#oh my god did I seriously write this
dbphantom · 2 days
Hate having adhd went to go work on my fallout modpack, got distracted while going to disable the steam overlay, ended up in the points shop, went to go edit my profile, decided to change my pfp, found a buried folder I forgot existed, found some old Veneer art I forgot existed, spent 45 minutes looking at all the old photos, STILL HAVE NOT TOGGLED ONE SIMPLE OPTION THAT SHOULD'VE TAKEN 30 SECONDS AT MOST
#I'm shocked I have these drawings scanned on my pc I don't remember doing that I must've done it before I left in case my mom threw all my#Art out again#Anyway at age 12 I was writing a better '3 merpeople go on land to find a 4th one that has been disguised as a human all his life' story#Than Ma/ko Merm/aids EVER did so uh. Take that Jonathan#God it sucks so bad that kid me would've LOVED MM if it just DIDN'T HAVE THE STUPID GENDER WAR BULLSHIT#Literally the entire first and second season is just. So fucking stupid. I wrote a God damn essay about how they fumbled Erik's story SO BAD#I don't even LIKE Erik BUT THEY DID HIM SO DIRTY#THE CHARACTER POTENTIAL AND WRITING COULD'VE BEEN BETTER THAN ZANE B. S1 OF H2O BUT THEY THREW IT AWAY AND FOR WHAT!!!!!!!#Seriously you're telling me a kid who was abandoned his entire life for being male didn't have a bigger impact on the pod than FUCKING ZAK?#That plot twist of 'oh actually Zak was a merman all along' was 100% so they could guilt free write Erik out#Instead of like. Having him face his actions or redeem himself in like. Any way. He just fucks off. THEN the pod is like lol Zac were sorry#We're sorry for literally not doing anything to you because you were privledged enough to have a mother who was super ultra powerful#So you were never really affected by our actions until JUST now. Unlike that other fuckface Erik who suffered his whole life alone#Also then in s3 there are STILL no mermen in the pod. Not even little mermen babies. No kids and teens they've welcomed back n apologized to#NOTHING#God. Mm pisses me off dude#AND I STILL HAVENT TOGGLED THAT FUCKING OPTIONS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#Cruddy rambles#God I'm not done I'm sorry fallout can wait YOU ARE TELLING ME THE GUY WHO TELLS US HOW SHITTY MERMAN BABIES R TREATED BY THE POD. IS NOT#THE SAME ONE THE POD APOLOGIZES TO IN THE SEASON FINALE BECAUSE THEY WROTE IN A SHITTY PLOT TWIST?#AUUUUUUUHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG#It's so bad. It's so fucking bad. It's so needlessly gendered and for what. They could've just had 2 rival warring pods#What pisses me off the most is that s3 (4) completely pivots and never really follows thru with the s1 and 2 story arcs#The writers just kinda wash thsir hands of that because 'hey the pod said sorry to zac' BUT THEN NOTHING ACTUALLY CHANGES!!!!#Maybe instead of having a constantly rotating cast of characters s3 (4) could've instead focused on Ondina and Erik's relationship a bit#Maybe have Ondina tell him she wants to just stay friends because she can't trust him. Have him IDK grow and change as a character?#Maybe so you can show kids nobody is born evil and we all need support systems and healthy relationships to grow and become better people??#THAT would've been a GOOD FOLLOW THROUGH#But no instead u just write him out of the show and never show any OTHER mermen who were exiled being welcomed back#Like u had Ondina becoming a teacher... Why not have Zac become a teacher for all the new mermen who were just recently welcomed back??
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catastrxblues · 5 months
#okay i actually want to rant a bit 😭 - not advised to read this because then you might get brain damage#because oh my god??????? weird#(was going to write an entire diary but nvm here’s the gist of it)#basically i was coming home from this chem thing right#i used the train as i always do when it comes to this. and because the new station just got a shiny renovation it is now connected to the#new mall in front of it (we have two now it’s an addition to the first one). and guess what 😭#i had to go in and get to the first mall because my dad said he’d just pick me up at the lobby instead of the bus stop in front of#the station entrance right.#and when i was on the elevator going up on a call with my mom about food orders 😭#the guy i used to have a very very VERY heavy crush on in middle grade got to the elevator leading down just as i was on the landing 😭😭#and i had to make sure i wasn’t hallucinating so as he was descending and his back turned to me i examined the back of his head and i’m#pretty sure it was him. curiosity killed the cat i should’ve remembered that shit because you know what my stupid ass did??#i was already walking away on my way to cross to the first mall but then that curiosity got the better off me and i steppedonto the elevato#leading down 😭 and followed him out into (apparently) the fucking bus stop#oh my goddd I JUST REALIZED this is my the one moment help#except i don’t think he recognized me because i was never even friends with him lmao. wrote tons of poetry about him ✅#actually had one proper conversation with him ❌#i was delusional and kept alone with my thoughts living in my head do not judge me#but seriously even though i don’t really care about him anymore this would’ve been (unfortunately) SUPER important to middle grade me#she would’ve taken it as a sign or something and write like five pages about it#and i just keep thinking about that#funny how things change because IF YOU KNEW how many credits and exaggerated compliments i gave him in my old journal#oh you would’ve laugheddd#like i used to SPEND SO MUCH TIME pondering over him it’s so 😭#i used to have an oc and i think i based it on my idea of him and then i think that idea of him was even the reason i started to TRY to#write poetically. and i used to relate every taylor swift love songs to him (esp the ones in debut lover and rep and fearless) IT WAS SO#FUNNY LOOKING BACK AT IT NOW#i think he did see me though. i put on this act as if i was searching for someone confused and then (my go to) pretended someone called me#and then i whisked off as if to find that someone#i’d like to think i look pretty cool though. not because of anything (def not my looks because i was SO TIRED from that extra chem lessons
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lord-squiggletits · 3 months
"Rodimus is a better Prime because it didn't hurt for him to bond with the Matrix while for Optimus it did" headcanon/theory my beloathed.
One day I'm literally gonna snap and make a whole post addressing why what's wrong bc I'm tired of the inaccuracy and tired of ppl not understanding the Point TM of IDW and its version of the Matrix/Primacy and even more tired of people putting down Optimus in favor of Rodimus by essentially arguing that being unworthy means you deserve to be punished/put in pain bc you just weren't good enough to hold the Symbol of Ultimate Authority
#it's wrong on so many levels both in terms of lore and as well as like what the general themes of idw1 are#it's just a validation contest using the matrix as some magical symbol to decide who's the most special#which is ironically something that was a plot point in exrid/OP. specifically how stupid of an idea that is ldskjflksd#ppl revealing that they havent read anything besides mtmte/ll as usual#like half the reason ppl think optimus is a bad prime and rodimus is a good prime is literally bc like#optimus was written by an author who was specifically trying to deconstruct him (sometimes to the point of absurdity)#and rodimus was written by an author who takes a more optimistic/idealistic approach. and is also better at writing#but also like am i seriously the only person who thinks that that argument is fucked up?????#like 'OP felt pain which means he's unworthy/not a real prime/not a true leader'#ok so you think that there's a hierarchy of moral goodness in which anyone who falls short of that Moral Ideal should suffer#as a sign of their unworthiness?? like does that not sound dystopian as hell to any of you?? why would you WANT the matrix to work like tha#even if the theory were true (which it isn't) why would you view the matrix as a good authoritative moral judge of character#if its idea of 'moral judgement' is to inflict pain on anyone who's supposedly not truly good/worthy#wasn't the entire point of the ending of LL (including rodimus being a good leader) that everyone is worth it?#like rodimus literally said 'you ARE damn well good enough' or something like that#so what? everyone else in the universe tries their best and that's enough but somehow when OP suffers it's like#a sign that he's not actually a good prime/leader?? we're really going with the punitive perspective purely for One Guy??#swear to god ppl are projecting their authority issues onto Optimus the way they shit on him for things they would excuse#if any other character did it#Optimus is uniquely deserving of pain/being marked as unworthy bc idk he was a cop once and that offends my delicate sensibilities#what's even funnier is how much harm was inflicted by rodimus as a captain sheerly due to his stupidity or ego but everyone forgives him#i guess bc as long as the matrix likes him that means he's valid no matter what he actually does as a person#WHICH IS SOMETHING IDW ITSELF ARGUED AGAINST BC A LOT OF THE PRIMES THAT WERE CHOSEN BY THE MATRIX#WERE DICKS AND THE FACT THEY COULD WIELD THE MATRIX DIDN'T MAKE THEM GOOD PEOPLE#like oh my god stop using the matrix as an arbiter of moral authority in idw1 it literally goes against the themes of the story#including the themes that are embodied in rodimus himself#idw op love
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arsenicflame · 10 months
i lure you in with my incredible izzy hands takes and then i strike by spamming your dash with lesbians youve never heard of
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justmeinabigolworld · 4 months
Hi my name is Ansem Seeker of Dark'ness Xehanort's Heartless and I have long silverish white hair with three spikes at the top that reaches below my shoulders and amber yellow eyes like orbs of paopu fruit but dark and a lot of people tell me I look like Terra (AN: if u haven't played bbs get da hell out of here!). I'm not related to Sephiroth but I wish I was because he's a major fucking hottie. I'm a Heartless but I still look like a human. I have warm brown skin. I'm also a seeker of darkness, and I work in a group called the Real Organization XIII in the Keyblade Graveyard where I'm one of the higher-ups. I was a final boss once (in case you couldn't tell) and I've got the Heartless Symbol on my chest. I love the Accessory Shop and I buy all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a white shirt unbuttoned except for at the bottom and a thick black coat with armored shoulders that went down to my knees. I also was wearing black pants and wide-flared white gloves buttoned on the sides. I was walking around the Keyblade Graveyard. It was finally night so it was dark out, which I was very happy about. The Guardians of Light stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
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fruitwanderer · 8 months
Bruh I'm gonna fuckin sob
To the lovely person who said we got posted to r/systemcringe, thank you for telling us so we can turn off anon just in case.
That being said, being called RPF writers is the absolute funniest fucking thing to ever happen to us as I am living.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years
Vice Versa ep 10
Oh the pink and red/blue and purple of it all.
First, I can't believe I predicted something so spot on! It's their pink. When I wrote the below, I was just hoping I was on the right track but to have Puen say it himself at the end? 🤯💯
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What else can I say? Other than now that Puen and Talay are together, and following on from all the scenes with these colours in ep 9, there were again a lot of these pairings in the scenes with Puen and Talay. Starting with the opening scene:
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Then the editing room:
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Fuse and Kita at the film premiere...and the red wall behind Kita and the sky blue of the film poster to the right of Fuse (also Up in a blue suit):
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Then all the friends together:
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Even in the brief bar scene there's the blue/purple lights on the wall and the blue jeans with Up's red sweater, the red drum kit, and Talay's pink trousers:
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And at the food stall, pink behind Puen and the group and blue to the right (the extra in the middle also has a blue and red striped top):
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In the close up of Puen, he's in red and the blue lights are behind him:
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Back at Talay's apartment (the lights have been different colours throughout the series), and not once...
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...but twice...with the blue on Talay's side and the pink on Puen's:
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And in Puen's very blue room, he pulls out Pakorn's favourite boxers (there is also a red 'bust' to the right of the room visible in the wider frame shot):
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And finally, Talay's suit - blue with pink pinstripes:
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So at this point, I think it's clear that Pink is and always has been Puen's colour...and @nolastpage, you mentioned in your tags on a reblog of my post that you hoped we'll get to see Talay's colour...well, I think Talay's colour is blue. First, his name means 'sea'. Second, the very first ep was Ocean Blue. Third, he wears a blue bracelet in this universe. And fourth, all these blue/purple and red/pink pairings lean towards it being on the blue-indigo scale.
In both a support of this and also to make things a bit confusing, in ep 7, Puen sees some lights when he's out with Pang -> "blue, orange, light blue (I think he says "si fah" which is blue but 'fah' alone is sky), and pink" - and wonders what to call the 'tone' of these colours. Pang suggests "Talay" or 'sea'. This could indicate a few things -> that Talay's colour is the blue in that mix (because Puen is the pink), that Talay really is a blend of all those colours, or that Talay's colour is whatever you interpret 'sea' to be - potentially the blue of the water with a pink sky and orange sun...much like this perhaps? (actually, I don't think this helps at all 😂 It's maybe just a cool connection).
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Anyway, so it could be that we'll continue to get these colours in ep 11...but, whilst Puen and Talay are separated, I think there'll be an absence of them. At least around Talay there'll be less pink and around Puen there'll be less blue. But I might be wrong.
(What is interesting is that when I go back and look at some of those scenes with pink and blue, there is often some orange or a sunlight-type glow...seriously, scroll back up and have a l👀k).
In part 2 of ep 10, Puen and Talay talk about how Talay has ended up 'liking' pink because it reminds him of Puen. They come to the conclusion that this is the thing that they have in common and will enable them to get back to their own universe. Whilst this may or may not be true, in writing the above about the moment in ep 7, I was reminded that Puen has also picked up something from Talay - he adopted the habit of naming colours because Talay usually does it. So perhaps it's not just the colour pink that connects Puen and Talay but ALL colours, naming colours, and being aware of them...
But actually, it might be more than that. Because, thankfully, being each other's portkey ended up NOT being about them falling in love...but more about about how they change each other in the process of falling in love. About how pink goes from being something Talay hates to something that makes him think of Puen. And Puen starts to see colour, be aware of it, and name and associate colours with people and places just like Talay does... Make of that what you will.
Anyway... I loved that they both seemed so on board and on equal footing about saying their goodbyes and preparing to leave and that they were both committed to going back when it happens. Only, it happened for Puen but not for Talay...yet! I wrote a whole load on this here, so I won't repeat myself...
So next week?! Well...here I come with my clown predictions... because I've mentioned a few times now that I've wondered if we might get a reversal of the first three episodes -> we've had the Pink to go with the Soft Blush (which I LOVED that Talay called Puen's pink colour 'shy' when Soft Blush was when they started connecting), so perhaps next week will be a green (a 'sea' green maybe?), and then we'll get a blue to finish it up. I have a theory (and share it with @grapejuicegay) that Dol might actually be Talay's portkey (that they might be the person we see in the overhead shot with Talay in his dream) and it was interesting during their goodbyes that Dol had a blue and green striped top with a pale green shirt over the top:
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And then, the wishes on the tree are blue, pink, and green. I mean, come on! This is just screaming at me. (The title screen also blended green with pink before it settled on the latter).
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But, you know, I might be wrong. Ep 11 might also be something quite neutral in vibrancy (I wonder about a beige/sand palette) due to Puen and Talay's separation...but whatever, I could go on and on, so I'll stop 😊 (oh and I talk about Fuse, his shirts, and Aou here).
[Ep 1] [Ep 2] [Ep 3] [Ep 4] [Ep 5] [Ep 6] [Ep 7] [Ep 8] [Ep 9] [Ep 10] [Ep 11] [Ep 12]
The ramblings of this post brought to you by the pinkest beer I think I've ever had. It's not bad...a little sweet...the Brewdog with just guava is better, I think. It's the raspberry that tips it over the sweet edge. Oh and it wasn't intentional at all, purely a coincidence that I was drinking it whilst writing this post 😄
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erzsebetrosztoczy · 5 months
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thecoolertails · 1 year
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ok. prime > ova > archie > dash and spin > x > film > idw > boom > stc . not factoring in twitter takeovers bc theyre nothing to me . im right and you guys are all nuts
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autistic-katara · 7 months
i need to read some fanfiction before i actually kill myself
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bringmefoxgloves · 2 years
I am so sorry for sending like 500 asks a day BUT it must be said your tags about Alison Gordon are completely correct, she literally is such a good character and people are SO mean to her for no reason and it breaks my heart!
Don't ever apologize for sending asks, I love them <3
But for real!!!! Like she never deserves this much hate!!!! So many depictions of her make her adversarial to Lawrence and like a huge Bitch and nothing else. Which just like. Breaks my heart.
Prepare for a long ramble about her, bus especially in the context of Chainshipping.
Like the reality of her?
She is a strong protective woman who cares about her child and her husband and wants her relationships to be valued and she's just trying to do her best!!! Like I'm all about Chainshipping, but like. To make Alison the Evil Bitch who stands in the way of that is hmmm. Not where it's at.
My favorite versions of her (in the context of Chainshiping) is someone who may (or more realistically, or may not!) initially understand Lawrence being gay. If she immediately understands great! More power to her, if she was married to him, she would most likely be the first one to pick up Lawrence is gay. If she doesn't, equally understandable!
Because, (Gasp! A woman side character with complex feelings???) any feeling of being betrayed or lied to when a previously long and lengthy relationship ends because of said partner's self discovery of sexual orientation is an immediate real human reaction, especially within the context of a relationship that has a child involved.
And I'm not saying it's the kind or accepting or most correct instinct, but it's an understandable feeling to have, and Alison, depending on your interpretation of her, is absolutely allowed to have such complex feelings. She's human and complex and allowed to think wrong things and make mistakes.
But, Alison doesn't strike me as a person who would hold that sort of resentment for long. She might be confused at first as to how Lawrence could have claimed to love her (but, deep down, she knows he didn't) and how he could have had a child with her (As, unless you are familiar with hetronormative closeting and family building, it would be confusing!), but she'd educate herself and move on.
She would never want Diana to pick up resentment or hatred of her father from her. She fought and bled and attacked a man bodily to protect her daughter, so why would she ever want to damage her daughter's relationship with her father? She wants the best for both Diana and Lawrence, as well.
She would be, in the end, I think, supportive and happy for her ex's happiness. Like that's literally all she wants!!! She wants Lawrence to have passion!!!! To be happy!!! She literally says that!!!
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She's willing to accept Lawrence's hatred of her as long as it inspires some genuine feelings within Lawrence!!! She wants him to be fully alive and feeling and living!!! She wouldn't stand in the way of Lawrence achieving that!!!
And we, the fandom, forget that about her.
It's a fine line to walk when there's a canon straight ship that 'gets in the way' of a fandom popular gay ship, but please, please, please, everyone. Value and stop demonizing Alison Gordon 2kforever.
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penrose-quinn · 2 years
TR 263. Oh my god. Baby Mikey. The parents. Shin pls show up.
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basaltbutch · 2 years
god. i am so tempted to "take a break" from college to work at the ranch full time so i can save up enough money to leave but. my parents would 100% instantly become suspicious and retaliate and the whole point is to leave without them noticing what's going on.
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lxnarphase · 5 months
━━ ❝ i'll give you the fire i keep inside ❞
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up to the challenge : ⌞no nut november⌝ edition [ pt 2 - pt 3 - pt 4 ]
☾₊‧⁺...ft. : gojo satoru + geto suguru
☾₊‧⁺...cw : pussy eating, praise kink, begging, premature ejaculation, clothed sex, whiny reader (gojo), smug reader (geto), satoru overestimating himself, suguru 'just the tip' geto
☾₊‧⁺...synopsis : it's nowhere near november, but i need to write this. it's based off an old post of mine from 4 years ago! so, i have no excuse 🖤
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✧ g. satoru lasts : 2 days
oh, satoru is so confident that he'll easily make it through the entirety of november. the moment he coos to you about how excited he is to participate in 'no nut november' as a challenge against suguru, he's walking around with his chest puffed out. however, he doesn't take into account that you'd be a little upset after he tells you, thinking you have to go a whole month without sex with your boyfriend. but everyone knows satoru is the best boyfriend, right? he'd neeeever let his pretty lil' mochi feel unsatisfied. so, on the second day of November, he's got you up on the kitchen counter, mouth buried between your thighs as he practically devours your cunt, messily licking and sucking at your clit as his eyes roll back just from the taste of you. after all, there's no way he'd lose this way!
it had only been two days since satoru had fucked you, how were you this wet and needy? you were dripping down his chin, soaking his fucking face, and god, he was in heaven. "c'mon, baby, grind that clit into my mouth," he fucking whines, kissing your pussy between slurps, hands holding you spread open for him to keep testing you. satoru's so hard, it hurts, his cock rubbing and twitching against the rough fabric of his sweatpants, but he couldn't touch, he wouldn't let himself. he'd be fine, all he needed was to make sure he made his baby cum. "hhf, 't-toru, 'toruuuu, i-i miss you, i miss youuu," you pitifully whine, pretty eyes filling with tears as you grew closer and closer to cumming all over his face. but just hearing you say that you miss him when it hasn't even been a fucking week almost makes satoru cum, almost. "baby, babyyy, don't say that shit," satoru whimpers, about to pull away from your dripping slit, dizzy from your words. but you don't let him, no, not when you're this close. with the cutest little huff, you look him right in his pretty blue eyes and grab a fistful of his hair, smashing his mouth right back against your cunt as you cry his name. and oh, the noise he lets out against your pussy feels so gooddd, feeling his tongue desperately licking up your cum. god, you were practically suffocating him. all that Satoru could process was you, you, you. jesus, he didn't think he'd be able to leave you alone the rest of the month, not when just going two days got you this desperate...he really was fucking you that good that you got addicted, huh? it's okay because honestly? he missed your pussy so fucking much. "'toru, satoruuu, p-please, i-i don't like this challenge anymore, miss when you stuff me w-with your cum," you whine as you ride out the last waves of your orgasm, giving him one last tug into your pussy so his mouth was right over your clit. have you always been this fucking whiny and demanding? god, satoru couldn't remember. but, you didn't realize how seriously all the tugging and those filthy, desperate words of yours would affect him. hell, he didn't know how badly it would affect him. once he separates himself from you, he's avoiding eye contact, and he's getting red. embarrassed. flustered. all it took was a quick glance down to see what the issue was. "b-baby, you...i just...how—" "'toru, did you cum in your pants?"
✧ g. suguru lasts : 2.5 weeks
the only reason suguru decided to participate in this was because satoru roped him into it. not that he didn't think he could do it, but because he knew satoru was going to lose against him. he's so thankful that you're nothing but supportive, eager for him to win this challenge with the promise of a reward of his choosing once he made it to December 1st. it's honestly not that hard. as long as he's able to still be affectionate with you, suguru is content. sure, sometimes he has to stop his imagination, but otherwise, he's fine. at least, that's until he comes home to you wearing the cutest purple thigh highs with little skulls on them. it starts off with suguru pulling you closer, making you stand between his legs as his hands rub up and down your plush thighs...but next thing you know, your legs are over his shoulders as he drags his cock up and down your slit.
"just—just the tip, okay? i can't put anymore in, princess." "suguruuuuu, just! put it in! stop teasing!" those pretty legs of yours would always be his downfall, suguru could never resist them. there wasn't anything even sexual about it, but just seeing how they squeezed your thighs so perfectly...he couldn't help himself. but if he only let himself put the tip of his dick inside that tight little hole of yours, he'd be fine...yeah, he just needed a small feel, and he'd be fine. without any more hesitation, suguru slowly sunk into your puffy pussy, letting out a shaky groan as his head fell down onto your shoulder. shit, shit, shit, it was only the tip, but you felt so good, too fucking good. "g-god, why's this cunt so wet and warm, baby? it's not fair," suguru hissed, lifting his head to look down to where you both were connected. "s'not my fault you wanted to do this dumb challenge," you hummed, a little smug smile on your face. "stop listenin' to satoru, you'll get stupid like him." it made him laugh, you were so amused by him barely holding himself together...and he couldn't blame you, he wasn't the type to break so easily... "s-suguruuu, wait, you said just the tip, that's—suguuuu!" suguru let out the most scandalized gasp when he realized his entire cock was being hugged by your soft, hot walls. it was so cute, though, how you tried to help him, to let him know so he didn't lose. such a sweetheart, weren't you? but, suguru was too far gone. he had slowly begun inching himself inside of you, not even realizing it until it was too late. not being able to stop his hips from moving, thrusting in and out of you, creating a little ring of cream around the base of his cock as his dick dragged against those soft spots inside you that made you keen his name. "oh, princess, angel, you're so sweet, you know that? s-shit, listen to that pussy...she missed this? she missed the feeling of her sugu inside? hm? fuuuck, fuck it, 'm-'m gonna give you what you need, baby, d-don't worry," he says in a needy rasp, pressing his forehead against yours, giving you a delirious little grin. yeah, suguru knew he was going to lose today...he'd be damned if he didn't cum all over this sweet cunt. all because of some stupidly cute socks.
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all rights reserved © lxnarphase | do not repost, copy, translate, or alter my work
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zurazakis · 1 year
playing inquisition first then the other games truly gave me whiplash about cullen. the way my characters feel & act toward him are very much a byproduct of how Mixed Feelings my feelings are about him 😭
#im also pretty sure ive missed out on a lot of details. & maybe the french translation has made some lines not as bad??#my hof def didnt fancy him as a mage himself but my inquisitor did. still does#both of them were in the circle at the same time for a while. hof left first under different circumstances#it is Very weird even To Me that my inquisitor WHILE IN THE CIRCLE appreciated him but also idt he ever had like.#a normal friendship before he was brought to the circle.#i dont think he ever had the chance to have a healthy bond w someone so it makes sense#i absolutely believe cullen shouldve been written & handled better but thats a flaw on like. the entire writing & worldbuilding.#its a flaw bc the devs dont think what he did is THAT bad. had it been treated w the seriousness it required it would be vastly improved#him going 'oh im sorry' isnt enough when every other line is abt how mages cant be trusted & are dangerous#& when he hasnt done the smallest thing to try to make up for his actions#like EVERYONE can be dangerous dipshit. & had things been written better i believe He Would Think That Way.#especially after he turned on meredith... he SAW that templars can also be dangerous! he knows this!!!#but because the writing itself entertains this stupid both sides shit!!! eugh u know what i am done here .#i cant get mad at the writing every other day of my life i cant 😭 ill leave it at 'i appreciate cullen but good lord the horrors'#dragonageposting#oh my GOD i just realised an oversight i made regarding my inquisitor............. 😬 i.#.................... i. will. try to talk abt it w a friend see if i can figure this out oh no thats a pretty bad plot hole
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space-magician · 1 year
What I tell myself: I need to decompress and calm down after this event so I can go to bed
What I'm doing an hour later, Apparently: [brain explode with thoughts and feelings and being normal] so hey guys about Tsukasa and his EVERYTHING-
#me trying to consider whether ill even post anything on here#am i gonna snap and do what i did for bttf and just make a blog to yell on#idk if id even talk enough for it#but on the other hand making other blogs tends to make me more organized#and i guess i Do have a good deal of thoughts#but on the OTHER hand figuring out how to write this all while sounding like a sane person#when half of this started as kinning and thinking 'oh wow haha i did that when i was younger too lol'#and then suddenly things were happening#and im like 'oh hm okay' and it is Not Lol Haha its more 'oh my god i think he's experienced some of the same trauma i did'#and approaching it from such a personal angle HELP#bc on the one hand yeah i do legitimately think it's part of what's wrong with him if not a huge chunk#but on the other its largely based on personal experiences and not just 'i know exactly what this mental thing looks like'#or 'here is my analysis based on pure logic that i definitely didn't see coming because i too had issues like this'#but on the Other Hand#god would it be nice to run my mouth LOL#ig in the end the conflict comes down to being afraid i will not be taken seriously bc it will be seen as 'projection' instead of a genuine#like#read on the character?#i do not know if i have the strength to expose myself to that kind of judgement#but like#on the other hand i feel like i very legitimately am getting parts Right#so ig in the end its inner turmoil and anxiety trying to win one over on me again <3
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