#oh circle!!!! love love love the concept for the circle choreo even if i thought they didnt pull it off all the way
sanstropfremir · 1 year
cho giseok working with xg :) i love when kpop companies let creatives do their work!
he worked with other idols before and it was always boring (see his “work” with txt and nj) because of the company’s restraints. so i’m happy he gets to do what he wants and have company support!
i know!!! im SO glad that somebody recognizes his vision and is letting him actually do the kind of work he does WELL. i really love that their whole creative team has really gone all out and actually committed to their concept for the prereleases, and likely for the album too if tgif was any indication. and even for the stages!!! the girl gvng stages make me fucking INSANE the decals the CHOREOOOOOO it's everything 2 me. expect it near the top if not at the top of the choreo list this year. i haven't seen a group commit that hard to an actual character in their choreo in ages, and definitely not for a gg
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kait16xo · 1 month
Dance Moms: A New Era: Thoughts (Episode 6)
Idk if this is needed but if the story about Baby Jessica bothers you then I’d say TW for that. Otherwise, spoilers under the cut! :)
* We’re barely into this ep and there’s already crying lol
* Why is Glo talking into a mirror lmao
* I agree Bellatrix’s pirouette was so good
* Seriously? Gina’s photo was UNDER Audrey’s? That’s nasty even for Dance Moms standards
* Smiley got her solo praise jesus
* Leilah’s solo is about to be so good
* “Is your mom coming?” “Yeah she’s parking the car :)!” “Cool! (Not cool)”
* Gina should’ve been in the team to begin with at this point tbh. Idk who she should’ve beat into the team but seriously the kid is leaps and bounds above them
* “Who’s your daughter? 🤨 “ ooh sick burn or smth
* If you were gonna have so many dances with turns why tf would Smiley even be on this team? Like no offense to her but cmon
* Ok corrine slay with rhythm nation
* “Leilah can beat smily”- min mina basically: nuh uh
* Letting your child breathe before you talk to her is very smart. Good momma
* Glo basically: “so for this concept I’m gonna be smiley’s biggest opp” 🤭
* Smiley’s shorts are cute
* Despite cutting girls out, Glo is very nice about it
* Ok so now Smiley’s mom’s gonna bitch about her daughter being IN the group because she has a solo…k
* God these kids are lowkey asses to their moms. But like I get it
* “Stop being dainty and just throw the water on her domenica?” “Me?” “YES!” *practically beats poor smiley with water*
* The girls spraying the hell out of smiley 😭 lol poor kid
* Mina still has her teddy that’s my girl
* Aww one of the girls is recording Smiley’s solo how cute
* Her turns need work but Smiley is a good dancer :)
* Leilah is such a cutie patootie
* I never even realized she stumbled getting our of her Janet costume
* Girl I screamed when she hit that leg hold turn too
* Oh my god how many songs does this solo have lmao
* asia would’ve ate this up on the show
* “The dance was so bad” girl no that was fucking insanity. Poor comp kids
* I love the group eyeshadow
* Ashlan’s fake happy face is sending me
* The backs of these costumes are so pretty
* “She needs a brain break” she’s needed one since episode one but you’re not ready for that conversation
* God Glo is way nicer than Abby because this brain break would get her cut.
* Lifetime stop slowing down the dance challenge (impossible)
* My app crashed right as Ashlan got kicked I’m cackling way too hard rn
* The group was going so seamlessly too 😐 and of course the spacing get messed up right at the end
* I’m literally the cut to Leilah dancing in the wings lmao
* All the confetti and strings were so cool I love it
* “Oh no”- the camerawoman, 2024
* Jing….that wasn’t Ashlan’s fault. It wasn’t Gina’s either?? bellatrix (was she in green?) was moving the circle way too close to Gina
* 9th…that’s rough
* “7th is bad for studio bleu is bad but 7th place for smiley is a huge achievement” stfu with that backhanded ass comment
* 2nd with that big of a fumble wasn’t bad 😔
* “Sorry about the noise we are learning here” should
* Can Leslie and Domenica just stop…
* I swear Bellatrix was the one who pulled her I’m 💀 idek anymore
* “I was dizzy and seeing stars” me everyday of my life queen
* My god Ashlan should not have been on this show she’s having a whole panic attack
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purpleyellow · 4 years
Not ideal
NCT 22nd member / Dream 8th member
Bee’s Masterlist
“Jeno and Jaemin show up for rescue”
a/n: Don’t be shy and interact a little, ask box is always open. Any kind of feedback will be very appreciated💛
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Fidgeting with the sleeves of her shirt, Bee sat at a bench in the park and waited for Jaemin and Jeno to come back from their bicycle ride so she could talk with them, and hopefully get some advice on what to do.
The previous night, she found herself thinking over the talk she had with Yuta, Jungwoo, and Jisung, letting herself believe what they said for a few seconds and slowly finding out what had bothered her for so long.
Bee relived all of the times Mark had caught her attention, just like at the wedding, realizing the way his face had matured into a more grown up one and how his hair was being styled lately made her very trapped in his looks. 
Besides that, the way he took care of the dreamies by sending them dinks or being especially gentle whenever he was talking with her made her feel the so-called butterflies on her stomach.
Without enough courage to admit whatever was going on, she called Moon and after a very long chat, they came to the conclusion that maybe, just maybe, Bee was crushing on one of her bandmates.
Obviously she felt like the worst person in the world because just like Jungwoo had said that day Mark would die from awkwardness if there was a remote chance of her having a crush on him. 
She knew he didn’t say that in a mean tone, but the reality of Mark most likely not reciprocating her feelings and making him uncomfortable because of it brought some tears to her eyes.
Running over the things she realized at night, the girl was too distracted to notice the two boys stopping their bikes, jumping scared when they sat on each side of her. 
“Stop daydreaming, you were so out of it that we could have robbed you in no time” Jaemin scolded her, taking a water bottle out of his backpack. “Do you want to talk here? We could go somewhere more private”
“Here is pretty private already,” Bee said looking at the three children playing far away from them and the couple taking a walk on the other side of the park.
“We know. It’s just… your text seemed pretty urgent” Jeno placed a hand on her shoulder and she frowned. “We should move if you want to, you know, cry without anyone looking”
“Oh” Bee raised her eyes to the sky in realization, there was a possibility of her crying. But taking that she hadn’t shed a single tear since her talk with Moon she decided to take a chance “I guess here it’s fine”
Sitting in silence for a while, Jaemin cleaned his throat in anticipation and when she didn’t take the clue he urged her to speak. “You had something to tell us, remember”
“Oh, yeah. I…” intertwining her hands on her lap, she fixed her posture “I might have a crush on Mark” The boys stared at her with narrowed eyes, expecting Bee to burst out laughing, saying it was a prank.
When she didn’t say anything and her face was still anxious, Jeno decided to ask “Mark Lee? Came from Canada, Mark Lee?” The girl nodded yes, refusing to make eye contact.
“It’s just a possibility though” her tone was small and she bit her lip.
“We don’t know if he likes you back if that’s what you’re expecting from us” Jaemin raised an eyebrow at her and turned his head to the side.
“But we could find out” Jeno suggested with his hands trying to be supportive “And you two, could, you know... Date in secret... Or something like that”
“Oh please, no. I-I don’t want to like Mark” Bee exclaimed and the two boys stared at her confused “I never intended to have a crush on him of all people.”
“I know we make fun of him all the time. But you don’t have to do him like that” Jaemin tried to lighten the mood, but all he got was a harsh look from Jeno.
“It’s not that he isn’t a great person, because I think he might be way too great” she got up and started pacing from one side to the other “It’s just that it’s the first time I felt like this, and we’re in the same group for Pete’s sake, I probably can’t even look at him in the eye without getting flushed”
“Do you want to tell him that?” Jeno genuinely asked and she saw Jaemin encouraging her with his head.
“I don’t know. Not yet at least.” she stopped walking and turned to them. Her feelings were too messy right now, and no good would come out from confessing prematurely. “This could be a passing thing, or maybe not. I never liked anyone like this I’m lost right here”
Getting up from the bench, Jaemin engulfed her on a hug. His sweaty form making her frown at the smell, and maybe if she wasn’t so down maybe she would have complained to him.
“You’re not crying right?” He asked rubbing her back.
“I don’t even cry that much, why are you worried about that?” she pushed him away lightly and latched onto his arm, both of them now turned to Jeno who was sitting down.
“I’m guessing this stays between the three of us then?” he said getting up and picking his and Jaemin’s bags from the ground
“Yes. Please don’t let anyone else know, and let me stay away from Mark as much as possible”
“You think you’re going to get over Mark by avoiding him? Wow, that sounds like a plot of a bad movie” Jaemin smirked at her and bent down to pick up his bike “Let’s go get ice cream” 
The boys dragged their bikes as the three of them walked to an ice cream parlor on the next street.
“Maybe I should call Harvey and get him to sing Don’t need your love to me” Bee joked remembering the British boy and the concept of their song.
“Oh let’s make a circle with Mark’s photo inside and dance the choreo around it” Jaemin joined her thought process making Jeno laugh. 
“You know, I had a crush on this girl once.” The other boy said giving them his eye smile “She was a trainee as well. I never told anyone, and out of nowhere, I stopped seeing her around. Maybe she gave up or something”
“Is this some kind of hidden advice for me to talk to Mark before it’s too late?” Bee frowned at him.
“Nah, this is me, showing you that I have zero experience in this dating stuff” Jeno shrugs his shoulders “Also, I’m pretty sure I was twelve and the only reason I liked her was because of her red sneakers”
“Oh, I know who you’re talking about. I liked her too” 
“I should have asked someone else for advice”
“Why don’t you go order for us while Jaemin and I go wash our hands” Jeno directed her, and when the boys were alone he turned to Jaemin “You know what’s going to happen right?”
“She’s going to push her feelings aside and think she’s over it until one day they’ll meet and she breaks her face because the feelings are going to come back full force” Jaemin smiled sadly and Jeno pat him on the shoulder.
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hyunnie · 4 years
my thoughts on the kingdom intro stages:
can i just say that im so blown away by each group that im shaking while writing this this is what good content does to me lol
ateez: kim. hong. joong. is such a good actor. he captivated me right from the start. and wooyoung my GOD he went all out with his dancing totally stole the show for me. and choi san went off but when does he not ya know lol. ateez was such a strong start to the lineup i would’ve been quaking in my boots if i had to go after them. also the way they had to hold san up during the whole ending fairy thing was kinda funny their endurance is amazing.
btob: i said this in another post but ofc btob killed it vocally. those beginning harmonies were AMAZING and my goodness minhyuk’s vocals were no joke. also eunkwang vocal KING and oh my goodness the emotion in changsub’s voice at the end and then everyone harmonizing to close the song was beautiful. i dont think any other group can create such a beautiful atmosphere with just their voices like btob.
sf9: sf9 are the group i’m least familiar with and i’m not being a hater here, but i think their performance was a little lacking esp with the dancing after watching ateez. their concept was chic and sophisticated but they looked like they were holding back. i wish they would’ve pushed it more and i wish they would’ve done a more productive introduction instead of walking down the runway into a line and then pointing the camera elsewhere. this is also not their fault, but the cameramen for their performance were kinda laggy and that’s not fair to them. also all the kudos and props to the guy who kept dancing even when his mic was dangling around and hitting him what a professional!! solid performance but i think they could’ve pushed the limits more.
stray kids: first of all i KNEW FELIX WOULD HAVE DARK HAIR but what i didn’t know was that they would all hair black hair???? also i love how they were all wearing black so that you could focus on them moving as a group more which i think they really needed. my god the way hyunjin moved was like a panther he’s so lithe and graceful it’s so beautiful. also the remix of this song is amazing felix’s voice definitely set off the performance in an epic way. LEE. MIN. HO. MY GOD. he can literally do anything jazz break dancing you name it. i am so impressed by his versatility. and can i just say i was worried about seungmin and innie since they’re not known for their dancing but GOD they really brought in this stage everyone moved as one unit and everyone was on the same level i was truly blown away. and bang chan you athletic god more back flips please! also i loved the parts of the choreo where they were doing floorwork while moving in a circle it flowed so well and there was so much power and dynamic in the movements its such good choreo. 
the boyz: god sunwoo stole the show HE STOLE IT MY GOD that FLOW was amazing i was instantly captivated. the choreo was also flawlessly executed theyre so good at group choreo. and GOD when they broke into the contemporary choreo i was SCREAMING how can 11(?) boys be graceful yet in sync with each other?? arms levels were on point and their body lines matched each other that is such a hard feat but they nailed it and it was so beautiful?? i def wanna see more of this fusion of contemp and hip hop.
ikon: what a way to end the show amiright. i love the old school dance crew vibe they had going on. the choreo was tight and there were some classic elements of group choreo that had me screaming in appreciation. and BOBBY just had this smile on his face that was so heartwarming he genuinely was having fun on stage and honestly that whole ikon performance was so energizing. it was so fun and cool and they bring so much swag to their performances you can’t help but wanna groove along with them.
the competition’s gonna be tight man and i feel like 4th gen are ready to literally go insane on stage so i think their sunbaes need to get ready to do that too.
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haniehae · 3 years
i think so because there's not many of us here lmfao so if you go check who joined the event and filter through biases it's really easy lmfao (i'm a sherlock holmes like this, so i try to make it less obvious as possible so people don't know who i am, especially because i can't shut up and end up talking too much LMFAO) but oh it's just because i've been inactive for too long and most people i knew left tumblr already lmfao
i love the pretty u mv as a concept but i also hate it because giffing it is IMPOSSIBLE lmfao if you're doing an aesthetic or faceless set you can get pretty shots, but other than that it's terribleeee, the whole mv is also too dark to gif rip and since i still have the mind of a gif/gfx maker, i tend to like mvs that are easy to work with. like clap or very nice LMFAO (i also just like colorful things) but yes i LOVE the choreo for it!! but what are your top5??
ohhh film production!! that's really nice and fancy~ hope you enjoy working with it if you plan to!
i'm trying for visual arts now! i kept thinking i'm not good enough for it and etc but i'm too old (and too young at the same time) to not try things i wanna do lol
also! what are your fave colors and do you have any fave ~aesthetics~??
have a good week! we're almost there <3
- svt secret santa 🎅
🤔 I feel like you trying to not giving out who you are are actually giving me hints of how you are hahah but don’t worry I won’t look into that because I like the surprise and this is also just making me more excited to discover who you are 😆
Omg yesssss! I did a Dk moodboard based on pretty U and it was SO HARD to find a shot of him to use!! The aesthetic part? 10/10 trying to find the shots of the idol -10000/10 😅😅😅 I totally get you!
My top 5 choreos??? Oh this is hard haha it changes all the time but for now
1 - 24h - I just think is GENIUS how they do the choreo in circles and with such precisely! I mean its svt what was I expecting haha! But yeah love this one!
2 - Fearless - LOVE big groups choreos! Svt itself is already a big group but when they add dancers 💯💯 and fearless is also such a powerful choreo I love that! They have such risky movements and they nailed it all the time!!
3 - Spider - I know its a solo song but Hoshi made this to be on this list! Every part of it is so well thought that I never get sick of it! He’s just amazing!!!
4 - Anyone - Another powerful choreo haha! Love love this one! Love how all the steps are just as intense as the music and it matches perfectly! Specially watching vernon dance to this one 👀 every time I watch him I looks like this choreo was made for him!
5 - Crush - The newest addition to the list! I LOVE THIS CHOREO! Crush wasn’t one of my fav songs from the album but after watching they perform on the comeback show I fell in love with it! SPECIALLY THE COMEBACK VER WITH THE HATS!! I need more choreos with hats hahahaha
Ohh visual arts!! Thats so cool!! We are never to old to start new things!
My fav colors are black, pastel green, teal… and for aesthetic i love dark academia, 80’s rock (if this is even an aes kk), cozy…. Something like that haha
Hope you’re having a great day!! Also sorry if this was to long haha I got a lil exited talking about choreos 🙈🙈
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
Starry-Eyed Smile | Chapter 2
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⭐ Summary: You practically grew up with Youngjo, attached at the hip, two peas in a pod. You did everything together. At some point, both of your feelings became more than platonic, and you both knew it. Everyone knew it. But neither of you have had the courage to do anything about it.
⭐ Chapter 2: 2,594 words
⭐ Pairing: Reader X Kim Youngjo (Ravn) / Characters: GenderNeural!Reader; Kim Youngjo (Ravn); Lee Seoho (Seoho); Kim Geonhak (Leedo); Lee Keonhee (Keonhee); Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong); Son Dongju (Xion);
⭐ Rated: E / Warnings: I talk too much about Youngjo’s smile / Genre: Fluff; BestFriends-To-Lovers; Angst; Love Triangle if you squint; Happy Ending;
《 Series Masterlist // ONEUS Masterlist // Boy Group Masterlist 》
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You had texted Seoho that your work ends on Friday, and in response he sent you the address of where you would be able to find them for filming today. He had told you they'd probably be filming for hours after your work ended, so you didn't need to rush too much. Still, throughout the entire day, you keep your eye on the clock. You watch the hours tick by, wishing that the seconds would fly faster. 
As the clock finally ticks to 4 o'clock, you stand up abruptly from your chair and grab your bag. You make your way out the door with everyone else who is done with work, phone in hand as you head home to change out of your stuffy work clothes and into something more casual and comfortable.
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You watch the boys dance in the middle of the room, which is lit up by natural sunlight from above as well as artificial light. The pillars on all ends support several floors, which all circle around the members, all dressed in white which seems to glow in the sun. None of the boys look at you, focused on their choreography. They move so elegantly, it's mesmerizing. They look so ethereal and gentle, but at the same time they dance with so much power it's intimidating.
The music plays loudly from a speaker. You recognize it from when Youngjo showed you it the other day. The title track. This is the first time you're hearing it all the way through, though it's not clearly. The ONEUS director occasionally shouts directions, and there's the constant sound of machinery whirring around. The camera people run the camera around to get a good shot. The other staff members are chatting. Hair and makeup waiting to be needed. You've attended other music video shootings for ONEUS, as one of Youngjo's closest friends. You were present during the Valkyrie and Twilight music video shootings. But still, you're fascinated by the amount of work put into a four minute YouTube video.
The boys finish and take a break for water, hair and make-up.
"Y/Nie is here!" Keonhee yells, walking over to you. You catch Youngjo smiling fondly at you over Keonhee's shoulder.
"Hi Keonhee," you say.
"It's been too long," Keonhee says, pouting. "I haven't seen you in maybe three weeks. I could barely survive it, I'm surprised Youngjo managed to survive that long."
"We actually video called every few days and--" You pause and frown at him. "What do you mean by that?"
"You two are practically stuck together normally," Keonhee says. "I swear you two are soulmates."
"Keonhee," you hiss, smacking him. He laughs, and you look around. Youngjo is off to the side, talking to Geonhak and Hwanwoong. Seoho and Dongju are leaning against a pillar, farther away  talking. You face Keonhee again.
"Everyone knows that you two like each other," he whispers. "Or at least suspects it. It's kind of obvious. "
"Yes, but we aren't together so shut up about it," you say, smacking his shoulder. Just then, you look up and Youngjo is walking over. You smile.
"You didn't tell me you were coming," he says, hugging you.
"Yeah. Seoho invited me."
"Oh, he did?" He smiles, nodding and glancing over at Seoho. "When?"
"When I came over the other day," you say. "As I was leaving to throw away the garbage, I stopped by to say bye and he came to say bye. He came with ms to throw away the trash."
"Oh," he says, frowning a bit. He shakes his head and smiles. "So, uh, what do you think?" he asks, looking back at you.
"I like it. The song is awesome. The video is going to be beautiful," you say, looking around you at the building, the decorations for the music video. Even the costumes that the members are wearing are gorgeous.
"Yesterday we had indoor filming," Youngjo continues. "We have a dark versus light concept that I hope will show well in the music video."
"It will."
You walk over to where the other members are chatting, some of them--Hwanwoong and Dongju--getting their hair and makeup touched up by the stylists.
"Y/Nie came!" Seoho says cheerfully, running to hug you. As he pulls away from the hug, Youngjo inserts himself between you and Seoho, eyeing Seoho suspiciously. You pretend not to notice.
"Looks great," you say, nodding your head to where they were dancing minutes ago. "Love the choreo, too. The song sounds amazing, I'm so excited to get myself a copy of the album."
"No, no," Hwanwoong says, shaking his head. His stylist sighs, and he stills again. "Y/Nie, we'll get you the album as a gift."
"You don't have to."
"You're our friend!" Hwanwoong insists. "We're getting you a copy. Maybe you'll get Ravn's photocard."
You catch Youngjo glaring at Hwanwoong out of the corner of your eye, but decide to ignore it. You're used to the teasing you receive from all of the ONEUS members. As Keonhee had said, everyone knows that you two both see each other as more than friends. But neither you nor Youngjo have had the guts to do anything about it.
"Y/N," Seoho says. "Did you see the ending of the choreo? The killing part? Do we look cool?"
"You guys looked so cool," you say, nodding. "You guys look so elegant and powerful. And the ending, you guys look so cool."
"Do you like the song?" Geonhak asks.
"I absolutely love it, Geonhak. Youngjo showed me a bit of it the other day but hearing it all now, it's more amazing than I thought!"
"Of course Youngjo showed you," Geonhak says, chuckling.
"What was that?" Youngjo asks, his tone scolding. Geonhak shakes his head, smiling innocently.
They continue filming, redoing the choreo one more time in the center of the building, then move to film in the woods outside. As the sun begins to set, they film the choreo one more time before the end of the day, while the sun is at just the right place in the sky. You watch from behind the camera. You sigh, knowing that though the music video will be amazing, the camera will never capture the true beauty of the scene.
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"You don't have to cook for us," Youngjo says as he sets the table. Nearby, you're helping Geonhak cook bulgogi. Everyone seemed tired after filming, though they tried to hide it from you. You insisted on cooking, or at least helping Geonhak cook.
"Seriously, you six must be exhausted from filming for two days," you say. "So much work all day. Anyway, we're all done!"
The seven of you eat together at the table, chatting about things other than the comeback.
"You should have been there to see what Dongju did yesterday," Geonhak says to you. "We went out, Dongju, Hwanwoong and I, to get bubble tea and snacks. Dongju said he was going to pay, but then said he forgot his wallet at home. Turns out he did it on purpose."
"Hey!" Dongju yells. "I never said I did it on purpose!"
"Oh? Then what happened?"
"I realized as we were leaving that I forgot my wallet. But I didn't say anything," Dongju says, laughing. "I knew it even when I said I'd buy it myself, and I pretended to be surprised so you would buy me snacks and bubble tea."
"These kids," Youngjo says with a chuckle.
After everyone has finished eating and chatting, you gather all of the dishes to wash. Youngjo joins you despite your insisting that he should rest.
"Seriously, Youngjo, you should rest. You worked all day today and you have practice tomorrow."
"Y/Nie, I'm not a kid," he says. "Let me help you wash the dishes."
"Ach, look at them," Keonhee's voice says from behind. "They're so cute like a married couple."
"Get married already!" Hwanwoong yells from the table. Both you and Youngjo turn around at the same time to glare at them. They duck their heads in shame, and you and Youngjo look back at the dishes you're washing. Then you hear a whisper.
"They glared at the same time. They really are destined to be together," Keonhee whispers loudly, clearly intending for Youngjo to hear.
"Yah!" Youngjo runs at him, leaving you at the sink alone as he chases Keonhee around the dorm, yelling, while the other four members laugh at them.
You smile softy. Their childishness is endearingly adorable. They're so serious and focused during work, like when they were filming earlier today. But they are still adorable goofballs.
You watch as Youngjo finally catches Keonhee and holds him still, arms wrapped around him tightly as he squirms. His smile is wide, so he obviously finds this teasing fun, and your heart melts the way it does every time he smiles.
Growing up with him was a gift, and he's very much the same as he used to be. He's always been both hardworking and silly, even when you were kids. No wonder you started liking him more than a friend. With a heart made of gold and a smile brighter than the sun, how could you not fall in love with him?
It's obvious he feels similarly about you. The other members have pointed out to you how much Youngjo loves spending time with just you. How much just your presence makes him smile. Even you notice that he treats you differently than his other friends.
And he knows you like him.
But he doesn't know how much you like him. How just his smile can brighten your darker days. He doesn't know how much you value your relationship, how just spending the day with him makes you happy. You wonder if he has ever caught you staring at him, gushing over his smile or his laugh. You wonder if he's ever caught you humming one of his songs, singing and smiling at his parts, admiring his rapping or singing.
You if he feels the same way about you. If he latches onto your habits and traits the way you've fallen in love with the little things he does.
Your gaze drifts over to Seoho, who is sitting silently at the table with Hwanwoong, smiles at you. You smile back and continue washing the plate in your hand. After a minute, Youngjo returns to your side to help.
"Those kids," he says with a chuckle and a shake of his head.
The two of you finish washing and drying the last few dishes, and you look out the window. The sky outside is dark. It's later than you'd expected to be here.
"Y/Nah," Seoho says. He's moved to the couch, which is now crowded with him, Geonhak--who has Dongju sitting on his lap--Hwanwoong and Keonhee. Youngjo has just gone to the restroom.
"Did you enjoy seeing us film today?" Seoho asks.
"Of course they'll say yes," Geonhak says, not looking up from his phone. "Y/N says yes every time you ask them after a day of filming."
"I did enjoy it," you say as you sit down in the nearest chair. It's true.
"Told you," Geonhak says, smiling. Seoho rolls his eyes.
"I really enjoyed it today," you say. "The song is so cool. And the filming location was absolutely amazing. I thought the building was really cool. I'm really excited to see the music video. Oh!" You check your phone and realize just how late it is. "Oh gosh, I have to get home."
"You're going home?" Youngjo asks, appearing from behind you. You nod, setting your phone down on the table next to you.
"Do you want one of us to take you home?" Seoho asks.
"No, it's okay," you say, shaking your head. "I only live ten minutes away."
"Okay. See you soon, Y/Nie!" Seoho says.
Youngjo walks you to the door, thanking you for helping out with dinner and the dishes, and he waves goodbye as you take the elevator down.
You hum as you walk down the street, slowly making your way toward your home. The night air is cool on your cheeks. The night is dark and calm.
After about five minutes of walking, you hear footsteps behind you. You tense up, but steadily quicken your footsteps, worried that it might be someone with hostile intentions. Then you hear the person call your name.
"Y/N! Y/N!"
You turn around. "Youngjo?"
He comes to a stop in front of you, gasping for breath with his hands on his knees.
Did he run all the way here?
"Youngjo, what--"
"You forgot your phone at the dorm," he says, reaching for his back pocket. He holds out your phone to you, and you take it. "It was on the dining table."
"Thank you for bringing this," you say. You pace your hand on his shoulder as he tries to catch his breath. "Youngjo, you didn't have to run all the way here. I would have noticed and come back to get it."
"I wanted to," he says, standing up straight and fixing his shirt.  "Besides. I kind of wanted to walk you home."
"I'm sure you did. You can walk the rest of the way with me if you really want, since we're halfway there. Or you could go back to the dorm and rest after a long day of filming."
"I'll walk with you," he says.
You nod and continue toward your home, Youngjo by your side. You two walk toward your home together, side by side.
After a minute of comfortable silence, you speak.
"You should be proud," you say. He looks at you curiously. "The song is amazing. The choreo is beautiful. Everything I've heard, from the little sneak peaks you've given me to everything I've accidentally heard when I come into your studio uninvited, it's all amazing."
He smiles sweetly at you. You catch it out of the corner of your eye, the way he smiles that smile that makes you feel giddy. His eyes are shining brighter than the stars in the sky. But then again, Youngjo doesn't have any light pollution in his eyes. He has a very starry-eyed smile.
"I haven't heard all of the songs in full," you continue. "But knowing you and everyone else who has contributed, it'll be a masterpiece."
"Y/N . . ." Youngjo slows his walking pace, and you aren't sure if he's aware of it.
"Hm?" You look at him, slowing your pace to match his. He seems to be thinking really hard, staring at the floor with an unreadable expression. "Youngjo?"
He looks at you with a soft smile. It's not the same starry-eyed smile.
"Thank you for encouraging me, Y/N," he says gently. You feel like he wants to say more, but he doesn't. "Ah, we're here."
You look forward and realize you're at the doorstep of your apartment building.
"Oh yes." You nod. "Thank you for walking with me and returning my phone."
"Thank you for helping Geonhak with dinner and helping with dishes," Youngjo says. "And for visiting us during our music video filming. It gave us--all of us--energy and motivation to do well today."
You smile, opening your arms to him for a hug. He hugs you tightly, squeezing you as if you won't be seeing each other for a while.
You wave goodbye after pulling away and go into your apartment. You watch fondly from the window as Youngjo disappears down the street.
You really love him.
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dandaelions · 4 years
ngda act 2 thoughts
thank you mr. lee taemin for this post-interview de-stressing session
1) Idea: it’s unexpected. it’s weird. it’s unsettling. and yet somehow it works. the beginning of the song had me thinking it was going somewhere and then that beat dropped and I was just sitting there like o_o literally nothing about this song makes sense from a musical perspective but hey that’s what we’re all here for right?? the mv...hoo boy...idk where to even begin there’s so many layers of symbolism and imagery going on it’s insane like can we talk about how he’s on a staircase-bridge during the actual bridge of the song like that’s insane bro!! and the choreo popped OFF! the duality concept and the empty chorus and the bass drops all really reminded me of exo’s obsession, except taemin makes this wholly his own. can’t wait for the live stages!
2) Heaven: ohh here we go again with that sultry hispanic guitar! not a huge fan of the heeea-aaeaeaea-ven chorus but when then the church choir comes in?? oh SNAP. the bass line, the snapping, the female “ah” during the chorus, the electric guitar riffs - I’m getting major lana del rey vibes from this one! also this was one of the tracks Taemin contributed to and I just wanna say WHAT THE FUCK I mean “play little girl do it like that” UM SIR???? “I bet you like that, just give it to me, give it to me baby” right ok I don’t think I need to look up lyric translations for this one I’ve seen enough...that being said this is definitely going on my tae-pop playlist we love a hoe anthem
3) Impressionable: oh this SLAPS his light breathy vocals layered over the jittery staccato trap beats with that playful music box melody and that distorted “imPRESSIONalbe” and that high note in the bridge?? this is simply immaculate. I think my fav song on the album!!
4) Be Your Enemy: hmm musically I was a little bored but the production is very tight and crisp so I will give that to them. Wendy’s vocals during the bridge are very sweet and refreshing and I wish she was integrated a little bit more into the song like Seulgi was in Heart Stop. 
5) Think of You: a perfectly fine and pleasant song.  not a huge fan of the melody tbh, but this was written entirely by Taemin so I’ll be sure to check out some reliable translations!
6) Exclusive: LOVE LOVE LOVE this song I’m so here for those cyberpunk futuristic vibes but after listening to the japanese version for so long the korean just sounds weird so I’ll stick to the japanese one! This song sounds a little out-of-place on this album, whereas it fit in perfectly with the atmosphere of Famous, so I wonder what the motivation was to include it here.
7) Pansy: wow I really hope we get an acoustic live stage of this because the stripped back instrumentals really help Taemin’s voice shine here! another song written by Taemin so I will be checking out translations when they are out! ugh idk I’m not a fan of the ascending “am I, am I, am I” chorus but the rest of the song is very beautiful and calming to listen to
8) I Think It’s Love: an emotional ballad that I think I will like more once I understand the lyrics but unfortunately this one isn’t for me it seems :/
9) Identity: oh that intro is GORGEOUS. the way it crescendos into that sweeping, grandiose section during the middle really makes me picture this as like a movie soundtrack! “base to ace”...I wonder what he means by that. maybe a commentary about the trajectory of his career? the sudden transition back down to that quiet outro really brings the song back full circle and it’s a perfect way to close out the album!
overall: there are definitely some gems here that I’m really into! there were things that I really liked and some things that I didn’t but overall a solid album. you know, there will come a time when he won’t be able to dance anymore, but when that day comes it certainly won’t be the end of his career because someone who is capable of making songs and singing like this is going to stick around for a long time! he’s worked so hard to make it to this point and he has definitely proved to everyone that he’s in this for the long haul, and I really appreciate his dedication to his style and artistry!! I mean who’s doing it like him seriously??
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sevensymbols · 5 years
childish (m)
PAIRING: jeon jeongguk + reader GENRE: smut WORD COUNT: 3k WARNINGS: dom!jeongguk, sub!reader, rough sex, orgasm denial - SUMMARY: jeongguk is tired of everyone treating him like the baby of the group. but when his love interest starts acting the same way, he finally snaps.
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Every friday was the same. You and your friends would hang out at their house and order two pizzas. You would talk about your week, plans for the next one, sometimes you guys would play games together. It has become a routine at this point, each of you always arriving despite your busy schedule or the occasional sickness.
So it came as more than a surprise when you arrived just after 7pm and your friends were nowhere to be found. Besides, two large pizzas - one pepperoni and one with tuna - were set next to one of the couches, their divine smell filling your nostrils. Usually, you had to come as early as you could, because no one (except for Taehyung) would ever leave a few pieces for you. It was pretty much the early bird gets the worm. But not today.
Today, the pizza boxes were left unnoticed, and you almost wanted to call Hoseok to ask what the hell is going on, if you didn’t hear the stomping and quiet music coming from their gym.
Opening the door slowly, your friends stood there, playing one of their songs and dancing as if it was the last time they could do so.
“Guys?” you asked slowly, not trying to disturb them.
“___!” Jin exclaimed, stopping his movements to run up to you instead. “I’m so glad you’re here!”
“Seokjin, you’re the one who needs the most practicing, so bring your ass back here again,” Namjoon scolded the older man, waving you hello in the process.
“Ah, ___!” Jimin smiled at you before turning around to face the other guys. “Now I can’t concentrate when she’s around, I’ll be so nervous!”
“Shut up, Jimin,” you laughed, “I can always join you, can’t I?”
“Right,” Yoongi nodded, playfully squeezing Jimin’s shoulders. “By the way you are dancing all evening, I’d have to assume ___ has been watching us for hours now.”
The younger man slapped the rapper’s hand away, but still giggled.
“So... Is anyone going to tell me why are you here and not devouring the pizza upstairs?”
“Oh my God, glad you asked,” Namjoon spoke again, “we’ve been practicing this choreo for hours and hours, yet we can’t seem to... finish it up? Like we always think of something, but then someone,” he stops to glare at Jeongguk, “says it’s not it and that it needs a little more sensuality or whatever.”
“I only said that because it’s true!” the maknae tries to defend himself, “It’s not Spring day! It should have more tension and all that.”
Now it was your turn to giggle. 
“What?” Jeongguk’s head whips around to face you.
“Nothing, it’s just- it’s so funny that you said that, you know, you...” 
“And what about it?”
“Nothing, Kookie,” Hobi chimed in, poking his cheeks, “it’s just that you’re our little baby boy and suddenly you talk like that... you better wash your mouth out with soap!”
Everyone, except for Jeongguk, laughed. 
“Well why don’t you guys show me what you’ve worked on, and then I can tell you what I think as an audience member,” you suggested. “I mean come on, I am a fan!”
“Okay then.”
- - -
“...and then we would go like this-” Namjoon said, lifting his right leg like a flamingo before turning around and returning his leg to the ground as he did so, “and that could be the beginning for the chorus.”
Hoseok and Seokjin burst into laughter as they imitated Namjoon’s dance move, purposely intertwining their fingers to look like ballerinas. The younger boy sighed, but a small chuckle followed right after.
“Yeah, I... I think I liked the second version better,” you admitted with a playful smile on your lips. “Most of you were in the spirit during that one.”
“Most of you? Does that mean someone has been messing it up?” Taehyung smirked at you.
“N-No... Well, not as far as the choreography goes...”
“Then what is on your mind?”
“I-I just-” you struggled to find correct words.
“Just say it, we’ve been friends for so long, we won’t get mad,” Hoseok reinforced you, giving you thumbs up.
“I just... Can’t take you seriously when Kookie’s just being all cute or whatever,” you blurted out quickly, “He is so adorable and I want nothing more than to wrap him in a blanket and carry him everywhere with me.”
Some members chuckled, but the strange expression on Jeongguk’s face made you tremble. “N-Not that I don’t take you seriously, Jeongguk. It’s just that I can only see you in a cute concept.”
“I mean... he is the baby of the group,” Yoongi said. “We see him as a younger brother that we need to protect, you know? I think he kinda grew up like that... you know, being cared for and stuff.”
“You guys really think of me like that?” the youngest member asked, the tone of his voice sweet but the expression on his face bitter. “You think I can’t take care of myself?”
“Not that you can’t take care of yourself, just that... um...” Hoseok trailed off.
“I see,” Jeongguk said. “So your concept would be 100% better if I wasn’t in the picture.”
“Nobody said that,” Namjoon shook his head.
“She did,” Jeongguk pointed his long finger at you.
You threw your hands up in defeat, “see, this is why I didn’t wanna tell you.” Cocking your head towards Jeongguk, you continued: “You just can’t deal with one fucking comment. It wasn’t even an opinion! I need a minute.”
And with that, you headed towards the door. You needed a place alone, any place would work. You chose the bathroom because it was the closest and you could lock yourself in it.
With trembling hands, you turned the faucet on and splashed some water on your face. You watched yourself in the mirror, your flushed cheeks covered in small droplets of water. You couldn’t believe you let a small argument like this ruin you. It wasn’t even over anything serious!
Your thoughts were interrupted by a short knock at the door.
“Occupied,” you automatically answered, drying your cheeks with your arms.
“It’s me.” Jeongguk’s voice sounded a little impatient on the other side of the door.
“Jeongguk, go away. I just need a minute.”
“___, open the door.” He sounded calm, yet there was something in his voice that prevented you from doing so.
“Open the fucking door or I’m going to bust it open myself,” he huffed, stopping you in your tracks. You knew he, out of all the members, was the only one capable of doing so, and so you saw yourself unlocking the door slowly. Next thing you knew, the door was wide open and then closed and locked again as your back got pressed against it. Your eyes were met by dark brown ones, staring intently into your soul.
“Jeongguk, what the fuck are you doing?” you screamed at him, only for him to shush you up with his hand on your mouth.
“Shut up. I didn’t like your little act at the gym. The way you looked at me, the way you spoke to me...”
You tried to say his name, but his hand muffled your voice.
“Why did you think it was okay to embarrass me like that?”
You ripped his hand away from your mouth and he let you. “First of all, you literally asked for my opinion. Second, you’re acting like a jealous possessive boyfriend and I don’t like it.”
“But you do like it, don’t you? You like seeing me like this. You’re just too prideful to admit that the maknae makes you feel these things.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You’re just a baby.”
“Aren’t I older than you though?” he cocked his eyebrow at you.
“T-That has nothing to do with this,” you stuttered.
“So you’re telling me you haven’t been dreaming about this body of mine? You’re telling me you never thought about me in a sexual way?” He chuckled as he held your chin so that your gaze was fixed on him. “Tell me, sweet ___, have you been touching yourself to the thought of a real man fucking your pussy? Have you thought about leaving these pathetic little boys for good, because their kisses are just not enough for a hungry little slut like you?”
You couldn’t believe how accurate he was. How easily he figured you out. He knew that you wanted more, no, you needed more, and you just wanted to leave all those immature young guys on the playground while you went to fetch a real adult.
Nevertheless, you still held your pride.
“How would you know what a real man does?”
And that was it; that was all it took for Jeongguk to slam his lips against yours in a frantic manner. You don’t really remember kissing him back, you just remember how needy the kiss was for the both of you. Jeongguk clearly needed to assert his dominance, pinning you against the wall, his strong hands tightly gripping yours. His hips bucked into yours and you gasped. The way he was skillfully grinding onto you was almost sinful, yet it felt so damn good.
He pulled away and smirked upon seeing you. Everything about you - your flushed cheeks, your swollen lips, your heavy breathing - just confirmed the man’s words. You were already a mess. A hot mess.
“Didn’t think you’d get this riled up for an immature boy huh?” he mocked, studying your face.
“Or maybe I’m simply a good actress,” you retorted.
Both of you knew that was a lie; not even the best-trained actress could pull off those emotions. Yet, for some reason, Jeongguk was still quite unsatisfied with your answer.
“Just shut up, ___. I hate little liars like you.”
“Now doesn’t that sound childish?” The smile on your face was quickly wiped away as the boy lifted your whole body up, placing you on the sink before reattaching his lips to yours. This time it wasn’t as random as before - now, Jeongguk clearly had a motive. You could tell by the way his hand pressed against your clothed clit, making you whimper. He smiled into the kiss.
“If I am so childish and immature... how come you’re this wet for me, hm?” 
You were about to say something back but his fingers slid past the waistband and started rubbing small circles onto your clit. Instinctively, you moaned loudly, making him quickly cover your mouth with his free hand.
“I know babygirl, but you have to keep quiet okay? Show me what a good girl you are and I might continue.”
His warning tone sent shivers down your spine but the way he kissed your forehead afterwards made butterflies flutter in your stomach.
Suddenly his fingers made their way past your lower lips and slipped into your heat with ease. You were glad that his hand was still pressed against your lips, because the moans and whimpers that left your mouth were anything but discreet. But how could you contain yourself when Jeongguk’s fingers mercilessly plunged in and out of you, not showing any signs of stopping.
But then, once Jeongguk felt your walls clench around his fingers, his movements completely stopped. “Don’t cum. I didn’t tell you to.”
“B-but, Jeong- please- I-”
You pleas were cut short when the man’s fingers plunged back in inside your pussy, continuing their quick pace. “I said no.”
“Jeonggukkie, please I’m gonna- I can’t”
Jeongguk smirked at your desperate state, holding you down by your hips and burning his eyes into every curve and crevice of your body. “Take it. Are you gonna come? You gonna be a bad girl?” he whispered huskily, knowing his words would send you over the edge. He knew you couldn’t resist him.
And with another loud moan you came, your legs trembling, face even redder than before. Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows, squeezing your throat with his free hand. “What a shame. I was going to let you suck my cock, but I guess you just really want to disobey, right?”
“N-no...” you whined, bucking your hips to meet his, hands reaching for his pants. He chuckled, further restraining you.
“No touching. You’ve been a brat all evening,” he commanded sternly, although the corners of his mouth slightly turned upwards. Before you knew it he was flipping you over, pressing his crotch against your ass. “I’m going to give you what you’ve been begging for, baby.” he whispered in your ear, pressing his lips against your earlobe, his hard on teasing your entrance as you arched your back into him, trying to get him to push inside, with no success, because his hands gripped your hips and held them in place. “Hmm, I wonder if you’ll finally stop whining and listen to me so we can get this whole thing over with.” 
You whimpered and wiggled your butt, trying to get him to do something, anything, but he wouldn’t oblige, holding you in place while gently rubbing his member against your folds. “Tell me,___, will you listen to me if I give you what you want?” he teased, one of his hands pushing under your t-shirt, running up your stomach to your breasts. “Will you?” he pressed again, pushing his head against yours and turning your face to push it against the mirror. You whined and nodded, letting the mirror fog up as you heaved for air, your chest moving rapidly. “Do we need a condom?”
“I’m- I’m on the pill,” you whispered against the mirror.
“Good girl,” Jeongguk praised, slapping your ass lightly, “are you gonna be a good girl for me?”
“Yes, fuck yes,” you exhaled.
“We’ll see about that once I’m done with you.” he finally took mercy upon your writhing form and pushed his cock inside of you, making your eyes roll in the back of your head as you moaned into the glass of the mirror, arching your back to push your butt against him, a moan leaving your lips. 
“Fuck, look at you, baby. I’m barely inside and you’re already putty in my arms, I should have known you’ve been needy all this time,” he whispered and pulled out almost all the way before slamming back inside, making you yelp with the force of the movement and push against the mirror, his hands trapping you in place. He repeated the action one more time, a grunt leaving his lips and his eyes fluttering closed for the briefest moment behind you, your eyes fixed on his reflection in the mirror as you took in the sight before and behind you. 
A loud moan left your lips and you struggled to keep your eyes open to take in the view as he started a punishing pace, pulling out almost all the way every single time, before slamming back in at full force, making your legs shake and your palms smudge with sweat against the mirror as you were trying to brace yourself.
“Take it, take my fucking cock like a good girl,” Jeongguk commanded.
“Oh my- Jeongguk, whatever you do, oh fuck, don’t stop, j-just please, ah, don’t stop,” you cried, desperately trying to hold on to anything you saw.
“I’m not going to baby, don’t worry,” he replied, biting your shoulder. “Fuck, are you close again?”
You were, and clearly, by the way you were clenching around his member, Jeongguk knew as well. “Y-yes.”
“Fuck,” he cursed again, snapping his hips into you, “me too, baby. Go on and cum.”
It seemed like the anger had washed away, his thrusts now being slower and sloppier. Still, his work made you feel like never before and soon enough you came, a loud moan and his name escaping your pink lips. Jeongguk followed, moaning out your name in a way that almost made you cum again. He pulled out, leaving you empty and gasping for air.
Once you gathered yourself, you washed your face again, putting your outfit on again, trying to make it look the same as previously. The last thing you wanted was to be made fun of for fucking your friend in the bathroom.
“Jeongguk?” you whisper, watching him pull up his pants. The man lifts his head up, cocking an eyebrow at you.
“I’m sorry that I called you childish,” you bow your head. “I didn’t realize what my words did to you.”
He sighs, walking closer to you. You’re not sure what to do, and it all feels a little too awkward just standing there. Jeongguk suddenly pulls you closer to him, your head making contact with his chest. His strong arms hold you firmly but tenderly, as if he wanted to make sure you won’t fly away. You wrap your arms around his torso, nuzzling your nose into his chest.
You stand there for a minute or two, before the older boy kisses the top of your head. “I think we should go. The boys might get suspicious.”
You walked into the main room together - you figured there was no point in lying since the boys probably knew quite well that you two were making up. Neither of you two were sure to what extent, though.
“Hey guys!” Hoseok smiled at you, “sorry there’s no pizza left. We tried to wait but we were also really hungry, so.”
You smiled back. There was no way Hobi knew what you two were doing back there. His smile was too genuine and innocent and his eyes sparkled like fireworks. “Oh, that’s o-”
“Are you fucking kidding me?!” Jeongguk interrupted you. “No way you couldn’t save at least a little bit for me! You guys are so unfair!”
You looked at him, along with the other boys, but only your gaze snapped him back to reality.
“Ah- Well I guess it’s okay. But wait for me next time,” he mumbled, sitting down next to Jimin. You followed him, sitting down as well, and everything seemed to be fine again. You were talking and laughing with the boys, finally being able to relax. That was until you heard Jimin whisper to Jeongguk.
“Come on,” Jimin giggled, nudging the taller boy with his elbow. “How was she?”
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rkyeji · 5 years
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  #5011 hwang yeji w/ #5002 - choi minho, #5018 - kang hyunggu, #5028 - lee chaeryeong                     ft. coatches: kim doyeon, mintozaki sana and jung jinsoul                       playing with fire x pied piper // hair                       no air // hair mentioned: @rkmason, @rkkhg, @rkchaeryeong, @ryujinrk, @rkchwe, @jaebvmrk, @rkjeongin, @rkpjy
again somehow yeji had made it to the finale, she wasn’t entierly sure how she had made it this far. what had she done differently? looking at everyone she feels at a loss-- an entire week had gone by since the eliminations and she still remembered it, the feeling of watching hansol and ryujin get eliminated. feeling helpless, she had gone out to eat with everyone but she wasn't able to stay long- she needed to see hansol and so she had gone to him but he was distraught and ryujin didn't answer her phone, nor did she respond to knocks on her door.
on friday her mood wasn't in it-- even though she was there, yeji mainly just felt like a plastic bag and in the end, she had been there. voted for songs but she hated feeling like this. so when she got home that night, she grabbed her pillow and screamed into it, it was the finals and she knew none o the people that had gotten eliminated would be happy seeing her like this.
"i need to do this," she nodded to herself, there were so many that she wanted to do well for. jaebum, jinyoung, taeyang, hansol and ryujin-- she needed to at least make them proud.
the next morning she gathered herself, collected her feelings from the floor and arrived at the practice room bright and early. stretching out as they had a lot to prepare.
for this week they were doing two performances-- one for trc and another for nova. they went further this week for trc they did a mashup and it wasn't something yeji was used to, minho presented his project and yeji nodded. hearing the concept had her smiling-- it was something different and for this performance, they all worked on the choreo together. it was now or never, she had made it to the finals and she had started everything just wanting to participate.
their second song for nova was one yeji was excited about, for the last weeks she had sung, this week she could also show off her dancing a little. that was one of the things that had let her get this far.
on sunday, yeji felt rather happy-- when it was time for their lunch she had told her mother that she wanted korea bbq for everyone in her team and her mother had told her she'd deliver it. when it was time, she had wanted to surprise everyone and so she stormed out of the practice room, without really saying anything to them. when she came back the smell of the korean bbq, samgyeopsal, kalbi-- kimchi and other side dishes. it was warm, her mother had driven it over from her family's restaurant.
"is anyone hungry?"
yeji smiled and put the food on the floor, they needed all the strength and yeji hoped this would give them some energy. as the week progressed she felt her nerves bubble up inside her, the excitement of being in the finals. yeji had wanted to experience this with ryujin and hansol too but instead.
they discussed the different themes and concepts they wanted to go for, yeji nodded along eagerly. originally she had been nervous about doing two big performances during the week but now-- now she felt secure and confident. seeing the performances take shape, the choreos work well together. it gave her confidence.
--- day of performance ---
now, yeji watched the performances-- the two that was before theirs and the moment changbin's performance started yeji watched them from the sidelines as they were getting ready for their own. concept, it was a similar concept even though theirs wasn't as in your face  as changbin's. i her heart she thought their performance was better but that was because it was her team and yeji looked to the other three, nodding to herself.
"we can do this," she said and watched the rest of the performance.
trc x playing with fire/pied piper
"it's your turn next," the staff told them and they walked to stage. their stage already set up as it was supposed to be.
hyunggu is the one that introduces them, their team name-- sirius, it was a reach but they were reaching for the stars so it felt fitting.
the stage was completely dark, yeji and chaeryeong sat on one side and yeji looked across at hyunggu and minho sitting in their seats.
the performance started and yeji knew she needed to start of the performance well, she had dropped the pony for this performance but this was how things were.
as yeji starts singing, minho is behind her and they dance together and she thought of hansol when the lyrics rolled of her tongue. her vocals clear and powerful-- just like she had practiced only now she looked at minho with an intrigued and interested gaze. that was her character, an angel-- interested in a demon, their love was like playing with fire. she related to it because her own mother had told yeji, to be careful of men-- they only want one thing. that was the mindset she was performing in, despite that she couldn't help but be attracted to the danger that presented itself.
the song and performance continue, on stage they act-- the boys give them roses but yeji and chaeryeong know better. that is the guise that they want the audience to believe. angels that know this wont lead anywhere. however, as the song progresses the angels will falter and they are being lured in by the demons-- their wings tainted and dirtied.
the end of the song approaches and now, the flower crowns they started with are gone and the angels have been successfully tainted, things will never be the same.
this whole setting reminded yeji of the week she had gotten mvp, her and hansol were celebrating and she knew. their relationship would never be the same. just like the angels could never go back to how things were.
they had backup dancers for their entire choreo, something that was new to yeji but it was an interesting experience. when their performance was over they hurried off the stage, they needed to get ready for their second performance.
nova x no air
looking at her reflection yeji smiled a little at the school uniform, she hadn't worn one in a long time. not since she left high school and now-- she was doing this performance.
it's time for their performance again, everyone sit at their designated desks, the backup dancers are in their spots. when their performance starts, the stage is dark and only the screen lights up-- "our love is in the stars" -- again a play on their team name but for her it had a special meaning. a symbol maybe of her feelings for hansol-- the music starts, their intro and so does the screen everything starts.
they all sit by their desks, blacklight is on them so their white shirts and shoes shine in an extra-light while they dance.together with the backup dancers they create a dynamic and powerful stage. everyone gets a moment to be center, yeji pretends to load a gun while the stage continues until chaeryeong runs across the desks. the dance number continues and yeji moves powerfully-- her pony moving accordingly and never hitting her in the face.
dancing was truly where yeji felt the most alive, she executed her moves with precision and grace until the dance intro was done. the desks they had used previously got pushed over and their team name was spelled out in capital letters.
they got into their position, yeji sat crouched and hyunggu started singing-- she popped up for her part, only 1 line but that was fine. it was impactful regardless.
their performance continued and yeji got to show her growth properly, singing and dancing at the same time. in the start of the mgas, yeji had never really thought she would be at this point but the last couple of weeks. yeji felt like she had focused so much on singing and improving as a singer. as long as that got noticed she would be happy. the personal grown she had done was satisfying to her-- but a part of her wanted to do well.
Oh, I just wanna love you baby
the rap follows after her line, she dances to her hearts content-- she even sings the adlibs and her voice is stable throughout the performance.
when it is over she stands, her fingers forming a circle over her eye and she stares down into the camera.
like that. i was over.
yeji bowed at the crowd and smiled, mouthing tank you to everyone. then in the middle of the crowd she spots a familiar picture and yeji is grateful she didn't spot it during the performances. jeongin. she smiled happily, thankful for her cousin's support then she hurries off the stage, for the last time on this stage.
it was bitter swee.
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lunebinnie · 6 years
(1/11)Oh my gosh yesss I'm glad that you like long messages too because I talk way too much 😂 (And yeah about my friend and just hanging out w/ her more that's exactly what I was thinking 😂) It's actually kind of funny bc just yesterday I was hanging out at her house and her younger brother needed to go to Walmart and I was like 'I've been meaning to go to Walmart, I'll take you' and ofc since I have a bluetooth radio adapter the whole drive I had my Spotify going with some quality k-bops, lol
2)And as we were driving I noticed him kind of jamming and I was like 'Oh my god Mickey do you actually like this???' And he was Like 'yeah, these are some good bops 👍' I was shooketh. I had to go home before I had the chance to show him any music videos but he says he's open to watching some with me next time I see him. One way or another I'm going to turn someone in my social circle into a kpop fan you mark my words ☝ and then maybe we can team up and try to work on his sister some more 😂
3)I only started first getting into kpop last June so I'm still very new, but it's definitely super frustrating how so many ppl act like it's an inherently bad or cringey genre of music just bc it's kpop! The stigma is ridiculous! I also started out with BTS (lol) and since they're pretty popular in the US at least I was able to be like 'See, this isn't just a niche thing, lots of people know abt and like this group' but of course my dad still says 'Just cause it's popular doesn't make it good'
4)And I'm like? You're a band teacher, you of all people should understand that music doesn't have to be in your native language (or even have lyrics) in order for you to enjoy it, but go off I guess... It's the same with one of my college friends. They make fun of me for liking kpop but this is coming from some who still treats March 22nd (the day My Chemical Romance broke up) as a day of mourning. Like, no tea no shade no pink lemonade, MCR was a good band nothing wrong with liking them.
5)But like if you're 22 and you still haven't grown out of your emo phase do you really have room to pick on other people for their music taste?  🤷 Anyway that's the person who follows my main that I didn't want to know I had a kpop sb. I think I made it around July. Tbh it was pretty dead for most of 2018. But like I said I've started using it way more since I recently revealed that it exists, lol. Especially since that good good Astro cb 👏💗😩 But honestly Astro is such a blessing
6)Idk how I lived so long w/o them. When I first got into kpop I was planning on just sticking to BTS since the reaction to me being into kpop was so volatile. I was like 'I'm only into one group, ppl already are negative about me liking kpop so I'm just gonna stick to this and not become a full on multifandom fan' and then in Nov I accidentally let myself fall in love with Monsta X and that plan was foiled. And realizing I wasn't gonna be able to stick to just one anymore opened the floodgates
7)And I was like okay in that case, let's just start getting into *all groups* Lol. My story of getting into Astro was actually bc of my best friend's roommate (can you tell I have like one friend and my whole social circle kinda revolves around her? Lol) so this roommate when she heard me being sad about having no kpop friends was like 'oh hey, I'm kinda into kpop' and it turns out she didn't like very many groups and was one of the ppl who blah blah BTS is overrated, which ya know isn't ideal8)But I was just really desperate to have someone to talk about kpop with. And Astro was her favorite so I was like, okay I'll get into them so that I have something to talk about with her! So I started watching some videos and I fell in love with them pretty much instantly! And I was real excited bc #1 now I can talk about kpop with someone! And #2 this group is actually amazing? Bonus! ... And then they got in a big fight about their living conditions and the roommate ended up moving out RIP
9)So that didn't work out, lol (Your story about finding them during that internship sounds amazing though! Haha) But yeah, so this is my first cb too! And although I love them w/ my whole heart and would have loved to have them in my life even sooner what an amazing cb to be your first! The concept was wonderful, the album was excellent, the visuals were to *die* for. They worked so hard and I'm so proud of them and I'm so happy we got to see their work come to fruition and get them a win 🤧🤧
10)The dance practices though? You're so right omg 💗 Me and my Rocky bias *fully* understand 😂 All of them are such good dancers?? I never fail to be impressed. Of course you know who I always end up watching tho 👀 lol (̶i̶f̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶a̶s̶ ̶h̶a̶l̶f̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶R̶o̶c̶k̶y̶'̶s̶ ̶f̶o̶o̶t̶w̶o̶r̶k̶ ̶I̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶b̶e̶ ̶a̶l̶m̶o̶s̶t̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶p̶r̶e̶t̶t̶y̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶e̶y̶e̶s̶.̶.̶.̶)̶ ̶ I also love how at the end they always pause all dramatic for a minute and then start screaming 😂
11)It's like? Amazing talent *and* dorky personalities? What more could you ask for? Lol. In regard to your last question though Unfortunately I also won't be able to see them 😔 I live in the smack middle of the US and since they're only going to coasts all of the venues are way too far away to get to. Esp since it's the school year and I can't skip class to drive cross country for a concert much as I'd like to (Holy lord I talked over twice as much?? Why am I like this?) Talk again soon! -ASA
Okay SO I’m very sorry I haven’t had the time to answer everything until now bc I’ve been busy studying for midterms and also I was a lil trashy today since my uni closed bc of freezing rain so I slept in but I’m glad that FINALLY everything got sent like damn tumblr you really don’t want us making friends huh. 
Yessssss I love the feeling of seeing someone else also get into the same interests! I’ve been pretty lucky in the sense that I grew up around mostly other asian americans, so kpop was never something that was considered super “weird,” like some people were into it and some weren’t but even if you weren’t you still would’ve been familiar with the more popular groups from when you were younger. Even now, I have a bunch of friends also into kpop (one of them is even my roommate) so tbh I was definitely the one in my friend group late to the party aha. Even my university hosts kpop nights at our bar and I’m pretty sure we have a kpop dance team as well? So tbh if I met someone new there’s probably like a 50% chance they’re into kpop or at least listen casually. 
Tbh I used to be a little bit judgy too but moreso because of the obscene amount of money I’ve seen some of my friends spend (no joke one of my friends has spent probably like $500+ on Loona stuff in the past month and a half and another friend bought like 5 copies of the same album for herself like damn idk how do you have that much money).
I also really don’t like it when people bash other people’s music tastes, since I feel like it’s something so personal? Idk but for a long time I used to be really self conscious about sharing my music with other people and even now I feel like that sometimes. For me after getting into BTS I kind of expected to get really into other groups since I was in Korea anyway and I was already listening to a lot of other artists casually. For me it started with NU’EST (fell for them immediately at the same concert that I saw Astro at) and then after was Astro, and then I just started slowly getting into other groups after that (even though I haven’t totally been able to get into Got7′s music they’re SO funny and I just kinda fell for their personalities  you know). 
I honestly think that they did such a wonderful job with this comeback too! I like seeing their concept evolve and mature but they’re not straying too far from their original cute concept so I feel like it’s a nice middle ground that’s very unique to them, you feel? Also I feel like the visuals especially and the execution of the whole plant concept was just done so well?? Even my friend who’s not in kpop was like “k idk who they are but that was the prettiest music video I’ve ever seen”. What are your favourite eras and songs? For me I’d have to say either the Spring Up or Baby era BUT right now my favourite song is probably Again/Should’ve Held On though tbh my mood and my tastes change like every few weeks loool. 
I have no idea why I tend to be most attracted to the dances rather than vocals or rap (maybe has to do with the fact that it’s something I’ve always wished I could do but have always been bad at lmao). But Astro’s stood out to me for the exact same reason! I just thought it was so funny seeing them all break character at the end because you really get to see how hard their choreos are and you get a glimpse of their personalities like damn, how can you not stan these dummies?
That’s really unfortunate that you won’t get to see them either :/ They’re also coming to the closest city to me but it’s on a Tuesday, but I *hypothetically* looked up flight prices and tried to see if I could get away with just missing a day of classes if I flew back in the middle of the night since I have some friends who did the same thing and drove down to Buffalo but I seem to have underestimated the size of New York State LMAO. But apparently my university’s too far from the airport so it’s “not realistic” (and also I’m hella broke from travelling to Taiwan and Japan while I was in Korea but that’s a minor issue ig). I hope we do both get a chance to see them live though! Who knows, after the success of this comeback I’m expecting a lot more cbs and world tours out of them ;)
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sanstropfremir · 3 years
by request, the first post-kingdom stage roundup! this one is a best to worst by group!
some introductory notes:
i’m not going to be ranking the 100sec stages in here because they are too different of a scale. but i will be talking about them as a part of the process. i’m not going to be including the team stages here either, since i talked about them in my episode seven and eight reviews and i do think they stand separately from the individual group stages, because we don’t know who the creative teams were behind them. this is not meant to be an overall best of all the performances, i’m intending this more to be a look each of the groups’ stages overall; seeing how they adapted and improved and how effective the trajectory of their journey as a whole was. also, a very important definition to make right at the start so i don't have to explain it every time: by ‘worst’ i do not mean the stage was actually bad. by ‘worst’ i literally mean ‘not the best.’ if i break it down, i’m ranking these by ‘most amount of successful components’ to ‘least amount of successful components.’ there were no stages that were actually bad or unwatchable; they were all successful in one way or another, but some of them more so. i’m ordering these in my own personal ranking of reverse who did the best overall, which obviously is not how the actual show rankings went down, but we all know my thoughts on the official rankings.
in case you want to catch up and read my more in depth thoughts, here’s all of my episode reviews: one, two (with added tbz costume breakdown), three, four, five, seven, eight, nine, ten! oh and also here’s my very first review of the dance solo performance film, since i’m also going to be referencing this a bit.
monster - the least involved with their overarching story concept and it’s stylistically the most interesting because it’s a departure from the glittery royalty concept we have primarily seen them in. it also helps that it’s a great song that they did a relatively good cover of.
kingdom come - the solidity of the choreo is the thing that puts this stage up here, because it’s some of their best. and it’s not as explicitly reliant on the game of thrones theme as their other stages.
o sole mio - this has real potential as a good small concept vaudeville themed stage; it starts off really strong and then they blow it by shoehorning in the unnecessary lore.
no air - they tried to start off with a big conceptual bang in the first round with a semi-explicit narrative, but it relies entirely too much on the viewers knowing the references for it to make any sense.
to be honest, i’m not that surprised about how tbz constructed their stages and how they turned out. i know a lot of people have been disappointed with how lackluster their stages have felt in comparison to their rtk ones, and i think that’s fair because i agree, i don’t think they ever captured the same energy they did for danger or for shangri-la. if you’ve been following along (or have just read all my reviews now) than you know most of my complaints about how tbz have been working with their lore and concepts, so i won’t rehash them here. but i do think it’s warranted to point out that theoretically, being first in rtk would logistically put you at the bottom of the initial ranking for kingdom. i know they’re not technically the youngest group, but in the execution of their stages in comparison, it does make sense to me that they come out looking as the most inexperienced group. even though they were intending to have a similar overarching story like they did on rtk, it was not at all very fleshed out and there wasn’t a strong enough connection between that story, the themes of their stages, and the narrative shapes of those stages. which is a shame because they are not unskilled performers, and they have the most members of all of the groups on the show, so they had a lot of opportunity to be doing interesting choreo and blocking work that never seemed to materialize. i also think they never truly got used to the size of the stage in comparison to the rtk stage, and they were always struggling to fill it in an intentional way. they tried valiantly to recoup their ground and bring everything together in a full circle for their last stage, and even though they somehow came in second, i think by the finale they had been worn down and lost a lot of their steam. it also doesn’t help that they lost a member to injury right near the end, which can be very demotivating, especially for a young group.
god’s ddu du ddu du - the most stylistically different and interesting of the bunch, with a lot of interesting elements and well designed movement, even if the overall arc was half baked and lackluster
i’ll be your man - this was an actual attempt at a departure from their normal bluster and even though it never makes it all the way there and they don’t do that great of a cover, it’s different enough.
wolfgang - although watchable for hilarity and/or cringe value, nothing about this stage demonstrates a significant amount of growth from the first one. it fact it just feels like they injected a load more money and time into the premise of their 100sec stage, without any of the reflection that this kind of circular final stage concept should have. it’s exactly the stage of a group that’s been propelled to first in every round through an artificially inflated system.
god’s menu/side effects - the most scattered of all their stages. there’s not quite enough material to tie everything together and it feels underformed.
we all knew what the outcome of the show was going to be the moment that very first round of fan voting came in. now i don’t actually care about final outcome of the show, because the most valuable experience of a show like this is learning from what your competitors around you are doing and how to improve your work for further rounds. if the ranking system had been solely expert + judges based, all of the weekly rankings would have looked a lot different and skz would have actually had a chance to grow from this experience. but because they have the biggest and most aggressive fandom, their stages constantly ended up in first place and they never actually had the opportunity to sit back and reflect on their performances to figure out how they can do better. because the truth of the matter is that they did not have the best performances on the show. they consistently made stylistically stagnant stages and never managed to correct any of the issues that have been plaguing them since the 100sec round. the closest they got was god’s ddu du ddu du, which was aesthetically the most different and had the most interesting subversions of the stage format, even if it ultimately fell flat because they still missed the mark on managing the shape of the narrative. if you watch all their stages back to back you’ll see that there’s an overreliance on the same types of stylistic decisions and thematic elements, including in the sound and feel of the work. this is a bit hard to explain, but even though the stages all look different, they don’t convey any nuanced emotion or intention other than ‘stray kids world domination.’ now nuanced intention is not necessary for a kpop song performance, but skz took it upon themselves to try and tackle some fairly complex thematic ideas, which is commendable, but they fall flat because the members themselves don’t know how to act. and acting is supremely important when you are doing themed stages. i talked about this same principle in this response about orange caramel and wjsn chocome, but most newer idols don’t approach performing as a character, they approach performing as themselves, and skz are big victims of this. that’s why even i’ll be your man, where they do actually attempt to be a bit more nuanced in their delivery, still comes off like all their other stages. they don’t ever push themselves beyond their performance boundaries (physically yes, obviously. i mean mentally) and so every stage has a little checklist of skz-specific personality traits that round out in the bigger picture to the same general feel. this kind of strategy works great for music shows and for general promotion because it’s super marketable, but in this particular setting, where we spend an extended amount of time with all the groups, it doesn’t facilitate the same amount of growth that letting those of personas go would.
at ease - really clear cumulation of their performance, group colour, and design elements over the entire show.
classy savage - well designed and decorated with an interesting concept, but has a few flaws that keep it from being their best work.
inception - again, very well designed; the set is so inventive and features a lot of carefully blocked movement, plus the colour palette is tight and used effectively, it just doesn’t reach the same scale as the latter two stages.
love scenario/killing me - it’s the first stage and it clearly suffers from a bit of underd evelopment as they were getting used to the format of the show. it’s still an interesting and well performed stage with the start of elements that we can see them develop further in the next rounds.
ikon had the most lackadaisical attitude toward the whole show, which i think was the best way to approach it, but also they didn’t really push much beyond their boundaries as performers. i’m not faulting them for not wanting to, they’re a very well established group and honestly don’t really need improve on anything. they did however, do a really great job of improving on their design quality and intergration after the first round, which is the one thing that this program definitely facilitates for. they’re also the only group where their finale stage was demonstrably their best stage, so they really did nail that slow improvement progression. they got what they wanted out of the show, which was new friends and a chance to make some fun stages that they wouldn’t have otherwise been able to. like i think i’ve said in every other review, there’s not that much to say about them as a whole because they just put their noses to the grindstone and did the work while maintaining a chill and fun demeanour, and those efforts paid off even if they didn’t end up ranking very high.
the stealer - great integration of theme into narrative and design, small scale concept with big impact.
believer - smart use of camera work and choreography in conjunction with the design elements. although not very narrative focused, it’s a clear and thoughtful elaboration on their intro stage that’s very well executed.
move - a risky choice that pays off fairly well for them, even if it doesn’t capture all the depth that it could have.
jealous - it’s their first stage of the competition and the first time they had worked on something of this scale before, so it only makes sense that it’s the weakest of their run. despite that, it shows a strong understanding of an unusual concept and it still holds up.
sf9 were the clear underdogs of everyone and the rankings pretty clearly reflected that. but as a group they really put in the work to improve their skills and i think they showed the most dramatic improvement of everyone, especially between the first and second rounds. they repeatedly made comments about how they were focused on creating good stages and it paid off. their stages were all conceptually and visually interesting without relying on much external lore or overly dense themes, even if some of them were more effective than others. they had a lot of strong emphasis on costume in particular and they were very well styled. their finale stage was a very clear synthesis of all of the experience and knowledge they gained over the course of the show and it wraps a neat aesthetic and thematic bow on their journey. they absolutely did not deserve last place; they were the ones hardest hit by the fan voting system and i hope that the group doesn’t internalize the official outcome too much, because they did a lot of good work that they should be proud of and deserves a higher due than it was given.
rhythm ta - simple concept with a clear narrative that uses a lot of visual referencing as exposition without being cluttered and too reliant on the source material. impeccable use of limited design elements to create atmosphere and it’s a strong reinvention of the song.
wonderland - an absolute banger of a first stage that does all the same things as rhythm ta just to a slightly less polished scale.
ode to joy - both stylistically and tonally a departure, this stage relies a lot on group lore but also has a very clear message that was surprising for its maturity and temerity.
the real - purposefully pulled back in scale and ambition as a pointed critique of the competition as a whole. looser in design aesthetic synthesis but has more freedom for the members to show more dynamism in the group’s abilities and colour.
the youngest of the six groups, i don’t think anyone was expecting ateez to come out swinging in the way that they did. oh, we were all expecting them to put up a fight, but i know that i wasn’t expecting much beyond the capabilities of what we’d seen from skz and tbz, since they all share the dubious honour of being similar aesthetic performance based fourth gen groups. but oh baby did they prove us all wrong. the fact that they have incredible performance abilities and stage presence is what carried them half of the way, but they also proved to have a top notch creative team working behind them that knew how to visually craft a great performance. wonderland and rhythm ta are two of the smartest designed stages, and i’d put rhythm ta as the best designed stage, because it does so much in such a small amount of time. this ranking was tough because all of their stages intentionally prove a point and i dont think there are any that are demonstrably weaker. wonderland and rhythm ta served to prove that they had the capacity to keep up with their seniors, and that they were ambitious and hungry and had a solid team foundation. both stages ranked them first in non-fan judging and once they saw how the fan judging skews the final results, they smartly and ambitiously made a choice in the round BEFORE the finale to make a stage that rebuffs the laurels of the competition show they were at the pinnacle of, specifically for their fans. there is so much care and thought put into the ode to joy stage that it feels wrong to rank it as their third best, especially when it also contains one of the greatest 40 seconds of acting i’ve ever seen on a kpop stage. just the dichotomy of the stage’s melancholy feel with the choice of song is so compelling, and in its context as a part of the whole now the show is over.... i’m out of words. the brain on the person who came up with this, i would LOVE to talk to them. and having the real as a followup stage? where they have the freedom to have fun and be stylistically themselves while thumbing their noses at the show? a perfect follow up and rounding out of the expression of their abilities.
back door - perfect. simple concept and simple narrative extremely well executed. excellent attention to detail and atmosphere.
show and prove - perfect reflection of their journey on the show as a whole.
blue moon - same as back door, just with a slightly larger scale.
missing you - only last because it doesn’t have the same strength of narrative and design concept as the other three stages. it’s still a better stage than 80% of the stages on the show.
we all know this, but btob are the real kings. all of their stages were phenomenal and they all hit my personal top ten, so this ranking is more of a ‘which stage was the best of the best.’ they did an incredible job of playing to their strengths and they knew exactly what they needed to do in order to craft the best performance. this was actually very difficult for me to decide because they never fucking missed. watching missing you for the first time in like two months smacked me right upside the head because that stage is beautiful. the intro in the forest with changsub and eunkwang is fucking gorgeous; the lighting and atmospherics are so effective and the trees do an incredible job of obscuring the stage architecture. and their costumes. this stage screams elegance in a way that no other stage managed to capture and this was the first round. and i’m putting last on this list, which should be telling about the quality of their work. and honestly it only goes up from here. they took that one maybe valid expert critique that they got of utilizing more narrative and they RAN with it. i put back door as first because it juuuuust inches out blue moon and show and prove for smart camera work, but honestly all three of these stages could take top spot, they’re of equal rank.
btob came into this show at a pretty distinct disadvantage: they’re old, and there’s only four of them. and as we know, thanks to rtk and the fourth gen groups, this show has a reputation for big acrobatic blowout spectacles, which is just not something they can do. but they also had a distinct advantage: they’re old and there’s only four of them. they very smartly foresaw that they wouldn’t be able to compete with the fourth gen groups in athletic ability, so they specifically chose to highlight the areas they were the strongest in, which you can see right from the start. their intro stage specifically highlights their vocals, and even in minhyuk’s dance solo the design is music show themed, as a gentle reminder that they know how to work a stage. and as the show progressed they started to solidify that assumption. they used narrative extremely well to give their stages an element of emotional investment that kept the audience engaged without banking on individual idols’ popularity to keep them afloat, and spent their time on the show being gracious and generous competitors, intent on being as watchable offstage as they were on. and it worked. by the time the finale rolled around, we knew who these men were and we had seen them be individuals, so they were able to cast off the need to play to narrative and to character and instead they were able to loop back around to that very first stage; simple, clean, emphasis on vocals, with a very important addition of uniformity. the current trend in kpop costuming is to have group members dressed similarly, but not exactly the same, partially in order to be able to everyone apart, but also because the ‘sameness’ of the boy band model has fallen by the wayside. btob took all their previous stages where they had clearly been individuals and as the culmination of their journey they chose to look exactly the same, to clearly send a message that they are a singular unit and they are proud of that. and they absolutely stuck the landing. this was a perfect run for btob, they should be really fucking proud of the work they did.
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er1anne · 7 years
It's 3am and I need to get this off my chest
I love NCT
When I first heard of them and the kind of limitless membership they were assigned I thought SM was crazy like “oh honey what r u doin’ ?” Kinda feeling and I thought it would never work and I wouldn’t like them. I’ve seen their pre debut stuff and I loved their dance covers and their photo shoots showcasing their cute and talented side and i promised myself I’ll get into them when they debut but after hearing that concept piece idk
I shit u not when I saw Mark’s teaser for the seventh sense I was immediately entranced. Hooked. Shooketh. A feeling of I need to stan them immediately and OMG THEYRE FINALLY DEBUTING AND OKAY LEMME GIVE THEM A CHANCE
And I thank myself every day for giving them a chance because I completely fell in love with this group. They’re SUPER TALENTED
Whether they r in a group of 5 or 9, they really make sure the audience pays attention to the details, Big or small, their choreography has to offer. THE PRECISION AND SHARPNESS THEY PUT INTO THEIR CHOREO STILL AMAZES ME EVERY SINGLE TIME I SEE THEM PERFORMLIKE PLS STAN TALENT?!?
Even the youngest NCT unit (Dream <3) may have a cute and bubbly easy going concept but let me tell u that their CHOREO is anything BUT EASY OKAY
They just amaze me so much with their choreography. Every comeback they've had their choreography has improved over the other one. Always challenging themselves into a bigger and better performance outdoing their old ones. ALL THIS TALENY I needa lay down
Don’t even get me started on SRB15_0701 Dance Practice LAWD WAS THAT A MAGICAL EXPERIENCE
and I’m also so happy they work with some of the most amazing choreographers in the world and I guess we have SM Ent to thank for that despite how much I hate them 🙃
i need to exercise some breathing techniques before I get into them
When I tell u as much as I hate SM I love their vocalists
IMO as a k-pop fan SM puts out the most talented vocalists in the industry
And NCT is no exception
Jaehyun, Doyoung, and Taeil have showcased their vocals with Without You and with their other previous SM ROOKIES performances Donghyuck is out here singing you’ll be in my heart and Play Boy and getting them lines in Dream (side eyes 127 tho)
But I wanna give a special shout out to our moon TAEIL!!! His voice is like a warm blanket on a chilly Sunday morning when rain is falling. His voice is suited to sing OSTs and I hope SM gives him more ost opportunities in the near future
Vocal line hasn’t been exposed a lot but I’m sure ppl will really appreciate their vocals more once SM gives them more opportunities to do so
If SM doesn’t…well we just have to do it the old fashion way and survive on pre debut performances 🙃
Let stalk about the foreign members tho. Let’s not forget those who left their home country to chase their dreams and be who they are today. How many of u can actually admit to being strong enough to pack ur bags and go to another country to learn a new language and learn a whole new different culture while others will inevitably judge u on who u r just cuz ur different? I’m amazed at all of them because they really taught me ur hard work and sacrifice won’t go in vain. Even if u have to wait a while to debut
Imma get into each of the members too cuz god do I love them so much!!!! But in another post cuz this is too long lmao peace imma sleep 😴
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tdrcycle09 · 7 years
Rags To Riches Ball Part II: Best Personal Drag
In the final category, the girls have one last chance to prove to us that they are the winner of Tumblr’s Drag Race Cycle 9, decked out in their best personal drag and lipsynching to a mix or song they’ve chosen themselves!
Analyse Thropic
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Lila:  HOLY SASHA VELOUR’S PROJECTOR. I love that you outright became a gold star in this category, and the reveal is honestly well crafted for how much sewing experience you have in this competition. Honestly - this is another really strong concept and It’s absolutely brilliant. I do have doubts - your makeup is a bit ehhh in tandem to pigmentation in your crease and the lack of contour is kind of throwing me off - however, holy shit. HOLYY SHIT. Your references to past challenges on your dress in motifs are really cute, and the fact that you look like you are a queen on your own accord in this BPD is just astonishing. Your lipsync is honestly on par with some of the best of them in the finale - I adore the ones that aren’t afraid to have a visual to it rather than a plain old background or generic setting, and by god, it was just expertly handled. You should have at least had more white backgrounds like Sasha Velour does because it sometimes lost you in the backgrounds. Without that, your work in this lipsync is absolutely stunning, and really your lipsynching skill has developed a hell of a lot - a lot of people forget it’s something queens need to be skilled in, however, you’ve pushed it to the max this category!
Letha: Analyse, I love how you really embraced being a bald queen for your BPD. I know that sounds like a read, but it really and truly does show your utter commitment to this cycle and to your drag, and to come out, gilded for filth, no wig, with a damn crown already on your head, well that takes guts. The outfit itself is cute, and shows so much thought to hearken back to your past work during your time here. The reveal is also great. Watch the top of the pink version though, as you had some bra poking out. Makeup is cool, you do lose some definition by being so metallic, but the stones are fab (If I were you I would have done just the rhinestones and not the pearls, as they make more sense with the look). Now, on to the lipsync. Art. It was so good, the concept was so strong and though it is something we have seen from other queens (including TDR queens), it's a great workaround to the "no editing" rule and you really made it your own. There are a few places where you kind of lose you/the words because you're standing in the dark, but I can forgive that as there is so much going on on the screen in the first place. You have every confidence in you/your work, and it showed with that performance. Fantastic work, Analyse, well done. 
Toni:I LOVE LOVE LVOE LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS LOOK. I love things that a sentimental and it was is just so perfect that you did a little dress with appliques that paid homage to your challneges only to 2in1 to a redo of your audition look. I love that you wanted to do a crown like violets where its in the head, but I do think that could have been done a bit smoother. Your makeup is so cool and so outside of the box for you and I am so glad that you keep pushing yourself even here at the end. I love this lipsync, I think it was so inspiring and well done, with a great mixture of medias and lipsyncs. I think my only issue with it was at some points it was hard to see your lips and would have done with a few more test runs. 
Gluttoni:  Not only one but TWO WHOLE LOOKS! You went off girly. Number Uno A gurl…..you know I’m partial to bald bitch so I love the choice to be bald in this literal golden hour of yours. Then you figured out the golden paint and I’m so proud! You look like an award. I love that you stuck to your brand of you A motif and it very well suited for this so. Both looks really scream you and honestly I couldn’t be more proud so good work. Your lipsync was by far the best and you fucking know it. Great song choices and an overall great look.
Avana Noir
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Lila: ICHI KAWAII DESU! Avana, I knew you’d pull out your Harajuku style and flavour right at the end in full force, and as it’s been nice to see glimpses of that in your works, in it’s full head to toe-ness, this is one of the best outfits you’ve done by far. This screams Avana Noir and the colour palette is so cute and - ugh, it’s so fun. Really, only issue is that I wanted to see two ponytails on top of your pink wig - it would’ve sold the Madoka Magicka a little bit more in my opinion. Your lipsync was really adorable and exciting to watch. You did drop some of your words, but forgivable since most of your song choices were full K/J-Pop anthems. You were backlit a lot during your performance, maybe take into consideration when you film, whether or not you have a ring light or some form of light that helps add a little bit more to your frontal lighting. One major thing I’ll give you props for is the Chloe Howl-stylistic camera work in this - down to the consistent movement to your points where you do more group choreo - really commend you for doing that, it shows you’re moving out of the box with how you present your drag style. Great job in this category, you did super well!
Letha: Avana-desu!!!!! This look really does scream you, and it's super cute. Not a lot of shape 'round the middle, but it's not bad. The bow is cute, and the hair works (be careful of the boy hair poking out, a wig cap would help conceal the color), but I would suggest even a little petite pink nail for the look, especially if you are posing with your hands. The makeup is great, a bottom lash might have helped amp up the cute/lolita factor more. As for the lipsync, it cut off at the end which threw me a bit, but what is there is great. I like the mix of the hip/hop with the kawaii, it screams you, and I love the group choreo (though I wish there had been some more coordination of looks, even plain pink T shirts with jeans would have worked). There are some dropped words, as well, with a mix as short as this one you really should be nailing ALL of them. All in all though, it's still a really good submission, good job!
Toni: YES THIS IS WHO AVANA IS. I love this so much, its so well made and so flattering on you. I think the colors are really nice, you could have used more variations on pink but that may just be a personal preference. I think you also could have had the little poncho be 2 inches longer and it would have been perfect!!! The makeup is so much better!! I’m so proud of how your makeup has grown over this cycle. Your wig was nice but there were points when I saw your boy hair.  The lip-sync was very on brand for you and I think it was your best one this cycle I really enjoyed it. I do wish that it was longer because the group choreo, the way it was film? Art ART. I also would have liked a softer ending. more 
Gluttoni: AVANA. This is the best you’ve ever looked in my humble opinion. You look beyond adorable and I’m glad this is your best drag because you came full circle from your Japanese donut hole look. I LOVE PINK and you gave me that and more. I hope we see more looks like this from you in the future. Honestly keep on this track because you look super stunning and precious.  I loved your final lip-sync. The beginning song needs to be mine and you fucking slayed with the K-Pop or J-Pop dance break. My only issue with anything that it was so short.
Lexi Lamour
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Lila:  Your best personal drag, to me - well, I’ll be outright. It’s not your best look for me. You’ve done so many head turning looks this cycle that it almost makes me a bit sad that you didn’t save the one catsuit you wore last week for you music challenge for this category this week. But, anyways - this is still a stellar look. The hair is so big and fun and with this look it’s really cohesive. I don’t have much to critique honestly, it’s such a Lexi staple. Your lipsync was cute, it was very Lexi and I love a mix. You have such a great performing energy and at last we get to see it again. Great job in this category!
Letha:  Lexi, this look is giving me "Oh, she's about to turn some shit". It's very club drag, and while I'm not sure it's YOUR personal best, it's still a great look and one you can perform the house down in. And honestly the only crit I can find for it is that maybe a black boot would work better to contrast? The hair is fantastic, it has great volume and is perfect for whipping around. The makeup is also really good, especially the eyes/lips, but the cheeks could use a bit more blush, as you look kind of washed out. The lipsync was also really good, the mix had some very classic drag staples, and you performed them well. A few words were dropped though, and I could tell you were constrained by the space you were in and wanted to buck/twirl a bit more than the area allowed for. That being said though, this was some STRONG work, and you really served it!
Toni: Lexi!! This lipsync was so fucking cute and I really enjoyed it because I think you are the dancing queen this cycle. I do wish you had more space to really stunt on us all because every time I think you are gonna reach the edge and jump off and slay me it backs up a bit and I’m left wanting more in the worse way. I think this look is really cute on you and I really love it but I do think it’s a bit lacking from what we’ve seen from you. I think it just comes off as “just a body suit” when you’ve done body suits before its been LOOKS like your pokemon or the black one from last week. I think your makeup is flawless and I really love it, as well as this hair. 
Gluttoni: Lexi. I must say this isn’t what I quite expected and while I’m not mad at it, I can’t say this says I’m here to take it all. No doubt you look quite gorgeous. I love the choice of color and silhouette because it’s different but for some reason I’m just a bit underwhelmed. This does not mean you aren’t a killer queen with amazing taste because the score board only proves that fact. The lip-sync was good. You have a stellar amount of stage presence and out of all the girls the most chops when it comes to performing live which I’m sure you have a long, long future of blazing stages. All the best to you my love, please keep shining bright.
Sugar Monroe
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Lila:  Your BPD is P--P---Pretty damn cute! I think it reads as you, very Sugar, I get a candy vibe from it and I’m loving the change in your makeup to make it very punk-grunge which we all know you like to dabble in! I *do* get a little nervous with that empire waist again, but the variation you’ve put on it saves it. You make everything you wear outfit-wise, which I commend you for. The only thing I would watch out for is the black on a black background, just because you’re blending in with it - if you used a different background it would’ve worked a lot better in my opinion. Your lipsync was cute, but I mean we’ve all saw you do super well in lipsyncs, as well as you winning one of your own lipsyncs yourself. This was a little more controlled than usual, there was very little choreo that really sold your intentions during Bubblegum Bitch, and then your second song picked up the pace a little. I was more intrigued in the second half than the first half, but either way, I digress. It was super fun to watch!
Letha: Sugar Monroe!!! On one hand, this look really does scream "Sugarrrrr", but on the other, I wish it had been pushed farther. The contrast of the blue/pink with the black was great (though idk about it on the black background, sometimes it made it look like there was a hole in your body), but I wanted the edginess of the makeup (which is great, by the way) to extend into the rest of the look. It's just a bit too clean right now. I see some burns on the skirt, but I wanted TEARS, holes, even some dirt or grime. A bit more Mad Max. Also, I do love me a gathered skirt, but pleats up top could be covered with a band across the top, it just makes it look more finished. Your lipsync mix was very cute, and the songs make a lot of sense with your character (the transitions could use a little smoothing out though). You drop some words, but you're still an amazing performer and have great presence. Good job on this category for sure!
Toni: I love watching you lipsync and this was a joy as always. I think this is very on par for you and I really enjoyed it. I think you were giving 90% on this lipsync and I wanted to see 110%. The mix was well done as well. The look was really cute, very on par for you with the skater skirt. I think when we talked you were gonna make it really grunge and mad max, but then pulled it back to burned and tore up and it doesn’t look like you really pushed that, which is disappointing because that would have been the t for me. I think your makeup and hair look beautiful and it’s so nice to see that. love it–A��h
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