#oh sung min
boysplanetrecaps · 2 years
Boys Planet Recap, Episode 7 part 3 - Rush Hour 
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This recap will cover the Rush Hour rehearsal and performance from Ep 7! People have said they were looking forward to my thoughts on this, so I thought I’d go ahead and put this part up by itself rather than paired with another team. Here we go!
Huta introduces the next song and out comes team Rush Hour.
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Left to right: Ma Jing Xiang, Hiroto, Takuto, Ricky, and Oh Sungmin
I’ll remind you that our commuters are:
Trainee name (rank)   Star Level test /Challenge 1 /age final star level
Ricky (12) Kick It - G /Back Door - G /18 ⭐⭐
Takuto (15) Instead Of... /Danger - G /15 ⭐
Hiroto (21) Conduct Zero /Very Nice - G /20 ⭐⭐
Ma Jing Xiang (32) Reveal /Very Nice - G /19 🚫
Oh Sung Min (34) Bloom Bloom /Love Me Right - K /21 ⭐⭐⭐
They introduce themselves as “Awesome Hour.” There is clearly a very loud cheer after Ricky introduces himself, but it is also very clearly cut off by the editing. Ma Jing Xiang’s intro is actually cut off a split second before he finishes saying his name, and the conspiracy theorist in me says they cut off his cheer, too. They pan the audience and we see signs for Ricky, Oh Sung Min, Ma Jing Xiang, and Hiroto -- I think I see more signs for MJX than for anyone else, but that’s just what I see.  
Huta asks Sungmin, “Did you have any difficulties leading the team?” 
There’s a long pause. In the judging room on the space station, vocal judge Onestar says “This team was all over the place.” Solji says, “They should work as a team,” and I’m already on edge. 
I’ll remind you that when we first saw this team rehearsing in episode 6, there was already some bullshit going on. Takuto was having a hard time with the choreo, which happens. But Oh Sungmin was insisting that everyone stay together while Takuto practiced the same line over and over, and the editing tried to make it seem like both Ma Jing Xiang and Ricky were both selfish jerks for wanting to work ahead a bit. I’m not convinced, but we heard from Sungmin and Hiroto talking about how they need better teamwork. 
We get a flashback to the song selection day, to something we didn’t see the first time, and find out that as Ricky approached the Rush Hour team, the sign fell down.   
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This whole moment is such a multi-layered metaphor for the way this show works. MNET is trying to present this as if Ricky is a bad luck omen, or as if the sign falling off the wall is symbolic of the troubles the team would have. And yet, the truth is that the signs were poorly applied to the wall, because MNET is cheap and shitty and lazy, and the sign falling had nothing whatsoever to do with these trainees. So the metaphor here isn’t that Ricky is a bad luck omen; the metaphor is that the sign is cheap the way that MNET is cheap. The metaphor is that MNET blaming the trainees for their own sign falling down symbolizes the way they for trainees to do emotionally difficult things and then blame them for their emotional response. The metaphor is that MNET blaming a set design failure on a Chinese trainee is symbolic of how they blame  everything on Chinese trainees. The metaphor is that MNET sucks as bad as this set sucks.  
(I put the preceding in its own post because I felt so passionate about it. Anyway.)
I think the bigger news is how happy MJX is to see Ricky.
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Aww! We barely know either of these trainees, so I had no idea that they were friendly. He’s so happy! It’s so cute. (Me in the future knows that this will turn out to be important later, too, though when I screen capped this I had no idea.)
So, we cut to a day or two later. The trainees are in a rehearsal room. MJX is practicing the dance while listening to headphones. Ricky has an idea for a new thing they could do with the choreo, and suggests it to Hiroto. I think Hiroto has a hard time understanding him, and Oh Sungmin isn’t there, and Takuto isn’t helpful, so Ricky tries to ask MJX to help him demonstrate his idea. 
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MJX basically refuses even to take out his headphones at first, and then when pushed to it, says that they don’t have enough time, and it’s more important to practice the choreography than it is to make changes to it.
Ricky interviews that he didn’t understand MJX’s perspective, because at that point it was D-6 and in Ricky’s view, they DID have time to make changes. MJX then interviews that they didn’t have time, because in his view, they didn’t. Then Oh Sungmin interview that he finds them both inconsiderate.
Sigh. This is like one of those “Am I the asshole?” posts on reddit, and I want to vote, “NAH” -- no assholes here. 
Ricky is a strong dancer and has a lot of cool ideas, and besides, part of what the trainees are demonstrating in this battle is their choreography skills. The upcoming elimination probably isn’t that scary to him --- he knows he has a solid fan base and is likely to make it, so he’s not stressed out. He knows intellectually that MJX and Sungmin aren’t in that position, but it’s probably too much for him to stay constantly focused on. Also, he probably assumes that if their team wins the position battle, the extra votes will help save them too, so he’d better make their performance as cool as possible! He just wants to share what he’s good at with his teammates, like a gift… Why shouldn’t they utilize his skills, if he has them? 
Meanwhile, from MJX’s perspective, changing the choreography all the time is making a difficult situation even worse. He’s not a strong dancer, and I assume he’s terrified of being scolded by the psychopath dance teachers. He also, presumably, doesn’t want to put on a bad performance that gets mocked online. And of course, he doesn’t want to go home, but he’s ranked 32 and things don’t look good for him. He probably resents Ricky a little bit, subconsciously -- Ricky is a good dancer, Ricky is super popular, Ricky speaks Korean better than he does (though MJX speaks it decently), and Ricky is ALWAYS trying to change the choreo. MJX is stressed out and ready to snap, and Ricky is just piling on more stress. Yeah, the level to which he’s angry isn’t great. But it’s understandable, if you get me. He’s scared, and fear often can manifest as anger. 
Meanwhile, what Sungmin sees is bickering and time-wasting while he’s trying to lead. Chinese culture is really different from his, and even their normal interactions probably seem brash and rude to him -- not saying that he’s racist, just saying that it’s hard to NOT view people through the lens of what you’re used to in your own culture. Also, Sungmin is already so stressed out trying to get Takuto on track with the dance, and meanwhile he himself is actually the lowest ranked on the team and probably scared of going home. He’s down to his last nerve, and they’re getting on it. 
Yes, it would be great if they could say to themselves and each other, “Wow, the stress is getting to me. I’m sorry. Let’s try to find a compromise.” I think a leader like formerly blue-haired Park Hanbin or Mr. Sexy Kim Jiwoong could, each in his own way, resolve this -- Hanbin by keeping control from the first minute, and Jiwoong by using his emotional intelligence to get everyone talking honestly about how they’re feeling and encouraging compromise. (Though Jiwoong would haaaaaaaaaaate being in this situation.) 
But Oh Sungmin isn’t quite up to the challenge, and it’s a lot to ask from these stressed out teenagers that they exert that kind of control over their emotional responses. We see Sungmin trying to smooth things over by reminding them of their common goal. But things have already gone too far, and they need a bigger intervention than that. 
That night, Takuto -- who has a little set of plushie letters spelling his name in English, and has his official red and white pjs still on his bed -- is getting pretty upset. 
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Remember, he’s 15 -- to him, having the hyungs all fighting probably feels like when your mom and dad fight. They’re also taller than him, and he doesn’t understand their language very well. And meanwhile, the dancing is already really really difficult for him. He’s got to be near collapse.
The next day, MJX is still really prickly and difficult to work with again. He won’t budge an inch, even when Sungmin tries to offer a compromise. There’s a bit in the choreo where Ricky is supposed to playfully push MJX out of the way, and MJX is saying that he “knows” that Ricky will push him really hard later on -- something he can’t know, because it’s in the future. In other words, he’s irrational. It’s not easy to watch.
The formerly blue-hared Park Hanbin, who has been sharing a rehearsal room with them (why can’t each team have its own room???) has noticed, and interviews, “The Rush Hour team can’t communicate with each other. To be honest, I don’t think they’re willing to do it.” 
I think Hanbin is on to something there. I mean, maybe I’m wrong, but I theorize that for MJX, it’s easier to stay angry, because while you’re angry, you have a shield up. As long as he’s blaming Ricky for making things difficult, he’s not thinking as much about how poor his own skills are. Sitting down and having a talk, a real talk, would involve admitting how scared he is and how sad he is and how envious he probably is. It’s not something he really wants to do. Angry is safe. Don’t get me wrong - he’s acting like a complete jerk. It’s just that I can understand why and empathize with him anyway, because I’ve been in his shoes. I think we all have.
Takuto starts to cry out of frustration and probably hopelessness, and Sungmin tries to comfort him (Sungmin speaks a bit of Japanese to him, which is sweet). MJX doesn’t acknowledge what’s going on -- he just wants to keep going. Oh Sungmin tries to have an actual group conversation, but MJX says, “Sungmin-hyung, You don’t have to explain, we just have to practice.” He’s quite close to Sungmin as he says it, and tensions feel high. Hiroto tries to say that if they don’t resolve the situation, it’ll keep happening, but MJX isn’t listening. He’s found an emotional level to be on that feels safe and he’s going to stay there. Finally, Sungmin has to walk away to calm down. I noticed that MJX immediately pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket and begins practicing his rap the second that Sungmin is just a few steps away. You can feel the anxiety vibrating out of MJX, but that doesn’t help Sungmin, who is hiding in a stairwell and trying not to cry.
Time passes, and now it’s day D-1 -- dress rehearsal. What have the the boys been doing for three days? We’re left to assume that they’ve been in this exact same tense state the whole time, and if so, that’s awful. I guess they’ve just been running rehearsals with MJX in this emotional state the whole time.
They perform their dress rehearsal -- we don’t see much of it -- and when they’re done, the judges say, “it’s not fun because you’re not having fun.” Presumably they’d have other feedback, but we don’t hear any of it. The storyline isn’t about whether Hiroto is pronouncing Korean correctly or not, or whether Ricky wrote a fun rap or not, or whether Takuto did the dance well or not, or whether Oh Sungmin looks cute up on stage or not. It’s about how MJX is a jerk, and so the only feedback we hear is the feedback that pertains to that. 
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That night, they have a meeting in the dorm room. (We can see that a few of them are wearing their official pajamas.) Oh Sungmin says, “I left my group (T01) to be here, and I feel like my life is in danger -- if I don’t make it here, I can’t be an idol.” I don’t know if that’s true, Sungmin -- you’re signed to WakeOne. But anyway.
Hiroto says, in essence, “Me too, this is my third shot, and I feel like it’s my last chance.” And MNET isn’t doing you any favors, either, Hiroto-kun. Ganbatte kudasai, Hiroto-kun! 
MJX says, “I don’t want this to prevent us from giving a good performance, either. I’ll trust everyone and keep going.”  I still feel tension radiating from him, but I can see he’s trying to take it down a notch. 
Ricky says, “I’m so, so, sorry.”
It’s interesting that we don’t see MJX apologize -- I feel like he would have? He’d have to, right? But MNET doesn’t show it. 
MJX and Ricky give each other an awkward hug, which seems to be initiated more by MJX than by Ricky, and there’s some awkward laughter. MJX interviews that they said what they needed to say to one another -- it's easier for him to forgive the others than I think it is for them to forgive him, I think. Also, I think he and Ricky really are friends, so their arguing, while uncomfortable to everyone else, probably felt "safe" to them -- they knew they'd make up sooner or later.
The meeting probably helped, but I think it was like shoving stuff into drawers and saying you've cleaned. Just like how you have to get all the junk out from under your bed if you're really, really going to clean, I think they needed to have a real knock-down drag out FIGHT, with full on yelling even, if necessary, get it all out, and then talk it out. But I think they were all kind of scared to go there, and sometimes it's easier to just make up than it is to talk it out.
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It’s D-day, and they huddle backstage. Sungmin says, “it doesn’t matter what our process was -- we just need to have fun. I love you all.” Ricky says, “I love you all” too, and they do a “hana-dul-set, FIGHTING!”  
So, that brings us to the performance. And before we get there, I’ll just say my final thoughts on all of this squabbling. As I said above, no one here is an irredeemable asshole. This is a group of extremely stressed out young men. They’re put in a situation in which they are competing with each other constantly, and yet are expected to get along with each other perfectly. They’re supposed to put on a team performance, and yet they will be ranked afterward, with the best team member winning extra points. It must be so stressful and draining. I know I couldn't do it!
Did MNET “evil edit” MJX? Well, yes and no. I mean, he did do those things, just as Lee Da Eul really did treat his team like they were his underlings. Those are things that happened. MNET “evil edited” them by… showing that. However, MNET created a situation in which power dynamics would be all out of whack, in which constant competition leaves everyone scared and constant rehearsal leaves everyone physically exhausted, and in which constant berating from psychopath judges leave everyone traumatized. In other words, my earlier statement holds: MNET makes trainees do emotionally difficult things and then blames them for their emotional response. 
So, what’s the solution? Well, for starters, I think it would be good if MNET gave the boys a few more days to rehearse, which would lead to decreased stress AND better performances. That’s win win! I think they need to provide more access to translators -- they could start by installing google translate in those tablets the boys have. I also think that it wouldn’t hurt to have some sort of guidance available from the staff -- counselors, mediators, something like that. Even just a sort of “dorm mother” who is there to look after especially the younger members -- if there was someone watching over the 15 years olds, there would be less pressure on the 18 year olds. And the upper management really has to reconsider what is acceptable and what isn’t acceptable when it comes to the judges’ behavior. I have friends who do theater, and they tell me that being a sociopathic asshole is “normal” from dance teachers, but it shouldn’t be.  
Ultimately, though, a show like this is going to do this. Any real pressure on MNET to improve conditions will probably have to come from the Korean population, not from us Global fans. I console myself in knowing that I’ll support these trainees on their stages to come. 
The performance
If you’re curious as to what they actually say in their raps, I found these lyrics. Lyrics that were in English and didn’t need translation are in green. Note that the first line of Ricky’s rap was already in the original song.
Yo I’ve been walking on the street yo From UN Village to Hangangjin Station, Ladies know my name, Mr. young and rich ya, Pop champagne take a chill, feel my feel, everyone get out of the way
People ask me to look at my reflection in the cold mirror from a few years ago, Man in the mirror, now it shines, my natural flow, You gotta get some to the top, child you’re doing well
Now I’m feeling like a funky boy dance like this, Everyone follow me, look carefully, even if I rap. I’ll go to a higher place than others
Even if I’m not confident, the star protects me, it’s dark to me, there’s no future, I’m still very young, still I’m worried about the challenge, so I’m going to watch Toyonaga Takuto.
(much later in the song)
I’m a homebody, but on stage, I show and prove, Once you see me, you can’t forget me, We living live in busy planet, Sooner or later we’ll be filling up in our name
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My Take
I wish I’d thought to watch the performance on Youtube before I watched all the behind-the-scenes stuff, because I’m sure it colored my view. But really, I think it came out ok. The song and general choreo style are both so high energy that even a remotely decent performance of it will be fun to watch. I don’t think I would have picked up on their backstage tension just by watching this. 
MJX is bubbly and fun on stage, and did a surprisingly decent job at both rapping and dancing compared to what we’ve seen in the past from him. I think he may have actually been the best rapper on the team, which is a wild statement to make, but, yeah, I think so. He looked like he was having fun, too. 
Oh Sungmin’s rap was surprisingly basic for a native speaker, but I actually liked his flow despite that, and despite the fact that he is a vocalist, not a rapper. He was ranked pretty low and probably got pushed out of the song he wanted. He has a lot of charm on stage -- this might be the first time that I’ve really seen what he can do on stage this way, because he was so overshadowed in Love Me Right. 
Speaking of first times, I think this is the first time I really got it why people like Ricky so much. He looked a lot more comfortable on this stage than I’ve seen him in the past, and he owned that center position even when he was on the side of the stage. Also, he’s really a master of looking super serious and then dropping a smile that catches you by surprise. I still think he’s a bit stiff, but it’s hard to do choreography in time with others when you’re taller than them. Also, he makes that microphone disappear into the sub-ether after he uses it. I’ve watched that part like 10 times and I can’t figure out where he puts it! That’s some stage trickery right there. No matter whether he makes it to the top 9 or not, the Yuehua group that will debut out of this show will be stacked! 
Hiroto’s a cutie pie. His rapping wasn’t anything to write home about, but I think his Korean is still pretty shaky and it must be tough. His little dance solo at about 1:53 was a lot of fun and perfectly in line with the feeling of the song -- I wonder if he choreographed it? 
I know Takuto is trying his best, but his dancing is weak it looks almost half-hearted, and throws off the syncing for the group as a whole. You can see some of the adjustments the team made for him -- they gave him a microphone to hold while he rapped, to give him something to do with his hands (it was pretty funny when he held the mic out while he said the last word and it was super obvious the mic wasn’t on). They also gave him a little mini dance solo in which he did the main repeating dance move, just by himself. They also let him do his one big move, that back flip he also did in his star level test, and he landed it much better this time than he did the first time. I really hope he doesn’t pass through this next elimination round, since it is clear to me at least that there are more deserving trainees here, but I’ve come around to liking him. He’s a genuine, hard working, well-intentioned kid, and while he is obviously not ready to debut, who knows, in a few years he might be.
The editing
There’s a lot of focus on how handsome Ricky and MJX are, and how cute Takuto is. Predictably, Sungmin and Hiroto are largely neglected. We see Takuto’s flip several times, but there’s no focus on Hiroto’s dance break, for example.
Afterward, the judges talk about how the team didn’t look like they were having fun on stage, and I really think that their opinion was colored by knowing the back story. They also say that they think Hiroto has had bad luck -- which, yeah, I don’t know if it’s luck exactly that happened to Hiroto. 
The voting 
Ricky takes the win with 745 votes, and we see a real genuine smile from him, not a stage smirk, and it’s very charming. 
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Oh Sungmin can’t quite bring himself to smile about it, though -- he worked so hard and is probably not going to see much reward for it. But you’re WakeOne, lovey! You’ll redebut with Kim TaeRae and Park Hanbin and Anthonny and Haruto and it’ll be ok… I hope.   
We find out that Takuto came in last with 569 votes. That’s a decent tally, though, for him. He interviews, in Korean, that he was a little bit sad, but satisfied because he did everything he could. He’s learned an insane amount in a short period of time and really defied my first impression of him. 
In an interview, Oh Sungmin responds to a question that must have been something like, “how did it feel to perform together?” 
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He says, “It just felt like were performing together. A lot of things happened, but I’m glad we’re done with it.” After a brief pause he adds, “I think we did well.” 
Yeah, there’s still a lot of resentment there. Really, I feel bad for everyone on this team. This was just sort of a clusterfuck.
And that's it for this recap! I'll pick up later with my thoughts on Limousine and whatever song is after that!
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haomnyangz · 4 months
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It must be hell. A hell you can never escape from. I know because I'm down there too. So if you have time to cry, make those bastards who did this burn in hell. That's the only way to survive it.
THE DEVIL JUDGE (2021) Director Choi Jung-kyu
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namjhyun · 9 months
DRAMA REVIEW | Perfect Marriage Revenge (2023)
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There’s an argument to be made about how Perfect Marriage Revenge had a perfect execution because it was a 12 episodes long drama and didn’t waste time for unnecessary conflicts. Everything took its right time and was resolved in a cohesive way with the characters development.
Both leads were compelling and had amazing chemistry, but the secondary characters were equally interesting to watch. All the performances outstanding and you can tell the actors are enjoying themselves in their respective roles.
On a story about a woman looking for revenge against her own family, this kdrama had a perfect balance between makjang and romcom. Making it an easy and fun watch. I highly recommend it!
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fansof-heo · 3 months
Behind the scenes of 'Crash Episodes 9-10 🤩💖
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conscbgb · 4 months
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stuff-diary · 24 days
Love For Love's Sake
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Love For Love's Sake (2024, South Korea)
Director: Kim Kyun Ah
Writer: Kwon Cho Rong (based on the webnovel by Hwacha)
Full disclosure: I'm not a huge fan of BL dramas. They rarely work for me tbh, for a wide variety of reasons that I won't go into right now. From time to time I fall for people's raves about one of these shows, only to end up disappointed. And, while this one is better than average, it didn't impress me that much anyway. There's clearly a strong emotional core at the center of the story, but the episodes are too short and everything feels rushed. The thing that saves it is Lee Tae Vin's performance and his fantastic chemistry with Cha Joo Wan; it's thanks to them that the last two episodes hit a lot better than what comes before. But yeah, it's clear that BLs in general just aren't my thing.
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okabehk · 2 years
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My top 10 Korean Actresses ❤️
1. #ParkBoYoung
2. #SeoYeJi
3. #LeeHyeri
4. #ParkMinYoung
5. #KimGoEun
6. #KimSejeong
7. #LeeSungKyung
8. #OhYeonSeo
9. #ImSooHyang
10. #KimSeolHyun
These are my favs at the moment for sure 💕
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Alchemy of Souls (Seasons 1 & 2)
Year : 2022 | Country : KR | Nb of episodes: 30
My rate: 9/10
Synopsis :
Set in a fictional country called Daeho that does not exist in history or on maps, it is about the love and growth of young mages as they overcome their twisted fates due to a forbidden magic spell known as the "alchemy of souls", which allows souls to switch bodies.
It follows the story of an elite assassin named Naksu, whose soul is accidentally trapped inside the weak body of Mu Deok—Jang Uk's servant from a powerful and noble mage family in the country. The young master of the Jang Family, Jang Uk, holds a dark secret about his scandalous birth. He wants the formidable assassin to help change his destiny.
Main cast :
Lee Jae Wook as Jang Uk
Jung So Min as Mu Deok
Hwang Min Hyun as Seo Yul
Shin Sung Ho as Go Won
Yoo Joon Sang as Park Jin
Oh Na Ra as Kim Do Ju
Arin as Jin Cho Yeon
Yoo In Soo as Park Dang Gu
Go Youn Jung as Naksu/Cho Yeong/ Jin Bu Yeon
My thoughts on this drama :
I hadn't loved a Korean drama so much in ages. Wow! Everything is so so good in this one. The casting is amazing, for both seasons. Although I understand their choice to switch actresses for the main lead in season two, it still felt a bit jarring at first.
The story is fantastic, and the actors all aced their roles. The season two felt like the opposite to season one (Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow is the subtitle of the season/part 2). It was sometimes a bit hard to follow, but the story is amazing and very satisfying.
A Favorite ?
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kaiowut99 · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX Episodes 102-104 Subbed (Finalized)
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(Previously: Episodes 99-101 Subbed [Finalized])
(Check out my Subbed!GX Stream Masterpost!)
TURN-102: The Pulse of Light VS the Neo-Spacians
Ed was defeated in his battle against Saiou, who was taken by the Pulse of Light. Saiou asks Judai for his key to the laser satellite in exchange for Ed, pushing him into a corner. Right then, Neos appears and prevents the key from getting to Saiou--causing a furious Saiou to duel with Judai and settle this. As with his bout with Ed, he predicts the future, leading the duel to play out in his favor. For his part, Judai uses his Fusion specialty to summon Monsters, but...
TURN-103: Judai in a Pinch! The Light Barrier Field Magic
Saiou, taken by the Pulse of Light, activates his Light Barrier Field Magic. This barrier has an effect that even weakens the power of Card Spirits, driving Judai's Monsters into a corner. Saiou also summons his "The World" Arcana Force and pounces on Judai. Elsewhere, with both laser satellite keys in hand, Prince Ojin--being controlled by the evil Saiou--activates the satellite. Kenzan tries to stop him, but he's already too late as the laser satellite fires its beam right at the Earth. Will it be possible to...
TURN-104: Whither Victory?! Judai VS Saiou
Judai summons his Glow Neos and destroys Light Barrier, waging a direct attack against the evil Saiou upon turning the tables. Driven into a dilemma, the evil Saiou tributes The Material Road, The Spiritual Road, and The Heavens Road to summon his ultimate card, Arcana Force Extra - The Light Ruler, using it to deal him an intense blow. For his part, Judai also has Gran Mole and Neos do a Contact Fusion and summons Gran Neos as he shifts into a counterattack, but...
A bit delayed due to some life stuff going on (like moving!), episodes 102-104 are now up and finalized as we make our way into the Season 2 finale!
that Saiou eyecatch is haunting my nightmares all over again
As this three-parter gets underway, we have the aftermath of Ed losing to Saiou as the Light within him decides to use him as leverage to get the second SOLA key from Judai; once he does and tries to get them for himself, Neos shows up to stop that, forcing him to duel Judai for them (I do like how, when Judai tells the Light he'll give up on his plans if Judai wins after he's given up his key, Saiou correctly notes, "The keys are already with me and you expect me to agree to your terms?" lol). This is one of my favorite duels because of how much it emphasizes Judai's attitude of "the future's not set, we change our fates with each card we draw!" that he first told Ed about in episode 53, along with the foreshadowing we get to the events of Season 3--and the huge literal shadow it puts into play. At the same time, we have GeneX finishing up as Rei makes her surprise comeback and duels Manjoume for the championship, and I like that it serves as good cutaway material from the Judai/Saiou duel, though I do wish we got to see more of Rei's deck (especially since, 17 years later, her Mystic cards have still not been printed). Ojama Yellow also gets to make the finishing blow, to the onlookers' chagrin, which is fun, and Saiou and Mizuchi get to satisfyingly reunite in the end which is cute.
Also, Kenzan's dino DNA helps him turn into a Space Saurus to help bust up SOLA--A+ content.
(Quick Translation Note: As Manjoume and his group approach the remaining Society of Light members, he's holding a Gunbai baton (the Gunbai being "a type of signal baton and Japanese war fan," per Wikipedia) with the Japanese text 一意専心 on it, translating to "with heart and soul." I translated it for the hardsub, as covered here, in the two scenes it appears in by applying the English text over the Japanese text in Photoshop--similar to the edit worked on by Kay for episode 9's "Fighting Spirit" banner. I was also inspired with "Whither Victory" for 104's title translation after looking at a Dragon Ball Kai title used for the dub that more concisely conveyed the "where is victory" idea in the JP title here.)
Animation error-wise, interesting mix here. I worked on about 30 of them altogether (a bit fewer than in 99-101), not counting the additional hardsub-only edits I made to translate the "With Heart and Soul" staff Manjoume carries for two clips in 102 or fix re-applications during the recaps; part of the delay with this was my moving and adjusting accordingly, as it took a few days before I could work on these fixes. About half of these were little quality-of-watching fixes, mostly split-screens but including fixing a stat-counter SFX error in 102, while the rest were mixes of incomplete-drawing errors, card errors, and card-related consistency errors--with a little "missing Burstlady shoulder strap" for good crowd-favorite measure. More in my separate post here with my usual fix/edit breakdown for the interested, due to Tumblr’s dumb link limit in posts yeeting them out of the tags used and limiting their reach, to give you a more visual element to it! (And had to split it in two again due to that) have I mentioned my love for this show is like an Ojama
Quick housekeeping: made a slight revision to 101 to update Saiou's line as he summons Light Ruler vs Ed for consistency with the tweak I made in 102. The 101 link in 99-101's release post now links to the re-uploaded version; I've updated its link in the Masterpost and will be posting the re-finalized hardsub/script/MKV on NAC soon as I post these.
Anywho, enjoy! Feels really good to get Season 2 taken care of, as that makes 104 episodes I've finalized my translations for; while I did like most of my last-go-around work on 102-104, it was good to make some updates to match my current style. With that, of course, comes a brief little Season-ending lull period; I'll be doing a little housekeeping to correct a few ending-credit typos in episodes 83 and 89, and a minor sub-styling correction in episode 81, which I'll post on NAC once done. After that, I'll putting in a little more work on a special project in progress that I'll hopefully post about soon over the next few weeks, along with work to prep for finalizing Season 3, including touching up my last textless edit for Teardrop V1 (which wasn't released officially textless and has Judai all sad with Johan, used from 105-112) and some work on some other side projects. All told, thinking I'll start small with work on 105 starting later this month, since a clip-show episode works well to come back with and all, lol; stay tuned!
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passionforfiction · 7 months
Perfect Marriage Revenge
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This series is based on the webtoon with the same name. I read the webtoon before watching the series and I must say that I liked the adaptation. It didn't drag the situations, the changes they made worked and I liked the story line.
I liked this series.
Poster from Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perfect_Marriage_Revenge
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korelist · 10 months
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UYARI : Yazılar genel olarak spoiler içerebilir. İçermeyedebilir.
İmdb: 7,7 Benim puanım: 7
Drama: Familiar Wife (English title) / Wife That I Know (literal title)
Hangul: 아는 와이프
Director: Lee Sang-Yeob
Writer: Yang Hee-Seung
Date: 2018
Genre: Romance / Fantasy / Time Travel
Language: Korean
Country: South Korea
Cast: Ji Sung, Han Ji-Min, Kang Han-Na, Park Hee-Von, Oh Eui-Sik, Lee Jung-Eun, Jang Seung-Jo
Oh My Ghost ve Weightlifting fairy kim book joo dizilerinin yazarından çıkan bu diziye biraz ön yargı ile başladım. Daha önce izlediğim Go Back Couple( Couple on The backtrack) dizisindeki facia ile karşılaşacağımı düşünüyordum. Bir bölüm bakar kapatırım dedim. Belki oyuncuların ve oyunculuklarında farkı vardır, düşündüğüm gibi olmadı. Hala mükemmel bir dizi olduğunu düşünmesem de izlenebilir olduğunu kabul ediyorum.
Cha Joo-Hyuk (Ji Sung) orta düzey bir yaşama sahip iki çocuklu evli bir adamdır. Karısı Seo Woo-Jin (Han Ji-Min) ile lisede tanışmışlar ve evlenmişilerdir. Evlilikleri zaman içerisinde koşuşturma, yaşam mücadelesi ile eziyet haline gelmiştir. İki tarafa da kızmadan izlemek çok zor oldu. Woo-Jin iki çocukla ev işi yapıyor, çocuklara bakıyor ve dışarda çalışıyor. Aynı zamanda annesinin sağlık sorunları ile boğuşuyor. Kendisine zaman ayırmak bir yere dursun kocasından hiçbir destek göremiyor. Joo-Hyuk ise bütün gün iş yerinde ikinci sınıf insan muamelesi görüp, kendisi için hiçbir şey yapamadan ev-iş arasında mekik dokuyor. İki yakın arkadaşı var. Biri ile aynı bankada çalışıyorlar. Karısı aklına dahi gelmeden mecburi iş yemeklerine katılıyor. Arkadaşları ile zaman geçiriyor. Kısacası birbirleri ile bir şey paylaşmayı hayat kavgasından unutuyorlar. Kadının bir süre sonra adama yaklaşımları düşmanca olmaya başlıyor. İltifat duymaya bile tahammülü kalmıyor. Adam ise eve geldiğinde ufak bir güler yüz görmeyince aralarındaki saygı da bir yerde kopuyor. Bir de üzerine üniversitedeki ilk aşkı ile karşılaşmaları, bütün evliliğini sorgulamasına neden oluyor.
Bir akşam Joo-Hyuk perişan bir şekilde eve dönerken metroda yaşlı bir adam ona 2 adet 500won luk demir para veriyor. Bizim paramız ile takriben 5-10 tl gibi bir şeye denk geliyor. Başka yağmurlu bir günde ıssız bir kavşakta paralı geçişe denk geliyor. Geçiş için 500won isteyen gişeye metroda aldığı 500wonlardan birini atınca 2006 altı yılına geri dönüyor.  Karısı ile otobüste tesadüfen tanıştıkları anda farklı bir tercih yaparak hiç tanışmadıkları bir gerçeklik yaratıyor. Otobüste gelecekteki karısı yerine o gün üniversitedeki ilk aşkı ile buluşuyor. Ve uyandığında günümüzde bütün gelecek değişmiş oluyor.
Öncelikle hikayenin geçmişte geçmemesini baya beğendim. Bu işleyiş mantığı çok güzel olmuş. Diğer yandan Go Back Couple dizisinde “ÇOCUĞUMUZ NE OLDU!!” sorusunun asla sorulmaması ve bu konunun dizi gidişatını en başından sonuna belirlemesi beni en çok diziden soğutan şey olmuştu. Bu dizide ise daha ilk bölüm sonunda hemen gündeme geldi. Geldi gelmesine ama hiçbir şey değişmedi. Adam iki çocuğunun olmadığı bir gelecekte uyandığında, çocukları için zerre üzülmedi. “Hassiktir! Çocuklarım! Beni asla affetmeyin…” dedi ve konu kapandı. Bir noktada bunu çözüp devam ettiler ama ne kadar tatmin ediciydi tartışılır. Ve dizi devamında bu konu ile ilgili hiçbir geri dönüş olmadı. Cha Joo-Hyuk yeni gerçekliğinde üniversitedeki aşkı Lee Hye-Won  (Kang Han-Na ) ile evliydi. Hye-Won inanılmaz zengin ve şımarık bir kadındı. İlk etapta hayal ettiği zengin hayata ve ilgili eşe sahip gibi görünse de hikaye bize aslında güzel görünen şeylerin her zaman güzel olmadığını anlatmaya çalıştı. Adeta “ne istediğine dikkat et, gerçek olabilir” sözü gibi.
O kadar zenginliğe rağmen karakterimiz bankada çalışmaya devam ediyordu. Tek fark iş yerinde el üstünde tutulmasıydı. Aslında Cha Joo-Hyuk hayal ettiği mükemmel hayata kavuşurken, eski karısı da onsuz bir hayatta öncekinden çok daha mutlu, canlı ve hayat doluydu. Bir şekilde Seo Woo-Jin de aynı bankada işe girince yavaş yavaş hikaye enteresan bir hal almaya başladı. Dizide geçmişte yaptığı ufak değişikliklerin sadece kendi hayatını değil, yakın arkadaşlarının da hayatını değiştirmesi hoşuma giden noktalardan biri oldu. Aynı bankada çalıştığı yakın arkadaşı Yoon Jong-Hoo (Jang Seung-Jo) ilk hayatlarında evliydi ve karısını çok seviyordu. Yeni gerçeklikte ise hiç evlenmemiş çapkın bir bekardı. Seo Woo-Jin’in bankada çalışmaya başlaması ile ondan hoşlanmaya başladı. Ve bunu senaryoda öyle tatlı bir şekilde işlediler ki, bir noktada izleyici olarak Seo Woo-Jin’in Yoon Jong-Hoo ile çok daha mutlu olmasını istedim. Diğer yakın arkadaşı Oh Sang-Sik(Oh Eui-Sik) ise yeni gerçeklikte kız kardeşi ile evlenmiş sorumluluk sahibi bir baba olmuştu. Bu değişikliklerin çevresinde de gerçekleşmesi çok hoştu. Bu üçlünün arasındaki bromance’i izlemek, üç erkek toplanıp ağlaşmaları, hepsinin sulu gözlü olması, kadınlar gibi hemen birbirlerine koşmaları çok eğlenceliydi.
Han Ji-Min’i daha önce Hyde Jekyll Me, Our Blues dizilerinde izleyip beğenmiştim ama Ji Sung ile ilk kez tanıştık. Beni hiç rahatsız etmedi, ayılıp bayılmadım ama her halinden profesyonel olduğu belli oluyordu. Yakın arkadaş rolündeki Jang Seung-Jo’yu da ilk kez izledim o da oldukça sevimliydi. Diğer yakın arkadaş Oh Eui-Sik ise her dizide karşıma çıkan izlediğim 9 farklı dizide oynamış bir oyuncu. Hani hep orada olduğunu bildiğiniz komşu gibi. Kemik kadronun dışında ofis çalışanları rolünde de oldukça yetenekli Son Jong-Hak, Park Won-Sang ve Kim Soo-Jin gibi oyuncular vardı. Our Blues’un çılgın Eun-Hui’si Lee Jung-Eun ise burada anne rolündeydi. Kısacası kadro çok iyiydi.
Bazı mantıksız noktalar olsa da hikayenin gidişatını, işlenişini beğendim. Bu gidişat içerisindeki verilmeye çalışılan mesajları da beğendim. Dizinin kendi içinde bir derdi vardı, bu diziyi diğer benzerlerinden kopartıyordu. Geçmişe gidip değiştirip tekrar günümüzde devam etmesi ile yüksek dozda başlangıç yaptıktan sonra modunun düşmesini bekledim ama sürekli hikaye dinç kalmayı başardı. Vee sonlara doğru gelen konuk oyuncular.. Kang Ki-Young ve Cho Jung-Seok… Kang Ki-Young’u görünce çok mutlu oldum. Kendisi bir çok dizinin yan rol kadrosunu parsellemiş, gönlümüze tahtını yapmış bir oyuncu. Açıkçası başrolde görmek ister miyim ben bile emin değilim. Onu olduğu yerde seviyorum. Cho Jung-Seok 😊 , şephunnim. Oh my Ghost’un şefi Cho Jung-Seok’u burada da yine şef olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Hospital playlistte doktor olarak seyretmekten inanılmaz keyif alsam da şef olarak görmeyi de özlemişim. Hoş bir sürprizdi.
Final için ise yorumum şöyle ki, güzel toparladılar. Zorlamamışlar, aksine akışına bırakmışlar. Çocuklar mevzusu tabi ki yine havada kaldı. Adamın birinci bölümde aklına gelip “hadi be” demesinden daha hallice kadın hiç yorum yapmadı. Ama ona da bir yere kadar hak verdim.  Kadın geçmişte çocuklarının olduğunu bilse de onu yaşamadı. Hiç sahip olmadığı bir duygu için yorum yapmaması gayet normal diyebiliriz. Tek havada kalan konu ofis çiftlerine bir son yazılmamış olmasıydı. Birde bankada berber çalıştığı arkadaşının ilk bölümde evli olduğunu söylemiştim. Dizi boyunca hiç kadroya dahil olmadı. Bu kadar bütün hayatını beraber geçirdiğin bir grup arkadaşın varsa, karını da bu ortama dahil edersin. Ama nedense onun eşini hiç görmedik.
SF9 - Love me Again
Raven Melus
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k-star-holic · 1 year
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'Romanticism Doctor Kim Master' Season4 Suggestion? Seo Hyun-jin Comeback Ending ⁇ Trauma Center Budget Received
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Kill Boksoon
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Kill Boksoon    [trailer]
A single mother who is a renowned hired killer finds it difficult to achieve a balance between her personal and work life.
The official summary is much more accurate than the action heavy trailer which can be considered misleading. This is slightly more social drama than action movie, even if Boksoon's indeed a contract killer and there are a number of fight scenes. Which explains the presence of character actress Jeon Do-yeon.
But because the movie spends considerable time with her problems of raising her kid it has the effect that it makes you think about the implications of Boksoon's profession. Movies like John Wick firmly take place in movie land, which makes it considerably easier to accept the violence. But once that illusion is broken, it gets more difficult to "enjoy" the killings. The opening sequence with the samurai still feels "cool". But then, for example, the later meetings of the killer organisation were difficult for me to take seriously in light of the social conflict.
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kdramafeeds · 2 years
City Hunter OST
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Always Here - Oh Joon Sung 
Always Look At You - Park Gyuri 
Aria of the City - Oh Joon Sung 
Attention - Oh Joon Sung 
Black Warrior - Oh Joon Sung 
Can’t Stop - Son Han Byeol 
City Hunter - Oh Joon Sung 
Cupid - Girl’s Day 
Dead or Live - Oh Joon Sung 
Deep Inside - Oh Joon Sung 
Eagle Eye - Oh Joon Sung 
Endless Crying - Oh Joon Sung 
Fire Flower - Oh Joon Sung 
Glory of the City - Oh Joon Sung 
Gun Fighter - Oh Joon Sung 
Hot Spade - Oh Joon Sung 
I Love You, I Want You, I Need You - Apple Mango 
It’s Alright - Yanghwajin Band 
I Wanna Be Your Man - Hunter 
Kwang Hwa Moon - Oh Joon Sung 
Liar - Oh Joon Sung 
Lonely - J-Symphony 
Look Only At You - Park Gyuri 
Love - Im Jae Bum 
Love Is Over - Apple Mango 
Mama’s Crying - Oh Joon Sung 
Memories of Love - Park Ju Won 
Middle Point Symphony - Oh Joon Sung 
Morning Garden - Oh Joon Sung 
Nana’s Theme - Oh Joon Sung 
Nice Play -  Oh Joon Sung 
Puchai Waltz - Oh Joon Sung 
Red Water - Oh Joon Sung 
Sad Run - Oh Joon Sung  
So Goodbye - Jonghyun 
Suddenly - Kim Bo Kyung 
The Fire of Love - Oh Joon Sung 
The Man You Want Me To Be - Hunter 
Unstoppable - Son Han Byul 
Wanna Be a Man Only for You - Apple Mango 
Yellow Party - Oh Joon Sung 
You and I - Rainbow 
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sheilajsn · 2 years
Alchemy of Souls - Primera temporada
Alchemy of Souls – Primera temporada
Alchemy of Souls (2022) es uno de los dramas que más me han gustado en lo que va del año. (more…)
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stuff-diary · 6 months
Wedding Impossible
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Wedding Impossible (2024, South Korea)
Director: Kwon Young Il
Writers: Oh Hye Won & Park Seul Ki (based on the webtoon by Song Jung Won)
Well, this drama was entertaining, but nothing more. It was especially funny at the beginning, thanks to that sort of 'rivalry' between the leads. However, once they solved that and started moving into purely romantic territory, the story began to lose steam quickly. Tbh, I kept watching to the very end because of the sizzling chemistry between Jeon Jong Seo and Moon Sang Min. And I guess I wanted to see how in the world they were gonna clear up the mess created by the characters, which was pretty fascinating. I feel like the show would have been better if the director had put more thought into its style, cause the whole thing looked pretty cheap and bland. But still, Wedding Impossible is fun enough, and I can see fans of classic romcoms enjoying it a lot.
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