#senior year me: getting excited over dressing like a dad. going all out
parseisflat · 2 years
kind of love spirit week bc it gives me an excuse to dress like a man and no one can give me grief over it <3
i think this is an american thing? if it is, for context spirit week in american high schools is a week where there is a diff theme every day for ppl to dress up as (pajama day, y2k day, etc) and it usually leads up to an event like a certain football game
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se4son-of-the-witch · 4 months
the only exception - matt sturniolo
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in which matt shows the reader what love should look like
matt x fem reader !
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The sound of my mother’s screams ricocheted off the walls as I lay in bed. This was a sound I was all too familiar with, as it happened almost every night. My dad would do or say something to upset my mom, which resulted in a big argument.
However, tonight was worse than it had ever been. The sound of my parents' bedroom door slamming made me shoot up from my bed. Loud steps could be heard going down the stairs. I could hear cries in the hallway, making me get out of bed.
My mom stood at the top of the stairs, mascara running down her face. My heart broke as I heard her sobs. She always held herself together, putting on a tough front for her kids, but tonight she just couldn’t.
Instinctively, I made my way over to her, making her immediately wipe her tears. She wrapped her arm around me, pulling me into her side. She sniffled loudly, occasionally letting out a soft cry.
My dad on the other hand packed a bag and made his way down the road. He was too angry to be at home and needed to get away. He had done this before, so it wasn’t shocking. He was never gone for long, and would usually come back the next day. But this was the final straw.
It had been a whole week and he still didn’t come home. I then learned that my parents had split up that night. Ever since then, I could finally sleep at night, with no interruptions from either of them.
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I stared off at the wall as my older sister leaned on my shoulder, letting out gut-wrenching sobs. Her boyfriend of two years had cheated on her, which obviously made her upset.
My hand rested on her back, rubbing soothing circles on her skin. Her tears rapidly fell on my shirt, creating a wet patch, but I didn’t mind. She needed a shoulder to cry on, so of course I was there for her.
In my mind, I couldn’t help but wonder what led to this. They had seemed like the perfect couple. He was always at the house, cuddled up on the couch with her. The picture of her waltzing around the house, waiting for him to pick her up for their date entered my mind.
But there she sat, crying her eyes out over him. Letting tears fall from her eyes and snot drip from her nose as she let it all out.
From that point on, I didn’t allow myself to get into a relationship. I pushed away any feelings I developed for anyone if I even allowed myself to develop those feelings. And I was quite content with that, as other things in life brought me happiness.
I stuck to this philosophy for years, until something changed. During my senior year, I met a guy. His name was Matt. We sat beside each other in history class, which we both found boring. However, we quickly became good friends, which made history class something to look forward to.
As the school year progressed, I found myself developing feelings for him. I tried my absolute best to push them away, but as soon as he flashed me a smile, they all came rushing back.
Soon, prom season came around. All of my friends were excited. They couldn’t wait to dress up, go out to eat, and slow dance with their date. But on the other hand, I couldn’t care less. I thought prom was a waste of time, especially if you went with a date.
However, Matt convinced me to go to prom with him. And safe to say, it was the most fun I have had in a long time. We danced all night, occasionally sneaking off to steal food from the snack table or take pictures in the photo booth.
A few months later, I came to a terrifying realization. I liked Matt. A scary amount. Due to these feelings, I began to distance myself. I would decline hangouts or leave him on read for a few days.
Eventually, this caught up with me. One day he came to my house, quite aggravated. I remember it as clear as day.
I quickly jogged down the stairs, making my way to the front door. I pulled it open, revealing Matt. He wore a slightly aggravated expression, making me knit my brows. “Matt, what are you doing here?”
“What do you mean? You haven’t answered me in three days and you wonder why I’m here?” He pushes past me, leaving me dumbfounded. I close the door and follow him into my living room.
He’s sitting on the couch, leaning forward. I sit on the other end of the couch, keeping a good distance between us. “You can’t even sit near me. Seriously, what’s going on with you?” He looks over at me with a hurt expression, making me feel awful.
“I’m scared,” my voice breaks as I speak.
I look away from him, turning my attention towards my lap. “Because I like you so much it scares me.” I felt a hand on my thigh, causing me to look over to him.
“You shouldn’t be afraid because I like you too. It’s been killing me that you’ve been ignoring me, y/n.” As his words sunk in, my heart couldn’t help but pound. To hear those words took a huge weight off my shoulders.
A few weeks later, Matt asked me out on a date. To say I was excited was an understatement, but I still had my worries. What if it all went wrong? What if I never spoke to him again after tonight? Those thoughts ran through my mind as I got ready.
As our date came to an end, I couldn’t help but smile. I had the best time tonight. Matt picked me up and took me to my favorite restaurant. He paid and even ordered me a dessert.
Now here we were, back at his car. I was sitting in the passenger seat, staring out the window when I felt a hand on my leg. I turned to look at Matt, a blush creeping onto my cheeks.
“I had a great time tonight.” His hand moved up my leg, resting on my thigh. As he began to caress the skin, I couldn’t help but ease into his touch.
I gazed into his eyes, allowing myself to get lost in them. “Me too.” My eyes flickered down to his lips, making him smirk.
Before I knew it, he was leaning in. He placed his lips on mine, his hand gripping my thigh. My hand found his jaw, my lips moving on his. As we kissed, I couldn’t help but smile.
He pulled away, a big grin on his face. “Be my girlfriend,” he blurted. My eyes widened at his words. “Please,” he breathed out.
I thought for a moment, my mind racing. “Of course, I’ll be your girlfriend, Matt.”
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That night changed my life for the better. It’s exactly why I’m in the position I am now.
My eyes slowly fluttered open as the sun peaked in through the curtain. I stirred around in bed before slowly sitting up. My movements were constrained as I felt Matt’s tight grip around me. His arm was wrapped around my waist, keeping me close to him.
I couldn’t help but smile as I looked down at him. He was peacefully sleeping, his mouth slightly open, allowing soft snores to escape. I leaned down, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
He stirred beneath me, his eyes slowly opening. A yawn left his lips as he rubbed his eyes, trying to wake himself up. “Good morning, baby,” he said as he pulled me into his side.
“Good morning, babe.” He placed a kiss on my forehead, making me smile. I watched as he sat up, pulling the covers off of his body.
“I’m gonna make us some breakfast. Pancakes sound good?” I gave him a nod. I watched as he left the room, a smile on my face.
Simple things like that remind me how lucky I am to have Matt. Had I let my fears get the best of me, I would have missed out on love others spend their whole life searching for.
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a/n: shoutout to all the girlies with divorced parents and a fear of intimacy…😭 ily
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pelova4president · 1 month
Why so shy?
Jessie Fleming x Reader
summary~ Crushing on someone was a whole lot to deal with, especially when your crush is your teammate and your other teammates are all on it.
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You grew up supporting the red side of London. Your father and his father had supporter Arsenal so it was logical for you to be a gooner at heart too. That was until you got scouted by Chelsea.
You didn’t really have to hide that you were an Arsenal fan, you just didn’t bring it up, ever. Your dad and grandpa had already found a solution, supporting Arsenal’s mens team and Chelsea’s women’s. It wasn’t ideal, you knew that but they’ll support you everywhere you’d go.
And even though they did support you in a blue kit, they’d never wear a blue shirt themselves. Whenever they would go and watch your Chelsea games they were dressed in a neutral shirt, your England shirt.
When you got into the blue academy you were a bit shy. You weren’t scared or anything, it was just all new, you didn’t know anyone and well, kids are scary.
But there was Aggie. A blue through and through. She was extroverted, funny and outgoing. Aggie helped you get into the Chelsea spirits and loved to tease you.
Aggie was meant to be Chelsea’s stargirl, you weren’t but somehow you became one alongside your best friend. You were the young blues, the future lays in your hands.
A few months in Beever-Jones found out you were a die hard Arsenal fan and couldn’t stop pestering you about it. You begged her to keep it under wraps, nobody needed to know you pleaded. She wasn’t really about to let it go until you threatened to call her by her real name, Agnes.
So the both of you kept your mouths shut. A good deal for the both of you.
Aggie made her debut when she was just eighteen years old. You were sat in the stands but you might’ve been more nervous and excited for her than she was herself. Aggie kept her cool, she always did but you were stressing away. Your nails had been bitten away by the moment she got subbed in.
After the final whistle had been blown you ran towards her, a bright smile appearing on her face. “You did it Beever!” you cheered jumping into her open arms.
“You’re acting like i scored the winning goal in the Champions League mousey.” Aggie laughed.
“Well, i feel like you just did.” you reacted offended.
Jessie had been part of the senior squad before Aggie and you even got to train with the first team. You were a fan of the midfielder, even thought you would never confess it. You weren’t only a fan of her game but also her beauty. She is very pretty.
Aggie fit right in. She walked into the training ground with you behind her and made some small talk. Erin, Niamh and Aggie seemed like the best of friends. You were used to be by her side at all times and especially now it didn’t help she wasn’t.
Jessie walked over towards you and introduced herself. “Hi i’m Jessie.” she smiled. Jessie Fleming was talking to you and you might melt away.
“Hey- hi i’m mouse, well you know, it’s not my real name but they call me mousey- well you can call me whatever..” you mumbled the last part. God you made a fool of yourself.
Jessie laughed at your rambling and placed her hand on your shoulder. “I know your name mousey.” she smiled.
Jessie Fleming knew your name, your year was made.
“I know who you are too.” you said. Okay that sounded creepy, like stalker creepy. “I- i didn’t mean it like that, not in a weird creepy way. I just know who you are, ‘cus we both play for Chelsea you know?” you tried to recover.
The Canadian only laughed harder at that. “I know what you mean mousey.” she grinned.
And before you could make an even bigger fool of yourself you were stolen away by Aggie. “What were you just doing mouse?” she asked with fake curiosity.
“I was talking to Jessie and i don’t know, it went wrong i think?” you sighed, disappointment shown on your face. You had one job, act normal.
“Yeah well i definitely saw that. Maybe someone’s got a little crush huh?” Aggie winked.
“Ag- Aggie, i don’t have a fucking crush on my teammate.” your brows furrowed.
Your bestfriend backed off. “Okay okay whatever you say mousey.” she shrugged.
Two months in it only got worse. Aggie had forced you to go out with the girls, ‘‘cus that’s what winning teams do’. You never really were a party animal and still aren’t but you’d try your best.
Millie Bright had taken it upon herself to get you a little looser and by that she meant drunk. You were drunk after only a few drinks. You might’ve been embarrassed at how fast you got drunk if you weren’t wasted already.
Getting up from your seat at the bar you made your way to the dance floor, where most of your teammates were located. Aggie was cheering you on as you walked towards her with an excessive swing in your hips.
“Look out everyone, drunk mousey is on the dance floor!” she warned the girls.
Jessie looked up from where she was sat to take a look herself. You were doing all kinds of dances and somehow your very stiff robot was your best.
“What is she doing?” the Canadian asked her Swedish goalkeeper.
Zećira shrugged. “I don’t know, i think she’s trying to dance?” she laughed.
Jessie hummed to herself. She hadn’t seen you like this, ever. The midfielder hadn’t expected you to be such a party animal. You were really shy whenever you talked to her and she never really saw you as an extroverted type.
Jessie had her eyes fixated on you and when an unknown girl came walking towards you her eyebrows furrowed. The girl slipped behind you and began to dance with you. It disturbed her. Why was that girl touching you and why weren’t you telling her off.
“Didn’t know she was such a party girl..” Jessie scoffed.
The goalkeeper looked up from her phone and took a look at you on the dance floor and back at a slightly angry Jessie. “You jealous Fleming?” Zećira asked with a smug grin on her face.
“I’m not jealous, that girl just shouldn’t be touching her. Plus we’ve got training tomorrow.” Jessie answered, her eyes still on you.
The girl behind you was getting more handsy by the second and Jessie wasn’t having it. “And so what if i am?” the older girl grumbled under her breath.
“Then you should do something about it don’t you think grumpy?” Zećira told her.
Jessie took her advice and speed walked towards the heated dance floor. She was pushing through some of her teammates and finally made it towards you.. and that girl.
“She’s not really interested.” Jessie deadpanned.
The girl looked towards you but you just stood still, your cheeks getting even redder than they were before. Jessie was staring her down and she eventually left.
“I think you’re done for tonight mousey. I’ll get you home.” the brunette told you.
It wasn’t like you could argue with her, especially not in your state. You were way too scared to let any words out, in fear that you would say something embarrassing. Nodding your head she escorted you through the crowd and into her car.
“You’re gonna sit there while i’ll say goodbye to everyone.” she ordered you, pointing to her passenger seat. You looked at her with glossy eyes.
“Got it? Don’t do anything stupid please.” you nodded your head and she walked back to the bar.
You weren’t planning on doing anything stupid. It was just that her car horn looked so cool. You couldn’t just sit there and wait until she was back without pushing that button. So you got into her car seat and pushed the button.
You just didn’t expect her to be back so soon. Jessie opened the car door and looked at you. “What did i say mousey!” she grumbled.
“I’m sorry Jessie, i didn’t mean to it just looked so fun.” you pouted at her. She couldn’t be that mad at you right?
Jessie started the car and drove to her apartment. “Where are you taking me to Jessie?” you asked, your eyelids getting heavy.
“I’m driving us to my apartment so i can look after you. Hopefully you won’t do anything stupid this time.” she whispered the last part.
“Jessie jessie you are just like a little bear sometimes. You’re very sweet and soft an- I really like teddy bears so i really like you.” you rambled.
Jessie was intrigued. “Oh yeah? Tell me more, why do you like me mousey?” she asked curiously.
“You’re so nice to me and when you came up to me you were so sexy. You’re so beautiful and stunning and fit.” Jessie was enjoying this way too much. A smirk was appearing on her freckled face.
Jessie parked her black Mercedes. “Hmm, you’re cute.” she hummed.
“You really think so Jessiebear?” you mumbled.
“I really think so mousey.” Jessie said softly before carrying you inside.
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lisbeth-kk · 15 days
May Prompts (25) Intuition
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 25)
Summary: Rosie's protective foursome are visiting her in Paris, Mycroft shows off his poshness, and they all meet Timothy and his parents at a well-chosen location.
Twenty-Five Years Old
The years in Paris went by too fast, and suddenly I had turned twenty-five and was graduating from uni. Sadly, both mine and Timothy’s graduation ceremonies were on the same evening, but we all had plans to meet the next day. I’ll admit that I had mixed emotions about that. My parents and uncles were to meet Timothy and his parents, and I couldn’t help thinking of all the different directions that meeting could go.
“It’ll be fine, love,” Timothy assured me. “Mum and Dad are over the moon to meet your celeb family, and I’m sure The Fab Four will behave for a few hours.”
“Ha! My intuition tells me otherwise. I wouldn’t put it past Papa to give some snarky remarks if he’s annoyed with your mother’s lipstick or your dad’s shoelaces,” I sighed.
“You know John won’t allow that, Ro,” Timothy laughed. “And your uncles are less inclined to cause any damage, I think. Relax.”
I had only met the Browns once before. Marie was a secondary school teacher, loved the royal family passionately, royals in general actually, and she was also a decent tennis player. Daniel was a business solicitor, loved his singing, and was quite a wine connoisseur.
“They’re both perfect conversation partners for Mycroft,” Papa informed me after I’d met them. He can share gossip from the palace with her and show off his wine cellar to Brown senior.”
Dad tried to shush him, but his efforts were nonsensical, and I was inclined to agree. 
Whenever uncle Myc visited Paris, he stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel George V, and for my graduation dinner, we ate at one of the hotel’s restaurants, Le Cinq. His Poshness, as Papa called him, moved through the restaurant after the maître d’ like he owned the place. Uncle’s three-piece suit had never been more appropriate. The rest of us were dressed up as well. Papa even wore a tie, which I hadn’t seen on him since my uncles’ wedding. 
The food was arranged like tiny artworks, and I felt like a vandal ruining them with the cutlery. Once the first bite reached my taste buds however, all regrets were forgotten. Each dish surpassed the other visually, and with different textures and surprising combinations of flavours. Every wine was perfectly matched with the food, and even uncle Greg, who was more of a beer lover, admitted that it was quite good, which earned him an exasperated sigh from his husband.
“How’s the job search going?” Dad asked after the third course was devoured.
“I’m expecting a few answers over the next weeks. Hopefully, something turns up,” I said.
I actually had high hopes, having already been summoned to an interview when I was returning to London the following week. Papa gave me a thoughtful look and shifted his gaze towards his brother who lifted an eyebrow just the tiniest bit, which made me sigh and swallow my remark with some excellent chardonnay.
To Marie’s delight, we were meeting at Versailles the next day. Neither of us wanted to take the guided tour but preferred to walk in the gigantic garden. 
“Much easier to escape if the conversation gets tedious,” Papa teased.
“Brother mine,” uncle Myc warned, more out of habit than an actual rebuke.
We had agreed to meet on the balustrade where it would be easier to spot each other. I could see that Marie was fidgety and excited, while Daniel seemed quite composed.
“Better at hiding it,” Dad remarked, which earned him an incredulous look from me and a fond chuckle from Papa.
“Is this mind reading business contagious?” I sighed and walked towards Timothy and his parents.
“The Fab Four are behaving,” Timothy stated. “A bit disappointing really.”
“Try refreshing,” I retorted dryly.
“Do you think Sherlock would mind if I asked him to deduce some of the people here?” Marie asked in a hushed voice, which Papa had no problem hearing.
“I don’t mind at all, Marie,” Papa interrupted with a bow. “Anyone in particular?”
And with that, Marie and Papa stuck their heads together to conspire. Daniel and Timothy looked amused, while the rest of us rolled our eyes, though I must admit it was the perfect ice breaker, and I was relieved that my intuition about Papa’s behaviour had been wrong.
Also available on AO3
@calaisreno @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @helloliriels @raina-at
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mrprettywhenhecries · 11 months
i don't think you notice (what you did to me) [b.h]
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one. | the new arrival
Billy Hargrove ✘ Win Lewis (OC)
⇾ w.c. 2.6k words ⇾ warning(s). canon x oc pairing, suggestive themes, not much this chapter
⇾ a/n: I know I’m a little late to the Billy train, but better late than never, amIright? And thank goodness because this fixation has broken my writer’s block. I have some grand plans for this fic, spanning the events of seasons 2 and 3 and I’m super excited about it. Also decided to just be super self indulgent and keep this fic oc x canon instead of reader insert because it’s been too damn long since I just had fun. Without further ado, please enjoy! 🩷
[ masterlist ] [ win lewis bio ]
It had only been three months since Win Lewis came to Hawkins–a wholesome rural town in the heartland of Indiana–only three months since her father uprooted her entire life for a new job, a new start.  It was bad enough that their ‘new start’ had to take place at the beginning of her senior year, but it was practically unforgivable that it had to take place in the middle of nowhere.
So far, nothing remotely interesting had happened and it was beginning to drive Win insane.  Little did she know, that was all about to change with the arrival of one Billy Hargrove.
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7:00 AM – It was the innocuous click of Win’s clock radio that woke her.  Ever since she’d moved to Hawkins, she’d been sleeping worth shit. It was too quiet–the familiar sounds of the city that used to lull her to sleep were long gone, now replaced with nothing but the lonely chirping of insects and the wind.  She thought waking up to the radio would make the process easier, but she usually ended up hitting snooze before the music even played.  
Groaning, she rolled back over, pressing her face into her pillow.  She thought after nearly three months she’d be used to Hawkins, but it was starting to seem like it would never feel like home.
A faint sound from the kitchen caught her ear and she lifted her face.  The scent of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air–the strong brew her father liked after a long shift at the lab, even if he often fell asleep in his chair after drinking only one cup.
At least some things never changed.
He’d actually made it home before she had to leave.  Most days she never even saw him, leaving for school before he returned home and going to bed before he woke.
Knowing it was only a matter of time before her alarm went off a second time, Win pushed herself up to get dressed, turning her clock off as she went.  By the time she applied some makeup and fixed her hair, she’d have enough time to toast some Eggos and down a glass of OJ before her ride arrived.
When she walked into the kitchen, she found her dad leaning heavily against the counter, coffee cup forgotten in one hand, half raised to his lips as he stared blankly off into space.  
At the sound of her voice, he roused, nearly splashing the scalding liquid over his wrist in alarm.
“Shit, sorry,” he breathed, hastily setting the cup back down and running his hands through his dark hair.  “I was just… thinking,” he mumbled, shaking his head wearily.
“They’re working you too much,” Win said, crossing the kitchen to the fridge, pulling out the carton of orange juice before opening the freezer for her waffles.
“There’s a lot going on, you wouldn’t understand sweetheart.”
“You always say that,” Win muttered, placing two frozen waffles in the toaster and pressing down the lever with more force than necessary.  “Why can’t you just go back to your old job?” she asked, pouring herself a glass of juice.  “If you’re going to be working the same lame hours, can’t it at least be somewhere better than here?”
“You know I can’t do that,” David sighed.  “We’ve talked about this, Win.  You’re just going to have to make the best of it here.”
Win’s waffles popped up.
“You’ll make new friends, find fun things to do,” he insisted.  “What about those girls that drive you to school?” he asked, gesturing vaguely toward the street while Win quickly downed her breakfast.
She snorted.  “Holly’s nice, and Tina’s alright, but Vicki Carmichael and Carol Perkins are her friends,” she said, as if the distinction were important.
David sighed, the long deep tired sigh Win came to expect from him.  “Just… just keep your head up.  Things’ll get better,” he finished wearily.  It was his mantra–the only thing he could think of to say in the face of adversity.
Win rolled her eyes, but didn’t argue, knowing it was fruitless anyway.
“It would be nice if I had my own car to drive,” she ventured, not for the first time.
“You’re not driving the Chevelle,” her father said, knowing exactly what she was going to ask.
“No buts,” he said, cutting her off.  “Do you know how much that car cost?  Besides, that’s not a car you drive every day.  It’s special.”
“That’s bullshit,” Win grumbled, the sound of tires on gravel pricking her ears.
“We’ll get you your own car once I get some money saved up,” David said, trying to placate her.
“Yeah, a piece of shit,” Win muttered under her breath as she slung her backpack over her shoulder.
If her father heard her, he made no sign of it.  “Plus, look on the bright side, at least you don’t have to take the bus.”
Just then, Tina honked her horn impatiently, and Win scowled.  “Yeah, I’m super lucky,” she mumbled, pulling open the front door.
“Try to have a good day,” her father sighed, following her to the door.  “Love you!” he called after and Win raised her hand in acknowledgement as she made her way to the back passenger door, yanking it open.
“What took you so long?” Tina asked as soon as she sat down, reaching for the seat belt.
“Arguing with my dad about the car again,” Win replied, leaning back in her seat to look out the window as Tina pulled back onto the street and drove off.  The trees that slid past were already in full autumn bloom, the first dry leaves just starting to fall.
“Ugh, he’s so lame.  It’s not like you’re gunna wreck it,” Tina scoffed in solidarity.
“Is he one of those guys that treats his car like his baby?” Carol asked with a derisive snort.
“Sort of, but not quite that extreme,” Win explained.  “He always says it's for special occasions, but like, what if I want every day t’be special?” she laughed.
“Speaking of special,” Vicki segued, already tired of the topic, “What is everyone wearing to Tina’s Halloween party this weekend?” she asked,  flipping down the visor to check her lip gloss in the mirror.
“I’m dressing as Madonna from the ‘Like a Virgin’ music video,” Tina exclaimed excitedly.
“I’m going as Alex Owens from Flashdance,” Carol added with a grin.
“How about you, Win?  Do you have a costume planned yet?” Tina asked and the others turned expectantly, waiting for her answer.
“I was thinking of going as the Road Warrior,” Win answered, tearing her eyes from the Indiana scenery to look at them.
“What?” Vicki asked, her face scrunching up.
“You know, Mad Max?” Win added. “But that’s a dude,” Carol pointed out, giving Win a strange look.
“So?” Win asked, meeting her stare head on.  “I look good in leather.”
“Ooh, all leather. Sounds bitchin’,” Tina laughed, pulling into the school parking lot.
As Win stepped out of the car, the roar of an engine filled the air and a dark blue Camaro with California plates whipped into the stone lot, kicking up a cloud of dust in its wake.  Parking a few spots over, the car screeched to a halt, its engine still revving loudly, competing with the heavy metal music blasting from its speakers.
Suddenly the engine cut out and the driver’s door swung open.  A booted foot hit the ground, and moments later Win got her first glimpse of the occupant.  Clad all in denim, save for his tight white undershirt, one of the most gorgeous guys she’d ever seen straightened, shaking out his long golden curls as he fixed the collar of his jean jacket and surveyed the parking lot, an unimpressed look on his face.
“Who is that?” Vicki exclaimed, gaping at him shamelessly.
The other girls stared just as enthralled, their gazes following him as he passed.
“I have no idea, but would you check out that ass?” Tina gasped, her mouth falling open as she ogled him, twisting a lock of dark hair between her fingers.  “Just look at it go!” she giggled, biting her lip.
Win rolled her eyes at their reaction, but found herself looking nonetheless.  His snug Levi’s left little to the imagination, hugging his slim hips just right, making looking at anything other than his ass nearly impossible.
“He has to be new,” Vicki exclaimed, hurrying to shut the car door behind her and follow after.  “I would have definitely remembered that face.”
"Or that ass!" Carol laughed.
“C’mon, let’s go find out who he is,” Tina said, grabbing Win’s arm and hauling her toward the door.
It didn’t take long for the new kid’s name to be on everyone’s lips, his appearance the most interesting thing since Win’s own arrival.
“Did you hear?  Billy Hargrove’s from California!” Holly exclaimed as Win set her lunch tray down next to hers.
“Yeah, I saw the plates on his car.”
“Do you think he knows how to surf?  He’s so bodacious!” she squealed.
“He certainly is,” Win agreed dryly, bemused by her friend’s reaction.
“He doesn’t hold a candle to Steve though!” Holly quickly amended, catching sight of Steve Harrington as he walked past with his underclassman girlfriend, Nancy Wheeler.
“No way.  Billy’s way hotter than Harrington,” Tina argued, joining them at the table, followed by Vicki.
���I’m gunna make a move and ask him for a ride home,” Vicki said, wearing a smug grin.
“You do that,” Win muttered as she opened her milk carton.
Wanting to sneak a cigarette before afternoon class, she finished her lunch quickly, slipping away while the others were preoccupied, still discussing boys.
Pulling her half empty pack from her jacket pocket, she plucked one of the slim rolls free and placed it between her lips as she made her way to the bleachers by the practice field.  A group of guys were lounging near the top and Win spotted none other than Billy Hargrove’s windswept mullet as she made her way to her secret hiding spot.
Ducking into the shade under the metal bleachers, she fished her lighter free and lit up, inhaling deeply.  Blowing the smoke through her nostrils, she felt the instant calming effect of the nicotine roll over her and she leaned back against the support beam, closing her eyes.
It wasn’t long before the boys’ conversation above pricked her attention, and Win tilted her head to listen in.
“What’s it like there?”
“No man, what’re the babes like there?”
Billy let out a scoff.  “They’re way hotter than any of the cows you have around here.”
Several guys laughed, clapping Billy on the shoulder while a few others–the ones with girlfriends, no doubt–muttered under their breaths, not wanting to seem lame in front of the new cool kid.
“You saying you haven’t seen any chick you like yet?” Tommy Hagan asked, and below, Win rolled her eyes, flicking a line of ash from her cigarette.
Wait til he hears his girlfriend has a hard on for his new hero, she thought smugly.
“None that I’ve seen.  I’m starting to think high school girls might be beneath me anyway,” Hargrove answered and Win had to fight back a derisive snort.
“Asshole,” she muttered under her breath, crushing her cigarette butt underfoot as the bell rang.
The rest of the afternoon passed unremarkably and Win was rather relieved she didn’t share any classes with Billy.  She didn’t think she could stomach any more girls fawning over him, especially after what she’d overheard at lunch.  Just because he was attractive didn’t mean he was a catch.
“Win!” Tina called as the final bell rang and everyone funneled out into the hall.  “Help me pass out the party invites?” she asked, pulling a stack of orange flyers from her backpack as Win waited for her.
“Yeah alright,” Win agreed, taking half the stack.
“Great, you’re the best!  Meet me by the south entrance once you’ve handed them all out.”
Sighing, Win positioned herself by the bottom of the staircase, handing a flyer to every student that passed.
“Halloween night, come get ‘sheet-faced’ at Tina’s!” she exclaimed, reading off the words on the page.  Once she’d been wiped out, she went in search of her friend, finding her just finishing up as well.
“Do you think Billy’ll come?” she asked as they walked to the parking lot together.
Win huffed an annoyed breath.  “That jerk’s so full of himself,” she muttered, noticing his blue Camaro was still parked ahead.
Tina’s brows rose, wondering what Win could possibly have against him already.  “That’s fine, if you’re not interested, all the better for the rest of us,” she laughed, flashing Billy her best smile as they approached.
True to her word, Vicki was already at his side as he leaned against his car, chewing on a toothpick, as if waiting for something.
“Well, well, well, what do we have here?” Billy mused as he smirked, looking Win up and down appraisingly, completely ignoring Vicki.
Before Win could sling a snappy comeback Tina answered for her, eager to please.  “This is Win, and I’m Tina,” she added, batting her eyelashes at him.
Billy rolled the toothpick to the corner of his mouth, his tongue lazily swiping across his bottom lip.  “You’re not from around here, are you?”  he asked, still looking only at Win, though it was less of a question and more an observation. “You can tell that just by looking at me, can you?” she asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
The low chuckle he let out in response made her stomach somersault, but she kept her face straight, not giving anything away; reacting would only fuel his ego.
“Oh, I can tell a lot by just looking at you.”  Billy’s words held a cocky insinuation and though Win couldn’t deny how fucking attractive he was, there was nothing she wanted more than to knock him down a few pegs.
“I thought High School girls were beneath you,” she said, wearing a calculated frown, her brows pinching in faux confusion as she repeated what she’d overheard back at him.  At her words Tina and Vicki gaped at her as if she’d grown another head.
Billy, however, merely huffed in amusement.  “That’s til I met you,” he said, leaning in closer, his blue eyes flashing at the unspoken challenge.  “I’d definitely like you beneath me,” he said, tilting his head as his gaze flicked up to hers, a coy smirk playing at his lips.
Win’s own lips twitched as she stared back, a wicked grin suddenly gracing her features.  “Too bad I’m not really into High School boys,” she said with a shrug before leaning in as well.  “Plus, I prefer being on top.”
Without another word, she slipped past him, the look on his face priceless, while Tina shared an incredulous look with Vicki before giving a start and hurrying after her, directing a wistful look back over her shoulder as she trailed behind.
“Your sister coming, or what?” Vicki huffed, jealous of the almost predatory way Billy’s gaze followed Win.
Annoyed at the interruption, he tore his eyes away, a scowl marring his features.  “She’ll be here, she knows better than to make me wait.”  He pulled the toothpick from his lips, turning his head and spitting through his teeth.  “And don’t call her that–” he snapped, pointing at Vicki over the top of his car.
“What?” Vicki asked, frowning at his sudden shift in mood.
“Sister,” he exclaimed.  “She’s not my sister.”
“What the hell was that?” Tina cried, rounding on Win as they reached her car.
“What was what?” Win asked innocently, waiting for her friend to unlock the doors.
“I thought you weren’t interested!”
Win fell silent, unsure how to answer.  As she climbed into her seat, she looked back toward Billy’s blue Camaro, trying to ignore the way he’d made her insides flutter.  Maybe he was a smug bastard, but Win couldn’t deny there was something dangerous and exciting about him, not to mention the fact he was sex on legs.
“I’m not,” she insisted, though it was clear she wasn’t fooling anyone.  
Tina rolled her eyes as she put the car in gear.
“Yeah, sure.”
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⇾ taglist: @super-unpredictable98 @wherethewitchersare @stevesjester @santacarlahorrorshow @elliethesuperfruitlover
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Our Love Story (Steve Harrington)
A/N: Hey besties! I hope y'all are ready for me to swerve into some Steve Harrington lane because that's what's gonna happen! I hope y'all enjoy it because I was super pumped when I got the idea! (Also if you can't tell by now, titles are my downfall :'( ) PS: Please don't copy my work because I worked hard on this and I will literally cry! Thank you! :) <3
Summary: Based on Taylor Swift's song, "Love Story"
Word Count: 2404
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It all started in the summer of 1980. The short few months before freshman year of high school. 
You didn’t really want to go and talk to grown-ups that your parents had invited to their social gatherings. There weren’t any kids your age here either other than you, and the grown-up talk was boring, but there you were in the dress that your mom made you wear because they wanted you to dress nice and be there. So you were sitting on the porch swing looking at all of the pretty gowns that the ladies were wearing. Different colors of this summer’s fashion were mixed with the lights so that everyone could see in the dark since the party was later. When there was a boy your age walking towards you in a blue polo shirt with a white stripe across the middle and khaki pants. 
He stood at the bottom of the three steps it took to up the porch and smiled at you shyly, “Hello there.”
You smiled back at him and asked, “Hi. Would you like to sit?”
He nodded his head and walked over and sat down next to you, “I like your dress, it’s very pretty.”
“Thank you,” you said, subconsciously playing with the hem that lay on your knee, “I like your shirt.”
“Really? I wasn’t sure about it, with the stripe in the middle and everything,” he said jokingly. You giggled and he laughed a little with you.
“What’s your name?” he asked after a second.
“(Y/N) (L/N). What’s yours?” 
“Steve Harrington. It’s nice to meet you (Y/N).”
Little did you know that Steve Harrington would end up being your best friend and boyfriend.
You opened your eyes from the flashback when you heard little clinks at your window. The sound of pebbles hitting your window could only mean one thing - Steve. You go over to the window and open it, sticking your head out.
“Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?” you said quite dramatically but still quiet enough not to wake your parents. 
“I changed my mind,” you heard from below.
“Nooooo, please come back,” you begged as you leaned on your window pane like you were trying to drape yourself on a balcony.
“Fine, but only because I don’t want to be home alone right now,” Steve said starting to climb up to your window. 
A few seconds later he gracefully crawled through your window. 
“Hello, Romeo,” you said pulling him closer to you by wrapping your arms around his neck.
He smiled and answered putting his hands on your waist, “Hello, Juliet.”
You shared a sweet hello kiss and laid on your (F/C) bedspread. 
It had been a few hours of just the two of you talking quietly and kissing here and there.
When you giggled out of nowhere and it made Steve ask, “What’s so funny? Something on my face?”
“No, I just think it’s kind of funny that our dads are famous rival lawyers and we end up falling in love. Who would have thought?”
“Hey, I didn’t know that you were off-limits. But I guess that just makes it more exciting doesn’t it?” he said jokingly at first then trying to be seductive.
“We’re a real Romeo and Juliet love story. If you think about it.” 
“I guess so. But I don’t want to think too much. It’s our senior year. We gotta have fun while we can,” he said with a mischievous look in his eye.
“You better not,” you tried to warn him sternly, but a smile slipped out. And next thing you knew, his hands were all over you, tickling you. 
You were so busy trying to get away from Steve that you didn’t even notice when someone knocked on the door and when it opened until there was a voice that you didn’t want to hear, “What is going on here?”
You froze and Steve tumbled off the bed trying to get as far from you as possible. 
“(Y/N), would you like to explain to me why the Harrington’s boy is in your bedroom right?” your dad asked. 
Your mouth opened and closed, but no words were coming out. You were dead meat and so was Steve.
“Harrington, you have five seconds to get out of my house, five,” your dad said after you didn’t say anything. 
“But Dad!” you tried to protest.
“Please sir,” Steve started to reason.
Steve got up and walked out of your room. You followed him until your Dad caught your arm stopping you, “The Harringtons are no good, (Y/N). This is for your own good.”
You looked up at him and shook him off as you ran after Steve. He was at the door with it open, “Steve, please don’t go. I’ll convince him. Just please don’t go.”
“I’m sorry, Juliet. We’ll convince him one day. I love you,” he said.
“Stay away from my daughter, Harrington,” your Dad said sternly coming up behind you.
Steve looked at him and then walked out of the door. 
A few days later, things had settled down. School was the only place that was neutral ground for you two to be seen together and not get questioned or get a report back to your dad. You were sitting in study hall, doodling and thinking about Steve, when you had an idea. 
You pulled out a clean sheet of notebook paper and started writing a note to him.
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You listened to your parents as they got ready for bed. There were 30 minutes until you got to see Steve again. You were basically vibrating with excitement. After your parents had gone to bed, you quietly opened your window and climbed out, closing it back. You walked the short distance to the corner of your street. As you made it to the corner, you saw Steve’s burgundy BMW make its way down the road toward you. As he pulled up next to you, you stuck out your thumb and he rolled down the passenger side window, “Where you heading?”
You walked up to the car and leaned down to look into the car, “Wherever you’re going, handsome.”
Steve smiled, “Hop in.”
You giggled and got into the car.
Ten minutes later you and Steve were at Lover’s Lake laying on the hood of his car, looking up at the stars. You guys keep quiet because we were dead if someone found you. So you closed your eyes, held Steve’s hand, and thought about all of the things that were going to happen when you both left Hawkins. 
“Hey (Y/N),” Steve asked, quietly.
“What’s up?” you asked, opening your eyes and turning your head to look at him. 
“I just keep thinking. Are you sure you want to be with me?” he asked worriedly
“What? Of course, I want to be with you! Why would you think that?” you asked, confused about where this was coming from.
“It’s just…you’re not dating me just because your dad doesn’t like me right? It’s not a rebellious streak?”
You sat up looking down at him where he still lay, “Steve, I have liked you since the day we first met. And that like turned into love. So I am in love with you, Steve. Please don’t let those thoughts get to you.”
He nodded his head and then put his head in your lap, “I’m sorry, your dad just kinda got into my head. And it just made me think, and you know what that usually leads to.”
You smiled as you played with his hair, “Yeah, I do.”
“How are the kids?” you asked changing the subject.
He chuckled, “They are little shits, but they’re my little shits.”
After that you both sat in comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s company. Happy to be together. 
“How was your week?” Steve broke the silence after a few minutes.
“It was good! Robin and Nancy were paired with me to do a project in English so that’s been fun. Max and El and I are having a sleepover this weekend.”
“That’s exciting! The boys don’t invite me. Afraid that I’ll cramp their style I guess,” he sighed and you giggled again.
Again you sat in silence for a minute, but this one was different. The air felt heavy. Like there was something lingering.
“So…how was your week?” he asked again, but with a different meaning behind it.
You sighed a little, “It was okay. It’s just been more of Dad trying to tell me that I should be with someone like Carver or someone else. But I don’t want to, because this is our love story. You’re my Romeo.”
“I love you,” Steve said.
“I love you,” you said and leaned down to give him a kiss on the lips.
You were sitting at your desk in your room, trying to do Geometry homework. It was hard enough on its own, but not being able to focus made it more difficult. It had been a few weeks after you had snuck out to see Steve at Lover’s Lake, and he hadn’t really hung out with you since. He would still call and talk. But it seemed like that every time that you tried to hang out with him that he was always busy. But your dad has been getting to you lately. So you start to think. 
Could he have been with me just for the rush?
What is doing?
Does he even love me?
The last thought made you tear up. You put your pencil down and just crawled into bed since you were already in your pajamas. That night you cried yourself to sleep, thinking about what lies ahead for you and Steve.
A few days later you still went to school, even though you really didn’t want to. You still had obligations even though Steve would be at school. You needed to finish your project and you had a test today. You opened your locker and out fell a piece of paper. As you picked it up, you saw that it said your name. You opened and read it.
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You smiled at the note. You put the note with your books as you got ready to go to class, thinking about what you were going to do this weekend. Until you reached the top of your locker for a pencil when you felt another piece of folded-up paper. 
Juliet was written on the front, and your heart jumped. 
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For the rest of the day, you didn’t know what to think. What was he going to do? The note sounded romantic, but he has been distant for the past three weeks. You were confused.
After school, you made your way to Weathertop, the outskirts of town if you will. I sat down on the hill when I was early. I watched as the breeze blew and made the tall grass and flowers dance. As time went on, you checked your watch, 4:02 pm. 
Is he going to come? 
Was this just a joke? 
Or was this the way that he was going to break up with you?
You could feel your faith start to fade when you saw the familiar figure running toward you.
“I’m sorry, coach decided to have a last-minute meeting. So I got here as fast I could,” he explained. You nodded your head and looked down at your feet that were lost in the grass.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he asked, putting a hand on your arm.
As you looked up at him, you felt all of your emotions surface, “Romeo. Save me.”
“What do you mean? What’s wrong?”
“I’ve been feeling so alone. All those times that you said that we could hang out but then something would come up and you couldn’t. I keep waiting, but you never come,” you explain. Then you reach into your back pocket and pull out the note he left you, “Then I get this note. And it’s like everything is okay. And so I keep thinking is this all in my head. And I don’t know what to think.”
As you were talking you didn’t realize that Steve what Steve was doing. When you were done, you looked up and saw that he was kneeling on one knee. 
“Steve,” you whispered.
“I’m sorry that I’ve made you feel like your alone in a world where you don’t think anyone you choose is good enough. But I had to make sure I did this right. And I already forgot what I was going to say.”
You giggled, he chuckled, and then continued, “Marry me, Juliet, and you’ll never have to be alone. I love you and that’s all I really know.”
You nodded your head, tears coming to your eyes. You jumped into his arms and kissed him.
You pulled back after a second, “Wait, what about me parents?”
“I already talked to your parents. Your mom was on board the second I asked her, but your dad took some more convincing. That’s why I was away from you for so long. I was trying to convince him to let him date you, or in this case, marry you. I guess I did something right or didn’t like seeing you sad, because he caught me in the store one day. He told me that you’ll pick out a white dress,” he smiled. 
“So just to be clear, you are accepting?”
You laughed, “It’s our love story baby, yes.”
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imagine-you · 2 years
Living As Foes (4/11) [Eddie Munson/Reader]
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Summary: It only takes you one week to realize Eddie Munson hates you. It only takes you one year to fall in love with him. Go figure.
Word Count: 3.5k
Author's Note: Based on a prompt I received: "ok random idea because eddie seems like a bug flirt but when he has a legit crush hes hopeless so reader is so confused because eddie flirts with everyone except her"
Thank you to everyone for your patience. I've been so exhausted lately. But please know I haven't abandoned this or any of my fics. Also, this is now a fix-it fic. Because I have to.
May 1985:
As May rolled in, your anxiety only tripled. You knew you were sure to graduate, but you couldn't help but think that until you walked across that stage and grabbed your diploma, you would worry that something would get in the way of it.
You tried to force yourself into a routine that would get you through the end of your senior year.
Wake up. Eat breakfast. Brush teeth. Get dressed. Drive your sister to school. Go to school. Get through the school day. Avoid Eddie. Get in your car. Go to Colleen's. Work. Go home. Make sure your sister ate dinner, did her homework, and brushed her teeth. Leave dinner out for your dad. Do your homework. Eat dinner. Brush your teeth. Shower. Go to bed.
It was every day. Over and over.
And it was exhausting.
The pressure was nearly unbearable as graduation approached, so when an opportunity came up to unwind a little bit, you took it.
Stacy was always going on and on about how you needed to let loose once in a while. So, when Tina invited practically everyone in the senior class to a graduation party, you decided to go. It was on a Tuesday night, which you thought was dumb, but since it happened to fall on a night when you didn't have to work and your dad would be able to take care of your sister, you decided not to question it. It was your one shot to do what all the other kids were doing for once, so you weren't going to pass it up.
"You're serious?" Stacy asked, excitement and incredulity in her tone. "You're really going with me to Tina's?"
"And we can even have a sleepover after," you promised. "If that's alright with you?"
"Are you kidding? Of course it is! We haven't had a sleepover since..." Stacy trailed off, shooting you an apologetic look.
Since your mom left, you finished in your mind. Since you stopped being a kid or allowing yourself the fun you should have been entitled to.
"Well, we'll just have to make the most of it," Stacy continued, linking her arm through yours. "We'll go to Tina's and then back to my house. We'll stay up all night, eat tons of junk food, and talk and gossip all night long like we used to. It'll be a blast."
"Sounds like it," piped up a voice from behind you.
You froze, but Stacy immediately turned to look at the intruder, and since your arms were still linked, you did as well.
It was Eddie. Of course it was him. Your life was miserable and pathetic, so it was no wonder he kept showing up in it, reminding you of the way he snubbed you during your project.
"So?" Stacy asked, gifting Eddie with an unimpressed look. "It's none of your business, Munson."
"Oh, but I'd like to make it my business," he said, an easy grin gracing his face. He put an arm out, leaning against the locker next to him. Eddie's eyes briefly met yours before he focused on Stacy.
You were torn between rolling your eyes and wishing a hole would open up in the ground and swallow you. As far as you knew, Eddie hated parties and the popular crowd. Why did he suddenly care about Tina's party? Unless, you couldn't help but think, maybe Eddie had a crush on Stacy.
That would be just your luck. Your crush having a thing for one of your best friends. You really shouldn’t be so surprised about your own misfortune, but the thought hurt all the same.
"Again, none of your business," Stacy repeated before she towed you away.
You spared a glance over your shoulder, catching Eddie watching you with a thoughtful look on his face. When he noticed he had your attention, he grimaced, and then hastily turned away, taking off in the other direction.
You felt oddly nervous about going to the party, even though you knew it wasn't as big a deal as you were making it out to be. So what if you weren't a party person? So what if you couldn't care less about hanging out with your peers or had even the faintest inclination to see them outside of school? None of that mattered to you.
What had you so worried was just the thought that Eddie Munson would defy all expectations and decide to show up at a party.  But then again, this was Eddie Munson. He lived to defy the odds. He wasn't like anyone else you had ever known. He was loud and brash and made it his mission to go against the status quo.
You told yourself Eddie wouldn't be there. He couldn't possibly be there. He hated the popular kids. He hated sports. He hated parties and dances and everything else most kids wanted to do.
But, of course, because you had to be wrong pretty much every second of your life, you spotted Eddie within five seconds of walking into Tina's house.
He was ridiculously easy to spot. If it wasn't his hair that you noticed, it would have been his denim jacket and ripped jeans. Or it would have been his smile, the way his mouth curled up at the edges in delight. Or, you had to admit, you were just pathetic enough that even when you didn't expect to see him, you still looked for him.
Eddie was leaning up against the wall near the front hallway. He was chatting with a girl, his fingers drumming nervously against his side, and his eyes crinkled up at the corners in mirth. He leaned forward and whispered something in her ear, which made the girl giggle.
It was a different girl and a different place, but you felt like you were reliving the moment in the library all over again.
The girl handed something over to Eddie. You couldn’t catch even a glimpse of whatever it was before Eddie was grabbing it and putting it in the back pocket of his jeans. He tilted his head to the side and waggled his eyebrows at the girl before he turned, leading her down the hallway. You noticed his hand on her lower back as he her ushered into what you assumed was a bedroom.
"Fuck this," you muttered, making to turn around and leave the party.
"Hey, wait a minute," Stacy said, reaching out to grab your wrist. "Where you going? We just got here."
"I, uh, I don't feel so good. Got a headache," you lied, wincing.
"Oh, come on," Stacy groaned. "You do not. You're just trying to chicken out. Not tonight, okay? You don't have to work or babysit your sister. You're just going to have fun, and I see just the thing to get you in the partying mood."
When you realized where Stacy was heading, her fingers wrapped tight around your wrist, you just knew you were headed for trouble "Oh, no," you groaned, attempting to pull out of Stacy's hold. "You can't be serious."
"I am!" Stacy yelled back to you, raising her voice to be heard over the music. "So, pucker up, buttercup, and get ready to play."
You let Stacy drag you into the living room where there was already a group of your peers sitting in a circle. At the center was a glass bottle, and while you would have rather chewed off your own arm than play Spin the Bottle, you couldn't help but admit it would be a good distraction from Eddie.
"Alright, everyone," Tina called as she settled down. "For anyone who doesn't know the rules, the game is Spin the Bottle. When it's your turn, you take a spin, and then lock lips with the lucky person it lands on. If you get the same person three times, then you've got to play Seven Minutes in Heaven. Everyone got it?"
"Yeah, yeah," Marcus, a senior you barely knew, interrupted from across the circle. "Let's get this show on the road," he said before he reached forward to grab the bottle.
You had been worried that the bottle would continuously land on you. You didn't like the idea of kissing someone you weren't interested in, especially in front of the rest of the senior class, but you realized you shouldn't have worried. Five people had already gone, and the bottle hadn't even been in danger of pointing in your direction.
You were starting to finally let yourself relax and enjoy your classmate's embarrassment. You probably wouldn't even be picked, and then Stacy would get bored, and you'd get to leave. So, you got comfortable on the floor, not foreseeing a need to get up any time soon.
But, knowing your luck, the next time someone reached out to spin the bottle, it landed directly on you.
Stacy elbowed you in the side, a squeal of excitement leaving her lips. You felt your cheeks flush as you raised your gaze to see who had spun you in the game.
Steve Harrington.
You blinked inanely at Steve for a moment, shocked that the former King of Hawkins High would soon be kissing you.
"Well, uh, alright," you sighed, before you got to your knees. You met Steve halfway across the circle, sharing an awkward look with him. You leaned forward, eager to get the moment over with, and let your lips brush briefly against Steve's. You pulled back, ignoring the jeers from your classmates, before taking your seat by Stacy.
"That was barely anything," Stacy hissed. "I know you used to have a crush on him. Why didn't you just go for it? He's single, y'know?"
"Shut up," you groaned, resisting the urge to hide your face behind your hands.
You felt like you had finally calmed down by the time it was your turn to spin the bottle. You figured it would be just the same as your last kiss. Brief and over before you could mortify yourself to death. So, you forced yourself to take a deep breath before you reached out to spin the bottle.
You weren't really paying attention, your mind a whirl of anxious thoughts, so you didn't immediately notice when the bottle stopped. It wasn't until Stacy elbowed you in the side once again that you realized it was your turn to kiss someone.
Again, you thought, when you noticed the bottle had landed on Steve yet again.
"We've got our first repeat spin of the night!" Tina crowed, excitement in her tone.
"Yeah, yeah," Steve said, shaking his head. You could tell he felt just as uncomfortable as you did. You tried to ignore Stacy and her obvious excitement as you crawled forward to meet Steve again.
You felt nervous and anxious as you met Steve's eyes. He looked like he didn't quite know how he found himself in his current situation, and for some reason, it made you relax just the tiniest bit. Steve wasn’t making a big deal out of this, so you shouldn’t either.
This was just a stupid party game. Before you knew it, you would be back at Stacy's house, stealing her mom's wine coolers and gossiping over bowls of ice cream. It would be great, you told yourself. You just had to get through this one embarrassing moment first.
It was nothing but a blip on your life’s radar. With that thought in mind, you leaned forward and let Steve kiss you again.
Before you knew it, you were back at Stacy's side, your cheeks flushed, and the barest memory of Steve's lips pressing against yours. You did your damnedest not to meet Steve's eyes across the circle, knowing you would just feel embarrassed all over again if you did.
Stacy shot you a questioning glance and you nodded your head in answer.
You were okay.
You could do this.
You hadn't been to a party. Not like this one. Not unless you counted birthday parties held in the basements of your childhood friends. But there were no streamers or cake or piñatas here.
The older you got, the harder it was to let loose and forget your worries when you already had so much on your plate. Stacy knew you were wildly out of your element, and you knew that if you really wanted to leave, then she wouldn't fight you on it.
That was what kept you in your seat. Stacy, for as wildly different as the two of you were, always had your back. She wouldn't have pulled you into this game if she thought it was going to completely freak you out.
Maybe, in a way, it was just what you needed. You did used to have a crush on Steve back in middle school. It was hard not to have a crush on him now, even. He was no longer Hawkin High's resident king, but he was still popular and cool and had the best hair out of anyone in the senior class, including the girls.
Not to mention, there was something about his smile that made you melt every time.
Now, you had kissed Steve twice, and that was sure of a hell of a lot more than you were used to getting from a guy you liked. Maybe something more would come from it, and you could forget your moment of temporary insanity when you thought you were into Eddie Munson.
It could work, right?
You felt your shoulders tense as each person between you and Steve took their turn. You were worried that he would manage to land on you again with his next turn. You didn't think you could survive seven minutes alone in a closet with Steve. You had barely managed the two brief kisses you shared just moments before.
When Steve spun the bottle and it landed on a different girl, you let yourself relax again. There was no way you would end up having to kiss Steve again. And maybe, if you were lucky, you could talk Stacy into ditching the game so you could grab a drink.
You convinced yourself that it would all work out.
You watched everyone else go, grateful when no one landed on you. Once it was your turn again, you reached out for the bottle.
Not Steve, you thought to yourself.
Not Steve. Not Steve. Not Steve, you chanted over and over in your head.
You didn't even realize you had closed your eyes until you heard Stacy gasp from beside you.
You opened your eyes, allowing your gaze to follow the direction the bottle was pointing, and saw Steve staring at you, a nervous smile on his face.
"You know the rules," Tina said, a bright grin on her face. "Into the closet you two go."
"I don’t--" you started, but Tina cut you off.
“Oh, come on," she coaxed, reaching out to push at your knee. "Just have a little fun."
You glanced over at Stacy, looking to her for guidance. She shrugged her shoulders, letting you know it was up to you.
You noticed Steve was already standing, a cautious look on his face.
He was waiting for you. Steve Harrington was waiting to see if you wanted to go into a closet with him and make out for seven minutes.
Most girls at your school would kill for this opportunity, so why weren't you more excited?
Because Steve wasn't Eddie, you couldn't help but think. But Eddie had gone into a room, alone, with another girl. So, he clearly didn't feel the same way as you did.
Maybe it was time to move on. 
You let Tina goad you into a small hall closet, sharing a helpless look with Steve. “Have fun you two," she said, gifting you with a wink, before she closed the door on the pair of you.
You stayed still in the dark, your back pressed up against a row of coats.
"So, uh," Steve started, startling you. "Guess we're here..." he trailed off, as if unsure about where to go from there.
"Yeah," you agreed, a nervous chuckle escaping you. "Look, Steve," you started, knowing that you weren't able to go through with whatever you were supposed to be doing in that closet with him. "I'm not really the party, make out type," you finished, feeling lame as you winced at the darkness in front of you. "You're great, really, but--"
"That's okay," Steve cut you off. "I don't even know why I'm here tonight," Steve admitted with a sigh. "Just seemed like the thing to do, you know?"
"Trust me, I get it," you agreed with a relieved laugh. "I'm so worried all the time about my sister or my dad or college or my job now that the first free night I got, I thought I should go to a party. Be normal, right? Do the irresponsible thing for once. It’s just…I think I'm starting to realize it's not my thing. Not my scene," you admitted. "Sorry," you sighed. "I don't know why I'm telling you all this."
"It's alright," Steve assured you. "What else are we going to do for the next five minutes?"
There was an awkward silence after Steve’s words and you knew you were both busy thinking about what exactly you were supposed to be doing for the next five minutes. Alone. In the closet. Together.
"So, uh, why are you here?" you couldn't help but ask, looking for a distraction.
"It's a party, right? Our last one of senior year. Figured it might as well be worth a shot."
From the tone of Steve’s voice, you got the feeling he was as over this party as you were.
"You've got a job?" Steve asked, breaking the brief silence between the two of you. "Where are you working?"
You spent the rest of the time in the closet with Steve talking about your job and listening to him talk about his plans for the summer. At some point, the both of you had ended up on the floor, sitting next to each other. You could barely see Steve in the dark. Your eyes had adjusted, and with the barest of light managing to creep beneath the closet door, you could just about make out the outline of him.
It helped that you could hardly see Steve while you were confiding in him. You supposed that's why some people went to confession. You talked about yourself and your life and the things on your mind, and you got to pretend that the other person didn't even really know you at all. Even though you knew exactly who the other person was, it made it just the slightest bit easier not being able to see them.
"Thanks, Steve," you whispered, turning your head to look at him.
"For what?" You could just barely see Steve turning his head in your direction.
"For being a good guy," you told him. "For listening to me and not expecting anything else from me."
"Yeah, well, if I had to end up in a closet with anyone at this party, I'm glad it was you."
"Thanks," you told him again, bumping your shoulder against his. There was a weighted silence between the two of you and before you could talk yourself out of it, you tipped forward, brushing your lips against Steve’s.
It was simple and chaste. There was no expectation. It was only meant as a thanks.
You could feel Steve smile against your lips, and you pulled away from him when you heard the doorknob begin to rattle.
You hastily moved to stand, holding a hand out to help Steve up as well.
You expected to find Tina on the other side of the door, but you were completely surprised to realize that the person opening the door was Eddie.
you blinked at Eddie, your heat beating fast in your chest, and tried to think of what to say.
This isn't what it looks like.
I’m not in love with Steve Harrington.
We didn't just make out in a closet for seven minutes. We were talking. Honest!
You've got this all wrong.
"Well, don't you two look cozy," Eddie sneered at Steve. "Is this how you treat all your dates, Harrington?"
"Whatever, man," Steve groaned, rolling his eyes. "See you later, Y/N," he said before slipping past Eddie.
You only had a moment to share a tense, loaded silence with Eddie before he was shaking his head.
"Should've known this would be a bust," he muttered before turning and leaving you to stand there, wondering just how the night had managed to get so out of hand.
Four days later, you were stuck sitting outside with the other seniors, while you listened to the principal drone on and on about how proud he was of the graduating class of 1985. You could stop your thoughts from drifting as you took a glance around at the other students leaving Hawkins High with you.
You noticed Stacy and Steve and even Billy Hargrove, but no Eddie.
It seemed like 1986 would just have to be Eddie’s year, you thought, as you turned back around in your seat. You wondered if that night at Tina’s party would be the last you saw of Eddie Munson and you tried to ignore the twisting feeling in your gut at the thought.
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
The Stark Legacy (1)
Summary: Samantha Morgan Stark wasn't given a chance to be a real Stark after a tragic accident upended her family, but she becomes something so much more in her fight to be accepted by Tony again.
Steven Strange chose a different future, one that affects generations to come more than he could ever predict...
Series Warnings: canon-level violence, injury, self-experimentation, death, discussions of death, temporary child abandonment, age gap for implied romance (approx 30 chapters in), slow burn, glacial slow burn, time travel, Alternate Endgame, angst, angsty fluff, angsty romance, angsty action, more angst with plot, seriously epic tale, so more warnings per chapter. Rated Teen/Mature. 15+, please.
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Book 1: Reality
Sokovia Accord Enforcement Council Transcript
Trial A0843 Findings Date: Friday, January 13th, 2040
Conclusion of the senior presiding member, Robert Cushing Jr., is as follows:
——Samantha Morgan Stark, in light of all evidence and testimony presented, I and the Council find you ungovernable and deem your power too dangerous to allow use by any entity on- or off-world. You have become too great a liability for the Council to allow your signature to the Accords, and since you have already operated with abilities outside the purview of this governing body, the Council cannot in good faith trust your adherence henceforth to its rules.
Therefore, we hereby insist your abilities be stripped. Should there be no satisfactory cure for your abilities, we conclude no other option than to terminate——
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“Sammy, it's time for bed,” Pepper Potts said for the third time (so far) that evening.
“Mom, story,” four-year-old Samantha Stark pleaded with her mother, raising her wiggling fingers into the air. Pepper tucked the quilt around her daughter as she did every night, cuing Sam to slap her arms down, sealing the edges.
“Ok, one story. Let me guess witch one,” Pepper joked. There was only one story Sam ever wanted to hear, over and over again, so her mom made adjustments occasionally to keep it ‘fresh.’ Sam’s brown eyes were alight with excitement as Pepper began.
“Years ago, your daddy was trapped by an evil man from space. He was all alone, far from home, on a ship with no way back.” She flicked the lights off for effect. “It was so dark and cold out in space, and so very quiet. Dad kept trying to get home until the air was thin and he felt so, so tired.” Sam’s eyes were heavy too. “And that was when he heard the voice,” Pepper continued. “It said: you are meant to go on and save so many others. When he looked up, he saw this beautiful witch dressed all in green. She raised her hand up high above him--” she did the same “--and threw a potion to the floor. When all the light cleared, the entire ship had been magically transported to just above Earth. He was home and soon saved by his friends--your uncles and aunts. If it hadn’t been for the good, green witch, your father wouldn’t have been alive to save half the people in the universe,” Pepper finished, leaning forward to kiss her daughter and add, “or have you, love.”
Lil’Sam fluttered her feet under the covers. “Daddy always saves everyone!”
“Yes, he does. Now go to bed, please.”
Tony Stark popped in, backlit by the hallway glow. “It was really more of a bioluminescent alien that was green, not wore green,” he mumbled.
“We are not talking to her about this now,” Pepper whispered harshly back.
“Right, no nightmares from talk of aliens and monsters…”
“Mommy,” Sam asked sleepily, “are all witches good like the one that saved Daddy? Like Aunt Wanda?”
“Time to sl—“
“No, kiddo,” Tony interrupted, “but we do call good people things like friends, teammates, allies, partners, etc., and we call bad people different things like villains, enemies and monsters.”
“What makes them bad?”
“Well, monsters are people--sometimes they won’t look like you and me--that hurt you or your family and friends.”
“Like the ones under the bed? Big Sam said that’s why he flies so high, to get away from monsters.”
Tony looked at Pepper. “We haven’t fired Wilson yet? Write that on the to-do list,” he said before turning back to his daughter. “But,” he assured her with a gentle grip on the arm, “there are no monsters under your bed.”
“Goodnight, love.” Pepper headed to the door, calling, “I’ll be back by tomorrow night to tuck you in.”
Tony’s brow raised as he stood to leave. “I thought Bruce was gonna go to B-site to handle it?”
“Well, he’s got a lot on his plate here, and I’m perfectly capable of checking in with the supervisors about shipments, containment, and placement. If you recall,” she shot back in hushed tones, “I have some experience wrangling self-obsessed male scientists. Plus it’s one day, Tony.”
“I’m unfamiliar with that previous boss of yours, but I have heard that women in your condition should take it easy. Strong,” he rambled, “stubborn women often take on too much work in order to—“
Pepper spoke over her husband to say “I love you, Sammy,” and made to close the door with them outside it. Tony tossed in an ‘I love you’ as well after a glare from his wife, adding “I said that already. I did. She knows anyway, now what about—“
The door shut with a click.
That was the last time Samantha Stark saw her mother alive.
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Starts out short and sweet. This series does eventually feature Bucky Barnes x OFC, but it is such a slow burn, I will not label individual chapters that way until they are in each other's orbit. I've been writing this sucker for about four years now, and it goes to so many different places that it is hard to qualify/tag. I will do my best though.
Thank you for reading!
[Ch 2: Funeral]
[Series Masterlist; Main Masterlist]
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banannabethchase · 10 months
Set the World Alight: Chapter 21 - also on AO3
It's prom night. You know what that means!
Music recommendations: Heaven - Avicii Mr. Brightside - The Killers Forever and For Always - Shania Twain I Can See You - Taylor Swift
Friday, May 8th
They all manage to survive the end of April and the AP tests in the past few weeks. Nick isn’t particularly excited to do them next year, but at least, now, he’s outside on the lawn during what used to be junior lunch time, and is now junior lunch and senior skip period.
Matt and Mox are curled up together, while Matty’s half asleep on Mox’s shoulder. She yawns. “AP tests are hell.”
“You got that right,” Adam says, flopping back on the grass. “I’m just glad they’re over. Mr. Carleton is letting us draw a giant map of the United States with illustrations of major battles for the rest of the year.”
“Nobody else would think that’s fun, Adam,” Nick says. His head is in Adam’s lap and he and Adam are tangled up more right now than they have been in ages. Matty keeps sending Nick glances, but he closes his eyes and smiles into the sun.
“So prom’s tomorrow,” Mox says, a little too loudly.
“Mhm,” Adam says, carding his fingers through Nick’s hair.
“Going with anybody?” Mox asks.
“No,” Adam says. “Going stag. I’m driving Nick, though.”
Nick nods, watching the red and orange patterns on his eyelids dance. “I think we’re at the same table, too. All of us.” He hears a giggle he thinks must be Willow.
“Cool,” Matty says. “Hey, Mox, we should get to classes before we get yelled at.”
“But you have a free – ”
Nick opens his eyes in time to see Matty scrambling to her feet and hauling Mox off. “See you after practice, Nicky!” she yells.
Nick and Adam forget to get lunch, and Nick thinks he’s in heaven.
Saturday, May 9th
Matty fiddles with her fingers as she makes her way down the stairs. Mox is standing there, jaw dropped.
“I really wish I knew something better to say, because it feels like one of those moments where I should have something special to say,” Mox says, “but just. Wow.” He breaks into a ridiculous smile. “You’re beautiful, Matty.”
Matty’s mom bursts into tears.
“Mom! What?”
She sniffles and takes a tissue from the box on the counter. “It’s just,” she chokes out, “I never thought I’d be lucky enough to see a daughter on her prom night, you know?” She exhales, smiling, eyes wet. “I’m so lucky, Matty girl.”
Matty tucks her hair behind her ear, the curls soft where they fall down from the half braids. “Thanks, Mom.”
Mox looks dashing in a navy suit with a pink tie and pocket square, almost exactly the same color as her dress. He sticks out his hand and Matty takes it.
“Pretty nails, too,” he says, running a thumb over her knuckles. “Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, I promise to have her home tonight. Um. Is it still okay if I sleep over?” He blushes a little, can’t meet Matty’s dad’s eyes. It’s cute.
Exhaling slowly, Matty’s dad nods. “Yes. But only because the rest of them are staying over and I’m banking on all of you being too tired to do something stupid.”
“At least we’re not drinking,” Matty says, grinning as broadly as she can pull off. “See? Can’t do anything stupid if we’re here.”
Mox presses his lips together, a tiny smile in the corners of his eyes.
“Alright, let me get some photos of you two and you can head out,” Matty’s mom says. “Nicky! Get down here! You don’t want to be late!”
“He got his hair stuck in the blow dryer,” Matty says. She intentionally doesn’t laugh. It would be mean.
Their mom exhales. “I’ll be right back.”
“Did he really get his hair stuck?” Mox asks, leaning in to whisper in Matty’s ear. She shivers.
Matty nods. “He did something weird when the doorbell rang and it got sucked into the fan. He loses all his brain cells when he gets nervous.”
“Ah. The Adam thing.”
Matty nods. “I wish they would just admit they like each other already. This is getting annoying.” She rolls her eyes. “I mean, Adam’s driving Nick to prom. Isn’t that enough like a date already?”
“Not to him,” Matty’s dad says. “You should have heard him go off at dinner last night, Jon. Nick spent fifteen minutes explaining how they weren’t going to prom together, Adam was just driving him since Matty refused to take the car and Nick didn’t want to worry about parking.” He sighs and rolls his eyes, and Matty’s suddenly very aware of how many mannerisms she’s picked up from her father. “It was ridiculous.”
“What’s ridiculous?” Nick asks. His hair looks like it’s saved as best as he can. Their mom must have argued him into submission, because it’s pulled back into a sleek little bun at the nape of Nick’s neck. He’s wearing a royal blue and black floral patterned suit with a black tie, and looks mildly irritated. But he listened to his heart about the more fashion forward suit, after days of Matty listening patiently to his wishy-washy nonsense, so she’s pleased.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“My hair just got eaten by your stupid blow dryer,” Nick says. “So, technically, you’re what’s wrong with me.”
They go back and forth a few times until there’s a soft knock on the door.
“Everything okay in here?” Adam walks through the door and even Matty can see that he looks even better than usual.
He’s traded his normal tee shirt and jeans for a deep green suit and a bolo tie, his hair curling in perfect ringlets to frame his face.
Matty glances at Nick, who looks glued to the floor. She avoids the urge to hit him for not being honest, for not telling Adam, for not stepping up and kissing Adam like a romance novel. She’d look away, of course, because ew, but still. It’s the principle of the thing.
“Your hair is down,” Nick says. He steps toward Adam and reaches out, twisting a curl around his finger. “It – it looks really nice.”
Adam smiles down at him, looking happy and healthy and confident. Like he might really be okay now. “You too, Nicky.”
There’s a flash.
“Sorry!” says their mom. “Sorry, thought the flash was off. You two just look so handsome.”
Nick and Adam have jumped apart like they were shocked, and Nick turns bright red.
“Alright, well, if we don’t all get going soon we’ll be late,” Matty says, reaching to fix a rogue curl falling by her face out of the braided half updo.
“No, leave it,” Mox says, smiling. He reaches out and drapes it over her shoulder again. “It looks pretty like that.”
Matty beams up at him. “Okay.”
“You guys are gross,” Nick says, shaking his head.
Matty has so many things she wants to spit back at him. That at least she and Mox are brave enough to love each other, that they may be gross but they’re happy, that her little brother being too chicken to ask out the guy he likes doesn’t mean he has to be bratty to her. But she bites it back. It’s not the moment.
Matty takes Mox’s hand and walks him out the door, the flash going off again.
“That time it was on purpose,” her mom says. “That shot is going on the mantle.”
He’s sweaty. He’s in a suit, he’s on his way to junior prom, and he’s sweatier than when he’s in the middle of a basketball game.
Adam’s put him in charge of directions, but he can’t say anything other than the directions. The words stick in his throat, the questions he wants to ask get jumbled in his mind. He doesn’t know what he wants to say. He only knows that he needs to say it.
“GPS says turn here,” Nick says. He clears his throat. “And, um.”
Adam glances over at him as he pauses at the red light. “Yeah?”
“Nothing!” Nick panics. He always panics. “Just – it’ll be on the left, after this light.”
Adam nods then turns back to the road. He turns the truck smoothly, like it’s easy. Nick doesn’t know why he’s never nervous in the passenger seat with Adam. “There it is.”
The hotel looks like a castle, almost, nestled into the side of a rising hill. This feels far different from a sweaty gym dance with mediocre decorations. This feels real, like it really matters. Like it’s something from a movie. He has a quick flash of a memory of last year’s prom. He was anxious for different reasons – Jude going off to college, would their relationship work. Today, all Nick can think about is how tonight feels like a paradigm shift, as Mox would say.
“Okay, this is cool,” Adam says, parking the big ass truck flawlessly in the spot. Nick tries to convince himself not to think it’s hot. He fails.
Something washes over him, something very certain: he’s going to tell Adam tonight. Whether or not he wants to, whether or not it’s a good idea, he’s going to finally say something to Adam.
Nick exhales. “Oh, boy.”
“You good?”
Nick nods. “Yeah, I’m good. Just a little nervous.”
“I get that,” Adam says. He adjusts the tie and checks his hair in the mirror. “I look okay?”
“You look great,” Nick says, automatically. “Um. Let’s go inside, yeah?”
They walk in next to each other, and Nick feels the tenson building inside of him. He knows it’s coming. He knows he’s going to say something. He just doesn’t know when.
“Nick Jackson,” he says to the person checking people in.
“And your date?”
“Not my date,” Nick corrects. “But he’s Adam Page.”
Adam looks at him funny for a second, then sighs deeply.
They make their way into the room – they weren’t kidding about the neon bit of the theme. Neon Nightlife struck Nick as kind of stupid, but, as he walks in, he can see that the colored suits and dresses stand out against the black background and go well with the neon signs and accents.  
“They didn’t have any neon suits,” Adam blurts out. “But I liked the green. I figured a big part of Neon Nightlife is the cool bottles right? So my mom pulled out a San Pellegrino bottle at dinner a while ago and I went, hey, that water’s fancy.” He gestures to himself. “So I’m a fancy bottle of water.”
“That’s really creative,” Nick says, trying to keep his mooning and fawning under control. “I just sort of liked the pattern.”
Adam reaches out and touches the fabric of the suit. “It definitely fits the nightlife theme,” he murmurs. He looks into Nick’s eyes. “You look like a movie star.”
“And you look like a handsome cowboy.”
Adam blushes, tilting his head down as he looks at the table card. “We’re over at table 13,” he says. “Are Matty and Mox gonna be with us?”
Nick nods as he scans the room. “Jamie, Britt, Adam and Kyle,” Nick says. “And then I think Willow and Riho will be with us, too.”
Adam raises his eyebrows. “Oh! Are they finally…?”
“I think so?” Nick says. “I’m honestly not sure. They seem to be kind of dancing around it.”
Adam’s smile turns a little knowing, a little too hot. “I have no idea what that could be like.”
It’s the moment. It is.
And Nick can’t bring himself to say it.
“Okay, our table’s over there,” Nick says. Before thinking about it, he takes Adam’s hand to guide him. Adam follows after him with no resistance. “Right here.”
“I’m obviously sitting next to you,” Adam says, plopping down. He looks comfortable beyond reason, one ankle resting on his knee, and Nick feels like he’s built to sit on Adam’s lap.
“I’m gonna go get a snack,” Nick blurts out. “Um. It looks like they have, like, little cake things? We should have gotten dinner beforehand.”
Adam sighs and nods. “Grab me one, too. And a bottle of water, if they have it. Please.”
Nick fights the urge to make a joke about how thirsty he is and scrambles over to the little buffet table that’s set up.
“Are you okay?”
Nick turns to see Willow, looking radiant in a deep purple gown that nips in at the waist and flares somewhere around the knees. “You look amazing!”
Willow smiles, beams almost. “Really? Thanks. Matty was with me when we picked out the dress. She’s got an eye for color.”
“Yeah, yeah, Matty’s a genius, we know,” Nick says, grinning. “Where’s Riho?”
“Over by the table,” Willow says, nodding over to where Riho is sitting there in a deep blue and green gown. “She amazing.” Willow sighs, a tiny little smile on her lips.
“You know you can ask her out, right?” Nick says. “Like, you’re allowed to do that.”
“Oh, she asked me to prom officially,” Willow says. “Yeah, asked me to be her girlfriend, all that.” Willow does a little wiggle Nick recognizes as her happy dance. “I was being too chicken to do it, so she, like always, stepped up.” She plays with her earrings. “Last minute, kind of, but. I was too scared. She’s always been the brave one. Flyers, you know?”
Nick nods, slowly. “Yeah. I, uh. I get the feeling about being too scared.”
“Just tell him,” Willow says, taking Nick by the shoulders and shaking him a little. “Look, he’s looking over at you right now.”
Nick glances over. “I don’t know,” he says, quiet. “After everything that happened between him and Matty, and everything else, it might not be fair. He might not be ready…”
“That is a stupid excuse and you know it,” Willow says, flicking him in the forehead.
“You deserved it,” Willow says. “Also, I told Riho to be saying the exact same things to Adam right now. We all know that Adam and Matty are good now. You’re scared. That’s okay. But don’t be a coward.”
Nick pouts. “I’m not a coward.”
Willow folds her arms over her chest. “Prove it.”
Nick’s heart is racing in his chest. “I will,” he promises. “Sometime tonight. I’ll – I’ll tell him.”
Willow’s face goes back into her classic smile. “Good. And, if you don’t, I will tell him myself.”
They two of them grab plates for themselves and their…well, Nick’s not-date, technically, and make their way back to the table.
“Did you guys get dinner before?” Riho asks, taking a plate from Willow.
Adam shakes his head, smiling up at Nick. “Thanks,” he says. “Um, no. Nick had a problem with the blow dryer.”
“Shut up.”
“It’s true!”
Willow and Riho share a little giggle
“Oh, hey,” Adam says, halfway through a bite of cake. “It’s Matty and Mox.”
Nick’s half holding his breath as he looks over. He didn’t tell anyone, but he was secretly afraid that somebody might have stopped the two of them from coming into the venue, with Matty in her dress. No one at the school has been overtly horrible, at least not yet, but this is a hotel. He doesn’t know who could be in charge here.
“Breathe,” Adam says. “They’re doing fine. Tonight’s going to be incredible.” He smiles as he rests his hand on the table. Nick takes it.
“Yeah,” Nick murmurs, lost in Adam’s eyes. “Incredible.”
“You really do look stunning,” Mox says, hand in Matty’s.
She tries not to peacock about it too much, tries not to be too obsessed with the way those words make her feel. “You look great, too.” She glances over again. “I think I might have nailed the theme a little too well.”
“Of course you did,” Mox says, squeezing her hand. “You look great and I look great, and that’s all that matters, right? Meeting the theme of Neon Nightlife, which is stupid on its own? Cherry on top.”
Matty nods. She squeezes Mox’s hand as they make the next few turns. Mox seems to know the area like the back of his hand from all his work towing broken down cars on the weekends with his dad, and Matty gets to look out the window without navigating, like she usually has to with Nick.
“You okay?” Mox asks. He’s sweet and handsome, and she’s struck, again, about how lucky she is that this guy is hers.
“I’m great,” she says, a little breathless. “It’s a lot.”
“Yeah, you didn’t go to prom last year, right?” Mox asks. “Because of…”
Matty nods. “Yeah. The whole Cody thing made me not want to go to.” She shrugs. “Kenny, Adam, and I watched Disney movies all night while Nick went with Jude.” She wrinkles her nose.
“Hey, well, he’s here with Adam now, sort of.” He grins at her. He pulls into the parking lot, and Matty, not for the first time, wonders how the heck he’s so good at parking this giant truck. “Alright,” he says. “I’ll get your door.”
He closes the door and jogs around to open the door for Matty, and she does her best not to swoon like a big goof. She does take his hand to sit down, though. Her heels are unfamiliar and she’s worried she’s going to fall over. She doesn’t, though. Mox expertly guides her down out of the truck to the ground, and holds her hand as they walk into the venue.
“Name, sir?” the person at the table asks.
“Jon Moxley,” he says. “And Matty Jackson.”
“Oh, yes, here you are.” She looks over at Matty, and Matty briefly panics, expecting cruelty. “You are beautiful, dear.”
“Thank you,” Matty whispers. Things are going well. They’re going so well.
Mox takes her hand again and they walk in through the decorated doors. Matty is briefly struck by the décor: black walls and floors with neon colors scattered around. Signs, paint, balloons, everything is black or bright. She loves it.
“I might decorate my dorm like this,” she muses. “This is cool.”
“As long as you don’t write anything I’ll need to read in that weird light,” Mox says, squinting. “I can’t read a damned thing.”
They eventually make their way over to table thirteen, where Nick and Adam are already holding hands and Matty has to resist the urge to ask if they’ve made it official yet.
Sitting in the dress is tricky, but Mox and Willow on her other side help.
Matty doesn’t care about the prom court, and she doesn’t care about the principal’s weird speech about the year and his expectations. She daintily eats the snacks provided, including an impressively good Black Forest tiny cake she shares with Mox, and waits eagerly for the dancing.
“Is he ever gonna shut up?” she whispers to Mox as the principal reminds them all to act in a way appropriate for a school event.
“Hope so,” Mox replies. “This is painful.”
Matty distracts herself by counting, and hits 135 before the principal says, “And, uh. Great! Have fun and enjoy the music and snacks. And each other. But not in a – in a normal way.”
“Does he ever blink?” Willow asks, bewildered.
Matty opens her mouth to answer – yes, fifteen times in his entire stupid speech – but then the music comes in.
“Oh, fuck yes!” Mox yells. “Mr. Brightside! This school has decent taste in something after all!” He leaps to his feet and takes Matty’s hand. “My love, may I have this dance?”
“Oh, god,” Nick groans. “Oh, you two are the worst.”
“I would be honored, sir,” Matty says with a smile.
They dance and sing to the music, jumping and twirling and laughing, and Matty thinks this might be the best night of her life so far.
Nick and Adam join her, dancing together but not in the same way. She keeps bumping Nick accidentally on purpose to get closer to Adam.
“Go dance with him!”
Once a Dua Lipa song finishes, the song shifts to something slow, an introduction with almost a whistle Matty recognizes on the spot.
“Oh my god,” Matty says, turning to Nick. “Nicky…”
Nick nods, heart in his throat. It’s the moment. The moment’s here, and Adam’s off doing god knows what. “I know.”
“It’s Forever and For Always,” Matty says, poking Nick in the ribs. “It’s Mom and Dad’s song. Go ask him.” She punctuates the last sentence with a poke for each word.
His hands are shaking. He feel adrenaline crushing through is system. “Okay. I – I will.” Nick turns around to see Adam bopping a little awkwardly with some of the other kids from FFA.
“Um,” Nick says. He can hear his heart beating in his ears, can feel the way his blood is pumping through his veins. “This, uh. This is country. One of those Shania Twain songs Matty likes? Well, it was our parents song at their wedding. And it’s country, and you’re a cowboy, so…” He trails off. Adam’s eyes are locked on his, not looking away. His cheeks are flushed. “So I think we should dance.”
Adam slumps, his smile growing a little wobbly. “Nick, yes,” he breathes. “Oh, my god. Yes. I – fuck it.” He reaches out and yanks Nick toward him, kissing Nick with the kind of fire that might turn Nick into a phoenix, burning away the person he feared he was and revealing everything he will be. It feels like a promise, the kiss, with the way Adam’s big hand splays across his back and the other slides carefully into Nick’s hair. Screw the hair style, Nick thinks. It takes a second for Nick to decide what to do with his hands, but he settles for throwing one arm around Adam’s neck and the other one on Adam’s hard bicep. It’s so much, and it’s so unbelievably good.
Nick half dissolves into it, for god know how long, until he hears somebody laughing next to him.
“Holy shit, finally!” Mox says, laughing.
“Finally what?” Nick asks, lips tingling. He only resists the urge to reach up and touch his mouth because he isn’t willing to stop touching Adam.
“Finally you guys are kissing,” Matty says, rolling her eyes. “It only took you a million years to reach this point.”
“It was not a million years,” Adam says, cheeks pink. Nick wants to memorize it. “We just. Yeah.”
Nick grabs Adam hand and drags him off the dance floor to their table. Adam goes with him like it’s nothing, like they belong hand in hand. It feels like magic.
“How long?” Adam asks as they fall into the seats. “How long have – have you…” He trails off, eyes searching Nick’s face.
Nick shrugs. “I don’t know. I think – I think I got it for real back in December?” He exhales. “But, really. I think it’s – I think it’s been forever.”
Adam’s eyes go soft and sweet. He rubs his thumb over the back of Nick’s hand, and it might be the sweetest thing Nick’s ever felt. “Me, too,” he says softly.
Nick leans over and kisses Adam again. It’s – they aren’t fully on target with the kisses, bumping noses and clacking teeth, but, Nick thinks, they have forever to practice.
“Do you want to go?” Adam asks. “I mean, prom is cool, whatever. But we can’t really talk here. And Mr. Bennet keeps looking at us funny and I really don’t want him to come over here and tell us to stop.”
Nick nods and stands, not letting go of Adam’s hand. “Let’s go. Glad you brought your truck, yeah?”
Adam nods. “It’s almost as if I was secretly hoping this is what would happen.” His smile goes a little knowing, something behind it Nick wants to know better. “Come on. Let’s go.”
Nick stops by where Matty and Mox are dancing to one of the new Taylor Swift songs and has to be careful not to catch his shoe on the bottom of her dress.
“We’re heading out,” Nick calls. “We’ll see you back home later, okay?”
Matty winks at him. “Don’t make any stupid decisions.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t knock him up, if that’s what you’re worried about!”
Mox doubles over laughing while Matty turns as pink as her dress, and Nick giggles as Adam takes his hand and pulls him out to the parking lot. To be the reckless one, the one making Matty blush, the one running out of prom hand in hand with the guy he likes – this is why prom is such a big deal. The sky is clear, stars twinkling through the light pollution like they know what the night is supposed to be.
“Adam,” Nick says. “Will – I want to. Will you be my boyfriend?”
“Yes,” Adam breathes. He leans down and kisses Nick again, more gentle than the first one, more intentional, and Nick knows it now. It really is heaven.
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mixsethaddams · 1 year
Extract from chapter 4 of crushcrushcrush. Read now on ao3.
WIP, 24684 words, rated M, Steve/Eddie
Hawkins High senior prom in 2012 was nothing special to most of the people there.
Sure, they were all excited to graduate and go off to college, but it was just another big party. The punch was spiked to all hell, there were girls crying off their lashes in the bathrooms, and there were boys wrestling in the middle of the dance floor. Typical teenage shit. They all thought they were so grown up, and the racks of everyone’s baby pictures made them all feel so much older. The theme was ‘How Far We’ve Come’ and the prom committee had bullied everyone’s parents into handing over childhood photos to display outside the gymnasium in the school courtyard for the event. They were hung with clothes pegs onto string lights, wrapped around room dividers that usually got used to keep people away from half-finish projects in the art rooms.
Steve was standing in front of the pictures now, seeking out his friends’ faces. Everyone else was still inside so he could stand and look for as long as he wanted without needing to move. Tommy Hagan had pointed to his when they passed by earlier, but Steve’s mom said he needed glasses because he couldn’t focus on the tv lately, and as he struggled to see any of the faces in front of him he couldn’t help but agree. He did consider for a second that it might be down to the punch though, it was like rocket fuel with the amount of peach schnapps and bourbon that was dumped into it the second the music started. He took a step closer to the display and squinted, finding it hard to even find his own face in the low light of the surrounding exhibit. Steve found Tommy’s eventually, and then Carol’s, but he was getting a headache now from the strain. As he away with a step backwards, he sighed loudly into the quiet courtyard, rubbing his hand over his face.
“Rough night?”
Steve jumped at the unexpected company as Eddie came to stand beside him. They hadn’t really spoken to each other during their senior year. Steve thought that maybe it was last year that they had last said anything to each other. His stomach swooped at the thought. He watched as Eddie looked over the pictures in front of them. Steve thought he looked great. A black shirt with no tie under a loose blazer with ripped jeans might have looked messy on anyone else, but Eddie’s purposeful underdressing for the prom looked perfect. Beautiful, even. He was wearing a cologne that smelled of something vaguely familiar. Steve couldn’t quite place it but he had some distant memory of it that his mind just couldn’t quite get hold of. Their arms were close, and Steve felt the urge to lift his hand and grasp Eddie’s sleeve. He pushed the feeling away.
“Where’s yours?” asked Eddie, turning his head look at Steve for the first time.
Steve sighed again, casting another look over the pictures.
“I dunno, honestly,” he said, forcing lightness into his voice, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Can’t see for shit, I guess I really do need glasses,”
Eddie hummed for a second and nodded, drawing his lips into a tight look of consideration. He looked along the lines of photos and then flicked his finger against a picture just to the left of Steve’s eyeline.
“I’ve been telling you that since we were kids. You’re right there,” he said before shifting his gaze to the rest of them. “Now, where am I…”
“How did you–?”
The picture was of Steve at no more than two years old, sitting on his living room floor and covered in a Sesame Street blanket. Now that it had been pointed out to him, it’s position was obvious, even if the edges were still a little blurry.
“Your dad showed it to me once,” explained Eddie, still looking for his own picture. “Oh my god, this is what Wayne gave them?”
Eddie laughed as he plucked his picture from its peg high up on the top row and held it close to them for Steve to see. The two boys, dressed as donkeys, were smiling wide during Miss Tilly’s nativity play. Eddie leaned sideways to knock their shoulders together as they looked down at it. Steve took his hand out of his pocket and hold the other corner of the photo.
“Oh my god,” echoed Steve, smiling at the memory. “At least it wasn’t the one of us dressed like SpongeBob and Patrick for Halloween I guess. Do you even remember this play?”
Eddie pressed their arms close together again and this time held the contact.
“I remember us asking why we had to stand all the way in the back,” he said with a grin, looking at Steve. “We thought we were the stars of that show, man,”
Steve laughed now. Their poor teacher had been followed around by the two of them for weeks having to explain why the donkeys wouldn’t be at the very front.
“But Mary and Joseph knew the donkeys! The other people were all strangers!”
“Uh huh, uh huh, they were way better friends with them, they’d want them to see their baby before anyone else,”
“Boys please go back to your seats,”
“Which was funny because she wouldn’t let us dress as stars either,” said Steve. “Samantha Conners and Sara Bright got to do that, remember?”
“Remember?” asked Eddie with mock offence. “I’m still holding tight to that grudge, they couldn’t ever sparkle like us,”
Eddie’s pinky finger had moved the small distance across the back of the piece of card in their hands and rubbed against Steve’s. His stomach flipped at the unexpected sensation but now Eddie pulled his hand away entirely, leaving Steve holding the picture by himself. Eddie put his hands on the top of his head and spin into a messy little pirouette. He finished by holding his arms wide when he came to a stop and wiggling his fingers. Steve put a hand to his mouth and giggled when Eddie spat out the hair that had gotten into his mouth. He hadn’t giggled in a long time. No one was able to make him laugh like Eddie. Eddie gave a small bow and rolled his hands in a circle as he did so.
“So Boston, huh?” asked Eddie, standing up straight and putting his hands into his back pockets. He rocking back onto one leg, turning to face Steve properly now. “School paper says you’ll be coaching college varsity teams by the time you’re 25,”
Steve was caught off guard by the question. He had half been ignoring the fact that he was leaving in a few months. Early acceptance was great and everyone said it gave him a better chance to get his head around the idea of leaving, but Steve had found that it just gave him more time to think about what he wasn’t bringing with him. Who he was leaving behind.
“Boston, yeah,” said Steve looking at the bottom row of the display next to him. He slipped the picture in his hand into his suit jacket pocket, as if he was trying to pin the memory to his heart. “Not sure about the coaching thing but, yeah…”
“You excited?” asked Eddie. He took a step towards Steve and ducked his head to try meet his gaze.
Lying was something that Steve could never do when it came to Eddie. He was always compelled to tell him exactly what was going on in his head. Maybe it was because Eddie had trusted him with all his own secrets that Steve never felt the need to put up any boundaries of his own. So, was he excited to go to Boston?
“No,” said Steve admitted with a strained smile, feeling the corners of his eyes starting to prickle. “I’m terrified,”
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starlightswitch · 1 day
Old Letters
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@flashfictionfridayofficial Now I wonder if there are potential dramatic explanations for any of the old shirts in my house...
Kenzie was not even sure her mom had gone to prom, and if she had she was almost sure she had not hung onto the dress through decades and multiple moves, and if she had she would definitely have preserved it better than shoving it in a box in the attic, but Mom wasn’t home and climbing through the trapdoor to the attic with her friends and digging around in boxes was an exciting idea even if they weren’t going to find what they were looking for.
Most of it was holiday decorations, but further to the back they found some bins with old papers and high school yearbooks. And tucked into one of them was a navy shirt, the color muted by age or maybe from the sun before that, with Greek letters and the word “sweetheart”.
“I didn’t know your dad was in a fraternity,” said Margot.
Kenzie snorted. “My dad was not in a fraternity.”
“You said they got together freshman year of college.”
“So…” Margot glanced at Delaney, whose older brother was in a fraternity, the same one his dad had been in. “If he wasn’t in a fraternity then how was she dating a fraternity guy when she was like a junior or senior?”
“Do you have to be dating a guy in the fraternity to be the sweetheart?” said Kenzie, but as soon as she heard the question out loud the answer seemed sort of obvious.
Margot and Delaney nodded solemnly.
“Oh my god.” Kenzie leaned back and gazed at the ceiling and sighed. “Why do you have to jump to the most dramatic explanation? I don’t think you could have a whole relationship with someone where all the guys in the fraternity know and like you, and also have a whole other relationship.”
“What other explanations are there?” said Delaney, looking a little uncomfortable now, at least.
“Well, the obvious one would be they lied to me about getting together freshman year. Or the shirt’s not even Mom’s, she had it from someone else and didn’t want to get rid of it when it wasn’t hers. Or Dad could have been in a fraternity, I guess, although I would be really surprised about that one because, well, you know my dad. Would you ever think my dad was a frat boy?”
“I wouldn’t have pictured your mom with a frat boy,” said Margot, tracing the edge of the T with a fingertip. “Especially when she was supposed to be with your dad. But apparently…”
Kenzie looked at Delaney, who gazed back at her seriously. She slapped her hands on her knees. “Y’all are insane. Why does it have to be this dramatic… I know why. All the angsty romance books—” She pointed at Delaney, then swept her finger over to Margot— “And you’re… you.”
“What does that mean?” said Margot, doing a very bad job of looking offended.
“Have you met you?”
That one cracked Margot up, and gave Delaney the giggles too, which gave Kenzie a second to start thinking.
The explanation was not going to be a secret affair with a frat boy, but she still wanted to know the explanation. And she probably wasn’t going to get it by bringing up a faded t-shirt she found snooping in the attic. Too bad it wasn’t the same fraternity as Delaney’s brother. She’d have to think of another way to work it into a conversation.
It would make sense and it would not be dramatic. So there.
0 notes
helenaheissner · 17 days
Love During Robot Fighting Time: Chapter 22
I sat at the breakfast table the next morning with my parents, nursing a mug of black coffee alongside a bagel and lox, my mom reading a fashion magazine and my dad parsing the financial section of the Wall Street Journal whilst fiddling with his abacus. Many thoughts swam laps inside my mind, and chief among them was, ‘how the hell do I tell my parents I’m in a polycule?’ 
“Have you got the details for your next fight yet, Kate?” Mom said, looking up from her magazine while reaching for the coffee pot balanced on an oven mitt on the table. 
“Oh, uh, yeah,” I said. “I’m fighting Team Forest Fire on Friday.” 
“Oooh, that’s exciting,” Mom said. “Try not to get distracted by the man-candy though.”
I giggled. “Moooommmm.”
“Just saying, I probably wouldn’t be able to focus that well going up against a bunch of former firefighters,” Mom said. 
“Do I have something to be concerned about?” Dad said wryly, grinning without looking up from what he was doing. 
“Never, darling. You’re the only one for me,” Mom said. 
“Good to hear,” Dad said. “Same to you.”
I gulped. 
“Everything alright, Katie?” Mom asked. 
“I, well,” I said. Hoooo boy this was difficult. I hadn’t had to come out to them as trans, they’d done all the work for me, but this… 
Okay, let’s take a step back, I told myself. Mom and Dad have thus far demonstrated themselves to be completely reasonable, understanding people who will love me no matter what. Maybe I should just rip off the bandage and hope for the best.
“How are things between you and your young man?” Dad asked. He seemed to like referring to Zeke as that- Dad was so inexplicably old-fashioned in the weirdest ways. He used an abacus, a flip-phone, and got a physical newspaper delivered every day. It was occasionally shocking to me how forward-thinking he was when he had such a fixation on the aesthetics of the past. 
Then again, was Mom really any different? Most of the dresses she designed harkened back to some previous decade of women’s fashion. I swear she would dress like a fifties housewife every day if it were remotely practical. 
They were the picture of an old fashioned marriage: they’d met in college and gotten engaged their senior year, used the graduation money they’d been gifted to start a small business, and then had me almost right away. Then again, they’d met through their college’s anime club, the small business they owned catered to all the weirdos and hipsters that came in, and their darling child was… Me. 
“Things are good with Zeke and I, but, uh, there’s something you should know,” I said. 
Dad finally put down his newspaper and shoved his abacus aside. He removed his reading glasses and stared deep into my soul in that way only fathers seem capable of. “Does he have any venereal diseases?” 
“What?! No, no, nothing like that,” I said. 
“You’re sure? You have confirmation of that? Because I understand that you’re young and eager to explore certain long-neglected aspects of yourself-”
“AAAAHHHHH,” I screamed, closing my eyes and putting my hands over my face. 
“David, you’re scaring her,” Mom said. Through parted fingers I saw her raise an eyebrow. “Though it is important to make sure-”
“He doesn’t have any STDs!” I said, throwing my hands into the air with exasperation. “He told me so- verbatim!”
“Oh, good,” Dad said. “So then what’s the issue? He seems like a nice young man.”
I drew a deep breath, and exhaled slowly, trying to push cloying particles of exhaustion out of my lungs. “I’m not just dating Zeke. I’m also dating Faith.”
“They’re… Sharing you?” Mom said, squinting and tilting her head. 
“No, they’re dating each other as well,” I said. 
“So all three of you are dating each other?” Dad said. “All at the same time?”
“Yes, basically.”
“How long has this been happening?” Dad said. 
I looked at the clock on the microwave. “Uh… About eleven hours?”
“I see,” Dad said. 
“How exactly did this happen?” Mom asked. 
“Well, Zeke and I started dating.”
“Yes, we know that part,” Dad said. 
“But he and Faith had liked each other for a while, but neither of them knew that the other liked them back until I came around and… Uh… Forced the issue, I guess.”
“Okay, but when did Faith start liking you?” Mom asked. 
“Honestly, I’m still a little confused by that part myself, but I think it was when I started hanging out with her as a friend and encouraging her to tell Zeke how she felt-”
“Wait, what?” Dad asked. 
“It’s a long story,” I said. 
“Evidently so,” Dad said. 
“When did you start liking her?” Mom asked. 
“I think I always liked her on some level,” I said, looking down and shifting in my seat. “She always seemed so cool and calm and even-keeled, and she’s such a great engineer, I just wanted to impress her, so I kept… Making an ass of myself, trying to get her to notice me. And then I got to know her more, and she turned out to be just as big of a dork as I am, not to mention a ton of fun to be around… And I wanted her to be happy. And when she said what would make her happiest was getting to be with both of us… Well, that made me really happy. It feels… It feels really good, being with both of them.”
Mom and Dad exchanged a Look, one of those mutual expressions of understanding they’d shared intermittently for as long as I could remember. Normally, they infuriated me- some sort of social understanding through nonverbal communication I didn’t think I’d ever truly be able to comprehend, because I’d always thought… I’d always thought I’d be alone forever. But now… I think I understood it then. They were confused, and they were concerned, but… They weren’t mad. 
At least, I didn’t think they were. 
… Okay, I was seventy percent sure they weren’t mad. Best to confirm it. “Are you guys mad at me?”
Mom released a gentle sigh and put a hand on my shoulder. She never said anything when she did things like that, she always just went right for it. I wondered… Did I get that from her? “Of course we’re not mad. Well, I’m not- your inscrutable, stoic, marble statue of a father will need to clarify that for himself-”
Dad scoffed, rolled his eyes, and said, “I’m not mad either. I’m… Perplexed by all this, is what I am.”
“Which is also true of me,” Mom said. “You’ve… Never been what I would call a social butterfly, and now you have two partners. And if you’re happy, and you trust both of them, then I’m happy, and I trust both of them. But please, please, PLEASE be careful. Your father and I… We don’t really know much about this kind of thing. You being trans… Well, we saw that coming and had plenty of time to prepare. This is kinda taking us by surprise. We weren’t even sure… What kind of person you liked, never even considered you might like all kinds.”
I gulped, and I nodded. Finally, I cracked a smile. “Thank you, Mom. Thank you, Dad.”
“Of course,” Mom smiled back. 
“Any time,” Dad said.
I gave a weak laugh. “If you don’t mind my asking… When you guys first started suspecting I might be trans-”
“‘Suspecting’ implies that we ever had any doubt after finding the evidence,” Dad said. 
“Be nice, dear,” Mom chastised him. 
“-How did you… You know, react?” I finished.
They exchanged another Look. Finally, after about thirty seconds, Mom said, “We were… Confused, at first, by what it all meant. Surprised. But after we started thinking about it, and doing research… The more sense it started to make. There were a lot of signs.”
“There were?” I asked, brow furrowing. “Like what?”
“You used to throw tantrums whenever we made you get a haircut,” Dad said. 
“You always played as girl-characters in video games,” Mom said. 
“You would get extremely annoyed at anyone who called you ‘young man’ or ‘sir’ or ‘boy,’” Dad said. “Heck, you barely seemed to hear it whenever anyone called you by your old name.”
“Your favorite character in every Gundam you’ve ever watched is any girl who gets into a robot,” Mom said. “Seriously, I don’t think there’s a bigger Sayla Mass fan in the Western Hemisphere.”
“When you were a little kid, a very small one, you used to offer to model your mother’s dresses for you,” Dad said. “And after she started taking you up on the offer, you got very excited whenever she had you do it again.”
“Wait, seriously?” I laughed, rubbing the freshly-shorn back of my neck. “I don’t remember that.”
“We have pictures,” Mom said. 
“You took pictures?” I asked, flabbergasted. 
“You insisted we take pictures,” Dad said, pulling out the flip phone he’d owned for as long as I could remember and pulling up pictures of what did in fact resemble a much younger me modeling my mother’s dresses.
“Huh,” I said. 
“Yeah, plus all those longing glances you gave to the dresses we have up in the store,” Mom said. “Once we found the underwear, it all kinda clicked into place.”
“Alright, yeah, it’s kinda hard to argue with all that,” I said. “Have I mentioned that I love you guys, and that you’re the best parents ever?”
“Yes, but we can always stand to hear it a little more,” Mom smirked. 
I poured myself a little more coffee, and basked in the warmth of my loving home. It felt good. 
I felt good. 
After an absolute behemoth of an opening shift, families pouring in at the height of beach season desperately looking for swimwear for hours and hours, I spent a few hours wrenching on Polyphemus in my garage, re-installing the katana. I’d seen Team Forest Fire work their ax, and I didn’t want to try to beat them at their own game. Instead, I focused on making modifications to maximize speed and mobility. If I could stay out of their range, out-drive them, cripple their wheels, I’d have a fighting chance. 
It was all riding on this. If I wanted into the playoffs, I NEEDED this win. 
After that I showered, shaved my legs, blow-dried my hair, and did my makeup. Faith was coming over to help me practice my voice, and it would be the first time I’d seen her since… Well, she and I had started dating. My heart raced backwards at the idea that my girlfriend was coming to see me, to help me be the girl I wanted to be. I put on my favorite dress, the first one I’d worn. Zeke had seen me in it, but Faith hadn’t yet. I did a twirl, then another, then another, reveling in the giddy sensation of gender euphoria as I dove further and further into femininity. Faith wanted to help me cultivate that, and all I wanted to do in return was support her and Zeke both. To be the warmth and light they both needed, just like they were for me. 
An idea struck me then, about what kind of woman I wanted to be, and about what kind of image I wanted to work towards in the tournament. 
I was so busy walking on air I barely noticed Faith was late. First by a half hour, then an hour, then an hour and a half. I texted her, called her, did the same with Zeke, all to no avail. Concern germinated inside me, threatening to choke out reason and serenity, so I hopped into my truck and braved the drive over to their place. 
I knocked on their door, and waited, and waited, and waited, until finally, I heard some signs of life dragging their feet over the floor and lumbering towards the door. 
Zeke opened the door and loomed over me, hair a bed-headed mess, sans shirt (ABS), lipstick marks covering his face and neck. And he smelled like… Well, he smelled like Faith’s perfume. 
Zeke seemed to take a moment to register that I was standing there, but when he did, his eyes bulged wide and he let out a squeak. “Kate!”
“That would be me, yes,” I said, mustering up a wry grin, trying to ignore the green flames of envy smoldering inside my heart. This was okay, this was fine, I’d signed off on this, I had no right to be jealous, none whatsoever-
“Kate?!” Faith’s voice reached out from the interior of the apartment, echoing across the hall and hitting me. It rang a quarter-octave lower than I was accustomed to at this point. Not quite what she’d sounded like last season, but a little closer… 
I wondered what my facial expression looked like at that moment? Honestly, I had no clue- I’d never been terribly aware of what my face was doing at a given moment, not unless I was concentrating on it very, very hard. 
Of course, given Zeke’s rather mortified look, I could probably hazard an educated guess that I didn’t look terribly pleased. 
Faith stumbled across a living room that was a mess of strewn about clothes and disarrayed furniture, hair even more frazzled then Zeke’s was, clad in Zeke’s IGPX t-shirt (it was practically a ballroom dancing gown on her, it was so big). “This isn’t what it looks like.”
I cocked an eyebrow. 
Faith looked like she was suppressing a chuckle.
I squinted and tilted my head to the side. 
Faith blanched and went stone-faced instantly. 
“Please come in, I’m begging you not to make us have this conversation in the hallway,” Zeke said, exasperation so heavy it made his shoulders slump. 
This is fine, this is fine, I agreed to it, this is fine, I repeated in my head like a steady drumbeat as I nodded and entered the apartment. 
I sat down on the couch, and Zeke brought me a glass of ice-water. I took a long, cold sip, released an audible ‘ahhh’, and set it down on the table without a coaster. They really ought to get some coasters for this place. 
“So,” I said. 
“So,” Zeke said. 
“So,” Faith said. 
“You guys-”
“Yes,” they both said sheepishly, standing in front of me, nothing between us but the coffee table. 
“All night?” I asked. 
“Yes,” they said again. 
“And into the morning and early afternoon?”
“I guess,” Faith said. “What time is it now?”
“It’s two-thirty in the afternoon.”
“Oh wow,” she said. “I guess we lost track of time.”
“The battery ran out on my phone,” Zeke said weakly. 
“I don’t know why you two look so guilty,” I said, forcing a smile onto my face. “I said this was okay. So it’s okay. Okay?”
“Your smile isn’t reaching your eyes, babe,” Zeke said, shuffling his foot across the floor awkwardly. 
“Huh? What does that mean?”
“It, uh… It means you’re not being totally honest.”
“What makes you say that?”
“Your facial expression.”
“Well what does it look like?” I said, leaning forward. 
“... You mean you don’t know?”
“I very rarely do. What does it look like?”
“Uh, well…,” Zeke said. 
“Like this,” Faith said, scrunching up her brow and conjuring the world’s tiniest smile. It looked like a thin sheet of glass balancing on an edge, about to fall over and shatter at the slightest nudge. 
“Oh,” I said, looking down. Dammit. Dammit dammit dammit this is fine, I should be fine with this, if they’re happy then I should be happy so why don’t I feel happy?!
Faith glided over to me and sat down on my left side, and she beckoned Zeke over with her fingers and sat him on my right. “Let it out. Let it all out.”
“There’s nothing… Nothing to… To let out. I’m fine.”
“Kate,” Faith said. “Like I said before: you taught me a really valuable lesson about being honest with your own emotions and having the courage to vocalize them. So please be honest with us now. Are you upset?”
“I…,” I started, but the words stopped there and then. I closed my eyes and I nodded vigorously instead. 
“Are you jealous?” Faith asked. 
I nodded again, with equivalent ferocity. 
“Alright. That’s completely understandable. We should have talked to you before we did this-”
“You did talk to me, though,” I said, slowly opening my eyes. “I just didn’t think you’d get down to business right away. It… It feels…”
“It feels dishonest,” Zeke said, staring directly ahead, pupils dilated, fingers pressed against his temple while his elbow was propped on the armrest. “Like Faith and I are sneaking around, waited for you to not be there to…”
“Zeke, no!” I said, leaning on him, putting my arm around his arm, rubbing his shoulder. “You didn’t do anything wrong! You shouldn’t feel ashamed.”
“I’m not-”
I glared at him, and if I had to guess, Faith was doing the same. 
“Okay, I do feel a little ashamed,” he grumbled. 
“You shouldn’t!” I said. 
“And you shouldn’t be comforting me right now when I’m the one who upset you by not being able to keep it in my pants!”
“Hey, c’mon, we should be sharing the blame for this,” Faith said. 
“No, there shouldn’t be any blame at all!” I said, running my hands through my hair. “Neither of you did anything wrong. I shouldn’t be feeling upset or jealous at all- I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to this!”
“Yeah, but knowing it intellectually and knowing it emotionally are two different things,” Faith said. “You’re new to dating, and Zeke and I are new to this, so it’s completely reasonable that we won’t always be able to predict how we’ll feel about certain things. Because relationships are full of weird, irrational emotions that you can’t plan for and can’t always articulate. But being honest about having them, and talking them through with your partner-”
“Or partners,” Zeke added. 
“-That’s what keeps a relationship alive,” Faith said. She grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles, then rested her head on my shoulder. “So how do you feel right now?”
“I feel,” I said, trying to breathe into what was going through my head, “I feel overwhelmed. Shocked. Flabbergasted. I guess I didn’t… I didn’t really consider everything about this before. I didn’t think that you guys were already at a place where you’d be having sex. I honestly thought… You’d wanna wait a while. But that was me projecting, because I’m a dumb virgin-”
“No talking bad about yourself!” Faith and Zeke said simultaneously, one in each ear. 
“Okay,” I whimpered. 
“Good,” Zeke said. “That’s our girlfriend you’re talking about- remember that!”
An emotion I recognized shot through me: I was flustered. “Mmmmm,” I intoned. 
Zeke chuckled. “What does that mean?”
“Oh, just that I feel better now that I admitted how I was feeling,” I said. “And that I’m grateful you were both willing to talk this out with me.”
“Of course, Katie,” Faith said, leaning forward. “You’re our girlfriend, remember?”
I went warm and gooey again as Faith kissed me on one cheek, and Zeke, as if on cue, kissed my other one. I wiggled in my seat and squealed, then kissed them both on the mouth. 
“Okay, so, one thing I should actually apologize for, though,” Faith said. “I completely spaced and forgot I was supposed to help you with voice practice today.”
“Yeahh, that’s kinda why I came over,” Kate said. “Honestly, in some way I’m relieved- you two are both okay, you just got distracted by each other. Which makes sense- you’re both super hot!”
“No, you’re super hot!” Faith said. 
I stood up and planted my hands on my hips. “No! YOU’RE super hot.”
Faith stood up and mimicked my posture. “No! You’re super hot!”
I leaned in and kissed her, slipped in some tongue, her soft lips and delicate mannerisms an instant balm on any emotional wounds I might’ve still possessed. 
Zeke’s baritone laughter turned raucous. “You’re BOTH super hot!”
Faith and I stopped kissing and turned to him, then did a double-take and looked at each other, then back to him. “No, you!” we said in unison. 
Then we both jumped on him and started kissing him all over his face. 
We three collapsed into a cuddle-puddle after that, interrupted by occasional makeout sessions, before finally, Faith said, “So, do you still wanna do your training today?”
“I know I should, but I don’t know if I still have the energy after all this.”
“Pfft, you’ve only been here for ten minutes, you dweeb,” Faith said, poking my cheek. 
I poked hers back. “That’s my move.”
“Well I’m stealing it,” Faith said. “Seriously, though, if you want to skip it today, we can. We can go somewhere or hang out instead.”
“Ehhh… I’m torn,” I said, resting on Zeke’s chest, feeling his strong arms around me while mine wrapped around Faith. “I know I should, and I should also be trying to prepare for my match Friday.”
“Oh yeah, we have our last one too,” Faith said. “We’re up against Jolly Roger.”
“Oh, no,” I said, recalling their undefeated record and brutally decisive victories in each battle this year. 
“Yeahhh,” Faith moaned. 
“Hmm,” Zeke said, the sounds vibrating into me through his chest, accompanying the rise and fall of his breath and the steady beating of his heart. “That gives me an idea.”
He shimmied out from under me, causing me to fall flat on the couch with Faith nestled safely in my arms shielded from impact. “You two do your vocal exercises- I need to go run an errand. I’ll pick us up some food on the way back, and then I’ll set up my surprise. Is Thai Dishes good?”
“Thai is great,” I said. “Pineapple fried rice, please.”
“Shrimp pad thai for me,” Faith. 
“Awesome,” he leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips, his beard tickling me and making me giggle as we smooched, then he did the same to Faith before heading into his room and putting on some people-clothes. I got a quality view of him taking off his pants and standing there in his underwear a moment while it happened, Faith wolf-whistling as she straddled my chest. Once Zeke had pulled on a shirt and jeans, he said, “I’ll be back in a couple hours. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do while I’m gone.”
Faith looked at me with a naughty expression as she said, “I think we’ll manage, darling.”
I just laughed before sitting up. “C’mon, horndog, let’s get started.”
After a few more minutes of smooching, I convinced Faith it was time for vocal exercises, and we got to work. It took up about an hour, after which point we wound up going into her room so she could show me her massive…  Comic book collection. 
No, that’s not a euphemism. She really just had a massive collection of American comics and manga. Mostly Stargirl, JSA, Captain America, and other Golden Age themed titles on the American front, and a ton of magical girl and shoujo stuff on the manga front. 
“I’ll be honest, I haven’t really read a ton of comics,” I said. 
“What, you haven’t?!” Faith said, 
“I don’t really read much,” I laughed awkwardly. 
“Sit,” Faith said. 
“Sit,” Faith repeated, pointing at the bed. 
I felt my face go flush, a warm and lovely desire to trust her on this running down my spine. She pulled a Stargirl comic off the shelf and then hopped onto the bed with me, pulling me down onto my back and putting her arm around me while opening the comic with her free hand. “Let me know when to turn the page.”
“Okay,” I said, melting into her arms and letting myself get lost in the story. 
We got halfway through the thick tome before the front door came unlocked and Zeke stepped back inside the humble abode. “Honeys, I’m home!” he called out. 
Faith closed the book and said, “First one there gets to kiss Zeke first!” She hopped off the bed and ran off. 
“Hey no fair!” I said, chasing after her. Fortunately, my legs were longer and I caught up and overtook her pretty quickly. “Hahaha!” I said, sticking my tongue out at her then burying it in Zeke’s mouth. “Hi,” I smiled. 
“Hi,” Zeke said. Then Faith caught up, grabbed his lapel, and pulled him into a kiss. “Also, hi. You two ladies keep entertained while I was gone?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Faith said, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“Oh, hush,” I said, boldness bubbling up inside me. “A lady shouldn’t kiss and tell.”
“No, please tell, I’m begging you,” Zeke said. 
“Maybe. If you’re good,” I said, tousling his hair. I noticed the six paper bags he was carrying then. “What’ve you got there, hot stuff?”
“Oh, a few things. I stopped by a few stores and got us a projector, and then burned a few discs.”
“What for?” I asked. 
“We all need to go over some film for our upcoming fights,” Zeke said. “Figure we could do something fun and make a movie night of it. I also bought a tarp, so we can watch them on the roof once the sun finishes going down.”
“That sounds amazing,” I said. 
“Agreed,” Faith said. “But first, dinner!”
“Dinner!” I said, pumping my fists. 
“Dinner,” Zeke nodded, holding up another bag, deliciously salty scents emanating from it. 
We ate while listening to Faith ramble about comics, and I diligently took mental notes on her lecture. Once we were done, the dark had finished falling for the evening, and we made our way up onto the flat roof of the building while Zeke set up the tarp and projector and loaded the DVD into the slot. The night was cool and clear, with a gentle breeze tossing about the air.
First was Jolly Roger. Captained by Nia Westfield, a five-foot-nine wall of muscle with a short-cropped head of natural hair framing her dark face, a golden-stud nose ring, and legs for days (and days. And days. And days-), she cut an imposing figure with her crewmates- all of whom were her former subordinates from when they’d served aboard the same ship during their tour in the Navy. Faith growled when they came on screen, and when they played the Navy song as their walkup music. 
“Interservice rivalry flaring up?” Zeke asked. 
“Little bit,” Faith said, sitting cross-legged on the blanket she’d draped over the cement surface of the roof. “Just flashing back to my brother’s college football career- Annapolis played Westpoint every year and they always freaking won!”
“Well, think of this as an opportunity to avenge your brother,” I said. 
“I still can’t believe I just learned about him like a week ago,” Zeke said. 
“I should write him a letter,” Faith said, errantly scratching her chin. 
Jolly Roger looked like a wooden ship driving on four wheels, though the sails were strictly ornamental and the wood was more of an exoskeleton than anything else- beneath it was solid steel on four wheels, and in place of its mast was a drill. Only one, but it was much bigger than even the biggest ones I’d seen on DG. The film of JR’s fight with Flipper played; Flipper flipped the enemy bot a half dozen times in the first minute and shattered its wooden shielding entirely. But the good ship simply wouldn’t sink- that was its greatest strength. It was nearly impossible to KO because of the sheer amount of armor it had. 
“What do you guys think will happen if drill meets drill?” I asked. 
“Probably the drills shatter and the fight turns into a shoving match,” Faith, drumming her fingers on her knee. 
“Hm,” I said, running my hands through my hair. “What if it doesn’t have to, though?”
“I mean, they have a bigger drill than us, so I suppose it’s entirely possible that only DG gets crippled in that scenario,” Faith said. 
“Hold on, I think I see what she’s getting at,” Zeke said, leaning forward. “Jolly Roger is heavier than Dai Gurren, and it doesn’t have any obvious weak points like Pendulum does. But it’s every bit as slow, and its weapon isn’t nearly as strong or as well protected as Pendulum’s. We disable that drill-”
“-And it’s still denser than us and can shove us into the screws pretty easily,” Faith said.
“Not if we stay mobile, it can’t,” Zeke said. 
“He’s right, at that point it’s a driving contest,” I said. 
“Okay, but let’s look at the driver in question,” Faith said, hitting fast-forward on the film then pausing on an image of a five-flat east Asian woman with long black hair worn in a regulation bun. “Lenora Li. She pilots that thing like it’s a damn aircraft carrier, and in her hands, it may as well be. She’s no Gregson, sure, but most people aren’t. She can dodge a staggering amount of blows- more than should even be possible given the relative speeds of Jolly Roger.” 
“How many opponents with multi-bots have they gone up against?” I asked. 
“Not many- there aren’t that many of those,” Faith said. “I don’t even really think of ours as a multi-bot. We hardly ever use Gurren.”
“Yeah, but I think our last bout made a good case for using the little guy more often,” Zeke said. 
“Fair point,” Faith acquiesced. 
 “Very fair,” I said. “You guys should use it in this match. Anything for an edge.”
“This gives me an idea,” Zeke said. “What if we attach a new face plate, and install all of our drills at once? The three big ones and the five small ones? Give us maximum firepower, so we can disable Jolly Roger’s primary weapon with a direct assault and still have more to work with?”
“I like it,” Faith said, “But where are we gonna get a new face at such short notice?”
“Gaines,” I offered immediately. “He has one exactly like that. You can use my employee discount; should be well within your budget at that point.”
“A-are you serious?” Faith balked. 
“‘Course I’m serious,” I smiled, giving Faith a peck on the lips, holding her chin between my fingers. “Anything for my woman. And my man. And especially both of them at once.”
“Hmmm,” Faith sighed dreamily. “Okay.”
We watched a bit more fight footage for Jolly Roger, just to get all of our bases covered, but the plan remained intact. 
After that, we switched discs and started on Forest Fire. It had a relatively simplistic design, a rectangular body with a chopping ax that came down from overhead. But that simplicity made it dangerous- the ax was double-bladed and worked just as well as a ramming weapon as it did a chopping one, and the lack of frills belied a focus on speed and maneuverability. It ran circles around Ultimate Frisbee in the footage we watched, dodging each attempt at ramming and getting the fragile spinner to crash into the sides of the box. And at one point, under the screws. Then, as soon as the spinning function was disabled, FF buried its ax in the circular bot and reduced it to scrap metal in three blows. 
“You said you were going with the katana on this one, right Katie?” Zeke asked. 
“That’s the plan. My ax-work just won’t cut it compared to theirs-” “Boooo,” Faith said. 
I gave her face a playful shove and continued, “Screw you, puns are awesome. Also, I’m thinking of ditching the flamethrowers for this fight.”
“Are you sure about that?” Faith said. “There’d be a certain delicious irony to beating the firemen with flamethrowers.”
“Oh, trust me, I appreciate that,” I said. “But FF is way too fast for me to get a clean shot at it. I have to out-pilot these guys if I want to win.”
“What if their ax shatters your sword?” Zeke said. 
I paused. “That… That is a good question. I didn’t think about that.”
“What about a side-knife?” Faith offered. “I can help you install it- we have one on DG. It’s pretty simple. If you’re not using the flamethrowers, you can install a secondary weapon pretty easily without slowing yourself down.”
“Faith!” I said, cupping her face. She blushed, which was probably the single most adorable thing I’d ever seen. “You beautiful genius! Thank you!”
She kissed me. “Well, I don’t know about all that. Genius, sure, but beautiful-”
“Oh shut your mouth, you’re gorgeous,” I said, leaning closer to her face and planting another kiss on her. 
Zeke leaned in and pulled her face towards him, giving her a kiss as well. “I’m inclined to agree.”
“W-w-what? Me, gorgeous?” Faith stammered. “That’s absurd- I’m not even cute, let alone gorgeous.”
I smirked. “Yeah, but there’s literally nothing cuter than a cute girl insisting she’s not cute.”
“I am not cute!” Faith pouted, putting her hands on her hips.
“Case in point,” Zeke said. 
“Your honor, the defense rests,” I said. 
“Stahp!” she whined, collapsing backwards onto the blanket. 
Zeke and I nodded at each other, and then we both laid down next to her and started cuddling her and kissing her cheeks. “It seems we’ll have to convince her, Mr. Underhill. Are you up for the task?”
“I’m more than happy to undertake this righteous cause, Ms. Calloway,” Zeke said. 
Faith, for her part, wouldn’t stop squealing. 
We wound up not watching much more film after that- we got distracted taking turns making out with each other. 
“I should probably go home,” I said, looking at my phone and noting the approach of midnight.
“Awww, do you have to?” Faith groaned as she helped Zeke take down the tarp. 
“I got work in the morning, and another photoshoot in the afternoon,” I said, turning off the projector and putting the discs into their respective sleeves in the CD binder. 
“Sounds so glamorous when you say it like that,” Faith said as we all headed out the access door and went back downstairs. We stopped in front of the door to their apartment. 
“It’s really not,” I said. “It’s just what I’ve got to do right now. I don’t think it’ll be forever.”
“As long as it’s working right now, that’s the important part,” Zeke said, giving me a kiss. 
“Amen,” Faith said, giving me one as well. 
“Exactly,” I said, hugging the both of them. “I had a good time today-”
“Hurt feelings notwithstanding?” Zeke asked. 
“All is forgiven,” I said, pulling out of the hug. “You two get some sleep. And remember- you’re allowed to bang. I don’t mind.”
“Yes, ma’am,” they both said as they opened the door and went inside.
Elation saturated every fiber of my being as I left their building and made their way to my car. We could do this, the three of us. We all cared about each other, and we were all willing to be honest with each other about how we felt. And we were able to help each other in our robot fighting careers as well!
Still, though. An errant, terrifying thought couldn’t help but dance through my mind. We were all helping each other get to the tournament, but… If both our teams made it, what would happen if we had to fight each other again?
I searched for the answer my entire drive back home, and to my dismay, my chagrin, my abject horror, I couldn’t find one.
Hello, lovelies! Hope y'all are doing well :)
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simplyparker · 3 years
Break It In
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gif by @parkerpunology
Navigation // Marvel Masterlist
Summary: Peter gets his first car, and you want to have some fun
Pairings: Peter Parker x Fem!Stark!Reader
Warnings: Car sex, SMUT, fingering, Peter being a titty feind, Praise kink, unprotected sex (she's on birth control), smut with a small plot ig.
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: That's all I have to say.
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'I did it!!' read the text Peter sent. You look at your phone with a confused expression.
Me: Did what?
PeterPan💕💫: I saved up for a car and got it!
A smile spreads across your face. Peter had been saving up for a car since the summer before Junior year, and now you guys are almost at the end of your Senior year.
Me: Baby that's great, I am so proud of you.
PeterPan💕💫: I wanna do something special, want to go on a picnic? We can drive in my new carrrrrr!
Me: Yeah, let me get in the shower and get ready. Text me when you're on your way.
PeterPan💕💫: Nononoooo, wait for me, I need to shower too.
Me: Pete, my dad's home. Yk i would say yes any other time.
PeterPan💕💫: damn. tell Mr. Stark I finally saved up enough.
Me: Will do. I love you see you soon.
PeterPan💕💫: I love you too sweetheart. sent 7:23 pm
After the shower, you dry off and get dressed. Your phone dings so you walk over to it.
You turn your phone off with a giddy smile. You put your phone on charge and walk over to the closet, deciding on a simple dress, and Peter's your Midtown high hoodie. Setting your clothes on your bed, you hop in the shower, doing what you need to do.
PeterPan💕💫: On my way. sent with Siri PeterPan💕💫: Y/n this is so cool, it texts for me! sent with Siri
You let out a small laugh at his excitement, because of how adorable it is. Since you guys are going on a picnic you decided on a pair of Dr. Martens, knowing your dad would kill you if you got any of your heels dirty. You walk out of your room with a small black purse and a hoodie. With it being Saturday some of the Avengers are in the main living room drinking and playing cards, those Avengers being, the three musketeers (bucky, sam, and steve), Plankton and Karen (Wanda and Vision), Happy feet (happy), 007 (Nat), Orphan (your dad aka Tony), and Pepper.
Just as you walk by, trying to leave unnoticed, your dad stops you.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asks, setting his beer on the table he was sitting at.
"On a date, Pete finally saved up for a car and he wants to celebrate. So we are going on a picnic." I say, and Bucky and Sam share a look and smirk.
"Not in a dress like that." Your dad shakes his head.
"Wh- What do you mean "Not in a dress like that" YOU bought this dress," you argue.
"Yeah, well. There's too much cleavage. Go change." He tells you.
"Well I have boobs, so anything I put on is going to be "too much cleavage" because I have tits. I can't control that." you roll my eyes and Nat agrees,
"Yeah Tony, that's not fair. She was blessed with boobs, can't blame her. You look hot sweetheart, have fun." She smiles.
"No. Parker is a teen boy, that's all he's gonna pay attention to. I was once a teenage boy-" He starts, but I cut him off.
"You were also once a Man-whore, so...." I trail off. Nat lets out a small laugh and Pepper speaks.
"Tony leave her alone. She looks great. You look great honey, go have fun. Remember..,"
"Curfew is 1 am, I know." You smile and walk to give Pepper a hug goodbye. You notice one of your shoes is untied, so you tie it just as Peter walks into the room.
"Hey, guys!" Peter waves to everyone. You stand back up and Peter is right by you. He places his hand on your back and pecks your cheek. You smile and say hi. "You look beautiful, ready to go?" He asks.
"Thank you and ye-" But your dad cuts you off again.
"I'd prefer if you changed." He says. You roll your eyes and look at Pepper.
"Anthony Stark leave the girl alone. Have fun, you guys." She smiles. Just as you guys are about to walk away, Sam speaks up,
"Are we just going to ignore the fact that two teenagers are about to be alone in a car?" Your face heats up at the question. Peter and you never had car sex before, because you felt weird doing it in Aunt May's car. Even though she left an unopened box of condoms in the consol.
"It's not like they don't have sex already," Nat says without thinking, and her face shows how shocked even she is that that came out of her mouth.
"What the fu-" You quickly cut off Tony.
"We are both 18. End of story." Tony tries to protest, but you drag Peter out of there. He walks you to his car. It's a nice car. Tony started paying Peter for being Spiderman and doing school while keeping good grades, and having a job as a tutor. Peter didn't want Tony to pay him but he insisted and he does whatever Tony wants.
Peter drove to the park, holding your hand the whole time. You were playing random songs on your playlist and it was a peaceful drive. When you guys arrived at the park, Peter grabbed a blanket out of the backseat, and a bag that had 'Delmar's' on it. The sun was setting as you and Peter laid out the blanket.
"I got you your favorite, and chips with a drink." Peter smiles as you both sit down.
"Thank you." You smile back and give him a peck on the lips. "How was your day?" You ask.
"It was great. I bought a car, and I get to spend time with you." He has a dopey smile on his face, the face that all you want to do is kiss. "What about you?" he asks.
"Morgan and I had a girls' day. Got our nails done, and then she went over to her friends' house for a sleepover." He nods, and you guys continue making small talk while you eat. Peter tells you about how Ned is mad that he didn't pick him up first and how he keeps blowing his phone up. After you guys finish eating, you both laydown and watch the sky. You check your phone and it reads '9:37 pm'.
You lean over and give Peter a chaste kiss, then lay back down. To which Peter leans up and over you and starts kissing all over your face.
"Have I ever told you how much I love you?" He kisses your nose.
"Mm, don' think so." You smirk at his fake gasp.
"Well then, I love you," kiss "I love you," kiss, "I love you," longer kiss, "IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou." the kiss after that one is slow but needy. You flip Peter so you are on him straddling his waist. Then go back to kissing. Peter sucks your bottom lip into his mouth. You break the kiss and start kissing down his throat. He lets out small moans as you bite and nibble at his pressure points, leaving a small hickey near his Adams Apple.
"I want you." You mumble against his skin. You can feel his half-hard dick against your clothed cunt.
"I want you too baby, but May is home and the Avengers are at the compound." He groans as you roll your hips against his, and he notices how your dress bunched up a bit.
"Good thing you have a car now, huh?" You say against his neck leaving light kisses. He thinks about it for about half a second before carefully pushing you off of him and he starts grabbing his things. "Oh Pete, I'm sorry-" He cuts you off.
"Well sweetheart, what are you waiting for let's go." You let out a relieved laugh and get your stuff. You guys quickly walk back to Peter's car, throwing your trash in a nearby trashcan. Peter climbs into the backseat pulling you on top of him. Peter immediately goes back to kissing you, pulling at his your hoodie signaling for you to take it off. You do.
"I love you," you say as he kisses your now exposed neck, sucking a few bruises into it.
"I love you too baby." You guys continue kissing roughly. Peter grabbed your hips rolling them into his, making you moan into his mouth.
"Please," you whimper, breaking the kiss.
"Mm, please what?" He asks teasingly.
"Touch me, I want you so bad. I've missed you so much." Peter bunches your dress up around your waist, and you lift your hips off his. He feels your cunt over your underwear.
"So wet for me love," he roughly presses against your clothed clit, making you let out a breathy moan against his ear. Peter pulls his hand away, and you whine at the loss of contact. He takes off his shirt and your lips immediately attach to his shoulder. His hand snakes back down in between your legs. You detach your mouth from him to take off your dress, then your lips are back on his neck. "Fuck," he whispers out, his eyes racking down your body "you are so out of my league, it isn't even funny." you pull away quickly leaning back in his lap to look him in the face, Peter instantly knows he fucked up.
"What did we say about that. Quit putting yourself down Peter. It's really annoying that you don't see yourself the way I see you. You're amazing. Smart, and sweet, and caring. Not to mention you're really hot. And if anything you're out of my league, okay?" Peter nods.
"Sorry, I just know you can have any guy you want. And for some reason you picked me, and I just find that crazy. You picked me over Brad Davis." You roll your eyes,
"I didn't even actually like Brad Davis if I'm being honest." You put your hands on Peters cheeks, and he gives you a confused look.
"Wait, then why did you date him?" He questions. You look down and he already knows the answer. "You dated him to make me jealous? Seriously y/n?" He says in a playful yet slightly ticked off voice. "You knew how much I hated him. And when you came in the lab when I was working on stuff with Mr. Stark and Nat, I was so mad and jealous that you said yes to him."
"That was the point lover-boy. I also said yes to him because I was trying to get over my feelings for you. Now can you stop talking about my ex and fuck me?" Peter presses his lips against yours, one hand on your cheek, one hand sliding into your underwear. He breaks the kiss and his lips attach to your nipple. You thread your fingers through his hair tugging on it as you moan in pleasure.
"So fucking wet." he mumbles, switching to the other nipple. His pointer finger circles your clit, teasingly slow. After what feels like forever, he dips a finger into you instantly curling it.
"More please." you whimper kissing his jaw. He adds another finger, pumping them faster than before. With every pump of your his fingers, his palm rubbing your clit. You move your hips to meet the trusts of his fingers, feeling your orgasam approch. "M' gonna cum." You grip onto his shoulders, your nails digging into him.
"Let go princess." he helps you ride out your orgasm. You slump in his arms breathing heavily. After your breathing goes back to normal you start tugging at his belt. You climb off his lap. He slides his jeans down, then his boxers. You reach for his dick but he stops you. "You don't have to do anything, I just wanna be inside you."
"Are you sur-" but he cuts you off by snapping your underwear against your skin. "Ow! What- what the hell was that for?"
"Ya need these off so I can fuck ya." You let put a small laugh and slip them off. "C'mere" he pulls you back on his lap, taking his cock in one hand putting the other on your ass. He taps the head of his dick against your clit making your body jolt. He lines himself up with your cunt.
"I want you to be rough." You whisper into his ear. With that, he slams your hips down on himself without warning making you grab his shoulders with a death grip. "Fuuhck." you breathily moan into his ear. As he continues thrusting into you, he litters wet kisses and hickeys all over your chest.
"Fuck you are so perfect. Love you, and your smile," he thrusts harder with every praise. "so fucking smart, and beautiful. Hate that I have to be away from you, would fuck you all day if I could." His mouth goes back to your tit, his hands are rough on your hips. You grind down to meet his thrusts, your hands finding his back digging your nails into it. Keeping one hand on your hips, Peter takes his other hand and draws hard circles on your clit.
"Pe- Pete, I am so close," you whimper out.
"Me too baby," He rubs your clit harder send a wave of shock through your body as you come. Peter continues to thrust, guiding you through your orgasm. Shortly after Peter comes too, filling you to the brim and throwing his head back in bliss. A few minutes later, you get off of Peter's now soft dick.
"Can you pass me my dress please?" Peter passes you your dress and you put it back on. "That was-"
"Amazing. Can't believe we didn't do that for two weeks." He pulls his boxers back up.
"Couldn't, I think you mean. I wouldn't willingly give up sex with you." Both of your guys' chests are heaving. He lets out a small laugh.
"You're right, I wouldn't either." Peter checks the time on his phone, "Should probably get you home, don't want your dad getting suspicious."
"Oh yeah, a picnic isn't exactly 3 and a half hours. And thanks to you I have to wear turtle necks for the next two weeks." You throw your hoodie back on.
"Oh yeah? Well thanks to you I have to wear shirts to training. Ms cat claws." He laughs as he pulls up his jeans.
"Oh shut up, I know you like pain. It turns you on." you laugh, making Peter flustered. "Oh don't act all flustered like you didn't just cum in me."
"Shut up." Peter rolls his eyes. "Let's get you home."
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itsallyscorner · 3 years
Graduating with The Avengers
Pairing: avengers x fem!teen!reader (platonic)
Summary: since I graduated I was inspired to write something about graduating with the characters who helped me through my four years of high school :)
Warnings: none
A/n: This is gonna be a headcanon!
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(Go Wildcats)
✧───── ・ 。゚★: *. ☽.* :★. ─────✧
Graduating high school was a big deal for you.
After working your ass off for four years straight, you finished off the school year strong with good grades.
The team knew how much it would mean to you if they attended your graduation, so yes, they absolutely showed up.
Your graduation was around the afternoon, but being the perfectionist he is, Tony made sure everyone was awake by 6am.
It was hectic at the compound:
Tony was mass producing breakfast in the kitchen, making sure everyone was well fed then kicking them out as soon as they were done eating.
Since it was your special day he gave you a little extra time to finish your pancakes.
I think he’d be such a big dad about it and like add a smiley face made out of whipped cream and fruits on your pancakes :)
Wanda and Nat would definitely help you get ready for your big day. They would do your makeup and your hair, like the big sisters they are🥺
Steve would be going through his closet for an outfit that matches, Bucky’s probably off trying to figure out which leather jacket he should wear, and Sam is going back and forth between the two making sure they both look presentable.
I think Bruce would be chilling the couch, already dressed and waiting for everyone else to finish.
In this headcanon, you and Peter don’t go to the same school, but you’re both seniors.
Peter’s definitely going to show up to your graduation because you were there for his and cheered him on. It’d also make him a bad friend for not showing up.
Bby Peter might come into the compound with his tie in hand, not knowing how to tie the damn thing.
Here comes our other dad figure Clint, he’d help Peter do his tie after seeing him struggle in front of the mirror.
When everyone was ready (on time), Tony shoved everyone into some big ass bus.
Idk he’s rich, plus it’s more convenient since everyone would arrive on time.
When you get to school, you run off to line up with your class.
Meanwhile, the entire team is squeezing into your school’s auditorium trying to not attract much attention to themselves.
Though that failed because once Tony Stark, Captain America, and the rest of the Avengers walked in everyone was in shock.
You already know that they took up at least two rows in that damn auditorium😭✋🏼
Yes, there’s definitely seating problems.
Bucky and Sam can’t sit behind or next to each other. Sam kicks the back of Bucky’s seats and Bucky can’t stand Sam being so close to him.
Peter can’t sit behind literally anyone because he can’t see behind their heads.
The team is also joined my Pepper, Happy, Rhodey, Scott, and maybe Carol, T’Challa, and Okoye.
Oh yeah and Thor.
Thor’s definitely going to show up late, like mid graduation ceremony, and squeeze his way towards the team😭😭
When the graduation theme plays and it’s time for all the students to walk down the aisle, the team’s already standing up with their cameras pointed towards the entrance.
When you finally appear, they’d all yell for your attention and try to get you to look at them and the hoards of cameras pointed at you.
Skipping through the ceremony because honestly it’s just a bunch of talking😭😭
Ooo, if you win any awards, they’ll be the loudest people in the room cheering you on.
When they finally call your name while handing out the diplomas, their cheering literally echos off the walls of the auditorium.
“YES (Y/N)!”
I feel like Thor would get a little too excited and accidentally set off thunder outside, literally scaring the shit out of everyone.
After you’ve turned your tassel and the ceremony finally ends, they watch you with proud smiles as you exit the auditorium.
They meet up with you outside and suffocate you with bear hugs and praises for how proud they are of you🥺
And they’d surprise you with balloons, tons of flowers, and cute little teddy bears.
Expect to take a shit ton of pictures outside the school. Taking pictures with everyone would probably take an hour and a half with how big the team is.
“I asked (y/n) for a picture first!”
“No I did, I asked first, get your ears cleaned out Wilson.”
“You can’t even take a picture on that damn flip phone!”
“Sam, Bucky, cut it out.”
“My mouth hurts from smiling.” You’d whine.
Tony simply smiles at the camera beside you, “Deal with it, kid. Beauty is pain.”
“(Y/n), I need another selfie with you, my thumb was in the camera!”
“Do any of you know how to take a proper selfie? It’s not that hard.”
“Why don’t you do it yourself, Stark?”
“My arms are too short.”
Some people might come up to the team and ask for pictures, but since the day was about you, they would politely decline and turn their attention back on you :’)
As a cute ending, you guys would go back to the compound and have a little party amongst yourselves. Maybe a movie night and a bunch of junk food with the team :))
This was a quickie, but I hope you guys liked it💖
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ao719 · 3 years
A Night to Remember
Happy 100 weeks @wackydrabbles! 🥳 I am participating in this weeks challenge with the prompt This is huge - we need to celebrate!
A/N: Thank you to @dcbbw and @burnsoslow for prereading!
Word Count: 1992
Warnings: Very mild language, but other than that, none.
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The Soho penthouse elevator door slid open; Catherine and Gideon stepped out, followed by a sullen Reyna shuffling behind them. “Well, I’m glad Vince is alright,” Gideon said as they stepped into the kitchen. “I’ll give him hell for putting you in danger once he’s recovered; I can’t exactly kick his ass while he’s down.”
“It’s ‘kick him while he’s down,’ dad,” Reyna mumbled.
Gideon casually shook his head. “Not this time.”
Reyna slumped onto the stool at the counter and pressed her forehead against her palm as she heaved a sigh; Catherine rested her hand on Reyna’s shoulder. “You’ve been looking forward to it for so long, Reyna. There’s no reason you can’t still go and enjoy yourself.”
Reyna shook her head. “There would be nothing enjoyable about going alone.”
“Do you want to come to Miami with us?” Gideon asked.
“No. I’ll just … stay home and wallow. Alone.” Reyna stood and walked towards her room; Gideon and Catherine shared sad smiles.
Liam glanced at his watch as he finished dressing; he wondered if Reyna was home. She told him it was senior week; he didn’t understand what the hell that meant, but he knew she didn’t have school because of it, and she’d been out almost every day this week with her friends.
Ever since his birthday ball last month and his realization of how strong his feelings for her truly were, Reyna had been on his mind more than usual. He knew it was one-sided, however, so he tried -- and failed -- to brush it off.
Liam sat at his desk, figuring he would try to call Reyna before starting his day. He opened his laptop and hit the video call icon; he felt his stomach flip when it started to ring. Reyna’s face appeared on the screen a moment later, and Liam smiled; his smile fell when he noticed her red-rimmed eyes and tear-stained face. “Rey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Reyna sniffled as she wiped her cheeks. Liam cocked his head to the side and gave her a knowing look. “It’s so dumb,” she shook her head.
“Tell me anyway.”
“I … I can’t go to my prom,” her breath hitched.
“Because my date is an idiot, and he can’t go … so now I can’t go,” she sniffled.
“What happened?”
Reyna took a breath in an attempt to collect herself. “I was supposed to go with this guy, Vince. A bunch of us were out yesterday when his dad called to let him know he received his acceptance letter into Brown University; it’s a prestigious school and the one he really wanted to get into. So he was all excited and said, “this is huge - we need to celebrate!” So we decided to spend today at Coney, and we rented jet skis. I was riding with him, and he was trying to show off and started messing around. He wasn’t paying attention to what he was doing or where he was going, and the corner of the jet ski hit the concrete slab of the pier, threw me off, and he managed to crush his ankle between the concrete and the jet ski. It broke in three spots, and he has to have surgery …”
“You’re lucky you didn’t get hurt, Rey!” Reyna forced a halfhearted smile as she wiped her cheeks; leave it to Liam to be more concerned about her safety than anything else. “So, just because he can’t go, why does that mean you can’t go?”
“I mean … I could. But all of my friends have dates … I don’t want to ruin anyone else’s big night by third-wheeling it.”
“What exactly is prom again? I don’t understand these things you guys do in the States.”
“Imagine a ball … that’s pretty much what it is, just with less pomp and circumstance … to commemorate the end of senior year.” She looked down at her hands in her lap. “It’s fine. I don’t need to go,” she said quietly.
Liam chuckled, and she looked back at the screen as he offered her a sad smile. “Then why are you so upset?”
“Because prom is like a rite of passage, Li! It’s something my friends and I have talked about all year. It’s supposed to be this amazing night to remember …”
Liam looked away from the screen for a moment; in the background, Reyna heard someone tell him that he needed to go. He looked back at her and gave an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, Rey, I have to go meet with my father. But I’ll call you later, ok?”
“Ok,” Reyna nodded.
On the day of Reyna’s prom, she spent most of the morning lying in bed until her parents called from Miami to check on her. Gideon informed her that he had enlisted her aunt to keep her company for the day. Reyna insisted she was fine, but Elsie showed up at the penthouse just before lunch and dragged her out anyway.
Reyna hadn’t heard back from Liam since he called her a couple of days ago. She knew he was busy taking a few meetings for Leo, who was away on a diplomatic trip with Constantine, but she wished she could talk to him; he would tell her to stop sulking and crack a joke about why she should be glad she was missing her prom.
After a day of retail and mani-pedi therapy with Elsie, Reyna suggested they grab dinner, but her aunt insisted she get back to the penthouse. Reyna was confused since Elsie had practically forced her to come out, but she shrugged it off.
“Thanks for taking me out today,” Reyna said.
“You’re welcome, sweetheart. Now, get inside,” Elsie shooed her with a grin. Reyna gave her a curious look before entering the building.
As the elevator made its ascent to the penthouse, Reyna couldn’t help but think of her friends at that moment; they were all at the Conrad by now, their night just beginning. She sighed as she slumped against the metal wall of the elevator. When the doors opened, she stepped out, carrying her shopping bags in both hands. She froze when she saw a figure round the corner, and her eyes went wide.
“Liam?” Reyna dropped her bags and rushed towards him; she squealed as their bodies collided when she jumped into his arms.
“Hey, you,” Liam chuckled.
Reyna drew back from their embrace to look at him. “What are you doing here?”
Liam couldn’t contain his smile as he set her back on the ground. “I have a surprise for you.” He took her hand, guiding her down the hall to her bedroom. When they stepped inside, Reyna turned to look at him. “I need you to get dressed.”
“Where are we going?”
“Not far,” Liam smiled. “And you need to wear that.” He nodded his head to her closet.
Reyna turned to see the unworn garment she had stuffed away the other day now hanging on the door; she looked at him with her brows furrowed in confusion. “My prom dress?” Liam nodded with a smile. “Why?”
“Stop asking so many questions and just get dressed.” With that, Liam left her to change.
A short time later, Reyna emerged from her room. Hearing her come down the hallway, Liam turned to look at her; his eyes widened as a smile split his lips. She gave a little spin, and his eyes traveled over her; she wore a powder blue backless A-line gown. He had seen her dressed up countless times before, but in that particular moment, she took his breath away. “You look … wow, Rey …”
Reyna smiled as she looked him over; he had changed into a pair of black dress pants and a white dress shirt complete with a tie. “You changed, too.”
“Of course,” he grinned. He could see the confusion in her expression and offered his arm. “Come with me.”
Liam guided Reyna up to the private rooftop terrace of the penthouse. When they stepped out, Reyna was met with soft music, and her eyes widened. Liam had it decorated with flowers, candles, twinkling lights, and white and gold balloons. “Liam,” Reyna choked out, “what is all this?”
“I was going to offer to take you to your prom, but when I talked to your parents, your mother informed me that you had already given your ticket away. So … I decided to create a prom for you …” Liam offered her a smile and turned, grabbing something off the ledge. “My research on proms told me I should give you one of these.”
“You did research?” her voice cracked, and Liam nodded and took her hand, slipping a white rose corsage onto her wrist. Reyna’s vision was blurred as she looked up at him. “Liam, I …” She trailed off, finding it hard to speak over the lump in her throat.
Liam smiled as he brushed a tear from her cheek. “I know it’s probably not the prom you had envisioned, but-”
Reyna cut him off with a shake of her head. “It’s not … it’s better,” she tearfully smiled.
Liam took her hand and gestured to a nearby table that was set for two. “My research also told me there’s typically a dinner involved before the actual prom.” Reyna glanced around the decorated terrace, still in shock, as Liam guided her to the table; he helped her into her seat before taking his own. He lifted a large cloth off the center of the table to reveal a pizza box from her favorite pizzeria, and Reyna let out a laugh as she wiped the tears from under her eyes. “It said fancy dinner, but this seemed more -”
“Us,” they said in unison and smiled. “Jinx.”
“It’s perfect, Liam. All of this --” Reyna motioned around “-- I-I can’t believe you came all of this way … and did all of this for me …”
“I just wanted you to have your night to remember.” Liam smiled, seeing Reyna’s eyes glistening in the soft terrace lighting. “I do have something your prom wouldn’t have had, however.” Liam reached down next to him and lifted a large bottle of Cordonian apple wine with a grin. “They wouldn’t serve you this.”
“Definitely not,” she giggled as Liam poured them each a full glass.
After consuming the entire pizza and two glasses of wine each, Liam loosened his tie and stood from his seat as a slow song started to play. He offered Reyna a lopsided grin and his hand. “Dance with me?”
Reyna took Liam’s hand, and he led her to the center of the terrace; he gave an exaggerated bow, and she laughed before looping her arms around his neck as his arms wrapped around her waist. She rested her head against his chest as they started to dance.
Reyna still couldn’t believe that Liam had made the long flight from Cordonia just to make this night happen for her. She swore any time she was with him, those secret feelings she held since she was 16 grew, but this made that unrequited love she had for him even stronger. This was one of those moments that, if she could, she would capture and hide it away just to relive it.
Reyna glanced up at Liam, unable to stop her smile as he returned his own. She perched on her tiptoes and pulled him down, pressing her lips to his. It wasn’t anything they hadn’t done before: a kiss under the guise of alcohol to mask their true feelings. Liam pulled Reyna closer, so there was no space left between them as they became lost in that one perfect moment. When she drew back, she stared up at him, reminding herself that they were just friends.
“Thank you, Li,” Reyna whispered.
“For what?”
“For giving me a night that I won’t forget.”
Liam smiled as he stared down at her. “I’d do anything to make all of your nights like this, Rey …”
This is part of my Always You universe. If you’d like to be added or removed from tags, please let me know!
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backseatloversz · 3 years
good brother jeffrey anderson headcanons :)
feat. some anderson family angst . sorry you've been warned<3
(jeffrey? jeffery? jeff.)
he's only two years older than todd, a freshman in college when todd starts at welton, and they've always gotten along well, and talking has always come easy
this talking def includes complaining about their parents. jeff has never liked the way ppl compare todd to him, the way his parents are awfully neglectful, and he's always done his best to make this known
jeff teaches todd card games on rainy days. i think ive said this one before and yes its simple but its very Near and Dear to me
todd likes 2 draw. he insists sports should be left up to jeff and that he wants to be left alone to read and draw and such, but eventually good brother todd anderson caves and lets jeff drag him outside to learn soccer
which. he does end up enjoying. bc jeff is all nice about it and insistent on getting him to have fun!!
and now hes good at soccer. good for him
jeff has always been like that; encouraging him to try new things, but never forcing it
he's always been fine with todd's shyness, taking it in stride when todd asks if he can order food for him, or come with him to talk to a teacher. and he never minds when todd isnt in the mood to talk, content to listen to jeff or just exist together, hanging out in one of their rooms to study, read, draw, or do whatever else kids did back then
jeff is the first person todd ever comes out to
its the summer before 10th grade and he disappeared with a boy during a party he got jeff to take him to. on the drive back jeff asks him abt it, prefacing by saying hes not gonna judge or tell anyone, he just wants to know his little brother is being safe. now which was it. drugs or sex. no one looks as flushed as u do if it was nothing. and todd laughs, saying it was neither, really, he kissed me and we talked
after that jeff loves to tease him about boys whenever he gets the chance, and todd returns the favor, teasing him abt girls and boys, bc hes the one that goes to an all boys school, so.. like.. and jeff always jsut... Shrugs....
that aside
when jeff was at welton and todd was at balincrest, jeff always looked forward to the days he could see todd, and in the meantime they wrote often, even if they didnt have much to say
sometimes todd just sends him lil drawings he's made or a nice quote from a book he's reading :-)
alright now time 4 post-canon
todd starting at welton and jeff starting at college made them both pretty busy, they didnt rly get a chance to write much the first few months
sidenote; neil had always been on jeff's radar. they were the same, in a lot of ways; popular golden kid praised for being at the top of his class, maybe they had a couple extracurriculars together
canon compliant;
when jeff comes home for winter break, he can immediately tell something is wrong. sure, todd is a quiet kid, but never like this. conversation is stilted and, eventually, todd quietly leaves when his father asks him about exams. nobody makes a scene, and still neither of his parents will tell him anything, so jeff leaves, too, and knocks on todd's door softly
todd lets him in, and catches him up on ... everything. he must be in shock, at this point, cause it all comes out calm, distant. its not til he admits he loved neil that his voice catches
good brother jeffrey anderson is one thing todd has over neil. someone to confide in at home, someone to tell him he'd make just as big of an awful impact neil did if he were to do something reckless, regardless of the fact he was never anything like neil, never anything like jeff
at this point, jeff is only 20. he's practically a kid himself, reeling from shock over the neglect of his parents, no clue how to deal with this kind of thing, but he does his best, and that seems to be good enough
alright. that's enough of that time for happy canon divergence
the first day of winter break, todd is uncharacteristically giddy, more than happy to answer their dad's questions about how the school year's gone. after dinner he finally gets the chance to drag jeff away, tell him he has a boyfriend now, neil perry, you remember him?? and jeff, ofc, is very very happy for him, and loves how excited todd is to catch him up on the past few months, proud to hear how he's come out of his shell and gotten into writing and stuff :))
after winter break they do get into writing to each other again, and jeff loves the casual updates of how neil's doing, too
in both universes he's more than supportive of todd thru his senior year and dreams of being a writer. in a world where neil lives, he takes him under his wing, too, starts writing to him almost as much as todd and is eager to hear about acting, loves going to his shows whenever he can. and he def doesnt cry when, a few years after college, neil and todd are still living together and he gets invited to their wedding, of sorts. more just an opportunity to talk about how much they love each other all dressed up with their closest friends, but, whatever.
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