#oh no iella
jayaorgana · 1 year
I finished Wedge's gamble
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anyways i saw a "imagine ur oc meeting their oh design" and had to do it with Iella
classic!iella: "ah geez... i don't think i oughta tell ya my ability..."
redesign!iella: "it does not exist if i do not look at it."
classic!iella: "i love fitting in! i hope nothing bad happens..."
redesign!iella: *shows up to school looking like a 2023 human influencer* "hello and welcome to a day in the life of a girl who doesn't fit in"
classic!iella: "i'm tired..."
redesign!iella: "SLEEP IS FOR THE WEAK"
it’s funny how much they can change overtime, even if you don’t mean to make it so different
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hamsolo · 1 year
(note: Star Wars and any recognizable characters/ settings/ ideas do NOT belong to me.)
This is the next part of your story, Ryan! part one two
Also, please let me know if you wanted a different story.
send me an emoji and I’ll write you as a SW character
"Stop doing that! You're going to blow our cover." Halle tries to slap my hand away from my collar.
"Not my fault that this collar is tight and itchy...as if I needed another reason to dislike senators," I grumbled. "What exactly was the matter with the clothes I did have?" I grumbled under my breath.
"Well...for starters, everything you have is a version of what you're wearing in your wanted poster. And since you didn't want me to give you a haircut-."
"You and sharp objects near my head and neck don't seem like a good idea. I've seen you on jobs..."
"Thank you."
"But I didn't-."
"Oh, you did." She smiles and for a split second, it's all I can do. Just looking at her. Maybe even for the first time. Openly. Without screaming on frowning at each other.
And the strangest part? She's smiling back. Suddenly it feels like a porg is hopping in the pit of my stomach. Maybe it isn't so bad to be the "married" senators...I open my mouth to compliment her gown.
"Hello senators." A tall Pantorian strolls up, or rather... stumbles up. With the slender glass in his hand it's easy to see why. Wine and lots of it. With the ball on Zeltron it's no surprise. "Having a good time?" He looks from me to Halle's chest.
"Yes sir. What about you, Senator Braxion?"
He grins, waves his hands about and goes on about the latest bill running through the Imperial Senate and the stress it's putting him under. Bingo!
"The blasted Imperials...blockades...do you know how hard it is to...money without....Oh dear! I'm getting ahead of myself hic-!"
"Oh yessss, dear...those Imperials. Oh I shouldn't even be...s-saying this but they have their noses in...things."
"Noses in what?" Halle continues.
"The blasted bill...too much stress...and the blockade." After a few more minutes of talking in circles, I lead Halle away from him. The Pantorian may be harmless, but he's just a useless.
The next senator a female Human representing some Outer Rim world actually reveals herself to be the sub-senator who knows nothing.
The official after her, seems to know about the blockade but passes out in a heap beside the buffet table.
"Oh my."
"I know, tell me about it. This has been a waste of time. The only good thing is that no one has looked too, too closely at us."
"Shhh, not so loud!"
"Oh come off it, everyone is too busy having a good time."
"Not everyone." She nods towards a tall, older Human Senator. "He's looked over at us a couple times."
"I dunno..."
The tall, arched doorways leading out to the patio let in a gentle breeze enough to counteract the stuffy air of the ballroom. Halle and I hide out behind a tall potted plant.
We can scan the room and breathe easy. Or easier, at least.
Or so we thought.
"Told you so..." Halle whispers in a sing song voice.
"I didn't expect to see you two here..." A tall, older senator stalks up to us. The tall, older senator! He has Imperial written all over him. The both of us realizes this and once again. Halle slips into her mask.
"How do you do? I don't think we've officially met. i'm Iella Logarth and this is my husband, Gav." She holds out her hand.
I follow suit, "we represent Christophsis."
"Iorio Myron, from Chandrila" he answers crisply. "I thought that I heard that the two of you regretfully declined..."
I looked at Halle and she at me. Giggling nervously she takes a sip of her drink and I smile. At least... I hope it's a smile for all I know it's a grimace. "Well, Iella and decided to come anyway. You know those Zeltrons. They know how to throw a party."
"Yet you two are by the patio away from the party..."
"Gav needed some air. Too much to drink." Halle supplies.
"Right...so I suppose your cousin is feeling better, Senator, hmmm? I heard from the Coreillian senator that she was in bad health." He looks me square in the face. The porg in my stomach has now morphed into a rock that sunk to my gut. Cousin? We didn't even consider why the two senators weren't attending.
"Oh yes, she's fine Senator Myron." I feel the sweat already starting percolate at the nape of my neck. "Tip top shape. Heh." Halle reaches over and squeezes my hand.
"I guess she wouldn't be in immediate danger in a medical facility bed..." His lips curl, he's got us.
Quick, quick Ryin! Now would be a great time for quick thinking!
Halle jumps in, "well, we've visited her so much the last few weeks the medical center all but barred us. Shame really, we're absolutely saddened by it all.
I've barely nodded before another slimey smile appears on his face. "But she's not in any medical center, in fact she's at home living out her last days with her family." The smile widens and the rock has sunk lower.
"Her family which includes cousin Gav and his lovely wife, Iella by her side." A pair of stormtroopers appear at the end of the patio. "Now I'm going to ask you once, who are you?" Click.
I gulp and look down at an impressive looking blaster.
"Be careful of how you answer that, Rebel. For you know there is a whole ballroom of people behind you. One false move and panic ensues..."
I look a Halle and she looks a me and then, quickly back to Myron. She mouthing a countdown.
One. "Now!"
Using the element of surprise and not know what else to do, I launch myself at Myron, knocking him down like a sack of protatoes. Unfortunately for us, shot rang off and, of course, panic ensued.
Soon every senator, their aides, sub senators, guards, staff and any other being had blasters drawn or grabbed something use as a utensil and was flailing about wildly.
"Ry, c'mon!" I heard her rather than saw Halle. So much dust and dirt from the potted plant had been kicked up. Following her voice, I stumbled around until her hand closed around my fingers.
My stomach started fluttering again and my breathing was coming out ragged as we dashed off the patio and onto the beach where the ship was waiting.
Myrrk was standing on the ramp. He took one look at our rumpled clothes and a sly smile appeared. "Well kids, I told you not to have too much fun-"
"Can it, would ya we've got to get out of here! Stormtroopers on our tail!"
Okay, okay. Hop on!" And then calling down the hall towards the cockpit, "I5-1B fire up the engines!"
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bitegore · 2 years
are you doing callouts? can I have a callout? I think I deserve one
oh nooo, have you heard about that autob*t-sc*ut-r*ella person :///
The most obvious red flag, and something they aren't even trying to hide - they write BAYVERSE. okay, r****a, we see you and your shit :/
they do roleplay. it's even public, you can see it on their tumblr. Like, okay, on one hand that doesn't necessarily mean anything on its own... but on the other hand, we all know that's closet creep behavior. normal people don't do that. and its bayverse roleplay too
this is a SECRET THING i found out by CLEVERLY infliltrating their discord spaces, but this person owns a cat. I'm sure at this point we all understand why that's harmful, so i'm just going to move on.
another big secret i found out by sneaking into these DANGEROUS discord spaces... riel//la works and spends time in close proximity to humans on a regular basis, seemingly without being detected. This is pretty suspicious.
at one point in my SECRET DISCORD SPYING SHENANIGANS i was also informed obliquely that r//iella has BAKED before. This leads me to my ultimate conclusion:
You've been CATFISHED. This is no autobot scout! They're lying to you, they're lying to all of us! They're obviously a Decepticon pretender smh :/
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ezrisdax-archive · 2 years
Starstruck Odyssey, Korrasami, and you DO get Wedge lmao
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: oh this is tricky... probably Skip, Zac just played him so well
Least Favorite character: uhhhh, Edwina, she's the one who was mean to Sidney when they met :(
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): this wasn't really a ship season? despite being on a ship (badum-tsh) so I've really got nothing here
Character I find most attractive: Riva, I love their design so much
Character I would marry: uh, well Margaret, she'd keep the finances running
Character I would be best friends with: Gunnie!
a random thought: I hope we come back to these characters but I'm not sure we'd see Riva return? which would be too bad but I'm sure Siobhan would play someone new I'd love
An unpopular opinion: as much as I enjoyed it there were times I think handy andi was a little op for the play
My Canon OTP: ????
My Non-canon OTP: we just don't know
Most Badass Character: Barry Syx, what can I say I'm a sucker for the old 80s archetypes like that
Most Epic Villain: the rolls vs checking for loose duke lmao
Pairing I am not a fan of: idk
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): none, d20 is perfect
Favourite Friendship: Sidney and Barry, those two were so much fun to play off each other.
Character I most identify with: hmmm, probably Riva
Character I wish I could be: Margaret, please teach me to get money...
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you:
When I started shipping them: way way back in season one, they had so little interactions but were pretty much the only pair I was interested in lol, back when they were a rarepair...
My thoughts: I'm so glad the writers got to make them canon, I still remember that I was working that day and saw some of it on tumblr and honestly wasn't sure if it was real or not until I saw it
What makes me happy about them: they're canon!!!! and that the two of them came to understand and rely on each other, I think season three really built a lot of groundwork for them coming together and I'm grateful for that
What makes me sad about them: we never got to see them kiss on tv, like I do absolutely understand that, hell it's even a struggle now for it but I wish we could have gotten it still
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: any time I see a fic where Korra is portrayed as an idiot or primitive I cringe. I once saw one where Asami was exploring the land and kidnapped and immediately knew that's where that was going and noped out
Things I look for in fanfic: hm, I haven't searched for korrasami fanfic in a while but I'm a huge sucker for aus where Korra was the one to run into her in season one or aus where they don't actually meet till later, completely different I know
My wishlist: I don't have much of one, I'd just like to see more of them in the comics which I think I will
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: nope, that's it for me for them
My happily ever after for them: I just want them to have more spirit world trips together and spend some time together, like let them have a happy ending where they're not always forced to save everything all the time and can relax
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: look. look. you know. and several other mutuals on this website who have to put up with me know even if they aren't in star wars fandom that Wedge is my boy. that's my star wars guy. I can't help it if three year old me picked him as a fave and has not let go okay. I had a fucking notebook lexi!!! that was just filled with pictures me and my sibs drew of him!!! every time we watched! moral is I love him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: I don't mind Luke/Wedge, because I'm the first person to have written it on ao3 apparently I also like Lando/Wedge (hey I'm a sucker for rare pairs), and of course Wedge/Iella
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Wedge and Tycho
My unpopular opinion about this character: look, I hate what Disney did with character, I can't stand Rebels version of him at all tbh, I can't stand they made him Imperial at first
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: disney leave him along but also put me in charge of the rogue squadron anything, please god
Favorite friendship for this character: Wedge and pretty much the whole rogue squadron, I miss them lexi....
My crossover ship: Wedge/B'Elanna from Star Trek: Voy, no I will not explain
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captaingondolin · 5 years
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rbeljedi · 4 years
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anon asked: smash or pass + iella (wessiri-antilles I’m assuming) 
“Iella is a friend of mine and our whole family; she’s more than capable of handling herself in just about any situation, a great champion for justice and truth.  And I’m not blind, she’s very attractive.  Besides the fact that she’s married to one of my best friends, I just don’t think of her like that.  
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ofsquadrons · 3 years
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the late-night talk — Oh. you figure it out when you realize just how vulnerable they are willing to be with you. it isn't everybody who could or would stay up talking into the night with you, not with such affection or easy familiarity. it isn't everybody who is so understanding of you. it isn't everybody who could bare their soul to you in return. that kind of intimacy... it means deep foundations. it means comfort. it means trust. maybe it's a secret, maybe it's a story, maybe it's something you just never thought of before -- but they say something, late at night, and you realize all at once how remarkable they are, and how special it is to exist in the same time and space as them. "oh" indeed.
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forcesung · 2 years
The orange speeder did a complete barrel roll as it roared over two lanes of traffic, then dropped precipitously into the gap where Wedge stood. He forced himself not to flinch as it came to a stop, its bow only a meter from him.
The pilot was a woman in her early twenties. Her eyes were hidden behind dark goggles, and her hair was a riot of colors, every lock seemingly a different hue. She pointed a gloved finger at him as if aiming a blaster pistol. “Hi, Dad!”
Wedge scrambled across the speeder’s bow and over its windscreen, dropping into the front passenger’s seat. “Myri! I thought you were supposed to stay at home, keep it secure.”
“Plans change. Are you mad? Spelled, ungrateful?”
“No. Let’s go.”
“Just a second, we’re waiting for—”
The speeder rocked and sank almost to ground level from the impact of something landing in the backseat. Wedge spun, saw a flash of awful green jumpsuit and red beard, and kept himself from swinging his pistol fully into line.
Then he caught sight of the eyes behind that preposterous red beard. “Corran!”
Corellia’s resident Jedi Master grinned at him.
Myri hit the thrusters, and Wedge was shoved by acceleration into his seat back, toward Corran. He continued, “So Iella’s message got to Mirax.”
Corran nodded. “And my wife got the message to me, and I got to your quarters in time for Myri to get me here. Everybody got something. Hey, girl, keep it down to fifty meters or lower.”
Myri waved at him, cheerfully ignoring his advice as she climbed to near rooftop level, but then her ballistic course reached its apex and she began a stomach-twisting dive toward a traffic lane a few blocks away.
“Sorry it was such a mess,” Wedge said. “I really thought the disguise and side-door gambit would throw off pursuit.”
“It did,” Myri said. “Mom says the main hit teams were assembled front and back. We missed about three-quarters of the assassins this way.”
“Oh. Good. Please tell me that all that stuff will wash out of your hair.”
“It will. But the tattoos are permanent.”
Myri laughed at him.
—Legacy of the Force: Exile, Aaron Allston
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scarlet-star-witch · 3 years
I loveee the flashbackssss. Would you write about din and lella first time? ♾
I got you babe xx
I wrote this after a bottle of wine while listening to Lana Del Rey so I hope this is coherent. Enjoy this pure, shameless smut! xx
Pairing: Din x Iella (Female OC)
Word Count: 2513
Fade Into You Masterlist
Din watched as Iella got ready for bed for the night. Each movement, though trivial, seemed to set his nerves on fire, just because it was her. 
His thoughts about her soon turned anxious as the hurdle they had yet to cross loomed over him greatly. They’d done everything else there was to do, expect for… that. 
It wasn’t a big deal to most people, but to him, with his creed and his touch-starved past, it was a big deal. He wasn’t embarrassed about his lack of experience, Iella had never once judged him or thought less of him because of it. 
But his greatest fear, the thought of not giving her the pleasure she deserved, was a prevalent thought, one that had kept him from taking the next step. But tonight… tonight he was ready for the next step. 
He wanted to be close to her, he wanted to love her and he wanted to show her just how much he cared for her. 
He’s been sheltered all his life, but with her he could be free.
He began to strip his armour off slowly, his eyes flitting over towards her frame every few seconds. 
“Are you feeling ok after today?” He asked her, wanting to make sure she was physically ok after the excruciatingly long hunt they’d just finished.
“Yeah, walked away with only a few bumps and bruises. We’ve definitely seen worse. I think Xi’an got the worst end of the deal than anyone.” 
Din rolled his eyes under his helmet at the reminder of the annoying Twi’lek. She was the last person he wanted to think of now. 
Iella walked back into the room, brushing her long hair out, the movement of her violet waves capturing his attention so captivatingly. 
“Huh?” He snapped out of his daze, suddenly realizing she was looking at him questioningly.
“I asked you if you were ok. You’ve been quiet all night.”
Din cleared his throat, reaching into his bag for something they had used before, but never for this. 
“I.. uh… wanted to ask you something.” He started nervously. 
Iella looked over at him, realization washing over her as she saw the blindfold in his hands. A soft smile grew as she felt heat flooding her cheeks at his insinuation. At the beginning of their relationship, he’d been so nervous, so scared to initiate anything.
She was relieved to see him finally take the leap. 
“Oh… well, you know I would never say no to a little bit of fun.” She drawled, biting her lip playfully as she sat on the bed next to him, slowly crawling towards him. 
She hoped she looked seductive and not like an idiot, like she worried.
“Well…” He cleared his throat nervously, her sultry gaze making his throat dry, making him almost unable to get any words out. “I wondered… if… maybe we could-”
“Din, are you ok?” Iella asked, interrupting his rambling.
“I want you. All of you.” He finally said straightforwardly. 
Iella’s face smoothed in realization, a shy smile growing. “You have me. You always have.” 
Din let out a loud breath, relieved by her answer, as if he worried she would refuse. Iella closed her eyes, motioning for him to place the blindfold over her eyes. 
“Are you sure it’s ok like this? I can keep my helmet on if that would make you more comfortable?”
“No, no, it’s ok.” She assured him as darkness overtook her. “I want to feel your lips on me.” 
He let out a shuddering breath at her words, squeezing his eyes shut to try and ground himself. He couldn’t lose control before it already began.
With shaking hands, he removed his helmet, his eyes taking in every inch of her before him, relieved to see her without the filter he usually saw her through. 
Sensing his nervousness, Iella reached out blindly, letting out a slight laugh when she met nothing but air. 
“Where are you?” 
Din smiled adoringly and grabbed her hands, guiding her to his bare face. Her hands rested on his cheeks, making him close his eyes at the unbelievably incredible feeling. He let out a loud exhale, trying his best to ground himself from her dizzying touch.
“There you are.” She whispered, her hands tracing his features that remained a mystery to her. 
She could practically feel his nervousness and hesitation. 
“Din, it’s ok. I want you. I want this.” She assured him.
Without wasting anymore time, he crashed his lips to hers reverently, the moan she let out causing goosebumps to erupt over his entire body. Like always, he felt a wave of calm wash over him as he kissed her. He felt like the planets were realigning, like everything was suddenly right in the galaxy.
She always had that effect on him and he hoped it would never dissipate. 
Iella gripped onto his hands, tearing the gloves off him, desperate to feel his touch, his real touch on her skin. 
One hand cradled her cheek as his eagerly made its way down the length of her body. Without any question, she helped him lift her shirt up and he quickly pulled it over her head, allowing his eyes to hungrily roam over every inch of her exposed skin. 
Her breathing increased, her heart beginning to race at his desperate touch. Their kiss became more heated, his tongue dominating hers so effortlessly as he gripped her hips tightly. Din pulled away, just for a second, to rid himself of his clothes as quickly as he could. 
His lips were back on hers in an instant, dominating and vigorous, his desperation suddenly reaching a peak. He let out a gruff moan as he kissed her so bruisingly, his hands beginning to frantically tug at the remaining clothes at her waist.
Iella could feel his body trembling against hers, she could sense his anxiety, the cause of his frantic movements, and she pulled away, placing a hand on his heaving chest.
“Hey, it’s ok. I’m right here, you don’t have to rush.” She whispered to him. 
She cursed herself slightly as he pulled away abruptly. He stared down at her, his wide eyes closing, his face twisting in anger at himself.
“I’m sorry.” He choked out, shame washing over him. Iella reached out, her hands sloppily finding his with her covered vision. 
“It’s ok. Don’t be sorry.” She told him reverently. “If you’re not ready, we don’t have to-”
“No, no. I want to.” He assured her without hesitation. “I want you more than anything I’ve ever wanted. I want to be close to you.”
Iella knew he meant more than just physically close. Being emotionally close to others was something Din struggled with and over their time together he’d become much more comfortable. She wanted to cross that final barrier with him.
She smiled softly, winding her arms over his shoulders, bringing him down to press against her body. “We’re ok. Just take it slow.” 
He nodded, despite the fact that she couldn’t see him. Taking in a few long, deep breaths. He reached out again, his hands softly grazing her thighs, slowly making their way upwards to the sleeping shorts she was wearing, the ones that left little to the imagination, the ones that drove him absolutely crazy.
“Are you sure?” He asked her again. She nodded eagerly, her hips squirming, a silent plea to remove what separated them. 
Din swallowed the lump that rose in his throat and slowly pulled off the rest of her remaining clothes. 
“You’re so beautiful.” He whispered as he hovered over her, placing a soft kiss to her hip bone and slowly making his way up the length of her body. “So perfect.”
She let out soft moans with every kiss he planted on her skin, her want reaching new heights. “Din, please. I need you.” She begged breathlessly. 
Din groaned softly, the sound of her voice, pleading for him was becoming too much to handle. He reached down, beginning to thumb at her clit, her wetness, her blatant need for him swelling a pride within him he never knew existed before he met her. 
The loud moan that escaped her at his touch had his own soft groan leaving his parted lips as he watched her body writhe beneath him.
“Do you need me to-”
“No, no, I need you.” She panted, her hands trailing down the length of his chest before gently grasping his aching length. 
Din tensed, his shoulders raising, his head dropping as his face creased with the effort it took to hold back. He quickly grabbed her wrist, stopping her movements on his cock. His heart was racing in his chest, but he found no anxious thoughts, no self deprecating worries.
He only thought of her. 
“I love you.” He breathed out, placing frantic kisses along the curve of her neck before he reached her lips. She eagerly kissed him back, her arms holding tightly to his shoulders, her fingers finding their way into his hair. 
“I love you.” 
With shaking hands, he gripped his length and slowly guided himself inside her. He immediately stilled, his mouth falling open with a silent moan. He gripped the sheets below her, curling them in his fists. 
“Din?” She called out, worried as to why he stopped so suddenly. 
“I’m… I just… I need a second.” He panted, forcing his eyes that had screwed shut to open slowly. “Are you ok?” He asked, his voice tense and low.
Iella bit her lip at the sound, bliss already overtaking her body and she nodded eagerly. “I’m perfect.” 
Din’s chest heaved and he began to move his hips slowly, thrusting in and out of her carefully, fearing that he would hurt her if he went any faster. 
Iella moaned softly, her nails digging into his shoulders as he moved. He felt incredible, but she needed more. Her hips gyrated, looking for the friction she desired. 
A choked groan escaped him, her name leaving his lips in a breathless pant as he inched even deeper inside her at her movements. 
“Fuck! Stop, stop, please.” He begged, his hands anchoring themselves to her hips, forcing her to still before he lost all sense of control, which he was hanging on to by a thread. 
“You ok?”
He nodded frantically, his gaze locked onto her fervently. He gently moved a strand of hair that was hanging in front of her face. He wished he could take that blindfold off, that he could see her eyes in the throes of passion. 
He wished he didn’t need to hide himself from her. 
Din kissed her fiercely, moving past his reservations, and began to thrust into her slowly again. A loud groan sounded from him, forcing his lips off hers as she moved her legs to wrap around his waist and he found himself unable but to move even faster, his hips meeting hers at a rapid, more frantic pace.
Iella’s head fell back, her lips parting with a cry of his name. She held onto him tighter as white lights swirled in her vision as he moved with vigour. 
Breathless, desperate moans fell off his lips without any regard, her name choked out amongst what she could barely understand. 
“Please, please.” He panted.
He didn’t know what he was begging for, all he knew was he felt weightless, a soaring feeling bubbling within him he had never felt before. It overwhelmed him, it soon became too much. He gripped onto her hair tightly, his forehead leaned against hers in the most erotic keldabe kiss they’d ever shared. 
He needed something, anything, to anchor him to reality, but it was quickly becoming a failing effort.
He could no longer control the coil inside him that grew tighter and tighter, only seconds from snapping altogether.
He looked down at her, watching with hunger in his eyes as her back arched beneath him, her hands coasting down the length of his back, her nails casting a pleasurable ache that made his jaw clench as he tried his hardest to stifle the noises he seemed to have no control over.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…. oh, it’s… too much.” He panted breathlessly, slightly disbelieving what he was feeling. 
Iella could feel tingles erupt over every inch of her body, down from her head to her toes that curled in ecstasy. Din’s movements were frantic and slightly sloppy from inexperience, but it was enough to make her head spin. 
The grunts that escaped him sent shivers down her spine. The way the muscles in his back fluttered and tensed under her hands as he moved had her repressing a shiver. She wished she could see his face, she wished she could see what he looked like in pleasure. 
The slack jaw, the wide eyes, the pure bliss the covered his expression would’ve been her undoing if she could have seen. 
“Din… uh, yes, yes, please!” She breathed out blissfully. 
His eyes closed, his face turned into a grimace as he felt himself beginning to slip over the edge. He quickly moved his hand, his fingers finding her clit as he began to rub in circles, desperate to get her over the edge with him.
The build up was slow, a feeling stirring in his stomach, before he was hurdled over the cliff so quickly, it left him unable to utter any words except a shout of pure relief as he reached ecstacy. 
His body trembled, a shuddering gasp of her name escaping him as he made sure to keep the movements of hips in a desperate attempt to make sure she wasn’t left wanting.
Hearing his pleasure sent her over the edge. 
Iella clung onto him tightly, her body arching, her forehead rested on his shoulder as she became rigid in her final moments. 
Her mouth dropped open, a cry of his name echoing in the room as she reached her climax. 
The fluttering of her walls around his twitching and spent length made him whine and he wrapped his arms around her, only holding her tighter when he felt her body shaking against his. 
The only thing heard in the room was the echoing pants of the lovers wrapped in each other’s arms, refusing to let go of each other. 
After a few minutes, as they both came down from their highs, Din raised his head, looking down at her blindfolded gaze. His hand twitched, his brain telling him to rip the thing from her eyes and look into the spacy gaze of her pleasure he was so desperate to see with his own eyes, not just from behind his visor.
He cradled her cheeks and leaned down, pressing a slow kiss to her lips which didn’t last as long as they would’ve hoped due to them both being out of breath still. 
“Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum.” He whispered. 
The breathless Mando’a she whispered back sent shivers down his spine and he tightened his grip on her, suddenly feeling entirely overwhelmed by the love he felt for her. 
*Hides face* Enjoy xx
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accidental-spice · 3 years
Solo Command re-read part one.
Spoilers, naturally.
1. 'Naval Lieutenant Jart Eyan looked rested and cheerful. The fact that he had only twelve minutes to live would have changed his disposition, but he dud not possess that knowledge.' What an entrance, Allston.
2. And Piggy thwarts an assassination. And he does it really awesomely, too. Reminds me a bit of one of the half dozen Sherlock episodes I've ever seen.
3. So, one of the best parts about this book is the fact that one of my favorite platonic relationships, and one of my favorite romantic relationships, both come to fruition. Firstly, the platonic one: Face and Lara. I'll probably elaborate later, but they're cool. I'll definitely elaborate later on the romantic one, Myn and Lara.
4. Oh. Great. A replacement medic. Just great.
5."Elassar Targon, master of the universe, reporting for duty!" Wedge: oh, great, another maniac.
6. Face becomes the leader of the squad. When I started this series for the first time, I had no idea that Face was gonna end up Wraith One. Unexpected, but not unwelcome.
7. Wedge is analyzing the other lieutenants to see how they feel about their new squad leader, and all seems well thus far.' That left Myn Donos, a lieutenant with more years and more experience than Face. He looked serious and contemplative. But then, serious was merely a step up from his usual expression, that of dour intensity.' Yep, Myn's facial expressions are pretty much limited to intense and...... More intense.
8. Wedge is going on a da-ate. According to Hobbie, "He smells like a fresh spring breeze ". Bet it's with Iella. Speaking of OTPs...
9. 'Dia Passik, the female Twi'lek, said, "He (Face) insisted that he wasn't feeling well." Lara Notsil smiled over her shoulder at them. "He lied. He lies all the time, you know." "I know. But he seemed so genuine." "He does that all the time, too. This is the right thing to do. Myn, Elassar, back me up. " For context, they're going convincing him to go for a night out with the four of them. See? BROTHER.
10. "I've often suspected that you sometimes put on disguises just to go to the refresher. "
11. Oh, look, someone mistook Lara for their old student, Edalia Monotheer. Bet that won't come back to bite us...................................................
12. And Zsinj calls up the ship Han's on, and Chewie answers. "It's, ah, Chewbacca, isn't it? Please put your owner on." Zsinj, Han doesn't own Chewie. It's actually probably the other way around.
13. Tyria just called Face "chief". Hallelujah.
14. It's amusing to realize that Wraith and Rogue Squadron are assisting Wedge in his 'I refuse to become a general' scheme. Because they are.
15. So apparently, Corran and Han have never been in the same room together during this trip, so there's a baseless conspiracy theory that they're the same person. Hilarious.
16. Piggy's fresh out of the bacta tank, and the Wraiths are here to greet him. And troll him, naturally. 'Shalla said, "Kell and I worked up an instructional manual for you. It's called, *How to Dodge*." Piggy mopped away at his damp skin and allowed himself a slight smile. It was good to be home.' *gets bowled over by found family feels*
18. Donos will now commence to initiate a conversation with a young woman he likes. *eyebrow wiggle* Hopefully, he asks her to do an activity together. That'll sell..
19. He does not ask her to do an activity together.
20. Which is probably why its doesn't go THAT well.
21. "I'm going to be a tremendous embarrassment to the Wraiths." Lara, honey, Wraith Squadron can't afford to get embarrassed. They're already an embarrassment. (Affectionate)
22. Tyria is getting better at the Force. Knew you could do it, Tyria.
23. 'Shalla said, "You're getting weird, Tyria." This is good. When things start to get weird like this, that's a good thing.
24. Elassar is eating candy mid-mission. Okay, he's growing on me. I do have a slight prejudice against him because he's the new medic. And I really really miss the old one....
25. I retract my weird-means-good statement, they are in an incinerator.
26. Well, that could have been worse.
27. "By the way, I'm putting in a commendation for Kell for his initiative, and one for Lieutenant Janson for bravery." "Like he needs another one." "Maybe he can build a little fort out of them."
28. "Get the Wraiths together," Wedge said. "We're going to conduct one of their insane speculation and planning sessions. " Yeah, this line just amuses me.
29. So, they're having a dance, and Donos and Lara are flirting, and Dia and Face are flirting by watching them flirting and basically competing over who can read their body language better. It's weird and adorable.
30. Well, Facebis gonna do some research on Lara and Edalia Monotheer. Bet we won't live to regret that............................................
31. Okay, Solo's gone off the deep end. "Without her (Leia), I don't have a place. I'm just a drifter with an irresistible dose of roguish charm. And someday she'll get tired of the charm and there won't be anything else for me to offer her." "You know," Wedge said, "I can't do it myself, because you're my superior officer. But I could call Chewie down here, and tell him what you've just said, and then he'd beat you nearly to death with a hydrospanner." Stars, Han. Anyone knows that Leia needs you. It's so obvious, even a blind man could see it.
32. So, Wedge is giving everyone the night off, unofficially. Including the astromech droids. Also, he's not Wedge. After all, Commander Wedge Antilles would be wearing proper rank insignia.
33. The book calls it 'Wedge's mutiny of anonymity,' and I really can't do it justice. It's hilarious.
Pretty much sure that's half the book done, then. Later!
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Iella manifests at school in an Ability Discovery session. But, she barely remembers what happened.
Is she told she's a Mesmer??????? Well, with the Ruewens back in main media, the people running the session doesn't tell her, but rather the parents.
How do her parents tell her? Well, they don't, and she just sees she has ability training on her schedule.
oh oh have you seen my mesmer headcannons!? i can give you the rundown if you want to use them
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hamsolo · 3 years
🌓 galactic civil war era please
Hi Ryan, hope ya like it!
(note: I do NOT own Star Wars or any recognizable characters, planets, ideas, etc... therein. Credit goes to their respective owners)
Finally writing part three for ya! Parts one two
"That's so funny Senator Galeth! Tell me more!" Halle takes another sip of the Coreillan red and urges the Gran senator on as he weaves a tale about a treaty signing that his intern nearly botched last year.
Or maybe he's telling her a joke about a Hutt in a cantina with a Rodian or something... Between trying to find a decent mark in the midst of the packed ballroom AND trying not to freak out over Halle's fingers wrapped around my elbow...it was hard to really say for sure.
"...think, Senator?" "Hmmm?" I looked back at the Senator from Mon Gazza. "Sir?" Halle pinches my arm and wince. Her nails...Force's sake! That's going to draw blood or at least bruise...
He and Halle, or should I say Iella (my WIFE, however fake the situation may be. I balk at the thought of Halle, matrimony, and I all in the same room. It's all I can do not to blush.) look at me and the Gran chuckles nervously, "I was asking if there was any news regarding Christophsis?
"Oh yeah! No, there's not much to report on really." Both Halle and I smile, well she's smiling. I'm sure mine's more of a grimace. She's much better at these things. "Same old, same old."
The senator nods and I think yes! We're in the free and clear! He bought it. That is until another person walks upholding ...
"Well actually, I heard that there was unrest in the Capitol city. Allow me to introduce myself. Kiplon Zu'urlok III."
Three things happen all at once: my heart flies to my throat, Halle's hands further tighten around my elbow and both of us snap our gazes to the newcomer. Kip. I can hear her breath hitch. It is him, there is no mistaking him.
"Well, you know there's always unrest there lately. So much so that it is the y'know, same old, same old. Heh." Halle coughs and moves behind me, pretending to look at the tapestries on the far wall. The gran senator audibly swallows.
"If you all would excuse me..." the gran starts, "I told the Chancellor I would introduce her to a, uh- colleague of mine." Without waiting for any acknowledgment from any of us he leaves, immediately blending into the crowd.
"I heard that the unrest was getting violent to the point that a whole slew of the Black sun syndicate was captured and to be tried for some of the riots and bombings."
"Oh yes, indeed." A protocol droid zips by with drinks. Alchohol. Perfect. Not Correllian whisky, but wine. It would do. I snatch a glass and take a drink. It took everything in me not to knock it back. I can prepare for a blaster fight all day long but a war with words? count me out. "Lots of trials going on the justice building-"
"Indulge me, Senator. Shall we go somewhere more private? The promenade, perhaps?" He gestures towards a tall set of doors opening up the inky sky overlooking the mansion's lush gardens.
Halle's nails dig in further but some of Kip's... friends? Companions? Underlings? Minions? Guide or rather, corral us outside.
"I hope you know what you're doing" Halle hisses. "I don't know if knows or not...some days he's dumb as Ronto and other days he doesn't miss a trick."
"I'm working on it" I hiss back. That was my main concern too. She opens her mouth again and quickly shuts it. The crowd and dancers were more than sufficient to cover our whispers but now...now out in the gardens we've only the hum of the soft lights overhead. That's not nearly enough noise to cover a cough, let alone a conversation. A conversation about escaping one's situation no less.
"Lovely evening, wouldn't you say?"
"Hmmm." Because apparently my brain is wired to lie easier than to make casual conversation.
Just wonderful." Halle adds trying to make her sound as throaty as possible. Kip's eyes flash over to her and then back to me. I gulp. Come on! Think! What would Han Solo, smuggler extraordinaire do? What would Lando Calrissian do?
It was beginning to look more and more like a "days where Kip doesn't miss a trick" kind of day.
Kip continues on as if we hadn't been interrupted. As if we had been out in the gardens surrounded by his goons the whole time.
"I just thought that it was strange that for such a high profile trial, that the senators, the face of the planet to the entirety of the galaxy would choose to attend a party..." Kip trails off and once again looks me dead in the eye then Halle. "Unless this party has more of a business function for your cause...Senator?"
"Not you, your wife!" I flinch. "Iella...or should I say, Halle?" With a huge smile on his face, he waves his hands, and immediately his goons move in closer.
Blaster barrels jammed into our backs.
"How's that plan coming along, Ry?" Halle snarls.
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jedimordsith · 4 years
@virusq said “Has anyone said 15 yet?”
No! But I’m glad you did! 😁 
Katana is the sequel to Oracle. Luke and Karrde join Han, Leia, Wedge and the Rogues for a secret, urgent trip to retrieve the Katana Fleet before Thrawn can get to it. 
Mara’s plans to reconnect with Ghent and Shada and start putting her life back together are almost immediately derailed by the realization that Thrawn will beat the NR forces to the Katana Fleet. (Thanks a lot, Force visions!) Unwilling to risk losing the men she loves, Mara goes to Iella Antilles to recruit reinforcements, despite her fears of being discovered as an Oracle and imprisoned by the NR. 
Everything comes to a head when the Imperials and the NR face off over the Fleet. Thrawn and C’baoth are there with a surprise (Luuke, anyone?), the Grand Admiral intent on reclaiming his Oracle by any means necessary. Luke and Karrde both have their hearts set on making Thrawn pay for his crimes, however, and Mara refuses to go down without a fight. 
Katana sets us up for a cuople smaller L/M relationship oriented fics in the Oracle verse (including #3 - Ch_hala Trees) and then the final big installment in which our faves finally tie the knot -- oh, and prevent the Vong War. 😉
Here’s a snippet from Katana:
“I’ve taken the chamber on the left,” Shada said, waving at a door as she slipped her own shoes off. “You’re on the right. Ghent has the one next to you. Everyone else is in standard crew suites.” 
Mara nodded as they both padded across the room to the seating circle.  
“All the food is safe,” Seven announced. “Captain Jade, I remind you —”
“I know,” Mara interrupted. “Don’t worry, I’m starving.” 
Seven made an approving noise and floated off to join Reggie in a corner where they could converse between themselves but still be available if needed. 
“This looks amazing.” Mara leaned over to pick up a plate and the world jarred. The man’s hand slid lower, curving hot around her hip over the golden vine-silk of her dress. His uniform bore the rank of a planetary governor and his eyes were slightly unfocused from too much drink. His breath stank of garlic when he leaned in, slurring his lewd proposition. I’m not a whore — 
A strong arm slid around her and Mara gasped as the world righted itself with a sickening lurch. She wavered, Minion’s worried squawking suddenly painfully loud in her ear. She made herself suck in another breath. The scent of the oil Shada used on her hair steadied her as much as the arm around her waist. 
“Sit,” Shada commanded, pulling her back and down.
Mara’s knees gave. “Shavit.” 
“That is the second one today,” Seven groused somewhere behind her. “I had expected this accelerated frequency to abate by now.”
“Shush,” Shada waved the droids away and crooned to Minion, who stopped squawking to nose beneath her ear with small, distressed sounds. “We knew bringing her to Coruscant would probably be like this. Mara, put Minion in your lap.” 
Tucking her legs up beneath her, Mara complied, blinking her vision clear as the world stopped spinning. Shada reached over the table and retrieved a gravelwheat roll, setting it on a plate and balancing the plate on Mara’s thigh until Minion pounced on it. 
A moment later, she’d dished up a plate for Mara, as well, and set it and a glass of spritzer on the low side table. Then she served herself and settled onto the sofa just on the other side of the end table.
“Has your Jedi been instructed on how to handle half-memories?” Shada asked, twirling a nest of noodles around her foodsticks. 
“More or less,” Mara said begrudgingly, picking up a delicate sushi roll carefully. “There wasn’t much choice after I had two right in front of him.” The flaky fish all but fell apart on her tongue, its rich, oily flavor coating her mouth and filling her senses with pleasure. In her lap, Minion paused his own eating to peer up at her, trilling around a mouthful of buttery crumbs. Mara shook her head, but couldn’t chide him about manners with her own mouth full. 
“Hmmm.” Shada frowned. “Was he… accommodating?” 
Mara swallowed and then sighed, thinking of how carefully Luke touched her. “He’s… not what I expected,” she confided. There was an odd thrill to discussing Luke with her friend. It made her feel young and girlish in a way she’d never experienced or expected. She felt her cheeks heat slightly and reached for her glass, trying to cover it up, then reconsidered. You have earned the right to enjoy this, she told herself firmly. Her eyes darted back to her friend’s and she dropped her voice. “He’s… generous.” The words came out like a confession and Shada leaned in. “He used his mouth, Shada. I didn’t even ask, he just — wanted to.”
Shada grinned like a tooka being handed a bowl of cream. “Well then.” She lifted her own glass and raised an eyebrow suggestively. “Perhaps he’ll turn out to be worth all the trouble after all.” Setting it down, she eyed Mara appraisingly. “We should rewrite the schedule. Find time to go shopping.” 
“Shopping?” Mara sipped her drink, appreciating the effervescent bite of citrus on her tongue. “For what? Clothes?” 
“Lingerie,” Shada announced matter-of-factly. “You’ll need some now that you have a lover.” Her brows knit. “Unless Jedi prefer the zals nahur approach?” 
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corelliaxdreaming · 5 years
brotp ask: corran and iella
who steals french fries off the other’s plate - both
who jokingly moves in for the kiss when someone asks if they’re a couple - Iella. Corran would, but he’s way too aware that she’s married and that is Off Limits, even though the both know it’s a joke.
who has to bust or bail the other out of jail - I thinking this is during their CorSec time, so probably neither of them was getting into trouble much. But you know Corran would and Iella would bail him out - after she spend some time relishing it, of course.
who gives the other advice/comfort about dating issues - Iella tries to given Corran advice, but he probably doesn’t listen.
who shamelessly cheats at games by reaching over to cover the other’s eyes - Corran
who immediately calls dibs on the top bunk - Corran. He is a child, and Iella is amused.
who starts and who wins the pillow fights - They alternate on both, I think.
who says “your pants would look better on their floor” to the other’s potential crush - Oh my god, Corran so would. Iella is subtler, but no less ruthless.
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captaingondolin · 5 years
wedge and tycho along with wes and hobbie have all been friends since like forever. they start hanging out with luke and biggs and wedge eventually drifts apart to hang out more with "mirax's friends" who are really corran's friends aka the main group (but mostly corran, gavin, mirax, and iella are the ones wedge hangs out with from there. plus pash and asyr in engineering.) damn i could make a CHART to map all these relationships in this au. should i
2/ wes and hobbie are ALWAYS getting in trouble but hobbie can usually get himself out of the trouble by being like “um, i was in a car accident last year, here do you want to see my leg” and goes as if he is going to take off his prosthetic leg but the teachers just let him go. wes however has all his original limbs so he cannot do this and he is BITTER
3/ last night i was thinking about how mara jade should be in this au and came to the conclusion that MARA JADE SHOULD BE IN THIS AU!!!! i don’t particularly care about her and luke so idk if they’re a thing but like. they can be but they don’t *have* to be. anyways what i’m focusing on with mara is her and corran being friends!!!!! because they’re friends and i love that so THEY ARE FRIENDS HERE TOO. and mara and mirax are also best friends (woefully unexplored in legends) because HECK YEAH
4/ in this au talon karrde is mara’s dad because he is definitely mara’s dad. their family is friends with the terriks (which IS something that legends did well; karrde keeps giving presents to the horn kids) and mara and mirax were childhood bffs that stayed bffs
5/ omg what if mara joins corran and ooryl’s book club
6/ oh and biggs and hobbie are dating in the au because in the darklighter comic they were totally dating
I don’t know Mara well enough in canon yet, but how much some people love her just warms my heart and I am HERE for these friendships!! more friendships!! (she says, as she keeps shipping the heck of everything tha moves… ops? I do love friendships, though)
childhood bffs
YES, SHE DOES, Mara is in the book club now
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