#oh im gonna SLAY tomorrow
ssoupcup · 1 year
I forgot i did this silly little sketch like a month back of some alternate timeline where websoup was a good person. I think it was inspired by some tiktok art challenge?idfk man do with this information what you will lmao im off to bed
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newwave-lesbian · 7 months
i kind of feel like i will literally never have any real life friends again like what do i even do i am touch starved and pathetic
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parseisflat · 2 years
kind of love spirit week bc it gives me an excuse to dress like a man and no one can give me grief over it <3
i think this is an american thing? if it is, for context spirit week in american high schools is a week where there is a diff theme every day for ppl to dress up as (pajama day, y2k day, etc) and it usually leads up to an event like a certain football game
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teruthecreator · 2 years
hows everyone doing my head hurts i havent left my house this weekend i dont have to work the last week of my shitty job and i just found out my ebt isnt in need of being renewed so i have money to buy a lot of groceries since my fridge and cabinets are empty. overall this is A Day :-)
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featherymainffins · 3 months
Binge-reading Dungeon Meshi because it's the only thing standing between me and suicide ngl.
#it at least gave me the single molecule of mental energy required to force myself to eat at least one slice of bread#because it's like the physical energy is there sure but mentally I'm like 'noooooo I don't want to eat anything i hate food#all food tastes bad and i hate life and i want to eat nothing at all and furthermore i need to lose weight so i should starve myself'#I'm thinking that it might actually make me last until I either convince the crisis center that I'm for fucking real for real#or until my appointment with the school counselor. which idk when would be because i was supposed to go on the#2nd of April but i guess there might be holidays because he called me when i was atva lecture but i couldn't take it#because i had a lecture and he hasn't called since but I'm assuming#that hell call again and that he wants to let me know that the date is impossible#but I want to like wait and see what he says. and if he goes like 'oh actually im on a long vacay now goodbye forever'#or whatever I'll just go '...slay' and ride my ass to the hospital tomorrow.#show up at the crisis centre looking exactly like the patients with chronic pain who report pain 7 while looking unphased#like 'hello i am an active danger to myself I can't get out of bed most days; i need 16 hours of sleep to function for 4 hours#my meds have stopped working I haven't eaten anything but exactly 2 pancakes and a slice of bread in the past 4 days#and i exhibit a strong refusal to change this marked by thoughts present in people affected by eating disorders. no activity#feels fun anymore and they were marked by a strong sense of anxiety a few days ago but now i just feel nothing at all.#at this point I'm not even refusing to do any of my hobbies because im increasingly afraid of failure and its#consequences while being hunted for sport by anxiety from the opposite end telling me that i need to finish 50 masterpieces#immediately or nobody will ever like me again and they'll all see me for the talentless fraud i am. at this point i just don't care.#i don't do anything because i feel sluggish and my body is heavy and I'm so so tired and I'm tired of being awake and I can't think straight#also i think i might be going into a psychotic episode again.'#they're gonna tell me to get the fuck out of their faces anyway but it's worth a try.#like idk i feel like they might kinda listen because yesterday I guess they wouldn't have but today i have stopped caring about cars#and looking both ways. which is like. not a good sign probably. also yesterday i was still somewhat able to talk to people#even though i was in a very irritated and drained out state but today I'm feeling like if anyone even fucking attempts to talk to me#or if i hear any loud fucking sound at all I'm just gonna punch myself in the head until the pain drowns out all the sound
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anonymouscheeses · 4 months
Even more and more of obvious shit I point out because I want an excuse to rant while not interacting with actual people in real life who also like this show because I'm masking 😍💜💜
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*grabs pen*
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The people writing fanfics where she gets FURIOUS. Omg. That was something I read. I LOVE MY FELLOW FANFIC WRITERS BUT OH MY- YALL REALLY HAD CHARLIE M A D.
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I love his reaction lmao look at his goofy face.
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HER BOW BECAME HORNS (my "redesign" is now 100% worse)
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Oh and the angel dust fellow back there 🤯
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No explanation needed. <3
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That's it.
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I thought this song was gonna be a Charlie and Vaggie duet- tbh I still preferred that BUT I LOVE CARMILLA SO I KINDA DONT CARE.
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Is that. Like. How she thinks actually 😰
I know there's been a lot of the lack of Vaggie's self-worth, which I wish was explored into more. I just think the Vaggie(3rd) episode just wasn't needed at all if it didn't even have an impact. Don't get me started on that episode, it was rushed, too early to have character arcs already, and overall not needed or even should have existed periodt.
I hope they explore it next season because GOD this woman needs TO LOVE HERSELF. OR ATLEAST CARE ABOUT HERSELF LIKE????
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Charlie, sharing is caring <3
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Out of all the people I thought Charlie would vent to I didn't think it would be ROSIE. It's a nice surprise tho I love her <3
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That's it.
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Season 2 is going to be Charlie in her villain era and Alastor's reputation era 😍
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I can't say how much I love them. It's too much. I cant- yay the teaser image before the show came out <3 they are so fucking adorable. UGH SOME1 END ME
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Charlie loves the wings hehehe. Vaggie looks nervous about it. It's probably a reminder to her about when she used to be an exterminator. The healing from everything will take a long time but hopefully Charlie will be there for her the entire time. And vice versa
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Ayo- 😰
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Uh next one tomorrow cuz yeah 🤯
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badchoicesworld · 11 months
hi again, i’m the guy who requested hobie x trans vigilante reader and i LOVED IT. the details felt so true to his character and all in all it was an amazing read. you’re definitely one of, if not my favorite spiderverse writer. (btw, your spidersona sounds very interesting.) so, as expected, i have another request for you!
if you’d like, will you do a hobie x masc reader where they’re in bands? of course, hobie would be a part of a punk group, but maybe reader is in a metal one? they keep running into each other at shows and people think they might not get along, but they instantly get comfortable around each other. it’d be cute if they wore the other’s merch and showed up to some gigs. thank you :)
hobie’s punk, you’re metal (band edition)
hobie brown x masc!reader
had me gripping my knee, tucking hair behind my ear and kicking my feet fr ily tysm - if you’re planning to keep coming back (more than welcome <3) feel free to give me some kinda name to call you ! claim an emoji if you’d like or give me some kinda alias if you’d like, or remain anon, completely up to you !!
anyway such a slay idea thank you so much !
i’m gonna have to be a little brief w details cause i know hobie’s band is completely different in the comics and i have no fuckin clue what’s going on w this hobie’s band, no clue if gwen’s the drummer or what so mans being BRIEF but as far as i’m aware hobie does all of his gigs as “spider-punk” so secret identity still stands. i’m not gonna call him that cause he doesn’t like the name, but you know what i’m tryna insinuate
i’m a guy who can listen to all types of music so i enjoyed indulging in punk and metal music to get a better feel for this, so thank you !
i tried to do research into style, music and history so i hope this is half decent lmao
also wanna stress that i know there’s a shit ton of political stuff when it comes to punk and metal scenes, i ain’t touching it and i want none of you to ask me about it
warnings: none
pairing: hobie brown x masc!reader
requests: OPEN actually begging for them im stuck in a car tomorrow
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★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
AIGHT ! so you twos both belong to bands that are pretty prominent in london, and if someone doesn’t know one then they’ll eventually learn about the other
you both like to perform at these smaller gigs instead of going mainstream, and it results in you two bumping shoulders every now and again
now, it’s impossible to miss hobie since he’s dressed as a punk spider-man
the same can apply to you if you choose to also have a secret identity lmao
but it’s on sight
it’s a common thing for people to think that punk and metal fans are like cats and dogs (an expression, animals are lovely.) for some fuckin reason
so naturally, both of your fans had always speculated the day that you crossed paths
what would you do ? fist fight ? poke hobie’s eyes out w the 🤘 gesture ? dear god will hobie swing his guitar at you ?!?!
no lmao
it’s like two old friends meeting, you guys have definitely heard of each other before but not yet met, so you’re both pretty psyched to see each other in the flesh !
it’s more like a “Ayy! my guy!” kinda thing instead of typical london stabbing
friendly hug, accidentally get impaled on a spike, that kinda thing
if your fans are sane they’re just kinda like “oh dope lmao” instead of “NOOOOOOOO” because who tf would
instead, opens doors to unlimited possibilities
friendly rivalry ? i think so
depending on what you play/your role in the band, you can get competitive for funsies
if you’re both guitarists you’ve got this ongoing joke about who’s the better one, shows are dope whenever you two are competing cause you go above and beyond for the sake of bragging rights
you win, metal takes a lot more out of a man (from the research i’ve done metal takes more “skill” in a literal sense, way more going on w the cords, correct me if i’m wrong)
hobie insists there are no losers, of course (he doesn’t believe in losing)
hella friendly banter, nudges, cutely whiplashing each other w water at shows whenever you spot the other in a crowd while they’re performing
collaboration ? possibly, imagine that shit
speculation of you two dating ? no because hobie doesn’t like labels
i’m gonna let u decide if hobie is the typa guy to kiss whoever else is on stage w him
back to secret identities for a little- aight so we all know hobie’s identity is a secret because he’s this spider-lad saving london, a conversation starter fr
in the events that you bring it up, he’ll probably just brush it off and tell you to focus on your scene, not in a mean condescending way but because he’d rather talk about music together since it’s his passion
depending on where your guys’ relationship goes determined if he’d reveal his secret identity to you or not, same applies to you if you have a secret identity
but i’ll leave that up to you
back to the gigs ! if you two ever spot each other in the crowds, it’s on sight
wether you recognise each other as your alter egos or secret identities, you will be either drowned by the end of the gig or mercilessly stared at
don’t think hobie would bring people up on stage unless you’re both performing, it can be a super awkward thing, other people might be uncomfortable and also favouritism aint his thing
wear each others merch, see what happens
you don’t have a secret identity and you wear it casually ? will likely catch the eyes of the media and words will spread
i cant actually imagine hobie having official merch, i think he’d like it more if his fans just made things so there’s not that whole “poser” stuff i’ve been seeing (again if i’m wrong and band shirts have significance other than sentimental value let me know)
punk is about diy, so he’d love his fans all the more if the “merch” he had was super unique diy stuff all hand made by his fans :]
so hobie either makes you merch, or you make your own ! he’ll probably make his own merch of you band, too
absolutely wears it to gigs, why wouldn’t he ? how fuckin punk is that ammarite
trade guitar picks, do it
you’re both real comfortable around each other, it’s an honest treat to cross paths whenever you’re both at a gig and if you guys become friends outside of it, that’s all the better
slaps stickers on your instruments case while walking by you, they have accumulated overtime
a lot of friendly call outs at the start or throughout shows, shit like “this one goes out to y/n, he ate my fuckin sandwich” before playing or probably banter along the lines of “refund his show and come to mine instead, it just makes sense” if your shows aren’t free
i expect you to do the same
you are each others worse nightmare
★⋆ ⋆☆⋆ ☠︎︎ ⋆☆⋆⋆★✧
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ateezivy · 1 year
learn the alphabet with ivy (updated)
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warning! jokes about drugs and killing (this is how she copes with her trauma😭)
A is for…
‘ass shakin on a tuesday?’
‘ask hongjoong if we can get mcdonald’s for dinner’
‘as a mingi enthusiast, i can confirm’
B is for…
‘but did i die?’
‘boxing was fun until i almost broke my wrist-‘
C is for…
‘cause i said so’
‘cute is overrated, i like looking like i just killed someone-‘
‘call me when i actually care, wooyoung’
D is for…
‘don’t follow me, i won’t be running away. i’m going to the store…’
‘driving is easy, these losers are just lazy. AINT THAT RIGHT YUNHO???’
‘did someone say le sserafim?’
E is for…
‘eggplant emoji? boy what-‘
‘extra ice please’ ‘but seonghwa hyung asked for light-‘ ‘i said extra’
‘even if i die, keep performing’ ‘ivy no-‘
F is for…
‘frogs are innocent beings.’
‘felix said otherwise.’
G is for…
‘god would want me to’
‘going to the gym is so much work, but i’m forced to’
‘guys, i think i started my period…’ *cue panic*
H is for…
‘hongjoongie-oppa says i’m brilliant’ ‘he told you that so you would shut u-‘ ‘san no one asked for your input’
‘how did you manage to make jongho cry bruh-‘
‘how big is his-‘ ‘olivia!’ ‘-house…’
I is for…
‘i’m fearless’ *after getting scared by yunho*
‘i feel bonita’
‘if i have to dance to this song on more time-‘
J is for…
‘just say you hate me already’
‘jongho is my best friend, sometimes’
‘jimin would be my friend.’
K is for…
‘killing people is only okay sometimes’
‘kites still exist??’
L is for…
‘lost me at the word running’
‘look at me’ *slaps san*
‘living is breathing.’
M is for…
‘mingi my dearest’
‘my type? mingi.’
‘my mom told me not to do it, but my mom is also a drug addict so-‘
N is for…
‘no money’
‘no ice cream for you mr. park’
‘nayeon-unnie is cooler than you’
O is for…
‘oh jolly pirate’
‘oh brother, this fool again’ *san walks in*
‘oh, i like yeosang more’
P is for…
‘people think im innocent. that’s cute’
‘pipe down’
‘poop doopy’
Q is for…
‘quit looking at me like that, you’re gonna make me vomit’
‘quiet, i think i hear god’
‘quit talking, i’m trying to listen to itzy!!!’
R is for…
‘right, and i’m beyoncé.’
‘right hand man, jongho. not you’ *cut to wooyoung frowning’
‘rings. blings. and all that’
S is for…
‘silence, who died?’
‘snow snow snow snow snow snow sno-‘ *yeosang throws a snowball at her*
‘sweet. can we go home now?’
T is for…
‘tomorrow is a new day, a new slay’
‘teen beach movie has one of the best soundtracks’
‘they see me rollin, they hatin-‘
U is for…
‘uvula shot’ *shows camera yunhos uvula*
‘under the seaaa. under the seeeaaa. darling is betTA down where it weTTA’
‘uhm, be so fucking for real right now…’
V is for…
‘very good morning my loves’
‘van… gogh’ *van starts moving*
‘valid point, too bad i don’t care’
W is for…
‘wow, and here i thought i was the idiot’
‘where is my food servants’ *acting a scene for a show*
‘why am i here. i need to go home. i, i need to go.’
X is for…
‘xoxo, go piss girl’
‘x-rays helped see the shape of dna’ ‘it’s 2 am. go to bed.’
x’s and the o o o’s they HAUNT me’
Y is for…
‘you have no idea what you’re talking about do you?’
‘yo, chill out brother’
‘yes, i do love my members. yes, i do hate my members. family.’
Z is for…
‘zoom zoom, hop in hotties’
‘zebras. are the white with black stripes. or black with white stripes’
‘zooweemama am i right?’
taglist: @atolua @skzfairies @itzy-eve @cixrosie @stopeatread @alixnsuperstxr @smh-anon
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ariesbilly · 7 months
me going through my dacre tag trying to figure out what photoshoot im gonna use to post tomorrow for dacre week: this ones my favorite. oh wait this one was hot too. but this one was also a slay. and this on-
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numberoneanika · 1 year
drdt chapter 2 ep 5 thoughts
another banger episode as usual. spoilers below
at first i was like "arei stfu and literally i hate you" but then uhh. well you know
guess no clocks today. check back in tomorrow
arei and david friendship was not something i expected but also? slay
howd arei get more redemption in 3 episodes than hiyoko in 3 chapters. but also girlboss
arei: "i would like some time alone"
david: "okay? didn't ask"
teruko completely unaffected as always
feel like sterling corp is gonna be involved in some aspect. they cant just namedrop a company and have it not be important in some way
on that note ermmm rose should eat the rich
nico just fucking sleeping LMAOOOO
nico and rose... besties forever...
i think it would be fucking WILD if david killed arei. i don't think it's gonna happen but it would be WILD
still don't trust david but i don't think he would be outright evil. maybe a little bit evil. a healthy amount of twofaced
also him and arei giving major death flags like Holy Shit
oh right and arei might have david's secret
alright rose screentime achieved. now for hu jing and levi
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fine i’ll tell you about my day since i tortured you with fmk
i woke up at six am but also lowkey cause i had a nightmare? LOL
i made eggs this morning but dropped one on the floor so that was fun
i also spilled water all over the stove but oh well
hm watching mlp and alexa & katie so that was fun and i also watched trolls
uh totally got distracted by my sister getting new plants (she has yet to name them ): ) + uh my mom ferally screaming but that was fine it’s normal
and then i watched tiktok for like hours and my tiktok app keeps trying to get me to only watch for one hour wtf no
and then me and my sister and cousin hung out for a bit and i made quesadillas and cheese dip but i ended up just eating cheese dip straight up
found out my aunt left randomly in the middle of the night so that was fun
my dog ended up biting my other dog ): but he’s fine!! he’s good!! they’re separated rn and they’re definitely going to be attached at the hip tomorrow anyway so
and then my sister cousin and i hung out together while i did my homework and watched tv
and then my dog randomly peed in the house but he never pees in the house so that was weird
and while i was going downstairs to get the stuff to clean it (we packed it away since my dogs never pee in the house so yeah duh it’s packed away) and found out my room + bathroom flooded but it’s fine i’m used to it
i’m writing this and realising i didn’t have dinner so i might make that after i finish my room if i fully finish
oh and i had a small meltdown but it’s fine it’s all good now kind of there will be a repeat of it tomorrow most likely oh well
and i’m gonna put on bobs burgers and clean my room
as i’m writing this im realising my day wasn’t that good? but it’s fine cause i was able to text you all day sooo
awwww thank you. this made me smile :)
hope the nightmare wasn't too bad?
very fun. also not the trolls. they're fr haunting our dms
your sister is very wild with those plants
so true
very slay
i- damn
huh. damn.
help :sob: fr it doesn happen a lot
ayyyy me too!!! <3333
literally same. we had some very lovely (lmao) conversations today
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dadswithipads · 1 year
As I do with most pieces of media I'm interested in, at the moment I will be reacting. Now I've already seen the movie and the TV show but it's been a couple years since I fully watched the movie scene for scene so.
Ew. Sry straighties. She just like 9 y/o me fr. Ethans voice crack. "High school brotherhood" i feel nostalgic for the beginning of High School. Even though mine was sh!t cause of a certain thing that happened in 2020. Okay Ethan says tomorrow but it's like raining outside and it's supposed to be August I'm presuming if school starts that next day? I don't remember his sister's name but frfr.
If they're starting out high school they're just now reaching teenager. Why is she going out alone. She gonna get k!dna££ed. One of my biggest fears. OMG RED HERRING. wtf was that dialogue. Nvm a cringy teen on 2010s internet would say that. Bro just d!ed. Him gagging lmao. Ew the socks. Wtf.
Oh yes, Twilight. Those girls walking in the hallway watching the movie on their phone remind me of when me and my friend in 8th grade just watch Netflix while we were running the mile. The actress is from Degrassi and plays Manny Santos💜 . Awwwwwwww the old phones. Theme song be kicking. Two nuggets and some fries???? And egg. Nice. The high school looks like a camp Lodge. Ah yes. Benny and his projection to be straight. Overly so. Hey yo it's Canadian Corbin Bleu. What kind of student is just wearing sunglasses and a suit indoors.
What is the logo for the coffee on the cup look like a ball s@ck??? Aww they sweet tho. Ethan being caught up and wanting to you know have a reputation and Benny just being goofy and fun. Its just such a entertaining and sweet dynamic. Feels very queer too. As it is. RORY!!!!!!
Why do they both dislike him? He's such a cutie. Benny shut up. KDKDIEJS9SKWOSIS THAT LINE. K but they're obviously lesbians. That Dynamic just from appearance at the beginning is reminding me of Jennifer's Body. Frfrrfrr. Benny lmao. Aw Rory. Rory saying "Think she'll tuck you in tonight?" LMAO. WLW AND MLM. this is such a nerd convo omg. Bro the closet. Spicy today. Blue looks so good with light blonde hair. Slay Rory.
Yeah no drama club is that emo! The pipeline is there but it's not at the same time. Me and corbin bleu frfr. Awww Rory. Nvm corbin bleu. Frfr. Slayy the mom is always right. Emo music slayy moment Ethan. I don't mean to be the basic white girl but that's all I can say right now is slay. It is a curse. What the frick Benny. That kid is me growinf up fr. Kiss kiss kisss kissss. Erica being taller than Sarah.
Corbin clue. I am too online I'm just expecting the vine thud sound effect to play anytime something happenes.😭😭. Cassie! THATS HER ACTRESS' NAME. He is cute. But erica still a lesbian for that one. Amen Sarah smack that man. Yo that a euphemism?
No way this is outside of his house. LMAO. thud. I know the show likes to show that he has feelings for her or whatever but I really think it's just a weird Crush thing and I feel like they would be way better suited with a brother-sistered anyway for real. Sarah and Ethan would work way better for that. Benny just a goof like Rory but they banish him. Wtf.😭. Justice for Rory. Benny bro stop. Green phone case. GREEN PHONE CASE. 😃. "Im next door" Benny is the girl next door. I don't like the song but antihero by Taylor Swift is stuck in my head right now so I'm going to listen to that and I'll be right back.
Back now. Aw. Benny and Ethan are so close. Like he saw Ethan was upset and immediately dropped everything. Ugh. Slay power gay. Benny YOU the one weirding her out. "She smells funny". Hello if you were me writing this I'd have the grandma like break all her bones doing dance to Revolution when they come back. 😭. Cuz I'm queer it's okay I'm allowed to say this but this boy is raised by his grandma you think he's not gay. He is.
Poor kid. Slay this teen slang. What i like in a show/franchise. I like when it's not talking down to the audience but at the same time it's not like explicit explicit cuz that kind of explicitness gets really annoying for me I like when there's just you know casual stuff you know like stuff that exists in the real world stuff that people talk about not overdramatic look drugs look sex in teen media. Cause her calling him a p£rv is like something that exists but is simple enough to imply understanding about the world.
A publicity stunt only that revolves around you two. LMAO. Benny my son. Me looking for my cats. Aw. They can't run any faster lmao. "Skinny guy coming through". Me fr.
*In Ron Howard voice* "Hey that's the name of the show". Benny being on email mainly is so. Refreshing idk. Its fun to think about. Sarah in her Draculaura era. Corbin Clue could AT LEAST try harder to be interested come on now.
I should just realized the Edward knockoff is also Peter from Degrassi not just Manny's actress. Love Canada. Wtf. Benny lmao. Sorry but that line felt like the opening to a gay pron.
Grandma wake up. Slay bethan hand contact. The bed that easy to move?. "Ryan Seacrest"??????????? Ethan gay fr🌈🌈🌈🌈.
He says notice sign with the restricted area authorized employees only. Lmao?? Aww Ethan smiling after Benny being a goof. That photo id of Rory is so... sophisticated?
RORY MY SON! Aww. Mathletes event lmao? He looks so good in blue. Rory is such a good part of this franchise. Benny sounds like this guy at my school that is like such a gross kid. But its okay cause its Benny and it's different. This is my son. Awwww the eye contact between them here.
Freshmen can't drive lmao. The car looked like it was getting pushed. Sarah save your gf slay. Lmao her "I 💗 boys that sparkle" shirt. Alcohol reference. Gross Benny. Gay reference. Ethana gay panic lmao. Benny too. Awwwwww them dancing. Aww Rory "A wicked hickey" bro no💀. I'm so Gen Z I once again thought there was going to be a thud sound effect after that. Jessie sounds like a nerd. He is so nasally.
Erica lmao. The music too. He he referred to them as girls. That is a queer thing to do. They are queer. Thud. Jessie sounds like a NERD Holy sh!t. Rory my son. Slay Ethan plot. The FX skhahahhahaha. These nerds. Benny. Said. "Wick'" as in Wicked. 😃. Ok.
Bruh the mom just inplied😃... Ok. "Rap music" my son listens to emo music and rap what a bisexual. RORY! love him in blue. No asthma. Lmao. "The big V". "What-what?" 😭😭😭😭 this man. CHURCH. AKDKKDHSHS. That Canadian came in during his "about". I sound like Lucille I'm squealing. Not even laughing just. "AH HAHAH". "Zing" my guy😭.
Dam bro didnt even get a line. Thats so raven. Wiki mention ayy. The looks like such emos. Just in the graveyard in all black with sunglasses lmao. Gross. "Out" was also said slipping that Canadian accent. Drugs lmao. Pretty vague. WOAH WHAT. I hate to Compulsive heterosexuality. Brought his vision right now is just him being a visual learner come on now.
Awww super rory. Gay implied. Ooh Sarah done fell in love. Gross. Rory listens to metal. Amen. Lmao. Aww bethan. Awww thats sweet. 8 year old girls rule the world lmao. Lmao the grandma. Irish dancing lmao. LMAO THE BURN. Bro. Cmon now. Awww she miss her GF.
Why the book just leave? Jessie is gay. He dating corbin cleu. "What a cool show" LMAO. That is illegal Ethan. Ewwwwww what the frick Benny. Smh. It's okay he just want to kiss the female to see if he liked it or not. He still in love with Ethan tho. RORY! Dam she grabbing her a$$. Lmao the cgi. The slow mo omg. Aww bethan moment. Aww. Bro is Ethan crying. Jessie is gay. BENNY! Him yelling "Courage" to go save Ethan. Aww.
Slay Sarah saved by females. Lol Rory and Erica matching. Gay and gay.
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thebutterflea · 2 years
holy fucking smokes people
no one speak. not a fucking word.
it's time for kujou tenn to cry and im just not ready ngl. the fucking cg in game broke me and now this shits about to be moving???? no fucking way. not ready after the week i've had.
but here we go!
1:27 - idk how many times i can take tama fucking licking his lips at me. do we still have the strength?
1:40 - the cutest op i fucking loves it
2:38 - oh god oh god here it fucking comes, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHI'M NOT READY
2:50 - tenn's smile. i'm not ready
2:56 - not tenn quoting the brother he literally abandoned, like come on man
3:02 - yargHHHHHHHH. heart pains. fuck this show. your rival, bro???? call back to a few seasons ago???? right before you fuck me in the ass?????????
3:18 - crumbs for the tenngaku shippers and i'm lapping them up
3:54 - why's tenn's hair so extended? he got that extra strength gel to keep his flicky bits up. ever since shaving my head, i can respect that.
4:05 - anesagi crying CAN WE FUCKING NOT
4:43 - use your words brother, tsumugi's gonna turn around and think you ascended to the next astral plane
5:15 - what the hell, slap my granmama in the face, shoot my turkey in the leg THEY JUST DON'T DESERVE THIS MAN
6:06 - now i know we are not getting fucking SECRET NIGHT animated again??? they said let them eat cake and we EATING
6:14 - hello perspective??? ryu's foot is cutting into my leg rn. i just love technology!
6:35 - what's going on rn??? these angles? animators have died for this it seems
6:51 - why's anesagi having the shittest time out of everyone? poor miss gorl is having to listen to all the hate like just leave??
7:19 - i'm actually going to have 2 fillings after this episode bc it's SO SWEET?? MOMO AND YUKI MOMENT?? 'have your cake and eat it' like i'm eating bitch
8:12 - yamato's face rn. who would've thought we'd come from psychotic breakdowns and strangling to this? not me!
9:42 - mmmmm. mmmmmmMMMMMMM. i'm just not ready. it is 10pm on a saturday night, am i really ready for a breakdown like this?
10:15 - fuck. fucking fukcing aiodsjfaisdhfa;isudduhfajsd I'M SILENTLY SCREAMING. INTO MY HANDS. why? BECAUSE OF LINES AND COLOURS THAT MOVE. actually what is my life?
the voice break is about to have my fucking heart. bros. help
11:25 - my heart physically hurts. like i knew this was coming but still?? lord have mercy
11:48 - that 'thank you' just legally murdered my children. how you doing this TO YOUR OWN SUPPORTERS??? hurting them this way
11:52 - BROS I'M GOOD I'M ACTUALLY DONE, I'M FINISHED. he's glad he's singing????? why don't we all just suck a cock and call it a day?!
12:27 - tsumugi is such a babe, we're getting married tomorrow
12:33 - like i knew this was gonna be bad but FR FR??
12:41 - actually can't even process. let me be free from this pain. let me live. also gaku and ryu are such bros.
13:33 - whiplash from that emotional shit right into the riku's a monster storyline. like can i have some place to cry throw up sob on the floor, roll about, scoot over to the kitchen, make myself a snack, get back into bed, process for about 3 hours? thanks.
13:42 - now i KNOW. i KNOW. that they did not just add this shot of riku fucking doing press-ups? what is this ANGLE? they really having iori watch riku, from THIS ANGLE, and analyse. i'm tired.
14:02 - imagine walking into your lounge and iori izumi is rewatching clips of you doing press ups on tv. riku pov would start an inquiry.
14:28 - OH SHIT, iori pack your shit up before riku calls the police
15:32 - the animator in me just loves the attention to detail. like of course you rub your arm inside your bracelet when you're talking about something uncomfortable. they did not come to play.
15:45 - Hi. I’m your average gay fuck. Did you know that you have gay? this line says you do. And so do I.
16:35 - why riku look so good in this shot? i mean im not complaining, slay and all that.
17:09 - huh?? what just happened? oh wait his breathing?
17:25 - now this ain't right. where's all the love for the other members people?? i want to see more orange in this crowd RIGHT NOW or i'm coming down there fools
18:06 - transition??? they really aren't messing about!
18:08 - this gay motherfucker i swear to god. ALLURE? actually just fuck and get off my screen please
19:03 - i can't, this man is really trying to explain his gay panic away as 'riku plays on people's emotions'. YOU WANNA FUCK. ok?? so get on with it please
19:12 - calling your crush pitiful does not make you any less gay for them fool. tsundere looking ass
19:39 - tsumugi's face here really says it all. she said come out of the closet or you'll be coming into the insane asylum with this level of denial.
20:21 - am i about to 180 my opinions on this storyline bc iori's slaying this speech so hard? tenn gives and riku takes? i can get behind the story potential that contrast.
20:39 - is it on purpose that he looks like kujou takamasa with all this gesturing?
21:17 - i remember finding this example of him becoming a political leader so fucking funny before. nanase riku for president 2022. i'd vote for him
21:49 - like this was very well animated and written but calm down bro. riku's a babe we don't need to worry.
22:36 - kujou takamasa knows how gay iori is. he knows all
well, holy fuck! another knee slapper from idolish7 that i'll probs rewatch. now to wait for season 4 where toma tells nagi's brother he wants to touch him in terrible northmeirian. patience is a virtue
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axelncharlie · 19 days
Already seen me at my okay-est.
Chapter 7 of Chronically Anxious Chain Smoking.
— * * * * * * * —
The night was quiet. Mostly. Axel stayed cooped up in his room, getting adjusted and comfortable. This is..nice.
He strummed lazily on his guitar, lying on his bed. No news from the voice-acting gig he had, other than the fact that the bastard-of-a-director actually ORCHESTRATED a shit ton of shady currency schemes. Whatever, he’d try to find somewhere else.
As for the music..going steady as of lately.
my mates (not clickbait🤯🤯)
Today - 3:00pm
wizardofozbeyatch: dont you dare
finfinthemermaidtin: IM GONNA DO IT
wizardofozbeyatch: DONT YOU DARE
finfinthemermaidtin: I HAVE YOUR KEYS
wizardofozbeyatch: NO
wizardofozbeyatch: STOP THEM @jerumaey
Today - 10:47pm
finfinthemermaidtin: haha deez
wizardofozbeyatch: how old are you
axel!!!!!!!!: hi
finfinthemermaidtin: OMG ITS AXEK HIIIIIIIII
wizardofozbeyatch: gasp he’s not asleep
wizardofozbeyatch: who are you and what have you done with axel
jerumaey: hi axel!
jerumaey: hows your new place going for you 😯😯
wizardofozbeyatch: OH I FORGOT HE MOVED PLACES
wizardofozbeyatch: HOW ARE YOU AXEL
finfinthemermaidtin: he certainly is alive ☺️☺️☺️
axel!!!!!!!!: its good
axel!!!!!!!!: I barely cleaned up but anyway 😻😻
wizardofozbeyatch: who’s ur roommate
finfinthemermaidtin: THEYRE NOT A CRIMINAL ARE THEY
axel!!!!!!!!: fin what the flip brauh
jerumaey: why do you speak fin pls stop
wizardofozbeyatch: fin.
axel!!!!!!!!: no he is not a criminal
axel!!!!!!!!; he’s pretty nice too
wizardofozbeyatch; slay queen get those companionships
jerumaey: yayyy
finfinthemermaidtin: is he hot 🤨🤨🤨🤨
jerumaey: STOP TALKING
finfinthemermaidtin: IM TRYING TO HELP YOU JEREMY
jerumaey: FUCK YOU
jerumaey: also guys we got a request for down the street, June 21st night are you guys chill with that
finfinthemermaidtin: YEAAAAHHHHHHHHBHHH
wizardofozbeyatch: deadass? word im down
wizardofozbeyatch: what bout u axe
axel!!!!!!!!: OH THANK GOD
axel!!!!!!!!: yeah I’m in 😻😻
jerumaey: slay
jerumaey: I’ll let clientele know
Again, going pretty well. Mostly.
— * * * * * * * —
Charlie lit a cigarette, standing outside in the balcony. There’s not much to do. He’s got work tomorrow, but it’s a late shift.
He takes a long drag of his cigarette, still lost in thought. What was there to think about? He lives with one of his clients. So what? Who cares?
Plus, maybe it’d be a bit less quiet. He hated complete silence. Gave him too much space to think.
Thats the thing. Charlie didn’t LIKE thinking. Thats why he’ll occasionally smoke or sip on some cheap booze..or something. He didn’t like thinking about how his family barely tolerated him for reasons he didn’t understand. He didn’t like thinking about how his job is the only thing that brought him a bit of motivation for the day, that it was an escape of some sort. He didn’t like thinking about how he wanted to do more but didn’t know where to start. He didn’t like thinking about how-
— * * * * * * * —
Charlie turned his head. It was nearly 11:20, what normal person would be awake NOW?
“…Hey, Axel,” Charlie would nod. Huh. “Need something?”
“Nah,” Axel would shake his head. He wiped his hands on his shirt, getting rid of imaginary dust as he stepped back a bit. “My hands started to hurt after playing for too long, and I needed to stand up..do you mind?”
“Uh…” Charlie would shrug. “…Nah. You’re good,” He’d say, moving aside a bit. He did mind, actually. Only a little bit. “Here, take. If you want,” He’d say, handing over his mini canister to Axel.
Axel took it, standing beside Charlie.
“What is it?”
“Whiskey. Not the quality kind, but the kind you’d want to get by.”
“Fair enough.”
Axel took a sip, scrunching his nose. He savoured the burn down his throat as he stared into the distance. Handing the canister back to Charlie, he tilts his head. “How come you’re out here NOW?”
“I dunno,” Charlie would say, taking another drag from his cigarette and setting the canister down. “It just…feels right. I guess.”
“Won’t argue with that,” Axel would nod. He stared out. “Feels right.”
Silence. Comfortable, unchanging silence. For a while.
Charlie seems…at ease. For once in his life, it feels like a total stranger has known him for years and it’s just their first time reuniting. And he didn’t know why.
“Actually, Charlie,” Axel would start, only now giving Charlie some eye-conatct. “I’m kinda glad it’s you.”
“…You said what?” Charlie would be genuinely surprised. “You’re glad that your tattoo artist is your roommate? Wh…Why??”
Axel would laugh a bit. “See…it’s ‘cause I already kinda know you pretty well. So..I don’t really have much to be afraid of,” he’d say with a shrug. “..And I kinda like you. You’re cool. Like, in the sense that I’ve seen you long enough to trust you. I mean, you’ve seen most of my body anyway, so what do I have to hide?”
Charlie would nod. It’s not that deep, but I appreciate the sentiment. “…I guess. You’re chill yourself. I don’t actually feel like I’ll hate you,” He’d remark. He is absolute dogshit at complimenting.
“..Uh… thanks?”
“Don’t think too hard into that.”
“Haha, got it.”
Axel would stand silent for a while. “…Are we friends?”
“Just curious, I guess.”
Charlie would pause. Friends? He’s only known this guy from the shop. He barely knows anything about him, not his favourite colour or his birthday or ANYTHING. All he knows is that he’s in a band and he has really hairy arms.
“Yeah. I’d call us friends.”
“..Cool. I like that.”
“…I do too.”
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justalildumpling · 1 year
I just finished my portfolio project thing and I'm just waiting for someone to peer review it before I submit it! Still not packed for tomorrow but we're making progress!!! hehehehe 🥳
Definitely not gonna rest during break, I'm going HARD (at Disney World LMAOOOO)
bro if you ever want to bounce ideas with someone, i'm always down to listen or help flesh them out hehehe. thanks for the recs, i'm gonna download them!! maybe create short au's during my break hehehehe
the first one i wanna post was like this funny flirty moment between me and my guy friend, too good not to share cuz it's lowkey hilarious sjkfghkdj every time i talk to this guy, the reactions from others i get from our interactions are just like 👀🤭
OH SLAY LETS GO!!! AND HELLO??? DISNEY WORLD😭😭😭 i’ve always wanted to go to disney world but haven’t travelled to a country with it😔😔 BUT AHHH tell me how it is🥳🥳
i will take u up on the offer😌😌 and same goes for u!!! ahhh im so exciteddd!!
ohhhh we love w funny flirty moment with a guy friend🤭 esp if everyone around u know it’s a joke as well LMAO can’t wait to read it hehe
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dulce-chisme · 1 year
Omggggg I'm so sorry what the actual fuck
Fuck that motherfucker, they are not worth your goddamn time or your energy. You deserve so much better and you take as much time as you need for yourself. Don't apologize for being tired or burnout. Because you're human. That's normal. Take as much time as you need to get back on your feet. I promise you we will still be here when you get back.
You are so strong and powerful and you create your own energy. So own that shit.
Remember girls, boys were meant to ruin your lipstick, not your mascara.
----- Marilyn Monroe
i’m more pissed off than anything because i literally texted her this morning and told her i was taking they day off for a mental health day and like. she couldn’t wait one more day. we’re seeing each other tomorrow. one day was too much???? and like i really like her BUT WHATEVER ITS FINE THIS IS ALL FINE IM GONNA GIRLBOSS MY WAY THRU IT. MAKING MY OWN ENERGY. SLAYING HARDER THAN SHE IS.
also thank u for the marilyn quote. she’s right. my mascara and eyeliner looks too good rn to cry over a stupid relationship.
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