your shoulders, nuzzling his face in the crook of your neck. "You're not like other girls. You don't ask for too much. You're okay with keeping things casual."
You only wish you would've listened to her warning. You wish you wouldn't have dismissed her as Steve's heartbroken ex.
It was so dream like. You're not entirely convinced you weren't hypnotized by those angel eyes. You fell face first into his paradise.
Dreamy nights spent with him whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Lazy mornings spent in his kitchen.
You didn't see the mask slip until it was too late.
Not until you're the one asking for too much.
Not until you're the one he can no longer maintain.
Not until you're exactly like Sharon Carter.
Long after he discards you, you happen upon him one night. You're simply taking a late night around the perimeter of the Compound, one of the few bits of peace that you have in the aftermath of Steve Rogers.
And there he is. Standing there with a younger girl.
The look he gives her sends shivers down your spine. It's the way he used to look at you.
It occurs to you that she is you. The you from months ago. The you that fell into a blind paradise with Steve Rogers.
It's hopeless against those eyes. Against that perfect smile. Against him. One look and you're hypnotized. You know firsthand how easy it is to fall into the trance.
It's only in retrospect that you realize why his eyes were so angelic. Why they were so bright. Why they were so full of life and hope. It was the same reason that Sharon's eyes were so dull. Why you could hardly recognize yourself anymore. Because Steve Rogers is a man who takes. He takes and takes until there's nothing left.
You should warn her. You should offer her the same kindness Sharon Carter offered you. Maybe she'll use the wisdom better than you did.
The moment he leaves her standing alone in the pale moonlight, it's your one and likely only chance.
You approach her. As you gently touch her shoulder, you briefly wonder if you like exactly like Sharon Carter did when she warned you. Did your eyes look as lifeless and burned out as hers did? Did Steve's eyes glow even brighter because of it?
"Don't look too deep into those angel eyes."
Steve Rogers Masterlist Anon's Birthday Celebration
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams@shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog @infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 @buckysbarne @deadheadwbedhead @qualitygiantshoepsychic @whitexwolfxx310 @getosprettyboy @matchat3a @weallhaveadestiny @mostlymarvelgirl @honeydew3064 @michealharrypotter @mrs-bucky-barnes-73 @withyoutilltheendoftheline @the-photo-hoe @rae-nna @sarachabeans1@double-shot-of-tequila @spookyparadisesheep @lunaalovesyouu @daisy-loves-bucky@roseproseposts @theoraekenslover@king814318 @maybesomedaytho @carlie-babes99 @sunshinechikin @as-white-as-snow-love @melala1030 @badasswlthafatass @armystay89 @multiversefanfics @cherrysscinema @breathlesspieceofdeath @ravenn-darkholme @bxckybxrnes24 @guiltyasreid @bellabarnes1378 @blithecapricorn @mrsnikstan
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cloudraker · 5 days
What would the tfp autobots (your pick) reactions would be if their neutral NB cybertonian ally goes, "Oh? You didn't know? I have a Conjux now :)" and brings the motherfucker predaking.
But hey! Atleast the predacon is a green flag. The man would do anything for the reader, respects them, and is utterly smitten. At that point the autobots wouldn't have to worry about him anymore since reader is their ally
This has been rotting in my inbox for so long,, anon if you see this thank you for your patience
TFP Preadaking with a Neutral S/O
Under the cut :)
Setting this after the war/the return to Cybertron
Assuming you didn't fight in the war, you're probably the most normal person he knows. You're probably the most normal person on Cybertron at this point. The others don't think much of it when you start spending more and more time out by yourself- there's a lot to take in now that the war is over and cybertron is so different
Your little adventures start at a few hours, then it's half a day, and before long you're gone for days at at time. That's when they start asking questions
Where have you been going? What could possibly be so important that you go missing for days at a time when there is- what do you mean you met somebody?
Having to explain that yes you met somebody and yes they're on Cybertron and well you don't know if it's a good idea if they all met him. It's all very "he goes to a different school you don't know him"
They eventually get you to agree and when you actually bring him around the Autobots are.. well they sure are there and that sure is a guy you've brought home
Predakind, to his credit, is on his best behavior. He's standing behind you (a respectable distance away from them) as you talk the others out of shooting him then and there
He doesn't stay long, much to your disappointment. A few conversations with both sides reveals their past history, leaving you caught in the middle.
The overall consensus on the Autobot side is "you're an adult, we can't stop you but it's also a really bad idea-"
Ratchet would be the most understanding- which isn't saying much. He's upset but he also knows you don't have the same feelings towards Predaking as he and the other Autobots do- to you, he's just some guy you met. While he makes his many grievances known, he also makes it clear that if anything happens you'll still have people supporting you
Magnus is.. conflicted. On one hand, part of him is glad that there's some sense of normalcy for somebody- a hope that things will be okay. On the other hand, he doesn't have an other hand
He doesn't count as an Autobot but Knockout would warn you against the predacon, calling him things like dangerous and a brute while also trying to dig any gossip out of you. Will begrudgingly make sure you're polished and shiny before you go out if you ask him for help. Very "you're going out dress like that?"
Once they get more familiar with the idea, Predaking starts making the occasional appearance
At first it's just flying by overhead, letting you know he's still around even if you haven't been able to see each other much lately. Then it's coming to meet you when you've got plans and then he's making very awkward small talk with Bulkhead while he waits for you to come out
Everybody starts to relax a bit when they see just how good he is to you. This hulking beast of a robot, built for fighting and dragged into a time not meant for him, bending to take your hand and kiss your knuckles whenever he sees you. How you never come back with a so much as a scratch on your pain and only with good things to say
He gets some serious side-eye when he enters the base for the first time, and everybody is a bit tense, but it (thankfully) all goes well
He's eventually asked to help with some repairs or some mundane task and- while somewhat reluctant- he complies. For you, of course, in an attempt to make life just a little bit easier
It's a very, very slow journey to having both your partner and the Autobots start to build even a semblance of trust, but you're willing to put in the work and Predaking is willing to put in the work for you
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l5byrinth · 8 months
safe and sound
“you'll be alright, no one can hurt you now.”
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pairing: finnick odair x reader
summary: in which finnick shows up at your doorstep and vents his heart out.
warnings/contains: fluff, idk tbh lmk if i should add more
a/n: i combined this with another request bc they were quite similar but tysm for the requests anons 🫶🏼 btw i didn’t really know how to end it im so sorryyy it’s bad. actually this entire one shot is bad 😭
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As the sun set, you watched it from behind glass, captivated by the colours adorning the sky. It was something you rarely did, mostly because you had an insanely busy schedule as a former victor who lived in the capitol.
A knock on your door, however, ruined the one moment you had on your own. With a sigh, you walked towards the door, wondering who was visiting you at this hour. When you opened, you were surprised when you were met with Finnick. Yes, the Finnick Odair. The victor from district four who you had grown a fond friendship with. And had on whom you had a secret little crush on. “Hi, finn?” You questioned, rather than said, wondering why he was at your doorstep out of the blue.
Your relationship with Finnick was… difficult. The two of you had shared a kiss and admitted your feelings to each other before, but nothing really came from it. Mostly because you were both scared what would happen when the friendship you shared would blossom into something more. Besides, you hadn’t talked to him for quite some time.
And yet here he was standing silently in front of you. There was something about him that just didn’t sit right with you. His usual cocky and confident attitude, was replaced with an entirely different one. “Well, come in.” The door creaked when you opened it further and you cringed at the sound of it. He walked towards your living space, as if he had already been here countless of times, which he had of course.
It was like his second home before it got complicated between the two of you.
You closed the door behind you, before following him, a million questions filling your head. He didn’t utter a word, staring at the same sunset you had been watching only a minute ago. “Finnick, is everything alright?”
And it was as if that was his tipping point, because he suddenly stumbled into your arms. You were taken aback, that’s for sure, but you hugged him tight nevertheless. You cooed sweet nothings as tears left his eyes like a waterfall. While soothingly rubbing his back, you let him cry his eyes out, not caring that your sweater was now soaking wet from his tears.
“Finn, whatever it is, just let it out.” You said softly, waiting for him to have cried it all out. The man holding onto you for dear life felt ashamed for breaking down like this. But after what he had been through that night, he just couldn’t bottle it up anymore like he usually did. And when he realised it, the only person who he would want by his side was you.
“Sorry.” Finnick mumbled with his head rested on your shoulder. And if you weren’t so close to him, you probably wouldn’t have heard it. He pulled away, one of his hands lingering on your waist, as he wiped the tears on his cheeks with the other. He had been looking down the entire time, but when he finally looked up at you, you could see the pain and fatigue in his eyes. “Oh, finnick.” You put your hand on his cheek and he leaned into the comforting touch.
After he had calmed down, the two of you sat down on your couch. The same couch you were sat at when you finally admitted your feelings. But none of that was important at the moment. Finnick told you about everything he had been going through since he became a victor at the age of fourteen. The man in front of you told things you could never imagine anyone to go through. Your heart broke for Finnick the more he explained and you wished you had noticed this all sooner.
You drew him in for another hug, telling him you would do anything for him. You assured him, “We will get through this together and make sure nothing happens to you anymore. I’m here for you, Finn. And whatever you need, you can ask me.” Finnick nodded knowingly, wiping away the tears that had fallen down your face because of his story, “I know, love. You always are.”
“I know it’s hard, but whatever happens, you’re safe and sound. With me.” You grabbed ahold of his hands and pecked his knuckles lovingly, his heart skipping a beat. A small grateful smile made its way onto his face as he drew you in closer, wrapping his arms around you while you rested your head on his chest. It was as if a weight had fallen off of his shoulder and he let out a contented sigh.
He indeed felt safe and sound. With you.
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It's okay, silly! Tbh I forgot Neuvi existed but hey it's fine-
Anyway! I wonder what Arlecchino would think of Fontaine (and specifically Neuvi and Furina) taking care of the creator post-failed execution and helping them heal! Maybe Father could bring a couple of the younger children to kinda soothe (and also emotionally manipulate a bit but it's okay-) the creator with like the innocence as if saying "Look at how they love you! You'll stay with them right? :)"
I'm so sorry i'm having a Furina/Arle/Noelle brain rot rn- (Just thinking about the angst potential in these three in both sagau and otherwise ahhh)
Anyways have a good day!
Oh good!
Omg wait Arlecchino...tbh I think she is probably why most deaths within Fontaine happened now thinking about it.
Because while I know most like to have the Fataui be the good ones that can see the truth in their aus...tbh it doesn't make much sense to me. Mainly because while they want to fight against the Heavily Principles, they still are influenced by them because of their laws. So Tsaritsa would definitely order all members to kill any imposters on sight. So they would actually help the hunt.
But if we're talking during the healing phase then Arle definitely would be contributing by potentially letting them let steam out via fighting. Of course she would keep a close eye to make sure they don't get hurt, even wouldn't hesitate to harshly take their weapon away if sensing even a hint of a possible self infliction of harm. But anyway, she definitely gives me vibes of "aren't you tired of being nice, don't you wanna go apeshit?" for some reason.
Also yes she definitely uses the children to manipulate the creator (post healing, so all good again if we ignore that fact that they're not hostage in Fontaine) to keep their attention away from others. Or even use the fact that the creator is physically attracted to her to her advantage (like me, she can step on me any day-*SLAP*).
Though if I think about it a bit, her reaction to finding out what was actually happening would probably make her seem more stoic then usual. I mean she would be devastated don't get me wrong, but I get a sense that she would move past it quickly for the sake of getting plan healing the creator set in motion as quick as possible. Like her, Neuvillette, and Furina are like the three masterminds over this. Though that's not gonna stop her from asking the creator for forgiveness (but after they heal, when they're sound of mind again).
I can't really say more? Mainly because I'm admittedly not caught up with the game at all dhekehfj I haven't played in months and idk if I will any time soon (though the fact that Arle coming soon AND Sethos being shown is tempting me). But I still love the characters and the, which is why I made the au both for my own creativity and become I like putting the characters I love in various situations.
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tsukimara · 6 months
Death the Kid x Sick fem!reader, please.
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જ⁀➴ Sick Day
✰ Pairing: Death The Kid x fem!sick!reader
✰ Summary: Kid takes care of sick!reader
✰ Warning: Umm one swear?
✰ Thank you for the request dear anon! I love that there is a new tik tok trend related to Soul Eater (I hope it won't be just a temporary thing and that people won't forget about Soul Eater again please)
• What are you doing in class???
• Kid immediately noticed that something was wrong with you and took you out before you even entered.
• He will definitely take you home (There's no way he's taking you to Dr. Stein) and on the way he will scold you for coming to school sick, endangering yourself and others.
• "What if you fainted from exhaustion?" "Next, send your meister/weapon to me to tell me you're not feeling well." "You have a fever?!"
• But then he will apologize to you for scolding you, but he was just worried about you and didn't want anything to happen to you.
• I think Kid is even good at taking care of sick people, for example when Patty and Liz were sick (but has a softer spot for you and will be with you 24/7).
• If you have a fever you are dead. Kid will personally make sure you take your medications and eat well.
• Doesn't take no for an answer.
• Kid hates germs and diseases but for you he will try to help you.
• You'll end up wrapped like a burrito in a blanket.
• You try to get up to get something? No way! Just tell him what you need and he will bring it to you.
• "What are you doing out of bed? Go back there." "Kid, I just want to go to the bathroom."
• He'll make you food, or at least try to.
• Expect the most symmetrical food you've ever seen.
• Unfortunately, he won't give you any kisses or cuddle with you because he doesn't want to get ill too, but when you get better, he will make up for it.
• Once you're feeling better, Kid will give you his class notes to help you catch up.
Kid sat down in his seat and waited for class to start until he saw his girlfriend enter the classroom not looking too good. She had bags under her eyes, her hair was a mess and same her clothes. Kid quickly packed his things, knowing that he wouldn't come back to class after seeing your condition and moved towards you.
"Oh! Good morning-" You couldn't finish your sentence as Kid led you out of the classroom, the confusion visible on your face.
"You're sick, I'm taking you home." Kid took your bag so you wouldn't have to carry a heavy bag like this.
"But-" "No buts. What if something happened to you?"
"Then-" "Please, next time tell your meister/weapon to inform me about such things." Kid kept interrupting you, you wanted to punch him lightly so you could finally say something, but then he placed his hand on your forehead.
"You have a fever?!" Ah fuck.
It ended up that when you got to your house, you were sent to bed and he wrapped a blanket around you, making you a burrito. You thought that after he took you home he would go back to school, but surprisingly he stayed and went to the kitchen to make you food.
Later, he entered your room, in his left hand he held a plate with triangle-shaped sandwiches and in his right he held water and some pills.
"It's nothing special but at least you will have a full stomach, then take the pills, they should help you." Kid set the plate and water aside to help you sit up, even though you could have done it yourself. After eating, he went to take your plate to the kitchen, you felt like going to the bathroom so you got up and headed towards the bathroom but suddenly Kid appeared and scared you a little.
"What are you doing out of bed? Go back." He said as he tried to take you back to your room. You swear your little illness made this boy so soft but you didn't mind.
"I just wanted to go to the bathroom."
When you came back from the bathroom, you immediately lay down on the bed, wrapping yourself in a blanket for warmth. Kid was sitting in your chair, reading a book.
"You know, since you're so worried about me, maybe a little kiss and a hug will heal me a bit?" You teased him, when he smiled you thought he would agree but then he shook his head, closing the book and looking at you.
"Why nottttt???"
"Because you're sick and I don't want to be sick too." You leaned back on your pillows and crossed your arms, pouting slightly. For a moment you forgot that your boyfriend hated germs, but that's okay because he ended up staying anyway and he didn't even have to, it made you smile, knowing you meant a lot to him.
"And don't worry about your lessons, you'll catch up on them thanks to me."
"Thanks, Kid. I love you." You could see a little redness on his cheeks, but he smiled slightly and nodded.
"I love you too, [Name]."
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➥ Soul Eater Masterlist ➥ Masterlist
➥ Rules request
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peachesofteal · 1 year
oh the image of Simon holding Darling while Johnny holds Bee in the latest baby trap installment 🥹 I just want so much more of them just being there trying to support Darling while repenting for their mistakes, even when she fights them the whole way
Beautiful mushroom anon is referencing this.
The guys are so... annoying. Concerned. Loving. Doting. I hate them. I love them. I could write an entire fic of this angst/pining/let us help you mess. I want them showing up at every beck and call, every whim. Groveling. Crying. I want it all. (I will also probably write it all for disco baby because that's the one that's going to be a full fic.)
18+ MDNI / baby trap au / dark and mature themes
"I'm here, I've got ya." You murmur, patting Bee's back while you hold her over your shoulder, trying to bounce her just a bit, enough to get her to burp. The movements work fairly quickly, and then you're leaning back again, foot rest coming rising under your feet and tucking your giant fleece blanket up around your waist with one hand.
"Need help?" Johnny asks, and you shake your head.
"No." Be nicer, they're being super helpful. You can't help but eye him with suspicion while he smiles shyly at you, perched on the opposite end of the other couch in your living room, fingers tapping together with nervous energy.
"Do you want to try to eat some lunch?" Simon sits a tray down on the cushion beside you, a plate with a sandwich and your favorite fruits already sliced up, along with a peanut butter smoothie. He's deposited your water bottle, refilled, on the side table next to you, within arm's reach if you need it.
Bee coos with a sleepy smile, pressing her face to your chest and you blow out a breath. She's going to fall asleep on you, again.
You could give her to one of the guys...
No. Just because they come over here, and take care of you, and wait on you hand and foot, doesn't mean you forgive them.
You do not forgive them.
The peanut butter smoothie calls to you, it's perfect consistency, perfect taste something you haven't had in so long, since before you left them. You want a sip, or to just down the whole thing, you want-
A cough scrapes across the bottom of your lungs.
You turn your face away from Bee instinctively, but you're not strong enough right now to really hold her from your body, and your shoulders tense as you try to draw a breath. Fucking pneumonia. Fuck.
"Take-" you croak, and Simon reads it, scooping the baby from your arms before you start to shake with the effort of your wheezing. It makes you lightheaded, and dizzy, and your eyes blink slowly after the fit is over, trying to get your equilibrium right.
Suddenly, you're exhausted. All over again. It's frustrating, increasingly so, and your patience has run thin. It's overwhelming, and frightening, how you could have gotten this ill, and now- now you're crying.
"Oh, darling." Johnny whispers, and you shake your head.
"'m fine." you sob out a protest. Jesus Christ. You are pathetic. This is so embarrassing.
"I know ye are, I know." Neither of them move, waiting, holding their breath. They don't want to push you, don't want to encroach on your very established boundaries, so they'll wait, which is even more frustrating at times, because it feels like they're trying to draw you out, push you to your limit even if that's not what's happening. "Please, can... can I help? Do ye want to go lay down?" Johnny's inched closer now, close enough you can see the sparkling blue of his eyes, his sweet and concerned face that watches every movement you make.
The dark of your room sounds so nice, so much easier, and you nod miserably.
"Alright, come on. I've got ye." He coos, and then wraps an arm around you, plucking you from the couch like Simon plucked the baby from your arms. "Bee's right behind us." He assures, because he knows you'll flip out, and sure enough, you hear her sleepy babbles over his shoulder. "We're all just gon' have a bit of a rest, yeah?" Simon situates her in the bassinet in your room, while Johnny places you slowly onto your bed. He hovers, watching while you peel back the covers and snuggle yourself down into them, turning on your side until you can't see either of them.
The baby monitor is deposited on the pillow next to you, while Simon murmurs something about being just outside if you need them.
Whatever. You roll your eyes but something, something very small, very far away in your heart, echoes with a ping of gratitude, and you and Bee drift off for an afternoon nap.
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hiya we stoked for ateez comeback yesss! can I make request pretty please! yander ateez caring for their sick darling? 💌
ATEEZ caring for a sick darling
Yandere ATEEZ(separately) x gn reader
a/n: how did i miss this ask ???? i'm so sorry anon 🥲 the comeback has come out and i'm beyond hyped LMAO stream bouncy . shoutout to my gf for helping me with mingi and jongho🤍
♡´・ᴗ・`♡ genre: yandere, headcanon drabbles
ಠ_ಠwarnings/content: mentions of; throwing up, doctors and hospitals, sickness(headaches and colds), poisoning, captivity, none of these are healthy relationships
if you or a loved one is in an unhealthy or controlling relationship- there is help and there is ways out. know that you deserve better and don't be afraid to reach out
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Hongjoong has severe trust issues. The amount of times you've attempted to leave him has him on high alert for every little detail that may mean you're tricking him. So at first, when he hears you dry-heaving behind the closed bathroom door, his brain immediately says that you're tricking him. You're trying to pull the sick card? Really, Darling? He doesn't do anything at first, he sits down on the couch with his arms crossed and waits for you to give up your game of charades. But when you come out of the bathroom pouring sweat and pale as a ghost? He drops the idea that your tricking him when you collapse.
After his initial denial and suspicion, Hongjoong will be the most attentive of his darling, only rivaled by Hwa and San. He will treat you like a porcelain doll and give into your every need, no matter how demanding you get. Too hot? He gathers every fan in the apartment to wherever it is you are. Too cold? Welcome to the Kim Blanket Fort™️. Hungry for something he'll never usually give you? Eat uuuuup Darling.
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Seonghwa almost breaks the door off of the hinges when he hears you crying. He won't leave or shut up until you've opened the door and are secure in his arms. Poor Darling, was it something you ate? Is your stomach upset? Are you running a fever? He bombards you to figure out just what's wrong so he can fix it for you. If you're sick enough by his standards, you'll be at the doctor in ten minutes flat.
Hwa is the yandere you want if you get sick easily. He isn't suspicious or overly possessive. He will take you to the doctor without a fight and babys you until he's certain that you are in good health. If anything, he is overbearing. He just loves his Darling so much, he'd just never forgive himself if something were to happen.
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Yunho is a big baby. When he sees you trying to sneak some medicine from the cabinet, he snatches it up and starts crying as he pours it for you instead. Why didn't you come to him immediately? When did this start? Isn't he good enough to take care of you? In all honesty, he is. He takes great care of you but he is also such.a.bummer. He blames himself for letting you get sick in the first place and will be even more strict about going out or even opening windows. Say goodbye to Friday date nights for months- at the very least.
If you can handle a debby downer, Yunho isn't such a bad option. He rubs your back if you're aching and holds you warmly if you have the shivers. But he will cry and whine more than you will. One major problem if you get sick with a yandere Yuyu on your hip is that you will never go to the doctor. He believes that they are a breeding ground for diseases, all of the sick people in one building? Yeah, not happening. He can do anything a doctor can with the help of a little Googling.
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Yeosang is similar to Hwa in the way that he will drop everything to take care of his Darling. When he's about to walk out the door for practice and hears you sneeze for the tenth time in an hour, his shoes are off and he's back in bed with you. Oh, don't worry Darling, Sangie will take good care of you. No matter how little sick you are, if you have symptoms he will be right by your side to make sure he can take care of you if they get worse.
And they will get worse. Because he will make you feel sicker than you are with a little dollop of his stash. He needs you to need him. You will never catch on because he only does it when you're beginning to get sick anyways. He doesn't see the harm in it. Yeosang loves to take care of his Darling and will make sure you always end up curled up to him begging him to make it better.
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San learned everything he knows from Joong and Seonghwa. That includes the way he treats his Darling. That's why at first, he's suspicious when you start whining and curl up on your side of the bed while clutching your head. Do you really think that's gonna work? Hongjoong has taught him better than to fall for that act. But when your tears won't stop and you start to snap at him, he knows it's for real because he's taught you better than to yell like you are. Oh, sweet Darling, you must really hurt. Is it too bright? Is the show too loud? Do you need water? After he clears his mind and realizes the truth, he's even more doting than Seonghwa.
San won't take you to a doctor unless it's life threatening, but that doesn't mean he won't treat you like you're dying if you have the smallest of colds. He will bathe you and feed you and cuddle you to no end. And he'll do so until he's sure you're better. After your initial roadblocks of getting him to believe you, you won't have to lift a finger.
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Poor Mingi. He has no idea what to do when you wake him up in the middle of the night as you shiver in your sleep. He's immediately turned to his best friend(Google) and looking for solutions to make you feel better. Will a hot rag make you feel better? Oh- but you have a fever! Maybe just the blanket- why are you still shivering? Before you came along Mingi never had anyone to take care of him when he was sick or vice versa so he's lost.
With a bit of your own guidance on your needs, Mingi will help you get better however he possibly can so that he makes sure you know he can take care of you better than anyone else. He'll get all the medicines you recommended and be at your beck and call, all while taking down mental notes for when you get sick in the future.
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With Wooyoung, it's business as usual with a bit more caring actions or a little more leniency with you. He knows your sick when you ask for the first shower in the morning, he always gets the first shower but he lets it slide because he can tell how nasty you feel with the sickness on you. Of course, Darling. Do you want some hot tea when you get out? He isn't overbearing in any aspect.
Woo will let a lot of things slide when you're sick that he usually won't but that doesn't mean he won't catch on if your trying to draw it out. He will be nice for a few weeks before he gets tired of it and takes you to a doctor. If the doctor says you aren't sick? Good luck, Darling. Nice Woo's stay is over.
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Jongho to the rescue. He is very obsessive observant when it comes to his Darlings health. He and you both take vitamins and supplements religiously, and have regular check-ups. Health is one thing you can always count on him to take care of, so it isn't a shock to him when you come to him right away when you feel sick. Oh, Darling...how did this happen? Come and have some medicine, let him give you a little check up. You'll still have to go about your life regardless, the world doesn't stop like it may with other members.
Jongho has a list of things to make sure you do to feel better while you both go about your regular life. He fits in a nap for you, along with extra veggies, and a longer daily walk for fresh air and sunlight. He doesn't leave you to the wolves, but he won't coddle you either. Unless you go and stray from his checklist. Then he'll take a few days off and watch you like a hawk, force feeding you your medicine if he has to. He won't let his Darling be sick.
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ryescapades · 2 months
can't get enuff of loserumi 🤤 could i get loserumi and an equally as loser reader whos also a captain so captain meetings r literally just them jabbing at their match histories together itd be funny i think
genre/warning: ooc narumi maybe, not proofread!! a/n: took me quite a while to come up with something, sorry for the delay anon!
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there is an unusual air in the room. ashiro can't explain what it is but it is there. when she first entered the conference room, it was like a menacing vacuum just sucked out all the oxygen inside, making the room feels almost tight to breathe in. she glances around, taking note of the people occupying the room.
"what are you lookin' around for, captain ashiro?" hoshina asks, glancing at his superior curiously. ashiro startles, not expecting her vice-captain to notice her darting eyes. "nothing really. it's just... do you feel that?" she can't help but to ask.
hoshina seems to contemplate for a moment, processing her question before a tiny smile appears on his face. "ah, you mean the strange atmosphere in this room? it's just the usual division-rivalry happening during every meeting that we have. though i heard just recently that two particular divisions are keeping a serious tally on their records."
ashiro tilts her head in confusion, "it was never this intense before, though?"
the swordsman only chuckles slightly, eyeing the way two distinct pairs of eyes are sending glares at each other across the room. "well, you'll see soon enough."
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ˏˋ°•*⁀➷
ashiro doesn't need to wait long.
fifteen minutes right after the conference meeting ended, there's already a commotion going on as she and hoshina enter the mess hall. the sight of two division captains; you and narumi having a stand-off in the middle of the hall greets them.
"well, well, well, if it isn't the captain narumi himself. have you managed to get past my shooting score yet, captain?" you drawl, crossing your arms as your words directly hit the mark.
narumi bares his teeth, "excuse me?! how about we talk about your combat power first, captain y/n." he spits. a tick mark seems to appear on your head. "oh yeah? you better watch your back, narumi. i'll reach full power soon enough and when the time comes, you're gonna eat your words," you seethe.
"as if! you couldn't even reach my level of hand-to-hand combat, could you?" narumi laughs mockingly, making you roll your eyes and scoff, "and you couldn't reach my level of marksmanship. get off your high horse, buddy."
"we hold the highest records for both of those categories, ya know?" hoshina suddenly chimes in, making both you and narumi turn your head so fast the third-divisioners are worried about the possibilities of you getting a whiplash.
"HAAHH?!" the two of you snarl, glaring at the intruder. hoshina only grins toothily and gives a casual shrug. ashiro who's been standing quietly beside her second, blinks in the midst of her engrossed stare.
"so it was them in the conference room earlier?" she lowly mutters, continuing to watch you two go back to bickering with each other.
though for some reason, curiosity begins to fill her once again, along with a newfound incredulity when narumi points a finger at you, "midnight it is then! you better be there or else!!"
so they're gonna go at it tonight? ashiro thinks.
still with your arms crossed, you haughtily narrow your eyes, "tch, i'm gonna beat your ass up so bad in mario kart you're gonna go to sleep crying after!" you snap.
the third division captain falters in her steps when the words finally register in her head. wait, mario kart...?
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©🅁🅈🄴🅂🄲🄰🄿🄰🄳🄴🅂. do not steal, translate or repost my work anywhere else !
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invivoinsomnium · 11 months
If I was to get you pregnant I'd have been watchung you for weeks first to make sure your are perfect to carry my seed and you are. I wait for the perfect time following you home on a dark street covering your head hushing you "Scream and you'll regret it" I whisper in your ear knocking you out and throwing you in the back of my car.
When you wake up you curled up all cosy in what looks like your bedroom thinking it was a dream until you go to sit up and realise you are chained to the bed. I walk in sitting next to you "Good morning Hun I wanted to make sure you'd feel comfy in here I hope I got the details right"
I lean over kissing your neck "I mean you are just perfect to be carrying my babies" I push you back down a bit more not listening to any protests just talking quietly "You're gonna get so big and heavy. Imagine nine months from now the agony you'll be in" I chuckle pulling my sweats down you realise you don't have any clothes covering your bottom half.
I slip myself in groaning "Fuck" I mutter "Your so tight it's gonna be difficult for you huh" I roll my hips stroking your hair "Pretty girl gonna give my suck pretty babies" I hold your hips down not giving you a second to adjust pounding into you straight away "You are never leaving" I whisper "You are mine until you stop giving me babies"
I grunt biting your neck gently "Mine" I growl. It doesn't take long for me to have cum inside you about 7 times your stomach bulging as I plug you up untying your arms as you lay there pathetically "Fighting won't do you any good you won't be able to escape it'll just end up worse for you" I take you to the bathroom your ankles tied together. I clean you up kissing your head feeding you forcing you if I have to.
This was a nightly routine until a few weeks later I make you take a pregnancy test waiting for the timer I flip it over a very strong positive line. I smirk hugging your waist "You're gonna have my babies" I laugh.
A few months later you were already huge bump big and round a Dr walks in ignoring your pleas for help preforming and ultrasound with a chuckle "Oh look at that 5 babies that's gonna hurt" he teased taking some blood to check and checking you over.I smirk sitting down "Told you hun"
When they start moving it torture so when you feel the first contraction you instantly break into tears begging me to get the Dr. I laugh "And tuin your body with those scars no no you're gonna push these babies out one by one" I rub your thighs "I'll be right here I promise" I rub your belly through contractions pushing gently as you bare down crying out feeling out first babies head crowing against your right little hole. I slap your pussy gently "Push harder"
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I love this anon; the kidnapping, the breeding against my will, the pregnancy, the doctor ignoring me and the birth. I'll admit, the only thing I'm not a fan of is the five babies, I'm more one large single or twins, at a push triplets. Still love how this was written.
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Waking up disoriented, with no idea of what has happened. The situation would be made worse from how you're talking to me, I don't know you and yet theree's a small spark of recognition, maybe I've passed you on the street once or twice.
It doesn't matter how many times you tell me fighting is inevitable, I still fight you, I will always fight you. Every day when I feel your seed bathe my unprotected womb I pray for it not to take, and for the first few weeks, I think my prayers have been answered until you force me to take a test. Until that little plus sign appears after an eternity. I burst out into tears while you cheer in delight knowing that you've successfully bred me.
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For the first few months I hoped that it was a false negative but as time moved on I could see my body starting to change, see my belly swell outwards, feel sensativity in my breasts, see the way parts of my would smell and lets not forget the morning sickness and fatigue.
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When the doctor first arrives, I do my best to beg for his help in escaping this nightmare, I don't want to have your offpsring. He merely ignores me and the sickening realisation hits me, he knows exactly what you're doing and doesn't care. He gets paid after all.
I try to ignore the ultrasound, try to break free of my bonds, but when I hear the watery whooshing noise, I know something isn't right. It's the doctor that confirms it as he points to the screen, announcing that I'm carrying quintuplets.
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Their movements steal my breath away and brings me to my kness. They're so fucking active, though they become worse when you touch my belly and speak to them. Hopes of escaping dwindle, especially when within the last month of my pregnancy I find myself bedridden. Each day brings me closer and closer to the birth and I fear it. I never wanted to be pregnant, I'm not maternal at all. When the first contraction hits its like nothing I've ever felt before. "Oh fuck, I'm not ready for this," I pant, shaking my head in denail. I can feel it, the first head pressing down upon my cervix.
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I scream in pain, beg you to bring the doctor here or let me go to a hospital but your adament I do this naturally. I fight back when you promise to be here for me and that ends up with my hands being restrained as you position yourself between my spread thighs. For hours I labour, twisting and turning, toes curling as my muscles tighten and my belly dips inwards. I scream, beg and threat, even try to fight the urge to push but in the end I obey your orders and my body's demand. I can feel the head of the first as it slips into my birth canal, stretching me as I bear down, desperate to be free. What's worse is knowing that when I've finally delivered this one, I will still have four more to bring into the world.
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