#oh christopher you live such a life
mattbegins · 2 months
They are literally raising a child together
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littlespoonevan · 2 months
i'll keep it all to myself
7x04 coda (she's back, baby xoxo)
“Hey, killer.”
Buck winces, mouth already tripping over an apology as he moves into the Diaz living room. “Eddie, I’m so sorry-“
“Buck, I’m kidding,” Eddie interrupts, exasperated and just a little fond. He hasn’t been on the receiving end of that tone in a few days. It’s embarrassing to say he missed it. “Sit down.”
Buck takes the armchair instead of sitting on the couch next to Eddie. He’s not sure why. He never sits in the armchair. Sitting in it now he almost feels…off balance. But then catching sight of Eddie’s foot propped up on the coffee table sobers him immediately and he forgets all about the strange discomfort in his stomach.
Reaching for the cushion behind him, he gets up again. “You should have something under that,” he says, gently lifting Eddie’s leg to place the cushion on the table. He lowers it again carefully, nodding in satisfaction when Eddie’s foot is nestled safely in the cushion. “The table is too hard.”
“Oh sorry, I thought I was the one with real medical training,” Eddie quips but there’s no bite behind the words.
“Yeah but I’m the one with crush injury experience,” Buck says, kicking his own legs up on the table in proof.
Eddie opens his mouth as if to argue back but then closes it again, rolling his eyes, but his lips twitch a bit. Just at the corners.
“Eddie, I really am sorry,” he says, straightening in his seat and forcing himself to meet Eddie’s gaze properly. ��I don’t know what I was thinking. I just got so-“
“I know,” Eddie replies, quiet and careful and devoid of any of his earlier teasing. “But you know you can talk to me, right? Like, it’s me Buck. You can just tell me when something’s wrong.”
Buck does know that. He knows he can tell Eddie everything. Anything. The bad and the good.
Which means he should be able to clear this up right away, right? He should just be able to say, ‘Hey, I was apparently working through some latent feelings I never knew I had. And I took that out on you. But guess what! I like Tommy and he likes me back and we have a date Saturday!’
But thinking about telling Eddie that Tommy kissed him makes his chest constrict in a way that he doesn’t expect. So he tucks it up in a neat little box in the corner of his mind for now and focuses on making sure Eddie’s okay. Because he can do that. He knows how to do that.
“I’m an idiot,” he says. “And if you want I will totally give you one free punch so we’re even.”
Eddie huffs a quiet laugh. “I could never hit you.”
“Should I go get Christopher’s Legos instead and step on them with my shoes off?”
Eddie lets out a real laugh then, the kind that makes his eyes close and his head fall back against the couch cushion, and Buck feels so much affection for him well up inside him he’s almost breathless with it.
“You’re an idiot,” Eddie tells him. “And a martyr. Seriously, Buck, I don’t care. I just want to make sure you and I are okay.”
“Of course we are,” Buck says, without actually stopping to interrogate if that’s true or not.
They are, he thinks. The fact that something absolutely life altering happened to him an hour ago and he somehow can’t make himself tell Eddie about it is…inconsequential.
He’s just hedging his bets. Not trying to get ahead of himself before he has yet another failed romance.
“In that case, can you go to the fridge and get us some beers?” Eddie asks, pulling Buck back to reality.
“You shouldn’t be drinking,” Buck says, even as he stands. Maybe they can split a beer. Half a bottle shouldn’t hurt. “Tommy says you’re on pain meds.”
“Oh, so you guys talked?”
Eddie says it unassumingly and when Buck freezes at the dining table and looks over his shoulder he finds that Eddie isn’t even looking at him. He’s leaning forward on the couch, adjusting his leg, but when Buck takes too long to answer he raises his head and gives him an expectant look.
“Yeah,” Buck murmurs, the phantom rasp of Tommy’s stubble against his mouth still tingling and making him want to reach up and touch his lips. That would give too much away though. “We talked.”
Eddie smiles, nodding his approval. “Good. Maybe all three of us can actually hang out together now.”
The thought immediately makes Buck’s stomach swoop with something unnameable but he doesn’t let it show on his face.
“Sure,” he breathes. “Sounds great.”
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PART 1: 🚪 Whats wrong with a little privacy, huh? 🚪
✎ Pairing: Chan x fem!reader
✎ Genre: Slightly smutty fluff (?)
✎ Summary: Your boyfriend takes you out to a nice restaurant, but you end up eating something not on the menu.
✎ CW: Tbh kissing. I hope you like kissing.
✎ Word count: 2,118
✩ A/N: Spicy part 2 is live!✩
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“You look beautiful tonight, by the way,” Chan says, shooting you a quick smirk while he drives.
He always looks effortlessly sexy in the car: one hand on the steering wheel, one somewhere on your leg. Tonight, it’s high up on your thigh, squeezing and rubbing the bare skin just under the hem of your dress.
“Thanks, baby,” you reply. “You, too, of course.”
“Oh, stop,” he chides. “You’ll make me blush.”
But he does anyway. Even in the dark, you can see his cheeks take on a slightly pink hue. It’s so easy to make him flustered sometimes.
The way the moonlight hit his skin was enough to make you giddy, too. His umber eyes glancing back and forth between the road ahead and your thigh, the way his wide nose slopes down and curves just above his plump, pink lips, his silver hoops swinging back and forth in his earlobes when you hit a rough patch of pavement. He was like living art. And he was all yours.
“So….” he starts, trying to change the topic inside your brain to something less… him. “You excited for the seafood?”
“Mhhmmm,” you mumble, still entranced by the god next to you. He’s gonna have to try harder than that.
He catches your eyes for a second and giggles before squeezing your thigh.
“Stop looking at me like that,” he says sheepishly. “I can’t handle that look in your eyes.”
“What look?” you ask, fully aware of what look it is. But it’s always fun to hear him describe it.
“Like… like you’re…” he says between glances. “Like you love me. A ridiculous amount.”
“Like you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life?” you add.
“Yes, that,” he says with a laugh. “It’s making me nervous. And… excited. I have to focus on driving and you’re over there looking at me like that — it’s so distracting.”
“Fine, fine,” you surrender and smirk. “I’ll save my lovey-dovey eyes for when you’re not operating a murder machine.”
“Thank you, my love,” he says appreciatively, reaching for your hand to bring it to his lips. “So, as I was saying… seafood. What do you think you’re gonna eat?”
“I’m not sure,” you say, shifting your glance to the road. “Clams definitely. Oysters maybe? Do you wanna share something?”
“Yeah, that sounds good. I’d love to share with you,” he says, squeezing your hand he still holds between the two of you.
The rest of the drive isn’t long, but keeping your eyes on the road is agony. Every brush of his thumb on the back of your hand fills you with raw emotion you need to channel back to him, but you fight to keep your eyes to yourself for the sake of his sanity — and your lives, apparently.
The car pulls into the parking lot, and he finds a spot easily. Once it’s in park, Chan removes his seatbelt, shoots you a wink, and says, “hold tight.” He exits his side, shuts the door, and hustles over to the passenger side where he opens the door for you with a slight bow.
“We’ve arrived, my lady,” he says and holds his hand out for you.
“Oh, thank you, good sir,” you reply, placing your hand in his to help you out of the car. “What a lovely gentleman you are.”
He shut the door, places his hand at his waist and holds out his elbow for you to take.
“Shall we?”
“Of course.”
You walk arm in arm toward the entrance, both smiling wide as you ascend the stairs.
“Good evening, sir and madam,” the host greets in a similar — but less sarcastic — tone of voice. “Do we have a reservation this evening?”
“Yes, should be under Christopher,” Chan answers.
“Ah, yes. Mr. Bahng. We have you in the private room this evening.”
“Oohhh, the private room, huh?” you whisper in his ear. “Ok, rich ass.”
He holds back a smile but squeezes your arm as the host extends his arm and gestures to follow him.
You weave through tables and up stairs and around hallway corners until the man opens a tall door and steps to the side so you can enter. Inside is a table for 4, but with only two seats. A small chandelier hangs from the tall ceiling, and the windowless walls are nearly bare, except for a themed photo or two.
“Will this do, sir and madam?” the host asks politely.
“Of course, this is perfect, thank you,” Chan replies. “Will a waiter come to us, or…”
“Yes, sir, they’ll come by and knock before entering.”
Oh, you sly piece of shit.
“Sounds perfect, thank you so much again,” Chan says.
The waiter nods and steps out of the room, closing the heavy door behind him.
“You fucking…” you tease, slapping Chan’s toned arms lightly. “Private room? The waiter has to knock? So pretentious.”
“Listen, I didn’t know it was this private, but yeah,” he defends himself, but his face softens again when he pulls you into his chest. “What’s wrong with a little privacy, huh?”
“You better be good,” you warn, looking at him sternly.
“I will, I promise,” he smirks, but then he holds you tighter and kisses your neck just below your jawline, so you’re almost certain his fingers must be crossed.
“Yeah, ok, sure,” you say sarcastically and lift his head to plant a quick kiss on his nose before heading to your respective sides of the table and sitting in the outlandish chairs — they’re almost like mini thrones.
“Well, these are… a lot,” Chan scoffs and turns his attention to you. “But they do suit you well, my queen.”
“And you, my king,” you say, barely holding in a giggle.
A knock at the door ends the role play — for now — and a waiter enters with two glasses and a bottle of wine.
“Good evening, can I get you two anything else to drink or eat?” he says politely as he pours your first glasses.
Chan skillfully orders a bottle of champagne, a tray of oysters, clams and other shellfish, and a pasta dish. The waiter takes note and leaves almost as quickly as he came.
“Wow, ok,” you say in amazement.
“What? Not happy with the selections?” he replies with a grin.
“No it’s fine, that was just… quick,” you marvel and pick up your glass, taking a sip of the Malbec.
“Yeah, hopefully the food comes quickly, too,” he says, then his expression turns much more serious, seductive even.
“Until then… wanna come sit in my lap?”
“Hm?” you ask. “You want me to sit in your lap… in a fancy restaurant?”
“Well, it is a private room…” he muses and grabs his glass, taking a sip and pushing his chair back from the table. Even confident Channie can’t help but blush when he gets excited, and you can’t resist those rosy cheeks.
“Well… will you? Please?” he repeats the question.
“… just because you asked nicely.”
You stand from your chair and slowly round the table to his seat, standing above him for a few seconds before lifting your dress enough to straddle his legs.
“Hi,” you chirp once your faces are only inches apart. “How are you?”
“Better now,” he says with a grin as he placed his glass back on the table and snakes his arms around your waist, pulling you closer so your noses touch. “How are you, darling?”
“I’m ok, a little hungry,” you answer, wrapping your arms around his neck and rubbing your nose against his. “You smell amazing.”
“So do you,” he says softly, leaning forward to inhale your exhales. “So sweet… I want to taste you.”
His lips gently press against yours as his palm travels up your back and stops at the base of your neck. His fingers close around it just enough to keep you steady, to keep you close.
He opens his lips then, slipping his tongue out to run along your bottom lip. Your tongue meets his there before returning to its original position to let him explore.
Soft sighs and moans bounce back and forth between your mouths as the kiss deepens. Heads tilt to gain better access, and hands travel to necks, to hair, to cheeks… to hold, to stroke, to savor.
Both of your eyes are squeezed shut, too overwhelmed by your other senses to process anything else. And you don’t need to see to understand the map of his mouth. It’s a place you’ve been so many times before. A place that stays with you even when you’re away. A place that feels like home.
Your mouth tastes like wine, but as more of his saliva sits on your tongue, the flavors change. The acidity drops away almost entirely, letting notes of vanilla, dark chocolate and blackberries shine through.
“Mmm,” he hums, breaking the kiss for just a second. “This wine is delicious.”
“I was just thinking the same,” you say, amazed for the millionth time how in sync you are. “Want some more?”
He nods, and you turn to grab his glass from the table and hand it to him. But he holds his hand up,l and gestures for you to drink.
“No, you go ahead, baby,” he says. “But don’t swallow it.”
Your eyes narrow at him, but you do as he asks anyway, taking a sip and letting the liquid slosh around between your cheeks.
“Good girl,” he says. “Now, come here.”
He places his palms on either side of your neck, pulling your mouths together once again. He presses his bottom lip firmly beneath yours and uses his tongue to separate your lips, letting wine spill from your mouth into his.
Your bodies stay eerily still as the stream falls between his lips, onto his tongue. If a waiter walked in right now, he may think he stumbled upon an ancient stone fountain, lovingly crafted by skilled and passionate hands.
The last drop falls, and his hold on your neck disappears. He closes his lips and lets the wine sit on his tongue for what seems like hours, though it was only a few seconds. Then he swallows.
“Hmmm,” he hums, his face scrunching up. “Vanilla… berries?”
A smile spreads across your face.
“I got that, too. Blackberries,” you say excitedly.
“Oh, yeah, that’s it,” he confirms. “Blackberries.”
He looks up into your eyes and sends that same smile, that same expression of understanding and love, right back at you. And you’re so synchronized, you dive back in to taste his lips at the same time he does, roughly bumping foreheads and noses in the process.
“Ow! Fuck!” you exclaim, moving your hand to the bridge of your nose to assess the damage.
You clearly got the worst of the collision, though, because he just sits there smiling and giggling.
“Come here, dumbass,” he says softly, placing one big hand on the back of your neck to guide you safely back to his lips.
His lips are softer now. Maybe it’s the wine, maybe it’s the swelling. But it’s like closing silky pillows between your lips again and again and again. There’s something so comforting, so safe, about being trapped there.
“I love you,” he mumbles into your mouth, too entranced to bother breaking the kiss for three small words.
And you’re too lightheaded to even form words, so you settle for a soft moan in reply and let your fingers find his hair.
You run the soft strands through your fingers and lure sweet sounds from his mouth, like you’re playing with a marionette. Pull this strand, he moans. Pull that strand, he sighs. Rub his scalp…
The hand on your neck travels down slowly, between your shoulder blades, and follows your spine down to your ass. He grips one cheek and squeezes just enough to make you groan. He knows how to pull your strings, too.
That hand travels forward now, around your hip to the top of your thigh. It sits there for a few seconds, enough time for its owner to slide his tongue behind your teeth, feeling every ridge as he goes.
He must’ve found some confidence there, because he takes that big hand and slides it over and down, between your legs.
You stifle a moan at the same time a knock sounds from the door. The knob twists before he has time to lift his hand out from under your panties, let alone get you off his lap and back to your seat. As the door swings open, Chan whispers in your ear.
“Looks like somebody’s getting a big tip…”
…continued in part 2...
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wildlife4life · 3 months
Fuck-It Friday Coda
Here is my 7x01 coda that I'm also counting for Fuck-It Friday! So thank you for the tags @theotherbuckley @wikiangela @jesuisici33 and @diazsdimples! Posted to ao3 here.
“How the talk with Chris go? He still seeing being a two timer?” Marisol asks with a sly smile.
Eddie blows out a harsh breath, “There wasn’t much of a talk on my end.”
She quirks an eyebrow, “Oh? You just letting him work it on his own?”
He shakes his head, “Oh god no. That would have just made an even bigger mess.” Eddie has to look away from his girlfriend as he admits, “Actually I asked Buck to talk to him. He has some um... experience with the whole ‘player’ thing.”
Marisol’s wine glass smacks loudly on the coffee table in the silence that follows, and Eddie barely holds back a wince. Still, he doesn’t look at her. He never does when speaking about Buck.
“You had your newly single best male friend, with a history of getting around, talk to your son about not doing the exact same thing?” Marisol sound appalled and it has Eddie whipping around to see her actual reaction. His girlfriend looked upset and disgusted? What is that about?
“Um, yea. Buck has the insight into all of that and he’s reformed and all that.” Eddie tries defending.
She scoffs, “Reformed? Didn’t he just break up with his last girlfriend because he got bored.”
Well, that was a very poor recount of events that had already been poorly told by Buck and Eddie felt the low simmer of burgeoning anger, “Buck did not get bored. He was trying to live, move on from his death, and all that woman was doing, was being a constant reminder of it.”
The anger rises at Marisol rolling her eyes, “Like I said, bored. But that’s not really the point here.”
He grinds his back molars, “What is the point then, in your opinion?”
She narrows her eyes at his tone, “The point is Christopher isn’t going to learn to respect women, be a courteous young man by talking to a man whose disastrous dating history is printed in a best-selling book by someone from said history. He’s Christopher’s fun friend, the guy he goes to when he doesn’t want to get in trouble and you’re feeding into it.”
Eddie slams his beer to the coffee table, making Marisol’s almost empty wine glass wobble from the force, and rises his feet, “After me, Buck is one of the most important people in Christopher’s life. You have not a single understanding of what they are to each other, what they have been through. What Buck has personally been through. He is not some womanizing asshole corrupting my son. He is Christopher’s best friend; my best friend, and the person I know I can turn to when I need help with Christopher. With anything.”
Marisol rises to her feet, “And you’re allowing him to continue take up the space I am trying to get into. I thought we we’re getting somewhere when you invited me to chaperon Chris’s date with you, when you opened up about your worries about him. But instead of letting me try to help you ran to a person you can’t bring up without looking away.”
He immediately proves her point and puts his gaze on the fireplace mantle, eyes roaming over every photo. There several of just him and his son, pre-LA to just last year before Christopher’s school dance. There are pictures of their family back in Texas and the entirety of the 118. Then there are photos with Buck. Christopher and Buck at the zoo. The trio of them at the mall fountain. Eddie’s graduation. Christopher’s 10th birthday. And second to last, Eddie and Buck, arms around each other’s shoulders at Hen and Karen’s vow renewal. At the end of all those photos sits the last family picture of Eddie, Christopher, and Shannon took at the beach.
Eddie thinks back on the picture Christopher turned down on his desk and the letter he almost didn’t read. He thinks about how his first instinct was to turn to Buck and not the girlfriend who witnessed Christopher’s player antics, someone who could give insight on how those girls felt. And then he realizes, Christopher wouldn’t have opened up about his mother to anyone, but Buck.
That space Marisol is trying to fit herself into, is too large, too broad, and perfectly Buck shaped.  She would never fit.
With a sense of déjà vu, Eddie drops his gaze to floor and softly states, “I think you should go.”
Wine glass rinsed out, beer bottle in the recycling, and a reusable tote bag just barely filled with Marisol’s few items left at his house sat near the door, Eddie relaxes back into his couch.
Marisol put up a lack-luster fight to leaving, but eventually she drowned the last of her wine and called an uber. “He’s not going stick around forever. He’s going to break both yours and Christopher’s hearts.” She warned, “And you’ll be just as alone as you were in the hardware store.”
Eddie held back a harsh retort and simply told her, “I haven’t been alone since I met him and I never will be if either one of us has a say about it.”
He opened the door, Marisol got into a little gray sedan, and she went back to the home Eddie helped destroy.
Picking up his phone from the coffee table, Eddie pulls up his contact favorites, smirking humorously at Marisol’s missing name, and presses the person at the very top. It rings twice, before, “Hey man, thought it was date night?”
“Asked her to go home.” Eddie replies.
Silence on the other end for a just a moment then, “Man, you really need to find a better way to break up with women.” Buck teases.
Eddie chuckles, “Well at least there was no mess to clean up this time.”
Buck hums in agreement before softly asking, “You doing okay?”
Not a single lie passed his lips when he answered, “More than. But you know what would help?”
“Go-karts in the dessert.”
A laugh that makes Eddie feel warm all over, “It’s a date.”
Hope you all enjoyed! Tagging (no pressure): @daffi-990 @exhuastedpigeon @fortheloveofbuddie @rogerzsteven @disasterbuckdiaz @tizniz @lemonzestywrites @evanbegins @buck-coded @devirnis @glorious-spoon @thekristen999 @spotsandsocks @cal-daisies-and-briars @aroeddiediaz @hippolotamus @sunshinediaz @watchyourbuck @lover-of-mine @hoodie-buck @elvensorceress @gayedmundodiaz @giddyupbuck @jeeyuns @bekkachaos @buddierights @try-set-me-on-fire @rainbow-nerdss @thewolvesof1998 @eddiebabygirldiaz @spaceprincessem @eddiiediaz @honestlydarkprincess @doublecheekeddiaz @prosperdemeter2 @transboybuckley @nmcggg @monsterrae1 @loserdiaz @perfectlysunny02 @dangerpronebuddie @missmagooglie
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buckleyblueyes · 1 month
yeah, yeah the Diaz family finding out about the Will would be juicy and dramatic, for sure. but you know what I kind of can't stop thinking about? Tommy finding out. Not only an outsider POV, but a queer outsider POV, seeing buddie at their most codependent? oh the drama potential.
Cause, at this point, from Tommy's POV he's dating this guy, and he knows he's really close with his bestie, and with his bestie's kid. but that's fine. they've been through a lot together and Tommy understands the bond that is often forged among first responders. and Buck's bond with Chris is sweet, makes him more attractive.
and then one day Eddie gets gravely injured and is hospitalized, and his boyfriend steps in to take care of his kid. no one in his life questions this. no one discusses it. it is assumed. it is natural. Buck knows exactly how to take care of Chris in Eddie's absence, how to navigate this house that isn't his, how to keep Chris's day to day going smoothly, in spite of it all. Buck is falling apart himself, but he pushes that aside to be there for this kid.
it surprises Tommy, because Eddie has mentioned an aunt who lives nearby, and after a couple days, Eddie's parents have flown in, and yet Buck is still staying with Chris. so Tommy asks, casually, if Chris doesn't have other family who could be taking care of him, if Buck has to be doing all this when he is clearly struggling himself. Buck just shrugs. "I mean, technically, but that's not what Eddie wants. it's not what I want, either."
what does that mean, that Eddie wants Buck to take care of Christopher? how does Buck know? so he prods further, not judgemental, but curious, not quite getting it. finally, Buck explains that Eddie put it in his will. if anything happens to him, Buck gets custody of Christopher. he explains, rather emotionally, how Eddie told him this after the last time he almost died, how Eddie trusted him to be there for Chris, to fight for him.
and Tommy has spent enough time with Eddie to know how much he loves his son, how serious this decision would be. that's Eddie's heart and soul on a silver platter. and suddenly, he understands. he looks at his boyfriend, eyes red from crying over another man. a man whose son he is caring for, whose house he is staying in, and he sees it with startling clarity.
and, in a reversal of bucktaylor getting together at the end of season four after Eddie was shot, this becomes the impetus for the (hopefully amicable) buck/tommy breakup.
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6ix9inewiturmom · 2 months
Secretly crushing- Matt and Chris Sturniolo
Summary: You and chris are dating, matt has secretly liked you, you secretly like matt, and chris asks you about it, you try your best to deny it, but chris can see right through you and lets you have one little night with matt ;)
Warnings: Angst, Smut, oral (fem receiving), candaulesism (watching people have sex in front of you: i think this is the correct term) p in v, unprotected sex, degrading, threesome ish?, picture taking, praising, cream pie, Dom!matt!Dom!chris!Sub!reader, use of Y/N, squirting, multiple orgasms, begging, “sir” kink, picture taking, OVERALL FILTHY AS FUCK
A/N: I HAD SM FUN WRITING THIS!! this is my first attempt at writing something like this!! be kind pls
The triplets and I have been friends since about 8th grade, I met Matt in science class, then met the other two, and became inseparable. were all 20 now, living in LA together. about a year ago Chris and I started dating. It has been absolutely amazing, we go out once a week on a date night, and he always puts me first, and the sex? oh, that's heavenly. I've always been closer to Matt rather than Chris, but I can't deny that I've always had a thing for Matt and Chris, when the boys and I hit high school, I could never pick between the two of them. all of my friends would always tell me 'If you had to pick between Matt and Chris who would you pick?' I could never answer that because deep down, I wanted them both, but I was happily with Chris.
Today the Triplets invited me to do a blind deaf and mute challenge for their channel, except because there was 4 of us one of us would have to be blind and deaf.
“MATT I WANNA BE BLIND” chris exclaimed
“Okay to solve this issue, i’ll be blind and deaf, chris can be blind, matt you can be mute, and nick can be deaf, is that okay?” i say standing in the middle of matt and chris as they argue about who’s who.
“i mean i have no issue being any of them” nick throws his hands up in defense.
“alright that works for me” chris shrugs his shoulders and smiles at me.
the fans knew about mine and chris’ relationship because chris and i was accidentally spotted on nicks live stream cuddling and kissing on the couch while he was on instagram doing a Space Camp promo, it was a rough adjustment, i was getting a lot of hate, but after a couple months people just kind of accepted it.
“So since we all got our parts we’re gonna get ready to bake cupcakes” nick explained to the camera.
i grabbed my Airpods Max’s and a bandana.
“i’m suprised you didn’t grab that cute silk blindfold you’ve made me keep in my underwear drawer” chris says behind me helping me put the bandana over my eyes.
“CHRISTOPHER” i use my hand and slap his arm.
i put my airpods on and start blasting my music. nick and i are jumping around singing the same song as our spotify’s we’re linked so we could listen together.
“NEVER HAD A BITCH LIKE ME IN YA LIFE” nick and i said in unison
“OKAY IS EVERYONE READY” i say screaming as i can’t hear or see shit hoping someone can guide me in the right direction of what the hell to do.
“she obviously can’t hear how loud she is” chris says in attempt to look at the camera but looking in the complete opposite direction of the camera.
i feel a pair of hands touch my shoulders and guide me through the kitchen because apparently i was standing out of frame. i assumed it was Chris, though chris never has this firm of a grip on my shoulders.
“THANK YOU BABY” i scream looking upwards trying to thank chris for helping me.
“what’d i do” chris looks around in confusion
“OH MY GOD NICK I LOVE THIS FUCKING SONGGGGG” i lean over and start shaking my ass thinking it’s chris “THROW SOME MO” not realizing it’s matt, he gets wide eyed, and his cheeks brighten up with a light shade of pink, but in his favor you can’t see it because his bandana is covering his cheeks. i feel someone grab and yank me away
“Y/N WATCH WHERE YOUR SHAKING YOUR ASS” nick screams holding my shoulders
“WHAT” i scream back
“YES Y/N” nick yells back at me, not being able to hear what i said
“OKAY CHRIS GRAB THE EGGS” Nick screams across the kitchen and i accidentally walk out of frame again, and the second i walk out of frame i feel the same grip on my waist this time guiding me back into frame. “IM SORRY CHRIS” i scream up at who i think is chris.
“MATT WHY DOES Y/N KEEP YELLING STUFF AT ME” chris says trying to ask matt for help “and where are they eggs” he walks around in practical circles
matt rolls his eyes and he walks to the refrigerator and grabs the carton of eggs for Chris and hands them to him.
“OKAY CHRIS OPEN THE EGGS AND CRACK THEM” nick tells right in chris’ ear
matt pushes chris out of the way and starts trying to tell nick to be quiet because of how close their neighbors are, me being blind and deaf i’m just chilling and dancing around to the songs that are playing.
“I WANNA HELP” i try to find my way to the kitchen island by holding my hands out infront of me making my way over to where the ingredients are.
matt is pointing at me and doing mixing motions with his hands trying to get nick to tell chris that i wanna help.
“WHAT ABOUT Y/N MATT” nick frustratingly yells. “OH OH CHRIS YOUR GIRLFRIEND WANTS TO HELP” he continues
“here Y/N” chris attempts to hand me the whisk and accidentally hands me the whisk with the dirty side facing me, i grab the whisk from the top.
“OKAY Y/N I LOVE YOU BUT SHUT THE FUCK UP” chris yells back at me.
i grab the whisk and start mixing the eggs together at the best of my blind ability’s.
“okay matt’s telling at me to lower my tone so chris try to get Y/N to put a 1/2 cup of oil in the pan” nicks voice softens.
i drop the whisk in the bowl “I GIVE UP THIS SHIT IS NASTY” in my attempt to walk to the paper towels i walk over and almost hit the fridge but matt grabs my hips and leads me to the paper towel and hands me one. but again, being blind and deaf i had no earthly sense of who it was grabbing my hips.
“CHRIS STOP STOP” nick slapping chris’ arm to get him to stop pouring the oil into the bowl.
“YOU THINK YOU THE SHIT?” i start yelling “YOU NOT EVEN THE FART” i continue singing along to the ice spice song blasting in my headphones, obviously in my own world, i start dancing around in the kitchen
“YES Y/N YOURE EATING THIS SHIT UP” nick exclaimed hyping me up “OH SHIT CHRIS STOP MIXING SO HARD WAIT LET Y/N DO IT” nick yells again grabbing the whisk and walking towards me and leading me to the bowl. i place the whisk into the bowl carefully and start mixing how i normally would and i feel matt (assuming its nick this time) grab my hand and slow my movements down.
“OKAY ITS MIXED UP NOW” nick once again yelling “NOW MATT IS GONNA POUR IT BECAUSE I DONT TRUST YOU GUYS TO POUR IT IN THE CUPCAKE SHEET” yelling in chris’ ear he throws his hands in the air.
“matt swear im gonna kill em, keeps yelling in my ear like a fucking animal” chris looks around at this point just talking to himself.
“OKAY WERE GONNA TAKE OUR STUFF OFF AND PUT THESE IN THE OVEN AND WELL BE BACK” nick yells before taking off his headphones, and tapping me letting me know to take off my headphones and bandana.
“nick you gotta stop yelling, you too Y/N” looking at me smiling
“i can’t hear or see, i was in my own world half the time” i say smiling back at him
“okay it says they gotta cook for 25 minutes” matt says reading the box to nick.
as the cupcakes are cooking we’re all in the kitchen cleaning it up from the mess we all made laughing at shit we did without realizing it, talking about how bad these cupcakes could turn out.
Chris pulls the cupcakes out of the oven and places them on the stove and we’re all looking at them admitting they look a little weird but still edible.
“okay we didn’t do HORRIBLE” chris admitted to the camera.
“i mean we definitely could have absolutely fucked these up so badly” i say laughing softly.
“WELL anyways that’s it for today’s wednesdays video! i hope you guys enjoyed it and we’ll see you guys on friday!” nick says before walking over and clicking the red button and ended the recording.
“so who’s editing, cause i don’t feel like it” nick comes back around to the kitchen island.
“yeah no i’m good, last time i edited i saw clips on tiktok over the poor editing i did” matt laughed
“i will” chris groans and walks to the camera grabs the SD card
“come on Y/N, i can go edit this and you can watch Gossip girl for the 50th time” chris smiled gabbing my hand and leading me to his bedroom.
“Y/N YOURE SO REAL FOR REWATCHING THAT” nick yells from downstairs causing me to giggle softly.
“okay ma, just lay down i got the rest” chris says in a soft loving tone with a smile on his face
as i lay down i turn on the tv to gossip girl and just lay down in the comfort of Chris’ room as he sits and gets on the laptop on his desk and begins to rewatch and edit the video with the occasional laughter.
“Y/N what the fuck is this” chris’ voice goes cold almost.
i get up off the bed looking a little confused “what are you talking about baby?”
he rewinds the video a little to see me grinding up on matt singing along to throw some mo “this isnt even the first either, you and matt flirted the WHOLE video, we can’t even fucking post this now, because of your dumbass” his voice raises
“chris, you do realize i couldn’t see or fucking hear right?” i turn to look at him who’s once loving eyes now filled with rage.
“yeah but don’t you think you should have KNOWN my touch?” he raised his voice. “in matter of fact” he starts and fast forwards the video “look at his hands, look at how they hold your waist, if you think that’s it hold on there’s more” he sarcastically says. “HERE, when you’re whisking his hands are GRIPPING on yours and you don’t even stop him” he stand off his gaming chair looking down at me.
“Chris i don’t know what you’re so pissed off for, i do understand we can’t post this now, but you’re mad because i couldn’t see or hear ANYTHING? me and matt are JUST friends chris” i say looking up in his eyes. deep down i knew i was lying, ive always loved matt more then a friend but watching these videos knowing it was matt now? i can’t help but feel a little turned on, i know it was wrong of me but damn.
“Y/N don’t lie, i see the way you look at matt sometimes, i’ve seen it since we were younger, but i thought maybe i had a chance, you can’t lie to me about how you feel about him” his voice stays in a deeper tone almost a hurt tone, but knowing chris he’s not gonna get all mushy with me.
“Chris what the hell are you even talking about?” i run my fingers through my hair.
“okay since you’re playing stupid, leave. i don’t care where the hell you go, just go away from me” his voice now in anger pointing at the door.
i press my lips together and nod before grabbing my belongings from his nightstand and slamming his door and walking downstairs.
“WOAH Y/N where are you going and why did you just slam Chris’ door?” nick questions.
i let out a sigh “he thought when matt was guiding me through the kitchen being BLIND AND DEAF, was me and him flirting, and when i accidentally starting throwing it back on him, BUT-“ i was cut off by nick
“OKAY FOR ONE, it wasn’t flirting, and for two, you didn’t mean it, you were blind and deaf, why is he so mad, i mean we can just cut those parts out, it’s not totally ruined” nick says in an attempt to justify my actions, matt was so deeply invested in his phone i doubt he even heard the conversation.
“well whatever, i’m out of here, i love you guys!” i say walking out of the front door carefully shutting it and making my way to the car.
i back out of the driveway and turn my music on to distract me of my thoughts but my mind clouds with thoughts of the way matt’s hands felt on my body, the way he grabbed my waist, the way i accidentally threw it back on matt. why was i thinking like that? my thighs subconsciously clenched together. god i knew it was wrong. but here i am, getting turned on over a man who is my best friend and my boyfriend’s brother. but he had this glow to him, it was addictive.
𝜗𝜚 The next day 𝜗𝜚
i didn’t really sleep much last night, i was anxious, horny, mad, all of the feelings in one. i lay in bed watching movies when my Phone pings, i turn it over to see a message from chris.
Owen 💍
Come over tonight, and wear something easy to take off.
is he for real? make up sex isn’t gonna fix anything.
Chris? really? make up sex?
Owen 💍
Nah nah just trust me ma, you’re gonna love it.
Okay okay i’ll see you at 6
what did he have planned?? but alas i accepted, i sighed and went to the bathroom and turned on my shower to wash my hair, and shave… for whatever reason. chris didn’t care about what i looked like but something definitely told me that i should shave.
6 o clock rolled around faster then i knew it. i did my makeup, curled my hair and threw on a tight, short, skirt and a white crop top with a matching black lacy lingerie set underneath it all.
i grab my purse and phone and drive over to chris’ shared house with his brothers. as soon as i get there i use my spare key and open the locked door, to find the living room empty, assuming they’re all in their separate rooms. i slowly make my way to chris’ room and knock a couple times.
“Chris.. it’s me” i softly say into the door.
“come in” he yells softly from the other side of the door.
i walk into the room and find matt and chris sitting on his bed looking at chris’ phone, i’m a little confused but i thought he wanted to have a sit down talk with me and matt about stuff considering how last night went.
“so Y/N” chris stands up making his way towards me “i want to first start off by saying you look amazing” he comes closer to me talking in almost a whisper while brushing his fingers tips on my cheek making me shiver.
i lean my head down “thank you” i softly smile.
“no talking” his voice gets sturn “im gonna be doing all the talking and you’re gonna listen like the good girl i know you can be” his eyes fill with lust.
i nod “yes sir” i bite my lip softly
“you’re such a good girl for me” he smiles.
“now since you want to be a little slut and try to flaunt around my brother… you’re gonna be treated like a slut and let Matt fuck you like one” he smirks.
“w-what..?” my eyes widen.
“you heard me. i’m gonna watch matt fuck you like the little whore you are” he spits holding my jaw between his thumb and pointer finger.
“understand?” he says gazing down at me.
“y-yes sir” i nod nervously.
“such a good listener for me yeah?” he smiles placing a soft kiss on my lips.
“now strip and show matt what kind of whore you are” he says and walking to his gaming chair sitting down manspreading.
i walk over towards matt who’s sitting on the edge of the bed, i smiling devilishly pulling the shirt over my head and throwing it on the floor and pulling my skirt down leaving me exposed in nothing but my lingerie set.
“you can touch her, no need to be shy now matt” chris spits adjusting himself in the chair.
matt grabs my hips pulling me closer to him harshly and admiring my figure before him, running his fingers up and down my waist slightly running his fingers over my clothed nipples which hardened over his touch.
“you’re so fucking sexy” matt says in a husk whisper.
“t-thank you” i smile at matt.
“nu uh stop talking. you’re only gonna speak when i ask a question, got it?” matt’s eyes darken with lust.
“y-yes sir?” i questioned him not knowing if that’s what i say, i know chris likes it but considering i don’t know how matt is, im nervous.
“you treat him how you treat me Y/N” chris speaks from a couple feet away admiring how i react under matt’s touch.
i nod softly returning my eyes back to matt still gazing at my figure under his fingers. he wraps his arms around my back to unclip my bra letting it fall off my shoulders, his eyes widen slightly at my bare breast as his lower lip goes between his teeth.
his lips attached to my breast taking my hard nipplr between his teeth sucking harshly making my head go back and a soft whimper escape my lips as he massages one breast and his lips around the other occasionally kissing my nipple and switching breast.
chris’ eyes never leave me watching me come undone from his brothers touch. “you’re such a whore Y/N” chris speaks under his breath.
matt detached his lips from my breasts and uses his hands to rip my underwear off my legs and picking me up and throwing me on the bed letting a whimper fall from my lips at his harshness. he adjusts himself between my legs and comes up to face me and places a harsh hungry kiss on my lips swiping his tongue over my bottom lip almost begging for entry. as soon as my mouth open slightly he uses his tongue to explore my mouth fighting my own tongue for dominance he obviously won. his hand creeps down to rub his fingers through my wet folds of my pussy and letting a soft groan to escape from his mouth at my own wetness.
“so fucking wet for me yeah?” he says smirking into my lips.
he stands up using his hands to grab my ankles yanking me to the edge of the bed and immediately attacking my pussy with his mouth leaving open mouthed kissed on my clit.
“M-Matt, so fuc-fucking good” i moan out struggling to get a full sentence out of my mouth.
chris chuckles from across the room in a mocking manner. matt continues to flick his tongue over my clit now using his middle finger to enter my aching hole and curling it upward leaving me a moaning mess with just his mouth and fingers. he whines into my pussy “you have the sweetest fucking pussy”
i moan in response as he adds his ring finger in me as his cold rings hit the entry of my hole over and over again. my hands goes down to run his fingers through his hair.
“did he say you could touch him Y/N?” chris stands up from his seat walking to the other side of the bed and grabbing my wrist to pin them over my head.
i violently shake my head as my legs begin shaking and my cervixs contracts around matt’s fingers.
“Y/N i asked you a question” he says sternly looking at me. “did he say you could touch him?” he spits looking down at my fucked out face.
“N-no s-sir” i stutter out in a whimper. “cl-close” i scream out.
“beg” matt mumbles against me.
“i-i can’t” my eyes roll back into my head with moans spilling out of me.
“beg him Y/N, or you’re not cumming the rest of the night, and believe me, you’re in for a LONG night” chris says smirking still holding my wrists pent above my head.
“p-please s-sir, i’m so, so close” i whimper out.
“beg harder” matt’s head lifts up looking down at me while his fingers plunge into my at a ungodly speed curling them upwards hitting my spot sending me over the edge.
“please” i repeat a couple times “i-ill be- good” my back arches off the bed.
“cum” matt harshly says, which is all it took to send me into a euphoric orgasm as my cum drips out of me and onto his fingers.
chris let’s go of my wrists smiling down at me with nothing but lust in his eyes as my eyes trail from his eyes down to matt who’s undressing himself pulling his sweatpants and underwear down in one swift motion letting his hard needy cock to spring up and hit his stomach, he was pretty close to chris’ size but matt had so much more girth to his.
“you like what you see?” matt taunts.
i nod with a smile on my lips.
“get on all fours” matt’s once smile turns into a smirk looking up at chris who’s also smirking over at matt.
i flip over with my ass flaunting in the air and using my elbows for support and speeding my thighs and legs apart slightly for matt.
matt rummaged through chris’ bedside table for a condom but was quickly stopped by chris.
“no since she wants to act like a whore, you can fuck her like one and fuck her raw” matt smirks over at Chris’ comment and walks towards the edge of the bed and using his cock and slapping my pussy harshly with it letting a loud whine from me.
“someone’s sensitive” matt chuckles taunting me as his slides his tip up and down my soaping wet folds.
he slides just the tip in at first before inching his way in allowing me to adjust to his size as he bottoms out letting a groan escape from his lips and a screech from my lips come out.
“fuck she’s so tight” he groans and mumbles out.
chris smirks walking backwards till his back hits the wall crossing his arms watching matt fuck himself into me.
he starts thrusting in and out pulling out except for the tip and thrusting hard bottoming out each time before thrusting faster and harder.
“Matt” i moan out dragging out the ‘t’ of his name.
his left hand grabs my wrist wrist cuffing them behind my back using his right hand to push my head into the mattress containing his pace in and out of me.
“C-close” i muffle out in the sheets
“no, you’re gonna hold it” matt sternly replied.
“p-please” tears of pleasure form in my eyes as i whimper and scream.
“hold it” he forces my head deeper in the mattress
“c-ca-“ i was cut off by my orgasm gushing out of me squirting all over his cock and thighs leaving a puddle beneath me.
“that was incredibly hot Y/N but, you’re in deep shit now” matt pulls out flipping me back over my back staring down at my glistening red sensitive pussy.
chris shoots matt a smirk and walks over to his dresser ruffles through it pulling out my pink vibrator i use on occasion with chris or when chris is on tour, and throwing it to matt.
matt immediately turns it on the highest setting and placing it on my sensitive clit and pushes himself in me giving me no time to adjust.
matt forces my knees to my chest spreading them open to allow room for the vibrator on me, thrusting heavily in me kissing my cervix with his tip.
i’m a moaning mess beneath him as chris comes around placing his hands on either side of my head.
“is it too much princess?” he taunts smirking.
i nod vigorously as a response as screams and moans escape from me while matt continues to pound himself into my grunting with each thrust.
“this is what happens when you don’t listen Y/N” matt growls down at me as i can feel another orgasm approaching in my core as i tighten around matt again. chris stands up a little and pulls his phone out and opens his camera to get a picture of my fucked out expressions with my mascara pouring down my cheeks and lipstick stains down my chin as he smiles at his phone.
“are you close?” matt removed his hand from my knee still holding the vibrator against my clit, he used his hand to hold my throat softly squeezing my neck on the sides making me see more then just stars now.
“NO” i scream out but my trembling legs gave me away as my cervix spasms around his cock thrusting in me.
“are you close” his grip on my throat tightens as he moves the vibrator around my clit making my eyes roll back and my back arching off the bed.
“NO” i scream out again with more tears falling from my eyes from the overstimulation and pleasure.
“i don’t believe you” he spits smirking at me.
“Fu-fuck” my voice shakes and my throat becomes dry “C-CLOSE” i horsily scream out.
“i know you are baby, come on, cum on my cock” matt’s voice becomes softer as my legs shake and i contract around his cock squirting once again on his torso, cock, and the bed.
his thrusts become sloppier throwing the vibrator on the bed somewhere else as he thrusts in me a couple more times before coating my pink walls white with his cum as he pulls out slowly watching his cum come out of my hole smiling at me.
“are you okay” Chris and matt said in unison smiling at me and back at eachother.
“y-yes” i said out of breath.
chris and matt chuckles.
“i’ll change the sheets” matt says helping me off the bed placing me down on the floor making sure i don’t fall over.
“i’ll go run her a shower real quick” chris comes over towards me picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the shower.
“i-im sorry i never told you ab-“ i start.
“don’t worry about it ma i promise, me and matt are fine, me and you are even better i promise you that” he says kissing my lips softly before putting me in the shower and helping me shower.
“i love you” i say smiling at him as he massages my scalp.
“i love you most” he smiles back at me rinsing my hair out.
we finish showering after putting on some of chris’ clothes on me then making our way back to chris’ room as matt finishes changing the sheets smiling at me.
“i can’t believe you got her to squirt before me” chris chuckles breaking the silence.
“YOUVE NEVER GOTTEN HER TO DO THAT?” matt’s eyes widen as a smile peaks from his lips.
“nope” me and chris said together.
we all laugh softly “wait where’s nick? i really don’t want to explain this to him…” my voice trails off.
“well after chris came to me with a proposal about all this we made him go to a friends house for the night, and told him that i was also going to a friends house so he wouldn’t get suspicious” matt says kind of laughing at himself.
“well then can we all watch a movie together?” i smile at both chris and matt
“of course we can” chris chimed in making his way to the bed and placing me in the middle of the bed as matt is on one side and chris on the other turning on the TV putting on Gossip girl for me.
“i never understood the plot of this fucking show” matt says looking over at chris then back at me who already fell asleep. “and she’s out” matt says smiling
“this is typical Y/N” chris says laughing “i just roll with it” he adds turning back to the TV, and slowly both of them fell asleep with me in between both of them peacefully.
A/N pt 2: SO I GOT SO CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS AND ENJOYED IT AS MUCH AS I DID WRITING IT!! i love you all and tysm for over 400 followers!! 🩷🩷
gabs 💋
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sunboki · 9 months
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PAIRING. Christopher Bahng x fem. reader | WORD COUNT. 3.3k & 20 minute read | SERIES PLAYLIST. | WARNINGS. cursing | TROPE. enemies to lovers (somewhat), fishing town au, friends to lovers, coincidences, making-up (in a way)
( ✉️ ) — if you want an idea of where the small town boy! chan brainrot came from, seek this post back in july.. it only got worse from there(><)
There’s a new guy working at the Record Shop you’d been to countless times as a kid. So when you show up and see a stranger working the register and not the sweet old man who’d give you lollipops, you’re not too pleased.
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The last time a new face showed up in your town had to be before you were born, and as someone nearing twenty-one, that said a lot.
On the bright side, there wasn’t much judgment unless it came from choosing the wrong batch of strawberries in front of a grandmother, or perhaps that was simply your experience living here all your life.
Although, twenty-one years later, you didn’t expect for someone new to show up.
Familiar chimes clatter above your head while opening the door, bright blue label reading “Po’s Vinyl” decorating the windows and staining the tile floors an iridescent tone from the midday sunlight. It’s pretty, it’s ordinary.
Except something isn’t ordinary, because after a good few minutes or so of browsing, your normal stop by the register stops you in your tracks.
Clad in a black beanie with bouncy, tangled curls peeking from the fabric is a stranger. A stranger with toned arms and a pretty nose and kind features you stare at for too long.
But he’s not the grandpa, not Mr. Po who’s been dearly greeting you each and every day for more than twenty years.
Your stomach drops.
“Excuse me, excuse me,” You scramble to the counter, his warm pools for eyes flickering up with surprise. “Where’s the old man- Mr. Po- the one who works here?”
“Oh! Mr. Po? He retired a few days ago.”
Now your stomach decided to do backflips, and there’s a pit of nausea climbing up your throat.
Curse the boy in front of you for looking so happy-go-lucky. This moment is detrimental, why is he smiling? …And why is he cute?
Preparing to ask a billion questions, you pause, fixing the handsome man with an incredulous look before he catches onto your confusion.
”Sorry sorry, I’m Chris, ‘moved in last night. And you?”
Debating upon either running out the door right now to end up apologizing later, you crack a small smile you hope looks a tad bit more graceful than earlier.
Chris, huh.
“Y/n,” You reply, noting the soft dip of his dimples. “And uh.. you haven’t met Miss May yet, right?”
The question, coming off as more of a warning than anything, earns a sheepish shake of his head noticing your pitying expression.
Granted, the woman wasn’t that awful, she’s just.. Miss May. An unmarried, stubborn, seventy year old prune who will rightfully argue with anybody about anything and rightfully enjoy it. Not to mention her addiction to finding a suitable lover, and not just for herself.
Trust, once she lays eyes on this breathtaking hunk of husband in front of you she’ll never leave him alone. Might as well treasure your days until you’re stuck in the witch’s dungeon.
“Can I ask what you mean by that?“
Spaced out watching his lips move, you barely caught the question till he cleared his throat and every particle in your body resorted to self sabotage.
Way to make an introduction.
Opening your mouth to respond, you choke on your words, hastily run behind the counter and whisper-scream for him to duck at the sight of said woman passing by the window.
Speak of the devil.
At his attempt to peek out, your hand unconsciously forces his head down, slapping on your best “nothing to see here!” façade while the heel-wearing matchmaker saunters in.
“Why hello dear,” She casually drawls, thin brows raised.
The woman slowly grins, stepping forward to lean over the counter and peer down where Chris hides blinking up beside your calf.
“You can come out now.” She says with a chuckle, and he hesitantly raises up, face blooming pink.
Erupting with obvious delight, she claps her claws hands together, and you can feel the dread creeping in from a mile away.
“My my, I didn’t know you two knew each other- -“We don't!” Shouting in unison, you synonymously turn to each other, nothing but utter puzzlement etched across your faces. It’s like something out of a sitcom. Literally.
“He’s Chris,” Nervously, you refer to the man with an uncertain point of your finger, him doing the same.
You’re certain if this situation got any more awkward you may win a spot in the book of world records.
Miss May amusedly shook her head. “So you do- -“No!”
She might as well have been internally arranging a wedding by the way she stared through your souls, neither of you daring to move a muscle out of fear she might pop a ring out of her ass and declare you engaged if you breathed loud enough.
“Alright alright, I’ll leave you two to your business then.” Waving like some pretentious heiress, you make sure to mock the action once her back is turned—Chris stifling a bubbling laugh beside you when she finally leaves.
You have an itch this won’t be the last time she stops by. You’ll just pray it won’t be when you’re within a six foot radius of both this shop and the man next to you.
Sorry Chris, it’s every man to themselves with Miss May.
Brushing off your clothes, you step back slightly, not realizing how close you’d gotten to him before nearly bumping into the dark-haired man. And, in the least weird way possible (that's still weird), from your closeness, you discover he smells like the ocean. Not too salty, not too strong. Like the sea’s air clings to his clothing.
Considering he got here a day ago, he must’ve stopped by the harbor on his way here. Strange.
“I’m.. gonna go. See you sometime?” Heading toward the door, you spare a glance behind you, vision again magnetically pulled down to his lips—so plush and pretty, then back to those equally pretty eyes that crinkle when he smiles goodbye. A nervous habit.
Who knew a potential heartthrob would show up here out of all places.
Guess things were finally getting interesting.
Your trek home wasn’t too eventful, unless you counted locating Mr. Po, begging him to come back, and avoiding the severely bitter tea he kept offering—then yeah, not too eventful.
Jamming the key in your door and being sure to successfully waste at least three hours forcing the newest addition to town out of mind, you’d like to say by the time 6pm rolled around he was completely void of your thoughts, but the coffee stain on your shirt after imagining his face said differently.
Best part about not having a neighbor? Walking around without a top, bottoms, or anything on was always on the table. Sort of gross, but you get the picture.
Best part about not having a neighbor yet.
You should’ve put the pieces together sooner, because already halfway into pulling your shirt up off your head did you notice a pair of eyes meeting yours from the other, usually vacant house next door.
Chris’ eyes. Unmistakable and currently swimming with horror.
It wouldn’t surprise you if you looked the same right now.
Urgently yanking the fabric back over your body, you practically throw yourself down, met with nightmare-fueling reality and too much embarrassment to properly function nor rise from your squat on the floor.
Moved in last night, he’d said. But the one thing he forgot to mention was that he moved in right next door.
Fucking. Fantastic.
. ..
Over the next five days, you’ve come to the conclusion that Chris makes music. Or something involving headphones, his finger tapping a beat, and the occasional nod of his head to a rhythm—observations made from peeking out the window each evening.
It’s sort of mesmerizing watching him routinely click buttons. Like, in a sense, you learned the first clue about his life before telling him your name.
That is until he rises and you prepare to duck, fixated on his adam's apple bobbing when he swallows, pretty, still damp strands of dark hair crowning his forehead.
The last thing you need is for him to catch you ogling after having witnessed you half naked, something that would, quite literally, be the cherry on top of demolishing your ego.
Knowing him though (after only physically meeting once), he’d probably gladly forgive and forget, but you couldn't, and that was the problem. Couldn’t shake that incessant pit in your stomach telling you if it were anyone else you’d be able to move on.
Anyone other than him, other than Chris.
Something about him. There was something about him.
On the other hand, Chris couldn’t forget either. The image permanently tattooed in his brain for what felt to be eternity.
Not just your body (and also your body), but you, the incredibly attractive new acquaintance he’d met hours beforehand was, coincidentally enough, his neighbor.
And it didn’t take a genius to figure out you were avoiding him since, frankly, it was virtually impossible not to run into everyone in this town at least once a day.
He was a nice guy, so he gave you your space. Nevertheless, that didn’t keep him from picking some fun from time to time.
Like yesterday when he’d noticed you standing by your sink, repeatedly stealing not-so-sneaky glimpses.
Slyly deciding on honing the most nonchalant move in the book, he stretched. Rolling his head back, a tiny bit of his abdomen becoming visible when his arms raised up, and even sighing just to add to the ambiance.
Trying not to laugh had never been so difficult in his life.
Regardless, avoidance never lasted forever, and seeing you practically tiptoe around town was too obvious not to pay mind to.
So when the door to Po’s Vinyl creaked open during his evening shift, he craned to greet the customer, only to be met with bare space. Well, prior to noticing your hunched frame stalking through aisles, crouched down rather comically.
Biting his tongue, he watched you scour like a mad-woman, finally stilling in front of at a new arrival, the latest album restocked yesterday.
Turns out you were fated to run into each other again somehow. One way or another.
Maybe this was his chance to clear things up, or maybe that was the wrong move, maybe it would mess everything up and you’d move away and— Oh. You’re in front of him now, pale as a ghost and religiously averting eye contact.
“This,” You mutter, barely forming coherent sentences while sliding the album forward, hand wildly fishing through your bag in search of your wallet.
He stays quiet, periodically fixating on your expressions while scanning the barcode. Debating, contemplating.
“Hey can we—“
“Sorry! I really need to go to the vendors today, another time?” Scrambling, you snatch your purchase and rush off, ceasing to take note of the playful smirk painting his features.
He has an idea, an idea that may or may not work.
He’ll test his luck.
Spending the majority of his shift waiting for you to pass by again, he immediately locks onto your frame sprinting past an hour or so later.
Stepping from the store and calling out your name multiple times, it only makes you walk faster in response, leaving him to gradually catch up and move in front of you.
You try slipping past each side, finding yourself blocked every time. Your brows knit frustratedly.
“Y/n, can we talk, please?”
You sigh, stalling your movement to cross your arms and send him a taut gaze.
He can tell you hate this, hate standing here and especially hate his invitation, but the small, curt nod he got after a few seconds was enough.
Perhaps, that “maybe” would turn out true. The chance to clear things up.
He hoped.
. ..
“Look, I didn’t see anything.”
“Liar.” You grumble, jogging to keep pace without heading anywhere in particular.
If only you were a toddler and could throw a tantrum to get out of this due to simply being petty. Except you couldn’t. You were an adult, and you had to handle the situation like one.
What bullshit.
Flailing his arms helplessly, he tugged his jacket tighter against his body, the chilling air only dropping further as you neared the ocean.
“I’m not lying! Seriously!” Voice childish whilst avidly squirming around, the sound of gray rocks clattering beneath your shoes muffles your conversation.
He halts suddenly and you do the same, ceasing to acknowledge how far you’d aimlessly walked till the Lighthouse, located on the furthest side of town, looms above.
There’s a good minute of silence, interrupted by clearing his throat and simultaneously sending you a mischievous glance.
“Although,” He begins. “That red color was cute.”
You blink, watching as he gestures to his chest before swiftly dodging your swinging fist, looking mere seconds from exploding.
It’s sort of adorable.
Adorable in a dangerous, likely-to-kill-you way. But adorable.
Albeit expecting you to drown him, sucker punch him or suffocate him (quite possibly all three), you alternatively grab his hand, dragging him towards the Lighthouses’ entrance and up the winding rails.
Chris doesn’t interject nor pull away, face instead broken into a sweet smile while following you, observing you.
Arriving at the top that overlooked blue cascades, you sit down, not caring to explain with your knees pulled to your chest. He doesn’t mind.
It’s hard not to admire the endless abyss of water overwhelming every expanse in view, the moon’s glint scattering upon its surface. Wind whips your hair in wild directions, and it’s rather cold now above ground level.
Chris quietly hikes up the last few stairs behind you, easing off his jacket to drape around your shoulders—earning a hum of appreciation as he drops down on your right.
“Hey, um, thanks.” He speaks, but his voice is softer this time, sadder this time, and if it weren’t for you two being mere inches apart you doubt you would’ve heard it.
“For what?”
“Nothing important. Just, thanks.” Peering at you with a tilt of his head, you decide not to pry, reflecting his subtle happiness.
Being completely honest, you don’t have the first clue of what Chris’ life was like before here. Somehow, it felt better staying that way. We all have secrets, and in a sense, this seemed to be his escape, his own secret.
Whatever his history entailed, you’re glad it led him to Seoul. Lead him to you.
“Awe,” You shove his shoulder lightly and the man pouts, cheeks dusted pink from the biting cold while his eyes stay trained on the sea, glimmering.
You sit there for a few minutes, listening, appreciating.
“Say, ‘wanna swim?”
The sky dark overhead, Chris gives you an incredulous look, wondering if you’re joking.
He’s quiet, eventually nodding and nearly toppling down the circular stairs after you, hastily pulling off your shoes to run through sand and scattered shells.
It’s stupid, so stupid swimming in freezing cold water at night.
Something the you who didn’t know Chris wouldn’t ever consider. But now he was here, currently taking off his shirt and— shit. He’s taking off his shirt. Holy shit.
Unfortunately, you weren’t given much time to be shocked (and mystified) before being picked up and literally thrown in, clothing and all very much intact.
Sputtering as you surfaced, you instinctively covered your top half, earning a giggle from the greek god of a man a few feet away, calf deep in the water.
“What’re you all shy for? ‘S not like I haven’t seen your—“ Now it’s his turn to be dunked, and you’re more than happy to force his curls into the water below, both drenched and shivering.
This is like a fever dream. Like you’ll wake up in your cozy bed to never have any of this happen in the first place. Never have had Chris happen in the first place.
Unable to contain the question, words basically pour out at an alarming pace the moment you open your mouth.
“Are you real?”
Because the moment feels too good to be true.
You both stop.
“Am I real? What, wanna find out?” He cockily points to his flexed arm, leaning your way while you shrink back, face contorted with disgust.
Best to have kept that one to yourself, but hell, you’d give in just this once.
Wading closer, you wrap your arms around his tummy in a sticky, uncomfortable hug. Chris doesn’t pull back though. Alternatively, he reaches up to pat the back of your head, surprised expression transforming into that of fondness.
You stay that way, wordlessly confessing so many things in a minute and a half as the stinging breeze seems to rattle your bones. Things you don’t have the courage to say aloud, things Chris understands all the same.
Walking home was a blur, filled with shapes and colors you barely recognized till the sound of a door opening knocked you back onto your feet.
Too cold to comprehend anything, you both race into separate rooms, coming to the realization this isn’t your home when searching for a towel to cover yourself.
Not your home, but his.
And you wonder if his setup is still situated directly in front of your window like normal. Wonder if, possibly, it was a coincidence you were now in the house you’d been staring daggers into for weeks, or if it all was a twist of fate.
How funny.
There’s quiet, childish interaction as he knocks on the door, sheepishly handing you a pair of his shorts and a t-shirt while his eyes stay glued to the floor.
Yet you can’t bring yourself to tease despite how bad the urge is, because he’s just him.
And you’re wearing his clothes. That too.
A hair dryer seated on his bathroom counter catching your eye, you pop your head out the door, yelling to Chris who’s busied himself somewhere in the living room.
“Hey Chris! Want me to dry your hair for you?” You shout, and he shuffles to make out what you said, practically lighting up witnessing you wearing his clothes.
The view is better than he could’ve ever imagined.
Laughter fills the air, all squeaky and high-pitched with you seated above him on the couch, occupying the floor while drying his wild curls that fly in every direction.
Clicking the off button, his head falls back to look at you, long eyelashes dusting and perfectly framing chocolate brown orbs. He’s practically glowing, and cupid has to be lingering nearby by how fast your heart thumps in your chest.
“…Can I spend the night?”
Whispering, you carefully place your hands on either side of his face, glancing back and forth erratically between his eyes and lips.
You don’t notice how close you are, a habit picked up from the start. He draws you in like a Siren, and you’re more than happy to senselessly follow his song.
His lips part, breathlessly uttering.
And before you know it, you’re capturing his lips just as senselessly, kissing the man as if a near microscopic thread connected the both of you.
That is until Chris took charge, pulling your right-side up face against his upside down lips. Deeper, hungrier.
Crashing, like the moon-reflected waves you’d seen earlier. Messy and greedy, fervent. So many feelings, so many words without sound. You were good at doing that.
You’d like to admit it lasted for a few seconds, but from how you managed to somehow end up in his lap in the process, that definitely wasn’t the case.
“Here,” Chris says, handing you a warm mug of tea and settling beside you on the couch once you finally finished eating each other's faces, TV playing continuous episodes of Friends that numbly buzz your eardrums.
Neither of you spoke apart from exchanging drinks, atmosphere comfortable, exhaustion growing the longer you sat. Your eyelids began to droop before your head (unbeknownst to you) plopped onto his shoulder.
Initially Chris tensed, waking up from his own dazed daydream to marvel at the now sleeping beauty, you, cozied up against him.
He stared for a while, taking in what small interactions deprived him of. Those tiny details of you, the imperfect perfections. Beautiful.
Brushing a stray strand of hair from your face, he smiles—one that he can’t contain, one that hurts his cheeks from how big and bright it is.
“I’m so glad we met.”
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> SERIES TAGLIST. @phtogravi @liknws @luckieleaf @jhstayy @meloncremesoda @chans1aptop @eternitywaveshello @meanergreener @ladylexis @love-gy-u @hanjingin @idkluvutellme @dark-anxel @yubinism @rachabreathing @seung-scrittore @fylithia @skzsupremacy @alrm02 @ener-energy @koliki @anskiiz @dprkbyn @bellamuerte1987 @ylixbok @hanjisung-enjoyer @youngunknownwitch @hwangflora @hanjiingin @starlost-andfound @taeriffic @flwerfield
sunboki, may 2022 ©
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Eleanor Parker (Scaramouche, The Sound of Music)— Eulogized as a ravishing beauty whose looks were merely ornamental to her craft, feast your eyes on Eleanor Parker. Listen! I know you're thinking of the Baroness in Sound of Music and saying NO I won't protect the woman who tried to steal him from Maria but forget about that (like you personally wouldn't shoot your shot with Plummer)! The trailer for Scaramouche describes her character Lenore as "The glamourous queen of the nightlife of Paris. A flame-haired wildcat" and this is a woman who was able to pull off that role, and you get the vibe she was like that irl too. There's a story about her changing hair colors that never fails to make me laugh. Take note of her stunning eyes! Her amazing legs! And to see her in motion is to make note of the aura about her, she has an amazing presence. Fall in love with Eleanor Parker today, and make your vote count!
Audrey Hepburn (My Fair Lady, Sabrina, Roman Holiday)—Growing up, Audrey Hepburn desperately wanting to be a professional ballerina, but she was starved during WWII and couldn't pursue her dream due to the effects of malnourishment. After she was cast in Roman Holiday, she skyrocketed to fame, and appeared in classics like My Fair Lady and Breakfast at Tiffany's. She's gorgeous, and mixes humor and class in all of her performances. After the majority of her acting career came to close, she became a UNICEF ambassador.
This is round 3 of the tournament. (yes I know it says round 2 in the poll. sometimes I post these when I’m sleepy.) All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Eleanor Parker:
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“When I’m spotted somewhere, it means that my characterizations haven’t covered up Eleanor Parker the person. I prefer it the other way around.” So shy she was actively nervous about winning awards in person, her personal life remains mostly behind the scenes. But on screen? she was a force majeure. It's a shame the role most people remember her in is the Baroness in The Sound of Music, but then again, it did make Christopher Plummer reminisce upon her passing “I was sure she was enchanted and would live forever.”
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Listen we all know Christopher Plummer and Julie Andrews had insane chemistry but the Baroness deserves some love too! She has such a glamorous presence but not in a hard way
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She will be known as the fabulous baroness in TSOM, but she was so much more than that. Just as comfortable in westerns or melodrama, the scheming other woman, and the beauty that wins the heart of every man in town.
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Audrey Hepburn propaganda:
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"She may be a wispy, thin little thing, but when you see that girl, you know you're really in the presence of something. In that league there's only ever been Garbo, and the other Hepburn, and maybe Bergman. It's a rare quality, but boy, do you know when you've found it." - Billy Wilder
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Raised money for the resistance in nazi occupied Hungary. Became a humanitarian after retiring. Two very sexy things to do!
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where to begin......... i wont her so bad. i literally dont know what to say.
My dude. The big doe eyes, the cheekbones, the voice. The flawless way she carried herself. She was never in a movie where she wasn't drop dead gorgeous. Oh, also the fact she raised funds against the Nazis doing BALLET and she won the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her humanitarian work.
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"It’s as if she dropped out of the sky into the ’50s, half wood-nymph, half princess, and then disappeared in her golden coach, wearing her glass slippers and leaving no footprints." - Molly Haskell
"All I want for Christmas is to make another movie with Audrey Hepburn." - Cary Grant
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I know people nowadays are probably sick of seeing her with all the beauty and fashion merch around that depicts her and/or Marilyn Monroe but she is considered a classic Hollywood beauty for a reason. Ironically in her day she was more of the alternative beauty when compared to many of her contemporaries. She always came off with such elegance and grace, and she was so charming. Apparently she was a delight to work with considering how many of her co-stars had wonderful things to say about her. Outside of her beauty and acting ability she was immensely kind. She helped raise funds for the Dutch resistance during WWII by putting on underground dance performances as well as volunteering at hospitals and other small things to help the resistance. During her Hollywood career and later years she worked with UNICEF a lot. Just an all around beautiful person both inside and out.
No one could wear clothes in this era like she could. She was every major designer's favorite star and as such her films are time capsules of high fashion at the time. But beyond that, she had such an elegance in her screen presence that belied a broad range of ability. From a naive princess, to a confused widow, to a loving and mischievous daughter, she could play it all.
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Look at that woman's neck. Don't you want to bite it?
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Literally all of The Shadowhunter Chronicle romances are completely unhinged it’s not even funny (I lied, it’s very funny). Here’s just some examples:
William “Will” Herondale/James “Jem” Carstairs + Theresa “Tessa” Gray: It totally would have been a vee type polyamorous situation if it wasn’t for all the death and 1800s London society going on.
Henry Branwell + Charlotte Fairchild: How dare this misogynistic society put us together, I mean, we wanted to get together anyway, but not for those reasons. Welp, time to be as unconventional as possible.
Gabriel Lightwood + Cecily Herondale: Look, you made fun of my sister, it’s only fair that I marry your sister; that’s the rules.
Gideon Lightwood + Sophia “Sophie” Collins: Dad, I have a perfectly valid reason to betray you and go to the other side. What your doing is wrong and – nO tHiS haS nOThiNG to do wiTh tHeIR mAid wHy wOUlD yoU eVEn sAy tHat?
Jesse Blackthorn + Lucie Herondale: Your request to not be brought back to life has been denied, deal with it.
James “Jamie” Herondale + Cordelia Carstairs: He didn’t commit arson we were just having sex – why are you all looking at me like that’s worse?
Anna Lightwood + Ariadne Bridgestock: Listen, there’s a lot of society going on right now, so we’re going to have to get together in secret. Oh, you don’t want to? Okay, never mind, fuck society, let me win you back real quick.
Christopher Lightwood + Grace Cartwright: Oh good, you broke into my house, now we can talk about science.
Thomas Lightwood + Alastair Carstairs: I’d really like to hate you, but I think the biggest problem with that is that I love you. Once I get over that hurdle, I think we’ll be in the clear.
Lucian “Luke” Graymark + Jocelyn Fairchild: Good job on us for breaking away from the genocidal cult run by our best friend/husband; we should hook up, you know, as a reward.
Jonathan “Jace” Herondale + Clarissa “Clary” Fairchild: Ayo the same guy conducted experiments on our blood, that’s crazy; btw so glad we’re not actually siblings.
Alexander “Alec” Lightwood + Magnus Bane: Marrying each other is against the law? Okay, fine, I’m a law biding citizen. Oh oops, I made it legal. I am the law now, and I want a wedding on the beach.
Simon Lovelace + Isabelle Lightwood: It makes sense to have our engagement party on the day of my brother’s death, that’s when we really started bonding.
Helen “Alessa” Blackthorn + Aline Penhallow: Well, I guess we’re going to go in exile together. Yes, I said together; your exile is my exile, what’s mine is yours and what’s yours is mine, that’s how relationships work.
Julian Blackthorn + Emma Carstairs: Yes, it’s a technical war crime to love each other, but the law itself is not really our main concern about it.
Kieran Hunter + Mark “Miach” Blackthorn + Cristina Rosales: We’re really living that cottage core aesthetic, and all we had to do to get here was do a small war and some amnesia. Worth it.
Gwyn ap Nudd + Diana Wrayburn: I’m going to stand by just in case something happens, but it probably won’t, she knows what she’s doing – WHY IS SHE JUMPING OUT THE TENTH STORY WINDOW OH MY GOD WAIT
Tiberius “Ty” Blackthorn + Christopher “Kit” Herondale: We take cosplaying Sherlock and Watson VERY seriously, so of course we needed to go to all the most illegal places, it’s only natural.
Ash Morgenstern + Drusilla “Dru” Blackthorn: So anyway I saw them in a sort of fever dream like state this one time and they’ve still been on my mind for years.
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linlinaert · 10 months
The last soulmate : characters' introduction
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Christopher Bahng Chahn :
Age : 26
"Sweetheart, why are u crying? Who made u cry huh? Give me names babe u know i only work with names"
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Lee Minho:
Age : 25
"Kitten, you shouldn't trust her , she's not a real friend, she's just using u so she could replace you and be our girl, oh nononono babydoll, don't cry we love you so much we would never do that but you should know her real face"
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Seo Changbin:
Age: 24
"Dollie you're ours , you know that right?? , and imma protect you, no one's gonna dare to lay their eyes on you , let alone touch you, so rest assured"
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Hwang hyunjin:
Age: 23
"Aaah y/n-ie!!! You look so cute everyone's eyes are gonna be on you but you should only look at us cause after all we're destined for each other"
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Han Jisung:
Age: 23
"Baaaabyyyy come give your quokka some hugs and kisses, my babe wouldn't ever leave us right?? You're ours"
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Lee Felix:
Age: 23
"Angel is this a friend of yours, hello im her soulmate lee Felix, its a pleasure to meet you, but the rest of us were looking for our girlfriend so if u don't mind ill be taking her from you, see ya ~ in hell"
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Kim Seungmin:
Age: 23
"Babygirl where were you huh?? Bestie??? We told you he's no good , why?? You're asking me why, well you know as you are the only girl in a male dominated soulmate group we're a supposed to be the only males in your life, just as you're the only female in our lives. "
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Yang Jeongin:
Age: 22
"Babyyy omg look at you looking so small and cute, you're so soft for this cruel world, don't worry we're going to protect you , you'll be safe in our arms "
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" We've finally found you, and we're not letting you go "
Tag list:
@lyramundana @channieandhisgoonsquad @queenmea604
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matan4il · 3 months
911 ep 701 first watch reactions
(I don't think I have the energy to write proper Buddie meta, so here's me randomly squealing instead...)
LMAO In case you were wondering whether s7 of 911 will be subtle about their gratitude/debt to ABC for saving the show, the answer is a resounding no.
Also, I have lost a lot of respect for Frank as a shrink, but gained a lot of love for him as a sass king. "Did she win!?" The murderous look Athena gave him was priceless. I love her, too. She doesn't even need words to rule.
Man, nooooo. Don't give me a mutual "I love you" between Bobby and Athena like that.
"Go ahead and cut the green wire." Everyone and their sister: "Green? You said Red."
9-1-1 is the superior comedy they slipped into our drink, while we were here for our weekly action, suspense, drama and familial love.
Buck broke off with Natalia, and the show really did it like that. XD Every single person who rolled their eyes at this pairing during s6, we were all justified, but wow. The show really is the only forum to respect the pair even less than fandom does. And of course we find out about it in the middle of a scene built around Eddie being half naked, Buck watching him, with the camera specifically turning so we can discover Buck was initially covered by Eddie's body, and the angle change reveals him, when the whole thing wraps up with Eddie welcoming Buck back to the land of the living... Yeah, wonder what made Buck feel alive again. Don't know. 'Tis a mystery. We were given zero clues...
"I want the honeymoon life." *cries* Chimney is just such a good, good man. And okay, expecting your whole life to be a honeymoon's a bit unrealistic, but Madney are living together and they have a child. They know this. Chim knows this, but he still wants to go for it. Aim for the moon, you'll at least land among the stars, right?
Bobby baffled by Athena's reaction to Norman and Lola is hilarious.
I like how Chim has a great idea, but it's still obvious that it's gonna go wrong, because he can't help going overboard with it...
OMG, that scene with Eddie recounting to Buck what Christopher's date was like... If I were to write my Buddie meta, I would serve a three course meal just from that. I mean, the fact that watching Chris hanging out with a girl he likes, makes Eddie compare it to "hanging out with his guy friends" (when there's no lack of interest in this girl... in fact, it turns out that if anything, Christopher's problem is the opposite of a lack of interest) is so telling. There's a reason why that's where Eddie's mind went.
But then also... Eddie's trust in Buck got to me, the way he went to his best friend (not his own gf) for help with Chris. But that was still played with half a smile. But then Buck sort of disses himself jokingly, and Eddie won't have it. "You didn't end up like you." He sees how Buck worked on being a better person, even when Eddie wasn't there for the worst of it, and he appreciates it, and won't let Buck forget it. Meeeep. I love them.
Oh Chim. I was giving you so much credit, and then you went and bought that outdoors jacuzzi. lol Still love him. That's what Maddie's reminding herself of right now, too. ;p
Poor Hen, she was great in this ep, but none of it was really about her, she was comic relief, both with Chim and with the red wire. Then again, she was amazing in this, like she always is with everything.
Eddie and Buck were both so good with Chris this ep, MY HEART. Buck with getting him to talk about what's really bothering him, and Eddie with realizing exactly what his son needs, and how to give it to him. They completed each other. Neither one would be helping Chris without the other one. Tell me again how they're not soulmates?
In conclusion, I love Bobby saying, "Let's go prove one of us wrong," when they're both right. Something WAS going on with Norman and Lola, AND Athena was using them to avoid him.
Argh. That scene of the ship and its passengers being hijacked was rough to watch. </3 I'll still be here to watch the conclusion of this. That's the power of 9-1-1 for you.
It def felt like a great kick to the new season. We had lots of comedy and fun, some great tension, some emotional moments (especially with Christopher), but all in all, it's still clear that the whole thing's a build up to next week. Are you excited?
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rebelangelwings · 1 year
Thank you so much for the request Sparrow <3
It's a little open ended but I hope you like it!
could i please request a buddie/reader getting together fic? i dont mind the specifics but maybe reader thinks buck and eddie are already dating (even though they arent) so when one of them confesses, reader is really confused and it ends up with all of them tgt?
Y/n had been introduced to the 118 family through Maddie and her work at Dispatch. The two had clicked instantly, sharing knowing looks about particularly arrogant members of staff or stifling giggles in the breakroom. Relatively new to the area, y/n didn't have any friends or many family members she could regularly see other than her cousin and their kid who she doted on. 
Chimney had been her first encounter with an official member of Firehouse 118, when he kindly picked up a tipsy Maddie and y/n from a Dispatch work Christmas party, and chatted along with her before dropping her to her small apartment. 
"So, y/n do you have any family in the area?" Chimney looked at her in the rear view mirror.
"My cousin Lola doesn't live far. She has a kid, Joey. I adore her." She replied with a smile on her face at the mention of Joey. 
Maddie tuned into the conversation, sitting up and exclaiming, "oh she is so adorable, Chim! She's got this wheelchair with all these Disney characters painted on it that y/n did by hand!"
Y/n smiled but ducked and shook her head slightly at Maddie bragging on her behalf. "We've actually been having a bit of trouble recently…trying to find or get Joey into a school that is accessible. There aren't as many around as you might like to think." 
Chim looked thoughtful, "my pal, Eddie, he's another firefighter at the 118, his son Christopher has CP. I could ask him if he'd be willing to speak with you about how he got Chris into his school?"
Not one to naturally ask for help, y/n felt awkward, "do you think he would mind? I don't want to put people out, especially as he's never even met me."
"Come meet him then!," Maddie chirped, spinning in her seat, "Bobby is having a BBQ tomorrow afternoon. You should come, right Chim?"
"Absolutely. Bobby always says, 'the merrier' and there are always so many leftovers. We can pick you up if you want?" 
And so the next afternoon, y/n found herself in the garden of the captain of the 118, someone who she had spoken to plenty of times over the Dispatch radios, but never met.
Everyone in the extended 118 family was kind and welcoming, not thrown off at all at an outsider joining them.
Maddie had gone round giving introductions, most memorably for y/n were two tall and effortlessly handsome men who were seemingly teasing each other, shoulder and thighs pressed together and beers in hand. 
Buck and Eddie. 
Y/n would have been enamored with them, had she not taken note of the way Eddie's hand rested on Buck's shoulder, or Buck teased Eddie about his cooking catastrophes, or the looks of sheer devotion both of them had for each other. 
Of course these two gorgeous, kind, selfless, brave, firefighters were already spoken for. 
Y/n did get an opportunity to speak to Eddie about little Joey, and he was more than happy to speak about Christopher's school and his struggle and eventual success with getting him enrolled. 
"It's really sweet of you to care so much for your cousin's kid," Eddie smiled at her. 
"Me and my cousin are close. More like best friends, and we have a bit of a rocky relationship with the rest of the family so it was just pretty natural to step in and be a part of Joey's life."
Eddie nodded appreciatively. 
Later, Buck found y/n trying to find a drink in the kitchen, "hey, y/n, I forgot to say earlier how great it is to finally meet you - Maddie talks about you a lot." 
Y/n looked up from the fridge and beamed, "naaw that is really sweet and I am most definitely going to tease her about that later…what sort of stuff has she said about me, exactly?" She becomes suspicious. 
Buck looked mischievous as he said conspiratorially, "Uh… does blue vomit right a bell?"
Y/n gasped, "she didn't?!"
Buck nodded, repressing a laugh, "mhm. An unfortunate incident with a hot glue gun? Oh! My favourite has to be the one with the LEGO."
Y/n had her head in her hands whilst Buck laughed at her embarrassment. Finally  she lifted her head and raised an eyebrow, "Laugh it up Buckley. Go ahead. But Maddie talks to me too and I know a fair amount of your greatest hits."
"You're bluffing."
"Am I? Am I really…Firehose?" 
Buck's mouth dropped open as his ears turned pink, "wha- how did she…dammit Chim!" 
"Not to mention the bread that landed you in hospital, or your unfortunate boy-band blond frosted tips phase."
"Hey, that was fashionable when I was in Peru!" Buck tried to defend himself. 
"Baby, that has never been fashionable anywhere on the globe." 
At that moment, Eddie joined them in the kitchen area. He was overcome with an emotion he didn't often feel, which confused him to no end. Because, jealousy was not completely foreign to him, however, confusion over who he was jealous of in this situation, was a foreign concept to Eddie Diaz. 
Weeks went by following y/n's first introduction to the 118, and many encounters had followed, either as a big group, or as quiet nights drinking wine with the Buckley siblings, or a meeting at a coffee shop with Eddie to talk about the bureaucracy of the American education system. 
Whilst y/n enjoyed the company of Buck and Eddie very much so, she didn't allow her feelings to be anything more than friendship, knowing they were unavailable on several levels. 
The boys however, had found themselves conflicted for a while now. 
Firstly, Eddie was still ruminating over his feelings of jealousy that occurred that day, hearing and seeing the almost flirty conversation between his best friend and the beautiful woman that cared so deeply about her family. 
Buck, in a slightly different position, was far more in tune with her sexuality that Eddie. Buck had explored other options on his travels, he knew that he was not straight although he had yet to place a label on himself, and he had even been in a poly relationship whilst in South America. It hadn't lasted long and was mostly about sex rather than feelings, but it had opened his eyes to other options. Buck was also painfully aware of how in love with Eddie Diaz he was. Had been for a while now. But he had yet to make any moves, giving Eddie space to come to terms with his own identity and feelings. 
And, unbeknown to Buck, Eddie had realised his feelings towards his best friend were not strictly platonic. He was talking with his therapist, Frank, and slowly coming to his own conclusions. 
So, when y/n arrived, all yellow energy and wit, that really threw a spanner into the works for Eddie. 
Unknowingly, both men experienced the same "oh" moment about their feelings towards y/n at the same moment. They had arranged a playmate between Chrisopher and Joey, the three adults first taking them to the zoo, and then returning to Eddie's house for snacks. The two children were crowded around y/n as they recounted their favourite animals from their trip, and she proceeded to illustrate them in a sketchbook. 
The children were amazed at her accuracy, as were Buck and Eddie when they saw her work. 
"You're an incredible artist, y/n," Buck told her.
"Don't be silly, they're just doodles, Buck" She rolled her eyes.  
"Not like any doodle that I've ever seen," Eddie chipped in. 
"Well then I'll take the title of Doodle Queen if it's up for grabs," she joked, not looking up from her paper. 
Both men glanced at each other, smiling fondly. 
Things started to evolve from there, at least for Buck and Eddie. 
Eddie began to feel a low level of animosity towards Buck, thinking that he would make a move on y/n. 
And Buck, whilst he was open to ideas of polyamory, did not think Eddie or y/n would be, and thus felt anxious at the prospect of becoming a third wheel. 
The other members of the 118 started to sense the different dynamic between the two, having expected them to finally realise and admit their feelings for each other by now. 
Everything changed when the 118 were dispatched to multiple vehicle pile ups.
"Alright Team," Bobby directed as they exited the engine. Each member took stock of the several damaged cars, a small fire already forming from one and a lorry pressing a small Toyota precariously onto the edge of the bridge. "Hen, Chim, you're on triage, work your way through the casualties. Buck, Eddie, I want you harnessed up and working on that Toyota, I'll assist from up top. Let's go!" 
As they got closer to the teetering vehicle, Buck turned to Eddie, "isn't that… is that y/n?"
"Shit. Y/n!" Eddie began running, joined immediately by Buck. 
Y/n was just coming round to consciousness, confused why she had fallen asleep upright. When she finally managed to peel her eyes open, being stuck together by something, she could see a clear view of LA. 
Looking around frantically, she started to remember the moments before she had fallen asleep: horns honking, crashed from behind her, her leg hurting with the force she applied the car brakes, it not making a different because a lorry slammed into the rear of her tiny car and propelled it through the bridge barriers. Pain. Airbags. Nothing. 
The moment before she felt her heart was going pound right out of her chest, she heard two familiar voices. 
"Y/n, is that you?!"
"Buck! Eddie!" She clarified her identity. As she turned to get a better look at them, there was a wobbling sensation that had her freezing. 
"Woah woah! Don't move, y/n. Y/n, do not move, okay?" That was Buck. 
"You're going to be just fine, but we need you to stay really still, okay? Just let us do all the work, y/n." Eddie that time.
For the next few minutes she could hear them speaking in low voices to each other, could hear shouting from the rest of the scene, and the occasional radio crackle. The lack of distraction from her view of impending doom wasn't serving her well. 
"Uh…guys. I don't mean to be any trouble and I know you're doing your best out there, but I'm really freaking out. Like, about to have a panic attack kind of freak out." She called. 
A pause. And then Eddie spoke, "That's okay, mi amor. You're doing great, y/n, handling this like a champ. We've secured the bumper of the car to our engine so we've got you a little more secure. Still need you to stay nice and still though, got it?"
Y/n nodded to herself, "Thank you for updating me. However, I've been driving this car for years now and I'm well aware of it falling to pieces. I don't know how confident I feel about it being secured to the engine."
"That's why Buck and I are putting on harnesses right now and are going to get you out. Don't you worry, you're going great, just keep taking deep breaths."
Buck was next to speak, "Eddie's right, you're going great, y/n. We're on our way to you now, okay?"
Buck didn't lie. Within minutes she could hear movement at the rear door of the vehicle. The rear of the vehicle had been squashed like an accordion in the collision with the lorry, and so they were going to use jaws on the back door to access her. 
She was instructed to cover her eyes if she could and keep her back to the machinery. 
Soon, she felt the door being removed, and the unforgiving movement that alerted her to someone else entering the car. 
"Hey, mi amor, how are we doing?" Eddie. 
Eddie was with her. She allowed herself to breathe a little easier just knowing he was close. 
"Try not to move, okay, I'm going to access you real quick and then pop this C-collar on you just as a precaution." Eddie proceeded to feel her neck from behind her, getting her rapid pulse, then placing the hard plastic around her neck, forcing her gaze upwards. "Can you tell me where you're hurt, y/n?" 
"My head. Think I passed out. And my chest…probably the airbags." 
"Okay, good job, and can you wiggle your toes? No numbness anywhere?" Eddie asked while moving about doing something. 
"No numbness I don't think. I don't know, Eddie, I really want to get out now please." Her voice broke as her resolve started to crumble. 
"I know, mi amor, we're working on it."
"Eddie." She heard Buck. He sounded serious, almost like a warning. Then she heard the metallic grinding. 
"Okay, okay. Y/n this is what's going to happen, I'm going to cut your seat belt off and on the count of three I'm going to pull you through the middle of the seat and pass you over to Buck. We're going to be quick and we're going to be careful." 
She could hear the barely stifled panic in Eddie's voice.
The belt was cut and she made an effort not to move. 
"Okay, one…" Eddie had his arms around her waist, putting uncomfortable pressure on a sore spot, "two…" he moved causing the car to wobble precariously, "three!" Eddie heaved her body through the gap, ignoring the cry of pain. Y/n could barely make out what was happening before she was face to face with Buck who was reaching out for her. 
She moved her arms out too until she cast her eyes downward and noticed there was nothing but a sheer drop and water below them. If her head wound wasn't already making her queasy, that view certainly had done it. 
Eddie was gently guiding her to Buck as the car became less stable as a result of their abrupt movements, "y/n, you have to go. Buck had you, okay? He won't let you go. We won't let you go," he murmured in her ear whilst making eye contact with Buck. They seemed to be having another of their silent conversations. 
Buck nodded at her, getting a proper grip on her as the car shrieked, "I've got you sweetheart, we've got you. Just close your eyes."
She did as suggested and closed her eyes, and let herself be handed over, limbs automatically grasping at whatever they could, which happened to be Buck as she wrapped around him like a koala to a tree. 
She could still hear the metallic creaking growing louder and louder, and then a crack and she felt more than heard Buck gasp. 
"Eddie! Eddie, you okay?" Buck called somewhere stirring panic in y/n. 
"I'm good! Let's get her up here." Eddie was safe. 
Next thing she knew, she was being gently laid on the ground, although her limbs were reluctant to unfreeze from their terrified position. 
She could feel movement around her. 
"Hey," that was Buck. "Hey, sweetheart, you can open your eyes now. You're safe, y/n. 
Slowly, she peeled her eyes open and unbleached her arms and legs, relaxing onto the pavement below her. 
Buck was smiling down at her. 
"Eddie?" She asked. 
"Right here." She couldn't turn her head, but she could hear that he was to her side and feel something wrapped tightly around her arm. 
Buck didn't fully disappear from her view but he did move to lightly pressing on her sides, assessing her ribs and noting when she hissed in pain. 
Eddie appeared directly in front of her, "just going to shine this light in your eyes, just look straight ahead…Hey," he began softly, seeing the distress in her face, "You're doing really well. We'll get you out of here soon and to the hospital."
At Eddie's soft voice reminding her of an impending hospital stay where she was bound to be alone and uncomfortable, she couldn't help the burning tears that rolled fiercely down her face and tickled her ears. 
Eddie started to catch some of the tears with the back of his fingers, making concerned eye contact with Buck who leaned into y/n's line of vision. 
"Hey, hey, sweetheart. None of that, you're safe. We'll get you checked out at the hospital and you'll be back to normal in no time."
"I- I don't want-" she struggled to get her words out.
"Take a breath. That's it. What don't you want?"
"I don't want…to be a-alone. I'll be…all alone in the h-hospital. Like al-always." She stuttered. 
"You're not going to be alone. We won't let you be alone, okay mi amor?"
"Yeah, we'll stay with you, I know how much hospitals can suck without someone to distract you."
Y/n appreciated the sentiment but if anything, having Buck and Eddie sit vigil at her bedside only made it more apparent to her that she was alone whilst they had each other. 
"I don't want you wasting your time babysitting me. You have a life together. You have Chris. Plus, no offense, but you two being sickeningly cute and in love won't make me feel any less shit about being alone."
At that moment, Buck and Eddie shared a look over her form. Confusion at her assumption, turning to shock that she could see their inner feelings for the other, then settling into something that looked like contentment and understanding.
It was clear to both men that they shared the same affection for y/n and would do anything to stop her hurting. It was also apparent that both Buck and Eddie were willing - no not just willing, but that they yearned to share this role with y/n. 
Eddie was the first to make his move. He reached over across y/n, extending his fingers to his partner. Buck, surprised, but eyes full of contentment, wrapped his own fingers around Eddie's.
"Let's get you to the hospital and home. I think we have lots to talk about." 
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818-jadelvr · 7 months
Jude beinh Inlove with readers accent?
The Sound of Your Voice
jb5 x f!pen latina!reader
I love this.
Summary: You’re playing UNO with ur family Jude which brings out your anger, which brings out your accent.
It wasn’t that your accent was thick or anything but you did have one and it came out when ur mad. You were currently VERY mad. You were in the living room playing UNO with your mom, dad, older sister Stephanie, and your three older brothers, Ivan, Evan, and Christopher, Jude was also playing with you seven and let’s just say that he was having the time of his life.
Hearing you get angry at any of your siblings for either skipping your turn, making you draw four cards, or choosing a color that you didn’t have in your current stack. It all angered you, and worst of all that said NO stacking because they would’ve all lost to you.
Jude on the other hand was enjoying all this, your sudden out bursts of rage that filled you when you got skipped AGAIN. Only this time it wasn’t Stephanie, it wasn’t Christopher, Evan, OR Ivan… it was your dad. Your own father. you suddenly get up and do a lap around the kitchen table. “LOOK IF ONE OF YOU DO THIS TO ME AGAIN I’LL KICK YOU. THIS ISN’T FUNNY.” you yelled in a thick accent.
It kind of reflex of your vocal cords that once you got mad or you were super excited you started sounding like Gloria from Modern Family. (I love Sofia Vergara) and it only happened to you. Only you. And Jude ate it up every time. He loved it, he loved the way you pronounced certain words, the way you would roll your ‘r’s’, he loved everything about it
As everyone laughed at you Jude was looking at you in awe, like he was in love with you accent itself, so he stood up and followed you, as now you were doing a lap around the WHOLE house “Love come back” he says pleading as if you were leaving him “No. ellos piensan que son tan graciosos.” (No they think they’re so funny)
“oh my goodness, please babe, they’re just trying to have fun.” he says trying to calm you down, but to be honest you didn’t know why you were so worked up, it was just a game. “You know what? You’re right this is so stupid. Fuck why am I mad?” you ask him like he knew the answer to the question “I don’t know angel. But all I know is that I love the sound of your voice” he says smiling at you “Gracias mi amor” (thank you my love)
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fatecantstopme · 2 years
Just You Wait
Tumblr media
Pairing: Henry Cavill x Plus size!Reader
Summary: Big girl, giant man, perfect pair.
Warnings: RPF. An insane amount of smut: Size kink, praise kink, dom/sub vibes, Oral (M/F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V), face sitting, orgasm denial, light choking, spanking. Use of pet names (darling, baby, love). Cursing.
A/N: My first RPF and I feel kinda weird about it, but this man has been living in my brain rent-free for days and I couldn't help myself.
When you first met Henry Cavill, you almost had a heart attack. The man was even more deliciously gorgeous in person than you could have ever imagined. You felt like you had absolutely no right to even be looking at this man, let alone meeting him. It was pretty much the luckiest day of your life, all thanks to your childhood best friend, Chris Evans. Chris was a couple years older than you, but you were born and raised in the same town, family friends since before you were even born. 
On this particular evening, Chris had dragged you along with him to an A-list holiday party, insisting that he didn’t want to go alone. You weren’t exactly a party person, but you’d just moved to LA and didn’t really know anyone. So when Chris begged you to come with him, you figured it wouldn’t hurt. Maybe you’d even meet a couple people, make some friends and whatnot. You did not, however, expect to meet the single most beautiful man on planet earth. A man that you’d had a crush on from the very first time you saw him on the TV show The Tudors. 
Chris knew you had a massive crush on Henry, and if his expression was anything to go by, he also knew that Henry would be at this party. 
“Christopher Robert Evans, if you did this on purpose, I swear to god—” you started. 
“Do what?” he asked, feigning innocence. 
Just as you were about to verbally assault him, you heard a delicious English accent from directly behind you. 
“Hey, Evans, good to see you again.” 
You turned around and found yourself face-to-face with Henry Freaking Cavill. You stared at him like a guppy fish, mouth opening and closing, no words coming out.
Chris pulled the larger man into a bro hug. “Always good to see you, man.” He turned to you, clearly intent on introducing you. “This is my best friend, (Y/N). She just moved to LA.”
Henry looked you up and down, eyes moving salaciously slowly. You silently begged the floor to open up and swallow you whole. Unfortunately for you, the floor remained completely solid. 
Henry offered you a warm smile and extended his hand to take yours. When you placed your own hand in his, instead of shaking it, he leaned down and placed a soft kiss to it. 
You almost died right then and there. If it weren’t for Chris, you probably would have just stood there in awkward silence for the rest of time. Chris elbowed you in the side and you yelped in surprise. He gave you a look and you immediately cleared your throat. 
“Sorry, um—hi.” You literally couldn’t have sounded more like an idiot if you tried. 
To your surprise, Henry just smiled at you. He seemed almost…intrigued, by your awkwardness. “It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you, (Y/N).” 
You nodded and Chris cleared his throat again. “I swear I’m not normally this awkward,” you mumbled. 
Chris and Henry both laughed. “I can confirm that. She’s actually usually the life of the party.” 
You rolled your eyes. “I wouldn’t go that far.” 
“Well, I think you’re positively charming,” Henry replied. 
You nearly choked on your own saliva. The mere idea that Henry could have found you charming was actually laughable. 
Chris slid his arm around you and gave your shoulders a squeeze. “She’s the most charming person I know.” 
You recognized the teasing tone in Chris’s voice, but Henry clearly didn’t know him as well as you did. “Oh,” he said in surprise. “Are you two, a—uh—couple?”
You laughed so hard you couldn’t breathe. “Dear god, no,” you managed between fits of laughter. 
Chris was laughing too, but he smacked you on the arm when you didn’t stop laughing. “Laughing hard enough there, (Y/N/N)? I’m not that terrible, ya know.” 
“Oh you know that’s not what I meant, it’s just…I know you waaaay too well to ever date you.” 
Chris grinned ear to ear. “You know me too well, period.”
Henry looked back and forth between the two of you before shaking his head with a chuckle. “I can see why you like her, Evans, even if it’s only in a friendly way.” 
“Strictly platonic,” Chris said. “She’s completely available!” 
“Christopher!” you hissed in embarrassment. 
“What? It’s true,” he insisted with a shrug. 
You groaned under your breath, but your mood changed instantly when Henry said gently, “I’m also completely available.” 
“How is that even physically possible?” you asked before your better judgment could stop you. 
Henry grinned teasingly. “Whatever do you mean?” 
Fuck, fuck, shit, fuck. “I—umm—well…have you seen a mirror lately?” you squeaked out. 
Chris was desperately trying to control his laughter, his face twitching slightly as the mask began to slip. 
Henry simply smirked. “Are you saying I’m attractive?” he teased. 
You figured you couldn’t get any more awkward, so you might as well go all in. “Easily the sexiest man alive.” 
“Woah, woah, woah,” Chris interjected. “Pretty sure that’s my title.” 
“This year,” you teased. “Perhaps Henry will win it next year.” 
Chris rolled his eyes. “I just want it to be very clear that I held it first.” 
His tone was light and joking, and it made you laugh. Henry’s eyes were watching you, the beautiful blue orbs incredibly intense. 
“It’s much more of a compliment coming from you than any sort of public voting poll,” Henry said warmly, a teasing tone in his voice. 
Your eyes widened slightly. “Technically, I’ve personally voted you sexiest man in the universe at least twice.” 
Henry laughed loudly, the sound warm and sweet. “Now that’s a title I can get behind.” 
“You can get behind me,” you mumbled under your breath. 
“Sorry, love, what was that?” Henry asked. 
You felt your cheeks heat up immediately. You hadn’t intended for anyone to hear what you said, hell you hadn’t really intended to say it out loud at all. “Um—I—uh.” 
Henry leaned forward conspiratorially and whispered in your ear, low enough that only you could hear him. “I would be more than happy to, darling. If that’s something you really want.” 
He pulled back from you, giving you a wink. You stood there, rooted to the spot, jaw practically on the floor. 
Chris seemed to sense the change in the mood and slowly backed away. “I’m gonna go do something, uh, somewhere else.” He disappeared into the crowd of people filling the room. 
Your heart was beating so loudly that you were pretty sure Henry could hear it. Your breathing was shallow and rapid and you could feel heat pooling in your lower body. 
“So? Is that something you want?” Henry asked you again, eyebrows raised in curiosity. 
You nodded your head rapidly, not trusting your voice in the moment. 
Henry leaned forward, large body towering over you. “I need to hear you say it, beautiful.” 
“Yes, please,” you whispered. 
He smiled warmly and took your hand. “Come with me.” 
You followed along behind Henry, unsure of where exactly this was heading. He guided you up the stairs of the beautiful mansion, escorting you quickly to the nearest empty bedroom. The moment you were inside, he shut the door and locked it. You could still hear the music playing downstairs, but you were completely and utterly alone with the man you’d fantasized about for years. 
“I have to know, (Y/N), how long have you wanted me?”
You gulped, feeling so incredibly small under his intense gaze. “Years,” you whispered honestly. 
Henry groaned audibly. “I wish Chris had introduced us sooner. You’re gorgeous and I’m quite certain you’ll taste delicious.” He took a step towards you, eyes filled with desire. 
“Really?” you whimpered softly.
“Oh sweet girl, I wanted you the moment I saw you. I said hi to Chris in hopes that he would introduce me to you.” 
Surprise lit up your pretty face. You’d been a bigger girl most of your life, puberty slamming into you like a fucking freight train. You had large breasts, a round butt, wide hips, thick thighs, and a soft belly. Henry was the polar-opposite in every possible way. His entire body was covered in muscles, strong and sturdy. You were much shorter than him, and despite your curvy body, he was so much larger than you. The mere size difference between the two of you made you wet. Desire pooled in your belly and you found yourself wanting to be used by this man in every possible way. 
You licked your lips and looked up at him, trying to determine exactly what type of man he would be in the bedroom. You knew exactly what you liked and you silently prayed that he would oblige you. “What do you want me to do, sir?” you asked in your most submissive voice. 
“Fuuuuck,” Henry groaned. His body immediately responds to you, cock hardening in his already tight pants. “Come here, pretty girl.” 
You move to stand directly in front of him and he grabbed your hips to pull you flush against his body before leaning down and pressing his lips to yours. The kiss started gentle enough, but quickly turned into a deeper, more passionate one. You could feel Henry’s hard length against your abdomen, and his hands tangled into your hair, tugging lightly. You moaned against his lips, unintentionally inviting his tongue to enter your mouth. 
His tongue immediately asserted dominance over yours, everything about him deliciously predatory. Even the way he held your body against his reminded you that you were completely at his mercy. There was no place you’d rather be. 
When Henry finally allowed you to pull away to breathe, you gulped air down as quickly as possible, desperate to feel his lips against yours again. 
“Can you take your clothes off for me, darling?” he asked softly. 
You nodded your head, but your self-consciousness about your body started to rear its ugly head. You started to take off your pants, feeling less uncomfortable with him seeing your lower body than your torso. 
Henry watched your movements hungrily. He was desperate to touch every single inch of your body, but he knew he needed to be patient. He was enjoying watching you strip too much to stop you. 
When your pants were lying on the floor of the room, you started to remove your shirt, but stopped just before lifting it to reveal your stomach. You took a deep breath before quickly removing the shirt completely. Your arms immediately moved to cover your stomach, as if on instinct. 
Henry was trying to appreciate your beautiful form and was annoyed when you put your arms in the way, hiding yourself. He was about to correct you when he looked at your face and realized the truth. 
He took a step towards you and laid a large hand on your arm. “Don’t hide yourself darling. I want to see every single inch of you.”
You swallowed thickly, but allowed him to peel your arms away from your body, giving him a full view of your scantily clad form. 
He groaned softly, eyes raking over your body. “I’ve never seen someone so beautiful,” he whispered reverently. 
“Thank you,” you murmured. 
“Now, how about you let me take off that pretty bra?”
“Please,” you whispered. 
The moment he got a full view of your breasts, he inhaled sharply. Normally, he would have asked first, or at least taken his time with you, but he couldn’t help himself. He leaned down and sucked one of your nipples into his mouth, eliciting a soft moan from your lips. 
Henry seemed to realize that he might have moved too quickly and immediately removed his lips from your breast. “Sorry, darling. I should have asked first.” 
“It’s quite fine,” you murmured. “You’re in charge, sir.”
The use of the title made his body shiver involuntarily. “That’s my good girl.” 
You gasped and pressed your hips against him, the praise clearly going straight to your core. 
Henry obviously noticed too. “You like that don’t you? When I tell you you’re a good girl?”
You nodded quickly. 
“Darling,” he said in a warning tone.
“Yes, sir,” you said hastily. 
“Much better.” His lips attached to your breasts again, hands sliding up your body to assist his mouth in pleasuring you. He took his time, enjoying the sweet little sounds you were making. 
Your moans turned into soft whimpers of desire. You needed more, desperate to feel his touch on every part of you. 
Henry seemed to sense your need and he lifted his mouth off of you. “You need more, baby?” he asked softly. 
“Please, sir. I need you.”
“Well how could I deny such a sweet request?” Henry took a step away from you and directed you to sit down on the edge of the bed. “Watch me,” he said firmly as he began to remove his clothes. 
Each movement was painfully slow and you wanted to rip his clothes off and fuck him so badly that you almost jumped out of your own skin. Henry knew exactly what he was doing to you and damnit if it didn’t turn you on even more. 
When Henry unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off his body, you nearly passed out. “Holy shit,” you murmured. 
He grinned, practically preening under your appreciative gaze. He removed his pants much more quickly than he had his shirt, his own desperation controlling his actions. He tugged his boxer briefs down, his massive cock standing tall, begging for attention. 
If you thought he looked good before, there weren’t even words for how incredible he looked completely naked like this. Every inch of his body was hard and chiseled, and you felt an intense desire to touch him. 
Without a single thought, you dropped to your knees in front of him, mouth mere inches from his hard length. You looked up at him, eyes begging him for permission. 
He looked down at you with a dark expression. “Open your mouth for me, love.”
You immediately did as he asked, mouth parting for him, tongue ready to taste him. 
He slipped the head of his cock between your lips with a groan. “Can I fuck your pretty little mouth, darling?” 
You pulled back slightly. “Henry, I promise I’ll tell you if it’s too much. Stop asking me for permission, you already have it.” 
He raised his eyebrows, a small smirk playing on his lips. “As you wish.” 
The moment the words left his lips, he was grabbing your hair and thrusting his cock into your mouth so deeply you gagged. You dug your nails into his thighs and pulled him even closer, letting him know you liked it. 
Henry let go of any sort of inhibition he may have had and began fucking your mouth relentlessly. Every single thrust hit the back of your throat, and within seconds you were a drooling, whimpering mess. 
“Fuck, baby, feels so good. Doing so well for me.” 
You moaned as loudly as you could, the vibrations reverberating through his cock. 
“Shit,” he groaned as his thrusts became more frantic. “Gonna cum, baby.”
You tightened your throat around his cock and his hips bucked as he came in your mouth, seed spilling down your throat. He pulled out and pulled you up off the floor, gently cleaning your face, wiping the saliva and tears from it. “Loose the panties, sweetheart,” he said softly before climbing on the bed. 
You did as he asked before climbing onto the bed with him. He beckoned you closer, pulling you up to straddle his chest the moment your body was within reach. 
“Sir?” you asked in confusion. 
“Come up here, baby. Wanna taste you.” 
There is absolutely no way that he meant what you think he meant…you were much too big for that. 
As if he read your mind, he dug his large fingers into the flesh of your hips. “Get up here, now.” His voice and expression practically dripped with dominance and it was extremely hard for you to resist him. 
“But—I, um—I don’t wanna hurt you,” you mumbled. 
Henry sat up slightly, large hand grabbing your chin and forcing you to look directly at him. “I could pick you up and toss you around if I felt like it, baby. You’re not going to hurt me or smother me or whatever other nonsense you’re thinking.”
Your eyes widened, pussy clenching at the mere thought of him tossing you around like a ragdoll. 
Henry seemed to notice and he shot you a little grin. “Oh, we’re definitely gonna talk about that later, but right now, I want to eat that little pussy until you can’t breathe.” 
You couldn’t deny that it sounded incredible, so you started to crawl up his body until your pussy hovered directly over his mouth. Henry dug his fingers into your thighs, pulling you down against his mouth, holding you tightly. 
His tongue darted out to taste you and he moaned loudly. “Fuck, yes,” he groaned into you. He started to lick and suck at your pussy, skills clearly evident. 
You cried out loudly as he ate you with abandon. You started to ride his face slowly without even realizing it. The moment your hips started to move, Henry gripped them and started to guide you gently, helping you reach your high more quickly. 
“Oh god, please,” you whimpered. Your legs were already shaking and you could feel your impending orgasm ready to rip through you. “Please, I—I’m so close.” 
Henry loved the sound of you begging for him. He couldn’t speak without stopping what he was doing, so instead he moaned against your core as his tongue assaulted your clit. 
The vibrations from his moan mixed with his current actions, quickly pushed you straight over the edge. In the heat of the intensity of your orgasm, you cried out his name. 
Henry helped you through your high before gently lifting you off his face and onto the bed beside him. The fact that he did so with almost no effort was a massive turn-on. 
Henry immediately rolled on top of you, hovering over your body, arms caging you in place. “You tasted even better than I imagined,” he whispered into your skin as he kissed your neck. 
You sighed softly, loving the way his lips felt against your skin. 
“But you made a big mistake, darling.” His voice was dark and he bit your shoulder gently. 
“I—I did?”
“What did you call me when you came, baby?”
You quickly realized your mistake and hastily apologized. “I’m so sorry, sir. I—I didn’t mean to. I was just—you were so good—and I—” 
His teeth nipped at your pulse point, effectively silencing your stuttered apology. “I know you’re sorry, love, but unfortunately your bad behavior must be punished.” 
Your body immediately responds to the threat of punishment, fluid dripping from your core as a shudder raked through your body. Neither of which went unnoticed by Henry. He grinned devilishly, knowing you were so wanting and willing. 
Henry’s cock was hard again and pressing against your core. You whimpered slightly and he looked at your face. Seeing worry in your eyes, Henry’s expression softened. “I’ll go slow, darling.” 
You nodded. “Okay.” 
“Hey,” he whispered, placing a soft kiss to your lips. “I’ve got you, okay?” 
You nodded again. “I just haven’t—umm—haven’t had anyone that big before.” 
Henry smirked, eyes filling with lust. “Yeah? Never had a big thick cock in your sweet little pussy before?” 
Your eyes widened, clearly enjoying the dirty talk. “No, sir.” 
He groaned, the head of his cock pressing between your folds. You gasped as he slowly began to enter you. The intensity of the stretch was almost unbearable. Henry paid close attention to your face as he continued to push into you, making sure you weren’t in too much pain. He knew there was nothing he could do to prevent some pain, but he would be damned if he hurt you more than was necessary. “You with me, pretty girl?” 
“Ye—yes, sir.” 
“That’s my good girl.” He pushed even farther into you, almost bottoming out. “You’re taking me so well. Just a little more.” 
You clung to Henry’s shoulders as he fully sheathed himself inside of you, going still to allow you time to adjust. You had never in all your life felt so incredible and the man hadn’t even moved yet. Your pussy was stretched deliciously and so full of him, and you loved it. 
“Hen—sir, please move, please.” 
Henry decided to ignore your near-mistake since you corrected it so quickly. Instead, he obliged your request, hips almost immediately setting a brutal pace. 
“Oh—god—” you moaned loudly, words barely able to form in your mouth. 
“Fuck, darling, this pussy is so tight. Made for me,” Henry groaned out as he fucked you harshly. 
You could already feel an orgasm building within you and Henry seemed to notice it almost immediately. 
“You’re close aren’t you, baby?” he grunted. 
You nodded rapidly. 
“Don’t cum until I give you permission. Understand?” 
You looked upset, but nodded again. 
Henry grabbed your jaw harshly, forcing you to look at him. “Words, love.” 
“I understand, sir.” 
“Good girl.” Henry’s agile fingers quickly found your clit and began to gently rub it in exactly the way you liked as if he’d fucked you 100 times before. 
Your moans only increased in volume and number, signaling Henry that you were incredibly close. “Do you wanna cum, darling?” 
“Yes sir—please,” you begged. 
The moment the words left your mouth, Henry’s hands left your body and his hips slowed to shallow thrusts. 
“No—no, please, sir. Don’t stop.” 
“Sorry, love. This is part of your punishment,” he murmured as he placed gentle kisses to your neck and face. 
Your orgasm quickly faded and Henry picked up his movements again. This went on for what felt like an eternity, at least 5 orgasms were denied by Henry, and by this point you were a sobbing mess beneath the behemoth of a man. 
“Please, sir—please, I can’t—I need to cum,” you sobbed, actual tears sliding down your cheeks. 
As much as Henry was enjoying denying you, he desperately wanted to feel you cum around his cock. “Yeah, baby? You need it?” 
“Please,” you begged desperately. 
Henry’s hand wrapped around your throat and gave it a very gentle squeeze as he fucked into you. You mewled desperately, clinging to him tightly. 
“Cum for me, pretty girl,” he murmured. 
The orgasm that hit you was the most incredible, intense orgasm of your life. You cried out, but no coherent words left your lips. Your body shook beneath the massive man, and he released your neck, shifting his weight to chase his own high. 
“Fuck, baby, I’m so close. Gonna fill you up.” 
“Please sir. I wanna feel you cum in me.” 
“Fuck,” he gasped as he pumped into you, moans breaking through his dominant façade as his seed spilled into you. He worked himself through his orgasm before pulling out of you and collapsing beside you. 
“Give me five minutes, darling, and I’ll finish your punishment.” 
Your head whipped to face him so quickly, he was surprised you didn’t have whiplash. “More?” you asked breathlessly. 
“Oh yes. You just wait, pretty girl.” 
“Can we make it ten minutes?” 
He chuckled. “Only because you’re so difficult to say no to.” 
You were incredibly thankful for those ten minutes, but they passed way too quickly. Before too long, Henry was back on top of you, lips hungrily pressed against yours. 
“Roll over for me, darling.” 
You did as you were asked, now laying against the bed, face pressed into the comforter, ass in the air. 
Henry was directly behind you, admiring the view. His hands gently rubbed your ass, appreciating the supple skin. “Now this ass is the best I’ve ever seen,” he murmured. 
Before you could reply, you felt a sharp stinging pain on your ass cheek. You gasped at the sensation, head whipping around to look at Henry. He was smirking back at you, his entire body oozing the dominance you so desperately craved. 
“Count,” he demanded. 
“One,” you gasped out as he hit you again. Slap after slap after slap, all of which were soothed by him immediately after. “Fifteen,” you said breathlessly. 
Henry stopped, placing a gentle kiss to the reddened skin. “Such a good girl for me.” 
You whimpered, pussy dripping with the anticipation of what was to come. 
Henry lined himself up at your entrance, cock sliding back and forth along your folds to collect the juices there. Without warning, he fully sheathed himself in your tight pussy, your moans mixing with his soft curses. He once again set a relentlessly brutal pace. 
“Sir,” you gasped, the feeling so overwhelming that you couldn’t even begin to formulate any other thoughts. All you could do was moan in pleasure. 
“Shit, baby, so good for me,” he gasped. “I want you to cum all over my cock.”
You whimpered, orgasm already building within you. 
“Don’t you worry, baby, I’m gonna mark you forever. You’re mine,” he growled. 
The authority with which he said it had you clenching desperately around him. You wanted to be his, to be marked by him forever. 
Henry’s hand slid up your back, gripping your neck to pull you back against his chest. He held you tightly against him, hips never faltering. One hand wrapped around the base of your neck and the other slid down to rub your clit, the combination of all three actions and his breathy moans in your ear had you begging for release. 
“Please, sir—let me cum.”
“I’m gonna fill that sweet little pussy up, baby. You’ll never get rid of the feeling of me inside you,” he groaned in your ear. “Tell me you’re mine, baby. Wanna hear you say it.” 
“I’m—I’m yours,” you gasped out. 
“Fuck.” His movements became desperate and you could tell he was close to cumming. His hand tightened on your neck and you gasped in pleasure. “Cum for me, baby,” he whispered. 
Your orgasm slammed into you with even more intensity than the previous one. You cried out, moans mixing with Henry’s name. Your orgasm triggered his and he barked out your name as he spilled inside of you. 
After a few moments, Henry pulled out and laid you down gently on the bed before stumbling to the bathroom to grab a wet towel. He came back to the bed and very gently cleaned you up. Each touch against your pussy made you gasp, your over-stimulated body shaking beneath his gentle touch. 
“I’ve got you, darling. I’m here,” he whispered. 
Henry tossed the towel onto the floor and began to get dressed. Once he had his clothes on, he started to help you back into yours, but he slipped your panties into his pocket, refusing to give them back to you.
“Give me those!” you demanded with a laugh. 
“Absolutely not. These are mine now.” 
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. “So, um—I’m not sure I can walk.” 
Henry grinned impishly. “Don’t worry, I’ll carry you to the car.” 
“Car?” you asked in confusion. 
He raised an eyebrow. “Did you really think I’d just let you leave with Evans after this?” 
“I—uh, yeah. I mean, I guess I didn’t think about it.” 
Henry leaned over you, lips inches from yours. “I told you were mine, (Y/N). I wasn’t kidding.” 
Your eyes widened. You’d just assumed that was a heat-of-the-moment sex thing.
“Unless you don’t want that,” Henry said softly, backtracking a little, fearing he’d gone too far. 
“No!” you said quickly. “I mean, I want that. Definitely. You, uh—you kinda ruined me for all other men.” 
He grinned and puffed out his chest proudly. “It only gets better from here, love.” 
“Oh really?” you teased. 
He kissed you passionately before pulling away. “Just you wait.” 
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messyhairdiaz · 1 year
two plus two equals
A 6x13 coda. Mostly word vomit. Enjoy(?)
Buck’s sous chef abandons him as soon as the cookies are done. He takes one look at the meat and vegetables Buck is pulling out to prep, declares that boring cooking, snatches a cookie so warm it droops in his hand and goes to the living room to finish his book for his class’s reading challenge.
Buck doesn’t mind, the cookies were the fun part, after all, and he likes that Christopher is comfortable enough in his space to just go hang out and ignore him. 
So he chops and seasons and sears, and after a while Christopher wanders back over to supervise until he gets bored again and asks if he can watch TV now that he’s finished his book. Buck agrees and pretends he doesn’t see another cookie disappear from the cooling rack.
He’s so focused on not over-cooking the asparagus that he doesn’t notice Eddie’s arrival until he speaks.
“Hi honey, I’m home,” Eddie says, an unmistakably joking tone, but his voice is still as soft as ever. A softness that seems to be reserved only for those in this apartment.
Buck shoots a smile over his shoulder. “Hey. Dinner’s almost done.”
Eddie nods and comes into the kitchen. He glances into the living room where Christopher’s so glued to the television he hadn’t even noticed his father’s arrival. “Oh good, he finished his book,” Eddie says, and it spreads warmth through Buck’s chest that Eddie didn’t even question if Buck just let him watch TV without doing his homework. The trust Eddie has that Buck will just do the right thing for Christopher…It takes Buck’s breath away if he thinks about it for too long.
He turns back to the food, cursing when he sees the asparagus is on the verge of burning. He hears Eddie puttering around behind him while he salvages the vegetables, and then Eddie speaks up again.
“Buck, there are three cookies missing from this rack.”
“Three?” Buck practically squawks, spinning around. He looks at the incriminating third empty spot on the rack, mouth open to defend himself until he looks up at Eddie and his gaze catches on the tiny smear of chocolate on his bottom lip. “Hmm. Might want to wipe your mouth before you go pointing fingers.”
Eddie grins, a bright, beautiful thing, before darting his tongue out to collect the chocolate. Buck turns back to the stove and tells himself the heat on his face is from the pan in front of him.
He opens his mouth to ask Eddie to set the table, but Eddie’s already there, pulling out three of everything. Half the sets, because everything Buck bought came in sets of six. He doesn’t know if that means anything. He feels like it should. Maybe it just means he needs to rotate the stacks in his cabinets so half the sets aren’t getting all the wear and tear.
He won’t though. Later they’ll wash these dishes together, and he’ll put the three plates on top of the three left in the cabinet, the three glasses in front of the three collecting dust, three forks on top in the drawer. Maybe those three forks will tarnish faster, maybe the color will fade from the plates, maybe a glass will get chipped.
He likes the idea that Eddie and Christopher are so intertwined in his life that they could wear out his dishes. It brings to mind the comfort of sagging blue couch cushions.
He smiles to himself as he plates up their food. If he’s always viewed his life as one big equation, and now he’s good at math, maybe it means the solution is right in front of him.
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chanelles-world · 7 months
FIGHT NIGHT! • c sturniolo x reader
anonymous: I need enemies to lovers where he protects reader at a party when some guy tries to touch her after spiking her drink
a/n: contains smut, overstimulation, cursing etc. don’t read if youre a minor. this was part two of the request. i hope yall enjoy..
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part one recap..
you and chris made it to your house. both of your parents were still gone so you invite chris inside. you both walk into the living room and take a seat on the couch getting comfortable.
you decided to ask a question that you didn’t expect an answer to. you didn’t know if this would change things for the worse or the better but you decided to ask anyways.
“chris.. can i ask you something.” you ask looking him in the eyes. his arms were spread out against the top part of the couch and his legs were spread out. he looks in your direction.
“um yeah shoot..” chris responds. you nibble on the bottom of your lip. “i just want to know.. what happened to us?” you take a few seconds before talking again. “we were practically inseparable but then high school came along and we just…. i don’t know..” you finish, sighing.
chris doesn’t answer for a few minutes. you begin to think if the question messed things up.
“i don’t know.. life happen i guess.” chris says. you didn’t realize but chris was lying thru his teeth.
you look away disappointed. you don’t know what you expected from him.
“oh um yeah i guess..” you say, sighing. “you know i just have a feeling it’s more than that though..” you say not letting you. out of the corner of your eye it looks like chris gulped nervously. you wonder why.
once again no response. you start getting nervous because you didn’t know what was going on or what to expect.
it was like this for what felt like an eternity. what the fuck.. you both move around nervously. the tension was thick and chris was acting really weird. his whole aura changed once you said that second sentence.
“okay.. um do you want the honest truth?” chris says nervously running his hand through his hair. you nod your head confused as you looked over at him.
“shit, well here goes nothing..” chris breathes. i nervously wait for him to continue. “the reason i was distant and acting like a dick was.. um. was because i you know um started feeling things for…” chris didn’t finish his sentence instead he stared at you. you were confused, until it hit. you realized he was staring at you the whole time. oh shit. is he talking about me?. your mind was blown.
“wait oh my gosh… me?” you asked, gasping. chris nods looking everywhere but you. oh my gosh never in a billion years did you think Christopher sturnolio would fall for you.
instead of telling him your actual feelings you show him in a different way. you climb onto his lap, facing him. you look him in the eyes before wrapping your hands around his neck and kissing him hard.
chris tenses up shocked, but once he realized what was going on he kissed back. you both were now in a heated make out sesh.
as of right now you both knew things would change but you didn’t know if it was for worse or the better. both of you hoping it was for the better.
minutes have passed and you both have been in and out of some heated make out sessions, with pulling clothes off in between.
both of you were now fully naked. you were still sitting on top of him and you had placed your hands back and around his neck. chris placed his forehead against yours as he looks you in the eye.
you both were fully aroused. his dick was touching the tip of your pussy, fully able to sink in at any moment.
“what do you want?” chris whispers, still looking you straight in the eyes. “i want your dick deep inside my pussy, fucking me full..” you whisper back to him.
chris nods. he glides his dick up and down your juicy pussy lips before he positions his dick touching your hole. “oh god..” you moan quietly. chris hasn’t even entered his dick and you already felt good. the sensations were crazy.
“are you ready?” chris groans pushing his tip in slightly. “shit.. yes..” you hiss.
chris pushes the rest of his dick in as he pulls your hips down onto him. his dick fills your pussy up, pushing his nine inches in, touching your g-spot. “fuck…” you moan loudly.
chris places his hands on your hips, helping guide you to meet his thrusts. “oh fuck you’re so tight baby” chris groans shutting his eyes closed, thrusting his dick into your pussy even further.
“chris fuck, right there, oh my gosh!” you plead. he was fucking your wet core so well your stomach starts tightening.
“oh yeah baby!” chris groans in pleasure. “mm yeah” he moans again while pounding into your cavern.
“oh fuck I’m getting close..” you whisper as you feel your pussy start to clench together around his dick. “oh god, don’t do that, just not yet! hold it out!” Chris gutterly groans, shutting his eyes once more at the feel.
you try your hardest not to clench on his dick again but your pussy aches. chris abruptly stops his movements and my hips as he lifts me up.
before you could even begin to question why he stopped he grabbed your hips and lowered you down, hard on his dick.
“oh shit!!!” you moan. you needed to release and that didn’t help your cause. chris continues that motion again. his dick continues to pound into your pussy, hitting your g- spot.
“oh fuck! yes baby! oh shit” chris curses out. you could tell chris was getting close to his release once his dick started throbbing in your tight pussy. “oh fuck chris, i can’t hold it anymore fuck!” you moan crazily.
“ohhhh” chris says pounding even faster upwards hitting your g-spot. your body was on fire. you were about to combust at any given moment. the feeling was intense but incredible.
“oh god, chris please!” you moan out his name. your legs start trembling while you were on top of chris. it’s as if your pussy was overstimulated.. no doubt it was.
your hands fly up to his hair as you grab a fist full and pull. chris groans out in pleasure as that tempts him to move his movements even faster.
you felt like you were going to pass out. his dick almost felt as if it was about to poke out through your mouth, that’s how far and deep his dick went inside of you. you could feel it stretch your abdomen and show through your stomach.
“fuck chris i-I can’t h-hold it in a-any longer oh fuck!” you plead in intensity. your body aching hard to hold your release in.
“you can and you will dammit!” chris groans pounding into your pussy over and over and over again. he does not give no fucks. his eyes opened as they were clouded with lust.
“you can hold it! let me get in a few more!” he moans in my ear. you throw your head down against his shoulder. you for real couldn’t take it any more. this was too overwhelming. his cock deep in your pussy walls. you could literally see stars. “oh my! fuck!” you scream out in exasperation
chris giving you no mercy, pounds into you harder than never before. you moaned but nothing came out. you were too lost for words.
“oh fuck i’m going to cum!” chris yells, wrapping both his arms around your back holding you closer, as he continues to pound into you.
your pussy and body continue shaking uncontrollably as you feel thrusts and thrusts of cum shoot into your pussy filling you up. that did it. that pushed you over the fucking edge. your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you fucking came all over his dick.
“FUCKKK IM CUMMING” you cry out as chris is still fucking you carrying out your highs.
you could feel his warm seed spilling into you. it felt so creamy and warm.
“FUCK FUCK FUCK” you yell out in pleasure as you feel your stomachs core tighten up as you continue to ride out my high.
you about finished your high as you slowly lifted your hips up, to sink back down on his dick. you slowly move your hips back and forth riding him, not wanting to stop the pain but pleasure that he gave you.
your body felt limp as fuck. you finally stop moving your hips but stay sitting on his dick. chris gives you a gentle wet kiss. you let your lips linger on his for a moment before pulling away and laying your head down on his shoulder. your arms still wrapped around his neck.
a/n: how did we like??? damn i need dick fr…. don’t worry y’all i’m working on the requests it just takes time fr
but bring in more requests (;
tags: @flowerxbunnie @hearttshapedkisses @noellesturniolo @sturnvilmed
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