#oh my sleepyboy i miss you so much
eru-iru · 2 years
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Only then, will us siblings be free. Free from the reign of rationality and statistics! I'm going to free all of them!
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
My enemy, ally and friend
Technoblade deeply misses Wilbur and Phil, to a point where he thinks their friendship and the SleepyBoisInc was based on a lie, fortunately, he now has by his side an enemy, now teammate, and most definitely a new friend. 
Reviewed by the amazing @im-default
Sometimes it was hard recollecting your thoughts, maybe it was the sleepiness, maybe it was the quantity of thoughts, either way, sometimes the only thing Techno could do to stop the storm inside his head was to sit down on the edge of a cliff and watch the world silently.
It was still, yet bursting with life… it was silent, yet full of all kinds of sounds.
Techno took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a few seconds: he had found a monster he could not slay with a sword and shield… neither with arrows and potions.
The thought of abandonment was something brute force couldn’t defeat.
Let’s address the elephant in the room, shall we?
Since Techno had been split apart from the SleepyBoisInc in Minecraft Championship, Techno could not shake off the feeling of getting abandoned… no… left out?.. no… he felt like an immovable burden was lifting off of Wilbur’s and Phil’s shoulders… and that burden… was him.
He had begged them to always team together because he was uncomfortable teaming up with unknown players… yes, they agreed but…
What if they were doing it only to please him? What if they didn’t care about him?
What if they were happy he couldn’t team with them anymore?
A shiver went down Techno’s spine, he didn’t think that was true… wasn’t it?
He sighed and took his head between his hands, shaking lightly.
There was no way that was right… They were the SleepyBois! Three great friends that always had each others backs… right?
Techno had recently gotten out of the potato war, meaning that he didn’t have a lot of time to talk to them, they supported him, listening to his rambles for hours… But what if Tommy was a better friend than him?
Tommy was energetic and played way more with Phil and Wilbur than Techno ever did.
What if?.. no… there’s no way…
But what if?
Techno looked at the valley underneath him, the Minecraft Champions server wasn’t the most aesthetically pleasing one, but it served its purpose: It helped Youtubers and Streamers alike to practice for the next competitions, Techno didn’t spend a lot of time in here, but when he did it was always pretty full, allowing players to get in a discord call and talk without the eyes of viewers and fans on them.
DIstracting himself from his thoughts by looking around was working quite well… but he couldn’t ignore it anymore…
What if Tommy was slowly taking his place in the SleepyBoisInc?
A shiver went down his spine. He desperately hoped he was wrong…
But this feeling was more real than he liked to admit.
Oh so many times he had seen the three of them in a call, oh so many times he had seen them playing till morning together…
“Lost in thoughts, Technoblade?”
He snapped his head in the direction of the unexpected voice. He wasn’t expecting to see the blonde boy with the green hoodie to be honest, but they didn’t have to pretend to be enemies anymore, he didn’t have to be alarmed of his presence anymore…  so he relaxed the shoulders he didn’t know he tensed up.
“Yeah… something like that…”
It was a reflect of his to always place a hand on his sword when he heard movements behind him, so he moved it back to his lap, spine curved and head looking down.
“Chin up king, your crown is falling”
Dream quickly caught Techno’s crown which was slowly threatening to slip off the head it was placed on.
Techno couldn’t help but flinch at that comment… they always said that to him… Phil and Wilbur always said those words to cheer him up when he wasn’t feeling too well or his anxiety had taken over… Wilbur and Phil…
Dream noticed how sad Techno looked, and how trapped in his own mind he was, it was a common recurrence lately, but Dream had never had the guts to ask him since Techno could be… aggressive and over-protective without realizing it, and Dream was scared to bother him, so he never asked.
But it’s now or never, right?
“What’s going on Techno? You look lost”
In a way, you aren’t wrong, he thought, but said nothing, fidgeting with the soft fur of his cape.
The blonde boy stiffly sat down next to him, admiring the view as well, legs dangling off the cliff.
“Look Techno,” the crowned pig turned his head so he could see the green hoodie, but not his face, “I-I know we haven’t talked much… and we were… quote on quote rivals ‘till recently… but if anything is on your mind, a-anything at all… I’ll be here to listen”
Dream was stuttering more in his brain than he actually was, talking to Techno as a friend was something he never imagined and it took him time to get used to it… but he cared for Techno… even if they had the same age, to him, Techno knew way more and he looked up at him like some sort of… idol… even if he had more subscribers than him.
The pig-skinned man still wasn’t looking at him, Dream felt like he messed up, like he wasn’t supposed to be there, so they sat in silence next to each other, one freaking out, the other debating with himself.
Did Dream need to know about his theory of the Sbi? Did he need to know that he missed them dearly and was scared to confront them, even if it was just a casual greet?
No… he didn’t need to… he thought to himself, but Phil always told him that keeping his thoughts to himself wasn’t going to make a difference so…
“Are you sad that the Dream team got split up in Mcc?”
Dream was so surprised to hear Techno’s voice he jumped, he was even more surprised that the question was addressed to him.
“Uh… uhm… well… y-yeah? I guess I’m kinda sad that I c-can’t play with th-them? They are my best friends after a-all… “
Dream was taken off guard and his stuttering was inevitable.
He never stuttered when they were live or recording since Dream told himself that Techno was talking to him to make content and entertain, so he was able to act cocky in front of him since he was “better than Technoblade”... he knew that statement wasn’t wrong, but if Techno would set his mind to it, he could easily surpass him.
“Well… I’m… very sad I can’t play with Phil and Will but… “
Was he ready to expose himself? Was he ready to get judged by Dream? No… not really… Techno was one to keep his burdens all to himself, placing a smile as a curtain to avoid everyone seeing what was hiding inside.
Wilbur and Phil could see straight through his act and they would annoy him until he let out everything… but they weren’t there right now, they weren’t there for him… but Dream was.
“I honestly miss them very much… I know I was the first one to find myself a team without them... yet… something is bothering me-”
“You’re afraid to get replaced?”
Techno’s eyes widened as he turned to face the blonde boy with a white mask, in complete shock.
“H-how did you..?”
Dream smirked, collecting his legs and squeezing them into his chest.
“I was afraid of that too… Have you ever watched a manhunt video with BadBoyHalo in it?”
Techno nodded, imitating Dream by bringing his right leg to his chest.
“The synergy between George Sapnap and BBH is amazing, Bad is an amazing leader and while I was being silent not to give myself away… They laughed, joked and had tons of fun together… and as much as I tried to join in… They even ignored me from time to time… hell, they even called themself the “Three Muffinteers”... I honestly was scared they were replacing me with Bad…”
Techno looked at the server in front of them, the players looked like ants from where he was standing.
“And what did you do?”
Dream looked at Techno and sighed, his stuttering went away in a heartbeat, Techno was vulnerable. He was asking him help, Dream, his enemy, from the eyes of the fanbase… Dream had a hard time not to freak out like a fanboy, but this was serious, Techno was serious, and so was going to be his attempt to help him.
“Nothing, I was actually very sad for the entire night…”
Techno looked down, already hopeless.
“But the next day, as I joined a call, George and Sapnap were there, happy to hear from me… acting like the day before never happened.”
Techno tilted his head in confusion, Dream took a deep breath and turned to face him, “Look Techno, they can’t replace you, everyone is their own person, with their own personality, quality and flaws, even if it looks like Tommy is taking your place, he can’t replace you because he isn’t you!”
Techno was astonished by Dream’s words, he had recently watched a couple of his videos to understand what type of players he was and all he had seen was a confident, solitary player who thought almost always two steps ahead and never went in without a plan. Realizing these kind words were coming from him, they definitely made him look more human… same with himself showing Dream this insecurity of his, made him look human too.
“C’mere Techno, you look like you need a hug”
Techno was pulled in an embrace he didn’t expect nor want, his whole body was stiff because of the unwanted human touch, but he wasn’t a robot, he wasn’t perfect, and as he looked at the green of Dream’s hoodie and the blonde of his hair, the memories poured in.
He couldn't hold in the sobs at this point and broke down.
Dream imagined how hard for his pride this had to be, crying on a shoulder of someone he barely knew, he just remained silent, trying his hardest not to move to break this moment.
After the hiccups calmed down, Techno’s weight shifted and Dream took it as a sign to let him go, his eyes were red from the tears and his cheeks were still full of tears, so was Dream shoulder.
“S-sorry about that…”
Techno apologized while looking at the wet spots on the other man’s hoodie, turning away from him to blow his nose.
“Don’t worry, we all need to cry sometimes, I’m happy I was able to help you… as a teammate… and a friend”
Dream cringed instantly, thinking he pushed his luck too far by calling him friend, but Techno just smiled at the comment, wiping the remaining tears away with his sleeve.
“I might not be Wilbur or Philza but… if you ever need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask, I promise i won’t judge”
Techno was looking beneath him, he smiled again before he placed a hand on Dream’s shoulder to help himself get up.
“Thank you, I'll’ keep that in mind... Now, I’m kinda hungry, I know a place that makes good burgers, want to go get something to eat? it’s on me” he extended his arm to Dream, pointing at it with his eyes.
It was Dream’s turn to smile, he took Techno’s hand to help him get up, “I can’t refuse, can I? Well then, lead the way” he gestured Techno to go first, when he started walking, Dream following right after.
“Want to 1v1 later? I could teach you some tricks about 1.9 combat if you’d like”
“What a nerd, always thinking about practicing… sure, why not? But don’t complain if you get destroyed, I’m better than you think I am”
They both laughed, hands in pockets and diamond sword strapped on their back.
Maybe opening up to him wasn’t such a bad idea.
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pandoraborn · 4 years
Perhaps an sbi snowball fight if you want to? Nothing too dangerous, just a little chilly.
Techno isn’t surprised to see Tommy there, again. What does surprise him is the lack of coat Tommy’s wearing. He’s leaning against the fence in the front, using only his bandana as some sort of flimsy shield against the cold. The bandana is tied around Tommy’s mouth and nose, and he’s glaring up at Techno and Phil.
He’s also shivering.
With a sigh, Techno turns around and heads back inside, rummaging through his things until he finds one of Tommy’s old jackets. He hands it over to Phil while he also searches for a pair of gloves, or mittens.
“Oy!” Comes Tommy’s voice from outside. “I don’t need a fucking jacket!” His declaration is followed up by Phil laughing. “Phil!”
“Shut up Tommy,” Techno calls out. “You’re in a t-shirt in the middle of a snow biome. You need something warm.”
“Oh look at me I’m Technoblade, I’m a mean old pig and I force people to dress to my liking, look at me I’m such a dickhead!”
Techno laughs as he heads outside with the pair of gloves in hand. Phil is bundling Tommy up in the jacket that seems to completely overtake Tommy. Techno takes the initiative and puts the gloves on the teen himself. “Look at you, isn’t that better?” he asks. “You need a new outfit, Tommy.”
“I really hate you,” Tommy growls. “I came here to tell you something with Wilbur, and instead, Wilbur disappears and I have to deal with you two.”
“Is it about the hotel?” Phil asks. “Because we already know about that. I was planning on checking it out when it opened.”
“Well, it’s opening soon,” Tommy says. He bends over as if attempting to remove the jacket, but stops, nearly toppling over. “God damn it Wilbur!”
Not too far away, Wilbur had built an igloo. If Tommy hadn’t been here that long, he has to wonder if Wilbur has some innate ghostlike ability to speedrun building a fucking igloo. That igloo had definitely not been here an hour ago.
“Hello family,” Wilbur calls out solemnly. “I must call to attention that this is the first time we’ve been together in a long time. I would like to celebrate our newfound bonding time over something simple.” He disappears into the igloo, and comes out with an arm full of snowballs.
“Wait,” Phil says. He steps back with wide eyes, looking back and forth between the igloo and Wilbur. It takes Techno another split second to catch up to the situation.
“Oh, you-” Techno starts to say. Unfortunately, his words are cut off when a snowball pelts him right in the face. He’s left standing there, swallowing snow and wiping the remaining powder out of his eyes. “You-”
“FIGHT!” Tommy’s voice again cuts him off, but war breaks out at that second too. It’s every man for himself now, with everyone scooping up snow and carving out their own section of land. Tommy builds a tiny wall to hide behind as he flings packed snowballs at the other three. Techno doesn’t bother building any sort of barricade, he’s more content with taking the hits and throwing back just as hard.
Phil is just flinging powder at the other three, clearly just enjoying the break in doing much of anything productive. Even Techno has to admit: he’s missed moments like these. He missed hearing Wilbur’s maniacal cackle, he’s missed Phil looking smug, and he even missed Tommy’s loud giggle when he thinks he’s won at something.
He lunges for Tommy, laughing at Tommy’s shocked squeal. He wraps his arms around Tommy’s waist and lifts the teen up, before throwing him down into a particularly soft patch of snow. Tommy disappears completely into the pile, laughing the only evidence that Tommy is still there.
There’s finally a lull in the mini war, with everyone else collapsing by the Tommy-sized hole in the snow.
“I missed this,” Wilbur says. “Why did we all drift so far apart?”
“Governments,” Phil comments. “We all let ourselves get torn apart by them and war. I understand where you’re coming from.”
“We’re supposed to be family,” Wilbur replies. “I’m guilty myself, I know. I just...wish we all hadn’t turned on each other the second it was convenient.”
Techno doesn’t have a response for that. He mulls the words over in his mind as Tommy finally pops back up, shaking snow from his hair. His face is scrunched up. Techno can’t tell if Tommy is upset or disgusted, or maybe a mix of both.
“Wilbur, when are you coming back to life?” the teen asks. “Because I can’t do this anymore. I can’t keep pretending like I’m fine with everyone against me or just...being alone.”
“I don’t know,” Wilbur says. “But you’re not alone, you still have us. Broken, barely trusting each other, but we’re still here.”
“I guess.” Tommy looks down, trailing a finger through the snow to draw random shapes. “I miss having a home.”
“You...you can always move back here,” Techno mutters. He expects to feel uncomfortable with that statement, regretting it the second it’s out of his mouth, but instead, he finds himself warm to the idea. “We can build you a proper room instead of a hole in the ground, unless you want to room with Ranboo, but the choice is yours.”
“Aren’t you two the ones that blew up the room in the first place?” Tommy waves vaguely at him and Phil. “Even calling my tower the ‘traitor tower’, all because I stood up for myself for the first time since I helped build L’Manburg? Like I said, no one cares.”
“We were wrong too,” Phil admits. “We shouldn’t have placed a huge burden on your shoulders, we shouldn’t have slapped you with such a damaging label without fully understanding how you’d feel. But I’m with Techno here, if you want to come back, you have a place.”
“I want my room build out of diamond and emerald blocks,” Tommy jokes. “With a floor made out of beds and the walls made out of chests. I want to feel rich and fancy.”
That earns laughter from all of them. It’s not a yes, but it’s not a no either.
And hey, they all do agree: being together is nice. Being a family again is the best therapy and final step in the road to recover they never knew they needed. After all, they’re the Sleepybois. If they can’t make it, how can they expect anyone else to?
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