#oh my god they were so liddol
autistichalsin · 5 months
I tried to have this conversation a few weeks ago and it didn't go well, so after giving it time to calm down I am bringing it up now on my own page, about the importance of allowing fans who can't afford the game, or who otherwise can't play for themself due to disabilities, etc, a space in the fandom. And in particular, this involves deconstructing the idea that Let's Plays aren't a valid way to experience this media, and that people who didn't purchase the game don't belong here, both of which are harmful, classist, ableist ideas.
(Tone: genuine. Not angry or aggressive, but passionate.)
I want to say that as much as I enjoy playing BG3 and am glad I bought it, there really isn't anything that I have gained, in terms of understanding of the plot, lore, characters, relationships, etc, that I didn't already have when I was watching Let's Plays and using the datamined dialogues exclusively. Nor has my emotional experience been significantly different in any measurable way. I mean, I WAS very happy to recruit and romance Halsin in a way that I didn't feel when I watched a Let's Play, but that's it. It didn't change my understanding of, or feelings towards, him at all. I knew Halsin's entire story before, and I knew his entire story after, too. My feelings on each and every one of Halsin's scenes has remained exactly the same.
There wasn't any character I thought was a bad guy who I saw something new in when I played for myself, or vice-versa. I didn't have any paradigm shifts in my understanding of the plot. The bad guy was still a Nether Brain controlled by the Chosen of the Dead Three in each playthrough. The good guys were still a group of traumatized weirdos (/affectionate). Astarion was still a victim of rape and slavery, Shadowheart was still a cult escapee, and Halsin still struggled with the burdens of leadership. There were still choices that could make the companions bar Jaheira and Minsc fall in love with you, and choices that could make them despise you. There were still choices that could push some of the characters to be better or worse versions of themselves. There were still a lot of notes and books to pick up, some of which were important to the lore, some of which provided random factoids about bit characters you may find interesting or may find useless, and many of which were completely useless and a waste of inventory space. I didn't learn anything new in the informational sense, about the plot, the characters, the flow of the game, nothing.
(Well, there was ONE different thing, which was that I ended up being an edge case where I accidentally shot Lae'zel with my arrow when trying to free her and got yelled at by her for it. Does that actually count as a unique-to-playing revelation though? Everyone who watched me stream that day would have learned about it too.)
I didn't experience some overwhelming emotional shift in response to the events onscreen that wasn't there when I watched Let's Play, either, which is also an argument that has been made. There's been a case presented that it's not so much that the events themselves change but that playing somehow alters your emotional response which affects how you view the plot and characters. But that didn't happen for me, either. I didn't go from "I do not care one single solitary fuck about Barcus Wroot" to "oh my god I will give this poor liddol guy the world." I still do not care about him. I didn't go from "yay, the moon lesbians are free!" to some sort of more intense emotion like "omg I'm going to cry now!" I still love them and am happy they're free, but hardly moved to tears. I didn't go from "fuck Orin" to "MEGA fuck Orin." Making the choices and fighting the battles myself didn't change anything for me in that sense. There was no emotion I hadn't already felt before that came to me in my own playthrough. Every emotion I had when watching a Let's Play was almost exactly the same when I played the game for myself.
If anything, the only real change was that I started to have annoyance as a sort of background radiation for about 90% of the companions because I kept accidentally talking to them when trying to click on items and things, and I got really fucking tired of hearing their greetings? "Shut up, Astarion, I wanted to loot the corpse, not talk to you, please back the fuck up. Why is my party always halfway up my ass? Personal space, guys?" Otherwise nope.
My understanding of canon, my understanding of the characters, my emotional resonance to the events that happened, those were all exactly the same. I literally don't know what people are referring to when they say that there was some magical new dimension of feeling that can only be unlocked when you are the one playing. Whatever that magic was certainly wasn't there for me, and that disproves the idea it's "impossible" to fully experience the game through LPs, because having played the game, I can say that I DID get the full experience through LPs. Maybe some people can't get the full feel of things by watching, which is 100% valid, but some people very much can. I did both, and I can tell you that they conferred 98% similar intellectual and emotional experiences.
In fact, I'd argue that there's more of a difference between playing as a Tav or an Origin vs playing as a Dark Urge than there is between playing yourself vs watching an LP, but I don't often see the case made that people who haven't completed a Durge playthrough don't understand the game properly and therefore can't/shouldn't contribute their analyses/interpretations of canon to the fandom. And I mean, there is some HEAVY lore you only get in a Durge playthrough. You would have a FAR better case that completing/watching a Durge playthrough is the event that marks you as understanding/having a complete knowledge of canon than you would that playing the game yourself instead of watching someone else do it is, though I still wouldn't ultimately agree that it's a prequisite.
People who watch LPs are valid, your way of experiencing the game is valid, and don't let anyone else tell you otherwise because honestly, people who gatekeep are never worth listening to in the first place. The idea that your understanding becomes more complete when playing yourself isn't true for everyone. You can say they weren't the same experience for you, and that is PERFECTLY valid and understandable, but that's only you. You can't say what others are and aren't able to feel when playing vs watching Let's Plays. The only correct statement here is "some people are able to fully comprehend the plot through Let's Plays, and some aren't, and the mode of consuming the game ultimately doesn't determine whether a person belongs here. Both groups still belong in the fandom and have just as valid opinions to contribute as the others."
Further, I have seen absolutely brilliant, on-point analyses from people who only watched Let's Plays, and absolutely horrible, nuclear hot takes from people who spend all day playing the game. Just the other day, for example, I legitimately witnessed a Redditor VEHEMENTLY argue that 1. There was a scene in the game where Halsin called Thaniel "beautiful", 2. This nonexistent scene was ABSOLUTE proof that Halsin was a pedophile, and 3. Halsin's time as a sex slave had clearly caused him to become a pedophile. People who had seen only the intro of the game on an LP would STILL have a better understanding of canon than this person who claimed to have played dozens of times. If we're going to judge people's understanding of the game, it should be based on the understanding their posts convey directly, not based on assumptions about who can absorb what amount of information through what mode of consuming the game.
So I repeat: LP watchers, you're fine. Enjoy fandom in a way you can experience. You shouldn't be locked out of discussion of the game just because you can't afford hundreds of dollars for a game system. To suggest otherwise would be appallingly cruel and exclusionary behavior, on the level of saying bootleg watchers can't be part of discussions about Broadway shows. You all belong. You don't have to buy your way into a fandom space.
And bringing it to that issue: yes, Let's Plays ARE an absolute necessity for both poor people and for people with certain disabilities (blindness, since the game doesn't have a narrative-only mode, and severe disabilities affecting the hands being the two that jump to mind right away). Gatekeeping fandom from poor people based on whether they've bought an expensive game and gaming setup, much like being an anti-bootleg Broadway fan, serves the sole purpose of shaming and punishing poor fans for not properly engaging in the capitalist system. I know the intention isn't to gatekeep the poor and people with certain disabilities from the fandom, but that ends up being the effect when this particular argument gets made.
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willowser · 1 year
oh my god i have to actually stop i need to be forcibly put six feet in the ground BUT I THINK THERE IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE this piece of gojo that is so painfully aware of how beneath him everyone else is. getou was his partner his friend someone he loved they were the strongest TOGETHER and now he's GONE and satoru is ALONE IN THAT. and he was surely raised !!!! being told !!!!! you are not a little boy you are not just anybody no you can't go outside and play no you can't have friends you are the end all be all !!!!! AND OVER TIME THAT'S CHANGED AND MORPHED into him wanting to be the strongest for those that are weaker than him and those that are beneath him but it's literally been ingrained into his VERY BEING that he is THE ALL MIGHTY ABOVE !!!!!!
and so even though his appreciation and respect has changed for those below him HE'S ALWAYS GOING TO BE AWARE OF IT and i think THAT'S what makes him SO CRAZY BONKERS NUTS OVER LOVING SOMEONE !!!!!! do you know what i mean !!!!!! bc you. you are so tiny and small and weak and could be crushed like a liddol tiny bug do you get it !!!!!!! and now you are suddenly the epicenter of his heart !!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK !!!!! at least before he could trust getou to handle himself !!!!! BUT YOU !!!! it does not matter if you are a great sorcerer or not YOU WON'T BE ON THE LEVEL EVEN GETOU WAS !!!! COULD NOT BE ON THE LEVEL SATORU IS !!!!!!!!! HE'S ABSOLUTELY INSANE ABOUT IT HE'S CRAZY !!!!! DO YOU GET IT !!!!!
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moonjxsung · 6 months
🌟🪐Star baby🪐🌟
So update on the writer guy: Honestly ever since we exchanged face reveals, he's acting like he's obsessed with the way I look. Specifically, my eyeballs. At first, it was cute and all...
But yesterday I felt like it was getting too much about me (specifically my face) so I tried to have a constructive or fun conversation. I asked him how his day went (it was Saturday) and how did he spend it. He said nothing and his life is pretty boring; he does nothing all day. Well, we spent 4 hours the day before just talking about his hobbies and passion for books and movies and writing so I was kinda thrown off. Which I suppose is not too bad, BUT THEN! He said his mind is occupied by something else entirely. Internally I went "Ain't no way he's gonna say it" and I played dumb and tried my best to steer away when he said "It's you. And specifically how you would look in casuals haha."
Star he wanted pictures of how I looked in jeans and shirts, I was MEGA disappointed. I felt objectified, not admired. I felt so disappointed because we bonded over meaningful conversations about our shared interests and thoughts and well... I just wanted a wholesome friendship ._.
We haven't talked since I said no to him. I even watched a movie and told him I watched Before Sunrise and it's beautiful and he replied "Good".
I'm so done. If we ever happen to talk again and he asks for pics or smth I'll straight up block him.
HOW'S YOU MY LIDDOL LOVE??? How was ur weekend, I read the posts about the party and how much fun u had and my heart swelled and felt so warm. I love it when you're happy and having a good time; you deserve it considering the kind of week you had. Even so, I hope from here on your days are filled with warmth and loads of fun and love.
Your, 🦝
Oh my god not the eyeball obsession…… HELPPPP THAT’S SO WEIRD???? I fucking HAAAATE IT when you’re in a talking phase with someone and they have to make it sexual 🤕 the first time my ex boyfriend did it I cried so hard because I genuinely thought we were building a connection and I brushed it off the next day, but looking back I would just cut off somebody who did that bc it’s always so random and it just completely throws off the dynamic. Like the minute some guy just wants pictures I will just straight up block now 😐 I’m so sorry bby I thought he seemed so cool and I was excited at least you’d have a wholesome friendship with him but it sucks he had to make it weird ☹️ if he tries to bother you again I will actually fight him frfr
ANYWAYS IM GOOOOOD my weekend was simultaneously so fun but tiring at the same time and I didn’t sleep at all last night so I’m so excited to be done w work today because I’m going to nap allllll day 🫶 I might order a coffee or something to keep me awake bc I feel so unproductive but other than that I’m pulling thru !! I also can’t believe it’s April omg this year is flying by frfr
I LOVE YOU BABY ANGELLLL I hope you have the best week ever and I’m sending you all my love always xoxoxoxo remember to eat and drink lots of water. I love u 👼💕💖💞💘💓💗 boop
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marybatson · 2 years
my general thoughts during black adam 2022 tht swirled in my mind like a flushing toilet. in no order
writers room and maybe mr johnson himself actually ironed out geoff’s adam origin and made him nicer because he literally murdered his nephew in that one. this works tho for what they were going for so okieee . will we get adam choking out the shazam kids in movie 2 LOL the rock would never agree to tht. wat happened to the anti in antihero mister…
kinda moe they made atom smasher n adam have bestie potential like in jsa lol.
gushing about adrianna and amon. amon AND HIS LIDDOL SKATEBOARD !!!!!! they were so so real even more so than their roles in 52 and I appreciate the writers sm for that. esp the role of khandaqi citizens later in the movie like ya fuck imperialism
it genuinely felt like a shift of two movies going back and forth between khandaq and hawkmans cruiser which I guess u could say makes it immersive
the entire jsa dynamic was so so good simply bc the chars were so fleshed out even in the small lines al and maxine (I LOVE U MAXINEEEE!!!) had they felt like heroes who’d worked together for so long. like it was easy breezy n if u compare that to the billion of quips and tension jl in the movie had like. it’s kind of wild. centering dc movieverse on jsa was not on my bingo. JAIME REYES BLUE BEETLE JSA MOMENT?
ROCK OF FINALITY ? let me ruminate on that.
shook w laughter every time somebody in the movie went “but WHO could defeat black adam” “only one person could defeat sabbac” “you’re so stacked even more so than any hero on earth adam” elephant in the room in the form of the literal shazam family with an upcoming movie:🧍
ok more on the point above just now. LIKE WTF. every time someone makes adam stronger while completely ignoring that billy is his equal nay his better. no matter what I think abt dceu’s shazam it’s still literally soooo embarrassing they think they can separate adam completely when HES GOT A DAMN LIGHTNING BOLT ON HIS CHEST. this movie just makes me angrier abt it bc they showed the shazam 2 trailer before it and god how incompetent and idiotic does shazam look in comparison to adam it’s literally so embarrassing ? can darla dudley beat adam’s ass. you know she can. be for fuckin real
cc binder checking in from the afterlife going hi how’s r my kids oh cool more to the fam oh cool there’s movies. BLACK WHO? WHO IS THAT…. villain from a singular comic beaten in one breath by captain marvel ????? slay but wtf. also where is freddy
aldis hodge knocked it out of the park tbh. so did mr pierce brosnan. hawkman smirking about I’m not afraid of dying JSNWNDKD well. sure. and the jsa kids ^_^ omg if we’re doing this jsa gimme jakeem n courtneyyyy. or r they tied down by cw
unrelated to all of this at all but I was just thinking I wish shazam never got a movie he should’ve been shoved into a reoccurring role in like that stargirl show or whatever idc
I’m on mobile idk how to readmore here just block me or kill me I’m sawry. TLDR I thought it was good fun! kind of a long movie imo and sabbac final villain was like. uhhh sure ok that was smth tht happened.. anyway. I feel like audiences will just like it and I guess its an interesting reset for the movies
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seiwas · 11 months
I'm here with a story for the sleepover!
So, when I met the man who would eventually become my husband, we were working together. I had just started a new position at work, and he was training me. I was in the process of a divorce, and I wasn't looking to date or go out with anyone at all. He and I started talking at work, eventually started messaging through social media, then exchanged phone numbers. In my mind it was all strictly platonic, mainly because he was so much younger than me (10 years, to be exact). He was adorable, but to me, there was no way in hell he'd be interested in a divorced 30 year old with two kids.
Anyway. He asked me to dinner one night, and again- I assumed it was just a friendship thing, so when the bill came, I pulled out my wallet and was going to pay half. He looked horrified that I would even consider paying.
"Is this a date?" I asked.
"I thought it was..." he said; poor guy was so blushy and cute about it.
...needless to say, the rest is history. We've been together for 11 years now, married for 6. We still sometimes go to dinner and he'll ask me, "is this a date?"
lin oh gosh!!! 🥺 welcome to the sleepover!! ✨
oh my god the way my face literally went 🥹🥹 this is the cutEST THING EVER!! how things fall into place unexpectedly!! is rlly just!! AAAAH lin 🥺 every time you talk about mr. lin i get all squeal-y happy bc you sound so in love!! and he sounds so amazing to you 🥺 the way he was so blushy and cute about it too 🥺 i am so !!! AHHHHH feeling so warm inside 🥺
i always love hearing your stories lin bc i feel like!! you have so much experience!! and it's such a different perspective from me and my liddol life 🥺 together 11 years is AMAZING!! and married for 6 my gosh!! congratulations i am so so happy for u 💗🥺 IT IS SO CUTE HOW IT'S AN INSIDE JOKE FOR YOU NOW "is this a date?" OMFFFF PLSSS I AM SQUEALINGSDASDSD aaaah i love how your love still burns as bright 🥹
if i may ask omg 😳 you don't have to answer!! but!! how did you and mr. lin decide to get married/how was the question asked!!! 🥺
let's have a sleepover!! 💗 send me any questions/stories you wanna share!!!
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dirt-grub · 4 years
i’ve seen many versions of the older!pines twins in my day but i fucking adore anything where Dip is still super short y’all are the real ones
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babymilkawa · 4 years
heyo bean—kun!!! I uh uh have a request tiny bit angsty! uhhhhHnhMm soooo uh gn! reader for starters. reader is sleeping an shoto comes home from endeavors agency, an shoto is already venting his head. because of how angry that man makes him an an idk i feel like shoto has NO CHILL when hes like truly pissed off idk? anyywwayyys he then starts talking about "I swear to God that old man—" or "who does he think he is???" but, he looks over at the reader an the reader just all curled asleep in his shirt. HHRJHHNNK 🥺🥺 an he jus goes "o" like "oh, you're sleeping" he jus gets undressed an crawls next to them, an just WEEEEE ahhHHhhHHHHH hugs the back of their waist an plant a liddol tiny forehead kiss an goes, "ill talk to you in the morning" then falls asleep with them. wwqaaHHHHHH something like that I had a dream about it kinda but not literally yk? thank youuuu!! ♥︎♥︎
(‐^▽^‐)- ur local shoto simp
yess I 100% believe todoroki is a savage when he’s pissed and WHAT U HAD A DREAM OF THAT *slams my forehead on yours* gimme them 🤲🏻
seeing sleeping s/o headcanons with:
todoroki shoto
gn!reader :)
warnings: swearing because our dear shoto is pissed
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he’s marching up to the door of your shared apartment, emotions all riled up
with fuming, shaking hands he opens the door and pours everything he’s pissed off about to the quiet room, not even realizing that you didn't greet him like normal or asked him how his day was
he’s assuming you’re somewhere in the kitchen where he can’t see you so he just goes on and on, stripping his gear off and moving towards the bedroom to get a new set of clothes
“I'm just so sick of him, you know honey? what the hell’s his problem? how’d he even crawl up to number 2 for gods’ sake with a shit ass personality like that. like what he’d do babe, ha, burn the heroes in front of him but chickened out at all might? sounds like him” your boyfriend scoffs and enters the bedroom
only to freeze
a small lump was seen under the covers and shoto was confused for a hard second until he thought about how you were completely unresponsive to his rant
usually you’d laugh with him or throw in a few “mmhm”s
“oh you’re asleep,” he says under his breath
my sweet angel, he thought, must’ve been tired
and looking at the bedside clock, he saw that it was pretty late
he goes over to his side of the bed and notices how you’re curled up in his shirt
his heart warms up at the sight
slowly without waking you up, shoto crawls under the covers and envelops your body with his, placing a soft soft softtt kiss on ur forehead
“I'll talk to you tomorrow, love”
his cheek rests on your pillow, nose to your hair and inhaling the scent, his face in a content smile 
todoroki wakes up and the first thing he sees is your sleeping face
a smile makes its way onto his face and he can’t help but admire how adorable and beautiful you look
all the frustrations of yesterday fly out the window
he raises a hand to your cheek and you instantly snuggle into his palm, still sleeping
his eyes widen for a second because he’s just so amazed and hopelessly in love with you
he wants to see you like this every morning
hell, he wouldn’t even mind if he had to deal with his father
because it would all be worth it once he came home to you
todoroki chuckled under his breath, how had he not realized this sooner?
it didn’t matter how bad his day went, as long as it started and ended with you
there’s no pulling him out fellas
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a/n: hope you liked it, my local shoto simp ^3^
bnha masterlist
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tatney · 3 years
saw first time viewing livewatch thoughts
* adam is so transgender <3
* oh so the quality of my ill eagle copy isn’t that bad it’s just that the lights were off lol
* his name is lawrence gordon. he’s a DOCTOR
* mr elwes sir please stop mumbling my autistic ears cannot hear your
* aha lawrence is t posing :)
* adam. my widdle boy
* lawrence telling him to take his shirt off 👀
* john mulaney hmm gross!.jpeg
* okay but i WOULD have checked under the toilet lid first. the things you’ll do for an older man 😔
* these two are so bad at playing catch. the kids who didn’t run the mile representation
* if i could see cary elwes’ eyebrows better i’d find him s*xier
* so the editing really IS like that huh
* yes he IS a murderer you stupid son of a bitch. there is no “technically” about it you fucking idiot
* we’ve got two bitches from lost my beloved :)
* all of sing’s clothes are too big for him. small man :)
* i knew that the editing was like THAT but not that MUCH ya know goddamn
* oh a giallo style shot. lov that <3
* motherfucker on his liddol tricycle
* i would piss on that fucking puppet
* futurama they must learn our peaceful ways by force.jpeg
* that’s just john’s vibe
* i wonder how much of saw inspired the batman arkham games thinking emoji
* how am i only half an hour way through
* tbh i want this kid’s duvet not kidding
* girl you in DANGER
* and i want that big snake :)
* “she’s beautiful” he’s taking about the dog BSBNSYSLAYSLSBLSU
* “where’s the. uh lucky wife” and you mean to tell me that adam isn’t a homosexual when he looks at lawrence like that while saying this line
* “i’m always missing from the photos” oh sir i’ve been on saw tumblr just you wait for the dramatic irony to hit just you WAIT
* oh god i though jigsaw wrote a slur in there good GOD
* very billy from black christmas vibes, harold finch from person of interest :)
* excuse me mr tapp but who’s amy and why do you have her starbucks order
* james wan you are such a KING
* “who said anything about a warrant?” sir that’s illegal
* sir that’s breaking and entering
* sir that’s a LOT of paperwork that you won’t be able to complete bc you’ll be dead soon but STILL
* did jigsaw plan on lawrence wearing blue or was that a funny coincidence lol
* john’s wearing his bathrobe
* ooh slidey door. wonder if there’ll be more of those later on teehee hoo hoo
* somebody show tapp the “that’s not your depression bed; that’s your nest omega” tiktok and see if that does anything
* “what do you want me to do? i’m on a leash” DOGBOY ADAM DOGBOY ADAM DOGBOY ADAM
* “you wanna put something in this room in your mouth?” “YES!!!!!!” are these lines from fanfiction verbatim
* adam you’re so fuckin stupid why would you spy on a man but keep the flash of your camera on
* “whatEVER” “i’m dealing with a juvenile.....” this is what happens when you have a sugar baby lawrence
* little dogboy twink photographers have me in a perpetual chokehold they really do
* i mean he’ll waste a lot of film but. okay i guess this is a horror movie after all gsmshsksynbsmahsp
* oh adam really is serving jonathan byers teas with the baseball bat and the camera as weapons. fuck
* cary elwes posh little accent coming THROUGH
* adam doesn’t make sense as cis man. he just doesn’t look at that man he’s so transgender
* ok but lawrence’s “mistress” is GORGEOUS actually omg
* i’m still gonna say that he’s gay tho. u can’t take that away form me lol
* adam’s wrists are so LIMP holy shit
* lawrence gordon classist moments
* mr elwes please control your accent sir i’m struggling not to laugh
* ok ally’s a girlboss then !
* michael emerson my beloved. when you try to be evil you have all the menace of a disgruntled bunny rabbit
* “lawrence get up! i need you!” now when you fuckers told me these two were gay you didn’t say THIS gay
* at least ally and diana are ok :)
* ok my headcanon is that lawrence is originally from england but was moved to america as a kid bc i need in contextual reasons for all of the accent slips that i can’t take seriously
* “don’t worry i’ll bring someone back i promise” YOU LYING TRICK ASS MOTHERFUCKER I’LL KILL YOU MYSELF /j /affectionate
* at least john’s got that ARCH
* god that movie fucked. that movies fucked SO hard good god no wonder gay people love it
* ok i think that ill league gull copy broke my laptop lol
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bleached · 5 years
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thecampfirestory · 4 years
"What are you gonna major in, then?"
I wanted to give another shot to writing and i couldnt sleep last night so,,,,yeah!!!!! A liddol fic from OP!!!!
For as long as he remembers, Patton had always been a light sleeper. Every single little noise managed to wake him up ever since he was a kid. If it weren't because of his alarm, he'd most likely sleep until around 2 pm.
Today, however, Patton had woken up by some noise downstairs. The kitchen, he assumed, judging by the sound of something small and metallic falling onto the floor, something like cutlery.
For a split second he had forgotten he spent the night at Logan's, only remembering because this clearly was not his room. It was somewhat messy; there were some water bottles on the desk and the corner of the room, two empty cups of instant noodles on the night stand, along with some empty glasses, and some bowls sat on the floor as well.
Patton smiled to himself, remembering how the first time he came to Logan's house he was genuinely surprised to see how disorganized his room was. Logan seemed like a very organized guy, and very neat person as well, you'd think he'd be the type of guy who would freak out the moment he saw something ruining the tidyness of his room. He was so good with schedules you'd figured the boy would manage to find some time to clean his own room.
When asked about it, Logan had said that since his parents aren't home most of the time, he had become used to cleaning the whole place by himself. He puts priority on every other room in the house, leaving his own room for last. And with the stress of school and a part-time job, most of the time Logan simply didn't have the energy to tidy it up.
It made sense for Patton, he'd even say it was kind of selfless of him.
Its not like the room was that bad either. Just a few things scattered across the floor, some glasses and bowls on the desk, and his bed was rarely ever made.
Logan's room got messy whenever he studied, especially for midterms and finals. But normally? The mess was kind of aesthetically pleasing. It was almost as if Logan was somehow even organized at being messy.
Patton let out a small yawn, sitting up on the bed his friend always made for him whenever he stayed the night, and stretched his arms as he gave a quick look to Logan's own -and currently empty- bed.
Without thinking much of it, he walked out of the room and made his way to the kitchen.
"You know, I could really do some good sleeping without the noise." He announced once he saw Logan standing by the counter, pouring some milk into a bowl.
Logan gave him a quick glare, smiling, before going back to his cereal "What noise? I dropped a spoon. Are you gonna sue me over a spoon?"
"Where's my cereal?" Patton asked in a teasing tone, ignoring his friend's previous comment.
"Milk's here, the cereal on the counter, you know your way around this house already, Jonathan."
Patton couldn't help but chuckle at that. Him and Logan always teased each other with their middle names, both of them had already forgotten how the jab started in the first place. "What a horrible host you are." He joked, making his way to the counter to start making his own bowl of cereal.
"You know, I've been seriously thinking about college, for some reason." Logan had said suddenly, ignoring Patton's sarcastic comment. "What if I end up majoring in music composition instead of Economics?" He said with a grin on his face.
"And throw your whole life plans out the window? Sounds great to me." Patton answered sarcastically, playing along to his friend's joke. At least that's what he thought it was, until he heard Logan let out a small "yeah" that sounded somewhat sad. Was it not a joke? Was Logan serious about changing his plans to study? Oh God, did he just made fun of his friend?
Patton quickly thought about a way of showing his support without making it too awkward. Its not like Logan continued the conversation after his comment, either.
"But if you're serious about it, what made you change your mind?"
Patton felt a sensation of relief when the boy looked up to him again, and his eyes visibly widened a little bit with some sort of enthusiasm. "Well, you know, at this point I barely go out without my guitar. It's basically a part of me now. And..." Logan paused for a second, smiling up to him. "Not to brag, but I've been getting very good at it."
"Scarily." Patton agreed.
"Oh, is that not just it?" His friend giggled at that. Patton was now curious, Logan was a smiley guy, yeah. But now he was strangely giddy.
"And...I was thinking that maybe I could take a gap year so you, VeeVee, and I could go to the same college together. You know, the one they barely shut up about when asked about future plans. Just think about it! Me studying music, VeeVee studying digital animation, and you studying photography!"
Patton frowned, confused. "Photography?"
"Yeah. Isn't that what you're gonna major in?" Logan questioned.
"No, not really. Photography is more like a hobby to me."
"What are you gonna major in, then?"
A sudden wave of fear of disappointing his friend got to him. That, or worse, making him sad. Logan's plan seemed so sweet, he was gonna wait for him and Virgil so they a could study together. He seemed very excited about telling him about it, too! And now Patton was ruining it.
But Logan didn't seem disappointed, though, or sad. In fact, he seemed genuinely curious about it.
Well, the cat's out of the bag now. He thought to himself.
"I uhm..." He doubted for a second. "I'm gonna study law."
Logan choked on his cereal, although it was nothing serious. And Patton let out a sigh, avoiding his friend's eyes, visibly kind of upset.
"I'm sorry I just..." Logan said, his voice a little hoarse from the coughing "It caught me off guard, is all."
Patton looked at him, but didn't answer.
"It's great!" He assured him "I think it's great. Law is a great thing to major in, you'd be a great lawyer, Patton." Logan looked at him, still not getting an answer. His face softened "Why haven't you mentioned it before?"
"Because," He sighed, crossing his arms. "Everyone is gonna assume that it's because of him. And that's definitely not the case."
"Not us." Logan protested, immediately understanding. "Pat, you know we don't think of you only as the mayor's son. You're our friend. And your dad's a dick." Patton let out a soft chuckle, to which Logan smiled in response.
"Still... It has always been that way. Every single thing I do... People always think it's linked to him somehow. And I know you guys don't see things that way, but..." He frowned "I don't know. I'm used to it, I guess. I'm tired of it."
There was a silence between both boys for a minute, until Logan spoke up again.
"Can I tell you something?" He asked, but he didnt wait for an answer. "I think you're scared of your dad. You're scared of the impact he has on your life. That's why you beat your ass at school. You get straight A's because you want a scholarship, and you want a scholarship because you don't want to depend on that guy in any sort of way. And that's great!" He added "That's a great way of thinking. And you should think that way on every other thing you want to do. You hate that your dad has you wrapped around his finger for the sake of his image, yet you don't do anything about it."
Waiting for an answer and not getting one, Logan continued.
"You know...We never mention it, but whenever we see you put on this happy-go-lucky facade at school...It's kind of hard for us." He admitted, looking at the floor. "Not hard as in we get sad or uncomfortable, but hard as in we know that's not the real you. You're not all sunshine and rainbows and we all know it. At school you always put on a way too wide smile, and your voice even gets a little higher, and you're always wearing colorful clothes, and I know you chose the frame of your glasses to be round because you think it makes you appear more friendly. I know it's a facade. We all know. Me, VeeVee, Roman, even Remus and Dee. We know that's not the real you."
"Who is the real me, then?" Patton murmured, wondering out loud.
"Well, the Patton we know isnt afraid to loudly call me a pussy for not wanting to see a horror series, for starters." Logan tried lifting up the mood, and it had apparently worked judging by the smile appearing on Patton's face. "You love horror stuff way too much, you also enjoy chasing me around because I may have or may have not smacked you in the head for no reason, you are shamelessly sarcastic, I'm sure you'd murder a guy for Virgil, you also love playing wrestling with Remus, you are very vocal about what doesn't sit right with you, and you have your morals very well damn set."
"You think?" He asked, unconvinced.
"Listen, I know Roman was kind of put off when you told us you broke a guy's nose because he was harassing a girl. But I'm fairly certain that Ro is a pacifist, so he definitely wasn't judging your morals. Just the violent act."
"Do you think I'm violent?"
"Well, I've never seen you be violent. Sometimes you just wanna hit some stuff and that's okay, we all have our ways to dealing with anger. And you're definitely getting better at coping with it" He shrugged "I don't blame you nor judge you for getting angry at many things. I'd too have anger issues if I were in your position, to be fully honest. But you told us you're gonna seek help once you feel ready, and I hold you onto that. So... yeah. I love you?"
Patton giggled at his friend's sudden awkwardness and rested his head of his shoulder. The conversation would definitely leave him thinking for a good while. "I love you too."
"Do you really haven't told anyone that you wanna study law?" Logan asked.
"Not even Virgil?"
"Not even Virgil. Whenever they ask me I just say I dont know yet. But I might tell them soon."
"Do you wanna study law because you wanna cover up a murder?" Logan teased this time, with a smirk on his face.
"Yes. Yours, specifically." He played along, looking at him in the eyes.
"Now, come on! I gave you a very cheesy talk and now you admit you're gonna murder me?"
"Remus is gonna major in mortuary science. We could totally pull it off."
Logan stood quiet for a good while. He knew Patton was joking, and Patton knew he was playing along.
"I was gonna make you some pancakes, so you might want to reconsider that."
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jungshookz · 4 years
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➺ pairing; min yoongi x reader
➺ genre; uni!yoongiverse!!!!! if u want to read something that’ll make your heart happy then you just struck gold
➺ wordcount: 6.4k
➺ summary; yoongi’s plan to make you jealous doesn’t go exactly as he’d expected.
➺ what to expect; “i’m y/n y/l/n, my student ID is 10120200, and today i will be discussing the neurobiology behind the complicated mask of romantic attraction.”
➺ optional reading: not necessary but feel free to read some other drabbles from the uni!yoongiverse!
➺ note; okay so thiS was originally how y/n and yoongi got together in the first place but before i had a chance to finish it i ended up writing that christmas mistletoe drabble instead!!! but i still wanted to share this version with u guys :-) also i am the worst at finding the source for gifs but i found it off here!! and the info used in this drabble is from this website!! ok i’m shutting up now happy reading!!!
                                    »»————- ♡ ————-««
yoongi is not used to this
and by this he means you
and by you he means he doesn’t understand why you don’t seem to be as into him as much as he’s into you and it’s weird because (not to toot his own horn or anything) he thinks he’s preTTy good at wrapping people around his dainty pinky finger and it just doesn’t seem to be working with you!!
did that sentence even make any sense??
does anything even make any sense anymore????
“-i guess, to answer your question, i don’t really know what to do which is weird because i’m usually pretty confident with everything that i do. you know?” yoongi sighs and shakes his head
the cashier blinks owlishly at him
all she asked him was ‘how are you doing today?’
“so… are you going to order anything or…?
yoongi clears his throat before turning to glance at the very long line of impatient university students wanting their daily fix of caffeine
look what you’ve doNE TO HIM
you’ve broken him and he doesn’t know how to fix himself!!
“…one medium iced vanilla cold brew, please.”
yoongi stares blankly into space as he slurps up the remainder of his coffee
he shakes the cup around a little and the ice rattles inside
“good morning!”
yoongi looks up and nods in acknowledgement as lisa plops down next to him
anyone who’s said that you can’t be friends with your ex obviously didn’t have a meaningful relationship with them
because yoongi and lisa are doing just fine!
they take a history course together
he didn’t actually knoW they were in the same class until he was (very) late to class one day and the only seat left was next to her and he thought that if he didn’t sit next to her the next class that that would open up a whole can of worms that he definitely did noT want to open up (“how come you’re not sitting with me anymore? is it because we used to have sex and now you can’t look me in the eye without thinking about how you broke up with me and your reason was ‘i don’t know, i just feel like we’re… not a great couple’?”)
but the point is  
they get along great!
they don’t hang out outside of class but they get along inside of class which is what matters
“shit, did you happen to get the notes from the last slide? i missed some of the last bullet points-“ lisa grabs yoongi’s notebook and huffs when she sees that all he has on this page are some half-assed notes and a lot of doodles “you are of no use to me.”
“it’s all part of my charm, baby.” yoongi sighs and leans back against the squeaky seat
“i have no idea what i saw in you in the first place.” lisa mumbles to herself as returns her attention to the screen
“oh, babe… you’re making me blush!” yoongi coos before giving her a little punch on the shoulder
“you’re making me want to jump off a cliff- and don’t touCH me-“
and all of a sudden
it hits him
he knows what to do to get you to talk to him!!
he’s spent the last forty minutes of class thinking about your cuTe face and how he’s going to get closer to you but something about what lisa said just inspired him
actually it had nothing to do with what lisa said
it had more to do with her presence and her subtle reminder that they used to date
he needs a catalyst of some kind
he needs to.,.,., to catalyse yoU!
(he learned that word from chemistry but he’s not sure if he’s using it correctly he’ll have to fact-check that with u)
yoongi nudges lisa’s side and she scowls before nudging him back harder
“oW- cut it out-“ yoongi grumbles and swats at her hand
“you started it-“
“will you just shut up-“
“yoU shut up-“
“i need your help with something.” yoongi hisses as he begins to scribble the plan down on his notebook so that lisa can read it instead of him having to whisper it to her in its entirety
he’s not very useful to her but she’s about to be very useful to him
he now knows exactly what to do
“if you keep bouncing your leg like that i won’t hesitate to slice it off with this flimsy wooden pathetic excuse of a knife.” jimin leans over to poke the tip of the dull knife into your forearm and you huff before whacking his hand away
“i can’t help it, you knoW i get jumpy when i’m nervous.”
you feel itchy
is it hot in here??
or is it just you??
hopefully your armpits aren’t sweaty
nothing kills the mood more than swampy pits
am i right ladies
“y/n, you know he likes you back-“
“no, actually, i don’t know that.” you shake your head before leaning over to peek at the entrance of the cafeteria doors again “he’s never explicitly stated that he likes me back so i can’t just go around-“
“he doesn’t need to tell you! he- he literally spooned you in the middle of class aND he made me give up being your partner for the presentation so that he could be your partner instead.” jimin raises a brow when you look back at him
“…and your point is?”
he groans quietly and rolls his eyes
how can someone so smart be so stupid at the same time
here’s what’s happening
you think you’re finally going to do something about your feelings for yoongi (gross)
and the thing is, you actually weren’t planning on doing anything today because you like to plan things out in advance but somehoW jimin convinced you that this would be a good idea
you’re going to ask yoongi if he’d like to join you (and jimin) for lunch!
it’s not a big step but at least it’s somEthing
and it’s not like asking him to sit with you at lunch is you professing your undying love for him
it’s just lunch!
maybe if you’re lucky, when he sits down next to you, you can scooch in closer so that the side of your leg is touching the side of his leg
and if you’re extra lucky, maybe he won’t move away from you when you do that
you perk up when you see yoongi step into the cafeteria and your heart skips a beat when the two of you make eye contact for a brief second before he’s looking away and joining the line
that’s your cue!
“alright-“ you slide out of the booth and wipe your clammy hands on the back of your jeans “wish me luck!”
jimin shoots you a thumbs up before reaching over to steal one of the watermelon cubes out of your fruit cup
this’ll be fine
you’ll be greAt
all you have to do is ask yoongi if he wants to come and sit with you
…but you can’t just ask him without saying hi
so say hi first
you know what
you should’ve practiced this in your head before getting up and leaving the safety of the table
but now it’s too late to turn back because you’re already halfway to yoongi and you can’t just tuRn back because you know he saw you and he’s going to think it’s weird if you stopped and whipped around halfway through your somewhat confident stride towards him
okAY what are you going to say??
hi yoongi… how are you?
nO no that’s oddly polite
hi yoongi… what are you going to order?
nope not that either
hi yoongi… chemistry, am i right? how are your slides for the presentation coming along? i noticed some of your facts were a bit broad so i made some comments on the side to help-
??? hoW do you steer the conversation from there?? NERD
hi yoongi… what’s up with the meatloaf here?? what’s in this mystery meat?? i guess that’s why they call it a mystery! hAh
…ok that one was just weird
and just as you’re a couple feet away from yoongi, that’s when you notice that he’s not alone
because he’s engaging in what looks like vEry friendly conversation with another girl
“yoongi, cut it out, you dweeb!” she giggles before giving his arm a gentle slap (her hand lingers on his arm for a good three!!! seconds) and yoongi raises his hands in defence
who is this stranger??
who is this stranger and why is she touching yoongi like she’s noT a stranger???
and why isn’t yoongi acting like she’s a stranger???
“what?? i’m just saying!!”
he turns his head slightly and the two of you make eye contact yet agaIn
your eyes widen in panic
oh god
well now you definitely can’t ask him to sit with you at lunch
not when he’s talking to a literal godDESS
god!!! look at her!!!!
her hair is so long and silky and she has that whole ‘is she sexy or is she cute’ vibe going on and woW that eyeliner is impeccable
you look like you have raccoon eyes compared to her eye makeup
…you look like a raccoon compared to her
he’s obviously going to sit with her!!!!!!!
mission abort
you immediately swerve and head towards the vending machine
that didn’t go toO badly right
was your swerve smooth?
hopefully it seemed like it was a natural movement to suddenly make a JAGGED turn to the right
you know what
this is a sign
you and yoongi are not supposed to be a thing and that was a sign directly from God himself
you feel your face heating up a little when another realisation hits you
you thought yoongi liked you back and it seems that he doesn’t… and even if he did like you back, you waited too long to do something about it and he’s obviously moved on  
suRe, you’ve been going around saying that you’re pretty sure yoongi doesn’t like you back and it’s not a big deal because it’s expected, why would he like me? but you only kept saying that because you wanted it to be wrong
you wanted yoongi to prove you wrong
and he moved on because you were taking too frickin long to decide what you wanted to do with him
…and you didn’t even bring any change with you so you can’t even get a bag of chips to make you feel beTTER
“i… i’m sorry, but what the hell was that?” jimin snorts as soon as you take a seat at the table and you clear your throat before shrugging
“an effort was made… and… the result came out inconclusive! so… it’s whatever.”
jimin leans over to the side a little to peek past you at yoongi who just wrapped an arm around whatever-her-name-is’ shoulders
and then he notices yoongi glancing back a little in your direction
“y/n…” jimin sighs as he sets his fork down, “yoongi likes you. you know he does. everyone knows he does! you’d have to be blind to noT see how into each other you two are.”
“you’re just saying that because you’re my friend.” you sulk as you slump against your arm
“i’m saying that because it’s true, you idiot.” jimin frowns and reaches over to give the top of your head a pat, “use that big brain of yours and think about it!”
okay fine
you’ll use your stupid big brain to think about stupid yoongi and your stupid crush on him
the other week in class you were pretty bummed out because you had forgotten to bring your snack with you and you were looking forward to it all day (you slathered some strawberry jam on some crackers and made little sandwiches) and after you briefly mentioned it to yoongi (after he asked u ‘what’s a saD girl like u doing in a sad place like this’) he went quiet for a second or two before picking up his backpack and leavinG the lab
and you were very confused because class was literally starting and he just walked out like it was no big deal
you were about to get up and chase after him to bring him back but once the professor started the lecture you were pretty much bolted down to your stool
when he came back ten minutes later (thankfully the professor was playing a video for the class so yoongi was able to sneak in without being noticed) you were very surprised when he plopped a crumpled up wad of napkins(??) in front of you
“thank you for the… garbage?” you whisper as you use the back of your pencil to poke at it
“open it up.” yoongi points to the top of it and- oH okay it’s like a little parcel of some kind
it just looked like garbage to you
you reach over to unwrap the parcel and your brows knit together when you-
oOh!!!!! oh!!!!!! crackers!!!! cracker sandwiches with strawberry jam oozing out the sides!!!!!!
“have i ever told you about how much the lunch ladies love me?” yoongi grins and wiggles his eyebrows before pushing the crackers closer to you “bon appétit, m’lady.”
you perk up a little and jimin looks over at you in interest
wait a second
if yoongi didn’t like you back then he probably wouldn’t have gone out of his way just to get you a couple crackers and jam
what else has he done?
in class he always leans over to doodle on your notebook and even when you tell him to cut it out he never does
but is that flirting?
how about when he compliments your scrunchies or your socks or little things like that?
is that flirting or is that just him being nice???
what about this one
how about when he walks you to class and insists you give him a kiss on the cheek as payment?
you immediately shoot straight up from the table and jimin jumps in surprise
jesus chriSt
he didn’t sign up to sit with a jack-in-the-box today
“yoongi likes me!” you gasp and jimin resists the urge to roll his eyes
“look who finally came to their senses-“
yoongi likes you!!
a lot
like a LOT
and you like yoongi a lot too!!!!
so you have no idea why you’re acting the way that you are
part of it is because he’s being kind of flirty with someone else but the other part of it is…
it’s just that you have no idea why every time he brings up the question of ‘so… what are we?’ you immediately panic and sputter out some lame excuse about how you have some work to catch up on but i’ll catch you later!!
oh god
the smile drops from your face
do you have commitment issues??? is that it??
“is it working? do you think it’s working?” yoongi forces a smile on his face to make it seem like he’s still very interested in what lisa is saying and she peeks over his shoulder before shaking her head
“i think your plan was a failure from the start anD i think we should’ve gone with my plan if you really wanted to make her jealous-“
“i’m not gonna make out with you in front of y/n-“
“well, she’s not even paying attention to us anymore. her back’s facing us.”
yoongi whips around so fast that he nearly gives himself whiplash and his shoulders droop when he realises that lisa’s right
he really thought his plan was going to work!! he thought it was foolproof!!!
obviously not because here he is
looking like a grade A foOL
“you sure you’re okay?” jimin nudges your arm as the two of you throw out your scraps and wrappers
after your whole ‘yoongi likes me!!!’ moment, you were pretty happy for like 3 seconds and then you started spiralling into a whole self-pity ‘i might have commitment issues’ thing which eventually led you back to ‘yoongi could never like someone like me… no wonder he’s off eating lunch with someone else…’ and jimin was fully ready to rip his hair out
one step forward and a miLLion steps back
you were pretty quiet for the remainder of lunch which wasn’t a huge surprise because you dO have the tendency to get a little mopey when things don’t go your way (but in your defense, who wouldn’t get mopey??)
like one time when you were assigned the topic of comparing and contrasting influential leaders during the WWI era for a history essay when you were really hoping to be assigned the topic of the impact of propaganda
you were so bummed out that you basically just leaned on jimin for the entire period of lunch without saying anything
and now it looks like it’s happening again!!!
you know what
you can’t go in circles like this for the rest of your life
this time you’re not just being mopey and pitying yourself
this time you think you’re actually going to do something about the issue (juSt like how you should’ve gone to your prof to fight for that propaganda essay)
you feel ridiculous!!
you can’t go on beating yourself up over something that you can kiNd of control!!!
you know that you wanna be with yoongi officially
you know that there’s a mutual attraction between the two of you
and most importantly you want to be able to call him your boyfriend and not just a classmate that you sometimes flirt with and all-the-times fantasise about holding hands with
you’re finally ready to sit him down and tell him you definitely like him and that you definitely want to be with him and you are noT about to let him slip away this easily!!
seeing him with someone else lit a fire under your ass
…and you know exactly how you’re going to handle this.
to say the least
yoongi is.,,.,..,
very, very concerned
he hasn’t spoken to you in like three days and he’s pretty sure you’re avoiding him
and he knows this because the other day after you came out of class and saw him standing there waiting for you (like he usually does) you immediately diverted your gaze and attempted to hide behind a bunch of people before disappearing down the opposite end of the hallway
and then when he walked into class to go and sit next to you like he always does he was very surprised to see that jimin had reclaimed his spot next to you
…and if those aren’t signs of you avoiding him/being upset with him he doesn’t know what is!!
if anything he thought the whole lisa plan was going to get you all riled up and jealous which was something that he will openly admit to vEry much wanting to see because let’s be real seeing someone get jealous is always a little hot
but instead it seemed to have upset you and possibly hurt your feelings which was the complete opposite of what yoongi wanted and now he doesn’t know what to DO
usually he’s the one that does the avoiding! whenever he gets into little riffs with girls (most of the time they’re upset about him not texting and/or calling back which he admits is his fault and he could’ve handled those situations more maturely but that’s not the point) all he has to do is like smile at them in class and they immediately forgive him because he has a greAt smile
also usually it’s other people who are trying to make him jealous!!! so it’s pretty weird that hE was the one trying to make someone jealous!!!
he doesn’t like the taste of his own medicine
it’s bitter and he can’t get it out of his mouth
yoongi jumps when his phone buzzes in his back pocket
from: nerdzilla [1:58pm] - Yoongi, can you come to lecture hall A in the maple building right now?
it looks like you’re no longer avoiding him which he supposes is a good sign
…but nothing good can ever happen in a lecture hall
“there you are! i was worried you got lost.” you smile lightly as yoongi steps into the lecture hall looking very out of place
“what’s… uh, what’s going on?” yoongi raises a brow as he makes his way down the steps
“take a seat and it’ll all make sense soon.” you gesture for him to sit near the front before turning to make sure everything’s hooked up and ready to go
yoongi lets out a sigh as he plops down in one of the seats
a moment of silence goes by before he decides that he should probably be the first one to speak up and at least trY to smooth things over
but before he even opens his mouth you’ve already dimmed the lights in the auditorium anD attached a mini microphone to your sweater
you clear your throat before stepping forward a little bit
“i’m y/n y/l/n, my student number is 10120200, and today i will be discussing the neurobiology behind the complicated mask of romantic attraction.” you swallow your nerves after introducing the presentation before clicking to the next slide
what in the world
what is happening
yoongi looks around at the empty auditorium before looking back at you
he still doesn’t know if you’re mad or upset or mupset and if this is just how you process your emotions but maybe he’ll just sit back and relax for now
“now, in order to understand brain chemistry, we need to understand the different chemicals that are involved in the process of romantic attraction. there are four hormones that are important when it comes to understanding love - cortisol, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. we’ve actually discussed these hormones in class, so if i, say, asked you what cortisol is, you would say…” you trail off and turn to face yoongi and he immediately straightens up
he didn’t think he’d be teSted during whatever the hell this is but okay
you reviewed all of these terms with him for the last quiz so you’d be more than disappointed if he’d already forgotten about them
“if you asked me what cortisol was, i would say…” yoongi narrows his eyes slightly before pursing his lips
why is he sweating all of a sudden
he’s nervous
why does he feel like he’s in cLASS
this ain’t right!!! this was a trick!!!!
“cortisol.” yoongi mumbles as his fingers drum anxiously against his kneecap, “court-isol… courting a mate… courting someone can be stressful- ooh, cortisol is the steroid that is released when we’re stressed!” yoongi claps his hands together and grins widely when you nod proudly before turning back to look at the slide
he’s still got it
“so, in short - cortisol is a stress hormone, dopamine seeks out pleasure, norepinephrine makes you highly excitable, and serotonin is a mood stabiliser. when you’ve got a crush on someone, your serotonin drops as your cortisol levels increase, which then makes your brain pump out dopamine, which produces norepinephrine.” you turn to look at yoongi to make sure he’s still paying attention and he now looks moRe lost than he was before “do you get it?”
“i… can you repeat that? but in a completely different way? and with different words? significantly easier, simpler words?”
“i mean… i thought i’d already explained it in pretty simple terms-“
“in whAT universe was that simple???”
“okay, what about this- basically, when you’re in the process of falling for someone, all of the hormones that make you anxious and energetic are super duper high while the one that keeps you stable is super duper low.”  
“thank you. you should know by now that you have to explain things to me like that.” yoongi snorts before leaning back against the chair and kicking his legs back up and flicking his wrist “alright, you have my permission to carry on.”
you roll your eyes playfully before turning back to face the screen  
“there are approximately twenty commonly-reported thoughts, feelings, and behaviours that are associated with falling in love, but in the interest of time, i’m just going to be covering three.”
yoongi (bless his heart) is still trying to figure out what the point of all of this is but is struggling a little because he’s also trying to focus on this presentation of your at the same time
meanwhile, you’re pretty close to pissing yourself on stage because you’ve never confessed your feelings for anyone before and you hate that you can’t decipher the meaning behind yoongi’s poker face
is he playing along??? is he just letting you go through with this presentation even though he already knows what you’re hinting at???
or is he actually confused and has nO idea what he’s doing here??? does he think you’re wasting his precious time????
“number one: intrusive thinking.” you interrupt your internal ramble as you switch to the next slide, “when we’re in the process of falling for someone, our levels of serotonin drop significantly.” you pause and whip around to face yoongi, "remind me again what serotonin is?”  
yoongi’s eyes widen slightly
he’s being put on the spot agaIN??
is it too late to drop out of this class?????
“uh… can i get a pass on this one?”
you frown
u literally just said what serotonin was like three seconds ago
he’s so bad at listening!!!! no wonder he needs your help all the time!!!
“serotonin is a mood stabilizer, so it makes you feel…“
“calm!!! and in control!!! and- and stabilized!!” yoongi spRings up from his seat with a raised hand before bouncing up and down
“there we go.” you smile lightly when yoongi gives himself a pat on the back
he’s so cute when he’s proud of himself :-(
“anyways - serotonin stops the triggering of obsessive-compulsive behaviour. however, when the level of dopamine is larger than the level of serotonin, that means you don’t have as much control over your obsessive thoughts and behaviours, which is why when you… have a crush on someone, they’re on your mind all the time.” you clear your throat when you feel a little tickle at the back of your throat
it’s almost like your body is rejecting the idea of u telling yoongi u like him and trying to tell you to sTOP STOP STOP but it’s waaaay too late to stop now
“you find yourself checking your phone all the time to see if they texted you back. when you get an assignment back, your first thought isn’t ‘hey, i did a good job!’ like it usually is, and instead it’s ‘hey, i wonder if they did a good job too!’. they’re the first thing you think about when you wake up and the last thing you think about before you fall asleep. and it’s… weird, having this person take up so much space in your mind, it’s like… thinking about not thinking about them makes you think about them even more?”
“…thinking about not thinking about them makes you… ah, okay, i understand. got it!” yoongi shoots you a uncharacteristically dorky double thumbs up and you can’t help but snort
“number two: a change in priorities.” you click to the next slide
maybe it’s a good thing that yoongi hasn’t caught on yet
you’re actually starting to enjoy giving this presentation even if it’s not for marks and doesn’t count towards any of your grades whatsoever
“the active hormone in this case would be dopamine. which is…?” you turn to look at yoongi and the smile immediately drops from his face
have you not learned that he is incapable of answering questions on the spot like this???
“dopamine… makes you… feel dope. therefore… dopamine… is… it makes you feel… good…”
okay you’re going to be here all afternoon if you keep picking on yoongi like this
“how about you just…sit back and relax?” you offer yoongi a sheepish smile, “i promise i won’t ask you any more questions.”
yoongi’s shoulders visibly droop and he lets out a breath of relief before leaning back against the seat  
thank GOD because he’s really not sure how much more information he can pull out of his ass
“so, dopamine makes you seek out pleasure-“
“which is basically what i said-“
“as i implied earlier, a spike in dopamine is involved with having intrusive thoughts. a change in priorities has a lot to do with this spike, because you’ll try pretty much anything to get to the reward that can bring you pleasure - obviously this reward i’m talking about is the person i’m crushing- i- i mean, the person that you- the person that one has a crush on.” you stammer before reaching up to scratch the back of your neck
ooh boy
we’re falling off the rails a little here
yoongi raises a brow
he’s never seen you get so twitchy before
especially not when you’re giving presentations because you literally live laugh loVE to give presentations
last week you showed him a presentation of all the things you ate over the weekend and it was actually surprisingly informative and entertaining
“um… so… right! a change in priorities. for example, even if you hated something like skateboarding - and i’m talking really, reaLLy hated - you might suddenly be super cool with giving it a go!” you shrug before unconsciously brushing your fingers over your scratched up elbows that resulted from yoongi trying to teach you how to skateboard a couple weeks ago  
yoongi’s brows knit together in deep thought as the gears click-click-click away in his head
why are you giving this presentation in the first place? what’s the whole purpose of it? why this subject in particular? how come no one else is here with-
yoongi perks up in his seat when it hits him
suddenly every single detail about this peculiar situation rushes over him like a tidal wave
…the neurobiology behind the complicated mask of romantic attraction…
…what is cortisol?? cortisol is a stress hormone that is released when ur courting a mate…
…’hey, i wonder if they did a good job!’ instead of ’hey, i did a good job!’…
…really, really hate skateboarding… suddenly willing to give it a go…  
“-and finally, having an intense increase in energy!” yoongi snaps out of his whirlpool of thoughts when you suddenly clap your hands together, “dopamine - which, hopefully you’ll remember increases when you feel desire and arousal for someone - produces norepinephrine, which is the hormone associated with feelings of excessive energy and restlessness!”
you start pacing around on the stage with your hands on your hips
“like, usually you have a pretty good sleep schedule of 9pm to 7am, but suddenly, all because of this person, you suddenly have the ability to stay up for the entire night thinking about him a-and his stupid face and the fact that he has you wrapped around his pinky finger and somEhow you’re still able to survive the next day without crashing and burning!”
a smirk slowly begins to form at yoongi’s lips when he finally processes what exactly is happening
maybe his lisa plan worked after all
you like him
this is you telling him that you like him and you know what he has to give you a little more credit for using your skills to your advantage
look at you and your cute little ‘i love you’ presentation!!!!
just as he’s about to get up and interrupt your vEry passionate rant about how important it is to get a solid eight hours of sleep a night, the projector suddenly glitches and the screen goes black
“one night, i only got like three hours of sleep but what i’m tryINg to say is that-“ your neck nearly snaps from how quickly your head whips around when the screen flickers to black
oh shooT
out of all the times for the damn projector to glitch!!!!!
just as you were about to reach your conclusion!!!!!
“sorry, give me a second.” you hold a finger up before jogging over to the little desk where your laptop is  
this is why you hate all this bluetooth apple TV nonsense
the projectors always disconnect at the worst times
it’s just not a reliable way to present something!!
it takes a couple seconds for the projector to catch up to your laptop but when you see the concluding slide pop up on the screen you let out a sigh of relief
maybe you should stop talking about your sleep schedule and just jump straight into the conclusion because you honestly don’t even know what you’re talking about anymore
see!!!! look what yoongi’s done to you!!!!!
you’re usually very good at improvising presentations and now you’re just shooting blanks!!!
just present your danG conclusion and get this over with u dummy
“in conclusion, the neurobiological process behind romantic attraction is quite evident wh- oh!”
the moment you whip around you don’t even get a chance to be surprised at the fact that yoongi is standing right behind you because the next thing you know he’s pulling you in for a kiss
as soon as his lips press against yours, your mind immediately goes blank and all you can hear is pure white noise (which you’re pretty sure is just your laptop fan whirring because it’s about to run out of battery)
yoongi reaches up to take your chin in between his thumb and pointer finger before tilting his head slightly to deepen the kiss when your hands suddenly grip at his hoodie
at first he wasn’t just going to throw himself at you like this but honestly you guys have played this game for far too long
and he’s wanted to kiss u for so long
unsurprisingly, you’re the first one who pulls away (yoongi would 110% spend the rest of the day making out with you on stage if it were up to him) and yoongi swipes his tongue over his bottom lip when he sees how flushed your cheeks have gotten and how swollen your lips are
all that from a little bit of kissing?
…goD that’s so frickin cute
“you-“ your voice cracks slightly and he can’t help but grin because it hits him that the only thing that can make you stutter like this is hiM- “i wasn’t- i wasn’t done with- with my conclusion.” you whisper
out of all the responses in the world he definitely wasn’t expecting that
well, that’s not true
as he’s mentioned before, you are very passionate about your presentations so maybe he should’ve expected this
“oh! uh, yeah, i’m sorry-“ yoongi quickly takes a step back and raises his hands in defence “sorry. what were you saying?”
you turn away so that your back faces yoongi and you mouth a silent ‘oH MY GOD-‘ to yourself
oh my god
oh my GOD!!!!!
oh myg od????
like u literally don’t know what else to say besides oh my god
no thoughts head empty
“in conclusion, the neurobiological process behind romantic attraction is quite evident when i’m talking about the way that i feel… about… well, about you.” you spin back around to face yoongi and feel your heart skip a beat when he smiles widely before bursting into laughter
what the-
why is he laughing??????
that was supposed to be a sweet moment????
that was supposed to be the part in the movie where the audience goes ‘awww’!!!!!!
so what the heLL is he hee-hawing aboUT
“i’m sorry, i just-“ yoongi covers a hand over his mouth and lets out a snort, “i cannot believe how much i like you-“
“oh, well, great! that makes me feel sO good about myself-“ you feel your face grow red as you throw your hands up in the air
“no, no, not like that! i-“ yoongi wipes a tear from his eye as he makes his way towards you, “you… you’re a dork, y/n y/l/n. you know that?”
“…every time you open your mouth to speak i begin to like you less and less-“
“you’re the biggest dork on this planet and i am so, utterly, obsessed with you.”
…to be honest that was like an insult and a compliment wrapped into one so you’re not quite sure how to interpret it buT-
“so you… like me back?” your stomach flutters when yoongi places his hands on your waist to pull you in
“of course i like you back!” he reaches up to flick your forehead and you immediately let out a yelp, “god, i thought you were supposed to the smarter one out of the two of us-!“
he pauses to give u a little kiss on your forehead because he might have flicked u harder than intended
“and can i just say… i love it when you talk nerdy to me.”
“oh, god, get awaY from me-“ you immediately let out a groan before rolling your eyes
he’s so annOYING
“aw, come on! what’s the matter?” yoongi laughs when you shove him off and turn away from him “i’m hot for teacher-“ he growls playfully as he grabs your hips from behind before pulling you back in towards him
“you are the absolute worsT-“ you whine as you feel your back bump against his front
his arms slink around your waist as he props his chin up on your shoulder “i don’t know about you but mY serotonin levels are like, bouncing off the walls right now-“
“that doesn’t even make any sense, yoongi! it’s like you weren’t even paying attention to anything i was saying at aLL-“
“sure i was! i paid enough attention to know about how much you loooOooOOVe mE-“
and for the record
yoongi will be more than happy to attend any of your future presentations if it means he gets to kiss you at the end of each one
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
requested drabbles masterlist
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pixie-cocaine · 4 years
ATEEZ Reaction To: their S.O. wearing baggy clothes
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ateez reacting to their gf wearing a short plaid skirt with a super oversized sweatshirt that goes down to almost their skirt length 
Theme: different dates :D
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Hongjoong ♡:
• You were both were going out to go to a famous planetarium
• You always did like looking at the stars and how they hung in the sky, sparkling like the moon’s reflection in any body of water
• So this was a cool little experience that both you and Joong could have together
• You wanted to dress casual, so settling with a roomy beige sweater, decorations of black diamonds sewn in, along with a red plaid skirt was what you went with
• By roomy, you meant damn-near covering the skirt, which gave the look a lax, puffed out appearance
• That shit was B I G
• His reaction?
• The softest eyes ever omfg I’m sobbing-
• No dramatic gasps, no squealing (I’m looking at you. Mingi)
• Just being able to see his indifferent expression melt away into a pure puppy face as you emerged from the hallway into the living room
• All you were wearing was a skirt and sweater but to him, every single outfit brought out more of your beauty
• You never failed to amaze him
• Allowing a small smile, he’d use his hand to gesture toward you
• “You look lovely”
Calm outings with Joong are always the most wholesome smfh I’m so mushy because of this goldfish-looking bit-
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Seonghwa ♡:
• A sweet picnic-esque date in a secluded flower meadow with Hwa?
• You’d be mad to say no
• It was a nice warm-air temperature outside, so you settled for a yellow loose knit sweater and a matching yellow plaid skirt to go with it
• The sweater swallowed up most of the skirt, resulting in only a small bit of the skirt being visible, but you thought nothing of it
• Seonghwa certainly did
• He’d been eyeing you all the way to the picnic spot, face shadowing over with pleasant surprise when you came to stand in front of him, and sparkling eyes flicking over to your direction every couple minutes
• god can you imagine feeling his gaze on you?
• looking over at him, and watching as he would catch your eyes, only to quickly focus back on the road in front of him
• I’m gonna turn your kneecaps to dust if you don’t fucking speak up, Hwa
• Eating cutely-packaged lunches on top of the pastel pink blanket turned into Seonghwa’s head lying on your lap as you plucked the various flowers and placed them in the silky tresses of his inky black hair
• Sweet peas, Marigolds, and Hydrangeas flecked Hwa’s locks, complimenting gorgeously against the slight tan of his skin, as well as the patches of sunlight gleaming onto his face through the leaves of the tree you sat against
• He was truly stunning, especially when he opened his previously closed eyes to stare up at you, a smile slowly tugging at the corners of his lips
• You brush a thumb across Seonghwa’s cheek, “Why were you looking at me earlier?”
• “Because of your outfit,” The hand already resting hand against your thigh began to play with your skirt 
• “What about my outfit?”
• “It makes you look adorable”
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Yunho ♡:
• You already know fairs and amusement parks with Yunho are gonna happen
• Like are you kidding me?
• Baby LOVES doing wild things with you
• It was in the afternoon, pretty cool weather, and you kinda just threw on what you saw
• What you saw, being a very big black cotton sweater and blue plaid skirt
• Nothing too much, nothing too less
• Bruh, he really couldn’t stop calling you cute
• Even as soon as you came out of the room, he was like
• Loud as hell, as usual
• Walking around and playing all the games, as well as riding the rollercoasters and such, Yunho couldn’t stop staring at you every now and then
• You were beaming; neon lights and vibrant colors glowing against your face as you both roamed around
• Adorable UwU
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Yeosang ♡:
• This man is a freak
• He’s literally so weird lmao
• But that’s what you find so damn goofy about him
• Anyways, bowling! :)
• “How cute,” he smiled from his spot on the couch, cooing upon seeing your outfit of an oversized wine red sweater and black plaid skirt, barely visible upon the sagging top
• You giggled, giving him a small spin before you guys were off
• He really did like the look, and he wasn’t afraid to tell you either
• A couple hours after getting your ass handed to you in the rounds of bowling, you and Yeosang took a seat with a couple of fries and rootbeer floats
• You could feel his eyes on you, so you looked up from your food
• “Yes?”
• He grinned and pointed to your exposed legs
• “I just never noticed how pretty your thighs are”
I still can’t believe he stirred eggs for +2 hours. A literal crackhead.
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San ♡:
• Karaoke night, y’all
• Hitting high notes? Girl- a breeze
• Just scream into the mic and turn people deaf, they won’t be able to tell the difference
• Anyways
• Your choice of outfit?
• A pink fleece sweater and black plaid skirt
• You were stunning omg
• San would be melted, bro
• “Oh!”
• Literally couldn’t say anything else besides that you were fluffy-looking. Jus wanted to cuddle you right there and then, yanno?
• Turning up to the karaoke bar would be wild. You’d stand on that mini stage and be doing little dances here and there
• San wouldn’t be able look away from how small you looked in that sweater
• Like a liddol lamb
• A proud hubby
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Mingi ♡:
• When I said he squeals, he SQUEALS
• He’s loves soft things, and so when you come out looking like a purple marshmallow in the puffy oversized sweater and slate grey plaid skirt, it automatically makes him let out weird noises of adoration
• Tackles you in a hug
• Babbles on about how huggable you are and random things in general while pretty much crushing you
• After he’s done squeezing the life out of you, he’ll be all bouncy 
• Roller skating tiiiiiiime
• Y’all gonna get CRAZY crazy
• Cuz I already know this man right here is gonna be falling on his ass a lot
• But he’ll make sure to stay by you, always giving you a push and hyping you up
• “You look like a little fairy. Pose!”
• After your ankles are bouta pop off and you guys sit down, he’ll be looking at your outfit again
• “You should wear stuff like that more often. You look really cute”
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Wooyoung ♡:
• Bumper cars, bitch
• Cuz every other idea I had involves not being able to wear a skirt unless you wanna flash everyone casually walking by
• I’m not judging if that’s what you want tho
• After rummaging through your closet for a bit, you settle for a plain white knitted sweater and black plaid skirt
• Woo would find you absolutely darling, bro
• “Aww, cute, cute”
• But wouldn’t be mulling over it too much
• Because you always look good, and this is only one of the many cute outfits he’s seen you in
• Still, he’d give you some up-and-down’s a couple times throughout the night, probs compliment you a couple times, too
• Other than that, the date would be very fun 
• [insert Woo’s devil laugh]
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Jongho ♡:
• Big big babie
• A simple ice cweam and city roam date with Jongie 
• god it’d be so soft
• Also, he’d be in love with how your sweater was so big that i gave you sweaterpaws, as well as the drape of it over your form
• He’d just wanna put you in his pocket and take you everywhere with him
• “You look really nice”
In a nutshell, Jongho deserves the world
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willowser · 1 year
and i am asking about.... hmmm. let's go with.... touya, shall we? 💞💚🎵
OKAY NIKUNIKU I'M BACK and i've decided to...just go with my favorite au touya of mine which is. that he went to prison really young and then got out and is trying to change his life and works in a bar LMAO. he's my soggy liddol bad man.
how do you both express affection ?
i am. still the touchy-feely gremlin with him, though i think, for someone like touya, i would actually lean more towards acts of service, because i think he would appreciate that more. even if it's like, i bring him a glass of water before bed even though he didn't ask me, or i wash his clothes with mine even though we don't live together, or if i get up to get a cookie, i'm getting him one, too !! just little stuff that shows i am thinking about him, always.
for him, it's. probably really hard LOL and he does it in oddly specific ways. he'll send me 800 heart emojis if i send him a selfie. he'll feed me from his plate with his utensils even if i don't ask for a bite. if i'm sitting on the couch, he lays down and puts his head in my lap. he wants us to share spit. he's disgusting LOL
who gets jealous ?
oh, touya without a doubt LOL our relationship is....probably a bit toxic akfjfhsjala but how couldn't it be, with this man ??? not in some sexy, dramatic way, but in little ways, like he's always — at any point — ready to think i'm leaving him for someone else 🥺 we get in a small fight and don't talk for two days and he's like — this is it. will has definitely found someone else this time. i goddamn knew it 🥺 he's not like crazy about going through my phone or anything, but he would be ready to throw down with someone if they get a bit too friendly LOL i won't say that i don't also, because he's charming to a fault and i'm a lil sus of him at time 😒 but........we're working on trust aofhruejkala
what are some song lyrics that make you think of your f/o / your relationship with your f/o ?
like i said. our relationship is probably a bit sad LOL i think touya gets worried when he gets too comfortable and i'm too much of a pushover, so i actually think we're a little on-again-off-again. he never really does anything unforgivable, but we maybe get into some fights bc we're both a little insecure, and then we're like YEAH. THIS ISN'T WORKING OUT. LET'S CALL THIS OFF.........and then three months later, he's hitting me with that, "hey u awake ???" LMAOOOO anyway.
trouble by cage the elephant;
will it come to pass, or will i pass the test? / you know what they say, yeah, the wicked get no rest / you can have my heart, any place, any time / got so much to lose / got so much to prove / god, don't let me lose my mind / trouble on my left, trouble on my right / i've been facing trouble almost all my life / my sweet love, won't you pull me through? / everywhere I look, i catch a glimpse of you
do i wanna know ? by arctic monkeys;
(do I wanna know?) if this feeling flows both ways? / (sad to see you go) was sort of hoping that you'd stay / (baby, we both know) / that the nights were mainly made for saying things that you can't say tomorrow day / crawling back to you / ever thought of calling when you've had a few? / 'cause i always do / maybe i'm too busy being yours to fall for somebody new
🪻 self-ship game 🦋
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ubemango · 4 years
aw soonbok 🥺 god i love when kids mimic their parents 🥺 reminds me of when i was little... we would eat tangerines right n so my mom would like sit all of us down in a half circle on the floor in the living room facing her and do all the peeling for us (bc we were still very liddol) n she’d do this thing where she’d raise each tiny cut up to the light to help her better see so that she could make sure there were no seeds left before handing it to us to safely munch on without choking on them seeds... n my baby sister would innocently copy her 😭 it was funny because my baby sister would just raise her arm up with a tiny piece of tangerine in her pudgy hand like a student in a classroom like arm straight up and everything but her gaze would be down on the floor instead of UP ON THE TANGERINE, so clearly she didn’t know why my mom was doing that but she still did it anyway because she thought that’s what you do when you eat tangerines 😭😭😭 we tease her a lot about it till this day in her adulthood n my mom always laughs until she’s in tears 😭 now im imagining soonbok doing the same 😂😂😂
OHFNDMDMT TANJEEN!!! That’s so so soooo cute oh my god 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I just wanna hug ur baby sister wtf.....
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gwoongi · 5 years
lovely ᵕ̈♡˳೫˚∗ (02)
jeon jeongguk / reader genre: boyfriend au words: 3744 warnings: crack humour, a liddol bit of fluff, slight suggestive sexual content, jeongguk and y/n being chaotic lowkey & five year old jeno being an actual savage... a/n: happy 2 see such a great response to the lovely couple with part one !!!!!! pls continue to luv and support them (♥ó㉨ò)ノ (pls see series parts on my masterlist!!)
➸ Jeongguk and Y/N play Mom and Dad for a little bit.
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Jeongguk could cry. He could quite honestly, genuinely, whole-heartedly cry, right here and right now in the middle of his living room, surrounded by mess and feathers from the bedroom pillows.
He loves kids, don’t get him wrong- my God, he loves kids, and loves how kids can make a house feel like a home, how kids say some really fucking weird things; but, Jeongguk finds that kids are a lot of hard work. He has half the heart to call his parents and say sorry urgently, because children are like tiny spawns of Satan, demons wanting to cause chaos at every corner.
The last time Jeongguk and yourself were given the mission of looking after your niece and nephews, they were much smaller, and therefore easier to look after. All they did was sleep, and cry when they were hungry or needed to pee or poop, and were perfectly content doing absolutely nothing all damn day. Now, three years later, when your sister and her husband are going on a small self-care vacation to Spain, Jeongguk removes himself from the situation to observe the situation, which in description is the view of his living room completely ransacked and bustling with life, crazed children dashing around at full speed, like Mario Kart characters using the star. 
It’s so overwhelming that he actually doesn’t even know what to say. When the fuck did they get so hard to look after?
Whenever your niece and nephews came over to visit, they clung to Jeongguk like moths to lamplight. You never knew why. Jeongguk was fun, and easy to get along with, and perhaps his kind-hearted nature was universally loved by all ages. Even when they were babies and newborns, they settled with Jeongguk, staying silent and googly-eyed whereas in your arms they screeched, like banshees or dinosaurs swinging in trees. You couldn’t fault them; Jeongguk was irresistible, maternal almost in the way his voice changed around the kids, the way he laughed at their weird jokes and forced himself into pretend roles, like the mean villain coming to take over their Playmobil hospital.
Eight a.m, that’s when they arrived. Jeongguk had got up at six, eager and anxious, already cutting up salad bowls made up of apple slices and watermelons. Over an overly bitter cup of tea, you heard him ask, “wait, can three year olds eat watermelon?”, and you glared at him to resist the urge to respond with something that may well hurt his feelings.
“I usually like to put them to bed at about eight, but they won’t go to sleep even if you force their eyes closed, so just be firm with them,” is what your sister had said, frantically trying to detach a clinging boy from her leg. Jeongguk blinked owlishly, standing behind you in the hallway as you followed behind her wordless. Maybe Jeongguk didn’t know what firm meant. Raising your voice and being stern with little tiny precious angelic creatures? Never.
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“Y/N, I’m sorry, but you’re boring.”
Five year olds can be blunt and mean. You now know this to be a fact, because the eldest of the four just said that to you, his hands on his hips with his lips in an unamused pout. He stands by the window, one foot on the Playmobil ambulance and the other on his leg like a flamingo.
“What? Why, what did I do?” you ask, confused and honestly, slightly offended. Jeongguk sits off to one side petting the hair of the youngest, his secret favourite because she’s not quite old enough to ask questions or complain.
“That’s what I mean, you’re not doing anything,” he huffs. “You’re supposed to be the bad police officer.”
“There’s no such thing as a bad police officer,” you try to tell him. You pause, realising you’re wrong but also realising that you’re not advised to get political with a five year old, especially one who still thinks the tooth fairy is a real thing. “I’m trying to be realistic.”
“You suck,” comes his reply. Jeongguk snorts, shrugging when you glance at him angrily.
“Stop, you know I’m your favourite Aunt,” you say to him sweetly.
Your nephew, sassy and honest little Jeno, pulls a face and sits back down with a huff, snatching the ambulance off the carpet to thrust the small man inside. “You’re my only Aunt, Auntie Y/N.”
The not-so-bad-police-officer gets snatched away from you seconds later and you decide, with finality and assertiveness, that you’re done with playing pretend with them. You lift yourself up off the floor, crouching over to take Yeji away from Jeongguk’s arms. Jeongguk pouts, his eyes blown wide as he watches the baby being lifted away from him and towards you.
“Uncle Jeongguk can be the villain,” you suggest, making Jeno forget how uncool you are as he launches into an enthusiastic cheer, followed by his siblings who are making noise just because he is. Jeongguk stares at you, pleading. “Anybody hungry?”
“No thanks, Auntie Y/N,” Jeno replies.
“Oh, do we have animal crackers?” asks Sanha politely, and you nod, taking his hand as you walk towards the kitchen, where a neatly packed bag sits on the counter where you left it when the four little monsters came by your apartment this morning. 
Jeongguk lets his body slump as he realises he has nowhere to run, no excuses to pull up, and he positions himself on all fours to get the police officer miniature and indulge in Jeno’s futuristic fantasies of a police officer murdering hospital patients. Honestly, sometimes you have to respect a child’s morbid creativity, even when it scares the living hell out of you.
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“Y/N, did you move Jeno’s inhaler?”
“No, why?”
Jeongguk appears in the doorway to the kitchen, scratching the back of his neck out of a nervous, absent-minded habit. His eyes are glued to the four children in the living room.
“They’re running around a lot, I don’t want Jeno to lose his breath and have an attack,” Jeongguk explains, meanwhile you rummage around in your sister’s handy dandy travel bag and search for the tiny blue inhaler. Jeongguk braves looking away from them and instead over to you, “if it’s not in there, it’s fine, I’ll check the bathroom again.”
You hum, searching blindly. “Yeah, it’s not here, baby. Check the cabinet under the sink, I’m eighty nine percent sure that it’s in one of those plastic boxes.”
Jeongguk’s eyebrows push up in amusement: “Jeno’s life is counting on this eighty nine percent.”
“The more you question me, the less confident I get. Check the bathroom,” you reply, shoving a baby carrot into your mouth as you follow Jeongguk out of the kitchen, opting to watch the kids while he rummages around in hordes of bathroom mess. While Jeongguk hurries into the hallway to check the bathroom, you step out into the living room and pause comically.
The four kids seem perfectly happy, loud and obnoxious and covered in a thin layer of white feathers, bleeding from one of the pillows mangled on the floor. Without context, this looks like a murder scene, with crayons broken and split around the floor and the couch throw on the floor next to the Playmobil set, and you’re half praying on everybody’s behalf that those pillows arent the ones from the master bedroom, because you’re pretty sure you don’t have any spares laying around for later.
“Found it,” Jeongguk returns a few minutes later, holding the small inhaler in his hands. After taking a second out of the room, when he comes back he doesn’t quite know what to say. “The mess wasn’t my fault.”
You frown, your hands on your hips. “I know. Maybe you should put on a movie, keep them entertained for a bit so they don’t completely trash our house.”
Jeongguk chews the inside of his lip. “Is it cheating if we call over Seokjin to help? He’s always on kiddie pool duty, he’s better with kids than we are.”
“You’re so good with kids, shut up,” you say to him, gently smacking his arm. “They love you.”
So, he huffs. Stealing a kiss from you, he gently pushes you backwards and then steps across the room, expertly mindful of the landmines of lego on the floor as he grabs Jeno and moves him away from the coffee table, to sit on the couch next to his siblings while Jeongguk retreats to the movie box, filled with animated films that the kids go absolutely bonkers for. You hear the start of an argument over which Disney movie to watch first as you return to the kitchen, chopping up vegetables that, secretly, you know will make you the ultimate uncool Aunt.
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“I hate carrots.”
“You do like carrots.”
A gag. “Vegetables! Yuck!”
With one hand, you rake through your hair, staring tiredly at Jeno and Jaemin as they fuss over the food on their plates. And it’s not even like you wanted to give them carrots! You’re just following the note left for you in the bag, with the instructions of an actual parent being your law. Jeongguk sits at the other end of the table, twirling his fork around his food as he watches, feeling increasingly guilty.
It’s hard being an Aunt, especially hard being the uncool Aunt. He knows it’s just a joke, just something the kids say because you’re looking out for them, and he frowns, looking around the table.
“I’m allergic to carrots,” Jeno says suddenly.
“Don’t lie,” you tell him, aeroplane feeding Yeji who seems to be the only baby present who appreciates your efforts. She laughs and squeals as the spoon of food comes towards her and that makes you smile, animated sound effects as she eats it.
Jeno pouts, “It’s true.”
“Your Mom told me to feed you this, don’t hate me,” you say to him, making your own pout which he, as a stubborn five year old, ignores. “Come on, eat all your food and you can have pudding afterwards. I’ll let you have two slices of cake instead of one.”
He feels tempted. “Can I leave the carrots?”
“No. Carrots will make you super strong,” you explain. “Uncle Jeongguk ate carrots when he was a kid and now he’s real strong, look!”
Jeno glances at Jeongguk, who smiles for effect and encouragement. “Auntie Y/N is right. I hated carrots too, but I wanted to be big and strong so I ate all my vegetables.”
A groan of sadness comes out of Jeno’s mouth. At this point, Jaemin is convinced, wolfing down his carrots that he actually doesn’t hate after-all, considering they’re gone in a matter of seconds. Sanha seems unbothered about the entire thing, quietly eating his food because he knows that he wants that additional slice of cake, even if Jeno is going to refuse it, he is not!
Before you can have a mental breakdown at the dinner table, Jeongguk leans over slightly and looks at Jeno with a gentle and wide-eyed expression, child-like, engaging. “Did you also know that all the good kids on Santa’s nice list eat vegetables?”
Mid-mumble, Jeno freezes, looking at Uncle Jeongguk. “Really?” Intonation, his voice is so high.
Jeongguk nods. “Mhm! Santa said that if you eat your veggies and say thank you to whoever made you the meal, he’ll bring you anything you want on Christmas Day. Don’t you wanna be on the good list?”
Jeno nods furiously. “Yep! Uncle Jeongguk, that’s so cool, you know Santa!”
Eh...If it works. Jeongguk doesn’t argue or disagree as Jeno quickly finishes his plate without protest, seemingly fine at the end considering he just said he was allergic. As he scoffs down the contents of his plate, you look over at Jeongguk and silently thank him, slumping as if suggesting that you were tired. He grins, knowing the feeling.
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“Careful, honey, don’t get the floor all wet.”
“Sorry, Auntie Y/N. It was the ducky’s fault!”
Bath time is a chore, surprisingly harder than it was when they were babies and needed extra attention in the water. Sanha sits solo in the bathtub, the sound of Jaemin and Jeno running around in the bedroom an ambience as you crouch by the tub and help Sanha get clean. Yeji is the only child clean and patient, so calm and cute and cuddly and ready to go to sleep the second her bathtime is over. Jeongguk groans somewhere in the apartment, keeping the twins entertained while Sanha finishes up.
“O-kay,” you say, after a few minutes of helping wash away some suspicious chocolate stains off his arms. Most likely super-cool-Uncle-Jeongguk gave them something extra after dessert, and honestly, that wouldn’t surprise you if it were true. “All done! Feel better?”
Sanha nods, letting the duck float away. “Yep. I’m cold.”
“Once you’re dry and changed, we can put on the heating and finish up watching Cars, does that sound okay?”
“That sounds fun, Auntie Y/N! You’re the bestest,” he grins, and you grin too, because honestly, you’re taking coolness points in gasps, and anything to prove you’re not some grouchy unfun Aunt is welcomed and encouraged. Sanha doesn’t make a fuss as he gets dried, shuddering for extra effect and happily snuggling into his duck onesie once everything is dry and ready for him to get changed.
Sanha is a human rocket. He hops into his onesie and races back into the living room, reaching his final destination of Uncle Jeongguk as a loud groan fills the house, likely due to the fact that Sanha has jumped on top of his Uncle, like he always does, just to get the reaction. You sniff, leaning to flush the toilet because apparently they haven’t quite mastered that one yet, and drain the bathtub. The floor sits wet, pooling like an extra tub or the floor of a shower and you sigh, grabbing an extra towel off the rack to soak up the bathwater, the low bubbling sound of the water disappearing briefly out-yelling the terrorsome three out in the living room.
“Need any help, baby?”
Behind you, Jeongguk appears in the doorway, not quite in and not quite out. He hovers, waiting patiently to see if he can find an excuse to stop being a couch for the three kids. You lean over the bathtub, taking out their small toys and setting them on the side with hopes that they will dry overnight.
“Nah, I’m okay,” you tell him, looking over your shoulder with a smile. Jeongguk stands there, having changed, in an oversized jumper and sweats. “What are they doing?”
“Fighting,” Jeongguk says. “I’d break it up, but I wanna see if they’ll learn their lesson once they get hurt.”
“That’s perfect. But fucked. Are we fucked up?”
Jeongguk shrugs. “Worked for me and my brother when we were younger. I turned out okay!”
You look at him for a moment with a bewildered look. “Sure, if that’s what you want to call it.”
The bathtub makes a gurgle, the water gone and you crouch to pick up the bathmat, hanging it over the small radiator for it to dry faster. Jeongguk then takes several steps backwards as you meet him outside, his smile widening as you close the door and turn off the light, falling into his arms with a soft thud and sigh. His arms wrap around you sweetly, warm and tight, like home. Jeongguk likes weekends for the moments he gets to spend with you, but today, he’s barely seen you in his own home. Longing- Jeongguk tightens his arms around you and presses his lips to the crown of your head, gently swaying you from side to side like a waltz. He knows you feel the same way, the same kind of tired and wanting energy, as your arms lock around him tighter.
“Come on,” Jeongguk mutters, pouting slightly when you pull out of his embrace and glance up at him through your eyelashes. He exaggerates it, humming, and then leaning to press his lips to yours. Moments after he pulls away, he comes back in for another, and another, his hands molded behind your back. “Love you,” he adds in between one kiss, and you hum in reply. It’s enough.
There’s a pitter-patter of feet. “Ewwww! Auntie Y/N and Uncle Jeongguk are having sex!”
You pull away from Jeongguk with such speed that it might give you whiplash; Jeno stands looking slightly horrified in the hallway, near the door to the living room, proud of his rising of ews that follow from his siblings near the TV.
“Don’t say that! Where did you even learn that word?” you gasp, moving towards the five year old.
Jeno shrugs. “Heard it at Mommy’s birthday party. Uncle Taehyung said it.”
You sigh knowingly. “Should have known.”
“Please don’t go around saying that when your Mom and Dad come to get you,” Jeongguk adds in, looking flustered from behind you.
That wouldn’t be the most impressive thing to hear when you walk through the door to collect your kids.
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The bathroom light switches off. Jeongguk closes the door and rubs his face, groaning out aches from his shoulders as he approaches the bed, shirtless, his toes curling into the carpet.
“I swear they weren’t that crazy last time we looked after them,” Jeongguk says, sinking onto the bed. “Have they always been like that? Am I the crazy one?”
“It’s this scary thing called growing up,” you reply, sitting back against your pillows with your phone in your hands, the screen lighting up with new messages from your sister. “Can’t believe you got them to go to sleep without any trouble. It’s giving me baby-fever…”
“I’m gonna - I’m gonna have to ask you to slow down,” replies Jeongguk, sounding winded.
“Everytime you hang out with them, it just proves to me how good you are with kids, and how, you know, someday you might be a Dad and- ugh, you’re gonna be great,” you sigh, followed by Jeongguk grunting with amusement and shuffling to lay right beside you, his nose on your arm. You set your phone down, turning to match together against him like a puzzle. “They’re not shy when it comes to picking favourites. God, they really hate me.”
Jeongguk rolls his eyes, “No, they don't. They love you- you’re so good with looking after them. If I was doing all this alone, there’s no doubt I’d probs forget to feed them at dinner time. I’d straight up order a pizza and forget that kids need certain foods to grow up.”
Laughter suffices as a reply, and that’s that for a little bit. In his head, Jeongguk wants to talk all about how great of a Mom you’ll be, how amazing it would be for him to watch you raise children, his children. He doesn’t say any of these things, because he’s one-hundred-percent certain that you know it all already, and that you’re just modest and insecure about it. So, Jeongguk hums and pulls you closer for a hug, smooching your lips when you’re close enough.
The door is closed. The four kids are sleeping, Yeji so deep in sleep that not even her brothers could wake her up if they screamed. Jeongguk knows this. You know this. So, he moves his hand from your back to your ass, feeling the curve, feeling the smile against his teeth.
“Stop, our niece and nephews are next door,” you warn him, quietly, mumbles against his mouth. Jeongguk smirks, gently nipping your bottom lip with his teeth and pushing his head into your neck.
“And it would suck to wake them up,” Jeongguk replies, worming his way into places hot and inviting. “So, keep it quiet, yeah?”
You huff, rolling to your back and parting your legs as Jeongguk slots in between. “I love when you get bossy on an evening,” you say to mock him and he laughs quietly.
“I love you,” he breathes, and you don’t get time to reply.
He knows, though.
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“And they were good?”
Jeongguk and yourself share a glance.
“Golden,” you say.
Your sister stands in the kitchen, giving you both the stink eye while the three older kids race around the house, excited at the fact their cool parents are home three days later. Honestly, she knows you’re lying, because these are her kids and she knows them better than anybody.
Anyway, she shrugs. “They must always be good for you guys. You can babysit more often.”
Jeongguk tenses in his seat. He loves these kids but, holy fuck, the thought of looking after them again so soon makes him want to throw up. If there is one thing Jeongguk has learnt from looking after three wild rampaging children and one angelic princess baby- but, again, he has no favouritism!-, it’s that it is absolutely harder than it looks.
It’s not enough to put him off though.
When the house is emptied of tiny humans and is left cold and quiet and a little bit messy, Jeongguk stoops to pick up left behind piles of mess on the floor and he finds himself smiling. Now that he thinks about it, it was actually kind of fun. Being a Dad for the day. Then he thinks about being a Dad one day. His eyes find you across the room hauling the hoover out of the storage cupboard and his heart does somersaults.
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[5:45pm] Mean Sibling #1: Tell me why Jeno is talking about how you and Jeongguk had sex [5:46pm] You: OMG THATS NOT TRUE [5:46pm] You: well, i mean… [5:46pm] You: not in front of them !!!! what kind of aunt do you think i am????? [5:49pm] Mean Sibling #1: How does he even know what sex means….how does he know that word [5:50pm] Mean Sibling #1: Hyo is laughing at me. what does my husband know that i don’t [5:52pm] You: that sounds like a you problem [5:54pm] Mean Sibling #1: ok well sorry for accusing you :P gotta give my FIVE YEAR OLD a talk….dear fucking god [5:59pm] Mean Sibling #1: wait a damn second wtf do you mean NOT IN FRONT OF THEM??? [6:00pm] Mean Sibling #1: Y/N ANSWER UR PHONE [6:01pm] Mean Sibling #1: Y/N [6:03pm] Mean Sibling #1: fucker
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fistsoflightning · 4 years
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                            elie’s ffxivwrite2020 masterpost!!
my ao3 fill collection || my ffxivwrite2020 fills || all ffxivwrite2020 posts
total word count: 44753 words (oh gods) longest fill: hero’s journey (4813 words) shortest fill: put your feet up (281 words)
personal favorites: call of the sea (1466 words) | for you the flowers bloom (2224 words) | words will not suffice (2111 words) | hero’s journey (4813 words) | you found me there (1188 words) | unburn the ashes (801 words) | solar eclipse (1165 words) | i wanna know what you’re doing tonight (2796 words)
aaaaaa! we’re through boys and girls and everyone in between! i managed to finish yet another year of ffxivwrite (which also coincides with the actual start of this blog since i started posting at the start of september; just forgot to mention it earlier :P) a GIGANTIC thank you to @sea-wolf-coast-to-coast for running this event (even if you really got us with one of those prompts), to mom squad for reading my fics and screaming with me about many of them since we started chatting in like, february, and getting me through this ffxivwrite, and to EVERYBODY who read my fics, as good or bad as they were! this event gave me back my want to write and show everyone for the first time since i lost the will in elementary and i cannot thank everyone enough!
1. CRUX - the devoted and the dead - shb spoilers taban meets g’raha tia when all is said and done.
2. SWAY - call of the sea - post 5.3, no direct spoilers jacke/tehra’ir; jacke deals with v’kebbe’s noise complaints about (unfortunately and fortunately) tehra’ir.
3. MUSTER - til the dawn - post 5.3, spoilers thancred/zaya; thancred and zaya deserve a rest.
4. CLINCH - touch of death - shb spoilers heroic entrances, unfortunately, don’t guarantee winning situations. thancred and zaya are just unlucky when it comes to ran’jit.
5. MATTER OF FACT - sentimental fallacy  - shb spoilers cw: animal death + blood emet-selch takes a walk in the woods, and zaya goes hunting.
6. FREE DAY | VERNALIZATION - for you the flowers bloom  - post 5.3, spoilers haruki/a’dewah; there’s a lot to be said about summer, spring, and flowers, if you look at it closely enough.
7. NONAGENARIAN - put your feet up - post 5.3, spoilers thancred/zaya; thancred, predictably, takes a hit for zaya, and afterwards refuses to acknowledge it. krile and zaya are going to get revenge one day.
8. CLAMOR - live a little  - vaguely sorrow of werlyt spoilers? today on ironworks news: one renegade warrior of light elwin de lipine ropes seven and viggo into a joyride with ironworks’ new mech
9. LUSH - confidence boost a’dewah, lumelle and getting ready for a party(?) while also having anxiety.
10. AVAIL - words will not suffice  - spoilers for 4.4 MSQ, steppe portion magnai, oktai, and sadu versus hien, seiryu’s wall edition.
11. ULTRACREPIDARIAN - illiteracy for two - post leviathan, ARR zaya isn’t really too good at writing. thancred and alphinaud have both seen them.
12. TOOTH AND NAIL - something’s electric in your blood cw: blood, injury raubahn finds out that zaya is a lot more than qestiri the first time they duel.
13. FREE DAY | PROMISES - our change of heart - post 5.3, spoilers thancred/zaya; thancred isn’t used to having trinkets (and promises) to keep.
14. PART - hero’s journey - spans pre-HW to SHB, spoilers; DRK hcs you aren’t really a hero, but this is still your journey, too.
15. ACHE - a life in your shape cw: blood, injury (only in the fourth part) haruki/a’dewah; a’dewah has had far too many crushes for a single man.
16. LUCUBRATION - imprimatur - pre-1.0 y’shtola learns that the new students are A) workaholics, but only sometimes, and B) also very into forbidden magics.
17. FADE - you found me there - post 5.3, spoilers thancred/zaya (liddol bit of atalanta/haik at the end); thancred’s always been a light sleeper and zaya’s never been good at sneaking around.
18. PANGLOSSIAN - unburn the ashes - 5.0 and 5.3 spoilers, amaurot thancred/zaya, but amaurotine-flavored (atalanta/haik); not even the most frightening of storms lasts forever.
19. WHERE THE HEART IS - always been my north star - post 5.3 jacke/tehra’ir, sequel to call of the sea; two rogues struggle to get their dinner on time.
20. FREE DAY | PERIHELION - solar eclipse - post ‘naadam’ magnai/oktai; so maybe magnai realizes why he hasn’t found his nhaama yet, and maybe he flies over to reunion at the crack of dawn to ask.
21. FOIBLES - anything that glimmers - post 5.3 thancred/zaya, sequel to our change of heart; thancred might be picking up magpie tendencies from his partner, but somehow that’s not all that bad.
22. ARGY-BARGY - before it’s too late - SHB, pre-return to amh araeng pre-relationship thancred/zaya but mostly gen; ardbert notices a few things while he’s hovering over zaya’s shoulder.
23. SHUFFLE - i wanna know what you’re doing tonight - modern AU pre-relationship thancred/zaya; thancred lets zaya borrow his phone while they visit the city for work and forgets (?) to move a particular playlist to his lifestream.
24. BEAM - oh, your love is sunlight - post 5.3 (???) thancred/zaya AND haruki/a’dewah; a double date to raiding an abandoned, plant-infested building is a lot more interesting than it should be.
25. WISH - remember me - post 5.3, contains spoilers thancred/zaya; how does one get over missing your adoptive daughter that’s stuck on another world?
26. WHEN PIGS FLY - defying fate a girl leaves home in a fit of rage, meaning for it to be forever. a warrior returns ten years later.
27. FREE DAY | ACCEPT - blurred reflection - mid-SB, before naadam a’dewah’s not sure how to feel about hien, but he has to decide sometime.
28. IRENIC - there’s nowhere love can’t reach - post 5.3, everyone lives ysayle/syhrwyda; it’s hard, sometimes, to be at peace with the life she’s been forced to have. and then, sometimes it isn’t.
29. PATERNAL - how i met your (other) dad - it’s just crackfic. sort of. haruki/a’dewah; this is the story of how your two dads met, munehise.
30. SPLINTER - the better path - 5.3 spoilers emet-selch’s only student is possibly the worst student in the history of amaurot, but the problem is he wouldn’t trade them for the world. (and in the end, he does.)
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