#oh really nick. that's funny miles. where have i heard that before.
pennamepersona · 1 year
trilogy era wrightworth really is two people trading off singing won't say i'm in love
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thefuckinsandes · 2 years
Time Lapse
Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x Photographer f!reader Warnings: slight mention of sex, food mention Summary: Being apart from Javi is beginning to become unbearable. Especially when it has been over a month. Trying to stay afloat as you count down the days before Javi comes back home, you reflect on your feelings towards the sweet man. A/N: Hi, it's me. This fic has been in my drafts for so long that I finally had the chance to finish it. This could be read as a solo fic, but it is in continuation of my fic, Candid. Please enjoy some more soft Javi.
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Part 1
Facetime had to be one of the greatest inventions ever created. Yes there was Zoom and Duo. Yes, Skype did and still exists and made a statement when it first came around. But the ease to simply press a button and Facetime someone was really a blessing. Especially when you miss someone and they are miles, miles away. 
“Have you seen the movie I recommended to you?” Javi’s voice flowed through your phone as you adjusted yourself on the bed. 
“The Calligari one? No not yet,” You giggled at the expression that quickly appeared as soon as the words escaped your lips.
“How have you not seen it? It’s a masterpiece!”
“Well, I was thinking of watching it with you. That way I can be able to enjoy something you love with you.”
“You’re perfect, do you know that?” Javi’s sweet praises will never not bring a blush to your cheeks.
You turned over your pillow and gripped onto the edge as you adjusted the phone in your hand. With a soft sigh you told him how you missed him. You missed the warmth that radiated from him. You missed everything about him.
“I miss you too, querida.” 
Javi Gutierrez was roughly two thousand, eight hundred and fourteen miles away from where you currently resided. You in the West Coast of California and him in the East Coast of New York. He was working with the director and producers of a new film that he had written. When you asked him to summarize it in three words, he responded with, “Action. Spectacle. Surprises.”
“That could be anything!” You laughed when you heard those words.
You missed him so much. His hair had grown a bit since you last had seen him a month ago. Those sweet curls you adored so much were making an appearance as you watched him move around the bed he currently was on. 
“How’s New York? Did you make any new friends?” 
He quickly sat up and the biggest smile appeared on his face. You mimicked his moves and leaned against the headboard of your bed, ready to listen to his newest tale.
“I did! His name is Isaac. He is an actor who is going to be one of the producers of the film. He is extremely funny!”
“Is this a new best friend I am sensing? Is Nick going to get jealous?” You teased him.
“Nick would love Isaac!” He spoke with such offense. “We would become an iconic trio like Luke, Han, and Chewbacca or Charlie’s Angels.”
“Does that mean I would be able to see you in a tight spy suit? Or better yet in Han’s outfit?”
“Only if you wear Leia’s outfit.”
“I promise. Space buns and all!” You both laugh.
“Oh! He also introduced me to his wife who is a director and screenwriter as well! She has done some amazing films! Some that they both even have worked on together! They want to meet you, too.”
“Me?” You asked surprised.
“I told them about my beautiful partner who is a photographer and creates beautiful pieces of art with a simple click of her camera.”
“Javi,” You smiled at him.
He shifted so that you can see all his beautiful features perfectly lit by the lamp beside him. His eyes, those beautiful expressive shades of brown, that are staring directly into the camera but seem as if they were staring straight into your own, showed nothing but adoration. 
“I wish I was there with you,” You whisper to him, as if it was a secret you were sharing. 
“Me too. Only one more week to go,” he whispers back. 
You both had officially begun dating ten months ago. After the photoshoot, you met up with him a few days later with the plan of watching a movie and having dinner. As well with the intention of returning the jacket that he kindly lent you on the day you met. In the end, the jacket became forgotten as the date continued.
On your third date and third attempt to return his jacket, Javi walked you to your door and as you pulled the blue jacket off your shoulders, he stopped you.
“Keep it. It suits you better,” Javi whispered before pressing his forehead against your own.
After that night more of his sweaters and shirts made a new home within your closet. Even now as you laid on your bed, one of his t-shirts was being worn as a sleep shirt. It still held the scent that could only be described as Javi.
“The day that you come home, I will be sure to have all of your favorite movie snacks ready. And we are going to have a Paddington movie marathon and cuddle on the couch,” You tell him. “It’s gonna be you, me, and Mr. Bunny. How is he, by the way?”
Javi laughs and puts his phone down for a second as he reaches over for the stuffed rabbit you insisted that he take with him. It was another duplicate of the bunny plush that was used in “Con Air”. Javi had given it to you on your fifth date. The date in which you both declared that you were official. He was yours and you were his.
Mr. Bunny came to view as Javi was back on the screen, “He has been enjoying the scenery. But he misses his mother.”
“I miss him too,” You tell him with a yawn. “The both of you.”
“Tiempo para dormir, querida. I’ve kept you up for too long.”
“Me? You’re the one that is three hours ahead of me. How are you still awake?”
A smile appears on his face, “Nothing in this world would stop me from being able to see you. I could stay awake for hours if it means being able to see your beautiful face and hear your lovely voice.”
“Come home soon, Javi.”
Javi smiled at the word home. You were becoming his home. 
“As you wish.”
And as you both laid in your beds, laying on the side that you both declared as your own, you both reached over and touched the pillows that were beside your own. Wishing that it was the person that you desired the most that was many miles away. The same thoughts lingered through both your minds as you whispered goodnight to the empty room with nothing but the sounds of the outside world.
The second thought on your mind when you awoke the following morning was that you were a day closer to seeing Javi. The first was how annoying your alarm was. As you got ready for the day, you noticed how Javi’s presence was always around you. The cup that he used for his morning coffee was placed next to the coffee machine as you poured yourself your first brew of the day. The blanket throw you leaned against on your couch that he helped pick out the one time you had gone on a Target trip and lost yourselves amongst the many ailes. The many DVDs that he left on your coffee table the day you got sick. He had insisted that they brought nothing but pure joy and would quickly make you feel better.
There were so many little things that reminded you how much you loved him. A smile appeared on your face before sipping on your coffee. Love. In your mind you thought that the possibility of even experiencing that romantically was out of the picture. And here you are, ten months later admitting the notion as you smelled the coffee that Javi had picked out a few days before he had left.
You sighed at the thought of him and soon remembered that perhaps you should go to his apartment to check how things are. Javi has a housekeeper that comes once a week, but before he left he had asked if you could also check on the plants that he kept in the apartment. The same plants that you had in yours. His reasoning was so that his home had a piece of you in it. After quickly getting dressed, one of his sweaters being thrown on, you locked the door behind you and began your journey to your favorite place.
Javi’s apartment had such a beautiful view of the city. At first you thought that his art pieces and movie memorabilia would capture your attention. But the moment you saw the rays of light enter from the large balcony, you were enamored. As Javi joined you on the balcony, you told him that this might be the most beautiful view of the city as the setting sun made its appearance. In Javi’s eyes, you were the most beautiful view. You glowed even more so than you already did.
Greeting his neighbors, an elderly couple who always gave you both a knowing smile, you entered his apartment. The aroma that could only be described as Javi hit your senses and it brought you such comfort. Leaving your bag on his couch, you made your way to the balcony and began your task of watering the plants that were both in and outdoors. As you walked around, you noticed that there were many things of yours that lingered in his apartment. 
Your favorite blanket was folded on the couch, the one that you used when you both cuddled under when watching films. Your favorite snacks are organized in his pantry as well as your own mug for the coffee that he brewed for you. His bathroom held your skincare products and your toothbrush in your favorite color. When he presented it to you the first time you stayed over, he had the cutest smile and was so proud to have the little piece of knowledge memorized.
In his room, your favorite pajamas were in the cabinet that he declared your own and the vanity he had purchased just for you so you can get ready for the day as he watched with admiration. And lastly, a portrait of the two of you at the beach as the sun set behind you. It sat on the drawer underneath the television in his room. It was a gift that you had given him and one that he would always cherish.
“Only one week to go,” You told yourself as you stepped out of his apartment, locking the door behind you.
The next day, you were dragged out of your apartment because according to Arlene, your moping behavior had to end.
“He’s only been gone for how long?” 
“34 days,” You tell her with a longing voice.
“That’s forever!” Leah yells as she takes a bite of her brownie.
“I completely agree with you, Leah! I owe you another brownie,” You ruffle the child’s hair as she giggles.
Arlene looks bewildered as she states, “She’s only seven!”
You and Leah look at each other before giggling, “She is wise for her age.”
“But seriously, I’ve never seen you like this over a guy.”
You take a sip of your coffee before saying, “Well I love him. So of course I miss him like crazy.”
The look that appeared on not only Arlene’s but Leah’s face was the most priceless moment ever. Arlene with her wide eyes and Leah with her mouth open and full of brownie bits.
“You love him!”
“Is he going to be my tío now?”
The two spoke together, blurring their words as you just smiled.
“I do and we can ask him when he comes back.”
“Tía,” Leah leans close to you as if she is ready to tell you a secret.
“What’s up?”
She pulls you close, whispering in your ear, “I really want Javi to be my tío. Do you think he would buy me that Baby Yoda toy I want?”
“He would definitely buy it for you. Now, ready for that next brownie?”
The days soon began to blur as you got busy with work. Photos needed to be edited, shoots needed to be scheduled, and meetings kept you on your toes. You would get home tired, wishing that Javi was there to cheer you up. Even though he wasn’t, the phone calls and text messages that Javi sent you made it better. You were ready for the weekend. For Javi.
On Friday the whole company was given a half day and you attempted to retreat back to your home, ready to clean up the apartment since Javi was due to be home Saturday afternoon. But your attempts to go home were stopped.
“Let’s go eat!” Arlene walked beside you as you exited the building.
“But Javi is-”
“Coming tomorrow, I know. But, can we please have lunch? Michael offered to pick up Leah from school and I really wanna have a nice lunch with my best friend.”
It was a rare opportunity so you agreed. Arlene gave you the biggest smile and dragged you along for some light shopping before having lunch. Ever since you told her that you loved Javi, she began to ask questions about Javi and the possible future.
What’s your favorite feature of his? His eyes because it shines so bright.
What is one thing you would change about him? Nothing really. But if you had to pick one, it would be his self-doubt. He was amazing and worked so hard on his scripts and needed to realize that.
How’s the sex? None of your business, but it’s magical.
Would you ever move in with him? Yes, of course!
Is he really the one?
“I can’t imagine my life without him in it. He’s it for me. I love him.”
With that answer, Arlene knew that you were in deep. And she knew that he was too. 
As you headed home, you were glad that you had that lunch with her. It made you think about what you wanted and now that you are more certain of it, you were hopeful for your future with Javi.
“Only one day to go,” You smiled before entering your apartment.
Golden hour peaked through the windows and it provided the light for you to see the scene before you. Movie snacks were placed on your coffee table. Paddington was on your tv screen, ready to be played. As you entered deeper into your apartment, Mr. Bunny was sitting on the couch along with Javi’s favorite blanket that was on your bed.
“Welcome home, querida,” Javi’s voice pulled you towards the direction of your kitchen as Javi stood there with a loving smile.
A gasp escaped your lips as you practically jumped on him, pulling him into the tightest of hugs, kissing him all over his face. Javi held onto you tightly, refusing to part from you as he took you in. He missed the feeling of your arms around him, your scent washing over him as he placed his head on the crook of your neck. This is where he was meant to be, in your arms as you whispered to him how much you missed him. Javi knew that there would be no other for him as he held you. You, his one true love.
“You’re home! I missed you so much,” You told him before kissing his lips.
“I missed you more,” Javi nuzzled your nose with his own. “Next time I have to travel anywhere, I am taking you with me.”
“Of course. I want the woman I love to be with me, always.”
He loved you. Javi loved you. Javi Gutierrez, the sweetest and most wonderful man to ever exist in this lifetime, loved you.
“I love you,” You whispered to him as you pressed your forehead against his.
Javi’s eyes widened before they quickly darkened, quickly taking hold of your lips with his own as he felt the love you were giving him in the kiss. Nothing but pure passion and love was felt and you both finally felt as if you were now complete. Life was complete. Well almost.
Javi pulled away, placing light kisses, “I love you with my whole being. I want to build a home for you. For us. And I knew since the moment I took your hand that you would be the only one for me.”
“I want us to have a home too. I want to be able to wake up to your arms around me every morning. I want everything with you.”
His smile only widened more as he pulled you towards the couch and as you both took a seat, he pulled out a small box from his pocket. He gently handed you the wide velvet box.
Your heart pounded in anticipation and a gasp escaped your lips. Inside there were two small items. Well, one smaller than the other. A single key rested next to a beautiful ring that was already bringing tears into your eyes.
“You are my home. You brighten my day in so many ways. You provide the warmth that I didn’t know I was missing. And even though we haven’t been together for long, I know in my heart that there is no one else I’d rather be with than with you. I bought us a home that I want to fill with you. I want to start a life with you and who knows maybe have children or pets. Whatever you want.”
You laugh as the tears freely fall from your eyes. Javi grabs the ring and slowly descends down onto one knee. His eyes filled with love and hope that showed brightly thanks to the golden hour.
“Will you marry me, mi amor?”
You nodded your head profusely as you quickly reached for Javi, “Yes, Javi, yes!”
Javi held you close as you kissed him. After everything he’s gone through in his life, his hopeful, romantic heart finally found what made it whole. This time apart showed the two of you that you carried each other’s hearts. 
“I can’t wait to start our new life together.”
“We already have. On that first date, our new life began. We have a long beautiful journey ahead of us, mi amor,” Javi tells you as he slips the ring on your finger.
“You and your beautiful words,” You lean against his chest as he kisses the top of your head.
“Only for you,” he tells you as he watches how the ring glows in the golden light. He starts the film as a thought appears in his head, “Can we have little Leah be our flower girl?”
“She’d probably have one condition,” You laugh, remembering what she told you.
“What’s that?”
“She wants her tío to buy her a Baby Yoda toy.”
A laugh escapes his lips, “Of course. Do you want one too?”
“Yes please. I love you.”
“I love you, querida.”
Tags: @evyiione , @lovesbiggerthanpride
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We received fourteen (14!!!!) fics for Round Three of the JATP Event! These fics are full of that sweet, sweet canonverse goodness that we can’t get enough of, but with our signature TROPED twist! We loved to see you all challenge yourselves with the theme, tropes, and pairings!
Please try to read as many fics as you can! Take some notes, leave some kudos/comments for the authors, and help us vote on the winners!
Voting will be open until May 29th at 11:59pm EST! Vote here:
Just say you won't let go (Rated G) [Julie/Luke]
Summary: Hey, Julie
You're the heart and soul 'round here, it's plain to see
in which Julie has a second chance with her boys, and then another
we will fight to shine together (bright forever) (Rated G) [Bright Lighting Guy/Rob from the Orpheum]
Summary: “Hey,” Chris says, walking up to the boy. “What are you doing?”
“Oh,” he puts the dandelions down and stands up. “Hi. I’m trying to make a flower crown, but I don’t remember how.”
“Cool. I’m Chris, I live--” he points to his house. “Over there.”
The boy gives him a lopsided smile. “I’m Rob. I’m staying with my grandparents for the summer.”
or: the rob/bright lighting guy fic literally nobody asked for but i wrote anyways. enjoy gays, bring ur tissues
what happened when (Rated G) [Alex/Luke]
Summary: Before Julie and the Phantoms, before the guys became ghosts, before Sunset Curve -- they were Luke and Alex. Not 5 feet apart cause they're totally gay.
who cares if one more light goes out? (in a sky of a million stars) (Rated T) [Ray/Rose]
Summary: Rose moves in across the street when he’s eight and she is seven. Their parents push for them to play together, because that’s what parents do. They’re not wrong about it though. The two of them get on like a house on fire and some of his happiest memories from his childhood are just him and Rose, sitting in the large oak tree behind their houses. Hidden up in the branches, between the millions of dark green leaves, they played together.
or: The first and the last time Ray ever kissed Rose.
we can forget the world (just you and me) (Rated T) [Alex/Willie]
Summary: “This was the first place I ever came out to someone,” Alex says, spinning around and taking in the tree house.
together we can take on the world (Rated G) [Alex/Reggie]
Summary: Alex Mercer meets Reggie Peters on October 8, 1983, which means that two days have passed since Reggie's sixth birthday, because Reggie is a Libra according to the magazines that his mom reads when she gets Reggie to paint her toenails. He’s also just moved to Los Angeles, California from his hometown of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, a small town in the mountains, and he’s told Alex Mercer about all of this in the three minutes that they’ve known each other, and he might be the loudest, most obnoxious boy that Alex has ever met, and he absolutely has to be Alex’s new best friend.
The Peters family moves in down the street from the Mercers in 1983, and so begins the rest of their lives.
Long Live (Can I start another life with you?) (Rated T) [Julie/Luke]
Summary: It's all too much for one day: first a muffin, then more heartbeats. Julie just needs some time to think. If Luke runs after her to sit by her side so she doesn't lose it, she won't complain.
Except afterwards, he starts acting weird. Very weird. And months later, she's tired of letting him keep his distance.
She can’t do this. Not right now. Not today.
She jumps back on her feet.
The excited grin falls from Luke’s face. She doesn’t try to catch it.
“I – I think this is too much. I need some time. Alone. Sorry.”
Then she runs. She runs past the calloused fingers reaching out to her. Past Reggie and the door, past carved pumpkins on porches and Cornelia Street.
She just runs.
Roses (Rated G) [Emily & Luke, Alex/Luke]
Summary: It becomes a sacred place she shares with her son. Mitch is usually off at work from dawn until six o’clock, but Emily’s working from home for now. She works as a florist’s shop right outside the neighborhood. So she brings home seeds and little flowers and other cuts from the store; she and Luke will spend hours out in the dirt, planting seeds and making mud pies and Luke will babble about whatever happened in daycare and make up stories about the different flowers.
Somewhere Only We Know (Rated T) [Nick/Carrie]
Summary: Nick Danforth-Evans met Julie Molina when he was six years old. He had no idea how much an impact that afternoon would have on his life.
A journey through Nick Danforth-Evan's life as experienced in the safety of his backyard hide away.
The Itty Bitty Details (Rated T) [Alex/Willie]
Summary: “Did I forget to mention William, I also get your soul,”
Willie could feel a stinging feeling and a purple stamp appeared on his hand. When the stamp appeared he could no longer remember who Alex was. The name meant nothing to Willie now.
Or 5 times Willie knew Alex and one where Alex knew Willie
you're the only one who makes me (my wildflower) (Rated T) [Bobby/Reggie]
Summary: The tree was Reggie's safe space, and Bobby was his safe person. He could escape all his troubles there, except for one nagging thought - did he have feelings for his best friend?
Dying complicated things.
because i've known you so long, i know every cadence and what they mean (Rated G) [Alex & Julie, Julie/Luke]
Summary: Alex and Julie have always lived right next to each other. Through highs and lows, they grow up together. Also, 5 times Luke kisses Julie and it doesn't count plus 1 time Julie kisses Luke and it does count.
Alternatively, the Juke 5+1 fic from Alex's POV. Strap in, folks.
Someday (I'll See You Again) (Rated T) [Alex/Willie]
Summary: They’re wrong. Alex, you are not a failure. You’re incredible. You’re smart. You’re funny, and the best friend I could ask for. You’re a wicked talented drummer and you have a beautiful voice. And more important than all of that, is that you’re you, Alex. And the you you are is wonderful, and lovable and perfect. If your parents can’t see that, that’s their own fault. But I swear, Alex. If you’re afraid of them, I need you to tell me. You have to be safe.” Willie’s voice had gone desperate by the end. Alex deserved to know how freaking amazing he was and the fact that his parents didn’t bother to tell him, and actively worked to tear him down instead, was infuriating.
But Willie also worried about him. He’d worried about Alex since the first time he heard Mr. Mercer shouting through the window, a worry that never really went away. Not with the way Alex automatically straightened up when his parents were mentioned, as if he could hear his dad lecturing him about appearances from miles away. Not with the way Alex looked when he was with them, perfectly pieced together and falling apart at the seams, eyes distant and shoulders tense. Willie was pretty sure he had worrying about Alex etched in his bones by this point.
The Energy Never Dies (Rated T) [Gen Fic]
Summary: Well, I ain't always right, but I've never been wrong
Seldom turns out the way it does in a song
Once in a while, you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right
--- Scarlet Begonias, Grateful Dead
Four moments across time in the loft of the Molina's garage.
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onlyhereforangst · 3 years
The Talk™️
lololol just kidding sorry Laura I love you here’s the real thing just in time 😘😘
We start with Ellie being veeeeery sus 👀 checking out Eastern Europe and the various countries, I mean yes there are plenty of nice, beautiful places there but this is a procedural aka obviously that area can only be shady. I also love that Nick came up silently and waited, watched what she was doing very intently, before announcing his presence. Almost like he’s been suspecting something is up with her for a little while now and seized on this perfect opportunity to do a little digging. But at the same time he doesn’t let it go on too long, and he almost gives her an out- he doesn’t accuse her of being shady AF, instead he’s like oh clearly she’s planning a trip because she’s always talked about loving Eastern Europe not the Bahamas like we’d just gotten jealous over a year ago…right, Ellie? A trip? And then her response ooo girl. She starts to get uber defensive and then realizes that oh wait, he handed me an out on a silver platter so yeah let me take it real quick. AND HE DOESN’T CALL HER ON IT. That’s the real good stuff in this scene- he’s a trained federal agent with years of undercover work, he can tell when someone is outright lying *especially* when that someone is Ellie. So he takes her defensive hesitation and than blatant lie and rolls with it. Beeeecause he trusts her. He trusts her to tell him when she’s ready. He saw how hurt she got when he kept bothering her after the kidnapping, and also saw her tell him once she was ready to. So yeah, he gets it now. He may be seriously concerned for her underneath that joking exterior, but he trusts her to tell him when the time is right, and also likely feels she wouldn’t keep anything huge huge from him. *cue getting ready for heartbreak in the finale it’s fine everything is fine*
Of course we move on to the flirty stuff because we avoid serious talk here 🙄 Ellie still sus though don’t get it wrong, shutting that laptop real quick when he rounds the corner taking no further chances. And her crossing her arms while he offends her choice of “vacation” hahaha she’s so obvious, honey you got the hots for him it’s ok. Little middle school flirting like oh yeah you can do better? Prove it jerk. And Niiiiiick 🥵 I wish you could see the screenshot I’m paused on right now after he says it depends on who he’s going with before he asks her who she’s going with because DAMN that look. He can think of one (1) person and one person only who he’d go on a trip with. Her little smirk back before she decides to throw all pretense to the wayside and says fuck it I don’t care that we’re in the bullpen out in the open lemme flirt with you ~*Agent Torres*~ AND HE’S LIKE TWO CAN PLAY AGENT BISHOP PLEASE INVITE ME ON YOUR TRIP THAT I KNOW DOESN’T EXIST BUT I’D LIKE TO KNOW I’D BE INVITED IF IT DID. And please her giddy smile afterwards and then she goes from leaning back in her chair to leaning forward towards him because these two are absolutely drawn to each other bitches and I can’t get enough of them and their little playful smiles and body language. AND NEITHER CAN JIMMY. 
Jimmy is the ellick fandom. Because yes, keep going this is ✨just delightful✨ and I never want it to stop unless you’re kissing. Thank you. And pleeeeease them stumbling over their words when they realized they’ve been caught I CANT. They both look *so* uncomfortable and it’s hilarious, and then Ellie can’t help but laugh at Nick’s dumb joke making fun of Jimmy because it’s her man and he’s so *funny*. 
Bring us to Jimmy redeeming himself. But also yes this just confirms to me that he told Nick what he needed to hear back when he said zero chemistry. And now Jimmy’s observed silently, see where Nick has come in the last year and everything the two have been through and knows he ready to hear it for real. Well Jimmy was ready a while ago for them to move it along so yeah he’s like where’s my spoon I’m gonna STIR THIS POT. And then it is born, the slogan of the episode, the point of the WWR (please don’t have PTSD Laura), The Talk™️. Nick’s face oooo man, he initially tries to deflect like no we aren’t talking about that cozy scene nuh uh and then it turns into his worst nightmare- being called out by James Palmer of all people with Ellie literally five feet away. (ALSO MCGEE IS LITERALLY A FOOT BEHIND THEM. He 1000% heard this entire conversation if Ellie heard it. Bro better not try to deny a single thing later I’m watching you sir 👀) Nick’s expression is screaming what the fuck shut UP Jimmy this can’t possibly be happening so let me try to joke and deflect again (small smile because it was still a little funny) and then back to what the fuck he’s undeterred shit shit shit oh thank god McGee has started talking yes we have a goddamn huge problem autopsy gremlin won’t take the damn hint. 
And woooooow the first time I’ve seen Nick at his desk in a while 👀👀 he said shit people are on to me let me put ✨space✨ in between us for like five seconds while we still shoot each other cute smiles. 
Oooooooh now we here for the evisceration. The Here Lies James Palmer moment of the episode. Catch me dYING in the club, not crying. Because holy shit Ellie this was not only brutal and Brian absolutely killed it during this scene with his reactions to Ellie ripping him apart. His “oh…Oh…oooh.” Had me cackling. And Ellie you are the poster child of defensive, pulling out all the stops. Let me deny everything, let me then be a slight hypocrite because people shouldn’t be talking about me (because I’m terrified about considering broaching that topic too) but I can talk about Gibbs and Sloane previously, and then also like sort of admitting to it by asking Jimmy what people think is going on because that’s the question she would *love* to know the answer to but hasn’t gotten yet. All the while cue me laughing hysterically at jimmy, top tier scene right here lets be honest. Because then Kasie comes in and it’s just perfect 🤣🤣🤣 this was his sister, Painful. Couldn’t have said it better myself Kasie 😭💀
Lol at McGee telling Ellie not to tell Nick he was right about it being a coincidence 😂
HOW CLOSE DO WE NEED TO STAND TOGETHER Y’ALL. HOW CLOSE. THERE’S A WHOLE GODDAMN BULLPEN. Remember when I said Nick wanted space for 5 whole seconds, yeah this is why. They’re straight magnets - drawn together indubitably 👀
Quick detour for the continued storyline of sus!Ellie and it makes me even more and more excited for the finaleeeeee. Because honey why do you know it takes 10 pounds of pressure to rip a trachea out and yes we all know it’s Odette and I can’t wait for the aaaaaangst. Also Kasie always coming in clutch with the humor, I live for it. “No you right I got nothing” 🤣🤣
Once again, Nick forgot about his desk, it was short-lived wasn’t it? 😅 
Now to another fun scene, and I feel like there’s a little double meaning to when Nick talks to Ellie about Phineas going through a lot this year, “more than most of us, which is saying a lot this year” - obviously covid but also maybe a callback to the kidnapping/jail cell stuff they dealt with?? Maybe?? Anyways, them being so awkward cute together because there’s a slight lull in the case so they revert back to their middle school selves, “so” “so…” I can’t with them omg. And then, and THEN of the two to bring it up, it’s Nick!!!! Yes!!! The GROWTH. This man used to be so emotionally closed off and now he, HE is bringing up The Talk™️ and he almost chickens out, he almost says haha you’re right we don’t have to have The Talk™️ after Ellie has a minor freakout because good god this girl is on *edge*. Her mind has probably been going a mile a minute the second she heard Jimmy call them out at the crime scene because she’s been living in blissful ignorance the past months/year whatever and now everything is smacking her in the face. But Nick, ugh I love the growth. He brushes it off and then has a moment where his face is like, no, no I’m not a wuss and he admits that yes he’s thought about it (the way he pauses when he says “not that it hasn’t been on my mind…us…” and I’m like yeah you two as a couple has been on your mind hasn’t it Nick 👀) and yes I want to have The Talk™️ with you Ellie Bishop. And not only does he admit this he’s also the one that’s like ok yeah cool BUT WHEN. Let’s nail this down please, I need it in my planner asap. And then she gets all giggly again “I don’t know when do *you* think?” Like omg I’m literally in middle school again. They’re so fucking cute and awkward it’s precious. Especially when they have to end their conversation and suddenly act normal when talking to McGee 😅😍 then they go separate ways and the look Ellie shoots Nick ahhhhhhh it’s almost like a let’s table this but also shit we really did half open that can of worms in the middle of a work day. Nick sighs and looks briefly to the sky like shit what did I do in a good way and bad way haha. 
Back to Kasie with the ✨iconic✨ lines I love herrrr. Ellie being sus again with being resistant to change. I can’t decide if she’s not only talking about the possibility of dating Nick (once again defensive because Kasie about came for her throat hahahah) but also maybe about whatever is going to go down with Odette 👀👀
HERE WE ARE. THE MOMENT WE’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. Back to being cute little awkward idiots in love that need to have The Talk™️. I mean come on they’re trying so hard to avoid the actual talk and just dancing around it “so” “so” “talk a roo” “talk a reeno” excuse me what the fuck are you saying just SAY IT. And Nick is still ready and rearing to go but also wants to respect Ellie and give her space if needed so he offers to just agree The Talk™️ needs to be had. And of course she counters with “need is a strong word” because damn this girl is spiraling. She’s so terrified of the outcome of this talk she wants to deny it needs to exist but still she can’t help it at the end of the day. And Nick is still like ok BUT WHEN. I WANT TO TELL YOU I LOVE YOU AFTER YOU TELL ME YOU LOVE ME. SO LIKE WHEN ELLIE WHEN. And he once again plays off her deflection (a theme of this episode) with yeah yeah they’re super tired not at all wired just thinking about this talk that is at the tip of his tongue. At least Ellie is finally seeing the light and realizes that they should promise to have The Talk™️ but as she sits there staring at the elevator in front of her she’s like oh fuck, it can’t be soon can it. Fuck fuck fuck I can’t hold this in longer, we can’t keep dancing around it. fuck. So when Nick once again tries to press her to nail down a time she’s like well fuck it let’s do this shit now. Then she can’t realized that shit I actually said it, I actually said that. I said we should have The Talk™️ now. And Nick’s genuine surprise mirrors hers because she’s been the one half-denying The Talk™️ all day and now she wants to do this right here right now??? But at the same time he’s got a little smile to his face because he loves the idea of her being on board and finally getting this done. Finally getting to hear how she feels. 
So they walk into the elevator with a MUCH better vibe than the last time they walked in all serious at night (looking at you dumb Nick with Elena) but I guess the Elena Elevator Talk walked so the Ellie Elevator Talk could run 👀
And Nick while yes he’s ready for this shit to finally happen he’s still vulnerable, still terrified of opening himself up because he’s seen his dad (recently) and how commitment and relationships run in the family 🙄 plus this is all very new to him outside of Sofia and this is definitely not new to Ellie (Jake, qasim). He needs to hear she’s all-in too, needs to know he hasn’t built something up in his head for something serious when she views it as just a flirtation between friends. So he nervously says ladies first and while Ellie gives him a look of protest and wtf man, I think deep down she knows this is all so difficult for him despite how much he’s pushed it over the course of the day plus SHE is ready to get this out in the open. The moment she decided to stop denying and spiraling she went full force head on let’s talk about us. She hedges for a second and Nick continues to be nervous as she’s clearly building up her own nerve. Then she says probably the exact same moment he’s thinking of- or at least one of them- the jail cell. The defining, triggering moment that set this thing at full speed. He can’t believe she’s really saying the words, about to hear what he hopes is his feeling of that jail cell reciprocated in her words and his head turns quickly to look at her, unable to believe his ears that what he’s been dying for all along is going to happen. The Talk™️ is happening and damn it seems like it’s happening in the right direction. 
Of course we have no damn clue what was said and I’m jaded and don’t think they’ll ever tell us- RIP the note. BUT I’m so glad it actually happened (and the cinematographic parallels of course), a STEP towards canon!Ellick I’m fine. 
Now to see where they take this from here in the last two episodes and I can only hope an angst filled canon!Ellick because duh. 
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arandompostarchive · 3 years
Inure - Ch. 1
Summary: To some, The Specter is a serial killer. To some, a hero. But to everyone, you were entirely a mystery. You had no history, just a list of victims a mile long. No matter how many people searched your name, they could find anything. If only they had the spelling right. Now, you’ve come across some unfortunate information that drives you out of your usual shadows and into the path of the Avengers. Including two of the more reclusive members of the team. And it’s hard to pick only one of them.
The man ran through the hall, his footsteps echoing throughout his house. He tried to navigate the dark halls, too scared to turn on lights or stop and think. He turned every so often, hoping your figure wasn’t behind him anymore. But it always was. He was panicking, you could tell. He could feel sweat stick to the inside of his white button down and the creases of the dress pants he had yet to take off.
He tried to avoid the small side tables and expensive foreign vases that lined his hall. He had managed to trip over a few tables though, knocking the glass onto his floor, shattering it. Each time he’d whisper a soft curse. There was glass beneath your shoes that probably cost millions of dollars. You found it funny. Even now, running for his life, money was still at the back of his mind.
He ran into the next room he saw, his office. A closed off space with nowhere to run. He turned around, looking at each wall. You could hear a string of curses fall from his mouth before he turned to you.
His small study still had a lamp on, the room dimly lit with the yellow-tinted light.
“Please, what do you want? Money? I can do that. Hell, I can get you your own house! I’ve got connections. I can find people for you! Other people! Please, don’t.”
Now, most people would feel bad about this. Chasing a man through his own home with certain ill intention. But you had seen his life. You’d seen what he does to people. He’d tear apart families, kidnapping people and selling any drug he could find. His hands were soaked in blood, something you could understand. But while you had killed, you picked your victims well. They were the most guilty people you could find. Murderers, kidnappers, kingpins, anyone who managed to escape justice.
Some called you a serial killer, a term that wasn’t exactly incorrect. Some thought you were a vigilante, which also wasn’t wrong. But no matter what, everyone was silently grateful for everything you did.
You always found a new target. From whispers on the street, other criminals, cops who needed a break, sometimes Nick Fury himself would send you a case file or two. You had seen it all, people with souls blacker than night. And this man was no different.
“I don’t want money, Laurence. You’ve killed innocents. You’ve let people die. You’ve heard them beg for mercy and have granted none. Why would I give you a luxury you haven’t given any of your victims?”
The man stuttered. His eyes darted around, frantically trying to find something. Maybe a weapon or just an idea of how to get out of this mess. He suddenly spoke, his voice shaking and cracking. “Because I have information! There’s this man who’s building some huge weapon. Probably wants to take New York out. He could start wars with this thing, yeah? It’ll kill millions in a heartbeat. I know what he’s got! I know what he’s doing, I’ve met the guy! I’ll tell you everything.” He spoke quickly, hoping to finish before you decided to end him. “But not if I’m dead.”
You scoffed. “Tell me, why on Earth would I accept the pleas of a dead man?” You asked. It was a real question, despite your sarcastic tone.
“I’ve got the info! He was chatting with some friends of mine, gave ‘em a whole file about it.” He reached toward the desk and pulled a file off of it, showing it to you. It read “SPECTR2” on the front in small, black script. Your eyes widened and you grabbed the file from him.
He watched as you read over it and confirmed his theory. He was right. Whoever this man was, he had the real thing.
“Alright, fine.” You said, accepting his offer.
“Oh thank god! I knew you’d be reasonable, you’re all about ‘the greater good’, yeah? I’ll tell you whatever you want, lady.” He said, relief washing over his features.
You smiled. “Yeah.” You held the file at your side. “Thing is, I know all about this project already. I don’t need you.”
The panic quickly spread across his face again and he racked his brain for something else. “C’mon, don’t I get something here?” He said, glancing at the walls to find some kind of weapon.
You sighed. “Fine. I’ll make your death quick.” You said, taking out one of your swords. He only had a minute to react before he was already dead. You had gotten used to the sight of death, though it wasn’t your favorite thing, there was something satisfying about knowing you had avenged people in some way.
His blood had already stained the carpet he had surrounding his desk and leaked along the cracks of the wooden floor. You groaned at the thought of cleaning your shoes after this and sat down at his desk chair, looking for any other info on the man starting up Project SPECTR again.
“So you want us to team up with some psycho killer?” Tony said, leaning back in his usual chair. The meeting room was packed, each member of the team, and some newer additions, crowded together at one table with Steve stationed at the front.
“She has information, Tony. She says lives are in danger.” Tony looked at him ridiculously.
“I’ve got my share of psycho’s on this team and now we’re working with another?” Tony gestured to Bucky and Loki’s side of the table. He got a glare from Nat and he only shrugged his shoulders in response. “Her terms are insane! She wants immunity for every crime she’s done or ever will do. That doesn’t sound insane to you? What if she’s got some master plan and we won’t be able to arrest her for it?”
Nat looked between Steve and Tony. It was obvious they weren’t getting anywhere.
“She’s got info we need. If she wanted to enact some ‘master plan’ she’d just use whatever death machine she’s got, not tell us about it. If she’s serious, we’ll hold up our end. If she’s messing with us, we won’t and we’ll lock her up on site. But if she’s really found plans for what could be the world’s next terrorist attack, we at least need to see her proof.”
Tony looked to Nat, “She’s basically holding the world hostage! Either she gets to do whatever the fuck she wants or everyone dies. We’re really letting that slide?”
This time Steve spoke, though he glared at Tony a bit for his cursing. “I didn’t say I liked it. She’s put us in a tough situation. And Nat’s right. If she’s lying in any way, we’ll lock her up. We’ve got to living lie detectors at this table.” He gestured to Loki on one side of the table and Wanda on the other. Tony only rolled his eyes, silently accepting the argument.
“Are we sure about this? I mean, if she’s telling the truth, then we’ve got some sociopath with a death ray somewhere. But what if she’s lying? She’ll be in the compound. Even if we can lock her up, what if we aren’t able to before she accomplishes whatever task she’s trying to?” Sam said as soon as the room had quieted a bit. A few team members nodded along, considering the possibility.
“We have to take that risk.” Steve said.
You strode into the Avengers’ compound, appreciating the space. It was larger than what you were used to. You had jumped from house to house, staying away from law enforcement. If all went well though, you wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore.
There were a few Avengers there to greet you. You had recognized them from the news and you were interested in seeing Natasha here. Among them, you saw Tony Stark. You’d recognize him a mile away. He looked different from his father, though he had the same sarcastic look on his face. You considered punching him now, maybe giving him a serious injury. But, sadly, there really were lives at stake.
Captain America stepped closer to you, holding out his hand. You took it hesitantly, the gloves of your suit meeting his hands. You appreciated the hood of your outfit now with the light reflecting off of windows and into your eyes. It was at least a little bit of protection.
“Specter. Good to meet you. I’m Captain Rogers, just call me Steve.” The other Avengers stepped to his side, making you slightly uncomfortable with how close they were. You couldn’t show it though. You had to be steeled, show no fear. Especially since you were in the lion’s den.
“This is Natasha, Tony, and Thor. We’ve got a meeting room just this way.” He got straight to business and began leading you away. You were careful to let the four Avengers go in front of you, and you were certain at least Natasha had noticed this action. Tony kept glancing back to you, slightly nervous. You could accept that. You felt nervous too, though you had gotten good at concealing your nerves, even before you had ‘died’.
You entered the room which had all of the other Avengers in it as well as five empty chairs. You were seated at the end, directly next to Natasha. Steve settled himself in the end chair right next to you. You looked at the rest of the group who were all doing a terrible job of pretending not to stare at you.
“Alright, Specter. Should we call you Specter?” You nodded, letting Steve continue. “Your conditions are questionable to say the least. We need to figure out if you’re actually telling the truth about this weapon first.”
“That’s fine,” you began, “I’d do the same.” You opened up your file, noting how there was a small camera above you, casting a picture of the file onto a board at the front of the room. You smiled at the innovation, curious about how exactly it worked. It had been a while since you’d gotten to appreciate technology, and where better than the home of a Stark.
“This is a real file. I worked on this project years ago. It was meant to help heal people. Stitch them back together, even when they were on the brink of death. But it malfunctioned. I can tell you this is real. Check any references you like, though it’ll be hard to get your hands on. We never made digital copies, this is our original paper.”
Tony squinted at the paper, seeming confused by it.
“And by we, you mean…?” Another man trailed off. You recognized him as Hawkeye, though you hadn’t memorized their actual names.
“Me and Howard Stark. We worked on it back during the war, it was like our pet project.” Tony seemed less confused now.
“That was over half a century ago. How exactly are you standing here?” You sighed at Hawkeye’s question.
“It’s a rather long and annoying story. Let’s keep it simple and say I’ve effectively scared off death.”
“Guys,” Tony said, still looking at the projection of the file. The room turned to him and you were thankful for whatever subject change he had to offer. “I’d love to say she’s full of it, but I know my father’s handwriting. That’s his signature too at the bottom.” As he pointed the small camera zoomed in. You’d have to ask him about the technology’s design later. Assuming this actually went well. You slightly cringed at the thought of speaking to a Stark again, but you’d manage for the sake of a new discovery. “Hey, Friday?”
“Yes Boss?”
You heard a woman’s voice in the room that didn’t belong to anyone present. You quickly figured out it was an AI system Stark had made.
“How well does that match Howard’s handwriting?”
There was a beat of silence before the AI, Friday, spoke again.
“It’s a perfect match.”
The team didn’t seem to know if that was good or bad.
“So there’s really someone set on ending humanity?” A man said across the table. You remembered his moniker being something bird themed, like Hawkeye’s, but it wasn’t coming to you.
“Believe me, I wouldn’t be anywhere near this place unless absolutely necessary,” You said. The Captain glanced around the table and the group seemed to silently make their decision.
“Alright. We’ll meet your terms, but understand that you must stay here through his whole process. No ‘missions’ of your own.” You thought over his offer. It was slightly tempting. Though you’d miss your little hunt for criminals, it would be nice to have a house for longer than a week.
“Fine. But you can’t bind my powers or spy on me or some bullshit.” The Captain nodded, agreeing.
Suddenly, you were a temporary Avenger.
“I don’t like her. She’s too calm. We’re facing a giant death machine and she’s completely stone faced.” You could overhear the conversation from where you stood outside the Avengers common area. Natasha had offered to show you around and you had denied, instead accepting a map and list of locations you’d be interested in.
They were sitting around in a circle of couches, all facing each other. Some of the members seemed distracted. Like one with long hair who was slowly stroking the spine of a book he carried in his hands and another with a striking metal arm. You had to admit, the team was certainly good-looking.
You continued to listen to the conversation, though you had lost a bit of the argument when you retreated into your thoughts.
“What can we do? I’m hardly happy about this, but she’s holding the world hostage, like you said. Millions might die if he didn’t have that info.”
“And what, we’re trusting a serial killer? She’s murdered who know’s how many people and we’re supposed to just sit here and fucking sing Kumbaya?!” Tony said. You could see his point. You wouldn’t trust you either.
“Many of us have killed.” Loki said, offering some perspective and hoping someone else would continue his point. He was still on ‘house-arrest’ and was hardly considered trustworthy. Stark wouldn’t listen no matter how silver his tongue was. But the others seemed to at least consider his words with the exception of Hawkeye who seemed upset that he even had to hear Loki’s voice.
“He’s right Stark. I’d hardly say my hands are clear, but here I am.” Natasha added, taking up Loki’s silent offer to continue his argument.
“I’m not okay with this. She’s absolutely mental. I can’t find anything on her besides media speculation. SHIELD didn’t have anything on her, despite the fact that she’s a well-known criminal and she’s got no history. No names attached, nothing. Just media speculation which is all made up. I checked.”
You took this time to walk out from the hall, the click of your shoes making the group look up. “It’s because you have the spelling wrong.” The entire team looked nervous at being caught. “Don’t feel bad. Of course you’d talk about me, I’m a stranger in your midst.” That seemed to calm some of them down, though they still looked wary of you. Stark was the first to speak.
“We’ve got the spelling wrong?” He asked.
“I’d expect so. You’re spelling my name as ‘Specter’, a ghost, like the media does. Try S-P-E-C-T-R, you’ll find a little more.” You before turning and walking out of the room. While you weren’t excited about opening up your backstory, it’d make this whole ‘trust’ thing a lot quicker. And if you were going to get anywhere, there’d need to be some sort of trust.
Project SPECTR - August, 1940
Howard Stark and Dr. Y/n L/n began SPECTR in August of 1940 and have been working on it for three years now.
It’s expected to help Allies win the war, though Dr. L/n believes it could— and should— be used for other purposes. There have been several malfunctions so far and I am unsure how they will continue. Stark has been promoting the idea among generals and strategists, despite the lack of finished product. Dr. L/n suspects it will not be finished by the time Stark suggests, in two weeks. She has told various generals not to expect anything in two weeks, though all generals seem to unfortunately favor Stark’s estimates. They plan to run a test run in one week and fully activate the machine. Both Stark and Dr. L/n hope it will be completely stable for at least ten minutes.
There was a messy signature at the bottom, though Steve identified it quickly as ‘Margaret Carter’.
They read through a few other files, and learned more about the original project. Reportedly, there was a severe malfunction, resulting in Dr. L/n’s death. Peggy had shut down the project immediately after, despite Howard’s begging that it would still work. There had apparently been a rift in their friendship over Dr. L/n’s death.
It also said that the Doctor’s body had disappeared in 1992, only weeks after Howard’s death, which had sparked a few conspiracy theories for those aware of her connection to Stark and Carter, two famous names. She was a leading scientist and was making seriously impressive strides. Stark was disappointed she had died so soon. He couldn’t help but wonder what she would’ve done.
“Is that Specter?” Sam asked about the Doctor working on the project. Though the team seemed unsure of the answer, Steve responded.
“It must be. Why else would she draw our attention to this. She’s got personal experience with whoever is trying to restart the project, though I’m not entirely certain why a machine to heal people will be turned into a new weapon.”
The team tossed theories back and forth and you listened in, smiling when a few of them guessed right. You slipped away soon after though, heading down the hall to the training room.
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binnie-loves-dark · 4 years
Strangers in the night (Changbin x Y/N)
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A content sigh left your lips whilst reading a book, sitting atop your camper van admiring the beauty of the luscious green fields and valley below. You lived a simple life. Just you and your faithful feline friend Ziggy to keep you company. The sun was beginning to enter its journey of setting, a signal that it was time to move on to your next location for the night before night truly fell.
You turned the keys in the vans ignition only to be met with a merciful groaning sound scaring both you and Ziggy in the process.
You held back a chuckle at the poor cats response “Sorry buddy! I didn’t mean to spook you, sounds like Daisy doesn’t want to start. Let’s try that again shall we?”
Nope she definitely didn’t want to go. “Great” you cursed aloud and hit the steering wheel. The night sky was begging to draw ever closer followed by the quiet echos of coyotes howling in the distance. You knew you should have left earlier rather than risk getting stuck in the middle of unfamiliar territory.
Opening the drivers door you grabbed the torch stored away in the glove compartment. Popping up the hood of the campervan nothing looked unordinary or suspicious. A few taps and nudges here and there usually did the trick to fix any problems, but this time it was not the case.
You knew the basics of how to fix and take care or your campervan but never anything too technical. The nearest garage repair shop was at least a few miles away, much too far to walk this late at night - especially alone.
Admitting defeat you were busy fishing out a couple of blankets from the trunk which you kept for emergencies such as this deciding the only choice you had was to spend the night here. That was until a set of headlights came into view nearby. Seeing this as an opportunity to potentially get some help or at least a ride to the nearest garage you stepped out towards the rubbly road and stuck an arm out to try and grab the drivers attention.
It didn’t look like whoever was driving had noticed you and wasn’t going to stop. However a few meters past you down the road red brake lights suddenly appeared. You slowly paced up to the drivers side hoping it wouldn’t be anyone with sinister intentions. The window wound down and you were met with a set of sparkling bright eyes paired with a rather sharp but also elegant looking face which took you aback slightly.
“Can I help you?” The stranger coughed.
Dammit! You didn’t realise you had been staring for such a period of time that would be deemed uncomfortable to anyone.
“Oh umm I’m so sorry. Aha!” You giggled awkwardly. “Umm I kind of could do with some help. My campervan doesn’t want to start and I’m out of ideas of what it could be. Would you possibly mind taking a look and see if I’ve missed anything obvious?”
“Sure.” Was all the stranger hesitantly replied, his cold attitude and words certainly didn’t match his looks.
Turning away from his truck you slowly plodded back to your van not holding out much hope for him to find a solution. You tossed the keys over to him so he could start looking at what could be the issue.
Grrr...grrr...grrr was all that could be heard from your beloved van again. He stepped out from the drivers seat and moved to the hood of the vehicle and started doing the same basic examinations and tests you had previously done under your torch’s spotlight.
“Can you keep the light still, I can’t see where anything is if you keep moving!” He grunted.
“Sorry! I’m just cold that’s all” It was almost the dead of night after all.
“Here, take this” suddenly you were engulfed by the hoodie he previously wore. “Oh thanks” you shyly blushed. No one had ever made this sort of gesture towards you before, always keeping yourself to yourself resulted in spending a lot of time on your own. Not only was he helping try to fix your van but you now had his hoodie to stop you freezing from being exposed to the elements. It smelt faintly of his cologne, a woody scent with a slight citrus spice to it. It strangely comforted you for some reason which didn’t go unnoticed by him.
“My names Changbin by the way.” He said looking at you whilst scratching the back of his head.
“I’m Y/N” you quietly replied. “And thank you for all this. Having any luck yet?”
He sighed “I think it’s something possibly to do with the conversion unit. But I’m not entirely sure, that kind of thing is way past my expertise level and is probably gonna be costly to get fixed.” Disappointment was strewn across your face, you felt absolutely devastated. A slight tear started to emerge from the corner of your eye, the reality of the situation starting to dawn on you that your most beloved and prized possession had given up.
A hand reached to your shoulder “Hey don’t be upset. I may not even be right! Guess he means a lot to you?”
“It’s a she actually!” This came out much colder than you anticipated it to but blamed it on your emotions getting the better of you. “She’s called Daisy and yeah we’ve kind of been through a lot together. Apart from dear old Ziggy sleeping in there she’s the most special thing to me.”
“Daisy, oh it’s a cute name” He had rested his back on the now closed hood of your van. “You had her for a long time then I guess?”
“You could say something like that. I’ve had her since high school, we’ve travelled a lot which kept me sane and helped me find my true self along the way.”
“Oh right. It’s nice you have a story and she’s in really good nick. Just a shame she’s decided to pack up now”
“It’s fine honestly. I’ll just wait for sunrise and take a walk to the nearest stop and see if they can help get her started again. Thanks for trying though.” You circled round to the other side of the truck gathering up the blankets once more as a puzzled Changbin took a hold of your wrist.
“You’re not seriously going to stay out here all night on your own are you?” He looked down at you, creases forming between his eyebrows from frowning.
“I’ll be fine!” You brushed him off of your arm. “I have blankets, some spare food and some water so I’ll be fine until then. Honestly you don’t need to worry about me.”
“Y’know you could always come back with me. I’m only a couple of miles away from here. Only if you’re comfortable to though, don’t feel pressured. I just can’t consider myself a gentleman if I don’t even offer.” He scratched the back of his head again, this must be what he does when he’s nervous. Initially you thought there was no chance you’d go anywhere with this stranger, but a part of you also realised the contrast to how he acted towards you in the beginning. Maybe he wasn’t as bad as you first thought.
“Okay, but don’t try anything funny. Otherwise I’ll... I’ll set Ziggy on you!” He smiles followed by a giggly laugh and you once again realised how breathtaking his features were. His smile kind of made you feel weak at the knees like you were school girl all over again.
“Is that supposed to be a threat?” He grinned whilst raising an eye brow at you.
“You betcha it is! Are you sure you don’t mind? Hopefully it will only be for one night.” “Of course not! Why would I offer otherwise. Now come on, grab your basic things and put them in my trunk.”
You scrambled some of your essential belongings together into a satchel as quickly as you could. Also making sure Ziggy has his harness and lead securely fastened before picking him up from his luxurious pillow seated on the front passenger seat.
Locking Daisy up you felt a pang of guilt for leaving her here for the night. “It’s alright old girl. I’ll be back in the morning and hopefully we can make you as good as new again”. You made your way to Changbins truck and found Ziggy already asleep in the backseat. He probably had no care as to what was going on and was just happy to be in a warm cozy bed wherever it was situated.
Securing your seatbelt you turned to face Changbin to thank him once again for all of this. “Y/N you don’t need to keep thanking me. What kind of a human being would that make me if I left you out here all alone tonight.” He set off on the journey home. You both made awkward small talk the whole journey and realised you actually had more in common than first thought. Sharing a passion for photography and travelling amongst other things.
The journey wasn’t too far and you were soon met with a log type cabin which you assumed is where you’d be staying for the night. It didn’t look much to the eye but considering the beauty of the surrounding area it blended in perfectly.
You dumped your satchel by the front door and went over to help Changbin who was busy preparing two hot chocolate supremes to warm you both up. It was the most delicious looking drink you had ever set eyes on. The deep dark chocolate at the bottom of the glass soon blended into a more faded colour the closer it got to the squirty cream which was topped with marshmallows, grated chocolate and a slight sprinkle of cinnamon.
You both sat on the sofa facing the wood fire, hot chocolates in hand, sleep starting to overcome the both of you. It was you who gave into sleep first. Changbin was in mid conversation when he heard your slight breaths turn heavier and indication you were sleeping. Instead of disturbing you he grabbed one of your blankets and placed atop of you before lightly brushing back a streak of hair with his index finger that had fallen into your face. It was at that moment he realised the natural beauty you carried so effortlessly. How had he not noticed sooner? For some reason unbeknownst to him he felt a pang in his heart. He felt like he had known you forever, not just mere hours and could have watched you peacefully sleep all night.
Instead he slowly got up and placed a small kiss to the top of your head “Sweet dreams love” before placing himself in his own bed and allowing sleep to consume him too.
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pra370r1an · 3 years
The final (joke) chapter. Whole chapters under the cut
“There it is,” King Lilith gazed at the castle in the distance. “Camelot!”
“Camelot!” Ser Willow breathed.
“Camelot!” Ser Gus called in wonder.
“It’s only a model…” Eda remarked.
“Shush!” King Lilith quickly commanded. “Now let us ride! To Camelot!”
 “We don’t have a Lord,” Hooty said.
“What?” King Lilith asked.
I told you!  We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune!  We're taking turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week,” King the fox explained. “But all the decisions *of* that officer has to be ratified at a special bi-weekly meeting by a simple majority in-”
“Shut up, would you?” King Lilith sternly said. “I get it.”
“Shut up, eh? Who does she think she is?” Hooty asked before resuming playing in the dirt. “Some lovely dirt over here King!”
“I’m your King,” Lilith said.
“Well, I didn’t vote for you,” Hooty replied.
“You don’t vote for kings,” King Lilith explained. “The Lady of the Lake held aloft Excalibur and decreed a divine mandate that I would be King.”
“Listen,” King the fox explained. “Strange women laying in ponds, distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some... farcical aquatic ceremony!”
“Be Quiet!’ King Lilith demanded.
The fox continued, “I mean, if I went 'round, saying I was an emperor, just because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!”
Lilith reached down and picked King up by the scruff of the neck, shaking the fox. “Will You SHUT UP!?”
“Ahh! Now we see the violence inherent in the system!” King smugly said. “COME SEE THE VIOLENCE INHERENT IN THE SYSTEM!!” He announced as he was shook, “HELP! I’M BEING REPRESSED!”
King Lilith dropped the fox and stormed away, “Damn Peasant!”
“See!? See!?” King looked at the small crowd around him. “That’s what I’m on about! You saw her repressing me, right!?”
 The evil Greater Basilisk looked around, “Wait, where did that knight go?”
*Scene change*
“Brave Ser Matt ran away” the bards sung as they followed their knight through the woods.
“No!” Ser Mattholomule objected.
“Bravely ran away away.”
“I didn’t!”
“When danger reared its ugly head, he boldly turned his tail and fled.”
“No! I didn’t!”
 “Tell your master that we’ve been charged by God to seek the holy grail! And he may join us if he’d like!” King Lilith shouted up towards the walls.
“Well, I will, but I’m afraid he’s already got one!” The man shouted back in his accent.
“What?” King Lilith asked.
“He said he’s already got one?” Ser Luz glanced around to see if she heard right.
“You already got one!?” King Lilith inquired.
“Oh, Yes! It’s very nice!” Belos turned and whispered to Kikimora, the Golden Guard and Warden Wrath. “I told her we already got one!” The three broke out in giggles.
“Well, can we come up and look?”
“Of course not! You are English types and this is a French Castle!”
“What are the French doing in England?” Ser Luz shouted up.
“Mind your own business!” Belos shouted. “Now I don’t want to talk to you no more! So go away English King and take your silly English Keniggets!”
“Listen, is there someone else we can talk to!?” Ser Luz shouted up.
“No! Now go away before I taunt you a second time!”
 “We found a witch! May we burn her!?” the angry mob shouted.
“I’m not a witch!” Bo yelled back. “They just say I am!”
“But she’s dressed like one!” Kat shouted, pointing towards her pointy hat.
“You are dressed like a witch,” Ser Bump ceded the point.
“Yes, but they dressed me like this!” Bo yelled, she pointed to her pointy nose. “This isn’t even my real nose!”
Ser bump examined the fake nose and turned to the crowd, “Is this true?”
“No! No! … Well, yes. Maybe. But she really is a witch!” Amelia insisted.
Bo looked to Ser Bump in exasperation.
“Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out! Now, how do you know she’s a witch?” Ser Bump asked.
“She turned my head into a giant eyeball!” Eyeleen accused by pointing.
“AN EYEBALL!?” Ser Bump looked in shock at the girl’s completely normal looking head.
“…I got better…” She looked around awkwardly.
“Burn Her!” Somebody shouted and the rest of the mob took up the yell.
 “There it is!” Eda pointed over their cover towards the creature by the cave.
“What behind the bunny?” Ser Willow asked.
“No, it is the bunny!”
“You silly sod!” King Lilith scolded as she stood from her hiding place.
“You had us all worked up over a bunny!?”
“That’s no ordinary bunny! That rabbit has a vicious streak a mile wide!”
“HOW!?” Ser Gus asked incredulously.
Eda held her hand like a claw, “It’s got huge sharp, uhh…” She held her hands slightly apart, “It can leap about…” She pointed back towards the cave opening, “Look at the bones for God’s sake!”
“Right,” King Lilith gestured to a nearby knight. “Ser Snaggleback, cut its head off!”
Ser Snaggleback strode forward unafraid, “One Rabbit stew coming uAUGHHH!!”
“Holy!” “Jesus!” “Christ!”
“Run Away!” King Lilith shouted.
 Ser Luz held her shield protectively before her, as the denizens of Castle Anthrax slowly approached. Before her, the co-leader of this strange place informed Luz what was expected of her.
“And then! You must Spank her!”
“I’m sorry?” Ser Luz looked bewildered. “What?”
“She has been extremely naughty and you must spank her. Then? Spank me!”
“And me!”
“Me too!”
“Yes, you must spank all of us!” The woman gestured around to the beautiful women surrounding Ser Luz. They all looked thrilled at the prospect.
“I’m sorry, is this story too graphic?” Luz asked. “I was really worried when pra370r1an was writing it. But I think it turned out alright considering we’re all adult knights.”
“I mean at least my scene played with my mannerisms and my favorite minion’s name to craft a funny situation,” King said.
“And my joke was original and wasn’t a blatant rip-off of a movie from the 70s,” Eda mentioned off hand, Owlbert nodding on her shoulder.
“At least they didn’t mention the Moose?” Ser Willow mentioned, Ser Gus looking away horrified.
“Can we just get this over with?” Amity said looking annoyed, purposely looking away from the scene.
“Yes, get on with it,” Emira agreed.
“Yeah, hurry up!” Edric rolled his eyes.
“Ewch ymlaen ag ef!” The bearded huntsman from chapter 5 yelled, the fish hook servant and tall servant nodding in agreement.
“Get On With It!” King Lilith and her knights all shouted together.
“Oh, good! I promise this is the last bit of absurdist humor in this fic!” Luz smiled.
“GET ON WITH IT!” The cartoon depiction of God shouted from the heavens, shaking the view.
“Right, so…”
“Well,” Ser Luz looked around. “I guess I could stay for another night…?”
Behind her a door burst open and three armored knights rushed in, putting themselves between Ser Luz and the women.
“Ser Luz!” Ser Boscha took her arm.
“Quick!” Ser Boscha pulled her back towards the door.
“Quick! You’re in mortal danger!”
“What, I am?”
“No, she isn’t!” One of the women insisted.
“Silence foul temptress!” Ser Boscha raised her sword, only for Luz to grab her arm.
“That’s not necessary!”
“Come on! We’ll cover your escape!” Ser Boscha started pushing Luz back. The other knights retreated as well and the women followed.
“Boscha! I think I can tackle this singlehandedly!”
“Yes, let her tackle us!” The women shouted.
“No, Ser Luz! Come on!”
“No really! I can handle this easily!”
“Yes, she can! Quite easily!” The women agreed.
“There’s only 150 of them!” Ser Luz shouted as she was forced through the door.
“Yes, we haven’t a chance! Ahh, Shit.” They stopped as the knights followed Ser Luz out.
Ser Boscha continued to hold Luz’s arm, dragging her away from the castle. As they continued to argue.
“Looks like we got here in the nick of time! You were in great peril!”
“I really don’t think I was.”
“Yes, you were, terrible peril.”
“Tell you what? Let me go back and face that peril.”
“No, too perilous.”
“Just a little bit of peril?”
“Nope! Not healthy.”
“Don’t tell me you’re a homophobe.”
“I am not!”
  Eda held up her dismembered hand while shrugging, “It’s only a flesh wound.”
 “Ser Boscha! You came to rescue me!”
“Lady Skara!” Ser Boscha looked around wildly, lowering her sword. “You’re the one getting married against your will?”
“Oh, it’s just like the stories! I feel like I could… could!” Skara opened her mouth to sing. Disembodied romantic music started to hum around them…
“STOP THAT, STOP THAT!” Skara’s father came in, wildly waving his hands and the music died back down. “Who are you?”
“I’m your daughter!” Skara answered.
“Not you! You! Did you kill all those guards?”
“Uhh, oh! Yes,” Ser Boscha nodded awkwardly. “Sorry.”
“You killed 8 wedding guests and the groom and his father! And wounded 20 others!”
“Yes, uhh, sorry about that. Got a bit carried away there,” Boscha looked back at Skara briefly. “I can explain. See I was riding from Camelot…”
“Camelot? You’re uhh, from Camelot?”
“Umm… Yes?”
“Oh, well! Would you like a drink?”
“Oh, that’s awfully kind of you,” Ser Boscha allowed herself to be led away by Skara’s father.
“Yes, but to apologize for the damages you’ll have to stand before everyone…”
“Oh, uhh understandable.”
“…And repeat some vows from a priest…”
“Uhh, sure?”
“And kiss my daughter…”
“Wait, what?”
 “Halt! I am Tibbles! Guardian of the Bridge of Death! You must answer my questions to see the other side!”
“Ask your questions I’m not afraid!” Eda defiantly said.
“What is your name? What is your quest? And WHAT… is your favorite color?”
“Oh! Uhh, Eda of Camelot, I seek the holy grail and red.”
Tibbles waited a second before waving her along, “Alright off you go.”
“Oh, thank you,” Eda said as she started to cross the bridge.
“That’s it! That’s Easy!” Ser Mattholomule shouted as he moved up. “Ask me the questions, bridge keeper. I’m not afraid!”
“What is your name? what is your quest? And WHAT… is the capitol of Assyria?”
“Ser Matt! To find the Holy grail. And, uhh… Istanbull?”
Ser Matt was flung violently into the air by an explosion sending him tumbling into the ravine with a scream.
King Lilith and Ser Bump shared a look before the King stepped forward.
“What is your name? What is your quest? And WHAT… is the air speed velocity of an unladen swallow?”
Lilith paused before answering, “What do you mean? African or European?”
“I don’t know that,” Tibbles said before being violently flung to his doom.
“How do you know so much about swallows?” Bump asked.
“You have to know these things when you’re King,” Lilith said as they moved to cross the bridge.
They got to the other side, but Eda was nowhere in sight.
“Eda? EDA?! Now where did she get off to?”
*Scene change*
Eda had her hands against a cop car while Police bobby Kikimora patted her down for contraband.
 “My Brave Knights! We will take this Castle by Force! Now Follow Me! To GLORY!” King Lilith and Ser Bump charged with swords drawn, a massive army following them with a shout.
They made it a few feet closer to the castle’s walls when sirens announced the cop cars which slid to a halt in front of them.
“That’s them! They’re the ones who left the Coven!” Kikimora shouted as she emerged from the lead car.
“Alright, you two are under arrest,” Police bobby Belos directed. “Put that sword down and turn around.”
“Now wait a minute,” Lilith said as she was turned around and handcuffed. “I think there’s been a mistake!”
“Alright! Nothing to see here people!” The Golden Guard waved the army back. “Everyone go home now! Keep it moving!”
“Hey, You!” Warden Wrath advanced menacingly. “Stop Your Writing! Stop it Now!” He continued to shout as he reached out towards Pra370r1an to slap his hands away from th-..-_>--.-;’.-
 “On second thought, let’s not go to Camelot…” King Lilith decided, thinking on the many show tunes probably being sung right now. “Tis a silly place…”
Her knights nodded in agreement.
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rainydaydream-gal18 · 4 years
Steve Rogers x Reader: The Nutcracker (AU) Part 2
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Log cabins came into view.  Steve led you to a particularly large on.  Despite being covered in snow, you could make out the word “inn” on the hanging sign out front.  Steve opened the door and stepped aside so you could trudge in first. 
   Warmth surrounded you as you entered, and you almost wanted to cry. There was a cozy fire in a stone fireplace just as you had imagined.  There were several vintage chairs with floral-patterned cloth perched around it.  A woman from behind the counter approached.
   “Hey, are you okay?” she asked, concern etched on her face.  She was wearing an old brown dress with a tan apron - sort of like a maid- and had a bonnet over her red hair.  Despite this garb, when you looked up at her face, you recognized her.  She looked over at your traveling companion.  
   “What did you do, Steve?”
   “Well, Nat, it’s a long story…” He sighed.  “The Mouse King found me, and there wasn’t much I could do to leave her out of it.  We were transported back to the Kingdom miles away from any shelter.”
   “Who is she anyway?” Natasha, also known by many as Black Widow, asked. She knelt down to help remove your icy slippers.
   “She lives in the Other Place.”
   “Wow, I know you were on the run, but I didn’t think you’d go that far,” Natasha said.  “Anyway,” she looked at you.  “You don’t have to worry.  You’re safe here.”
   “Thank you,” you replied with a smile.
   Natasha had a few other ladies who presumably worked at the inn run and fetch some dry clothes and some tea while she led you upstairs to a room where you could change.  Before long, you were given a cozy nightgown and shawl and a new pair of slippers.
   “Go ahead and make yourself comfortable by the fire,” Natasha told you. “Someone will be by with tea.”
   “Thank you so much,” you replied.  “Is there anything I can do?  To pay you back?”
   She cracked a smile.  “Pay us back? Absolutely not.  Anything for a friend of the rightful princ-”
   Suddenly, Steven coughed quite loudly.  You and Natasha looked at him, and he coughed again, but seemed to be giving Natasha a look.  You had no idea what was going on, but you elected to ignore it.
   You took a seat in one of the chairs near the fire.  There were no other guests around, probably since it was so late.  You were sort of glad to be able to enjoy the fire without weird stares.  Another woman wearing the same uniform as Natasha came over with a cup of tea.
   “Thank you,” you told her gratefully.  Oh my cannoli, she looked like Shield Agent Maria Hill.  
   “No problem,” she replied.
   The teacup was very charming with lovely flowers along the outside.  It was the ultimate cozy scene, and you could even glance out the window and see the blizzard roaring outside in the dark.
   Steve and Natasha were talking in hushed voices near the front counter.  A small part of you was curious about all the secrecy, but you figured this was Natasha Romanoff.  She wasn’t exactly Nick Fury, but you were sure her secrets have secrets.  The other part of you didn’t care at all; you just wanted sleep.  It had been quite a night.  You set the cup of tea down beside the chair and curled up with your blanket and shawl.
   Someone was talking to you… But ugh, you were so tired.
   “____________, you have to get up.”  It was Steve.  You opened your eyes, blinking from the bright sunlight, and saw your nutcracker standing in front of you with one of his wooden hands on your shoulder.
   Oh, so none of that craziness last night was a dream after all.
   “What?” you yawned.  “What’s going on?”
   “The Mouse King and his minions are on their way.  They’ll be here any minute.  You and I need to hide.”  He took your hand and helped you to your feet.  “If he finds us here, we’ll be arrested on the spot.  And trust me, we do not want to be arrested by this guy.”
   “You don’t have to tell me twice.”  You yawned again.
   Natasha hurried over.  “We’ve got a place for you to hide.  If you’re quiet enough, they won’t find you.”
   “Thanks, Nat. I’m sorry about this…”
   “Shut your star-spangled mouth, Steve.  We’ll always be here for you no matter what.  Now, hurry up and hide.”  She pulled back the boards on the one wall to reveal a compartment.  It might be close quarters, but it would fit you and Steve.
   “Ladies first,” Steve said.  
   “Ever the gentleman,” you joked, climbing in.  You squeezed against the side as much as you could to make room for the nutcracker.  He got in, and Natasha put the boards back in place, leaving you in darkness.  “Well, this is cozy.”
   Despite the tense situation, Steve chuckled.  “Glad you’re enjoying yourself.”
   “Oh yes, it’s always been my dream to be squished in a secret compartment fearing for my life.”
   At that, Steve went quiet.
   “Hey,” you nudged him, to no avail since he was made of wood.  “It’s alright, really.”
   “No, it’s not,” he said.  “It seems wherever I go, I bring danger.  It’s why I ran away from the kingdom in the first place.  I went so far where I thought no one would find me.  But somehow after meeting you I ended up back here again.”
   “Oh, well, I’m sorry.”  His comment sort of stung.  It made you feel that you were the reason this happened.  You were just minding your own business at your grandparents’ house until he stumbled in your life!  “Why did you rescue me, then? If it was going to be a big problem?”
   “I didn’t mean it like that, __________.”
   “Well, it kind of sounded like it.”
   Steve grew quiet again, and you wondered if the two of you would speak again for a while.  This was quite a side of Captain America and his character…how troubled he was in his concern for others and how his actions affect them.
   “I rescued you for a few reasons,” he spoke up.  “One; because I couldn’t let the Mouse King hurt anyone. And two; there’s just something special about you.”
   You wanted to laugh.  “Me? Special?”
   “Yes,” Steve looked at you.  “Remember when your brother broke me?  When he told you he’d replace me, you said that you don’t give up on people just because they’re broken? That was the most beautiful thing I’ve heard.”
   Your cheeks grew warm.  “You heard all that?”
   Steve chuckled softly.  “Yes.”
   “All of it?”
   “Yep.  Apparently you think I’m hot?”
   “Oh my gosh…I wish I was invisible right now.”
   Just then, there was a sound of someone shushing you from the inn lobby. Most likely Natasha.  How convenient for you.
   “He’s here,” she said quietly.
   The front door flew open violently, and chitauri let out screeches as they entered.  The footsteps of the Mouse King were last to enter.
   “Greetings,” he said.  “Have any of you fine citizens seen a nutcracker and a woman come through here?”
   “No,” Natasha replied calmly.  “Nothing like that around here, unless you mean that nutcracker over on the shelf.”
   There was as sly chuckle.  “I suppose you think you’re very amusing.  Well, unfortunately, I am not in the gaming mood.  This is the town closest from where the nutcracker and girl were transported.  They’d have to be quite unintelligent not to have come here.”
   “Nutcrackers are made of wood.  I’m sure he was lacking a brain,” Natasha shot back.  “Because we haven’t seen anyone with that description. Right, Maria?”
   “That’s right.”
   It grew silent for a few, and then there was the sound of wood being broken. Glass shattered.  Books fell off a shelf.  
   The chitauri were tearing the place apart, probably looking for you and Steve.  You had to keep from crying out when a chitauri broke something near the secret compartment.  Steve could probably tell because he put an arm around you.  Fortunately, none of them found the compartment in the wall.
   In fact, it wasn’t too long after the chitauri searched upstairs that they left. The Mouse King bid the ladies good day and left the place a wreck.  Natasha opened up the boards so you and Steve could climb out shortly after.
   “That was messed up.”  You shook your head.  “I’m sorry about the inn, Natasha.”
   “It’s alright,” she commented with a smirk.  “It was getting pretty boring around here anyway.  I’m just glad The Mouse King didn’t recognize any of us.”
   “Recognize you?” you repeated.
   “Indeed,” a new voice joined the conversation.  There he was.  The big guy himself.  Nick Fury. “Things would have gotten….interesting, to say the least.”
   “Wait, what’s going on?” you asked.  “I feel like I’m missing something.”
   “___________, this is Fury,” Steve informed.  “He is Captain of the elite force known as Shield.  It’s his job, and all of these fine ladies and gentleman who you’ve seen around the inn, to guard the, uh Prince.”
   “Since the Mouse King took over, we had to go into hiding.  I became owner of this inn to help him go into hiding,” Fury explained, gesturing to Steve.  “And we provide assistance to anyone who resists the Mouse King’s rule.”
   “Wow, that’s just…wow.  I’m officially amazed.”  
   Fury folded his arms, turning to the nutcracker.  “So, your highne-”
   “Steve,” Fury echoed with a touch of sass.  “What brings you back to the Royal Garden Inn?”
   “Well, I had a run-in with the Mouse King.  __________ here helped me, and the Mouse King shrunk her down from her normal size.  I brought her here to find the Sugarplum Princess who will change her back, and maybe change me back from a nutcracker.”
   “The Sugarplum Princess?” Fury echoed, raising a brow.  To be completely honest, it was hilarious to hear Fury say that.   “The Sugarplum Princess is said to be a myth,” he continued, so serious.  You covered your mouth to stifle a laugh, and he looked at you with his one good eye.  “Something funny?”
   “No, Sir.  Please continue.”
   “Anyway, the Sugarplum Princess is a myth, but if she did exist, our records indicate she’d be on an island across the frozen lake.  It’s quite a journey.  Not to mention you are on the Mouse King’s ‘most wanted’ list.”
   “I know, but what choice do I have?” Steve questioned.  “__________ and I can’t stay like this forever.  She belongs at home with her family.  She can’t do that if she’s not even a foot tall in her world.”
   “Understood.”  Fury nodded. “We can give you some supplies, and I’ll send one of my best with you.  Romanoff?  You up for a mission to find some Sugarplum chick who may not exist?”
   Natasha shrugged.  “Sure thing.”
   “Then it’s settled.  Hill, make the preparations.”
   Maria nodded and hurried away.  
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coldflame96 · 3 years
Turnabout Parent Trap, chapter 20 (the end!)
I finally finished this bad boy and the last chapters a bit shorter so I thought I’d do something a little different. Don’t read if you haven’t read the rest of it please. 
It’s been a long journey. Thank you for sharing it with me. :)
Read the full thing on AO3 here
February 11, 2029
Gatewater Hotel Imperial Hall- Los Angeles, Japanifornia
Phoenix was nervous. Well, not nervous exactly, but more just excited. He was getting married! Not for the first time, but hopefully the last.
“Nick, they’re almost ready for you,” Maya came in. And then she gave him an unimpressed look. “What have I told you about messing with your tie? And your hair. Look at you, you’re a wreck! Don’t make me get my sister in here!”
“No thanks,” he muttered, “You’re bad enough.” And got a light smack on the head for that. He saw how the deep purple she was wearing brought out the bronze tones in her skin as she readjusted his tie and smiled.
“You look beautiful, Maya.”
She rolled her eyes. “Of course I do. My wife’s a dress designer.” And then she smirked. “Besides, you’re the star here. Miles won’t know what hit him.”
“He’s seen me like this before.”
“Sure, but you look way better now than you did at 21. I saw the pictures.”
“Wow,” he scoffed, offended. “That’s-“ And then he paused. “Wait, really? I’m 36, how is that even possible?”
She shrugged. “Some people get better with age.” And then she gave him a smug look. “You were pretty dorky before.”
“Gee, thanks.”
“Y’know,” she started, starting on his hair now, “I’m kinda surprised you’re even doing all this again. Kinda figured Miles wouldn’t wanna bother.”
Funny story about that. “It was his idea, actually.”
“Really? Wow. And here I thought he was the pragmatic one. Guess he is a romantic, after all.”
She finally took her fingers out of his hair, and he made to run a hand through when she smacked it away.
“I just fixed it, Nick!” she glared. “If you mess it up again, I’ll kill you.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he mumbled.
He heard a piano start playing and Maya grinned. “Well, that’s your cue.” And then she offered up her elbow. “You ready?”
He took a deep breath, and then linked his arm with hers. He was born ready.
Apollo sat next to his sibling, who practically had stars in their eyes as their parents exchanged vows at the altar. The old bearded guy gave them permission to kiss and they did eagerly which of course was something he’d seen many times at this point, but he clapped along with everyone else.
Trucy giggled from next to him and he looked at them curiously. “What is it?”
“Nothing,” they shook their head, “It’s all just kinda crazy, isn’t it? Two years ago, I didn’t even know you existed. Now we’re at our parents wedding.” She laughed again. “It’s all just so backwards!”
He rested an arm on their shoulder. “Yeah, I guess we were never very traditional, huh?”
He vaguely heard Dad announce something, and then people around them started getting up. “Oh, I guess it’s time for the reception.” He offered his hand. “Coming?”
They took his hand.
When Iris had learned that Pearl, her younger half-sister, had moved to Germany last summer, she was disappointed. They had been getting to know each other rather well and she thought that she could finally tell her the truth about her.
But then Mr. Wright had told her she’d gone to Germany when she came to visit one day and she thought that was it. She’d waited too long and lost her opportunity. And then he had told her he was getting married. And even invited her. She wasn’t even sure if she deserved an invitation after what her sister did, but she appreciated it none the less.
She had been about to decline, but then Mr. Wright had told her Pearl would be here, and well…now here she was. It was only too bad she hadn’t been able to get Pearl alone so far. Maya had been quite welcoming and friendly and allowed her to mingle in with their group, but this was a delicate matter. She couldn’t just blurt it out in front of everyone.
She saw Mr. Wright pass through the hallway, from what she was assuming was the bathroom, and he nodded at her, pointing his eyes down the hall.
“You should catch her before she goes back in,” he advised.
“Thank you.” And then she already started walking.
“Iris?” he called out, and she turned her head in confusion. He gave her a small, shy smile. “Thanks for coming.”
He really was quite handsome…she felt her face heat up and she mumbled, “Of course.” And bolted down the direction he’d pointed her at, ignoring how her heart skipped a beat.
Mr. Wright was quite the charmer. She sometimes wished she’d been the one engaged to him once upon a time instead of her sister.
But it probably wouldn’t have worked out either way. His heart clearly belonged to someone else.
She was broken from that train of thought when she saw Pearl’s familiar figure just about to open the door back into the reception room.
“Oh, Ms. Iris!” she gasped. “You look so pretty!”
Pearl certainly looked quite beautiful herself, looking grown up in her dusty pink A line.
“Thank you, Pearl. You too. Did Ms. von Karma make that dress for you?”
The girl grinned. “Yes, she did!” And she did a little twirl. “Do you like it?”
She smiled gently. “I love it.” But she should get to the point. “Hey, Pearl, do you mind taking a walk with me? There’s something I wanted to talk to you about.”
She perked up curiously. “Oh, okay then.”
And Iris led the girl to the courtyard where they wouldn’t be disturbed.
Like peeling off a bandaid. Hopefully it wouldn’t bleed.
Gatewater Hotel Banquet Hall- Los Angeles, Japanifornia
Miles watched as Phoenix opened the bottle of wine, Where Dreams Have No End, 2010 etched on it. He nodded, raising his glass in a toast and once he got the satisfied clink, they both took a sip at the same time.
Miles raised an eyebrow. “Oh, this is better than I remember.”
Phoenix shrugged. “Well, you know what they say about fine wine.”
Miles eyed his partner appreciatively, saying without much thought, “Yes, much like yourself, it ages quite handsomely.”
Phoenix gave him an incredulous look at that and Miles noted with pleasure how his ears turned red. “What, are you drunk already?”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he huffed, “I’m not such a lightweight to get drunk off one sip of wine.”
Phoenix didn’t say anything, instead choosing to focus on his cake, their live performers starting with a slow, melodic song. Which brought up a concern…“Are you sure inviting them to perform was a good idea?” he asked his husband softly, touching his arm, the performers in question being the singer Lamiroir and her partner Herod, formerly known as Thalassa Gramarye and Jove Sadhmadhi. Though the young blond pianist they had with them was unfamiliar to him.
Phoenix looked at him, distracted for a moment from his cake. “Lamiroir is Apollo’s favorite singer, right? Why would it be an issue?”
Miles really didn’t like it when he acted willfully obtuse. “You know why, Phoenix. Having them here with the kids is a risk. What if they say something?”
“They won’t. I already talked to them about it.”
“Apollo and Trucy aren’t stupid, as you well know. What if they find out?”
Phoenix grabbed his hands, pressing a light kiss to his fingers. “Miles, they’re 14. They’re old enough to know that they didn’t just sprout up from nowhere. It’s not like we have anything to hide.”
“Well, yes, but-“
Phoenix didn’t let him finish that sentence, kissing him firmly. Miles pulled away, glaring with no heat.
“That was quite rude.” He got a kiss on the jaw in response. “I was talking and-“ Another kiss. “Ugh, you’re trying to distract me, aren’t you?”
Phoenix looked smug as hell. “Is it working?”
Yes. “No.”
He chuckled, “Liar.” And then kissed him again, softer this time.
“Hey lovebirds!” Larry called out, causing them to break apart. “Come get your pictures taken!”
He rolled his eyes and watched as Phoenix did the same.
He supposed a few pictures wouldn’t hurt. But not before he kissed his husband another time.
Trucy never really “got” Apollo’s type of music. She was always more into upbeat stuff like the Gavinners, but this Lamiroir lady…was not bad. Her voice was beautiful, and she could see why Apollo liked it, even though it was kinda slow in her opinion.
Something about her was weird though…Familiar somehow. But Trucy was sure she’d never met a celebrity before.
She watched as the man with Lamiroir started playing something faster paced on his guitar and she smiled. Now they were talking.
“Dance with me, Apollo!”
“Trucy, I don’t dance.”
She rolled her eyes, and then she spotted a familiar dark head and got an idea. “Fine, I’ll go dance with Clay then.”
Their eyes went wide and they grabbed her arm. “You can’t do that!”
“Why not?”
“Because!” their eyes darted. “Because I’m gonna dance with him!”
She asked faux innocently, “But I thought you said you don’t dance?”
“Well, I lied!” And then to her delight, they marched over to Clay, saying something to him that she couldn’t hear, and he looked both confused and pleased as they started dancing awkwardly.
She waved sweetly and laughed as Apollo glared at her and Clay waved back.
“Excuse me, Miss,” she whirled around to come face to face with her grandfather, his eyes twinkling. “May I have this dance?”
She curtsied dramatically. “Of course, sir.”
And she let him twirl her around. For an old guy, he was surprisingly graceful.
Mia was feeling quite good after her couple glasses of champagne. Light on her feet and even lighter in spirit. She was giggling as Lana twirled her again, resting her head on her shoulder.
She heard a cleared throat and she turned to see Phoenix standing there, looking incredibly handsome in that suit. Mr. Edgeworth sure knew what he was doing that was for sure.
“Do you mind if I borrow your wife?” he asked Lana.
“So long as you give her back,” was Lana’s response and he laughed.
And then he grabbed her arm. “Come and dance with me, Mia.”
“Careful, Phoenix,” she grinned like a shark, “Your new husband might get jealous.”
He snorted. “Okay, how much champagne have you had?” he asked, as he started to sway her gently.
“Not enough.”
“I somehow doubt that.”
She saw how carefree he was and smiled. “I’m really happy for you, Phoenix.”
“Yeah. It feels good to have a wedding I can actually go to.”
“Why? So you can drink all the champagne?”
“Exactly. Get lit, as the kids would say.”
He cringed, which delighted her. “Please stop.”
She laughed. “Stop what? I’m sticking with the times.”
“You’re not. I live with two teenagers. Neither of them ever say that.”
She pouted. “Well, they used to.”
He muttered, “Yeah, maybe in the Stone Age.”
She flicked him on the head. “Don’t be rude. I’m not even 40 yet.”
“What is with you Fey women and hitting me today?”
So Maya got him earlier? She wondered what wise crack he said to deserve it. “Don’t be a baby. Someone has to keep you in line.”
“I have a husband for that.”
“He’s too soft.”
He opened his mouth to argue, but then refrained and just pouted. “Whatever.”
She patted his cheek fondly, pouting. “Phoenix, will you get me another champagne?”
Damn, that usually worked.
Maybe this wedding was a mistake.
Franziska watched as Maya danced with Pearl, Iris having to leave in a hurry for some other obligation, Kay was dancing with Frau Skye’s younger sister and well…she was quite bored.
She was feeling restless. She saw her stupid brother in the center table kissing his foolish husband like the shameless man he was and had a solution.
She stalked over to their table. “Miles Edgeworth,” she said sharply, and watched them break away, her brother looking a bit disgruntled. Ugh, obscene. 37 years old and acting like a lovesick teenager. “You will dance with me.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Is that a request or an order?”
He rolled his eyes. “Alright then.” And then he stood from his spot.
Phoenix Wright looked amused, and just said in a dry tone, “Good luck!”
She levelled her glare to him. “You’re next.”
He just got even more smug, which annoyed her. “Can’t wait.” Sometimes she lamented the loss of her riding crop. She missed the days when men cowered at her feet.
“Was your wife unavailable?” Miles asked flatly, doing an elegant twirl.
“Shut up,” she snapped, and then she mumbled in embarrassment, “Yes.”
“I see. So you were bored.”
She glared at him but he was unperturbed. She would have to attempt a different method. She switched over to her native tongue and said in a wistful tone, “Why must you assume the worst of my intentions, older brother? Is it not acceptable for your sister to dance with you at your own wedding?”
“Of course it is. My apologies for doubting you.” He didn’t sound completely sincere but she supposed that would be good enough.
“I am taking your husband for the next song.”
“Just don’t kill him, please.”
“No promises,” she said in English this time. The song ended and she made her way back over to where Phoenix Wright was. She nodded. “Your turn. As promised.”
He grinned. “Oh, good, I’ve been waiting!” Then he turned back to her brother. “If I don’t come back, take good care of the kids, yeah?”
“Of course,” Miles said solemnly and she rolled her eyes, dragging the man out by the arm.
She was expecting him to have two left feet as he was an absolute disaster in everything else, but he was surprisingly competent.
“I must admit, Phoenix Wright, I am pleasantly surprised.”
“I did not peg you for a dancer.”
“I took some classes.” And then he got that stupid smug look again that made her regret ever saying anything nice. “See, I guess I’m not totally hopeless at everything, huh?”
“I never got to thank you, by the way.”
She pursed her lip. “For what?”
“For making Maya happy. Taking in Pearls. You’ve grown up a lot.”
She narrowed her eyes. “I hope you’re not intending to imply I’ve gotten soft.”
He gave her a wry look. “I would never imply that.”
“Good. Because I will happily rip your head off your body if you hurt my brother, I hope you understand.”
She heard him gulp. Ahh, yes there was the fear she so desperately missed. “I understand completely. Thanks for clearing that up.”
She smirked. “My pleasure.”
The party was finally over, her and Herod packing up their belongings. She’d been rather hesitant to come here when Mr. Wright and Mr. Edgeworth invited her. She didn’t want to cause any trouble with their family, of course. But Mr. Wright had assured her it was fine and said he wouldn’t say anything so long as she didn’t.
And she hadn’t planned on saying anything. The twins she’d given birth to 14 years ago were flourishing under their care just like she knew they would. They didn’t need her. Sometimes she felt that twinge of regret when she would see parents with their children walking the street together, but it quickly passed. She’d made her decision, and she was no longer able to bear children. It just wasn’t meant to be, she supposed.
She wondered if her partner knew…
“Excuse me, Ms. Lamiroir?” She heard a child’s voice and turned around, coming face to face with both of the twins. Had they…figured it out? She wondered if they inherited her ability of observation.
One of them, the one with the shorter hair in a spiffy pantsuit, spoke up. “I’m a really big fan of your work. Can I have your autograph?”
Oh, that was it? “Oh! Of course!” She mimed writing. “Where should I…?”
“Right here.” They shoved a vinyl album in her face. Her vinyl album. She smiled ruefully. Life had a way of connecting things, didn’t it?
She got out her fine tip marker. “Who should I make this out to?”
She nodded and signed out To Apollo. With Love, Lamiroir. “There you are, dear.” She handed it back to them.
“Thank you so much!” They sounded breathless. But the other one didn’t say anything, only assessing her quietly which made her a bit nervous.
“Did you need an autograph too?” she asked.
The child blinked, as if caught out of a trance. “Nah, I’m just here for moral support.”
“I see.” She saw the one who’d gotten her autograph run over to one of their fathers to gush, but the other one was still staring. “Was there something else I could do for you?”
“You just look familiar. Have we met before?”
She frowned, thankful she had a cloth covering the bottom half of her face. She saw the child’s fathers off only a few feet away with their sibling, Mr. Edgeworth looking at her curiously.
“No, we haven’t. Unless you’ve been to France?”
They furrowed their brow. “No, I haven’t. Sorry, I must have been thinking of someone else.” And like that, the tension was gone as the child grinned. “Thanks for playing tonight! Your voice is really beautiful!” And then they waved to join their family.
“Sweetheart,” Herod put his arm around her shoulders. “Am I crazy? Or are those two…?”
“They’re just the grooms’ children,” she finished, but she could tell by his face that he wasn’t convinced. She tapped his wrist gently. “We should hurry. They’re going to close down soon.”
He paused for only a moment before nodding. “I’ll grab Machi.”
And like that, the party was over and they all went their separate ways once again.
May 23, 2029
LAX Airport- Los Angeles, Japanifornia
Apollo got a sense of déjà vu, though the airport was different this time.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” Papa asked as they walked in through the door. “You got yourself into quite a bit of trouble the last time.”
Apollo rolled his eyes. “Well, unless there’s a secret triplet that me and Trucy don’t know about, I don’t think that will happen again.”
Trucy snorted at that, but Papa just glowered. Apollo thought he was due for a scolding for getting smart, but Dad steered Papa gently away. “They’re fine, Miles. They’ll look after each other.” And then he gave them both a stern look. “Right?”
He nodded furiously, while Trucy, who was always much braver than he was, just rolled their eyes. “Yes, Daddy,” they sighed out.
Papa was satisfied with that. “Very well. But you call us if anything goes wrong.”
“We will.” He went to hug him. “Bye, Papa.”
He gave Dad a hug too while Trucy gave one to Papa and then, after Dad practically dragged Papa out of the airport, they were finally able to get through the baggage line.
He wondered if all his friends from last time would still be there.
May 24, 2029
Maine, USA
“Alright, campers, we have made it to our destination! Welcome to Camp Gourdy!” Trucy was jolted awake from the loudspeaker and then nudged her twin. “Polly, we’re here.”
Apollo blearily opened their eyes, squinting against the bright sunlight, and then their eyes widened as they sat up. “Oh! Hey Trucy, we’re here!” She gave them a flat look. “Oh, right.”
She rolled her eyes fondly. “Alright so, as soon as they open the doors we have to make a run for it. Otherwise, we’re not gonna be able to get our luggage.”
“Why wouldn’t we be able to get it?”
“Just trust me.”
They quickly shoved their way to the front, ignoring the squawks of protest from other campers. Trucy saw her bright blue luggage and Apollo’s red bag about to get buried. “Quick, Polly, grab it!”
“Got it,” they grunted, hoisting their bag over their shoulder.
She grinned in triumph and gave her twin a fist bump. “C’mon, let’s go get our cabins.”
She looked around curiously. Everything seemed the same from when she was here last. Not that she expected much to change.
They approached the check in, and she was mildly amused to see it was the same grumpy old lady from last time. Windbag, right?
“Name and pronouns!” The woman barked.
She blinked. “Sorry, what?”
She huffed, still grumpy as ever. “I said your name and pronouns, whippersnapper, I don’t have all day.”
“Oh! Uhh, Trucy Wright. She.” And then she added on. “Or they.”
“Well, which is it? She or they?”
“Both?” Windbag gave her a flat look and she grimaced.  “Just she then is fine.”
The woman handed her a name tag that read Trucy. She/her. Yellow. Wow, so maybe things were a little different. She wondered if people complained about them not being inclusive enough.
“Name and pronouns!” Windbag barked to Apollo, who flinched under the intensity.
“Apollo Justice!” they yelled, making the old woman wince.
“Don’t shout, child, my ears still work!”
“He.” Windbag glared and Apollo flinched again. “They?”
“Fine.” She threw the nametag at them and Apollo couldn’t get out of there fast enough.
“Well, she’s as unpleasant as ever, I see,” they huffed. But then they furrowed their brow again as they looked at their name tag. “There weren’t pronoun options last time.”
Trucy shrugged. “Maybe they’re catching up with the times.”
“Well, they could do it a little nicer.”
“What cabin are you in?” she asked, nodding towards the tag.
So they were in different cabins again. Interesting.
Apollo hadn’t expected to have the exact same cabin mates as last time, but he was still a bit disappointed that Athena wasn’t here. He’d quite liked her. But the other girl, Junie, was here so he supposed that counted for something.
“This is the first time me and ‘Thena are separated,” the girl sighed out.
“Oh, do you know what cabin she’s in?”
“Yellow, I think.”
“Oh, that’s the same cabin as Trucy.”
Junie frowned. “Trucy? Isn’t that the awful girl you got stuck with last time you were here?”
He grimaced. “A lot’s happened since then.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah.” Junie just continued to stare at him expectantly. He supposed he should elaborate. “We found out we were twins separated as babies and that our parents were divorced, so we switched places and our parents are back together now and happily married.”
She looked like she had a lot of questions, but just said, “Okay. Well, um, congratulations!”
Trucy was unpacking her things when a familiar face came bouncing up to her, that tall, ginger girl from last time. Agatha?
“Oh, hey, Apollo!” She grinned.
“Not Apollo,” she said wryly.
“Oh, you’re the other one!” she put her fist in her hand. “Um, Tracy?”
“Gotcha! Well hey, is Apollo here too?”
“Yep. They came with me.”
“Oh really? Wait, does that mean you guys actually are siblings?”
Was she serious?
“We look identical.”
“Well, yeah, but it could’ve just been one of those weird freak Twilight Zone things!”
Trucy cocked her head. “What’s a twilight zone?”
“Oh, it’s this show my mom really likes. It’s about like people who get stuck in like alternate worlds. Sometimes it’s kinda scary, but I find the vibe of it really soothing.”
Sounded interesting, actually. Maybe she could check that out when she got home.
“Sounds cool,” she admitted, “But it was nothing crazy like that. Our parents just separated us when we were babies because they broke up.”
The taller girl’s eyes bugged out. “What?! That’s awful!”
She shrugged. “Yeah, but then we traded places and forced them to talk again and now they’re back together, so it all worked out in the end.”
The girl grinned. “So my theory was right then!”
“What theory?”
“Oh! I guess you wouldn’t know,” she chuckled, “So you see, me and Apollo both have Greek names, right?”
“Yeah…” What was her name again?
“And my mom is single and his dad is single, or was at the time, so I theorized that we were siblings separated at birth.”
Trucy stared at her blankly. “You guys don’t look anything alike, though.”
“Well, no, obviously because we’re not related, but…” she held a finger up. “The theory was true. Just not for me.”
Well, she couldn’t argue with that logic.
And then she got a hard pat to the back. “But hey! I’m glad it worked out for you!”
She was strong. Trucy always did like strong girls. “Thanks!” she grinned, leaning closer. “What was your name again?”
The look she got for that was priceless.
The mess hall was the only time all the campers came together. Atleast the ones in his age group. So he was only partially prepared for a whirl of orange to practically tackle him to the ground.
“Apollo, oh my gosh! I missed you last year and I thought you got banned and were never coming back!”
“Athena,” he wheezed, “You’re choking me.”
“Oops.” She let go of him quickly. “Sorry.”
He set his tray down on a free table. “So you’re in the same cabin as Trucy this time?”
“Yep!” She slid in the chair next to Junie, grabbing her hand and squeezing. “She told me all about your crazy family!”
‘Crazy’ was an understatement. They were utterly mad.
With just the three of them, and Trucy chatting it up from a distance, it really felt like old times.
“So where do you live now?” Athena asked, “Are you still in Germany?”
He shook his head. “No, me and my father moved in with Trucy and my other father last summer.”
Athena gave him a sympathetic look and said in broken German, “it was adjustment?”
He nodded. “Only a little.”
He was curious why she couldn’t say that in English, but at the awestruck look Junie was giving both of them, he figured she was just showing off.
“Well, atleast Trucy won’t try to dump a bucket on your head this time,” Junie said quietly.
He certainly hoped not.
Maybe he could finally have the full camp experience he wanted from the beginning.
It had been a bit of a rough sleep for Trucy that night, as it usually was anytime she was in an unfamiliar place. Though atleast she didn’t have nightmares anymore. Those seemed to have stopped a while ago. She wondered if it was because Papa was there now.
In an echo of last time, she heeled her sneakers on and snuck down to the nearby lounge for some coffee. Daddy didn’t like her drinking coffee unless it was decaf, and Papa swore by tea, but they weren’t here and what they didn’t know didn’t kill them.
As expected, the place was a ghost town. Just how she liked it this early.
She sipped her coffee gingerly, remaining blissfully uninterrupted this time, and then jolted a little when the trumpets went off. Well, that was her cue to disappear.
She quickly changed into her t-shirt and shorts, tying her hair back, which was getting long again. She wondered if she should cut it. She’d gotten spoiled from it being short for so long. But now it was almost halfway down her back and starting to be a nuisance.
The first day for her cabin didn’t officially have anything scheduled, so when she heard familiar sounds of a cheering crowd and the clink of metal, she wandered towards it.
She shouldered her way closer to the front, her height making it hard to see, and smiled when she saw the fencing match, the familiar dodge and jab. Oh, she’d missed that. Maybe she could incorporate more sword fights into her magic shows. Though she was sure Papa would have a heart attack.
She heard the cheers and then Counselor Lotta, still with the same full afro and the southern accent, “And the winner again is Apollo Justice. Our undefeated champ so far! Any of y’all brave enough to challenge them?”
She grinned. She raised her hand, shouting out, “I’ll take a whack at it!”
“Wha’?” Lotta looked around, “Who said that?”
Trucy kept her hand up and watched as the crowd let her go to the front, still grinning as Apollo’s face came into view.
Lotta squinted at her. “Now why does this seem familiar?” Then she shrugged. “Whatever. Put your gear on and git ready to face off.”
It was as she was putting her helmet on that Apollo asked smugly, “Are you ready to lose again, Wright?”
She smirked, even though they couldn’t see it and held up her sword. “I’m gonna win, Justice.  And I’ll do it without pushing you in a basin.”
Apollo got in position. “We’ll see about that.”
“On yer marks!” Lotta called, and then she put her arm down with a whistle.
And Trucy swung.
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sneyrwrites · 4 years
|The Moon| Tsukishima x Reader
✘Wordcount: 5,9k  
✘Genre: Angst 
✘Tarot Series I ✘
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My illusion, my mistake. 
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It was the first day of university when you met him.
You thanked destiny for sitting in the last row that day, and to the bus that got delayed, causing Tsukishima to arrive 15 minutes late to class.
As the teacher was about to start, all the chairs got taken and the creaking of the door cut through the silence. Turning in unison with the rest of the new students, your eyes met with the disheveled sight of Tsukishima Kei for the first time.
He tried to play it off, but the hurry in his step was unmistakable. From a mile away you could see he was uncomfortable under the scrutinizing stare of the entire room. Tsukishima came inside the classroom, as his eyes searched desperately for a seat, because almost all of them were  already taken, only a few in the front and almost the whole back row empty except the seat you were occupying.
He sat down three chairs away from you and left his bag on the floor. For some reason you were still staring at his tall figure and cramped up legs against the row of seats in front. His harsh golden eyes met yours, and a brow went up,  almost in a hasty manner.
Embarrassed you looked to the front, where the teacher was still giving the blond guy a disapproving look. Sighin, he resumed his presentation.
“As I was saying…” the jab he directed to Tsukishima was not discrete at all, and you heard him sigh, your peripheral vision catching how he crossed his arms muttering under his breath.  “form pairs and introduce you to your partner. This is a task meant to reinforce the bonds within a group. I will ask you to present each other at the end of the class.”
You looked as everyone turned to the person sitting next to them and a murmur buzzed in the room, smiles were exchanged and hands were shaken. Stealing a glance to your left, you noticed Tsukishima was still in the same position.
Nerves flutter in your chest, and you were unsure how to start the conversation, considering the sour mood he had you would be lucky if he didn’t ignore you completely.
“Well… Are you going to come closer o what?” He asked.
If that was the way he tried to make a good first impression, it would be an interesting guy to interview. Hurriedly you picked up your coat and your backpack and changed seats. Now next to him.
“I’m (Y/n)…” You said, extending your hand for him to shake. Tsukishima’s eyes went to your gesture and then to your face again. You kept your hand for a moment too long, and you tough he would not introduce himself, but at the last second he uncrossed his arms and his icy fingers wrapped around yours, sending a chill up your arms.
Soon after a few questions you found out little things about him, like how he liked his coffee,  warm instead of hot, and that his favorite color was green. He had a brother and was a fan of Jurassic Park.  He was a little too proud of his intelligence you noticed, and he liked strawberry shortcake.
His voice was nice and deep with almost an uninterested tone in it. His blonde hair and smartass look was not something you particularly enjoy, but in him it was almost captivating, and you found yourself way too distracted by the way his fingers would eventually brush his forehead, trying to swipe a stubborn hairlock away.
He had nice hands too. His long fingers and big palms were almost surprising, and you wondered if he played an instrument, or maybe played a sport that depended on hand dexterity and height, like basketball or maybe volley.
You considered asking him, but the ring of the bell impeded it.
Tsukishima didn’t even said goodby when he got up and left, you staying behind to collect your belongings.
You had hoped that maybe he was going to be your first friend or at least acquaintance in the new environment that was college to you, so you wouldn’t walk the halls alone, but it seem that he was not interested at all. 
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After that day you were conscious about him, your eyes staying a little more than necessary on him, listening carefully when he debated with the teacher, his tone smug and teasing, while the professor’s face turned red from frustration at Tsukishima’s logic and antics. Tsukishima was interesting, you had to give him that, but the only problem was that he was pretty unapproachable, only exchanging a quick greeting with you when he sat next to you by destiny’s tricks.
Speaking of destiny it seamed to have a funny way of crossing your path with Tsukishima, because two weeks after the start of classes you were entering the coffee shop that was just across the street when you bumped into him as he was exiting.
You were about to enter the cozy establishment when the door swung before you could grasp the knob, and a tall body crashed into yours, and half a second later something spilled over you. Some of it splashing on your face and thank god it wasn’t hot.
You looked down to your now damp coat, which was, thankfully, black. You frowned and were about to say something to whoever went out as carelessly as he did
“Shit” He muttered staring at the spilled coffee at his feet. His angry eyes went to your face, but as he was about to say something, an insult most likely, he recognized you and just frowned. “Are you Okay?”
You wanted to say something snarky back to him, but you bitted your tongue. He was, for once, nice.
“Yeah, don’t worry.” Side stepping him you tried to get to the door, taking off your coat, if it soaked through and got to your white shirt it would be ruined forever.
The line wasn’t long, and you got to the front pretty quick, asked for your order along for a brownie and you searched in the coat’s pocket for your wallet, As you grasped it and was pulling it out, a long arm came from behind you and gave the cashier a couple of bills.
“I’ll pay for her stuff.” You turned around to find Tsukishima. You shook your head no and were about to push his arm down, it wasn’t necessary for him to pay your stuff. You weren’t mad at him, just a little pissed off at the situation. “Let me do it, I own it to you” The cashier looked uncomfortable, his eyes darting from you to Tsukishima, doubting on who’s money to accept.
“All right, fine...” You gave in. At least you were getting a free drink out of the mess.
“Thank you.” He said, looking at the cashier, but it was directed to you. 
With your paper cup in hand and the piece of brownie in the other you exited the room, Tsukishima by your side, opening the door for you, since your hands were full. You looked up at him and thanked him. The cold air piercing the naked skin of your arms.
“So…” You started " Are you going to class now?” Tsukishima nodded his head 
“Yeah, but I have to wait for a friend.” He said, Unzipping his hoodie. Was he hot? It was the middle of autumn for god’s sake. Your teeth were about to clatter from the freezing air.
Once he stripped off the black fabric, he handed it to you, while he extended the other to hold your drink and snack. What he wanted dawned on you, and your cheeks flushed bright red.
“Oh no no. It’s unnecessary. You’ll catch a cold.” You protested.
“Just grab it, I have a spare in my backpack. It was my fault yours is wet, anyway.” He adverted your eyes. He felt guilty, and it was obvious. It was an interesting side of him. 
You handed him your stuff and proceeded to cover your body with his hoodie. You laughed when you zipped it up and noticed just how big it looked on you. The fabric swallowed you completely, almost seeming like a dress, your fingertips weren't even showing, fully hidden underneath the sleeves.
“I think it’s a little too big on me…” You chuckled, not expecting him to laugh with you, but when the warm giggle came out of him. You stopped abruptly, marvelled by just how cute it sounded.
“Yeah, but it looks good on you.” He complimented like it was nothing. He was looking straight, but he stole a glance from the corner of his eye, a smirk on his face when he noticed your surprised expression.
You stood quietly as you extended your hand to retrieve your drink and brownie.
“Well, i better get going, class is about to start.”  Your eyes were focused on his feet. Worried about the redness of your face, a hint o embarrassment still present on your face.
“Okay, I’ll see you in there then, save a seat for me and my friend. " He called, taking his phone out o his pocket.
“Yeah, sure.” You turned around, but kept looking at him. “I see you in a few then”
For the second time that day you bumped into another body. A pair o hands grabbed your shoulders and stabilized you.
“Oh, sorry…” You glanced up and a familiar pair of dark eyes greeted you. ”Yamaguchi?” You asked, surprised. He hadn’t changed much in the years,  but he was taller and his features were sharper, no signs of the round and adorable face he sported when you were younger. 
“(Y/n)? It’s been forever!” He exclaimed hugging you close to his chest, happy to see you. “When did you come back?” He pulled away, looking marvelled at your face.
 “A few months back, I’m studying here now.” You answered laughing, pulling him back in for another embrace. " I’ve missed you so much. I lost your number back when we were thirteen, and I couldn’t find you in any social media!” 
“Oh yeah, was not really into it when i was younger. But i got twitter now, my friend downloaded for me. I can follow you if you want.” 
You had completely forgotten about class, too busy catching up with your childhood friend and neighbour. Until Tsukishima’s voice interrupted.
“Uh… am I missing something?” He asked, and both of you turned to him. “Do you know eachother?”
“Oh Tsukki! there you are. I couldn’t find you.” Yamaguchi exclaimed.
“Tsukki?” The cute nick name rolling off your tongue made Tsukishima blushed
“He’s been calling me that non-stop since we were kids.” He replied, faking annoyance to cover his embarrassment. You just giggled.
“Oh that’s typical from Yamaguchi. He used to do it with me too Tsukki, don’t worry.” He pinched the bride o his nose.
“Oh god, not you too.” He muttered 
“I see you already know Tsukki, (y/n)” Yamaguchi spoke, breaking your attention away from the pink tint in the blond’s face.
“Yeah, we have a few classes togehter.” 
“Really, do you have one right now?” He asked smiling excitedly, looking at Tsukishima you noticed how he was shaking his head, but a small amused smile was on his features.
“Yeah, why?” He clapped once exited.
“Me too! Let’s go” Yamaguchi grabbed your arm and started towards the entrance of the school, Tsukishima following behind. 
That day you ended up bing late, but it was worth it since you found Yamaguchi once again, and Tsukishima’s hoodie and woody scent were with you the whole day.
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The group project you had to do for the only class you shared with Yamaguchi was almost done, but still, it needed the finishing touches. 
 The three of you had agreed on getting together at your place to work on it. It would be the first time Tsukishima was going to step a foot in your home, and the nervousness for what he was going to think made you clean every single spot in your home.
The ring of the doorbell almost made you drop the plate filled with cookies you had bought from the bakery you and Tsukishima both liked.  You left the goodies on the table and rushed to open the door.
Tsukishima’s neutral face and Yamaguchi’s bright smile greeted you.
“Hey (y/N)” Yamaguchi waved at you and taking a step aside you let him in, Tsukishima following behind, muttering a small “Hello” Under his breath.
The three of you got to work pretty quickly after that.
You were a little disappointed about the fact that Tsukishima didn’t even gave a second glance to your home, focusing instantly in the task at hand, which was finishing the project once and for all.
Small talk didn’t even occurred, the only conversations the three of you sustained were focused on the subject. But thanks to that, you were able to get a good amount of work done before Yamaguchi’s phone rang, signaling an incoming message.
His eyes flew across the words, and when he finished, he sent an apologetic smile your way.
“Oh, I’m sorry guys, but I have to go and help my mom out. We can finish this tomorrow, or over chat.” Yamaguchi got up from the chair and packed up his belongings.
“Oh um, okay.” You said, Tsukishima’s eyes went from Yamaguchi to the door, and then settling on you. “Do you want to keep working Tsukki and get a little bit more done or leave it like this for today?
Your stomach collided in anxious knots at the tough of being alone with Tsukishima. He was handsome, a little rough in the edges, but you still found yourself interested in him.
When Yamaguchi was around it was okay, because you felt comfortable with him around. Your childhood friend eased the tension you usually got whenever you were around Tsukishima’s dazzling eyes and salty personality.
“uh...” He checked his phone “it’s still early, we can keep going for a little longer”.
It was or you to concentrate when Tsukki was the only one in the room. Specially when he was biting the pen in concentration as he read through the text, or the way he would sigh in annoyance when he didn’t understand the concept he was going over.
“What?” he asked, an eyebrow raising in question. “Do I have something in my face?” He raised his hand and tried to brush the unexistent crumbs from the corner of his mouth, your eyes following his thumb intently.
“No, I just zoned out, sorry Tsukki” Like hell you would confess you were into him.
He hummed, and his eyes studied your face for a moment too long.
In a heartbeat he leaned over the table, and his hand brushed your mouth. His fingertips were cold against your skin, but left tingles whenever they touched. You could feel your skin heat up as words failed to come out o your mouth, too shocked by this bold  move he was pulling.
He leaned back on his chair, and a smirk was on his face when he noticed your reaction.
“You had a crumb” Hi took his fingers to his mouth and licked it off, his eyes piercing yours.
“Uh....” Your brain took a second to reboot.  “Let’s keep going...” You said hesitantly, unable to hold his stare, too flustered by what had just happened.
The butterflies in your stomach only intensified when he chuckled a low “okay” and the noise of his pen against the notebook filled in the silence that settled .
Tsukishima was a Tease. And boy did you enjoy it.
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Movie night with Yamaguchi had to be the best day of your month.
That night it was Yamaguchi’s turn to host it, so you were sprawled in his couch, already in your pajamas, and with a popcorn bowl on your stomach. Two mugs of hot cocoa resting on the coffee table and Jurassic World playing in the T.v, you could not ask for more. 
Your feet were over Yamaguchi’s lap and he was already dozing off half way in.
“Yamaguchi! You’re missing it.” You laughed, poking him in the side with your toes. He let out a screech and jolted. He was extremely ticklish. 
“Sorry!” He exclaimed, sitting straighter. He leaned over and grabbed his mug, about to take a sip.
Three knocks on the door interrupted Chris Pratt mid sentence.
“Are you expecting someone?” You asked, lifting your legs from him, letting him free to go and open up. 
“No, but it’s probably the neighbor, she’s always running out o sugar.” He said getting up.
You paused the movie when Yamaguchi opened up.
“Tsukki?” He asked. You leaned over the back of the couch and peeked at them.
Tsukishima was standing there with his backpack on his shoulder. His hair was a mess, and he looked stressed.
“I lost my apartment keys, the locksmith can only come tomorrow afternoon.” He explained, and it made sense considering his disheveled looks. “Can I crash here tonight?” 
“Of course, We’re having a slumber party with (Y/n)” Yamaguchi exclaimed joyfully. Stepping aside or him to get in.
Tsukishima’s eyes found your face, and he smirked when he took in your appearance. “Nice pajamas.” He said.
“Thanks, they match Yamaguchi’s” You ignored his teasing and turned around, hitting play again.
Tsukishima’s chuckled filled your ears before his weight settled next to you on the couch. His hand went inside your bowl, and he stole a handful of popcorn, stuffing his cheeks like a squirrel.
“Hey! get your own lamppost.” You said. During the month you shared together, the relationship between you two got closer, probably because of Yamaguchi’s influence, but now you were comfortable around him, used to his teasing and jokes.
You still liked him though, but you knew not to get your hopes up. He only saw you as a friend, and you were resigned to it. So you sucked it up and buried your feelings deep inside, suffocating them with loads and loads of logical arguments for why they were ridiculous. 
Yamaguchi brought Tsukishima his own cup of hot cocoa along with a pair of sweatpants for him to sleep in.
And when he came back from the bathroom wearing only the pants and a tank top, you prayed for the heat you felt rising up your body to not get to your face.
Tsukishima’s  arms looked amazing and damn he had nice biceps. Your eyes traveled across his toned chest, and narrow hips before hurriedly adverting your eyes. 
“Do you like what you see?” He joked.  You knew he had caught you staring, but still you played it off.
“You wish.” He laughed at you and sat by your side once again.
Jurassic Park ended and Yamaguchi choose another one, a chick flick from the early 2000´s. Tsukishima groaned, but the two of you shushed him as the movie begun.
She’s the man was hands down one of the best rom-coms ever, and he didn’t like it he could go to sleep outside. 
Your feet were once again in Yamaguchi’s lap while your head rested on Tsukki’s thighs. How you ended up in that position? You had no idea, but it was comfortable. 
Midway into the movie, you felt Tsukishima’s fingers dig into your scalp, massaging your scalp. Butterflies went crazy in your chest. He was making the whole not getting your hopes up difficult when he behaved like this. The pleasing sensation made your eyes heavy and in the blink of an eye you fell asleep.
You woke up when the movie was about to end.
 Yamaguchi’s body was sitting in the floor against the couch, while Tsukishima’s arms were around you, both of your bodies laying down in the couch, his lips resting against the crown of your head. 
If you thought you had your feeling under control, now you knew it was just a bluff.
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You felt the rumbling of the bass in your chest when you entered the house.
In between Tsukki’s towering height and Yamaguchi’s comforting presence, you felt a little better. Specially since you didn't want to be there in the first place, but when Yamaguchi asked you to go with him to the party you couldn’t say no, he wasn’t a party animal but it was his cousin’s birthday party and it was almost mandatory for him to assist.
Not even five steps in the crowded house a guy who was apparently too intoxicated to walk straight bumped into you and made you lose your balance. The wooden floor was slippery, possibly because of someone spilling beer carelessly. You felt the world tilt and braced yourself for the impact.
But the feeling of a firm arm around your waist prevented the embarrassment of your face kissing the floor. Tsukishima’s other hand went to your back, and he helped you up. For a change his hands were warm. His body heat transferred into your chilled skin, and the hormones went crazy. Your body heating at the feeling. 
“Hey, be careful!” You looked up as Tsukishima sent an angry stare to the drunk’s back. His hands lingered on you for a little too long before he let you go. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine” You sighed, trying to calm your fast beating heart, partially altered by the fall, but Tsukishima in that black button-up shirt had a lot to do with it. “Thank you Tsukki.”
Two hours in the party you already wanted to go. It wasn’t like you didn't like to dance or drink, because you did. But you  didn’t know anyone at the party and Yamaguchi was with his cousin and Tsukishima was nowhere to be found.
By the third time someone invited you to dance, you decided it was enough and went to search for Yamaguchi at the kitchen.
The smell of beer was heavy in the air and your friend’s flushed face came into view. He didn’t know how to handle his liquor. Just like you. A glass of whatever had you swinging from side to side and singing Disney songs to the top of your lungs.
“Hey! (Y/N)! Here have a drink…” Yamaguchi tried to fill a cup for you but ended up spilling more than what he poured. “Don’t worry its clean, I made sure it was closed before drinking, and I’ve kept my eye on it the who…ouch!” In his tipsy state, he poked himself in the eye.
A loud laugh bubbled up from your chest while Yamaguchi whined. It was sweet he cared so much about you and your safety, but it seemed like he was the one to be worried about. 
While the laugh died down you took a sip and the strong burning sensation going down your throat made you cough. 
An arm snaked around your waist and you were about to push the owner away, when Tsukki’s laugh came into your ears.
Since when was he so touchy? 
With one glance at him, you found the answer. He was drunk, his cheeks flushed and a silly smile on his face. His drunk self was so different from his usual demeanor it was almost shocking. 
“Be careful with that, I don’t want to carry your drunk butt back to your place.” He joked.
“It seems like i will have to that with you though…” You chuckled “How much did you drink?”
“Not that much… What are you, my mom?” He joked.
“Is it wierd that i worry about you?” You asked, taking another sip from the cup.
“Aw, you’re cute.” He said, and his lips were suddenly on your forehead, the warm felling leaving speechless. “You know i love you right?” If the kiss left you speechless that confession drop kicked the sense out of you.
You didn’t know how to respond, because, shit, you liked him, a lot. But you didn’t know how much of a joke it was. There was no way in hell that Tsukishima would confess his feelings sober, so it was probably just a friends kind of love.
Chugging the rest of your cup, you laughed.
“Hilarious, Tsukki.” You said, elbowing him jokingly in the gut, and you walked to Yamaguchi, oblivious to the pout Tsukishima had on his face.
Half an hour and three drinks more later, you felt way too hot to be in that crowded kitchen for a second longer. 
“Yama, I need to go to the bathroom, I’ll be back in a few.” You said, and he nodded, holding his thumbs up, too busy dancing to respond.
You felt your senses a little slowed down, and you knew the alcohol was kicking in. Stumbling your way to the backyard, avoiding dancing bodies.
Sitting down in the garden chairs that were outside, you sighed and looked up. Your outfit was nice, and you felt good in it. The fabric was thin and the cool night air lifted the hair in your arms as your skin cooled down. A few people were mingling around, but no one shot a second glace your way.
The moon was full and beautiful that night, with a yellowish tint, and you couldn’t avoid Tsukishima’s popping up in your mind. The color was oddly resemblant of Tsukki’s hair. 
You thought back to what he said. And your heart sank, hinge was hurting you, lifting your hopes up like this. Partially it as your fault too. He hinted a few things here and there, but it was never explicit. 
A knot in your throat was present, and you closed your eyes trying to swallow the tears. The chair next to you creaked under the weight of a body.
“Hey…” Tsukishima’s voice made you open your eyes and turn to him
“Hey… You look better, did the alcohol wore off?” You asked. His eyes weren’t as glassy as before, and the blush on his cheeks wasn’t as obvious as before.
“Yeah, a little" Tsukishimas eyes went up to the moon, and under the warm light he looked like a dream. 
a sigh left your lips as your wet eyes tried to contain the tears. 
“I wasn’t lying, you know…?” He said, and your breath got stuck in your lungs. He turned to you, and you saw sincerity in his eyes. 
You opened your mouth to speak, but closed it again.
“Can I kiss you?”  He muttered, his face flushed with embarrassment. 
That was all it took to break your wall down.
Without a heartbeat to spare, you crashed your lips against his. Tsukishima’s hands held your face with such tenderness you almost melted at it.
Your lips moved in sync, the taste of alcohol in them proving he was still drunk and that he wasn’t in his right mind, but the excitement of the moment threw caution to the wind, and just enjoyed the chance to kiss him just like you had wished many times before.
He tugged at your sleeve and without breaking the kiss you got up from the chair and positioned yourself on his lap, straddling his legs. 
Tsukishima’s hands found your waist and he squeezed, moaning slightly when you slighly bited his bottom lip.
Your fingers grasped his silky locks, and you tugged at them every time he left an airy sigh out. The sound doing funny things to your belly. Suddenly, the contact  wasn’t enough. You wanted more of him and you couldn’t wait any longer to get it.
Maybe it was the alcohol in your blood acting, but you two ended up walking to your apartment, since it was only a few blocks away from where the party was held.
There were more kisses in between the walk there, and before you opened the door Tsukishima caged your body against the door. 
His lips found your neck, and an electric shock went from your head to your toes when his tongue brushed against the sensitive skin where your neck and shoulder connected. And if you liked Tsukishima before, now you were sure you loved him. Because the way he was riling you up was something you never experienced before.
His lips barely left your body enough for you to get the key in the lock and open the door. He kick the door closed behind you entangled bodies. 
Walking in the dark with Tsukki’s lips glued to yours, you made your way backwards into your room.
With one playful shove, Tsukishima had you on your back in the bed. You could only see his silouete thanks to the moonlight coming in through the blinds. 
He tugged his shirt over his head and a heat ignited in deep in your soul. You bones aching with desire.
Tsukishima came closer and leaned over you, his lips ghosting over yours before connecting them together. That was only the start of a long night filled with passion and tender caresses, encouraged by the alcohol still running through your veins.
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The bright lights form the early morning pried your eyes open, a burning sensation behind your lids and an aching in your muscles that was unusual.
The hangover was going to be a bitch, you noticed when a sharp stab to the skull made you wince. The smell of old beer still in the room because of your stained shirt and shoes lying on the floor.
You turned to the side in the bed in a desperate attempt to sleep for a little longer, but the sight you got almost had you sighing in awe.
Tsukki sleeping was a gorgeous view. The crease in his forehead nowhere to be found, a relaxed expression all over his face, soft puffs of air coming out of his opened lips. His pale skin seemed to glisten in the light, and you were tempted to touch him, but by some reason you didn’t have the courage to disrupt the peace. Almost afraid he would disappear right under your fingertips.
He shuddered in his sleep and got closer to you, his arms wrapping around you and pulling you to his chest. You felt your body warm up at the contact, and butterflies erupted in your stomach.
Flashback’s of the sloppy kisses his vodka tasting mouth gave you and the way his hands traveled across your skin made you blush, suddenly the temperature in the room  spiked and your naked skin against his was on fire.
You don’t know how much time passed. But you were still in his arms and awake when his eyes fluttered open.
Tsukki regained consciousness and when his eyes focused in your familiar room he sat up alarmed, taking in his clothes scattered and your exposed skin. His eyes were wide, no traces of whatever you thought to have seen the night before in them.
Tsukishima didn’t open his mouth, trying to put as much distances between your bodies, sitting almost at the edge of the mattress. If a slight breeze brushed his body, he would lose his balance for sure and fall backward on the floor.
This wasn’t the way you imagined the morning after to go down.
You tried not to show the pang in your heart at his expression. He was probably just confused and surprised, right? He was the one to make the first move in the first place.
“Hey...” You tried to say as nonchalant as you could, as if you were not naked in front of your friend whom you had sex with the night prior. “Did you sleep okay?”
Dumb question, but the silence was making you uncomfortable. Clearing your throat to vanish the knot in it, you swung your legs out of bed and grabbed your underwear, hurriedly putting it in place.
You could feel Tsukishima’s intense glare in your back, but you tried to ignore it as you grabbed a shirt and shorts that were folded in a pile on top o a chair. You needed to get out of that room and let Tsukki process everything.
Once he remembered the night before everything would get better.
“I’m going to make coffee, I’ll meet you in the kitchen...” You announced, and advanced to the door, without waiting for an answer or even looking at him, worried he might snap if you did.
Not even the sound of the pouring coffee relaxed your nerves.
You gathered the half-eaten package of cookies you had in the pantry and placed them on a plate to have breakfast with them, too tired to even try to cook.
Passing by the kitchen’s window you stopped dead in your tracks as your reflection displays the evidence of last’s night affair. Bruising around your neck and collarbones showed where Tsukki had nibbled and bitten in the heated moments you two had spent together. You could still recall the feeling of his warm breath hovering above your skin as he muttered against it, to sink his teeth in it a heartbeat later.
That was probably why he was so quiet in the morning. It was probably the shock mixed with the remaining alcohol in his blood.
The steam emanating from the cups was barely there, since Tsukishima liked it warm instead of hot. Sighing, you placed the cups on the counter and just sat there, waiting for Tsukishima to get out of bed.
Anxiety boiled in your belly when 15 minuted had passed and he was still inside. Was he okay? You pondered on opening the door to your room to check on him, but the sound of the handle turning made the thought useless.
Tsukishima came out, wearing his black shirt and blue jeans, his jacket in hand.
“Hey!” You started, relief invading you at the sight of him relatively okay. “I got you your coffee. Sit, I have some chocolate chips cookies from that bakery we like”
Tsukishima flinched notably when the word “we” came out of your lips, and you started to feel nervous again. His eyes avoided you and every personal thing in your house. His eyes shifting from the ceiling to the floor and to the only spot in the wall where there were no picture frames.
He swallowed dry and opened his mouth, as if he tried to say something but decided against it.
“Tsukki, are you okay?” You said, the usual nickname rolling off of your tongue effortlessly. But instead of his usual response, he snapped.
“Don’t call me that.” He said, taking you aback. His tone was low and harsh. He swallowed again and finally looked at you, his guard up and feelings under lock. “I got to go.”
He started for the door, but you found your voice again after his outburst.
“Tsukki!” You exclaimed, and he stopped, shoulders tense and head cast down. “...Shima” You added, trying to ease a little his locked up posture, but it only seemed to make it worse. “Is it because of last night?” You asked, trying to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal for you, when in reality you had stupidly let your hopes up.
He turned to you, and the wall behind his cold eyes sent a shiver down your spine and an avalanche of rocks to settle in the pit of your stomach. With the most cold and empty voice you ever heard from him, he crushed you with only four words.
“Last night never happened.”
The door slammed behind him, but you noticed he left minutes later, when the roaring of his car’s engine disrupted the silence of the early Sunday morning.
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Just like the moon doesn’t have its own light, but reflects the sun’s, this card symbolizes a mirage, something that does not correspond with reality, and it is an unfounded illusion, leading to disappointments.
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Author Note: I’ll probably end up writing a part II for this, because i love Tsukishima so much, and i want him to overcome his compromise issues. 
Also, I wrote this in between a covid outbreak in my town and my midterms exams so, I apologize if it’s not the best.
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sea-side-scribbles · 4 years
Fanfiction: Sympathy For A Downer
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/22737214/chapters/71387616
Chapter 48
Nick rubbed his cheek against Arthur's hair and closed his eyes with relish. "Have you got time, Nick or do you have to leave?", the other man whispered, full of hope. "I've got time..." Nick said quietly, leaning against his lover and relaxing. Arthur turned around to smile at him and Nick took the opportunity to involve him into a kiss. Suddenly, Arthur became nervous again.
"Uh...Nick...I have something for you...", he whispered. "But Arthur, you don't have to give me anything." "It's not an offering", he answered with a shaking head. "It's not even a real gift, but..." He lifted up a box he had put next to the bed, eyeing it unsurely. Nick's eyes lit up with curiosity. "It's so that we can move freely in the Garden District," Arthur explained and handed the box to his lover, who didn't hesitate to open it. Inside, he found something made of red cloth. "You bought me fancy rags?" Nick was surprised and lifted up the cloth to take a closer look at it. He loved to get clothes as a gift. He however froze when he saw the suit was torn.
"That's how you have to go about in the Garden District, if you don't want to be thrashed. It's not quite beautiful...I know, but it's useful", Arthur nervously told him. "I thought I'll give you one so you don't have to rip apart one of yours." "Oh Arthur, this is a gift! You bought this for me, just to make me a suit?" Nick was touched. He had so many suits, he could've easily shredded one of them, but Arthur as a Downer had spent money to get him a new one. "Uh...not quite...", Arthur interrupted his train of emotions. "When I was in Hackney's institute I...well...took a look around." "You shredded one from his new collection?" Now Nick was shocked. "No, no, it was already in the throw-outs. I don't think he'll miss it," Arthur calmed him down. "I hope it's your size, but when it doesn't fit perfectly, it's an even better disguise." Nick quickly changed into his new clothes. Kneeling on the bed, he viewed himself.
"How do I look?" "Smashing, actually...", Arthur said. "You can wear everything, even these tatters." "Huh." Nick slid from the bed and posed in front of the mirror. "I could show this to Davey, he'll turn this into a trend. Garden style." "Perhaps. I don't think everyone looks as good in it as you." Nick turned to him. "And where's your disguise? I wanna see you in it." "Oh...well...it's still in my shelter, I go get it."
Some time later he came back, already dressed in what was left of a former proper suit. "Oh, wild," Nick blurted out. He planted himself in front of Arthur and put a hand on the other man's half exposed upper body. "I love how much flesh you're flashing." Arthur's cheeks turned faint red. "I'm...I'm glad you like it...", he stuttered, then he gasped because Nick ran his teeth along his naked skin. Arthur had goosepumps all over his body, Nick felt it under his tongue. "Do you want to try it out?" Nick absently licked the bite marks. "Yeah...why not?" "I mean...in the Garden District...." "If you like," Nick muttered and kissed his skin. "No, I mean....you know what I mean." Arthur's fingers curled into Nick's hair. Nick chuckled. Wrapping his arms around the nervous man he looked him deep into the eyes. "As you wish, my king."
"Well...I thought we could try it today because you have time now and...", Arthur stuttered, hating himself for that nonsense he was jabbering. Nick's aura was irresistible, and he didn't want to talk him out of something. He just had the feeling that Nick would leave after bringing him to bed, and he wanted to spend at least a few hours with him. And it would be nice if he could take Nick with him to the Garden District without fearing he would be recognised as a Wellie. "You know what? We could take some food with us and have breakfast somewhere at a pretty place." Nick slowly let him go. Arthur was afraid to see disappointment in his eyes but his lover was still cheery. Nick was actually up for an adventure.
"Hey, I have an idea", he said and walked over to his collection of guitars. He took a brightly colored exemplar. "Do you think this is too flashy?" Arthur eyed it. "Could be too much of a risk. It could be stolen or damaged..." Nick thought about it. He put the flashy guitar back down and looked around searching. "In this case...I have a better idea...where did I put it? Ah, here." He showed Arthur another exemplar that was quite dapple and battered. "I think I mauled a hotel room with this...a long time ago", he explained, skimming over one of the scratches. "Oh, the memories...But this should do it, don't you think? It still sounds alright." To prove it, he vibed the strings. What Arthur heard sounded normal. "Yeah...I think that's ok...Now you look like you've had the concert of your life." He chuckled. Nick joined him. "Don't take a photo now." "Oh, no, that concerns no one else but us. So, are we going?" "With pleasure." They packed some of Nick's supplies and left the hideout.
"I think I remember the way...", Nick said. "Are you sure?" "Yeah, don't you believe me?" "Well, I wouldn't bet on it." "You cheeky brat, you'll see." Nick poked him into the ribs. "Hey...don't worry if your memory isn't the best anymore. You have other qualities." "That was almost a compliment, my king. And still, I'll lead you to our destination, believe it or not."
Nick really remembered the way quite well. In fact, Arthur was impressed by his ability to memorize things again, after he had first met him in a rather poor  and confused state. And even though he took Joy. His tiny pupils proved it. For a second Arthur pondered if it was thanks to him that Nick had recovered so quickly, but then he dismissed the thought as kitschy. After all, not every Wellie turned downright helpless from Joy. When they reached the right hatch, Arthur praised him: "Wow, you really remembered almost everything." "What did I tell you?", Nick replied proudly, tapping his forehead with his finger. "Your Nicky didn't kill all his brain cells with motilene."
But Arthur didn't hear his answer. He had the horrible feeling of a déjà vu. As if he had experienced something similar before...In his mind, he saw himself and his brother range tall grass, looking for scraps of metal. Of course, the contest. Percy had the best memory of them all, Arthur thought. Did he remember what happened at the train station? Did he think about it every day, asking himself why his brother abandoned him there? Did he blame it on himself? ...because I'm slow. Percy had never been angry at anyone, but this time he really should be. Arthur wiped his forehead, as if he could wipe away the memories. Percy called out for him in his mind. "Arthur! Arthur, where are you? Arthur!" Then he felt that someone was kindly shaking him. "Arthur? Arthur, can you hear me? Say something!" Blinking and shaking his head, he found the worried face of his lover right in front of him. "Nick....sorry...I was distracted." "Distracted? You've been miles away! I thought you drugged yourself! Are you okay?" "Yeah...yeah I'm ok...I was just...pondering something. Nothing important. Don't worry." Nick eyed him doubtfully. "Okay, but if there's any problem...if you feel funny, or we have to go back, just tell me." "I'm alright, Nicky", Arthur said somewhat too casually and quickly kissed him, hoping to lead his lover's thoughts into another direction. "Come on, let's go."
Indeed, the garden impressed Nick enough to cheer up again. Arthur smiled too, so it had to be alright. Weird, how good he felt in shredded clothes. "And you think we make a good impression like this?" "Sure. It's all upside down in here. Also, try to look sad when we meet someone." "And what do I say?" Nick's fascination for this strange district grew again. "Just be nice, like with everyone else...just never mention that you're taking Joy. Don't be too happy, and don't talk about the past. They know it, but they don't want to talk about it." "I can relate", Nick mumbled. "Pardon?" "I mean, I can manage."
They strolled though the district as if it was the most beautiful place in the world, passing by a few wastrels that ignored them. Their appearance was enough to create the illusion that the two visitors belonged there. Arthur tensed at bit, walking though the demolished town. He avoided all the spots that were covered with writing and graffiti. They could be too much for Nick, even though he was still happily strolling along. After all, he knew how fast a Wellie's mood could change. Nick, however, felt nothing but nostalgic bliss while viewing the ruins. They reminded him of his early days with the band, when they couldn't afford any rent and lived in a ruin instead. It had been a good time, maybe the best of his life, because it had been peaceful, and they had had all their dreams to look forward to.
"Nick?", he suddenly heard Arthur ask. "Are you alright?" Nick laughed. "Now I was distracted." "We better leave the town." "No," Nick waved him off. "I thought of something pleasant...something I remembered lately...", he explained, stopping in front of a demolished house. "I've been living in one of these, can you imagine?" "You mean, before the bombs fell?", Arthur asked and promptly wished he had bitten his tongue instead. Bombs, Arthur. Good job. Is your life as a Wellie really that long ago so you don't remember that some words are forbidden?
Luckily Nick didn't hear it or something, he was still eyeing the ruin in awe. "No, I mean a house just like this." He pointed at it. "There were many of them in Hamlyn Village back then. And they were pretty useful for the band and me, when we were still nobodies. We've been free and we could do as we pleased." "I...I think I know what you mean...I've played in them as a kid...It was fun. Sally and I..." Arthur stopped. Now he really wanted to bite his tongue. Nick was surprised. "Sally? You knew Sally?" Arthur grimaced and crossed his arms. "We grew up together. We were friends", he uttered. "No way!", Nick was thrilled.  "The it girl Sally Boyle, your schoolfriend...perhaps even your girlfriend. You can't tell me she didn't fall for your charms, Artie." He poked him.
Not as much as she fell for my father's charms, Arthur thought. Loudly he said: "Look...let's change the subject, okay? I don't really want to talk about it." "Oh...", Nick said, figuring that he had awakened bad memories. "I'm sorry. Here, take one of my..." And without further thinking, he offered Arthur a Joy pill. Shortly after, he laughed nervously. "No, you won't..." He quickly hid the pill in his pocket. "I'm sorry, I didn't want to..." Nick was ashamed. "Hey, its okay," Arthur said and clumsily patted his back. He couldn't remember the last time someone had been ashamed because of him, instead of putting all the blame on him. "You're my Joy." Nick gave him a big smile. He had been told that by so many fans, but when Arthur said it it meant so much more to him. "How about another dose?", he asked and his lips came closer to Arthur's. Arthur engaged in the kiss, and they remained like this for long, enjoying it to the fullest.
Nick rubbed a leg on Arthur's. "I think I'm getting hungry...", he whispered, making Arthur's hair stand on end again. "I know a good place to rest..." "Alright, lead the way, my king." Nick let him go and Arthur was happy to finally leave the town. He led his hungry rockstar to the cliff coast, where most likely no wastrels came along. In addition, the view was scenic,  the ocean to one side and the nearly pristine nature to the other. "There. What do you think?" "Wonderful", Nick sighed. Full of anticipation, Arthur spread out the blanket and sat down on it. "Hmm, looks like the table is set", Nick purred, kneeling down to him and putting away his guitar. "And what a delicious meal it is..." He greedily kissed Arthur, pressing him down until he lay on him.
Arthur let it happen, helplessly roaming Nick's body. The shredded suits made it easy to reach naked skin. He didn't try to take the lead, he rather let Nick spoil him, who seemed to be really needy. Soon they were completely undressed and rolling around on the blanket, while Nick was treating every single centimeter of Arthur's body. As greedy as he was, he took all the time he needed to make the other man hungry. So hungry, that he could barely stand it any longer. "Nick", he gasped. "Nick, please...." Nick smiled, looking down at him. He held Arthur close and his hand ran along the other man's spine, downwards. "You want it?" he asked quietly. "Yes, please..." "Are you sure?" Nick's finger got dangerously close to his delicate spot. Arthur was breathing heavily and is cheeks were turning soft red. "I trust you." Nick gave him a gentle kiss, then he let his finger slide into him, testing if he was comfortable. Arthur drew breath. "Sshhh, my king...", Nick whispered. "Relax...". He massaged him slowly. "Is that good?" He educed a moan from the other man. Arthur began to move his hips, adjusting them to Nick's rhythm, while he clung to his lover and pressed his forehead against his chest. Nick used their rhythm to grant his finger a pause and get to the point. Arthur moaned louder and curved his spine. "Ssshh", Nick whispered, "You'll be fine." "That's a massive understatement," Arthur mumbled, feeling how a man filled him for the first time in his life. They turned into a sweating, panting and thrusting bundle until they came heavily. Arthur was sure he'd still feel it tomorrow.
When he had caught his breath, he struggled up. Nick lay on the blanket, smiling blissfully at him. Arthur enjoyed the view for a while, then he put his clothes back on. "Aww", he heard Nick say. "Why would you do that?" "Uh...in case someone walks by..." "That's not our problem, isn't it?", Nick answered and stretched out on the blanket, legs spread. "Nick...it could trigger them." "Oh, come on, they're half naked themselves." "But it's rather cold to be without clothes." "I feel warm." "Yeah, now, but you'll get colder." Arthur tossed Nick's suit at him, but Nick didn't move, except that he started to nonchalantly adjust his hair, acting as if he didn't hear him.
Arthur then grabbed the blanket and threw it over the stubborn rockstar. "Hey!" Nick's voice was muffled under the thick cloth. He freed his head only to stick his tongue out at him, what made Arthur giggle. He knelt down next to his lover to hug him tightly, wrapping the blanket around him. "You don't have to show yourself to everyone, Nicky. They wouldn't appreciate it as much as me", he whispered and pecked his cheek. Nick, wrapped into Arthur's care like that, began to fidget. "Then give me a sandwich at least. I'm really hungry now." Arthur pulled up the bag where they kept their supplies. "What's the magic word?" "I'm a star, I don't have to say please", Nick said with played vanity. "So?" Arthur silenced, picked up a sandwich, let it dangle over Nick's head for a second and then took a bite himself. "That's so good", he swooned, "if only the rockstar could say a nice word, he could taste it too." "What the hell? This is intolerable! I'll sue you, Mr. Hastings! You'll never set foot into your office again!" Arthur squeezed him. "Are you sure about that? Seems like I have you in my grip here. No way to sue me, and nobody's gonna hear your screams except some wastrels, but they won't care. I guess the cards are stacked against you." He took another bite from the sandwich. "Hmm..." Nick struggled harder, trying to free himself, but Arthur's arm remained wrapped around him. Now he remembered how he had choked the wastrel unconcious. He was really strong.
"No, no, no, my star. You'll stay and learn to behave, or I won't feed you." Nick tried his most pitiful hangdog look. Arthur was melting, but he didn't show it. "That doesn't work with me, I'm immune", he told him and continued to eat. Nick now craned his neck and almost reached his goal. "No", Arthur blurted out in surprise and held up his hand. Then he laughed. "You really are a piece of work, you know, but you won't get around this." He put down the sandwich and started to tickle Nick. "See, that's what you get." Nick laughed and curled, struggling out of the blanked little by little. They scrambled with each other until Nick went out of breath. "Stop...stop it...I can't....please." Arthur immediately stopped and lay down next to Nick.
"You're...something else", the rockstar gasped. Arthur eyed him. "Did I go too far?" "No...no, I had a blast." Nick untucked himself. "Here, let me spread this out again." "Uh...okay." "Did you see my clothes?" Arthur tossed them again and this time Nick caught them. "Fancy shreds", he said putting them on. "If you wear them, definitely." "Am I allowed to eat now?", Nick asked with an irresistible smile. "Sure", Arthur said and handed him a new sandwich.
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The Tropes:
Secret Places
First Kiss
Time Jump
Just say you won't let go (Rated G) [Julie/Luke] by @fanfics-she-wrote
Summary: Hey, Julie
You're the heart and soul 'round here, it's plain to see
in which Julie has a second chance with her boys, and then another
we will fight to shine together (bright forever) (Rated G) [Bright Lighting Guy/Rob from the Orpheum] by @screamin-amuseum
Summary: “Hey,” Chris says, walking up to the boy. “What are you doing?”
“Oh,” he puts the dandelions down and stands up. “Hi. I’m trying to make a flower crown, but I don’t remember how.”
“Cool. I’m Chris, I live--” he points to his house. “Over there.”
The boy gives him a lopsided smile. “I’m Rob. I’m staying with my grandparents for the summer.”
or: the rob/bright lighting guy fic literally nobody asked for but i wrote anyways. enjoy gays, bring ur tissues
what happened when (Rated G) [Alex/Luke] by @janaikam
Summary: Before Julie and the Phantoms, before the guys became ghosts, before Sunset Curve -- they were Luke and Alex. Not 5 feet apart cause they're totally gay.
who cares if one more light goes out? (in a sky of a million stars) (Rated T) [Ray/Rose] by @tonightthestarsalign
Summary: Rose moves in across the street when he’s eight and she is seven. Their parents push for them to play together, because that’s what parents do. They’re not wrong about it though. The two of them get on like a house on fire and some of his happiest memories from his childhood are just him and Rose, sitting in the large oak tree behind their houses. Hidden up in the branches, between the millions of dark green leaves, they played together.
or: The first and the last time Ray ever kissed Rose.
we can forget the world (just you and me) (Rated T) [Alex/Willie] by @sunsetcurbed
Summary: “This was the first place I ever came out to someone,” Alex says, spinning around and taking in the tree house.
together we can take on the world (Rated G) [Alex/Reggie] by @comeonpeters
Summary: Alex Mercer meets Reggie Peters on October 8, 1983, which means that two days have passed since Reggie's sixth birthday, because Reggie is a Libra according to the magazines that his mom reads when she gets Reggie to paint her toenails. He’s also just moved to Los Angeles, California from his hometown of Gatlinburg, Tennessee, a small town in the mountains, and he’s told Alex Mercer about all of this in the three minutes that they’ve known each other, and he might be the loudest, most obnoxious boy that Alex has ever met, and he absolutely has to be Alex’s new best friend.
The Peters family moves in down the street from the Mercers in 1983, and so begins the rest of their lives.
Long Live (Can I start another life with you?) (Rated T) [Julie/Luke] by @smolfangirl
Summary: It’s all too much for one day: first a muffin, then more heartbeats. Julie just needs some time to think. If Luke runs after her to sit by her side so she doesn’t lose it, she won’t complain.
Except afterwards, he starts acting weird. Very weird. And months later, she’s tired of letting him keep his distance.
She can’t do this. Not right now. Not today.
She jumps back on her feet.
The excited grin falls from Luke’s face. She doesn’t try to catch it.
“I – I think this is too much. I need some time. Alone. Sorry.”
Then she runs. She runs past the calloused fingers reaching out to her. Past Reggie and the door, past carved pumpkins on porches and Cornelia Street.
She just runs.
Roses (Rated G) [Emily & Luke, Alex/Luke] by @americanhoney913
Summary: It becomes a sacred place she shares with her son. Mitch is usually off at work from dawn until six o’clock, but Emily’s working from home for now. She works as a florist’s shop right outside the neighborhood. So she brings home seeds and little flowers and other cuts from the store; she and Luke will spend hours out in the dirt, planting seeds and making mud pies and Luke will babble about whatever happened in daycare and make up stories about the different flowers.
Somewhere Only We Know (Rated T) [Nick/Carrie] by hufflebibin
Summary: Nick Danforth-Evans met Julie Molina when he was six years old. He had no idea how much an impact that afternoon would have on his life.
A journey through Nick Danforth-Evan’s life as experienced in the safety of his backyard hide away.
The Itty Bitty Details (Rated T) [Alex/Willie] by @williexmercer & @futurearchaeologyprof
Summary: “Did I forget to mention William, I also get your soul,”
Willie could feel a stinging feeling and a purple stamp appeared on his hand. When the stamp appeared he could no longer remember who Alex was. The name meant nothing to Willie now.
Or 5 times Willie knew Alex and one where Alex knew Willie
you’re the only one who makes me (my wildflower) (Rated T) [Bobby/Reggie] by @willexxmercer
Summary: The tree was Reggie’s safe space, and Bobby was his safe person. He could escape all his troubles there, except for one nagging thought - did he have feelings for his best friend?
Dying complicated things.
because i’ve known you so long, i know every cadence and what they mean (Rated G) [Alex & Julie, Julie/Luke] by @tmp-jatp
Summary: Alex and Julie have always lived right next to each other. Through highs and lows, they grow up together. Also, 5 times Luke kisses Julie and it doesn’t count plus 1 time Julie kisses Luke and it does count.
Alternatively, the Juke 5+1 fic from Alex’s POV. Strap in, folks.
Someday (I’ll See You Again) (Rated T) [Alex/Willie] by @kybee1497
Summary: They’re wrong. Alex, you are not a failure. You’re incredible. You’re smart. You’re funny, and the best friend I could ask for. You’re a wicked talented drummer and you have a beautiful voice. And more important than all of that, is that you’re you, Alex. And the you you are is wonderful, and lovable and perfect. If your parents can’t see that, that’s their own fault. But I swear, Alex. If you’re afraid of them, I need you to tell me. You have to be safe.” Willie’s voice had gone desperate by the end. Alex deserved to know how freaking amazing he was and the fact that his parents didn’t bother to tell him, and actively worked to tear him down instead, was infuriating.
But Willie also worried about him. He’d worried about Alex since the first time he heard Mr. Mercer shouting through the window, a worry that never really went away. Not with the way Alex automatically straightened up when his parents were mentioned, as if he could hear his dad lecturing him about appearances from miles away. Not with the way Alex looked when he was with them, perfectly pieced together and falling apart at the seams, eyes distant and shoulders tense. Willie was pretty sure he had worrying about Alex etched in his bones by this point.
The Energy Never Dies (Rated T) [Gen Fic] by @americanhoney913
Summary: Well, I ain't always right, but I've never been wrong
Seldom turns out the way it does in a song
Once in a while, you get shown the light
In the strangest of places if you look at it right
--- Scarlet Begonias, Grateful Dead
Four moments across time in the loft of the Molina's garage.
All the Winners can be found here.
We hope you enjoy these fics from our fabulous Fantoms! Make sure to leave kudos and comments to show them some love! And don’t forget, if you missed the initial writing deadline you can still submit your fics to our Non-Anon Collection at any time! Thank you all so much for participating this round! Now that winners and authors have been revealed feel free to post about your fics, create artwork for it, if you like, and don’t forget to tag us!
We hope you all will join us for the FINAL Round of the TROPED: JATP Event!!!! The prompt drops at Midnight tonight!
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abusybuzzingbee · 4 years
Pilot | Supernatural Season 1 Episode 1 Rewrite | Dean x Reader
A/N:::: Hello!! I am a royal dumbass and just accidentally deleted my whole tumblr. I was trying to get rid of my main account and accidentally got rid of it all!! So, this is bee from @abusybuzzingbee coming back at you with reuploads of my supernatural rewrites. So sorry to all of my supporters for my tomfoolery.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Major Characters: Dean Winchester, Reader, Sam Winchester
Warnings: Canon violence, language, Dean and the reader being assholes to each other, this is going to be the slowest burn that ever did burn, so buckle up!
Word Count: 7,643
Summary: The reader is a lonely young hunter on the road to Jericho, California where she bumps into two boys on the search for their father.
Series Rewrite Masterlist
Season 1 Masterlist
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It was an early morning yesterday
I was up before the dawn.’
‘Funny how the sun’s just rising,’ you thought.
‘And I really have enjoyed my stay
But I must be moving on.’
The sound of the familiar tune of “Goodbye Stranger” coming from the radio of your new hijacked wheels-- a 2002 Toyota Camry, to be exact-- put a smile on your face.
‘Like a king without a castle
Like a queen without a throne
I’m an early morning lover
And I must be moving on.’
As you drove along a remote highway on the way to Jericho, California, you threw a glance to the wind lightly rustling the leaves of the trees outside of your driver’s side mirror.
‘Now I believe in what you say
Is the undisputed truth.’
Scenes such as this have always calmed you. The first beams of light stretching up from over the horizon, the vivid colors of the tree leaves, the hum of the radio of your newest car, and the sound of your tires gliding over the pavement. 
‘But I have to have things my own way
To keep me in my youth.’
These road trips in between hunts were the only taste you had ever had of a normal life. Not that you wanted a normal life, you think you would be too bored in the suburbs. However, it is comforting to have a small break from monsters while driving from place to place to relax.
‘Like a ship without an anchor
Like a slave without a chain
Just a thought of those sweet ladies
Sends a shiver through my veins.’
The latest case you had picked up on was the disappearance of several men on Centennial Highway in Jericho. 
‘And I will go on shining
Shining like brand new
I’ll never look behind me
My troubles will be few.’
The last disappearance had been some kid named Troy. Poor bastard.
You had very little knowledge of what you were walking into. You decided that you would head to the scene of the crime to try and get a better idea of what you were dealing with.
‘Goodbye stranger
It’s been nice
Hope you find your paradise
Tried to see your point of view
Hope your dreams will all come true.’
Just a few more hours and you’d be there.
‘Goodbye Mary, goodbye Jane--’
You turned the music up just a bit as you picked up your speed on the highway and thought about my last successful hunt in Alexandria, Louisiana. 
‘Will we ever meet again?’
You were proud of how you did on that hunt, but it was freeing to leave towns you had previously hunted in in your rearview mirror.
‘Feel no sorrow, feel no shame--’
It wasn’t a matter of feeling guilty about what you had done while you were in that town; you had nothing to feel guilty about. It just always hurt you to think of the sad faces of the people who had already lost family members before you got there to do your job.
‘Come tomorrow, feel no pain--’
There would always be that little bit of trauma that you carried with you because of all you had seen on hunts, but c’est la vie.
‘Sweet devotion (Goodbye, Mary)
It’s not for me (Goodbye, Jane).’
You let your mind go blank and get completely absorbed in the music as you continued to drive along.
‘Just give me motion (Will we ever)
To set me free (Meet again?)’
Music was the one constant in your life that kept you grounded. It was so powerful. Music could express so many feelings and bring those same emotions out of its listeners.
‘In the land and the ocean (Feel no sorrow)
Far away (Feel no shame)--’
You loved oldies music. From ‘70′s hippie music to ‘80′s rock, all the way back to Edith Piaf in the 1940′s. 
‘It’s the life I’ve chosen (Come tomorrow)
Every day (Feel no pain)’
You wished you had the time to sit down for long enough to learn to play an instrument. There was a whole list of things you wanted to learn to play including piano, guitar, ukelele, and drums. 
‘Maybe one day,’ you thought.
‘So goodbye, Mary (Goodbye, Mary)
Goodbye, Jane (Goodbye, Jane)
Will we ever (Will we ever)
Meet again? (Meet again?)’
A few hours later, you were parked on Sylvania Bridge in Jericho. You had stopped a few miles back at a gas station to change into an outfit that looked a little more professional than a pair of baggy sweatpants and a t-shirt and opted for one of the many police uniforms you carried around with you. This one was a federal marshal suit. Included the khakis, shirt with a little police badge on the pocket, and a belt with your fake badge on it. It was your mom’s. She threw herself into the many roles she played on the job and made sure she had the costumes to fit the part. Once she passed, you just couldn’t let them go.
You hopped out of the car and walked over to the scene of the crime. You noticed two boys that looked about my age talking to one of the deputies on site. You watched them flash badges to the deputy, but neither was in uniform. 
‘Oh, boy.’
"You two are a little young for marshals, aren't you?” you heard the deputy remark as you walked up to them. 
“Thanks, that’s awfully kind of you,” the shorter guy laughed. 
'That’s my cue,’ you thought.
“Hiya, fellas,” you smiled brightly, glancing between the three of them.
The two guys turned back to look at you. The shorter one pointed at himself with a questioning look on his face directed at you. You eyed him, attempting to tell him to just go with it. 
“Why aren’t you two in uniform?” you asked, standing next to the taller boy and glancing between the two of them. You looked at the deputy. “Sorry to have them bothering you. New hires,” you lied, rolling your eyes. “I’m supposed to oversee how they handle this case.”
“Mm-hmm...” the deputy said, squinting at you. He was clearly suspicious.
I extended my right hand to the deputy and reached for my badge with the other. “I’m Agent Nicks, nice to meet you.” I showed him my badge.
“Deputy Jaffe.” He shook my hand and nodded at my badge.
“Man, you guys can’t catch a break. You just had another killing like this, right?” I nodded my head at Troy’s car at the center of the crime scene as I spoke. 
“Yeah, that's right. About a mile up the road. There've been others before that,” the deputy spoke as I walked over to the car, the two boys trailing behind me.
“So, this victim, you knew him?” The taller boy questioned.
The deputy nodded. “Town like this, everybody knows everybody.”
The shorter boy circled the car once and stopped between the taller boy and I. “Any connection between the victims, besides that they're all men?” he asked.
“No,” Jaffe answered, “Not so far as we can tell.”
“So what's the theory?” The taller guy asked.
“Honestly, we don't know. Serial murder? Kidnapping ring?”
“Well, that is exactly the kind of crack police work I'd expect out of you guys,” the shorter guy quipped.
Your eyes widened as you watched the deputy’s incredulous expression. You didn’t like this kid already. You bit back a snicker when the dude who was with him stomped on his foot.
“Thank you for your time. Gentlemen,” the tall guy nodded.
You turned to follow your two “colleagues” away from the crime scene. The shorter guy smacked the taller one on the back of the head.
“Ow! What was that for?” 
“Why'd you have to step on my foot?”
“Why do you have to talk to the police like that?”
The two men realized you were following them and turned to look at you.
“Uh, can we help you?” the shorter one asked.
“No,” you replied. “I’ll be out of your hair in a second. I just think it’d be a little weird if I left the scene of the crime without regrouping with my ‘proteges’ first.”
The taller one nodded. It became clear to you he was the sensible one of the two.
“About that--” the shorter one came back, implying that you should explain yourself.
“Yeah, sorry for stepping all over your hunt.”
The two seemed in disbelief that you had figured out their secret.
“Takes one to know one,” You snickered. “I had to get the same information you two did, and it’d look really weird if two rounds of federal marshals came through for one case. I’m (Y/N), by the way.” You stuck out your hand for the two of them to shake.
The taller one took it first. “I’m Sam,” he smiled, “that’s my brother, Dean.” 
You shook Dean’s hand after Sam’s.
“You shake hands?” Dean asked.
You shrugged with a tilt of your head to the side.
You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Well,” you sighed, “I got this hunt under control if you boys wanna hit the road.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, lady,” Dean started, “We were here first.”
“Geez, sorry. I thought I was doing you guys a favor by letting you hit the road.”
“Sorry,” Sam spoke for his brother, “We’re looking for our dad. The only information we have on where he could be is here, so we’ve got this covered.”
You nodded. “I hope you find him soon. Good meeting you two.” You turned to leave.
“Wait,” Sam called after you. “Three heads are better than two. We could use your help.”
Dean was quick to cut in. “No, no we do not--”
“What?” you asked, smirking. “You don’t like me Dean-o?”
He opened his mouth to respond, obviously trying to think of something to say. He came up blank after a few seconds.
You chuckled. “I’m down to help.”
Sam smiled brightly at you. “Great!” 
You glanced over Sam’s shoulder and your jaw clenched. Sam turned to follow your gaze.
The sheriff was talking to two FBI agents. He looked at you three pointedly. “Can I help you kids?”
“No, sir, we were just leaving,” Dean told him. He then nodded at the FBI agents as they walked past your trio. “Agent Mulder. Agent Scully.”
The three of you headed past the sheriff, whose gaze you could feel piercing through your back.
You noticed the 1967 Impala parked a little farther back than your car, wondering how you could have missed it when you pulled up to the scene.
“Aw, cool!” you exclaimed, quickly walking over to it. “Sweet ride.”  You ran your hand over the hood.
“Hey,” Dean called, “Hands off my baby.”
“You dating a car, Grumpy?” you smirked. 
He rolled his eyes at you. 
“Those your wheels over there?” Sam asked. He nodded towards your Camry.
“Unfortunately. Had to jack that car a few states back,” you responded.
Sam nodded. “You can catch a ride back with us if you want.”
Dean tossed a look at his brother.
“Cool, thanks,” you answered, smiling. “Let me just pull it off the road into some trees or something.”
"Who are we looking for again?” you asked the boys as you strolled around town. You had ditched your federal marshal getup and left it along with the rest of your stuff in the back of Dean’s car. 
Dean scoffed at your question.
“Hey, you didn’t answer the first time I asked, so I had to do it again,” you threw back.
“Troy’s girlfriend,” Sam answered.
“Thank you, Sam.” You threw a pointed look at Dean. He just turned his face away from you.
A few paces down from your pack, a young girl with brown hair was putting missing posters up with Troy’s face on them. 
"I'll bet you that's her,” Dean pointed out.
“Yeah,” Sam affirmed.
Your group walked up to her as Dean spoke, “You must be Amy.”
“Yeah,” she answered plainly.
“Yeah, Troy told us about you. We're his uncles. I'm Dean, this is Sammy.”
“And who’s that?” Amy glanced at you.
“I’m (Y/N). A friend of theirs.”
Amy nodded, looking back to Sam and Dean. “He never mentioned you to me.” She began to walk away with her posters.
Dean was quick to follow her. “Well, that's Troy, I guess. We're not around much, we're up in Modesto.”
“So, we're looking for him too, and we're kinda asking around,” Sam continued for Dean.
A friend of Amy’s came up to her and asked, “Hey, are you okay?”
Once Amy responded with a simple, “Yeah,” her friend stayed with her.
"You mind if we ask you a couple questions?” I asked Amy.
You, Amy’s friend, Rachel, and Amy were packed into one side of a diner booth while Sam and Dean sat opposite you.  
Amy spoke about what happened the night Troy went “missing.” “I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home. He said he would call me right back, and...he never did.”
“He didn't say anything strange, or out of the ordinary?” Sam asked.
Amy shook her head. “No. Nothing I can remember.”
You glanced at the pentagram pendant she was wearing. “I like your necklace.”
“Troy gave it to me. Mostly to scare my parents with all that devil stuff,” Amy laughed. 
You smiled. “Actually, it means just the opposite. A pentagram is protection against evil. Really powerful. I mean, if you believe in that kind of thing.” 
“Okay,” Dean cut in. “Thank you, Unsolved Mysteries.”
You rolled your eyes at him while he took his arm off of the back of Sam’s seat and leaned forward on his elbows. “Here's the deal, ladies. The way Troy disappeared, something's not right. So if you've heard anything...” he trailed off, waiting for them to answer.
Amy and Rachel glanced between each other. 
“What is it?” Dean asked.
“Well, it's just,” Rachel began, “I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk."
“About?” You questioned turning a bit more inward to Rachel. 
“It's kind of this local legend. This one girl? She got murdered out on Centennial, like decades ago,” Rachel stated.
You watched Rachel attentively, nodding.
“Well, supposedly she's still out there. She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up? Well, they disappear forever.”
You glanced at the boys with a quirked eyebrow.
Dean typed away on the library computer on the archive search page for the Jericho Herald. He had the words “Female Murder Hitchhiking" typed into the search bar. When he pressed enter, nothing came up. Dean replaced “Hitchhiking” with “Centennial Highway,” and once again, crickets. 
“Wait a minute,” Sam started, “So angry spirits are born out of violent death, right?”
“Yeah,” Dean replied as if it was obvious.
“Well, maybe it’s not murder,” Sam stated.
“Ohhh,” you started, “I’m pickin’ up what you’re puttin’ down.” You knew Sam was thinking suicide.
Sam smiled at you.
“Let me try,” Sam told Dean.
“I got it,” Dean came back.
Sam shoved Dean out of the chair and took over.
“Dude!” Dean hit Sam on the shoulder. “You're such a control freak.”
You laughed at their banter.
“Can it, (Y/N),” Dean told you.
“So, what I can’t laugh?”
“No, no, you can’t.”
“I literally just met you and I’ve had it up to here--” you flattened your hand and put it up by your eyebrow, “--with you already--”
“The feeling is mutual, sweetheart,” Dean cut you off. 
“You two wanna stop?” Sam asked. “Come look at this.”
Just as you thought, Sam had put “suicide” in place of “murder” in the search bar.
Sam snapped you out of your thoughts by saying, “This was 1981. Constance Welch, twenty-four years old, jumps off Sylvania Bridge, drowns in the river.”
“Does it say why she did it?” Dean asked.
“Yeah,” you started, leaning over Sam’s shoulder to get a better look at the screen, “An hour before they found her, she calls 911. Apparently, her two little kids are in the bathtub. She leaves them alone for a minute, and when she comes back, they aren't breathing. Both die.”
Something about the situation did not sit right with you; it sounded familiar. 
Sam continued reading. “‘ 'Our babies were gone, and Constance just couldn't bear it,' said husband Joseph Welch.’”
“The bridge look familiar to you?” Dean pointed out, looking at a picture of a man-- presumably Constance’s husband-- crying standing next to Sylvania Bridge.
“Well, we know where we’re headed,” you commented, walking toward the exit of the library. You could feel Dean’s eyes on you as you left.
By the time you finally got to Sylvania Bridge, it was late at night. You and the boys had stopped for a bite to eat before going back to the bridge. Troy’s car had long since been removed, the crime scene completely cleared out. 
Dean looked out over the edge of the bridge, standing next to you and Sam. “So this is where Constance took the swan dive.”
“So you think Dad would have been here?” Sam looked over at his brother.
"Well, he's chasing the same story and we're chasing him.” Dean continued down the bridge, the taller boy trailing behind him.
“Okay, so now what?”
“Now we keep digging until we find him. Might take a while.”
Sam stopped. “Dean, I told you, I've gotta get back by Monday—”
The brunet stopped, turning around. “Monday. Right. The interview.” Aggravation was clear in his tone.
You thought it best to take a step back while they had this discussion.
"Yeah, I forgot. You're really serious about this, aren't you? You think you're just going to become some lawyer? Marry your girl?” Dean’s tone got a bit more of an edge to it.
“Maybe. Why not?” Sam pushed back.
“Does Jessica know the truth about you? I mean, does she know about the things you've done?”
Sam stepped closer to Dean. “No, and she's not ever going to know.”
The older boy did not back down. “Well, that's healthy. You can pretend all you want, Sammy. But sooner or later you're going to have to face up to who you really are.” He turned around and kept walking.
Sam followed him, his arms out in question. “And who's that?”
“You're one of us.” Dean gestured to himself and back to you staying several paces back,
Sam hurried to get in front of his brother. “No. I'm not like you. This is not going to be my life.”
“You have a responsibility to—”
“To Dad? And his crusade? If it weren't for pictures I wouldn't even know what Mom looks like. And what difference would it make? Even if we do find the thing that killed her, Mom's gone. And she isn't coming back.”
When Dean grabbed his brother by the collar and shoved him against the bridge, you jumped into action.
“Hey, knock it off, Dean.”
“(Y/N)--” Dean warned, giving you a sideways glare. He looked back at Sam. “Don't talk about her like that.” He let Sam go and walked away from him.
You hurried over to Sam. “You okay?” You put your hand on his shoulder and met his hazel eyes.
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“Guys,” Dean called.
You looked to Dean who stared down to the railing at the edge of the bridge.
“Constance,” you let out, coming to stand next to Dean.
Constance looked back at your group before stepping off of the railing.
The three of you ran to the railing. 
“Where'd she go?” Dean asked.
“I don’t know, wanna jump down there and find out?” you sassed.
Dean glared at you as the sound of the Impala’s engine roared behind you.
The older Winchester flipped around. “What the—” 
Sam wheeled around, too. “Who's driving your car?” 
Dean pulled the keys out of his pocket and jingled them, his green eyes never leaving the Impala.
The car jerked into motion, barrelling over the bridge straight toward you and the Winchesters.
“Go! Go!” you yelled, turning and sprinting away.
Dean and Sam sped ahead of you, and you noticed the car gaining on you. Your heart raced and your breathing was labored. The car was way too close for comfort and left you with just one option.
You threw yourself over the railing, just barely managing to hang onto the edge of the bridge.
You heard the car engine stop just as something-- or someone-- hit the water.
You pulled yourself back over the railing and noticed Sam sitting on the railing calling for Dean.
You rushed over to Sam, leaning over the railing to try to find Dean.
He popped up a second later, his usually spikey hair flattened to his head with mud. In fact, his whole body was covered in mud.
“You okay?” You called down to him.
Dean sarcastically held up a thumb and pursed his lips. 
“Hey, I’m just checking on you, don’t be an ass,” you yelled back, a small smile playing on your lips.
“Fuck off,” he grunted, annoyed.
Sam laughed and got back onto the bridge.
You headed over to the Impala and checked it over, grabbing a towel out of your bag.
Dean had managed to climb back onto the bridge and made his way over to his baby. He opened the car’s hood and poked around to see if Constance had damaged it at all. After a moment, he shut the hood and leaned on it.
“Your car all right?” you heard Sam ask are you walked over to Dean with the towel.
“Yeah, whatever she did to it, seems all right now. That Constance chick, what a bitch!” He yelled at the spirit. 
You put the towel on Dean’s head and started to dry his hair off when he jerked away from you.
“What are you doing?”
You were quick to put the towel back on his head. “Helping.”
The dirty blond ripped the towel out of your hands. “I got it.”
“Fine.” You raised your hands up in surrender. You leaned against the car next to Dean. “You know, I been thinkin’.”
“That’s dangerous.”
“Shut up, Dean. I’m serious.” You paused, taking in a breath. “Constance is a woman in white.”
Sam pursed his lips, shrugging. “Makes sense. I mean, the dead kids, suicide, killing unfaithful men.”
“Maybe.” The older Winchester’s monotone voice was followed by silence. A silence that was broken a few moments later by Sam.
“You smell like a toilet.”
You scrunched up your nose and giggled. 
“Can it, (Y/N).”
“You guys having a reunion or something?” the clerk asked, looking at the credit card Dean had placed on the motel’s front desk.
Sam cocked his head to the side. “What do you mean?”
“I had another guy, Burt Aframian. He came and bought out a room for the whole month.”
Dean looked over to his brother briefly and then turns his head back to the clerk. “What room’s he in?”
“Listen, kid, I can’t go around giving out people’s room numbers.”
Dean rolled his eyes.
You stepped out from behind the two boys. “Oh, please sir? He’s family, and we haven’t seen him in a while.” You gave him your best puppy dog eyes.
“That how you get all the guys?”
“What?” you asked, not bothering to face Dean to answer his question. The two of you were stationed outside of John Winchester's room playing lookout while Sam picked the lock on the door.
“You know what I mean. I saw you makin’ eyes at the clerk.”
“Yeah, to get a room number.” You turned to face him, crossing your arms over your chest. “And it worked, didn’t it?”
“Oh, yeah. It worked real well.” He turned to face you.
“You know, you don’t have to be such a dick all the time. I met you yesterday and have given you no reason not to like me. What’s your deal?”
“In case you haven’t noticed, my plate is kind of full. I’m trying to figure out what the hell happened to my dad. I have no idea whether he’s alive, dead, or captured, and he’s the only parent I have left. And my little brother is solely concerned about getting back to fucking Stanford, and I’m not even sure he cares about what happened to our dad. And now, enter (Y/N) trying to take over a hunt that is the only tie I have to my dad.” Dean’s face was incredibly close to yours.
Sam had long since gone into the room and decided to leave the two of you alone to hash out your frustrations.
You held your ground, but your voice took on less of an angry tone. You were strictly playing defense at this point. “But I wasn’t trying to take it over to be mean, and as soon as you got so defensive about the hunt, I backed down and just offered to help--”
“Yeah, and I didn't want your help. Sam was the one who let you in, probably hoping that if you were here he could shag ass back to Stanford. So forgive me if I’m a little on edge.” He pulled his face away from yours, wheeling around to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
“Well, I’m sorry for being such an inconvenience. Perhaps you’ve forgotten the fact that I’ve helped you guys more than I’ve hurt you. I pulled your asses out of a crack when you were talking to the police. I was the one who figured out what kind of a spook we’re dealing with here. I want you to find your dad. I really do. But I also want you to stop being so awful to me. And it’s just me specifically!” You threw your arms up in the air. At some point during the first part of your rant, Dean had looked back at you over his shoulder. “You’re so nice to Sam--I mean, about as nice as brothers are to each other-- and I can tell you care about him. I can tell you have a good heart. So why choose to be an ass?”
When Dean didn’t answer, you shook your head. “Whatever. I’m leaving.” You clutched your duffel bag strap on your shoulder tightly, your knuckles turning white.
“To go where?”
“Away. You win. Ya got what you wanted.”
“Wait, (Y/N)--”
“Tell Sam I said ‘bye.’”
The heat of midday had your baby hairs stuck to your head with sweat. You had been walking for a while now, just trying to find somewhere remote enough that you could steal a car without getting seen. 
You hiked along a highway surrounded by dense trees, the rustling sound of the green leaves filling your head. You took a deep breath, allowing peace to wash over you. You never had to see Dean Winchester again, although you would miss Sam. He was the closest thing to a friend you’ve had in a while. 
A familiar engine roar overpowered the sound of the rustling you had been hearing. The car pulled off of the highway just behind you, coming to a stop. 
You took your bottom lip in your mouth under your top one, closing your eyes and stopping your walk.
You heard the opening and closing of the car’s door as you turned around, a small smile on your lips.
“You know,” Sam started, walking toward you, “It’s kind of rude to leave without saying ‘goodbye.’“ 
You let out a laugh. “Hey, Sam.”
He pulled you into a quick hug. “Hey. I heard what happened.”
You looked down at the mixture of grass and gravel below your combat boots. “Yeah.”
“And I know you probably never wanna see Dean’s face again, but we need your help. I do, and he does, whether he wants to admit it or not. We can all get out of here a lot quicker if we work together. You can get away from Dean, I can get back to Stanford, and Dean can find our dad.”
“Where is Dean?”
“Oh,” you said quietly, nodding.  “Okay.” You put on a smile. “What now?”
Much later in the day, after going to visit Joseph Welch, you and Sam were sitting in a diner grabbing a bite to eat. The both of you were brainstorming what to do to get Dean out of jail and what to do about that Constance bitch. The conversation had shifted from those two topics once you had a solid plan to simply small talk between friends.
“So what’s your story?” you asked, taking a bite out of one of your fries.
“I picked up from conversations between you and Dean over the past two days and the very loud conversation I had with your brother earlier that you left hunting to go to Stanford. What happened there?”
Sam chuckled, looking down. 
“Sorry, I shouldn’t have asked that. I crossed a line,” you told him sincerely. You stared at your ketchup. 
“No, no,” he responded. He took in a sharp breath. “My dad and I had a big blowout fight before I left for college. He told me if I left for college to never come back. Haven’t talked to him in two years.” He took a bite of his salad after he finished talking.
“Oh,” you said softly. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine.”
You decided to change the subject. “Alright, we’ve let Dean rot long enough. I’m gonna go call the police.”
Sam laughed, shaking his head. “I’ll get the check.” 
You walked outside of the diner, heading to the payphone you spotted at the entrance of the parking lot. You picked it up and dialed ‘9-1-1.’
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?”
You made your voice frantic, forcing tears to well up in your eyes. “My-My husband! He’s been shot!”
“Ma’am, calm down for me, okay? Where are you?”
You screamed. “He- He just shot another guy! Oh, my god!”
“Ma’am, where are you?”
“I’m on Whiteford Road,” you said. “Please, please, please hurry!”
“Okay, okay, um, w-we’re sending a unit out to you now. Can you stay on the line for me?”
“No, no! Please!” you cried. “Plea--” You cut yourself off and hung up the phone. 
You noticed Sam standing next to you using one of his forearms to hold the door open as he leaned on the door frame. 
“That was damn good acting,” he noted.
“Thanks,” you chuckled. “I actually wanted to be an actress growing up.”
“Hunting got in the way,” Sam figured.
“Exactly. But, acting is kind of part of the job. Gotta be real good at lying and pretending to be feds,” you shrugged, making light of the situation.
A comfortable silence blanketed you and Sam as you lamented over what life could’ve been for you. You sucked in a breath and said, “We better get going. To Constance!”
Sam’s phone ringing pulled the two of you out of a conversation about his girlfriend, Jess, and his life at Stanford. 
Sam looked at the caller ID, shrugging at you when he didn’t recognize it.
“Fake 911 phone call? Sammy, I don't know, that's pretty illegal,” you could hear Dean jest through the phone.
The brunet grinned. “It was (Y/N), actually.”
He paused. “(Y/N)? She’s with you?”
You took Sam’s phone out of his hands and said, “Yup. Hi, Dean,” into the receiver. “You’re welcome, by the way.”
You gave the phone back to Sam. 
The older Winchester changed the topic from you to something else. “Listen, we gotta talk.” 
“Tell me about it,” Sam jumped in. “So the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a woman in white. And she's buried behind her old house, so that should have been Dad's next stop--”
His brother tried to cut him off. “Sammy, would you shut up for a second?”
“--I just can't figure out why Dad hasn't destroyed the corpse yet.”
“Well, that's what I'm trying to tell you. He's gone. Dad left Jericho.”
Sam threw a look to you before glancing back to the road. “What? How do you know?”
“I've got his journal,” you heard the dirty blond explain.
“He doesn't go anywhere without that thing.”
“Yeah, well, he did this time.”
“What's it say?”
“Ah, the same old ex-Marine crap, when he wants to let us know where he's going.”
‘Ex-Marine crap?’ you thought to yourself.
Sam noticed your puzzled expression and directed toward you, “Coordinates.” He spoke his following words to Dean. “Where to?”
“I'm not sure yet.”
You propped your head up on your elbow on the passenger’s side door, legs tossed in an ‘L’ shape on the seat beside you. You stared out of the window into the dark night, taking in the gloomy appearance of the dead trees and fallen leaves. 
The younger Winchester shook his head. “I don't understand. I mean, what could be so important that Dad would just skip out in the middle of a job?”
A figure in the road caught your eye, causing you to squint and look out the windshield. 
Sam was still rambling to his brother. “Dean, what the hell is going on?”
You registered that Constance was in the road. “Sam, look out!” you shrieked.
Sam looked up, dropping the phone and slamming the brakes hard. You had to brace yourself on the dashboard in front of you, your body jerking forward and backward in your seat. 
Constance was gone, and you and Sam tried to catch your breaths. 
“Sam? Sam!” Dean’s voice came through the phone.
You picked up the phone from under the glove box. Dean had hung up before you got the chance to tell him Sam was alright.
You turned to the brunet, who swallowed hard and looked into the backseat through the rearview mirror.
You whirled around to look in the backseat, and there Constance was. “Take me home,” she ordered. She looked directly at you. “Take me home!”
“No,” you stated firmly, holding her gaze. 
Constance glared back at you as you heard the doors of the car lock. You wheel around in your seat and try to reopen them. Suddenly, your body was thrust back into the seat as the car began to drive. 
“Sam?” you yelled over the roar of the engine.
“That’s not me!” He tried to grab the steering wheel to drive, but Constance wouldn’t let him. 
You continued to struggle with the doors until the two-- well, three, counting Constance-- of you pulled up to an abandoned house, presumably the Welches’ old house. The windows on both of the two floors had been covered with boards, the paint was peeling off of the wood slats, and the screen door had been ripped. The house looked like it was falling apart more and more with every passing day. It had the stereotypical appearance of a horror movie house.
The engine of the Impala shut off.
“Don't do this,” the younger Winchester pleaded.
Constance flickered in the backseat. “I can never go home,” she moaned, her voice sad.
As if a switch had been flipped in your brain, your face shifted from scared to enlightened. “You're scared to go home.” You turned to look in the back seat, but Constance was gone. As soon as you turned back around, you noticed Constance in between you and Sam on the leather bench seat. 
You jumped, back pressed against the passenger’s side door. Constance climbed on Sam’s lap, shoving him back against the seat hard enough to tilt it backward. 
You tried to lunge for Constance, but she shoved you against the Impala’s door hard enough with a flick of her wrist to send the door flying open and you sailing through the air.
“(Y/N)!” You heard Sam yell.
You skidded to a halt on the rocky gravel surrounding the house, feeling your arms and legs get cut up. The wind was knocked out of you, and your head bounced against the small rocks. 
“Ow,” you groaned, trying to get up. You saw Constance had closed the passenger’s side door once more, and through the window could see her kissing Sam as he reached for the keys.
Another thing you saw was a figure appearing on the other side of the car through the driver’s side window. You hoped to god it was Dean.
You heard whoever it was fire a shot as Sam screamed in what seemed to be pain, so you immediately ducked. A few more shots were fired and you felt safe enough to raise your head.
You scrambled to your feet when you saw the Impala go careening through the porch and into the old Welch house. You ran into the house, being as careful as you could to avoid any of the broken pieces of wood and furniture the car had left in its path.
Dean was quick to follow you, calling out to his younger brother. “You okay?”
Sam groaned. “I think...”
“Can you move?” you asked, leaning through the passenger’s window. You looked him over for serious injury.
“Yeah,” he told you. He reached a hand out to his brother. “Help me?”
You stepped to the side as Dean pulled Sam out through the rolled-down window. 
You noticed Constance picking up a picture frame of her and her children that had fallen to the ground. 
She turned her attention from the picture to you and met your eyes.
She pinned you and the boys against the Impala with a bureau. It hit the boys in their pelvis but nailed you right in the stomach. You groaned in pain, desperately trying to push it off of you. 
You stopped your struggle when a sound caught your ear. It sounded like liquid trickling and watched as a stream of water just thick enough to cover each step cascaded to the ground.  You followed the stream to the top of the stairs to see the dark silhouettes of a little girl and a little boy holding hands.
“You've come home to us, Mommy,” they spoke in chorus.
Constance looked distraught as she got closer to the stairs. They were suddenly gone from the stairs and appeared behind her, hugging her and looking up at her with warm yet slightly disturbing smiles. 
Constance screamed, and she and her children melted to the floor flickering between apparitions of skinless and skeletal forms of humans. They melted into a puddle of an electric purple goo that seeped through the floorboards as the ringing in your ears from Constance’s shrieks subsided. 
You and the Winchesters shoved the bureau over, and you dusted off your hands as Dean spoke.
“So this is where she drowned her kids.”
“That's why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them,” Sam told you and his brother.
“You found her weak spot. Nice work, Sammy.” Dean slapped him on the chest where holes had been burned through his shirt that you were assumed were the products of Constance. Sam groaned out in pain but laughed nonetheless.
“Actually, it was all (Y/N). I’m just the jackass who drove your car through the side of a house,” Sam smiled, jutting his thumb back at you.
Dean hummed as he continued to walk away, clearly disinterested but making an effort to sound impressed. He leaned on the open window of the passenger’s side door, looking over his baby. “Speaking of that, if you screwed up my car--” he paused, looking back at Sam, “--I’ll kill you.”
“Aw, shame,” you cut in, “Sam’s my favorite Winchester.”
Dean glared at you. “Can it, (Y/N).”
You lip-synced the words to AC/DC’s “Highway to Hell” which boomed through the speakers of the Impala. You were sat in the backseat, leaning on the front seat between the two Winchesters with your forearms atop their bench seat. You looked over Sam’s shoulder as he opened up a giant map and opened his dad’s journal. He went to tuck a flashlight under his chin so he could actually see what he was doing, but you stopped him.
“I can hold that for you.”
“Thanks,” was his short reply as he handed off the flashlight to you, his eyes never leaving the things on his lap. You clicked the flashlight on and held it over his shoulder as he scanned the map for the coordinates “35-111″ as was written in his dad’s journal.
Sam tapped the spot on the map once he found it. “Okay, here's where Dad went. It's called Blackwater Ridge, Colorado.”
“Charming,” you quipped.
“How far?” came Dean’s question.
“About six hundred miles,” the younger Winchester told his brother.
“Hey, if we shag ass after we drop (Y/N) off in the next town over we could make it by morning,” Dean suggested, looking over at Sam. 
‘This guy is so ready to get rid of me,’ you thought, shaking your head.
Sam cocked his head to the side and looked to his brother. “Dean--”
Dean stared back to the road, his pitch dropping lower and his disappointment apparent. “You're not going.”
“The interview's in like, ten hours. I gotta be there,” Sam reminded him.
“Yeah. Yeah, whatever. I'll take you home.”
You clicked the flashlight off, sinking back into the backseat. 
Dean’s face was still set in a frown as the Impala pulled up to Sam’s apartment complex. You jumped out of the car as Sam did, pulling him into a tight hug. 
“I’m gonna miss you,” you told him, squeezing him harder with your eyes shut. You were genuinely disappointed. Sam was so nice and the two of you had become great friends very quickly.
“Hey, you have my number. Call me.”
“Yeah, but it’s not the same.” You pulled away from him. “Say ‘hi’ to Jess for me.”
The brunet chuckled. “I will.” He leaned down into the open window of Dean’s car. “Call me if you find him?”
Dean nodded. 
“And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?”
“Yeah, all right.”
Sam clearly did not know how to end the conversation from there, so he simply patted the inside of the car door twice and turned away. Dean leaned toward the passenger door, calling out to Sam in one last attempt to get him to come with him. “You know, we made a hell of a team back there.” 
“Yeah,” Sam nodded, which was clearly not the reaction Dean was expecting. He just sighed and waited for you to get back in the car. You had barely shut the door before Dean shoved off. 
You jerked around in your seat. “Easy, tiger. Jesus.” You slumped down in your seat after getting no response from Dean. You crossed your arms and looked out of your window. 
The familiar smells of coconut and tobacco filled your nose, and you immediately straightened up. 
“Turn around,” you told Dean, your eyes wide.
“What? No,” he snorted. “Why?”
“Just do it!”
Your exclamation caught Dean off guard. “Jesus, fine.”
He put the car in reverse and headed back up the street. 
Dean hadn’t even stopped in front of Sam’s apartment complex before you threw the car door open and sprinted toward the apartment as fast as you could.
“Whoa, crazy lady, where are you going?” Dean caught up to you and grabbed your arm, spinning you around. 
“Sam’s apartment. Which one is it?!” You asked in a panic. 
“Uh--” He glanced away from you, still puzzled as to why you were a basketcase at the present moment.
He looked back at you, shaking his head, but he ran up the stairs and led you to Sam and Jess’s shared apartment. 
He stopped in front of the door, turning back to face you. “Now, why--”
Before he could finish his statement, you used all your might to kick the wooden door in, yelling Sam’s name in concern.
“No!” you heard him yell from another room.
Dean jumped into action, sprinting through the apartment with you hot on his heels. The two of you got to the younger Winchester’s bedroom just in time to see a woman in a white nightgown stained red at her belly from bleeding with blonde hair on the ceiling burst into flames. 
“Jess!” Sam yelled, paralyzed on his bed in shock. He quickly moved one arm to shield his face as the flames got closer to him. “No!”
‘Oh, shit. His girlfriend...’
You shook your thoughts away from you and helped Dean lug a screaming Sam out of the door and out of the apartment complex. You fished through your bag in Dean’s car for your phone and called the fire department as Dean tried to hold Sam back from going back in for his charred girlfriend.
Flashes of red and blue broke through the black of night, emanating from police cars and firetrucks all around you. You walked through the chaotic scene of police and firemen holding back onlookers and firemen dousing the remaining embers of the fire in water. Black, charred wood stuck out from the turquoise exterior of the complex, and you could see into the apartment through giant holes that had been burnt out of the wall. 
You walked back over to the boys who stood by the Impala. Sam was fooling with weapons concealed within the hollowed-out bottom of the trunk, and Dean stood next to him, watching his brother’s face. As you got to them, you put a hand on Sam’s shoulder in an attempt to comfort him. He looked up at you, his normally soft and cheery expression suppressed by a look of both desperation and anger. He shut the trunk with a hard slam.
“We got work to do.”
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Series Rewrite Tags:
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evien-stark · 4 years
✧I Need You✧ Chapter 164
“He usually picks up on the first ring!” 
The alien was struggling with its communicator. You were running thin on patience. But for one reason or another your shock and fear had died. Mostly because… well he wasn’t very threatening. And you sensed he was very scared of you. Scared you really would blow a hole through him. Tony had eased up a little too, but was still waving his hand around. “Ten seconds ended a minute ago, you know.” 
Really. Honestly… truly… it was amazing how annoyed the two of you were. And not just. Blown away. Blown away that you were standing in front of another lifeform. One that could shapeshift. One that had taken Nick Fury’s place. No telling how long for. 
How did that not shake you to your very core? 
Had you really become that jaded? Were you that tired? 
“You know…” You sighed a breath out but kept your hand up. Just for good measure. “Even if he does pick up, how am I supposed to believe it’s not another one of you? You’re already a liar.” 
Tony tipped his head your way. “You know, that’s a very good point.”
“Look- he put me up to to this- I’m just doing him a favor-!” This alien was so very frantic. It really did back his story. That he was just standing in. 
The communicator on the other line picked up and you heard Fury’s voice. “If you blew your cover I want nothing to do with you.” 
You and Tony shared another very exasperated look and at the same time read each other’s minds. “Yeah. That’s Fury.”
The alien shoved his communicator your way. “Here. I told you so. Please put the weaponry away now. We can be nice with each other.” 
Tony narrowed his eyes. “Why don’t you get a grip, Shrek.” 
Fury spoke again. “And you blew your cover with those two? I told you to get in and out, Talos-”
Said Talos whipped the communicator back his way. “I tried. What, you think I invited her for tea? I tried to get him alone. She showed up unannounced!” 
“She does that.” 
“She is right here.” You were beyond done. Stepping forward you yanked the communicator out of his hand and he backed up immediately once it was handed over. Turning it your way, you gave Fury a very angry glance. “And if you’ve been fooling around with aliens this entire time-” 
“You’ll what?” He scoffed at you. 
“I’ll tell everyone about this. LUNA’s been recording the whole time. Clearly you’re trying to keep this a secret.” Nick Fury had an alien running around doing work for him. Yeah. That was pretty big news. “And- just for the record- I don’t want to keep any more secrets for you- so please give me a reason not to.” 
Fury scoffed. “Yeah. You two are playing the same games that got you in trouble when we first started coming around. You’ve got enough secrets without me.” 
Tony interrupted the two of you barking at each other as he waved his arm again with a sharp little reprimand, “Hey hey- away from the door. Back up. Now.” 
Talos had been trying to slip out. He put both his hands up again. “Alright, alright-”
He pointed to that bale of hay. “Sit down.” 
“I’m going- I’m going…” As Talos backed down to sit again, you watched him. Waiting until he was fully seated with Tony’s looming presence keeping him sequestered to put your attention back on the communicator. “Why is this thing doing your busywork?” 
“That thing is Talos. A skrull. He works for me. He owes me.” 
Talos made a very frustrated noise. “Favors are running pretty thin at this point, to be honest.” 
Everyone in the room ignored him. You just ended up shaking your head. “Stop. You know what? I don’t care. Don’t explain this to me. The less I know the better.” 
“At least we agree on that.” 
You didn’t want to carry this around for Fury. It’d just be another thing on a pile of other things. And maybe Fury was right. Maybe you had too many secrets of your own to worry about what the hell he was doing. Or why. Clearly this alien wasn’t a threat. “I just need one thing from you and then you’re free to go.” 
“Oh. Am I being held on your orders?” 
“Yeah. You are. So listen up.” Taking just a moment to gather your courage again. To ask again. “Did you authorize SHIELD experiments on me sometime in 1990?” 
Fury didn’t have an immediate response back. That was… probably bad. Fury without snark? Trouble. But he at least wasn’t as meek as the pretend Fury had been. And he didn’t seem like he’d just back down and run. Instead he barked out a harsh laugh. “That’s what this is about? You throw the world into chaos and the only person you’re concerned with is yourself?” 
“Not actively. But while I have you-” 
“You don’t have anything. Believe it or not, I wasn’t the director of SHIELD the moment I joined. Certainly not in 1990.” Alright. ...that tracked. And made sense. 
But- it also wasn’t what you were asking. He was dodging. “I don’t care what you’re the director of. Or when you started. I asked if SHIELD-”
“I heard you. Stark’s been digging around where he shouldn’t have been- to no one’s surprise- and finally got around to telling you, is that it? What do you think he found?”
You began shaking your head, lifting the communicator closer. “No. We’re not playing that game.” His next avenue of attack to avoid answering you was to try and play you and Tony against each other. That was never going to happen. “There was a girl on that file- 1990- she was some labrat for Tesseract experiments-” 
Fury was probably hundreds of miles away, but he set a cold stare on you that did its job. You were suddenly chilled to the bone as he cut you off. “That woman is Carol Danvers. And if you knew anything about her, you’d know you’re not even half the woman she is.” 
There was some sort of flicker of weird recognition from Talos, and you even caught his head whipping up in your peripheral, but you ignored him. “SHIELD experimented on her?” You needed to get to the bottom of this. Okay. So. It wasn’t you. Was that good? Is that what you wanted? Right now you weren’t sure. But it was somebody and if she was out there- 
“You’re not even close. You never will be. Just let it go. It’s got nothing to do with you.” 
“The researcher on that case led you to me. So cut the bullshit for once and just be honest with me.” It was a struggle to remain calm. To not raise your tone and yell at him. But what would it accomplish? He’d just get what he wanted. A rise out of you. You were determined not to give it to him. 
There was a small window of silence. The two of you stared at each other. And finally he gave something up. “The scientist on that case went nuts when he picked up a similar signature. You’re lucky you’re not dead. I’ll give you the address where you can send my thank-you card.” 
...this really wasn’t what you wanted. You didn’t want to owe Nick Fury anything- and now he was saying he put someone in the ground- someone on his own team- to save your life? No. This really wasn’t what you wanted at all. “The signatures-” 
“Look. I’m very busy. And you’re a day late and ten bucks short at this point. The Tesseract has nothing to do with you. Carol has nothing to do with you. You didn’t crawl out of one of our labs. I can promise you that.” This wasn’t satisfying at all. You were walking out of this conversation with nothing. “Talos will reassume his position. His cover is not to be blown.” 
This reminded you of a lifetime ago. Natasha had shadowed you, too. And when she’d been revealed, Nick had asked- or told- this same thing to you. 
“How long has this been going on?” As you asked you looked up at Talos, and he tipped his head back up to look at you in kind. 
But Fury chuckled, and it drew your attention back. “I thought you said you didn’t wanna know anything.” 
Despite your better instincts, it seemed you really couldn’t help yourself. “What is he? Why is he here?” 
Talos groaned out a noise as he stood, like he was tired and his muscles ached. “He is right here. You can just ask nicely.” Funny, you’d taken similar offense not five minutes ago. 
Fury cut between the two of you. “I’ll leave everyone to it.” That was it. That was the end of the call. The screen went black. He was just trusting you wouldn’t go blabbing to the entire team. Or the world. He hadn’t even asked how Talos had blown his cover. Only figuring it had something to do with you and Tony- 
Maybe he’d expected that- maybe he wanted- 
“So.” Tony stopped your thoughts circling the drain. The ones that plagued you, when you’d been a little tighter under Fury’s control under SHIELD. The ones that wondered why he did things or didn’t do things. What the ulterior motives were. All the angles. You didn’t want to go down that path again. You didn’t have to anymore. “What are you, exactly?” 
One blink of your eyes and then another and he’d changed. Back into that facade of Fury. Funny. Now that you knew it was a disguise you couldn’t unsee it. The cracks in the seams. The fakeness of it all. Talos crossed his arms. Fury’s voice came out of his mouth. “My people are called Skrulls.” 
Despite yourself, you couldn’t help but ask, “And what do you owe him?” 
He grinned. “Why not ask him that?” 
Tony rolled his eyes in that overly dramatic yet entirely sincere way of his. “You try asking that guy anything.” 
Talos laughed. “That’s exactly my point.” 
The two of you stared at him a little bit longer as he put his hands in his pockets, and then Tony turned suddenly, coming over to you, “Team meeting.” Said only a couple of seconds before he came closer and started murmuring. “We trust this guy?” 
“Absolutely not.” As if he had to even ask that. 
“Yeah. That’s my thinking too. So. What’s the plan?” 
It might have been childish and entirely terrible to put your shoulders up in the huge shrug that you did. But you were tired. And you didn’t have any answers. “My vote is ignore this and maybe he’ll just go away.” 
Tony seemed to be considering this. A lot. He cast a glance over his shoulder and then quickly turned back to huddle slightly with you. “Fury’s employing aliens and you just wanna look the other way on it? Who knows how many others are out there?” 
This was probably bad news. Tony already had enough on his plate. And his mental state regarding… otherworldly affairs was not the best. There was no doubt he would not be able to rest with this new information on hand. That was a problem. A deep sigh welled out of you and you straightened your back, half turning to Talos. “Does Fury have any other Skrulls working in his employ?” And while he opened his mouth to speak you pointed at him. “Don’t lie to me. I’ll know.” Looking him square in the eyes. 
Talos considered this for a long moment. Then finally, “None currently.” 
Tony looked between the two of you but in the end deferred to you, watching you closely to wait for your judgment. About the only thing that mattered to him in that moment. You looked. You looked deep. But you weren’t getting deception off him. “Are there plans to?” 
To this Talos gave a brazen shrug. It was weird now. He was definitely not trying to pretend to be Fury at all, even while wearing his face. “How should I know? You know what he’s like. Everything’s on a need-to-know basis.” 
Tony’s nose twitched in a bit of a scrunch, forehead wrinkling as he made quite the face. “And you- some guy masquerading around in his place- don’t need-to-know things?” 
“Not currently.” 
Anger flared up within Tony and you tried to put a soothing light over it, raising your hand to give him a small touch over his heart. Talos was being … well. He was being an asshole. But what more could you expect of someone in his position? Considering who he worked for, especially. And in what capacity. 
While you wanted to curb him to heel, someone fast approaching had you putting a hand up in warning to stop current discussion. Both men looked at you, and then the three of you looked as Steve opened the barn door and poked his head in. He also realized he’d interrupted something. “...everything okay in here?” It took a few seconds to register that Nick Fury was there. “Oh.” 
Talos put on quite the act pretty immediately, lifting his head in a bare acknowledgment. His tone dried up. “Nice to see you too, Rogers.” 
Steve stepped in a little more and crossed his arms. “What are you doing here?” 
Talos-Nick sighed. “You know, when I left, the world was a bit of a mess. But not quite like the one you’re all in now. Thought I’d check in.” 
“You won’t find me disagreeing.” Steve’s haughtiness not only bugged you but also ticked Tony off to a terrible degree. 
They must have been having a heated discussion out in the yard while you’d been speaking with Laura. He had been pretty angry about Ultron, and you imagined that hadn’t changed after what had gone on in Johannesburg. To think Tony had been taking the brunt of all that… as usual… 
You turned Steve’s way. “We’re fine. We’ll be out in a minute.” 
The two of you shared a long look. It even looked like he might be attempting to stare you down. Too bad for him you weren’t in the mood. Eventually he broke with a shake of his head. “Sure. Whatever you say.” 
There was complete, stale silence in the barn until Steve actually removed himself and closed the door. When he did, Talos dropped the act again. But only to ask, “How did you know he was coming?” 
For all his stresses, this seemed funny to Tony for some reason, a little laugh escaping him. “You really don’t know anything, do you?” Maybe this was relieving. In some way. 
Then again. Talos was asking how you knew someone was coming, but not how you’d forced his hand? He had some strange priorities. ...Fury trusted this guy? Really? Seemed like a poor decision. ...although he’d apparently been instructed to stay away from you. For this exact reason. 
Talos knew nothing. And as always, Fury knew more than he was letting on. 
You felt a headache coming on. “Are you staying?” 
Talos gave a shrug. “For a little while. Then I’ve got somewhere else to be.” 
This felt unsatisfactory for many reasons. But the biggest one Tony voiced for you, “Fury just asked you to drop in- why? What’s the point?” 
“How should I know?” 
The dual groans that escaped you and Tony came from somewhere deep within the both of you. Talos knew little, he was also playing stupid. A terribly tiring mix. You looked at Tony. He looked at you. And you just knew the both of you understood how worn out the both of you were. “Food should be ready by now.” 
“Food sounds good.” Agreeing with a slow nod. He hooked a thumb Talos’ way. “He invited?” 
It only just occurred that Clint had told Laura something, and then Laura had sent you away. Laura, by Steve’s admission, had also told Tony to go to the barn. To meet Fury. The three of them were in on this. At the very least they knew Fury had been lurking about. 
God you really needed a good night’s sleep. Finally deactivating your suit, you took hold of Tony’s arm to lead him towards the door. “Not by me. But I have a feeling he’ll invite himself regardless.” 
“Well, hey.” Tony’s voice lowered into a murmur. “He may as well actually be Fury then.” 
Talos shouted behind the both of you just as you exited, “You know, I can hear you!” 
One more thing. It was always one more thing. You didn’t want to worry about this. You didn’t have enough in you to do so right now anyway. But how many more things were just going to keep happening? Keep showing up? 
Screw a night’s sleep. You needed to sleep for an entire year at this point. 
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returnn-of-the-mac · 5 years
I love the way you write the companions! Especially X6! Companions react to Sole giving them nicknames based on pre-war movies?
Thank you! X6 is one of my favorite characters to write (along with Ada and Danse)! Sorry this took so long, there were a few characters I struggled with (looking @u gage & preston). Also, again, I usually write a silent Sole, but I couldn’t for this one, obviously. Please enjoy!😄
Fo4 Companions React: Sole Giving Them Pre-War Movie Nicknames
Strong and Sole where walking around Sanctuary when the super mutant heard rustling in the bushes.
Sole smirked, “Easy there, Hulk. It’s just Dogmeat.”
Strong scratched his head, “Who Hulk? He a Radroach?”
Sole was in Danse’s quarters as the Paladin was trying on some new patriotic power armor he had designed. He stepped out in his red, white, and blue mechanical suit and twisted around a bit to show Sole.
“What do you think,” He asked, “Is it too much?”
Sole giggled, “You kinda look like Optimus Prime.”
“You mean Liberty Prime?”
“Nope. I mean Optimus Prime. He’s a Cybertronian from a pre-war movie called Transformers.” Sole explained.
“Cybertron? Is that like a synth,” Danse scoffed, “Cuz I’d be damned if I looked like a synth.”
“Well, no. Cybertron is the planet they’re from. It’s complicated, but it’s basically a fictional species of robots that can transform from ordinary objects. Like cars.”
A confused Danse gave his companion an acknowledging nod, “Ah, okay. That actually sounds pretty interesting. Maybe the Brotherhood could start crafting armor based off of these ...uh...’Cybertronians.’ You’re going to have to show me sometime, soldier.”
“Hmm...” Nick pondered, looking over his latest case, “This Marowski fellow seems to be up to no good, yet again. His chem lab is more secure this time too...I’m thinking we’re going to have to tinker around with some scrap and invent a device to break into there undetected.”
“And what do you suggest we create, Inspector Gadget?”
Nick rolled his eyes. “Ha ha. Very funny. I happen to who that is, you know.”
MacCready and Sole where camping out at Outpost Zimonja for the night, lying under the stars, next to a campfire.
“You know what stinks,” Macready began, “Being an adult. So much is expected of you, and all the other adults are all just a buncha bullies.”
Sole gazed at their companion and he continued, “I swear, the kids at Little Lamplight were more mature than at least half the mungos in the Commonwealth. I wish I’d never had grown up...I wish I could’ve stayed a kid forever.”
“Okay, Peter Pan,” Sole laughed, “Growing up is a part of life. Everyone goes through it. Society wouldn’t thrive if people didn’t get older.”
MacCready was still caught up on the first part of Sole’s statement. “Peter...who? Who’s that?”
“Peter Pan. He was a mythical boy who never grew up, and he lead a group called The Lost Boys in Neverland. They’d go on adventures and stuff. It was a story that got adapted into a popular pre-war movie,” Sole explained.
MacCready was captivated by the description. “That seems...awesome, actually! Can you tell me more about it?”
Sole and Ada were trekking through the wilderness just beyond the glowing sea when a RadStrorm hit. Adamant about making it to their destination, Sole continued to their journey, despite the wind, rain, and rads.
“[Sir/Ma’am],” Ada beckoned, “Being that I am non-organic, these rads don’t have an effect on me. You, however, might get sick if we continue.”
Sole ignored Ada and continued to press forward. Ada tried again.
“[Sir/Ma’am]? It is highly likely that you will not be able to successfully complete your mission if you were to fall ill.”
Sole, once again, ignored their companion and continued forward. Ada, ardent about keeping her companion healthy, tried a third time.
“[Sir/Ma’am]? I believe I saw an abandoned barn a few miles back. We could camp there for the night.”
Sole stopped and gave Ada a stern look. “C-3PO. Please. Be quiet for just a minute. I can’t even hear myself think.”
Ada beeped a few times. “I am unfamiliar who this model C-3-P-O is. My model number A-D-4.”
“Okay, look. I think we’re really gonna get him this time, Blue,” Piper began, peeking through her binoculars at an unsuspecting Mayor McDonough, “Oh! Oh! Look! He put the toilet paper on the holder flap-side-up. Mm-hmm. Definitely a synth.”
Sole raised an eyebrow, “And what’s your master plan here? We gonna break in there and catch him in the act of changing his toilet paper, Lucy Stevens? Kinda not a good look.”
Piper cocked her head to the side, “Lucy...Stevens? Who’s that?”
Sole giggled, “She’s a reporter from one of my favorite pre-war movies.”
Piper smirked, “And what movie would that be?”
“Detective Pikachu.”
Sole and Gage were building a raider base when suddenly Gage stopped hammering.
“Hey, got any more nails over there? Can’t see for shit with this eyepatch.”
Sole rolled their eyes and handed the raider the container of nails, “Why don’t you just take it off then? I know you have a fully-functional eyeball under there.”
“Yeah but it’s part of the image.”
“Alright, One-eyed Willie.”
“The fuck is that?” Gage asked, “You pickin on me, boss?”
Hancock and Sole were hanging out in Hancock’s quarters listening to the radio, taking hits of jet, and drinking whiskey.
“This is niice,” Hancock mused, taking a long hit of jet, “Sometimes ya need a break from running the city, yanno?”
Sole nodded.
Suddenly, the song changed and Hancock grunted. “I hate this one. It kills the vibe in here.”
As he got up to change the station, drink in hand, a random Goodneighbor resident barreled into the room, nearly knocking the mayor over.
“Woah, friend, I’ve got a beverage here.” It was then the ghoul noticed he had spilled his drink all over himself and the rug. “Ah, come on, brother. That was a new rug.”
“Easy there, Lebowski,” Sole consoled, standing up and putting a hand on their companion’s shoulder, “Whiskey shouldn’t be too difficult to clean off a rug.”
“Sorry Hancock,” the resident apologized, “But your friend here is right. I mean it is practically water.”
Cait and Sole were crouched behind a stack of boxes, fully prepared to ambush a group of raiders who were holding an innocent settler hostage.
“Can’t wait to use this new machete ye gave me,” Cait gushed, excitedly studying the weapon, “Never have had the chance to use one of these before.”
Sole smiled.
“Ready darlin?”
The pair sprung out from their hiding spot and began their onslaught. Sole took cover behind an old desk, shooting at the raiders with ease and Cait decapitated them with her machete.
“I’m just gettin warmed up, ye clowns!”
The redhead suddenly ran up a side wall and did a flip, slicing two raiders heads off at the same time. Sole lowered their weapon and watched in awe as their partner singlehandedly decimated the raiders with her melee weapon. When the last raider was taken out, Cait took a little bow.
“Damn, Uma Thurman! Leave some for me next time,” Sole joked.
“Couldn’t help it. This machete is way too much fun.”
Deacon and Sole were hiding in an air vent, preparing to take out some synths as asked by Drummer Boy, when Deacon started fumbling around.
“What are you doing?” Sole whispered harshly, annoyed by their partner’s commotion.
“I’m due for an image change,” Deacon answered matter-of-factly, taking his shirt off, “I’ve been in my Elvis Presley Wannabe disguise for two hours now.”
Sole clenched their teeth in frustration.
“What do you think I should go for? The intelligent Bald Doc or intimidating Street Punk?”
“How about the bumbling Austin Powers?”
Deacon chuckled, “Yeah bAbY! I’m flattered you would even suggest that. Such a cool character.”
Sole rolled their eyes as Deacon began to dress as the iconic British spy.
Curie and Sole were walking along the coast of Salem when the synth suddenly stopped. Sole turned around, concerned.
“You okay, Curie?”
The synth looked at Sole and smiled. “Oui. I was just thinking...thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to exist in human form.”
“No problem! I’m just glad you’re happy.”
Curie nodded, “It’s not like I wasn’t happy being in my old body it’s just...I can do so much more now in this new body. Do field work, collaborate, share my findings and be taken seriously. That and...this body is very flattering. Much more attractive than metal and bolts.”
Sole laughed, “Hey, I thought your EVE form was adorable.”
“Eve? Who is that?”
“She was a character— a robot— from a pre-war movie called WALL-E.”
“I see...well, that is very interesting, [Madame/Monsieur]!”
“Damn snow. I hate the North. Move me to the tropics,” Longfellow complained as he and Sole walked through a light snow flurry.
“It’s not even that bad,” Sole reassured, “Besides, what would Christmas be without snow?”
“I don’t care about Christmas. Got no family to celebrate it with anyway.”
“Oh come on, Scrooge,” Sole teased, “We can celebrate Christmas together if you want.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I am old Ebenezer. Bah humbug,” Longfellow grumpily muttered, taking a shot of whiskey.
X6 and Sole were on a mission tag a synth with a tracking beacon when Sole suddenly stopped.
“Is something wrong, [sir/ma’am]?” the synth asked, concerned.
“No it’s just...what would you look like without your glasses? I’ve never seen you take them off. Do you even have eyes under there?”
X6 nodded, “Of course I have eyes. The glasses make me look slick. More professional, if you will.”
“You look like Morpheus from The Matrix.”
“And he was an influential individual, was he not?”
Sole remained silent.
“Case in point, [sir/ma’am].”
Sole had just returned to Sanctuary after a lengthy fight with some gunners with Preston beckoned to them.
“Another settlement needs our help,” he began, “The settlers at Nordhagen beach are complaining about a wobbly chair and—“
Sole raised their hand in the air, “Do it yourself, Fix-it-Felix,” they mumbled before retreating to their room for a nap.
Sole and Codsworth were in their old house, assembling furniture and reminiscing about the past.
“This was such a happy home before the bombs dropped. I wish we could go back to it, [sir/mum].”
Sole nodded in agreement as they discovered old photographs in cracked frames. Codsworth hovered over to examine Sole’s finding.
“Ah! That photograph! That was the first day you adopted me,” the robot gushed, “I’m so glad you chose the name Codsworth and not any of the absurd names the [hubby/wife] was suggesting.”
Sole laughed, “But Codsworth was their idea! I was going to name you BB-8.”
“Seriously? Why? Just because I’m round and I’m a robot?”
Codsworth huffed in annoyance and floated away from an amused Sole.
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sukorakurai · 4 years
Phoenix Wright Ace Barista
A/N: Okay this was written by me and my son for his creative writing assignment when he was in his freshman year. I was so Proud of him. I thought I would had to post it for the fond Memories. I hope you enjoyed it.
May 12th, 1:45 p.m. Court No.3. What a beautiful day in sunny California. Everyone is up and charged for the day, everyone but one tired and exhausted defense attorney. Phoenix Wright drags himself from the courtroom to the lunch counter. “How was your day Mr. Wright?” Phoenix looks over his shoulder to see Apollo, his young and cheerful junior lawyer, standing behind him holding a half eaten blueberry muffin in his hand.
 “Hello Apollo, do you have to be so cheerful?”
 “Sorry?” the young lawyer looked to his boss in question.
 “Never mind. To answer your question, I have not been having a good day.” Phoenix growled as he pushed his lonely doughnut and coffee to the cashier.  Lucky for him he managed to have enough change for the meager lunch.
 “Really, Mr. Wright, what happened?” Apollo followed Phoenix to an empty table and sat across from the tired attorney.
 “Well my young friend I will tell you. Be warned this story is not for the faint of Heart. It all started this morning when my Alarm clock went off waking me up at 5am. A whole hour before it was supposed to go off. It pissed me off so much I knocked it off the side table. The impact with the wall rendered it unusable for the foreseeable future. Since I didn’t have an alarm there was no point to going back to sleep other wise I would oversleep. So I got into the shower where I got a rude awakening. Turns out my building shut the hot water off so that the boiler could be repair. It would have been nice to have warning but the sign in the Lobby was too small to notice. So after a lovely shower under a freezing rain I got around to making breakfast. Well, it would have been breakfast had the milk not expired. I guess it had been awhile since I went to the store but I didn’t think it had been that long. I mean there were chunks of milk in my cereal. Anyway skipping breakfast I headed out to my First Job of the day.”
 “Wait, First Job? Mr. Wright you already have a job. You are the top defense Attorney in the city! Why would you need more than one job!?”
 “Well, I might be the top Defense Attorney in San Francisco but that doesn’t mean a thing when my clients only pay me IOU’s. Now to keep our office afloat I’ve had to pick up an odd job or two. I managed to get a part-time job at the Local coffee shop near the courthouse, it saves on the commute.”
 “Oh, you mean you are the manager?”
 “Not, Exactly.”
 “Hey Wright, next time I order my Venti Caramel Macchiato try not to drown it in foam. It totally watered down the espresso!” shouted Miles Edgeworth the lead Prosecutor in San  Francisco.
 “Don’t worry I won’t forget.” Phoenix gritted his teeth not wanting to start a shouting match in the cafeteria.
 “See that you don’t and don’t be late for court. I have a solid witness, that you can’t break, you need to be ready for me to put your client away.” Edgeworth smirked leaving the two attorneys to finish their lunch.
 “I really hate that guy. Anyways like I was saying I got a job as a Barista.”
 “Oh, I see. I take Mr. Edgeworth was a customer today.” Apollo said understanding the strife his employer was under.
 “You got it, but I’m getting ahead of myself. So I went to work this morning at 7 a.m. I got there just in time to see the line forming out the door and around the block. I was put work right away and about five customers into my shift disaster struck.”
 “Oh Nick! I didn’t know you worked here!”
 “Morning Maya, What can I get you?” I sighed. Not that I don’t like my Client/assistant but she could be a little chatty.
 “How funny is that, you are working here of all places? Well I should have seen it coming. Hey, since you’re the barista can you make mine EXTRA special? As in better than EVERYONE else’s you’ve made for so far? Because I’m a very close friend.”
 “No. Besides you didn’t even order any-”
 “Aww, why not?”
 “Doing that might lose my job. And you still haven’t ordered somethi-”
 “But, Niiiiiick.”
 “No means no. Are you even going to get anythi-”
 It went on like that for five minutes before I finally got her to order a hot green tea with extra lemon. The next few customer went too happy after having wait so long to get their orders in. eventually things smoothed out until Edgeworth decided to “grace” me with his presences.
 “Oh how the mighty have fallen. Nice, apron Wright.”
 “Morning Edgeworth ,what can I get you?”
 “I’ll have a Venti Caramel Macchiato easy on the foam.”
 “Fine, that will be $6.50.”
 “You know Wright, we’re up against each other in court today. I have put together a rock solid case. Not only is your client guilty but I’m going to make sure he gets the maximum sentence.”
 “The minimum sentence is the death penalty. How can you get worse than that?”
 “WRIGHT STOP ARGUING WITH THE CUSTOMERS AND GET BACK TO WORK!” our discussion was cut short do to the manager yelling at me.
 “Yes, sir! Here’s your change now go wait for you name to be called.”
 “Very well, see you in court, Wright.”
 After Lord High Mighty left Things didn’t get any easier. Two of our five coffee/espresso machines broke. This caused a huge delay in service but there wasn’t anything we could do about it.
 “Next.” I said asking for the next person in line. The next person walked to the counter.” Good morning sir, what would you like to-...JUDGE!?”
 “Nothing right now, I start judging at noon though.”
 “Since when did you ever leave the courtroom!”
 “Actually pretty often, just the other day I went to get some groceries.”
  “And why are you in your robes? It’s only 8:30.”
 “These are also my pajamas.”
 “TMI, Too Much Information. I did not need nor want to know that. Anyways, what would you like to order?”
 “Just plain old black coffee.”
 “That will be $4.75. Go and wait for your name to be called. What is your name? I don’t think I’ve ever heard it before.”
 “Your name is Judge?”
 “Yes I had it legally changed when I took to the bench.”
 “What was it before?”
 End Flashback
 “That was when I felt like ramming my head against the nearest brick wall but there was none to be had so I finished out my shift and barely made it to court. Then before opening Statements the Judge addresses the courtroom and tells them I make a damn fine cup off coffee and everyone should go to the coffee shop tomorrow to try my coffee.”
 “Hey Mr. Wright?” Apollo looked to Phoenix with hope in his eyes.
 “Yeah?” Now the older attorney looked at his junior lawyer wearily.
 “When are your shifts everyday?”
 “7:00 a.m. to 10 a.m. Why do you ask?”
 “I was hoping to get something that I believe only you can make.”
 “What, No!” Phoenix reared back in horror. He couldn’t believe it, even Apollo wanted coffee from him.
 “Please, Sir? I this a Venti Salted Caramel Mocha Frappuccino with whipped cream Caramel Syrup and Chocolate Truffle shavings on top. I’ve been saving for two whole months to get it.” The young attorney practically drooling just at the thought of the expensive treat.
 “Is this why you haven’t been helping pay rent for our office?”
 “Well you seemed to have it covered I didn’t think you that you mind.” Apollo wilted under the Famous Wright Glare.  “So will you make it for me?”
 “No.” Phoenix had all he could take of this conversation and started to head back to court.
 “Come on sir, Please! I promise I’ll Start paying rent!” Apollo scrambled to follow his mentor.
 “NO! You better start paying rent anyways!” and that was the last as the courtroom doors closed locking Apollo out.
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