#yoongi university
rjshope · 5 months
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the cutest 🥟 in a bucket hat for @cordiallyfuturedwight
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sugajimin · 2 years
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“and when you smile..the whole world stops and stares for a while”
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bts-0t-7 · 7 months
Sharing The Moment | MYG
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Pair: Yoongi x reader 
Summary: You and your son went to D-Day 3 to support Yoongi. Your son stole the show after appearing on stage and ARMY was absolutely… swooned. 
Genre: fluff, established relationship, parents au, married au
WC: 1169
Before the both of you stepped into the stadium, you could feel the ground vibrating from all the fan’s anticipation. The arena felt alive before the real show even started. It was the last day of Yoongi’s D-Day tour in Seoul and all the fans were there early. Whether is it giving out fanmade gifts, food, or drinks, they - Is that a tangerine in her hand? And is that a whole bag of it?!
The atmosphere was electric but for you, today was something even more special. You were not only here as a fan but also as Yoongi’s family. While ARMY’s certainly had eagle eyes, they have yet to catch on that you weren’t the only surprise that day. Your son, Min Ji-Hye, a carbon copy of his dad, was the source of the surprise. His little body was buzzing with energy. 
Since young, Ji-Hye has looked up to his father’s music and absolutely idolizes him. Every time Yoongi works from home or comes home with new music, Ji-Hye would demand listening to it even if it is the rawest version. Of course, Yoongi tries to keep the cursing to a minimum whenever Ji-Hye is around. 
The both of you found your seats in the middle catalogs which the staff has reserved especially for the both of you. Ensuring that Ji-Hye wouldn’t fall off his bumper seat, you started to set the area for the both of you so that you wouldn’t miss a single second to find some water. You were so engrossed in ensuring that your son had everything he needed that you didn’t realise Jin and Hobi were standing right next to you. 
You jumped when you felt a light tap on your shoulder, immediately turning around with large eyes, hoping that you wouldn’t cause trouble for your husband if you got mobbed or something during his concert. But you found two laughing figures and calmed down once you heard Jin’s signature laugh. 
“Yah, don’t scare me like that!” You chided.
“It was you who weren’t paying attention! We were here the whole time!”
You were about to shoot back another snarky remark when - “Seoul, ARE YOU READY?” 
Cheers from all directions engulfed you as fireworks lit up the stage. Yoongi came blasting from the backstage and no matter how many times you have been to BTS concerts, you never get tired of seeing them perform. The raw passion in their movements and voices always ensures that the audience has one of the best concerts. 
You turned over to see Ji-Hye at the edge of his seat, eyes glued to the stage. You had dressed him in Yoongi’s stage outfit, complete with a cap that looked a few sizes too big (it was taken from Yoongi’s closet). With his cat-like eyes and gummy smile, he was essentially Yoongi 2.0. 
Watching your son sing and jump to the lyrics of his father, your lips curled upwards in a loving smile. While he didn’t quite understand the depth and innuendos of the songs, he was enjoying himself and you knew how much this concert meant to him. With the news of Yoongi’s enlistment, you knew that your time together would be cut short for two years. 
You had told him that telling ARMY a day after the concert wasn’t going to be the best decision but management pulled through so it was scheduled as it is. So both of you continued to enjoy the concert with the new addition of Uncle Namjoon. 
As the music filled the stadium, Yoongi delivered an electrifying performance, pouring his heart and soul into every lyric. His presence on stage was magnetic and the fans were completely enthralled. You thought that you could hold back the tears as he broke down in front of all his fans but the tears streamed down your cheeks, staining them in a salty caress. 
Amidst the sea of fans, Ji-Hye suddenly squirmed and wriggled his way past the people in front of him. Running down the steps, you tried to catch him when Namjoon suddenly grabbed your wrist. “He’s safe, don’t worry. There are guards everywhere.”
But you couldn’t help but worry. What if he got lost? What if fans start to swarm around him and he can’t make it to Yoongi or any of the guards in time? Your heart skipped a beat as you saw his little figure making his way up the stage. There was a collective gasp from the fans nearby as they realised what was happening. 
The surrounding security personnel recognised him and allowed him to approach the stage, guiding him carefully so that he didn’t fall down the large steps. Yoongi had just finished a ‘Life Goes On’ and was taking a moment to catch his breath when he saw little feet running up towards him. His eyes widened and broke out into a huge grin when he saw him, squatting down to his level and spreading his arms. The fans, realising that he was Yoongi’s son, started to cheer even louder. 
The moment Ji-Hye crashed into Yoongi, every ounce of fear that Ji-Hye would be afraid of the cheers washed away in that instance. Yoongi scooped him up, hugging him tightly as your son laughed into the microphone, causing another wave of cheers to vibrate the stadium. It was a moment of pure, unscripted love between a father and his son. You stared at the two most important people in your life on stage, celebrating as if they were the only ones in the world. 
The fans were absolutely swooning - taking in this whole scene with hearty eyes and red faces - their hearts melted by the sheer adorableness of the scene. They watched as Ji-Hye whispered something into Yoongi’s ear and Yoongi’s eyes sparkled with amusement and affection. 
Yoongi turned to the fans, holding Ji-Hye high above his head like the scene from Lion King. “This is my son, Min Ji-Hye.” He announced proudly. “He’s a little ARMY like all of you.”
The fans erupted into cheers, shouting their love for both Yoongi and his son. Ji-Hye waved at the crowd, his gummy smile wide, grinning from ear to ear. Your heart felt so big that it was going to explode. 
As the concert continued, Yoongi held Ji-Hye in his arms, dancing with him on stage during a couple of songs. It was a moment of pure joy and it was clear that this concert had become something extraordinary - not just for the fans but for Yoongi and your family. 
After the concert, Yoongi was still beaming with light as he continued to hold Ji-Hye in his arms. “You know, you stole the show today.” He chuckled to his son.  
Ji-Hye looked up at his father, eyes shining with admiration. “Daddy!” He swung his little legs. “I wanna be just like you when I grow up!”
Yoongi’s heart swelled with love. “You can be anything you want. Just remember to always be yourself.”
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explicit-tae · 1 year
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An alternate world in which at the age of 25, your true soulmate is revealed. Some choose to defy the soulmate tie - but you refuse; especially when it’s revealed to be your sisters boyfriend.
Warning; cheating, sweating, begging, gagging, nipple play, breast play, nipple sucking, oral (f & m receiving), face sitting, porn with little plot lol, dirty talk, swallowing,
Word Count: 4,104
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Alternate Universe
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Not everyone enjoyed the idea of soulmates. Who the hell did the universe think they were supplying a human being to be your soulmate - someone you could never know until the day came? It was comical, truly, that at the age of 25 you were deemed "ready enough" to encounter your soulmate. You could be in a relationship or vice versa and suddenly, poof - the person you adored is no longer the one you wish to be with.
Of course, some choose to ignore their soulmates all together. It was easier said than done. If you never met your soulmate face to face made things easier. Eye contact was a guarantee give away and to deny the soul tie would be difficult for both parties, but not impossible. You've read many stories of soulmates ignoring their birth right - it caused scarring and sickness, even paranoia; but it wasn't impossible.
Ignoring your birth right wasn't something you were choosing to do yourself. Your 25th birthday was a day you were jumping with joy at the idea of finding your soulmate. You felt hot and heavy, a sign in which your soulmate was nearby. It frightened you - who was he or she and why were they close? Did your soulmate not wish to be with you? If they were close, that meant you knew of them, and they knew of you. If so, it could only mean they knew of you and didn't wish to follow their birth right.
You were correct when your eyes met Min Yoongi the same day. The fluttering feeling of your heart beating faster, the way your palms begin to sweat, and your legs quivered. The chattering around you died down, coming to complete silence and all your eyes could focus on was his and his presence only. His scent nearly made you intoxicated - manly and woody; it causes your mouth to water.
The problem was nearby - and it caused for you to break your trance away from Yoongi. You watched as arms embraced Yoongi and brought him into a tight hug. His eyes doesn't break from yours when your elder sister hugs him close, oblivious to connection radiating from the two of you. You felt sickened to your stomach at the sight, and it also causes your heart to ache, but you had no reason to be upset. He wasn't yours - officially - and your sister had him first. She was one of the many women to ignore her birth right and declared that she would choose her soulmate instead of having it be chosen for her.
Your stomach churns at the sight once more. Yoongi was older than you and your sister, which meant he knew of your soul tie to him for just as long. You pondered if he cares - if he was similar to your sister in ignoring soul ties. Your sister and you were opposites when it came to the universe - though you weren't completely untouched. You weren't opposed to dating or hooking up; however, you were adamant on never settling for anyone who wasn't your soul mate.
"I'm going to be late." you hear your sister's voice pipe up.
"Where are you going?" you murmur, fingers picking at the skin of your hand. "I thought we were going to brunch."
It was your sister's idea, after all, to spend the night at her place and get brunch the next day in celebration of your birthday - and not to celebrate the day you'd find your soul tie.
"I doubled booked." Your sister giggles, but you don't find anything amusing, especially when it came to a special day such as this. "I forgot I told Yui I'd meet her for brunch last week. We can definitely do dinner."
Your cheeks flushes in embarrassment. You can feel the eyes of Yoongi on you, possibly the same pity eyes he always sent you when it came to your sister's carelessness. It wasn't the first time she brushed you off completely and it'd never be the last.
Taking a deep breath, you nod. "Okay." you agreed. "I'll just..."
"Why doesn't she go with you?" Yoongi's voice is deep and raspy, and you swear you can feel your clit pulsing at the sound of it. "You see Yui every other day." he murmurs to her, annoyance evident in his tone.
Your sister sucks her teeth.
"It's fine." you assure, shaking your head. Your sister and you weren't close, nor did the two of you fight constantly. There wasn't much of a sisterhood between the both of you. She was the elder sister who excelled in whatever she did and went against the norm. You were the quiet younger sister who decided to live in tradition more than anything.
"See? She's fine." Your sister brushes Yoongi's concerns off with a tap on the shoulder. "I'll be back later. It's happy hour."
Yoongi scoffs lowly, eyes trailing as your sister strolls off with her purse. The front door open and closes and it's soon silence between the two of you. He wasn't surprised by your sister's ignorance; she's done this time and time again. However, a birthday was sacred and personal - not a happy hour brunch with a friend.
"I gotta-"
"We should talk." Yoongi interrupts. Your 25th birthday was the day he was dreading ever since he began dating your sister. He passed the age of soul ties and once realized that he has yet met his destined soulmate, he decided to settle with your sister. They moved in with one another after a year and by the second, he had met you - his soul mate. It made his life extremely complicated.
"I don't think-"
Yoongi reaches out for you - a mistake - once you're turning away to walk down the hall to the guest bedroom. A shock runs through his veins at your touch; goosebumps erupting his skin. He flinches away from you as if you burned him, eyes wide. He never felt such a sensation - never felt the need to touch anyone until now.
Your smell was intoxicating now more than ever. Your scent forever lingeried in his presence upon meeting you years ago. Your sister's scent being fruitier, it was easier to hide your scent. Now, he's unsure if he could ever get the scent out of his mind.
"I'm sorry." Yoongi chokes out. He understands you - he can feel your sorrow. He chose to ignore his soul tie to you and continue being one with your sister. It was selfish of him, he understood; especially how your sister told him how traditional you were when it came to the universe. Yoongi hated conflict and breaking apart a family isn't something he wished to do.
"Don't be." You managed to choke out, throat tight. You couldn't be upset at Yoongi. You were upset with yourself more than anything. The universe could choose your soulmate, but they couldn't make the person consent into loving you. While you brushed all of your love interests away to be with yours, it wasn't guaranteed your soulmate would do the same. "Why didn't you...tell me?"
'Why would he?' You ask yourself. Yoongi and you weren't friends, only cordial. He has been with your sister for years and the thought of him being your soulmate now makes you sick at the universe for how foolish you truly were.
"I love her." Yoongi's words come out as a whisper and his heart churns at the way your face falls. He was hurting himself along with you. Soul ties did this to you. He could feel your pain and confusion; betrayal.
"I got to go." you cough, vision blurring. The years you studied soul ties, they never told you love would hurt like this. Being denied by your soulmate felt worse than any pain you felt before.
"I don't love you any less." Yoongi hurries to stop you, hands curling around your wrist. "I love you, Y/N, but I cannot betray your sister. Not now." Yoongi shakes his head.
He loves you.
Yoongi loves you.
Yoongi loves you?
"I thought if I," Yoongi swallows the lump in his throat. "helped you that it would be enough."
You furrow a brow. "Help...me?"
"I was the one who paid your tuition. Not fully," Yoongi gulps. "I had help but-"
"You." Your eyes widen. You were swimming in debt after college and the office job helped pay the bills, but it wasn't enough to cover such a hefty bill such as tuition. You told yourself after you finished writing your book (that you haven't even began) that you could be the next big author of the decade.
"I recommended you to Hobi-ah. Said you'd be a good addition to his company."
You blinked your eyes several times. "That's how I got hired to a job I never applied to." you scoff, knitting your brows. You swore that your boss, Hoseok, gaslit you into working for him. He gave you a call and stated that he went through your resume and thought you were the perfect match. After several minutes of speaking, you had a job and left yourself confused, but willing to work.
"I told myself that if I couldn't be with you that at least you'll be alright. That you'd write the book you've been struggling on for years and publish it. That you'll become a big time author and maybe move on from me-"
Yoongi's stunned when he feels your lips on his - soft and inviting. Your hands wrap around his neck and your body pushes against his.
'This is wrong.' he tells himself. 'I'm not a single man.'
But kissing you felt right. He felt alive - his body electrifying with each passing second. His mind screamed at him to stop - your sister was who be loved. Yes, he admitted long ago that he couldn't truly love her the way he wanted to; not with you around. But he could never cause your relationship with her to crumble because of fate.
"Tell me to stop." Your lips say against his lips, so inviting that it's painful at the thought of you halting your actions.
'Stop.' Yoongi's mind demands, but his words don't register. Instead, his tongue dips inside your mouth and marvels at how warm and savory your tongue feels against his.
'Tell her to stop.'
Yoongi's hands find your body and he wastes no time in trailing his hands upwards to grope your breast. His breath hitches at the sensation of your clothed against the palm of his hands.
'Tell her to stop.'
Your moans are sweet melodies his ears are blessed to hear. His hands are large massaging your breast, fingers pinching your nipples between massages.
'Tell her to stop!'
"Don't stop." You moan, a string of saliva connecting your tongue to his and it was enough for Yoongi to be fully consumed by you.
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"I never knew you cook." Your sister giggles after taking a bite of her food, more like a nibble. She wasn't going to eat it, she wasn't much of a pork eater.
But Yoongi was, the soul tie telling you.
Speaking of the man, he appears as though he's being tortured. The last he seen of you was a month prior on your birthday - the same birthday he cheated on his longtime girlfriend.
It was difficult for Yoongi to sit across from you when he seen you naked below (and on top) of him. It plagued his mind for the entirety of the days to come, but the guilty he experienced ate him alive. He couldn't look his girlfriend i the eye. He couldn't touch her, either. All her sexual advances had been rejected and he could only guess how horrible she feels.
Yoongi wasn't the only individual who had their mind clouded. Your mind never removed Yoongi from them. The animalistic side he displayed while fucking you - how needy and hard he was, how passionate the sex was between true soulmates.
Minutes felt like seconds when you were with Yoongi, a blur. You laid naked before him on the very bed he shared with your sister. Your mind yells at you to stop - to not be a homewrecker. But your heart and lust tell you to continue - that you were doing nothing wrong. Yoongi may be your sister's boyfriend, but he was your soul mate.
Yoongi's hands engulf your naked breasts, massaging until your nipples stiffen. He licks his lips, head dipping down to wrap his tongue around it. It's savory, causing not only for you to moan at the sensation, but for him as well. Yoongi's breathing quickens as he gets caught into the act of suckling your breast. 
Yoongi shivers, goosebumps covering his skin. He could suck every inch of your body for hours - he could orgasm by just doing so. He was leaking, his cock feeling moist against his boxer briefs. Foreplay with your sister wasn't as amazing as this - but she wasn't his soulmate. You were, and sex with your soulmate was far more intense than with anyone else. 
"I need to taste you." Yoongi pops a nipple from his mouth, his teeth lightly grazing it. "You want to ride my face, baby?"
You melt against the bed, fingers clenching against Yoongi's shirt. You tug at it, nodding your head. You couldn't imagine not sitting on Yoongi's face while his tongue pleasures you. 
Yoongi grunts and removes his shirt. His briefs were tight against his bulge, but he ignores it. He needed you on his tongue now more than ever.
You yelp when Yoongi flips you, your dripping pussy against his lips. His tongue pokes out to lick a savory lick against your clit, eyes staring right into yours. 
"S-shit." you hiss, thighs buckling. You slowly grind against his tongue, your eyes fluttering. 
You were in bliss. This is all you ever desired - to be one with your soulmate. Sex wasn't as good as this - it never would be if it wasn't with Yoongi. 
Your breathing quickens when Yoongi's hands place them on your hips and encourages you to grind against him roughly. His eyes doesn't leave you, completely satisfied that he gets to please you in such a way. Your taste causes his mind to spin, and he determines that you were the best pussy he's ever tasted. 
Yoongi was addicted. 
Yoongi's right hand reaches up to clench your breast. You're twitching against him, eyes rolling to the back of your head. But Yoongi doesn't halt - no, he doesn't dare. He's slurping your clit aggressively as if his life depended on it, and in a way it did. You were his soul mate. He could feel what you felt - and you were cumming.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" you moan out, body twitching against Yoongi's tongue licking up your juices.
You clench your legs just thinking about it. The way you came on Yoongi's tongue was a first in a lifetime orgasm that you couldn't give up. The weeks leading up to today was torture. You couldn't stop touching yourself at the memory of Yoongi in bed with you. But it wasn't enough. Nor was the vibrator and even the dildo you recently purchased.
You lick your lips at Yoongi, heart content that he's enjoying your cooking. You were positive he would, soul ties have several benefits in and outside of sex.
"I'm going to go make a sandwich." your sister stands from her seat, placing the pork contents onto Yoongi's plate.  "And rummage through your cabinets."
Your sister rounds the corner to your kitchen. You can hear her doing as she said she would, opening and closing your fridge and cabinets.
Your eyes glance at Yoongi from across of you. He's finishing up his plate as you watch him. The sounds your sister is making was what caused you to act in such a way. 
Yoongi yelps when something pinches his thigh. His head snaps up to survey his surroundings, not finding you. He dips his head underneath the table and gulps when he witnesses you. 
"I need you." you begged, eyes pleading him. It makes him weak, but his brain allows him to shake his head. 
"Y/N, not now." Yoongi hisses, eyes wide with shock. You're so beautiful kneeling before him, but your sister was in the next room. 
Yoongi doesn't stop your hands from inching towards his (hardened) length. 
"She won't hear if you're quiet." You lick your lips. Your own judgment was clouding you. Never in a million years would you have done this, but you'll blame your soul tie (and lust) for Yoongi. "Don't you want me?"
Yoongi finds himself nodding. His eyes glance to the doorway where your sister stood behind, making her sandwich. 
The things his soulmate was making him do. 
But he couldn't fully blame you. His heart ached for you while he laid next to your sister at night. His mind often played flashbacks of his night with you, and it drove him insane.
"I need you, Yoongi." you begged, falling back against the bed. "I need you inside of me."
"Yeah, baby?" Yoongi slithers on top of you. His lips kiss along your jaw. "You want me to fuck you?"
Yoongi shivers, biting his lips. His hands rub along your thighs. He wished nothing more than to be deep inside of you - to coat every inch of your walls with his cum until you were dripping.
Yoongi's thoughts were filthy. He managed to keep his thoughts of you at ease, but now that the both of you were together and fully aware of the soul tie, his mind couldn't help but crave you. 
Yoongi manages to release his cock. He couldn't wait a second longer - not while you laid beneath him begging to be fucked. 
Yoongi positions his cock at your entrance, gently rubbing against your clit. He grunts - you were the wettest pussy he's encountered. He ponders how in the world he was going to get you out of his mind once the deed was done. 
"Shiiiit." Yoongi grunts as he enters you. You're warm and wet and he regrets not doing this with you sooner.
Yoongi was but a man, but he tries. He tries to be gentle and slow, but your soft moans mixed with the tightness of your pussy sends him over the edge. He couldn't help but fuck into you, snapping his hips to get deeper inside of you. 
Your eyes snap shut. You never felt complete such as this. His cock was made for you, truly. Your pussy was made for him, the way it squelches was just one way of knowing.  
"This pussy was made for me, baby." Yoongi grumbles, nails digging into your skin. He wraps your legs around his waist and snaps his hips inside of you. "You're so wet and tight for me."
Neither of you cared at the mess you were making on his bed, nor the ruckus that echoed across the room. Skin slapping, heavy breathing and moans - it was sickening truly at how comfortable the two of them felt when at any given moment they could be caught. But at this moment, neither of you bothered to care. It was just the two of you in this moment - and you couldn't ask for anything else. 
Yoongi was a man and no matter how hard he tried to not be filthy, he couldn't control himself. He fucked you on your back with your knees behind your ears. He fucked you from behind, hands slapping your ass while you pleaded for more. He flipped and even managed to fuck you while you rode him - and yet and still he could never be tired of the way your pussy felt heavenly for him - just for him.
Yoongi hurryingly pushed down his pants, eyes darting to the doorway. 
Your hands wrap around his cock hungrily, mouthwatering. This would be your first-time blowing Yoongi and you couldn't wait.
You wasted no time in licking the tip of Yoongi's cock like your favorite lollipop. Your hands thrust and rub against the base while you suck the tip of his cock. 
Yoongi bites his lip to hide the moans. Your mouther was amazing, almost as amazing as your pussy. The adrenaline rushing through him excites him. The thought of almost being caught with your lips wrapped around his cock brings the excitement he never knew he desired. 
You bring Yoongi's cock deeper into your mouth. You feel his fingers tangle into your hair, bringing his cock deeper and deeper. 
"Y/N!" your sister calls, but Yoongi couldn't stop himself from thrusting into you. "I'm going to use the last of this mayonnaise."
Your eyes watered as you peered up at a grunting Yoongi. Saliva slides down the corner of your mouth and you could no longer help the low gagging noises when Yoongi reaches your throat. 
"Fuck baby." Yoongi grunts. He slaps your cheeks, eyes dark. There was something sinister in him that desired to do every and anything filthy to you. You were more than willing. "You want us to get caught, don't you?"
You do, as fucked up as it was. You wished nothing more than your sister to see you and your soulmate doing what you were destined to. It was terrible, but it was what she deserved. If she would have agreed to be with her own soulmate you wouldn't have to sneak to be with yours.
Yoongi slides the chair back. If he was going to cum before your sister returned, he'd need to be his usually rough self. He thrusts deeper into your throat. Your sister opens and closes the fridge a few more times, but no footsteps could be heard. 
Your eyes catch Yoongi's, though blurry and teary eyed. 
"You're so beautiful for me, baby." Yoongi murmurs, cock twitching inside of you. "My beautiful soulmate. So dirty...all for me."
Yoongi thrusts a few more times before he cums deep inside of your mouth. It hits the back of your throat, and you swore you'd choke. 
"I love you." Yoongi hisses, legs giving out and he falls back into the chair. 
Your eyes widen, swallowing the cum inside your mouth. Yoongi is breathing heavily but manages to lift his pants up while you wipe your mouth. Your sister is finishing up, you can hear her footsteps come closer.
Your lips place themselves onto Yoongi's in a quick kiss. "I love you, too." you murmur against his lips and push yourself back to your seat. 
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"Are you sure this is something you'd want to publish?" your editor snickers, but she's overly amused. 
Months had since passed, and Yoongi and you were left a secret. Everything between the two of you weren't sexual. You two went out on dates, but in the next town over. Your sister had several friends and being caught would only assure that your sister would know. 
Yoongi insisted that he and your sister weren't together anymore sexually, but the titled as his girlfriend still remained to her. It upset you, but he wasn't lying about not touching her. She has ranted how the sex was nonexistent and she was not only sexually frustrated, but physically and emotionally. 
"Yes." you nod your head. 
You managed to finish the book you were writing. The original plot had since changed into the new one, a memoir of your time as a mistress to your soulmate. Your editor insisted that it would be a best-seller, but your reputation would be rooted as a homewrecker. 
It was a risk you were willing to take, however, in order to have Yoongi be yours fully. It was a risk that your sister would come to despise you, but that was what you were willing to endure.
Yoongi was a man that hated conflict. He couldn't hurt your sister more than what he already was. He thought if he became emotionally (and physically) unavailable that she would eventually leave him. 
But you knew your sister. She was stubborn - persistent.
But so were you. 
"What's the title?" your editor raises her brow. In a short few weeks, the book would be published, and no doubt would it be a best-seller amongst young adults. You'll be on your book tour with promoting your book and then will be rolling in cash - all about you cheating with your sister's boyfriend. 
"Contagious." You respond, heart beating rapidly. You couldn't believe you were doing this - but it needed to be done. For you and Yoongi's relationship. He was your soulmate, after all, and he could never remain upset with you for long. 
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@juju-227592 @iheartsvt @seokjinkismet @bloodline1632
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mobikosmos · 5 months
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a brown piano sitting in the corner of my memory 🦋
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nosfelixculpa · 5 months
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Would I be able to straighten out the errors and mistakes and save all of us? I didn't grasp the depth and weight of this question. It was true that I desperately wanted to save all of us. No one deserves to die, to despair, to be suppressed, and to be despised. On top of that, they were my friends. We might've had our flaws and scars and have been twisted up and distorted. We might've been nobodies. But we were alive. - Seokjin – 2 May Year 22 HYYH; THE NOTES
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melancholy-of-nadia · 11 months
Distraction (m) | myg
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title: Distraction pairing: yoongi x f. reader rating/genre: m ; smut ; Agust D Universe (AgustDverse?) specifically in the Haegeum Universe ; Gang Leader / Mafia AU summary: After a series of circumstances leads you to be the assistant/right-hand woman of Bangkok's local thief/gang leader Min Suga, you're diligent in fulfilling your role in helping him take down Detective (& Underground Mafia Boss) Agust D. What you didn't expect in this role, was to catch your own boss reading p*rngraphic material during his free time and finding out there are consequences to distracting him. warnings:  dirty talk, hair pulling, slight riding, fingering, breast play, nipple sucking, slight body worship if you squint, COCKWARMING, orgasm denial kinda, she's being punished, There's two Yoongis and Thief ver. is Suga/Yoongi while the Mafia Boss is Agust D IM PUTTING A WARNING FOR THESE MEN ARE DANGEROUS note: this is my first time ever writing a bts fic AND smut in a fic. I've written fics 10 years ago for different fandoms and i never thought I'd be doing this again but I got too stuck on this idea that I needed to LET IT OUT. shout out to my beta reader @daegudrama for beta reading and being a great supporter. Idk if I'll ever expand on this fic but here it is. FEEDBACK & Comments are much appreciated !! total word count: 3.6k drop date: july 1st 2023, 12:00pm pst CROSS POSTED ON AO3 here (honeyjamjoon is my user on there) - -
You stood at the entrance of Suga's run-down, yet aesthetically-looking office in the heart of Bangkok’s Chinatown.
After an abundance of incidents, you begun working as his assistant and right-hand woman in his underground operations to take down Asia Pacific Police Detective Agust D, who moonlights as a mafia leader on the down low. A mafia leader who looks exactly like him. Someone you used to be acquainted with at some point.
As you pushed open the ornate wooden door slightly, you found Suga lying down on the sofa, engrossed in an erotic women's magazine. His face adorned with his signature mischievous smirk as he turned a few pages. Men, you thought to yourself while trying to prevent a scoff from coming out your lips.
"Yoongi," you called out, your voice cutting through the silence of the room. Since you two were closer compared to his other men, you called out to him by his real name often.
Startled, Yoongi quickly closed the magazine and tossed it aside, his expression shifting to one of mild annoyance. "Hey doll, can't you knock? I was in the middle of something." Doll, his endearing nickname for you always made you feel some type of way. 
You raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence as you crossed my arms. "Oh, I'm sorry, Boss. I didn't know reading Playboy magazines was part of your daily agenda." you commented sarcastically, rolling your eyes in the process.
Yoongi's cheeks flushed slightly, caught red-handed by his sharp-witted assistant. He cleared his throat, attempting to regain his composure. "It's...research. Yeah, research on...current trends."
You couldn't help but chuckle at his unusually flustered response. You sauntered closer, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, Boss, if you're done 'researching,' perhaps we can focus on more pressing matters?"
Yoongi let out a deep sigh, realizing he had been caught in his moment of leisure. "You're right, doll. Let's get down to business.” He moved from his position and straightened up his posture, all business-mode Suga once again. “What's the latest update on Agust?"
As you provided a detailed report on Agust D’s actions, you couldn't help but notice a twinkle of amusement in Yoongi's eyes. He had always been a man of few words, but his gaze held a silent appreciation for your wit and fearlessness in this line of work. Since meeting Yoongi, your professional relationship with him had always been one of mutual respect and trust, despite the dark world you both inhabited.
"You've done well, doll," Yoongi finally acknowledged at the end of your report, his voice laced with admiration. "I appreciate your dedication in doing this. This isn’t easy work, especially with so many eyes and ears working for Agust."
Your heart swelled with pride, knowing that your efforts were recognized by your boss, your leader. However, you know you can’t be feeling a certain type of way over his innocent comments.  You took a step closer, your voice lowering to a whisper. "Boss, may I remind you that there are eyes and ears on you too? It's crucial to maintain a certain level of decorum and professionalism."
Yoongi's lips curled into a sly side smile, his gaze locking with yours. "You're absolutely right. We should be more careful, especially when it comes to our private activities."
Your eyes widened in realization, understanding the underlying meaning in Yoongi's words. He can’t be trying to insinuate something, right? Being the brat you are, you decided to play along with his statement . A playful grin spread across your face as you sat on the opposite side of the sofa, crossing your arms once again. 
"Well, Boss, if you're looking for some 'private activities,' you could always start by hiring a proper assistant to keep you entertained."
Yoongi's eyebrows shot up, surprised by your audacity. A flicker of amusement danced in his eyes as he leaned back on the sofa. "Is that so? And who would you recommend for the position?"
You pretended to ponder for a moment, "Perhaps someone who knows your every move, can anticipate your needs, and can effortlessly keep you on your toes…”
“Someone like… you?" Yoongi smirked as he leaned closer, his voice filled with mischief. Your cheeks flushed with a mix of shyness and shock that he played this far into your game. "Well, in that case, I suppose I'll have to interview you for the position."
Damn, he got you cornered. Was this a dream, you thought to yourself. Usually when you’d have playful banter with Yoongi, he’d edge you on with his words and then immediately move onto business. But right now you’re left speechless. 
“Cat got your tongue?” He chuckled. Funny words coming from the same man who looked and acted like a cat himself at times.
“N-No..just.. dumbfounded.” You stumbled on your nervous response before giggling, “You got me good, Yoongi.” And this is where the game ended, or so you thought.
Yoongi locked eyes with you as he reached out and gently grasped your trembling hand. His touch sent a jolt of electricity through you, causing your breath to hitch. He tugged your hand gently, coaxing you to move closer to him.
"Doll," he said softly, his tone laced with a mix of authority and tenderness. "There's no need to get so shy around me all of a sudden."
Feeling a mixture of panic and excitement, you allowed Yoongi to guide you closer until you stood right in front of him. In a swift yet gentle motion, Yoongi pulled you onto his lap, your legs straddled him. Your heart pounded in your chest as you found yourself nestled against him, his arms wrapped protectively around your waist.
Yoongi's voice, now filled with a soothing warmth, resonated in your ear. "You may act bratty and shy, doll, but I can see through your facade. I know you're into this” He used one hand to brush a strand of hair behind your ear, “And I'm more than happy to oblige."
Your eyes widened, breath catching in your throat at his bold words. Yet, you couldn't deny the exhilarating truth behind them. A mix of embarrassment and desire coursed through your veins as you looked into Yoongi's eyes, your own filled with a mix of uncertainty and longing. You’ve been waiting for a moment like this for so long, but it felt silly to even believe it could happen one day. Let alone on a day where you catch Yoongi looking at porn. Sounds too good to be true.
In that moment, Yoongi tightened his hold on you and gently lifted you up a little. He glanced at you wholly, taking in the sight before him. He had always thought you were beautiful since the first day you encountered him in the night market while he was being chased by Agust D’s men. He too, didn’t imagine he’d have you to himself, but somehow the sexual frustration of not having time to pleasure himself pushed a button in him to try to make a move. 
He continued his movements by sliding his hands above your waist, approaching the peaks of your breasts. The soft touch sent shivers down your spine, and a blush crept across your cheeks. He looked at you to see if you were okay with moving further, to which you locked eyes with him and nodded your confirmation.
He began fondling your breasts slowly, tracing patterns of desire along your trembling flesh. His large hands on you felt so good it elicited soft gasps of pleasure from your lips. But you craved more. You wanted to feel him closer, and it seemed that he felt the same. He moved his hands to unbutton your sleeveless button front shirt from the top to bottom and then removed the garment completely. 
Under the shirt revealed a white floral lace bra with a cute pink ribbon in the center. "You know, doll," he murmured, his voice husky with desire, "Your bra is surprisingly cute." The sudden comment from Yoongi made your cheeks flush even more with a mix of embarrassment and pride. “It contrasts your workaholic demeanor. It’s nice to see a new side to you.”
Flushed and with a playful glint in your eyes, you mustered the courage to break free from your momentary shyness. With a teasing smile, you looked at Yoongi and whispered, “Shut up and just keep going,”
To which he smirked up at you and did just as you commanded. He went ahead and removed your bra, exposing your breasts to the slightly colder room temperature causing your nipples to pebble slowly. Yoongi groaned, squeezing your breasts together, and sucked a nipple between his lips. 
Mesmerizing sounds left your mouth when he flicked your nipple with his tongue and gently bit down. His tongue swirled around your sensitive areola, teasing it to a stiff peak as he cupped and massaged your other breast with one hand. Holding yourself steady with your fingers weaved through his pretty, long dark hair, you leaned back and arched your chest in toward his face.
You craved more besides these touches to your delicate breasts, but fearing changes in your ‘boss and right-hand man’ relationship with Yoongi had you hesitating further. You moved your hands to the top of his shoulders to push him away from your chest. “Maybe we shouldn’t keep going, Yoongi.” You looked at him, before deciding to look away and continue speaking, “We’ve been focused on taking down Agust D, and if we do this… it might get in the way of our goals.”
Yoongi let out a deep chuckle, “You know goals are one thing, but you think I haven’t noticed the way your body language radiates when you’re around me.” 
Your eyes widened, “W-What do you mean?” You weren’t being that obvious about these underlying work crush feelings, have you?
“The way you carry yourself when we tease each other? When you sway your ass in your little skirts to get me riled up?” He lifted a brow up inquisitively, hands drawing circles on your thighs to carry his point home. “I know you too well to know you want this too.”
You scoffed, “Hah? Yoongi, I think all the porn mags and hentai mangas you’ve read during your free time has gotten to your head.” You cupped his face with your small palms (in comparison to his large hands) and looked at him intently. “Maybe it’s time to ease up on that, sir.”
“I’m serious, doll.” He grabbed your hands away from his face and stared harshly, “I'd rather have you in my arms, feeling your warmth against me, than flipping through those Playboy magazines during my free time."
Literally, no words could release from your lips. You’re just awestruck that this carefree man who threw witty and sarcastic remarks on a daily basis could have conjured such a confession to you. You found it endearing in a way, knowing his exterior is just a facade and inside lies a compassionate soul named Min Yoongi. 
At this moment, you decided to surrender, allowing yourself to be consumed by the passion growing between the two of you. Embraced in the untamed fire that blazed in Yoongi's eyes. “Then, keep going. Waiting to see how you’ll keep me entertained.”
Quickly, Yoongi's lips descended upon yours, the kiss ignited an unknown sensation inside of you. The taste of anticipation lingered in the air as your mouths melded together in a fervent fight. His lips, soft yet demanding, explored every contour of yours, coaxing forth sighs of pleasure that escaped each others’ entwined breaths.
Feeling a bit assertive, you gently bit his lips as a signal for him to allow your tongue to intertwined with his, to which he smiled and let you in. Both your movements synchronized, a blend of dominance and tenderness. However, which each stroke of his tongue, he claimed your mouth, marking you as his own in a surge of possessiveness that sent shivers cascading down your spine.
As your bodies pressed closer, the intensity and eagerness to have him inside you grew. You once again let your fingers find solace in the soft strands of Yoongi's hair, tugging a bit which he responded to with a groan. Breaths mingling with the heady mix of desire that filled the room. Your hips meet Yoongi’s hard cock, visibly straining against his demin jeans, as you begin lightly grinding against him, needing to relieve yourself of this feeling blooming in your abdomen.
However, unbeknownst to you, Yoongi had other plans in mind. He suddenly held down your thighs to prevent you from moving further. You whine at him, frustrated. 
“Doll, I’m not gonna fully give you what you want right now.” The mischievous glint in his gaze betrayed his desire for retribution. He saw an opportunity to playfully punish you for catching him indulging in the guilty pleasure of his magazine. “Since you interrupted me earlier, I’m only going to let you sit on my cock as punishment. No riding.”
“Are you serious right now–” You paused, Yoongi lifting an inquisitive brow up in response. If you kept arguing with him, his stubborn self will deprive you of everything at this moment, his desires be damned. The thing you didn’t need right now was for him to command you to watch him jerk off or leave the room and go find someone else to fulfill his needs. “...Fine, Boss. Your wish is…my command.” You sighed, gripping his shoulders.
“No, it’s okay. I take birth control.” He eyed you intently. “NOT for what you think. I take it to regulate my cycle.” You responded, annoyed while he chuckled. Not like you had the time to be fucking people left and right in this high stakes job you had. You take your role very seriously, mind him.
He lifted you so he’s able to lift his own hips up to pull his pants down. He pulled his dick out and you stared at how it sprung up against his stomach, almost to full hardness already. It’s so thick and fat, you thought to yourself. You had imagined how he’d look underneath his clothes, but your thoughts never compared to the [reality of his] pale pink dick with small drops of precum at the top of the head. Yoongi took note of your glances and exhaled harshly. He slid his hands up your thighs to the hem of your skirt and pulled it to where your pink striped panties came into his sight. 
“You’re seriously so cute, you know that?” You mumbled a shut up as your cheeks reddened from his continued compliments. He pushed your panties to the side, placing two fingers teasingly at your entrance, collecting the wetness that you already displayed. "Do you need to be prepped more? Or can you take my cock without it?" He locked eyes with you as he slipped his two fingers easily in, quickly causing your walls to tighten around his digits.
“I-It’s fine, Yoongi,” You moaned his name quietly. You knew you were wet enough from the previous motions that you could do without it. “Just put your dick inside me already so we can call it a day.." He raised his eyebrows at your commanding attitude. "P-Please..”
Chuckling, he pulled his fingers out and grabbed your hips again. He took his throbbing dick in his hand and lined it up to your entrance. He sunk you down, slowly taking him in inch by inch, the thickness stretched you out more than you expected. You moaned out as quietly as you could, still struggling to fit all of him inside you. Yoongi kept a hand on your hips to guide you down, while the other caressed your back in reassurance.
"Keep going, love." Love? A new nickname? "You’re doing great." He praised, while trying his best to hold in beautiful sounds of his own.
With his encouraging words, you took a deep breath and moved down until your pussy had swallowed him whole, his head right against your cervix. "Just right…you did it," Yoongi cooed. He cupped your cheeks and made you look at him. "How does this feel?"
You’re starting to lose composure already, "I-It feels g-good…" you stammered, dragging out the last word while letting your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
"Great, but..” He stretched out to grab the D-Grayman vol 22 manga lying around on the table “Don’t you dare move. I’m gonna read." 
“I can’t believe you… you sick, sick man.”  His laughter rolled through him, which involuntarily  created a ripple of pleasure building within your cunt, a warmth growing again and spreading through your every nerves. Besides the fact that his warm cock was snug within you, filling you more completely than a dildo of yours could ever, you couldn't recall another moment where you’ve felt so content. While at first you were scared of crossing a line in your relationship, you can’t deny this feels just right.
He wrapped his right around your waist, while using his left to hold his book and flip the pages. Perks of having big hands, you wonder what else they could do. You laid your head on his right shoulder, eyes slowly squeezing shut. Maybe you should take a nap. 
However, while Yoongi seemed to be nonchalant and relaxed, he was struggling a lot more than you to not say fuck this and fuck you roughly in a cowgirl position. Because just as you were relaxing, suddenly his cock fucking twitched. You gasped, your cunt clenching involuntarily and wrapping tighter around his length. A shiver shot up your spine as you instinctively pushed back on him, taking him even deeper into you from a higher angle. 
“Yoongi, I swear..”
“Sorry. That was on me, doll.” He went back to reading before adding on a few minutes later, “I’m tempted to fuck you, but I’ll save it for another time. If I give in now, I’ll probably want to fuck you everywhere and anywhere we go. Want to teach you a lesson.” 
“Yoongi!” Your eyes widened and you smacked his back. He chuckled lowly. Pisces men really are lowkey sex freaks. You don’t know what you’d do if this man asks you if he can tie you up with ropes or vice versa. Let’s hope he’s just into vanilla shit for the sake of your sanity,
For the rest of the time, he stayed true to his word and remained resilient. At some point, you drifted off to dreamland, feeling so comfortable and cozy sitting on his dick. You faintly felt a kiss on your temple, though you’re not sure if you dreamed it, or if Yoongi actually did it. You didn’t bother thinking too much about it now.
The next thing you know, you woke up later that afternoon, laying down on the sofa with a blanket covering you. You glanced around to find Yoongi, but he was nowhere in sight. You checked your phone on the table and saw text messages from 35 minutes ago
Yoongi: Hey doll, got a call from joon saying he found the drug operation Agust D is hiding above that one good noodle shop in chinatown. I had to go with him and some of the guys ready to bust it down. I’ll be sure to to get you a bowl of noodles when I’m done. 
Yoongi: Extra beef and very spicy, right?
God, you’re actually gonna fall in love with this man. He really does pay attention to the little details about you more than you realized. 
You text back knowing he’s probably not going to be back for a bit longer.
Y/N: Yes pls! Don’t forget to bring some chopsticks.
Yoongi: 👍
Not long after, before the sun sunk underneath the horizon, he arrived back to the office holding a bag of take-out food from Asian Beef Noodle shop. “Sorry to keep you waiting. We got everything taken care of.”
Your eyes lit up with admiration as you sat up on the couch, your lips curling into a grateful smile. "Great job, boss."
Yoongi's gaze softened as he placed the tray of noodles on the coffee table in front of you. He took a seat beside you, his shoulder brushing against yours. "I appreciate your support, doll. So, I brought these noodles as a small peace offering."
"You're forgiven, I suppose,” You chuckled, voice filled with soft warmth. “Noodles are easily the best way to my heart."
Your playful comment sent a spark of anticipation through Yoongi. He grinned, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Well, I’ll make it up to you later, for being so good. Look forward to tonight," he whispered, his voice laced with a sultry tone.
Your cheeks flushed at the promise in his words, your gaze meeting his with a mixture of desire and excitement. “You’re making me embarrassed,” you sighed, replying further with a sultry voice with anticipation. “But, you better not disappoint. I’ll leave your side!” You joked, both of you laughing at the silliness of this conversation
Despite the fluttering emotions from earlier reawakening from his words, you two continued to share a comfortable silence, the aroma of the noodles filling the air. With a newfound sense of closeness, you two dug into the delicious meal, savoring the flavors and basking in the afterglow of their earlier passion. It was a moment of shared contentment, where the chaos of both your lives momentarily faded away, leaving only the warmth of connection and comfort of each other's presence.
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{Chapter Two – A Rare Find}
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Kim Namjoon: Black Mackenzie Valley Alpha wolf
Kim Soekjin: White Alpha Lion
Min Yoongi: White Alpha Jaguar
Jung Hosoek: Alpha Snow Leopard
Park Jimin : Alpha Albino Cobra
Kim Taehyung: Alpha White/ Bleached Tiger
Jeon Jungkook: Alpha Black Panther
Reader: Heaven Valentino Human
Status: Ongoing
Words: 9.1k!
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~Valentino Mansion~
3rd Person's POV
Heaven had been on a relentless mission for the past two months, ever since she acquired crucial information about the illegal Hybrid traffickers.
The weight of the situation had consumed her days and nights, driving her to work tirelessly towards finding a way to intervene and put an end to the inhumane activities happening around her.
The journey she embarked on was far from easy.
Countless phone calls, sleepless nights filled with haunting nightmares, and the frantic attempts to reach out to Black Eagle, the elusive figure in the underworld of trafficking, were all part of the arduous path she had chosen to take.
In her pursuit for justice, Heaven had enlisted the support of her trusted brothers, her dedicated assistant Jae, the employees at her uncles' Facility, and some carefully selected government officials.
Each individual brought their own expertise and resources to the table, forming a team dedicated to combating the illegal trade and bringing justice to the victims.
Navigating the intricate network of contacts and informants required to reach Black Eagle proved to be a challenging task.
The man operated in the shadows, shielded by layers of security and intermediaries that made direct communication nearly impossible.
However, Heaven's determination and strategic planning eventually paid off, as she received a rare and coveted invitation from Black Eagle himself.
The opportunity to meet with the notorious figure was a significant breakthrough in her mission.
It signaled a potential opening for dialogue, negotiation, and perhaps even collaboration in their shared goal to dismantle the trafficking operation and rescue those affected by it.
The man known as Black Eagle was beyond astonished when he found out that The Heaven Valentino had personally requested an invitation from him.
Given her unparalleled status and influence, it was a gesture that took him by surprise - after all, she was renowned as the epitome of sophistication and exclusivity.
Heavens' stance towards hybrids, however, remained a mystery.
Despite her reputation as an individual who rarely associated with such beings.
It was a tantalizing prospect to see how she would interact with those outside her usual sphere.
In the realm of power, wealth, and social standing, Heaven Valentino reigned supreme.
She was a symbol of opulence and authority that surpassed even the loftiest expectations. Her mere presence commanded attention and respect, setting her apart as a figure of unparalleled prestige.
For Black Eagle, the opportunity to personally deliver the invitation and provide Heaven with VVIP treatment was not just a formal gesture - it was a strategic move.
In his ambition to forge a partnership with her, he saw this as a critical step towards building a connection that could potentially elevate his own standing in the business world.
The allure of being associated with Heaven Valentino as a business partner was irresistible.
Her capabilities and resources were a force to be reckoned with, capable of opening doors that seemed impenetrable to others. The prospect of aligning oneself with her vision and ventures held the promise of unprecedented success and prosperity.
In the grand tapestry of the social elite, Heaven Valentino stood as a colossal figure, wielding a level of authority and influence that surpassed imagination.
Her ability to shape industries, economies, and even societal norms was a testament to her unparalleled power and vision.
Today felt like the day they had been preparing for all their life.
Heaven's heart raced with a mix of nerves and determination as she steadied herself for the mission ahead.
Every fiber of her being was focused on the task at hand, blocking out any distractions or doubts that threatened to creep in.
She knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy. Choi Woobin's words had only added to the gravity of the situation, hinting at the unimaginable horrors that awaited them.
Despite the foreboding stories, Heaven's resolve remained unwavering. She was determined to stay strong, to face whatever darkness awaited without faltering.
As she mentally ran through her preparations, she couldn't help but acknowledge the weight of the burden on her shoulders.
The thought of what lay ahead was enough to chill her to the core, but she refused to let fear paralyze her.
This was a test of not just her skills, but her inner strength and resilience. She steeled herself, ready to confront the nightmares that awaited, knowing that only by staying focused and composed could she hope to succeed.
The mission loomed before her like a mountain to be conquered. Heaven knew it would push her to her limits, testing her in ways she had never imagined.
But she also knew that this was what she had trained for, what she had prepared for. Every challenge she had faced, every obstacle she had overcome had led her to this moment. And she was not about to back down now.
As Heaven adjusted her hair in the mirror, she felt a surge of anticipation for the plan that was about to unfold. Her assistant Jae was her trusted right-hand man, ensuring that everything was in place for the pivotal moment that was approaching.
With determination in her voice, she spoke to Jae over the phone, emphasizing the importance of secrecy and precision.
The mere mention of Black Eagle and his men made her blood run cold. They were formidable opponents, and any misstep could have dire consequences.
"Understood" He said before the called ended.
Heaven nodded to herself in the mirror, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.
She was not just a force to be reckoned with, she was a master strategist, orchestrating moves on a chessboard where every decision could tip the scales of power.
With a final glance at her reflection, she steeled herself for the upcoming confrontation, knowing that her fate and that of many others rested on the success of their plan.
'I promise to set you all free'
~Three Hours Later~
As the car pulled up to the opulent resort, a sense of wariness crept over her.
Despite the outward beauty of the location, she couldn't shake the knowledge of the dark deeds that had taken place within its lavish walls.
The sheer contrast between the lush greenery and the sinister secrets hidden within sent a shiver of disgust down her spine.
As the sleek black vehicle eased past the entrance gates, the scene that unfolded before Heaven was one straight out of a high society magazine spread.
Rows of impeccably maintained luxurious cars, each belonging to famous elites, lined the grand driveway.
The air was thick with an aura of opulence, exuding from the designer-clad guests mingling around.
Eying the spectacle before her, Heaven couldn't help but feel a wave of disdain wash over her. The ostentatious display of extravagance seemed less about genuine enjoyment and more about a ruthless competition to assert dominance and flaunt one's wealth and status.
The whole affair reeked of artificiality and pretentiousness, leaving a bitter taste in her mouth.
As the car pulled to a stop, the animated conversations and tinkling laughter of the guests outside abruptly hushed, their curious gazes now fixated on the newcomer.
Heaven, embodying an air of poised elegance, emerged from the vehicle with measured grace, commanding the attention of every onlooker present.
The reaction that greeted her was nothing short of astonishment. Faces once animated and expressions jovial now bore expressions of disbelief and incredulity.
The previously bustling space fell into a stunned silence, punctuated only by the whispers and murmurs that rippled through the crowd.
It was as if a rare, captivating apparition had graced their midst, leaving them spellbound in her wake.
Heaven had meticulously orchestrated her surprise appearance at the auction, ensuring no one knew about her involvement.
This careful planning was pivotal in setting the stage for her grand entrance. The element of surprise was not meant as a mere spectacle for show, but rather a strategic move to assert authority and convey a clear message to all present.
Her motives ran deep, far beyond seeking attention or adulation.
Heaven's ultimate goal was to protect and advocate for hybrids, utilizing this bold move as a means to establish a lasting impression on those involved in the despicable games.
By taking a stand against the mistreatment of hybrids and holding perpetrators accountable, she aimed to solidify a legacy that would resonate far beyond the confines of the auction event.
In essence, Heaven saw this defiant act as a crucial step in safeguarding the rights and dignity of all hybrids, paving the way for a future where they would be respected and valued.
Through her actions, Heaven was not just making a name for herself but also building a legacy of courage, resilience, and unwavering determination for all hybrids to draw strength from.
This act of defiance was a symbolic declaration, not just for herself, but for the entire hybrid community, signifying a turning point in their fight for equality and justice.
As Heaven stood amidst the stunned crowd, her presence radiated a sense of purpose and resolve that left an indelible mark on all who bore witness to her fearless stand.
She exuded elegance and sophistication as she approached the entrance of the luxurious resort.
The aesthetic allure of her ensemble was captivating - a striking midnight black V-cut sleeveless dress that cascaded down to the floor with a daring slit that revealed a glimpse of her toned thigh.
This exclusive creation was adorned with glimmering diamonds, adding a touch of opulence to her attire.
Every detail of the ensemble was meticulously curated, as it was a one-of-a-kind piece exclusively designed for Heaven by her talented mother, Rachel Valentino.
The ensemble was perfectly complemented by her midnight black five-inch heels, which not only added height but also accentuated her long, slender legs, creating an illusion of elongation.
The matching diamond necklace and earrings added a touch of glamour and sophistication, enhancing the overall allure of her look.
Heaven's makeup was a work of art, striking the perfect balance between sleek and natural. The subtle yet alluring makeup accentuated her features, giving her a fierce and powerful aura.
Her hair was elegantly styled in a tight, neat bun, with a few loose strands framing her flawlessly symmetrical face, adding a soft and romantic touch to her look.
As Heaven glided towards the entrance of the resort, all eyes turned towards her, captivated by her poise and undeniable presence. The combination of her exquisite attire, radiant beauty, and confident demeanor made her an embodiment of grace and sophistication.
It was evident that every detail of her appearance had been carefully curated to exude an air of refinement and elegance, setting her apart as a true fashion icon.
"Its a pleasure to have you Ms. Valentino, my name is Min-Soo and I'll be your caretaker for the duration of your stay here. If you would please follow me" one of the hotel stuff introduced as he gestured for Heaven to follow him.
Heaven followed Min-Soo silently as he led her through the opulent halls of the building towards her temporary bay on the third floor.
The VVIP section was adorned with extravagant decor, setting the perfect luxurious ambiance for distinguished guests like her.
As they reached her suite, Heaven observed the lavish furnishings and elegant touches that adorned the space. She nodded in acknowledgment as Min-Soo informed her that her luggage had already been placed in the room, signaling that he would be readily available at her beck and call through the buzzer on her key.
Heaven couldn't help but notice the slight air of formality in Min-Soo's demeanor, which seemed to be a result of years of perfecting his role as a caretaker for esteemed guests like herself.
As Min-Soo excused himself with another respectful bow, Heaven took a moment to settle into her surroundings.
The short hallway led her to what seemed to be the main entrance, and without hesitation, she pushed the door open.
The room was spacious and elegantly decorated, a stark contrast to the chaos she had experienced earlier.
Feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over her, Heaven decided to take a much-needed shower.
The warm water cascading down her body felt like a soothing balm, washing away the fatigue and stress of the day. As the steam filled the room, she closed her eyes and let out a long sigh, feeling the tension leave her muscles.
After her refreshing shower, Heaven crawled into the plush bed, feeling the softness of the sheets against her skin. The comfort of the bed was inviting, and she couldn't resist the call of sleep. With a weary sigh, she closed her eyes and drifted off into a deep slumber.
As she slept, her mind drifted to the challenges that lay ahead. Tonight would bring new obstacles and uncertainties, and Heaven couldn't help but feel a sense of anxiety creeping in.
"I hope I don't lose it," she thought to herself, her mind muddled with a mix of determination and fear.
But for now, she allowed herself to succumb to the darkness of sleep, seeking refuge in its temporary embrace
~Two Hours Later~
Heaven's POV
As I stood at the threshold of my suite, already dressed in my finest attire, I could feel a surge of energy coursing through my veins. The anticipation for the upcoming auction pulsed through me, fueling my disdain. Glancing at the clock, I noted that I had a mere ten minutes before the event officially commenced.
Pacing the room, I double-checked my appearance, ensuring that every detail was immaculate.
My attire exuded sophistication and power, a reflection of the image I sought to portray at the auction. Despite my eagerness to leave this forsaking place, I remained poised, waiting for the opportune moment to make my entrance.
Finally, I decided it was time to depart the confines of my suite and face the impending ordeal. With a resigned sigh, I steeled myself for the upcoming interactions and the inevitable theatrics that would unfold at the auction.
Summoning Min-Soo with a press of the intercom button, I was slightly taken aback by the speed of his arrival. His promptness hinted at a level of dedication that I found somewhat surprising.
As he guided me towards the ground floor where the auction was held, I couldn't help but wonder if he had indeed hurried to meet me, his pace almost unnaturally brisk.
The distant echoes of boisterous cheers and chatter grew louder as we neared the event space.
The cacophony of voices and the frenzied excitement of the attendees grated on my senses, evoking a sense of disdain within me. Despite my internal repulsion, I maintained a mask of detachment, concealing my true feelings behind a facade of indifference.
Upon entering the grand hall after Min-Soo opened the massive wooden double door, I was immediately taken aback by the sight that greeted me.
The space was bustling with a diverse crowd of people mingling and engaging in various activities. However, what truly caught my attention and sent a shock through my system were the naked hybrids scattered throughout the room.
These hybrids, distinct from their human counterparts, were adorned with collars, some of which appeared to be electrical in nature.
It was evident that they were serving the guests in various capacities, from offering drinks to acting as inanimate objects for the guests' convenience, such as tables, footrests, chairs, and even — disturbingly — as items of a more intimate nature.
As I processed the surreal and dehumanizing scene before me, a wave of revulsion and disbelief washed over me.
It was unsettling to witness how these hybrids were treated as mere commodities, stripped of their autonomy and reduced to objects of utility or even pleasure for the guests' amusement.
The callousness and disregard for their dignity left a bitter taste in my mouth, prompting me to question the depths of depravity to which some were willing to sink in the pursuit of luxury and status.
Shaking off the initial shock and discomfort that clouded my thoughts, I focused on navigating my way through the crowd towards the front of the hall, where the other VVIPs were expected to be seated.
Despite the unsettling spectacle around me, I maintained a composed exterior, masking my inner turmoil to blend in with the opulent surroundings and the oblivious guests who seemed unfazed by the disturbing display of exploitation and objectification.
As I approached the designated area for the VVIPs, my mind raced with a flurry of conflicting emotions — from outrage and indignation at the deplorable treatment of the hybrids to a sense of helplessness in the face of such blatant disregard for basic decency and empathy.
However, in this lavish and surreal setting where decadence and debauchery seemed to reign supreme, I knew that I had to tread carefully and play along with the facade of sophistication and privilege that enveloped the event.
Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I prepared to engage with the other VVIPs, all the while grappling with the unsettling reality of the scene unfolding before me.
In a world where the boundaries between humanity and exploitation seemed blurred beyond recognition, I found myself teetering on the edge of a moral precipice, forced to navigate a precarious balance between complicity and conscience in a place where the veneer of luxury masked a darker truth lurking beneath the surface.
As I observed the busy crowd engrossed in their conversations, my attention was suddenly captured by the presence of a male Hybrid with dark grey fuzzy ears.
His submissive posture piqued my interest, evoking a sense of compassion within me.
The sight of him in such a vulnerable state stirred a desire within me to offer solace and reassurance. The urge to embrace him and promise a life free of sorrow tugged at my heartstrings.
However, I composed myself, aware of the delicate balance of the situation.
"Master, what would you like me to do?" He's question, submissive and repetitive.
When the Hybrid addressed me as "master," I couldn't help but be taken aback.
It seemed like a preconceived notion ingrained within him, highlighting the complexities of his existence.
My desire to treat him with dignity and respect clashed with the power dynamic implied by the title of "master."
In a bid to maintain composure and avoid any unintended consequences, I gently dismissed his offer of service.
"I don't need anything, you may leave" my response, though calm and collected, reflected the inner turmoil brought about by the encounter.
As I navigated this unexpected interaction, I grappled with the moral implications of the power dynamics at play.
The concept of freedom and agency weighed heavily on my mind, prompting me to tread carefully in my dealings with the Hybrid.
Ultimately, my decision to politely decline his offer stemmed from a desire to uphold my values of compassion and autonomy.
The nuances of such interactions serve as a powerful reminder of the intricacies of the human experience and the ethical considerations that inform our actions.
The dramatic reaction from the Hybrid in front of me left me feeling a mix of shock, confusion, and sadness all at once.
"Please master, I can make you feel good" he said a little desperate.
His sudden offer to "make me feel good" in an attempt to appease me was both startling and heartbreaking. It made me wonder just how much these creatures had been pushed to such desperate measures, to the point of willingly offering themselves in such a vulnerable way.
"I-I'm sorry master, I should not have overstepped. How would y-you like to punish me? You can do physical, mental or both" His voice wobbled in fear.
As I observed the fear and submission in the Hybrid's eyes, I couldn't help but feel a wave of empathy wash over me.
The pain I felt for him was like a physical ache in my chest, a reminder of the cruel circumstances that had likely led him to this point. His willingness to accept any form of punishment, whether mental, physical, or both, struck a deep chord within me.
The concept of punishing him for simply staring at me was absurd and unjust.
The idea that he felt the need to preemptively offer himself up for punishment spoke volumes about the toxic power dynamic at play in our interactions.
It was a stark reminder of the imbalance of power and the inherent cruelty of the system that had allowed such behavior to become normalized.
I couldn't bring myself to entertain the notion of punishing him for a perceived transgression that was, in reality, nothing more than a natural human reaction.
It was clear to me that this cycle of fear, submission, and punishment needed to be broken, for both our sakes. My heart went out to the Hybrid in front of me, and I made a silent vow to do whatever I could to protect him and others like him from further harm.
As I looked into his eyes, still wide with fear and uncertainty, I made a silent promise to myself to be a beacon of kindness and compassion in a world that seemed determined to stamp out any shred of humanity.
It was time to challenge the status quo, to stand up against injustice, and to fight for a future where beings like him could exist free from fear and oppression.
"I'll let you off the hook for now, defy me again and I won't hesitate to punish you" the words left a bitter taste in my mouth as I saw the fear heightening in his eyes.
Just great.
Fortunately, he took the signal and left me alone allowing me to take a breath.
Just then a man clad in a dark purple suit appeared on stage.
"Good evening fine ladies and gentlemen, my name is Lee Chan and I'll be your host for the five days of your stay"
I couldn't help but notice the air of sophistication and mystery that surrounded him. His aura exuded confidence and command, making it clear that he was no ordinary host.
The slight creases around his eyes hinted at a life full of experiences and secrets yet to be revealed.
His voice carried a sense of authority as he addressed the audience, his words flowing smoothly and effortlessly. The way he held himself spoke of someone well-versed in the art of public speaking, capable of captivating the attention of everyone in the room with just a few carefully chosen words.
"So, for those of you who were not here last time, this event will be slightly different from the usual one." He announced and a tingle of excitement ran through the crowd.
People leaned forward in their seats, eager to find out what surprises he had in store for them. The anticipation in the room was palpable, a mixture of curiosity and thrill hanging in the air.
"We promised you something different last year and alas the wait is finally over"
I couldn't help but wonder what he was referring to.
Was it something extraordinary, something beyond their wildest dreams?
The crowd seemed to think so, judging by their enthusiastic response. Claps and cheers filled the room, creating a symphony of excitement that reverberated off the walls.
Lost in my thoughts, I realized that I was completely clueless about what was going to happen next.
The unknown was unnerving, like standing on the edge of a cliff with no idea what lay beyond.
As Lee Chan continued to speak, I tried to decipher the subtle nuances in his words, searching for hints about the surprise that awaited us.
The scene raised eyebrows among the audience as several workers appeared on stage, each pushing what seemed to be large cages covered with curtains. 
"As we unveil these exhibits, ladies and gentlemen, you are about to witness the rarest and most exotic hybrids in the world," the host declared with a hint of anticipation in his voice.
The crowd's excitement was palpable, with some individuals audibly expressing their eagerness, making me subtly scowl in their direction.
Sick fucks.
Such displays left me contemplating the state of our world. Have we truly reached a point where exploiting such unique creatures for entertainment has become commonplace?
It was disheartening to witness the lack of empathy and ethics prevalent in those driven solely by greed and power, oblivious to the suffering they inflict upon these defenseless beings.
This blatant disregard for the well-being of these hybrids spoke volumes about the values and morals that seemed to be diminishing in a society consumed by material gain.
The hosts and participants seemed to be detached from any sense of compassion or consideration for the creatures they showcased, treating them as mere commodities for profit.
The comparison to how even our domesticated animal companions are treated with kindness and respect highlighted the stark contrast in the attitudes towards different beings sharing our planet.
It served as a stark reminder of the importance of empathy and ethical behavior in our interactions with all living beings, urging us to reflect on the consequences of our actions and the impact they have on the world around us.
"So here, ladies and gentlemen, we have the exotic breeds you've all been waiting for," he announced, his tone both enticing and authoritative. The murmurs of excitement and whispers of desire filled the room, creating a palpable sense of fervor.
Sitting amongst the crowd, a deep sense of discomfort settled in my stomach as I observed the reactions of those around me. The air was thick with anticipation, but my own emotions swirled with a different kind of intensity.
The moment of revelation arrived as the curtains were dramatically pulled back, revealing the first group of creatures within the cages.
"Behold, a rare breed of hybrids, ladies and gentlemen, here we have peacock hybrids," the announcer declared with a sardonic smile playing on his lips, as the audience erupted in admiration.
The peacock hybrids stood before the enraptured crowd, their exotic beauty a sight to behold. However, any semblance of awe was shattered by the harrowing realization of the creatures' condition.
The scene was both enchanting and unsettling, captivating my attention with the breathtaking beauty of the peacock hybrids while simultaneously leaving me disturbed by the emptiness in their eyes.
The worker's revelation of the three unique specimens had initially filled me with wonder and awe at their exquisite appearance.
Each hybrid displayed a mesmerizing blend of blue and green feathers in striking patterns that adorned their bodies in distinct ways.
The first peacock hybrid stood regally with feathers cascading down the back of their neck, creating a dramatic contrast against their hairline.
The second one sported a majestic array of feathers woven intricately into their hair, adding an ethereal quality to their overall look.
Lastly, the third hybrid showcased a symphony of colors with feathers adorning their back, reminiscent of a majestic cape unfurled behind them.
As I gazed upon these magnificent creatures, I couldn't help but notice the profound sadness etched into their expressions. Despite their physical beauty, their eyes betrayed a haunting emptiness, devoid of any spark of life or vitality.
It was as if they had resigned themselves to a fate of captivity and confinement, succumbing to a sense of hopelessness that weighed heavily upon them.
Their once vibrant plumage appeared dull and lifeless, their expressions vacant and devoid of their natural grace.
A wave of sorrow washed over me as I gazed upon these majestic beings, stripped of their dignity and reduced to mere spectacle for the entertainment of others.
The juxtaposition of their innate beauty and their current state tugged at my heartstrings, evoking a deep sense of empathy and sadness.
In that moment, a profound sense of revulsion washed over me, as the stark reality of humanity's capacity for exploitation and cruelty was laid bare.
The blatant disregard for the well-being of these innocent creatures for the sake of personal gain struck a chord deep within my soul, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth.
As the crowd marveled at the spectacle before them, I couldn't help but feel a sense of moral outrage at the depravity of it all.
In that moment of clarity, I couldn't help but feel a profound sense of shame at being part of a species capable of such heinous acts.
The cries of the peacock hybrids, though silent, echoed loudly in my ears, a haunting reminder of the cruelty that pervaded the world.
As Lee Chan introduced the next group, a sense of awe washed over the audience.
"Our next group is even more majestic, here we have a group of black lions," he declared, prompting gasps of amazement from the spectators, myself included.
Black lions, a rare sight in their natural form, were even more elusive in a hybrid state. The creatures before us were a striking blend of power and grace, their jet-black fur gleaming under the bright lights of the room.
These hybrids possessed a unique allure, their features a captivating mixture of familiar and otherworldly.
With round black ears and long, spear-like tails, they exuded an air of mystery and majesty that left the audience spellbound.
Despite their impressive presence, the black lion hybrids seemed to maintain an enigmatic composure, their expressions unreadable as they stood together in the center of their enclosure.
While their beauty was undeniable, there was a sense of untamed wildness about them, a reminder of the primal forces that lurked within these magnificent creatures.
The black lion hybrids stood as living symbols of power and strength, their presence a reminder of the untamed forces that still existed in the world.
Lee Chan's voice filled the room once more, commanding attention as he introduced the third group to the eager audience.
"Moving on to our final group," he announced, his words tinged with a sense of anticipation.
"This group is a true testament to diversity. They have formed a unique pack, but what truly sets them apart is the fact that each member belongs to a different predator species. These individuals are some of the most formidable predators you will ever come across."
As he spoke, a spark of excitement flashed in his eyes, and a subtle aura of raw desire seemed to envelop the room, fueling the palpable anticipation of the spectators.
The curtain concealing the last cage was swiftly drawn back, revealing a sight that left everyone in the room spellbound. Gasps of awe and wonder rippled through the crowd at the sight of the hybrid creatures before them.
The formidable presence of the black lions had already pushed the boundaries of what the audience had expected to see, but the creatures now on display surpassed even that.
Each hybrid was a mesmerizing blend of strength, grace, and ferocity, embodying the essence of their individual predator species in a harmonious yet awe-inspiring fusion.
I was captivated by their presence, drawn in by their allure and mesmerizing appearance. My gaze lingered on each of them, unable to look away until one of them met my eyes, creating a moment of connection that sent a shiver down my spine.
The feeling that washed over me was a mix of fear and excitement, leaving me uncertain of how to interpret the intensity of the encounter.
He had a striking appearance, with silver-grey eyes that seemed to hold a depth of emotion and wisdom. His long silver hair looked soft and inviting, adding to the mystique of his overall look.
His features were a blend of softness and strength, with pink plum pouty lips, chubby cheeks, and a jawline that exuded a sense of divine beauty.
Despite my keen observation, I couldn't spot any obvious signs of him being a hybrid, a realization that added to the enigmatic aura surrounding him.
The thought that he could pass for a human, albeit an exceptionally attractive one, sparked curiosity within me about the nature of his origins and the kind of hybrid he might be.
The onlookers engaging in betting and exchanging comments about the hybrids stirred a mix of emotions within me, from a sense of curiosity to a hint of discomfort that manifested a sick feeling in my stomach.
As Lee Chan opened the bidding for the exotic hybrids, the room buzzed with anticipation. The attendees, clearly eager to take home a unique companion, were ready to showcase their wealth in the bidding war that was about to ensue.
Lee Chan's warning about the hefty price and potential dangers of owning an exotic hybrid, especially predators, did little to deter the crowd. Enthusiasts of these rare creatures were undeterred by the risks involved, eager to experience the thrill of owning such a unique pet.
"First up for bidding are the peacock hybrids. $30 million for each exotic bird hybrid."
The room fell silent as the host announced the starting price. Excitement filled the air as attendees raised their number pads, signaling their bids and competing against one another to secure their desired hybrid.
"I see $60 million...$80 million...$80 million sold! $800 million to buy them all forever??" A hush fell over the crowd as they hesitated to commit to such an exorbitant amount.
Despite the initial reluctance to meet the steep asking price, the bidding war eventually came to a close as the host declared the peacock hybrids sold at $80 million each for a three-month ownership period.
The successful bidder's triumph was evident as the host's announcement reverberated through the room, signaling the conclusion of the intense bidding process.
As the auction continued, with more exotic hybrids up for grabs, the attendees remained on the edge of their seats, eager to participate in the next round of bidding and potentially secure their own unique companion.
With each bid placed, the tension in the room mounted, showcasing the attendees' determination to acquire these rare and coveted creatures, no matter the cost.
Despite the extravagant prices and inherent risks associated with owning exotic hybrids, the allure of these magnificent creatures proved irresistible to those in attendance.
As the auction unfolded, it became increasingly clear that for these select individuals, the opportunity to bring home an exotic hybrid was worth every penny, regardless of the challenges that lay ahead.
"Finally, the moment you have all been waiting for, ladies and gentlemen. The pack hybrids!" Lee Chan announced.
As the pack hybrids were revealed, the room erupted in excitement and anticipation. People had been eagerly awaiting this moment, and the tension in the air was palpable.
These rare creatures were highly sought after, and it was no surprise that they came with a hefty price tag.
The auctioneer wasted no time in getting down to business, stating the prices for these exquisite beings.
"$100 million each to take them home for three months,$5 billion to buy them forever." A hush fell over the crowd as the numbers were announced.
The figures caused an uproar among the attendees, who began shouting out bids and offers in a frenzy of excitement.
Amidst the chaos, one voice rang out above the rest. It was smug and high-pitched, a voice I knew all to well.
"$5 billion to buy them all," the voice declared, the words dripping with arrogance.
The room fell silent as all eyes turned to the source of the bid. A wave of shock and disbelief washed over the crowd, as this unexpected offer seemed to defy all reason.
Park Ji-Soo.
Her father, Mr. Park one of my business investors, is honestly one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. I mean, the man would give you the shirt off his back if you needed it.
But when it comes to Ji-Soo, he just can't say no. She's got him wrapped around her little finger, that's for sure. It's like she knows exactly how to manipulate him into giving her whatever she wants. And let me tell you, she's not afraid to use those tactics.
I've seen her throw tantrums that would put a toddler to shame. It's kind of impressive, in a twisted way. But at the end of the day, she's still daddy's little girl, and he'll do anything to keep her happy. It's quite the dynamic they have going on.
The tension was palpable as silence fell upon the crowd. I couldn't stand by and watch as those innocent hybrids faced a grim fate in the clutches of such a despicable character like Ji-Soo.
The very thought of her twisted intentions made my blood boil. It was clear that she viewed these creatures as nothing more than objects to satisfy her dark desires.
Determined to prevent this travesty, I knew I had to act.
I watched as the auctioneer processed the bid, his expression a mix of surprise and calculation.
The room was tense with anticipation, the air thick with the weight of the moment. It seemed as though the entire fate of the pack hybrids hung in the balance, their futures uncertain.
I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as I watched the drama unfold. The stakes were high, and the outcome of this bidding war would have far-reaching consequences.
In that moment, I knew that I was about to be drawn into a world of intrigue and suspense unlike anything I had ever experienced before.
"Anyone bold enough to beat Ms. Park? No one? Okay sol-"
"$50 billion dollars" I announced coolly, my expression passive.
Shocking everyone present, but to me, no price was too high to protect these precious beings from exploitation and cruelty.
"S-s-sold to Ms. Valentino" He closed of the bidding equally stunned.
As the auctioneer announced my winning bid, I felt a mix of relief and sadness. The onlookers' reactions of disbelief only fueled my conviction that these hybrids deserved more than to be mere objects of desire. They were living beings, deserving of respect and protection.
As I stood up from my seat in the dimly lit hall, a heavy cloak of mental exhaustion settled over me.
The weight of the night's traumatic events clung to me like a second skin, weighing me down with every step I took towards the exit. The eyes of the onlookers bore into my back like fiery beams, their incredulous stares adding to the heaviness I already carried.
Halfway to my suite, a piercing, high-pitched voice sliced through the thick air, calling my name with a grating insistence that grated on my frayed nerves.
"Heaven," she practically screeched, the sound reverberating off the walls.
Resignation washed over me as I paused, steeling myself for yet another unwelcome interaction. With a weary sigh, I turned around to face her, forcing a smile onto my face despite the exhaustion that clung to me like a shroud.
"Yes?" I replied, my voice tinged with forced politeness.
"Uhm, hey, I wanted to talk to you about something," she began, her tone falsely sweet and grating on my frayed nerves.
I could feel the exhaustion seeping deeper into my bones as I braced myself for what I knew would be a tiresome conversation.
The weight of the day's events pressed down on me, every word uttered by her feeling like another burden to bear.
"Whatever it is, it better be quick. I'm tired and eager to rest," I interjected, my patience wearing thin as I anticipated the inevitable direction this conversation would take.
The desire to escape to the solace of my suite grew stronger with each passing moment, the need for respite from the day's trials becoming an almost physical ache.
Ji-Soo's facade of politeness had vanished, revealing a more aggressive side to her character.
"Alright then. Those hybrids are mine, you can't just swoop in and take them away!"
She seemed determined to claim ownership over the hybrids, despite the fact that there was no evidence to support her claim.
In response to her bold accusations, I remained firm and resolute, unwilling to entertain her baseless demands.
"I bought them fair and square. Go find someone else to bother" I flicked my hand in dismissal.
"I'll pay you any amount for the hybrids" she said, sounding crazed.
It was clear that she believed money could solve all problems, regardless of the legitimacy of her claim.
The mere suggestion that I would be swayed by financial compensation was both insulting and absurd, highlighting her lack of understanding of the situation.
"Do you honestly think you could pay me more than I had offered. Please, with that pesky amount you offered do you really think it can be compared to the amount I bid on?" I asked her, almost laughing in her face.
"Heaven Valentino. Give me those hybrids if you don't want problems" she threatened.
It became apparent that the Ji-Soo had either mustered the balls to confront me or was simply oblivious to the reality of the situation.
Despite her boldness, it was clear that the girl was misguided in her belief that she could simply take what she wanted.
The hybrids were not hers to claim, and I was not about to relinquish them without a fight.
"I'm sorry, did you just threaten me? Are you sure you want to go down that road?" My voice was low and filled with malice and the utter insulation that came out of her mouth.
"I can give you more money, an amount I can guarantee you can last you a lifetime even in the after life. You of all people should know exactly what I'm capable of, and should know your place. I'm not one of your little followers that you can just coerce into doing your bidding. I can make you disappear off the face of this earth with just a snap of my finger. Tsk." I felt waves of anger roll off as I told her off.
Realization seemed to kick as her daring expression faltered.
I held more power and influence than she seemed to grasp, and I wasn't afraid to assert that authority if necessary.
Reminding her of the vast resources at my disposal, I emphasized the stark contrast between our respective positions.
In closing, I left Ji-Soo with a stark reminder of the vast divide between us, both in terms of resources and resolve.
I refused to be swayed by her attempts at intimidation, standing firm in my conviction and prepared to safeguard my interests against any who sought to challenge them.
"Go home, stop wasting daddy's money and be a good daughter for once and do something practical with your life"
with that I turned away from her and left her standing there slightly terrified and annoyed.
As I swiftly approached my room, a myriad of emotions rushed through me - confusion, fear, and a hint of curiosity. The sight that greeted me was nothing short of surreal and unnerving. Seven striking hybrids, their submissive poses causing a mix of shock and discomfort to ripple through me.
Their nakedness and vulnerability heightened the intensity of the moment, making it all the more challenging to navigate. A part of me wanted to offer them some form of comfort or assistance, while another part grappled with the ethical implications of such a gesture.
The intricate dance of politeness and propriety played out in my mind as I struggled to find the right course of action. Should I acknowledge them with a greeting, or prioritize their need for clothing and modesty? The internal debate rendered me momentarily paralyzed, my expression a reflection of the internal turmoil brewing within me.
Despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn't ignore the undeniable physical allure of the hybrids. Their sculpted bodies and striking features stirred a mix of admiration and guilt within me, a reminder of the need to maintain professionalism and respect in the face of such temptation.
Drawing a shaky breath, I braced myself for the unnerving task ahead. The weight of the unspoken tension in the room pressed down on me as I steeled myself to take the next step.
A voice laced with uncertainty, I mustered the courage to address the hybrids, hoping to navigate this challenging encounter with grace and composure.
"Uh, hello?" 
As I awaited their response, my mind raced with questions and uncertainties. Each passing moment seemed to stretch on endlessly, heightening the tension in the room. 
Despite my internal turmoil, I had to maintain a facade of composure, hoping to mask the torrent of emotions swirling inside me.
With a steady voice, I mustered the courage to break the silence that hung between us.
"My name is Heaven Valentino," I introduced myself, the words flowing out with a sense of resolve that I didn't know I possessed. 
"Would you please tell me your names?" I asked softly.
As I stood there, waiting for their reply, a whirlwind of emotions churned within me. The tension is thick in the air. Panic settled in as I searched their expressions for a clue.
The tiger's voice broke through my thoughts, stuttering with hesitation.
"You can call us whatever you want, master," He said, his voice low and submissive. 
"It would be better to call you by your names" I said again, and I could see them visibly shaking.
"A-are you sure m-master?" The tiger spoke again, what seemed like fear laced his tone.
Taking a deep breath, I responded to the tiger's question with conviction. I need to show them that I mean no harm, that my only intention is to connect with them on a basic level.
"I promise I won't do anything to you, I just want to know what your names are, that's all," I said, a hint of vulnerability in my voice.
The hybrids exchanged glances, their posture relaxing slightly.
I waited with bated breath, hoping my words had struck a chord with them.
The tiger spoke again, "My name is Taehyung, I'm a white tiger, Yoongi, the white jaguar, Hoseok, the snow leopard, Jungkook, the black panther, Seokjin, the white lion, Namjoon, the black alpha wolf, and lastly Jimin…"
As Taehyung trailed off, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation hanging in the air. 
Why did he stop? Is there something I'm missing here?
"Why did you stop?" I asked, trying to understand what was happening.
Taehyung seemed to be really scared, I could see fear in his eyes and his body was trembling slightly. It was like he was having a panic attack. I had to do something to help him calm down.
"Hey, calm down, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise," I said softly, trying to reassure him.
I slowly moved closer to him and gently placed a comforting hand on his head. He flinched violently at first, making the others tense up, ready to defend.
I kept stroking his head gently, trying to soothe him. Gradually, his breathing started to slow down and his body relaxed. He even moved closer to me. His hair was surprisingly soft.
As I watched the adorable reaction of the large kitty to ear scratches, I couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.
He seemed to be in pure bliss as he indulged in the pets, reveling in the sensation of being pampered.
My heart swelled with affection for the Hybrid, marveling at how something so simple could bring such joy.
When I attempted to pull my hand away, he quickly grabbed my wrist, silently pleading for more attention.
Unable to resist the cute gesture, I obliged and resumed the ear scratches, making sure to adjust the pressure to his liking.
The satisfaction on his face was evident as he reached a state of pure contentment, lost in the moment of pure bliss.
"Don't worry, I promise to give you pets later, okay sweetie?" He nodded with a slight pout and I silently cooed at the sight.
"Okay. You ended on Jimin. I know he's an albino cobra, but why did you stop?" I questioned, genuinely befuddled by the situation.
During the event when the hybrids were been introduced, staff members handed out information brochures on what breed the hybrids were and how we were supposed to go about their animal side if adopted.
It didn't really surprise me when I had come across Jimin's profile his anomalous unworldly beauty evident to his animal counterpart.
Just then, a timid and delicate voice spoke up.
"You're not scared?" it quivered, almost barely audible against the backdrop of silence.
It was Jimin, the Cobra hybrid, talking.
I couldn't help but notice the unexpected softness in his voice. It wasn't deep and intimidating, nor was it squeaky and annoying.
It had this charming quality to it, like a lullaby that could soothe you into a peaceful slumber. 
In that instant, as I looked into his eyes that seemed to hold a world of innocence within them, he appeared almost heavenly, pure and untouched by the chaos of the world. How could anyone want to harm such a gentle spirit?
"Scared of what?" I responded, genuinely puzzled by his question.
"Huh, you're not afraid of me? I-I'm a s-snake, you know? Most people tend to freak out around me," he stammered, his words barely audible had I not been standing so close to him.
"Sweetie, of course not," I reassured him with a warm smile, causing him to look at me in utter surprise, as the others trailed behind him, observing the unexpected exchange of kindness in a normally hostile environment.
In that moment, as I gazed upon their stunned faces, I couldn't help but wonder – was it the fearless determination in my words that took them aback, or was it the genuine care and protectiveness that shone through? I needed them to understand, to realize their worth and stand tall in their own right.
So, I laid it out for them plain and simple. Promising to shield them from harm, to never let anyone mistreat them while I was around. They had to hold their heads high, never giving in to disrespect. Mutual respect was key, showing strength and solidarity against any who sought to undermine them.
I urged them to speak up, to assert their voices and claim their autonomy. Their lives, their choices – no one had the right to strip them of that, not even me. They deserved better, I knew it with every fiber of my being. And I vowed to do everything in my power to make sure they received it.
I gazed at the group before me, my expression grave yet full of determination. The air was filled with tension, anticipation hanging heavy over the room. 
It was crucial for me to make myself clear on the rules moving forward. My voice resonated through the space, each word enunciated with precision, ensuring no room for misinterpretation.
"And also, under no circumstances should you refer to me or any other person as master. You will address them and me with our names, understood?" My tone was firm, a command not to be challenged.
It was a direct challenge to the oppressive societal norms that had long plagued them all. 
I want them to understand that they were no longer bound by the chains of conditioning or the absurd rules that certain humans had imposed upon them.
I want to ensure that they never fall prey to the manipulative clutches of another human again.
They deserve to move freely, to act on their own accord without having to seek permission or validation. In this moment, I made it clear that their lives belonged to them, and no one had the right to strip away their autonomy, certainly not on my watch.
If there was one thing I, Heaven Valentino, stood for, it was freedom.
3rd Person's POV 
The name itself carried weight, symbolizing a rebellion against the conventional power dynamics that sought to oppress them.
By rejecting the title of 'master,' Heaven was empowering them to embrace their individuality and stand tall as equals, united in their collective struggle for liberation.
The room fell silent as Heaven's words lingered in the air, a palpable shift in the atmosphere signaling a new chapter for them all.
It was a risky move, challenging the status quo, but Heaven knew it was necessary for their survival.
Hey hey, it's the author extraordinaire popping in!
I poured my heart and soul into crafting this story, aiming to strike a balance between clarity and a dash of mystery to keep you hooked.
We're just scratching the surface here, with a rollercoaster of thrilling events awaiting the boys and Heavens. Brace yourself for a whirlwind of changes, with peaks of joy and valleys of despair.
Your feedback is like gold to me, so don't hold back!
I hope this chapter gave you a cozy little reading nook to escape to, dear readers! Your unending support keeps the energy in my fingers to write this😉. Cheers to more adventures together!
Yours in creativity,
Your most adored author-nim.
TAGLIST: @strxwbloody
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227/638 One Suga a day while he is away
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sopekooks · 3 months
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170/638 days of missing yoongi
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agustd3 · 2 years
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i love one man with a sweet smile
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mikrokcsmos · 1 year
My Universe
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synopsis; in which you get lost and Yoongi finds you.
pairing; idol!min yoongi x non-idol!reader
genre; angst, fluff, airport au
rating; PG-13
warnings; minor cursing (nothing explicit), reader has a minor panic attack, overprotective suga baby, we love a caring and attentive boi
w/c; 2,606
a/n; originally lost this entire draft and it took me three days to gain the energy and drive back to write it all over again from scratch. honestly though, I like this version better. anyways. enjoy, y’all. like/reblog and please leave some love. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, YOONGI. this is a repost from my old account.
Yoongi hated the flashing lights.
They always blinded his vision and made him see a plethora of stars, the kind that didn’t involve nightly activities between you two, when he saw not only stars, but galaxies. No, these were the ones that didn’t exist to the normal fellow travelers making their way through the airport around him.
He also hated being singled out. Usually the reserved and quiet one within the group, with very few words to say. He’ll admit, he’s been able to loosen up over the years cause he got used to the constant attention, the pushy reporters, the even more personal bubble bursting paparazzi that had no moral boundaries apparently to get one stupid picture of him. Even if you couldn’t see his face, they still went at each other like hungry wolves fighting for the same prey.
It sickened him. But at the same time, he knew it was their way of making a living. So, he allowed it to happen, to an extent, now choosing to mainly ignore them with his head down and earphones in. Thank goodness he has bodyguards to do most of the brunt work with keeping them at bay, so he didn’t look like the bad guy in the situation. All he had to do was swiftly walk in between the hefty men that no one would dare to get close too. Easy peasy. Smiling underneath his black mask, he thought of you, and couldn’t wait to see you.
The only problem was, you weren’t used to the constant attention, you weren’t able to push through the pushy reporters, you weren’t able to keep walking with your eyes being blinded every five seconds by a different camera. Which made you start to get heart palpitations, becoming short of breath.
You were having a panic attack.
I mean, seriously? How were you supposed to know that there was going to be a ridiculous amount of people here to see your boyfriend at nearly, your eyes glanced up at the digital clock displayed above the flight signs, 2:27 in the morning?! You grunted to yourself, your hand pushing through the crowd and surprisingly in between the security surrounding Yoongi. A little detail you also failed to consider in your obvious fool proof plan.
You were so close to Yoongi, you almost grazed the back of his black leather jacket. It was a taller, broad chested, reporter that was holding a video camera that shoved you away just as you were going too. Causing you to finally get pulled into the whirlpool of paparazzi and fans alike that were desperate to gain the rapper’s attention. Like you.
Okay, so this wasn’t your best idea at surprising Yoongi. You’ll admit. The original plan was for him to meet you at the unmarked black SUV that he would be climbing into at the end of his airport journey. Where you could embrace and catch up in private. But this time, you thought you would spice things up a little. Your idea? To surprise him inside the airport, and not tell him you were going to surprise him. Cause, well, then it wouldn’t be a surprise now, would it?
Bad idea. Extremely bad idea. You thought about kneeling down to try and calm yourself, but realized that could end up fatal on your part since it would make you easier to get trampled over by the herd of feet you can hear squeak, click clack and stomp on the shiny, freshly cleaned, tile. It was non-stop.
Your hands clutched the sides of your head as you whimpered, becoming over sensitive from all the constant noise. Bodies continued to brush past you, some more aggressively than most, almost throwing you off balance multiple times. You tried counting back from ten, which normally works, but not this time. You knew you only had one last resort. You had to call Yoongi.
A picture of you lit up the rapper’s phone screen. Simultaneously stopping the music he was currently listening to with his wireless bluetooth headphones and replacing it with the ringtone you picked out for your contact when you called, opting for your couple song. The picture was of you wearing an oversized hoodie that came over your knees with Yoongi’s face on it. You were sitting sideways on the couch with your bare legs curled underneath you in his private studio. One of the many pictures he cherished of you, meant for his eyes only. His heartbeat subconsciously picked up as he got the ceremonious butterflies in his stomach that never fail to appear with anything that involved you.
A monotone voice could be heard over the ringtone announcing your contact name that you gave yourself, Baby Girl 🥵. Giving him the choice of answering it or not by speaking through the headphones. Which he did, in a heartbeat. After snickering at the description of the emoji you chose, sweat emoji, you claiming that you know you always had that affect on him. You were right.
“Hey sweaty.” A quiet chuckle could be heard on his end of the phone, mentally patting himself on the back for the playful jab of your contact name in good humor. He continued talking a mile a minute.
“You would not believe the amount of people that are here so damn early. It’s actually insane. Probably the worst amount of reporters and whatnot in a long time, but I’m almost there and I can’t wait to–“
As the last body brushed against you rather aggressively, it caused you to stumble harshly forward onto the tiled floor, hands catching your fall and knees taking the brunt force of it all. You let out a broken whimper, only catching bits and pieces of Yoongi’s ramblings through the phone that laid a few feet ahead of you on the floor due to your sudden impact. You reached out and clutched it tightly with your fingers, pushing your body up in a semi sitting position, much like the one that can be seen in your contact photo in Yoongi’s phone. One hand flat against the tile, propping your upper body up. Legs curled next to you, sideways. All you wanted to do was cry out of frustration at everything going wrong. So, you did.
Staring down at the rare pearly white smile that beamed at you for your eyes only, used as Yoongi’s contact photo in your phone, only made your watery eyes overflow with tears that streaked down your cheeks in little rivers. Breaths slightly becoming shorter, making you gasp out a sob involuntarily. You quickly put the phone on speaker and set it on the floor in front of you, knowing you wouldn’t have the strength to hold it much longer.
His rambling was abruptly cut off, ears straining to hear what he thought he heard, though it was hard to be sure from all the raucous noise surrounding him. He went to speak again, but stopped himself when he for sure heard your watery gasp through the phone. His smile wiped off his face in an instant, turning to one of worry.
“Baby? Where are you? Are you okay? Are you hurt? What’s wrong?” The questions flew out instinctually, him wanting to solve the situation as fast as possible. He knew you were having a panic attack. He could feel it in his gut as soon as he heard you, having helped you through them in the past.
He stopped his brisk walking pace and stood stock still, nearly making the security guard that was positioned directly behind him, plow into him, before catching his footing in time to avoid his client. He closed his eyes to try and get any clue from your end of the phone when you wouldn’t respond to him. As much as he wanted to freak out, he knew he had to stay the calm one between you two in order to find you before it got worse. He bit his lip in frustration, zoning out the nagging from his security guards to get him to continue on his foot path to the end destination, nearly wanting to let out a cry of his own when he heard it.
The same announcement over the airport loudspeakers that littered every corner of the building he was in, something to do about a travel package to Hawaii, he could hear echo through your side of the phone back at him. Okay, he thought rationally, so you were somewhere within the airport. That much could be certain. Now he needed just a little bit more to figure out where exactly you were located within the huge facility. Maybe…a sign? He thought logically. So, he asked you.
“Sweetie, you think you can read me some sort of sign near you so I can find you and help you? Please? I know it might be hard, but you can do it, baby. I believe in you. You got this.” He asked in his soothing voice he knows can get through to you in your current state of mind. Semi loud so you can hear what he says, but slowly and clearly.
You didn’t respond right away. Shaky and watery eyes immediately surveyed your surroundings in search of some kind of unique sign that could directly implicate your position on this tile floor that seems to get colder by the minute. You could literally feel the many pairs of eyes that walked by you on faces connected to bodies that didn’t even try to reach out and help you in the slightest. What a cruel world we live in, you thought bitterly. Though, you wondered, if you were in their shoes, would you have done any differently? And that thought alone sobered you up immediately. A fresh new set of tears falling down your cheeks in streams now.
There it was, the sign you were looking for. Directly above your head, ironically. It was a picture of a smiling, and blended family, much like your own, you thought with a watery smile. In bright red letters, and a snazzy font, it read ‘Family Doesn’t End With Blood’. You managed to somewhat clearly reiterate the sign you just read to your ever patient boyfriend, hoping and praying to all that is holy that it’ll be enough and you can soon be in the comfort of his arms.
As soon as he heard the words fall out of your mouth he opened his eyes and slowly turned his body in a circle, reading every sign his eyes found hoping that the next one he reads will be the one you just told him.
It wasn’t even that far from where he stood. He immediately pushed through the last throes of the crowd surrounding him, or what remained. It seemed like half splintered off upon getting what they needed from him already. He didn’t even care what the remaining vultures thought of him, or what berating he’ll surely receive from his head of security once they find out he fled them of his own accord. All he cared about was finding you, making sure you were safe, calming you, and holding you in his arms.
It’s like the life you two shared ran through his mind in flashes, like a reel of a film. It spurred him to pump his legs even harder, especially when he noticed the lone figure that half lay beneath the sign. Getting closer he could see how fast your chest rose and fell, the tears that littered your flushed cheeks, and your eyes that widened upon landing on him coming towards you. He could visibly see your body sag in relief, which made his heart flutter knowing he could make you feel so calm in a matter of a look. It was the same way with you, for him.
He slid the last few feet in front of you on his knees. Not wasting any time, he began searching your body for any kind of wounds or minor injuries that could’ve triggered your attack, hands hovering over every bit of your body he examined. He found none, except your hands and knees scraped up a bit. He exhaled a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Good. Now to calm you down.
“I’m here, baby. I’m here, and you did so well. I’m so proud of you.” He praised you with a look so full of warmth, you couldn’t help but give a small, shaky smile in response. Feeling like a little kid again, you reached out to him with grabby hands. I need you now. A silent demand.
He encased your body with his arms, and gently pushed your head to lay where his heart is with one hand on the back of your head, the other brought your body impossibly closer than it already was, making you half lay on him now. With him supporting your body weight completely, you slumped into him in pure exhaustion, eyes closing and hands gripping the back of his jacket like you would never see him again after you departed. After a mere 4-5 minutes of listening to his heartbeat, your breathing returned to normal. Your eyes dried up. Your body regained its strength back.
You tried to unwrap yourself from him, but his response was to grip onto you even tighter, not wanting to let you go just yet. So, you let him. Returning the embrace with as much passion as he was. You lost track of how much time passed there on that tile floor, that oddly, didn’t feel as cold anymore.
It wasn’t until the head of Yoongi’s security cleared his throat loudly, did you look up from your position still attached to the rapper. Yoongi didn’t even flinch, making no attempt to acknowledge the man. Which left things in your hands. He stood off to the side of you two with his hands clasped together in front of his stomach, posture rigid, but eyes letting you know that he understood why your boyfriend broke the rules. He nodded at you once making eye contact and tilted his head in the direction of where the car garage was, subtly telling you that you guys needed to get up and it was time to go. Then he left, footsteps receding until you could hear them no more. That’s when you finally managed to get the rapper’s attention.
“Yoongs, can we go home now?” You asked meekly, voice sounding weak due to not getting much use of it for awhile. Your eyes must’ve been puffy for sure. They took the most damage.
You could feel him nod his head in the crook of your neck and reluctantly let you go. Yoongi stood up first, then extended his hand out to you to help you up off the floor. Gripping onto it tightly, you managed to raise yourself back up on your feet. He refused to let go of your hand even after you were up, instead opting to pull you flush to his side. You gave him a small smile of thanks, squeezing his hand, your silent way of saying ‘I love you’ to each other without words. He squeezed your hand back twice. ‘I love you too’. Your other hand finding purpose in the crook of his elbow, holding it gently yet firmly, you leaned into his side.
And then you walked in sync towards the car garage in the now unnaturally calm atmosphere, security once again flanking the both of you now.
Just two lovers wanting nothing more than to collapse into each other in their shared bed, at their shared home, where they can create their own little universe of stars only they could see.
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bts-0t-7 · 7 months
Moonlight Sanctuary | OT7
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Pair: Werewolf OT7 x F Reader 
Summary: In a chase, you find a cottage in the midst of the woods. Barging in, you found seven men at your aid and you never expected things to turn out the way it did. But you were forever grateful for how it did.
Genre: Fluff, werewolf au, human reader
Chapter Warnings: Violence, abuse
You aren’t alone. If you ever need a helping hand, our fellow social services, friends, and family will always be there. If anybody is going to be insensitive on this topic on my blog, you will be blocked. Borahae💜 
WC: 2297
The moon hung low in the night sky as you ran in the opposite direction of your house. Well, your brother’s house. You had never considered it a home the moment things took a drastic turn after your parent’s death. A home is a place where one feels safe and secure but this is… this was no home. 
You had no sense of direction as you blasted through thick foliage and wet mud. The sky was dark and thunder boomed when you left but now it was pouring. Drenched from head to toe, you felt your anxiety rise as the sky darkened and your lungs collapsed. You paused at the foot of a tree, bending down to catch your breath. You had no idea where you were going. All you knew was that you needed to run. 
Run. Run. Run or they will catch you again. 
The air was still with your heavy breathing and loud splatters of rain when you heard rustling sounds. Suddenly blinded by the onslaught of light, you made out the rough shape of your bulky brother. Fearing for your life, you quickly stumbled up and ran again. You didn’t dare look back but you dared to look up. 
The moon was shining bright tonight, despite the darkness that was chasing you. It casted an ethereal glow over the dense forest and if you tilted your head just right, you could see little rainbows in the making. You ran through the trees, heart pounding against your chest. You didn’t know how far or how close you were to your brother and his gang. At the same time, you didn’t know where the fuck you were. You could just imagine being eaten up by some sort of nocturnal animal in here. 
“BITCH! Come back here! Who said you could run away, huh?”
You tried to pump your legs harder - to give you more strength. But you found yourself short of any sort of energy. You didn’t have dinner and it was during your break did you sneak past the back door and run away from them, hastily slipping on your clothes for some decency. You carried nothing with you - just you, underwear, and clothes - which is essentially whatever you were wearing. 
“Ey! I swear you’re going to get it from me when we catch you! FUCK, you’re done!”
The sound of your own harsh breathing drowned out the haunting echoes of your abusive brother’s threats. For years, you endured his cruelty,  but tonight - tonight you had enough. He sold your body. Sold your body to his friends. You had sobbed and begged with every last shred of dignity you had but they never listened. You didn’t know where you were going but you knew you couldn’t stay there any longer. 
You stumbled through the woods on clumsy feet, the darkness of the foliage seemed to close in around you. You tried to keep your anxiety at bay, knowing it would do you more harm than good if you started to panic. Branches clawed at the exposed skin of your feet, the ground beneath the flimsy slippers you hastily wore was uneven and treacherous the deeper you went. Fear gnawed at your insides and despair threatened to overtake you. Breathing harshly, you tried to keep yourself calm. 
Just as you thought that all hope was lost and you would have to be running forever or be caught, your attention focused on the soft glow of light emitting from a cottage house. Without thinking, you ran towards it and pulled against the handle, trying every one until you found an open door and slammed it shut behind you. 
Sliding onto the floor, you placed your head between your legs, breathing through your mouth. You were tired and bruised. You heard before you saw someone stand in front of you, shadow covering half of your hunched over body. Your breath caught as you slowly took in the sight before you. You were the centre of their attention, their eyes reflecting the silver light of the moon. You were sure you weren’t breathing. THese were the folklore of your little village - stories passed down by the elders from generation to generation. 
Nobody believed that there were such mystical beings living amongst you. But you were certain that they were exactly what you believed. These seven men that surrounded you brought around them an aura of power and grace. 
You could easily tell by the tall and commanding figure to your left that that was the leader of the pack. He stepped forward, gait slow and steady, approaching you as if you were a scared prey. But you were quite the opposite. As you looked at each of them, they surveyed you quietly. Looking at each of them in their eyes, you felt a connection deep in your blood - a spark of recognition of what belongs. 
“Are you in danger?” he asked, voice low and soothing. 
You nodded, voice trembling as you replied, “My - my brother, he and his friends, they - they -”
The door was suddenly banged open as you stumbled into the man’s hold. You felt a sense of protection and comfort you had never known when you were with them. They surrounded you again, this time, as a protection barrier between you and your brother. 
You curled deeper into yourself. 
Without hesitation, a man grabbed your cheeks and forced you to look at his smiling eyes. “Hey! My name is Jimin! What’s yours?”
“Y/N, come here now.” Your brother commanded. Shivering in your spot against Jimin’s body, you shook your head and rejected him. You didn’t want to. 
“Come here now or you will regret it.” You shook your head. You didn’t want to go back to the life you once had. If it was considered life. 
“Come here and I won’t kill these ‘men’. They are vicious monsters, you know that.”
Your head turned when you heard your name being called. “You are safe here. We won’t let anyone hurt you now.” You nodded and turned away from your brother, clinging onto Jimin’s shirt tightly. 
“It’s funny how you claim to care for your sister when you sold her off. It is funny how you think you would be able to hurt us.” The man with cat-like eyes formed into slits. He certainly looked more like a cat than a wolf.
“HAH!” Your brother laughed maniacally. “You are a bunch of monsters. Werewolves? Ridiculous! You are not wolves nor are you humans. Monsters is an appropriate word to use for paws.”
“Shall we let her choose then?” The man with a fluffy head of hair said. 
The silence that followed was deafening. The tension in the air was at its peak and both sides were ready for an attack. 
“Come now, Y/N. Let’s go home, I’ll get you some ice cream if you cooperate now.” Your brother held his hand out, palm facing up - placating. He didn’t want to lose his face in front of his friends and males who didn’t even know you. 
But you refused. Your head went to Jimin’s neck as you stood up, trying to hook a leg onto his waist. 
Keyword: trying. 
You were just too short for him. 
The man with fluffy hair chuckled lowly at your attempts. Quickly hooking a hand under your thighs, he lifted you up onto Jimin’s hip. As he left, going back to his spot, your hand shot out to hold him in place, accidentally pulling against his hair instead. Your hand quickly retracted and your head shot up. 
“I -”
He was quick to soothe you, one hand patting your thigh in a soothing rhythm while the other went to your untamed hair, softly stroking the back of your head. 
“Hey, hey. It’s okay, okay? You can do whatever you want with me.” You hesitantly pulled against the sleeve of his shirt. 
“Stay? Please?”
He nodded. “Of course, darling. I wouldn’t dare go anywhere.”
The rest of the males reformed themselves to ensure that the three of you in the centre were protected. 
“I think it is clear what her choice is. Now leave.” The pack leader commanded, voice strong with power. You saw your brother’s friend pull him along. 
“Fine! Die with these mutts around you, whore!”
The cat-wolf lunged for your brother when the pack leader pulled him back. 
The males remained in the formation only when they were certain your brother was far enough and they couldn’t smell him from the distance anymore. Only then did they relax their posture, slowly turning towards you with worried eyes. You were no longer shaking in Jimin and the fluffy hair’s hold but your scent was still sour with fear. 
They cautiously moved up the stairs to the living room where they sat down at the sofa. You turned your head to look at them. All seven males were foreign to you - as foreign as the way they made you feel safe and protected. 
“Should we… say names?” The man with a whole sleeve of tattoos asked, eyes big and filled with curiosity - just like a bunny’s, you thought. 
“I’m Namjoon.” The pack leader started. 
“Yoongi.” You finally had a name for the cat-wolf.
“Taehyung.” The fluffy head of hair appeared into your view again. “But I give you special permission to call me TaeTae!”
 You nodded. 
“I’m Seokjin but just Jin is okay, yeah?”
“Me! Me!” The bunny man hopped up. “I’m Jungkookie!”
“You can call me Hobi!” 
Oh that man was filled with sunshine, you could clearly see. 
“And I’m Jimin but you already know that, little one.”
You nodded. 
“Would you like to ask us anything?”
You shook your head then nodded again, pointing to Yoongi. “Cat-wolf. Cat. Meow-Meow.”
Jungkook burst out laughing from your left, igniting a round of laughter that filled the room and lifted the heavy atmosphere. 
“For you, you can call me whatever you want, darling.” Yoongi smiled, gums out as he looked at you with adoration. 
In that moment, you felt their strength and loyalty, their offering to you of a sanctuary - a refuge from the darkness you fought so hard from. From those that have haunted your life for so long. 
As time passed, you became part of their pack - a human amongst werewolves. They were patient in teaching you their traditions and customs, their code of honour and their ways. You learned that they were the protectors of the forest, guardians of the vulnerable, and that they are the core value of the balance of nature itself. 
Namjoon, with his kind eyes and strong presence, quickly became a source of your strength and guidance for you. His knowledge and wisdom never failed to keep you entertained. Although clumsy, this man was the foundation of his pack. 
Seokjin, with his unseriousness and constant care, he helped heal the wounds that your brother and his friends had inflicted upon you. He kept you steady as you grew, always ensuring to pull you up when you got down but bringing you down when you were too high up.
Yoongi, the car-wolf, with his gentle hands and calm nature became another one of your rocks. He never failed to teach you something new that day and he most certainly cooked one of the best foods you have ever tasted - rivalling Seokjin’s. 
Hobi, with his everlasting laughter and sunshine, was an easy person to be around as you healed from your wounds. He never fails to make you laugh. With him around, there was never a dull moment. 
Jimin, with his soft and calming nature, he unintentionally healed both your emotional and mental wounds. While Seokjin cared for your physical wounds, Jimin was always a talking buddy that helped you through understanding yourself and your worth. 
TaeTae, with his outgoing mischievous nature, the both of you were constantly creating something to be cleaned up. Hand-in-hand with Jungkookie, the three of you liked to run out and about, being everywhere. 
Jungkookie, with his curiosity and strength, the both of you were always causing mischief for the others. Like partners-in-crime, the both of you would be curious about everything and anything, so the both of you would always take it upon yourselves to figure out the answers. 
But you have also come to realise that the entire pack was more than just a pack - they were a family. Each of them had their own unique qualities and were a force to be reckoned with. Today was a full moon and under the light of the glowing orb, you discovered a love and acceptance that you had never known. Your past, with all its pain and suffering, seems to fade into the background when you are with them. Embracing the new chapter of your life, you ran forward with them, putting your full trust in the seven males you had learned to understand. 
With your heart and spirit soaring, you felt the exhilaration of the transformation, the wind against your fur, and the pure joy of being truly free. In these moments, you knew you had found your place - a home amongst those who have shown you the power of love, trust, and transformation. 
As you looked up the the moon, you couldn’t help but feel a huge wave of gratitude. The moon led you here today - to the sanctuary - a place where you were no longer a victim but a survivor; that you were no longer alone but in a place filled with love and acceptance. 
As you howled at the moon and cuddled amongst your pack, you came to realise that sometimes, safety and love are found in the most unexpected places. For instance, in a moonlit sanctuary of a werewolf pack that had become your everlasting family. 
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oursecretescape · 3 months
words: 7.5k
genre: angst
If my fate is to disappear like this, then this is my last letter - Let go xx TW: Mentions of anxiety, panick attack. Trad: anjinho = little angel. a/n: Hello, my babies. This story is the translation of ''Forgotten'' that I recently posted. I tried to make it as angsty as possible, hope I have achieved my goal. My apologies before hand for any grammar erros. English is not my first language. I suggest you all read it along with the saddest song you like. Well... with all that being said, I wish you a happy reading (or sad? lmao. dunno). Tell me later what y'all thought. ♥
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"Hey! We'll be there soon. Sorry for the delay. Today's rehearsal took longer than expected. We're leaving now."
Received at 5 in the afternoon.
I take a quick glance at the clock, and it shows eight in the evening. A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I feel my heart drumming slowly in my chest, each beat amplifying my growing sense of unease.
I get up from the couch and reach for the umbrella swaying gently in the wind coming from the window. I shut my eyes and take a deep breath, attempting to manage the sudden surge of fear and despair growing in my chest. My heart is racing, and my mind is in overdrive. A sense of mortality and suffocation, all rolled up into a single emotion: anxiety.
I sit down, sliding along the corridor wall. I try to control my breathing while attempting to steady the pounding of my heart. I think that dying in the hallway of a building would be so pointless and dull that it makes me laugh. A laugh, strained and devoid of emotion, but functional.
Heart rate normalizing. Labored, but controlled breathing. Mind stabilized.
I feel my face wet with tears. I wipe them away with trembling hands. When did I start crying? I rise from the floor, swaying a little. I take another deep breath and press the elevator button.
Dad always said that thinking of ridiculous things in difficult moments would help distract me. He was right, as he always was.
The cold, damp breeze of Seoul's streets warmed my soul. Its black skies, like darkness, covered with thick clouds, carried heavy raindrops that, upon impact, met my umbrella, creating beautiful melodies. It was comforting to hear the drops hitting the hard concrete; they reminded me that I wasn't crying alone.
It was thundering when I arrived at the destination. Bright streaks in the sky made the monument even gloomier. I found it ironic how everything matched my feelings. As I entered through the doors, I could already hear muffled cries. Sadness and suffering permeated the air, leaving me melancholic.
After a few more steps, I could see the person I love the most in the world greeting me with a beautiful smile. His eyes were shining like true rays of sunshine. I sit in front of him, sliding my fingers where his name rests. Lee Joon-Ho.
"Dad, I miss you so much," I say aloud, my voice cracking with emotion. "It's been incredibly lonely without you here. You have no idea how much I long for your company," I said, feeling the salty taste of tears. "I'm sorry I couldn't bring my friends to meet you like I promised. They're all caught up with their own lives, you know how it is. But don't worry, I'll bring them next time when they're less busy," I chuckle, with no emotion.
I hear footsteps behind me. I stand up excitedly, my heart pounding, but this time as a sign of comfort. They didn't forget. I feel my face stretch into a small smile, which is quickly dissolved.
"Hello, young lady. Good evening," the guard gives me a sympathetic smile. "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I need to ask you not to linger too long on your visit today. The rain caused some minor leaks, and we'll have to close a little earlier."
"Oh okay, I understand," I responded in a whisper.
"I'm sorry. You have 10 minutes. I'll leave you alone," he said, bowing and leaving promptly.
I turn again, sitting on the floor.
"Dad, today I have to leave a little earlier. But don't worry, I'll be back soon," I feel the tears fall like the drops falling from the sky. "I love you so much," I say between sobs. "I miss you."
I stand up in desperation, running out the door, feeling the drops fall freely on my body, without the protection of the umbrella. It was as if I was washing away all the bad feelings flowing from my being.
Arriving home, I take a hot shower and change into comfortable clothes. The room were in dense darkness. It was just the rain and me. And my cat, who was rubbing against my leg, lay on my lap."
I feel my chest inflate with comfort at the presence of the little being and smile at the gesture.
With the phone in hand, I try to distract my restless mind. I see the Twitter icon and feel my heart pounding as if I shouldn't do this, but I do it anyway. The blue screen shining amidst the darkness of the room soon turns into white, leaving my vision blurred. I switch to dark mode and continue scrolling through my feed.
Within a few seconds, I see something that breaks my heart even more. Among the bursts of excitement from Armys, there are videos of the boys, my boys, having fun in a restaurant with her. They forgot about the visitation day because of her. Again, the reason why I was put aside is her.
Knocks on the door make me forget the feelings of jealousy and anger that burned in my body like fire. I hesitated to remove the furry creature from my lap, as it seemed so comfortable. With a little effort, I get up and walk to the door. Upon opening it, I see Adora's face in a comforting smile. Seeing a friendly face, I feel my tears fall freely on my face once again. She immediately drops the bags she was carrying and envelops me in a loving hug.
I can't say for how long we hugged. What I can say is that it was exactly what I needed at that moment. I feel my chest getting lighter as if all the bad feelings had been carried away by the embrace, and I feel grateful to Adora for that.
Slowly I pull away, and I can see her smile return twice as big.
"Better?" she asks, making me nod.
I step aside, and she enters, placing the food bags on the coffee table. I close the door and follow her.
"What did you bring?" I ask curiously, making her laugh.
"I knew food would cheer you up," she laughs. "I brought a lot of junk food. Sweet and savory cookies, ice cream, sweet and sour pork, hamburgers, and sodas."
"Soda?" I wonder. "Since when do you like fizzy drinks? You always said they gave you gas," I hold back a laugh.
"The soda is for you. For me," she reaches into the bag, pulling out two green bottles of soju. "I brought alcohol," she says sticking her tongue out as she shakes the bottles.
I smile at her little dance, but seeing her gummy smile reminds me of him. I feel the sadness wanting to return when I remember the videos, but I cast aside any bad feelings as I grab the ice cream container.
"I didn't want to bring it up, but I'm really sorry I wasn't there. You know how it is at BigHit. I couldn't leave the production until the work was finished," she explains, and I smile.
"It's okay. I understand," I whisper. "The important thing is that you're here now."
"About the boys..." she starts to say, but I quickly cut her off.
"No, it's fine. I don't want to talk about it."
"But you need to, Cassie. You know that. Keeping it all inside will only make it worse. You know you can trust me. Vent it out. I'm here," she holds my hand.
I close my eyes, nodding. I search within myself for the strength to let out everything I'm feeling. Everything that's hurting me. I bite my lower lip and open my eyes. It's going to be okay.
"It's been some time since my friendship with the boys started cooling off," I begin, feeling her squeeze my hand in comfort. "You know I met Tae before he became famous, and he's the one who introduced me to the rest of the boys. Since then, we've had a very strong friendship. We weren't always together, especially with the tours and my work, but we were close, like a real family. No matter how long we went without seeing each other, nothing changed, until recently," I sigh. "Park Ji-Hye showed up about 2 months ago, a few weeks before my dad passed away. She auditioned for the dancer position and passed the test," Adora nods.
"Yeah, I saw her audition," she says.
"So, since that day, I saw her getting closer and closer to the boys. They were always talking about how cool and funny she is, and, you know, I was happy for them. A new friendship is always good, especially for them, who are famous and always have to be careful with opportunists. But it never crossed my mind that she would take the place I had in their lives," I smile sadly. "They started visiting me much less. Calling me much less. Inviting me to the dorm or out much less. Until the day I literally became nothing to them," I look at Adora, whose face is red with anger.
"These..." I interrupted her.
"You don't want to lose your job, right?" I ask, laughing. "And you can't blame them either. She became their official dancer, which means wherever they go, she's with them," I shrug. "She's with them all the time, and that surely made them closer to her. Even more than me," I feel my eyes welling up. "I don't want to lose them, but I feel like I already did."
"Hey," she shakes me. "Calm down, breathe. I know they messed up. And they messed up badly, but it doesn't mean they've forgotten about you," Adora says, trying to comfort me.
"They forgot me the day my dad died, Adora. I'll never forget that. I feel like on that day, I died twice. I remember calling them in desperation, crying, not knowing what to do, feeling like my world was falling apart," I pause as I feel all the emotions returning. "And they said they were coming, but they never showed up," I continued after a few seconds of silence. "After that, they sent me a message explaining that Park Ji-Hye had gotten hurt dancing and they were with her at the hospital," Adora nods.
"Yeah, I remember. She just fell on her butt, but she made a scene like she broke her back. Everyone was freaking out at the company, even Bang PD. But in the end, it was just drama," she laments.
"After that, they didn't even visit me. Not even once," I laughed with no emotion. "Right after, they forgot my birthday. I understand that I wasn't excited at all because of my dad, but it wouldn't hurt to receive some supportive or congratulatory messages from them. I was so upset that I sent some sad texts. In less than thirty minutes, they were knocking on my door. We cried a lot, but I felt like a part of me had come back to life and that everything was going to be okay," I sarcastically laughed. "I couldn't have been more wrong, could I?" I asked.
"It's okay. You don't have to say anything. After today, I finally understood," I grab a spoon. "They found someone better than me. Someone who can be with them all the time and help them when they need it. I'm just sad that person isn't me. Not anymore," I shove the spoonful of ice cream into my mouth, to prevent the tears stuck in my throat from coming out.
For the rest of the night, Adora didn't bring up the subject again, and I was grateful for that.
A random movie played on TV, but my mind was far away. I looked to the side and saw Adora sleeping with her mouth open. A piece of cookie rested on her cheek while her hand lay above her head. I silently chuckled, covering us and then turning off the TV.
A distant ringing sound caught my attention. I tapped around the couch until I found the phone under the cushion. My eyes automatically closed from the sudden contact with the bright screen, but just as they closed, they widened.
After the first notification, thousands started to show up. My heart throbbed in my chest as my body was flooded with nervousness.
"Min PD: Cassie, please tell me you're there."
"Joonie: Please respond. We're sorry. It wasn't our intention not to show up..." The message appeared cut off because I hadn't unlocked the phone yet.
"Hobierto: Believe us, Cassie. Please, we know you're awake. Answer us."
"Jinnie: Cassandra, we would never do anything to hurt you. Please let us explain."
"Mochi: Answer the phone."
After that message, a group call popped up on the screen. I stared at it, battling the urge to answer. I sighed deeply and threw the phone back onto the couch because no matter how much I wanted to talk to them, I was still hurt. I didn't want to answer and end up fighting. Saying things without thinking and ending up in a worse situation. The best thing to do now was to rest.
I made myself comfortable on the bed we had arranged on the floor, and put the pillow over my head to block out the notifications. When I didn't see any changes, I pressed the power button on my phone and confirmed it right away. I lay back down and took a deep breath. Tomorrow is a new day. Everything will be okay. ——————————————————
It wasn't even dawn when I heard knock after knock. Disoriented, I got up, searching for where the noise was coming from until my feet led me to the front door. I looked at the clock hanging on the wall and got irritated to see it was six past two in the morning.
I swung the door open, ready to argue with whoever had woken me up so early after going to bed so late, but I lost my voice when I saw the seven people I loved most staring at me ty forlornly.
I felt two arms embrace me tightly, followed by two more until I lost count. Desperate whispers for forgiveness echoed in my ear, making me feel loved... until a certain moment. Memories of what had happened the night before made me wake up from the sleep I didn't know I was in. Slowly, I distanced myself from the seven, able to see the tears streaming down some of their faces and sadness emanating from the others.
"Cassie..." Jimin starts. "I'm so sorry. It wasn't our intention to leave you alone in such a difficult time. Please, believe us."
"We didn't come here to lie to you, Cassandra..." Namjoon says. "It really wasn't our intention. I know this is going to sound completely wrong, but we made a promise to Ji-Hye. We promised to take her out to celebrate her birthday since she's far from her family and would probably celebrate alone," I try to hide a grimace.
They couldn't miss her birthday, but could miss mine.
"As soon as we finished eating, we were going to come straight here. And we really were, Cas, really. But the company called saying we had to go there to finalize the last details for the album. It was then that we sent several messages in the group, but you didn't see any."
"That's why we're here," Taehyung says, interrupting Namjoon. "Cassie, listen to me. You're one of the most important people in my life. Sorry if lately my actions haven't shown that, but please, please, Cas, don't be mad at us. I couldn't bear to know that you're upset because of me," he whispers.
"Go to the dorms tonight. Let's talk about this calmly," Hoseok suggests.
I remain silent for a few minutes.
"Come on, please. Hum? Hum?'' Tae shakes my arm. ''You'll go, right? Say yes," he asks.
"Okay," I sigh deeply. "I'll go."
I feel arms wrapping around my body again, and I relax, enjoying the contact. This time, the hug lasted only a few seconds. The boys said goodbye, saying they needed to be at the company in a few hours. 
"Tonight at 7. We'll be waiting for you," Yoongi said and then left. 
I closed the door, trying to contain my excitement and the obvious smile on my face. As I turned to go back to bed, I was startled to see only Adora's head peeking out from behind the couch. She had a radiant smile on her face as she looked at me with raised eyebrows.
"Shut up," I say, making her laugh. ——————————————————
I look at the clock on the wall. It's 8:07 in the evening. Damn, I was late. I could already hear Adora's voice slowly emerging in my mind, saying that I should have listened to her and picked out my outfit earlier. Shaking my head, I focus on finishing getting ready. The last thing I needed right now was a lecture from my own mind.
I hear knocks and the doorbell ringing repeatedly.
"Shit," I mutter as I hop over to the door.
I try to put on my sock while walking to the door, but my unfailing plan soon becomes fallible when I trip over my own hand and fall on the floor. The knocks and the doorbell grow louder, and I feel irritation creeping in. "ALRIGHT, I'M COMING," I yell and pick myself up.
I walk back to the door with a pout and my hair completely tousled, covering my face. I take a deep breath, fix my hair, put on a fake smile, and finally open the door. As I see the seven people I love most in the world looking at me with confused faces, I feel my smile turn genuine, and the earlier irritation vanish as if it had never existed.
"Is everything okay? Why didn't you come?" I hear Taehyung ask as he scrutinizes me from head to toe."
"What happened? Something serious?" Seokjin asks, and I shake my head.
"No, guys, sorry. I almost died trying to choose a good outfit to wear and ended up running late, sorry," I explained laughing.
''What do you mean you almost died?" Jungkook asks as I watch their faces turn into a grimace."
"It was nothing, really," I reassure, taking a quick glance at Jungkook, who was holding back his laugh.
He knew it. I am sure he did.
"Are you sure you didn't... you know... fall on your ass?" he smirks. "I'm sure I heard a huge..."'' 
"Hobi," I said excitedly, "What do you have there?" I pointed to the bags he was carrying while Jungkook laughed.
That little prick.
''Food," he says, shaking the bags. ''We know how much you love eating''.
I chuckle and make way for them to enter. In a few minutes, the food was already on the coffee table, and an improvised bed was set up on the living room floor. I change into more comfortable clothes and join them.
"Look, before we start, we want you to know how sorry we are," Yoongi says.
"Yes... Sorry for not being there on the visitation's day," Jimin adds. "If there's anything you want to say, anything that's bothering you, please let us know. We'll fix it all, Cassie. ''he holds my hand.'' We want things to go back to how they used to be."
"We're here for you, Cas," Jin finishes, and I smile weakly.
I pause for a moment, feeling that it still wasn't the right time. So, I just sigh and shake my head.
"It's okay, guys. Really," I open with a smile. "Let's just watch this movie already. I'm dying to see who'll be the first one to cry and shake in fear like a little kitten." I say, trying to change the subject, and smirk when I realize it worked.
"I am sure it won't be me," Hoseok says with confidence. "Cause you know..." he shows off his muscles. "I'm a man," he pauses for a minute.
It doesn't take long until Hoseok's laughter fills the room, making everyone laugh.
"Who listens to him talking like this, doesn't even think the Gladiator sandal outside belongs to him," Jungkook says, making Hoseok look at him flabbergasted.
''Hey, what do you mean by that?'' he asks shookedt. ''It's fashionable''
"Yeah, Hobi. Sure is," Yoongi says, patting his shoulder.
''Why I don't believe you are being honest?'' Hoseok asks putting his finger under his chain. ''I'm going to expose you on Twitter. Or should I say X?''
''What? Are you into Xvideos?'' Namjoon asks as he returns. 
Everybody stops and looks at him. When did he even leave to begin with?
"What were you doing, Joonie?" I ask, smirking at him. "Were you in the bathroom?" he nods as the rest of the boys laugh.
''Now we know why you are thinking naughtiness'' Jimin says.
Namjoon's face turns red as he shakes his hands nervously. He tries to sit down on the couch but somehow ends up falling on the ground. We can see his cellphone flying around the living room as he throws his arms in the air in an attempt to regain his balance, but it doesn't work, as expected.
''No need to be nervous, Joonie'' I say. ''Everybody masturbates once in a while.''
''Do we?'' Yoongi looks at me suspiciously.
"I mean," I chuckle nervously. "How did we even get to this conversation? Let's just watch the movie for God's sake."
"Nah, nah. Don't you try coming up with excuses," Tae says abruptly. "What do you mean by that? Are you dating someone?" Jungkook seems to be having fun as he opens a beer can.
''What? Me? Dating?'' I laugh. ''Not even close. But I can't say the same about Jungkook, can I?'' he chokes.
''Uh? What you on about?'' he asks as he cleans his mouth. ‘’Seven days a week, huh?’’ he burst into laughter. He pauses for a minute before smirking. "Hm, why's that, baby girl?" he says, leaning in my direction. "Are you jealous?" he asks, putting a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Do you want me to…" he bites his lower lip. "You know," he says putting his finger on my lips. I can already feel the cringeness and second-hand embarrassment traveling throughout my body as the rest of the boys laugh. This prick. ‘’You really need to get out from twitter,’’ I say, shoving him away. ‘’The next step is to put up a black and white profile picture and call yourself a webdom’’ He raises both of his middle fingers in my direction before turning his attention back to the beer can. ‘’Are you guys done? Can I finally play this damn movie?’’ Yoongi asks, making everybody nod.
Time passed quickly, and before I knew it, it was time for them to leave. Unfortunately, they couldn't stay overnight. They had to leave very early the next day due to their schedule. 
I hesitated to get up; I didn't want to accompany them to the door out of sheer laziness, and feeling Taehyung shaking me with his foot made me even more sluggish.
"If you keep doing that, I swear I'll fall asleep," I say, making him huff.
"Come on, sloth imitation. Take us to the door," Jimin says, but gives up when he sees Jungkook lying next to me.
"Jungkook, I'm sure you really like your video game, right?" Seokjin asks, and in a jump, Jungkook gets up.
"Are you really not taking us to the door?" Yoongi asks, and I remain silent. "Okay then."
When I open my eyes to see what he was going to do, I feel an arm gather and squeeze my legs while a hand starts tickling my feet furiously.
"JESUS!" I scream in surprise.
I heard laughter as I fought for my life. The strange feeling that tickling brought made me confused if I was laughing because I found it funny or if it was fear messing up my nervous system. The laughter increased as I writhed and screamed for help.
"YOONGI, YOU JERK!" I said without realizing that I was actually yelling.
"Weren't you sleepy?" Yoongi asks. "So, I'm trying to help you."
"Are you going to take us to the door?" he asks.
I feel my body calm down and my brain start functioning again as the tickling ceases. I looked at Yoongi who was laughing while sniffing his hand.
"Ew, you have smelly feet," he says, and I get up.
"Come here, you little jerk," I chase after him as he runs away mocking me.
After a few seconds, I could already feel that the 70% of water in my body had evaporated and the air in my lungs was scarce. When did my body become so sedentary?
"Idiot," I curse Yoongi who laughs. "I hate you."
"I love you too, beautiful thing," I hear him say.
Finally, I accompany them to the door. After a lazy farewell, I see them about to leave, but a click in my mind makes me stop them.
"As you know, I graduated from college, but since it was at the time when my father died, I didn't have any enthusiasm to celebrate. Adora recommended that I have a celebration the day after tomorrow night, since it's the weekend. Just to not let it go unnoticed. So... you guys are invited."
"We'll be here, don't worry," Namjoon says, and I smile nodding.
We say goodbye again, and this time, I see them leave. Seeing the elevator door close, I go back inside the house. The smile on my face never leaves me for a second, and finally, after so long, I could feel that things would really be okay.
Thanks to Adora, everything was organized on time. The food was ordered since neither she nor I wanted anyone to die from food poisoning. The time we ended up in the hospital the day we cooked for each other was enough. No need to repeat the dose.
I check the time on my phone and see it's 8pm. They would arrive at any moment, so I sit next to Adora on the couch to chat until then.
☂ ☂
Some time passed, and the boys still hadn't arrived. I look at the time again and see that it's 9:46. I try not to think the worst and choose to believe they would be here soon.
☂ ☂
I sigh deeply at seeing what time it is: 11:14. I try to ignore Adora's pitying look and get up from the couch. I suppress the tears once again. I am tired of crying. And more than ever, I realize that they don't deserve my tears.
"Cassandra..." Adora calls me, and I look at her. "I'm sure there's an explanation for this. Something must have happened at the company, and they couldn't let us know." I shake my head.
Something inside me told me that wasn't it, and I decided to trust my intuition.
"Adora, can you take me to the dorm?," I ask softly. "I don't think I'll have the courage to go alone," I weakly smile, and she nods.
"Of course, my love. Of course..." ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
The car journey lasted less than I wished. My mind was constantly clouded by memories, anxiety making the painful memories hurt twice as much. I laughed in disbelief. I wondered what I had done wrong to deserve this.
"Thank you for bringing me," I look at Adora. "And thank you for always being by my side in difficult times. If I felt supported and loved, be sure that it's all because of you. You're an amazing person, Adora, and I hope you know that." she smiles.
"Regardless of what happens there, remember that you are enough. Not for them, but for yourself. Don't belittle yourself for them, Cassie, and don't let the love you feel for them speak louder than your self-love. If you survived two hellish months without their presence, be sure that you can live your life and be immensely happy in the future without them. I guarantee you that," I feel her hand squeezing mine for comfort, and I smile. "I'll be waiting for you here," I nod.
I get out of the car, feeling Adora's words take effect. I walk bravely towards the towering building, ignoring every feeling of nostalgia trying to invade me. I couldn't lose focus now.
Arriving on their dorm's floor, I feel my heart skip a beat. I pause for a moment and try to put my thoughts and feelings in order. Seeing no result, I lean against the wall and try in every way to avoid a panic attack that was about to come. As if it were a heavenly help, I feel my phone vibrate. With trembling hands, I pick it up and see a message from Adora.
"Don't forget, you are strong and capable. And never for a moment think you are alone, because I'm here for you."
I clutch my phone tightly. Adora is right. I am strong and I am capable. I can do this because regardless of what happens, I will be okay.
I take a deep breath, gathering all the strength and courage from my being, and knock on the door. I freeze when I realize what I've done, but I quickly compose myself. I will be okay.
A few seconds passed and no one answered, so I knocked again. But just like the first time, there was no response. After the third attempt, I decide to enter. Typing the password on the door, I entered the dormitory.
Upon realizing that there was no one in the main hall, the pounding of my heart calmed down. I begin to walk through the dormitory, recalling every good moment I had with my boys. I feel the sadness emanating in my chest once again.
I really didn't want to lose them.
As I walked down the corridor, I heard voices coming from the kitchen. I started walking with firm steps, but I felt my legs waver when I heard a female voice among their voices. It was her.
"Jungkook-oppa, you're so silly," I hear her delicate laughter, feeling jealousy burning in my chest.
It should be me there.
"The silly you love," I hear Jungkook reply.
I could hear the happiness in his voice. It was as if they didn't need anyone else at the moment but her. And that made me hate her, but my own mind scolded me. She is not worthy of my hatred. She is as innocent as I am in this story. She did nothing to hurt me, so why would I hate her?
"Hinnie," I hear Hoseok's voice.
"Try it and tell me what you think."
There was a moment of pause until applause and sounds of appreciation were made.
"It's amazing, oppa," she says. "You really keep improving in the kitchen every day."
Unable to bear it anymore, I think of simply turning around and leaving, but something catches my attention. And it was precisely there, in that moment, that I regretted staying.
"Why do I feel like we're forgetting something?" I hear Taehyung say, and I feel my body tremble.
Once again, there was a pause until someone shouted.
"Shit, really," Jimin said. "We forgot to take the drinks out of the freezer."
I feel my heart break, as if that were possible. I let out a disbelieving laugh and finally come out from where I was hiding.
"And try more of this," Hoseok suddenly stops. "Cassie..."
I hear the sound of something falling to the ground. Soon, everyone was staring at me wide-eyed. I repress the urge to laugh. I realize how messy my whole body was the moment I wanted to laugh and not cry.
"Oh no," Jimin says, as if remembering something. "The party."
With that said, everyone becomes even more desperate. Seeing them approaching, I panic.
"Don't come near,"
They quickly stop. I see them not knowing what to do. And it wasn't just them. I end up getting disoriented with so much pressure. Where did my courage go when I needed it most?
"Um... what's going on?" she asks, and I close my eyes.
It's not her fault. It's not her fault...
"Ji-Hye, could you leave us alone for a moment?" Namjoon asks.
"Yes, of course. It's time for me to leave anyway," she gets up. "I'll see you later," she says bowing both to them and to me.
After she left, silence hung in the air. I tried to hold back my laughter, but when I saw everyone's confused faces, I knew I had failed. When I noticed that no one was going to say anything, I took the initiative.
"Do you know what's more disappointing? It's that I really thought this time would be different," I shrug. "I guess I was wrong, wasn't I?"
"Do you remember when you asked me if I had something to say, Jinnie? If something was hurting me? Well, I do, and I hope I won't be interrupted."
With no response, I continue.
"I feel like I died. It's been a while since I am just surviving," I start. "The fact that you didn't come to the visitation isn't the part that hurts the most, it's that you weren't there when my father passed away. I remember how desperate I was, and the only people I could think of were you. But you weren't there. Damn, you didn't even call." I whisper as tears fall freely down my face. "When I found myself alone in the hospital, realizing that the person who adopted me and chose me to love had died, that was my first death. The person who loved me, who looked beyond language or race barriers, and who taught me everything I know had suddenly left, without even giving me a chance to say goodbye. Do you know how I felt? Devastated."
I pause for a moment. Melancholy takes over my body as I recall all the feelings I felt that day, and for a moment, I allow myself to cry all I needed. I sob so much that I thought I might choke. Without caring about looks or pity, I just allowed myself, knowing that everything would be okay.
"When I called the only people I thought I could count on, and they told me they were coming, I didn't feel so alone," I let out a humorless laugh. "Until I realized that those people never arrived. The people who always said they would be there for me weren't there when I needed them the most. That was my second death," I look at Jin. "Don't say these things to anybody if they are not coming from your heart. Don't hurt anyone else by saying you have their backs or that you will always be there for them when in reality it's not the truth."
I look at each one. Their gazes were distant, as if they were reliving every moment. 
"You know, I don't want you to think I'm mad at Park Ji-Hye. Actually, quite the opposite. I was really happy when you said you met someone nice. Someone who really cared about you and genuinely wanted your friendships. I know how tough it is for you to find real friendships with all the fame, so I felt fulfilled too. I remember telling daddy excitedly, and he laughed at my excitement, happy for you and for me. Right after that, I lost him, and little by little, I lost you too, like I was meant to be alone," I smile weakly. "I am sorry if I'm being selfish, but that's how I feel. You guys forgot my birthday. Forgot the visitation days, and to top it off, you forgot my graduation party. It's like you replaced me as if I never even existed in your lives, and that really hurts. Really.''
I finish, and only then I realize they were crying with me. Some didn't have the courage to meet my gaze. We spent a few minutes without anyone saying anything. The only thing filling the air was the sound of our sniffles and sobs.
"On the day your father died," Namjoon begins. "We felt like we had lost a family member because he was, in fact, one. I am truly sorry, Cas, but for me, Park Ji-Hye's fall was an escape. I didn't want to face reality. I wouldn't know how to react to the loss of someone so special, and I also wouldn't know how to act with you," he looks at me.
"On your birthday, we thought you would like to be alone. It would be the first without your father, so we didn't know what to do, Cassie. We panicked," Jimin sighs. "But now I realize how you felt," he laughs humorlessly. "My God, I never thought I'd be such a horrible friend. What a disappointment," he whispers, covering his face with his hand.
"On visitation days," I look at Hoseok. "I confess that I clung to any opportunity not to go, Cas," he cries. "Not because I didn't love you. I love you, and I love you very much, but I never knew how to react to death. The only two times I entered a cemetery, I spent the rest of the week feeling bad, with depressive thoughts. I also couldn't let Armys worry. I didn't want their 'Sun' to lose its brightness. I am so sorry for not being able to tell you this before. I didn't want to seem selfish."
I suppress a disbelieving laugh.
"Hearing all this, I realize how futile our apologies seem," Yoongi laughs weakly. "But they are true, Cassie... I understand what Hoseok says. You know about my history with depression, don't you?" he asks, and I nod. "It's the same thing for me. If I enter a cemetery, my thoughts don't stop. Some come in a worse form, and I feel like I'm going crazy."
"We were selfish, Cas," Seokjin says. "I was. I didn't want Armys to see us sad because I knew the chaos it would be. I have no words to express how special you are to me," he pauses. "Cassie, you are my sister, my family. You weren't crying alone; I cried with you. I just couldn't show it. I knew it would be worse if I saw you cry, just like I am seeing now."
There was a moment of silence. Until his voice broke.
"I am sorry," Taehyung says. "Damn, I don't even know what to say, Cassie. You are one of the most precious people I have ever met. I remember how you stayed with us through thick and thin. I also remember how happy you were for us at the beginning, and I know the genuine happiness you felt when we received our first award. You stood by my side when my grandma passed away. How could I not be by your side too? My God," he puts his hand on his head in an act of despair. "You stayed by our side when we thought about disbanding. It was you who helped us see why we are here, who helped us find reasons to stay," he looks at me anxiously. "How could I be so selfish?"
"We thought that regardless of anything, you would always be by our side. That you would understand us, even with our deplorable attitudes. We always thought we would have you next to us, so we neglected you," Yoongi shakes his head. I feel like he answered more to Taehyung than to me. "Damn, anjinho, I'm sorry," I lower my head as I hear him call me by the nickname I loved so much.
"The fact that we started a new friendship also influenced us," Jungkook says. "We were so excited that someone, besides you, wanted a friendship without interest that without realizing it, we put aside the one that had been with us from the beginning," I hear Jungkook say muffled, as his two hands covered his face.
"We don't deserve you, Cassandra. We left you at the most difficult moment of your life, and yet you never stopped loving us," Yoongi pulls his own hair, a habit he always did when he was nervous. "We can't let you leave thinking that we don't care about you because, Cassie, that would be a complete lie. With the stress of the comeback, things only got worse. It was rehearsal, recording, agendas to fulfill, productions, trips, tours. Our minds were a mess, and Park Ji-Hye tried to help us from there. We know she's not the one to blame, and it's not your fault either. It's ours and only ours. I know this will seem like a lame excuse, but I didn't want to let you go thinking that you aren't precious to us. You are Cas. And you always will be."
I close my eyes and try to control my breathing. If before I felt bad, now I feel ten times worse. It seemed like I didn't even know them anymore. The feeling of comfort they made me feel was replaced by anguish. By sadness.
I open my eyes, and for the last time, I look at my boys. I realize that Taehyung understood my gaze.
"Cassie, please... Please don't..." Taehyung starts, but is interrupted by Seokjin.
"Don't you dare say what I think you're going to say."
"But I can't lose her, Hyung. I can't lose her," Taehyung says, crouching down.
I think about going to him, but then I retreat my body. If I do that, I know my heart will weaken, and at the moment, the only person I need to think about is myself.
"I'm sorry, hyung, but I'll be selfish," Namjoon says to Seokjin, and I look at him confused. "I don't know what your decision will be, Cassie. I'll support you, even if you choose to leave without our friendship. But I beg you... Cassandra, I implore you, try to find in yourself a little piece that doesn't want to give up on us. It doesn't have to be now. I want you to heal, and I don't care how long it takes. The only thing I ask is that you don't forget us and don't give up on us. Come back to us when you feel ready. I don't want to lose you, Cas. I..."
"I really hope you find a way to forgive us, Cassie. But understand that if you don't, we'll understand. You, more than anyone else, have every right to hate us," Yoongi says, interrupting Namjoon. "I hope you don't forget about us because, with all my heart, we won't forget about you."
I feel my heart shattering with every tear that falls on their faces. I smile weakly. I will really miss them.
I bow in a sign of respect, and as I return to my normal position, I raise my hand to my heart.
"Thank you, my boys. For all the good moments. You were a very important part of my life, which I will carry forever. I will never forget about all of you," I smile faintly. "How could I forget my first true friendships? My first loves?" I whisper.
I take a breath and smile. A true smile. A smile of gratitude.
"Regardless of what happened, you guys deserve nothing but love and happiness. Don't let anyone say otherwise. Even far away, please remember I will always be cheering for your success. And whenever you feel unloved, remember I love you. Very, very much.'' I can hear their sobs getting stronger. ''Don't think I blame you for what happened; I think I finally understand that life has its ups and downs. People come and unfortunately go," I see Taehyung desperate, trying to find something to say. I look away. I need to be strong. "I hope that every day your friendship with Park Ji-Hye grows, and that you take from all of this a lesson.''
I take a deep breath, looking at them for the last time.
''From the bottom of my heart... I wish you to be immensely happy."
In a gesture, I send thousands of kisses. I see Tae wanting to approach, so I turn around and start walking towards the exit, and this time, I don't cry. I feel the weight of sadness in my chest, but the weight of peace for having put everything I felt out was greater. And for the first time in two months, I believe it when I say that everything will be okay.
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Who | jeon jungkook & min yoongi (+18)
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Genre: One-shot, Smut, Non-Idol!AU, Friends to Enemies to Lovers, Love Triangle
Word count: 8.3k
Summary: Once you, Yoongi and Jungkook were inseparable, but a conflict between the three of you has broken your friendship. It was especially you who were mad with your ex-friends and the situation escalated even more after you estranged both Yoongi and Jungkook. 3 months have passed since you last talked and although the three of you are neighbours, you pretend not to know them...
Warnings/Themes: virgin and petty/jealous y/n, jungkook’s a bit of a brat, yoongi really likes to look, a whole lot of swearing, threesome (M/M/F), dirty talk,grinding, oral (m and f receiving),yoongi and jungkook are pretty unserious,a bit of fingering and breast play, double penetration, squirting, unprotected sex (do it in your dreams guys, only in your dreams…)
Author’s note: it’s my first smut ever guys, so I let my mind go wild without really thinking straight lol so be gentle with me 🙏🏽
Yoongi and Jungkook ignore your presence as they keep yelling at each other.
Jungkook: "You told me you didn't care!!!"
Yoongi: "I didn't and I still don't..."
Jungkook: "Don't act so innocent! You really think you did nothing?"
Yoongi: "Yes, I haven't done shit... You're scolding me like I committed a crime"
Jungkook: "No, no, don't pretend like I'm in the wrong! You acted all nonchalant and then you pull shit like that"
Yoongi: "It's not my fault she likes me back. We're trying this out"
Jungkook: "Shut the fuck up, you said you DIDN'T CARE!!!"
Yoongi: "And I don't... Like I said before, I gave her a chance"
You're quietly seated in front of the kitchen counter, disappointed that they're even arguing over such a mediocre thing. The things people do for love, you think.
Y/N: "Can we please turn it down, I beg you"
You're ignored another time, but now you're even more stressed out, laying your head on the counter in frustration.
Jungkook: "Wow, what a great fucking friend, like it makes the situation any better..."
Yoongi: "Don't be mad at me Jungkook, she likes me and not you... Go cry about it"
Jungkook: "I can't believe you don't see how fucked up that is!!! After all those years I told you I liked Jia and you never showed interest in her, now you're telling me you're giving her a fucking chance?!!!"
Yoongi: "Yes, because she doesn't like you in the first place and I think she's hot"
Jungkook: "You're a fucking dick Yoongi, I-"
Both jump at your sudden outburst. Usually, when they fought, you sat down and quietly listened until you had to intervene and calmly remind them not to scream at each other.
But this time it's different. Now, you're also the one screaming at them and both your friends were taken aback by it, especially Yoongi who has a clear confused frown plastered on his face.
Y/N: "You're getting all worked up over a girl who, not only doesn't like you, but also used you in every imaginable way; and you, Yoongi, you aren't acknowledging the fact you stabbed your best friend in the back for a damn hook-up you're trying to disguise as a serious relationship... Both of you need to apologise to each other, NOW!"
They're speechless and surprised by your sudden and honest intervention.
Jungkook: "She... She never used me, Y/N..."
You don't respond, simply giving him an annoyed look.
Yoongi: "And Jia is not a hook-up"
You roll your eyes.
Y/N: "You can fool yourselves, but not me..."
They're aware you're going to confront them to shut down all their claims, so they simply stay quiet, wondering what more you have to say.
Y/N: "... How come you never brought her on a date, but every time you see each other is at yours, fucking shamelessly like me and Jungkook don't hear you through the walls? Also, Jungkook, have some fucking self-respect, will ya? Jia has always asked you to do her photo shoots FOR FREE and promised you to go on a date with you, but she never did."
Jungkook: "Why do you care so much?..."
Yoongi gives him a glare. Jungkook is clearly offended by your criticism, but Yoongi knows being passive aggressive towards you isn't the smartest idea, especially when you're clearly in the right.
Y/N: "Oh, I don't know... Because for the past few weeks you've been going at it, ignoring my advices, my presence overall, and every time we see each other you are talking about Jia- I mean, fighting over Jia. Don't you think about how I feel being in the middle of all of this?"
Jungkook: "For fuck sake, not everything is about you Y/N!"
Y/N: "Excuse me?!!"
You get up, frustratedly going towards both of them. Unlike Yoongi, Jungkook looks way too confident, like he's sure he can convince you that you're wrong.
Y/N: "Then why the fuck do you even call me in the first place, uh?"
Jungkook: "'Cause I want my best friend to back me up..."
Yoongi: "Jungkook, stop"
Jungkook: "Shut the fuck up, Yoongi! Y/N, he stole Jia from me..."
Y/N: "And that's the problem... That's all you care about: you care about Yoongi 'stealing' Jia from you, not both of them betraying your trust. In every single argument, you only talk about how she was meant to be with you like she'll ever give you a chance"
You almost break down telling him all that.
Jungkook: "Are you fucking serious, what do you want me to say?"
Y/N: "I want you to apologise to each other and ghost that bitch!"
The silence is loud and before Yoongi can say anything, Jungkook shouted...
Jungkook: "You know Y/N, you should shut your damn mouth! You're the fucking bitch who's being overly jealous because you can't get laid..."
And there you completely lose it. Not by yelling or screaming. You start crying... At first, you refuse to look vulnerable in front of them, but you would've never expected this from Jungkook. He knows very well that feeling undesired is one of your insecurities.
Y/N: "Wow..."
Yoongi is baffled by Jungkook's remark and looks like he's about to beat his ass for good... But he's completely frozen, not sure what to do when he sees you crying for the very first time after a decade of friendship.
Y/N: "You know what?... I'm done. Good luck with Jia. She's such a sweet girl and I guess you both deserve her after 10 years of putting up with a nosy, virgin bitch, am I right?"
Jungkook: "Wait Y/N, I didn't really mean it, I just-"
Y/N: "Oh no, you meant it all right... Both of you are dead to me"
You take your purse and storm off Yoongi's apartment without looking back at them.
Both feel guilty, realising just then how they treated you for the whole month.
But they don't stress too much over it, thinking everything is going to be resolved the day after like usual.
But from that point on, you don't respond to their messages, or pick up their calls and when you pass each other inside and outside of your building, you ignore them, as if they're just any other neighbour.
Jungkook: "Hey Y/N!"
He waves at you.
Y/N: "Who are you?"
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3 months later…
Your best friend, Vivienne (for short Viv) is taking all the space of your bed while you're trying not to fall on your ass as you stay still on the edge.
"Viv, can you close your legs?" you say as you slowly turn to the other side to face her "You're taking up all the space"
Seeing that she isn't even moving an inch, you force yourself to move her legs to the other side. As you do, you take a peak at the alarm clock on the night stand and see that it's 6 PM.
"Viv, at what time was that party?" you ask, trying really hard not to fall asleep before she gives you an answer.
"Whatever, the party starts at 8... We still have plenty of time" she replies, still half asleep.
You grunt as you force yourself up from the bed as you try to drag your friend out of bed too.
"Girl, it's 6... Get your ass up"
"Already?..." she whines in a sleepy and raspy voice "Just a few minutes ago it was 3 PM"
You roll your eyes, annoyed that she is putting a lot of effort in resisting you, keeping a firm hold onto your best friend's arm until she could get herself up. She definitely doesn't look happy at your violent method of waking her, but that's the only effective way to do so.
As Vivienne lazily walks towards the bathroom to splash some freezing water on her face, you open the closet to pick both of your outfits: yours is a simple black tight dress while your best friend's is a white one. Nothing too glamorous or shimmery.
The party you're going to is a simple gathering between high school friends, a reunion of some sort, but you know very well that it's not going to be a formal type of event: there's going to be a DJ you know who frequently plays at night clubs and raves and, obviously, a lot of alcohol; also, considering the party will be held on a huge yacht, you know people will start going crazy... Thank your scholarship for letting you in one of the most prestigious private school in your country!
The sound of water running from your bathroom takes you by surprise. Vivienne said she wasn't going to take a shower, but from the sound of it she was bullshitting.
"Viv!" you yell out to make sure she hears you "You said you weren't going to shower!"
"Girl, you forgot we cooked seafood for lunch!"
You take a strand of your hair to check if it's even necessary to wash yourself again: they smell good, like well seasoned prawns. You sigh and close your eyes as you lay your back on the bed. You're disappointed in yourself because you already washed your hair this morning, but now they're smelly again. 
"I gotta shower too, so hurry up or we're going to be late!"
She simply yells out a "yeah" without saying anything further.
When your mind slowly drifts away from reality as you feel your friend's absence, you take your hair mask and apply a good amount on your hair. You also glance at your dress and an uncomfortable realisation pops on your mind. Having cooked seafood for lunch isn't the only thing you forgot today: you know those two are also going to be at the party.
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Now you're both ready: squeaky clean, smelling good, and well fit into your clothes. Your make-up is also as simple as your dresses are, both of you opting for a clean girl look.
As you take the front seat of the car, Vivienne notices your gloomy expression and chuckles. You snap your head towards her direction, almost mad that she immediately understands you're concerned.
"What's with that face?" she asks as she starts the car.
"What did I do now?" you ask her, defeated.
"You usually talk a lot before these type of outings... Because of the excitement" she says all happy as she focuses on the road.
"Drive" you reply dryly.
"Don't avoid the subject girl... It's very obvious that something's bothering you"
"Look, I'm fine... And I'm definitely going to enjoy tonight" all you say clearly feeling forced.
"Doesn't look like it" she chuckles, giving you a quick smirk to let you know you're not fooling her "The fact you're this moody means that you're not gonna take the alcohol well and I really don't want to deal with your ass tonight"
You scoff at her statement, getting pissed by how well she's reading you at the moment. You just turn your head the other way to face the window, trying your best to ignore the topic.
However, it doesn't take you long to fold. Thinking you could see them there makes you very uncomfortable.
"It's because of them" you look down as you fidget your fingers "They're probably going to be there"
"Oh baby, are you being for real right now?..." she says with a soft voice, but still in disbelief "Over them? You're this grumpy?"
"I don't wanna see them... I've done my best not to bump into them" you say almost furiously, but restraining yourself from screaming your lungs out "I won't let them ruin this night..."
"Honey, look at you... They already did" she says with pity "Beside we haven't seen them when we went out. They probably decided not to go"
"I really hope so Viv" you close your eyes, resting your head on the seat "But considering how well I managed to avoid them these past three months, they might as well surprise me with their presence once we get there"
"Wait..." she pauses for a bit, replaying the long walk you both took to get to her car "... The reason why it took so long for us to get to the underground parking lot-"
"Yeah..." you say, faintly audible but still enough for Viv to hear the shame in your voice.
"Girl, I get why you feel this way, but you can't pull shit like this..."
You look at your best friend's disappointed face, feeling guilty for making her walk all those stairs with her heels just for your pathetic fight you had with Jungkook and Yoongi.
Vivienne is absolutely right. You think you gave yourself some peace after ghosting them for three whole months, but the reality is that you put even more pressure on yourself just so you could pretend that your ex-friends were completely out of your life.
You had to do something about it and you're scared about what that might imply.
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Like always, you're one of the few who arrived early, but you weren't at all surprised considering that rich kids rarely care about being on time. Vivienne could've warned you about that, she's a rich girl after all, but she knows that getting there early means there's going to be plenty of food she can eat all by herself. And she's right.
Going on the yacht, she immediately heads towards the buffet, munching on a few snacks and drinking some juice.
You're busy exploring the almost empty boat, having to greet and have small talk with some of your former school mates. No sight of Yoongi or Jungkook. And you're hopeful that is going to be like that for the rest of the night.
You stop your track at the deck which is still full of staff that are helping the DJ with his set, the speakers and the lights. A few other people are there, laughing like crazy as they keep sipping white wine. Now the party is getting a bit more alive as more people are showing up.
Vivienne later catches up to you, offering you a glass of champagne and some cubes of Parmigiano Reggiano that you gladly accept.
It's then that you hear an annoying voice coming from behind you. You almost forgot that bitch existed.
"Hey, Y/N" Jia greets you with her wide smile "It's been a while, how are you?"
"Very good, thank you" you say, trying to be as civil as possible "What about you?"
"Oh, nothing exciting really... Still trying with my modelling and acting career, but it's been pretty difficult recently, you know?" she says with a weird expression, expecting you to know what the hell she's talking about.
"Umm, no, sorry... I don't get what you mean"
"You know, I just... Can you, like, tell Jungkook I need his help?" Oh, so that's what this bitch is trying to get at "I really don't know what happened and, whatever happened, I get it, it's none of my business, but he stopped contacting me all of a sudden and it's been really difficult for me. I need new shots for my photo book"
"Look, I'm pretty sure you can contact him through Instagram or go to his website, you don't need me"
"I tried, but I got no response"
You can't keep up the act anymore.
"Then he might not want to hear anything from you" you say with clear bitterness in your tone.
"I beg your pardon?..." her facade drops instantly.
"No offence, but you owe him A LOT of money, don't you think?" I raise my eyebrow.
She doesn't bother to respond. She walks away, going back to her group of friends, stomping away like a child who couldn't convince her parents to get her favourite toy. Vivienne, who clearly enjoyed the show you put up, giggles with you as you take a sip of champagne.
"Ain't no way that guys like Yoongi and Jungkook gave her any attention..." Viv says as she wipes off her tears of laughter.
"Pretty rich girls like her can get away with anything, until they show off their shitty personality" you laugh "Glad that Jungkook cut her off"
"Well..." she raises her shoulders "Would you talk to him now that you know he avoids her?"
"Hell nah..." you scoff.
She just rolls her eyes and shakes her head in disapproval.
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You surprisingly haven't drank as much as you expected, unlike Vivienne who is dancing crazily with her glass full of alcohol, spilling all over her hand. She linked with a cute girl and started flirting with her right away. She has a weak spot for goth girls and you soon realise that you're probably going home alone tonight. Not that it bothers you, you can do the same thing right now, but you're scared of bumping into them.
Y/N, you're so fucking annoying. You promised yourself that you were going to enjoy this night. Get your ass up and have fun!
You quickly get up from your seat and stop a waiter to get two glasses from his tray. You swallow them like shots and walk fast towards the dance floor.
For a few minutes, you're swaying your hips all by yourself, focusing on the loud music. However, it doesn't take long for you to catch someone's attention: behind you, you feel a pair of big hands wrapping around your waist, his body moving with yours to the rhythm, thankfully without completely grinding on you like a mad dog.
You raise your hand to touch the back of his neck, being needy for a simple touch that you've rarely gotten in your life. Not that you can blame others for this. That's actually what you want. You're a celibate and promised yourself to be intimate exclusively with the people you really care about. But deep down you still have your desires, so feeling a bit of physical affection is exactly what you need now.
You know that, whoever that is, he won't get anything more from you.
"Fuck, I've never seen this side of you..." you hear a familiar voice whispering close to your ears.
You instinctively jump and turn around to make sure you aren't hallucinating, but it's him, in all his glory: Min Yoongi. The asshole who betrayed his friendship for some pussy.
You look around to see if there's any easy way out from the crowd, but you're out of luck. You're stuck with him, completely clueless of his intentions.
"Can't ignore me anymore, can't ya?" he grins as he brings you closer to him.
"Fuck you Min Yoongi!" you yell out "I'm only talking to you because I have no other way to go!"
He doesn't give you any snarky reply back. He just hugs you and hides his face in the crook of your neck, your skin getting wet because of his tears.
"I'm so fucking sorry Y/N..." he muffles with a weak voice you rarely hear from him "I've missed you so much... And the fact that it all happened over someone so insignificant makes me ashamed of myself"
It's so strange to hear him so vulnerable and all teary eyed with you. He's the type of guy who'd always be there for you and be the shoulder when you cry, but he has never shed a tear himself.
You caress his head, your cheek resting on top of his soft raven hair. You put all of your pettiness aside and decide to be there for him, acknowledging that you probably hurt him a lot by ghosting him.
Although he has had his fair share of faults during the debacle, it was actually Jungkook who wronged you. Yoongi technically hasn't done nothing too bad to hurt you. You mentally slap yourself for not reconciling with him earlier.
"Yoongi, don't cry when we're on the dance floor" you say sarcastically to improve his mood "Where were we?"
His eyes still red and swollen, a slight smirk appears on his face as it darkens.
"I've always been curious about your fun side..." he chuckles.
You shut him up by pressing your index finger on his lips and you rest your arms around his shoulders. You dance to the music again, forgetting your overly worried past self who wanted to avoid him at all costs.
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With a tap on your screen, you check the time on your cellphone: it's 11 PM and you have passed majority of your time with Yoongi.
Then a notification popped on your screen:
Viv - "girl, soery but I gitta go "
"yhsi horl is too cute to be trie"
You chuckle at her spelling mistakes and you start tapping on the screen:
You: "No worries girl"
"I'm also occupied myself 😉"
Viv: "😈😈😈"
"Somones gettin railed tonught"
You roll your eyes at her dirty thoughts, but at the same time you can't blame her for your poor choice of emoji.
"Are you really texting during a party?" the voice of your favourite man taking you by surprise.
"Oh hey" you take a sigh of relief after his sudden jump-scare "It's just Viv who found herself a hook up and left earlier"
He takes a seat beside you and carefully puts down a tray with full shot glasses on the table. You shake your head in disbelief looking at the clear liquor.
"Fifteen shots? Just the two of us?"
"Three. Jungkook's here too... Somewhere" he says as he looks around for him but with no avail "I'll call him"
"No Yoongi..." you grab his wrist tightly, not letting him reach for his phone "I don't wanna see him"
"I thought we were good..."
"Yes, WE are good, not me and Jungkook" you remind him "I didn't forget"
"He is really sorry" he says as he cups your face "He misses you and has only thought about reconciling with you ever since the fight. Give that fool a chance"
The last sentence is followed up with a laugh, but you just give him a death glare.
Understanding that you're being absolutely serious about ignoring Jungkook for the whole night, he passes a few good minutes staring at Jungkook's contact number, contemplating whether to call or just listen to your wishes.
But then again, luck is never at your side and in a blink of an eye, Yoongi is standing up to give a dap to Mr. "Jealous-Bitch-Who-Can't-Get-Laid".
As he lets go of Yoongi's hand, Jungkook freezes at your sight: it's seems like time stopped and you're stuck staring at his big doe eyes. You still replay that night, feeling your insides boiling from fury, but you can't deny how weak he makes you feel when he makes those cute guilty expressions. You hate it and love it at the same time.
"Hey-" but you immediately interrupt him.
"And who are you exactly?" you tell him coldly as you look elsewhere.
"I'm Jeon Jungkook" he answers with a chuckle you don't give in return "I know you don't want to see me"
"Then fuck off.." you call him out with a death glare.
Jungkook looks close to lose it in front of you, but instead he kneels in front of you with his head down, almost looking like he's begging for your mercy and proposing to you at the same time.
"You were right all along Y/N" he says quietly "I stopped contacting Jia and every time she reached out for me, she kept mentioning her damn photo shoots"
You're glad he finally understands how much of a manipulator Jia is, but you still haven't forgiven him for his insult. Almost in a desperate attempt to get your attention, he lightly grabs your hand as he rests his elbows on your legs.
"I reflected deep on my actions and I realised that I only projected my insecurities onto you..." feeling intrigued, you turn your head to see Jungkook looking up to you "I am actually the jealous bitch who can't get laid"
You grin at his confession.
"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that... Can you repeat that, please?" Jungkook sighs, putting all his pride away.
"I am the jealous bitch who can't get laid" he repeats.
A quiet laugh escapes your mouth and Jungkook, instead of whining, just looks at you and smiles. He missed your laughter, your smile, everything of you actually, for a very long time. He hugs you warmly, taking in the scent of sweet vanilla that he always loved. However, you lightly pull him away.
"I'm still bitter Jungkook, don't hug me" he simply laughs it off because he's glad you're not ignoring him anymore.
Yoongi is seated beside you and looked at the both of you with a huge smile on his face. He's used to be a third wheel, not because he isn't an important friend of you, but because you usually bicker and fight with Jungkook. And he missed that.
"Okay you two..." you and Jungkook shifting your attention to Yoongi "I brought fifteen shots of Vodka... Let's not waste any of it"
You three simply smirk at each other.
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It's 2 AM and the taxi driver is mainly focusing on the road, but there are times where he glared into the rear-view mirror because your laughter is way too loud to ignore. Kids are wild these days, he thinks.
The three of you were okay with five shots each, but then you kept adding more and more. Clearly none of you are in the right conditions to drive. But, as expected, Yoongi was stable enough to call a cab to get you back home.
The ride is filled with jokes and nonsensical discussions between you three, which is hell for the man steering the wheel, but it's exactly what your friendship needs at that moment.
Fifteen minutes later and Yoongi is paying the driver while you and Jungkook are heading inside the building. It doesn't take too much for him to reach both of you, who are barely able to open up the door without cracking up after a few failed attempts to pull.
Thanks to Yoongi's resilience, you make it to Jungkook's apartment without any mishap and he quickly helps both of you towards the couch before grabbing three cups of water.
Although you are pretty drunk, you aren't to the point of vomiting. You just feel very light and giggly.
"Do you want to know something, Y/N?" he says as he takes a sip of his water "Jia approached me tonight and she was... Desperate"
"Oh tell me about it..." you laugh "She came up to me and was like can you tell Jungkook...? and I was like shut your damn mouth, gosh"
"You're going to love what I'm about to tell you then!" he scoots closer to you "At first she begged me like she normally does and then... She said she'd suck me off for free pics"
"Ain't no fucking way!" you cover your mouth while simultaneously hitting him on the chest "What the fuck did you do then?"
"I told her to ask Yoongi" he chuckles to himself.
It's then that Yoongi appears, putting his arm over your shoulder with a grin on his face.
"Not gonna lie, I kinda miss her mouth"
"Eww, we don't want to know that" you try to reach his mouth with your hand to shut him up. He leans back with a playful smirk, satisfied to see the funny expression on your face.
"Look, men have their weakness..." he sarcastically replies "Jungkook would say the same, though he never got head from Jia"
Now it's Jungkook who tries to silence him by pushing his leg up against his friend's chest, but Yoongi is far enough to dodge it. You laugh until all of you have tears falling down yours eyes.
Then the laughter died down. Maybe it was the sudden mention of Jia or it's just the liquor hitting you late, but the three of you are quiet as quiet can be. In the silence, you slowly realise that you're suddenly back to normal, as if nothing happened. As if Jungkook never said what he said. As if you never ignored them.
"It fucking hurts my insides" they say nothing at your sudden words, both of them confused and looking at you like you're just saying gibberish. They both feel cringy at the situation, but maybe that's what happens when you haven't talked for three months.
"It's so fucking unfair" you continue "Both of you drive me crazy to a point I can't even recognise myself sometimes"
Both of your friends stare at each other for a good minute before taking you in their arms to comfort you: Yoongi let's you lay your head on his chest, while Jungkook is hugging you from behind as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
Their heat, their breath, their scent... It's starting to bother you more than usual.
You stand up from the couch, feeling overwhelmed by the two giving you so much special attention. You deeply sigh as you stay still, your back facing them.
You suddenly feel Jungkook's muscular body wrapping around you, his lips giving you light pecks. What is he planning to do? You turn around and push him away, just to see both of them looking at you very confused.
Shit. You're the only one who's seeing it that way. You genuinely don't know how to act right now and your mind goes straight to booze, thinking it could numb whatever emotion your feeling inside, so you run to the kitchen, taking both of them by surprise. You desperately search for some alcohol until you find a bottle of whiskey inside the mini fridge.
"Y/N, what the fuck are you doing?" Yoongi says as he gently grabs you by your shoulder "What happened?"
Jungkook is standing beside him, looking puzzled just like his friend is. You just stare at them with a bottle of whiskey in your hand, trying to let out some words. But they don't come out.
You replay everything in your head: them fighting because of Jia, why you ignored them for three months straight, your unexpected reunion... The realisation hit you like a truck and you wished you didn't drink as much as you did tonight. If you were sober you wouldn't have reacted this way. You would've had more control over your thoughts.
Your mind is a bit fuzzy, but their image is still clear as day: Jungkook's soft features paired with a muscular build, tattoos and piercings; and Yoongi's sharp eyes paired with soft features, his skin, his lips, his hair...
In films, this is usually the part where the protagonist has to choose who she wants to spend her entire life with, but you want to kiss them both so bad. This is a nightmare.
"Maybe I should sober up" you stare him straight into his eyes as you hold on tight to the bottle.
"You're right" Yoongi says as he takes it away from you "Maybe you can do that without whiskey"
Yoongi puts it back inside the mini fridge and, along with Jungkook, he helps you sit on a stool near the kitchen counter.
They keep repeating "are you all right?" and it's honestly starting to get on your nerves, but they're just worried about you now. Your mood has drastically switched without them doing anything and they're scared of having offended you another time without knowing.
"Can y'all be quiet for a second..." their mouths immediately close at your order "I need to process some stuff and you're not helping at all"
"What can we do?" Jungkook says as he lightly puts his hand on your waist.
Not pushing your buttons. That might be a start.
"Nothing" you sigh as you glance at his veiny hand.
The wind and cars passing by your neighbourhood are the only sounds filling the room. The boys look at each other, telepathically saying they should do something to get your mind out of whatever you're thinking. But you open your mouth first.
"I overreacted" you look at the floor with gloomy eyes "Not because you ignored me, but because of Jia"
They look at each other again with eyes wide open. Are you going to apologise to them? They think.
"I saw both of you getting in such an altercation over this girl and I got scared" you confess as you now look at both of them with teary eyes "So I left before you could do that to me"
They are left speechless as you try your hardest not to cry in front of them. Yoongi puts a hand on your shoulder, but you quickly brush it off of you.
His touches tempt you.
"I know... I'm weird- No" you pause, swallowing some of your saliva in an attempt to hold your tears "I'm fucked in the head"
"You're right, it's weird and kind of fucked up" your eyes widen as you directly stare into Yoongi's, assuming that you have messed up big time "And so is Jungkook attempts to kiss you throughout the night"
"Bro, what the fuck!" Jungkook raises his eyebrows, taken aback by his best friend exposing his ass.
"And what's more fucked up is that it only makes me want to make out with you more"
Now it's you and Jungkook who are staring at each other, pretty dumbfounded by Yoongi's peculiar kink. But deep down, even the youngest feels the same. He doesn't have the courage to do anything because he thinks you're going to find them extremely weird and ghost them again.
"Would you mind if I kissed you?" Yoongi whispers into your ears, sending shivers down your spine doing so.
Jungkook is sitting there, still processing the situation but hiding his smirk, kind of enjoying the show Yoongi is putting. You turn your head towards Yoongi's and immediately feel his small, soft lips on yours.
Moaning onto the kiss, you make yourself comfortable being held in Yoongi's arms. Jungkook is still watching it all, how your kiss, from a gentle and almost innocent one, becomes a passionate and lustful one.
Doubt overcomes your mind at the best part, stopping him as you feel his tongue getting more active. Yoongi protests with a curse and Jungkook frowns at the sudden interruption.
"You guys do remember I have set morals and values for myself?" I remind them, taking a more stern tone "This is so fucking disrespectful to my dignity"
Yoongi giggles at the sentence he's heard.
"You mean, the fact that you're celibate? That you'll give all of you to your one true love?" Jungkook asks as he chuckles in disbelief.
"Y/N, now you're being the delusional one" both of Yoongi's hands on your shoulders pull you closer to him "You just confessed that you want to kiss the both of us and now we're the ones disrespecting your dignity?"
You can't say anything back. They're right and there's no need to lie to yourself or to them even further. Your dignity was long gone as soon as you started imagining both of them taking turns with you.
"So... Where were we?" Jungkook says after that long awkward silence, suddenly turning you around with a swift motion to make you face him.
Jungkook easily picks you up and puts you on the kitchen counter as he leads your passionate kiss. Yoongi, with both his elbows on the counter watches you attentively, especially how your hands are running all over his chest and abdomen.
After sometime, Yoongi gets up and leaves the kitchen. After you hear the sound of the stool's stem getting dragged on the floor, you pull away and look at Yoongi leaving. Jungkook immediately shifts his attention to your neck, licking and biting on your sensitive spots. You start to moan and your head instinctively tilts back as you enjoy his warmth with closed eyes.
"Jungkook, Yoongi left..." you quietly tell him in between your moans.
"His choice" he says before continuing to nibble onto your neck.
You slightly push him away to stand up and follow Yoongi. You take Jungkook with you as you pull his hands in yours.
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Heavy breathing. Glistening skin. Bodies rocking against each other, making the bed creak... It all happened in a span of about fifteen minutes or more after you followed Yoongi to Jungkook's bedroom.
You're straddled on top of their laps, you facing Jungkook and your back against Yoongi's chest. You've been grinding on Jungkook's crotch like a cat in heat and Yoongi's being humping you from behind like there's no tomorrow, you three already undressed with only your underwear on.
"Fuck, this feels so good..." you let out along side your breaths.
It's the first time you got this intimate, but it exceeded your expectations, considering you're having a "ménage à trois" as your first time. And with the same people you considered your best friends.
"Yeah, just like that" Jungkook mumbles into your ear as he places his hands on your hips to help you rub your clothed core back and forth on his erection.
Yoongi groans, stopping all of a sudden.
"Fuck, I was about to bust" he chuckles as he lays down on his back.
You stop your movements to look back at Yoongi, smiling at how cute he looks all messed up: now his bulge is perfectly displayed for you. You start to wonder...
"Didn't you say you missed Jia's mouth?" You ask playfully.
"Yeah, why?" he nods, already sensing what you are about to do.
"Well, I'm about to change that"
With one swift move, you turn around to face his black boxers who are covering is hard on. Without any precaution, you forcefully push the hem of his underwear downwards, having him push his hips up, his big cock almost hitting your chin as it sprung.
You've never given anyone a blow job, but your bestie is your "sex sifu", especially when she gets drunk and one night she taught you how to give amazing head: first step, suck your cheeks in, because that's how you prevent from hurting him with your teeth; second step, take it slow and help yourself with your hands if needed and make sure to salivate on his dick; third step, the scariest one, if you want to take it all in don't breathe, look at him straight in the eyes and make sure he hears you choking on his cock.
"Fucking hell..." Yoongi groans as he gently puts his hand on top of your head "Stop stop stop"
He grabs a fistful of your hair to pull you away and he looks at you with a seemingly angry expression.
"Are you really a virgin?" Jungkook laughs as he's pumping his huge hard cock at the sight.
"It's Angie" you breathe out as you turn to look at Jungkook "She made me try on those colourful long lollipops"
"Freaky" he smirks "Let me give you something in return"
Jungkook hugs you and picks you up to turn you over on your back, so now you're laying on top of Yoongi's chest. Not wasting a second, he kisses your inner thighs for a few seconds before taking all his tongue out and licking you from your hole to your clit, the feeling making you vibrate uncontrollably.
Making this sensation even more extreme, Yoongi starts massaging your bare breasts as he gives you hickeys all over your neck and shoulders.
"Shit..." you whimper as you feel your high getting nearer as he's eating you out like you're his last meal... But then he stops.
"Not now, you're going to cum on our cocks" he says as he crawls towards Yoongi.
You force your head to look behind you even if you're already tired from all the teasing. You see their fist placed on top of their palms and they chant: "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!"
You immediately hit their hands in anger, not believing what you've just witnessed.
"Are you being fucking for real?!" you scold them.
"We can't put both of our dicks in you, can we?" Yoongi smirks at his own question.
"First of all, that shit made me dry as hell" you tell them coldly "Second of all, I get to decide"
Before making any move you look at both of them attentively. Who deserves it, you ask yourself. And without any hesitation you reach for Yoongi and pull him on top of you.
He looks at you with surprise and then he looks at Jungkook with a bit of guilt. You turn to face your younger friend too, who's a bit saddened by the fact that you chose him so quickly without even thinking twice.
"Kookie..." you caress his cheeks "You're just as important to me, don't forget that"
He hums, looking down as you notice his dick going soft because of your rash decision.
He really doesn't want this to affect him this much, at the end of the day he's having so much fun tonight. But you choosing Yoongi right away triggers his biggest insecurity out: being the second choice.
Jungkook isn't in the mood anymore, his body shifting from the center of the bed where you are all lying to the edge of the bed.
Yoongi doesn't waste a minute to switch you positions, your back on his chest like before as he start to circle his fingers on your clit, making you face Jungkook.
"Yoongi... What-" you can't bring yourself to finish your sentence as your core becomes sensitive at his touch, Jungkook watching with his eyes wide open. He's confused to say the least. He thought Yoongi was going to take all of you as soon as you pulled him towards you.
"Don't you want to fuck this tight little pussy" Yoongi gives Jungkook a dark smirk.
"She doesn't want-" you interrupt him.
"Kookie, please..." you plea with your mouth agape and your eyelids lazily opened.
The sound of your whimpers, the wet sound coming from your pussy and Yoongi's long fingers glistening with your cream is a wonderful sight for him. It doesn't take him long to get hard all over again.
Jungkook gets closer to you and immediately picks up both of your legs to put them over his shoulders. Yoongi laughs at him.
"Be gentle bro..." he reminds him "It's her first time"
He doesn't care about what he says at all and only focuses on rubbing the tip on your entrance. You let out a soft moan hearing the wet sounds of him rubbing you with his cock.
"I'll go slow" he gently puts his hand on your hand to comfort you before placing a kiss on your forehead "Tell me to stop if it hurts, okay?"
"Just put it in" you beg.
After you hear the both of them chuckle at your eagerness, Jungkook slowly makes him way inside of you as he looks deep inside your eyes.
You wince at the unfamiliar and uncomfortable feeling, but surprisingly you can take all of him without screaming. As soon as he's balls deep, he stops.
"You all right?" Jungkook asks kindly as Yoongi kisses you on the neck and massages your breast.
You simply nod before putting your hands on his ass as you start moving your hips up and down. He sighs at your action, being completely amazed by how hot you look under him.
"Baby, don't tempt me" he warns you.
"Fuck me" those two words are music to his ears and it only darkened his mind even further, making him lose control completely.
He starts to go in and out of you in a moderate rhythm, controlling himself just enough to make sure you're adjusted to his size. But you keep whining and whining, hitting his chest over and over again as you tell him to go harder and faster.
It's still too much for you to ask. He doesn't listen to your wishes because you don't know what you're getting yourself into. You just lost your virginity a few minutes ago. You have no idea how intense getting pounded can be. But Yoongi, being a little devil as usual, continues to tell him otherwise.
"C'mon Jungkook... She's begging for it"
Hurting you is one thing he doesn't want to do tonight. Especially after what he has said to you a few months back. But her loud whimpers don't help him at all and Yoongi won't shut the fuck up until he ruins you. So after a good five minutes trying to romantically slow fuck you, he comes undone and slams his hips against you.
Your breasts jiggle at the impact, making his thoughts even more crazy and uncontrollable. He holds onto your legs more tightly and starts pounding you, hard and fast without any hesitation.
You start becoming a moaning mess and just then you understand why he held back so much. It doesn't hurt even a bit, but the pleasure is indescribable and so addicting, it feels like you've just delved into something forbidden and that you should stop him. But you want more.
Yoongi is holding you still, preventing you from moving too frantically, his whole body feeling the strength of his friend's hips hitting you.
That's not the only thing Yoongi feels though: your body shakes and trembles from the rough thrusts as your moans become more breathy. You're about to cum and he gets even more excited just thinking about it.
A few more slams and your body arches and vibrates between their bodies, your back getting closer to Yoongi and your hands pushing Jungkook's chest away.
He groans but hasn't cum still, but, out of mercy for you, he stops to let you breathe in and breathe out slowly. You look at the ceiling, not believing that you got rough fucked by Jeon Jungkook. The same guy who told you can't get laid. Guess who's wrong now.
"You good?" Yoongi gets your attention, looking concerned first, but then giving you a lustful gaze after you let him see your messed up face.
He immediately looks at Jungkook, who's quietly enjoying the cock-warming, giving him a knowing look.
"Weren't you the one telling me to be gentle?..." he scoffs.
"After railing her that hard, I'm pretty sure she'll like it" you hear Yoongi talking about stuff you don't understand while Jungkook seems to catch on pretty quickly, which frustrates you.
"Tell me!" you order them.
Both of them just laugh and Yoongi gives you a kiss on the cheek.
"Will you let me fuck your ass?" he asks like he said something completely innocent.
You look at him taken aback at first: Jungkook, still inside you, hasn't finished with you yet, and now Yoongi wants to do anal. What have you gotten yourself into, you ask yourself.
But you can't deny you're intrigued and that they look so hot caging you between their bodies.
One last glance and you nod, accepting his naughty request. It doesn't take much for him to slip his dick in your other hole. You yelp. Now this actually hurts. But you're just getting wetter and Jungkook can attest to that.
It also doesn't take much for your younger friend to start moving into you too, his thrusts sloppier and harsher than before.
By now, you're sure you're a masochist because how come you love the sensation of pain this much. Your ass feels so tense and your body tells you to reject this feeling. Yet here you are: heated, your pussy leaking with your juices and feeling something build up inside of you.
Jungkook's and Yoongi's skin slapping against yours is making you needier than expected and that's when you witness yourself transforming into a damn water fountain: you squirt all over as they both thrust into you. This doesn't make them go slower, going even harder on you, feeling the water splashing against Jungkook's abdomen.
"Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum..." Yoongi says before slowing down his pace. Unbeknownst to you and Jungkook, he's come inside of you.
Jungkook is near his high as well and after slamming your g-spot a few more times, he also comes undone, realising his warm seed inside of you.
You feel both the boys hugging you tightly as you lay down catching your breath, caressing both of their heads and making sure they both receive sweet kisses from you.
Everything becomes a blur and all you can mutter are the three words "I love you" before completely drifting to sleep.
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You've never felt happier in the morning. It's strange because after the three of you had to wake up to clean yourselves up and change the bed, you expected to wake up grumpy from the lack of sleep.
But you're between Jungkook and Yoongi who are still cuddle to you as their mind are busy in dreamland. You smile and let out a sigh of relief.
Suddenly, the door bell rings. It's 10 in the fucking morning. Who the fuck rings at 10 in the fucking morning?
You tiptoe out of the room and towards the door, making sure not to disturb their sleep although you're obviously frustrated. You press the button to see who it is through the doorbell cam. And you see her. You roll your eyes and you let out a frustrated groan.
That bitch is taunting you.
As you're about to press the speaker, you feel a hand placed on your waist and a familiar hand presses the button for you. 
"I'm sorry, whoever you are. We don't let strangers in" Yoongi chuckles after his line delivery.
"C'mon... Jungkook's cooking breakfast" all you do is smile in silence and take his hand as you both mark your way to the kitchen.
But then it hits you.
"Yoongi" Yoongi immediately stops his track to listen to you "He didn’t wear the fucking protection..."
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oki10s · 2 years
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this day permanently altered my brain chemistry
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