#they have gotten it into their heads that i am 13 forever and i think genuinely the only way to get them to Stop is to vanish
basaltbutch · 2 years
god. i am so tempted to "take a break" from college to work at the ranch full time so i can save up enough money to leave but. my parents would 100% instantly become suspicious and retaliate and the whole point is to leave without them noticing what's going on.
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piedpiperart · 11 months
Phantom of Gotham 14
Chapter 13
“Alfred said Tim and Damian aren’t allowed in the kitchen,”Jason was saying as Tim came into the room. Damian and Dick had left to go take Titus for a walk. “Especially after Tim tried to make toast and caught Alfred’s favorite dish towel on fire.”
“Hey, I said I was sorry! I didn’t know the furthest dial on the toaster meant fire,”Tim grumbled, taking a seat next to Danny, who was snickering at him. 
“I wouldn’t know, I haven’t used a toaster in years,”Danny shook his head,”Toast is disgusting.”
Jason gave him a look,”You don’t like toast? Who doesn’t like toast?”
“It’s like a staple food of breakfast,”Tim added. “Do you like bread?”
“Yes, I like bread just fine,”Danny muttered,”I don’t see why it has to be toasted, it just ruins the bread.”
Tim just laughed, and Jason looked offended. “Okay sure, but garlic bread needs to be toasted. Bagels! Croutons,”Jason listed. 
“It’s not the same,”Danny argued. “Why have toast when you could just have bread?”
“Because it adds to the flavor?!”Jason scoffed. 
“Guys, lets just agree to disagree,”Tim placated,”And agree that Danny has weird tastes in food.”
“Hey, you’re one to talk with that caffeine addiction you got going on,” Danny nodded towards the cup of coffee in front of Tim. Huh, he didn’t remember getting that. 
“Timbit has the worst addiction,”Jason groaned, then leaned over conspiratorily,”Probably why he’s so short.”
“Am not!” Tim protested. “And I’ve only had three cups today.” 
Danny shot him a horrified glance,”It’s only eleven…”
“See?” Jason nudged him. 
“That’s it, you don’t get more coffee today,”Danny said solemnly, and to Tim’s surprise, when he looked at his cup it was gone. He looked back to see Danny holding it in his hands. “No more coffee or you’ll stay short forever.”
“Hey- no, thats not how it works,”Tim protested,”You know I can just make more coffee, right?”
‘Not on my watch,”Danny challenged, walking over to the sink. Tim made a strangled noise when Danny took the lid off to dump into the sink.
“Wait- Danny,”Tim protested, having gotten up and was now trying to reach his coffee without spilling it or hurting Danny. “Just- Give it here, man, no need to waste good coffee-”
“Nope, can’t hear you,”Danny said, pouring it down the drain despite TIm’s best efforts. He swore a part of him died at the sight of his precious drink going to waste. Jason on the other hand, was surprised at Danny’s agility and laughing at Tim’s demise. “And you need to get outside more, you’re too pale. Have you been eating? Did you eat breakfast?” Danny continued. 
Tim sulked, brushing off Danny’s questions as a joke until he realized Danny was actually serious and waiting for an answer. “No, dude I’m perfectly fine.”
“So you did eat breakfast?” Danny squinted, and Tim thought Danny’s pupils had gotten a bit smaller nt he short time they were talking. 
“Yes,”Tim sighed,”There’s no way Alfred would let any of us skip.”
“Good,”Danny sighed, and the weird, nervous energy around him disappeared. “Danny!” Someone called, and the three boys whipped around to see Dick in the doorway with Damian trailing behind him. “You’re awake!”
“Yeah, you’re Dick right?”Danny waved awkwardly. He hadn’t talked to Dick much during his few days at the manor, but the man seemed cool. 
“In the flesh,”Dick gestured dramatically, then made his way to the other occupants of the room. “Now that we’re all together for once, we should play a game or something!”
“No way,”Jason rolled his eyes. No doubt the game would end in someone getting stabbed. 
“We could play videogames?” Tim suggested. 
“We could play outside in the snow?” Danny suggested, only to be met with protests about winter clothes and cold. “Alright fine.”
“What about the pool?” Damian scoffed. “It’s heated and indoors. I do not think it has been used in a while.”
“What?” Damian continued when he was met with silence. 
“We have a pool?” Dick asked. He turned to Tim and Jason. “Since when did we have a pool??”
“God this place is huge,”Jason groaned. 
“Oh- Yeah. There’s an indoor pool,”Tim muttered, typing something on his phone. 
Damian scoffed. “Obviously. It is located next to the art studio.”
“We have an art studio?” Dick whispered to Jason, who shrugged while the other teens nodded in agreement. 
“Swmming sounds fun,”Tim acquiesced. He glanced to Danny,”You can use my swimsuit, I have a few.”
“Uh- sure,”Danny agreed absently, rubbing his chest. 
“Alright!” Dick cheered. “Everyone get ready and meet back here in ten.”
“Why meet back here when we can meet at the pool?”Damian asked, following him out. 
“Cuz no one knows how to get there except you lil’D,”Dick responded, shaking his head. “I can’t believe I didn’t know we had a pool here. Childhood wasted.”
Chapter 15
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starfruitwines · 10 days
Liquid Smooth (Come Touch Me Too)
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Pairing: Harvey / GN!farmer
Description: Harvey isn't handling aging as well as he'd hoped. Luckily he has you to keep him feeling young.
Tags: 18+ / porn without plot / fluff and smut / bottom!harvey / sex toys / safe and consensual fluffy sex. enjoy lol.
cross posted on ao3
A/N: I wrote this forever ago and published this on ao3, but then got mind-blowingly stoned, had a panic attack, and then orphaned it. I swore this would be why I wouldn't get a job post-grad...uhm we moved past that though... so enjoy. I swear on my life this is my original work.
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 “Practically ancient,” Harvey mumbles to himself. 
He analyzes the wrinkles that have formed on his face as his mid-thirties approached. His tired eyes and smile lines have become more pronounced, and a few wrinkles now adorn his forehead whenever he expresses an emotion. It’s early, 6:13 AM to be exact, the morning of his thirty-fourth birthday. Decidedly, he throws wide the medicine cabinet and grabs the electric razor along with his anxiety pills. Perhaps this will be the year he shaves the ‘stache; it did have a good run. After all, it’s been sitting proud on his face for over six years now, he looked so young without it. During his time as a resident in Zuzu, he made the executive decision to grow it out to look older. It made his patients take him more seriously, so now he has established roots in the valley he can’t think of a reason to keep it. He’s always wanted to be the young, hot doctor, but came to realize it is an oxymoron. Young, hot residents exist, but not doctors.
The smell of coffee fills the cabin. He’d love a cup, but he has maintenance to do first. After plugging in the razor he takes one last glance at the mirror. You might be mad at him, but it’s time for a change. You may even like it if he looked a little younger. The soft vibrations of the razor began to ring throughout the bathroom. He hopes you like it. 
“Baby! Breakfast is ready!” Your voice echoes across the cabin. Harvey glances down at the razor before responding.
“I’ll be there in a minute!” 
He picks up the razor and starts with his five o’clock shadow. He takes his time— he knows you well enough to know that you’d want a picture of him today and he’d hate to have a nick on his face. He takes a deep breath. It’s his last goodbye to the mustache that had gotten him through med school. 
“Baby, I want to show you something before you go to wo-” The door swings up as the razor is being raised to his mustache, “Absolutely not!” you cry out. He was caught red-handed.
Sheepishly, he replies, “I thought you’d like a baby face.”
“I had zero intention of marrying a man with a baby face,” you say with conviction. 
“Really, Harv.” You sigh, “Is it so hard to believe that I like the way you look? Mustache and all?” The humming of the razor stops. 
Consider him defeated, “I’ve just been feeling old lately, and you’re so youthful. I only want to meet your expectations.”
“You meet my expectations every day.” Arms enclosed around his waist, nearly yanking him into you, “If you really want to, I suppose I’ll cope, but I love you how you are. Think on it at least?” Your head lays on his chest, listening to the sound of his pounding in his chest. He doesn’t know what to say, so he mumbles out a simple, “Okay.”
“Can I show you something now, sweetheart?” Your hand unclasps from around his back, and you instead rub the curve of his back gently, reassuringly. He curtly nods, letting you lead him towards the kitchen. 
A few steps further and he sees breakfast and coffee are ready made with a present sitting on the table.  Candles are lit on top of a stack of blueberries and waffles. “Happy birthday, Harvey. I love you.” A warm kiss is pressed on his shoulder, followed by a firm squeeze on his arm. 
“Thank you, sweetheart,” It certainly puts a smile on his face. When he was younger he never got to blow out candles. Since he didn’t like cake, nobody really got anything for him to take its place. At least not until he met you— sweet, youthful, thoughtful you. 
“You’re going to hate it, but I’m going to sing for you.” You say sweetly as you guide him to the table. Once seated, you're both shoulder to shoulder, with your arm linked tightly around his own. The flame flickers in front of you, dwindling as you sing a soft and slow Happy Birthday. 
“...happy birthday, dear Harvey, happy birthday to you.”
I hope I don’t start to gray until I’m 50 . He blows out the candles in one swift breath. 
“Make your wish babe?” 
He nods and smiles before giving you a peck on the cheek, “Thank you for always thinking of me,” 
The two of you eat breakfast in an unusual silence. Normally, Harvey tells you about his plans for the day, but there is a somber energy in the air. One that could be cut with a knife.  Once the coffee is finished off and the waffles are eaten, you begin to clear the table, starting anew for another year's worth of farm-to-table food with Harvey. It’s been your privilege to be with him. He does more for you than he ever has to. He helps with the farm on the days where Pelican Town is not begging for his attention and care. He keeps you sharp, the books he reads to you in bed fill your head with wicked ideas and knowledge that would overwhelm the average townsperson. “Capitalist greed is the reason you keep seeing these aviation disasters in the news,” he’d tell you, “if they’d just pay the pilots fairly…and the attendants and air traffic control. And they need to stop cutting corners to save a buck. There would be a lot less of this nonsense. People are going to be too afraid to fly soon!” 
“But sweet pea, aren’t you afraid to fly?” You’d ask him. He’d frown. You both understood that’s not the point. 
“I don’t appreciate your sarcasm,” He’d pout, knowing that it’d lead to you having to earn your forgiveness with strong hugs and loving kisses. You love every moment with this man, therefore you celebrate him and take care of him even when he doesn’t think he needs it. 
By the time Harvey is finished getting prepared for work, the clock is nearing 8:30. 
“Thank you again, sweetheart. I appreciate you so much.” He leans down and plants a kiss on your forehead, then follows it up with one on the lips, “I’ll see you around 3, okay?” Today is just a small deviation from the normal schedule the two of you have built for yourself. A yearning for security and stability has been one of your biggest commonalities. Your small family, that you’ve both worked terribly hard for, has been your most fulfilling accomplishment in life. He pets the cat on his way to the front door.
“Happy birthday again, and have a good day at work.”
Time goes by slowly at the clinic. He hadn’t scheduled anybody for the day, so he’s mindlessly completing his clinical notes. Maru took it upon herself to get coffee for the two of them, but he wasn’t enjoying the silence that she left him. And once the last file is put in its rightful spot, he stands up to stretch. His back cracks as he does so, pulling his lips into a frown. The wrinkles on his forehead are probably showcased as he does so. 
Maru returns shortly after with two steaming coffees, “So, doing anything exciting for your birthday?” 
“Don’t think so, I’m just going to go home and drink some wine and watch a documentary with my partner,” He takes a sip, “I’m not aware of anything different.”
“Getting old sounds peaceful,” she says wistfully, “ Emily and Leah dragged me to the saloon and I felt so sick the day after my birthday I had to call out on ya’ — Emily knows how to get a girl drunk!” So, it’s obvious that he’s old.  He used to be excited about his thirties; everyone said that's when the money begins to pour in and your feet become more planted in the ground. He didn’t realize that the signs of aging would overtake him so soon. Maru continues, “You and your partner seem so happy. I can’t wait to grow old with someone I love.”
“It’s all fun and games until you can’t do anything without your bones popping and cracking.” He complains.
 Maru snickers at him, “pro’s and con’s to everything in life, Dr. Harvey.”
Three o’clock couldn’t come soon enough. He cares about Maru, but as the day dragged on he felt weighed down by having to make conversation. He turns the sign from “open” to “closed” and wishes Maru a good rest of her day.
“Happy Birthday, old man!” She jokes, “Tell the farmer I say hi, and have an extra glass of wine for me would ya!”
The walk home is needfully peaceful. It’s the same cobblestone road back to the farm he’s been taking for four years now. Despite the aching in his bones and the pang of fear for getting older, he hopes to take it for the rest of his life. Maybe by the time he’s forty, he will have accepted his fate. There is no snow on the ground, but the fifteen-minute walk in the winter winds leaves him freezing. His bones hurt even more— frigid from the cold winds and distant sun. 
To his surprise, you’ve set up balloons and streamers around the cabin. Shades of green are hung around your shared home. “How was work?” you asked, ushering him inside to the warmth of the house. He takes a moment to look around, admiring your work.
“It was fine, slow even.” He shucks his jacket off and hangs it on the built-in hall tree that Robin made as a wedding gift, “Maru thinks I’m an old man.” 
“Well, you’re certainly aging like wine,” he tries to tell himself it’s a joke, but he is sworn to life with his heart on his sleeve. “Hey, Harvey, sweet pea, what's wrong?”
“Do you think I look old?” He asks. 
“I’m serious. I feel ancient”
“I think you look wonderful. Plus, there is nothing wrong with getting old.” you reassure, “It’s biology. It’s to be expected. There is nothing wrong with getting older,” 
He reaches up and smoothes the lines on his forehead, but you step forward and grab both of his hands. “You’re so handsome, Harvey.” 
“You have to say that, I’m your husband,” He doesn’t mean to, but he’s pouting.
In response, you give a small giggle, “Nobody is forcing me to say that. I really feel that way.” A thumb soothes over the back of his hands, “this morning, when I caught you trying to shave, I couldn’t stop thinking about how heartbroken I’d been if I didn’t come when I did. I love every piece of you.”
He doesn’t have anything else to say on the matter. Here you are, trying to celebrate him and he’s being a mope. Some husband he is: old and depressing. 
“Harvey–” you let go of his left hand and bring it up to cup his freshly shaven jaw.
“It’s fine— I’m being a downer.” He sighs.
“I believe the saying goes: it’s my party and I can cry if I want to.” You continue to hold his face in your hands, “but I do hate to see you sad. I’m sorry you’re not having a very happy birthday.”
“I didn’t think I’d be this afraid of getting old. Like you said, it’s biology. Aging is the most unpreventable thing that can happen to a person, and alas. I’m here, dreading it– hating it even. I feel like I’m going to look like George in five years' time.”
“I’ll try not to tell him you said that,” you offer a sad smile. You can’t think of anything worse on this Yoba forsaken planet than seeing someone you love so deeply be so sad. 
“Please don’t. Evelyn might have my head,” he sighs, pulling away from your touch, “She’s not as sweet as she seems all the time.”
“I know you’re upset about getting older, but it’s happened today already. Would you at least want your present and some wine to cushion the blow?” 
“Only if you insist.” He tries his best to smile at you, suppressing any thoughts about how it may deepen his smile lines. As they move towards the kitchen, Harvey catches a glimpse of himself in a reflection and tries his best to ignore it. You force him to sit down on the wooden dining chair, and part ways with a firm squeeze on his shoulders and he tells you, “I love you, by the way.”
“And I love you too.” The wine chugs from the bottle into the glass, “So much, Harv. I couldn’t have asked for anyone better.” You sit next to him and hand him his glass of his favorite wine, Cabernet Sauvignon. “So this present by the way— I’m sorry if this isn’t the right time, but we had been talking about it for a while now— I wanted to surprise you, but I didn’t think you’d be this sad— which you’re allowed to be! I just wanted to give you the heads up that I don’t have any expectations from you.” Flustered and reluctant to hand over the neatly wrapped gift. Harvey wonders if it could be—. “Just uhm. Yeah, here you go, sweet pea,” you slide the gift towards him and he looks at you, curiously. He expected a book or a new model plane like he normally receives— this doesn’t seem like any of the above.
Delicately, he unravels the bow, and you watch as it expectedly drops to the table. He analyzes the present, looking for the perfect fold to tear open. With precision and certainty, he slips his thumb under the wrapping paper and lifts it clean from the tape; he’s particular about not waiting to rip the paper too much. He’s done this with every gift you’ve ever given him. When you first moved to the valley, you never put much thought into the art of gift wrapping. You’ve learned it is an art that takes time to perfect—a science too—in the past someone would have considered themselves lucky if you bothered to even throw their gift in a bag (tissue paper not included.) Harvey deserves only the best.
“Oh!” His glum expression diffuses, and it is replaced with arched eyebrows and a sheepish sense of curiosity. With more haste than usual, he pushes the last of the wrapping paper to the side. You feel more embarrassed now than you had when you bought the damn thing online. The website was standard as far as online sex shops go, but the names of these toys left you red in the face. “Ass-gasmic P-Spot Syn Trident” wasn’t a phrase you had ever intended to enter your vocabulary, but alas. You two had talked about this for quite some time, but nobody had ever actually initiated it.  Harvey is looking at the box carefully, and you’re grateful that the name of the toy is not plastered on it. The toy is a simple matte black dildo, with a slight arch to it. When he takes it out, the toy looks small in his strapping hands. It’s probably about five inches in length. 
The room feels hotter than it had five minutes ago, “I’m sorry if–” 
“Don’t— don’t be sorry,” He sternly cuts you off, placing the toy down on the table. At full tilt, he leans over to your chair and presses an unyielding kiss to your lips. His lips are slightly chapped due to the harshness of the winters in the valley. You don’t care though, you move your arm up to wrap around his neck, and toy with the curls near the nape of it. You feel so full with him. Even the most mundane moments in life encompass a beauty with him in your life. There is a break in the kiss and he prises you onto his lap. His body heat is stifling.
“Did you want to try it ?” You ask in the lull of the moment right before he kisses you again. 
“Yes– please, I had thought you had forgotten about our conversation.”  His mustache, which you adore more than the finer things in life tickles the side of your face as he crooks his neck to pin kisses into the crevices where your neck meets your face. It’s abrupt when he stops, but before you have a moment to feel confused, he says, “I need to clean it before you use it on me.” 
“Let me, birthday boy.” You can’t help but kiss him once more on the lips before getting off his lap, as though it’s some lingering promise that you’d be coming back to him.
“Thank you,” he says breathily. He is just too lovely, “I’ll meet you in bed.”  You both part ways, him to the bedroom, and you towards the sink to give the toy a thorough cleaning, and afterward you make a pit stop to grab the lube from the bathroom. The wine never gets touched.
When you return to Harvey, he is out of his work clothes, and instead in just his boxers. His chest hair curls crest over the neckline of his shirt. Without any sense of temporizing, you crawl onto the bed, straddling his hips, not giving much slack for him with wither beneath you. 
There is a moment of stillness in the room. Your eyes catch one another, and you can’t help but think about how his hazel eyes resemble the lake on the outskirts of the farm that you both walk around on Saturday mornings. Perhaps you waited too long to take action, as Harvey quips, “Are you sure I don’t look too old for you?” Your heart clobbers in your chest.
“Oh sweet pea,” your hand moves to sit steadily on the side of his neck. You simply want to just feel him. “Have you ever considered that I like that we’re getting older?” You tilt your hips closer to his center, “You get better with each passing day,” you pause, and your fingers graze the hair that curls behind his ear, “and I meant it when I said you’re aging like wine; you’re so handsome that it drives me insane. I crave you more and more, each and every day.”
Your hips rock slightly, and you can feel the heat gathering near his groin. It’s been well established that he likes it when you are dominant, and if you need to be firm in your comfort, then so be it.  
“Babe.” he rasps as the sheets beneath you crumple slightly due to him writhing. He’s falling apart right beneath you, “Can I touch you?” he asks. 
Shaking your head, you begin to push up against his chest with your free hand, mapping out the warmth of his skin, “today is about you, lovely.” He doesn’t protest you on this and allows himself to give into your touch, and besides, the doting attention is serving him well. Leaning closer to him, you preen kisses down his neck and you can feel him starting to become hard underneath you. The toy is still in the back of your mind, but first, you want to make sure he’s perfectly ready for you. Delighted to please your husband, you begin to strip him bare. It’s not long before he feels the heat of your tongue pressing down on his left nipple. The weight of his insecurity wilts away with your sultry touch. He feels your hand caress his sides, as you continue to tease his nipples. It’s as though you are sizing him up—mapping out the totality of his torso. He’s hard now, desperate for more, and it’s become unmistakable as he squirms beneath you, grabbing at your wrists as a silent plea to touch him more, but he’s not getting off so easily. In a swift maneuver, you pin his hands down to the bed, and hover over him, and stare intensely down at him. Harvey feels sure that he looks as desperate for you as he feels.
“I love you,” you remind him. 
It comes out breathlessly, but he replies “I love you too,”  With that, you situate yourself down from on top of his hips and slide yourself between his legs. Your sweet, lovely Harvey keeps his hands pinned to the mattress as you reach down to tug down the waistband of his boxers and if it’s any declaration of his earnestness, his cock springs out from beneath them and strikes against his pelvis. 
“Just tell me if you need me to stop at all.” 
“I don’t want you to,” he pants. The tip of him is leaking slightly, as you gently take the base of his length into your hands. You don’t give him much time to process anything before you lean down and envelop your mouth around the tip. This drags a deep moan from his mouth and jolts his hips slightly into your feverous mouth. The trust you have for him is inexplicable. After a few moments of teasing and getting the tip of his cock wet with your saliva, you pull off and ask, “Would you like to fuck my mouth, sweet pea?” 
He groans, and tries almost pathetically to remain composed, “Oh my– please.”  And it’s all you need to hear before you encompass him again. The heat of your mouth is driving him insane. When his hips move forward, pressing his cock deeper towards your throat, it’s not as rough as it is in porn—Harvey isn’t that kind of guy—instead, there is a level of care in which he tosses his hips. The man is a doctor and a gentleman still and would put his pleasure over your wellbeing. It must be good enough for him though, if the way his fingers are tangled into your hair is any indication. Your jaw is slack as you allow him to use you. He’s still underneath you, so you still hold the power in the situation, and while he is preoccupied, you stealthily reach around  his body and grab the lube. He’s so blissfully unaware of what is happening around him, as you use your thumb the cap open, and use your core strength to hold yourself steady as you squeeze lube onto your pointer and middle finger. Silently, you drop the lube off to his side and sink into your elbows and stomach, still in between his thick legs. He freezes for a moment as this causes you to sink lower on his cock, engulfing him nearly completely. His grip on your hair loosens, but you hum around his cock which causes him to moan, as some sort of audible queue that it’s okay to keep going. 
He’s more gentle now, and you assume it’s due to the fact he doesn’t want to hurt you. You make a mental note to remind him that he’s allowed to be a bit rough with you, “Babe– babe– please I’m going to cum.” He wines and the movement of his hips becomes less disciplined, but he lets go of your head entirely. The goal wasn’t to have him cum in your mouth, so with a swift motion, you pull off his cock, and the cold air causes it to twitch against his stomach. 
There isn’t much time for him to recover before you’ve sat up to press the tip of your lubed finger near his entrance. It’s a bit of a surprise to Harvey, but not unexpected in its entirety, after all, there is an end goal in mind. You move slowly, pressing your finger deeper into him. It causes him to inhale sharply, as he clenches around you. This is new for you both, therefore you move slowly and now gently wrap your free arm underneath his thigh to give him a firm and reassuring touch. “You okay, lovely?” you ask, wanting to maintain an open line of communication. 
“Yeah– yes,” his chest heaves, “I need a minute to adjust.” 
You gently kiss his knee that is hiked up near you, “Of course, baby, take all the time you need.” You both stay in this position for a minute, in a moment of newly explored intimacy. He’s looking at the ceiling, but you notice the way his glasses sit unsteady on the tip of his nose. You just want this to be good for him, so you wait, patiently, delicately using hand that is free to comfort him. After some time, you hear Harvey take a deep breath, “Okay, you can keep going.” And with his permission, and  you lean over to press a quick kiss to his lips before slowly dragging your finger back out to its tip and fucking back into him. There is less resistance now, and you keep a slow and steady pace as you finger him. Nothing is said between the two of you, but you notice the sheets balled up in Harvey’s fist, and when you scan his body there is more precum than there was previously. Truthfully, you’re just as afraid of hurting him as he is of hurting you. So you continue to fuck him gently, until he asks, or nearly begs that is, “harder– please.” 
You lean into him more, and with this leverage you’re able to fuck into him deeper, faster. And he’s melting beneath you, gasping for air, and exhaling lovely little whimpers. You lean over his body to kiss him. It’s intense really, even after all these years you’ve both continuously found ways to keep things interesting. You can feel his cock pressed against your stomach, and during your kiss, he mutters against your lips, “I need more.” You happily oblige, slowly pressing your middle finger into him; there is resistance to this touch, but not like at first. You swear you feel him arch his back, feeling his pelvis press into you more. The kiss you share with him becomes sloppier as you finger him, and he's moaning into your mouth while his chest rises sharply. He pulls away, pressing his head back into the pillow, brows being pulled taunt in pleasure. You take this moment to bring your attention back to his nipples—still two fingers deep and keeping a steady pace— you flick your tongue against his hard nipple, and he whines, so fucking beautifully too. His right-hand shoots back up to your head, and he digs his fingers into your hair, pulling desperately on it, and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t love this side of him. “So fucking good baby, you’re doing so good,” you reassure, sitting back  up on your knees as you continue to carefully work him open, prepping him for the toy that still sits beside you two. The room is so hot, and the sun is setting now. You’ve been teasing him for quite some time, and he’s just been so beautifully patient about it. His hair is sticking to his forehead now, and the sweet sounds of his moans fill the room. 
“I think I’m ready,” He gasps, arching back into your hands, “please– oh my–fuck– I’m ready, please.” A smile crosses your face when he swears, as it seldom happens. You slow your pace and use your other hand to soothe over his hips. You’re practically towering over him, a rare occurrence, given his standing height, but he’s looking back up at you in an intoxicating manner. His wavy hair is now pressed against his forehead in a wild and sweaty mess, and his chest is heaving up and down as he breathes heavily. 
“I got you, baby, I hear you.” To not be abrupt, you slowly stop fingering him, staying still for a moment and just admiring how ruined the most put-together man in town looks underneath you. His eyes are closed now, you suppose in anticipation. You tenderly remove your fingers from his entrance and remove yourself all together from him to get the toy and lube. You’re beyond generous with the lube, and for good reason: you’re attentive to his comfort and can imagine this could be quite vulnerable for him. Remembering the time he brought this fantasy of his up to you, you recall how shy and bashful he was about the whole thing, and acted as though you’d resent him for even asking. Sincerely, you thought the idea was beyond arousing and have kept the idea stored in your back pocket for a special occasion. 
While you prepared the toy, Harvey took it upon himself to take off his glasses, throwing them haphazardly onto the bedside table. They had begun to fog, and just couldn’t sit still on his face. You love this man so much. Getting back to your husband, you straddle his left thigh, pressing your knee in between his legs, forcing them open. He looks up at you expectedly, “It’s okay, I’m okay,” He whispers. And that's all you needed to hear before pressing the sleek toy against his entrance. His hand snaps up to grip your thigh, holding onto you tightly as you as the toy sinks into him. While you give him time to adjust, you reach down and take his cock in your hands and give it a few slow pumps, followed by pressing your thumb tenderly into the slit of it., and to this, he growls digging his fingertips into your thigh so tightly that it may bruise. 
“You’re so handsome, oh my Yoba, you should see yourself like this,” you praise as he unravels beneath you. The room has become all too hot, and by the way  Harvey snaps his hips down to meet your thrusts, it’s apparent this won’t last much longer. You savor the moment though, leaning down and whispering a concoction of praises into his ear. His baby hairs are damp with sweat, and are pressed haphazardly against his face—you’d never get sick of him.
Eventually, his breath hitches in his throat, “I’m going to come.” 
You promise, “I have you baby.” When he arches his back you take the opportunity to bring him to an all-encompassing kiss. His hands are grabbing aimlessly at you, looking for something to ground him as he steps off the ledge. Moaning brokenly, he rolls his head back into the pillow, crumbling entirely as you ride out his orgasm, slowing your pace, but not stopping until he asks. 
His chest is heaving when he grabs your wrist to signal you to stop. Slowly, you pull out and toss the toy to the side, giving your full attention to your husband. “Happy birthday,” you giggle, crawling up to lay by his side, softly touching his chest. Although out of breath, he laughs, lulling his head to the side to look at you. The gloss in his hazel eyes makes you weak. Again, you kiss him. 
“That was good.” He exhales. 
“I’m glad.” The room is still hot and still.
“I think I’ll stay young with you around.” 
“Oh Harvey,” you smile, looking down at the pendant around his neck, “It’s been such an honor to take on the years with you.” 
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vividvivvy · 5 months
Tumblr media
HER-Chase Atlantic
“Satoru! Come onnnn! You walk so incredibly slow!” The tall white haired man was being drug around multiple different stores by a young girl, maybe 19, that he had met just earlier that day at a small coffee shop. 
“You know you sure do zone out quite a bit Satoru.” She stopped rushing for a minute and looked back at Gojo. “You're such an airhead! It’s so cute!” Her pause was short lived though as she went back to pulling him into another over priced designer store. 
"Woah, shes high fashioned. Took me to the back room in Chanel so we could smash and, everything is Louis V and Louis V her casket”
Gojo was sitting across from her at a table, watching her eat her overpriced mall food. He had food of his own of course, but he hadn’t touched it since they had sat down. To caught up with the sweet thing across from him. 
“Oh Satoruuuu~ If you keep staring a hole through my head your foods gonna get all cold and grosssss~” she spoke playfully as she pointed her fork at him and laughed. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen anything quite as amazing as the way she looks when she laughs. 
“Yeah yeah, I’m going” He chucked along with her, finally picking up his fork to eat. “About time! I was starting to think you’d gone and fallen in love with me!” She laughed again, and Gojo gave a light snort along with her. 
“Well that would be no good would it?”
“But boy don’t go falling in love. You can’t stay with me. All you’ll ever have is one day with me.”
He watched her run around in the parking lot, it was sprinkling, the light rain slowly soaking her clothes but she didn’t have a care in the world, giggling and spinning in careless circles. 
“Satoru! Come dance with me!” 
His heart and brain stopped for a minute. Dance with her? He doesn’t know if he can handle that one. 
“I don’t know about that one? Dancing in a busy parking lot? Doesn’t sound like the safest bet” He smiled at her as she pouted and whined about how he was boring and that it was perfectly safe.
It wasn’t safe for his fast beating heart though.
“I’m getting feelings that I didn’t before. And all I wanna do is just stay with her. But I know all I have is one say with her”
“Oh wow, the time has really gotten ahead of us hasn’t It?” She nodded to the lit up radio of his expensive black car. His eyes followed down to the clock. “Already almost five o'clock. Damn” Gojo’s voice was followed by a sigh. 
“you ok big guy?” her voice came from the passenger seat, concern laced her tone. 
“All good princess”
"With no perception of time, its almost quarter-to-five”
“So, wanna hang out again sometime? I had a really good time with you today, felt like we spent ages together” He spoke hesitantly as they drove down the empty late night roads, one hand on the wheel and the other resting on her thigh.
Her voice replied just as hesitantly “Ummm…” she paused for a minute, before a sigh escaped her “I don’t think I really can if I’m being totally honest..” 
“Oh.” both of his hands were back on the wheel
“I could live forever in a day with her. I don’t wanna live it if it ain’t with her. I could go up to outer space with her. All I need is one more day with her”
The car was stopped outside of a large, expensive looking, modern style house. Her house.
“Listen Y/n I just, I did have a lot of fun today… I know you don’t wanna see me again but I honestly think…” 
She was staring at him, her eyes told him she knew what was coming and she didn’t want to hear it. 
“Goodnight princess”
“Night Satoru”
“Ooh, she’s always been running from love. ‘Cause daddy didn’t give her enough”
That night Gojo sent a text he never saw himself sending, especially not after just one day with a girl who was just out to spend his money.
“I think I fell in love with you today” 
Read 4:13 am
“All I need is one more day with her”
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AO3 Tag Game!
Tagged by @mvshortcut :) I'm gonna stick with just this fandom/this account for this one to make it less confusing
How many works do you have on AO3?
44. (Including snippet collections.) For this fandom/account. Far more if you count bi-demon-ium or my old account or my older account or
What’s your total AO3 word count?
Okay this one it won't let me separate by pseud or fandom so you're just gonna have to live with being lumped in with all my MBS and a few other misc fics at "653,461". Didn't get the other accounts though. Man, I'm a mess
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they?
Okay, well, this one by nature is also not solely for this fandom,
(number in parentheses is number of ao3 works posted)
Ted Lasso (obviously) (44) (including snippet collections)
The Mysterious Benedict Society (116) (also including snippet collections)
Instinct (2) (one is a small snippet collection--)
House MD (1)
Death by Dying (1)
Gravity Falls, technically, but it was one crossover (1)
ditto with The Legend of Zelda (1)
King Falls AM (1)
The House in the Cerulean Sea (6)
Shadowhunters (??? at least 36) (some now hidden/lost)
Professor Layton (1)
The Librarians (2)
The Sandman (1)
The Mentalist (2)
Star Trek (AOS) (1)
Sanders Sides (at least 1)
Miraculous Ladybug (1)
Rosewell: New Mexico (2)
The Dresden Files (1)
That's stuff posted to ao3/finished. There's also, technically,
for stuff I published when I was twelve and I now refuse to acknowledge (not all bc of the fandom but bc the fic was Bad):
Doctor Who
Welcome to Night Vale
A Series of Unfortunate Events
And then stuff I've written for but never finished:
Warehouse 13
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (2016)
Dirk Gently (2010)
Zoo (podcast)
Once Upon a Time
Scooby Doo
Person of Interest
The Goes Wrong Show
Spy Kids (???)
Ace Attorney
The Adventure Zone
Criminal Minds
Star Trek (TOS, TNG, and DS9)
exactly one (1) joke The Magnus Archives fic
Percy Jackson and the Olympians + The Kane Chronicles + Tales of Apollo
Pushing Daisies
The Sarah Jane Adventures
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Some of these are deeply questionable and/or only have like two (2) wips or even posted works at most, but I'm thorough. Also, I will write about almost anything bc my brain loves to process things like this. I may have even missed something
Top five fics by kudos:
Ted Lasso Kisses Trent Crimm On The Mouth (1125)
semaphore (977)
off the handle (719)
linger (699) (nice)
a preacher, a bikini, and a kiss or two (641)
Do you respond to comments?
I really try to, but then I get all in my head about it and/or am really really tired and put it off so long it then feels like it would be weird to respond because it's been forever. However, if there's a direct question or something I want to address/respond to, as in, I have something particularly unique to say or a question to answer, then I'll usually respond really fast
What’s the fic with the angstiest ending you’ve ever written?
Honestly, I'm not a huge unhappy ending person, a lot of the time I'll have a first chapter I was initially going to end really angsty (see ink sunset and make a mess of you) and then added more to fix it at least somewhat. As is... maybe the somewhat unresolved emotional tension (for Ted and Trent, at least, Roy's doing great) in something to get off my chest, the +1 for betrayal's sting / absolution's balm? I have some worse ones in an old fandom on an old account but. meh.
Do you write crossovers?
Not often, but I rotate them in my brain. Honestly, though, I'm more inclined to write a fusion than a crossover proper. And even so, I tend to just be thinking about it rather than actually writing it. I've only written one crossover in recent memory (recently, that is) and it was mostly a joke about a shared actress made into actual angst.
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
Yeah lmao
Do you write smut?
😏 sure do
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
👁️👁️ not in this fandom
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yes!! also not in this fandom
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
In this fandom? Trent/Ted. overall? no idea, because recency bias, my all-time favorite is whatever I'm into right now, which isn't really objective but hyperfixationitis.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
:( so many. AND there are a lot of posted fics I want to write a sequel/companion piece for and idk if I'll ever get the energy...
I guess off the top of my head, for this fandom, I'd go with lost sight of (who you are) (motivation died because it's old enough no one knows it exists anymore lkfgjh) and ink sunset (I WANNA FINISH IT I DO I DO I DO)
What are your writing strengths?
I think I can write a really funny string of dialogue, and I'm also fond of fun metaphors, both in the elegant poetic way and in the more Douglas Adams/Terry Pratchett way (which is to say, still potentially elegant but also comedic as hell)
What are your writing weaknesses?
Motivating myself to write anything; being overly self-indulgent
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
I'm extremely bad at linguistics in general, so if I must include someone talking in another language in my fic, I think I'd tend to cheat and do italics or some other indication that this is 'in another language' (ie "Where are you going?" she asked in Russian), but that's admittedly a lazy approach. But I also think it's probably better than butchering it with an auto-translator? Also, when people just include the translation in the end notes, even with a link (although that makes it marginally better) it breaks the flow of the story and makes it hard to read. Making an effort to at least match grammar is good (which I would do if it was for longer than a single scene, probably) but I think the best solution is when people know what they're doing and like, have an actual translation with a little html code so you can click on it and it reveals what it means? Or if you're clever, revealing what it means using context around it, but that has its own limitations. So that both like, uses the actual language and doesn't break up the flow. It balances accessibility, flow, and respect for the other language in question well. But you've got to both know what you're doing with the language (either asking someone/hiring someone/knowing the language yourself) and the html (although there are guides for that you'd have to spend time figuring it out + know it exists in the first place to look). And this is fanfiction, something we ultimately do for free in our spare time, so the lazy approach, I think, can be understandable. Maybe not in every context, but it's not worth stressing a lot over in a few random lines or anything, you know? It is really cool when people do know a language well enough to include it properly in a fic, though, it can say a lot about a character or dynamic; and their background(s) and like. it's neat :)
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
Ever? Doctor Who. In a shitty little notebook in middle school. Then there was some Star Trek (both TNG and TOS) and Avatar: the Last Airbender and Marvel and such, and then Supernatural (my first smut? extremely terrible Destiel smut. rip) and I think the first thing I ever posted was Welcome to Night Vale? Not sure.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
Oh, man. I have no idea. Here's a few favorites from this fandom:
matters of the heart
trick & treat
vita nova
melt like this
"second impressions"
probably those time travel snippets, just in general
PLEASE, if you want to do this, I'm begging you, tag me in it and do it. i'm too tired to come up with names im so sorry
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Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
tagged by @mosylufanfic, thank you friend!
1 . How did you get into writing fanfiction?
I think I had been telling myself stories in my head since I was old enough to think coherently, but it wasn't until I was in college that I realized that I could write those stories down, and actually put them in the world to be read by other people.
2. How many fandoms have you written in?
According to AO3, I have written in twenty-six fandoms, not counting whatever's lurking in my writing tag in my blog. The fandom I've written the most for is Rogue One.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction?
I started writing things to be read in the spring of 2013, so...eleven years. which is insane to think about.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction?
I read a lot more, but I am trying to set aside dedicated time to write...at least once a week.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer?
I think my phrasing has improved a lot. I love writing long, involved descriptions and worldbuilding, plus snappy banter, which is a thing I think I've gotten a lot better at in the last eleven years.
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
not weird per se, but I definitely looked up Indian wedding traditions for my Kanej mehndi fic and Punjabi names for children (also for a Kanej kid!fic), not to mention I tried to figure out how London neighborhoods work for a Lockwood & Co. fic (I still don't know).
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work?
The fact that anyone comments at all is a fact that continues to blow my mind, but anyone who tells me that they loved a turn of phrase, a description, or that one particular sentence flowed/hit home/stuck with them? may they be blessed in their endeavors forever.
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about?
I wrote a Mad Max: Fury Road prompt/fic where all the characters had beast aspects/animal traits but they weren't were-animals, or something like that? Idk, I really wanted to write tiger!Max and lioness!Furiosa, so that's what I stuck with. 9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write?
Multi-chaptered!! It is so hard for me to sustain a continued story with an actual plot. my latest Lockwood & Co. piece, passed down like folksongs was the better part of a year's worth of labor, not to mention heroic beta-ing, and me going back and adding and rewriting and adding some more.
10. What is the easiest type?
Anything in media res, where I can just jump right in and get to the "good stuff," like the kissing or the action. Too often I get bogged down with the "how did we get here?" or "wait, they were against the wall, now they're on the floor? how did that happen?"
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When?
Google Docs is the most convenient, also for sharing purposes, though if a document is like, my thesis work, I'd probably use Microsoft or something more permanent. Someday I'll save up enough to get Scrivener...like a grown up.
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day?
I really want to write a sprawling Lockwood & Co fic that's like, involved family trees and weird anecdotes about the Lockwood family, and how ghosts like exist in other places. I would also want to start introducing original characters in different works, but I'm always afraid they'll end up sounding too much like a self-insert. But I'll get there!
13. What made you choose your username?
I had just changed my tumblr handle, and I didn't want the bother of having to keep track of two usernames! so I borrowed a line from a tumblr poem that I admired: "youareiron_andyouarestron." it stuck, and that's been my name ever since.
tagging @dangerously-human, @cats-and-metersticks, @menina89, @linearao3, and @oneofthewednesdays, if they want to!
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uniqueuglyness · 10 months
Hey guys!
The fanfiction is finally finished, and I hope you guys enjoy because for some reason this took me longer than it was supposed to. 😭 I am sorry if this was released too late, but atleast I kept my word and released it today :D. There will be a part 2 to this as well. Well, actually, it depends if you guys want me to make a part 2, or just continue the story with you own imagination. Let me know! :)
Anyways, enjoy this Lou x Reader fanfic :)
Thinking of you~♡
Your laying on your bed, staring up at the ceiling. Its 9:03 in the morning and you haven't gotten any sleep. You try to pretend that you don't know why, but at the end of the day you cant push away your feelings.
The Institute of Imperfection isn't really known for much romance, but lately you've been wanting that in your life. You have everything you could ever ask for, sure, but you still feel like somethings missing, or someone. Maybe your just overreacting. After all, life couldn't get better than this, right?
You sit up from your bed and groan as you walk in your kitchen, the smell of (Favorite food) filling your nostrils. You open your silky cabinet for some breakfast when you suddenly remember what time it was.
You slowly turn you head towards your clock..(9:06 A.M). Shoot! You forgot you had to meet with Luckybat today. "Dangit, I should've kept track of the time! I have to meet with Lucky in 4 minutes!"
You frantically start freshening up, knowing you have no time to shower. You try your best to make your hair look halfway decent, which end up being a halfway success. You quickly brush your teeth, throw on some decent clothes and scramble out the door.
(Luckybat's house - 9:13 A.M)
Dang, your 3 minutes late.
You hesitantly walk up to his doorstep, then ring the bell. It opens softly, and Luckybat stand there with a smile.
"Ah, (name), you came! The tea was just finished. Oh, and Lou is here too!
"Wait what?" You didn't know he was going to be here. I mean, you didn't have anything against him. You actually had a huge crush on him, in fact. I mean, who doesn't? But that was exactly the problem. Lou, your crush since forever, is here. To make things worse, you don't even look you best.
"Is something wrong?" Lucky asks curiously.
"No, no, everything's fine. Its just.." You lower you voice to just above a whisper.
" I came here to talk about romance, and, well..."
Lucky looks at you confused until a wave of realization hits his face.
"You- ohh.. I get it. Its okay, he's just here for therapy."
"Yeah, but Lucky, how am I supposed to talk to you about romance if me and him are in the same room? I wont be able to focus and I'll stumble over my words."
Luckybat looks at you with a reassuring smile. "Trust me, there is nothing to worry about. You'll be fine."
Luckybat leads you in the room where you see Lou fidgeting with his hands. The moment you step inside the room, both of you make a face with a mix of nervous and shy. Although, he doesn't seem surprised to see you. Lucky must've told him that you were coming already.
Your emotions start scattering everywhere and you suddenly feel like you need some air. Eventually, it becomes clear that somethings wrong. Lou looks directly at you, obviously concerned.
"A-Are you okay?" He asks vaguely. You stare into his beautiful sapphire eyes for a moment, then regain yourself. "Yeah.. yeah I'm fine."
Luckybat looks at the both of you, then clears his throat to speak. "I'll go get the tea." As Luckybat leaves the room, you gather all your courage to say something to the doll on the other side of the room.
The doll looks up at you curiously.
"Do you.. remember me?"
He stares at you for a brief moment, processing what you just asked.
"Of course I do. Your name is (name). Your the one who helped me with my job as a janitor for a full week that one time."
"Haha yeah.."
There is an awkward silence for a moment.
Lou clears his throat.
"So, what are you here for?"
Your cheeks flush a light red. "Uh, I-I'm here for u-um-"
Suddenly, Luckybat walks into the room with an antiquated tea set. He sets the tea set down on the table between you two, then sits on the left side of the table.
"Alright, Lou, let's start with you. Let's try something simple. What do you like to do in your free time?"
"Well, I like to.. um... actually, I'm not sure."
"Okay then, do you like singing, or dancing more?"
Lou takes a second to respond. "I think I like.."
As he keeps talking, you cant help but notice how cute he looks. He's just so.. perfect. There is not nearly enough words to describe how you feel about him. Soon you find yourself staring, and so does he.
"And also..." He stares at you awkwardly, but that awkwardness quickly turns into a glimmer in his eyes, his cheeks glowing red.
Now your both staring at eachother. Each of you have that same glimmer in your eyes. A glimmer that feels like you've known eachother forever.
Luckybats eyes are slightly widened and he briefly glances at the both of you. He then again clears his throat, this time being louder than the first. "Okay, well it seems like Lou is finished. Now for you, (name). Why do you feel that you need romance in your life?"
Lou suddenly looks at Luckybat confused, his attention obviously caught.
"W-Well um..."
You start to get clearly nervous. Clear enough for Lucky to notice.
"Nevermind, scratch that. How would you like to start?" Lucky gives you a smile and you smile back softly.
"Well, I'd like to first of say that..." you keep talking with Luckybat until he moves back to Lou for a while, then back to you. Eventually, the session with Lucky is over for you and Lou. You both wave him goodbye as you and Lou awkwardly stand beside eachother.
You decide to say something to break the silence.
"So, what are you gonna do now?"
"Uh, yknow, just walk home.. heh.. What about you?"
"Same thing eheh.." You both laugh dryly and awkwardly, but then Lou straightens up.
"I better head home. It was nice seeing you again." Lou puts on a genuine, soft smile as he turns away and starts walking.
As he's walking, you think back to the moment when you and him were in that room, glimmering sapphire eyes gazing into yours. It felt like time was frozen, and all that mattered was him. You know in your heart that you can't just pretend that nothing happend.
He turns back to you, a tired, but friendly look on his face. Its almost enough to make you blush, but you hold yourself together.
"About that moment in the room..." You decide not to be straightforward, and take it slow. You softly sigh and continue talking.
"Is there anything you want to talk about?"
He hesitates shyly, but seemingly gains courage to talk.
"Actually, there is something I want to talk to you about."
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shitouttabuck · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
tagged by @thewolvesof1998 thank u bud i’m procrastinating packing and this was fun
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
129,484 which is a fake number to me
3. what fandoms do you write for?
nothing has made me as insane in my life as network television procedural drama 911 on abc, so
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
you can start a family who will always show you love
let the world have its way with you
my hearts over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance
like a dog with a bird at your door
i like the summer rain (i like the sounds you make)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
i try very hard to because they make me so happy and it’s unbelievably kind of people to take the time to leave them!!! However i sometimes leave it too long and then worry it’s weird to reply after like. a month. which as a fic reader i wouldn’t give a shit about so idk what my problem is!!!! i will reply i will just maybe take a hot sec to do it
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i don’t have any i’m a happily ever after or bust kinda guy in my own head if nowhere else…… angstiest is probably the sound of love astounds me if only because it ends post-feelings realisation but still pre-relationship
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
they’re all so happy omg. i will say with great personal bias it’s my heart’s over-pumping but also i have. a sequel in the works….
8. do you get hate on fics?
no people have been very very very lovely but also sjjsjsjs i’ve not been here super long. the funniest comment i’ve gotten was on my first fic where someone was like i liked this but it is jarringly inaccurate as mcdonald’s in california doesn’t have a veggie burger option 😭 i cried laughing im so sorry to u americans. pls petition your local mcdonald’s to stock the mcplant it slaps
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
have written two e-rated fics….. it’s very fun but i don’t think i’m very good so i’d like to practice actually (maybe some sexy prompts after i finish the bed-sharing ones?) just the regular kind for now like i love buck and eddie desperately and am myself into a million things but i don’t know how kinky they would actually get in my own head. so just a little gross with it for now i guess
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
no that would be SICK. @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove is podficcing bucket list fic which is so very cool of her!
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
no omg i don’t know how y’all do it i’m bad at group projects but also this sounds soooooo fun. if also deeply stressful
14. what’s your all time favorite ship?
if that’s synonymous with most likely to get you institutionalised, uh. gestures around us. otherwise mulder/scully and i am just now right as i’m typing this realising i’ve never ever in my life actually read x files fic what the fuck. also steve/bucky but i haven’t read fic since 2017 probably
15. what’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
listen i have not written a word for x files au past that one snip i shared forever ago. i want to soooo bad i’ve talked about it to some of you very rabidly but. it does not want to be written and if it did it would have to be so fucking long which is very daunting to me. not saying i’ve put her in the ground yet but. we might need some necromancing
16. what are your writing strengths?
i think i’m pretty good at writing in character? mostly? sometimes i struggle with buck just because i think we’re very similar and i project a little and then have to go back and fix it lmao but for the most part i think i’m good at that! and i have a lot of fun writing dialogue
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
plot!!!!!! and pacing!!!!!!!!!!! also my inability to write non-linearly omg if i get stuck i just get Stuck i can’t jump ahead
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
oooh i love it and would love to include more than the teeniest bits i have but i’m so conscious about it sounding natural and not stiff to people whose language it actually is (shout out and a million kisses to @eddiebabygirldiaz for fixing the spanish in i love you like a dog!!!!!)
19. first fandom you wrote for?
911 babey!
20. favorite fic you’ve written?
my heart’s over-pumping and your mouth is an ambulance !!! not just because it was the first fic i posted after joining tumblr fandom but. idk it is so so so special to me like it makes me so happy and when i think about it i’m like. hey u wrote that. good for u my dude. and also maybe i just associate it with meeting a bunch of you whjsjssjsj
tagging @callaplums @eddiebabygirldiaz @housewifebuck @rewritetheending @try-set-me-on-fire @onward--upward @anxieteandbiscuits @devirnis @athenagranted if anyone wants to do this i’m nosy soz if you already have !!!!
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hoodie-buck · 8 months
Weekend WIP Game
Tagged by @wikiangela @thewolvesof1998
Rules: List your WIPs below (if you only write one fic at a time, feel free to include future WIPs/ideas!) then answer the following questions. Then, tag as many people as you have WIPs (or more)
WIP List:
active (mostly) wips
—chris doesn't come back au
—baseball au 2.0
other wips that are in the abandoned wips folder...maybe i'll return to them one day...
—insurgent au
—platonic fwb
—fwb buck 1.0.2 au
2. Which of your WIPs is currently the longest?
—chris doesn't come back au (a little shy of 14k)
3. Which WIP do you expect will end up the longest?
—probably chris doesn't come back au. i've barely gotten into things and am already at almost 14k 💀
4. Which WIP is your favorite to write/the most enjoyable to write? Why?
—hmm i'm actually having so much fun writing the murder!boyfriends au! i just love making them unhinged 😈
5. Which WIP do you find the most intimidating to write? Why?
—probably the murder!boyfriends, just bc it is so dark, and i don't want people to hate it. idk i'm afraid i won't be able to pull it off 😩
6. Which WIP do you experience the most self-doubt about. Why?
—the author!buck one. it was just a silly little idea, but writing all the smutty parts for it became kind of intimidating and i ended up hating it and throwing it to the side. i haven't looked back since
7. Which of your WIPs will you seek out a beta/sensitivity reader for? Why?
—i've never used a beta reader tbh. i usually just send my friends snippets or things for vibe checks!
8. Have any of your WIPs been struck by the curse of writer's block?
—see above the abandon wips, or any of the ones you haven't seen me posting about lately 🥲
9. Which WIP has your favorite OC? Tell us about them?
—i don't have any OC atm, but i would love to play with that in the future!
10. Which WIP is the sexiest?
—hmm probably the author!au from what i remember or murder!boyfriends just bc i think them being covered in blood and stabbing ppl is sexy 🙊
11. Which WIP is the angstiest?
—chris doesn't come back au. its a pretty heavy one. i love all the threats i get whenever i post a new snippet 😆
12. Which WIP has the best characterization (in your humble opinion)?
—hmmm maybe the chris doesn't come back au? i've had to really deep dive into both their heads for this one
13. Which WIP has the best scene setting (in your humble opinion)?
—chris doesn't come back au bc tsunami episodes my most beloved, but also murder!boyfriends, bc the dark settings are so fun to conjure up!
14. Which WIP have you worked the hardest on?
—chris doesn't come back au. it's the one i've put the most time and effort into as of late. she's been in my ideas for forever and has a special place in my heart <33
15. Which WIP do you have the highest expectations for? Why?
—chris doesn't come back au, mainly for the reason above. she's my babygirl, ok 🥹
16. Do you dream about any of your WIPs?
—mm not that i can specifically think of or remember, but i'm sure i have at some point!
17. Do any of your WIPs have particular complexities that that your other fics don't?
—murder!boyfriends is definitely darker than anything i've done before
18. Which WIP is the funniest or has the most humor?
—author!buck is the only one that comes to mind
19. Do any of your WIPs contain outside POVs or a deep dive on a character other than the main ship? How are you finding that process?
—not currently. i've played around a little with that in the past though. it's always fun diving into others heads!
20. Tell us one thing we don't know about one or more of your WIPs
—i do have a secret wip not listed anywhere above 👀
tagging: @loserdiaz @redlightsandicedtea @honestlydarkprincess @monsterrae1 @onward--upward @barbiediaz @spotsandsocks @buddierights @eddiebabygirldiaz @elvensorceress @witchesdiaz @jacksadventuresinwriting @wh0re-behavi0r @spaceprincessem @wildlife4life @daffi-990 @hippolotamus @giddyupbuck @disasterbuckdiaz
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dialovers-translations · 10 months
Diabolik Lovers CHAOS LINEAGE ー Subaru [13]
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I headed towards the dungeon,
following Azusa-kun’s lead.
With quiet steps and holding our breaths,
so nobody would take notice of us.
All while Subaru-kun was the only thing on my mind. 
...Please, let him be safe.
ー The scene shifts to the dungeon
Azusa: Eve...We’re here. Subaru’s over there...
Yui: Subaru-kun...
Subaru: Yui, is that you?
Yui: Subaru-kun, thank god! You’re safe and sound...!!
( From what I can tell, they haven’t done anything particularly cruel to him. Thank god, I genuinely am so glad! )
Subaru: I’m totally fine. More importantly, how have things been on your end? They haven’t done anything bad to you, right?
Yui: Yeah...I’m alright as well. I mean, Azusa-kun - who is in charge of watching over me - is the one who brought me here.
Subaru: Azusa did...
Azusa: ...
Uhm, if they ask, I don’t know nor have I seen anything...Not about Eve coming down here either...
So...I’ll wait outside...
Subaru: Azusa...
Yui: Thank you, Azusa-kun...!
Azusa: ...Yeah.
ー Azusa steps outside
Yui: I guess he left to stand watch in case somebody were to come down here.
Subaru: Probably.
Yui: I’m not sure why, but Azusa-kun has really been helping us out.
Subaru: ...Yeah. Anyway, how did you convince him?
Yui: I figured I had nothing to lose and just straight up asked. Saying that I wanted to meet you.
I truly am glad we were able to meet like this. I couldn’t help but be anxious when I hadn’t seen your face.
I’m so glad you’re safe...
Subaru: Idiot, don’t cry.
Yui: But...Uu...
Subaru: God, guess it can’t be helped. You always cry so easily, don’t you?
Yui: I’m sorry for being such a crybaby...Ah, right! Are your injuries alright..? They haven’t gotten worse, right?
Subaru: I told you that I’m fine, didn’t I? How many times do I need to repeat it until you’re satisfied?
Yui: I’ll ask it again and again. I’m worried after all.
( Subaru-kun’s the type of person who will hide all of his pain, which only makes me even more concerned. )
Subaru: ...Then want to confirm it yourself?
Yui: Eh?
Subaru: Come on, try touching me. You should be able to reach me if you put your arm through the iron bars, right?
Yui: ...Eh? It’s fine, really...
Yui: Ah, Subaru-kun, my hand...
Subaru: Your fault for takin’ forever. So, what do you say?
Yui: Y-Yeah. I guess you’re fine?
Subaru: What? You still can’t tell?
Subaru: Get a proper feel. Of my shoulder, my chest, and my stomach as well...See? No new injuries, are there?
Yui: I-I understand! I’ve felt enough!
Subaru: Heh. Done already? Tell me whenever you need to make sure again.
Yui: ( That really made my heart race...! Subaru-kun can be surprisingly bold at times. )
Hey, what should we do now? Is there anything I can do?
Subaru: Good question. I doubt we’ll be able to escape together again. 
Yui: I wonder what Carla-san and the others are going to do with you.
Subaru: I can’t imagine Carla will do anythin’ hasty for now ‘cause he’s after the information I have but...
But I know jack-shit ‘bout this whole Supreme Overlord thing, so I can’t actually give him any answers.
Yui: Yeah, exactly. It’s all just a bunch of made-up nonsense after all.
Subaru: Yeah. According to what that Socrates dude told us, right? But thanks to him, we were able to figure out how this place works.
We may not know how to become Supreme Overlord, but I could at least tell him the secret behind this World.
Yui: So you’ll tell Carla-san and the others about it?
Subaru: ...Nah, I doubt he’d believe me even if I did. It’s not like we have any proof to back it up.
Although if he understood, he might help us look for clues to destroy this place...
Yui: Do you really think there’s no way to convince him?
Subaru: I’m pretty sure that when it comes to this, they won’t believe anythin’ we say as long as they themselves don’t feel like somethin’ is off ‘bout this place.
Yui: Isn’t there a way to lure out Socrates to appear in front of the others? 
Subaru: If there was, that’d quickly solve the issue...
But even if we tell them how we can escape, it might all be for naught.
Yui: Why?
Subaru: Because the criteria to destroy this miniature World is ‘for somebody to sacrifice their own life’.
...I doubt there’s an idiot out there who will happily kick the bucket after hearin’ that.
Yui: That’s...a good point.
I wonder if there’s really no other way out...?
Subaru: Yeah. It’d be nice if we could at least look for an alternative, but that’d gonna be tricky in my current situation. 
Yui: So we have no other choice but to remain trapped in here for now?
Subaru: Guess so. At this rate, I’ll remain locked down in here and you’ll be at the mercy of Carla.
Yui: ...!
Subaru: While he did promise to take good care of you, I’m not sure how serious he was about that.
...He might not hesitate to harm you if he feels like it could lead him to becoming the Supreme Overlord.
Yui: Carla-san does indeed seem like the kind of person who would do anything to achieve his goals...
Subaru: ...Yeah. Who knows what he’ll do to you eventually.
I don’t want to stay imprisoned down here and not be able to do anythin’ while some other guy takes you away from me.
Yui: Subaru-kun...?
→ Do you have a plan? (♡)
Yui: What’s wrong, Subaru-kun? If you’ve got something in mind, please share it with me.
Subaru: ...It’s nothin’.
Yui: Your expression says otherwise.
Subaru: You really are sharp when you least expect it...
Yui: Eh? Did you say something just now?
Subaru: Not really.
→ You don’t look so well (🖤)
Yui: Subaru-kun, does it hurt somewhere? Could it be that your injuries have gotten worse?
I can’t properly treat them while you’re locked away behind bars but...Hey, if you don’t mind, could you show me?
Subaru: Idiot, that’s not the issue. Don’t make me say that I’m alright for the millionth time.
Yui: Right, I’m sorry.
Yui: ( ...I wonder why? I can’t help but grow really anxious when watching him like this. )
( I wonder why? )
Subaru: Oi, what’s with the frown? Just so you know, you’ve got nothin’ to worry ‘bout. 
So don’t look so stressed out, okay?
Yui: ...I’m sorry, Subaru-kun. For making you worried.
Even though you have it much worse, locked up inside a cell like this...
( I shouldn’t get all depressed. I need to smile in front of him at least. )
Subaru: Don’t apologize. Besides, I’ve already made my decision.
Yui: Your decision? Eh? About what...?
ー He moves closer to the iron bars
Subaru: Listen.
Yui: Eh? Ah, yes?
Subaru: Do you like me?
Yui: Why are you asking that all of a sudden...?
Subaru: Just tell me. Do you like me?
Yui: Of course I do! I like you so much!
Subaru: ...I see. Me too. ‘Like’ doesn’t even cut it. I love you. I don’t think I could ever love someone more.
Yui: Yeah, I love you too!
Subaru: Gotcha.
Hey, then, won’t you let me suck your blood?
I want you.
Yui: ...!
Yeah, of course! If it’s you, I want you to suck as much as you want!
Subaru: Haha, what’s that? Can’t you phrase it some other way?
Yui: But it’s the truth...
Subaru: Yeah, I bet it is. ...Thanks.
Bring your arm over here. The iron bars are kind of in the way, but you can fit your arm in between, right?
Yui: Yeah. Will this work?
Subaru: Yeah, that’s more than good enough. Hah...Nn.
ー Subaru bites her
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On certain CGs, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“These iron bars are seriously in the damn way...I could easily break them if I wasn’t in such bad shape.”
“I love you...I’ll do anythin’ if that means I can protect you. Don’t ever forget that, ‘kay?”
Yui: Nn...
Subaru: ...Nn, nkuh...
Nn, haah...It’s sweeter and richer than usual, this is bad. My head’s spinnin’ like crazy.
Yui: Really...? I can’t tell myself.
Subaru: Don’t lie. I bet you’re feelin’ it more than usual as well?
I’m sure you’re kinda gettin’ a kick out of havin’ me suck your blood under these circumstances, right?
Yui: I’m not but it’s just that I’m really happy after hearing you declare your love for me earlier.
Subaru: If that’s all it takes, I’ll say it as many times as you want. I love you, Yui.
Yui: ...!
Subaru: Whatcha twitchin’ for? We’ve only just started. Nnh...Nn...Phew.
Yui: ( His lips are so warm...Makes me crave for them even more. )
Subaru: Nn...Nnkuh...Phew...
Yui: Nn...Uu...Nnh.
Subaru-kun would gently,
suck my blood.
Giving me only a sense of comfort,
without any pain involved.
That made me so happy,
yet sorrowful at the same time.
As he continued to suck my blood,
it felt as if he was trying to lull me to sleep, as I eventually passed out. 
Amidst my fading consciousness,
Subaru-kun uttered one phrase.
‘I’m sorryーー’
I could have sworn I heard him whisper those two words.
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waterspoutskies · 6 months
20 questions for fic writers
(Ty @the-real-azalea-scroggs for the tag!! I know it took me a couple days lol)
1 - How many works do you have on A03?
11, apparently. That's remarkable!
2 - What's your total A03 word count?
57858. Which is pretty decent, nothing to write home about for me, but I'm cool with it.
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
Four Swords Manga (beloved) and LU, which is a subset of Legend of Zelda in the Links Meet area of things
4 - What are your top five fics by kudos?
A) Thoughts Like These B) Piece It All Together C) Beneath the Skin D) Where We Are E) Dancing With My Own Shadow
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Oh yes, all the time, thoroughly as I can, even though sometimes it might take me a few days. I enjoy comments! Just ADHD brain sometimes!
6 - What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Uh. So far it is the first chapter of Chasing Drabbles, which rather well implies the destruction of a town via natural disaster with no way of avoiding it.
7 - What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Thoughts Like These, maybe? Dancing With My Own Shadow has a fun ending,
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
I don't think so? Not that I know of? I've gotten a couple annoying comments about updating that I've had to delete, but never hate proper.
9 - Do you write smut?
10 - Do you write crossovers?
Not really? I have one crossover with ideas but never a character crossover and really not usually setting crossovers either. I'm not too into the idea.
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
In a technical sense? Yeah, I suppose, although I am the primary writer and Ruby is the artist more than anything, so like. It os
14 - What's your all-time favorite ship?
Vidow. I have no regrets and I stand by it forever.
15 - What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Uh. I think some vague continuations for Dancing With My Own Shadow will probably be left by the wayside, though the work itself is finished. I had some plans, still have them, but no official prospects for another part.
16 - What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue, building massive worlds that never leave my head, all kinds of joyful things that are wonderful for planning and not for completing bodies of work but that's what sprinting is for right? I'm also good at that, writing under lots of pressure for a deadline via the sprint bot, woo!
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably the description as it relates to scene setting and avoiding white room syndrome. I'm so guilty of this.
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think it can work, provided it's not just thrown around! I haven't done it that I can recall, but it's sometimes useful and can be a fun little thing to have in.
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
Four Swords! Zelda! LU! All of the above! Ahhhhhhh!!
20 - Favorite fic you've ever written?
Uh, I suppose I like Beneath the Skin the most? I don't think I really have a favorite fic. I'm not much of a fic writer!
Other folks to tag... Oh, I don't know. I'll do that later.
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tagged by @postwarlevi!!! i wanted to reblog but it got long so i'm making a new thread 😅
this is so cute 🥺🥺 any chance to talk about katvi i'll take it (✿◡‿◡)
1. who is the better cook?
him for sure, although neither of us are too big of a fan of cooking. i think he just tolerates it more than i do, although i do think there are some recipes he legitimately enjoys
2. who takes longer showers?
me. idk if its the adhd but i tend to forget how much time i spend in there and before i know it, he has to poke his head into the bathroom as a passive aggressive way of telling me that i stole all the hot water 😭
3. who is more organized?
him for sure. a point of contention with us is that i'm way too messy and it drives him through the roof. some boundaries had to be established and while it still makes him grumpy sometimes, he respects my space
4. who generally spends more money?
neither? technically me because if i get fixated on something, i'll tend to impulse shop but usually limit it to small-ish things or wait until they're on sale! he likes buying specialty teas and coffees and sometimes those can get kinda pricey, so i think we roughly break even
5. who likes sleeping in more?
hmm. i think this is difficult to answer because we both suffer from pretty bad insomnia. i think if it's who ends up sleeping in for longer, it's me. i'm the type that'll take like 4-5 hours to fall asleep but i can stay asleep once the sun rises (which is incredibly annoying) his insomnia is the type where he can get shut-eye for like 20 minutes at a time, which usually translates to him getting out of bed as soon as the sun starts to rise regardless of if he slept or not
6. who is the better driver?
im a passenger princess (✿◡‿◡) but also because driving gives me anxiety because i've gotten into accidents before, so he just does it for me, so it's levi for sure
7. who is the most stubborn?
hard to say. i think me. he usually gives in first because he gets way too irritated and is just like "whatever".
8. who is the most romantic?
neither 👁️👄👁️ at least not in the traditional sense. maybe me because i'm a sucker for romantic sunset walks (✿◡‿◡) but also him because sometimes he'll leave cute little notes around the house for me and it makes me melt (i have a little collection of them :3)
9. who is more laid back?
me. i think he's overall more extra or particular than i am. and this isn't in regards to him needing clean spaces. that's fine. i'm talking about the extra amount of work he constantly puts into every little thing, especially when it comes to house projects or even picking out toys for the cats. whereas i'm just kinda like...as long as it's not doing harm, convenience is king
10. who is more likely to ask for directions?
me. and it's a silly reason. like yes, i'm directionally confused a lot but i think levi would want to just. wander around and hope we get unlost and i'm not interested in doing that.
11. who is the blanket hog?
also me 😅 i get very fitful when my insomnia acts up, which usually translates into me wanting to hug something (why, you ask? no idea), whether it's him, a pillow, my plushie, or (in most cases), the blanket.
12. who is more likely to lose their phone?
him. he's technologically confused, which translates him to just not really using his phone unless he has to. it also means he's shit at answering texts on time >:(
13. who initiated the first kiss?
him because i was too shy 😅 i still thought it was some kind of joke as to why he was even interested in me, so i never really made a move.
14. who fell in love first?
hard to say. probably me since i was crushing on him forever, but he was the one that reached out and started stuff soooooo who knows
15. who planned the honeymoon?
him, mostly? he decided what we wanted to do. he was very extra about it, wanting to make it worth our money and get like the maximum amount of r&r with the least amount of stress, which i lowkey appreciated sm 😭 i was the one that did all the booking and reservations tho lol
#: @romantichomicide95 @luvjiro @leviismybby @jayteacups @lucysarah-c @whoami-72 @sixpennydame @wyvernslovecake @stygianoir @einnyl @nube55 @svftackerman @roseofdarknessblog @bita-bita @averysmolbear @youre-ackermine @thevelria @crazychaoticizzy @littlerequiem @notgoodforlife @bloompompom @ackermendick @sad-darksoul + anyone who wants to join! if you don't partake in self-shipping, then please ignore! <(^-^)>
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autisticempathydaemon · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Tagged by our gorgeous, real life Doc, @romirola ily~! Thank you so much for the tag, lovey; this was so fun!
Tagging @bratty-telepath @ejunkiet @k9rage and @caelumsnuff and anyone else who'd like to join!
1 - How many works do you have on AO3?
Fifty, apparently! Thirty-one of those is entirely Redacted-tober though lol
2 - What's your total AO3 word count?
45,673- five words off from a silly number hehe
3 - What fandoms do you write for?
Just RedactedAudio at the moment though I've been meaning to start writing some for Castleaudios!
4 - What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. Let’s get mischievous (and polyamorous) 2. fill my heart with song (and let me sing) 3. I won't cross these streets (until you hold my hand) 4. I had good intentions (and the highest hopes) 5. Baby, baby, baby (you're gonna set me on fire)
5 - Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I'm not gonna lie- sometimes it can take days, even weeks, as I respond to comments in big batches, but I get to them eventually!
6 - What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
"cuddles (yet somehow still you disappear)"! Heehee, I finished this and immediately went to the Discord girlies (gn) like "hey babes I just did something mean~
7 -What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmmm, that's the majority of my fics, I'd say, but probably "bed (the brightest colors fill my head)"? It made me the happiest, at least~
8 - Do you get hate on fics?
Mmmm, depending on how you define "hate", then maybe? I've gotten comments that were not constructive or kind.
9 - Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes with an asterisk. Smut is so difficult for me to write, so when I do, it takes fuckin forever. I definitely have a penchant for the kinkier kind, since the two smuts I've written feature bondage and consensual non-consent respectively.
10 - Do you write crossovers?
Another yes with an asterisk? Claire of Castleaudios fame is a character in "teenagers (scare the livin' shit out of me)" if that counts!
11 - Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, knock on wood!
12 - Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but gosh, that'd be cool!
13 - Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet, but Veau and Lexi and I have thrown around ideas!
14 - What's your all time favorite ship?
-siiiiigh- You know what it is. You know it's Alexis/Christian. I am going down with the ship, typing away at my laptop on the deck of the Titanic.
15 - What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
fucking all of them but especially my planned, multi-chapter fics- I get hung up on the outlining.
16 - What are your writing strengths?
-fights the temptation to say nothing- Umm, I'm pretty proud of my dialogue actually. I have a fair experience in script-writing, so I think I've got a good grasp of realistic sounding dialogue that is in the voice of the character.
17 - What are your writing weaknesses?
Smut, angst, and actually finishing what I start lol
18 - Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If I were knowledgable in that language or had a reliable beta who was, then sure!
19 - First fandom you wrote for?
Ummm... shit, was it Rise of the Guardians? It might have been, fuck... My self insert Cupid is flitting around somewhere on Fanfiction.net, smooching Jack Frost... and I didn't finish that multi-chapter fic either.
20 - Favorite fic you've written?
Hmm, that's hard to answer. I'm not super proud of it, but I think my favorite still has to be "Meet me on your best behavior (Meet me at your worst)". It's so OOC for Alexis now that we've canonically met her, but I adore the way I explore not just Christian with Alexis but also Christian with the pack.
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freakystrashdump · 1 year
🔮The Oracle Bakery🔮
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Emperor Belos|Phillip Wittebane/OC
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, Belos is a content warning by himself
Read on AO3
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Chapter 13: Apologies and diatribes
"You said that you will stop at nothing to get us back into Hexside!" Luz chastised the oracle
"I know what I said, Luz!" Selena shot back
"No trick too rotten or underhanded!" She repeated back at her, determined "That's what you said!"
"Yes, yes I know, but-"
"Are you giving up on us? Giving up on our education? Do you want Willow and Gus to stay grounded forever, and my path to becoming a witch to die ?" Luz gasped, offended "Is that what you want, Selena?"
"ALRIGHT!" Selena yelled out, obviously displeased. "Alright, I'll do it, I'll try… your way, but I am going to hate every second of it!"
The human grinned from ear to ear, satisfied to have finally won her over to her side "We're all reasonable people, and Odalia seemed interested in finding common ground when I talked to her before! Aaaand, if talking it out with the Blights doesn't work, then I am more than happy to let you take the reins."
Huffing and puffing, Selena crossed her arms in defeat, clearly not happy with this outcome, and thought back how it came to this, with her and Luz standing outside of the Blight manor, the human convincing her to "take the peaceful route first" and accept the invitation to talk it out and find a compromise. All it would have taken was one call to Gran Isabella. It would have been so easy. It would have driven fear into Odalia's bones. But no, Luz wanted to fix this civilly.
Willow and Gus, the two witches who were expelled alongside Luz, were taken away by crow phone sent by their respective parents as soon as word reached them the two had gotten expelled. Selena tried standing up for them, but they were dragged away so fast, she could barely get a word in over the yelling, angered parents. It left Luz devastated, and Selena feeling just awful.
The next blow came in the form of Amity Blight (who Luz seemed very fond of, Selena noted while she watched Luz get on one knee and take the girl's hand into hers), Odalia and Alador's youngest. And this made Selena's blood boil , watching the girl beg Luz not to confront her mother, fear and resignation in every word she spoke. Afraid of her own mother. She knew Odalia was a sorry excuse for a person, but an awful parent as well?!
"It's an honour to meet you, Miss Fortuna." The young Blight curtsied after Selena introduced herself, in a tone of voice that was trained, rehearsed "Will you be attending the sale this Saturday? I know mother always sends out VIP invitations to the Fortuna residence."
Which, yes, indeed, they have been, for years now, but most end up being kindle in gran Isabella's fireplace. Goodness, Amity had such a professional, business facade. Odalia must have worked very hard to make this girl into her carbon copy. To the point of dying her hair the same as hers - she saw the same warm brown roots growing out, a perfect match to her father.
And speaking of her father…that hurt most of all, really. Selena knew Odalia was a huge, raging bitch , but she thought so much better of Alador. Her memory of him that she upheld so high for years, the whimsical, quirky witch who would listen to her babble on about the stupidest little things when everyone else would have grown tired of her, taking her interests seriously when most would write her off as just a child, who wouldn't force her out of the room when hanging out with his brother, it started breaking. She even got over him marrying Odalia in the first place, thinking that he must have seen something good in her that others couldn't.
But if he was letting his own kid be treated this way, to the point she was stunned by fear at the thought of confronting her mother…
Anger flaring up again, Selena drew a spell circle above her head, the glowing ring following after her hand as she brought it down and changing her clothes from the casual outfit she wore that morning to the more formal dress she most often chose for palace visits.
"Woah, I wish I could do that. Early mornings would be so much easier ." Luz stared in wonder whilst Selena patted out any wrinkles from the puffy skirt and sleeves, making sure it was flawless. "Why change, tho?"
"I'm not giving Odalia any ammo." Selena pulled a small handheld mirror out of her shoulder bag and checked her hair and makeup. Flawless. Good. No weakness, no imperfection, not in front of Blight. She knew how to latch on to any little detail and tear you to shreds. "Okay." She took in a deep breath "You can do this. Formal mode on, no weaknesses. If you can handle the Emperor, you can handle Odalia." She turned to Luz "Alright, let's go. We get in and get out as painlessly as possible."
Luz knocked on the door, and they were greeted by an abomination butler, groaning and moaning as a greeting. The abomabutler led them inside, through the gauche, overly decorated manor that Selena just barely remembered.
The Blights didn't have a history as long and as rich as the Fortunas. In comparison, they were pretty much considered young money , but as the Blights rose to prominence, the two families interacted more. So it wasn't rare for the three Fortuna siblings to be forced into play dates, whether it was at gran Isabella's or the Blight residence.
Sitrie was first who made it clear he wanted nothing to do with them. The most withdrawn of the three, his dislike of Odalia was no secret. He saw her as a shallow, power-chasing bully. Stella, ever so eager to keep mom and gran happy, tried her best, she really did. But there was only so much abuse she could take before she marched up to their mother, holding six-year old Selena by the hand, and telling her that she was not going to spend another second with that horrid girl ever again, and if she was forced to do so, she would get the giant mole rats to bury Odalia in the backyard.
Apparently, her breaking point was that Odalia called Selena a "stupid little brat", after Selena almost pushed a crystal ball off of a table by accident, so she grabbed her sister's hand and left without a word, walking the entire way home. Selena didn't remember much of that event, she only remembered how exciting it was to walk across the entire town without their parents supervision.
Ursula didn't force them to interact with the Blights after that, and a couple of years later she herself broke off all contact with them as well, around the time when father died. She broke off most contact with the Bonesborough upper crust around that time, so that came as no surprise. Ursula would tell them later on that after dad died, none of those stuck up rich people reached out with help and comfort she so desperately needed, and she wanted nothing to do with those folk anymore. Gran Isabella begged her to reconsider such drastic actions, to think of how such actions could affect the children, robbing them of opportunities, to which Ursula responded by giving her the silent treatment for three months. 
Isabella broke first and apologised, never bringing it up again. Family, afterall, was more important than keeping up appearances with people who in the end, didn't care for them, but for their name and the reverence it held.
Selena stared at the portrait of the Blight family in the living room the butler lead them to. Odalia and Alador, standing over their children. She recognized Amity from before, frowning at the forlorn expression the girl held in the picture, but also there was a pair of older twins she hadn't met. Her older siblings, probably, a boy and a girl, around Hunter's age if she has to guess. 
"That should have been me." Selena huffed under her breath, her glare burning a hole in the portrait, but in the silence of the mansion, Luz was able to pick up on it.
"N-nothing!" She quickly replied, blushing when she realised she actually said something so embarrassing out loud.
Sitrie and Stella held more disdain for her from that era, she was too young to remember most of it. No, she built her intense dislike once Sitrie made friends with Alador and Darius, and Odalia came prepackaged with them. Always there, intruding even when she wasn't invited, with a holier-than-thou personality to match, Selena was quick to hate her. Especially after she developed her crushes on Alador and Darius. Especially when Odalia seemed to have taken notice of it.
Which, when she thought about it now with her fully adult brain, was pretty pathetic. She was in her late teens, bullying a thirteen year old. Didn't she have anything better to do? Perhaps it was some weird inferiority complex, as her family could never be close to the fame and wealth of the Fortunas.. So finding a weak link made her feel bigger, more important? 
Not that it made any difference because in the end, she was still just a bully.
"I'm here to appeal to your heart's, Blights!"
The two let out squeaks of surprise at the abomination goop hitting the wall near where they entered the workshop.
"Oh don't mind him, dear, Alador is working on our new product for the presentation Saturday. Things tend to get messy." There was a pause from the Blight, seated so casually on a desk with a teacup in her hand, whilst Alador worked not too far from her, covered in said goop. "I see you brought a friend- wait." Her eyes zeroed in on Selena, widening in surprise. 
"Odalia Blight, it's been too long." Selena let out with fake cheer, teeth clenched in a performative grin.
"My, my. Selena Fortuna." Odalia answered with a similar infliction of faux joy "Why, how unexpected! Alador! You'll never guess who the human dragged-" her husband running past her made her pause in shock, not expecting him to react as such "-in."
Selena had no time to greet him properly, as Alador was there in front of her in less than a blink, enveloping the girl in a hug and lifting her up, her feet leaving the ground "Little Lena!" The man exclaimed as he spun her around before placing her back on the ground again, bending at the knees 'till he was down to her height "Huh, you're taller than I remember. Heavier too." He put a hand on his chin as he observed her, yet somehow still managed to miss her aghast face when he called her heavier "Have you always worn those?" He reached out to inspect her glasses, only to flinch back when he heard Odalia call out for him.
"Alador!" She hissed, dropping the facade for just a moment. "You're making our guest uncomfortable, dear ."
Selena let out a breath of relief when he stepped back "Oh. Right." Alador cleared his throat "Ahem. How is your brother?" He asked, now more formal.
"He- he is fine, Alador. Him and Stella moved in with mom, they're at the summer cottage." She let out, a bit out of breath from being spun around like that "I don't think you picked me up like that since I was 12, I can't believe you still can!" A breathy laugh left her.
"A- hem ."
Oh, right. She was mad, that's right. Titan, Alador effortlessly tore down her defences and made her feel like a giddy kid again. She was mad at him, she was mad at Odalia. Alador was fast to return to his working station although now he was listening to the conversation more intently than before, and she recomposed herself, patting down any wrinkles from her skirt and shaking her hair back into place. "Right, excuse me." Clearing her throat, she gestured towards Luz, who watched the entire exchange with fascination "I am here to accompany young Luz, as a temporary adult guardian of sorts, to make sure her best interests are upheld." She lifted up her head
"Hum, I hadn't expected any company other than the human, I wish you'd have given me a heads up, I would have put out some hors d'oeuvres.." Odalia let out with a dramatic sigh "Very poor manners to show up unannounced, you know."
"Surely you don't assume a minor should come unaccompanied by an adult to discuss their future. Especially a foreign one, who doesn't know all the ins and outs of our world and rules!" Selena laughed haughtily "You're such a kidder, Odalia."
The woman tried to hide her blush - from embarrassment, or at being caught trying to manipulate a child - either brought Selena much joy "O-oh, no no, of course not, I just hadn't expected someone of… your stature to accompany our little Luz here."
"Whatever stature I enjoy from my family name is of little importance." Selena replied coolly. "Of course, unless you force my hand to make it of importance. Am I to assume correctly that young Luz has been expelled because of your influence in the PCA?"
She hated taking on such a formal tone and manner of speaking. It was drilled into her head young, having to learn the ins and outs of high society so she "wouldn't get eaten alive out there", according to Isabella. She had become quite rusty, avoiding mixing with the aristocracy's of the Isles as much as possible, but dealing with the Emperor for so long really brought it all back to the surface after years of not using it.
"I'm sure I don't know what you mean, dear. The PCA had concerns about the human and her friend's unruly behaviour being a distraction to other students." Odalia explained innocently.
"And this has nothing to do with your daughter being friends with them and you disapproving?" Selena shot back, respectfully of course.
Placing a hand to her chest, Odalia gasped "But of course not, my Amity is free to be friends with whoever she likes. Even the unruly kind. But when those friends prove to be endangering her education, well, as a mother I can't let that happen."
"Of course not." Selena replied "Because otherwise, you might come off as a bit hypocritical, and I know a woman of your stature would never do that!"
There was a beat of silence. Alador now fully stopped his work and turned around to watch, arms crossed.
" What are you implying?"
"Oh, simply that when you were Amity's age, your friend group had a… knack for getting themselves in trouble, if I remember correctly." Selena said cooly "And I think I do, because one of them happens to be my brother."
"Oh snap!" Luz couldn't help herself from piping up.
Odalia finally put down her teacup "Oh come now, Selena, they were never as bad as this ." She accused, hand pointing in Luz's general direction "They destroyed the detention room!"
"Alador set off an abomination bomb in Principal Faust's office!" At this, the mentioned man let out a little chuckle, and Odalia glanced at him in a disapproving manner "And there was of course the Locust Curse incident that left Hexside closed for two weeks. It was pure, dumb luck that Bump already came into his position by the time that happened, because you and I both know Faust would have had all four of you expelled and banned from every school on the Isles."
"She has a point, dear." Alador hummed from the back.
"I also remember your parents doing their best to scrub all of that from your record." The younger oracle hummed in thought "However, I do think my mom has copies of the school records mentioning all your names clear as day still saved up in a folder somewhere-"
Odalia held up a hand, silencing her “I see your point.” she let out in a huff “While there is truth to what you say, my hands are tied - I would love to help, dear, however I just have no time to spend on this issue. You see, we have a big presentation coming up this Saturday, and Amity usually helps us out. But she's been sooo busy with all the extra schoolwork." The woman sighed "I think you'll have to go talk to all the other members of the PCA, and it could take a long time to get around to all of them."
"I can do it." Luz cut in.
"What?!" Selena looked at her in disbelief.
"She said she wants to help." She explained her logic and turned to the older woman "That is what you said, right? That you do want to overturn the expulsion?"
"Oh, but of course. Selena here made such compelling arguments for you and your little friends." Odalia said, sickly sweet.
"Then I'll take Amity's place and help clear up your schedule." Luz offered with determination "If I do that, then you will go to Principal Bump and get Willow, Gus and me back into Hexside?"
"A-are you sure about this?" Selena stuttered, not liking this at all
"A-yup! You know I am!"
"Well, dear, that would be simply wonderful!" Odalia seemed very pleased "And such a perfect way for you to show me how responsible you really are. Very well then!" She got up from the desk she was sitting on top of and reached out a hand towards Luz "I think we have a deal here, don't you?" She gave Selena a satisfied look which she didn't like much.
She was plotting something, Selena just knew it. She agreed way too quickly - Odalia Blight was a woman set in her ways and her pride, no way just talking it out worked.
"It's a deal, Blight!" Luz shook her hand.
"Didn't you have a cute little motto, something along the lines of a Blight always keeps their promise?" Selena said cooly "I expect to hear that the kids will be back in school on Monday."
"Not to worry, if all goes well during our sale, I'll be on the crow phone with Bump immediately after, overturning the expulsion." Odalia clapped her hands together as she spoke to her "It is a deal and a promise."
Selena held out her hand, head held high "Should we make it an everlasting oath, Blight?"
"An everlasting oath ?" Odalia laughed haughtily "Come now, Selena, surely you do not have that little faith in me. I'm not going to cast such a ridiculous spell over a petty misunderstanding such as this."
"Petty?!" Selena withdrew her hand "This could potentially ruin the futures of three kids, I'd hardly label it as a petty misunderstanding!"
"Well my Amity's future is my priority. She has a bright future, you know."
"And what, Luz and her friends don't?"
"I never said that, dear."
"You don't have to say it when I can clearly see it from that grossly sticky aura seeping out of you in waves." Selena put a hand to her lips in mock regret "Oh, I'm sorry. You never could sense auras like I could, could you?" It was now her turn to laugh "Oh how silly of me, I always forget how mad you'd get whenever your parents compared you to me, haha!"
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"Selena-" Luz pulled on her sleeve, whispering in worried tones as she saw how Odalia's face twitched in barely restrained anger, jaw set as she gnashed her teeth together.
"Being young does make one worry about the silliest things, doesn't it?" She hissed, trying to recompose herself "But in the end, here I am, in a lovely manor, with a loving husband, successful kids and a booming business. What is it you do again, exactly?" Odalia put a hand to her cheek "Oh, right, you live in a dingy apartment above a dingy bakery, such a shame, really, everyone always talked about how your natural talent would get you places, and yet~ "
"Odalia." Alador interfered this time, frowning at his wife and her harsh words.
This was no good. Yes, she was miffed before, but now, Selena felt her body grow hot with anger. Her face felt like it was steaming, muscles tensing and going rigid, unconsciously preparing to snap at any moment if further provoked. She felt her hands shaking as she constrained herself from doing just that. Keep that anger in, keep your head cool.
Repeating the mantra did little to help when it was being drowned out in molten lava that was her temper.
She felt how her breathing started getting more erratic, tongue threatening to lash out as she debated what would hurt her most, what would make her hiss and spit like a wounded beast. Things she shouldn't say floating up, pride and anger filling her chest as her lips widened in a strained grin, words bubbling up and finally - escaping
"Oh, you mean the dingy bakery endorsed by the Emperor?" She hissed through barred teeth, cheeks aching from the fake smile she wore. The way Odalia's eyes widened made her almost manic with glee "He's such a sweet man with me, you know." She uncrossed her arms and cupped her cheeks, tilting her head like a lovestruck teen bubbling about her first crush "Such a delight to spend my first hours of the morning with him as he invites me to share tea together every time I deliver to him." She let out a giggle "I'm the only one allowed to deliver to him too, you know. Truly, it is an honour."
"Shame you'll never know how it feels to be praised by the most powerful witch of the Isles." Selena shrugged innocently, taking in every moment of Odalia quietly seething like it was sweet apple blood "Oh well. What can you do, am I right?"
Alador reacted first before his wife had a chance to retaliate, quickly walking towards Selena and Luz and grabbing the witch by the shoulders, turning her around and leading her out "Well I think we all had a good chat here today, don't you?" He continued leading her as he talked "We will keep our end of the deal, I'll make sure of it." He gave Odalia a look over his shoulder "I'll escort them out, dear."
"B-bye, Mrs Blight, I'll be there on Saturday!"
"Bye Odalia! Oh, and I love what you did with the place!" Selena smirked as she managed to get one last dig before Alador pushed her completely out the door “Very nouveau riche of you.”
As soon as the door closed behind them, Alador groaned, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose as a headache formed.
"What was that ?!" Luz pulled at her hair in shock "Yikes, sister, that's a lot of repressed anger in one room."
"She started it." Selena grumbled, all huffy, crossing her arms across her chest.
They were interrupted by Alador, who they honestly forgot even came out with them in the first place "Technically, you started it when you implied she was a hypocrite."
"Don't you start with me." Selena stood on her tippy toes to stare him down, but she still lacked an inch or so to be on his exact eye level "First of, I didn't imply it, I straight out called her one. Because she is one. And second!" She crossed her arms "She started it when she got the kids expelled."
"Touche." Alador shrugged, "That is, in fact, her starting it."
"I will be here on Saturday, as well." She informed the conjurer "To make sure Luz is safe. And to make sure our deal is upheld."
"Odalia sends Madam Isabella invitations to all our events, even as they remain ignored." Alador explained "It should extend to any Fortuna, if I remember correctly. But even without the invitation, I'll make sure your name is on the list."
"Thank you." Selena breathed out as they finally reached the main entrance "And Alador?" The man titled his head inquisitively, only to let out a little whine when she pinched his nose "Pay more attention to your kids, you dolt."
As they parted ways, the door closing behind them, only Luz and Selena remained.
"So." The human started "Your family is a real big deal, huh?"
"Ugh." Selena huffed "Yea, you can say that."
"Well what?"
Luz's eyes sparkled with glee "Aren't you gonna tell me about your family of super powerful, super revered witches?!"
Selena snorted and ruffled the kids hair "Yea, no, it's stupid and boring. Ask Lilith, she likes to drivel on and on about that kind of stuff."
"Aw, come on, no fair!" Luz whined "Fine! Maybe I'll ask you about that enthusiastic speech you gave about Belos instead?" She gave the witch a smug little grin as she in return turned red as a blood apple.
"Th-th-that was nothing! It was a tactical decision to get under Odalia's skin!" She sputtered out "N-nothing more than that!"
"Nothing more?" Luz purred.
"Nothing more!"
Nothing more.
The door to the throne room looked much more intimidating today than they have been so far, as the dread of the actions she was about to do built up like wild kindling and threatening to burn like a forest fire.
For Luz. Do it for Luz.
Steve opened the doors for her, letting her step inside, back straight and head held high as she clung to the last bit of pride she had left, marching to the beat of the Titan's heart above his throne, upon which he sat, watching her. Following her. Stalking her.
She didn't trust Odalia Blight. So she'd use every dirty trick in her arsenal to make sure she held up her end of the deal, no matter how much it pained her. No matter the cost.
"Guards." She was the one to call out this time, just as she reached the bottom of the stairs. Belos straightened himself up in his seat, interested by the new behaviour she was exhibiting. "Would one of you be so kind as to take this up to the Emperor's chambers?" The guards anxiously shifted their eyes to the Emperor, awaiting his instructions, and Selena patiently waited, eyes never leaving him. As soon as he raised his arm, gesturing to obey her, the closest guard ran to the witch and wordlessly took the box of sweets from her.
Good. This was going better than expected. Selena let out a shaky breath, looking back up to the Emperor, up on his throne, and took the first step up towards him.
And another.
And another.
And all the way up, until she stood in front of him, like that first day.
For Luz .
Selena kneeled down, on one knee, keeping her head low, eyes affixed to the patterns of the clear, shiny marble floor.
"I am…sorry."
With bated breath, she waited for his response. The throne room was silent, except for the beating of the giant heart, pushing tremors deep into her gut with its low rumble. And the little murmurs she heard from the guards stationed in the throne room, who've been watching their passive aggressive dance for so long and taking bets on who will break first.
She heard Belos move, the throne creaking under his weight, and she resisted the urge to peek up at him. Instead, she tactfully looked at his reflection in the polished marble, where she saw him lean over in his seat, elbows placed on his knees, fingers interlaced and his chin resting on top.
"While that is fine and well, my dear little baker, I am afraid it is not enough." She saw the outline of his chin under the mask, but not much more. Saw how his jaw moved as he spoke. She shuddered at both the little peek she had of his face and at the words he spoke. "I want to hear you say exactly what you're sorry for."
Selena grit her teeth. She should have seen this coming. That pompous, arrogant, good-for-nothing-
"Come, come. I don't have all day." Belos hurried her along, his voice calm and condescending "Beg."
She shuddered and clenched the fist that was on the floor as balance. She hated how he said that. "I...apologise for my recent behaviour." She started slowly, licking her lips "For yelling at you and going against your word, going behind your back. I apologise for implying that you do not care for Hunter, and calling you cruel." She heard him hum in a gleeful way at her words and grit her teeth, her face burning with embarrassment.
But when he stayed silent, as if waiting for more, she continued "Please, Emperor Belos, I know I'm undeserving, but please I ask for your forgiveness for the way I have acted."
She stayed perfectly still and waited for his response. She had half-a-mind to yell at him to say something , anything , instead of letting his silence tear up her insides. But she kept her mouth shut - running her mouth had gotten her in this situation in the first place. The Emperor's chuckle felt like it was louder than even the beating titans heart above them, making her hair stand on its ends. Selena's breath hitched when his fingers snaked their way under her chin, tilting her head up and forcing her to face him.
"Now was that so hard?" Belos asked in a mocking tone, fingers now holding her jaw in a firmer grip to prevent her from moving "Was that so difficult?" When Selena averted her eyes, he gave her head a joustle "Ap-ap-ap, eyes on me, Lena . I want your full attention." He chided her, and she grit her teeth, focusing her attention back to him.
"There we go." Belos said in a sing-song voice, grip on her jaw loosening and moving to cradle her cheek "Good girl." He spoke, thumb grazing just under her eye, caressing the skin "I knew you'd come around from that little episode of yours."
Titan, how was it possible for him to be so incredibly condescending?! How had his body not combusted under all that smugness emitting from him?!
His hand slipped away from her face and he straightened out in his seat. Selena watched him as he got to his feet, careful as he circled around her so as to not accidentally step on her or her skirt, until he was completely out of view behind her. 
"Come now, up to your feet." 
Slowly, afraid that sudden movement could trigger the beast on the hunt behind her, she brought herself up, holding her arms close to her body in an attempt to make herself smaller, and stood up to her full height. The feeling of knowing he was behind her, towering over her, made it hard to breathe normally as anxiety bubbled under her skin. And it was only made worse when she felt his hand lay heavy on her shoulder, feeling like a bear trap. He leaned closer, his mask near her other shoulder, brushing against her hair and making her wish she was anywhere else than here. He was close, too close-
"I'm so glad we can finally put this behind us, Selena." The low hum of his voice directly in her ear made her feel faint. Selena closed her eyes instantly at the rush, wanting to block out everything else in order to be able to deal with the overwhelming presence so close to her. "I admit that I have…missed our little morning talks. They quickly grew near and dear to my heart, I'm happy that now they can finally continue."
Selena swallowed the lump in her throat "Would you-" her voice came out too high, so he cleared her throat and started again "Would you be so bold to say that…that you consider me a friend, then?"
He paused, thinking, and moved his head back, away from her. The hand on her shoulder moved up her neck, to her jaw, and he tilted her head back until he could see her face clearly, and she was once more staring into the void of his mask, barely making out the outline of his eyes. "Hmm." He let out, deep in thought, his middle finger tapping against her throat "Perhaps I do."
Okay. Perhaps she could somehow play this embarrassment in her favour afterall. Ignoring the moths coming to life in her belly at his platonic confession, Selena braced herself through her nerves and lifted up her hands, taking his into them and removing it from her neck so she could turn around to face him. Her skirt flew around her as she pivoted on one foot, holding his hand securely in her own, close to her chest. "Truly you do?" She asked as she looked up at him through her lashes, eyes wide and glimmering.
He seemed taken aback by the sudden change in attitude, taking way longer than he normally would to respond. She felt his fingers flex in her grasp, and saw how his chest and shoulders moved with a deep breath which he tried to keep silent "I would not say things that I do not truly mean." Belos muttered and Selena held his hand tighter.
Well. Now or never, she thought, doing her best to not show how nervous she was "So if I were caught in the middle of a predicament, you'd offer me your help, then?"
From how close they were, she could see his eyes widen slightly under the mask, before they crinkled in what she only could assume was a smile "That purely depends on the type of trouble you've gotten yourself into, my dear." He let out a short chuckle "You haven't gotten yourself into something dire whilst we weren't talking, have you?" He teased.
Selena let out a breath she hadn't been aware she was holding, her muscles relaxed and she smiled . An honest smile - his demeanour changed and his aura took on a completely different feel, comforting and fuzzy, it felt welcoming, it was so infectious that she felt at ease for the first time since their fight. "N-no, nothing like that. I just-" she let out a tsk through her teeth "-Titan, how should I put this?" She lowered her arms, making sure to still hold on to his hand with one of her own as she did. Physical contact, she had gathered from all the time she had known him, was a way he used a lot to communicate, to connect.
"I've made a deal with Odalia Blight, I'm sure you've heard of her." She explained, and Belos let out a little hum in affirmation "However, I've known this woman for a long time, and I have a very uneasy feeling in my gut that she may not keep her end of the deal."
"And let me guess, you want me to ensure she keeps her word?"
"Not necessarily, at least, I'm hoping I won't need you to." Selena was quick to defend "I do not know if she will go against our deal. So I am not asking anything of you as is." She explained "I would know by tomorrow evening if she honoured our agreement, so I do not want to accuse her of such a misdeed before it has happened."
"Hmm." Selena felt goosebumps rise along her arm, all the way to her shoulders and neck, as his thumb gently traced the back of her hand while he mulled over her words "May I ask what type of deal you've made?"
Selena looked to the side, nervous "It's- well, it may sound inconsequential to you, but apparently she is in the PCA and got some good kids unjustly expelled from Hexside." She chose her words carefully "One of them is a friend of mine, you see. And I pleaded her case with Odalia to overturn the expulsion."
"It is not inconsequential at all - afterall, education is very important. Now-" Belos said matter-of-factly and put his free hand to his mask where his chin would be, as if in thought "-perhaps the easiest route to take is for me to write a letter addressed to Blight."
"A letter?"
He nodded "Where I would…encourage her to follow up on her promise. I am certain she would take it to heart."
Selena let out a humourless chuckle "Oh, that is for certain."
"I would give it to you, and if she tries to fib, you can deliver it to her yourself." He continued 
"And if she stays true to her word, there would be no need for that." Selena finished for him "I think that would be more than enough, Emperor." She brought his hand up once more, pressing his knuckles close to her cheek "Thank you, thank you so much!" She let out a little squeal.
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His hand turned in her hold so he could cradle her face, leaning a little lower to her as he spoke "Come tomorrow and I shall have it prepared for you."
"I'll come visit then, to pick it up." Selena nodded "And I will bring you the biggest most delicious cake as a gift for doing this for me, just you wait!" She paused, "But, ah…while I did decide to stop giving your nephew gifts, you will share with him, won't you?"
Belos tilted his head, hand falling away from her face "Is it truly that important to you?"
Selena pursed her lips, looking away "I just…food is meant to be shared. I won't go behind your back again, I promise I won't, but I would love it if you shared with him, too." She pleaded "He looks up to you so much, Emperor, I'm sure it would mean the world to him, more than any gift from me ever could." She gave him a somewhat smart-alec look "Besides, I'm sure you won't be able to finish the cake I have planned all by yourself, my Lord."
As if by magic, the mood lightened once more, and Belos let out a laugh "You underestimate my appetite, especially for the gifts you bring me." The way he purred made Selena's cheeks flush red, she felt the heat rise to them and felt mortified knowing it was probably very visible "However, as for your request. I will…consider it."
Nervously averting her eyes, she reached up to push a lock of hair behind her ear "Th-that's really more than enough, Emperor, thank you kindly for taking my words into account."
"Think nothing of it, Selena."
Selena smiled softly, and her mouth opened to respond without realising what words she was saying "I'm…really happy to be talking to you again, too, Emperor." It came out faster than she could have stopped herself, and it was so earnest of a confession that it took even Selena by surprise. She quickly raised a hand to her mouth, aghast at how naturally that came out, making her doubt herself, wondering if this really was just an act on her part. Working through the shock, she continued "If…it's alright for me to say so."
Below let out a hearty laugh "I'm glad to hear the feeling is mutual, Lena."
She had excused herself not too long after, having to use all self control not to run out of the throne room immediately like an embarrassed school girl. The throne room doors closed behind her, and she leaned against them, a hand raised to her forehead and she pressed the ball of her palm to it as Selena tried to wrap her head around her reactions.
"What…in the Titan's name was that ?" She muttered under her breath, a question she didn't know how to answer.
It was supposed to be a fully controlled act. That was all, nothing more. An apology offered and a favour asked, that was the plan. If anything could hurt Odalia's pride more than her grandmother chastising her, it was the Emperor chastising her, and when Selena weighed her options, she chose the option that would cause the most hurt. She knew it was spiteful and petty, but she could be spiteful and petty if she wanted to, as a treat . So when did the planned out act turn…surprisingly honest? Since when did she actually enjoy his company? Maybe it was just the warmth of his aura that seeped into her bones, feeling like the sun washing over her, that clouded her mind. Sure, she hadn't had issues with the auras, the emotions of others, influencing her judgement since she was still a kid, but it could have happened, right? 
That had to be it. No way was she actually growing fond of him, that would only needlessly complicate things. 
She separated herself from the doors and nodded her head, deciding it was just a fluke. It would not happen again, not if she could help it.
The Emperor was a man who knew how to crawl his way under your skin, and he was keen on doing so to her - she could not allow for that. No matter what.
I'm trying a new format of peppering art throughout the chapter now, while also offering a bonus scene at the end like so
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snarkivistfic · 3 months
Shipper Tag Game
Tagged by @heyholmesletsgo, thank you! :) I apologize that this took me literally forever to do!!!
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore? I think probably Alec Scutter/ Maurice Hall from Maurice but I wouldn’t say I don’t care about them anymore
2. Which ship would you consider your first one? I had to think about this really hard. I don’t remember if it was George and Susan San Francisco from Alien Nation or Maurice Hall and Alec Scutter from Maurice.  I loved both of these couples fiercely but especially the former I haven’t even thought of until I started thinking about this. 
3. Your first fanfic was about which couple? I didn’t ever write it down till much later
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of? I apologize to artists – I do not!!
5. Have you ever gotten into ship discourse? With my social anxiety? Heavens no.
6. Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently? I guess I do but I honestly don’t think about it too much. Like I don’t read those ships but honestly can’t be bothered to block any content because I don’t care that much.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read? WeiLan from Guardian (Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan)
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs? SO MANY (can one have multiple One True Pairings?  Yes, yes you can).  ZiNing (Ouyang Zizhen /Wen Ning) is my absolute number one.  But I also passionately love ChuGuo, BigTay, ChanPol, XiYao, YaoYang (CLs Yao and Ouyang), ZhuiLing, and Qin Su/Bicao.
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together? Okay so this is a bit of a deep cut and I refuse to google the names of the characters lest it upset me again. I adore the actor Rupert Graves (Probably because he plays Alec Scutter) and he was in this movie called Dreaming of Joseph Lees.  His character has sooooo much chemistry with the female lead and they are so good together. But in the end she goes back to her horrible and cruel husband because he’s been injured or something I don’t remember.  I just remember I was sooooo mad and it still upsets me to think about it now.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting? I mean probably if you have a really wide definition of ship and it encompasses my whole life of imagining fictional characters together. But I can’t think of one right now.  
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over? I can’t think of anything. 
12. What is your favorite crack ship? People consider YaoYang to be a crack ship but like I don’t think I could be so passionate about them if I thought that. I am not writing them as a pairing as a joke.  I think the first time I wrote them seriously (a fic called A Call to Arms) I started it as a joke and a way to play with unreliable characters. But I ended up sort of getting in their heads and now I love them so much. Because I think people in my life find me annoying and a little too much of a know-it-all (who is often wrong about things) so I kind of identify with CL Yao in a way.  So but yeah I guess technically this is my favourite crack ship?
13. What is the couple you read the most fanfics about? Honestly, I guess WangXian just because there are the MOST of them. 
14. What do most of your ships usually have in common? Hmmmm.  I think, and maybe this is in all ships?, that each of the characters sees something in the other that no one else can. Like maybe everyone else thinks they are annoying (lol YaoYang) or just a sweet sexless cinnamon roll (ZiNing), or for whatever reasons the characters don’t think they deserve love or that anyone could love them.  I think that’s the thing.
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship? This is hard for me to answer because the whole point of fiction is that you can like things that would be terrible in real life.  So a dynamic that would suck irl could be a great ship dynamic?  I guess I don’t have an answer.
Tagging @unfortunatelycake @jaggededges123 @justacoyote @linacies @zaelriel (no pressure at all! I won't be offended if you're not interested!) and whoever else would like to answer!
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takiki16 · 5 months
@gallifreyburning tagged me in this!
1. how many works do you have on Ao3?
Ten! I am a prolific reader, but not so much a writer.
2. what's your total Ao3 word count?
253,223. Holy moly. I remember when cranking out 1500 words was a lot for me. I never expected to break that Big Phat 100k, which is yet another reason gallifreyburning is the wind beneath my wings. Half of those words are hers.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
The Old Guard and Jupiter Ascending are my two most dominant fandoms per stats. I've also written for Mad Max, the MCU, Leverage, and The Man from Uncle (the 2015 movie), but I wouldn't call these my most active reading fandoms.
4. what are your top five fics by kudos?
If Never Again, If Every Day (cowritten with gallifreyburning, TOG)
Kiss With a Fist (cowritten with gallifreyburning, TOG)
A Fine Chain (JA)
and sat him doon at her bed feet (Leverage)
breathes there the man (TMFU)
lolllll no surprises here.
5. do you respond to comments?
Unfortunately not. When all of my fics were relatively short and I only got a handful of comments on each one, I replied individually to each comment. However, we have THOUSANDS of comments on INAIED, and although I've replied to some of the particularly consistent and wonderful commenters, there is no way for me to get all of them. However, please know that they are all loved.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
and reason quite decay, for Mad Max. It's a pre-canon snippet to the 2015 movie, about how Max lost the little girl he keeps hallucinating. I was very, very much into the "all lower caps, title is a line from a poem" aesthetic. Still am, to be honest, but A Fine Chain is just CONSUMING me atm.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
and sat him doon at her bed feet is a triptych of each of the Leverage OT3 being a selkie and getting together with the OT3, so that's technically three happy endings in one, but our INAIED boys worked so hard for their payoff that I have to put them first.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I have been lucky enough to avoid this so far!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've written a grand total of like...two smut scenes, both of them m/m, but DEPENDING on how much longer I can tolerate the slow burn of A Fine Chain, I may be writing something f/m in the near-ish future!
now private chats between mutuals about IMAGINED character smut, on the other hand...
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I don't write crossovers - they generally don't appeal to me as a reader so I avoid them as a writer.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not as far as I know, and I hope and pray it never happens to me. INAIED got a few weird pings last year, but so far I've been very very lucky.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have gotten a request or two, but I don't remember if a translation was ever posted?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
LOLLLLLLL. If it weren't for @gallifreyburning i would still be languishing at 5-something chapters of AFC and a handful of fics, and I would never have written for TOG at all.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Harsh, bro. I don't think I have a very favorite ship, but I definitely have favorite dynamics. See my "you are responsible forever for what you have tamed" tag
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Much Nothing About an Ado. My post-canon Mad Max fic where Max comes back to the Citadel and Furiosa decides to Hit That, but in the sexy way this time. But hey! I thought that It would take another decade to finish A Fine Chain, and I am ROLLING!
16. What are your writing strengths?
Mmmmfdfnggg. Umm...I'm very good at long, flowery descriptions, and at grounding clips of dialogue to specific physicality and setting, I think? When I want to write something, I usually see a movie of what I want to write playing out in my head, and then I have to figure out how to translate those actions to the page in a way that accurately conveys the action and tone. I block out the scene in bullet points first, then bang out a loose first draft, then go back over everything and rewrite it from the top, trying to make sure that someone reading it would see and feel the same things I did when watching the movie in my head.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
TOO MUCH FLOWERY DESCRIPTION. Sometimes I get lost in the movie in my head. Also, my crippling fear of intimacy sometimes translates to being hesitant to get to the actual climax of the story. I have to have acres and acres of slow burn, or I'm writing a single poetic one-shot with artsy film blur. This is where a good co-author is worth their weight in gold - you can't get away with kicking the can forever.
Also - I need to see if this still happens in AFC, but I feel like I rush through smut, and sometimes that pr0n deserves to be LINGERED UPON.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
It's nice, if it's used correctly! It's off-putting, if not.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
OOF. I saw the first Tobey Maguire Spiderman as a wee babe, and wrote an absolutely passionate proto-whump fic about it in my spiral notebook along with some very bad illustrations.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
INAIED is a Lifetime Achievement (TM) for me, the thing that makes me genuinely frustrated I can't brag to my coworkers about the massive novel I co-authored. I will be proud of it forever and ever and ever. I own a physical bound copy of it, and take it out every now and again to look at it fondly. I Helped Write That Thing. It is dear to my heart.
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