#oh right I'm not stuck in lectures at college any more
roosterforme · 1 year
Right Girl, Wrong Time Part 8 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Summary: You fulfill your promise to visit both schools. You can't deny that Miami is beautiful and offers a lot of things you want. But San Diego has Bradley, and it's time for you to figure out where your priorities lie. During your trip to California, you reach out to a new friend to discuss your decision. 
Warnings: Fluff, swears, and angst
Length: 4500 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader (former fuckboy college student Bradley)
This is a sequel to accompany my story Old Habits Die Hard (you'll want to read that one first)!
Check my profile for my masterlist
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Your flight touched down in Miami on a Monday morning in late July, and you couldn't get over how disgusting the weather was. Once you had your luggage, you made your way outside to get in line for a taxi, and you thought you were going to melt. Your lungs felt uncomfortable from the humidity, and it was blazing hot for so early in the day. 
You were completely stuck to the seat, and your taxi driver was weaving in and out of traffic. "How much further?" you asked him cautiously, but he was already making a turn toward an absolutely beautiful campus. You peeled yourself off of the seat and braced yourself as you opened the door to the wall of humidity once again. 
When you made your way to meet the dean of students with your suitcase and sweaty clothing, you wished you had decided to visit during the winter. And now you had to sit through several meetings thinking about the fact that you hated this weather, perhaps even more than the Chicago winters. 
If you were too cold, you could always snuggle up to Bradley. 
And then there he was. Again. Right at the front of your mind. You promised him you'd take him out of the equation of which job was the right one for you, but you just didn't know if you could do it. 
"Is that correct?" The dean of students was talking to you, and you had no idea what she was saying. She would literally be your supervisor's boss if you took the job here, and you were busy daydreaming about Bradley.
You pushed some of your sweaty hair out of your face. "Uh, could you repeat that, please?"
When you finally got the conversation back on track, you left with a schedule for the next three days. You'd be meeting dozens of people, sitting in on a calculus lecture, looking at curriculum, and taking tours.
You learned pretty quickly that the best time to go out was late at night. You also learned that the Cuban food trucks made some of the most delicious things you had ever tasted. You went out to dinner with some of the deans, and you toured what could become your future office. 
It was all very nice, and luckily heavily air conditioned. There was nothing wrong with any of it. But you weren't convinced it was actually right. Until you took yourself on a tour of the library and found the study rooms. They were sterile, with harsh fluorescent lighting. And the doors had windows and didn't lock. You laughed and took a few pictures, including a selfie of you frowning. You'd send them to Bradley when he got back. 
On your last day in Miami, you stopped at a coffee shop before doing some sightseeing. You opted for an iced coffee to try to fight away some of the heat, but even in a sundress, it felt horrible outside. You were just pulling the fabric away from your tattoos when you bumped into the person behind you.
"I'm so sorry," you told him, holding your hands up in surrender. "I'm not used to the heat."
He smiled at you. "You're not from Miami."
You shook your head. "No. And I actually think my blood got too thick after living in Chicago? Is that a thing?  Are you from Miami?" You eyed him up and down. He was handsome, and his clothes looked pristine, like he was somehow magically avoiding sweating to death. 
"Born and raised. And never left," he confirmed. Even his smile was charming. "You're up," he nodded with his chin, letting you know it was your turn to order. 
"Oh, thanks," you mumbled, reaching for your wallet as you ordered an iced coffee. But he insisted on paying for your drink along with his, leaning slightly against your shoulder as he handed his credit card to the barista.
You turned to thank him once again, and his face was close to yours. As you opened your mouth, his eyes darted down to your lips. 
"Do you want to get dinner with me tonight?" he asked, leaving you just staring at him for a beat. 
"Wow," you laughed, startled that he was already asking you out. "Thank you, but no," you said, shaking your head, thoughts of Bradley filling you up and making you warm.
He just nodded once. "You're not wearing a ring. Are you seeing someone?"
You took your iced coffee from the barista and said, "Something like that."
"Well, you don't sound so sure," he replied, grabbing his drink and following you to the door. "We could just go out as friends."
"Friends?" you asked with a laugh. "You don't even know my name."
"You could tell me," he said, his tone hopeful now. 
But you just shook your head and told him, "I have an early flight tomorrow. But thanks anyway." You made your way outside as he called after you, but you didn't look back.
The next morning you flew back to Virginia for a few days, before continuing on to San Diego. 
Bradley could only spend so many hours per day working out. And when he wasn't flying a mission or eating a meal, he was usually looking at pictures of you on his phone. 
He had texted you almost nonstop when he first boarded the aircraft carrier in the port in San Diego, finally calling you to hear your voice one more time before he was out of range of phone service. He kept replaying the way you said 'I love you, Beer Boy. Be safe.' before you ended the call. 
You had texted him a few newer photos of yourself. Nothing crazy, but he still felt his entire body stir every time he looked at them. Which was frequently. 
And when he had to take matters into his own hands, he thought about that UVA study room, and how fucking happy you made him feel. He thought about your tiny office and your bedroom. He thought about how it felt to have you wash his hair. 
He could not stop thinking about you. He tried, but it didn't work. The fact that he hadn't imagined that perfect weekend with you was almost too much to bear. Now that he'd had you in his life again, he couldn't go without.
Bradley assumed you had visited both schools by now, and he was almost hoping he didn't get another chance to have a facetime call. Because he would try to use it on you. And he was terrified you were going to break his heart again, something he could better brace himself to handle from the comfort of his own home. He would call you then.
San Diego had a lot of things going for it, primarily the weather. You seemed to be able to go outside in the middle of the day in August without nearly passing out here. Miami definitely lost points for that one. 
You also liked the beaches better. They were a little more rustic and not as crowded. Everything moved at a bit of a slower pace, and you thought you could get used to that. 
But your office space would be smaller, and the labs were not as updated. The salary was also a bit lower. You had called Veronica a few times, trying to sort through all of your feelings and expectations. 
And you honestly tried your best to remove Bradley from the equation, just like he had asked you to. But when you did that, it was almost an even split. Neither school seemed to be able to pull through and clench the top spot. 
As you paced up and down the windswept San Diego beach at sunset, you just felt like crying. You were afraid of disappointing yourself, but you were even more afraid of making the wrong decision where Bradley was concerned. 
You knew what you wanted to do, but you didn't know how well he was going to take the news when he was back on land again. But you swiped away your tears and checked the time on your phone. You needed to go meet up with someone very important. 
Bradley was up and pacing in his khaki uniform, and it wasn't even light outside yet. He thought he could barely see land in the distance from the observation lounge, but maybe that was just his mind playing tricks on him. He wanted to get back, needed to be able to talk to you.
It had been six weeks. And it had felt almost as painful to him as the previous ten years without you. Because all of his memories were fresher now, a little more crisp around the edges. Your voice had faded in his mind, but was never quite forgotten. But now he could hear everything so clearly. 
He wondered if you were still in Virginia. Maybe you would let him come see you again for a weekend, prolong the pain and suffering if necessary. It would be worth it to be with you again, even if you left him after that to go to Miami.
"Come on," he muttered, checking his phone to see if he had service yet. He needed to make sure Nat remembered to pick him up, but then he would plan the rest of his day around whenever you were available to talk to him.
There was no way his eyes were playing tricks now. He shielded the sun from his face with his hand and squinted, and he could definitely see land. He'd be on the dock in an hour tops, and now he was starting to feel very anxious. So he jogged out onto the walkway to get some fresh air, but even that barely helped. 
Suddenly his phone started vibrating with dozens of messages and alerts, letting him know he finally had phone reception. So he called Nat with a pounding heart. 
"Rooster!" she greeted when she answered after one ring. "Are you docked already? I haven't left my house yet."
"No," he said, his voice a little shaky. "Getting there, but not quite yet. Less than an hour."
"Okay, I'll leave soon. And before you ask, yes I started your dumb Bronco for you once a week."
That got him to laugh. "Thanks."
But he could always count on Nat to know exactly what was going on with him. "Are you going to call her soon and see what she's doing?"
He cleared his throat a few times. "You know, I thought I could wait until I got home and got settled. But I think I need to call her now, Nat. I'm a mess."
"I know," she replied softly. "I understand that you need to know what's going on. Just give her the benefit of the doubt, okay? Hear her out and don't judge her decision?"
Bradley raked his fingers through his hair. "I could never judge her, Nat. I just can't stop thinking about her."
"You thought about her the whole time?"
He sighed and turned away from the early morning sunlight. "The whole time."
"Oh, Bradley. Those ten years did nothing, did they?"
"No. Nothing."
Nat hummed through the phone before saying, "I'll see you soon."
Bradley paced the length of the carrier, grasping his phone in his hand. It would be late morning in Virgina. He could call you now. But if you crushed him on the spot, he would definitely prefer to be at home while he cried and drank himself into a state of forgetfulness. 
If you told him you were going to Miami, but you still wanted him, he would somehow make it work. But if you told him you were going to Miami and that he wasn't going to fit in your life, he was going to have to do all of the things he really didn't want to do. Delete all the photos of you. Delete your phone number. Try to move on for good.
Because it felt like a blessing that he ran into you again last month, but he knew there would never be a third chance for him. 
"Fuck," he grunted, unable to wait another minute. He pulled up your contact in his phone and looked at the recent picture of you before tapping the screen
One ring. Two. Three. Four.
"Sugar," he gasped, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. 
"Hi! Are you back in San Diego now?" you asked, your voice impossibly soothing even though he knew it could break him.
"Almost," he replied, wishing he didn't have to talk over the sound of your soft breaths instead of just listening. "I can see the dock now."
"You're still on the aircraft carrier?" you asked.
"Yeah, Sugar. I couldn't wait another minute to call you." He took a deep breath. "Did you visit both schools?"
You paused for a beat. "Of course I did. I promised you I would."
He squeezed his eyes shut and asked, "How did you like Miami?"
"It was great," you told him, and his heart sank. "The offer is incredible. They have the most state of the art lab facilities I have seen since Chicago. And the offices are huge."
Bradley was cradling his forehead in his hand, thinking about getting dumped by you in his fraternity house. Thinking about how that didn't hurt as much as this potentially could.
He forced out the words. "And if you pick Miami, where does that leave us, Sugar?"
"Bradley? I'm actually meeting up with someone shortly here. Can I call you back later?"
His heart was pounding, and he let out a little laugh, because he knew he'd let you get away with this kind of shit forever. Which was why he would have to stop himself. "Yeah."
"Great, I'll talk to you soon. And Bradley?"
"Yeah, Sugar?"
"I love you."
You ended the call before he could respond. He didn't know what to think as he slowly made his way back to his bunk to gather his things together. He waited in line to deboard the carrier, and once he was on the dock, he heard Nat yelling his name.
"God, you're loud," Bradley told her, scooping her up into a tight hug. "I could hear you a mile away." He felt a little bit better now as she rubbed his back and let him hug her. 
"In spite of all of your flaws, I missed you," she told Bradley with a smile, leading the way toward her car. Bradley grumbled a bit, shifting around trash and food wrappers before he could even climb in.
"This is disgusting," he said, nearly gagging as something sticky met his arm. But the terror that was the interior of his best friend's car took his mind off of you for a moment. 
"That's just because you're a neat freak."
"I always have been," he agreed, "but this is next level, Nat. So gross."
As she pulled out into traffic, Bradley turned the radio on and listened to Nat tell him about work. 
"What else did you get up to while I was gone?" he asked, rubbing his hands along his face. 
"Oh, well I met up with a new friend I made on Instagram."
"Instagram?" he asked. "Really?"
"Yeah, she's new to the area," Nat said, giving him side eye. "I actually really think you guys would get along. I could introduce you?"
He turned to face her as she waited at a traffic light. "Nat. Come on. You know I'm waiting on Sugar." Saying the words out loud brought back his bout of nerves, and he kicked some trash out of the way so he could stretch his legs out.
"I know. It was just an idea," she said, zipping down the street once again. 
"I called her," he admitted. "But we didn't talk much. She said she'd call me back."
"Really?" Nat asked, looking alarmed. "Do you know where she was?"
"Not sure. Probably Virginia, unless she already moved to Miami."
"Maybe she's out looking at apartments?" Nat asked, turning onto Bradley's street.
He didn't even want to fucking think about that. He pictured some soulless highrise in Miami, and he couldn't even imagine you there. Not after your cute little cottage with the crumbling front step. "Maybe," he mumbled, suddenly anxious to get inside his house and be alone. 
Nat pulled her car in his driveway behind the Bronco; he loved that thing, and it couldn't even bring a smile to his face right now. "Thanks for the ride, Nat. I'd invite you in for some coffee, but I'm just not feeling up to it."
"No problem," she said, rubbing his shoulder with her small hand. "Why don't you call me later when you feel like it? Maybe we can get dinner or go to the Hard Deck?"
He sighed, popping the passenger door open. "Maybe." 
When he started to climb out, Nat said, "Oh, Bradley. Almost forgot. I left something sweet inside for you. I hope you don't mind."
He just gave her a thumbs up, because if she went grocery shopping for him or left him something to eat, that was more than okay with him. He closed the door and waved to her, digging his house key out of the side pocket of his duffle as he walked up to his porch.
But then he froze. There was a bright yellow post-it note stuck to the middle of his pristine, white front door. He had even painted his door white for a reason, and he never wanted anything marring it. Except maybe for this. 
He climbed the steps, tossing his duffle aside, and reached for the note.
I love you
With shaky fingers, Bradley shoved his key into the lock and wrenched the door open.
You had been immensely enjoying your dinner with Natasha. Once the two of you had connected on Instagram while Bradley was away, you made plans to meet her in person while you were looking at San Diego State. And now you fully understood why she was Bradley's best friend.
"I feel like I already knew you!" Nat said with a bright smile over drinks and dessert. "Is that weird? That this doesn't feel like I'm meeting a stranger?"
"No, it's not weird," you agreed with a laugh. 
"Bradley has told me so much about you over the last decade. I know more about you than I do any of his other more recent girlfriends, and I'd actually met them in person," she indulged over a glass of wine and some cheesecake. "Maybe I shouldn't be telling you that." She winced at you.
You took a deep breath. "Here, I'll make us even. I got a tattoo in honor of Bradley after I moved to Chicago."
Nat just rolled her eyes. "I already knew that. He told me over facetime like three weeks ago."
You buried your face in your hands as she chuckled. Then you groaned. "I know which school I want to pick. But I think Bradley is going to have a hard time coming to terms with it."
Nat's eyes went wide. "What does that mean?"
"Well...." you began, pausing to collect your thoughts. "If I tell him I picked the University of Miami, I'm afraid I'll break his heart, and mine. Again. But, if I tell him I picked San Diego State, he's going to act all high and mighty, and tell me I shouldn't be making this decision for him."
Nat set her empty wine glass down a little hard. "You know, you're absolutely right! But he's just going to have to get the fuck over it! I know he loves you, and he would be so happy to be with you. So if you want to move to San Diego, don't let him try to stop you."
You both looked at each other before bursting into laughter. "He's making this a lot more complicated than it needs to be!" you groaned.
"He's the worst," she said, nodding in agreement. "But also the best."
"Yeah, he really is," you agreed with a small smile, really missing him right now. "Well, this was so much fun, but it's getting late." You noticed it looked like your waiter was hoping you'd vacate the table soon so he could leave.
"I hope you do pick San Diego. We could hang out," Nat said, setting down some cash on the table. 
"Oh, didn't I make it clear? I'm definitely picking San Diego."
Nat actually squealed and ran around the small table to hug you. You let yourself relax into her embrace. "I'm so happy for Bradley," she muttered, releasing you with a huge smile.
"When he's being a noble pain in my ass about it, I'm calling you for help. But for now, I'm going to head back to my hotel room."
Nat grinned at that. "Why don't you just stay at his house? I have a spare key."
Your eyes went a little wide. "Without him there? You don't think he would mind?"
"No. I think he would love that." 
And so you ended up staying at Bradley's house for three nights. It was just as surreal as running into him at the bar had been! His house was spotless, just like you expected it to be. But when Nat gave you a little tour, you were shocked to see so many familiar things. The spare bedroom had a framed Grateful Dead concert poster that you remember from his bedroom at the Beta house. And his office was complete with a solid wood desk and his dad's Navy desk lamp.
But after Nat left you on your own, it became increasingly difficult not to be nosy. On the morning he was due to arrive back home, you were running your fingers along his bookshelves, and you came in contact with something familiar. You pulled down your old, purple notebook from your differential equations class. 
"Oh my goodness," you gasped, flipping through the pages. Because along with your old math notes, you saw little doodles and messages in the margins that matched Bradley's handwriting. You closed your eyes, and you could perfectly picture the way you used to sit on his lap in the study room while he messed around with your notes. He had written your name surrounded by a bunch of little hearts. You saw where he had written Beer Boy and Sugar with some cute little stick figures, and you laughed. 
He had been moving around all over the world, and bringing this notebook with him everywhere. Your eyes filled with tears, and the desire to be with him was so strong. 
And then he was calling you. You were so nervous to see him, and you didn't want to get into your decision over the phone, so you tried to throw him off. 
"Bradley? I'm actually meeting up with someone shortly here. Can I call you back later?"
He sounded so dejected, so you made sure you told him you loved him before ending the call. Then you made his bed and quickly tried to tidy up his house. You fixed your hair and makeup, but he still wasn't back yet. Nat had sent you a quick text as soon as she saw him on the dock, but that had been quite a while ago. 
You were pacing the length of his living room now, terrified that he would be annoyed that you'd spent a few days here. Then you heard a car in the driveway and peeked out through the window to see Nat's dirty car. 
"Oh god," you whispered, finally getting to see Bradley after six weeks. He looked so handsome, and you had missed him so much. You scrambled back to the middle of the room when you saw him walk up the porch steps, a look of shock on his face.
The sound of the key in the lock and the way he swung the white door open wide had you chewing on your lip. 
"Sugar?" he asked, standing in his entryway and gaping at you. 
"Hi, Beer Boy," was all you could manage to say as your heart pounded in your ears. But he looked so stunned, you felt yourself start to smile. 
He took a few steps closer to you. "What are you doing here, baby?"
You felt like you could melt inside. Just the sight of him in his uniform had you aching. He was gorgeous, and you loved him so much. You took a step closer as well. 
"I was actually wondering if it was okay if I had my boxes shipped here? I don't have an office for another week or so, and I'm still looking at apartments."
He was running one hand through his hair, making it stand on end, and his mouth was open, but no words were coming out. 
"Unless...you don't want me to?" you whispered, watching him slowly close the distance between the two of you until he was standing barely a foot away.
"Please, Sugar. Please tell me what that means."
You swallowed hard, looking up at him. You gently ran your hands up to rest on his chest. "I'm picking San Diego. I'm picking you. I'm picking us. If that's still what you want, too?"
A strangled sound escaped his lips, and then his mouth was on yours and you were in his arms. He kissed you deeply as your arms gripped his shoulders, and he held you tight. 
"You mean that?" he asked between kisses, nibbling at your lips, barely giving you a chance to answer as he deepened the kiss. Just as you were relaxing into his embrace, he pulled his lips from yours. "You really mean it, Sugar?"
"I really mean it, Beer Boy."
He closed his eyes and ran one hand over his face, sighing deeply. But he still held you snug against him. Then he opened his eyes and gazed down at you. 
"I've been dreaming about this for ten years," he whispered, brown eyes soft. "I love you."
"I love you, too," you replied with a smile.
He nodded, and you ran your fingers along his mustache, making him smile. "You can send all your stuff here, Sugar." He kissed your fingers. "You should move in with me. Don't leave or look at more apartments. Stay here."
It felt right. You knew it did. Just like San Diego State felt like the place for you. "Okay. I'll stay."
He licked his lips and kissed your forehead twice, pulling you impossibly closer to him. "And be my girlfriend again?" he whispered against your hair.
You smiled and buried your face against the collar of his uniform shirt. "You were the best boyfriend I ever had. You can have the title again."
"I love you," he whispered, over and over until his lips found yours again. 
It feels soooo good! But, only two more parts to this story! Thanks to @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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eraldkarma · 9 months
Ok so my hyper fixation on aphmau has sparked u again, I've decided to share my little Au with the world because my friends are getting tired of hearing about a minecraft roleplay from... oh god it's been that long? Jeez.
Anyway here is what I'm changing about the base cannon of mystreet before I throw in any crazy AUs like Ein being a decent person and living with Aph and Sylvanna during S2 of PDH or mystreet Dante getting stuck in MCD when everyone ditched him.
So I don't know I can fit my whole four years worth of brain rot in one post so we are going to start with the big blaring walking red flag himself Aaron.
What needs to change?
So so muck For starters, apparently, Aphmau needed to listen to sylvannas internet safety lectures a bit more because SHE STILL GIVES A STRANGER HER ACTUAL PHONE NUMBER!!! Sorry sorry this is a post about Aaron not how nieve aphmau is.
Anyway the guys 18 and is dating aphmau who is probably 14/15. This guy is going off to college in a year and aphmau still talks her stuffed cat and hides in a closet before her first day of high school.
Also at first I defended Aaron becouse I thought he just didn't know how old she was when they were strangers texting each other but they have a whole conversation about how nervous she is ABOUT HER FIRST DAY OF HIGH SCHOOL! Sorry again 😔 but if I was Aaron and I found out that the person I was talking to was actually a young girl who was probably fourteen or fifteen (younger actually since they've known each other and have been texting for atleast a couple months) and knowing that I am seventeen or eighteen would break it off and probably unfriend them not keep texting them about it and then start to ask them to reveal there real name.
Then there's the whole like ultima thing I know it wasn't actually written in until like season 4 of mystreet but I have a question 🤔 if darek knew what kind of life was in store for his son having the curse if he feels so bad about having to isolate his son if he knew the curse is a possibility why have him? Why risk have biological children? Or why not stop after milisasa since for some reason the curse only effects the males of a blood line. (You're telling Me the lycan family has never had an all female generation? Is the curse just dormant in females?) I'm changing that we need to change dark put him on the list right above Sylvanna but under KC.
There's also like why are you the alpha of the werewolf pack? Like I get it in highschool but after in season five? You don't know anything about the culture and Daniel ran the highschool pack for four years you don't have to be the alpha now? I genuinely think that was from Jason wanting his self insert to be the ' powerful hot alpha oc trademark do not steal'
So how an I gonna fix this?
Well we are going to start with Aaron's age, He's aphmaus age or well hes sixteen but so were Garothand Laurence. Plane and simple hes sixteen hes a softmore who was homeschooled is life becouse of his secret ultima curse. He does switch schools temporarily for S2 of PHD becouse dark was worried about how frequently Aaron was loosing control and how he still hadn't had a grasp on the curse, I'm gonna get to that hold tight.
That leads me into my next fix how Aph and Aaron met! They were put in the same online schooling class because Rachel is a bissness major, and Sylvanna is the type of mom to make you cry when she helps you study for your spelling bee (she loves her daughter but she does not have enogh patients to be a teacher.) Anyway they meet in the online class and find out they're both into the same things including a popular Online game and being lonely homeschooled kids latch onto each other, (I would imagine that Aaron went under a different name for the homeschooling program since he can't have the media tracking him down or asking questions y'know?) Then once they get to the age were they have phones reluctantly trade Instagram (aph made a separamount. Just for talking to Aaron and not posting pics because her mom follows her mian and Aaron makes his very first acount and only follows aph who goes by Shu on that account.)
Now to fix the lycann family.
Let's start with the curse, like I said makes no sense as to why Dark still had kids with Rachel biological when he Knew what his kids would go through. So the ultima curse effects all offspring male or female and it isn't usually as strong as Aaron's. In my head not being able to control there eyes was grown out of around five years old to seven years old and then there eyes stop turning red without wanting them to they still pose the danger it's just not that hard to control. It's like potty training they learn as they grow up. But for whatever reason Aaron never really grew out of the uncontrollable eyes thing, infact they were almost always red when he was young. This scared Darek who grew up on these stories about what will happen to them if the curse is ever discovered in they're family blood line, (which is why they still hide that they're werewolves.)
Aaron lived his life in solitude while millisa got to go out and experience the world she got to go the boarding schools in Germany and go with mom and dad on they're business trips while he stayed in they're house in falcon claw with either one of his parents or trusted staff. (This is not how millisa sees it BTW but we'll talk about her later.
I hope you enjoyed my brain dump.
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pearl-kite · 3 years
First and last art of fav OC(s)
@impossible-rat-babies and @dorkousloris both tagged me for this, for which I shower them both in appreciation <3
I think I'm going to tag @fooltofancy, @mihqorio, @spike-spiegel-is-jewish and @ardellian because I am curious but there is absolutely no obligation at all, as always o3o;;;
Looking back, I apparently only drew Akos and Gale this year, which is perfectly fine but makes me feel a bit neglectful of other characters. They got sketches but never anything finished.
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Akos - 2006-2021
Oh goodness, you wouldn't even recognize him. Akos was originally a side character for my second nanowrimo attempt, a main character's little brother, and oof did I come up with all sorts of trauma for him. He did actually have white hair in the beginning but dyed it black, and if you look through years of art it grows out until it's only the last year or two that there's no black in it, so it's almost like he's actually all grown up.
I'd say they grow up so fast but it's been 15 fuckin years. Love him. I've also mellowed out on all of the angst I threw at him. Mostly. Then I went and tossed him into IF like Greenwarden and Northern Passage so he still gets to deal with shit :3
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Gale - 2007-2021
God what is going on with those proportions. Ran everyone though a taffy puller I guess. Also when I was only just dipping my toes into digital, so there's a lot of growth there thankfully. Gale exists in a weird limbo where they've changed a lot but they're also somehow exactly the same. I don't get it, but I love them <3
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scintillasofbeomgyu · 3 years
➷ bad friend | c.sb
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falling in love
pairing: choi soobin x reader. genre(s): fluff, roommate!au, maybe a bit angsty?. wc: 1,4k. warning(s): language, alcohol, drinking, elusion to cheating but no one cheats. requested: yes. an: this sounded better in my head. i’m so sorry it sucks so bad 😞✋🏻
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“thanks, soobin.” the can of coke, mixed with a generous amount of soju, paused at his lips. the enamored grin that had been playing on his lips as he watched you sing your heart out to trot waned down to almost nothing, then he emptied the remnants of the concoction down his throat. he was sure you meant those words with your whole heart as you always did, but tonight in particular it left a rather nasty taste in his mouth that he hoped the alcohol would burn away.
he meant the world to you and, despite the fact that you fought and argued more times than you breathed, he was there for you through each and every hardship and joy. you watched his lips detach from the can, his dimple slightly dig into his cheek and his adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. he was your best friend.
you leaned over and ruffled his hair, “it’s not often i have this privelage. you should try and stay on my level more often.”
“hilarious,” he rolled his eyes, biting back any signs of amusement. you stuck out your tongue and hopped off the sofa to the karaoke machine to pick a new song, his eyes following you as you did.
you and soobin had been roommates, and friends, for almost all of your college career. admittedly, the campus socialite and the guy who arrived late and slept most of his lectures away did seem like an odd combination, but you got along surprisingly well. you had started off by respecting one another’s space and not prying too much with nods of acknowledgement in the hallways and plates of food left in the kitchen, but after a week or two you had bonded over shitty exes and academic hell weeks.
the very sofa on which he sat had seen countless movie nights, petty fights and the quiet sunday afternoons you shared simply paging through books. you were more like family to soobin than his own family was.
he crushed the can beneath his fingers and tossed it onto the table, where it clanked with the pile of it’s like, before he grabbed a beer. you caught him sipping the foam as it bubbled against the lip and clicked your tongue.
“i cannot afford to take you to the hospital for renal failure,” you pried the can from his hand and gave him a stern look before downing the can yourself, “you've had enough to drink.”
he glared in response, in turn making you throw your head back in laughter. your chest shook and your lips curled upward, the apples of your cheeks tinted pink and the light glimmering off your skin. he gulped and turned away. it was the alcohol for sure. and what better way to get rid of the effects of the alcohol than more alcohol?
he huffed and pushed past you, grabbing another drink. you snatched it from his hands once more, “stop. i’m not kidding, soobin. you’re really going to regret it in the morning.”
“and you’ve had the normal amount? plus, i don’t need drinking cues from the frat frequenter,” he grimaced, retrieving the beer can. he chugged it down and threw a wink your way when he was finished.
“fine, have it your way. you’re just bitter i have more fun than you,” you chaffed, folding your arms across your chest.
“oh you do? if you really did we wouldn’t be here right now, would we?”
your face fell. ofcourse, he just had to hit you where it hurt. you were having fun with soobin. he made you forget and bury all that complicated stuff into the farthest crevices of your mind, so you thought you were fine. but the truth was, you were yet to digest the events of earlier that day.
he squeezed his eyes shut and sighed, running a hand through his hair. “shit. i'm sorry, (y/n). i didn't mean that.”
“nah,” you huffed a laugh, picking at your nails, “it’s okay. i’m fine.”
there then was an awkward silence. it didn't happen often—these pockets of indecipherable grey areas. you and soobin knew everything there was to know about one another and were so accustomed to the other’s presence that you’d use the toilet while he was in the shower without a qualm. but at a point, everything... changed. and, much to your dismay, neither you or soobin knew when that was.
“he never deserved you anyway. that prick,” soobin grumbled, keeping his eyes trained on the tab his thumb fiddled with. he had wanted to punch the shit out of hwang hyunjin the minute he laid eyes on him. everything about him bothered soobin, right down to his stupid hair, but what was he to do when you looked so happy talking about him.
you shook your head, “it’s... it’s not like that. it’s not his fault.”
sacrastic laughter spilled from soobin’s lips as disdain twisted his gut. “you’re still defending him, (y/n)? that ass broke up with you at your birthday party and was seen leaving with your friend! please, pray tell, how the hell is this not his fault??”
you pulled your lip between your teeth, blunt nails pushing crescents into your palms. you stood before him looking worse than you did when you stormed into the apartment with all the drinks your arms could carry from the convenience store shelves, not saying a single word. and it pissed him off.
“didn’t think so,” he snapped, grabbing yet another drink and popping the tab in one swift movement.
you watched him crush the can, making sure every single drop rolled down his throat, before he flung it across the room.
soobin was far too important to you for you to tell him what actually happened. you had realized that from the moment these festering emotions you were too afraid to label came rushing toward you like a bullet train. so if you were to deal with him throwing a fit about it, you would. he’d get over it and things could go back to normal. but if you told him... there was no guarantee anything ever would.
“you’re a good friend, soobin. thank you, for everything.” you smiled, reaching forward to ruffle his hair once more. he grasped your arm just as you were about to back away and lifted his head to let his hazy eyes bore into yours.
“is that all?”
feeling your heart caught in your throat, you shoved his shoulder and forced another exaggerated laugh, “oh come on. why are you so cranky these days? i’ll get you some red bean bread to make up for it, ’kay?”
there that silence was again. you stayed as you were, his fingers still wrapped around your arm and his eyes still fixed on yours. he appeared to be deep in thought, or so you hoped because, if not, you were certain your cursed heart that just had to flip it’s way through an entire gymnastic routine at that very moment would give everything away. then, his grip on you loosened.
you knew it was silly, to feel a pang in your chest after all the grief and effort made to tuck these feelings away. and perhaps without even realising it, you had been expectant this entire time. so this... this was your wake up call.
brushing it off as if it were nothing at all, the corners of your lips picked up once more. “then that’s that. we should probably get to bed,” you checked your watch, “it's eight-thirty. you have a class tomorrow and you're drunk off your ass– go wash up.”
for a moment he didn’t even budge. he simply sat there with the blankest expression you had ever seen him wear.
“i’m drunk, right?” he mumbled. your eyebrows knitted in confusion, and he laughed. he took hold of your hand and in a single fluid motion pulled you onto his lap.
his fingertips traced your hairline; slowly making it’s way from the ridge, down past your temple, tucking loose strands of hair behind your ear, as his hand came to rest at your nape. you watched him with eyes the size of golf balls and a chest on fire as he cupped the side of your face, and let his thumb drag across your lips gently.
“i’m drunk, so i get to do and say whatever the hell i want, right?” he chuckled almost disingenuously, his other arm snaking around your waist and pulling you closer. he placed your forehead against his and sighed, “so pretty”
dizzy, you gulped, “s–soob–b–bin”
he hummed in response, not letting you go for even a second. “what? you don’t think you’re pretty? should i show you how beautiful you are?”
you hiccupped. he couldn’t help but laugh, leaning back to observe your flushed cheeks. with his hand on the back of your neck, he carefully brought your face to his. you instinctively squeezed your eyes shut and pursed your lips together, hands squeezing into fists.
“for a party girl, you’re awfully shy,” he whispered, the warmth of his breath making the hairs at the back of your neck stand up, and smirked before planting a lingering kiss to your forehead. “don’t forget it’s your day to do the laundry.”
your eyes shot open. with burning cheeks you shoved yourself off from him, making a beeline for your bedroom.
“choi soobin, you piece of shit! you can wash your own smelly socks from now on!”
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taglist: @oifelixcmerebrou @00-baejin-05 @chaoticdreaminisode @luvrjn (send an ask to be added!)
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miss-smutty · 3 years
Forbidden - Chapter 2
Summary- Jess couldn't stop thinking about the guy she'd met in the coffee shop, he was drop dead gorgeous, mature and everything she's always wanted but how would she find him again when she didn't even know his name?
Word count- 3.1K
Pairing- Prof!Chris Hemsworth x OC
Warnings- Swearing, slight smut talk
18+ only!
Disclaimer: This is an entire work of fiction/AU and has no affiliation to real life what so ever! This is a fictional story about fictional characters who happen to share names and faces with some real people.
Posted: 13th August 2021
Taglist:- @innerpaperexpertcloud @pandaxnienke @chickensarentcheap @jjpogueprincess @longlostinanotherworld @mostly-marvel-musings @darklydeliciousdesires @monet-belle
Chapter 1
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The only thing was, he didn't know I was only twenty and I had no way of finding him again.
If fate did bring us back together, would he mind that I was still a student? That I couldn't even drink when we went on dates? 
Who am I kidding? Of course he would mind, he could get any woman he wanted, why would he want me?
"Morning, you feeling any better?" Ellie was awake before me as usual, she spent hours getting ready in the morning and was now sat at her desk finishing her make up.
"I suppose, can't beat myself up forever can I?" I was more the get up and go kind of girl, I could never understand why she'd take hours getting ready just to go to class but I suppose you never know who you're going to bump into.
"No you can not. Not when there's literally thousands of guys here to take your pick of." 
"Psh!" I finally pull myself out of bed after thinking about the thought of possibly bumping into my hunk again I changed my mind about making myself a little more presentable.
"What d'ya mean psh?" Ellie turns to look at you, her mascara wand in her hand and only one eye made up, she looked ridiculous. How could you take her seriously looking like that? 
"I mean I'm not interested in these childish boys anymore El, I want a man." 
"Fuck me, you spoke to the guy for two minutes and already you're acting like you've lost the love of your life." Wow, that hurt a little.
"I didn't say I was talking about him although it would be nice. I just meant I'm sick of playing all these childish games and never knowing where I stand. Don't you get sick of being the one who always falls deeper? Getting messed about and then being the one who's left hurt?" I joined her at the desk, putting on a little mascara and eyeliner. "I want a man who knows what he wants and treats me better. Don't you?"
"Well shit, when you put it like that I can't argue with you. It would be nice, hey I wonder if Mr Aussie has a brother?" She waggles her eyebrows at me, making me laugh. "I gotta go babe, what class you got?" 
"My first Comms class this morning." I did not sound excited at the prospect because I really wasn't. I'd put it off in freshman and sophomore years but thought I better get it over and done with before my senior year.
"Oh really? I didn't know you'd taken that class. I heard a load of seniors talking the other day and apparently the Professor is drop dead gorgeous. I was thinking about taking it up too just to see what all the fuss was about." 
"Well that should make the class a lot more interesting, maybe it isn't going to be as bad as I thought."
"See, every cloud and all that. See you tonight, fancy the bar?" She shouts over her shoulder as she walks towards the door.
"Sounds good, see you later."
I looked over my outfit I'd already chosen for the day, just some jeans and a plain t-shirt and realised it wouldn't do. Not when there's the prospect of a hot Professor to impress. My wardrobe desperately needed an update, especially now I was focused on finding myself a man and not one of these easily pleased college boys, that were happy with anything as long as I showed a bit of leg and tits. I settled with some tight black jeans with a black, lace-rimmed, cami body suit and a cute little cream, cropped blazer to finish it off. It made me feel confident when I checked myself out in the mirror and if I do say so myself I looked smoking hot. I checked the time on my phone, realising I was going to be late I quickly ran the curling tongs through the ends of my long blonde hair before grabbing my bag and rushing out of the door.
In the hopes of catching the eye of this new professor I'd completely forgotten about the hottie from the coffee shop, which was probably a good thing, it's not like I'm ever going to see him again. I kind of wished I would though, especially when I was looking and feeling this great but hey, on to bigger and better prospects.
I thought that being late would mean I'd be stuck with a lame choice of desk in class but luckily the back row was practically empty and I could hide in the corner of the lecture theatre. I laughed to myself when I realised that practically all the girls were occupying the front desks, obviously they'd heard the rumours too.
I pushed my hair behind my ears and fumbled in my bag for my pen and notepad, when I glanced to the door and caught the eyes of a student I hadn't seen before. I couldn't deny how attractive he was, with his bright blue eyes and floppy hair, oh and that smile. Wow! He smiled brightly at me as he made his way to the back of the class, his eyes glinting, shining like diamonds as he ignored the whispers from the girls at the front. The whole row of desks were free so when he chose the desk right next to me, my stomach fluttered.
I kept my eyes on my notepad, doodling on the front cover so as to avoid that eye contact with him again. I could see a cheeky glint in his eyes and I'd learnt from experience what that meant, trouble. I wasn't ready to get myself back into a situation like that again.
My eyes shot to the front as I heard the room erupt into wolf whistles, the girls at the front giggling and whispering to each other, I rolled my eyes at them, how embarrassing. 
Then I realised what all the fuss was about and my heart almost stopped beating, thudding against my chest at an alarming rate. How is this even possible? How the fuck could he be a professor? Surely he's not old enough. Oh fuck.
I sank lower in my chair, willing the ground to just swallow me up or maybe if I got low enough I would escape his notice. No such luck, his eyes scanned the class and when they fell on mine, his face lit up with anger? No not anger. A hunger. His eyes scanned my body, falling over my hair and down to my cleavage. I felt hot under his gaze, was I blushing? Sweating? Oh god, I've never wished for class to be over so much in my life.
My professor was the guy I'd been shamelessly flirting with in the coffee shop. I don't understand how this could be real, I know I wanted to bump into him again but this is such a cruel twist of fate. I'd never even suspected him to be a professor, he was so damn thick and muscly. The clothes he wore were so stylish and he looked way too young to be a professor. He must be so embarrassed that he'd been flirting with a student, I definitely was embarrassed that I'd been flirting with a professor.
I was so panicked, I didn't have a clue what to do in this situation. Squirming in my seat, trying to look anywhere but at the Professor but I could feel his eyes on me as he prepared for the class to start. People were still whispering amongst themselves and I risked a glance in his direction, that made me bite on to my lip to stop myself from screeching. His eyes were still on me, subtly glancing up from the pile of paper he'd just taken out of his bag, his eyebrows furrowed as he studied me. He certainly didn't look embarrassed infact he looked downright feral and the thought of it made my pussy clench, so much so I had to cross my legs under the table.
"I guess you're obsessed with this new Professor too, huh?" The guy next to me leant across his desk to whisper and fuck me if I wasn't imagining it but he was Australian too. Like have we just suddenly had a huge delivery of hot Australian guys arrive at the University? This was just downright unfair, how was I meant to cope?
"No, what makes you say that?" Why did I ask that question? Like it wasn't obvious how much I was sweating and squirming in my seat. Luckily he didn't have time to answer when my eyes were drawn back to the professor as he stood at the front of the class with his hands casually in his pockets and cleared his throat to get our attention.
If I wasn't mistaken, now he looked angry, the muscles in his neck more prominent as he glared between me and the guy next to me.
Was he angry that my attention had been taken away from him and was on another guy? Or because we were talking when we should've been paying attention?
"Now I've got your attention, we're going to use our first session to get to know each other a little better. You'll be doing quite a lot of speeches so it's best if you feel comfortable with one another. I'll start by introducing myself." That sexy accent makes me sweat even more, nevermind the fact that his eyes keep finding their way back to me. "So, I'm Professor Hemsworth and I'm originally from Melbourne in Australia." His eyes meet mine again, a knowing look in them.
"G'day mate." Some idiot from the back shouted, making everyone laugh and I couldn't help but join in a little. Professor Hemsworth smiled at the joke, his eyes creasing in the corners and his smile growing wider when he looked to me and saw me giggling.
"Yeah, very original. Alright, alight, settle down now." His voice is so commanding and authoritive, it's such a turn on. "So, I haven't been here for very long and I'm still getting used to how different things are here. The weather for one." He earned a couple of laughs from people. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him, he was so mesmerizing. The way his face animated as he spoke, his eyebrows raising and lips curling.
"I was going to ask you all to go easy on me but that's not going to happen is it?" He got a couple of head shakes and sympathetic looks from the girls. "No, I thought not. Well now it's my turn to torture you. I'll start alphabetically, stand up and tell everyone something about yourself." I swallowed back my fear, this is the reason I'd put off this class until now and as if it wasn't hard enough talking in front of a whole class I now had to do it in front of Professor Hemsworth too.
"Claire Abbott." Fuck. He'd started, at least my name would be one of the last ones.
"Hi I'm Claire." The tall blonde at the front stood up, twirling her hair around her finger and giggling like a child. I rolled my eyes at her and caught the Professor smirk in my direction. "I erm… I don't know what to say?" She looks up at the Professor questioningly.
"Just anything about yourself that we might find interesting, the first thing that comes to mind." He replied.
"Well I own four horses and I'm the cheer captain." I rolled my eyes again, scoffing quietly and Professor Hemsworth had to hold in a laugh as he looked in my direction.
"Talk about predictable." The guy next to me leaned over to whisper to me again.
"Totally." I laughed back at him and when I looked back at the Professor he was glaring straight at us again, his face set sternly.
"You two at the back, we'll wait for you shall we?" Professor Hemsworth said sternly, everyone turned around to look at us but I barely noticed, I was too focused on the way his stern voice made my cunt flutter when he called me out.
I didn't speak for the rest of the class, although I had the urge to, just to hear the way his voice sounded when he was angry. I couldn't concentrate on what the other students were saying, too focused on watching the way the Professor's face changed everytime he looked my way, which was pretty often, to my suprise.
"Jake Hudson." In my peripheral, I saw the guy next to me stand and when he did, Professor Hemsworth's eyes narrowed.
"Hi I'm Jake." He pushed his hands in to his pockets cooly, glancing at me as he did. "I'm also from Australia." He looked at the professor slyly, a smirk forming on his lips, laughing at the other students shouting G'day mate. "I was forced to move here but I'm glad I did because I've just met the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." The class burst into rounds of whistles and cheers as Jake sat down, smiling at me cockily. I could feel my cheeks blushing, I was flattered, he was absolutely gorgeous but hadn't I sworn of boys my own age?
Professor Hemsworth looked even more angry now as he loosened his tie a little, that black tie that draws my view down, like a arrow pointing straight to his cock. I tried to keep my eyes down on my desk, doodling in my notebook so I could avoid that hungry gaze, anxiously waiting for my turn. What the hell was I going to say?
"Jessica Watson." Shit. I stood slowly, trying to give myself more time to think, I couldn't stand everyone's eyes being on me especially the Professors and Jakes.
"Hey, I'm Jessica." I smiled nervously, tucking my hair behind my ear. "These last couple of days have been pretty eventful for me." I looked away from the chalk board so I could search Professor Hemsworth's face. "I'm living the life of a romance novels heroine and I'm excited to see what the next couple of days bring." I sat down keeping the gaze of the professor, I'd forgotten I was in a room full of people until I heard the ooh's and ahh's and my cheeks turned scarlet. The Professor's eyes glowed with heat as he watched me sit down before shaking his head and turning back to the class. Jake also caught my eye as I sat back at my desk, my cheeks still burning, he smiled at me, the kind of smile that crinkles your eyes. I felt kind of bad that he probably thought I was talking about him when in fact I was talking about our professor.
"I hope we all feel a bit more comfortable with each other now, some of you shared some pretty revealing things." He looked at me again. "Some of you, not so much." He raised his eyebrows at a group of guys. "I'll have a schedule for you all next time I see you, anybody that has any questions can see me after class, everyone else is free to leave." His eyes scanned me as he turned around to sit at his desk, I watched a couple of girls approach him predictably.
"Are you going to the party at our frat this weekend?" I had to reluctantly pull my eyes away from the Professor while Jake spoke, so he was a Alpha Kappa, not surprising really.
"Yeah, I think so. My roommate mentioned it."
"Oh good, I'll see you there then. Jessica." He smiled, standing from his seat.
"Jess." I corrected him. I hated being called Jessica, it was so formal.
"Well Jess, I'll see you around." He winked at me as he pulled his backpack on to his shoulder.
There were still a couple of girls taking up the Professor's attention and I wasn't sure yet whether I wanted to sneak past or wait to speak to him. I thought about it for a minute my fingertips drumming against my desk when the girls left and he was alone. As soon as the door closed, his gaze was on me and I could hear the silence in the room like a ringing in my ears. We stayed like that for a couple of seconds, staring at each other, no one saying a word until her cleared his throat. I blinked a couple of times, realising how stupid I must look before getting up from my seat and packing my things away.
"Did you need to talk Miss Watson?" I could hear amusement in his voice as he sat back on his desk casually, his arms folded across his chest.
"I erm…" I walked towards him, my legs feeling like jelly all of sudden and trying not to fall down the stairs. "I wanted to apologise, I had no idea you were a Professor." I said as I reached the bottom of the stairs, I didn't know what to do with myself but I was nervous about getting closer to him. He made the atmosphere feel tense, like if I was to reach out and touch him I would burn my fingers so I stood awkwardly at the bottom of the steps.
"There's no need to apologise Miss Watson, I also had no idea you were a student but I was hoping to bump into you again. Funny how things work out isn't it?" He cocked his eyebrow at me, still looking amused as he watched me squirm. When he said he'd been hoping to bump into me again it made me feel more confident, like I wasn't imagining the way he'd been looking at me for the last hour.
"I think fate can be rather cruel Professor Hemsworth." I smiled at him as I finally closed the distance between us, watching his eyes flare with hunger when I called him Professor.
"Oh really? Why is that Miss Watson?" His eyes narrowed, his Adams apple bobbing in his throat as I got close enough to touch him, I didn't though. I didn't dare break that boundary, not yet.
I smiled at him through my lashes, biting on to my lip. "I was hoping to bump into you again too, only now the thought of what could've happened will have to remain a fantasy." Wow! I was not expecting that, did I sound like a slut? Shit. I looked back up at him and caught him gulp, that hunger in his eyes shining, his pupils blown with lust, he loosened his tie even more and I caught a glimpse of his smooth chest and chickened out. The tension was way too much and I was about to do something I was going to regret, I could live with being a huge tease instead.
"I better get to my next class, we can't have anyone thinking I'm your favourite now can we?" I smiled to myself when I noticed the muscles in his jaw tense as he ground his teeth together. Turning to leave I looked back over my shoulder and his eyes were glued to my hips, watching them sway as I walked and I realised I had him exactly where I wanted him but was it worth the risk?
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jjmaybanksbaby · 3 years
Where It Leads (Rafe Cameron)
Summer I
Part 02: That James Deam Daydream
series masterlist | previous part
summary: After the car accident, you haven’t been able to get Rafe out of your mind but hasn’t he already caused enough trouble?
a/n: With the semester ending I have a lot more free time so I plan on updating this series more consistently (ie weekly)!! I’m also gonna start a taglist for this series so if you want to be added to it drop a ☀️ in my inbox/messages!
word count: 1.5k
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The fluorescent lights of the hospital flooded your vision as you blinked your groggy eyes open. The machines you were connected to beeped slow and hypnotically beside you. You could feel the pain that would ripple through your body with every movement before had even attempted to sit up. Your breathing was labored and forced, an unusual sensation.
Your mom entered the room carrying two cups of steaming coffee which she placed on the small table in the corner of the room as soon as she noticed you were awake. She sat down quickly in the chair that was situated on the left side of your hospital bed. She automatically took your hand in hers.
"Oh, good, honey. You're awake. How are you feeling?" She asked, her brow knit together in concern. The bags under her eyes seemed to give you some indication of how long you'd been out. Your mother was always the most put together in the room. Her dirty blonde hair, the same color as yours, always gave the allusion of having been freshly blown out. Her makeup never looked chalky or stale, a skill you'd never quite been able to replicate. She lived in black blazers and stilettos, her purse resting in the nook of her arm.
The person holding tightly onto your hand in that hospital room was an entirely different version of your mom. One that two days ago had gotten a call that her daughter had gotten into a car crash, thrown a bunch of clothes in a suitcase, and board the first available flight from Oregon to the Outer Banks.
Your eyelids drooped, it was taking all your energy to keep them open so you let them close.
"Mom," you said, your voice coming out just barely above a whisper. "What happened?" You asked, even though you remembered most of what had happened the night of the crash.
The way you'd scrapped your knee climbing out of your window of your Nonna's house. The beautiful Cameron boy. The bonfire and the stink eye Phoebe had given you all night. The headlights of the car bellowing down the wrong side of the road. Rafe's hand grabbings yours.
Your mom reached up and brushed away a strand of hair that had fallen onto your face. "You were in a car crash y/n. The other car hit the side of the one you were in and pushed you into a ditch. The force of the airbag fractured your rib which punctured your lung. The doctors said you're gonna be okay but they're keeping you on an IV drip of some pain meds."
Your chest did feel heavy but not just from the injuries.
"Wh- what about Rafe? Is he okay?" You forced yourself to open your eyes.
Your mom breathed in sharply. "He's okay. He left the hospital yesterday with his dad with only a concussion and a broken wrist."
"Mmmhmm." You mumbled in acknowledgment. You could feel sleep taking over once again. "I love you." You said to your mom before drifting off.
Your bed was littered with the clothes you should have been packing because your flight left early tomorrow morning but instead, you were laying on the floor staring up at the ceiling, the fan whirling around rapidly. The August heat had seeped into the house, causing you to break into a sweat with the smallest movement. The sounds of the conversation between your Nonna and mom echoed from downstairs. You were sure they were probably arguing about you, again.
Your mom hadn't been able to let the accident go even though. You tried to explain to her how you'd left the house without your Nonna's permission so it wasn't like it was totally her fault. You sighed, wincing at the pain that still ran through your body when you took too deep a breath.
A tiny ping filled your ears causing you to sit up.
Ping. There it was again.
A third peddle hit your window. You walked over to it, sliding it open to see Rafe standing on the lawn below.
Your breath hitched. You hadn't seen him since that night but he looked exactly the same except for the black splint on his wrist.
"Hi," he yelled, cupping his hands around his mouth so his voice carried.
You glanced over your shoulder nervous that your mom or Nonna were going to walk into the room at any moment having heard Rafe's shouting.
"Come up here," you replied, waving him up to your room.
With a surprising amount of speed for someone with only one good wrist, he pulled himself up the side of the porch and climbed through your window.
His eyes meet yours as he landed on the carpet and words escaped you entirely. The sparks that had been there that night hadn't disappeared at all.
"Hey, stranger," Rafe said, failing to hold back a smirk.
"Nice cast," you replied.
He looked down at it and quickly back up at you. "I'm sorry about everything. I promised to get you home safe and then got us into a car crash. Not exactly how I pictured the night ending." He forced a laugh but the regret in his voice was unmissable.
You took a step closer to him. "You don't have to apologize Rafe. You did everything you could. And I'm okay. You're okay. We're alive." There was more you wanted to say but the words seemed to disappear before you could form them.
Rafe closed the distance between the two of you stopping right in front of you. "God, I like you so much and I really fucked it up. Didn't I?"
This time a genuine laugh escaped you. "I think we might be able to salvage it." You responded feeling unusually bold. You grabbed his face, pulling him down to your level and placed an urgent kiss on his lips.
He slipped his own hand behind your neck, keeping your mouth pressed against his. The air around you was electric and neither of you dared to pull away first.
The door to your bedroom swung open and your Nonna's loud stern voice suddenly took over.
"Y/n y/l/n."
You stepped away from Rafe quickly, dropping your arms to your side. You turned around to face your Nonna. Her face was set with anger.
"Out Mr. Cameron." She instructed.
"Right. I was just leaving." He replied, moving back towards the window.
"Out the front door." Your Nonna clarified.
"Oh, yeah. Of course. My bad." Rafe said. His eyes connected with yours for just a moment as he walked out of the room. Your head the front door close behind him a few beats later.
You stayed frozen in the middle of the room, awaiting the lecture you knew was coming next.
Your Nonna crossed the room and shut the window.
"You're letting all the a/c out." She said, dryly.
"I'm sorry," you responded, apologizing for more than leaving the window open.
"A Cameron boy almost ruined your mother's life. I won't let the same thing happen to you." Your Nonna pushed some of your clothes aside and sat down on the bed.
"Your mom," she started again. "She started dating Rafe's dad, Ward, during her junior year. He was a year older and going to UNC in the fall. She wanted to follow him after she graduated high school. She thought she loved him and I told her no. Told her she could pick anywhere else but I wouldn't pay for her to throw her life away for puppy love. They broke up in October of her senior year. She barely spoke more than a few words to me for months. Then she moved away to California for college and didn't call me her entire freshman year. It was the hardest thing I've had to do as a mother. It almost ruined me. Ruined our relationship. But he was never going to really make her happy. He didn't love her like she loved him and it would never have lasted and then she'd be stuck at a school that she hadn't chosen for herself." Your Nonna looked up at you as she finished speaking.
"Do you understand what I'm saying?" She asked. "That Cameron boy isn't good for you." Your Nonna stood up and walked over to you. She placed a kiss on your forehead. "I love you, muffin."
"I love you too." You replied. "I gotta finish packing."
"Okay," she said, closing the door behind her as she walked out of your room.
You flopped backward onto your bed and let out an audible groan. You had finally kissed Rafe Cameron and of course, your Nonna had to walk in at that moment.
Your phone, which had been previously discarded in the mess on your bed, buzzed. You pulled it out from under a pile of swimsuits. A text from Rafe popped up on the screen.
r: 'I'm officially scared of your grandma.'
y/n: 'hahah did you know our parents dated in hs?'
r: 'Really? I didn't. Weird.'
r: 'When do you leave?'
y/n: 'tomorrow moring'
The three dots showing that Rafe was typing appeared the screen up again and then went away. You waited another moment before turning your phone off and tossing it to the side.
You knew your Nonna just wanted the best for you but it wasn't gonna be easy to get Rafe Cameron out of your head.
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Blaine Anderson, my New York love.
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I'm on the verge of finishing glee, and honestly I just can't help but write another Blaine fic, because I'm utterly convinced that (with the exception of Jeon Jungkook) Darren Criss as Blaine Anderson is the love of my life.
🦋 Blaine Anderson x fem!! reader,, trigger warnings: none.
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Blaine twirls you in his arms and captures your lips in a kiss, as your name echoes along the auditorium. “as for the final name on our list, miss y/n l/n! And there you have it folks, those are your graduates for this year.”
Your arms are wrapped around his neck, and he's holding you so tight. “I'm so happy, oh y/n, we're going to spend the rest of our college days together.”
You can't muster out words, so you manage to nod whilst being clamped in his embrace, the tassel of his cap tickling your forehead.
“The rest of my days with the love of my life. What more could I ask for?” whispered Blaine rhetorically, as Sam and Tina joined the hug.
“We're moving to New York together!” said the blonde excitedly as all the new graduates threw their caps in the air.
Well, you tried to throw yours too, but by the way you were sandwiched between Blaine and Sam, it would be impossible to without giving either one of them, if not both, a bruise. So you smiled and kissed Blaine's forehead instead.
“We're graduates now, sweetheart.”
“We are, aren't we?”
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Every single day, was pure unadulterated bliss. The type of happiness that made your skin hot, and eyes sparkle. And the root of your smiles, was one Blaine Devon Anderson.
Even today, just like every other day since arriving at the Big Apple; you woke up with his arms around you, and your head against his chest. Throughout the night, he held you so closely and delicately, it almost made you cry at how gentle he was.
And nothing beat waking up to his warmth and soft sighs in the morning. Because another thing you adored about New York, or rather, the apartment you lived in, was that the shades were right above your bed. And every single day, the sun would hit his eyes just right, and his hazel irises would be illumined to look gorgeously alluring.
“I'm the luckiest guy ever, you know?” he whispered, as the sleep slowly wore off, and he turned to face you.
“I think I'm the luckiest girl.”
“Maybe that's why we're made for each other. Because we're both so lucky.”
“oh yeah? Blaine, love, as much as I'd love to sing "Lucky" with you right now, we have to get ready for school.”
He chuckled softly and began folding the blankets as you smoothed the sheets. “Alright we'll just sing it on the way out, then.”
And thus began the steady morning routine you and Blaine had gotten used to. With Sam and Tina in the next room, you had to be quiet.
Blaine twirled you around as you chose a dress and pressed a kiss to your neck, before turning away to make you coffee and pancakes.
“You know, I would serve you breakfast in bed. But I just, don't want to get out of bed if you're still in it. I'd much rather be holding you in my arms.” he confessed, as he handed you the mug.
You accepted it gratefully and sat down to eat with him.
Another rule of yours and his, was that no matter how hectic life got, or how early you had to wake up, breakfast would be eaten together.
“I've actually always dreamed of starting my day with breakfast with you.” and ever since he heard that, Blaine promised you he'd always make time to share his first meal of the day with you.
“Good morning lovebirds” said Sam, as his bedhead and blue eyes lidded with sleep emerged to view. “Tina's still sleeping, she doesn't have classes today”
Blaine nodded and downed his coffee before pulling you along with him.
“We'll be late” he said with a small smile, as his hands found yours. The cold air of the New York morning filled with hope and possibility made you smile even wider, and Blaine's words were caught in his throat.
God, he lived to see your smile. He really did.
“It's okay right? That I'm in most of your classes? You don't find it weird or anything?”
“Why would I?” you eyed him and leaned over to peck his cheek. “I'm going to spend all day with the love of my life. What's there to not like?”
Blaine looked relieved as a slow grin spread over his face. In truth, he had been thinking about it for the longest of times. Would you find him clingy? Would you hate him for constantly wanting to spend time with you?
But here you were, just as excited as he was. You shone with radiance next to him, and for the first time in his life, he knew he had never been more sure of anything as he was with you.
“Hey, we uh, didn't get to sing "lucky" back there in the apartment...”
“We didn't, but who's to say we can't now?”
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In class, the NYADA lecturers were tough, but having Blaine's presence was comforting, and the thought of him being able to protect you, or help if you were ever stuck, made a huge impact.
“Alright class, find a partner. We're going to be doing ballroom dancing!”
With a comfortable ease, Blaine pulled you into his arms and fit his hands around your waist. “Remember that one time when I told you girls have beautiful bodies?”
And still, he made you blush with his charming words. Boistered by your reaction, he continued as he expertly twirled you around according to the demonstration. “Yeah, well, you have the most beautiful body of them all.”
You didn't trust your voice, and instead flashed him a shy smile. The dance ended, and your NYADA professor sauntered up to the two of you. “Good work”
“Yeah we make a really great team.” said Blaine softly as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. Beautiful.
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Walking home together in the comfortable silence was also another part of the day you looked forward to. Especially when your hands were interlocked together, and the soft smile on his face was a reflection of yours.
Today however, Blaine was unusually jittery. “I love waking up next to you every single morning.”
“I do too, but what's all this about?”
“I don't know. I just, had the urge, you know? To tell you how I truly feel about you. I love the smell of your body wash and the radiance of your smile. I love the way you walk, when you're trying to slow down because I pace slower. I love how you help me pick out a bow-tie every single morning, and laugh when you help me put it on. Similarly, I love the way you pull it off of me in the evening. I love the way you glance at me from over your shoulder and the way that small part of your nape was just made for me to kiss.”
By now, you were a bewildered, flustered mess. But Blaine had the most earnest eyes. He was never afraid of intimacy. With you? He craved it.
“And y/n, damn, I just, love you so much I never believed in soulmates, but when I look at you, I really do.”
Blaine then reached into his pocket to find a ring. Getting down on one knee, your breath hitched as his eyes gleamed up at you.
“when I first met you at McKinley, I was lost. I was broken and hopeless. But I guess it's true when they say you have to lose something to gain another better one.”
“Y/n, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. When I fell in love with you, it's almost as if my soul was trying to tell me it finally felt whole.”
“It's almost as if we were made for each other, because that's how perfectly we fit. I know we were lovers in all our past lives, but I'm so glad to have found you early in this one; because all I've ever wanted to do...
Is spend my life loving you.”
Tears were streaming down your face as the world seemed to have stopped spinning.
“Will you marry me?”
Before he could even finish talking you launched yourself on him, pushing him to the ground beneath you. Not caring where you were, not caring who was there.
“Yes yes yes yes yes, I'll keep saying yes for as long as I can” you whispered as he chuckled beneath you, and helped you up.
Suddenly, music filled the street as the glee club, and the Warblers emerged and burst into song with their own rendition of "Marry me".
And although their voices were beautiful, you couldn't help but listen to something even better; the soft promises of Blaine Anderson as he swore to make you happy for the rest of eternity.
And frankly, did you ever have any doubt?
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That night, after all the parties and congratulations from your friends, you leaned over him “Hi” you said softly. His eyes fixated on yours and he smiled at you fondly. “Hi babe.”
You laughed slyly and pulled him closer to you by his famous bow-tie. “Shall we remove this first, or only leave it on for the rest of the night?
Your bold words earned you a smirk from him. “You're an expert at turning me on, aren't you?”
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xelles-archive · 4 years
Her Cure
➥ Peter Maximoff x Self-insert
➥ Genre: Fluff with a bit of venting
➥ Summary: Peter comes to his girlfriend's house, but wasn't expecting to see her with a down mood.
➥ Word Count: 3.3k
➥ Warnings: Don't read if you don't like sharing Peter as an f/o. This is super, SUPER self-indulgent, so please don't send any hate.
➥ A/N: I'll be using she/her pronouns in this story because I still haven't gotten used to writing myself as 'they' in stories. Also, Peter's little sister's name isn't confirmed. It's just a headcanon of mine that her name is Lorna.
➥ Tags: @nougatships @just-sinag @selfshipping-port
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The ringing from the alarm clock on Peter's desk was the very first thing that welcomed him into this new day, but the repeating, annoying sound was immediately dismissed when he slammed his hand on it. He nearly punched down the whole thing due to his pressure. He groggily sat up on his bed and harshly rubbed his eye. "Agh!" He groaned, getting weird glitches in his vision. That didn't stop Peter from doing his routine though, as it quickly disappeared, too.
He went to his closet and changed from his pajamas to his casual wear. The classic black band t-shirt and silver leather jacket. He dashed upstairs once, then came back to his room and grabbed a comb to brush his hair. "Hell yeah, you're looking great." He clicked his tongue and pointed finger guns at himself in the mirror. He finally went upstairs, for real this time.
He was met with his mother cooking breakfast, and the smell of eggs and bacon rose to Peter's nostrils, making him inhale the precious scent. It was a classic breakfast, and he can't wait to eat it.
Finally, after a minute or so, Magda noticed his presence. "Oh, Peter! I didn't notice you there." She looked behind to give her son a bright smile, which he nicely reflected back. "Oh, well, ya know. Just doin' things as fast as I can." Peter shrugged his shoulders, as the sarcasm in his line of voice made the woman giggle. The wide smile stuck on her face as she went back to cooking. "It's almost finished. Maybe you could wake up your sister for the meantime."
Peter nodded in response, and even though his mom wasn't looking, she knew he already obeyed what she said. It's one of the good sides to his mutation.
Not even a minute has passed, and the young boy was already back to his previous spot. The mother looked at him in confusion and opened her mouth to ask, but Peter already knew – almost like predicting it — what she was supposed to say. "She's dressing up. Don't worry."
She smiled again, and expected nothing more or less of her son. When was there a time without Peter ever lightening up the mood? She doesn't remember at least one moment when it felt boring in the house, well, probably except before Peter came.
But none of that matters, as they're all together now.
Soon enough, the youngest member of the family came down. "Hey there, lil sis." Peter greeted his younger sibling, who seemed to be still sleepy. She yawned quite loudly and nearly fell off when she climbed up on the chair. Even with the lack of response, the cute little scene that occurred in front of him made Peter smile. "Still sleepy, huh?" He mocked.
Lorna merely hummed and nodded her head with her eyes still fluttering open. Their mother turned around with two plates in her hand, scooting them over to where Peter and Lorna were sitting. Both of them childishly eyed the well-done dish, their mouths watering in hunger. "Well then, let's dig in." The woman clasped her hands together, and the small family grabbed their respective utensils to start eating.
In just a blink of an eye, Peter was munching down on the food. Maybe too fast. Not even having a single bite, Magda placed down her spoon on the plate. "Peter, slow down." She remarked, quite calmly in fact. As a mother, she had the right to be concerned of her children's intentions.
"Hm?" Peter looked up from his plate, and when he saw the disapproving look on his mother's face, he gulped down the food as hard as he can. "Sorry." He raised his hand as a sign of apology.
A gentle smile replaced the frown on her face. "What's with the rush? Do you have a date?"
Lorna nearly choked on her food as soon as their mother ended her statement. She placed down her utensils and looked over to his older brother with excited eyes. "You're going out with Xelle again?!"
"Whaaaaat?" Peter scoffed. "Noooo." He waved his hand, rolling his eyes as he did so. "I'm just gonna visit her house, that's all." He was supposedly going to continue eating, but Lorna still had more questions. This little girl was always excited when it comes to Peter's girlfriend.
"But it's still considered a date, right?" She raised her eyebrows, awaiting for her older brother's response. Peter opened his mouth to speak, closed it, then opened it again with a cocked brow. "I guess? I mean, we're still going out, so yeah, maybe it's considered a date." He just shrugged it off as he grabbed his glass of water to drink.
Lorna squealed, shaking her arms in excitement, and even rocking her legs back and forth under the table. "Ooooh man! I can't wait to have my sister-in-law!"
Even one single word could cause everything to crumble. Their mother had been listening to their conversations at the start, but she wasn't expecting to hear such words from her daughter. Her eyes widened, while Peter spat out the water he was drinking. Magda quickly scolded him for making a mess in front of them. But then, it's gone in an instant. The table looked clean again.
The mother anxiously looked over to her daughter, giving her an uncertain smile. "Maybe that's too early for your brother, dear."
Tilting her head in confusion, she asked another question. Oh, how different the circumstances will be if Xelle was here right now. She could have hushed the young girl, at least. "Why? Is he not old enough to marry her?"
"Okay, Lorna, I'm only twenty years old." Peter suddenly intruded in the conversation as he wiped the excess liquid on his face. "Plus, I still got college to catch up to. I don't wanna rush things."
Their mother laughed at him. "That's funny coming from you." It took a while for Lorna to register the joke, but even Peter's humor was fast enough for him to understand. He didn't even realize he was making a joke, yet he still laughed along. "Hah, real funny, Mom. Anyway, I gotta go." He took one last bite from his food before dashing off, probably to Xelle's place.
Neither of the two females were able to say something before he left. Magda's eyes brought themselves to check Peter's plate, and she was not happy to see it. She frowned, and even if she knew he wouldn't hear her, she shouted out his name.
He suddenly appeared in the dining room again. "Sorry. Again." He gave his mother an apologetic smile as he grabbed his plate and washed it really quickly. He made sure he got to say goodbye properly this time.
Magda released a sigh. "I sure do hope I'll get a daughter-in-law, too."
The young girl smiled widely at her mother. "So you agree with me!"
Arriving in his girlfriend's place, Peter was refreshed to see the familiar green plants in her tiny little garden. With all the flowers and succulents, her house looked adorable. Thank heavens her father allowed her to live alone. He's been here multiple times already, mainly for checking up on her and taking her out on dates, but when he saw somebody on her doorstep, he stopped in his tracks.
It looked like a woman. Well, at least to Peter. She had long brownish hair and wore fancy clothing, she even had a purse dangling from her arm. There stood Xelle in the doorway, a clear frown on her face. Peter furrowed his eyebrows in worry as he watched this lady talk to his girlfriend. He couldn't hear what they were saying from this distance, so he just stood there. Besides, it was only a few steps away.
A few minutes had passed, and the lady finally turned around and entered her car, which was parked just outside. Peter pretended to walk as a passerby when the car zoomed past him. He looked behind him to check the plate number.
Xelle didn't even bother to look after that lecture from her stepmother. She ran her hand over her hair, tugging on it out of anger, as a long, sad sigh escaped from her lips. She had been fighting off her tears while she listened to those harsh words. She always thought of herself as a crybaby, and now that she finally has some time alone, she closed the door.
Or maybe not.
The female looked at her door, making an assumption that someone was behind it. She looked down at the ground, catching a glimpse of that silver-colored shoe she always recognized, stuck in between the door frame. She immediately opened the door, and to no surprise, she was faced with her boyfriend.
Peter waved his hand as a cute smile was embedded on his face. He didn't even need to say anything and Xelle already found herself smiling again, even the slightest. "Hi, Peter."
That was highly unusual. She'd usually jump at him for a hug or smile widely at him. The young boy noticed her change of behavior, the smile on his face disappearing. "You okay?" He brought his hand down.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She responded, turning around as she allowed Peter to come inside. He was polite enough to remove his shoes and set it aside before actually coming in. He closed the door and followed Xelle into the kitchen, which was just beside the living room.
Washing dishes, once again. Never the same, never different either. Peter watched her fingers gracefully slip past the smooth plates and place them down on a dryer. It was a weird thing for him to observe, but he loved every little thing about her. He can't resist himself.
Xelle was finally done with the dishes, dabbing a towel on her hands to get rid of the wetness, when Peter suddenly appeared beside her. He leaned onto the counter as he smiled at her. "So who was that lady earlier?"
Bringing her gaze to him, she raised an eyebrow at him. "What lady?" She asked as she hung the towel on the fridge's handle. "The lady you were talking to in the doorway." Peter responded, tilting his head while he awaited for her answer.
Xelle narrowed her eyes at him. "You were eavesdropping on us?" She asked in disbelief. The male in front of her widened his eyes and awkwardly laughed. "What? No. I just saw you talking with her." He stood up straight, placing a firm hand on her waist and bringing her over to him. Their bodies ended up colliding each other as their eyes focused on the ones in front of them. "You know I wouldn't lie to you." He pushed back a strand of her hair behind her ear.
She smiled at him, genuinely this time. "I know." As she thought the heavy burden in her chest was finally going to disappear, it just came back again. The corners of her lips deepened themselves into a frown, and to prevent Peter from seeing it, she pushed herself away from him. "But you don't need to worry about her. She's just my stepmother." She walked away into the living room.
Peter was, at first, confused why she suddenly distanced herself like that. The biggest thing that confused him was the stepmother. "Wait, stepmother? You have a stepmom?" He questioned as he followed her path.
"Yeah," she plopped down on the couch, "she and Papa didn't last long, though." Grabbing the remote control, she turned on the television. Her arm was laid out on the couch's backrest while her other one faced the squarish electronic. "But like I said, you don't need to worry about her." A few static sounds were brought to life until she stopped to one channel.
Even if she says that, of course he's still going to worry. Xelle was acting strange and he was not liking it. He pressed his lips into a thin line, shaking his head and stepping towards the couch. "Do you really think," he started as he sat beside Xelle, "I would believe that when you have that look on your face?"
Xelle brought her gaze to him and slightly tilted her head. "What do you mean?" In a flash, the remote control in her hand was gone. She looked at the absence of the object for a quick moment before she looked at Peter, who now had the remote in his hand, with wide eyes. "You know what I mean." He turned off the television and set the remote aside.
The short-haired female merely stayed silent and stared at him with uncertainty, this lack of response made Peter cross his arms. "C'moooon. You can't keep hiding things from me." He cooed a bit teasingly.
She knows she can't. He could always tell when something is bothering her, and that's why she still loves him to this very day. It's one of the biggest reasons why she's so happy every time she's with him. She took one deep breath before crawling over to Peter, to which took him by surprise. "Oop-" He yelped as Xelle pushed him down on the couch. She somehow got in between his legs and made herself comfortable to lay on his chest.
The adorable sight that took appearance in front of Peter's eyes made him chuckle out of amusement. He wrapped his arms around her and smirked down at her. "What, we're just gonna cuddle without even telling me what the problem is?"
Xelle giggled in response. As soon as her light laughter died down, her eyes wandered off to somewhere. "It's just…" She started. "Sometimes it's hard having alexithymia."
"Alexi- wha-" Peter narrowed his eyes, but it didn't take him long to realize what she was talking about. "Ohh, right. Alexithemic."
"Alexithymia." She corrected him.
"Right. Yeah."
She couldn't help but to at least smile at his silliness. "I don't know, it's just, it's hard expressing my emotions." The weight on her body — even though nothing was on her — felt heavy, as she found herself sinking deeper into Peter's embrace. "Especially since I don't have the confidence to speak up." Her hands gently hovered his shoulders. "I mean, it's not very severe, but it's, it's still difficult. It causes misunderstandings."
"Your emotions seep out a lot to me, though."
Xelle brought her eyes to look at him. He had that adorable little smile and raised his eyebrows, as if he was trying to prove what she said was wrong. "I could tell that you're sad, and…happy, oh, and…angry?" His statement sounded so unsure, but that somehow still made her laugh.
That's all he wanted to hear, after all.
A tiny chuckle is enough to relieve him that she's doing fine. He doesn't really consider himself a good person to ask for advice, but if Xelle sees him that way, he'll try the best he can.
Peter caressed the top of her head, despite the shortness of her hair, he wanted to get a better look on her face. "I'm kidding. But what makes you say that?" He tried to continue the conversation.
"Well, you saw my stepmother earlier, right?"
"Yeah." She fiddled with her fingers and lightly clasped them together as she tried to find the right words to say. Peter could sense a bit of hesitance from her, but nonetheless, he waited for her to speak. "We kinda got into, uh, we got into an argument because I didn't get to say I'm sorry." Fully clasping her fingers together into a tight hold, her breath hitched for a quick second. "It's, it's one of the things I hate about myself."
Xelle was supposed to bury her face on Peter's chest out of the shame, until she felt sudden movement and had no choice but to look up. "Heeey." Peter pushed himself up with his arms and stared down at her. "Just because you didn't get to do something you want doesn't mean you can hate yourself." He said, receiving an astonished look from his girlfriend.
He didn't know what he truly meant, but he was saying it from the heart. He knew how it felt like to hate yourself for the things you do. He just didn't want to see the sweetest girl he had ever met do it to herself, too.
"I mean," his eyes looked everywhere before quickly bringing themselves back to Xelle, "you were considering the fact that you should apologize to her. That already makes you a good person, right?" He attempted to reach out to her face and caress her cheek with his thumb. "Besides, if you hate yourself, I'm hating myself, too."
Eyes burning up in tears, Xelle found herself melting into Peter's touch. A silent weep escaped from her lips, and as she couldn't bring herself to speak up, she just nodded her head in response. It was so easy for her to tear up, and yet Peter doesn't mind any of that. As soon as he saw her crying, he brought her into a hug. At moments like these, it felt like her alexithymia was gone.
Peter was her cure.
What sounded like sniffs turning into sobs eventually took over the conversation as the couple found comfort just by being in each other's arms. Peter gave her the time to let out her tears, giving her occasional back rubs and gripping onto her like he didn't want to ever let her go. It always hurt him to see her like this.
When her tightened posture finally loosened up, and her breath seemed to slow down, Peter also found himself finally calming down. It almost felt like their heartbeats were synchronized, being so physically close to each other gave them more of a chance to be connected.
Just as Peter opened his mouth to speak, his ears was met with something he never expected to hear on a day like this,
"I love you."
His eyes widened. "What?"
"I said I love you, Peter."
Did she really say that? She never voluntarily says 'I love you' to anyone, including Peter himself. Did she just really say 'I love you' to him?
"I- Wow-" He stopped himself mid-sentence as he chortled. Xelle pulled herself away and took a glance at her boyfriend's shocked expression. The corners of her lips brought themselves up to form a smile as she breathed out a laugh. "What, you're not used to it?" She teased.
"Yeah, well," Peter shook his head, "you never say those three words to anyone." He spoke through gritted teeth. Xelle's chest felt lighter as she released another hearty laugh. That laugh of hers that always gets Peter's head in cloud nine. It's something he always treasured, and now that he heard it again, he almost flinched when he felt her hands fondle with his cheeks. "Then consider yourself lucky." She placed a peck on his nose before nuzzling her face in his neck.
Peter was left speechless, his mouth slightly agape, after that unexpected occurrence. That quick nose kiss made his heart skip an extra beat. He was weak for those types of kisses. He doesn't know why, but he always gets flushed and hot when he receives affection from Xelle — let alone her rare, peculiar, wholesome behavior.
He was going to wrap his arms around her, when an idea popped in his head.
"Hey, you know what?"
She hummed in response, staying in position.
Peter grabbed her shoulders and gently pushed her away, grinning widely at her.
"I love you too." Using his superspeed to his advantage, he showered her with lots of kisses on her face. To Xelle, it felt like she was being tickled. She laughed out loud as she tried to cover her face from any further kisses, but they still kept coming. Overwhelmed with the amount of love she's getting, she just slammed her hands and managed to catch Peter's face, finally closing in their distance and placing a firm kiss on his lips. It wasn't long enough before he gave in and returned the pleasure to her.
At this moment of time and day, Xelle feels content with everything that involves Peter.
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159potterhead · 3 years
(this is answer to the previous ask. It's gonna be long. I'll try to give you the insight)
Yeah. I mean apart from me there's also this one other guy he's also regular victim like me coz he also broke a rule but he gets bullied by different seniors not the Michael guy gang. And it's not particularly about the gang or the group coz all those seniors are friends with each other so anyone can bully any junior. This guy has a job for calling me when those seniors ask to see me and this guy makes a run to the cafe coz those seniors wants to eat something. He's always running around here and there. I feel bad for him.
There are more than 200 peeps I guess. They had human ethics class when they called me but that time professor wasn't taking their lecture so most of them left but then too there were too many people in there. Yk I told you I'm in Biotech so like this we have all kind of subjects for major like physics, chemistry, maths, statistics, life science and many more and for all these branches we have a common subject called Human ethics which is compulsory for every one. So all of the branches together sit in one big classroom for this subject.
Tbh, I really don't know what that guy wants, I thought maybe I'll avoid him so I won't get in trouble but it happened opposite coz he got seriously pissed after that. That was the most embarrassing day of my life, I remember everything, I got very close to crying. And he never really talks to me but he called me in their class and was like, why are you avoiding me? And I can't say that to his face, so, I said, 'I was not.' And then he listed a few palce where I tried to avoid him and I had no answer to that, it's a long story but he bought that list of slangs that I once wrote and he told me to read the whole list (it has around 70 curse words half which I had to make up on my own. Initially it 50 but afterwards they increased it. I'll get to it later) He told me I had to yell those words until the person sitting on the last bench can hear me. It was brutal. And he was standing right on my head saying, 'I can't hear you,' I would have killed him that day. I got very close to crying. I only made it till 4-5 words. I skipped few days after that day it was the worst thing ever that's how everyone in his year got to know about me.
Yes! I tried to avoid him many times. If I saw him coming I used to changed my path and I think he noticed coz I wasn't subtle at all. And idk what's up with him coz he started playing hide and seek, if he noticed me changing direction or going the long way to avoid him he just used to take the short route and get there before me just to freak me out. And that guy is not even in my line of vision he's way taller than me and I freaked out every time when he used to come in front of me suddenly out of nowhere. I looked okay not a big deal from outside but from inside I always went in emergency mode, my hands used to get cold. Sue me, I have anxiety I can't help it and if someone will act like this I will feel a little afraid or intimidated yk. And after that task of reading the list out loud he stopped. So that was relief. I often think does these people don't have humanity or what. If I was a guy I would never do this to a girl. And yk this bullying part is also a reason why I'm done with guys. Don't be sorry, it's okay I had my fun in school, so I was kinda prepared for this.
I think you didn't get it. It's the weird universal rule going on from ages, we have to give respect to every senior even if they are from other branch. The rules are not made up by any college authority. It's just something that is going on among students, professors doesn't know a thing about it. There are many rules. We have two cafes over here and one of them is strictly reserved for seniors, a junior person cannot step a foot over there.
Yesss! You get me! That's why I was looking. I don't think it's peer pressure. I think that he thinks I don't respect him and I broke the rule. I think he got more confident after his friends knew. And I think his friends told people of his class that's why they all knew my name.
All my friends and classmates already knows about it. They can't do anything coz those people are their seniors too, and we are supposed to do as they say. One of my tired tried to help me coz she knew someone in the senior batch and that person talked to that Michael guy about me and guess what? They just doubled the slangs. And I had to prove my innocence and I bargained but then too I ended up writing 70. So there's that.
(it’s alright, write ten pages even if you’ve got to)
it’s all cause of those stupid rules!!😡 oh my, poor kid:(( y’all have feet, go and get your own food from the cafeteria! i’m starting to feel bad for him too, he’s just trying to get along with his college years, let him be!!
ohh, so you get stuck in the same hall for a whole lecture? that’s just nice🤦🏻‍♀️
yeah that makes absolutely no sense btw🤨?? baby noo😭 I wish I had been there for you!! umm we have nothing between us, I can avoid you if I want to?? jeez I wanna punch this dude so bad rn. ok srsly what is up with that list omg. YOURE JOKING????? HE MADE YOU DO THAT??? IS HE INSANE OR INSANE??!!? im so so so sorry!!!! that just sounds like an awful way to get introduced to the rest of the school, plus I can’t imagine the toll it had on you!!😭😭
???? what a creep??? I mean that’d be fine if it was a friend, but what the hell does he want?? you have a right to be intimidated, and it’s not your fault you’ve got anxiety, can’t he get it?!! either he finally saw that his actions are that of the devil and felt sorry for you and stopped, which I doubt very much. or someone in that class saw and made him stop afterwards. he shouldn’t be doing this to anyone, regardless!! this is your actual villain origin story against guys, and honestly, I can very clearly see why now. even though, this doesn’t mean that you deserved an ounce of it!
how is that supposed to be any better?? and fine I can show respect, but to the point of calling them maam and sir, is this a school or military grounds? yeah okay that reserved spot thing is passable.
ah okay... a shitty dude followed by shitty friends... how respectful.
honestly thank god I don’t attend your college, no offense. under whose authority am I to blindly do as they say, I don’t get it, I really don’t! oh that’s just great😫 props to them for talking to him though. that just sucks, I am incredibly sorry! :(((
🎶honey I'll be your shelter, I'll be the one to take you through the night. whenever you need shelter, I'll make everything alright, make everything alright🎶💕
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7team7 · 5 years
I'm twenty when I'm with you: chapter three
Chapter title: Floor mates
Summary: Soulmate AU: Sasuke and Sakura go to the same college, where they end up being floor mates in the dorms.
Rating: T
chapter one / two / four / five / six 
Sakura had just moved into her new college dorm and everything was looking good so far. Scented candles that were technically against the rules to light? Check. Too many pillows on the bed for her to use at once? Check. Cute pictures of her and Ino all over the wall? Check. She left her door propped open in hopes of someone stopping by to say hello while she continued to unpack and tidy up her space.
So when the biggest spider she’d ever seen decided to drop down to her floor from the middle of the ceiling, the entire floor must have heard her piercing scream.
She was frozen. Of all things to greet her on the first day, a big ugly spider had to be it?
Someone—her savior—knocked on her door frame,“everything okay?” (The deep voice sounded slightly out of breath, as if they heard her scream and came running.)
“Can you please come kill this spider—oh! It’s you!”
Sakura had her fair share of embarrassing moments in life, but this one was looking like it would take the cake for “most mortification felt at one time.”
Sasuke Uchiha, her secret crush since the day she saw him one year ago, and who she hadn’t really seen much of since he delivered her food, was leaned against the doorway looking an illegal level of handsome. All while Sakura thought she was going to die because of this very unwelcome spider.
He nodded once to acknowledge her, like yes, it’s me. Of course. Who else would the universe bring to you?
Then he took a look down at the floor and Sakura felt marginally better when his eyes widened at the size of the spider. But then she realized he has to be kind of insane because he marched into her room with his bare palm open, as if he was going to slap the spider out of existence and into the next dimension.
“Ah, ah, wait! I’ll grab you a tissue,” she said as she gingerly stepped around him to avoid walking directly over the spider. But he was standing right in front of the shelf with the tissues, and if he moved any further into her room, he would be the one standing over the spider, and that just wasn’t okay either. So Sakura had to slide against him to pluck a tissue from the shelf as Sasuke stood rigidly in front of her, keeping watch of the spider. She was still standing awkwardly behind him, not wanting to step any closer to the unwanted guest, so she reached around his very broad back to hand him the tissue.
Sasuke moved too quickly for her to notice the faint redness dusted across his cheeks, but after he crushed the spider with far more force than needed, he muttered, “let me know if more show up.” It simply wouldn’t do to have the floor infested with easily exterminated spiders, especially if they insisted on bothering his pink haired floor mate.
It turned out Sasuke and Sakura’s schedules aligned just as well as they did in high school. They took many of the same entry level courses and therefore left the dorm at the same time each day. Sakura’s chattering helped him wake up and prepare for morning lecture. Even during their downtime, the two seemed to drift together naturally. It mostly started when Sasuke stuck around the library at night until Sakura was ready to pack up so he could walk her home. It unsettled him to think of someone so small, so easily startled by a spider, to walk in the dark by herself.
She had yawned and closed her laptop, signaling that she was calling it a night. Without a word, Sasuke finished up what he was working on and started putting his things away as well. They got up from their chairs at the same time, and Sakura’s brain was so fried from studying, she simply thought it was a coincidence. He was glad she wasn’t too tired to smile at him.
“You’re leaving too? Perfect, we can walk together,” Sakura said as they made their way to the library’s exit.
Yeah, together, perfect. All that.  
It turned into Sasuke often knocking on Sakura’s door with a simple, “study room’s open, saved you a spot.” Sakura made sure to bring Sasuke a bit of food from the dining hall on weekends since Sasuke tended to sleep in past the breakfast hours. He always picked up a copy of the school paper and handed it to her with the pages turned to the crossword puzzle.
Even when she convinced him to take kickboxing classes with her at the gym and he learned of her terrifying strength, he still insisted on walking her home at night. Although she clearly didn’t need his protection, he enjoyed her company. With fewer students out and about, the cool night air and twinkling stars were a comfortable and intimate setting. Did the moon notice the way they looked at each other?    
Sakura had spent many nights wondering why Sasuke occupied her thoughts so often when he hardly interacted with her during high school. Why did he fit into her life schedule so easily these days? Why was it so easy to be around someone who had a tendency to freeze people out? She didn’t want to get a big head, but it felt like he paid particular attention to her.
The worst part of living on the same floor as Sasuke, though, had to be the way he came in and out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Once, when she was trying to apply a face mask by the sink, she asked him why he didn’t put on a robe and wasn’t he cold? He scooted past her by placing a hand on her lower back, “Hn. A bit. Lend me yours?” Sasuke stepped into the shower and shut the door before Sakura could respond.
Sakura, clad in a fluffy red robe, had to bite her arm to keep from screaming. Didn’t he know it was a safety hazard to look like... that ? Truly a distraction. She should be able to put on a mud mask in peace.
A/N: yes I lived on a co-ed floor my freshman year and yes we shared bathrooms, it was actually a fun gathering space but also gross because ew teenage boys
If anyone needs a layout of the spaces I can try to show you on twitter lol
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simpinforyoongi · 5 years
Good Bad Day ~
Collegestudent! Namjoon x Collegestudent!reader ~
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(i know the pic doesn't suit this oneshot but i just can't omksks)
Pairing: Collegestudent!Namjoon x collegestudent!reader
Genre: Angst, attempted humour,
Warnings: swearing
Summary: When your bully-not-bully Namjoon takes it a bit too far on a day that already had been bad, you snap. But maybe this bad day wouldn't turn out to be so bad after all.
If you had to describe today in one word, it would, without doubt, be this. Today had simply sucked.
It sucked harder than that one exam you had to give about which you liTerAlLY came to know on the exam day itself. It sucked harder than that time when you missed your FRIgGIN school trip which you had been waiting for for MONTHS! And it sucked harder than the day you met Kim Namjoon. Yea. And oh boy is that a big statement.
Allow me to explain part 1:
[Dum dum dum flashback time brought to you byyyyyy 🍑 & 🍦, sweeter than sweet]
In simple words, Kim Namjoon was your bully. But also not exactly??? a bully?? because he didn't really "bully" you. Because if you actually take a minute to think about it, he never physically hurt you. Not gravely at least. But he also was your bully in the sense that he made every-freakin-day a struggle (more so than it already was). His usual acts where making snide remarks when you passed by and sometimes if he was feeling extra cheery, an intentional bump here and there, most of which you dodged skillfully. But that's about it. You didn't really bother replying because who's got that kind of time OR energy?? Not your lazy freaking ass for sure. You simply ignored him all day long, everyday.
How did he become your "bully" , you ask?? Well i suggest you read away!
Now let's get onto the second part,
Allow me to explain part 2:
[Dum dum dum flashback time brought to you byyyyy 🍫 cheeks & 🍫 🦋]
Today's morning was one of the prettiest of the week. Subtle sunlight seeped through your cremé curtains and fell on your face, giving you a sunkissed look and bringing out the color of your irises. You had woken up with a dreamy smile on your lips, obviously from the delicious dream that you had had, about how you were gonna spend your up and coming vacation, traveling and touring the world, seeking out all the gems that these places had to hide. Well, maybe not all the touring and stuff but books and the bed all day are just as thrilling, aren't they? AnYWaYS, so you had pulled your torso up and stretched out your limbs to free them off the stiffness that occurs from staying in bed just a tad too long, and glanced at the alarm clock.
That's where it started to go wrong.
You jUMped out of bed almost tripping yourself on the sheets (almost because you were always good at not falling. The Tripping God's have always been on your side) when you realised that in half an hour, your classes would start.
Then, you had two options:
1)To shower and be late but at least be fully awake. (not smelling like chicken wings and cheese was just a bonus) and
2) To not shower but be on time, but alSo be drowsy and risk running into a tree and going into a lifelong coma (that actually doesn't sound that bad).
You opted for the later because the almighty Gods have gifted you with some almiGhTy weapons for the existence and survival of human kind,
Coffee and Deodorant😎
Hah! Take that life! you had thought.
But life wasn't in the mood to humor you or your fantabulous sense of humour today.
Not showering always had its quirks you know. One of them being you had to brush out your bedhead without the help of any almighty weapons from the almighty Gods. So after actually managing to get ready without killing yourself after what seemed like an eternity of hair-brushing, you finally were ready to go.
But of course, it couldn't be so easy, could it?
One quick glance at your phone told you you had about 11 minutes to get to your class. 11 minutes to cover a path that took at least 18 minutes to cover when you were walking at your usual pace, earphones tucked in cozily.
10 minutes.
You hurriedly put your phone in your bag, put on your sneakers with shaky hands and broke into a run after locking the door.
You had been running for around 10 minutes and you had actually managed to almost reach your college gates. You could see the gates from where you stood, huffing and puffing while your lungs and ribs burned in hellfire. I'd suggest working out a little you know, if you have time.
So there it was, looking like the gates to heaven and calling your name. You again started walking and eventually running, without taking any notice of your shoe laces that had come undone and — thump
Remember how I told you that Tripping God's had always been on your side?? Yea well I think I spoke a little too soon.
You lied on the hard concrete , left cheek in contact with the floor,hands and legs were spread in a random manner.
You lifted yourself up with a frown, with the help of the base of your palms but immediately retracted your hands when your felt a sudden burning sensation.
Great. Simply great.
Both your hands had bruises on them, the left side of your jaw hurt, and there was a minute throbbing in your left side that was surely not from all the running.
But you didn't have time, so you got up, tied the laces and kept running.
But of course, it wasn't enough.
You reached your class ten minutes late. The lecture had already started and the professor was showing a PowerPoint presentation. You timidly knocked, attracting everyone's attention. Again, something that you gravely hated.
Luckily, you had somewhat of a reputation with the teachers. Being somewhat of a good girl had it perks you know. So you got off without any scolding from the professor, after she had asked you why you were late and you supplied the only thing that came to mind.
Woke up late, ma'am.
You took a seat and attempted noting down, but the bruises that you got on your hand were doing their job.
After somehow making it through the first lecture, you had a small gap before your second lecture. So you decided to get a coffee from the café on campus.
After getting said coffee, you were walking down one of the halls to your next class.
All your attention was on your coffee, your warm, coffee colored coffee that was waiting to be finished, which was why you didn't notice when a human pillar bumped into you, spilling all your coffee on yourself in the process.
You jumped when the warmth seeped through the fabric of your (luckily) black T-shirt, and looked up to see who was blind enough to bump into you when there was pLENTY of space to walk.
Wrong move.
There stood the devil himself, smirking down at your soaked self.
"I knew you were dumb. Didn't know you were blind too. Klutz" and with a smirk he just left you there without giving you the time to as much as glare at him for completely ruining your T-shirt AND spilling your coffee.
Your stood there in your coffee soaked clothes and teary eyes. But you blinked them away. You won't cry. It's just a bad day. It's just a bad day.
The atrocities didn't stop there. Throughout the day, many joyous things happened.
While going to your third lecture, you missed a step and landed right on your knees, on the sharp edge of another step. And that freaking hurt, believe me.
Then, you managed to trip again, on a freaking pebble, and landed on your palms again, on the freaking gravel. Needless to say, your bruises were increasing with every step you took. The Tripping God's really weren't in a good mood today.
Because of that, you were also late to your fourth lecture, one of the classes that you actually really loved.
One of the classes that had Kim Namjoon in them.
You couldn't concentrate on what the professor was saying because of the constant bickering of Namjoon who sat on the next row. Not being able to tolerate his shit today, you decided to just lay your head down and hopefully get some shut-eye. The professor surely won't notice you in a room full of people, right?
Absofuckinlutely wrong.
You woke up not five minutes later to the tapping of a pen against your desk.
You jumped when you saw the oh so familiar face of your English Lit professor peering down at you.
"Something wrong? Ms. Y/l/n?" He said, pretty seriously, contradicting the usual light hearted mood that the 50 year old was in. Maybe he had a bad day too.
"No sir. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."
"Glad to know." and with that, he walked away. As he did, you noticed a snickering Namjoon, and the possibility of him telling the professor about you occurred to you. But you really just didn't have the energy to speak up about it.
Your fifth and last lecture for the day had finally ended, resulting in you being in a slightly better mood than before.
You were packing your things up. The day had sucked. Everything that happened today was bad. And the fact that you would be getting your results the following week was making you even more stressed. You didn't do your best on the last set of exams, and you were low-key freaking out, but still out of energy to react too much.
With the throbbing ever present in your left side, and the bruises still on your knees and palms still burning, you made your way to the exit of the room.
But life really just couldn't stop itself from kicking you in the guts one last time.
"Hey there, klutz." Standing near the door was your arch nemesis, to put it dramatically, Kim Namjoon, with his group of six friends. Now the weird thing about them was, that they seemed to be cool people. And your first impression of Kim Namjoon was that he was a good, studious and kind boy. You even admired him for his hard work and philosophical essays that your English professor always read out to the class when he scored full marks. But what you didn't expect him to be was a bitchy, annoying and stuck up piece of shit who bullied others(or tried to) without any reason.
"Not today, Kim." You were in no mood today, the day had already been bad enough and you didn't need another one of his snide remarks today.
"Why y/n?? Too tired from sleeping in class??" He commented, as your tried to walk past him, but he followed.
"Hey! Don't ignore me, I'm hurt!!" He said in a mocking tone.
You kept walking, not paying mind to his ramblings, but it was getting harder by the minute.
"I really wonder why our English prof let you off without any punishment when you were sleeping you know. He doesn't usually go that easy on sleeping students. Makes me wonder what you were doing last night."
You stopped dead in your tracks and slowly turned around with a menacing glare. There were still students around and they had heard him, and they stopped all their antics to watch the scene unfold.
Your mind was already heavy from an the shit that happened today, and you were already on the verge of breaking down because of all the pressure that you were under, and this last comment really just hit. You eyes started becoming blurry from the accusation that was just thrown at you, and all these things led to where you are now,in front of Kim Namjoon with blurry eyes, unable to comprehend everything that was happening.
Before you could actually change your mind and walk away, you took a step ahead and spoke with more remorse than anything else.
"WHAT did you just say??" Your voice was laced with venom and this caused him to take a step back. Everyone was watching, but you couldn't care less. This has to stop.
"What did you just say??" You repeated your question. "WHAT did I ever do to you Kim Namjoon?? WHY do you hate me so much?? WHY are you so dead set on making my already difficult life even more difficult?? WHY do you do this?? I already have dealt with enough shit from you! What the fu-k do you think you're doing? Who the fu-k do you think you are and why the fu-k are you always bothering me??" Your eyes were still blurry, but as a single tear flowed down your cheek, the venom in your voice dissipated and all that was left was hurt.
"What did I ever do to you?? Why do you hate me?? Just because I got one fucking mark more than you in one fucking subject?? Because Mr.Song decided that it wouldn't hurt to appreciate my English essays?? Because your ego was hurt that someone other than you was also appreciated by a teacher?? WHAT WAS my fault?? You have made my life goddamned hard and I didn't even do anything to you!" By now both your cheeks were wet from tears streaking down your face and your eyes were red and puffy,the same eyes that shone brightly whenever your answers were correct, or whenever someone says something funny(not that Namjoon noticed or anything). As you kept taking, his eyes travelled to your left cheek, then jaw and he noticed the bruises that were on display. He also remembered how you were not writing anything in class today. Everyone, including Namjoon was utterly dumbfounded by your sudden outburst.
Is she hurt?
"..didn't even get enough time to get my shit together before your started ruining everything for me! I genuinely thought that you were a good, hard working student and i admired you for that!! But THANK YOU for shattering this illusion! THANK YOU for letting be know what a shitty stuck up brat you are! I told you to leave me alone but NO! First you spilled my coffee on me, and now you're accusing me of filthy actions. Do I look like A JOKE TO YOU?? Do I LOOK LIKE SOMEONE YOU CAN JUST PUSH OVER? I try my best to shrug off everything you say but everyone has a limit Namjoon. I know I'm not smart like you, I'm don't ace every test, I'm not the teachers favorite student, I can't do everything right, I always try my best but sometimes it's not enough, and I don't always look my best, i KNOW i look like shit sometimes and I fucking. Know. that I'm not perfect but you don't have to remind me everytime! " Your lips quivered as you spoke your heart. You took a deep breath, your eyes seemed to be overflowing today and you couldn't stop your feelings from flowing out too, while he stood there, eyes wide.
"I hate you Kim Namjoon. I fucking hate you! And I don't want to see your disgusting face ever again!" You hissed, and then speed walked away, leaving a very shocked group of people and a very regretful Namjoon.
The following week, you were happy to almost get rid of his presence. Almost
Because the lingering stares that he threw your way were not going unnoticed.
You thought the students were going to start acting weird after your little outburst the other day but luckily, everyone seemed to have forgotten about it. Or they just didn't care enough which is absolutely fine!!
But the constant feeling of being stared at was there.
Throughout the week, you had completely avoided Namjoon. Like sitting as far as possible in the classes you shared, leaving as soon as you caught his sight, and once even crossing the road to get away from him. And somehow you had made it to the end of the week. It was Friday again. And once you got through with the day, you wouldn't have to see his face for another 2 months.
You couldn't wait.
But again, like Deja Vu, as you collected all your belongings and walked towards the exit of the room, you saw him and his gang standing looking right at you.
He had tried to approach you earlier today. About 3 times actually, but you had deftly avoided any type of conversation. You just didn't want anything to do with him.
You searched for ways to escape but the only exit was the door where they were standing.
You took a deep breath and kept walking.
"Y/n please just talk to me once. I'm really sorry about everything please just give me a chance y/n I'll just take five minutes of your time, please. I request you."
You kept walking, even more swiftly than you were before.
"Please just give me a chance, y/n please." He followed you and just as you were about to exit, one of his friends blocked the door, and your only way of escaping. You had seen him around. Not just because he hung around Namjoon, but because he was a junior and quite famous too. You could see why girls swooned over his group of friends. Each and every guy, including the bunny looking boy blocking the door, was gorgeous af.
"Please y/n noona, just let him speak to you. He hasn't been eating or sleeping well these days." The bunny boy exclaimed, and for a moment your heart softened for like a teeny weeny second, but you didn't acknowledge his request.
"Please move." You said in a stern voice. But he didn't of course.
"Look, we know what happened last time he talked to you. But he really had been moping around all fu-king week over this and honestly it's starting to become bothersome. Of what I've seen and heard of you, you seem to be a logical person. Don't you think it'd be easier and faster if you just heard whatever he has to say and then went about your way?" The one who had a constant poker face, not to sure but you had heard people call him Yoongi, said. You contemplated for a moment, and deciding that it's better to get this over with, you turned around to face Namjoon. After all, you were a pretty logical person (😎)
As you asked the question, Namjoon was ready to spill everything, every thought he had over the past week, every feeling, every apology. But for some reason, nothing came out of his mouth. He opened and closed his mouth a few times, unable to form sentences.
You tried raising an eyebrow, but couldn't since you couldn't master the art of raising single eyebrows, then looked back at his friends who seemed just as confused as you.
"Are your going to say anything or should I just leave?"
At that he started talking.
"I'm really sorry for everything that i did.." his eyes were cast downwards, "I've been a jerk and I honestly don't know why I did that..i had no reason to and I'm really sorry from the depths of my heart I...I just.." he couldn't comprehend what to say to explain how bad he felt.
"Ok. Fine. Its fine. Apology accepted." And with that, you moved across bunny boy and walked away. This time, nobody stopped you but Namjoon wasn't satisfied as he stared at your retreating form.
"But why would she forgive me that easily?? Urghhh" Namjoon was about to pull all his hair out in frustration. You were weird, he knew, but like...what the chocolate brownie fudge?? Nobody just walks off like that after being bothered for so long.
"Yah why are you beating yourself up over this?? Maybe she didn't want to waste any more time over you. Stop overthinking it." Jin exclaimed, already fed up of Namjoons continuous stomping.
"But hyung why wo-"
"Or maybe she likes you. Maybe that's why she forgave you so easily. Maybe she had been crushing on you and that's why she was hurt. mAYBE she's in love with you.Is that what you want to hear, Namjoon??" Yoongi said nonchalantly and Namjoon's face flared up as everyone looked at him.
"W-WHAT ARE YOU SAYING HYUNG.. s-she doesn't like me and i don't like her... Its just.."
"YAH JUST OFFER HER A COFFEE YOU IDIOT" Jin yelled, rather exasperatedly, because man was Namjoon being a pill right then!
He pondered over the suggestion for a moment. He did spill your coffee on you. And you seem to like coffee quite a bit. Maybe that wasn't such a bad idea for an apology. Well, second apology.
So there he was, standing in front of the bookstore that you worked at, still debating whether he should just go in or go home. His friends were standing a bit behind him, still more than annoyed that he dragged all of them over here. As he was wrecking his mind on the pros and cons, the doors opened and you came out with your earphones in your ears and a small smile on your lips.
As soon as you locked eyes, your smile disappeared. But you didn't say anything. Rather, you walked right by him. This was like the last time all over.
"Y/n w-wait.. could we talk for a minute??" You weren't planning on stopping but his voice sounded so small and fragile that you couldn't force your feet to move. His face seemed thinner and drained of energy.
It surely wouldn't hurt to hear him out last time. Yes. Last time
You stopped and he continued.
"I-I um... Do you.. do you want to out for coffee with me?? I i.. I mean like..umm..as an apology.. Can i offer you a coffee as an apology?? If you don't mind?? I just.. I've been feeling really guilty these days and the fact that you forgave me even though i treated you so badly had been eating away and i just can't seem to-"
"No" was all you said. Is this man serious?? First he treats you like you're a piece of trash and then he's apologising and asking you out?? I mean.. the he-k?? Is he kidding?
"But y/n please let me treat your to a coffee I'm really really sorry....."
As you started to walk away, again, he couldn't help but sigh and look down again. Of course you said no. Who would even accept a coffee as an apology?? He should've just not showed his face ever ag-
"Y/n noona there's this fair that is in town. We're gonna go there tomorrow. Do you wanna come??" Jimin said suddenly before you could completely disappear out of sight. He just couldn't bear seeing Namjoon looking like a kicked puppy any longer.
"BEFORE you say no," he continued, "Don't you think it's better to go to the fair with all of us" he pointed at himself and his five other friends with a twinkle in his eyes, "than going to a voting coffee shop with Namjoonie hyung and listening to his boring philosophical lectures?? Huh? Huh?? That way, hyung would be guilt free too and you can have some fun too! Besides we never did anything to you noona! Let's be friends?? Please??"
Ok boy you gotta admit these guys have some serious convincing skills. Besides, the boy had a point. Even though they never said anything to Namjoon when he made comments on you, but they might have says something when you weren't around..? And even though limited, the interactions that you had with the boys were sweet.
You weren't quite sure why, maybe it was Jimin's sugary sweet smile that was compelling you to say yes, or maybe it was something else. Something you couldn't quite figure out.
But after thinking for sometime and seeing Namjoon's hopeful expression, you said yes.
Maybe it wouldn't hurt to make some new friends. Maybe this bad day won't turn out so bad after all.
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Chapter One Gabriel I like numbers. I like how concrete they are; I like that one is always one and two is always two. One isn't one, but can also be this or that. Two isn't two, but can also be that or this. No, numbers are just numbers. There is no two ways about it. Numbers like me. They're easy to handle and they don't try to fight me when I sort through them or try to fit them into my perfect algorithms. Unlike people, numbers are easy. Numbers don't question you, they don't fight you, and- most importantly- they are kind to you. I don't get that very often. There really isn't much in life that fits as flawlessly as numbers do. People do not fit like numbers do. Well, I suppose that maybe some do, but the masses do not. I've tested many theories on this in my ventures to figure out the algorithm of the human race and not one has been successful. To my disappointment, we humans are just too complex for things like algorithms. People do not work with enough constants. It is this reason that I do not like people. I, myself, enjoy constants. There are things that I know I can work with. I understand these things because I know they are what they are and they will never not be what they are. No matter how you look at it, every human that's ever lived has died; no day has gone on forever; even if you never really found the path, that equation in your algebra class does have an answer; and the sun has never let us down before. Why would any of those variables change? Change is confusing. Change is not needed. The only good change is a change of clothes or a change of a light bulb. These changes I can handle. These changes are totally within my control... I wish I could say the same for all changes. Changing schools is not something I believe is necessary. You are comfortable in elementary school, why do you have to change to middle school? You are comfortable in middle school, why do you have to change to high school? You are comfortable in high school, why do you have to change to college? Really, why is it not an option to just stay in one school all your life, a place where you feel safe, where you know what you should expect, where everything remains constant? The same halls, same classrooms, same teachers, same smell in the gym, same cracks in the sidewalks, same dying oak tree out front. Moving to a new school requires readjusting yourself, it requires you having to become accustomed to new smells, new people, new cracks, and new dead trees nobody bothers removing your whole career there. Is there a reason we are forced to become disoriented every few years? Not really. Not one I can discover or make sense of, and if I can't make sense of it, it's hard to convince me anyone can. "They try to fit you guys into sections," my mom explained to me when I asked her about it, ruffling my hair in that affectionate way I've come to notice many women do to young children. Most things my mother tended to do came off as affectionate. "You know, they're doing what you like to do with your food. You put your veggies on one side of the plate, bread on the opposite, and the fruit on the other. The school system likes putting children together, preteens together, full teens together, and adults together. I guess it's easier to manage." Easier for them to manage, not so much for us. I appreciated the organization, but I knew of plenty of kids who'd gone to schools that went from kindergarten all the way up to your senior year of high school. These were small towns, however, and somehow that made a huge difference. Smaller groupings are much easier to keep track of and control. My phone probably rings for thirty whole seconds before I even realize it. The device is by my elbow on the desk full of neat stacks of papers, magazines, and textbooks I truly didn't need, squirming against the wood. I pick it up, my eyes skimming the contact, and hit the answer button. "Hi, Mom," I say, holding the phone exactly two inches away from my ear and three from my mouth. "Hey, sweetie. I just called to check-in," my mother's warm voice comes through the speaker. I push some sheets on my desk aside and glance over the ones beneath it, remembering what had brought me to my work desk in the first place. My applied linear algebra teacher had assigned a pretty hefty project due in a week and I'd successfully accomplished a good sixty percent of it last night, with the sacrifice of a night's rest. No big deal. I could make up for it tonight. Just go to bed a little early tonight, maybe two hours early. That won't make up for a missed eight, but it's better than nothing. I hum into the phone, shuffling my sheets back into order. "Yeah, that's usually why you call," I respond, wondering why she felt the need to even state this. Mom always called once a day, always around seven thirty in the morning, to check up on me. I glance at the clock and am not surprised to see it's exactly seven thirty. She's silent for a split second, then she laughs. "You're right, it is. How are you, Gabe? You sound a bit tired," my mother points out. Amazing how she always reads me so perfectly. "Did you get enough sleep last night?" "Oh, I was working on my project. It's going really well so far. I have most of it done already!" I chirp excitedly, looking up from my papers momentarily to catch a glimpse outside. The sun is playing peek-a-boo behind some clouds, waving at me with one of its long strips of light. I love how friendly the sky always seems in the morning. My mother is speaking and I almost miss everything she says, my head- literally- stuck up in the clouds. I catch the tail end of one of her mini lectures on getting enough sleep, taking care of yourself, etcetera. "You may be an adult, but you still are growing, Gabe! You need to keep that in mind! Taking care of your body and your mind isn't something to take lightly," she warns me, though it has little effect. I know all this and she knows I know, so I find it trivial to go over it anymore. I don't want her wasting all this time worrying about me when I am perfectly fine. In all honesty, I'm better than I've been in a long time. "Yes, Mom," I say the rehearsed line, smiling even though she can't see me. "I'll keep that in mind. I should head off to class though. My computing class in about ten minutes and it takes me nearly nine to get to the building from here. I love you, Mom." "Love you, Gabe. And remember..." "I won't pull any more all-nighters, Mom. Promise. Perfect mind, perfect soul," I interrupt, getting out of my seat to begin collecting my materials. Her mantra is burned so deep into my memory, it'd be impossible for me to forget it. As annoying as that may be, I honestly don't know what I'd do without it. Unlike most things, it's a constant. It's comforting. "Bye." "Goodbye, sweetie." The campus is always buzzing around this time. Kids are rushing by, practically mauling the small coffee cart and the café before heading out to class. I usually would be joining them myself, but coffee doesn't taste the same when you're by yourself. It tastes lonely. I don't like the taste of lonely and, really, nobody does. My classroom is exactly eight minutes and thirty-seven seconds away from my dorm room. I've yet to get an exact amount of steps recorded, but my estimate is a little over seven hundred. The average person can take a thousand steps in only ten minutes, going at a speed of three-point-five miles per hour. I bet I average that, so seven hundred seems like a generous guess. The teacher doesn't arrive in our class until the bell has rung and nearly everyone is already in their not assigned, yet somehow assigned seats. No one tells you where to sit, but on the first day, everyone finds their place and that's it. You don't move after the first day. It's the unwritten rule of the school. There's a tug on my sweater, right at the point where the humorous bone meets the radius, and I turn my body about forty-five degrees. The teacher is up front talking and I don't want to get caught not paying attention, even if it's unlikely he'd care. "Hey, Gabriel?" the small Hawaiian girl who sits in my row murmurs, her eyes falling short of my own. Her voice is so slight I have to lean over a bit to hear it properly when she clears her throat and continues. "Can I borrow a pencil?" I reach into my pencil pouch and produce a shiny gray mechanical pencil, brand new and filled with lead. I slide it over to her wordlessly, offering- what I hope is- a smile. She returns it kindly and lets her attention be brought back to the lecture. Kam, I think. That's her name! I couldn't recall before. Despite the fact we've sat beside each other this whole year, I've never spoken to her before. I have nothing against her, by no means, but I'm not sure we have much in common. She is an artist with a knack for computing, or so I assume considering she is in my class, and I'm a mathematician. We could talk about numbers, I suppose, but even I realize that can only get you so far.
By the time I leave my last class of the day, I can feel the lack of sleep beginning to creep up on me. I'm starting to droop a bit too far off the side of my desk when the final bell rings. The usual herd of college students make their way through the doors and out onto the campus, returning to their respective areas. I find myself at the doors leading into the café, right in front of the beautiful window that, when seen from the opposite side, gives you a perfect view of the manicured green that stretches from one end of the school to the other. It is the best seat in the whole school and I often was lucky enough to share it with my two best friends. I consider going inside for a moment, but I quickly shake that thought off. It isn't enjoyable to be stuck in that overly crowded place with chatty kids our age, sipping warm beverages and snacking on fresh baked goods in bean bag chairs... at least, not without Calliope and Kaito. The two of them make everything feel a thousand times better. The sky seems to be a different blue when I'm with them and flowers have a sweeter smell. Life, all around, is just much sweeter with friends by your side. My two best friends, or Foster Parents as they sometimes call themselves, are both working a shift at the local clinic tonight. Calliope is studying to become a nurse, something she tells me she's dreamed of since childhood, and she managed to get a job there for the school year. Kaito, despite going to school for marine biology, followed her there and somehow got a gig as a receptionist. I considered also filling out an application to join their adventure in medicine, but my parents suggested it best I focus solely on my studies for now. If they were off, I'd go in there. It's nice going in there with them. We sit and talk at the table near the window, and the two of them occasionally get up during Karaoke Night and perform Their Song, Enchanted. The two of them mix well together, both vocally and romantically. Just as I start moving away from the Campus Café, the door swings open and a familiar boy with a flamingo scarf walks out sipping something pink out of a clear cup. I'm pretty sure he starred in our school's performance of Phantom last year as The Phantom, but it's hard to recognize him without the mask. Out here, he looks so normal with his colorful clothing and stylish hairstyle. We nearly run into each other, but I manage to divert, my head down. "Sorry, dude!" he apologizes in a friendly tone. I don't look up, I just mutter a sorry back and wave him off. The coffee cart has no line at it for once, so I stop and purchase a hot chocolate from the barista. There are two kids who work there after school, a pretty chill guy and the most high strung girl you'll ever meet. Luck seems to be in my favor today, it's the boy. "You look like you just walked off the set of a Tim Burton movie," he comments as he goes about serving up my drink. I shrug my shoulders, about to tell him he isn't the first person to tell me that. I've got the powdery skin, the powdery eyes, the unkempt hair. (Although, I usually do keep it rather neat. Today is a just a bad hair day.) I don't say this, though, and instead I just let this awkward silence hang between us before he slides the cup over, my name written on the side in neat handwriting. "Have a good day, Gabriel." "You know my name?" I ask, shocked. Not many people notice I'm there. Not many people are observant enough to see me and that is often how I prefer it. The barista chuckles, his face widening a bit to fit his smile. He's got one of those smiles that lights up his whole face and even the air around it. "Of course I do. We had basic English together last year. I sat behind you," he explains, reaching over to take the money I was offering him. "You're Gabriel, your friends call you Gabe." "I'm surprised you noticed," I say, glancing down at my drink and the beautiful lettering sprawled across it. It feels oddly satisfying to know that this entirely random kid is aware I exist. Is that strange? I'm not sure if it should be, but it doesn't feel as if it should. "I notice a lot of things other people miss," he explains. I check his name tag. "Well, thanks, Joakim," I say, praying I pronounce it right. It's not a common name, but I have seen it before. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it's German? "I'll see you around probably." "Probably," he agrees, still giving me that smile most people reserve for their best friends. As I walk away, I think to myself, I've been buying coffee from that guy for nearly two years and I never once realized we had a class together. Now that's weird. I take a long sip of my hot chocolate, wincing only a little when it burns my tongue, and tug my phone out. There are three messages for me, all from Calliope. She wants to know if I'm up for going with her and Kaito to Karaoke Night on Friday. I text her back that I'll come as long as I don't get too much homework. Today, unlike most days, I have no homework whatsoever, which means I will spend the rest of my night either watching my favorite anime all over again or rearranging my bookshelf for the third time this week. It's not that the shelf really needs to be arranged again, but my books never look as if they are arranged correctly. I color-coat them and it looks weird, I place them by genre and they look sloppily tossed there, I go tallest to shortest and they tip over... That bookshelf doesn't want to cooperate with me. I slide my phone into my pocket and make a left turn down one of the streets in between the building containing the café and a building full of tech classes. There's a single car parked at the curb which I don't pay much mind to. Someone is sitting inside, fiddling with their phone, probably calling to make plans with someone. I keep walking, my head positioned at forty five degree angle, just high enough for me to see where I'm going but low enough for people to know I don't welcome eye contact. My hand reaches into my pocket once again to grab my phone when I feel it buzz, but I never get to grab it. Darkness overcomes me and seconds later, I feel myself fall flat and then nothing.
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advice4smartgirls · 8 years
Hi! I'm 16, 17 in April. I start my freshman year of college this August! Do you have any tips on what to do and how to do well? Also, my girlfriend and I are moving out of the house we're in right now summer of 2018 to move down south. Do you have any tips on saving/earning money & moving?
Oh boy do I have tips on all of the things. I’m a junior in college, so I’ve done all of this stuff a time or two :)
Tips on starting college: Go to class. Don’t take 8ams unless you’re a true morning person. Take good notes - the profs don’t always post their PowerPoints. Go to bed at a reasonable time so you don’t fall asleep in every class like me. Eat breakfast every day. Take advantage of student disability services if you need it (physical and/or mental health). Don’t take more credits than you think you can handle. Switch majors if you find something you like better, and do it sooner rather than later. Be nice to your roommate - you’re stuck with them for a while and you might just become friends. Don’t bring clothes you never wear - if you don’t use it at home, you won’t magically start using it at school. Use supplemental instruction (SI) if it’s available (this will typically meet 1-3 times/week and is run by a TA. Not all schools offer it). Go to office hours if you have questions. Sit in the first four rows. Not in the front tho, that’s weird. Unofficial assigned seats are a thing - people will sit in almost the same seat every day except in 200+ student lecture halls. Talk to people in your classes, they make great study buddies and also great friends. Wear flip flops in the dorm showers. Set alarms to remind you when your online quizzes are due. Make use of designated student study spaces - you’ll probably have more motivation to study there than at home. Carry a water bottle with you.
Tips on earning/saving money: If you’re tempted to make an impulse purchase, tell yourself you can get it if you still want it in three days; proceed to forget about it. Limit how often you go out to eat (sushi is my weakness and also the worst drain on my wallet). If you have a meal plan, use that before ordering pizza. Treat yourself after a big exam but don’t treat yourself because it’s a random Tuesday and you felt like it. Get a job on campus - dining centers, research groups (yes, they hire freshmen - that way they can train you and get four years of use out of you), as a tutor, etc. There’s a lot of on-campus jobs out there. If you have a car, consider a job off-campus. Don’t waste gas money driving home every weekend; this is the time for you to learn to be independent - if you must, go home more like once a month. Apply for All The Scholarships, even if it seems like a long shot (I’ve gotten a few that I thought were impossible to get). Don’t take out loans until absolutely necessary because interest is a Thing. Keep most of your paycheck in savings. Have a designated amount of money set aside for emergencies.
Tips on moving: Boxes are good for stackable things. Bags are good for squishy things. Set aside what you think you need before starting to fill boxes - this will make it easier to pack each one as full as possible. Stick socks inside of shoes and notebooks inside your backpack and whatever fits inside the microwave - anything to make better use of the space you have. Roll clothes, don’t fold. Put all your medications in an easily accessible place. Don’t forget extension cords/charging cables. Ask some friends to help you move stuff out of your old place and into the new one. If you don’t think you’ll ever use it, don’t pack it. Label things to help with unpacking. Keep the boxes for next time you have to move (I once moved 7 times in 12 months it was a mess). Don’t try to carry things that are heavier than you can handle. Don’t pack the car so full you can’t see out the back. Consider throwing away old toiletries and buying new ones upon your arrival, if you need to save more space. Hangars are weird to move, but a bag will contain them temporarily. Rubber bands and duct tape are wonderful for keeping things in place - tape drawers shut, keep clothing rolled up, etc.
I hope that helps!Marie-Rose
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