#oh my god this was a doozy
reddamselette · 3 months
“We need to know less about each other,” Leo whispered against Jason’s lips. He swallowed dryly, closing his eyes for a simple moment before he dropped his head onto Jason’s shoulder and breathed.
Jason rested his head back against the wall behind him, staring up at the shining and twinkling stars and constellations in the dark blue blanket of a sky. His hands were cradling Leo’s head, fingers tangled in brown curls. His heart thudded in his chest, his cheeks burning and flushed with crimson red as the blood rushed to his face.
It was unfair, he thought.
How easy it was for Leo take his heart and shatter it like a stick hitting a drum, lightning crackling from the ground into the clouds. They were outside by the bar, celebrating with the others late on a summer night where it was hot enough during the day but worse once the sun had set. It was unfair, he thought, how Leo could say that after so long. “I can’t know less about you, Leo.”
Jason could never forget or unlearn what has been engraved in his mind like etchings on stone tablets. He would always remember the slightest shine in big brown eyes when he would gesture wildly with his hands as he spoke about something he was passionate about or the curl of his lips that would spread into a grin that was the most beautiful thing he could witness.
The touches that were searing hot and burned his fingertips into Jason’s skin, every nerve tingling until he was on fire. Jason memorized the specific pattern of Leo’s heartbeat underneath his palm, the scars on his arm that were shaped like a constellation, and how every curl hung over his eyes or curled up on the crown of his head; fluffy, soft curls that felt like he could fly running his hands through each strand and twirling it between his fingers.
He could never know less about Leo Valdez because his very soul was made to absorb every detail about him like the fact he would chew on his lip a few times before biting the inside of his cheek when he was overwhelmed. Leo had the habit of tapping his finger, whistling or humming to himself in concentration. How his voice was smooth but there was quirks of an accent, a rasp with certain words and a slip into the swirls of the Spanish language.
Leo pulled away, his hands sliding off of Jason’s waist to the wall on either side of his head, caging him in as if his mind and mouth was saying one thing but his body and heart were saying another. “This was a mistake.”
Jason looked at him with sad eyes, gripping his hair between his fingers as he shook his head. “Was it? Or are you saying that because you feel guilty? I don’t want to be strangers, don’t do that to me.”
“We should’ve stayed strangers since the very beginning, Jason.” Leo sighed and hovered his hand near Jason’s cheek, heat radiating from the close vicinity of his palm to his skin before he leaned away and gently removed Jason’s hands from his hair. “You’re everything to me, you know.”
“Am I? It doesn’t seem like it.”
“You are.”
“I hate you,” Jason lied and he lied painfully. His body was resting against the wall, using it as support as he stared into Leo’s features, sky blue irises roaming over his figure, his hands, his hair, his lips. He could never truly hate him because he fell in love with him but it wasn’t enough. Jason would never be enough.
Leo didn’t reply for several moments. His hands were limp at his sides, the area was barely illuminated and masked his fingers curling into his palms, nails digging into his skin and created crescent shapes. He knew Jason would never hate him but he wished he would. Leo deserved it for hurting him in such a way, for cradling him and embracing him the way lovers of so many years do. They weren’t official, they never would be, but it hurt. It ripped Leo apart. It was as if smoke infiltrated his lungs and drowned out the oxygen, stealing away his ability to breathe. “I know.”
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dreamlogic · 3 months
it is now time for real stick my head inside the freezer and cry minutes
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coconut530 · 1 year
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Hi gang!
I received a bunch of anons that weren't exactly positive, but I do want to address them before closing further public conversation on the Gogtroversy.
They will be put under the cut because they are DICEY my dears. Will have the same tags though and with proper responses :)9
(Also apologies for the caps people seem to be missing my point so I'm trying to emphasize the important bits to help with comprehension).
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Hello nonnie!
I was, in fact, very confused when you wrote "Yes does not mean consent" because, out of context, I was asking myself "Then what is consent?" Thank you for clarifying.
Now, onto your points:
As I have stated multiple times, I do not blame Caiti for what happened; that also does not mean I blame George for misreading her signals. I wish this had not happened to her, and I hope George NEVER does something like this again, but I also realize that this was MOST LIKELY based on PAST EVIDENCE an honest mistake.
Furthermore, as I also have stated, alcohol is a gray area I simply have no right to explore since I personally do not drink. If you want to argue about the morality of that PARTICULAR situation, please do so with someone else. That is why in my statement I excluded my opinion on the matter because I simply cannot give one. But for the miscommunication and incident I do have enough experience to discuss those.
Moreover, Caiit herself admitted she was already drunk before she was at the party. She chose to drink, which, YES, is illegal, but it was her choice to do so. All other party members were MOST LIKELY under the assumption she could drink since she already was.
Finally, please, PLEASE, stop calling this sexual assault. He touched her under her shirt above her waist. This was, at best, molestation, and even the evidence for that is slim. He touched her in a flirtatious manner, which made her uncomfortable. Since you mentioned legality, no court would view this as sexual assault or molestation.
That said, he SHOULD have asked for her EXPLICIT consent, and I do not support that. I ALSO think he can grow from this and become a better person without losing his friends and livelihood.
If anyone believes that a single mistake should dictate your entire life course, then I am sorry to say that you will have a reality check as you grow up and make those mistakes yourself.
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Hi nonnie!
So, uh, the last bit of your ask seems kinda irrelavent to the discussion as I have never spoken about those here? So I won't be addressing that.
Also, I stated my reasons why she should have kept this private:
She will most likely not receive a proper apology if she used her situation against him.
In my opinion, this situation did not warrant public attention because, at best, it was molestation, and, from outside perspectives who saw this evidence without knowing anything about the fandom, most likely flirtatious advances gone wrong.
Her story is now no longer being used to support her but instead is being used to attack the Dream Team.
Caiti's story is now being scrutinize for "if it's real" "if it is really assault" "was it malicious" isntead of validating her emotions and feelings. At the end of the day, those questions don't matter: what matters is she felt uncomfortable, and although George most likely did not, he needs to apologize.
To your statement "George does not care about consent," I honestly don't know the answer to that. I am not George. I won't know his every thought or if this was malicious.
What I DO know is that if we treat this as unforgivable, we set a dangerous precedent for people who want to change. So, for that reason, I am choosing to BELIEVE he did not mean it maliciously, and until FURTHER EVIDENCE COMES FORWARD, I will see this as a single mistake and not a pattern of abuse (which was the case in Wilbur's situaton).
Also, again, this isn't sexual assault, please check yor facts as I am. Moreover, please re-read my statement because almost everything I said was in that initial statement.
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Hi nonnie!
Saved this for last because it was very polite, and I appreciate it :)
I think we will disagree on this point, and that's okay. In your opinion, content creators should handle serious allegations publicly, which you consider these as such. In my opinion, I believe smaller issues should be handled privately without accusations since I don't view this as a serious allegation (although I still know Caiti is uncomfortable and deserves better).
In this current moment, based on what I know, what I have learned, and what I can interpret, I stated my opinion on the matter. I stand by the words I say here because they are, again, based on the knowledge I have. If, one day, I come to realize I was ignorant, like you said, I will change my position.
Thank you, nonnie :)
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ashmcgivern · 2 years
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That moment when you realize you've adopted a new son
In the days and weeks following an incident in which a group of celestials put a stop to a catastrophic ritual that could have threatened the Prime Material, Xanthanel was tasked with figuring out the details of what had occurred there. They had been slowly and gently interrogating Zerrias, one of the only survivors of the incident, a tiefling boy who they had rescued the day of after mistaking his aura for that of a true celestial. His family had played key roles in the ritual, before they were slain by Xanthanel themself. The act of performing the rituals themselves traumatized Zerrias, who eventually refused to participate in them. Feeling guilt for being the one who separated Zerrias from his family, Xan took it upon themself to work with the kid to not only pull what information they needed, but make sure he was settled in a safe space before he'd depart permanently.
Xan learned that Zerrias was a bright kid, liked to read, and had a good sense for right and wrong, but was shy and didn't talk much. Pulling information out of him without upsetting him took patience and care, but Xan had the time. He was guarded, and slow to trust, but once Xan proved that they were not a danger the kid was more willing to give up pieces of information in and amongst other conversation and activities. Over a period of time, Zerrias' personality began to shine through, and Xan found himself more and more invested with each trip they made.
Needless to say, there was no permanent departure.
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laundrybandit · 6 months
might have just accidentally outed myself as a regressor to my irls 😨😨 i screenshoted something on my feed and didn’t realize the tags were showing-
hope i can just play this off :’(
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fallow-grove · 1 year
*Aziraphale has been removed from this user's kinlist
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inchidentally · 8 months
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remyfire · 8 months
Okay okay okay. What if I walk back my promise to finish this Beje and Hawk fic before I start posting it, and instead post the first chapter on Saturday with weekly updates to follow for the rest of February and into March? You know, like a weak-willed liar?
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y2ksnowglobe · 2 years
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Dungeons and Daddies (Podcast) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Normal Oak & Sparrow Oak, Lark Oak & Normal Oak, Normal Oak & Rebecca Swallows-Oak-Garcia, Lark Oak & Sparrow Oak, Rebecca Oak/Sparrow Oak, Hero Oak & Lark Oak Characters: Normal Oak, Hero Oak, Lark Oak, Sparrow Oak, Rebecca Swallows-Oak-Garcia, Lincoln Li-Wilson, Scary Marlowe, Taylor Swift (Dungeons and Daddies), Hermie Unworthy Additional Tags: Childhood Memories, Hospitals, Ableism, Sad Ending, this bad boy can fit SO much projection into it, first fic, Character Study, undiagnosed autistic normal, Bullying, i don't know how to tag things, negative self-talk Summary:
Normally Ly Oak Swallows Garcia loves being Normally Ly Oak Swallows Garcia. A collection of moments from Normal's childhood as he deals with the reality that even though he loves who he is, not everyone around him does.
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marciliedonato · 2 years
DUDE THEY PLAYED ALMOST ALL OF REVENGE LAST NIGHT I WAS RIGHT OH MY GOD... there are five nights but only 4 records either we're getting CW the 5th night or it's gonna be a wildcard... Be very afraid - I know I am
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safyresky · 2 years
Crystal Springs Chapter 18: Market Day
Is FINALLY up for you all right here after THREE MONTHS. AH. Alright, so! What's new and exciting this time around??
🆕 in this chapter:
We meet Xander!
Winter and Jack chat has been tripled in size and spread about the chapter
Befana? BELSNICKLE? OTHER CHRISTMAS SPIRITS? It's more likely than you think. (free CS check)
(also free vibe check @ the series bc I am unamused with the LATEST NEWS ABOUT IT)
Magibean social media
A reason for the Fates to be there/meddling lmao
Word count has gone from 5.6k (2014) to 7.9k (2017/18) to uh. 19k (2022) 😬😬😬
And apologies for the delay. You can send your thanks to the following irl factors for it:
a sort of sudden death in the family leading to the most fight filled week i have EVER experienced
a very grief filled two months with a side of WHY ARE WE STILL YELLING IT'S NOT BRINGING GRANNY BACK
FUCKING COVID?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? RUDE!
Bridal shower RIGHT AFTER covid recovery
And story wise, took SO LONG because of WINTER AND JACK BEING STUBBORN AND ALSO SHOWBOATY. By the time I got to the final scene, I was like. READY TO KICK THIS ONE TO THE CURB. Observe:
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And I wasn't that far off with the final word total, lmao. ANYWAY. HOLY HELL. WHAT A CHAPTER. WHAT A CRAZY THREE MONTHS. PLEASE ENJOY!
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primordyalsoul · 1 year
for the uncomfortable headcanons meme: a fathers love, dreamer, and cheating death!!
@wasburning / @daikomyo || uncomfy headcanons
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Okay I shall be answering each one in its own post bc im insane and i cant be concise to save my life. LETS GO
A FATHER’S LOVE - talk about your muse’s relationship with their father
*cracks my knuckles* oh you KNOW that's such a big one so let's get right into it. The father here ofc is Gendo: though in her canon verses, Rei doesn't exactly see him as such (if asked by, lets say a teacher, she might say he's her guardian, bc on paper he is), but then again she doesn't have a framework for what a Father figure should be. She does see him as her creator and as an authority to revere.
(Sidenote, I'm more of the opinion that Gendo doesn't really think of her as a daughter. Maybe he did somewhat when she was first made as he did pick the name him and Yui would have wanted for a daughter, and he does have some strange fondness towards her, but first and foremost Rei is an ends to a means for him)
The thing is for Rei is that Gendo had ALWAYS been the centre of her universe. He is the reason she was even brought into existence, he was the first person she laid eyes on. Whilst he doesn't look after her in a parental way, he does fulfill the role of a mentor and guardian: whilst he doesn't attend to most of her health issues he does sometimes oversee them to check on her; he makes conversation with her and he always answers her questions about the world honestly. Whatever curiosities she would have; about people and how they act, about emotions, about the world and what it was like before, he would tell her his honest view. Though Gendo is also extremely emotionally stunted and distant from the world, making his view skewed, she appreciates and takes on the info all the same; she may be placid, but at her core Rei is born from Knowledge and is curious about the world, though its not always obvious on the surface. However, the dynamic she has with him is also professional, as he's her Commander first and foremost, before he guardian. Rei knows that she's not entirely human, that's never been hidden from her. She knows the origins of her soul, though she often avoids looking at it too deeply, and she often feels uncomfortable and separate from body, knowing that it can be very swiftly replaced. She's very aware that Gendo needs her to fulfill his plans for instrumentality and that comes before all else, including her wellbeing, but she's willing to suffer and die for him because: 1, aside from being the literal reason for her existing, he's also her emotional reason for existing. Due to her soul literally being fragmented, Rei struggles even more with emotional regulation than she might have, and that's on top of her issues with her identity (knowing her soul isn't "human in nature", as well as her depersonalization when it comes to her body), AND the idea of being expendable, aka not worth anything being reinforced through her treatment. and 2, through all of that Gendo is the only person who treats her with anything resembling warmth and care, even though it's not consistent. He's the only one who'll engage in conversation with her, his gaze is often softer and he'll smile at her, he'll treat her to dinners, and, though it's very rare, he'll touch her in some comforting way, like a hand on the shoulder or on the cheek. To add to that, there's a reason why Rei kept his old glasses for so long; after he burned his hands prying the entry plug open to see if she was alright, that was the first time anyone, including him, had shown that sort of care for her condition, to suffer pain themselves just to see if she was okay. If she wasn't already sold on being loyal to him and his cause before, she certainly was then. Gendo is her purpose, her raison de vivre; as the person who made her feel anything positive, she wants to return the favour and grant his ultimate wish that will make him happy. If she is able to do that, she can die having fulfilled her purpose.
It's only when she is shown kindness from others, notably Shinji, that she is able to see a different way of things, to rethink how he treats her. Though it's only really after she dies and comes back a third time that she feels anything close to anger towards Gendo for how much he governs her existence.
(another sidenote, I don't think that Rei knows much about who Yui is. She might have heard the name, but despite how out of place she feels in her body, she doesn't know it comes from Yui specifically. And it's not till after she starts building other connections does she notice tiny slip ups from Gendo, like seeming on the verge of calling her something else)
Ultimately her feelings towards him shift dramatically, from once revering him to later feeling cold and distant (and very deep down, angry).
And finally for you, Doc, some thoughts about them specifically in her j.jk verse.
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In this verse it's a bit different. Gendo is still technically the only person who treats Rei in a 'caring' way; if he's not away they will eat dinner together and he'll make conversation with her. He will still be mostly honest when it comes to her curiosity and questions, though she's stops being so curious as she grows as it is still reinforced that her sorcery is The Most Important thing in her life and she must keep working hard to hone her abilities. However, Gendo is even more distant in this verse due to Rei being his actual child. She reminds him too much of Yui bc she resembles her so much, and he believes that being around her too often is more harmful to her than beneficial (like how he views Shinji in N.GE canon). As such, outside of monitoring her sorcery and making sure she's making progress, her actual care is delegated to other members of the Ayanami clan. They're responsible for her tutoring, looking after her physical health, keeping her fed. She's also monitored closely due to her containing a piece of the Ancient Curse, Lilith. It's only when she starts attending the Jujustu High School in Tokyo that she gets a bit more freedom.
Additionally, since Rei is a naturally born, mortal human here, she is a bit less disconnected from herself and her feelings, though Gendo and Lilith still ultimately affects her self-perception and self-worth. She's still a Repression Queen, but she is more aware of harbouring feelings of resentment towards Gendo; for separating her from her brother, Shinji, and for not providing any support in grieving and remembering her mother. But simultaneously, she has good memories of him as a father, and she does miss him and wants to make him proud...she cant catch a break, man! And like above, as she gets to develop relationships with others and feel things beyond her 'purpose' the more distant she becomes to Gendo.
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5-pp-man · 8 days
i cant wait for the new season to start, my list is so messy rn. blegh.
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the-6th-harbringer · 10 months
also maybe cyrille likes a couple of the people who live here. he mentioned the duke of meropide and the iudux as two of the people he likes/admires. probably because they arrested his parents and sentenced them so he never has to see them again
But they stopped it when the affects already became irreversible.
[ He hisses. ]
{Shut up, Scaramouche. You should just be grateful he was saved at all.}
{And yet the urge for revenge is hard to ignore.}
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muldxr · 11 months
ER season 8 is wrecking me and i have 7 episodes left. friends, i don't think i can get through this unscathed
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